Today we’re going to be trying MSC cruises again after our disaster of a cruise 3 years ago we will see if things have changed for the better will it again be our worst cruise of all time or have things turned around find out in today’s video this video is sponsored by
Squarespace well hi there Cruisers and welcome to another Cruise adventure and this is going to be an interesting one because we’re doing something we said we’d never ever do again we’re returning to MC cruises for the first time in 3 years the last time we’re on MSE we had
A really terrible experience just after the pandemic it was one of the first cruises back and we said we’ never come back again but we’re here we’re doing it and we’re going to see if anything’s changed and it can change our opinion yes guys to say we are nervous is an
Absolute understatement we are terrified about going back on because we had that disastrous experience where we were shouted at the food was terrible Frozen a guy came over to us he was uh the matd of the buffet and he screamed at us he said you need to stop filming right now
Now if you haven’t cruised with MSE before some of the main things people complain about mainly the food the entertainment and the guest services we know the ship’s going to be amazing we’re going on the brand new MSE World Europa cruise ship it’s a bit of a
Copycat of the Oasis class ships from Royal Caribbean so it’s going to be our first time on that type of cruise ship we’re going to show you all around and everything try all of the food entertainment see if anything’s got better or worse we’re going to give you
Our brutally honest opinion because we always pay for our Cruisers so we will tell you like it is with no fluff around the edges but the eagle eyed amongst you might have noticed that we’re not on a cruise we’re actually at Gatwick Airport we’re in the block hotel which is
Connected right to the airport it’s one of our favorite hotels and if you ever stay at gwick we always always recommend this hotel uh we paid for this ourself uh it was £10 is the prices do vary though and that is for one of these rooms because
This one is the runway View view room B’s a little bit of an aviation geek so he loves to see the runway so that’s why we always pay the extra but like I said the prices vary depending on the rooms and stuff and always book direct as well
Cuz you get it cheaper and you get fast track access so you get fast track security which we’re going to use that tomorrow morning which is going to be a lifesaver cuz it’s a 600 a.m. wakeup call tomorrow so we want to get straight through as quick as we can but this room
Is really lovely just look at that gorgeous bed nice TV amazing views you’ve got a coffee machine some snacks and some water as well all controlled by a little panel on the wall or you can download the app but really nice isn’t it it is it’s absolutely huge as well
It’s so so spacious and very very stylish as well got the the padded walls which is very very fancy all the finishings are like a mani so ammani tiles and things like that it’s very very luxurious and and like we said this is one of our favorite hotels and we can
Chill out in here and watch all the airplanes land and take off now when it comes to the bathroom you can also poo with a view guys cuz as a blumon window in the bathroom which is pretty smart it’s all black in there as well it’s
Very sve ammani again a nice big shower and lovely little sink area but yeah we’re going to head to bed now cuz we’ve got a very very early start tomorrow 6:00 a.m. we have to be checking in so we have to get up about 5:15 5:30 so
I’ll see you tomorrow for our journey to I forgot where we’re going where are we going we’re going to Mars in France not that we’re going to see much of it cuz we’re going straight to the ship so we’ll see you for our journey to France tomorrow well good morning everybody it
Is the next day we have checked in for our flight we are in gwick airport so so easy going from the Block just in here but we’re going to head to the gate now cuz it’s time to board we were up at 5:30 this morning so it’s an early start
We’ve just had a coffee so let’s go board and start this adventure with msse guys I’m still really nervous cuz I do not know what to expect so after a short flight with easy Jed it was only an hour and a half guys we’ve arrived in Mars
Very easy very quick and because it’s a tiny little airport we got through very very quickly we’ve ordered our Uber it’s about uh 5 minutes away and then the actual ship’s about 20 minutes away so we did choose to come really early cuz there is a second flight from Gatwick
Where we departed from just in case anything went wrong but we’ve got here lovely and early so let’s go in my sunglasses it’s sunny and considerably warmer than the UK well welcome and we have arrived at the Port of Mars in France now it was very smooth getting
From the airport to the port but it was strange getting into the port we got security checked about three times our documentation our passports just to get into this area we’ve not even checked in yet so do make sure you print everything out because they’re very funny about
Having your boarding pass on your phone so definitely print it out thankfully I did and I had a printed copy let’s go and check in shall we and see get back on msse I have to admit I’m a little bit nervous but then kind of excited at the
Same time it’s time to get on guys let’s go let’s get on the ship MSE World eura wow this is weird she’s massive much bigger than any other MSC ship so let’s do this shall we the time has come uh so we are are on board guys the boarding
Was very very easy and quick because MSC pick up in several ports along each itinery so you don’t tend to have a manic boarding but wo it is big in here and very beautiful as well now if you’ve watched previous videos of our msse Cruisers the thing we don’t have a
Problem with is the ships because they are incredible and wow this one looks quite the same we’re in the main Galleria area and it looks like it’s three stories on this one a giant LED roof as well which looks absolutely spectacular but it looks so modern and
So lovely it actually reminds me a little bit of um Norwegian Cruise line but done so much better so the Norwegian Viva and Prima that sort of modern esque look but wow I am impressed guys Color Me impressed I’ll probably be seeing that a lot because the first impressions
Of the ship are really nice it is really lovely as you know it looks a little bit like the Royal Caribbean a wers clash ships as well but this looks very different indeed it looks like there’s a lot more here over all of these three decks but pretty and it’s very quiet as
Well which is really nice that thing where people get on every port really does make the whole boarding day a little less stressful because you don’t have 6,000 people getting on and wanting to go and do everything straight away so wow let’s go have a little wander around
And see some of the new things on this ship shall we got that MSE smell as well something else that we really liked as well the MSE smell if you know you know and it is very nice but wow still can’t believe we’re back on an msse ship this
Is weird it is is indeed very strange to be back I almost have the feeling where I’ve broken up with an ex and I’m going to visit them again at their Hometown as friends this time just to say hello after it all went down it is that kind
Of uneasy Vibe it’s a little bit strange so the smells brought back a lot of memories both great because we did have some good times on MSE but also some bad as well like Ben said it does feel like ra Caribbean it feels like the mavilia
Class ships but like amped up and we’re not hating that because we actually really really did like that type of ship so it does feel very familiar but new at the same time which is quite exciting so you’ve got lots of favor it’s like the
TV studio on bar on the other side I can see holot Tapas oh my gosh guys that brings back Nightmares of the meal that we had there and we’ve got butcher’s cut which is the American Steakhouse now it is a little bit different because we’re boarding every day on this type of crew
So there really isn’t must of stations to go to as soon as you get on board we have to head to the main theater at 4:30 to check in and do all of our mustard drill stuff then so is a little bit different to other Cruise Lines Just
Because they do pick up at every port unlike other cruise lines like Royal Caribbean and Norwegian but yeah it is huge in here and I am again very impressed with the theming it does look really spectacular it looks high-end and lovely just hopefully things like the
Food and service have got a little bit better that’s what we’re really hoping for let’s continue our little walk around I can see kto Sushi one thing that we really do love on msse ships is kto Sushi where we can go and get sushi they have like Tepanyaki tables and
Things like that as well and it is usually very good good it is however an extra charge but yeah very quiet cuz everybody’s off in Mar today which is really nice as well but yeah just trying to take it in guys it’s all very very
New to us cuz this is not only our first time on MSE in 3 years but like we said first time on this type of ship so it is all new and it’s um very strange so we’re just going to head to the back of the ship now um away from the world
Gallery I think we’re coming up to casino now as well now one thing we’ve always said about these ships is they’re very bling they’re very glam they’re very Vegas like as well whether you love that or not they do look great though but there’s lots of silver lots of Glitz
And Glam which is just one of their signature things that they do on these uh MSC cruises so it looks really pretty in real life it really does we built our website using Squarespace and it saved us so much time and effort you too can build a beautiful website using
Squarespace it’s just so easy there’s loads of customizable templates and dynamic layouts it takes just minutes to put together Pages complete with images videos text and SEO optimization we used to dread making changes and adding more content it was always such a faf but not anymore highlights for us are the
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The Panorama lounge and I can see big Windows ahead wow it’s very bright in here guys let’s go have a little look shall we sorry I just get my jaw off the floor wow that is an amazing Lounge them windows are awesome at the back it looks
Huge as well my gosh this is a really really nice Lounge kind of reminds me 270 and Royal they also had this on the mavilia class as well I don’t think the windows are as big but this space feels really nice in here it feels like a
Better space for a show more like a theater than a sort of hybrid area but wow really impressed really pretty now I know it’s all been very positive and stuff so far guys we like to make really balanced and honest reviews and like always we paid for this Cruise we’re
Going to tell you the price and everything that we paid for later but what we do before we book a cruise ship is take a look at places like Trip Advisor and Cruise Critic to see what their ratings are the ratings from the official reviewers from Cruise Critic
Tend to be very high for example the ship got a four out of five but what you want to look for are the user reviews so the real people who have cruised and this ship actually is categorized as po so poer so it’s got 2.8 out of five
Which is a little bit of a shame guys so we were dreading this a little bit now before we get started in this whole episode and start enjoying everything on board let’s have a look at some of those complaints most of the complaints complain about how crowded this ship can
Get it holds around 6,000 but we’ve heard a lot a lot of complaints that it is just completely overcrowded and I can see that in some of the areas we’ve been looking around like this area at the back is a lot smaller than see the 270
Area on the quantum class ships by Royal Caribbean it’s a very similar sort of area cuz this is a theater as well as well as a lounge people are still complaining about the food and service these are some of the major complaints especially in places like the main
Dining room and Buffet so we’re going to be checking all of that out on this episode so do not worry we’re going to review everything as well and give you our brutally honest review David’s just mentioned it but a lot of people have been complaining about the smoking as
Well but not just in the casino but a lot of people just openly vaping just about everywhere on the ship not going to those smoking areas we have no problem with people who smoke guys some of our family do honestly we have no problem but stick to those smoking o
Areas don’t be vaping around the ship and stuff guys because it’s just not nice for other people when you’ve got a puff of smoke in your face yeah they are the main complaint points guys that and Service as well so something that MSE is struggled with in the past from our
Reviews and our experiences on board now if nothing goes wrong everything usually is fine but when things go wrong on an msse ship it’s very hard to get them sorted out now some of the things that people really like about the ship is the look of the ship and how cool it looks
And people really like the cabins as well which is great we’re going to be showing you our cabin in the next episode and you’re going to want to subscribe for that so hit that subscribe button and the like button cuz the content coming on this cruise is going
To be awesome right going back into the middle again sorry to complain about it again guys but bloody L the smoke in that back area which isn’t even in the casino is really really strong I have to say as well the casino is Tiny for such
A big ship it is really really small I mean this doesn’t affect us because um we don’t really Gamble and it’s not all about size I guess I’m not wasting all of that money anyway let’s go see what next adventure is around the corner it better involve that bluming coffee cuz
The coffee on board is another strong point of MSA we have to admit Italian coffee guys they know how to do it hey Ben these look pretty familiar they’re exactly the same as the ones that we’ve just had on icon of the Seas where you select your deck and it tells you what
Lift to go to should we go which one are we heading to then let’s head one Deck Down just for research purposes so number four number four number six number six I’m confused me there so you press the button and it’ll tell you the number and it’ll flash as well so we’re
Heading to lift air which is just behind you ooh these are spacious lifts or elevators David this is a strange one it’s really really wide glass or is that just Reflections no it’s Reflections I do find sometimes though these ships are a little bit like a mirror because
There’s so many reflective surfaces that you can get lost in here so on our icon of the Seas cruise a few people asked us what about visually impaired people well just like the icon of the Seas there is a special button that you can press and it gives you everything in audio and
Things like that and it gives you directions by sounds and stuff like that so try not to worry about that it’s very useful for everybody no matter your disability or visual impairment which is great so yeah we’re just on the main floor now so deck number six we’re on
Deck six David deck six we’re on Deck six but yeah there’s lots of stuff down here it’s very much like the Royal promenades and the Galler is on other msse ships you’ve got shops you’ve got dining you’ve got different places to go like shore excursions you’ve got
Something new oh a pizza and burger place now what is this it’s a food place should we go and have a look at what this is guys cuz this is new I’ve not seen this on an MSC ship before but yeah let’s have a look guys woo hope we don’t
Get a copyright strike as well cuz there’s loads of music playing so I’ll speak very loud and very fast sorry about that so guys if the food is really really bad you’ve always got this lovely little window which you can break the glass in case of an emergency lovely
Little hammer and you can get some uh Pizza in emergency situations just in case gosh this ship is huge so we’re still on the way H I was going to say the Royal prominade still on the world prominade thing Galleria we’re still on the Galleria and on one side of it
They’ve got a whole Arena which is massive so I can’t fathom how wide this ship is because you’ve got a whole Arena and that Galleria and a restaurant as well but this is like a kids Arena where they do family shows and stuff I was just asking huge ship that’s what it
Feels like sa far it just feels big wow so we came up to decade cuz we wanted to go have a look at that board Walky style area that you’ll find on aasis Clash ships but we’re at the bloody wrong end of the ship there’s a juice bar up here
As well called zest which is lovely but look at this hly Moy so we’re on the top level of that world Galleria area and it really is impressive you’ve got some like gouty inspired sort of architecture here as well and it does look like NCL
New ships like we said but just done so much better anyway let’s go and walk to the other side of the ship again more restaurants and bars and things like that up here as well so it is a really big area with lots of different stuff so
Let’s Miss make our way shall we guys let’s go oh can we even get through oh it’s a wall that’s really confusing what’s this the tea house I think we can walk through the Tea House to get to the other side that’s a little bit confusing
What is the Tea House ooh look at this all like all bits about teas and everything oh this is cool David this is really cool I’m really liking like all the theming and the decor and everything they’re doing a really good job with it so far I’m really impressed with it all
Yeah so one thing we hate about cruise ship design is when there’s cut off areas where you can’t get through so that’s a bit annoying but the fact that we can walk through that little t- shop is really cool I do like that and I
Think you can do it on the opposite side as well we’ve got the garden kitchen on the other side as well guys which is a I think a vegetarian themed restaurant so that’s new on msse as well but yeah it’s really nice just walking around and just
Taking everything in it is a little bit overwhelming especially when you get on a new ship so when you get on the new ship that you’ve never been on before take your time relax go for a drink have a coffee don’t let it overwhelm you o Champagne Bar as well treat yourself
Guys they’re doing some kind of event in there I think it might be a wedding cuz there’s lots of flowers and stuff I’ll not film it cuz there’s people in there but huge chandelier very very very Posh and very msse as well with all of the sparkly things not seen any Sosi
Staircases yet though I’m sure there will be a one on board oh but finally I can see the outdoor area all Boardwalk let’s go and see what this is all about shall we wao well first impressions are that it’s very very tall it looks a lot taller than the Oasis class ships holy
Moly I do love the balconies here so there are interior facing balconies just like on the Royal Caribbean prominade area and the Central Park area or the Surf Side area if you’re on an icon of the sea ship but yeah the balconies look very lovely I do like it anyway we’ve
Got a coffee shop got some shops a little fish restaurant as well but yeah very nice very different to the Royal Caribbean ship I would also say that it’s a lot longer as well so this is a bigger area it looks a little bit more sparse but it looks like a European city
Would do so the theming is very good I can also see the dry slide now this looks suspiciously like the abyss on Royal Caribbean so do think there’s been a bit of copying there but hey there’s not much you can do with cruise ships these days isn’t it is there cuz
Everything’s been done but yeah really really lovely I can see some terrifying looking walkways up there as well which um they always test us with these Heights guys and making us do silly things like walking over glass walks but yeah again Color Me impressed I saw pictures of this and it looked very
Sparse but in real life it’s like a lovely little Italian or Mediterranean town or Street yeah I agree it does definitely feel like the RO Caribbean ships definitely is taller but it has a few differences for the start I can actually see the ocean from the back as
Well there’s nothing blocking it which is always a plus I also like the cheeky little glass elevators on each side so you can live your Willy Wonka fantasy in those glass elevators which I assume are going to take us to the top of the ship but let’s check out the very back first
And see what the view is like from the a now some of these cabins will have really good ocean views as well but it’s a lot more empty back here and Spar you’ve got a bar on one side and then you’ve got like a sweet Temptation shop
On the other side which looks like it does things like milkshakes and ice cream but yeah it’s a huge kind of area don’t know if you can take it in guys it is very very very big and like I said it just feels bigger in scale than the
Royal Caribbean chips but not quite as sort of family orientated and colorful it feels a lot more sort of adult and more grown up in a little bit more sophisticated design does that mean it’s going to be boring we don’t know yet because I can see this being quite quiet
On an evening but yeah very different I like how they’ve taken the same kind of approach but changed it a little bit we’ll see how it feels during the cruise if it has a little bit more life especially on the night cuz these cruises do tend to get a little bit more
Lively on an evening at the back as well you have got some great views but you’ve also got smoking area number 27 on MSC cruises that we’ve seen so far I’m just kidding they just tend to have a lot of smoking areas on these cruises and you
Can find one at the back here oo so we just came into the lenai bar which is the one we were just looking at here on the end of the prominade I don’t know what this area is actually called but it stinks guys it smells of smoke and I’ve
Just noticed every table even inside has ashtrays so it’s a smoking bar as well which is really annoying guys it’s 20 bloody 24 it’s illegal in most places in the US Canada UK to smoke inside so that really is a bit annoying for us cuz I suffer from asthma again no problem with
Smokers we’re not having a g you we are going to grab a quick coffee cuz we saw that coffee machine and we’ll probably walk away with it cuz I can’t handle the smoke but it is very intensely smoky in here it smells crazy I think my clothes
Are going to smell after this as well but it is a European thing a lot more Europeans in general in central Europeans still do smoke compared to other countries it’s just one of the things guys so while it might be a complaint from our point of view it’s
Just something that you’ve got to accept because statistically double the amount of people smoke in this part of the world then compared to like the UK and the us so you do just get a lot more smokers on these cruises and it’s just part of the culture here is they like to
Sit drink have a coffee and smoke at the same time so when it comes to ordering drinks and things they don’t usually have menus I’m sure you can request one but usually you scan sort of a QR code or use your app as well the app is really important and talking about the
App as well you can book things on there and stuff as well and see what’s going on you can actually start watching the safety drill as well so I know we said we don’t have to do the safety drill till a little bit later on like go in
Person and check in at the main Theater which is our point where we would check in in an emergency but we can watch the drill on our phone and take that off anyway copies of K have to say so far the service really lovely we’ve only had
We’ve only had encounters with a few staff members so far very happy very lovely but like I said it’s only usually when things go wrong when you have to speak to guest services that it becomes a problem generally the staff are just as good as any other Cruise Line guys
And they work so hard and we love them for it because they are usually the nicest people and um fingers crossed are to be the same on this Cruise because they work so hard guys so I can see how it’s a very hard job and we do really
Appreciate the crew we are crew Advocates let’s try this coffee ooh Nick Cage right I know that they say Red Bull will give you wings but this is going to give me BL in Tony Stark’s Iron Man suit cuz I’m going to be blasting all around
The ship saving all sorts of people and making life better for everyone I’m here for it it’s strong as hell and I love it we’re going to take the Willie Wonka elevator up to the top decks and have a little explore at the top of the ship oo
O fancy welcome to my glass elevator okay it’s a Express to get 18 and 19 oh so you can only pick from three decks 18 19 or eight or when we on eight so let’s go to 19 there we go ooh that was nice very quick and some lovely views oh at
The very top of the ship now there’s lots of sun lounges I can see two pools sort of pool on either side which is really lovely lots of sun lounges I can see the slide there’s a bar nice comfortable Sun lounges as well and some seating areas very very different to
What I imagined guys like we said we didn’t do that much research on this ship apart from have a quick look at um Cruise Critic to see what people were thinking just so we could confirm or deny what people were thinking beautiful views of mar up here as well guys but
Yeah gigantic is this ship I can see slides up there as well we’ll go take a look at them in a minute but it’s massive oh I should have won some sunglasses guys guys but here is that horrendous seethrough glass Bridge it is absolutely filthy though I think it’s
Covered in salt cuz I can see it on my hand so you can’t really see through thank gosh oh why do they put these things on bluming cruise ships I’m going to walk to the side where I can keep one foot on the actual Jesus so much salt
Like I could Blum and make a salt shaker up here and sort of go around sort of seasoning everybody’s meals but guys this is horrendous and it’s slippy oh no let me get off let me get off I don’t like it I can’t even see not good at all
So next up we have the botanic garden ooh so this is like the salarium indoor area guys and it looks really nice so it has a retract retractable roof lots of little Sun lounges and lots of hot tubs I say four hot tubs as well some games
And things upstairs which is lovely and this is going to take us out to the main pool area let’s go have a look it looks gigantic out there but yeah do love a salarium especially in Winter cuz this won’t be a very hot Cruise cuz it does
Get quite chilly here in Europe maybe 6 to 70° or around 17° C so yeah bear that in mind but let’s go have a look outside yeah so this is the main pool area is it actually called the plague pool the plague the pl the plague pool Le Plage
Le Plage sounds better than the plague doesn’t it not really a great name for a pool on a cruise ship so this is L Plage pool it’s actually really big really wide M pool area two nice big pools as well it’s quite quiet at the moment so I
Do wonder how busy it is going to be when it is a full ship we are in Port to deal with we have just boarded but it’s cool there’s two levels as well and lots of caner levered seating at the back so lots and lots of seats here it’s a huge
Areer in a screen as well to watch those movies and things like that something that was missing on icon yeah but again unlike icon it does feel very stylistically paired back so there’s no big bright colors it’s all kind of bland and very uh very whitened creams and
Beiges right so we’re approaching the buffet now so we’re going to go have some lunch guys we’re going to try it see what’s on offer historically the only thing on the buffet that usually is really good is the pizza we’ll see if anything’s changed compared to our last
Cruise 3 years ago and let you know but let’s go grab some food I’m starving ooo so we just walked through that Buffet blumel guys is it busy in there it is Bonkers so that was one of the biggest complaints things like the buffet being
Busy and we can confirm that it was nuts everybody pushing in elbowing each other we just had to get out of there guys it was overwhelming me a little bit to be honest and I’m not that scared of like big spaces with loads of people and
Stuff but that was too much so we’ve came and got a seat out here in the back whilst David goes and gets his food first the selection guys didn’t look too bad really there was lots of pizzas lots of pastas a bread station you had meats and cheeses you had different types of
Curries lots of repeated stations as well the selection wasn’t huge and like we usually say on MSE much more Mediterranean rather than an American sort of diet and things on offer but that doesn’t bother us cuz we absolutely Blum and love Mediterranean food and Italian food just in the past we found
It quite mushy and cold so we’ll see what it’s like but yeah a huge selection in there you had some desserts as well which did look a little bit pathetic things like fresh fruit as well and you had just quite an overall quite large selection really there’s nothing I can
Really complain about yet because it kind of looked like your normal Buffet fair but we shall see we’re not the hugest fans of Buffets anywhere because people touching tongues and not washing their hands there’s no enforcement on here at all unlike cruise lines like Royal Caribbean where they make you wash
Your hands I didn’t even see any washing St actually I just saw the sanitizing machines absolutely nobody was using them so do take care of your own health when you’re on a cruise because like anywhere any other big result there’s a lot of people here and a lot of people
Without the same manners and cleanliness of you so you don’t want to go catching anything oh my gosh well if anything came out of 2024 it’s that I Survived the Great Buffet Riot on the MSC cruises because that was chaotic not just the other passengers you’re also dodging
Crew with big treeses with lots of drinks the whole thing is just chaos in there the most chaotic Buffet I’ve ever seen everything looks okay presented but there’s not much like you kind of it repeats itself a lot I think I saw cuscus about six times uh so not a great
Selection I just got myself some pasta some salad uh got myself some cuscus and a fish cake let’s see what it’s like so I went for the pasta cuz I thought it’s an Italian cruise it’s got to be good hasn’t it let’s give it a go a cheese
Pasta It’s kind of really basic they had three pastas just all really basic selection it’s not inedible little bit Bland let me go for this fish kit cuz this this is possibly the most adventurous thing on the menu let’s give it a go do you know what that’s actually
Really nice hot as well cuz he just put them out but really tasty and flavorful the Old Faithful the msse pizza the pizza is good it’s qu kind of a deep pan pizza so it’s not like thin crust which I actually personally do prefer but it’s
A good pizza salad’s fine it’s just very basic the selection oh I need a lie down after that guys honestly not over exaggerating here we do a lot of cruises we’ve been been on over 100 yes buffets on boarding days are stressful on any cruise ship but I’ve not seen anything
Like that it’s just um crazy the people are pushing and everything anyway I kind of Rush ordered and just grabbed whatever I could cuz I just wanted to get out of there while I was dodging it was like Dodge them cars anyway went for a bit of everything like I said first of
All I’m going to try the pizza cuz it does look very good let me just rip a piece off I got two types I got one with seeds and one with cheese so let’s have a try MSC still definitely has a Pizza My Heart sorry about that but the pizza
Is good guys it is good it really is good and they cook them fresh all of the time which is great just cracked into me meatballs I do like a good meatball you know me and ball formed foods but it looks a little bit undercooked it looks
Like a medium meatball which I’m not the biggest fan of I like my minced beef to be thoroughly cooked and that’s very pink inside so I’m not even going to go Adventure in those got a bit of a salad which is a bit pathetic guys like I said
I sort of panic ordered and I got some lovely little wedges freezing cold but tasty really really tasty guys I don’t think the buffet is too bad I really don’t on par with other Cruise Lines it’s okay but that’s because a lot of the other cruise lines like Royal
Caribbean Norwegian have had a huge slump in what they used to provide so it seems to me on first impression that the kind of onar now with Royal Caribbean and Norwegian which is disappointing has the buffet got any better than last time we were on board no but I think it’s
Because every other Cruise Line’s got a bit rubbish guys because of the co and everything like that all of the budget cuts but can rely on this pizza so I’m happy it’s not bad at all guys it really isn’t the buffet busy but on par with other major lines I’m about halfway
Through the sedd pizza who do they think I am a Blum B who puts seeds on a pizza it’s very strange I mean The Taste is okay but the texture is a bit off guys it’s like eating sand on a pizza I do like the door though this door is
Fabulous I think it’s sour door as well which is really good and they even had like a charcoal based one as well so it’s was very dark but yeah CD Pizza next time without the seeds please got some desserts these look a little bit pathetic guys they really do they’re
Very very small indeed anyway I’ll have a try of whatever this is I think it’s some type of Swiss roll that looks like it’s been a bit smush not good that is as dry as a moving on to the next one Ben let’s try a profiter roll is that a
Profit or a protic it’s not bad it tastes really nutty it’s actually not bad at all guys it is a bit of dry on the outside but mhm well you popped it all in your mouth so it must be good not bad I don’t know what this is some sort
Of nut tart let’s have a little try in all honesty it’s not bad at all the only bad one was that other one they’re just very small and there wasn’t that much of a selection for dessert whereas other Cruise Lines you’d get a lot more but absolutely fine right so let’s head up
Another deck I know I’m bringing it up again guys but all I can smell is Blum and sming smoke which is really annoying it flips between the lovely MSE smell which is really wonderful and then smoke which is a little bit annoying cuz it’s absolutely blowing everywhere and
Because we haven’t been on an msse ship in ag just probably I’m just not used to it because American ships are very different but wow what a view guys you’ve got a view of where we just were with those two pools and all of sun beds
With the ledge over the top of the boardwalk area over there with the little glass walk where we did earlier on but wow what a view that is spectacular so fun fact just upstairs there’s actually another the buffet directly above now this converts into something different on a night for the O
Club which we’re going to show you in another episode definitely come here the food’s exactly the same but it’s much much quieter it’s directly on the deck above on Deck 19 so much better guys definitely recommend that over the main Buffet wish we’ known that before we um
Started eating ooh so David deck 20 we have the Aurora baralis Aqua Park Aqua Park there’s quite a lot up here guys so there’s a big kids only Splash area you’ve also got the Sports plex which is on other msse ships they do things like they do on the Royal Caribbean ships so
Things like roller skating dods and things like that but yeah this is a nice area we were just saying this might not be an a waers class ship it’s not up to the standard of that but the price is so good on this cruise and comparing to cruise lines already like pean all
Cruisers that we run a few literal months ago this is just so much better shipwise isn’t it yeah it already feels like it’s got a lot more personality than the RVA and the Iona which are both cruise ships that are trying a families this so far has done it a lot better but
It’s not quite at the standard as you said as Royal but you’re not paying them prices this is a fun area it’s like all the family stuff in one zone which is quite nice that it’s all kept in the one area so we’re going to head back to our
Cabin sort some things out unpack and then we’ll be back for sailway we’ll show you a little bit of the sailway which is going to be grand and that’s it it is time to go it is ofwa to Mars and off out into the Mediterranean Ocean Sea
Oh it’s getting a little bit chil out here as well guys but barely felt the ship move I just had a look outside and Ben said oh we’re leaving get outside really quick so it’s a very Swift getaway the thing about these cruises is because they pick up in every port
There’s not really a start and end to the cruise so you don’t tend to have a big sailway party at the start of your cruise and a big end of cruise party because every day is kind of the start of the cruise for somebody else Al we’ve
Just got back from the mustard drill and that was super super easy our mustard station was the letter a you’ll find this information on the back of your door in your cruise cabin and also on your cruise card as well this is the place you would go in the case of an
Emergency and it was very quick indeed usually on MSE they do it all in five different languages and it’s ages it takes bluming ages guys it goes on and on and on but not today they did it in the five different languages but very briefly very quick and to the point
Which I’m so pleased about guys really good really quick well a very good morning and welcome back it’s the next day guys and we’re going to head for some Breer Farm let’s go have a look what the buffet offers at this time of the morning shall we so we’ve came to
The buffet thank God this morning it is a lot quieter mind you we did sleep in because of the time difference it’s sort of about 10:00 a.m. and the buffet doesn’t close till 11:00 a.m. which is really nice so if you are a late Riser that is great anyway we’ve came off into
This little outdoor area just off the buffet where they have these little pods with seats so you kind of outside and you’re looking down into that prominade area it is really nice I can also see the slides as well which is really cool so I’ve had a look around the buffet
Here for breakfast and uh the selection is a little bit interesting if you like your sweet stuff my gosh there is so many sweet options available cake cake for breakfast yes pastries there is waffles pancakes all sorts of things like that the hot selection is a little
Bit more limited so there’s a selection of eggs sausages bacon and we saw like one little station of baked beans but we know that’s a very British thing and then there’s the fruits there’s cereals and also breads as well and there was also an Asian section at the back as
Well which had some more interesting items but it was um like I said it wasn’t a huge selection but it looked very interesting okay so before we started with our breakfast we wanted a drink and they have these handy little buttons on every table saying press for
Bar service we pressed it about 20 minutes ago and nobody turned up we tried a different table as well and nobody turned up we just gave up in the end and went inside so I don’t know if they actually even work or if they’re they’re just for sure sure we popped
Inside Ben got a coffee and a juice is going to try that in a second but I’m taking one for the team guys it’s a hard life I’m going to try the free buffet coffee to see if that is any good it’s nice and hot that’s a good start I do
Love the cups as well David they are very very cool do you know what that’s not bad it’s actually one of the nicer Buffet coffees or the free coffees that I’ve had I’d possibly say it’s actually the best out of the cruise lines it’s not like dirty dish water like raw
Caribbeans is but it’s a nice one definitely not as nice as the specialty one though okay I’m going to try my Savory first I did kind of try and split my plate into two so veggie options there wasn’t much actually Savory options like I said there wasn’t much
There some odd selections as well like carrots so I’m going to give it a go I’ve got an omelette with a carrot on the end of it let’s try this it’s not the best Bland omel let’s rubbery little bit greasy the carrot has no flavor let’s try the potatoes kind of a bit
Bland Savory selections not very good at all the sweet selection looks pretty interesting so I got a muffin there wasn’t a label on it so I don’t know what flavor it is so we in for a little bit of a surprise it’s a journey we’re going to have together guys there’s only
One type of muffin let’s try this it’s a Nutty muffin I don’t know what nuts are on top is it almonds maybe really delicious soft sweet but not too sweet lovely crunchy top but soft bottom just how I like it quite impressed and then we also had a porched apple now to me
This is a dessert it’s not really a breakfast item but I’m going to try it anywhere and see what this is like flavorful got like a cinnamon taste to it nice and hot as well but it does taste like a dessert it feels really wrong to be in this for breakfast I can
Just want a big dollop of ice cream with that and enjoy that after my dinner tonight that’s actually really nice and then finally the croissant test now the croissants on here you can beef them up you can fill your own croissant with any sort of jam they had apricot all kind of
Things like that and I went for strawberry let’s see what the croissants are like they’re actually really good flaky they’re not huge but they’re nice and Flaky nice sort of crispy Topp as well a good decent croissant Savory selection not great sweet selection really good this coffee looks pluming
Delicious just let’s have a little try oh ooh la la that is bluming delicious creamy intense full of flavor I wouldn’t expect any different from MSE it’s a one thing we’ve never complained about anyway for my breakfast I’ve went for a little selection of everything as you
Can see first up I’m going to try my little Quant and stick some stuff in it some cheese and some ham cuz this is one of my favorite things I do like um Mediterranean and European Continental star breakfast and the Continental selection up there is very good so let
Me just go doop this in my mouth it’s a bit small also that’s not bad at all really nice buttery croissant really nice and tender not steal or anything the cheese and ham is fine as well next up I got a bit of an omelette it’s just
A plain cheese omelette I mean it does look a bit it looks a bit sad guys it does like David said I think the Savory selection was a little bit po but that sweet selection is fabulous let’s have a little try that definitely tastes as sad
As it looks it’s not horrible it’s just not great so this one is a hard sausage keep your mind out of the gutter guys I know what you’re thinking it is actually hard it’s very like hard and it looks quite well cooked so so again Size Doesn’t Matter but let’s have a little
Try shall we that’s a little sausage surprise right there guys I actually quite like it I went in there approaching the sausage thinking you know what that isn’t going to taste good it’s hard it looks overcooked but it’s got a nice little crunchy outside and a lovely soft inside and it’s full of
Porky flavor I like that I’m not going to complain breakfast dessert time my favorite time of any day and the cakes look good I went and just got one cake guys I’m trying to be a little bit better I’ve been eating so much Cruise food later that I have to watch myself
We have been doing lots of walking however but I got a little bit of a cake let’s have a try I’m going to get lots of the little juiciness in there I love that the Italians do cake in the morning it’s my favorite thing that with my cup
Of coffee is the absolute dream team right now that’s very good overall guys compared to the other big competitors I really really don’t think that’s bad at all it’s not amazing not fantastic not outstanding but it’s pretty good and the price you pay for these MSE Cruisers are
A lot cheaper than say Norwegian and Royal Caribbean we’ll be talking about that later on as far as activities and things like that there isn’t really that much on because we are in Port all day today but that’ll change on C days not that there is many but W guys there’s
Another bluming glass walkway holy moly why is there another one so there was that one that we saw yesterday but this one is connecting the buffets on both sides holy moly it is a bit terrifying I actually think this one might be a little bit more terrifying than the
Other one oh my God I’m over it oh quick quick quick quick quick David this is horrible walking up walking on broken glare oh that’s not that’s not a good song to sing is it when you’re walking on a glass walkway uh David this is terrifying I do think this is the worst
And I also think it’s worse how you’re over the actual Boardwalk area than the ocean cuz it it feels like it’s going to hurt if you really did fall through now so whil the food wasn’t too bad in the buffet at all we still have to say it is
The worst Buffet experience even when it was quiet this morning it was just chaotic everybody’s running around acting a little bit um crazy guys like it’s the last food on the ship it is all a bit chaotic that’s something you just have to expect on an msse Cruise cuz
There’s lots of different cultures coming together from Europe and other places as well it isn’t something you tend to find on the American style cruise lines I mean it doesn’t bother us that much but it’s something to be aware of cuz it is all a bit chaotic even when
It’s quiet so it’s nice that we’re getting to start to know the ship a little bit now one thing I have to say about it is that it’s very very easy to get around it is super easy guys which is really nice some ships are a little
Bit weird in their layout and things not this one everything’s very clearly sign postered everything’s where you expect it to be obviously we’re still getting used to it because we don’t know where everything is yet but yeah really good I’m quite impressed to be honest guys we
Wanted to stay on the ship most ports but we forgot to pack swimming shorts so we had to get off in Genoa in Italy in the search for them we do have to get off in Genoa because we forgot to blow and pack our pool gear so we don’t have
Any shorts or anything so we’re going to have a quick walk to the night shop and there’s a few other shops but it is a Sunday so most things are closed here in Jano but it’s a wonderful day so we’re going to have a little walk it’s about a
25 minute walk to the shop and grab some just so we can use the pools and things because it would be very unfortunate if we couldn’t guys this is why you should make a Blum and packing list even though we’ve done a 100 cruises we still Blum
And forget stuff well that was a bust we couldn’t find any swimwear in any of the stores and in fact there actually wasn’t that many clothing shops and Men it was all ladies so we’re going to have to come up with a plan beef on the swimwear
Front do you know where it’s quite an easy walk from the port you can walk into the town There’s shops there’s a big aquarium as well there’s sort of like a waterfront side with cafes and bars and there’s a lot of Market stalls as well in the Town Center however if
You wanted to go a little bit further a field porino is close by and that is the absolutely stunning area of the coast you will need to do a sh Excursion for that cuz it is quite a distance away but also Milan’s not that far away as well
Um so if you have got enough time in po maybe that’s something you should want you’d want to check out but again we do recommend doing a sh Excursion and because they are quite a distance I probably would do it through the cruise line just so that they can guarantee
That you’re going to get back on the ship in time now let’s head back to the ship and keep our eyes peeled for swimwear on the way back but if not going to have to come up with a plan B well hello it’s been a few days and
We’re just going to go out and do some stuff on the ship try and do some of the activities have some more food and things like that we’ve been on a few days now and it doesn’t feel that big the ship is huge she’s sort of the same
Size as an oasis class ship just a little bit smaller but when you’re on it it doesn’t feel like it it doesn’t feel like such a huge ship being just on the icon as well we can say the icon feels gigantic compared to this now it does
Get crowded on the ship we have seen lots of crowded scenarios especially in that Galleria area and places like the buffet but overall it’s quick to get places so we’re going to do something new and different for us we’re going to go roller skating on a cruise ship yes
They have a roller skating rink on here so we’re going to go and sign up now and get on the on the court got my skirts got my hats sign my life away we’re ready to get on the C guys I just pulled mine a little bit too hard and broke it
I’m just going to hide it just stuff it back in there guys I can’t get them on my feet are too big for my left foot I must have different size shoes I just don’t want to break the other shoe I’ve already broke one can’t do it has your left foot been
The buffet more than the right foot how come you got different sized in you just loosen them up a bit what is this the right it’s been a while since I I ice skated rollerbladed guys oh my gosh like Bambi on skates I used to be really good at
Roller blading but I don’t think I’ve ever actually roller skated right let’s do this oh jeez going to ruin my hair as well which sucks I’ve got a really big head maybe you should have put we should have put the Hat on before the skates right
Should we go do this guys should we go do a bit of skating I’m sure I’ll remember when in a second oh jeez wo wo wo that’s pretty hard this is weird guys I know you can do this on Royal Caribbean I think but we’ve never done
It before so it’s the first time we’ve actually done this but it’s very cool o look at me I’m getting all fancy right guys trying not to fall over but this is fun this is very fun complimentary no extra charge shs included in the price of your cruise as well which we
Appreciate cuz lots of cruise lines are starting to charge now but not MSE so that’s good got to stop now so it’s my turn to take to the floor the ice the rink the rink the roller rink oh guys I feel like I need a disco ball and some
Donald summer on the radio don’t you when you listen to when you do roller skating living out my 7even is Disco skating fantasy go on David you’ve got this oh my gosh my God it’s really sens David give us some how do I stop how do
I stop oh the oh gosh hey I love this I just don’t know how to stop you’re braver Ben you’re more confident holding the camera than me oh jeez it’s actually really it’s it’s quite easy but then every now when I get I lose my balance
Can I want to do a cool trick are you trying to skate backwards as well well trying is a strong word d I can’t stop move come on move it’s hard to get the momentum you’ve got this David come on it’s in the knees well that was so much fun we do
Like the roller skating now they do do DOD gums as well all Royal Caribbean they do too Royal Caribbean it is free on there but they do charge on this ship it’s 5 so about 6 or seven for about 2 minutes so it’s a shame where there is an extra charge but guys
All of these cruise lines are bringing in extra charges now after the pandemic like remember on an icon of the Seas a few weeks ago that crazy crowns Edge costing in excess of $50 so the charges on here aren’t too bad but that is a very small space to do Dodge thems on
But very fun for the roller skating highly recommend it o so we’ve came up another deck and we’re going to do something a bit scary it’s called the Venom Drop slide it’s very similar to The Abyss on Royal Caribbean this is a drop dry slide complimentary included in
The price of your Cruis again drops over 11 stories I’m a little bit scared it looks very shiny and lovely but it does look very very high up oh I’m a little bit nervous guys we can hear the blood curdling screams of everybody going down
It does look very very small in there so if you are afraid of um small spaces this might not be for you but I’m I’m pumped and already for this I’ve done the abyss a few times and that’s actually a really good ride but not this
One so this is new for us so right let’s do this guys here we go oh my gosh my Top’s coming up what’s getting steeve oh wow look at that slide guys that was really awesome I really enjoyed it it was much faster than the abyss on Royal Caribbean it started off super
Slow then all of a sudden went super Steep and fast and you could see outside as well very good indeed what unusual thing on MC cruises are these these Cruise card activation points now unlike other cruise lines where you place a credit card on your account before you
Even get on the cruise when you check in you actually do it on board the ship at these points or you don’t place a card on and you can actually put cash on your account from here and clear your account in cash as well so if you do want to do
That this is where you do them and you can find these dotted around all over the ship so whilst Imports the ship is actually been very very quiet even though it’s fully booked out during the day things are very quiet here on the gallery on the pool decks just about
Anywhere so if you want to enjoy all of the activities and things we definitely recommend doing it on a p day cuz there’s no lines for anything now on an evening it does get very very busy we’ll be showing you later on our evening and
You’ll see how busy it gets in here it’s nuts the ship really comes to life from around 9:10 p.m. and goes on to the early hours of the morning oh so we came for the pizza and burger joint for some lunch cuz this is brand new here on MSC
Europa as we showed earlier on in the Vlog lots of different foods Burgers hot dogs Pizza we went for a little bit of everything guys some mac and cheese we went for some hot dogs some lovely little Naturals a pretzel and much more let’s try the pretzel first of all o
Very salty and very lovely that’s a really nice pretzel I do like the’ve got somewhere like this on the ship cuz it is really nice just to grab some quick food ooh the hot dog guys as well the bread’s a little bit steale I think it’s
Older than the ancient ruins of Rome but the hot dog is very nice indeed the mac and cheese though a little bit dry a little bit tasteless but everything else the fries and everything pretty damn good really I’m quite impressed a lot better than C sentos on Royal Caribbean
Just CU to have a lot bigger selection yeah and I went for the trusty old pizza but I went for a charcoal black Pizza this time let’s give it a go actually really tasty can’t taste charcoal oh I don’t know what charcoal would taste like but really good pizza I think this
Is much better than sentos much better than any of the snack places on Pio or anywhere like that I’m actually very pleasantly surprised how uh how nice the food is here well we had to go and get some of that dessert didn’t we because surprisingly it looks very good here on
MSE something we’ve complained about before first up we’ve got the cupcake guys it’s got little sprinkles on there and all sorts lovely little peach color as well let have a little try feels very soft and supple let’s have a try oh well call me a yellow brick and follow me to
Heaven sorry guys I’m covered that is absolutely bluming delicious so so tasty so lovely and soft as well also got something else soft in ring form it’s a pink donut and it’s got sprinkles on again let’s have a little try shall we soft delicious sweet that is a very good
Donut I can’t explain the flavor but if pink had a flavor that would be it so we’ve just finished up at the visual trivia and it was all about art and we did absolutely terribly on it very ashamed to say it was H we did terribly
We do tend to find a lot of the visual trivas because of the language barrier so um they don’t have to do long questions in multiple languages it’s more about things that you see on a screen and then we’ve just been wandering around and we came across um a
Parade along the prominade and then there’s also a dance class going on as well in the arena just to the side so there is quite a few things going on later in the dayto day yeah I don’t know if you can hear guys but you’ve got lots
And lots of announcements in the five languages about the embarcation drills and safety drills which is a bit annoying cuz it happens every single day rather than just once on a normal cruise but it’s just one of those little things you have to be aware with that just go
On and on and on and talking about new venues we’ve just found a brand new one called The Tea House and as we came in there’s some very cheeky looking snacks like cookies and cakes so we’re going to sit down and grab a nice cup of tea so
They have a great selection of tea quite a large selection actually the menu has um all flavor notes and recommendations and things um I went for the MSC signature afternoon tea and um also I ordered ourselves some cheeky little cookies on the side as well it’s really nicely presented guys proper little
Teacup and everything that is really really delicious I love that tea and also the cookies we’ve already tucked into them are delicious as well M soft and buttery so yummy oh yes and best of all this is included on our drinks package otherwise they’re about €6 each I’ve went for the Royal blush
Tea get me guys getting all royal tea let’s have a try that is absolutely wonderful it tastes like an English breakfast but with a bit of Floral in there got our cookies as well going to dunk that in there in proper British style oh top tip they are the best
Cookies on the ship and there’s about seven different types of them and cake as well not seen anything like this on any other cruise ship it’s very cool indeed and I really wasn’t expecting it we just bumped into the place whilst we walked past cheers guys well that was
Absolutely wonderful wasn’t it we’re just wandering around lots of bars on this ship as well the Dolce beta bar favorites like the champagne bar and a new one just in front of us which is called Elixir Mixology Bar should we go and see what this is all about it looks
Very interesting guys so welcome to Elixir yes so this is brand new here on msse we haven’t seen this before it seems like an upscale type of like cocktail place now we’re just having a quick look at the menu our drinks package allows us to have drinks up to
€14 but M are being a bit cheeky and most of these signature cocktails are € 15 but the good thing is some of the cruise lines don’t allow this we’ve only got to pay the difference so if we do get a 15 e drink we’ve only got to pay
One EO which doesn’t seem too bad to me nice afternoon Tipple wow so the cocktail selection in here looks really really fantastic I went for the pink flamingo honestly I only chose it because of the name I gravitated towards that name it’s a grapefruit drink made
With gin and it has a little bit of spice on the outside as well I love the glass that it comes in I feel like I’m at church oh my gosh that is absolutely delicious it’s not spicy it’s got an Ever So slight hint on the background
But that is so tasty I could drink about 10 of them it tastes like there’s no alcohol in it at all but I bet there’s quite a lot oo and I’ve went for the Negroni now the lovely bartender who is really really lovely we have to say about the again have been fantastic
Persuaded me to get a Nei now I’m not usually a fan of these but we’ll have a little try shall we it smells very bittery o Elijah would I mean Elijah wouldn’t this is awful I’m not a fan of noonies I’m going to be stopping with
David’s I had a little cheeky taste of it and it is absolutely wonderful this is just too bitter for me but how beautiful is this so we’ve touched it a few times but we wanted to tell you a little bit more about the app now it’s called MSC for me and we definitely
Recommend downloading it because here you’re going to book everything like your short time in the theater and things like that plus it gives you all of the information that you’re going to need to know on your cruise daily activities you can take a look at your billing and your account details you can
Look at things like ship maps and all of that jazz and it just gives you all of the information that you’re going to need it’s really really helpful you can also chat to your fellow crew mates as well so to use the app once on board you
Connect to the Wi-Fi but you don’t need to have an internet package that’s one of the great things you can still use the app for free which is fabulous so I guess now is as good time as ever to to start reviewing the ship and give our brutal honest review and whilst we’re
Talking about the app let’s talk about the technology now first of all the Wi-Fi a little bit rubbish guys it’s okay for General browsing but it’s not very good for watching anything streaming anything anything like that it’s a bit my the app is very good and the technology around the ship is really
Good as well they’ve got interactive screens and things like that the technology on the television is great as well so I’m going to give it a four out of five it just loses that point because of the Wi-Fi if the Wi-Fi was better and as good as cruise lines like Royal
Caribbean it’d be getting a five out of five wow guys that was absolutely fabulous so it’s a big old light show it only lasts about 5 minutes it tells you in the Planner on the app and in the paper version what time it’s going to be
Lots of music which we couldn’t show you uh to copyright reasons but everybody was in the spirit really really cool I still can’t get over this whole area how big it is now we’ve been on all of the aites Clash ships before but this just feels gigantic we also find out that the
Coffee shop is in included in our drinks package we didn’t think it was it’s just one particular very expensive Bean that isn’t but yeah very cool indeed love this so now let’s talk about the crew here on the MC World Europa cuz that was a big complaint last time for us well
The crew have been absolutely wonderful I think there’s been a shift in the crew since last time uh we cruised with MSC so far the crew have been really chatty friendly service has been great in all of the bars and the restaurants now we’ve not had any issues on this creu so
We’ve not had to deal with customer services or with any management we do know that a lot of the complaints online do stem from customer services and management H but we’ve not had to deal with that so we’re going to rate the crew a big five out of five on this one
What a shift for the book say guys I’ve got to say we’re not over exaggerating here or peppering it up or anything like that the crew genuinely have been bluming fantastic so so lovely amazing we absolutely support crew and love them and like we said maybe we had such a
Really bad cruise on MSE virtual or it’s kind of put us off for life but yeah nothing things went wrong which is good but if things do go wrong it could have been a different story every person’s experience is going to be different but from what we’ve seen big thumbs up so
Let’s review the actual ship now the MSC Europa the first time we’ve been on it as you know overall guys I have to say I am very very impressed we already liked MSC Cruiser ships anyway and this really is no exception now it certainly isn’t an oasis class ship from Royal Caribbean
As we’ve mentioned it feels a little bit more upscale a little bit more like a real Posh Hotel it’s all very glittery and glamorous and very European and we like that because it is different to Royal Caribbean chips we love Royal Caribbean but it’s nice to see something
A bit different she does get crowded it is something that we’ve seen a little bit on this Cruise some of the areas do get a little bit busy but she’s a ship that holds 6,000 people all the ships do but overall in terms of facilities and different areas you can go chill hang
Out and all of that stuff it’s very good I think I’ll give it a four out of five just because it is a little bit underwhelm me in some places it’s not quite as feely it doesn’t have the feels that some of the ships have it does feel
A little bit more clinical and very suavey and silver and Posh but I do really like it I think they’ve done a great job there is nothing wrong with this ship at all so we’re ready for our night out tonight now on this Cruise we’ve already seen a few shows and we’re
Going to go and see another show tonight as well and then after that we’re going to give you our full review of the entertainment here on the world Ro so yes let’s talk about a very serious Point entertainment cuz it’s a big deal for us now no complaints about all of
The live music around the ship there’s lots as we just saw there really really good in all of the bars as live entertainers we’re talking about the big Shores here guys they’re not very good they haven’t got any better in our opinion they’re very dated it feels like
I’m watching something from the 1990s the music isn’t good quality it sounds like karaoke tracks now the performers fantastic excellent voices and great dancers but they’re just working with material that just isn’t good all of the shores are basically exactly the same but with slightly different themes each
Night things like the sets don’t change they stay the same all the way through the show which is a bit of a shame the costumes are a little bit tacky the big thing is that they’re catering for a lot of different languages on here around 5 or six usually so we completely
Understand it’s not going to be the same as other cruise ships like Royal Caribbean Norwegian princess Carnival in our opinion they do it so so much better the entertainment is so fantastic on the ships we wouldn’t personally choose MSE cruisers for their entertainment so we’d
Give it a two out of five now that covers all of the activities as well things like daytime activities like trivia and stuff like that there really isn’t much going on on these ships but they are Port intensive itineries so we’ve came into the champagne bar now
What is really OD something that we saw in a lot of reviews about this ship is that some areas are just completely dead whilst others are absolutely rammed so some bars like the Dolce Vita completely no seats at all but places like this in the Champagne Bar which is really lovely
Completely dead it’s very very odd indeed it is a bit of a a weird phenomenon I’m not sure why not seen this on other cruise ship so I know we mentioned it earlier on guys when we’re doing the ship review but yeah it gets very very very busy to the point where
It’s hard to move around and it is a bit crazy actually CU I don’t know why but everybody is a little bit rude and sort of pushes you out the way and there isn’t really any manners here now this is something that we remembered with traveling with MC in Europe before it’s
Not like traveling on an American cruise I don’t know if it’s a cultural thing but you don’t get the politeness you get on other lines oh so we’ve came outside for a little bit of fresh Sea Air cuz it was getting a little bit crowded and stuffy there in that prominade area and
It’s actually rather chilly tonight in the Mediterranean but it’s lovely we’re loving it the nice cold air now it’s the time to move on to our next category which is value for money and there’s no denying that MSE offers fantastic value for money if you’re on a budget this is
A cruise line that you should take a look at for example some of the prices that almost almost half what you’re charged on rawal Caribbean and we did a little comparison so for an interior cabin on this cruise on a seven night cruise on this you’re looking at
Around £500 that’s $620 $30 per person in comparison on Ro Caribbean’s wonder of the Seas we chose W not icon because icon’s the newest ship and it’s super expensive we thought W is a fairer comparison in an inside cabin seven night cruise you’re going to be paying around £850 per person that’s
$1,060 per person so you can see the price difference you’re going to be paying double the price for a seven night cruise in an inside cabin on one of their newer ships now where things start to get a little bit interesting is when you add a drinks package and
Gratuities as well that’s something that MSC offer as a package now for an inside cabin seven nights with the premium drinks package and gratuities included you’re going to be looking at about £650 or $830 per person including those drinks and gratuities but for Royal Caribbean
If we book that cruise then we add on a drinks package the premium beverage package and preped gratuities you’re going to be looking at a lot more it’s going to be £1,295 per person that’s $1,635 now these are just prices that we checked for next February cuz we’re
Sailing in February right now so for next year we check these prices obviously they can change and it changes from cruise to cruise but you can see that’s almost double the cost guys so if you are on a budget these ships are still great whilst absolutely in nor way
Are they as good as a Royal Caribbean ship in our opinion for half the price you are getting great value for money and if you’ve got a port intensive itinery like this you’re not even going to be on the ship that much anyway so we are really impressed now this doesn’t
Take away any of these reviews from our worst cruise ever cuz it really was our worst cruise ever that video still stands for us and that was mainly down to the things you saw happen in that video with the crew encounters and some really bad food so it can change from
Cruise to cruise so without any doubt we give it five out of five for value for money I mean you just can’t beat it guys there’s no other Cruise Line offering prices like this we think for this quality of product now you’re probably wondering where are dinner and Food
Review is well things do not go to plan in the next episode at all in a shocking turn of events but we give the food three out of five stars but tune in next week for something very unexpected ah so we just went to the interactive dance
Party downstairs in Luna Park and that was um uh very different wasn’t it David yeah it was interesting um I’m going to leave it at that it was interesting it was anyway guys this is the end of the video has MSC changed yeah we do feel like they’ve
Changed in some ways but in a lot of other ways like we’ve said a lot of other cruise lines have sort of declined a little bit but we haven’t really seen any decline from MSE so far things like the crew were amazing the food was noticeably better than last time were we
Lucky we don’t know but we’re happy to be back on MSE Cruisers and it has taken away that fear of coming back again it really has we’re glad to be back on one of the biggest cruise lines in the world aren’t we we are does this mean that we
Could like MC a little bit more I guess than we did last time so don’t worry if you’re coming on an MSE Cruise you can definitely have a great time we’ve had a really really lovely time we really have you must join us next week for our first
Class Yacht Club experience on this ship because that has been something as well but thank you so much for watching we really appreciate it please do hit that subscribe button and the like button it really helps us to create more honest and unbiased content like this and also
If you’d like to join us on patreon in return for joining us you get Advent free videos with no commercials at all we also upload them early and we do a monthly Zoom chat and some behind the scenes videos as well so that’s it till next time happy cruising oh who would
Have thought I know I mean it’s still not my favorite but it’s not my worst I’m secretly impressed who would have thought look make This