QSC what’s going on how y doing today we got another another special guest we got another Legend I told y’all we got a lot of heat coming it’s another one right here he’s been asking me for a long spicy questions so real quick now this
One let me go backt trck a little bit so I posted one this morning and uh not to be rude but I’m very blunt so um keep it short and simple please do not get your feelings because this one is going to be a lot of
You know what I’m saying one of those more videos okay I’m always in my feelings go for it guess what he’s the right person I know how he is that’s okay I want that so um just so you know your feels get hurt do not watch this
Okay all right we all good yeah I’m ready to go all right set off for me all right we gonna start off with the questions um introduction oh on introduction go ahead what’s your name Madam L AKA the shots on Instagram okay make sure you check me out what your
Sir I am Josh Smith AKA that’s smoke I I no one of the coldest the coldest skers out there I all right so we just GNA jump into these questions spicy questions all right I do not I am not responsible for the answers that I may give on this
Podcast so it’s not person if you’re if than this may not be for ask some spicy here we go all right so our first question is do you feel like roller sking in today’s age is losing your due to social media no I do not I do not feel that way
I I’m G to expound I do not feel that roller skating is losing because of social media I I feel that it’s making us more visible um with everything comes Evolution and there needs to be a a a a way of survival because when skaters come in and they they transfer or they
Transit and they age in and age out if there’s not uh influx or a way to bring the new generation or get the new generation involved right now we see that the language of of the youth is social media the language of the world is social media so it’s good that social
Media is making us more visible it’s really our responsibility to put ourselves out there in the right light so if you out there looking dumb or doing some stupid um things that’s like your fault even though it may feel like it it’s a reflection of all of us it
Isn’t it’s a reflection of yourself because you’re a representative of this community you’re not the community like the community is a collective so social media has definitely made us more visible um uh if it’s used in the in the right way it could be extremely powerful and we’re going to continue to utilize
These tools to inspire and touch lives and and and entertain because the world needs some more joy out here so thank you social media for allowing us to be on this algorithm so you can see what it is that we do you know so remember this this environment is everyone’s welcome
But nobody’s invited all right so now PE you said use the right way so in yours perspective what’s the wrong way when it’s used in the Rose Community you know to be honest with you if if I’m if I’m going by my own moral code then I may believe certain
Things are right or wrong or should be done a certain way but you know that’s my perspective and that’s my opinion um I always want what it is that we represent as a collective to be held in the highest regard for us to hold ourselves accountable and have respect
For how we’re uh viewed by the world and to let the world know that there’s you know hope and there’s a there’s a safe haven out here besides your spiritual Safe Haven there’s another physical uh emotional psychological Safe Haven that people can come to and participate in
And and join and become members of um without it being put in a in a light but to each his own so whatever whatever it is that you need to do to get in here um to whatever you’ll figure it out once you get in here so the goal is to get
Bodies in the building and then allow the atmosphere allow the spirit in the building to transform people from the inside out you know we ain’t got no control over what people and what they do um that’s on them and that’s their upbringing but hopefully when they come
In here we can show them another way or we also want people to come here and be themselves and that that’s what makes the community what it is um trust me I’m the crazy EST dude you know so the Antics and shenanigans if you let me
Shenan I’m a shenan again so you know I I came in here for some some for whatever I came in here for they didn’t ask me that but um you know I’m free to be me while I’m in here because I got a code switch when I’m in the world every
Day so you know if I got a code switch every day for in front of whatever then if this is my place of being um socially accepted and artistically free then I’m going to be here with respect to everybody that’s El that’s in the building okay that was good that was
Deep that was deep okay for so our second question so we talked a little bit about battling yesterday um when it comes to battling in the Middle where do you feel like Chicago skaters stand at you know um man I feel like we got some of the best but it’s it’s it’s Talent
Everywhere it’s it’s not just about City representation I feel like we got some Elite yeah I mean I pick my starting five to stand in front of any five you know uh if that’s my personal opinion I mean I’ve seen it I’ve been there I was
Doing it but um you know shout out to all the other Talent that’s out there and I’m glad um people are out there that are trying to focus on the middle you know what I’m saying they don’t understand how prestigious it really is or how difficult it really is to do um
Something to conquer it’s like the ultimate conquer uh in roller skating for me Chicago I think we’re you know you know what I’m saying but huge shout out to all my people that my Warriors in the middle my other generals that are that rock the middle um don’t matter
What level you are man I I applaud you for getting out there CU it take a level of man it take a level of hardness to get out there you know everybody know what it look like to look in the middle of the circle not too many of us know
What it looked like to be standing in the middle and watching all these eyes on you waiting on you to do something and now now the pressure’s on you or you think it’s you know the pressure is from you on you thinking it’s coming from them but we’ll talk about that later you
Know as levels to this okay okay so real quick I got to respond to that so you mentioned that this you got a top five or five five ready to go right now yeah what about a as a community like you know let’s say I grab somebody
Random like that you feel like You’ be equipped to go anywhere okay I’m put this person right there they can go now this person right there you feel as a whole that we’re ready get exposed as as a if we’re speaking skate skill wise we
All got work to do you know I’m I’m I’m being politically correct we all got work to do we all here practicing if you go if you turn the camera right now at the at a lit session everybody’s still in a drill mode you know everybody’s practicing you know what I’m saying
That’s like the atmosphere right now we just got done with lessons we had like maybe 215 students tonight it’s busting so um you know we our city is unique because we carry a unique Spirit uh but as far as skill is concerned you know
Shoot I you know hey I I put my money on us you know what I’m saying I still put my money on us you know what I’m saying I feel like I’m I I feel like I want to continue to be the end of the Mortal Kombat Tower so well we’re good y’all
Good don’t do nothing crazy go ahead go crazy but my city got a lot of spirit a lot of soul and it’s the only place that you can really find it man you a you can’t duplicate remember this a movement not a monument bro wherever we are
That’s where the party is or that’s where the you know the drive is for me all right all right okay uh few more two more questions from me okay so you said that sex cells in why do you why do you think that sex is is well sex cell is everywhere you
Know you that again that comes down to the individual you know the people got to look out why why they’re why they feel like they need to it could be it could be expression Liberation you don’t know why you don’t know what people are going through in their lives if they
Feel like that’s what they need to do to get out and this is the only place they want to do it by all means they’re safe here um but yeah sex sells everywhere that’s you know genuine rule um you know some ladies like to go a little bit
Further than others some don’t complain but then on the flip side it’s really up to them to say hey if this is that type of attention you want you also got to be aware that and be prepared for the good Bad and the Ugly of it so there’ll be
Some uh there’ll be some Pro I mean you know at least in the culture in the community there’s a level of protection I hope I I would protect my queens that are in here but uh you know so but just don’t put yourself in a position or predicament where you could cause some
Necessary or unwanted attention you know what I’m saying so that’s on you be smart okay now you mentioned that but morally and fundamentally and historically you feel like that’s the best option for us to grow in a posi light with this community as a whole I believe uh wholeheartedly when the
People that are searching what they’re searching for they’ll find um how once again you know one in this type of community because we got so many different people One Bad Apple doesn’t ruin the entire Bunch it’s not a representation you know we got every rank every session got that one
Crazy F whatever crazy dude but I’ve come to realize hey yeah but I’m one of them if this dude is nuts he’s out of his mind whatever chucking a job or whatever it is there might be some ladies that overdo it whatever the case is to you whatever but they’re the
Freest people in the building so you know the real conversation is is even in a place of Freedom why do we confine ourselves to why we need to be a certain way what I’m saying so there’s a level of conditioning you know that is sex does sell it is if that’s what you’re
Looking for is visibility and if that’s the quickest ticket you know what I’m saying what they say um that’s the quickest ticket to get to it and that they feel like that’s the the attention that they want that’s on them it doesn’t affect me what I’m doing I mean no
Matter of fact I’m not no I’m going to start only fans now I’m start only fans because I need diapers you know what I’m saying I that’s all right I’m gonna take pictures with my feet whatnot good all right one more for me so what’s your view on politics in the
Worlder skating Community necessary okay you feel like there’s too much politics like a positive and negative uh I I believe in a collective I believe that everybody should have input everybody that’s putting in should have input I do I don’t believe in the negative politics but I do believe in certain
Politics in order to get things done I don’t believe in people there’s a difference between politics and policing so being political on how you strategize the best way your community can grow means more than uh being a politician for power um if you if you’re a politican like say for instance if I
Have a a different relationship with a rink owner than somebody El that’s basically politic and if there’s some agreement or Arrangement whatever the case is that can be made in order for it to benefit the skaters as long as it benefits the skaters in a popular way
Gives an opportunity uh whether it be an opportunities in uh gids or paries or making sure that certain RS aren’t Char overcharging us CU you know our biggest fight is having a space to do it you know what I’m saying you know everything in our community usually implodes before
It explodes I can’t think of got too many things that came from the outside in and and left us worse than where we were before you know what I’m saying that’s from my personal experience I don’t know how everybody else’s is but uh politics are good it’s just really
About having who who’s the people that are doing the politic and you know there there need to be people in positions that have the knowledge have the um the elbow GRE put in the time put in the effort in uh people can see their heart they wear their heart on their sleeve
They care about the people they care about the culture The Craft um those are the people that should be on the front lines and some people don’t want people speaking for them but you know some people may have a concept and you know it’s not about having you know power
Over another but I think politics is definitely necessary as we continue to grow and as things from the outside because politics are really put there for our own protection rather than um to govern people or tell people what to do or where to go it’s for for protective
Purposes we’re unprotected okay so I heard you talk about the positive and negatives and how you have a positive light with politics you need it it can do a lot for the community now in your personal opinion do you feel like there’s are negative politics and community that
People use that in in this community specifically probably in Chicago oh yeah absolutely that’s it’s it’s happening all the time it’s happening it happens all the time but the beauty of it is is that this culture Community is really what it is it’s a culture Community um
You would only know about it because it happens in house it stays in house and it’s Ted in house um nothing is really leaked to the outside we pull our homies to the side like bro we don’t agree with it we don’t think the spirit of this is
Or you know the general sensus you know what I’m saying and speaking on social media people have the option in the platform to voice their opinion openly you got some people that like to stir apart negatively and then just to just to put something out there because that
Gives them validation in I’m going say something negative or I’m going conern people cuz everybody’s voice is powerful cuz it could be one person that say I ain’t doing it or I ain’t coming and they turn like 20 people away so you know what I’m saying that that hurts the
Session that hurts the culture so people may be looking at themselves sometimes people are just crying out in different ways and you got to look at it from that aspect you know once you can do it absolutely negative politics that are happening all the time sessions being
Thrown at the same time we can’t be underneath the same roof you know etiquette issues age Gap issues music issues it’s a bunch of different things um so you know we try and find a Level Playing Field to where we can have an atmosphere that we can create living
Like all right okay so um how how I’m doing is I divide the ones that I feel like she can relate to since she’s coming in and skating yeah but the ones I put personally I feel like Dr just have I’ve been doing it longer now one question that I’ve been seeing
Is so Natata me me and her have been going to live sessions obviously you know all the place whatever yeah but one it stands out is lwood reason why because she a lot more new school JB skaters fine they own skers they own style whatever but a lot of times I
Don’t see discipline so I mean by that is they do certain moves but mind you a lot of times people are Reckless now they do big wheels you have somebody right next that’s SC with rental wheels on and knock them over and I help him out old school makes you hey I’m sorry
About that are we good and it’s okay so do you feel like the new school is disciplined in any in any way well it’s it’s it’s just like you know kids growing up there there’s there’s a how are they going to have discipline unless they’re taught you know what I’m saying
At least they I’d rather them be in a space within themselves where they could be as loud and learn the etiquette and grow in the etiquette because it’s really up to us older skaters to go to their sessions and show them how it’s done or not not even so much how it’s
Done but just show them a different way of etiquette because right now if it’s all of them if it’s all a bunch of uh if it’s all them in the same space and there’s no like um guidance you know what I’m saying so it’s it’s all a
Community based yeah there there may be a etiquette that older skaters don’t agree with but are we talking about why the older skaters don’t agree with it because wood tax is more expensive for them you know I’m saying there’s there’s a there’s a level of of speed or there’s
A level of of not even fear but discomfort when it comes to the ongoing when you’re dealing with the older skaters right so when it comes down to the traffic manner there’s there’s all different types of things and we know that the new school are Reckless because
They’re trying to be they’re trying to figure out they’re looking for their win they’re trying to get hype they’re they’re in the era of um you know all it really takes is one person to see one thing and their life can change so they’re out there trying to get it
They’re out there releasing these kids are going through a lot at and I would never go through half the things that going through it like 15 bro was crazy so you don’t know what they’re releasing out there so if it’s them getting out there and being Daredevils amongst
Themselves more power to you be safe um but again what’s they want to start it’s really up to the artists themselves when they want to go to another atmosphere they GNA have to learn that atmosphere’s rules right you know what I’m saying you could be yourself but you got to operate
In the dynamic of what’s there so I’m glad that they’re there yeah it’s chaotic it’s control chaos the funny thing is they ain’t got a problem with it with themselves so when they going off they love it so if it’s going to draw them out I rather them go to that
Session than to a house party and not make it to the ker bro okay so and I understand that you said it like for the old sces it’s like a responsibility to make sure that they guide the right way now when we go to these sessions specifically we don’t see much guidance
Is there is there a reason why there not much guidance say because you see but you see like kids raising kids like where the GU at I said not any but from my perspective what I go there it’s whole bunch of people my age or even a
Lot younger that’s reckless you know why is that you think it’s always a against 22 I mean some of the old school they said they try to help the youth but the youth don’t want to listen and then you know the youth are you know demanding respect for the lane that they’re in
Right um there’s there’s always going to be a disconnect between not always but you know there has always been a slight disconnect between Generations because of number one language uh the state language the etiquette the the music has changed the atmosphere has changed the type of kid that is coming
In is different now um the households are different now so people are bringing in different social economical backgrounds we’re bringing different experiences into the r um it’s it’s a bunch of uh you know there’s been such a lack of documentation on the old school so you got you know they’re they’re still
Trying to remain you know keep the Legacy going and the Legacy has to live through the youth right but you know the youth have to learn the history of why they’re even here but you know how do you get them to care okay well you can’t
Make them care you have to you have to wait for them to run a Care on their own and then they’ll seek the knowledge it’s really up to us to just make ourselves available and present sometimes us old school not even us old school but I see
Old school just be like you know what I ain’t got time for that right or you know the way we learned like the way I learned you had to basically prove yourself in order for a a a old schooler or a legend to want to teach you
Consistency counted I mean we’re in a microwave generation we know 7c uh attention span people want to get to the end goal and then they see the success that other skaters have had and they want to kind of jump the gun like it took me 20 years to get here it took
Me 20 years of practicing just this one move just to do it one time 100,000 reps on one move just to have the opportunity to do it one time and if I miss I may not get that opportunity again right so there’s a level of dedication that
Because there’s access now it’s a lot it’s the access is a lot easier we they have the tools so you know they feel like you could jump the line because the access is easier so to each his own man everybody learns a different way um if we represent ourselves as OG’s or
Oldheads to um the younger generation and then they’ll gravitate to our less us uh the older skaters we got to be more welcoming we got to be but it’s a level of protection I’m saying you know what I’m saying because this is a everyone’s welcome but nobody’s invited
There’s tons of we had 10222 skate students today right or 200 some skate Tunes today you know what I’m saying you know you have maybe 50 of them in riddles how devoted are you how dedicated are you so you know what I’m saying a lot of people want to come in
And say I want to do it but you know it’s a difference between doing it wanting to do it it becoming a lifestyle you know what I’m saying so there’s a level of protection there’s a lot of people that come in that look for ways to benefit on it because it’s the most
Hottest thing ever we just put just put state in the Super Bowl what are we saying that’s the big the whole world saw that they they played football at the Usher concert yeah and the highlight of the Usher concert was roller skating us us period that’s all people were
Talking about so you know skating is on the biggest platform in the whole world seeing it you know got bigger fishi so there’s a level of protection where a community wants to have amongst themselves because this is therapeutic for us right you know what I’m saying your energy does change the
Atmosphere it doesn’t it it doesn’t affect the atmosphere but it could change it if you come in here and you on some angry [ __ ] you know what I’m saying I see uh uh other Cub skaters come in and they want to act up with somebody not knowing they’re being watched by the
Whole rink who are you you know what I’m saying so your level of devotion and dedication is what what matters most all right so uh now these next three questions are questions that kind of I experien personally as as a black man so if you were to question advis um so you
Mentioned off camera I knew this before for for a few years now so United States so the the document is pretty much about you guys haven’t seen it go watch it um lot has to do with rings closing down a lot of microaggressions some with the black
Community and how here it is to us historically so with a lot of rinks closing down several reasons def is still an issue with our community and for example Markham why is it still closed and why we should have lot rinks closing our community why you think
That’s an issue you know that’s that’s that’s between now now when you’re dealing with politicians and politics I mean markam is is fully functional we just we just finished uh doing the first season Saturdays on Disney on there the TV show Saturdays that’s on Disney currently um
And that’s really up to Markham because Markham owns Markham ring so they got to figure out between them you know everything is money based do they feel like Markham can generate enough Revenue to re reopened as a rank and now the responsibility is on us are we going to
Go right are we going to go you know um there’s a lot of things that happen with sanctioning and different things of that nature why rink grows and whatever the reasons may be but they wouldn’t have those issues if we constantly kept those RS back you
Know what I’m saying if you know don’t take that rink stay open just because of your admission it take about four or five grand just to open the rink for a skate night pay us employees electricity the the goods and services the people that work there and you think your
Little8 $10 $20 going to keep the rink open you have to pay the building tax property ta all of that so you know what people what people out of love or they grow or you know family happens or life happens and they don’t come or they don’t come back and there’s not a
Consistent revolving door of new and a lot of skaters they lose business you know what I’m saying and then guess what as a rink owner millionaire or not bro that’s going to hit I’m I I got to pay all these bills and now the admission is
Not covering it right you know what I’m saying so yeah we have that issue everywhere the biggest issue is ownership bro hey we got enough money in this rink right now to buy another rink but we need you know unity and organization if we want to do that so
Ownership ownership of ourselves our likeness our spaces that’s that’s what we what we’re what we’re fighting for working towards so anybody that wants to you know what I’m saying donate you know to to to the cause please do you know visit www.atm.com you know um there’s a bunch
Of people out there that are doing great things for our community much larger than what it is that I’m doing here um and there’s all different things that you can donate to so youth programs and getting kids involved whatever it’s really about getting bodies in the building and again everything implodes
If you know rink closes we we occup it enough I feel sometime okay now with that being said now one thing that I noticed is um we talk about history what not now one thing I noticed is the Civil Rights Movement that was a thing that
Was touched upon not too much I wish to elaborate a little bit more now why is that important to our black community um historically with us like why we we were so okay we gotta go to the rink right now we gotta go here why why why was
That I I know why but for your perspective why you think that was a big pain access boy the word is access having access think about all the spaces we couldn’t be look at all the spaces that they don’t want us that that don’t want us you know what I’m saying
Think about all this some spaces want is for entertainment fine honored and proud and happy to be there look love to put skating somewhere else that’s always been my goal is to put skating somewhere else for Access Bro think about all the different styles and types of roller
Skating or rolling everything else that has sponsorship every party that we throw every session that we throw come out of our pockets we got the most numbers in the world but there’s not that many people that are backing us we can put our own money but we all got our
Own lives we out here venting you see what you see what the world is doing to us man you see how hard it is to live out here bro you know what I’m saying especially think about it when you were younger mom gave you a dub she gave you
$20 eight of that was for admission two of it was for a cheeseburger and a rest was for gas bro you know what I’m saying so it’s access in whatever form you may see it in so you know thank God you know we got beautiful people like Liberty Ross uh
Flippers Skate World um Reggie Premier Brown Red Bull um athlete of the rink all these vendors all these different JB skate chicag all these all these videographers yourself you know all of you got it’s all one Collective there’s no one person or one being that’s doing
This you know what I’m saying and all of it is a fight for Access like my boy Reggie say all the time man I’m I’m going hard so hard at this because my ancors couldn’t you know what I’m saying I’m standing on the shoulders of giants you know what I’m saying so
People fought blad and even got they ass kicked and died to get access and I’m blessed and fortunate enough to put these things on and walk in a building or walk into any rink of the world and be accepted and be loved and you know what I’m saying that’s a blessing that’s
An honor that’s a privilege that we take for granted right you know what I’m saying the fact that we have some people ain’t got rinks they got stay outside they gotta find spaces and they’re not welcome you know what I’m saying so having access and now we’re we’re now
That the world is slowly starting to see the vibranium we have we want access right you know what I’m saying so that’s the main thing that’s the main thing is having having ability to have access and then for the generations to come you know your kids my kid that they
Will have access and they can move freely they can use their space they you know my so you know that’s that’s really what it’s about access all right so um you talk about AES let’s go to my next question so you talk about aess um do
For the next generation and how they see us now having these access but not and still talk about that it’s still a hist we have today yeah now next question is something I happened to me personally so I’m not going to elaborate what happened but long story short is um my question
Has to do with microw wheels Jam plugs backward ska at certain sessions now certain sessions I’ve been to it has been to a point where I’ve been told to you cannot come into a session because of I have XY and z now we talked about a
When that how most session is not a problem no more but it’s still been a problem still even illino because I had a session that happened to me last year yeah that happened to me so why is that still a case still right now you got to
You got to see you got to see where some of these RS are located in the neighborhood are in so you know when some some rink owners some private rink owners and even some of the ones that are public own um they want a certain demographic or they want a certain crowd
It’s also you know you also got to look at how how certain people behave when they are in these spaces right you know maybe some of these rings have open these doors and got burn and they’re like n never again so I ain’t going to have
This type of music I’m not going to book this DJ here cuz what we know is that we follow our music whatever whatever rck is going to create the atmosphere for us that’s where we’re going to be the uh it’s a movement not a monument like my pastor says Pastor stepen D
Lewis it’s a movement not a monument so where wherever we are that’s what a party is some R in certain places in certain neighborhoods and don’t want that demographic because of what could possibly come with it so again it’s up to us to behave ourselves and like civilized adults and treat these spaces
Like they our homes and leave it better than when we came that way we can always be invited back and we can use these spaces okay so now you’re talk about it briefly what not so my question is now you go all detail if you want that’s
Fine but have you ever had experiences like that since you travel like that oh yeah I mean I know you since you go across to many states about k out of I’ve been kicked out of a rank for doing a one stop I’ve been kicked out of a
Rank for back when I was back when I had my bikini body well I used to have a shirt that cut my sides out whatever the case is seen it I yeah I got kicked out for wearing that they was like oh well you got to have a four shirt on I’m like
Mind you one of their own had the same shirt on that was on the floor I mean full nipple out everything um but it’s it’s a bunch of that they just you might even build a rep the one time I did a a One Stop got kicked out and I came back
You can see the look on the work and say oh [ __ ] here he is there he is and it’s simply because they haven’t seen anything like that before so again you can’t control if they own the building they get to set the rules of their house
Cuz if I if I if I uh own the rink I would have a zero tolerance policy myself like ain’t no fighting or nothing you know you can’t come back bro you know this my this my it’s my house it’s my place of Peace So any building I go
Into I want to feel the same but yeah it happens I I’ve been kicked out of multiple rinks but it’s all part of it did I get mad no did I immediately put their shoes on and see what they saw I I tried to but I can’t I can’t get
Mad at their ignorance right I can’t get mad at what they don’t understand all I could do is be like all right well you know more power to you I’m going to go cook over here and it could have been you you know what I’m saying so you know
Everything is a blessing in disguise maybe I was blocked from going in that Riv in the first place you know what I’m saying right now now I caught you when you said they don’t understand so it’s kind of a I understand people are kind of built like this and that they say
They grw like this what not is there a way to where our community can all come together so they can’t understand the future so it’s going be a problem at least to the to the extent even has better over the years but like right now F this issue is still a problem yeah
They have to they have to get over that internally and then they have to involve themselves they got to come out they’ll never come they’ll come to a session and act like they want to experience it and see it and then start feeling awkward or whatever right or whatever their
Personal issues are right but the only way you really going to get it is if you get in and AD yourself this ain’t got nothing to do with race color or anything of that nature that could be anybody right you you as a person a human being no no matter where you come
From background orientation pronouns everybody’s welcome but nobody’s invited you have to come in here and and put be in the space and make it for what it is you know make what it is if you’re not willing to get involved you can’t there’s no way you can understand anything about this community from
Outside in okay United States was a look at our world through a beeple right there’s no way you and that’s what it was made for just to get get gain people interest about what’s really happening this whole underground culture you will never experience it the way it’s
Supposed to be the film did an absolute fantastic job in my opinion right but you will never experience what this culture really truly is until you’re in it because when you’re in it you’ve never felt the love like this you’ve never felt the culture like this you’ve
Never felt the community like this and it don’t matter I don’t I don’t care if you are alien and you want you wanted the Bros right here I don’t care what you look like you want of the Bros or the sisters or whatever you are all right all right like said um
Family your family yeah you’re definitely family like I said um this is this has been a journey for me I know um what I had experienc I told about this before but when I had it happened to me I really you talk about it I went in to
A session um and then was total because I was I had a certain uh swag to to me I backward scared for at least two minutes then no type of crazy move and also had Jam plugs they told me Hey listen we don’t allow that here and because of I’m
Like I know I want to think that I didn’t want to think that okay you know I said something wrong I looked wrong because I was I was in there to skate that’s it that’s your light my guy that was your light that that made him do
That no it was something it was something more than that maybe and you would think that that would be a problem no more but obviously we still have this problem and I feel like for us to be have full potential we had to come together okay like you said we have to
Come internally to some people got to go internally and fix it themselves but in order to make us a community better we got to fix it within ourselves because too much hatred I mean yeah edit what not cool or not but my my job is to tell
A story of like the posi R tell NE or not but in order for us to grow we have to address these issues like it or not I mean it’s a tough conversation you got to have it in order to grow but I said the funny thing is what what now dissect
That a little bit more bro it’s your light your light can be intimidating to other people your presence your presence is the flex so you know you once you once you really understand what that is you can let them all well you ain’t welcome fine I want to be here no way
Bro you know what I’m saying so you know you that’s I mean I mean bro when you when you first started coming around here we like oh this dude different oh what’s up like that you know what I’m saying so it’s a genuine you know because you and your lady came in here
With a genuine Spirit you know what I’m saying you you you you engulfed yourself this was something that you guys were already doing it was already ingrain so it’s not like you ain’t got to fake the funk again it don’t matter where you come from if you genuine about it you
Know what I’m saying you accept it you know what I’m saying that’s like the past the culture itself like the skate culture itself it may have its own rules Crews got their own rules oh yeah you know what I’m saying um but you know what I’m saying that’s what it’s really
About they they just couldn’t that light was too bright F I’m move the thing over here is you know what I’m saying all right I don’t even swe none of that y’all lost too bad look at me now no I got you I got you T how you feeling over
You all right you all right you want to say anything you all good good all right cool they said um this has been said it’s been a a long process especially trying to get him and said things happen behind the scenes but like I said this
Been like busy oh yeah we’re busy we got so we got livees I know I got 95 out here the goal is to not have that 95 no more but that’s a long story but um um I know it’s been a blessing to have this guy right here that said uh H um
When I first started briefly talk about this I gota get out of here um but when I first started he was a very one of the very first people that asked about okay even though yeah yes yes because I didn’t know how to start yeah you put up
The camera up okay what’s the logistic about it how can be successful about it how can I make this a change this community I feel like having this guy here just just boosted everything oh man I a do all that I recorded about two or three times but I mean just as knowledge
Every time I come here you know it just it just uplift me that somebody one of the OG able to help me out you know it wasn’t me it wasn’t me no it was definitely I don’t care what y wa since we F to sign off man uh it was an honor
And a privilege to do this podcast with you guys um God saved my soul Sten saved my life www.b smoke.com check it out check it out make sure you check me out for master classes um what whatever it is that you guys need any questions comments
Concerns hit me up man I’m proud of you my guy respect to you I love you darling hey appreciate much love one hey don’t don’t cut it off oh wait wait wait don’t cut it off don’t cut it off love is guaranteed oh wa wait we gotta cut
Off now now he’s still he’s still singing right now he so hey you have a good one yeah yeah