Yo QSC I’m G tell you this real quick real quick um usually I’m always shouting had a lot of energy but today we have a little special guest well not we got the hats on you know I never had me a nice hat like this you know plus me in a
Little fancy place I got to act a little booy today but but um real quick real quick um let me introduce my co-host which is latata melanin shots we got a very very special guest and let you introduce yourself smooth Goddess that smooth she said smooth too you know what
I’m saying so anyway um real quick we going to keep a short sweet simp to the point we have some questions for you you know what I’m saying do something a little different we always post like regular skate content we wanted to just get out you know just uh content as far
As just interviews just podcast talk so so um want to start off well I do want to start by thanking um you for having us come out here it was a lot it was a lot I had a lot of fun it’s my first time so I had a lot of
F we at the Italia Talia hallalia hallalia Hall in Chicago it was a lot of fun all right so let’s get started so do you feel like there’s competition when it comes to women in the skate Community competition and I guess what area you referencing into like as far as
SK against each other yeah um I think it’s your point of view your mindset you know and I feel like if you know you a queen just in general um you don’t look at life like that true um you in your own lane um I feel like I think that
Life is a journey you know at one point you kind of start off wanted to be the best skater and all that type of stuff but then it’s phases you you go into like you want to impact pour into the Next Generation and pour into other
Women so you look at life in different differently but I think that as you grow you you your mindset changes um you know and life and you can take it outside of skating you know people will like to compete against you and in just life in
General but I think that when you look at things differently in life you don’t compete against anybody else but yourself you try to be the best person you can be and be the best version of you than you were last year so only competition you are is yourself right um
And that’s kind of how I look at it okay I like that that was a good answer that was deep that was deep that’s moo okay let’s jump to the next question um have you ever felt like giving up on skating I think that I guess when I
First started you know I that mindset but I feel like you know in life you have purpose um and I think that my purpose in life is to inspire um so I don’t give up because the people that look up to you um motivate you to keep
Going if you give up the people that look up to you they’re going to quit so I think that my mission for skating is bigger than how I feel is about impacting the world I love that that was great okay that was inspiration and talking about inspiration what inspired
You to come up with your brand name um and is a hat is the Hat a part of your brand too too cuz you’re always wearing a hat the hat is not part of the brand um inspired by favor came about uh because it’s inspired by favor favor of
God inspired me to do this so I feel like if you give me the vision to do it then you got to give me the provision to complete the task so I think that that inspired me to create the organization and the people that’s a part of it are
Godly mindset and are a vision of giving and serving so I think that the people that I’m connected to really doesn’t really have to do really with skating they don’t have to be the best skater but they have a good spirit and they are good people that was deep too that was
Question okay um what effect do okay so I know you were at the Super Bowl which that was awesome what effect do you think the Super Bowl has on the skating Community um like being on the big screen like what how do you feel like how do we word
That so now was big for the skate Community you know to me I feel like even though it is mainstream can I make sure y see me okay um but I feel like that was a big for the whole te skate Community could be you know JB skating
Snap any Style skating it was just big for everybody seeing all of us all together especially a lot of Chicago skaters so what effect would that do for the future of the skate Community just that event in general because now you have rale skates that’s specifically for
That event so how big was that I mean I think it was huge um I think that the event wasn’t style based it was about roller skating and it include pretty much every style everybody you know you had people from Ohio there you had people from Chicago Atlanta La so it
Covered a lot of bases and it opened up doors on a different platform more entertainment and I feel like you know I think that by them being on the Super Bowl it’s going to open up the doors for every city and the impact of skating and
People going to want to learn how to skate and roll and be curious about skating as they were as a kid you know so I think that that was huge for the roller skating Community um and it’s going to open up many many doors for us
Going forth okay all right so uh I see you say this question for me specifically so I like to ask the the juicy question so um you talked about briefly about God what not how you know Inspire by favor is part of that what not said that’s that’s a that’s awesome
For real but kind of going into that um so when we talk about livescape music with you have JB James Brown what not and sometimes you go down south but I actually live down there in Houston you you a lot of uh party music say keep
Like keep a PG not explicit but you have a lot of that too now my question to you is um why from your perspective why don’t you think there’s more like let’s say like Christian music like PR say or when you go to skater Rings or something like
More how would I say it just stuff like that you know Kirk Franklin or something mainstream like that in in that Community what not like why is that bumped in in those type of environments I think back in the day we had those sessions we had Gospel Sessions and
Things but due to the fact that the Rings are closing um a lot of the different session has closed they had you know R&B night and all these different things that they had now um that affects the skate culture when Rings Clos so I think that by the Rings
Are closing all over the world those gospel session that getting that gets infected you know I think the only gospel we have in Chicago is the one at the ring Chicago they have a gospel session there um I don’t know exactly what day it is but I think that’s my
Point of view why it’s been affected you know when the Rings are affected everything around it affects it you know the community you know cuz I feel like the Rings are a a a safe haven um especially For Me growing up you know I go to the rink safe um I’m stressed out
Go to the rink you know and stress it you know to to relieve stress so I think that when Rings close it affects the community heavily no no no skate I mean no gospel night I mean no rink no gospel night you know so and like I’m going keep it short
And sweet but kind of what you said about the skating you know a lot of skating rings closing down now do you feel like i’ I’ve seen the uh United States documentary went out it talked about pretty much how that’s a big thing you know all across the United States
Rich City for example Mark even though they still using it but it’s closed down but do you feel that’s still a big issue right now still I think it’s still a big issue I think that the um people don’t pack out the rinks that they used to
Pack out the rinks when I were coming up the the the rink stay pack Saturday night midnight Rumble now you you barely can get 200 people in the building you know continuously you know not just for a party but every single session you know packed out house you know so all
Right well well oh one last question so how how can we get back to that point so we can start building back from you know so now we kind of like going down here but how can we get back up to I think that now being selective of our support
I think that you support everyone every DJ every coordinator and I think that that’s how we get back I think right now it’s a lot of selective support instead of if you’re really true about roller skating you’re not you’re not just supporting just a style base you’re
Supporting roller skating you know so I think that when we get back to really what the heart is roller skating and not just supporting the style but support if they’re groundwork style if they roller skating if they’re freestyling if they’re JB in if they artistic skating whatever you’re doing JB snapping
Doesn’t matter I’m supporting the cause because I am part of the community roller skating I’m a part of a style but I’m bigger than that I’m part of roller skating community and I think that when we look bigger and not so detailed then then we affect the community just like
The Super Bowl it was wasn’t style based it was roller skating yeah and that’s how it affected the world she ended that so smooth y’all I want to ask some more some more questions but I know we packing up everything we got to do a
Part two maybe one day but want to say appreciate the support I will clap a little better but I got this in my hand real quick you know what I’m saying like I said uh we appreciate y’all for support we still growing please check
Out the footage I got a lot of lot of heat checking out her page checking out hers mine please support want to say appreciate it and last thoughts no I just thank you so much for having like giving us this opportunity to come out here like I’m G be back here next year
For sure like excited have you guys again again we out