Man over the weekend never felt older in my life um I went roller skating um just like outside and you know sometimes outside roller skating is a little bit tough because the ground is uneven all of that stuff now I’m pretty decent at roller skating I’m not bad I’m not the
Best in the world you can’t see me en Roll Bounce the movie but you know you ain’t going to see me fall if I’m if I’m roller skating past you but here’s where the problem lies because I was roller skating and I roll past a skate park and
I’m like damn man my inner child just started boiling and I’m like man you know what they looking sweet on the skateboards I seen a guy on roller blades I’m like damn bro they killing it right now you know I’m like all right let’s try it let’s see and I had some
Stuff playing in my headphones too so I’m vibing bro and it was like 70° too over the weekend so you know this tells you like I’m really vibing bro um it was crazy U I got uh Duckworth playing in my headphones I think the exact song I
Think it was Riot I had Riot I had the whole album going bro it was it was vibing Borth Riot it’s a hype hype hype song like yeah yeah you you going you going to want to start Riot it’s crazy so I’m listening to this Vib and watching everybody’s skateboard um and
I’m like all right [ __ ] it I’ll try it so I go up there first I’m trying to figure out how to get up the hills on the skate park cuz I’m like damn it ain’t no stairs ain’t no stairs I can can step up or no my skate so I’m like
All right I got to show I’m somewhat Elite I roll es skate I slide over there get some speed go up the hill drop my backpack off I’m like all right bet let’s do this man I go down this first Hill I don’t know why I came down so
Hot pushed off the The Rail go straight see this look it’s not even a big hill it was a small hill pushed off go down this hill I’m zooming bro my balance slipped I slid bust my behind bro and fell straight on my butt scraped my side
Hurt my hip scraped my knee hit my elbow I was like damn it was it was just bad bro it was bad um man it was bad so I I didn’t want to sit there cuz there was so many people in the park I’m like damn somebody I know somebody laughing I seen
Some people they was recording they was recording each other but I could only help but to think like damn bro I’m in this man video falling so I was sick about it I’m like I just know that this guy was recording the same time that I
Tried to hit this this uh downhill slide on the ramp bro I just know I just know I was I’m in somebody vide so if y’all see me I’m on the internet and I’m sliding down and I’m falling just hey just laugh just have a
Good time just laugh and send it to me but yeah that’s what happened bro and I had to get up and eventually I did do it I will say eventually I did it cuz I was like man I ain’t going out like that bro even though I wanted to stop and I was
Like a hell no I ain’t cut for this no more I was like I’m I ain’t old any any of my peers would be pissed if they heard me talk about being old because they know I’m I’m always the youngest out of everybody I hang with so they
Would be be pissed if they hear me saying anything about old boy I ain’t never felt older in my life I ain’t never felt older in my life man it was tragic bro I I hit that ground I’m like damn I’m not cut for
This no more I am not 16 years old I’m not 20 years old I’m like damn boy it crazy but um yeah I’m a lot better I’m a lot better but I will be icing my hip tonight but look that’s all I got for you hey if you see the video out
Anywhere send it to the IG at theum podcast I