You let’s go yeah those of you that know what we all about like this 10 20% SK 15% concentr of%ure % 100 the don’t need his name to be it’s the Fe of the M he feels so unlik everybody else alone INITE of the fact that some people still think
That they know but he knows the code is not about the salary it’s all about reality and making some no making a story making his CCK stays up that means never never conc St still throughunities the IT MAK from con never for someoneocus on what his will is 100
W the G back took Church i like Bleach man you had Tru everybodyentr women be with raers theently now the Tak over the Gl he’s gotner won’t believe the of that comes out k every on the he knows got MAK to that quick the best to
Do for m nobody really knows how why he works so hard it seems like he’s never got time because he writes everye l and seen him work when goes on in his mind like des WR in his head every time he even touches try how 10% 20% SK 15% concentrated%ure
50% 100% reason to remember the this 10% 20% skill 15% concentrated power of will 5%ure 50% 100%ason to remember the r you ch Mach