What’s going on is Anton from Anon daniels.com I appreciate you guys for continuing to rock with me but I just got home off of an early morning flight right first thing through the door I want to see my family I love my family you know I’m a family man I’m an
Advocate families right second thing I got to get that hot shower because I got to throw the threads on the threads make me feel like a million bucks but the third thing through my mind and all throughout the trip is that I got to have that Tee packed TEEG makes my life
Uncomplicated it’s uncomplicated skincare from men the first way that I started specifically was their level one system it’s a daily face wash to get rid of the dirt and Grime on your skin two times per week exfoliating scrub to get rid of the dead skin cells an AM moisturizer with spf20 because you
Should always be protecting your skin from the sun and a PM moisturizer to help your skin stay hydrated and healthy throughout the night here’s the thing my favorite part about te Henley is that every box comes with an instruction card that tells you when to use each product
How much to use and in what order they really making a process of achieving and maintaining amazing skin for men un complicated in addition to amazing skin members of te Henley get tons of benefits including at least 20% off the retail price the ability to customize your box exclusive monthly deals you can
Pause and cancel at any time and you get free shipping and because te Henley is sponsoring today’s video they’re offering my viewers an amazing deal right just click the first link in the Des subcription and you get 30% off your first box plus a free gift it’s an
Amazing deal you got to get started today you’re not out here trying to look like a Dusty Dusty and if you travel as much as I do which I’m sure most people don’t but you know me I’m pushing my bag Chasers in order to be in the top 5% top
10% top 1% we got to make our lives uncomplicated and teach Henley is no better product you got to look good you got to smell good and and you can’t be looking like a Dusty Dusty make sure you get started today click the link in the
Description get that Tee pack f a te my friends what’s going on is Anon from Anon daniels.com I appreciate you guys for continuing to rock with me thank you for tuning in for another edition of the millionaire Morning Show I’m your host an feel so good this morning I feel so incredible so
Good no problems no issues I think for the first time in my entire life for the fir well not H that’s that’s a strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong strong statement let me revise that I think that for the first time in years
I haven’t been this happy in a long time I can’t remember the last time that every single thing went my way what up friends Love by y’ Ma Messi Mary Emperor I ain’t get no cuy last night I ain’t get no cuy last that’s the crazy
Part about it what up trap what up Charles Pride I’m gonna be reading the Super Chat shortly I got Cy last night I went to I went to bed by myself cartez cookies in the building I got no cut but I was but I W man listen listen listen listen
Listen I am in such I’ve been in such a euphoric State like I’m just chilling I’m vibing what up Rita I see you I see you in the chat Rita my relationships A1 Rita’s good my daughter’s good the money’s right Investments booming I got the best and the brightest and the most
Awesome people in the Chasers shout out to my bag Chasers we got stock club tonight we got stock club tonight that’s going to be pump and we got after hours tonight we got stock club we got after hours man listen I got a hell of a show that’s
Lined up for y’all tonight on after hours I got a great show lined up for y’all today on the millionaire Morning Show but I also have a great show lined up on after hours some of you guys um have been following me on my Vlogs that I’ve been having on the Anton
Daniels channel in addition to what we did on the Q show last night so I’ve been dropping my Vlogs and I’ve been kind of vlogging like twice to day right and I just been walking downtown I’ll be like in my own little world everywhere I go the people show me
Love from the the maintenance Engineers of the People Mover I kicked it with him shout out to you big dog I appreciate you for giving me all of the game and what’s happening behind the scenes with regard to um future updates for the city with regard to um public transportation I appreciate
You I Source a lot of my information from the people you can’t really speak to what’s happening in the streets unless you’re in the streets I was walking around yesterday I’m blogging I’m kicking it I talk to the maintenance engineer I talk to the security guards another police officer pulled up on me
Just to say what up and that he’s showing me love and that they make sure that they look out for me and if they ever see me they got my back shout out to the Detroit police officers shout out to the Detroit police I love the Detroit police they got my back
Um I went into the bar last night before I did uh the show last night on Q and I sat at the bar and I met a crazy woman because I was sitting at Prime and proper for everybody that was at that know anything about downtown Detroit
Prime and proper I went up there and I ordered a salad I ordered a Caesar salad and I ordered some carrots and they give you the whole carrots and I’m talking to her and then she scooted over another seat it was two seats in in between us and she scooted
Over another seat and I was like H she was a little wh woman she was a wh woman and she scooted over an additional seat she said hey how you doing my name is and I’m not gonna say her name and she started kicking it so we start
Talking and she started telling me about her life and how she uh was adopted and she’s lived in in downtown Philadelphia and Chicago and Colorado she’s here she’s going to be moving out to the suburbs of Detroit instead of living down the street but she told me she was
Specifically telling me she said listen I actually stay right up the street CU you know I walk everywhere and so I didn’t even have my car yesterday I left it at my building and I was walking everywhere she said I stay right up the street in the building up the
Street I said um I said oh yeah yeah I said wow that’s interesting it shouldn’t take you that long to get home let me give a round of applause for [Applause] myself she says y here’s my information if you need to get in touch with me just give me a
Call I said uh she tried to give me her phone number I says uh I said you ain’t got you don’t ain’t no Instagram she looked at me and Pa she said she honestly she looked at me and Pa she said I said you ain’t on Instagram she
Said of course I’m on Instagram I said just shoot I said just you know what I’m saying just follow me on Instagram you know we cool I ain’t press for no P I ain’t pressed for no hoes either listen I ain’t pressed for nothing I listen you
Eric you can’t temp me with something that I’m not interested in y’all not hearing me you not you’re not hearing me you can’t temp listen you can’t tempt me with something that I’m not interested in I have my little bzo hating I’m chilling at the bar I’m slow
Motion I’m vibing I don’t even see you I’m not even really sure why you was scooting over but I’m cordial I’m a I’m the type of person to be able to kick it I’m not tripping off of that I just met you I I don’t know you I’m not going to
Your place I’m not giving you my phone number and you certainly ain’t coming over to my place so what we talking about gentlemen here here’s the lesson in this and this is the honest to God truth on everything I’mma tell you the what happened after that too it’s it’s a
It’s a a second part that go to that and that’s a real quick part of the story but let me just tell you something I’m not tripping I don’t care listen it’s just like anything else in life when you operate in abundance and you operating your purpose you’re not
Tripping off of it because you understand that it ain’t no shortage of it why why why I can get any car I want I don’t have to go to the dealership I don’t have to go nowhere I can go and get any car that I want
Today and I I don’t even want to drive no more you see what I’m saying when you operate with an abundance mindset with a Godly mindset with a mindset that allows for you to really really be able to focus and you’re not leaning into your emotions you don’t have to make struggle
Decisions it’s just like money when it comes to being in a hood the reason that they always open Cash advaned places in spaces where people don’t have money is because they know that when you get under duress you’re going to make a decision that’s not best for you because
You emotionally Jarred by the idea that you need money now more importantly how can I sit here and kick it with my guys and say Hey listen don’t jump at the first thing that say something to you just because she a little cute little girl over there she says I’m 25
I said I’m 41 oh my God you so cute for 41 I said you so young for 25 you know what I’m saying and it was almost like no I I ain’t had no Porsche I was walking I walked all day yesterday that’s all I did I catch public
Transportation I walked I didn’t even have this on I had another watch on I had my Apple watch on but my whole sleeve was covered up so it didn’t even matter my point is is that when you not impressed because you already got it you’re not tripping off of it and so
It’s not nothing that can tempt you you can’t temp me with anything that I’m not interested in that don’t impress me that don’t mean nothing to me so then when I asked I said you ain’t CA me saying hey you got Instagram was really me telling her I don’t want your
Phone number but I appreciate the conversation you know what I’m saying I actually needed to get over and get ready to go live stream over with Qing them because it’s 10 o’clock because I’m not missing out on no money money and no bags or no conversation with my people
At all and so she was and she was cute and she was white woman and 25 she got so offended that she literally got up and she started walking out the door and then on her way out because the bartender was coming back around the bar
In order to be able to get something you know cuz she had just ran off or whatever and she tells she’s talking to the bartender and she’s talking furiously at the bartender the bartender comes back over to me and the bartender says You must have really made her
Mad I said why what did she say she said she couldn’t believe what you said to her she said what did you say to her I said I asked her if she had Instagram she said Anon it was more than that I said I asked her if she had Instagram
Because I didn’t want to give her my phone number I don’t give my phone number out to nobody is this a business call we we getting some money together I don’t see you I don’t see you it don’t mean nothing to me and you can be
Cordial you can be cool you can have a good conversation but the thing that I’m advocating for you guys to do is a operate in abundance B exercise a level of discipline C stop being so easily impressed just because she a woman and then D understand that with great power
Comes great responsibility what makes a man great is two things doing what you don’t want to do when you don’t want to do it that means that you have to get up and take care of business every day and the second thing that makes a man great
Is doing what you want to do when nobody else is looking meaning that I’m still going to operate is an time from an time daniels.com with Integrity love and abundance whether I’m on a on the live stream or whether I’m by myself it don’t matter I’m the same way 100% of the
Time so I don’t have to worry about cameras I don’t worry about exposure I don’t worry about any that foolishness because I’m 100% 100% of the time you all you want to you wonder here’s a gem for you everybody always say Anton why do you got so much
Freedom how come your chick don’t trip how come she always chill when you around other women and stuff like that you know why because I’m me 100% of the time and she ain’t worried about what it is that I’m doing because I’ve already solidified myself as a real one and so
Her Focus can be 100% on the task that I gave her that allows for her to really be able to live in her abundance because I’m grooming her continuously to be the best version of herself she ain’t worried about what I got going on because she 100% worried about what she
Gonna do for fun later on that day I ain’t got to worry about any of that foolishness because I’m chilling I’m chilling I’m slow motion gentlemen operate in abundance enjoy life don’t be so easily impressed just because she young dumb and full of and just have a good time
Life is so much cooler it’s so much sweeter cuz you’re not easily impressed by anything and anyone that want run up to you and want to have a conversation that’s all I’m saying that’s all I’m saying I was going to tell y’all that story last night but I figured I’d save
It for the day we got an incredible show that’s lined up uh we going to do great things one thing is for showing two things is for certain I’m never fumble in the bag especially on a woman especially on a woman baby you gonna have to come better than that y’all
Ready to get started with the show y’all ready to get started with the show listen if you looking to set me up you gonna have to get me a whole another way fellas I don’t care who you are we ain’t worried about no box H yeah you got to come a little bit
Different than that y’all ready to get started with the show make sure y’all get that te Hanley 30% off your first order plus a free gift uh actually free uh 30% off your continuous order so that link is in the description we got the March link up today got the March link
Up today okay I like that also if you’re not a chaser looking to rock out going in a Direction with a group of people that you really want really really want to go in make sure you tap into the patreon the link is in the description
We got we got stock club tonight and it’s going to be awesome I’m feeling great I feel better than I didn’t ever felt in my entire life I went to the doctor last week they said Anton you are you are a model of perfect health your numbers is beautiful I see you over
There losing weight working out I went to the gym yesterday I went to the gym this morning I said my people is waiting on me we going to do uh this phenomenal millionaire Morning Show man what more can I asked for I can’t complain if everything went to hell tomorrow I was
In heaven a day I’m appreciative I love it I love it let’s get started with the show again make sure y’all hit a like for the algorithm uh link to the patreon the best day to join the patreon is in the beginning of the month so I want to
Read these super chats and then we gonna get started with the show shout out to Travis revas says just gotta say the Q show last night was crazy it was even though I was struggle streaming I don’t know what was up to my connection last night I really appreciate those hard
Questions being asked asking also 2K is a fool yeah I’m going give 2K that 360 deal I’mma give him that 360 deal Charles pride is in the building says let’s go ready to grow a little more know and learn a lot a little more utilize to show a little more uh a lot
Of more utilize to show a little more okay I got that I got that blessings to you big dog much love to the Chaser shout out to the Chasers I appreciate you Charles you’ve been rocking with me you’ve been holding me down Cody Marshall says it’s a trap for
Who for who I don’t even like peanut butter and you putting peanut butter over there I’mma walk around it I don’t even want to go that way you know what I’m saying you can’t trap Me How You Gonna trap me and I ain’t interested in
Peanut butter when I order my a aai BOS I said remove the remove the peanut butter please uh James Moore says thank you for all you do bro listen I live my life like a open book and I want to be an example to my guy ray sea says fact
Shout out to the D discipline can’t no woman come up come up and ever say that Anton and did anything that he ain’t supposed to be doing I stand on what I stand on you know what I’m saying uh Larry Walker says an time the Q show was
Amazing last night don’t we put on the best shows don’t we put on the best shows self made forever in the building shout out to F Brown I see you my dog uh says ad what’s your perspective on the Houston woman who adopted her husband after his car accident to start a family
With her new husband this is a nightmare what okay I guess we going to be addressing that tonight maybe we’ll talk about that on after hours I’m not familiar with that self-made I have not seen that yet I’m g go into that thank y’all for holding me down I also want to
Give a shout out to my dog Mike that dude shout out to my dog Mike that dude that H me down also I want to give a shout out to my dog Michael Edwin cely I appreciate both y’all on cash app um and I also want to give a shout out to
Jeffrey what up Jeff thank you my friend for holding me down I’mma Be reading these super chats and cash apps throughout the day because I appreciate y’all let’s get into the show ladies and gentlemen Tiffany Tiff Tiff Tiff Tiff Tiff I guess Tiff said that she don’t want to accept my invitation she said she rather fly to New York than fly to Detroit I’m with it Tiff well before we get over to her being in New York because I heard that
She was on the Angela Y show first uh let me give you a little bit of an update of what’s going on in doltan you would think that Dotan was a size of Chicago I mean they calling her an embattled mayor an embattled mayor imagine being an embattled mayor of a
City of less than like 25 $20,000 or 20,000 people I’m sorry let’s go ahead and get into it again make sure you hit a like for the algorithm thank you P shank I’m G read that shortly let’s get into a jaw WGN investigates caught in the middle of dysfunction andul we’ve been
Reporting on questionable spending by the suburbs leader well now story of those impacted by the political paralysis fueled by mismanagement and mistrust here’s investigative reporter Ben Bradley hey guys this is Mayor Tiffany Henry the people’s mayor we are out here throughout the community and we are taking care of the business of the
People on this day the people’s business was tree trimming right now your prayers has been answered we are cutting and trimming trees mayor Tiffany henyard isn’t shy about promoting herself or her work hey guys it’s me yes me but WGN investigates found there are often payment problems for henards pet
Projects The Village owed more than $30,000 for this skating rink and didn’t pay until a lawyer sent a threatening letter record show a company that repaved Dalton streets in 2022 sent bills for more than a year on a $378,000 balance with interest the bill has now grown to more than
$427,000 last month a bank threatened to repossess more than a dozen Village Vehicles including police cars because lease payments were missed after our reporting The Village sent a check we’re going to start the special board meeting of the trustees henards opponent on the village board say the mayor refuses to
Provide records to prove expenses are legit and some bills they’ve approved don’t get paid we know one thing the finances aren’t good but specifically where we’re at that is still we’re still left in the dark we have vendors calling us every day for nonpayment a lot of
These been vendors we don’t even know are doing the work as WJ investigates has reported taxpayer money hasn’t stopped flowing to fund henyard security detail meals at pricey restaurants even first class travel henyard is not only the mayor of Dalton she’s also the supervisor of thoron Township records
Show she and her Entourage of bill taxpayers for tens of thousands of dollars for unexplained trips and stays at high-end hotels including the Four Seasons I do not handle anything as relates to with credit cards as you heard me speak today in my board meeting
About I do not handle that some of those charges are for you though no sir you didn’t go to Las Vegas what is that no comment as for the tree trimming henyard was happy to promote it we had a little storm last night and some trees fell down this
Tree fell on this person’s car while blaming Trustees for failing to pay for it I wanted to um bring to your attention last night’s board meeting that the Board of Trustees voted not to pay tree companies uh that is servic in our area um despite what people may
Think or may know is they still showed up today to work and they’re helping the residents get back on their feet cutting down their trees they never give a reason why they just we’re not going to pay you the tree trimming company’s owner says he does work for several
Suburbs but the dysfunction in Dalton is unique and costly to taxpayers but all the compounding interest their balance as of this coming money is going to be $ 41,382 in Rolling trustees opposed to Mayor henyard say the tree trimming operation is a prime example of their frustration
They say henyard made her own deal for the work didn’t consult with trustees ahead of time there was no contract and the $400,000 amount far exceeds the budget and that’s why they won’t pay it so couple different things right she went on Roland Martin Show and Roland
Martin asked her and he said listen is it a deficit are y’all $7 million in a hole and she said no we not we are not $7 million in a hole he said how is it not a deficit if y’all don’t have enough money to continue to pay for all of the
Stuff that’s happening in Dotan especially considering that this is not a wealthy suburb this is a city outside of Chicago that has res residents that don’t necessarily make a whole lot of money and I would never throw the people at Doan under the bus because this has
Nothing to do with you said the people don’t necessarily make a whole lot of money but at the same time you know how are you not able to pay your bills and how do you continue to spend considering and she said well it shows as a deficit because the trustees won’t necessarily
Pay the bills I said aha but did she answer the question the question is how are you operating at a deficit one of the reasons that you have to start sifting through and asking the context behind the questions which I think that Roland Martin did a horrible job doing because
He just threw a bunch of softball questions then he wanted to do one segment and then come back and say well she lied to me on this or whatever she lied to me about her her foundation he didn’t ask her for the context he didn’t say Hey listen are you making these
Deals on your own or are you considering and then using the leverage that we have as trustees in order to vet through or go through through all of the processes in order to in most cities if it’s above a certain amount usually around $40,000 for work then you got to get it approve
You just can’t automatically say Hey listen I want that service so she goes out does not have a bidding process does what she wants to do promotes herself as though she’s the one to do it and then she throws the trustees the people that’s supposed to work for her under
The bus and say listen they want to pay the bills well first of all nobody operated the way that you’re supposed to operate because this is not a dictatorship it’s a reason why you have trustees it’s a reason why you have council members but also on top of that
You can’t just do what you want to do when you want to do it getting deals doing Bargains we don’t know we don’t have no transparency we don’t know what’s going on when we call for an investigation oh I’m sorry we G we gonna get there we’ll get there so we know
That doltan is just completely floundering we know that you know they they struggling that the budget is a certain amount but they going out of control as for with regards to the budget that she feels like she needs private security and all this other type of stuff okay cool right
Awesome awesome awesome so let’s let’s Deep dive a little bit more right so now when the trustees said listen they want a spending investigation they want to understand and they want to do a deep dive they want to audit they want somebody outside of themselves and outside of Tiffany henyard to come in
And make sure the spending is aligned with what it is that they approve with the budget and to make sure that she’s not out here spinning recklessly and doing what she want to do when she want to do it they called for an investigation and Tiffany vetoed it and
Rejected it if you have nothing to hide then why would you veto an investigation into dispending a contentious Village meeting andalon tonight as EMB battled mayor Tiffany henyard fights back and W Jan investigates has revealed issues with The Village’s finances and there are calls for an investigation General
Barnes has more on this still developing Story another tense meeting here in Dalton mayor Tiffany henyard blaming Trustees for The Village’s troubles to stop creating chaos Dalton mayor Tiffany henyard at the helm of The Village’s first packed meeting since Dalton trustees passed a resolution last month requiring her to turn over The Village’s
Financial records and asking the FBI to investigate her alleged misuse of Village funds the mayor admits to a $2 million deficit but trust say it’s Millions more Monday night the mayor vetoed their resolution The veto message um is so think about that so she went on
Roland Martin and he said hey is it a $7 million buff uh deficit she said no they’re lying they’re lying and the reason why it’s not a deficit is because they ain’t paid the bills but it definitely ain’t $7 million but then based off of these investigations she did admit that it is
Still a deficit so you telling me that Roland Martin with all of his investigation and interviewing skills and all of his understanding of diversity equity and inclusion didn’t or haven’t had sense enough to actually ask the context behind whether or not it is a deficit at
All all he did was get her on a platform for an interview so it is a deficit and she’s only willing to admit up to 2 million but she’s refusing to turn over the village records and they’ve been floundering ever since she got into office got it
This related to the secret scir me yes that the board of trustee have the trustees vow to override her veto one of them Kiana beler sitting at the meeting with her portrait because she says it was removed from the wall of Village Hall and this is just a a process to
Drag it along but everybody see what’s going on the Village Under henyard leadership is cracking down on access pushing media at tonight’s meeting to the very back of the room almost out of sight of public comment from residents but their voices were loud and clear you
Lie to us as residents you do not you do not stand for me and I want you to step down as mayor today and save our Village from this deficit that you have calleda the mayor can blame everybody for what’s going on but she has to look at herself
Nobody told her to get on TV and lie like that everybody cares about the person that’s making a mess henard placing the blame elsewhere but only judge when you got both sides of the story not one side narratives which is negative narratives in the media trustee belter says the trustees
Do have the votes to override the mayor’s veto but they can’t take that vote until the next meeting next month let’s see what the residents had to say because I believe that the news did a a report on the residents and what their sentiment is because I know that she
Said that she was going to definitely win the next election a t Mee meeting in Dolton tonight as residents vo their frustrations with the mayor and recent allegations against her mayor Tiffany hanyard is accused of using Village money for personal reasons as Dalton’s unpaid bills have piled up some Village
Trustees are calling for a federal investigation into her dealings henyard has denied the allegations but tonight residents calling out the mayor we don’t need anything else saying that what you’re claiming to do for the village we need accountability we need information on finances I’m asking that you either step
Down or the trustees for the village of Dalton that voted you in to vote you out so after those public comments henyard responded calling the accusations false this facts over fiction for me so I will state facts I will show receipts and I will make sure that our community is um back together
As once it amazed me how people can get together and come to a board meeting and just have hate in their heart and not love on each other hanyard said she wants future board meetings to focus on other issues watch break I think that this woman could quite possibly be a super villain
In the making I think she might be a super villain honestly all jokes aside I think that this woman is the most arrogant person that I’ve ever seen in the news and on the media I mean listen I know that y’all say that Trump is arrogant we gonna get to him shortly
But I I in no way shape or form have ever seen anybody that’s got more arrogance to them and don’t give a f about what nobody is saying at all I have never seen a person that is this crazy and refuse to turn over what is supposed to be public information has
Anybody filed a Freedom of Information Act request over in doltan this is other people’s money we we don’t care about what you think about love and I love you back and all of that has she started her podcast yet let me see what’s going on out here in these
Streets on the move with Tiff on the move with Tiffany henyard let’s put that there it’s not popping up it’s not necessarily popping up uh I need to make sure that I subscribe to that again is that a part of my subscriptions I don’t remember if that
Was a part of my subscriptions we’ll get there we’ll get there um I’m waiting on her to drop the first episode of the podcast because she loves you even if you don’t love her back uh I’m curious but on top of that Tiffany didn’t just hit him with the one two shebang she
Didn’t just hit him with the one two shebang I’m G read the Super Chat shortly she also came back and she says I’m not just going on Roland Martin I’m also going on Angela ye all the way up show she did I have not seen it I said
That I wanted to just share with the people I don’t know what’s going up yela y her numbers is kind of weird but she said that she was going all the way up uh all the way up with Angela ye shout out to my girl Randy Rosario from
Detroit she was on uh Angela ye’s show the other day as a co-host rocking out with her I appreciate her shout out to my girl um apparently she said I’m going from Roland to Angela ye I’m bigger than this I’m bigger than this we’ll read Super Chat shortly get
The likes up let’s see what she had to say 90,000 people yes and then the mayor of Dalton which is 23,000 residents so it’s 23,000 residents inside of doton 23,000 residents in doltan where she’s the mayor of okay okay so explain um the difference in both of those
Positions for people who I don’t need to it mean a mayor and supervisor but it’s plenty of elected officials that have multiple seats okay because I always think a mayor is like such a full-time job that kind of occupies all of your time and and it does but it’s consider
Part time in my community okay so I’m able to do other things too all right and you have been in the news a lot so that’s why I’m glad that you’re up here today to clear up some things yes I’m here to lay the mess the rest cuz the
Way they make it seem like you Cookie from you know what but you know that that’s the way they make it seem like you’re walking around you got all the security dressed off fly and so I know part of your position is that you are able to have security detail with you
And most Mayors out to the superat our may definitely does and I’ve been around to see other people have security yes it comes with the seat but I but here’s the thing you said Joe may you in New York ye you can’t compare one of the most prosperous
Cities in the United States of America in New York city that has 8.3 million people and a multi-billion dollar budget with a 23,000 seat or 23,000 person City in Dalton outside of Chicago with the average income is about $25,000 a year Jesus Christ I also see that um I
Was able to get some of these messages because you do get voicemails but also uh emails of people that have been threatening you that’s correct um some of them are can I do you mind if I read sure because I know this could be triggering I don’t know how you feel
About this but okay you’re a effing CR you ugly be you will yeah that’s wild y’all can’t be doing that y’all can’t be doing that if you going to criticizer let me let me let me throw Tiff a Lifeline right now you y’all can’t do that no matter how you feel about a
Person regardless of what you think and we all have differences of opinion and most of us don’t stand for what she represents when it comes to um you know doing her job effectively you can’t do that that’s you can’t make it personal you got got to remove your
Feelings out of it you cannot do that that that that’s the one thing that I do not agree with that I do not stand for I know there people getting their emotions and they start doing if you rock with me don’t do none of that jump
I I don’t stand for that I don’t rock with that I don’t believe in getting personal like that I don’t believe in starting to talk about people’s family members none of that I don’t I don’t I don’t I don’t stand for that I’m not with that so that’s the one thing that
I’m just not rocking with I will never do do to somebody else what I’m not cool with being done back to me and so when y’all go into that and y’all start talking about all of that y’all got to remember she still got a daughter she still got she’s still a
Mother you know what I’m saying and I’m not even a person that like her whatsoever but she can’t do that bro attack the argument attack her attack what she’s doing on the job you know what I’m saying hold her accountable for whether or not she’s doing something
Legal or illegally but you cannot take personal and start sending threats and and I also want y’all to understand too that when y’all do that y’all do realize that that they can turn that into the FBI or they can turn that into the authorities and so there’s they can
Trace that back to you and say hold you accountable for that so be very very careful with that don’t send people threats and emails and any of that other type of stuff just keep it keep it G and just address it for what it is prison soon so get that nasty greasy black
Vagina ready for a Shen what do you mean she picked the emails and texts she shouldn’t be receiving any threats don’t matter if she picked them okay so what you want her to do pick the good ones and the bad ones I would pick the bad ones too if I’m
Her don’t send me nothing don’t send me nothing when it comes to a threat because I have to take that personal I got a family you know what I’m saying it again I’m not the type of person that ever stand for her cuz I disagree a whole heartedly with what she doing but
You cannot sit there and threaten nobody in real life that’s not cool I don’t know what’s wrong with y’all do we really got to go even go here and have this conversation stop that’s too much man the inmates will love to have origies with the racist crooked mayor
All right to move on to some more um hey Griffon maybe learn to effing speak English sometime your grammar is atrocious but I guess that’s what can be expected from a mayor who looks like you do I mean these are these aren’t even the worst ones by the way I just want to
Say there’s a lot more in here somebody called you a Dispicable Savage monkey nword B yeah that’s that’s that’s W and see you know what y’all do when y’all do that let me tell you what y’all do when y’all do that y’all actually throw her a Lifeline that’s how how dumb people
Are we could hold her accountable this is supposed to me looking me looking at this objectively holding her accountable for whether or not she Li not now I got to sit here and Defender because y’all don’t actually want to operate above board but y’all want to go all the way
On the other side so because you don’t like her or because you don’t stand for her or anything like that instead of us doing it the right way which would be more of an expedited process to hold her accountable now you threw her a Lifeline because people can start to feel sorry
For her because then she can cherry-pick through her messages and say look they called me this look they called me that y’all don’t understand that y’all probably do more harm as far as as holding us back from doing our job then you do help look at it look at look at this
Y’all some some of y’all some of y’all I don’t even know why y’all even existing and being able to operate in society the way that y’all operate y’all are ignorant dumb and ignorant ignorant idiots just shut up if you don’t know how to objectively move you actually hurt the movement when it
Comes to us cleaning up society and making sure that we hold people accountable I’m too nice to Tiffany no I’m objective and I don’t take it personal I’ve never attacked her family I know a whole lot about her that I could say on this platform but I’m never
GNA attack family I’m never going to attack people that’s a I don’t do that sh y’all some idiots bro sometimes you better watch your back and then I did hear some of the uh voice me one just says F all you goddamn nword and you are the first black woman to be in
This position yes in both positions in both positions and the youngest and the youngest yes so did this start happening once the news was reporting on what and we’re going to get into what the news has been how did she send herself when they got the emails right there with the
Email addresses and more importantly man y’all let me just be quiet let me Focus cuz sometimes y’all get me out of my square and then y’all have me all riled up over some dumb junk when we supposed to be focused on taking care of business no the people that’s saying
That ain’t Chasers the people that’s saying that they not Chasers they start happening before the news reply that’s why she can have security now that’s why it’s going to cost taxpayers more money for her to have security now because she can justify it because you you guys are ignorant and sending these wild
Things so stupid now it makes sense for her to have more security costing taxpayers money now we got something some emails or some things here and there but it wasn’t this bad it got worse once the news got involved because they got a national platform right so people tend
To believe what they see on the news and they just report things anybody can go do an interview with them with no fact checking anybody say anything and then now that’s considered defamation of character and then now you have to go clean it all up because now by I expect
Better from you of all people that’s here F Brown I expect better from you we operate above board under all circumstances under all circumstances we operate above board on under all circumstances two things can be true at the same time she could be held accountable for her actions and at the same
Time at the same time y’all can operate above board are y’all this childish so okay so let me ask y’all a question because y’all saying where’s the receipts right where’s the receipts she has to literally prove to y’all that she’s getting threatened in order for the threat to be real
Now people that put you out there in the bad light and people tend to believe what they see on the news and that’s why I believe what Trump say when it comes to fake news fake news is true cuz I’m I’m living it I’m going through it right
Now he I believe Chum also said if you say something enough times people will believe it whether or not it’s true I believe that and he definitely does that but you did win 82% of the vote when you ran for office Landslide Y in a landslide Victory so how in your town of
Dalton do people feel about you now with everything that’s going on because I would assume that matters the most it does so that’s what I I do I still on the ground don’t tell me to move on unless get to the real matters at hand don’t tell me what to do that
That’s a real matter it’s a real matter what you mean tell me to move move on and get to the real matters at hand you know it’s easy for people to say that when they ain’t never been threatened before when they ain’t never had to have security before it’s easy for people to
To lean into that and to and to divert birth the movement when they ain’t never had to be been through it when they ain’t never worried about whether or not somebody know where their daughter is at school or not don’t you know that these people out here it only take one
Person it only take one person how many threats do it take for somebody to get worried about their family and stuff what is what the what the what’s wrong with y’all boots on the ground I never stop talking to my residents I constantly have conversation with the mayor um also
Have a lot of Outreach things going on where Community is involved and Community is engaged um a lot of people tell me how they feel is good better and different and I take it and I either go fix what they’re telling me that I need
To fix or work on or you got people that’s all the way te Tiffy no no matter what hasht I stand with Tiff all of I saying that so I love that cuz my base is my base just like everybody out in the world have a base no matter what
People say people support them and you’re from Dalton Illinois born and raised there tell me something about the town because I’ve never been there I know it’s outside of Chicago but tell me if you but it is not now okay so what are some things that you feel like you need
That you’ve been bringing to the city like you said you’ve been doing a lot of different initiative boots on the ground so what are some things that are necessary in D so right now um again we got to put love back in it and get a hold of our youth that’s what’s missing
Right now um people don’t raise the community and we need the village to be raising our kids again that’s how it was like I said when I came in town um your neighbors will watch you get you off the bus you will eat dinner with them so
Your parents come home things like that that’s missing and that’s all I’m trying to do is brots to myunity I because I wouldn’t be in this if I didn’t you got to where you come from and you got to start at home before you start outreaching to other
Communities and trying to build them and that’s all cap it’s a good public sentiment and although I agree with a I disagree with a lot of this crazy chat I wish I was in after hours because I would cuss y’all out right now I would absolutely just
Lose it and cuss y’all out right now now but God know what he doing and he know to make sure that we talk about this on the millionaire Morning Show cuz I will read y’all the riot AC and I don’t care who felt any kind of way about it I’mma
Say what I’mma say but I’mma deal with that later because I got after hours tonight so I can get off my big mad energy um but this is all cap because she’s not doing it because she loves the community she’s doing it because she getting the bag from it and
There’s no other way for her to be able to get the bag that she getting outside of making almost $300,000 a year doing her job if it was about the community then she would lower how much she’s paying herself instead of lowering it if she’s losing it’s all cap it’s
100% cap and you got to start at home before you start outreaching to other communities and trying to build them so when do you okay so we talked about the news and when they started attacking you but all right I want to talk about some
Of these stories that we see in the news and I want you to be able to speak to them so that people can know because I’ve even seen these stories you know here in New York so all right so let’s talk about it um there was a person who
Said that he didn’t contribute to your campaign and therefore he was not able to get his license for his business his business has not been able to operate so it’s basically equivalent to extortion from what he was saying and that other businesses haven’t been able to get their licenses because they didn’t
Contribute to the campaign so that’s false statement and that’s that’s what I mean about the news not doing any research they just let people get on the news and talk and I’m going say this and then I’m going go further into your question Malcolm X once said oh shut that up
See come on man don’t start talking to me about what Malcolm X said I don’t want to hear what that is just tell me what you what the piss is going on Malcolm X said did you mess up his license or didn’t you we can go ahead and expedite this process 100%
Power to make a guilty person look innocent and an innocent person look guilty that’s their power so that’s why I’m sitting here telling my story today because that’s exactly what they’re doing to me so with that being said they put people like that in front of the the
Cameras went and didn’t do no factchecking if people want to know the truth I’m going do it on my podcast Tiffany h on the move on Spotify right yes ma’am and I’m going to tell and show the facts and the proof of whatever a business owner did not do as relates to
Their business if they’re not up to code if they had a ton of shootings at their establishments which a lot of them had these type of issues but no one put that out there but I am now and I’m not the one to never like try to drag or talk
About a business because you should handle it behind closed doors meaning you’re a business before people put it in a in a spotlight and now you’re being attacked right okay so you’re saying that this person’s business was rightfully not able to get his license until he cleared up whatever it is that
He needs to clear up correct we have documentation of all of that can give it to you too and that way you can follow up and show the world yeah you’re right cuz we all got to do our research now you she didn’t answer the question why
Wasn’t he able to get his license for his business and why was his business removed from being able to get its license when he didn’t make the donation so she just blew Hot Smoke up our up our butts and I’m not saying pause because I’m a 41 year old man she
Just blew a whole bunch of smoke and said go and check out her podcast okay I got it awesome and that interview aired yesterday and he was talking about you’re a nonprofit you have a charity well you said you don’t have a charity but there’s a charity it has your name
On it right it’s what is it Tiffany haard cares Tiffany henard cares yes Tiffany henard cares um and so he says you know it looked like it was your charity there was video of you promoting this charity but you’re saying it’s not yours somebody’s using your name that’s
Correct okay so just to clear it up um when I say it’s not my charity I’m not a boy member on the charity I can tell you what they do with they dayto day what I’m responsible for is my mayorship and my supervisor position and it’s amazing
How people are pinpoint on a charity when it’s so much stuff going on with you no no no no no no no no don’t Gaslight us don’t Gaslight us ma’am you said you don’t know nothing about the charity that you didn’t start it and that wasn’t a thing word for word quote
For quote don’t move the gopost don’t change the narrative don’t do none of that don’t pass go don’t collect $200 don’t open a community chest don’t do nothing and then it was on video of you saiding I this is my charity this is what I we I started a
Charity that’s the classic move that is a classic move Hey listen um you know I just don’t know why people are so focused on the Small Things y’all focus on the charity it’s so much that’s happened in the community we got to cut trees down we got to
Ma’am did you start the charity or not answer the question we don’t want you gaslighting we brought we we didn’t bring you here because we thought that you was awesome we brought you here to really get some answers and understand exactly what’s going on the technical details don’t don’t
Matter you know what it is now if I if I go and start something and says Tiffany henyard is trash which I would never do because I’m using a name and she don’t really you know what I’m saying she don’t really care I wonder how well that
Would go over as relates to the two areas that I actually do govern um I do support the individuals that has the charity um I am always advocate for cancer cuz my mom wa wa wa wait wa wait wa wait wait you do support the two individuals that have the charity you
Said you didn’t know nothing about the charity Hugh said you didn’t know nothing about the charity I feel they are good um wielded people as it relates to what they was trying to do or trying to accomplish and I think people super people didn’t file paperwork and they
Blew it up into a story like everybody else don’t file paperwork I give you a prime example if you have a LLC or something like that and you don’t file and you go check and I check and see if you registered and it go to say not in
Good standing until you PID a $75 or $150 whatever it is then it puts you in good standing it’s the same concept it’s just that people are are missing the the point of and I get we know that you took public funds and taxpayer funds in order
To fund and put the Charity’s name behind it in order to continue to promote yourself and God knows what happened to the money come on man don’t Gaslight me help people we know that she would never never stand in front of me we know that she would have go on these
Softball platforms that they they give you an opportunity is people that would never stand in front of me Omar Johnson Tiffany henyard they all Scholars they all educated they all hold these powerful positions these people will never stand in front of me ever and the invitation is always going to be open
Hurt people right running a nonprofit we know uh a lot of times there are always issues with that but they need to be able to account like where the money was going but like you said that’s not your nonprofit that is somebody else but your
Name is not on that they just Ed your name I guess as a way to Garner attention correct just what what’s your a way up so somebody go use that today does that mean you got anything to do well Angela nonprofit I would be like hold on that’s like I would not want
That but way up anybody could use that but if it was like my personal name on it I probably would not I would not want somebody unless I was involved in it and they came to me because you would feel like that’s my name cuz you do know if
Something goes wrong that’s your name and I agree and it’s a learning curve and that’s what I try to tell people I’m not perfect no one’s perfect so when you find out mistakes or things happen you go and you try to fix it but people got
To be G you the chance to fix it and I just beat you up so much right it’s just that a lot of these things are in the headlines that’s why I’m asking cuz I want you to discuss it head on Firs hand all right then there was a situation
Where it was a city council meeting and people said they were not allowed to come up and voice their opinions in this meeting they were blocked downstairs from being able to to ask questions well that’s not true as it relates to being blocked if somebody was blocked or felt
They was blocked they can always reach out to us um because our meetings are like four or 5 hours long mhm so so I don’t know who’s blocked in in my Village okay you know com to comment you can go pull our board me up and you can see it was on
Camera it was on camera yo Teflon Tiff is something else this this chick is a real villain she like the penguin actually she more like bang this chick is like bang she is a real villain in real life that everybody’s allowed to speak because it’s before it’s before we start
Our board meeting okay public comic all right good and then and I said all right good good job Angelie a person I know that sometimes things are inaccurate and I know that when there’s a story being painted of somebody you do have to go to this source and do some research which I
Don’t like clickbait so I always encourage people to make sure you read the full story before you do that all right the next thing um people did talk about was finances right and they said oh she’s traveling for class day at the Four Seasons uh blowing this money and
That money now the company the the town used to be uh have a surplus of money but now there’s a deficit but then I also see on the paperwork that I have from your team that you guys have gotten the largest in the history of the city
With $50 million in Grants from people and despite the adversity and the resilience you know your commitment is undeniable and you have all these initiatives that you’ve done so let’s talk about the disparity between those two stories okay so one thing about me is I won’t stop I don’t sleep I’mma keep
Going while they talking about me I’m still working so when I’m still working I still manage to get money to come to our communities we was award $15 million I had the largest in the history for th Township and then the largest in the history for uh the village of Dalton so
More than any mayor more than any supervisor throughout all the controversy so if a person was that bad people w’t keep on supporting them because no matter what this is all about helping the people and that’s why I think we losing focus when they do the stories they don’t talk about what I’ve
Done what I accomplish nothing positive and I say hey guys how can a person be so bad and then do not one good thing not one good thing in any story they write about me every story they write is negative and I don’t know nobody that can just deal with all negative stuff
All day long with nothing positive in their brain I just I just can’t get with it and that’s why you see me just constantly push through it because I told them before we going to go through it but we got to grow through it at the
Same time and that’s kind of what I’ve been doing and I just glad that you was able to mention some of the things that um we actually created can I can I go a little further with yeah please okay this is your this is your platform now
So we did a um and I’m sorry I’m a little horse we built a outdoor skating rink in um roller rink uh I first Clash flights for I I don’t want us to be um I don’t want us to be cuz a lot of times when people talk a lot you you get
Removed from the original question first class flights Four Seasons Hotels flights for staff members and friends and family or whoever it is the security detail did you go to the meetings that you was actually supposed to be with as far as to learn what you supposed to learn at the conferences was you
Partying did you go and spend extra money are you that you know understand that’s what we wanted that was the question no that was the question H how do we get over to this part okay cool I I guess we gaslighting again okay I skating yeah ice skating and roller
Rink so in the summer they can roller skate we had the JB skaters out there and in the winter they can ice skate what I love about that concept is now we’re giving people the opportunity to go to the Olympics be who they want to be to practice in our own backyards in
The black black and brown communities we normally have to go to a different community did she say go to the Olympics did she say go to the Olympics of all of the things that I could have possibly heard did she say go to the Olympics let me just rewind it real
Quick I just want to make sure that we all on the same page is in our own backyards in the black black and brown communities we normally have to be who they want to be to practice in our is now we’re giving people the opport to go to the Olympics be who
They did I miss something hold on hold on hold on give me a second just give me a second I just I want to make sure we all on the same page trying to find any doltan Illinois Olympians Dalton Dolan Illinois Olympians yeah uh yeah last person was Quinn Buckner y’all want who y’all want to see who Quinn but he went to uh the high school in thoron I’ll give y’all a little bit of idea this is Quinn Buckner born in 1954 he’s 69 years old uh he was a
1976 gold medal team Olympian uh after playing basketball uh and he was a head coach hold on wait wait Buckner is only one one of eight players in history to win an NCAA Championship and an Olympic gold medal and he went to he was born in Phoenix Illinois he went to Thorn Ridge
And Dotan Illinois that was in the 70s I just want to make sure that we all on the same page I I don’t want to be dis I don’t want y’all to be discouraged I want to make sure that we all cuz I had to do some fact checking in real
Time all right shout out to him shout out to Quinn Buckner want to make sure we all on the same page they want to be to practice in our own backyards in the black black and brown communities we normally have to go to a different community in order to
Engage or get practice or um have swimming lessons things like that my job is to create things for our community so that they can grow into what they want to be another thing that I do love about um what I’ve done is now uh the youth are following Tiffany hen the youth
Knows who a mayor is the youth know who’s a supervisor they did not know that before no one could point out oh that’s the mayor of Dalton oh she does this oh she came to our school and spoke to us doing Black History Month oh she helped us with mental health first class
Flights Four Seasons Hotels okay that was the original question we doing mental health tour that’s something really big that’s going on Nationwide but no one’s really talking about it um big platforms yeah they go get the celebrities here and there and people might give a little something about it but it’s happening
Everywhere so when we went in there in the schools and we did the mental health tours we was able to help kids and parents uh identify that they needed help and give them help that’s what I do but they don’t tell the heart of Tiffany Henry they want to tell the smoking
Mirrors and the clickbait no matter what people do if they write about me I’m gold and I get it I get why everybody doing it they make money off of clicks and I didn’t know that I’m learning social media a little further but I didn’t know that
That’s how big it has gotten how is this hand how are you handling this since we just talked about mental health and you discuss how important that is so we just gonna skip over the whole Four Seasons and the first CL we gonna skip over that Vegas no we we forgot about that
Question Jesus Christ being in the position that you’re in and like you said this is the first time a black woman has had this position the youngest person in in this position you’re still trying to do your day-to-day job but yet there’s a lot of articles that are disparaging towards
You how does that how do you deal with that how do you cope with that so basically I have tunnel vision to the mess I just keep going ignore it it’s almost like a horse in a race and they had a blinders on so they can’t look
Left and right that’s Tiffany he I just focus on my goal she’s speaking about herself in third person my goal is to make sure I uplift the village of Dalton and the other 16 municipalities that I’m over I’m over 190,000 people have to make even though a lot of the attention
That they’re giving you in the media is negative it it is bringing a lot of attention yeah to your Township and also for a lot of people to say oh that’s the mayor yes you know a young black woman is the mayor of and also uh the
Supervisor of the township so that is something that hopefully is going to be on the flip side of this something positive when did you know you wanted to run for mayor well after dealing and fighting with uh corruption uh and people that was in the seat prior
To me I fought against it and the people believed enough in me that they came out by 82% and voted for the first female and people uh got it all twisted when they say oh you just voted because she’s black because she’s woman no that’s not true I’ve always been boots on the
Ground I’ve always helped people that’s what people not telling I feel like that’s the opposite usually people won’t vote for you because you black or a woman so yeah now it’s a feminism thing now it’s black and man I can’t take this [ __ ] you almost made me cuss on a millionaire
Morning Show I’m not I’m not about to sit Here what’s the number y’all what’s the number before I read the super chats what’s the number what y’all want me to pay man listen bro I I can’t what y’all want me to pay for them to sit in front of me for the next for two hours
Straight what is it going to cost me what is it gonna cost me what do you what do you think they’ll go for what I got to offer what’s what my offer gotta be y’all because this is so garbage I hate what is happening right now 10 10 for what [Laughter] $34 20 I gotta be able to guarantee a return on that investment y’all crazy 52 y’all smoking crack not a red s s Sister four man y’all cray 350 385 30 Mr Tesla 365 really is that what we doing why would I pay for something everybody else is getting for
Free y’all smoking let me read some of these super chats and then we gonna get on with the show uh P shank says good morning good morning P shank I appreciate you for supporting the platform Cody Marshall says wow in a New Orleans city council trying to evict the mayor and the
Apartments in the pal TOA apartments in fren Corner yeah we covered that yesterday dog you got to stay engaged Pie’s friend Ray Ray says they said Dalton’s median income is 24,000 and a blunt in the mouth there’s no way that place has emergency funds now facts I’d
Be curious I think I’mma pull the Freedom of Information Act and file for the file for the documents executive sweet Emily says she’s a defiant fast talking measly mouth Shyer Tiffany is the female Lex Luthor she denies all the false allocations this is crazy bro Kung Fu Hustler says money laundering on national
News Anan no9 says Tiff gonna be rejecting that prison sentence too until big Bera walk up on her saying what up though I like you and I want you man listen y’all crazy with y’all numbers in there uh AJ y says why threaten someone you don’t know agre
Agreed huh 100% Jones FX 426 says asking objectively could the cause be fake listen if anybody is threatening my family and any way shape or form I take that junk serious fry man says Romans and y’all know who people are this is the social media era we didn’t seen people go off the
Restaurants that wasn’t even necessarily tied to Keith Lee but was similarly named and they practically got them shut down so y’all already know what’s happening out here in these streets FR man says Roman 12:19 what Romans 12:19 you got to say the scripture big dog Jones says she already played the single
Black baby mama card now it’s a sympathy card Jaan Hart says salute ad we got to be better by threatening Tiff we’re acting we acted no better than her we have to lead by example agreed CL Jacob says Tiffany henyard or Maran Barry ain’t that the one that was sniffing
Crack or something like that or smoking crack or something like that Jay Hunter Lee says she needs to stay off people’s podcast if she don’t have anything substantial that clears her name no she promoting herself I think that that’s her next move to actually become a content creator
Um Mel duuk says anti agree with not threatening anyone I just wanted to hear the lie so you can dispute it that’s all peace and love bro shout out to my dog Mel Duke I appreciate you for holding me down tabiz TV says Tiff just looks like
She about to lie she wasn’t about to lie she was lying Brandon Barn says not the Olympics are you K fa Brown says yo an time what I do big bro all I said was yay was asking softball questions and trying to make Tiff the victim shout out to five Brown
Okay all right because you know I’m I’m I got higher expectations for you we got to operate a little bit higher above board shout out to Michael Mitchell Jr here can we get a round of applause for Michael Mitchell Jr Mike Mitch says celebrating my 28th birthday today and watching the greatest
Morning Show there is all I can say is I am blessed for both y’all can y’all get a round of applause in the chat for Michael Mitchell for turning 28 years old today shout out to Michael Mitchell all right all right all right so let’s
Continue on we got to get to the next segment of the show next segment of the show is the Supreme Court actually rulle for Trump so remember when Colorado and uh several different states was considering trying to remove Trump from the ballot to try to prevent people from
Being able to choose who’s the president of the United States of America well guess what it went all the way up to the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court actually ruled in Trump’s favor check it out all right we just got the breaking news thank you for being with us here on
MSNBC the Supreme Court issuing a ruling on the call Colorado ballot case I want to go straight to Ken delanian who is outside the Supreme Court with this decision Ken what do we know good morning Anna we’ve learned that it was a nine to nothing decision ruling that
Donald Trump can be on the ballot in Colorado and now you know people are so mad at that listen you gotta be so wrong for the Supreme Court to rule 9 to zero both conservative and liberal justices 9 to Zer ruling that and reversing the decision of remove him
From now how many taxpayer dollars and how much time was wasted even doing this in the first place you got to be so wrong nine to zero that they’re removing the fact that you just egregiously lied and tried to finesse and tried to remove it from the ballot here’s my thing let
The people decide it’s not up to you let the people decide other states uh justices during the oral arguments seemed very skeptical of the idea that one state could decide for the nation uh whether Donald Trump was an insurrectionist and was therefore disqualified under this 150y old
Provision now we know that there was not a single Justice who who held that view so there were no descents to this 90 decision uh ruling that Donald Trump can remain on the ballot in colado as voters go to the polls tomorrow during super Tuesday and also in Maine where there
Had been a decision to qualify him from the ballot uh and and the super Tuesday is today ruling we understand has the effect of prohibiting other states from attempting to do so and that really reflects what we heard from both liberal and conservative justices during the oral arguments Anna uh for example Elena
Kagan confronting uh the the plaintiffs essentially saying your problem here is that you’re arguing that one state can decide for the nation who can be president and no justice was willing to go along with that all right so we we know that absolutely continues to be TEF Lon
Don so shout out to him but he also responded to the Su Supreme Court ballot Victory check it out what he had to say you cannot take now on something that will be spoken about a 100 years from now in 200 years from now extremely important essentially you cannot take
Somebody out of a race because an opponent would like to have it that way and it has nothing to do with the fact that it’s the leading candidate whether it was the leading candidate or a candidate that was well down on the totem pole you cannot take
Somebody out of a race the voters can take the person out of the race very quickly but a court shouldn’t be doing that and the Supreme Court saw that very well and I really do believe that will be a unifying Factor because while Most states were thrilled will to have me
There were some that didn’t and they didn’t want that for political reasons they didn’t want that because of poll numbers because the poll numbers are very good we’re uh beating President Biden in almost every poll New York Times came out yesterday with a very big
Poll for us so they U they didn’t like that and you can’t do that you can’t do what they tried to do and hopefully Colorado as an example will unify I know there’s tremendous support they’ve they’ve brought our support up very strong in Colorado because people thought people in Colorado thought that
Was a terrible thing that they did and while we’re on the subject and another thing that will be coming up very soon will be immunity for a president and not immunity for me but for any president if a president doesn’t have full immunity you really don’t have a president
Because nobody that is serving in that office will have the courage to make in many cases what would be the right decision or it could be the wrong decision it could be in some cases the wrong decision but they have to make decisions and they have to make them
Free of all Terror that can be reigned upon them when they leave office or even before they leave office and some decisions are very tough I can tell you that as a president that some decisions to make are very tough I took out Isis and I took out some very
Big people from the standpoint of a different part of the world uh two of the leading terrorist probably the two leading terrorists ever that we’ve ever seen in this world and uh those are big decisions I don’t want to be prosecuted for it uh another president wouldn’t want to be
Prosecuted for it it had a tremendously positive impact it stopped everything called and sometimes you have to make they were tough decisions sometimes you have to make decisions like that when you make a decision you don’t want to have your opposing party or opponent or even somebody that just thinks you’re
Wrong bring a Criminal suit against you or any kind of a suit when you leave office I have that right now at a level that nobody’s ever seen before I have Rogue prosecutors and I have Rogue judges I have judges that are out of control and it’s a very unfair thing for
Me but um serving perhaps as a sample to others of what should not be happening when you make good decisions and in my case the economy was great we didn’t go into any wars we totally defeated Isis we provided the largest tax cuts in history we provided the largest
Regulation Cuts in history but think of it no Wars we beat Isis 100% of the caliphate then there were no Wars we we did a job that was great but I maybe I wouldn’t have done that the caliphate defeating them was very powerful it was going to
Take four years it took me four months but it was a very strong dictum that I gave I said get them defeat him end it we were fighting for 20 years against Isis and we did it very quickly I don’t want to be prosecuted in that case it worked out very well there
Will be some things that perhaps don’t work out so well but I don’t want to be prose prosecuted because I decided to do something that is very much for the good of the country and actually for the good of the world a president shouldn’t have
Have that on his mind and he has to have a free and clear mind when he makes very big decisions or it’s going to be nothing more than a ceremonial post you’ll be president yeah I I agree to an extent of what he’s saying and that I
Think that the the leader of the Free World often at times has to make some of the most difficult decisions um what we see happening right now I can’t remember in any of my history lessons or anything that I’ve ever studied this being a thing for any president that came before him and
That they’re trying to leverage the fact that the people actually support him against him and instead of letting the people determine whether or not he should become president again they’re trumping up a whole bunch of charges and they’re saying that he doesn’t deserve to be president anymore or at the very least
Even doesn’t deserve to be on the ballot and and that’s insane it’s very much insane even in the midst of the whole ethics probe to determine whether or not they should even be the ones to prosecute the case in the first place as far as Georgia I believe that is absolutely
Insane so I agree with that it’ll be wonderful thing and you won’t do anything because you don’t want to be hit by your opponent or hit by somebody else because who want because then the person that defeated you can then leverage power of the government against
You to leave office and go through what I’ve gone through I’m being prosecuted by Biden my opponent because every one of these things whether it’s Fanny Willis or brag these are local and state but they’re in total coordination with the White House you can’t do that it shouldn’t be done done and that’s
Where for me personally and and look one of the things I like about him is that he just says what he’s really thinking he just says it clearly plainly he said listen Fanny Willis and what’s happening over there in Georgia is in total 100% Cahoots with what’s happening over in
The white house he said listen the judges district attorney we all know that the judge that’s even determined whether or not Fanny Willis and Nathan Wade uh should be a part of this case in the first place donated to her campaign where they do that
At I mean a thing like that in the case of the DA’s office they put one of the top people maybe the second person in the Manhattan DA’s office to get Trump they had a Hillary Clinton lawyer leave the law firm very prestigious big Law
Firm leave the law firm to go into the DA’s office to get Trump pomerance Mr pomerance so he goes in to become a prosecutor worked for the Democrat Party and Hillary Clinton goes in to prosecute Donald Trump at a local level in total coordination with the Department of Justice meaning
Biden and then you have the fanny Willis or as she fonnie fonnie F ni but fonnie and she hired somebody knew the person long before this horrible prose calling it what it is took place and she went out and she paid him an unbelievable amount of money more money than he ever had
Dreamed possible much more money than other people that are that do that for a living he never did it at all had no experience in it at all and they had obviously a conflict we don’t have to go into that but they were able to get a lot of money because it
Was a high-profile person me I’m a very high profile person and he calling it like it is and he’s just calling it like it is he said listen they made a lot of money Prosecuting a high-profile person they were unethical she was busting it down
Like for a real one and I ain’t even G to say it but we all know it look at Sensei zo what is he saying that you actually disagree with what is he saying that you actually disagree with he’s saying the truth they was busting it down she lied
That text messages show she lied the cell phone tower shows she lied he made a bunch of money on something that he’s never even had experience doing he’s made more money than anybody that came before him they they benefited from it it’s actually in cahoots with different people that’s on different legislative
Levels as far as the branches that they serve we not gonna say no no names and they Li everything that he’s saying is absolutely true he’s even omitting a lot of the things a lot of the details that’s really happening he’s telling the truth he’s just being real
They always in cahoots they all working together and this this should absolutely be something that we objectively objectively say ah yeah you can’t really do that that doesn’t make sense she lied so they were able to pay him close to a million dollars when he was not
Equipped to do the job and she’s not equipped to do the job and that case should end immediately that case is so conflicted nobody’s ever seen anything like it and then you have deranged Jack Smith who’s a trump hater and represents all the Trump haters and
He’s going wild he’s just a wild man he’s been overturned unanimously by the Supreme Court went after other people over the years he’s had great failure but he’s mean he’s nasty he’s unfair and the judges on these cases they all Trump haers other than we have maybe one or
Two that I think can be fair but you look at New York what’s happened I mean these people have tremendous hatred you can’t do this to a president and again I’m not talking about me I’m talking about in the future a president has to be free a president has to be if the
President does a good job the fighter jets some people would say a great job but if the president does a good job a president should be free and clear and frankly celebrated for having done a good job let me say this and then we can move
Over into the next thing cuz I want to make sure that we get over into these migrants diversity equity and inclusion being priced out people having to go into tiny homes I want to get to the money let me just say this what I’m wondering especially from
A lot of these people that don’t like him cool you don’t like him as a person awesome God bless you you have the right to your opinion from 2006 through 2020 basically the end of 2019 how how were things for you when you look at the previous years
That happened before that when you look at 2012 through 2016 versus 2016 through 20120 and all of the progress that we made how was the difference for you personally it’s all I’m asking and then when you look at 2016 through 2020 vers versus 2020 through 2024 how’s things working out for
You I’m I’m just asking questions how’s things working out for you when you look at the different timelines and you say what the economy was doing what inflation was doing what happened as far as how you was getting money did you have any unemployment did you have a lot
Of uncertainty was you trying to figure it out was everybody getting to the bag everybody was running it up up economy was booming Wars was ending NAFTA was being renegotiated tariffs was being enacted against China when we start having this conversation and you just remove your
Emotion from it and you start looking at it objectively instead of how many women he bust down or he grabbed in in the crotch I just want y’all to know I’m just want to ask the question what was your life like in these foure spans over the last four
Years how was things been for you over 2020 through 2024 how have things been for you that’s all I’m asking tra and slay say she paid $13 the other night when you think about it we had no new Wars other countries seemed like they were scared of us gas prices was low as
Piss nobody was complaining about food prices everybody was getting money everybody was running up a check we didn’t need no stimuluses or none of that right and then 2020 through 2024 we got more arguments amongst each other you know why people argue because they be broke because it be it be it be
Struggle season people listen money fixes a lot of the a lot of things money solve a lot and I’m using it eth money solve a lot of problems money solve a lot when when the money is good people don’t have no arguments they ain’t going back and
Forth they not g to sit here you can Overlook a lot of things when you starting to get to the ah you know what he cussed me out a little bit but he bought me a car you know what I’m saying the ladies wasn’t even tripping on us back at listen
2016 2016 through 2020 they didn’t trip y’all do realize that right ah he got in a little later than he said that he was gonna come in but the check was still there you know what I’m saying what nobody tripping you you notice how that you know how notice how that
Work you notice how that work you know what he was a little grumpy today but he made sure that my my car was filled with gas I’mma H the ladies couldn’t wait to give up the box now it seem like that they putting the Box on the chassity Belt I said where
All of the box go for all of the fellas where did all of the box go for the fellas you know what I’m saying refrigerators was full people was doing meal prep everybody was traveling we seen more women traveling the different countries bbls everybody everybody seemed like they was figuring out how to
Get along things wasn’t perfect but they was trying to figure out how to get along they didn’t trip they didn’t trip everybody was getting money everybody was making money then the gas prices went up inflation was on on 10 y’all had to stay home together y’all tried to
Figure it out they was locking down the cities y’all went on rent moratorium everybody all of a sudden started complaining about their student loan payments could nobody get no new jobs everybody start having to work two jobs you start seeing women complaining oh I could do good by my Goten self like what
What you wasn’t saying that in 2017 18 and 19 all of a sudden you got you need you a high value man remember y’all was arguing with me you said Anon you can get by on 40 $50,000 remember we could do that now all of a sudden $100,000
Ain’t enough no more last night we was on a live stream and they said $100,000 I said oh just a second ago y’all said a high value man was $100,000 everybody was doing good in 2017 18 and 19 we was throwing money in the club everybody was popping you know what I’m
Saying everybody had a good time people was trying to figure it out wasn’t nobody complaining murders was was down crime was down Chicago Chicago always been Chicago but we ain’t going to go there life was relatively good it was trending upwards we had suffered in 2008
9 10 11 12 8 9 10 11 12 we was suffering 12 13 14 15 16 we thought it was going to get better we was like man this is kind of looking a little bit more like 2010 and it did 2008 20076 5 4 3 2 1
Everybody had free money people was going to get BBL people was come on man come on I don’t care who he busting down what I do care about is policies politics and whether or not inflation is out of control and so you know you know guys was getting hair units remember that
Y’all y’all start hey hey you can’t even go to the barber shop unless you’re spending $200 now you can’t go to the barber shop unless you spending $200 now now every liberal City look they got y’all to defund the police California is in a crisis they in a deficit Chicago is in a
Deficit migrant crisis is out of control borders didn’t opened up you got more more people Atlanta hi migrants in the Airport Boston got them sleeping at night listen you know everything is in the opposite direction when Detroit decided that they wanted to step up and they actually on come up and everybody
Else is on a downturn I’m just being honest with you you see how that flipflop we doing good over here listen I’m cool we good don’t worry about it don’t worry about it we good every other city is on the downturn LA Philadelphia got when you go out to
Philadelphia go down Kensington Street everybody like this I ain’t never seen a whole bunch of I ain’t never seen a group of people sleep standing up in the middle of the street tilted over to the side everybody in Philadelphia now like I said what is that what they on
That’s a new type of heroin they said Anon that ain’t heroin that’s that Fenty I said Rihanna got some new drawers out there they got [ __ ] sleeping up standing up said no that’s that Fenty that fentol they got that fentol out there in Philly I said white people taking it too
I said wait a minute you telling me white people is on the street sleeping upside down too I’m just saying Kensington wasn’t Kensington when Trump was in Kensington wasn’t Kensington when Trump was in was tell me that ain’t looking like that tell me they ain’t looking like that
Okay listen I was just asking a question I ain’t tripping I ain’t tripping okay now now you ain’t got no middle class no more y’all don’t know what is a high value man is no more now y’all trying to figure it out cool cool there’s a live stream on that
Street in Philadelphia I got listen I don’t even name names no more I got faces for the different places that I’m referencing whenever you see me do like that I’m talking about Philly whenever you see me move do that ask Philly shout out to Philly I’m not gonna say no names no
More I’mma just let y’all name them based off of how it is that I see the people is on the street where you from I’m from Phil why an time doing that oh you don’t recognize where I’m from man look bro don’t be trying to steal my jokes bro that’s one thing I’m
I’m not standing for it I’m not standing for it I don’t want no comedians if I see one of these Kings of comedies go up on stage and start telling my jokes we GNA have some furniture moving up in this mother effer now one of y’all
Better be on sh sharp talking about I got a new joke no no stop stealing my jokes we improv over here on the millionaire Morning Show and it’s coming to a theater near you it’s coming to a comedy story near you it’s coming to a comedy story near you we get there we
Get there read some of these super chats and get over to the next part of the show what up Sid I see you see see it got something to say uh keeps talking about black women’s criminalized my 19-year-old black daughter she needs to tell the truth the
Real reason she has security hide and accountability justice for Alexis Wilson wait wait let me read this again car Cara Cara says keeps talking about black women’s criminalized my 19-year-old black daughter she needs to tell the truth oh the real reason she has security hiding from accountability so he saying Tiffany henyard criminalized
Your 19-year-old Daughter make sure you send me an email Anton danels 413 atgmailcom I got you boo Anthony boom is in the building boom shout out to Anthony boom in the building Anthony boom says what up Anon I’m a DC resident uh Marian Barry did more for the community and did a better
Job than any past or current president in Washington DC don’t throw him under the bus for having an addiction problem I ain’t thr him under the bus I just asked if that was him is he the one that was getting some box in the hotel room while sniffing
Doing a line Mar and Barry was just born in the wrong era that’s all we ain’t tripping off of mar and Barry he was trying to get him some box and sniff some sniff some of that if you wanna ride don’t ride the w horse if you want to ride ride wide
Horse wide horse wide horse if you wanna ride and ride the wide horse hold on you want to ride ride the wide horse we’ll get there wide [Laughter] horse shout out to Marian brry yeah he said we coming back that’s my song right there y’all
Want to see me cut a rug this not ADHD it’s not ADHD I’m just saying wide horse Chris Monroe says if this is the case they should have prosecuted Bush they should have prosecutive Bush for the Iraq War Trump is correct on this issue black stop being afraid of supporting Trump
Yeah White Horse I’m about to change the name of this show to White Horse uh Prince Ellen says I said it once and I’ll say it again if Trump is held accountable over nine cents and goes to jail every former current politician and current politician also has to go see
They got y’all scared of being politicians now shout out to J Ben J Ben says uh Donald Trump Jr one of them ones everyone SW Donald J drump everyone switched up on him once he became press pepper Rich farmes remembers y’all had his poster on y’all War yeah in the 90s hash hustler
Hustler Real Talk y’all be talking Miss Jennifer really me your favorite oh my God the best show on Earth Blaze Skywalker says as much as I want the case to be dismissed from Fanny I don’t believe it’s going to happen I’ll cash app you a thousand Keep you uh keep it if
Dismissed give me back two racks if not what up though why is it such a disparity how come I got to give you back two racks how does that work what kind of deal is that um JC cut says same people judging Trump are the same ones uh defending def definitely ending puffy
Defending ending puffy death ending puffy shout out to JC Cuts Prince Ellen says folks who keep saying president presidents shouldn’t have full immunity may not know or fully understand how our Constitution and government works oh that’s a good point that’s a good point timeout shout out to timeout I
Appreciate you for holding me down Ash Ash Ash Ash get your assh to the front of the congregation ain’t Eric talk about it uh says ad I would have stayed in the military of trump was reelected Biden’s cb19 mandate forced me to retire from active duty earlier than expected
Wow but it all worked out to God’s glory halelu hallelu thank you Ash for supporting the platform again I can’t imagine why y’all love me but some reason somehow some way y’all decided that y’all wanted to love on time dog today thank you Ash uh Victor Williams says these ain’t hair Crut
Anymore Anton these dudes pushing people back then painting their headlines on then charging $100 thats and these Barbers caddy and Sassy now not The Sassy Barbers y got sassy Barbers and they pushing your hairline Back Time Out said what do you think about the black community poking fund at sh Shay zesty
Stance uh and walk to Total I seen it I seen it um I think it’s j he was he was walking you gotta understand y’all he had two hip replacements he had two hip replacements what’s up Q God y’all gotta cut shine in a break Prince Ellen says I find it
Interesting how F folks want to hold Trump accountable for nonsense but are not demanding Obama be held accountable for killing US citizens now you know Obama is Untouchable you know old to the Bama was Untouchable Untouchable Tam uh Anthony boom says sadly it was crack cocaine the 90s was
Rough but if you wna ride then ride wide horse I need to make that my theme music the clothes is too tight he just it’s just fitted it just fitted y’all better leave Shannon alone he had two hip replacements he walked like that cuz he got hip rep
Placements we got to get to the rest of the show listen did y’all know that they have legislation that they’re introducing that would allow for illegal immigrants migrants to purchase homes oh man Ben Carson had an opportunity y’all y’all know anything about Ben Carson y’all y’all didn’t read Ben
Carson’s book Ben Carson has something to say about it I want to bring in Dr Ben Carson his he’s the former Housing and Urban Development secretary under President Trump doctor welcome back always good to see you what’s your reaction to the Supreme Court ruling well I’m proud of the Supreme
Court that they were able to put politics behind them and do what’s right there there comes a time when you have to recognize that the constitution is the thing that holds this nation together yeah and I’m glad that they were able to recognize that and I I hope it’s a A continuing trend
Doctor you know what’s coming now don’t you so you do know what’s coming uh you’re being floated as a possible pick for vice president for Mr Trump if Trump asks you would you accept the vice president’s position well let me put it this way um I am extremely committed to saving our
Country and president Trump is extremely committed to that winning the election is only the step one they have a lot of work to do to undo some of the damage that’s been caused by the administrative State and the loss of Allegiance and patriotism to our nation that yo Ben Carson is quite
Possibly one of the most Stellar smartest people that is in the community and guess what he’s shunned largely shunned by the black community ain’t that crazy sounds like a big yes you would accept if asked can I interpret it like that uh you can interpret it however
You’d like I knew that was coming to you’re too smart for me all right Trump is seeing major shift among black voters and voters under 30 two key demographic groups why would a second Trump Administration be good for young folks and black voters am according to a
Fox News poll among black F voters how would you vote if the candidates were Joe Biden or Trump which we all know that these are going to be the two candidates check this out among black voters back in February 2020 black people overwhelmingly went for Biden for 89% 80 listen that would mean that of the majority of the people that’s in here that y’all don’t want to admit y’all was at the poll checking right on down on the blue side you picked cam cam K Harris and you also picked by now it’s swinging a little bit but we
Can’t expect for any of y’all to actually be honest about the fact that you still support body now is 66% to 28% why do you think that black people decided that they wanted to devest themselves from the Democratic party which I believe that is mostly men mostly men are the ones
That’s saying you know what I seen my boy pey shout out to pey uh he was on the gram the other day and he was going back and forth with the black community and uh he was saying that he was supporting Trump and the people was mad
Mad at him mad at him it is some prominent people that is still on the Biden train well I think the first Trump Administration gave U you know a lot of people particularly in the minority Community an opportunity to see that the best policy is one in which a rising tie
Lifts all boths not one where you pick various demographics and try to give them an advance manage to try to even things out and uh that worked out extremely well in the black community uh there were more jobs higher wages the highest uh ever uh home ownership
Numbers uh a lot of things were going well and I think people are able to compare what was happening then with what’s happening now you see you hear all of those stats y was buying homes wages was up debt was down education now look at you Dusty and the
Price of the brick has went down and see a big difference I just want to get back to this am I right in saying that Trump was the only president for a very long time who’s actually narrowed the income inequality Gap I believe he did that can you confirm
It yes uh absolutely recognize that income is derived largely from home ownership ship you had the highest home ownership numbers uh under Trump and the average uh renter has a net worth of about 5,000 average homeowner about 200,000 that’s a 40-fold increase and a lot of the policies particularly the
Progressives over the decade have went toward getting people into housing but as renters and not as owners and I think that’s a big difference than has accounted for lot of the wealth G what do you make of this new bill in California that would make illegal migrants eligible for firsttime home buyer
Loans a new California bill I want y’all to understand this see if I can find it specifically there’s a new bill in California um let me see what it’s called it is called introduced uh assembly Bill 1840 earlier this year which would create an alternative way for illegal immigrants to achieve home
Ownership the bill is set to expand eligibility criteria for a state Loan program to expand these loans to UND documented IM immigrants who are firsttime buyers an applicant under the program shall not be disqualified solely based on the applicant’s immigration status it’s that Ambu uh uh uh it’s that
Oh okay I see it it’s for undocumented individuals despite the fact that they’ve qualified under existing criteria such as having a um need for home ownership the bill cover the bill focuses uh on all shared appreciation loans program which la which launched in Spring 2023 giving firsttime home buyers
A loan that covers up to 20% of the property purchase that will not accumulate interest or have required monthly payments loonees are expected to pay back the original loan amount in addition to the 20% of the increase in a home’s value on a property mortgages refinanced or resold only when is refinanced and
Resold first introduced January 16th Bill 1840 was originally intended to provide shared appreciation loans to low and middle income citizens it was originally for low and middle inome citizens under the new proposal the legislation would expand to allow the program to to include illegal immigrants into the eligibility
Pool it was established to assist low and mid middle uh income individuals to purchase homes but the program hasn’t been clear about the eligibility for undocumented individuals and ab 1840 addresses that issue legislator say this in California let me be clear anybody who meets the program’s criteria can apply for this
Loan program and to qualify you must secure the bank loan or the mortgage it’s about providing an opportunity for home ownership which we know allows family to secure Financial Security and stability the ability to do this strengthens local economies and that benefits all people who call
California home this is crazy this is a real thing the LA Times reported the California Loan program garnered 2,300 applicants in less than two weeks before the applications were halted last year and the program will now replace the first come first serve bases that was originally intended for low
Lowincome or middle class income families with a lottery program ah concerns continue to rise across the country as the migro crisis continues to grow and overpower different states available resources um and then it goes into the Border Bill National border patrol Council so on and so forth so this is a
New bill that’s being introduced in California uh that you can look up based off of what it is that I just reported to you that basically expands eligibility for home ownership into illegal immigrants Ben Carson wants to comment on this ladies and gentlemen should migrants be entitled to those loans
Doctor so many of our our young people young couples are just giving up on the American dream because it’s so hard for them to own a home and now you got California trying to get homes for illegal immigrants are you kidding me it’s absurd and uh you know anytime when
We’re thinking about rights for criminal and people who are doing things illegally over the rights of our own people we have a major problem and I hope the American people recognize that Dr Ben Carson thanks as always so I just wanted to make sure that I educated you
Guys and keep you informed on what was going on out in here out in these streets and so now you can’t say well they slipped this under our nose and we didn’t know about it no you need to know about it you need to know what’s going
On out here in these streets you need to know what’s going on in your own backyard um Prince ellien says no none of this matters since black folks are still gonna vote Democrat for their own replacement well we know that we already know that so but at least you can say at
Least you can’t say that you didn’t know what you was voting for or what you decided that you didn’t want to participate in the voting process for shout out to Gavin Newsome over there running California mck Pooky from Ray Ray says I heard migrants are are ganking luggage at the ATL Airport and
Selling it in the back Alle like Tyrese and baby boy oh man and who going to stop him and who going to stop him sister shout out to Sister Mr ad remember it was 89% in 2020 for body in because he said you were not black if you did not vote for him I guess blacks was trying to prove they Blackness yikes they still going to vote for him today you want me to run for president I
Don’t know maybe when I retire and I’m a on old and seen out like buy and I can get some little that taxpayer money get that Health Care coverage that y’all giving out for free to the to the uh presidents of the United States of America let’s continue we got a couple
Of different things that we want to cover before we get up out of here couple of different things uh did y’all know that universities was getting rid of the diversity equity and inclusion program and people were pissed about it yes they are yes they are starting with the University of Florida people are
Pissed check it out the University of Florida becoming the latest school to eliminate all diversity equity and inclusion program positions due to New State rules ABC Jay O’Brien joins us with the details on that good morning Jay Jana good morning Florida now at the center of the latest Firestorm over
Diversity policies in schools this time at the state’s Flagship University this morning the Fallout after the University of Florida eliminated all diversity equity and inclusion positions getting rid of more than a dozen full-time jobs including the campus’s chief diversity officer ending 15 administrative roles can we get a round of applause for the
University of Florida these in my opinion ladies and gentlemen are jobs where people don’t do nothing to add value into the positions or the companies that they work for including the University of Florida 15 administrative roles you know I was wondering yesterday um because when they
Was talking about the aid for Eric Adams that basically got raided for being out here frauding and giving contracts and all of this other stuff this pay for play that they got going on over there in New York allegedly and I was like well what position does she hold and she was like
The chief Communications officers for Chinese people or some crap like that I said what what she do what she do it for for Asian the Asian Community Advocate Chief Financial $100,000 plus a year position on the taxpayer dime more than a dozen full-time jobs for the diversity equity and inclusion positions
That’s continuing to raise up tuition prices has now been eliminated congratulations congratulations University of Florida and cancelling all Dei focused contracts with vendors the university now led by former Republican senator Ben sass saying it’s complying with new Florida education restrictions after the state legislature passed a law last year Banning Public Funding of
Diversity equity and inclusion or Dei programs Florida Governor Ronda santis celebrating uf’s move posting Dei is toxic and has no place in our public universities facts Republican state representative Bernie jacqu co- sponsored the legislation to make sure that we have education in our higher education system here in the State of
Florida instead of indoctrination critics however warning that eliminating all Dei policies and staff roles at a leading Public University will have Ripple effects Nationwide our young people our students our educational institutions are the ones who become the collateral damage of everything that we’re seeing right now how
Sir I’m just curious how how how is that true listen if you good enough for the position you shouldn’t have to be advocated for based off of stuff that you can’t control it’s as simple as that the best person for the position should be the one to get the position it
Should not B be based off of listen that’s the thing that you then complained about of why you couldn’t get the position in the first place back in the day now you want equal and so okay then that means that you should be able to get the position based off of your
Merits the best person for the job should be the one to get the job not the one that’s the blackest not the one that’s the that ain’t got no penis not the one that’s the tallest or the shortest or Hispanic or Asian or black or Asian listen the best person for the
Job should be the one to get the job you should because that’s reverse basically reverse discrimination If you eliminate somebody from being able to get the job based off the fact that not that they wasn’t too qualified or they was worthy of getting a job but because they wasn’t
A woman or because they wasn’t black or because they wasn’t Asian that’s crazy to me how can we justify this how can we justify the the right person for the position shouldn’t get the position because they not black enough that’s Reverse Racism that’s reverse discrimination this is so far more than
Just politics this is what’s going to start happening all across this country how can you be certain that this doesn’t Inspire fear in academics and and in a way make them fearful of teaching any kind of diversity well it doesn’t do that right if there’s a student L group
That wants to engage in and diversity discussions or um you know gender or what have you if a student lad they can do that what we don’t want it to happen is we don’t want it to be institutionally led and and and taxpayer funded now eight other states in
Addition to Florida have pass legislation aimed at dismantling Dei programs on college campuses and at least a dozen states are now considering similar legislation Gio and it and I think that that’s smart appears this debate is far from over all right Jay thank you so much for
That let me uh go I heard that Roland Martin on the same subject um was advocating for support for EMT Smith and to stand with em Smith who’s a former uh Cowboy Champion Dallas Cowboys Champion to stand with em and Smith in supporting diversity equity and
Inclusion uh I haven’t seen this but I did see it pop up and so I thought I’d kind of share it a little bit and and see what the sentiment is with this Pro Football Hall of Famer emit Smith of the NFL’s leading rusher for his career uh
Dropped the bombshell blasting his uh alma mater for firing all of their Dei employees now remember the State of Florida banned Dei across all state institutions uh and EM Smith was not having any of it he dropped this statement right here uh EMT said quote
Come on guys come on guys come on thank you um I’m utterly disgusted by uf’s decision and the precedent that it set without the Dei Department the job falls to the office of the provos who already has his their hands full to raise money for the University and continue to
Advance the academic studies and athletic programs we cannot continue to believe and trust that a team of leaders all made up of the same background will make the right decision when it comes to equality and diversity history is already proven that is not the case we need diverse thinking and backgrounds to
Enhance our University and the Dei department is necessary to accomplish those goals they created a whole department based off of diversity equity and inclusion what a fool hey let me ask y’all a question because we didn’t been finessed like this a whole lot of times y’all let me ask
Y’all a question If a person was the leading rusher of all time for an NFL team how does that then qualify them to be able to give you some insight and information on how it is that you’re supposed to live your life or how to run a university or how to educate your
Students is it all based off of the fact it’s a popularity contest or you ran you was a leading pass rusher or do we actually want want to make some informed decisions on what’s best for our children because I don’t want my child going to an indoctrination Camp instead of showing courage and
Leadership we continue to fail based on systemic issues and with this decision UF has conformed to the political pressures of today’s time to the many minority athletes at UF Please be aware and vocal about this decision by the university who is now closing the doors on other minorities without any
Oversight and to those who think it’s not your problem and stay on the sidelines and say nothing you are complicit in supporting systemic issues well okay I’m not sitting on the sidelines I’m being very vocal and I’m saying that he’s absolutely positively wrong absolutely positively
Wrong look Ken Jay I’m sorry Christ as a black man what a heck of a name so it says wrong it’s the old days I think you meant to say it’s not the old days we are not living in the 1900s anymore you gonna have to stand on your
Own two feet nobody cares about your diversity equity and inclusion program you’re going to have to stand on your own two feet be a big boy or a big girl and then get hired off of your own merits no more leg UPS no more none of that we are one big
Melting Pot here in the United States of America and even white people got to live van life right now and I don’t care what em and Smith says or Roland Martin now uh a lot of people about there obviously especially your magga rightwing folks have been critical of em
And Smith but he’s getting a lot of support uh and he’s right on the money and the reason why this is important folks is because when you have athletes former athletes uh Legends icons dare to stand up and to challenge conventional thinking then you’re going to see I believe a fundamental difference now
Some of y’all May disagree with me and say well I don’t really know if that’s the case huh do y’all remember uh when a brother out of Mississippi State uh dared to say I’m not playing under that Confederate flag and then what happened uh they quickly move remember this story
Right here uh this brother give me one second let me pull it up here unlock there we go all right remember this story right here Mississippi State running back I won’t represent this state until flag is changed and when K Hill made that particular uh uh comment
He of course was one of the top rushers in the NFL excuse me in college football folks it did not take long for um for them to change the state flag literally the white races in Mississippi Republicans have been fighting for a long time to keep that Confederate
Emblem on that state flag when that brother and other athletes started saying we ain’t having it and when those whad coaches started telling those lawmakers the black players not coming to our state they immediately changed that flag y’all might remember University of Missouri when they also announced they were going to boycott
Over issues that led to the that led to top university officials resigning in massive changes at the University this is what I’m amazed that we still are trying to bully people to do what we want them to do and we even trying to force people to lose their jobs because
They don’t agree with you it’s okay to not agree with somebody it’s okay to have a difference of opinion it’s even okay look as much as I love and I support many conservatives I don’t think that all of them are good but I also say that I think that you
Guys should do your own research and I’m not mad at you if you decide that you wanted to vote completely differently than me and you wanted to support somebody from a party on the other side I respect that the only thing that I ask you to do is become an informed voter
And then you you look at those issues you look at the policies you look at what it is that you’re facing especially on a local level and you make a decision for what’s in your best interest or your your community’s best interest see contrary to popular belief a lot of conservative
People stand behind the idea of a democracy we we stand behind the idea that you should be able to do what you want to do based off of the fact that we all free to think and say what we want to say when we want to say
It the only thing we ask you to do is become educated when you go and vote because we don’t want you to vote based off of being miseducated I support people being able to sleep with who they want to want to sleep with I just don’t agree the thing
That I don’t want you to do is censor me because I don’t agree and so if I don’t want to be censored what I also do is I say I’mma advocate for you not to be censored either even if you disagree with me because that’s what freedom of speech really
Is and it’s the same thing when it comes to these diversity equity and inclusion programs you should not be able to have a bigger voice than everybody else just because you’re a woman or just because you’re black or just because you don’t like the way the things go there it’s
Silly it’s ignorant it’s dumb it’s racist it’s reverse racist it’s all of the things that’s the worst for us Prince elen is in the building says black folks begging for diversity equity and inclusion don’t even realize that it’s illegal and it goes against their treasured Civil Rights Act Dei is built
On institutional RAC ISM I agree 100% sister sis Mr ad I think that Dei lowers the bar it does it does and not only does it lower the bar it eliminates great candidates and then people that’s actually best for the position because we want identity politics all right Ash says Dei or die
Policies are discriminatory my skin color or blackness is not my identity excelling or maximizing your Reading Writing arithmetic or physical performance and talents is your identity 100% thank you ashon you’ve been holding us down let me give you a run of Applause last but not least I just want
To share this with you guys really quickly because uh they’re saying that people are basically priced out of the housing and the rental market even so much so to where people are now starting to embrace tiny homes and that has been normalized that has been normalized all right make sure that you
Subscribe to the channel turn on your notifications and also I appreciate you guys for continueing to hold me down uh let me share this with you really quickly and then we gonna get up out of here actually actually let’s do it like this real real quick new tonight with Skyhigh home prices and
Interest rates to match many firsttime home buyers are being priced out of the market so tonight kin 5’s Jeremy Baker takes us to a subdivision on the far East Side apparently it is Bucking the trend to make the American dream come to life you think of tiny homes you might
Think of this 30 foot tiny downstairs sleeper for 529 or this Canada Goose tiny RV for 119,000 or this cute little thing called tiny price Big Love for 27,000 bucks let me tell y’all what those are those are trailers those are trailers nothing more they trailers and you know what they used to
Be calling people that lived in those places in the trailer Home in a Trailer Park and they just so happen to be white y’all know what they used to call them y’all know what they used to call them when you put it on the hitch and you can drive off with it but
Instead you decided to sit it on the ground and put some flowers around it they used to call those trailer parks now we’ve rebranded you know how they don’t call them homeless anymore they call him unhoused or they don’t say oh man he killed somebody they say oh no he’s been
Unived now we’ve changed it because we want it to be a little bit more inclusive remember we still got div Equity inclusion going on with our language it’s not trailers anymore you got it Lorenzo it’s not trailers anymore now it’s called tiny homes it’s still your home it’s just
Smaller and there’s different versions of it but people are clamoring for it clamoring for it wait a minute 96 Square ft let’s find something bigger you asked for and here it is the most affordable home in San Antonio Texas let’s check it out it’s called the elm Trails
Subdivision on San Antonio’s Far East Side just off walam road just how big are these homes with a onecar driveway narrow front and a full backyard this is going to be a two-story home it’s going to be over 600 ft okay A little larger than the max of 400 square ft that
Typically classifies a tiny home look at those places hold on hold on I’m not hating I understand that people got to do what they got to do um these cookie cutter subdivisions and neighborhoods that all of the places look the same they all the same color they all got the same Builder
They’re all throwing them up in record amount of time at the same time they all got the same inspectors I just can’t do it I personally just can’t do it I just can’t do it I’m not built for it I would rather just stay with my
People we can all stay together me my brother my mom whatever we just all gonna stay together and we just gonna party together I’m not I’m I’m not that desperate to feel like I need to be out on my own um and again I respect everybody else’s decisions I think that
We are all in a in a different space in our life but I’m just not that desperate I just can’t do it you live right around a block from there AJ wise I’m going have to go and check it out larger than the max of 400 square ft that typically
Classifies a tiny home is enough room for me and he he doesn’t complain Nafi Johnson moved into the subdivision with her son after looking into downsizing especially for the times that we’re living in and everything’s so Skyrocket High the home includes a full kitchen fenced in backyard and a sweet Second
Story Loft but to Johnson it’s all about the Privacy he going to have stop with this green screen big dog stop stop stop with the green screen it’s better than to me uh apartment complex cuz it’s your own and you can have your your own space credit news research studied purchasing power
Adjusted wages and starter home prices and found in the US it takes close to four years of income to afford a globally benchmarked starter home that’s a 636 ft two-bedroom home with a price of 287 000 is that how big regular square regular homes are 686 square feet huh and 300,000 for
That man let me tell you something bro I’m I’m about to be a force in the community now that I done built the first one and we starting to break ground on another ones and we buying off all the land that’s surround us let me tell you something bro I’m building
Regular people homes and I’mma give it to them for regular people prices yep you can be paid you can be taken care of you can be benefited you can do all of that and you don’t have to gouge the people and I I just think that this is this is this is
Finesse I’m building regular people homes and I’mma put them in there and when I say regular people they three four bedrooms um two uh uh three B three and a half bathrooms a full finish basement and I’m putting people in them joints and they don’t be affordable you still
Got to qualify you still can’t have no evictions you still got to be able to pay rent you still got to be able to take care of business but I’m putting people in the real house man like how we used to do back in the day yeah man we not messing around all
You gonna have a office open kitchen all of that and we putting our own money up and we not we not it’s not we ain’t putting them in the hood they gonna be in the nice places with good schools I think think that you can you can change
A community but you just need people that got money to start putting their money up and doing the right thing because it’s it’s it’s got to be a balance between capitalism and taking advantage of people you know what I’m saying so I I just think that I don’t have to I
Don’t have to do people dirty and here’s the thing when you do people well they never want to they never want to leave they’ll stay there for a long time I have never raised the rent on one tenant I have never raised the rent on any
Tenant that I I’ve ever had no matter how long that they stay there cuz our stuff ain’t financed we not worried about the bank we ain’t worried about no loans adjustable arms none of that stuff we pay our stuff we build it from scratch and then we put
People in them and we create great communities and so I just think that we got to start rethinking it differently but it’s got to start with the entrepreneurs it’s got to start with the legislators too you know what I’m saying we gonna put people in real homes stuff
That they can stay in for a long time and actually be able to immerse their self in the school system so they don’t have to just adjust and jump from school district to school district because they can’t afford to stay there and so now the kids got to have different friends
Everywhere that they go like they a military kid and they going to different places I just I just believe that you can do it differently I do and that does not mean that you’re not supposed to take care of a business and pay your responsibilities or whatever
But I’mma put people in real homes man it’s too much space it’s too much land it’s too too much opportunity you know what I’m saying look at this look at this nonsense it would take more than 5 and a half years of income to afford a median priced home at
431,000 and out of the 25 countries included in the study the US had the third most affordable homes only behind turkey and Belgium as soon as you walk upstairs and you’re able to see the huge Loft area it completely changes the way that you feel about the entire home L LA
Su decided to rent one of the homes for herself and her two boys this is Jace I like the backyard and everything I like the front yard also I think it’s something you would definitely want to buy as a starter home and then maybe look into flipping it later on and as
You can see they’re not done they’re building dozens more we peaked into one home still under construction and the inside it’s a blank slate you can make it your own just like this owner did with the dark subway tile backsplash and painted accent walls or this one with
This sweet Vine covered porch you know how cheap it is to put a Vine covered porch and you know how much more they going to charge for you to do that how cheap it is to put in a Vine covered porch put in an accent wall or a different backsplash come on
Man come on bro but it’s affordable for more about these small homes and other tiny homes for sale we have the links with this story on K and people are clamoring for this crap they literally clamoring for it so messed up bro is messed up uh I think that business owners and
Entrepreneurs and people that have resources I don’t think that you know creating homeless shelters and stuff see this is what I stand on let me tell you what I stand on then I’m going get y’all out of here I don’t think think the solution because everybody goes to the
Extreme they always say well everything is all priced out and so the greedy people overprice everything because they trying to make as much money as they can so that they can you know buy a private plane I don’t need a private plane I could just netjet or I could you know
What I’m saying I don’t have to own it I could just buy it for you know buy the flights that I need when I need to flight or I could fly commercial and just fly first class but then on the flip side of it you know when they then
Put money into a community people say oh my God why they got those expensive places they should have built a homeless shelter homeless shelters don’t help anybody because you know it doesn’t create a pathway or they could have create more housing for the homeless it doesn’t create a pathway for people to
Stand on their own two feet so then you have to put more Social Services in the place which then creates higher taxes for the people in order for them to be able to support more Section 8 housing that’s not the solution the solution is this you have to have Partnerships
Between legislators and business owners which is why it’s important be great networkers have great relationships and then understand while both can benefit right you can benefit by doing your job effectively getting the votes that you want because you’re working on the behalf of the people and what happens is
You create the space and opportunity for the business owners that want to do business the right way to then create the housing that is Affordable that allows for people to continue to get themselves out of poverty so it’s not giving them something for free but what you’re doing is you’re making it
Reasonable enough for you to make a profit and you not suffering while at the same time allowing for them to continue to educate themselves become more successful put themselves in a position of power become successful it’s ways and it’s solutions for you to do it
But we have to think of capitalism as a vehicle and let’s be clear capitalism is good it is the thing that has driven more more people out out of poverty than ever before but when you have extremities and everything and people can’t have a balance then that’s when
You start to see communities fail people get priced out then you got to gentrify it so on and so forth so I think that it has to be it has to be a balance but in order to have that balance we got to have great legislators we have to have
Honest people that actually want to do business the right way people that have a capitalistic mindset but at the same time don’t want to take advantage of people and then people that don’t want to price gouge while at the same time having healthy consumers that want to do
The right thing you vet them effectively so that you create great communities and then that’s what naturally raises the property values while at the same same time allowing for people to be able to raise their CH their children in what we would we would call a traditional home
But nobody wants to have that type of conversation because everybody just wants to be against each other and they want to clash we in a versus instead of being in a community and that’s the problem we in a versus instead of being in a community
We going to get there we going to get there so that’s just my my opinion personally it doesn’t necessarily mean that I’m right but I think that with money with resources you also need to develop the character also because Great Character is the thing that then gives
You uh the power to actually yield or wield that power in a proper way versus um just becoming richer because money doesn’t make you a better person it makes you more of what you already are but that’s just my opinion personally um let me read some of these super chats
And I’m G get y’all up out of here for the today we got after hours today and then we also got a stock club tonight all right Apex life says I think there’s a Cyber attack on Facebook and Instagram shees is it is it interesting I got to
Check that out um sister says Mr ad are tiny homes an upgrade from Van life or a downgrade I think it’s an upgrade however you know I did I bought a bunch of land and I was GNA put some tiny homes on it and then I Chang my mind and I
Widen a lots and I decided to just put regular size homes on it it’s gonna cost me more I’ll make less money but I still I’m gonna make money and so as long as you’re making money and you’re not in a deficit it’s okay I think it’s an
Upgrade because it gives you stability you ain’t got to worry about nobody stealing your home that’s the thing about fan life somebody can steal your home you know what I’m saying they can just drive off with your home like a kid boy I’m not a fan of Van life I know a
Lot of people are selling it I’m not a fan of Van life I don’t want people to steal your home you know what I’m saying so I think that it’s an upgrade personally uh tiny home is an upgrade um but I think that we just need to create reasonable spaces for people
To be successful and y’all got to stop staying in these places that cost a whole lot of money um just because you want to be there it that that ain’t the move go to a place that’s actually affordable for you and make it a home you know what I’m saying shout out to
CIS Mr lar says uh I’ll take one Texas tornado and that’ll be eat be a cemetery shout out to you I appreciate you van life is taxfree yeah but again you ain’t got to worry about somebody stealing your home and you don’t have no stable place for your kids to go to it
Depends man listen if you got a child it all depends on what your circumstances are uh Elias shout out to you says what do you think about some middle housing I have an aspiration to have neighborhoods set up in that way what is what do you mean by middle housing middle class
Housing I think it’s fine just got to have money to be able to do it time to dime for the people always always shout out to regim self-made for ever hit me with two of them says my mobile home is the best investment got it for 33,000 only 18,000
Left to pay off it’s 1,600 sare feet uh single white deluxe once it’s paid off I’ll be debt free and collecting every dollar yeah minimize your expenses I think that that’s awesome you absolutely right my friend and then self made forever also says ad my mortgage is only
$488 give me give you a round of applause my mortgage is only $488 my land is free $600 $1 $1,100 a month for the three to2 a three-bedroom two bath and Jacksonville Florida is good uh I think I made the bag Chaser chess move I think that you made the right decision
Also because you’re not doing things in order to impress other people but you’re doing stuff to make sure that you uh build for your own lifestyle listen I love you guys I appreciate you uh time stamps is coming later on in the day for this live stream make sure you hit a
Like like on your way out the door and then also I need you to do do me one more favor before we get up out of here make sure you share this with your family and friends we don’t want to be successful by ourselves I love you I
Appreciate you I’mma holl at you my friends later peace