It’s the Bob and Tom Show this is um this ain’t a new song but it seems like it ought to be it seem it’s about uh hero of Mine hey little buddy don’t even worry everything is going to be Okay I should have told you when you made all that money that the world would do you this way forget your exwife she ain’t no good for you she’s a gold digging [ __ ] and her mother is to a iron mik don’t let them get you Down hey little buddy don’t even worry you keep your eyes fixed on the fight Don King ain’t the kind of cat who’d steal somebody’s money hell he always does everybody right you’re still the champ and we all know you are you’ve got to leave the
Women alone Mike but you can smash up as many cars as you want to IR Mike don’t let them get you down hey little buddy don’t you get angry God please at least not at me [Laughter] I’m right behind you all the way oh Compadre you just say whatever you want and I’ll
Agree I’ll wash every car in your 10 car garage I’d be glad to carry the boom box and you’re on to IR M don’t let them get you down hey little buddy come out flow me a 20 well that’s no good I dropped my Sharpie and now I can’t F you know what that is that’s an omen yeah that’s an omen baby good morning and welcome to the bom and Tom Show uh we’ll explain why we played a little bit of Todd Snider with
Mike Tyson here in a second hello Christie hi chick she’s over there at the news desk I am Pat Godwin hello chick he’s in the performance room Pat and I have uh P we’ve had a quick meeting already this morning and we understood each other we remembered what
The other one said and we’ve moved forward oh that’s nice it’s quite the meeting there’s Josh Arnold not how things work around here yeah there’s Ace Cosby and Willie Griswald here hey everybody good to see you guys right federal law mandates we have to have a
Griswald on the show and uh Tom is uh where is it we don’t know where he is or are we saying where he is he’s taking a day off he’s taking a day off he’s on assignment we say around around the old radio yeah evidently yeah I hope yeah I
Can’t ski can’t ski a lick I can’t ski I can’t skate I can’t uh I skate or roller skate can’t really have you never ever been able to NOP I I I can ride a bike that’s about it oh yeah can you do all that well you don’t water ski I know
That yeah and I’ve never tried the snow skiing yeah but yeah skating I can do no kidding yeah oddly yes like a hocky like well enough to play hockey or something uh no no as I said I when I say oddly I mean oh I skate very oddly oh you look
OD doing it no no I uh I’m better than you might think but I’m not I’m not very good I don’t get ice skating at all I just fall and I hit my rear in and then I and then ice skating is supposed to be
Such a merry fun time when you do it in the holidays need to be a practice session for fat idiots like me who fall and slip and then their little sisters make fun of him say oh look Willie can’t skate look at Willie can’t skate he’s on the floor again ah the
Holiday Merry Christmas they should have dating skating where they have a like just a quick little lesson so you can at least get through a date on ice skates cuz that’s bigid that’s great they should have dating skating you say dating skating that’s a great idea yeah dating skating leads to mating that’s
Right oh well yeah this every good romcom in the win has SK I’ll tell you what I’ll give you uh that’ be their meat cute 50 grand for 30 i w 30% 30% of the dating mating dating skating skating and a royalty a dollar royalty until I get my money
Back always Mr royalty why am I watching shart tank every week I love it did I say shart tank no you said that’s a whole other show yeah that’s a whole different show uh anyway we played Mike Tyson because uh yes he’s coming back to fight evidently what uh big news this
Morning Mike Tyson is going to fight Jake Paul oh my goodness on July 20th and it will be streamed live on Netflix for those who don’t know who is Jake Paul wow he’s the internet star wouldn’t you say yeah he’s like he used to be
Kind of a Disney star and then he kind of broke out on his own with YouTube lately he’s been getting in boxing matches and his brother’s Logan Logan he’s the he has the prime the Gatorade like energy drink that all the children love czy you at the prime you guys so they
Love the Pauls the kids the children is Logan more famous Than Jake I’m not sure the Paul F the fame factor I don’t know who’s more famous Jake is more controversial for sure he gets he gets a little more he’s fighting Mike Tyson which seems like a bad thing to do
Because if you lose you lose to Mike Ty either if you if you win people oh you just beat up an old guy but if you lose you Mike Tyson beats you up on TV no win have you seen Mike Tyson the video of him working out it’s insane great it’s
Crazy yeah how old what’s the age difference uh he’s Mike’s 57 and uh Jake is I don’t know it’ll be 58 when the fight happens but Logan Paul is 27 Jake Paul Jake Paul okay oh wow 30y year difference Logan didn’t Tyson just Logan I need to make a boom boomz I
Just changed you do oh Dr X is tired this morning and uh you guys remember the NFL playoffs they didn’t happen that long ago remember this sure Kansas City Chiefs Advance win the Super Bowl yeah well there was a game between the Chiefs and the uh Miami Dolphins at Arrowhead
Remember this in the playoffs it was four below oh yeah oh yes evidently some of the people who showed up and was they were at that game they are being uh told they probably need to have amputations because of frostbite no we’ll have that story coming up talk about something to look forward
To the story and there’s no mention of specific body parts but the Mind goes I I mean you just run rampid any extremity really what are we doing do we want to watch the football game we want toes can’t have everything in this world everybodyy I me I’m a fan and I’d be
Excited if my team was in the playoffs but uh I don’t think I’d give my right arm for the team and this is I don’t think that’s no no no why would you do that uh several Chiefs fans who suffered frostbite during the cold playoff game now need an amputation
Oh they got frostbite it was four below a wind chill of 27 below of the 70% of patients with frostbite they’re now being referred for amputation oh I mean I know those playoff tickets can cost an arm and a leg but this is ridiculous am I right what do you think
Huh uh one woman got frostbite she took her gloves off for just 5 minutes to put up a tent in the parking lot outside Arrowhead oh man uh they are undergoing treatment in hyperbaric oxygen to I like my cat my cat had oxygen hyperbaric chamber right mik
Know he would get in there yeah that’s him you got a good night’s sleep though that guy he are you telling me that if you if you could you wouldn’t go hey Doc come on I am it’s time for chicky to go Betty by
It’s I I long to make so much money that I have an evil doctor who does whatever I want cuz you always hear these stories how do you get that much money cuz you can’t pull out your Blue Cross Blue she and say hey give me the good stuff doc
You got to have that crazy evil guy health insurance stop messing around give me the goodies come on and you get a driver wouldn’t you oh yes absolutely I’d have a driver absolutely Josh you want to be my driver would that be awkward no no yeah I can be your driver
Would you sit in the passenger seat or in the back I sit in the back would you even if Josh were driving like Joan Crawford signning pictures is going can I have one of those driver caps absolutely all right you can have whatever you want man you’re driver
Josh that the the car is your domain what no matter what you say goes in that car you’re the boss oh really I mean that now yeah you know what I’ll treat you you’ll still be yeah this is going to last I don’t know about the music right
Right that’s where it’ll all fall apart I he’s just playing the Hagar Halen stuff and Halen Stuff psychosocial psychosocial you get a playlist just for chicken every song starts with are you ready to rock who’s ready I’m not ready give us 10 okay oh you got anything over there coming up in news Christie I have a story for you chick about the um Tower
Of London I know how much you love the Tower of London and everything in England it’s not a tower you know that is it more of a fortress it’s a sprawling Fortress yes and they have Ravens there that’s the story really smart Ravens that’s exactly what I’m going to talk about and they’re
Genetically from like hundreds of years they’re is this the story I hope not their Heritage yeah the Ravens have the family this one family of Ravens have been working at the tower forever yeah we have a new raven master did you tease the beef eaters when you went oh yeah
You got you got to they kind of host the all right anybody have any questions to right right they kind of H put a little feather under their nose that’d be good for you maybe you could go host a Tower of London and hi you’re welcome
Everybody I think I’d like that I don’t like I do get in trouble with British people sometimes I call them dirty Red Coats I’m still kind of not over the Revolutionary War I don’t blame you yeah so maybe I’ll do it maybe I won’t I can
I can see not being a good gig for me we we were at War mhm yeah we were people forget that taxation no representation not on my watch Playboy watch it pal uh Sports and news coming up but uh Christy don’t you have something to uh tell us oh I sure do
Thank you very much you’re welcome ah so many of us spend our lives wishing we had more time time for what well if you had an extra hour in your day how would you use it well I have a great way for you time yes you could make yourself a
Priority and get therapy that’s right therapy can help you find what matters to you so you can do more of it it could be helpful for learning how to set healthy boundaries we all need those learn positive coping skills empowering you to be the best version of yourself
Well if you’re thinking of starting therapy take that hour and give better help a try it’s all done online designed to be convenient flexible just fill out this brief questionnaire and you will be matched with a licensed therapist and here’s the thing don’t like that therapist well you can switch at any
Time for no additional charge better help learn to make time for what makes you happy with better help visit SL btsh show today and you’ll get 10% off your first month that’s better help slbt show coming up uh Mike Tyson Jake Paul as we referred to earlier and
Also uh um we have Kevin Bacon in the news oh Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon yeah we have a new raven master and Tom Brady and Jizzy back in the news oh yeah she was crying a little bit yeah she’s upset she’s crying poor thing could be happier
About it she’s crying wasn’t I felt B for her watching a show called super models cry yeah what is it are you hungry Kitty has claws you think she’s ever eaten a ho ho or a dingdong Noelle no yeah probably not that’s a sad exist isn’t it we’ll be
Right back this is the Bob and Tom Show listening to Bob and hey hi I’m Tom this is chick that’s Josh and this is Christy Lee Christy what’s happening hey Charleston the Bob and Tom Show here and our friends at rock 105 wklc are bringing us to town
For a live show with special guest Duke tomato and the Bob and Tom brass to mouth horns plus do not miss an amazing comedy show that night that’s right it all happens Friday April 5th at the Charleston Coliseum and Convention Center if you’re listening anywhere within 100 miles of Charles Center Fe
Come out and see us live on the morning of April 5th that’s a free show and then get tickets for that night’s Bob and Tom Show Comedy Tour event with who Christie Pat Godwin Josh Arnold Jeff uke Willie griswell all hosted by Tom and Christie tickets on sale now and they’re going
Fast get your tickets at or the Charleston Coliseum box office see you there by the way parents if you have kids and you have the minivan make sure there’s at least two TV screens in the back of that minivan because God forbid your child might be forced to use their
Imagination for 20 minutes on the way to elementary school in order to keep them busy I say much better every single moment be spoonfed by the video God that runs their life gee I wonder where add comes from I can’t possibly imagine I mean we kept the boy entertained 24 hours a day
His entire childhood in front of a television with a remote control and a game console all of a sudden he can’t pay attention oh oh great Zeus why have you done this to our child please send down some of your Pharmaceuticals as which to cure the land
Otherwise we might be forced to spend time with him and frankly he’s kind of an idiot and while you’re at it send me something for my fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome and Myriad of other ailments the medical community is convinced me that I have because as an
American if I don’t feel good 24 hours a day well there must be a pill I could pop into my face and change my brain chemistry to constantly feel better or maybe and I’m just spitballing here oh great one maybe you’re not supposed to feel good all the time maybe it’s
Supposed to be a struggle to get out of bed every once in a while and doing that is how you become a better person when you hurdle that part of your life then you just create this incredible sense of entitlement which is what I complain about the rest of the world having maybe
This add thing is kind of overblown maybe it’s supposed to be harder to read something than it is to watch it on TV and we have these big fat drug addicted kids that are basically embracing all the worst parts of Elvis Presley we’re not doing them any favors
Maybe maybe oh great one the rest of the world isn’t the problem maybe it’s me yeah by the way that Lit is entitled parenting advice from a guy that’s never had kids hey it’s Josh Arnold with a food recommendation for you Gardener Wisconsin cheese their famous ovenbaked cheese it arrives pre-baked you just
Heat it and eat it Grill it skill it or air fry it check out their new oven baked cheese flavor holap Alo ooey gooey spicy cheese it’s sure to tickle your taste buds with real jalapeno flavor and heat perfect for game day parties or anytime excuse me are um are you serious
With it I mean why are you doing this me the real me is right here I could easily be doing this we we don’t need you man I look there’s only room for one of us that’s Gardener Wisconsin cheese jalapeno flavored oven baked cheese it’s now available in Gardener oven baked
Bundle package so try all the great flavors receive free cold pack shipping and free cheese curds when you spend $59 or more at gardeners Wisconsin click the link below and tell them your pal Josh me the real Josh from the Bob and Tom Show sent you Sorry to hear about that it’s okay lots of people get divorced um Einstein got divorced he did yeah did you know that Albert Einstein arguably the most intelligent man who ever lived got divorced they should tell you that before you get married shouldn’t be do you love her do
You want to spend the rest of your life with her it should be do you think you’re smarter than [Laughter] Einstein are you dating them uh I guess you know what I don’t want to do I don’t want to say I love you anymore I hate
That first I love you that’s the worst first time you ever tell a woman you love her they like you they want to hear it and when they hear it that first time something comes over them you know their eyes get all wide and get that Di I
Olical grin on their face you can almost feel them saying excellent morning laughter just might be the best medicine no matter how hard I try can’t keep my hands off my face Bob and Tom radio welcome back to the Bob and Tom Show Tom taking a vacation day good for
Him we’re all sitting around hanging out Kevin nean is Going to Be Our Guest this morning and also news you failed to mention with uh Mr O and we have an email especially for Josh and chrisy I need you to get on this what um there evidently is an amusement
Park um that is tailored around Little Debbie snack food oh yeah and it’s they have all these different rides and uh uh toys you can climb on it’s somewhere in Tennessee how about that they got the ice the uh Christmas cake and they have an oatmeal pie cosm brownie College Dale Tennessee College
Dale Tennessee sweetest Park in Tennessee how about that how about that this isn’t me tell bringing this to your attention Josh this is some guy named Steve oh okay I’m sure though he tells he hears Tom talk to you about snacks and things oh sure yeah yeah yeah he’s
Just letting me know and they do have a statue of Little Debbie well they’d have to they’d have to have an oatmeal cream pie too those are the best they still have that statue of Little Debbie up after all the letters I sent saying tear that thing down we don’t need that in
Our town anymore statue must come to didn’t you say one morning Little Debbie must have been real fat I don’t remember saying I probably did I think that uh isn’t there a picture on the products uh yeah the tenacre park has been in the making for 5 years after the land was
Donated to the city there bot Little Debbie you can see the Christmas cake the cream pie she looks sort of Depression era just cuz she’s like bronze so she just looks she covered in soot and she looks like a life siiz a life-size Monopoly piece she’s looking at the plate of
Dinner for the whole town but they’re just letting her hold it really quick before everyone eats it oh gosh oh I wish I could remember but I saw a recipe somewhere on Instagram where they took those um peanut butter what are those called The Long sticks the nutter
Butters peanut butter fingers is what I’m nut Butters I used to live on those in high school that was my lunch but they made a cake out of them oh it looked so good slam your hands on the desk good so good wow I think I saved
That I don’t think I’ve ever seen you act that way about any anything food related I know right and I saw Nutter uh vanilla wafers um banana pudding like walking tacos you can make them into like a little you take the little uh theilla wafer bags and put banana
Pudding and whipped cream on them and slice bananas and you want this the woman who one time I walked in and you your snack one morning was two raisinettes on a piece of paper you want this snack well I just that’s one of my favorites you do you eat this famously
You eat a sector of a KitKat bar a day yes it’ll last you four days that’s right who would have thought one teeny tiny peanut butter cup every night dark chocolate by the way for those of you listening all dentists recommend that yeah lay there with chocolate after dinner is my after
Dinner sweet Christy is dressed today uh she has her sport coat on that’s right the sport coat that is normally on a ventriloquist dummy she’s she’s that’s right I forgot that’s what you said and Willie Willie made a big deal he goes wow you look really great today chy and
I meant it she does look really nice but also she also looks like a very nice couch if that makes sense a little buttons that are on there it’s quite it looks very nice though I’m not trying to be mean but we can be I don’t care you
Walk into this building you get a little bit mean it happens we have armor put up your armor uh this just end the NFL scouting combine uh set a record as more more than 27,000 fans attended the fan Centric celebration in Indianapolis but between February 29th and March 3rd uh
Took uh Place 4 days of the NFL combine combine experience the NFL’s free interactive FanFest return to Lucas Oil uh and the combine experience where fans were encouraged to wear their favorite NFL team gear take photos with Colt Super Bowl uh trophy uh view all 57 Super Bowl rings up close and
Participate in interactive games I think you could carry the ball they had like a rubber band they put around you and you could see how far you could get run running the ball and that’s fun trying to pull you and then they had a Target you could throw a football through but
It just set a record and I told you I was watching a a terrifying amount of the combine I was concerned for myself and you’re excited did you think about going down there at all no but it looked uh really uh really full in the stadium
I you’re going to you’re going to want to steer clear of those NFL experience things I did one of those I thought I was having having fun I made a field goal great time for everybody and then I lost I did a 40- yard dash and I lost to
Like a 13-year-old who was kind of chubby and I’m not going to be able to recover from that for weeks you guys it’s brutal physically or it’s was so I had to pull my pants up halfway through they were falling down Noah got video of the whole thing just terrible do you
Guys know that uh there was an episode of Atlanta that covered this with Donald Glover it’s on FX a really good show uh that Michael Vic former NFL quarterback would go and hustle 40 yard dashes or hustle races with people oh really he would bet them money that I they he
Could beat them in a race and he always could even after he retired he was faster than some guy standing in a parking lot well do people know who he was no they really didn’t sort of catch on and that’s not fair well to be fair
His face isn’t on ESPN all the time so that’s true makes sense people don’t know who he is anymore yeah that’s true um and this is official apparently on July 20th Mike Tyson and Jake Paul are going to be in a boxing match streaming live on Netflix uh Netflix will provide live
Coverage between the 27 year-old social media star hyphen turned hyphen boxer and the 57-year-old former heavyweight champion of the world formerly baddest man on the planet this is really smart for Netflix to do this yeah people are we’re already we’re buzzing here talking about this you guys are excited about it
Behind the scenes yeah I found an odd location in Dallas 100,000 seat AT&T stadiums where they’re going to have wow and uh you know normally Vegas La New York Jer Jerry world uh Tyson has not fought since he talked on took on Roy Jones Jr in exhibition in
2020 uh I don’t think that one ended in any sort of decision I think that was a non-decision and uh Paul has won nine out of 10 fights six Knockouts against against uh mostly as it says here undistinguished opponents including several mixed martial artists and uh someone else who makes their living on
YouTube as Paul does uh Paul had his second probe out on the undercard of Tyson Jones uh he knocked out former NBA player Nate Robinson which which was very funny it’s very funny to watch athletes that aren’t boxers pretending to be boxers this is a really good time and his only loss came
Last year to Tommy Fury that’s the less accomplished half brother of the WBC heavyweight champion Tyson Fury I did not know the furies were brothers like The Craze Josh they’re Brothers I have no idea I know a lot about this because Netflix The Untold series which I love they did a oh
That is a good series they did a piece about malice at the palace and I I watched the whole thing about Jake Paul truly if you have good music in the background of a documentary I’ll watch just about anything so I know a lot about Jake Paul so the the Jordan thing
The Last Dance that thing the the music and that is so great that’s why Netflix is so smart here they’re going to get an audience of Wily’s age and they’re G to get uh Grandpa right here yeah to watch Tyson and I mean it’s it’s really smart
Because half of America wants to watch Jake Paul and the other half wants to watch Jake Paul get hit in the face yeah exactly exactly Mar that’s that’s exactly what it is true enough remember when uh uh they had all the 70s television stars fighting each other yes
Like Danny bonuchi and Screech that was not cool it was a bummer celebrty boxing is what it was called I didn’t like it it was like on Fox and Harding do it Tanya Harding boxed somebody horack it was just sad horack box yeah he got murdered oh man it was like a producer
In La just saw like old actors like working at a grocery store and instead of helping them out with like a project he was like I’m going to make you fight the guy from cheers H yeah it was odd Ron what is hor Shack’s name Ron poo
That is just sad poor got killed man as Tom would say it was a hate cry uh last boxing match I went to it wasn’t you know in Vegas or anything but it was a a sanctioned heavyweight boxing match but the undercard uh it was two
Ladies boxing oh no I think they back at the time they called it foxy boxing and um so the Bell you know rings and they come out to the middle of the and this one one of the ladies hits the other one right in the face and the one
That got hit burst into tears and walked back to her corner and threw the towel it how how’s that fun for anyone it was I that was the last live boxing match I ever attended so that such a bummer and there’s something about guys and cigars
At boxing matches what do you mean just they like to smoke him at the boxing match yeah like there everybody had a cigar but me at this boxing match it was it was crazy that’s weird a lot of it’s like Primal it makes you feel like old
School entertainment so you want to have the stogy with you maybe may I did look around and think I could see a guy in a a for Fedora with a the Press card in his all right let’s go see flash camera flash flash that woman just started
Crying unbelievable oh and if you’re not crying yet this morning how about this story several Kansas City Chiefs fans who suffered frostbite during the bitterly cold playoff game back in January between the Chiefs and the Dolphins at Arrowhead may may now need amputation this is terrible according to
Reports several fans got frostbite when they attended the playoff game uh it was four below air temperature at kickoff the wind chill was 27 below Physicians say that of the 70% of patients with frostbite who now are being referred for amputations a majority are Chief’s fans one woman got frostbite she took her
Gloves off she said for just 5 minutes to help put up a tent in the parking lot and she might face amputation oh boy and don’t you uh don’t you have a song about this I do yeah I lost the finger when the Chiefs played San
Francisco oh no it it it don’t let the facts get in the way of a good song I got Gang Green below the knee I lost a foot where did my fist go I love my team the Kansas City Chiefs go Chiefs Pat Godwin everybody Pat God so
When do the lawsuit start oh I don’t know well how who yeah who do you the NFL or God know but don’t you think that’d be a tough one I feel like if you choose to go to the game that’s on you right right you would think that there
Were a lot of winter weathers she put eaters in every seat well and then look for the biggest Pockets the NFL has pretty deep pot but they don’t have any sort of uh contingency plans uh for a cold weather game uh remember they did um delay a
Bills game right this past season but they don’t have anything for extreme cold so maybe maybe they will there’s a shady lawyer out there working on this right now for sure would they have uh would they have played a hockey game they would have played a hockey game
Outside right uh yeah a four below if it were like the Winter Classic and it were that cold I think they still would have done it man a big sheet of ice and four degre four below weather how do they keep their feet from freezing um I think the movement helps
Honestly and uh you know they got big socks big socks big thck socks uh yesterday uh Willie doesn’t know this but yesterday we were talking about tumble weeds tell me a all about them um Josh even went so far as to say this is from Scott uh he thinks it’s
Cool when he sees a tumble weed love it so do I in fact when I see one on the road I aim for it in my vehicle it’s a blast to watch them explode can you please tell other drivers to stop dodging them and causing accidents did you know that tumble weeds
Are not native to the United States no I just tumble weeds those are just in cartoons to establish the fact that no one’s around right you never seen them I don’t think I’ve ever seen a tumble weed oh yeah you’re just driving across the Great American West tumble goes in front
Of you that happens absolutely yeah cross the road or you’ll see him just rolling around the dirt it’s always a joy I love it South Jordan Utah for four days scores of beach ball-sized tumble weeds were blown around by the heavy wind huh but the they were blocking
Roads they were yeah can’t be blocking the roads that’s how I get places I don’t think I’ve ever seen a tumble weed in person either I have have you yeah Ted Mexico too tumble weeds in the Ozarks no no no but I’ve driven out west a lot and it’s yeah it’s
Always fun is that right sometimes boy here’s the real treat if you see a tumble weed and then you look up and there’s a Dirt Devil too also one of those pull over go to sleep if there a Road Runner in there ah those are much smaller than you want
Them to be and then you think they are much smaller I didn’t know they made a Kill Bill 3 what is this this is great maybe maybe not yeah uh this guy Scott says it’s the equivalent of being hit in the head with a cotton ball when
He runs over I have the same U oh yeah they just break apart yeah they just break but I have the same uh I aim my car for uh don’t Goose well well you don’t really aim for them all right yes I should yeah I don’t speed up but I don’t slow down
Either and if they step out they step out in front they’re they they get their wings I’m sorry no right straight up it’s baby season right now they’re all laying on their nest so be careful out there they’re adorable is it really baby season yeah they’re laying they’re sitting on their
Eggs mhm baby season can we get baby goose for the show and we should get one of these days when Tom takes try to steal a baby goose see what happen we should those they’re very U mgive territorial when it comes to stealing babies because I like to get them for my
Omelets oh yeah yeah you only need one you only need one egg my brother and I were fishing and there was a gosling in the middle of the lake it had obviously been parted because you’ll see him all over oh look at you with the big word
Gosling okay a little less clunky than baby goose so the his Spirit lives on littered on the highway and because you’ll see the moms and the babies following them they’re teaching to swim and fly all so this was just one by itself I go damn Jeff we got to we got
To get that and put it on the land or it’s in the middle of the lake here and he he he wouldn’t let me do it he goes no nature is doing probably got eaten by an like a documentarian we couldn’t get ourselves involved that that’s a good documentarian team they don’t get
Involved whatever happened I would love the documentary if you try to save a baby goose the mom sees you doesn’t understand what’s happening and then ferociously attacks you and I fall in the water and then somehow bitten by a snake also just I wanted to save the
Gosling then an alligator comes out of nowhere and Tumbl no good de and by the way Willie it’s a gosling not a baby goose I said didn’t I say Gosling no you said baby goose what an idiot I Bud son of a gun hey don’t you be an idiot like
Willie get raycon everyday earbuds raycons offer amazing we don’t use that word here yeah a stupid or idiot we don’t use neither of those yeah you’re right you’re right raycon I’m sorry Willie it’s okay raycons offer amazing audio quality at half the price of other premium audio Brands how about their
Tens of thousands of five star reviews readily available on the internet which is now on your computer rayon’s optimized gel tips fit every ear ever made and they get a load of this raycon stay in your ear whether you’re working out walking the dog maybe you’re on the
Treadmill Rons stay in place plus they have 8 hours of playtime 32 hours of battery life and you don’t have to worry about whether they’re up for the task plus you can enjoy features like they’re easy to use earbud tap functions noise isolation and awareness mode go to by tomt toay and get 20% off your rayon order plus free shipping that’s right 20% off in free shipping just go to by that’s by you can be there on the bank watching the baby goose out there listening to your raycon earbud goslings please just
An amazing day world records coming up don’t worry we’ve got World Records this is the Bob and Tom Show thanks for listening to the Bob and Tom Show this morning we have uh the young Shane Moss uh comedian from Wisconsin now living in Boston yeah I got the uh Ghost of
Christmas future uh right next to me so it’s not too late is it I can still I can still change you can turns out it is too late oh you mentioned that your uh girlfriend is a veterinarian yeah now did you have any normal jobs uh prior to
This comedy um yeah I had uh I I did a lot of manual labor type stuff I I worked in a factory for a few years worked construction the worst thing that I ever did was um I I was a temp laborer yeah um which was just an awful awful
Job and there’s like no health insurance no or or anything with it there just workman’s compensation so anytime I need to seek medical attention need to be a work-related thing you know I’d have to call my boss it be like yeah I don’t know I better go and see a doctor it’s
Just yesterday I think I was just picking up a little bit too much weight and I think I might have gotten herpes yeah better have that check yeah wow it’s it’s insane all the things you have to worry about like I remember when I was in grade school and you know I’m
I’m not that old but it just 20 years ago in in grade school the biggest concern was don’t share hats you might get lice they’re much more serious now like don’t share needles you might get AIDS yeah well at least you can share hats again cares about
Life yeah how true I see I see Shane Moss is is our guest we’ve talked about the fact that you drive all over the place yeah let me ask you this we’ve uh this is one of my favorite topics um kind of an inside Showbiz thing but uh
Every once in a while you get what’s termed a hell gig yeah maybe you’re on stage and uh you’re in a small club or a bar and they’ve got a TV on over here there’s pool game going on people aren’t paying attention do you have any great
Hail gig stories um well uh I I have a few and um I I’ll tell one anyway and then if we have time for more that’s uh cool um uh I’ll start I’ll combine uh cars and a hell gig how’s that um I uh I was in Detroit uh recently and and this
Actually wasn’t a hell gig at all it’s just kind of my fault I made a little mistake Detroit’s kind of little bit dangerous it’s actually ranked the most dangerous big city in the country and if you remind them of that they will kill you try yeah uh and I let it slip on
Stage that I drive a Hyundai oh uh which is a sin there and I had to explain to him I was like listen you know I’m all for supporting americanmade products I don’t want anyone in Detroit to lose their job or anything it’s just that if I’m driving through Detroit I want the
Most reliable vehicle possible wow that didn’t go over very well Tikki Barber here remember the days when I was a running back in the NFL well if you’re on your feet all day like I was you get the struggle the secret is orange insoles their insoles are like
Magic for your feet and body they’ll help you kick hip pain sore feet and lower back discomfort to the sidelines feel better do more with orange orange ins Souls 247 Bob and Tom 247 uh Norman honey what you doing it’s getting late I’m downstairs honey um just getting some cereal snow comes thank God he found it it’s getting desperate I hope this works you know Judy tried it with Ted and she said he’s become
Insatiable boy will Snooks be in for a treat cuz her hubby is chopping on the new cereal for men who are sexually dysfunctional it’s nut and raisin honey M this sure is tasty honey I’ll be right up nut and raisin honey the cereal that gets you up in the
Morning or anytime for that matter nut and raisin honey ladies he’ll love the taste and you’ll love that filling feeling oh my God Norman where did you get that thing nut and raisin honey from post who else nut and raisin honey coming to a store near you nut and
Raisin honey eat him from the bowl or right out of the box hi everybody this is Mark Sweeney and you’re listening to Bob and Tom radio comedian Greg Han is here with us I love going on dates you get to go to the girls place and meet her pets they
Always have cats it’s always cats it’s never anything cool like a wild dingo or Wolverine it’s never a venomous duck or a bat fous like a pork it Pine it’s usually cat usually two cats like a little one she just rescued from the trash 10 seconds ago just got run over
By a train or something still has leaves stuck to its rear end Bic and anemic then the girl’s GNA tell you like the story how she met the cat oh I put some I put some milk out on Tuesday she drank all the milk and came back on
Wednesday that’s a beautiful story take your top off is our guest but I’ve been fired from every job I’ve ever had that’s true I’ve never been have you really yes personal record three hours of Kentucky Fried Chicken I got a plaque from the colonel I was 18 they hired me as a
Cashier that’s smart let’s take an aspiring comedian and put him in between fat people and their food what could go wrong I’m there three hours this guy comes walking up to the counter yeah what’s the difference between your two-piece dinner and your four piece dinner well
Let’s take a look at let me let me get out my calculator have to log on to the internet here wonder if it could be two pieces of chicken wonder if that could be it wonder wonder if you could have figured that out if you sat in a honey
Pot like poo bear and tinktink Tink Tintin fired hello you’re listening to Bob and Tom 247 [Laughter] welcome back to the Bob and Tom Show Tom on assignment we’re all here like death in taxes this show continues yeah is that right yeah something like that um there’s Willie uh joins us Pat
Godwin uh Christie Josh Arnold was it yes that’s it East Cosby will maybe have that joke of the day I I promise nothing I have a qu what are we supposed to do with this uh amputation of Kansas City Chiefs fans because they attended uh the NFL game where it was
Four below and there’s an inordinate amount of people facing amputations I feel bad hor it’s a bummer they went to have a good time and yes they went out in the cold but no you still don’t expect that that’s crazy being a caring compassionate mature well caring and compassionate I I
Don’t I mean it’s a bummer yeah it’s sucks but I mean there isn’t really anything to be done is there has this happened before like in Green Bay all those years ago not not that I can I don’t think this has ever happened before that we know about I’m I haven’t
Been aware of it like this mean neither it’s crazy it’s it’s not do you think Tom would be blaming them for going in the first place he tends to blame victims quite often he he does tend to blame the victim well it can be kind of
Fun it can be kind of a good time to blame a victim as a g you learn that at a very young age uh he would say he would oh well they shouldn’t even be having these games he thinks that if you’re in a cold weather City you should have to build a
Dome right and I’m pretty sure now there’s a rule in the NFL no cold City will get any more money to build domes from now on if they already to build a no Dome excuse me so the bills are fine oh I see what you’re saying greay is
Fine but if they were to build a new stadium in Green Bay which would never happen it would have to have a is that right I think that’s the rule but I’m not certain H that’s interesting yeah yeah he’s all for the domes but he also likes football play being played out of
Doors and then well he also gets real real mad if the roof of certain domes isn’t open on days that he yeah so so here’s one thing you guys are dealing with you guys are getting frustrated because my dad is showing that he’s not consistent with his opinions you got to
Work on that cuz it’s going to be glaringly inconsistent okay so that’s our that’s on you at this point that’s our mistake point it’s on you for not learning it you’ve been around him so long you haven’t learned anything that’s on y’all okay see you learned that about
Age 12 in the household you know a casual Observer would think especially me and Christy would think after over 30 years of working with Tom that we would have our little shortcuts or or some way to oh well hang on well you know this is the way he is
He’ll we have no idea still to this day well see that’s expect that’s the inconsistency I was talking about right it keeps you on your toes it does and he likes that that’s his goal that’s absolutely his goal just a bad person horrible now uh I don’t know if
You can uh you can uh talk about this Willie but yesterday Josh got all fired up because he had received a speeding ticket from an airplane what if you will and this was my you know you see those signs every now and again uh speed patrolled by aircraft that thing we’re
Watching you yeah all right but this was the one time where I got pulled over and he goes you were doing this and I wanted to go I I’d like prove this please prove to me that a plane and chrisy said think about it have you ever seen an airplane
That is oh that what’s that airplan oh that’s a a highway patrol airplane right right I mean if I would if I could watch Josh who who is very respectful but if I could watch you get in a fight with law enforcement about like a drone giving
You a ticket the Constitution this is against the damn Constitution now the reason I didn’t get so upset is because I was speeding oh sure yeah I I was going like 15 over and Christy chrisy said have you ever seen a plane I’ve never seen a plane there you go have you
Ever seen the plane no are they still doing it yes yeah I this is from Greg okay hello Village idiots oh hi I used to work at the State Police airplane department and I would go up loaded with equipment for aerial speed checks sure I also got to go flying it for test
Flights my son was caught doing 80 and a 55 by my plane and apparently they put something on the highway so the plane can tell uh there’s some sort of grid marking that they can tell how fast you’re going by crazy how quickly you’re coming up on
The markings on the highway it’s fine yeah I and I get that all that ex I know it exists and I know that they do it but I just I’ve always been told that if you if you’re pulled over for speeding that the you can ask to see the speedom the
Uh yeah the radar right and if they can’t show it to you then you can contest I don’t know that any of this first off I don’t if you’re speeding just take the tick you you you you did something wrong but I’ve always been told you’re supposed to go to court for
It because the policemen don’t ever show up yeah I know they’re always you always talk to those guys well you’ll get out of it that’s right those same guys say uh if you get a DUI if you’re drunk get pulled over put a penny in your mouth
And you’ll be okay on the breath Elijah so I I don’t know if that works or uh not isn’t it a weird system we live in where you can get pulled over for going like let’s say you’re going 30 over okay but then you can contact a lawyer and
Get your ticket so-called fixed oh yeah where they’ll just go they just go into a court and they agree with a judge and how about we say he threw a plastic bottle out the window and okay like what why wouldn’t you just it’s so weird why
You just pay the 200 bucks and move on the ticket yeah you Insurance points all that all that crap I think they all also do that with uh bigger crime I know than speed it’s so that’s such a weird thing to me well now let’s not call it murder
On a second let’s say he was a little crazy at the time yeah we can plea deal this gu yeah yeah plea deals are real strange that everybody just because you throw some money around everybody pretends that it was a different crime than it actually was
My client is sort of a wacky goofball we throw this out especially with knives but he’s giving me money he really likes knives you know how you really like your uh collection of Fine Art he feels the same way about knives so and he likes putting them in
People now I don’t care to do such a thing and you certainly wouldn’t no but who am I to judge this man we just say he put in one person and not seven don’t let one bad day yes one bad day and by the way I should say at
This point that everything I know about the law uh comes from Suits okay I love suits have you guys watched suits no I can’t for some reason like uh six months ago uh I I was on one of my websites or whatever looking for something to watch
And Suits had taken off on Netflix it was the most viewed second or third thing most viewed in the history of Netflix so I started evidently everybody was watching Suits fun and entertaining and now you see the two guys they’re on commercials and Stu well and now they’re
Going to reboot suits they’re going to reboot suits they are it’s called bathing suits they’re just on vacation that’s so funny that is so funny so stupid no no that’s a wonderful that’s a gorgeous piece of so good you take the day off bathing you see bathing new
Yesterday yeah they seem to be relaxed for me they’re wearing the weird bathing suits like Dick Van Dyke and shitty shitty van oh that’s chitty see you at Thanksgiving really hit that c see you uh and more aerial tickets coming up more airplanes I thought they quit doing
That I really did Oh I thought the reason we were even talking about is cuz it recently happened to somebody yeah this no this guy said he used to but uh these airplanes are a real thing and U this guy well I’ll tell you all right
Okay we’ll be back what do you got coming up in news uh Christie uh well we have a Lucky Strike for a a Kentucky couple you got to really hit that country the whole Kentucky couple who uh lost and found a lottery ticket did you know that living near bars and fast food
Places could be bad for your heal I’ve heard that have you heard that yes I have and early risers may have inherited a P body cluck from neander TS neander and we’re saying neander TS aren’t we isn’t it neander I haven’t heard a word you’ve said since we’re saying a lot of
Things let me tell you something if there’s any way you can guarantee making mistakes like that all morning we’re going to be just and we’ll be right back who else this is the Bob and dob show got something to say send us an email Bob andom
Who else have you met voice that you any anybody else I’ve met I’ve met everybody I do except for denzo Washington he’s the one I haven’t met um is anyone upset by your imitation yes yes yes thanks for bringing it up yes there’s uh where Kanye had a lot to
Say oh really he’s usually so I’m like can you really count instead of him being mad that was just him being Kanye Shannon sharp hates my impression of he cannot stand it I’m guessing because it’s accurate you know that that’s what I believe I thought it was I thought it
Was poot on I thought it and you know the fact that Thana doesn’t like it is just offensive to me but you know some people I hear you some people just you know Skip Skip some people just don’t like mirror skip when you see the mirror you say
Yourself do I really sound like that I’m going be right there on the other side say yes you do Shannon hates it man it’s everybody else I haven’t and Ben Carson had a little bit to say but you know he ain’t popping so whatever he he can say whatever I I
Pretty much that was like my that was like my it was a character pretty much he sleeping wasn’t even an impression I did these little cat hands you know the hand with the hands like this and I would turn my face and so many people
Would ask me they’ come to my shows can we do the Ben Carson pose I was like this is actually a thing yeah I didn’t think it was the thing but so I got so there’s people sending me pictures posing like this even somebody sent me a
Picture of the cat doing it their cat it was a picture of a baby he was doing it I was like I did not know that this obscure impression had so much premise over you all time I did not know that what’s he what is he like Secretary of
Something he may be retiring Secretary of we don’t got to yeah yeah you know we get past him we just want we just want him to have you know something really high profile so you can bring it back oh I wish man you know he just
Needs to go fill out an application and work at Arby’s I want to give a philosophy on doing impressions of people who are no longer with us uh do I I mean can you do Taft William ta williard no but my FDR is pretty dop got roosen yeah I definitely sit down for
That I don’t do Teddy Roosevelt but I do FDR he has a back of a chocolate decl that’s one of his famous quotes Jay phoh is our guest hey hi I’m Tom this is chick that’s Josh and this is Christy Lee Christy what’s happening hey Charleston the Bob and Tom Show here and
Our friends at rock 105 wklc are bringing us to town for a live show with special guest Duke tomato and the Bob Tom brast mouth horns plus do not miss an amazing comedy show that night that’s right it all happens Friday April 5th at the Charleston Coliseum and Convention
Center if you’re listening anywhere within 100 miles of Charleston Fe come out and see us live on the morning of April 5th that’s a free show and then get tickets for that night’s Bob and Tom Show Comedy Tour event with who Christie Pat Godwin Josh Arnold Jeff uke Willie
Griswell all hosted by Tom and Christie take it on sale now and they’re going fast get your tickets at or the Charleston Coliseum box office see you there but you simply have to sign and file did you go to Tax Preparation H Incorporated I sure did do we owe much
Yep H we really got re I’ll tell you it doesn’t hurt as much thanks to tax preparation agent corporated Tax Preparation H Incorporated we’re just itching to do your return Tax Preparation H Incorporated hey and if you want we’ll even tell Uncle Sam to shove it up his
The essential morning radio all day and all night whener Runs Out Bob and Tom radio radio we have uh also a Matt fure on here yeah and um what do you do for fun what skate um I like to uh I like to go in liquor store which is sounds fun
Right and I get like a miniature vodka like a miniature vodka like this big and when I’m handing the guy the money and be like yo I’m getting messed up tonight just got paid about this [ __ ] something fun to do if you want to try oh
Yeah you know I haven’t done that but I’m do D tonight do it it’s Friday man that’s right we have a comedian Nick Griffin you ever seen a person complain in a fast food restaurant that is that’s amazing to me mhm what’s taken this kid
So long what’s why is he going so slow why is he going so slow H well he’s rethinking every bad decision he’s ever made in his life got him to this horrible shut up your fries are coming and they seem a little irritable too has to summon all his energy to keep from
Turning around and stabbing you in the eyeball at the spork you fat jackass just got an entire meal for $3 and never got out of the car and you’re complaining also with us Christine stemman now you’re a mom well a mom and a grandma I think you know that I I’m a
Grandpa this just how this work you y she’s been married 27 years and still a virgin T yes 28 well you know I have a I have a lot of grandkids my daughter keeps having babies has one almost every year really wow yeah she called me the
Other day she goes mom guess what I’m pregnant again there must be something in the air I’m like yeah you’re late but seriously hello bang hello I’m getting her fixed comedian Diana Jordan is here with us now can I ask you something yeah since you’ve been here last have you had any augmentation
Of any kind no okay must oh I’m wearing the Wonder Bra is that are you kidding yeah no I just showed impressive yeah they call it the Wonder BR CU When you take it off the guy wonders where in the hell your are hi this is Dr will Miller
Brothers welcome back to the Bob and Tom Show Christy Lee at the news desk present the amazing genius Pat Godwin hello chick he’s over in the performance room uh perhaps we’ll need to revisit the the Kansas City Chiefs fans having a problem because it was so cold
Song for uh for Mr uke he joins us hi Jeff hey thanks for having me you’re welcome it’s a pleasure being had uh there’s Willie Griswald good morning Josh Arnold is here he’s here there’s Ace Cosby and I’m a chick have you ever been pulled over by an airplane Jeff no
No have you ever seen an airplane uh yeah patrolling I guess uh no no I have not okay this is going to sound ridiculous you answered that the exact way you should have given the way I asked the question okay I honestly thought when they had those airplanes
Patrolling I really thought that they would swoop down like and there would be a car and they would make you pull over like from above and there would be a car waiting for you down there on the ground well at least you didn’t think the plane
Would land on top of my car pull you over and pull up behind you yes huh isn’t it isn’t it true that they have a certain amount of the highways are that’s not true are straight so the planes can land in emergencies is that that’s a cold work
Era conspiracy heard heard that’s not true oh really also about every I’ve heard that every 3.3 miles there’s an underground bunker that is true that’s true right mhm you know that and in certain parts of the country the underground bunker has a sabaro and a McDonald’s and a Starbucks you pull over
It’s all in one little easy area and those like easy bunker employees of those restaurants they can’t tell anybody where they where they work remember if you work here it stays here stuff like that loose lip sinks tomorrow I think uh this is from Luke I live near a
Stretch of I 80 in Iowa oh that’s where this happened with me is it was it yes uh it’s regularly patrolled by the the state patrol airplane yeah that’s this is exactly where happened and chrisy yes you can see the plane the one they use
Is a small Piper Cub oh shaped like a little bear a yeah uh it’s not very high and it’s going slow enough that given the height and how slow it looks like it’s standing still in the air I’ve not been pulled over by one but my father-in-law got uh nabbed for speeding
By the plane uh several years ago it was one of the best moments of my life I’ve never seen that yeah I didn’t see it either but I’m also not driving around like Ray Leota and Good Fellas looking looking up at the sky oh you got to get paranoid that’ll happen oh you
Want to see airplanes I’ll show you airplan I’ve never had that but I have had the crop dusting planes that fly so low One Flew Over Me I was driving on I65 I thought we were being invaded I was terrified that’s crazy that is scary and we were talking about nicknames a
Couple days ago yeah weren’t we I was of course Chuck’s Deluxe Christy was uh hot pants was it hot pants no I never had one in high school I’m pretty sure it was hot pants oh I wish hot pants sounds right Josh you had Blarney Yeah Yeah
From Arnold it turned into BL Arnold and then it turned into BL a fun one did you have a nickname jeffro lady Jackson yes that’s right jeffro lady Jackson right Jeff R Jeff Jeff cuz I had a FR I am will will I call I still to
This day call you Wilbur The Wilbur football coaches Grizz or the Grizz Grizzy something along those lines see we think we think those are lazy nicknames part of the huh I I prefer a nickname that’s based on your personality not on your name yeah ah okay you see yeah I don’t have anything
Like that yeah fun guy your nickname around here is parttime H but not to your face thank you oh yeah it’s okay I’m going to cry in the bathroom after this no you’re not uh this is from Scott hey feces faces oh that’s a nice nickname wow I like the alliteration
That’s my nickname true enough um I went to a Catholic High School in the Central Coast of California mhm uh one of the basketball players got the shower nickname tripod ah sure he love cameras so much and then he then it goes then it goes dot dot dot you know three legs
Yeah oh he lives in the Ponto Vedra Florida that’s uh and by the way Ponto Vedra is 93 miles from guess where don’t care what else do we have going on I was watching the Stetson Hatters B basketball game last night where are you ston University guess where that is
Located where delay in Florida no kidding and they’re called the Hatters the Hatters STS and Hatters absolutely oh do they make STS and hats in Florida no they make them at the school that’s where they all come from yes that’s their degree in I don’t know how the
Name got to be ston but that’s my cousin went there he got his degree in brims oh did he end up getting a brim job that why is nobody else laughing at that I don’t know apparently part time’s not a minute I believe the problem is christe’s in charge of saying bad
Words that’s the problem yeah don’t jump on my territory here I my laugh was I was laughing so much that I it wasn’t really coming out so unfortunately there was no sound after you said that I loved it I did too that was really would you shop at a store called
Brim jobs I walk in yes yes you know I have gone into just because of the name of the store and looked around I didn’t buy anything n nothing bun cakes yeah I was there yesterday it’s a fine product yeah it’s a great product I bought a little cake
For a friend you there yesterday yes wait a second there is a store they sell so much many bun cakes it’s a brick and mortar store yeah nothing bun cakes handful really is that a joke no chck do you remember you and I went to lunch and
We saw Nothing Bunt Cakes moving in next door yes I think I feel like we stood out in the parking lot and giggled for five minutes cuz the sign had just gone up and they are everywhere now they and I believe they’re a franchise operation one of our friends from the uh NASCAR
World owns them around here we mused that can’t be the name of the store and the pop-up flavor right now is caramel Turtle cake and let me tell you cuz that means it’s only going to be around for a few weeks and it is delicious you know
Christy we got an email uh earlier you were talking about little Debbies yes and oh the the somewhere in Tennessee has a play park if you will yeah Little Debbie themed yes and that led Christy to tell us about some recipes that she’s encountered well Anthony’s written in
Can we make a segment where Christy talks about snack foods gotta say it was kind of hot oh really I’ll hang up and listen for your response he email and by the way I want Little Debbie to know that uh first of all I
Have to have a a box the big boy the big box of oatmeal pies in my refrigerator at all times but I’m on to them they’re uh they’re Zebra Cakes as we say in English they’re they’re Christmas trees if you will the heart-shaped uh cakes are all the same cake and
Cream okay they’re just different shaped and you’re asking how do I know this I’ve tested them all they are absolutely the same thing I think they have a rabbit that’s the same cake and cream your body language and tone is like someone talking about how there was a second shooter when Kennedy
Got shot this needs to be addressed and somehow we need to get some chocolate in there no you have to be white cake and cream frosted why does that have to be why does it have to be why mess with perfection is what I say well that’s true what’s your favorite Little Debbie
SN you look like a Star Crunch man I am a Star Crunch no thank you really yeah yeah what is that Star Crunch is the best there’s a reason you’re asking what is that cuz only one person eats it’s caramel and chocolate and rice
Rice get it out of it’s a mess we chaos always had oatmeal cream pies in my house growing up my kids had them I mean who want someone take it I you got you eat around the rim and then eat the middle part cuz that’s where the well now I have an
Erection I hope you’re happy we all have erection thanks a lot I’m not happy cuz now me and Josh both have erections in the same room that’s weird I do and then the Nutty Buddy peanut bars I love I eat around the rim and then put the Nutty
Buddy in my mouth I do a deconstructed Nutty Buddy I take all the layers off and eat them layer by layer Okay saw a lot of girls in school do that yeah I know Nutty Buddies and Star Crunch you say get them out of here the cakes no oh
So you’re this is why I’m more of a Dolly Madison man you’re one of these guys is that right yes it go for me it’s Hostess Dolly Madison then Lil Debbie just mop like she’s just doing the Dirty Work no yeah up the floor when I was a
Kid I dreamed of having Dolly Madison cakes because the peanuts crew were they advertised for Dolly madis we never had those but it was too expensive we couldn’t afford them couldn’t afford the s have those lonus and Sally and Charlie look there’s a picture of Snoopy on this
Cake why can’t I have one they were highend cakes highend but Hostess is the the best of them all right yeah I think so who can’t you can’t beat a ding-dong no no you can try how’s that how’s that Direction coming cly can so what I do is
I take a Nutty Buddy you have a r routine I eat around I I take the Nutty Buddy in my hand I eat around the rim and then I I grab that dingdong and the oatmeal oatmeal cream pie I’m a Hoo guy and there is a difference between the
Hoo and the ding-dong there is even though same right right right just the shape yeah no they really aren’t they’re very [Laughter] different you did you like a banana flip I don’t I don’t remember what brand did that but it was essentially rarely Taco shaped yes it was banana cream I had one
Of those the banana the banana flavor of those banana flips do do not encour that doesn’t happen in nature banana taste I don’t like that artificial banana flavor you’re real well uh this is what I’m going to do later on today I’m going to go home
And I lock down the compound with my Simply Safe home security system and and eat oatmeal bars eat banana flips why don’t they make oatmeal bars I don’t know like Nutty Buddies only make them oatmeal bar how about that I don’t know why they’re they have oatmeal cream pies
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There’s no safe like Simply Safe we’ll be back with uh we’re going to talk about Willie he’s out on the road uh live comedy shows this weekend with a gentleman you might know Greg H yeah me and Greg are up in cooko yeah H well we’ll talk more about that coming up
This is the Bob and Tom Show essential morning radio all day and all night this is Bob and Tom radio La I get back to Kansas City I was back last April for a wedding for a bunch of weird experiences I become friends with Justin Verlander he’s a pitcher for the
Oh yeah Houston Astros yeah at the time he was pitching for the Tigers Aaron toown playing the Royals but they had a night off so he and I went out and had a couple of drinks and while we’re out he sees a young lady he says I think I know
Her I think she’s an actress I think me and my wife hung out with her I said hey man we’re in Kansas City there’s no way that chick’s an actress she probably works at Cheesecake Factory or something and he said no watch this he calls the
Waiter over he goes who’s that chick and he goes well I don’t know who the chick is but everyone at that table’s Mumford and Sons they’re here playing the arena tomorrow night and they’re here having dinner also maybe it was Carrie Mulligan might have been I don’t know who it was
But he sends them a bottle on us he says which meant him cuz I’m not listen if you’re if you’re worth hundreds of millions of dollars and we’re hanging out you’re buying all right sorry dude you fly private you’re buying drinks that is a good I think it’s fair yeah
You know he buys drinks he doesn’t even show up on his register I buy drinks I can’t buy shoes next month yeah he sends them a bottle they come over turns out it’s not Mumford and Sons it’s just an Sons oh Mumford wasn’t there I don’t
Know where he was I assume he was back at the hotel writing a song that at some point goes so and Sons come over start talking to the Detroit Tigers I’m not really involved so I kind of tune it all out when I come back into focus and Sons are
Kind of talking smack to the Detroit Tigers about beer pong they’re like hey we’ll whoop your butt and some beer pong and the Detroit Tigers are like we get paid very handsomely to put balls places right uh bring it so I said hey fellas my parents live about 8 minutes from
Here boy we could settle this and I said that because I know both an sons and the Detroit Tigers have an entire floor to do whatever they want so there’s no reason come up parents house it was complete fake Hospitality right until they all turned around and looked at me
Said hell yeah let’s go to your parents house and play beer pong and I went oh crap cuz it is now 2:00 on a Sunday night technically Monday morning my parents are not gypsies right they have real jobs that start in like 5 hours yes
But I also can’t look at all these dudes and be like you guys my parents so I just said whatever we’re going to roll the dice see what happens sure so we get there first off as we’re leaving my sister texts me she says hey I’m out and
About if you get home before I do will you walk my dog I said hey unless you’re out and about with the Dave Matthews Band you better get your butt at home cuz it’s about to go down at M Paw’s house so we get back to my parents house
Start throwing beer pong and stuff got weird like weirder than I’ve already described like my sister who is 30 ended up in her prom dress I don’t know I don’t know how that happened God bless her for still being able to fit in it but also the hell right so uh
We at one point in the evening I go outside to partake in some uh illegal activities and uh I’m assuming the pot the not murder no well we were going to see where it went and uh so anon’s come with me but uh as it was the middle of the baseball
Season the Detroit Tigers could not partake uh so they had to pretend like it was the playoffs and watch and uh thank you thank you uh read an almanac so we came back in from smoking and my dad’s downstairs and he’s upset he’s like what’s going on
Down here and I said well this is uh half the Detroit Tigers Bullpen and this is an sons from Mumford and Sons and we’re playing beer pong and it was in that moment that I realized my father was no longer sure if he was actually
Awake cuz you got to look at it from his point of view he walks downstairs it’s the middle of the night he sees a bunch of weird dudes that he kind of recog izes and my sisters in her prom dress like things are weird yeah he’s just
Confused he’s just like uh uh is that Justin verland and I said yes sir it is he goes I don’t know what’s happening right now and he walked upstairs that was the last we saw of him he didn’t say is Kate here no he was just like what and the whole
Next day I’m freaking out cuz my parents do a lot for me I don’t even making them upset over some stupid sure so uh when Dad gets home I’m completely ready to take him out to dinner buy him some drinks and he walks in like he’s
Had the greatest day of his life and I said what happened to you and he’s like well I woke up this morning I hated you I cursed your name all the way to work then I got to work and everyone started asking me why I look so tired and
Exhausted so I started complaining about my son bringing home the Detroit Tigers and Mumford and Sons and playing beer pong all night and now I’m the coolest dude in the office In my rectum it wasn’t part of any procedure he just suspected that his nurse was stealing from him hi this is Mike welcome back to the Bob and Tom Show I’m Chick McGee good morning morning to you sir and it’s it’s time to turn the clock back a little bit oh it’s time to take care of some unfinished business um something that happened I like this music Christmas time yes Christmas time love Christmas Christmas time oh willly
Now don’t uh don’t anybody say what I got you guys for maybe he hasn’t heard it yet but I got uh I got Willie his gift but uh through uh because of direct mail and carnivals and oh sure uh legal firms and the cost of parking uh
Apparently he he was not here for Christmas so now I have given him his uh Christmas gift and he’s unwrapping it right now how we going I’m excited very I’m excited for you yeah he’s going to like it he’s he’s going to enjoy I notice it says it says Wilbur right on
The box so I tell this is a Chick McGee rapping job the best I might need scissors yes there you go buddy this is uh I did not plan this out time when I wrap a present it stays wrapped baby oh yeah yeah well hell you wrapped that
What four months ago three months ago yeah four still W still wrapped yeah this thing is impressive is what it is just as tight today as it was when it was wrapped even if it was just the wrapped I would appreciate it so much now I’m going inside I’m going to see
What’s happening no kidding all right well that’s that’s I don’t think anyone else ever said anything bunny oh yeah wait a second uh oh oh what’s going on hereoh okay get rid of that thing who needs that so it’s about the size of a shoe
Box is it a basketball what iser oh look at those is that is that gold and black for the CU Buffs colors it is yes sir this is J this is so thoughtful I might cry thank you very much show everybody the uh their name’s on the back the
Stitched Wilbur in the back it says Wilbur so people behind me know what my name is that’s right look at those thank you very much I’m going to wear these tonight what are the colors for uh Colorado Buffalo oh black and gold also for Peru boiler
Makers and I’ll lie to my grandma say they’re for her all right well very did she go to Purdue she did she was a cheerlead I didn’t know that she was I’ll see you later Virginia hang out my uh my shoes are still on the Shelf I’ve
Been waiting for the ideal day because they’re the nicest shoes I have so I don’t want to wear them on a day where there’s a chance of rain or or heavy wind or exactly the you should see how mine are displayed in my closet no like like they are like a collectible yeah
Mine too wow mine are in a bag in the car you I’ve seen you uh I’ve seen you wear you wear them a but I do know when I’m wearing I do know when I’m going to wear them for the first time yeah your wedding what you’re wedding wding that’s
Right yeah I have an announcement Jeff and I are getting married so you can each wear your shoes it’s I know that you’re joking that would be the most fun wedding of all time be a great your beards Tangled our beards velcro together Loop I’m not complaining just makes for longer
Kisses that would be wonderful you know I wanted to get you guys this gift because the the Nike the personalization was out there but I decided to myself that two things had to happen uh first of all that the uh your name had to be stitched in them instead
Of printed yeah I thought when they were printed that was uh that was low rent I didn’t care for that and uh the shoes had to get cheaper yeah yes well well the stitching came true so oh I know you I believe it was somewhere beginning of
December you made an announcement to all of us I spent way too much effing money on all of you I do remember that it really it didn’t I did it over time when I remembered it I would order a pair and it really started to add up yeah there’s
A lot of people who work here yeah well you didn’t have to give them to you know some of the lessers around here oh I didn’t I see all right I mean for the amount that I’ve been at work you should have gotten me shoe laces this is no
You’re and I think there’s another box in there for him isn’t there a this is getting out of control going on here way do you see this you’re going to love this one yeah you’re going to really like this one oh I I I’m pretty sure that and please notice how that one’s
Happen that kitten there’s no way it’s still alive oh man I’m surprised the smell isn’t stronger I can smell from here okay this uh what do we got uhoh it says Willie it says Funko Funko I think I know what this is so cool it has fun writing the
Name oh my goodness the Willie Griswald Funko Pop great he is that thank you so much I’m I’m wearing a blue sweatsuit that’s right know me at an airport absolutely very nice and everybody got those too yeah chick won Christmas this year abolutely that was originally the only
Gift I was getting everyone yeah and then uh went overboard boy I don’t know something happened I know I’ve uh I’ve been using my stove from Christy a lot too oh yeah by the way um solo I got you a solo stove but you weren’t here yeah so now it’s Jeff solo
St Willie I didn’t get you uh I didn’t get you anything this year because I thought you were dead I got bad information so half the you YouTube chat well that I don’t know where that explains the look on your face this morning when you saw Willie I thought it
Was a zombie I’m happy to get you a stove but I didn’t know where you were living that is the solo stove is a great product but for me I like a looser fire I don’t want it contained I want all over the place I like cinder blocks
Around it because cinder blocks those are just more of a recommendation for where the fire has to say sure I get that how many times have I said that hey let that fire be a fire man don’t contain it no a fire is only a fire if there’s a risk of it
Jumping neighbor’s room the highway those solo stoves are great though and it’s perfect it’s like about a basketball size hoop so you can just take any aerosol sized can and just Chuck it it’s a fun game me and the Fellas play you throw it in there so you
Gets the high score it’s really loud though when those pop like that have you ever I’ve never been I would never have you ever taken a Christmas tree and uh into the backyard and lit it on fire after it was up in your house I bet that
Goes right up I I haven’t either but but I would guess it really goes right up almost instantaneously the word Tinder came to mind holy hell was that in January or June Christmas Eve um it might have been February and you remember my uh one of
My Christmas trees uh we have a program here where you’re supposed to put it out in some sort of bag at the curb and they’ll they’re only X number of days that you can and they’ll come pick it up and make it in the make so they claim
Who and make a big damn deal about it like it could be April if you yell at the garbage guy enough he’ll do it for you like they’re doing me a favor okay I pay for my trash collection all right let’s start there okay so this one of
The I I had my Christmas tree in the back and on my way to this job I rolled up to a curb not not that far from here got out of the car rolled it out of my tree out of the back and threw it into
The ditch and drove off before like five someone thought you were getting rid of a body it looked like I was getting rid of a body a casual Observer would say he killed that guy and now he’s getting rid of the body I uh I burnt my Christmas
Tree last year and the neighbors called the fire department on me are you serious apparently you aren’t supposed to burn the art artificial ones only the live oh yes there was a lot of black smoke a horrible horrible smell yeah yeah the neighbors were not fans my
Goodness oh look what time it is stupid world record yay really I know you know it’s right now that I we don’t have to I kind of miss him I do it cuts my workload in half I yeah the City Museum in St Louis Missouri yes
You been there love it I have you have uh you have a season pass you remember no but I’ve been really yeah it’s fun place real fun we went last year with the kids and the best part is there’s rooms that the kids disappear into other
Rooms and the parents have no idea where they went and they’re too the parents are too big to crawl through some of the tunnels so you just hear Braxton and you just hear from another room here I am that’s fun well anyway the City Museum in St Louis will attempt to break
The Guinness world record for the most people wearing underwear on their heads well this is wacky fun yes I like it this is something I can get behind yeah really according to the museum it’s looking to add it to its robust record collection this includes uh the museum
Has titles for the world’s largest pencil the world’s longest seesaw didn’t Archimedes or somebody give me a lever long enough and I can lift the world or something like that something along those lines and the world’s largest tennis racket so what underwear would you wear uh I don’t know
Would you wear ladies would you wear your own that’s a good I don’t know if I would wear a a ladi’s underwear I’d probably go with clean that yeah that’s good choice I’d maybe go with the classic white boxers with hearts yeah oh funny yeah I think I’d wear um um girls
Underwear if that one girl would call probably anyway in honor of 314 day that’s the area code all things St Louis the museum is hoping to gather 314 people on March 14th and have them all wear underpants on their head for at least a minute the
Record to beat is 270 maybe we should do this right now should we on our heads can we can we do it Zoom parti virtually we have to be there proba you’d have to be there you that’s fun what is the 14 14th is Thursday Thursday definitely a
Thursday no yeah yeah th Thursday this is going to upset all the pie nerds 3.14 cuz that’s their day so now it’s the St Louis nerds versus the pie nerds this get really messy what have we got we got May May 4th May the 4th be we got Pi Day
We’ve got March 4th that’s also a sentence I guess right yeah we got talking about silly days yeah oh April 15th is uh choke on it government that’s what I say you know one year I wrote choke on it on on the check are you serious and then I went
Why would I do this what I I should never I’m going to be audited immed good thing they’re underst staffed right now that’s the only reason I think I got away with it I can’t imagine anyone that works there has a great sense of humor
No they don’t get a load of this hahaaa had some get this bastard so got when I lived with four guys we would take turns who paid the rent each month and so the other people would write checks to you and then whatever the weirdest thing in
The memo you could put for body so they had to go and deposit a bunch of like oh like rim job or something yeah exactly yeah that’d be good but then the next month was going to be someone else so they were going to get you back you know
It was never the same person every month depositing you can use like country kitchen or something yes yeah Kentucky couple Kentucky couple yeah pause on that uh this is sort of a world record this got world record this was on the international newswire a Cole Brower has
Become the first American woman to race a sailboat alone non-stop around the world her husband jumped huh I just want to tell you it’s a really amazing wonderful that you would come with me on this trip I can’t believe I can’t believe that I I didn’t
Want to go here by myself I’ll be right I’ll be right back I tell you it’s a really a lonely out just a second Sploosh SP honey honey wait a minute what what sound did you make going in the water BL that’s a Don Martin thing isn’t it uh Cole Brower and her 40 foot sailboat traveled about 30,000 th miles to compete with more than a dozen Sailors in the global solo challenge
Brower was the youngest and Only Girl in the group that set sail in October from uh a Corona Spain she arrived back in Spain on Thursday March 7th the race took her 130 days to complete wow 130 days 30,000 miles how many miles that a day Josh to 26 What was it what was it 30,000 miles in 130 days what are you guys going to do when it’s 26 so you take 130 and divide it by 30,000 that’s your problem you’re not going to have to be able to you got it’s going to be you got to convert it
To the 130 to a th000 and then yeah 04333 blah blah blah blah blah next I think I I’ll do my news stand up I think I think the one thing we can agree on is we might not ever know how far she traveled per day well you could do 30,000 divided by
130 and you get 23 we’re doing math I know and there are eighth graders listening that have already figured this out next it was nicer when I said it wasn’t it I’m sorry I I should have told you that’s Sports it is Willie literally just rubbed his heart it it freaks me
Out Soo your own heart it freaks me out when I hear it not expecting it it’s like when you drink coffee but you think it’s water and then you get the kick does that make sense I was just hoping chick was going to do it mid sentence this is the new sports Theme Josh is dancing you know what you can’t help it move I’ll t for you baby and I’ll rip for your baby take another shot get L for your baby I do love The O Part I tell you check Randy Randy Rich you don’t write
Checks how do you pay man huh if you don’t write checks how do you pay these guys Straight Cash homie Straight Cash homie Randy Moss Randy Moss I had to meet him once he’s a nice man yeah very nice guy very nice guy good kisser Chris
I did not kiss him I actually hung out with his wife his wife was there she’s about my size kiss Mindy um I did not kiss her ride there was it Mindy Mindy Moss Mindy Moss I don’t remember and the kids uh Mark there were just the two of
Them Mark and Mary and Malo wishes they were on a holiday they were they were hosting Randy Moss was hosting like a boot camp in the mornings you could go out and work out with Randy Moss on the beach no no it’s exactly right but you have to pay for that yeah
No it was all inclusive so it would be in your but I would sit on my balcony and watch while I drink coffee died it what didn’t happen in Kentucky it was West Virginia boy oh boy Kentucky uh they have a really good uh 30 for 30 about
Randy Moss Moss University right Moss Rand University yeah and Rand is uh right down there where I used to work actually I have a picture of me and him somewhere speaking of West Virginia yes we’re going to be there yes tell us about it yeah my Uncle Denny called
Yesterday he’s going to be at the comedy show that night I can’t wait Uncle Denny’s going to be there we finally get to meet Uncle Denny you do luy you have an uncle Waffle House too do not make fun of her fine Uncle Denny Perkins he’s a good man and we
Will not let you make silly puns we’ll be there on April 5th we’ll do the show live that morning and then we will have a comedy show that evening featuring Jeff osuk Josh Arnold Willie G Patty G and I think your dad and I are hosting
Fun what what if Denny gets there and he’s just drunk being no that won’t happen that’s you you work with my niece sorry Uncle Denny I’m sure I’ll hear about this she’s always been a little cutie I like to ever said she was to oh stop we better we better we better take
A break kick all your asses we’ll be uh right back this is the Bob and Tom Show thanks for listening to the Bob and Tom Show this morning catch any part of the show you missed later today on our YouTube Channel hey it’s Josh Arnold with a food recommendation for you Gardener Wisconsin cheese their famous oven baked cheese it arrives pre-baked you just heat it and eat it Grill it skill it or air fry it check out their new oven baked cheese flavor jalapeno ooe gooey spicy cheesee it’s sure to tickle your
Taste buds with real jalapeno flavor and heat perfect for game day parties or anytime excuse me are um are you serious with it I mean why are you doing this me the real me is right here I could easily be doing this we we don’t need you man I
Look there’s only room for one of us that’s gardener Wisconsin cheese jalapeno flavored oven baked cheese it’s now available in Gardener’s oven baked bundle package so try all the great flavors receive free cold pack shipping and free cheese curds when you spend $59 or more at gardeners Wisconsin click the link below and tell them your pal Josh me the real Josh from the Bob and Tom Show sent you hey hi I’m Tom this is chick that’s Josh and this is Christy Lee Christy what’s happening hey Charleston the Bob and Tom Show here and our friends at rock 105
Wklc are bringing us to town for a live show with special guest Duke tomato and the Bob and Tom brass mouth horns plus do not miss an amazing comedy show that night that’s right it all happens Friday April 5th at the Charleston Coliseum and Convention Center if you’re listening
Anywhere within 100 miles of Charleston come out and see us live on the morning of April 5th that’s a free show and then get tickets for that night’s Bob and Tom Show Comedy Tour event with who Christie Pat Godwin Josh Arnold Jeff uke Willie griswell all hosted by Tom and Christie
Tickets on sale now and they’re going fast get your tickets at or the Charleston Coliseum box office see you There wouldn’t you like to know what chick does while commercials are playing the Tom Show Walk This Way okay here you go you’re going into the restroom well know this happens sometimes sometimes you have to do quick decision making it’s locked right normally everyone who works here knows
That they shouldn’t be in the bathroom when we’re in commercials of course because I might have to use the bathroom and I can’t use the bathroom any other time than when we’re in commercials number one or number two I’d rather not say oh well hello hang on your name please Chris you’re
Fired you taught him his lesson oh yeah ah refreshing wait a minute did I fire him yeah why aren’t you gone get your cuz he has no real power here I knew I had no power but it still hurts when I hear it out loud A I didn’t mean to Laugh a naked can you help me find it a naked dude does that thing come with an air pump I thought you said you had small po really no seriously really but your feet are so big a that’s cute hang on I’ll get my tweezers a it’s like a little light
Switch for a second there I thought you had a third Nipple I didn’t know they could be in’s well this explains your big Cared wow your boobs are bigger than Mine Bob and Tom 247 not on air online all the time Bob and Tom 247 I got throwed out of JC panty the other day really yet fining up the mannequins believe that and that ain’t my fault have you seen the mannequins in there and they taunt you too they got
The little short skirt on arm up kind of waving you over you know what I mean I tell you what if you asked me the little [ __ ] was asking for with us in the studio comedian kakia kopoulos now we talked a little bit about your love life what’s happening with it again oh
I’ve got a girlfriend she’s great and we’re knocking around and having a good time so you have no children I have no children here’s here’s the first son of me getting old all right here’s first son of me as an old guy give my girlfriend a really good back massage
Like 40 minutes then that’s my turn I lay down she just barely starts to rub my back this is true and she reaches down and and says are you sure you want me to rub your back and I said yes wow true enough oh my God what am I 100
L Sanders is here with I’m on the road are you a single man yeah I left a wife in Detroit oh okay uhhuh police should have found her by now I’m kidding I’m kidding I’m kidding they won they won’t find her no way you’re you’re that good aren’t
You Bob and Tom five four 3 2 1 information welcome back to the Bob and top show we’re here deal with it we’ve got uh we’ve got a follow-up email on a couple of things I might have said uh in uh in anger and disgust and frustration we were talking about little
Debbies y Little Debbie snack cakes apparently there’s a theme park if you will somewhere in Tennessee that has a Little Debbie themed Kitty rides like little Mary go around shaped like an oatmeal cream pie that’s fun and there’s a bronze statue of a Little Debbie and I
Made the observation that I’m on to Little Debbie because all the cakes taste the same boy you started a war out there you’ve got the heart shape you got the tree shape right you got all these different shaped cakes for the holidays the turkey and they all it’s all white
Cake with what with cream frosting Okay but somebody said hey chick dummy the same is true of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and I’m going to there’s going to be some Kickback on it yes different shapes for the seasons but the taste is the same idiot wrote this they’re wrong what
I I could not disagree more passionately if they’re the same eat a reei Christmas tree yeah and then eat aresi Easter egg tell me which one’s better cuz it’s the Easter egg 10 out of 10 times right the problem here is um we’re talking peanut butter to Chocolate ratio it’s different
In those now the cakes yes they’re different shapes but the ratio of the thickness of the icing to the thickness of the cake is the same yes so the shape doesn’t necessarily affect the taste and we all know that Josh is down with the thickness oh yes you know down with the
Thickness have you seen the grandmother play the drums she’s amazing she goes to the CH she acts like she’s going to be the church organist she’s yeah she’s phenomenal I’m here to play the organ and she tears it up on the uh Christie what’s going on in the
News world are you done over there yeah yeah I’m done oh George all all done all through y hey new Research indicates living near bars and fast food restaurants may have negative impacts on heart health well duh researchers at Tain University report people who live near bars showed a 14% higher risk of
Heart failure while those who live next to fast food restaurants had a 12% higher risk by the way getting into a two lane uh eight Lanes is one of one of the world’s great ironies isn’t it giant giant Highway yes they had to expand and guess who uh
Graduate the guys in Pure Prairie League is that two lane Highway two lane High way you’re going my way have ever heard that I have can we make it a rule that when we’re working on a highway and we’re making it one lane wider can we
Just go ahead and make it seven Lanes wider at that time and not have to work on it every two years and put a new Lane in like is there a reason are too many lanes a bad thing no exactly so why aren’t they put why do you put them in
One at a time put six more Lanes in they run out you’re all there the concrete’s there sound wider you sound like you’re against infuriating traffic [Laughter] and uh that doesn’t make any sense to me I think nature probably there we can’t destroy the forest by covering it all up
With asphalt and motor cars there are seven different places in the city that they’re working on the road to make it one lane wider the check localis that’s why I don’t go out of doors yeah we know how many miles do you put on a car
A year uh a year uh I don’t know 400 8,000 maybe I do that in three months maybe yeah yeah well yeah but you live in Kentucky don’t what are you talking about you live 15 minutes from yeah I know I put a lot of
M is that right you guys live together I I didn’t see that Close W for you can’t get out of the B’s probably been to my house more than any of y’all yeah yeah is that right what’s going on uh Christy gives away a lot of stuff and I go and take it that’s why I help them get dogs and
Dogs and beds anything good I got Sleep Number bed I got a dog I got I she gives away good stuff I want to live next to chrisy what we can talk to you about your sleep number oh yeah it’s it’s 65 that’s amazing wow mine that’s mine oh
Right you guys could uh you know uh play baseball yeah that’s right go out in the backyard have a CCH catches little catch play a little catch you dog sat for me before and Jeff and I are buddies yeah yeah oh that’s right you told me about her dog yeah he’s
She’s crazy gave it back yeah you guys are samping pets oh the new dog you gave back no Nell’s great the other dog I gave back and got a new one dog is crazy oh she’s going away to school for a while she is yes does she know she’s military school
School or a big pasture with bunny rabbits and that’s owned by two Les two lesbians and uh no she’s actually going to go for a it’s called stay in train doesn’t that sound fun how long’s it last three weeks wow yeah she moves in April 15th I’m counting down the DAT she
Going to be uh she going to be okay guaranteed to be uh she’ll be fine after that you going to behave this time you better hey Legend is to believed Barney Chandler just has gotten the most important job in England chick Chandler is the newly appointed raven master at
The Tower of London oh that’s cool love it love everything about it responsible for looking after The Feathered Protectors of the 1,000-year-old Fortress according to Legend if the Ravens leave the 11th century Fortress beside the river temps the kingdom of England will fall yep ensuring the bird’s welfare is a huge responsibility
For Chandler a former Royal Marine Commando who is one of the tower’s famous resident guards known as yman wers or beef feeders a former Royal residence in prison the tower is now a major tourist attraction visited by almost 3 million people a year it’s a cool place don’t make the mistake of
Offering uh the beef eaters asparagus or Jin they don’t want it they eat meat see they want meat Carnivor did you when you went chick did you do a get on that little people mover yes and go look at the Family Jewels yep and uh
There we were in a uh dungeon and it’s been there since I don’t know 200 or something I guess it’s the Royal Jewels not really the Family Jewels that would be that’ be a different show the crown Jew thank you the crown jewels yes Crown Family Jewels all they were shiny when I
Saw them yeah I think both of what you got are uh genitalia yeah yeah you’re right they were shiny they were shiny some just got done buffing them some were real big I think with the wrong place keep touching it uh it’s going to puke how did they keep the Ravens there
Do they keep they don’t keep them they they explain it somehow them do they no and maybe you remember they don’t they do just stay in the area keeping a raven around is tricky they gave him the franchise tag Lamar for a while then they had to pay him millions and
Millions Raven I’m bad sorry Sports is over uh I’m six there got to be more Ravens than that just six that’s what it says here I don’t I hate Ravens I love them man I love them too and they’re so smart I hate the animal I hate the
Football team I think it’s dumb that A team’s named after a poem get out of here you book I have the names of the current Tower Ravens oh really Jubilee yeah Georgie Georgie’s still there Edgar that’s so funny uh branwin b r n w n brandwin brandwin re let’s go
Brandwin it’s a good thing he’s not here you I was just think of the same thing did I say did I say poppy poppy poppy and a Harris a Harris Harris Ravens are intelligent birds and each of the Ravens it says here on their website they have
Their own personality I bet they mimic sounds play games solve problems they were actually the ones who figured out the Enigma machine in World War II really isn’t that interesting amazing wow it’s said that the kingdom of the Tower of London will fall if the if the six resident Ravens ever leave the
Fortress I’ll be darn uh King Charles is thought to have been the first to insist that the Ravens of the tower he protected uh after he was warned that the crown of the Tower itself would fall if they left what’s the trick to them staying there’s got to be uh I think uh
They if they try to leave they beat them and if they stay they’re beating Stu and they breed in captivity like that or I don’t whatever it’s called I don’t know where the new Ravens come from but this ra they have a raven on video looks like he’s being interviewed
By a newscaster and the Raven is just sitting there yeah listening to question oh no brandwin looks like like a crow to me I think he’s an impostor you think so I think so there’s not a bigger insult for a raven oh they look like crows oh oh crows are filthy
Creatures that’s what Raven hey when we come back we’ll switch from birds to strip clubs because we have a strip club story and we have howler monkeys intercepted by Customs yeah how’d they find him well they were howling and we’ll be right back this is the Bob and Tom Show hey thanks for
Listening to the Bob and Tom Show this morning get a look ready and action hey we should wake up every morning with Bob and Tom that sounds good to me no problem here sorry that’ll be my fault what the hell was that ready and action hey we
Should wake up every morning with Bob and Tom well that sounds good to me no problem here how’s it going morning hey hold on there kid I’m Bob and I’m Tom from the Bob and Tom Show we thought we’d barge in God there’s a new one
Hey kid hold on there I’m Bob and I’m Tom from the Bob and Tom Show we do a morning radio show here in town here’s the deal we thought we’d break into to your house Conn it shoot darn it honey I’m home no great fish
Again you know we can vote you off this commercial you know chick wanted Richard Hatch what if we paid you to say you liked us come down and now the news you do Sports and now and now the sports that would be you Jak Sports terms that sound dirty but they’re not
Oh really ready mhm coming in first place good ping the ball mhm sorry taking it to the hole Yeah just don’t get your holes mixed up right just don’t get your holes mixed up flip the card over flip the cord over I don’t want it my know if that’s what they’re looking for
Here CES many many times have I heard that take two a London homeowner who discovered three men trying to rob his house had no difficulty in describing one of the suspects he had no legs oh oo usually in crime it’s the usually in crime it’s the police that are stumped not the [Laughter]
Cpal I know you guys probably aren’t interested but guess what I did this weekend I don’t know I don’t know did you impeach Bush no buzz the honeyhole no click the mnow did you click theow flicking the old minnow flicking The Minnow or did you impeach clion
Bailing out the gravy boat is that what you were doing finger the fountain sounds like a wonderful time but no I didn’t do any of those things sorry what a boring weekend yes bounce the bearded clam did you attend the clam twiddling jamere that’s it that’s what I did to
That or not yeah I double dribbled MH Tom did I just took his only [Laughter] line this okay I like to think of Bob as the [Laughter] funny uhhuh yeah yeah yeah prop yeah it’s part of the drinking I like to think of Bob as the funny one and I’m more the philosophical
One ah really by the way you left your headlights on Socrates what’s new the can you do the other line that’s it that’s it that was the joke that’s it this one right here I think of Bob as the funny one I’m more of the philosophical one really will you
Shut up and drink your Hemlock please I told you to be too hip for you Hemlock you know Socrates start with h Hemlock headlights what’s next hemorrhoid [Laughter] hemorrhoid they have two airports on the island of Maui and one is called like hilly Willy pully and then they call the other one
Willy willy py and then I go to the wrong one and I’m the idiot you’re supposed to be hilly Willy pully not Wily they going to be an hour and a half apart they shouldn’t sound exactly the same Wily Wily Wily you know well I have a theory and I think everything in
Hawaii was named by Mel Tillis in a hurry is what happened just brought meel over Mel would you call that okay come on over here p p p p pel what would you call that big beautiful bird well I I I I yeah that’s good that’s I essential morning radio all day and
All night really no seriously really Bob and Tom radio radio there’s a lady in town she’s an orthodox Jew and she needs to buy bread that is Unle but it’s late and she knows that the stores are all closed and she really needs to make a Sandwich and she’s buying bread It’s s [Laughter] live and the bread is Wonder that’s my idea I actually I have a a sexual fantasy associated with the earthquake go well that woke chick up in my fantasy I making love to this woman yeah and then all of a sudden she feels
The earth move beneath her ah yes and then she rolls over on top of me and shields me from debris Safety First everybody safety first hi this is Larry ree Uncle air it’s a sick world and I’m a happy guy ticket welcome back to the Bob and top
Show Christy Lee at the news desk hello there’s Pat Godwin in the performance room hey chick there’s Willie Griswald good morning he’s in the house there’s Josh Arnold hi there there’s Ace Cosby hey I’m Chick McGee there’s Jeff uke howdy sir and I’ve got uh more
Information on the Ravens oh good at the Tower of London see I knew you would love this story and if I had done this when he was here he would have never let us talk about it we were T there evidently there are and if the Ravens
Leave the Tower of London a king decreed hundreds of years ago that the uh Kingdom of London would fall England would fall that’s would fall if the Ravens apparently the uh and Pat asked how do they keep the Ravens staying at the Tower of London right well there is a sister
Yeah the raven master occasionally I am with a little string to a post out in the yard electric fence no the raven master occasionally trims some of the Raven primary and secondary feathers oh sure yeah to encourage them to stay at the tower get their wings clipped all the tower Ravens
Are able to fly but with careful feather management plenty of food and a comfortable new enclosure it says here on the tower website yeah the Ravens are happy to call the tower their home oh they live the lives of luxury there yeah however some Ravens have gone as absent
Without leave in the past and others have been fired fired Raven mune flew off to Greenwich and was eventually returned by a Vigilant member of the public after seven days wow Raven Georgie dismissed for eating television Aerials and Raven Grog oddly enough was the last scene
Outside in a pub in the East End yeah oh yeah he’s asking for change they microchipped how do you know which Ravens go to the Tower of London I would think they’ have to be micro they have a little Crown embossed on their fings I’d like to see a raven wearing a
Little tiny CR hey how you doing the Ravens are fed twice a day by the uh master and Dy on a special diet of mice chicks rats and assorted raw meat and as a special treat the Ravens are given biscuits soaked in blood how about that
How big are they they’re big man 8 feet tall like a hawk or a falcon oh and they’re they’re said to have the strength of four men no I don’t I don’t I don’t know I I I want to go back there now one don’t take your eye out really
Wants to oh yeah he can he can talk you into giving your eye too him that’s how smart Ravens are one will push your wife down a staircase yeah for 20 bucks is that did he pay the owl 20 bucks to do it what that’s a wacky story
Isn’t it I think that happened I think the owl did you really did you really think the ow will did it I think that Colin F wouldn’t do that no well goodness no why did they put him in movie I know I didn’t want that have you seen the actual documentary of that
Whole story I’ve only seen that I’ve not seen the dramatization oh you’ve not seen the Colin fth film no you know when they were casting that movie they uh put Colin in fth he was F cast he was first he was F in line F in
Line first in line Pat you ready with a song over there only if everybody’s going to sing along what are you going to play how about you do that uh that story about the mammoth the is that a woolly uh gets everybody going hold on well there’s only one kind there’s only
Really one kind of Mammoth when you said this Mammoth you’ve said it all what scientists are one step closer to resurrecting the woolly mammoth stop this colossal biosciences a company hoping to resurrect extinct species announced this week it had created a plop poent stem cells for the closest
Living relative of the woolly mammoth Asian elephants yes sir geneticist George Church said the Milestone is probably the most significant step in the early stages of the project and according to NPR scientists can now try to use cloning techniques and Gene editing to manipulate the cells in the
Hopes of someday creating elephants with the key traits of mammoths well well you see you were so busy asking if you could you didn’t bother to ask if you should thank beautiful I am Jeff gold he’s also been working to bring the dodo bird back too dodo Bird my peckers on my face Don bird you got a elephant song Pat an elephant song yeah you mean a mammoth song Yes do one two suszie Quattro yeah you better stop messing in the lab after dark leave the DNA alone remember Jurassic Park MTH MTH MTH all right watch me now oh yeah theasaurus said Newman but not samel samel wasn’t tested no T-Rex Appe watch me now watch me now it’s a crazy song Woolly Bully remember who who did that Sam Sam the Sham Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs oh that’s right yes or if Tom were here he’d say the Pharaoh you sure you sure he’d explain American Graffiti Harrison Ford was a carpenter
Yeah I like it when you do it a French dude discovered a nearly intact dinosaur skeleton while out walking his dog recently nearly yeah Damian boetto member of the association of culture archaeology and paleontology was just happened to be walking his dog muffin when he saw bones poking out of a
Partially eroded cliff in baltier oh Them Bones Them Bones BTO and the acap decided to keep the find a secret for 2 years to protect the site while they set up several 10day excavations that ultimately uncovered dinosaur skeletons that were almost completely intact many of them yeah they ultimately uncovered a
33 foot long fossil of a you got this girl s it out don’t uh a a Titanosaurus ah yeah oh a Titanosaurus yeah right yeah the Bones have since been taken to the cruzy museum where they will be stored and exhibited that’s where you go through in your
Car maybe yeah that’s cool yeah I think little muffin dug up a bone and then they yeah wow and he just happened to be an archaeologist what are the odds of that huh and they they didn’t have to figure out how the bones go back together they were all still together
Right yes nearly all intact well I guess they know how they went together if they if they happen that way yes they know they remember but if you can’t tell me that they they find a a piece of bone and they can reconstruct an entire dinosaur they absolutely can no I’m quit
Messing with the bones those are meant to be there don’t mess with them anymore no no we need to study them no we shouldn’t mess with them we shouldn’t mess with the woolly mammoths we shouldn’t just leave them we should not be cloning woolly mammoths I agree this
Has got curse written all over it yes oh do you never see the mummy I’ve never seen a dinosaur mummy I don’t think there is a dinosaur mummy well that’s what I’m saying that’s why I’m not afraid of being cursed by these bones you think dinosaur mummies don’t
Have curses is that what you’re saying to me no no I’m saying you there are no dinosaur mummies correct that’s what I agree with that thank you no we won’t have to have mummies because they’re bringing the woolly mammoth back intact Egyptians didn’t live here during the
Dinosaur period oh I do have a question what are we talking about no idea Colin F I think oh I can talk all day about Colin F he’s right up there wait people didn’t live with the Dinosaurs nobody was around when they were around that’s not been that’s not been ride a raptor
If you got a big enough saddle you couldn’t get on there and hang out with the fellas uh no have you ever seen there is an old movie out there where Cowboys are riding dinosaurs have you ever seen that thing Cowboys and Aliens no it’s like way older it’s black and
White and there’s like a cowboy on a saddle riding like a T-Rex really yes are you sure I’m positive yes huh that’s something oh it’ll bring a smile to your face you remember Cowboys and Aliens with Daniel Craig was I did see that yes
I I you didn’t care for it I it’s called cow somehow they made a movie called Cowboys and Aliens and it’s boring how did they do that and they it’s almost like they put like 30 or 40 names of something in a hat and they drew out
Cowboys and that’s the name of the it should have been the most fun ever nothing ah sorry about that I’m going to watch it this afternoon at home while my compounds locked down with my Simply Safe home security system you know that about me days are getting longer the FBI
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20% off any new simplysafe system when you sign up for fast protect monitoring just visit simplysafe that’s simplysafe remember there’s no safe like simplysafe we’ll be right back with uh news yeah we have a strip club Patron battered with cash and we have um they hit him with nickels and quarters
Well find out all right and a wayward pig named Kevin Bacon come on up oh you got to name a pig Kevin Bacon we’ll be right back this is the Bob to show hey it’s Josh Arnold with a food recommendation for you Gardener Wisconsin cheese their famous oven baked
Cheese it arrives pre-baked you just heat it and eat it Grill it skill it or air fry it check out their new oven baked cheese flavor jalapeno ooe gooey spicy cheese it’s sure to tickle your taste buds with real jalapeno flavor and heat perfect for game day parties or
Anytime excuse me are um are you serious with it I mean why are you doing this me the real me is right here I could easily be doing this we we don’t need you man I look there’s only room for one of us that’s Gardener Wisconsin cheese jalapeno flavored oven baked cheese it’s
Now available in Gardener’s oven baked bundle package so try all the great flavors receive free cold pack shipping and free cheese curds when you spend $59 or more at gardeners Wisconsin click the link below and tell them your your palel Josh me the real Josh from the Bob and Tom Show sent
You oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [Applause] here yeah yeah hey hi I’m Tom this is chick that’s Josh and this is Christy Lee Christy what’s happening hey Charleston the Bob and Tom Show here and our friends at rock 105 wklc are bringing us to town for a live show with special guest Duke
Tomato and the Bob and Tom brass to mouth horns plus do not miss an amazing cont comedy show that night that’s right it all happens Friday April 5th at the Charleston Coliseum and Convention Center if you’re listening anywhere within 100 miles of Charleston or Fe
Come out and see us live on the morning of April 5th that’s a free show and then get tickets for that night’s Bob and Tom Show Comedy Tour event with who Christy Pat Godwin Josh Arnold Jeff uke Willie griswell all hosted by Tom and Christie tickets on sale now and they’re going
Fast get your tickets at ticket at or the Charleston Coliseum box office see you there this room just got so much more handsome because in the studio on his way to the legendary Go Bananas in Cincinnati Ohio it will be Greg hot he’s right here with us hey Greg hey I’m all
Excited thanks for having me here everybody it’s Friday come on go to your boss’s office and say what this company needs is a trampoline you know me I’ve got volume control issues give me a hand I was born 8 and half months early come on you know me is not my thing let’s
Go Friday starts the week I’m the guy that invented peeling each shrimp come on look for me in my new show I’m the star of dog Walker Texas Ranger check it out Animal Planet you got to wake up pretty early in the morning out smart me how early
8:30 ought to do it come on hey Greg hot is here with us say Greg how are you sir great looking very very handsome uh Greg of course veteran of the Marine Corps hello hit him in the head we don’t have all day too slow get back as you can see my
New thing Tom is acting I’m a great actor I didn’t know this I’m a great I’ve been going to acting classes oh do a scene for me I K you okay well I gave Chrissy some lines you did oh and we’ll do our acting scene okay cuz I’ve been T
I’ve taken like over 20 hours of acting classes wow you’re not all right we’re going to do a go ahead Christy go ahead Greg you’re unapproachable handsome and it’s impossible not to dream about you why don’t you just do the lines Christie talk about this after the show do the
Bit try the second line do the second for okay forget the first do the second line but Greg when you walk past me and my girlfriends with your totally realistic hair color how could we be expected not to fling our clothes against the wall just do can we do some
Comedy that’s what I me the I read what I wrote read all right forget it Tom what’s in the news she won’t do it she won’t do it here give me the let give me the lines let me try that’s what is written just give me give me the paper
You read it okay I think what what Greg is suggesting she’s obviously in love with Greg exactly yes she won’t even do the bit no she to hung up on you it’s embarrassing for all of Us everyone you know it’s a blonde thing I don’t understand Bob and Tom you can pick your morning radio show and you can pick your nose welcome back to the Bob and Tom Show we’re all here Tom on assignment coming up Thursday March 28th that’s opening day for the Cincinnati
Reds and we will be live that morning doing the radio show at bet MGM Sports book at the banks at the nation kitchen now uh admission is free but space is limited first come first serve as far as getting in to watch the the radio show that morning first 200 guests in line
Are guaranteed a spot to see the show so uh we start at uh 6: a.m. eastern daylight time oh no no that’s this weekend yes this weekend was it Saturday or Sunday this weekend Sunday morning 2 a.m. we move to Easter Daylight Time inward we’re in Cincinnati March 28th
Now in Arizona and Hawaii I’m still an a-hole right and don’t forget Friday it’s the uh Chick McGee goes home at last he’s returned to Charleston West Virginia sort of uh it’s uh Friday morning April 5th well well well the prodal son Returns I hope seven people call you Hollywood what’s going on how’s xrock 13 I don’t even think it’s on the air anymore actually uh Friday morning April 5th uh we’re celebrating Rock 105’s 44th anniversary 6:00 a.m. to 10 a.m. we’re going to be doing the morning show at the Charleston Coliseum
And Convention Center admission is free it don’t cost nothing I’ll be there big shot Big Shot came back Duke tomato and the Bob and Tom braston mouth horns will be there that morning and then Friday night it’s the Bob and Tom uh uh Comedy Tour uh tickets are on sale right now at or the Char Charleston Coliseum box office uh with some comedians uh you know who they are so tail between his leg here he is all that no Jeff hosuke is gonna be there uh Josh Arnold uh Willie griswell and I’m not going to go along this time everybody I
Promise I won’t I would like to put a money B like the over, over unders 42 minutes 42 how over were you last time I think just five minutes I always go a little and Pat Godwin will be uh Pat Godwin Pat Godwin you’re going to be there yeah really
Damn that sounds like a show oh so see us there yes please Christy what’s going on over there well thank you for asking chick you’re welcome a stripper in Florida was arrested for allegedly hitting a patron with a quote stack of cash police were called to Body Talk a
Topless Club in Port St Luchi let’s name it uh body talk let me hear your body talk well the victim said the woman was upset um women were upset because he had not provided them any tips oh yeah the arrest affidavit notes was a common practice apparently at this establishment the 28-year-old
Suspect a lady Miss Victoria Jones told sheriff’s deputies that the man was drunk and had verbally assaulted employees so she admitted to picking up a small stack of money and throwing it towards the victim who was struck in the face good security footage also showed her following up with an open hand
Strike whoa and she was arrested for battery is this part of the um tip Rebellion you think for I don’t think in this case uh it’s always been if you’re sitting at the stage you should be tipping you should be tipping yeah chck how do you feel about this I went to a
Concert saw Jason Isbell last week and when you get a drink they have a little iPad you can tip for the drinks but also at the merch table buying t-shirts buying hats you could tip there too I did not tip I still feel a little bad
About it no don’t not not at the merch table $50 for a t-shirt no I know come on yeah I don’t know how to feel about all this uh tipping extra tipping just tip when you feel you want to and don’t if you feel you don’t yeah it’s okay
Aren’t you afraid you’re going to be treated badly though the next time you go or I don’t I I don’t think I’m guilty of not tipping when I should that’s the thing so I I I tip well do you tip on carry out I do yeah oh well it’s set up
So you can tip on carry out with with the and and I’m a little I have a problem with tipping before the service you know what I mean uh but that’s what I do yeah and uh I’d rather tip for the service as opposed to but I still tip I
I tip well I tipped when they delivered it to the house across the street I’ve still yeah yeah exact I mean what what yeah come on they’re still working hard and Josh he always tips so well whenever we’re doing work on the road together he
Puts $5 bills down on the table and he tells the server if you do a good job you’ll get all these but one mistake he takes a dollar away I like to see their eyes when I pull them away I uh you didn’t call me
Sir when I was a waiter I had a a couple do that to me Willie put five singles out on the table and they go you keep up the service you get all of this yeah that’s so I by the end of their meal had
Zer on the table cuz my gosh yeah sure I mean that’s ridiculous somebody did that in a serious way yeah I remember seeing that in like a movie one time and I told my dad I was a kid I go I’m gonna do that and he goes don’t ever do
That yep at the Outback Steakhouse when Jeff was a server now well there’s no rules there so you don’t have well yeah I had no repercussions but there no rules just right so you do a good job there though yeah no I enjoy it oh this wasn’t yeah this it wasn’t a problem
With the restaurant it was a problem with the customer who came in him and his wife they would come in every Friday night and do that wow yeah of course this was 1972 so $5 was a lot oh man like 80 bucks yeah I think so US Customs and Border Protection
Officers in Texas caught a man allegedly trying to smuggle howler monkeys into the country officers encountered the 29-year-old man trying to enter the United States at the Brownsville and Matamoras international bridge in a pickup truck during a secondary inspection the officers and agriculture Specialists discovered two live howler
Monkeys in the truck the driver was taken into custody the animals were seized and will be housed at the Gladis Porter Zoo in Brownsville Texas here’s h four howler monkeys they look like they’re quart singing oh that’s great for the longest time well they’ve got a the
Word howler monkey has to come from somewhere to do we can we hear a howler monkey I I don’t I don’t know what a how or monkey sounds like and they’re they’re not small they’re not easily smug smug I like smugg smugg do you have a
Song Pat I know what a Hower monkey sounds like though I can get you all right then I saw her face I’m a it’s like a g it’s a g it’s a high G it is a high G that’s people monkey see there was Davey and Peter and
Michael and well there was yeah was there was one and Michael nouth is still out there right is he touring oh nockey Mickey Dolan is still yeah sorry Mickey Mickey Dolan is still up we were all thinking how we how do we tell him Michael Nesmith no yeah Mickey do is he
He’s on tour isn’t he yeah yeah and he’s do he’s doing those songs Mickey Dolan is of course by himself he’s still doing the stuff huh here I come walking down the street I personally get the funniest looks from everyone I meet hey hey I’m a [Laughter]
Monkey sh Bo I loved that show when I was a kid I saw them live and loved it I saw him live and loved it I thought that show was the funniest thing I’d ever seen in my life I did too I Lov that show think the monkey it’s like the
Beatles by committee right like an American record producer like made our own little version of but they weren’t terrible that’s the thing like it worked good I remember in the credits that didn’t they ride a bike into the ocean they go right under water oh yeah how about that sounds good but they
Were I yeah I stand by they’re decent songs yeah they are mey old Christy had daav Jones uh sing to her as an adult I was an adult but my 10-year-old heart was just beaten so fast we were Disney World he was right as close as you and I
Are he was singing right at me oh Willie how old were you no I loved him when I was 10 but I saw him as an adult and so that 10-year-old love you know that early girl crush thing came out but of course you’re 45-year-old vagina came right back kind of
Overpowered that became a 25 5y- old Vina wow wait a minute hold it it it it can do that if DAV Jones Show on the right hormone therapy can anyway um oh how to make a hormone Josh uh don’t don’t Tipper that’s right something like that yeah yeah that’s right that’s right
Wrer a check a wayward pig named Kevin Bacon was caught Hamming it up for security camers at a Wisconsin home the 450 lb Pig wand I am not I’m 320 I’m a pound I’m big pig bone that’s right who are you calling this in kosha County last week Jake molgard said security
Cameras at his Brighton home captured an unusually shaped figure walking along their garage and coming up to their front door molgard said his wife started feeding the unexpected visitor right away before they set to work on trying to find his owner a friend contacted them with the pig’s owner who was out of
Town but asked the couple to lure Kevin back to his pen with his favorite Sweet Treats armed with snacks and sheriff’s deputies the mle guards LED Kevin down a trail along a side road to safely get the pig back home so if you own pigs can
You just treat it like a cat when you got to go out of town you just leave it in the pen and it it’ll be fine I’m sure that they have well they have ranchers I bet that came and checked on them every day they’re also incredibly intelligent
Yes oh so they can make themselves sandwiches and things yeah yeah they can drive to the grocery store making a BLT leave out of the par they go to the grocery store they hate Piggly Wiggly though very insensitive take a left here take he always takes a left here take a left
Here yes yes ladies and gentlemen as we continue to break new barriers in the broadcast world yeah I now present a howler monkey oh are you ready Yeah that’s that’s insanity a monkey they’re smuggling howler monkeys and this is the sound they make kind of hard to hide that I had a really bad sandwich earlier I haven’t had anything to eat since Chicago I’m sorry I this is embarrassing that’s the exact same noise I make orgasming Funky
Monkey oh yeah oh yeah yeah if I close my eyes I could picture Jos very inside but that’s the same noise my dad makes after he drinks a coffee kind of yeah yeah that second Geary he goes into that’s your dad’s yawn yeah after a couple secret lattes he makes that noise
And what if you were just walking through the jungle and you heard that Jesus I’m running through the jungle you better run through the Jungle Run Through the Jungle yeah howler monkeys so we had a pet pig Lo lost in Wisconsin Kevin Bacon real quick what’s a funnier name for a pig is
It Kevin Bacon or notorious Pig I like notorious Pig thank you very much just checking how about this here’s the howler monkey and here’s Tom yawning either way I’m running through the jungle yeah by the way I’m out of here you hear this in the jungle sounds like I’m being summoned by
An Angel oh that’s interesting that is an interesting Take partner we should we should remind people that is a real Tom yawn recorded without his knowledge we secretly recorded him yawning one morning and this honestly this has not been embellished or changed in any Way and that’s only one of like six weird noises he’ll make I mean what’s the weird weest noise there’s that one there’s the heartburn noise there’s the the sneeze C sells and then now the the get up noise that he makes when he has to get up
Because his knees are hurting he goes yeah sometimes he’s getting up he changes gears it’s insane authorities in Arlington Texas didn’t have to worry about a pig on the loose they had goats to Corral 200 that escaped their enclosure 200 yeah kdfw um Department of uh fornication
Works nice goats came uh got out of the crystal Canyon Natural Area and were spotted roaming the streets of Arlington I’ve heard of Crystal Canyon a team of Arlington police officers who responded to the scene that’s a porn star name for sure oh Crystal Canyon managed to Wrangle the animals
And bring them back to their enclosure it’s unclear how they escaped but officials believe hikers moved a fence the City of Arlington has partnered with a company to bring hundreds of goats to the crystal Canyon natural area to eat underbrush and invasive plants to the park and to clear waterways and reduce
Fire risk okay in a total more than 400 goats are part of their city project wow yeah have you seen you can now rent goats they bring goats to your yard if you have like a big uh poison ivy patch that you need like taken out uh they
Will bring goats to your house and they put like a little fence around the poison ivy patch and the goats will eat all the poison ivy way really I saw that you could rent a truck full of sheep yeah U-Haul ew we got it not everybody did I didn’t
Hear cost to a goat C minus well it’s not just a goat they bring out like a whole pack of goats and like if you have like the back of your yard is like overgrown a for a couple days and they eat it all that’s pretty awesome that is awesome it’s
A side way of getting rid of some plants but apparently goats love poison ivy and poison oak and they’ll eat it all up so you don’t have to deal with it yourself wow I’ve never heard you know the Los Angeles Rams uh the National Football League team uh they their cheerleaders
Used to be called the embraceable use oh really we yeah I don’t know if they’re still called that but I’m certain that they used to be called that absolutely are us are more Rams not sheep right right not sheep I apologize that’s why Ace wasn’t laughing at that’s why I got
The C minus I oberved it on a technicality technicality from a we have more silly news coming up let’s see uh did we talk about the charges being dropped in that Don Henley case they did do that it’s boring yeah it is boring Don Henley’s a wonderful individual Statesman
The Eagles can do no wrong Dolly Parton and her sister have a cookbook coming out they do yeah but what her sister’s look like yeah I know I felt someone not what’s her name I have somebody everybody thinking it had to say it there are four of them
Out there all thinking wow right Tom show is sponsored by our good friends at betterhelp that’s right yes if there something out there that’s got you down or if you just need a boost in your life why not check out better help if you have an extra hour in your day how would
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To get 10% off your first month that’s betterhelp btsh show Kevin nean Will Be Our Guest here coming up uh next hour and also uh sooner than that uh we’ll talk with uh one of our favorite guests who’s that a Mr Jeff OE oh weigh in on the
Events of the world this is the Bob and Tom Show just got to get we’ll do this song about drunk sex all right that’s good well cas back in the NFL well if you’re on your feet all day like I was you get the struggle the secret is orange insoles
Their insoles are like magic for your feet and body they’ll help you kick hip pain sore feet and lower back discomfort to the side lines feel better do more with orange insoles That now I’m depressed that I’m not depressed I don’t know but I like depressed people they’re they’re easy to be around very low maintenance my girlfriend in college she’s depressed and I used to ask hey what do you want to do today she’s like nothing I’m like
Done right I felt like a provider jackpot it was great yeah the hyper people make me uh anxious like cuz they people assume I want to do whatever they want to do let’s go hiking let’s go backpacking let’s go ride bikes oh that’s be that’d be great you do those
Things no but my least favorite question when someone ask you they don’t even tell you what they got lined up they’re like what are you doing tomorrow morning like uh screening your call I’m I know you on November 15th 1864 Major General William Tuma Sherman began his famous March to the Sea
Sharman LED his troops from Atlanta Georgia to the ocean Port of Savannah as he was leaving Sherman set the city on fire gutting 40% of it Atlanta wouldn’t be burn this badly again until they gave their franchise tag to Michael Vick hi this is Augie back to the Bob and Tom
Show we’re all here Christin and Josh Ace there’s Willie Griswald hey man Pat Godwin hey there we have not done the ace Cosby joke of the week or day wishful thinking might be coming up but oh ladies and gentlemen holy cow Jeff uke joins us via television even though he
Was just sitting in here but we’re I had to go to The Newsroom baby I understand that yes it’s all form yes we got it uh also uh luckily Will’s here today because our new sponsor once again uh they’re they’re back for more Wily’s waterbed Warehouse you buy it here we
Fill it here that’s Wily’s waterbed Warehouse uh for an extra $200 he will fill your water bed with mineral water check that out that’s wwwww W Will’s water bed Warehouse Jeff that was a little triggering cuz right now you’re wearing my dad’s old shirt and a tie that doesn’t match I feel like
You’re my dad at my eighth grade graduation oh all right hey I’m kind of proud of you Willie there does that sound all right we give you a lot of the news we don’t give you all the news I’m here to give you the news that we failed and P
Here’s je with what you fail to mention no uh last week a truck containing Vick’s Vapor Rub overturned on the highway spilling its contents across all Lanes during rush hour what you failed to mention it did relieve all the traffic congestion it relieved the traffic congestion fix oh the crowd likes
It uh a man was arrested after authorities discovered hundreds of rare exotic illegal snails and a family’s home last week oh what you failed to mention sorry kids your Daddy has to escargo to jail Go cute very cute cute were labeled cute by Josh Arnold I will shoot myself lat uh we learned that scientists say that moths actually are not attracted to light what you failed to mention I’ve done my own research and according to the dozens of dead moths in my porch
Lamp I’ve made a new hypothesis I thought they I thought they weren’t attracted to light but they just wanted to be friends with the light oh maybe no there’s nothing there cute I got the cute that time a New England hiker killed a Ravid coyote that attacked him with his bare
Hands what you failed to mention the man says beside the rabies he’s never felt more alive a coastal Bluff landslide in Southern California has left a multi-million dollar mansion teetering on the edge of a cliff uh what you failed to mention uh I’m sorry for some
Reason when I read this I thought of Mitch Hedberg I don’t know why but all I could hear him saying was uh this house is about to go from Ocean Front to Ocean [Laughter] in uh we learned a shy donkey was trying to make new friends after his other
Donkey friend passed away what you failed to mention I have good news to report the shy lonely donkey has made three new friends a goofy goat a lustful llama and a really really mad cow mad cow mad cow a human leg was found on the subway tracks in New York City what you
Failed to mention police are on the lookout for a person with a very severe limp oh that is severe yeah limp trouble trouble get uh you mentioned this last break we we didn’t do the story but I’m going to do it anyway prosecutors in the eag Hotel California lyric case have
Dropped all charges against the three men accused of stealing the lyric sheet right well you failed to mention I haven’t seen this much habub around a case since the 2004 State of California versus the Baja men as to who actually truly let the dogs out an influencer is eating raw chicken
Every single day until he gets a tummy ache oh well you failed to mention the the in ler is not worried about being sick uh since he identifies as a raccoon identifies that’s silly there we go that made it all better oh he’s a racon oh I don’t know where
I I don’t know where that came from oh now they’re immediately indifferent the band Rage Against the Machine has broken up uh what you failed to mention they’re reforming under their new name somewhat frustrated with my HOA all grown up and finally as you saw Caitlyn Clark the college basketball
Standout has declared that she will be adding herself to the WNBA draft list for next year what you failed to mention she’s apparently tired of playing before packed Arenas I’m Jeff o and this is the news of we fa to mention yeah Jeff Austin man it’s not Jeff’s fault Jeff angers
America he’s taking over your title Jeff Ang well maybe she’ll help pack those Aras will pack i’ imagine she will yeah heck yeah heck yeah Dolly Barton and her sister Rachel Parton George have collaborated on shut up I want to hear about them goodlook cooking will include recipe good looking cook good looking cooking it includes 80 dishes including
Country ham and biscuits barbecue spare ribs and SLO of Many Colors bad tell me a SLO of Many Colors uhhuh oh my god of Many Colors yeah good looking cooking I will always love stew it’ll be out this fall September 17th just in time for the Christmas buy
Oh good looking cooking a year of meals it good looking cooking Jolene Cuisine I think is one very nice you would think she would have a name for all of her recipes like that I would hope so oh you can pre-order it it won’t be here till September I know hell is
That all about well Helen mirin who was the narrator for the Barbie movie is now a Barbie doll Mattel has recreated her look on the red carpet at the can film festival last year with a cornflower blue gown blue fan blue hair all that matched mirin says that the um the part
That is absolutely perfect is that the doll also carries an Oscar which I bring this up because the Oscars are Sunday night oh they are live on ABC and they are going to start an hour earlier this year and the producers are promising some cameos and surprises that have not
Been announced in other words please watch this Helen Mir and barbell also has very breakable hips very like they should do a throwback hel from The Cook the Thief the wife sex there’s a scene National Treasure 2 where Helen mirin has to jump and her cleavage when I was 14 she’s one
Of just my go-tos now she helped develop my sexual identity I really I love Helen Mir thank you so much for your work Miss mirin yeah Beauty big fan all right coming up we have more news and we have our special guest yes Kevin nean will be
Along here in a couple of minutes all right talk to him about what’s what we’ll be right back this is the Bob and Tom Show reach us tollfree at 1888 bobt one now your your kids are what 11 is your son right yes correct how old’s your daughter six six okay great great
And she still gets away with stuff probably six years old she’s so funny that I just refuse to punish her for anything right she came up from kindergarten one day and she goes dad Stacy and I were playing catch and she hit me right in the balls she only has an older brother
She’s only heard that area referred to as thatuh a good dad would tell her that she’s wrong I am not going to do that I have chosen to use that to my advantage she’ll be on her first date making out with some dude and she’ll be like touch my
Ball guess who’s done making out until at least college cuz now everyone in high school thinks she has ball thanks Facebook best daddy come on Hey hi I’m Tom this is chick that’s Josh and this is Christy Lee Christy what’s happening hey Charleston the Bob and Tom Show here and our friends at rock 105 wklc are bringing us to town for a live show with special guest Duke tomato and the Bob and Tom brass mouth horns plus
Do not miss an amazing comedy show that night that’s right it all happens Friday April 5th at the Charleston Coliseum and Convention Center if you’re listening anywhere within 100 miles of Charles Center Fe come out and see us live on the morning of April 5th that’s a free
Show and then get tickets for that night’s Bob and Tom Show Comedy Tour event with who Christie Pat Godwin Josh Arnold Jeff uke Willie griswell all hosted by Tom and christe tickets on sale now and they’re going fast get your tickets at ticket or the Charleston Coliseum box office see you there
The end of my show sometimes people will you know shout out a request or something like that which is very flattering and uh you know you get to do some bit that you haven’t done in a long time and it’s kind of fun sometimes to knock the dust off something that you
Haven’t done and do it again you know yeah I think it’s it’s it’s really cool I recently had somebody yell uh Hooked on Phonics which I hadn’t done in a long time and it’s fun to go oh man I haven’t done this bit like you know years and uh
That that was the bit from the the commercial you remember the Hooked on Phonics girl yeah the the little girl with the braces hooked on phonic work for me yeah and and I and I always wondered what if she applied what she learned and she couldn’t get the
Commercial right you know hook on P working for me h on night working for me me me yeah Okay C we’re not going to move a lot of tapes like this no we’re not telling you Brian Rean hey did you enjoy those videos played in that break check out the Bob and time YouTube playlist for more great stuff Jo de Roa is sitting with us right now Joe uh what else what else is going on in your life uh what about your personal background big family small background a
Small family what uh I’m in a relatively small family that I was adopted mhm ah into uh yes interesting and I know what you adopted into the doosa family yes I was and I know what everybody is wondering cuz I always you know did you
Ever look for your did you ever look for your real parents yeah that’s what everybody wants to know did you ever I saw that on Mory did you ever try to find your real parents uh no I pretty much took the hint actually yeah yeah okay yeah
Well they abandoned me I was like that’s that’s probably that’s the end of that probably no sense I’m looking for him I got you sure there’s a lot of dropping a dime on Mom and Dad a lot of gold comedy down this road yeah and now I have a very like my
Mother was very overprotective through my whole life and but uh she’s uh she’s very involved in my life and she uh she calls me almost every day every day and holds me hostage on the phone for hours on end while she she just she’s at this
Age where she just holds me on the phone and just asks me all these really annoying questions and she won’t let me hang up and it it just sounds like I’m having really bad phone sex for like an hour just like yes if you’re looking for a romantic gift this Valentine’s Day
Then fral Flores has the gift for you it’s our I know I’m not going to get any for a month unless I send you some flowers bouet yes for just $59.95 you can send her the I know I’m not going to get any for a month unless
I send you some flowers bouquet the I know I’m not going to get any for a month unless I send you some flowers bouquet proclaims Your Lust for her in the most romantic way possible the bouquet of lovely fresh flowers says let’s do it and my loins ache your
Wedding vows didn’t include a vow of Chastity but you’re not going to see any action unless you act now so pick up the phone and order the I know I’m not going to get any for a month unless I send you some flowers bouquet right now that’s
The I know I’m not going to get it for a month unless I order you some flowers bouquet with one phone call you can cover cover your ass and get some ass it’s a winwin call now because when Cupid shoots his arrow on February 14th you won’t be shooting anything unless
You get her some flow they don’t say we didn’t warn you oh my God there’s laughter ahead this is Bob and Tom radio we don’t know anything about you Christian are you a married guy single guy I am married I got married uh this past August I am one of
Those lucky men uh I’m one of those at First Sight situations I met my wife I looked at her and I said oh my God this is the woman I want to spend the next four to seven years with wow wow that’s huge that is expectations
That is that is an exciting time isn’t it Chris isn’t it sweet yes it is that is lovely how’s it going you know it’s not bad she travels with me a lot you know not as often as I like I love traveling with my wife cuz every time we
Go away together we play this really fun game it’s called Uh how is this my fault Bob and Tom welcome back to the Bob and Tom Show Christy Lee at the news desk hello there’s Pat Godwin in the performance room hey chick there’s Josh Arnold hey
Ace Cosby’s here we that Ace Cosby joke of the day is could happen at any minute I’m Chick McGee and here’s Willie Griswald hey man what’s going on what’s going on that is one of the one of the best on I’ve ever heard I told my wife the uh neighbor
Just died yeah she said who Ray I said too early to celebrate hoay hoay and I don’t think you’re married are you you’re not married well I’m glad you don’t know about me it sure is the man’s a you know a mystery he could be we wouldn’t know it would not surprise
You not surprise me either probably one of his closest friends we would know if he was married that his wife would have told forced him to get that window fixed true enough one thing come Sunday my clock in my car is right well that is that right because it’s automatic no I
Didn’t change it oh you didn’t change it look at you well you really get around to stuff don’t you my goodness you were so lazy you kind of did something nice what is it even a broken clock’s right once twice a day twice a day yeah there
You go we have a guest yes we do Kevin nean had just come in and sit down here he is wow usually when I walk in people go crazy you guys just continue your conversation oh yeah that was a fly in the wall we were trying to we were
Trying to keep our cool yeah man I’m telling you what jeez I thought May I’m in the wrong room no great to see you yeah you too man it’s good to be back yes uh I sometimes I’ll come to the radio station I can’t can’t remember if
I’ve been here before or not but um I don’t think I’ve been to this one but you guys are all over the country I don’t think you’ve been in this studio you’ve been here yes I have been here someone gave the thumbs up yeah but it’s okay I forget every day
Too so it’s all right yeah I that’s all right by way how’s the traffic today how’s the traffic I don’t do traffic anybody no I know but you drove in right oh well I drove in at 4:30 so it wasn’t bad did you see the way I covered myself right
There that’s a professional ladies and gentlemen one time Gary shaning was on stage i l Gary good friend of mine and um he said to the woman in the front row he said when are you having your baby she goes I’m not pregnant he said oh I’m
Sorry cuz you had a glow about you she forgot all about boy you’re fat you just called me a fatty fat I think so fatty fat but anyway it’s good to be here man I this is let’s see there’s six of us now yeah six uh five
Oh there’s one back there one guy behind one guy over there too headphones P Godwin you see on the TV screen we have to keep him sequestered over there oh really he could he could still have Co we tell him yeah that’s what we tell him
You should put a big mask over the whole window oh yes that would be good I have bad Hair Days oh yeah well not never seen a table in the round like this you could put a fountain in the middle should we’ve always about why is
There dead space in the middle but and there’s no way to get in there unless you climb over the desk which is really I think we should have our guests stand there and just sort of perform in the round with their microphone yeah yeah yeah that’d be a great idea Kevin get
In you hike jump in there this would be a good bar actually put a bartend in the middle yeah you could be clean wiping up the bar they should have mics at every bar actually and you know you go to excuse me I ordered a seven to seven
Where is it hello go check please did you uh just come from doing your uh incredibly successful podcast what is it hiking with Kevin or hiking with Kevin it’s a web series I take pride in saying I don’t do a podcast okay all right okay because it’s outside I have a selfie
Stick and no I did not just come from there but I did just finish my fourth season about 116 hikes total oh my God and uh I’m exhausted it is it always the same Trail no no it’s a lot of different Trails mostly in Los Angeles although I have done uh I
Did one in Utah with Donnie Osman and I did one in Germany with Chelsea Handler and I did one in a couple in the Smoky Mountains with Nate varatti and Cheryl Crow huh and uh Susan jley from Parks and wreck now did you have to do it in
Utah with Donnie Osman because he can’t leave the state because he has a ankle monitor or something you know he’s up to something Willie no you know actually um he it was his suggestion we do it in Sundance and when there it was snow on the ground so we
Use snowshoes and it’s probably one of my favorite hikes cuz we must have fallen about half a dozen times with the camera and stuff neither one of us were were adept really at snow shoing and then we pretended we walked to Vegas so I edited it so we looked like we were
Walking over the mountains cuz he does a show in Vegas and uh yeah you can look at look at on YouTube that’s funny and yeah and D how many miles do you usually go on your show 30 30 miles that’s a long that’s a nice hike yeah I from City
To city right City to City yeah I do you know I do uh I pick up a guest in uh you know different states one guest in different states as I’m walking to the east coast but um no I do like it depends on the guest I tell them really
I just need you for an hour okay because it won’t take up a lot of their time and where do you live I’ll find a trail close to you and what do you drink what’s your coffee you drink you know I know I’m not going to get a good hike if
They show up with a cup of coffee ah because they take the coffee with them but the hikes started off really steep M and as each year went by I’ve been doing it for four years now they get less and less of an inline next year downhill
With a car we at the bottom you know do you think Mall Walkingschuhe know I just can’t I mean can can we do Beverly Hills and just hold some bushes behind us that’s pretty good have a bear come out have you seen any wild animals on your hikes good question I was on a hike with somebody once and he did say that
Like every other question that’s a good question that’s a good question uh but I was hiking in one canyon once when I was doing the show Weeds and I was about halfway about halfway up and I was studying my lines um and it’s early in the morning cuz that’s when I could
Retain things mhm and um yeah and then I heard a deep growl off to my left I could feel it in my chest you know it wasn’t a dog or and I just knew it was a mountain lion and I scurried up to the
Top and I waited for like an hour or so and the sun was coming up now and I knew there was other people on the trail so I came down and you know nothing but the next day I swear to you they caught a 200 lb mountain lion right down on the
On the Sunset Boulevard at the bottom of the trail wow I know that had to be the one it had to be yeah H wow yeah so that I didn’t see one but I do see a lot of uh coyotes and bobcats and I saw I
Actually saw a squirrel no yeah I almost stepped on it rattlesnakes a lot of rattlesnakes in the summer especially and here’s a little tip for rattlesnakes okay cuz I’ve I’ve run it to and then I’ll let you talk a little bit no no go ahead
You’re fine do fun’ I ran into a snake wrangler on one of my hikes they were shooting some show uh in Malibu and um he said you got to watch out for the baby rattlesnakes because they have a lot of Venom and they don’t know how to
Control it and they’re just crazy you know and uh and also if you if you want to move the rattlesnake uh I thought you throw like a rock at them you know they get to move off the trail right but they feel the vibrations on the ground so if
You stomp really hard they’ll Slither away but don’t get too close and stomp you know see that’s that’s the tricky part where’s that line don’t get too close it’s got to be weird all the animals that cuz you have to assume too they they want an autograph you know
They selfie yeah yeah yeah you’re right they want a selfie and uh and I will usually sign you know if there’s a a bear I will sign the boobs oh that’s nice did you sign my wife’s boo that’s the husband Bear yeah that has happened to me by the way it’s
Happened to you too oh yeah oh yeah they come up and they go what what the hell’s the meaning of this they yank her shirt down I go I I I think we’re in love it’s always refreshing when they say boobs by the way that’s you don’t get that often I had a
Guy come up to me and say that once hey would you sign my boobs but I did have a several times a woman came up and and I learned not to sign boobs yes because I don’t think she had permission from her boyfriend and I could see them later at
First I thought she was maybe a dancer at a club or something you know this is fine you whatever and uh but I’ll sign other people’s names now I won’t Dana Carvey sign my wife’s Bo you tell Carvey I’m looking for all right I sure will
Buddy darn right oh man yeah it’s crazy I used to do a thing at the end of my ACT where I would sketch somebody from the audience I was just going to ask you about this because I had seen you do that and it’s I don’t want to give too
Much of it away I don’t do it anymore oh God it’s so wonderful thank so funny well what I do is I I I bring an easel on stage with a big you know pad of uh paper and I’ll ask someone to come up from the audience because I’m learning
How to sketch like the people down on the boardwalk yeah and she’ll come up and she’ll be facing the audience my back will be to the audience they could see the the painting of charcoal and I’ll ask her a lot of silly questions like they do on the boardwalk so you go
To school oh yeah okay cool all and we yeah you here on vacation okay no matter what she says okay sketching her picture and as I’m sketching I’m moving her face around a little bit and I have charcoal all over my fingers and I kind of and by the end
Of the sketch she’s got almost a black face and then I show her at the end and the audience is dying and I show her in the mirror and she you know of course she flips out but you know getting back to signing the boobs I I did that once
In um in Lake Taho one of those casinos and great show and then this couple came up to me two different times this saath one couple came up they said you know we really enjoyed your show up until you you know you did that thing with my wife the charcoal all over her
Face um you know and oh I said I’m sorry we’re we’re where is she right now says she’s in the bathroom she’s she it’s her birthday and she’s upset she’s crying oh so I talked to the guy for a while until she came out and uh you know how
Charming I am oh oh God I loosened him up a little bit and then she came out and uh by the time they left um they asked me to sign it and they said thank you we really had a good time you know good time and by the way would you sign
My wife’s boob that was a happy ending and you’ll have a happy ending when you uh call the folks at Simply Safe experts and customers both love Simply Safe for comprehensive protection you know Simply Safe just named best home security system of 2024 by US News and World Report and recognized best customer
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Got any traffic no traffic she I do do weather though weather oh we’re going to have weather we’ll be right back with that this is the Bob and Tom Show hi this is comedian Rob Haney and you’re listening to Bob and Tom radio I think we’re going to take it
Down a notch and play something romantic oh all Right you’ve got Secrets you’re not saying a word I Can’t Describe just how much that that hurts I thought I love was honest and true you’re guilty baby and your silence is Proof I canot read your Mind that we believeing in life it’s not up to me this time I’m living up to you baby leing it up to you girl I’m leaving it up to you baby don’t you tear upon my world I’m leaving it up to you baby I’m leaving it up to you
Girl well I just can’t believe it’s a slow dance for JA and Christy Lee ladies and Gentlemen this is not a lady’s Choice obviously you come home looking like you’ve been caught in the rain smelling like cologne and it ain’t rain for days Kate time after time I say this can’t get much worse no no no you’ve got cheating in your eyes girl and your draws in your Purse I get read your mind we’ve been living a life it’s not up to me this time I’m leing it up to you baby leing it up you girl I’m leaving it you baby don’t you tear apart my World ja’s coming to well I just can’t believe toce me oh no smells like High Karate Cuz I’m leing it up to you baby leing it up to you girl you baby don’t you terrify my worlding it up to you baby I’m leing it up to you girl well I just can’t believe the sure deceiving Me oh no On oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah this has been F traffic with Carl Lewis Bob and Tom well meaning but yeah they’re they’re all messed up more than slightly confused comedian Bruce Clark is our guest how about that Pictionary you ever play that game Pictionary yeah
We almost got in a fist fight over that didn’t we chick we did and you play with your friends are always drunk too you know all your buddies are always Lo up playing there I get this phrase I draw it you know they’re hey I’m about a guy
Frying his own penis how about that what the hell’s that’s in ditionary it’s p in front of here you [ __ ] you know you’re too high when you’re eating cereal naked and your girlfriend tells you to put some clothes on you realize it’s not your girlfriend
It’s just a woman on a bus that’s how you know you’re too high good morning sunshine Bob and Tom radio welcome back to the Bob and Tom Show we’re all here with our special guest Kevin nean the Kevin W listen to that crowd reaction Kevin yes sir Tom what was the first
Concert you ever went to me um I like to ask people that question Black Oak Arkansas JoJo gun and Bad Company o and Bad Company opened so it was 72 72 73 something like that how about you guys I saw Elton John in 75 76 yeah that’s awesome Steve Miller
Band it was the wide river tour remember like ’92 or something that wasn’t young it was awesome ABA Kadabra was it no he he didn’t even play that no oh thank God okay will oh well if you think Josh’s answer is Young the first concert I got
A pick to go to was a The Strokes awesome concert the first concert I ever went to was with my older sister we saw the Spice Girls all right didn’t love as much at the time tell me what you what you Jackson 5 and Harold Mel Harold
Melvin and Blue Notes wow nice one nice one mine was a trifecta a like Tom mine was um and you probably never heard of some of these people um Edgar Winter sure sure he had that show called that that hit called Frankenstein and uh the band Yes mhm
Sure and I don’t know if you heard of these guys they eagles they were all in one show they were all in one show that’s amazing in San Diego I saw General giant yes and Peter Frampton in the summer of 77 and I was like whoa what is and Peter Frampton
Opened for yes wow how about new BET a Starland Vocal Band 77 oh gosh no Billy Joel paramont theater WS spr Pennsylvania 79 that’s cool that is crazy yeah that’s uh how many fights you get in uh three three wberry yeah that’s a tough town I don’t know if you been
There can Billy throw a punch yes he can actually he was a former boxer is that right that’s right he was yeah what album is that where he has boxing gloves on the back of glass houses is it maybe I don’t know Josh you’re the Billy Joel
Expert what what album is that I uh I believe it’s uh Joel Joel the musical man was a second some say a sophomore slump I don’t agree Joel down when did you start drawing characters well I started drawing characters when I was a kid um but it
Was very um you know primitive way of drawing it I wouldn’t even finish them and they’re quick and and I I would draw um you know a lot of different things too like Landscapes and uh in on an SNL I would draw like on the margin of the
Script when we were doing the table read um if I wasn’t in a sketch I would just kind of draw whoever’s across from me whether it’s Farley or uh you know whoever and um but then as I uh I kind of got older I used to also here’s where
I got my real education for drawing caricatures my mother and father were each I had a framed um painting of them in my bedroom from a Parisian artist who was a really good character artist and it was pastels and every night I realized subconsciously I would be
Looking at those and just studying how they exaggerated the different uh you know uh traits of them and so that was really my big education and then when uh the pandemic came along I um did you guys go through the pandemic yeah we did have that here yeah it got
To us yeah they test marketed it somewhere else Ohio Columbus Columbus Ohio I left town until it blew over then it came back you’re lucky we had to sit right here so also I went on Instagram and I saw a lot of different characters work and I was just blown away I thought
Wow there’s other people that are doing this and they’re really good so like standup comedy I was influenced by some of them and you know when you first start out you don’t really have your own style like with standup when I was starting standup everybody in the clubs
They were doing uh this is the back in the 1900s of course this is they were doing Woody Allen and Richard PRI and Steve Martin and and there weren’t that many Comics either there was like a handful of such a novelty thing back then and now of course everybody does
Stand-up comedy right and there’s so many comedy clubs and and it’s not such a novelty thing anymore I think the audience kind of knows they know stand-up comedy and they um everybody has their own favorite comedian some of them you never heard of before and and I think everybody probably well I don’t
Want to generalize but a lot of people have been to comedy clubs now and they know the whole brick wall and it’s it’s not that scary for them people are sitting in the front row now that’s how yes they used to don’t s me up
Front now they want to sit on stage I said no no that’s too close it’s very close yeah Willie knows what I’m talking about right there in the Splash Zone they want to be close that’s right yeah and you and Kevin did the shows together
When was that yeah I hosted for Kevin at Helium in downtown Indie about two years ago great show a lot of fun I thought I’d see you there this weekend I’m in uh cooko this Saturday I might come hang out tonight catch the early show all right you’re in Cocoa with Greg Han
Tomorrow night is yes sir you see how I did that way to go there chck yeah that’s cooko Indiana not way down in the beach I was going to say why would the Beach Boys be here in C C they love the Midwest what do you got
Over there on the news uh desk Christie maybe Kevin can weigh in on one of these stories he used to do this I’m embarrassed no no believe me there were there was a lot of bad news where I came from well I I’m going to go on record to
Say I don’t write this okay just so you know they took that away from me years ago sorry Liam niss set to star in a Naked Gun reboot oh he’ll play the bumbling police detective dreon in the role made famous by Leslie neelson Frank dreon it just says dreon here I told I
Wonder if he’ll play Frank dreon or if it’ll be like a son or oh maybe a br a brother we never heard of coming out in July of 2025 plenty of time to spec he’s always in those movies like taken he’s got to get his daughter back sure and
This is uh this is the spoof on what or the sequel Naked Gun Naked Gun so he’s got to get his gun back or something yeah put some clothes on it what’s it doing out there naked sexy though sexy gun people you know there are people who find guns sexy right of
Course they do I knew a girl who thought the most sexy thing was being with a guy in bed with a gun hanging over the headboard wow she’s no longer with us yeah you hit that headboard too hard yeah that’s that is rough Remember The Sopranos Richie and Janice and she
Oh that’s really dark yeah she said Richie holds a gun to my head and she goes I’d make him take the clip out that’s really okay really all right Janice isn’t it romantic well Richie got his though okay on a much lighter note candy companies
Are trying to find new ways to get you to chew gum again I guess there’s a problem are are gum chewers down gum sales Dro chick by nearly third in 2020 to the pandemic wow yeah do you know in Singapore I think it is they don’t allow
Gum chewing yeah Le yo you won’t find one piece of gum on the sidewalk well good for them really yeah also they cane people though too yeah yeah that was a big not thear and not with sugar can no should we introduce caning here you think some things what what would you
Cane somebody for um breaking into a car oh okay so defenses like not putting the shopping cart back in the Corral well wait a minute that’s serious that might be worth One swipe in the yeah that’s a but do you put them back I do yeah I am
Very good about I do too look at me want my quarterback how many how many do you have in your collection oh my God I got I got one from uh every different grocery store in my town oh yeah yeah you know who’s got the best uh um
Carts Publix Publix oh from Florida has great one so do Target Target the big plastic on I like the ones at Aldi they’re great they only cost a quarter too have the the Hightech ones that have brakes on it you can’t that that nailed
Me at a Kroger it went to a it came to aching halt I what the hell is this they have like a low Jack seen no I’ve never seen that and the guy goes oh we forgot to disengage that or whatever it’s an anti- theft thing where the wheels just
Stop working that’s right outside of a certain area I I don’t like this at the airports is they charge you like $6 for those carts for your luggage and if you don’t do that then you got to get a porter and that’s why I go carry on now
Yeah that’s smart it’s very smart I like the way you did the Liam Nome uh thing and then the next one was and on a lighter note from the Naked Gun well you guys were talking about guns on people’s heads having sex we Kevin you did mention a woman being
Killed okay okay you got there got that was we got a little hot we got a little hot yeah anyway apparently sales is they’re down sales in dollars are back to pre-pandemic levels but that’s due to inflation Mars which owns the 133 year old Wrigley brand is repositioning Gum
As a stress reliever isn’t that rather than a breath freshener I’m the only Mars owns Wrigley isn’t that wild think about that there got to be some antitrust uh issues there they got to take a look what what is your favorite candy bar uh I got to go uh I got to go
Snickers I Snickers was hard to beat um uh I like a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup or I say Reesey peanut butter cup well that’s how the uneducated would say midwesterners say I like the ones that I don’t like the cups I like the Reese’s in different shapes like uh like
A Christmas tree pum pump don’t you love it when you bite into something you don’t know there’s peanut butter in there and then you hit it and you go oh have you had the uh Rec peanut butter and uh caramel no no it’s very oh I know what your third choice is besides
Snickers and U re reesei reesei is Kit Kat oh I like Kit Kat I like Kit Kat I I’ll eat a Kit Kat I thought maybe I don’t know you as well as I thought I like a Kit Kat Kit Kats are great cuz you could just you don’t have to eat the
Whole thing you can break off little columns come on he and I are kindered spirits I eat one one section a day and they make fun of me a KitKat lasts for a whole week Kevin you can’t abide this Tom here’s my problem uhhuh I don’t know
If anybody’s on board with this but I am such a fan I’m not sponsoring them or promoting them it’s the um the double chocolate Milano cookies oh yeah those insan I’ll get a bag of those and they’ll be eaten by the time I get to the cash register and if not I’ll put
Them home in the freezer and I’ll dunk them in milk and I love I love that so much choice I don’t think they’re uh I don’t think they’re did you eat all the Milano cookies I don’t think they’re that shoplifting you have to eat them before you get to the registry no no
They’re not you know once you got the door then that’s a final is that a pepp farm it is pepp Farms remembers but I do think you should be can for that if you take them outside yes you can get cane for that is there a pepp Farms can we go
And see see the fields of Milano what are we doing some is there a Hidden Valley is that what we’re doing are there pepper Farmers they’re growing the little chest pieces what’s your favorite girl cow cookie uh I’m gonna go you know what I’m a very vanilla man trefoils the uh the
Shortbreads I just like those shortbreads and I this is very fat why do they go to such trouble to make a cookie and they arrive at a troil I I I stack them in a glass and I just pour milk in the glass very fat oh and you scoop them out
Well now wait a minut I call it an Orson well cereal that’s what what I Tom if I know you like I think I know you you like the peanut butter ones thank you Kevin but I’m chick yeah you don’t know him too well his name is CH where’s I’m
His kid Tom’s you look like a Tom he does a lot of people and you look like you’re in control of the whole show I’m trying to fill in is my face red don’t wor you totally saved it though Willie what about you I do like I like the Tagalongs and
Josh I’ll get a the peanut butter Girl Scout is the answer is that I knew it doy yeah you knew it you know you do know me what I do know something I get Reese’s Puffs and then I break up the Tagalongs and I put them in the Reese’s
Puffs it’s just a big peanut butter chocolate cereal Delight but I was at the grocery store there were the girls selling the Girl Scout cookies out front and I go hey ladies do you have any Tagalongs and they go oh no we just ran out and I see you and I just didn’t
Support the Girl Scouts I’m still embarrassed about it hey guys you have any Tagalongs that would be me where’s your car where we going where we going the Nabisco Mansion is for sale did you hear about this Mansion do you know about it in St Louis
Because it’s in St Louis bour I’m not aware of it know yeah according to Riverfront Times the house was built in 1906 for Mr Lewis Dozer president of what would become the Nabisco company ni name was Bull yeah bullo 13,000 FT Property features 24 rooms an inground swimming pool and a medieval style
Ballroom medieval Med medieval torture yeah medieval the homes you got to see how he spelled that by the way the current owners purchased the mansion in 1996 and have since restored it it’s listed at just under $2 million an abisco mansion and you’re not familiar with it it’s not far from Pepper
Farm and the keer tree Tommy have you been there Bravo oh yeah Bravo no bisco has a house but keer only has a dumb tree right oh what elves don’t need a whole mansion yeah that’s true oh my God thank I forgot about Keebler yeah keer elves what are the
Ones with the stripes on them they make that cookie with the fudge uh fudge stripes fudge stripes yeah that’s not a bad thing you like the fudge stripes you ever put nine or 10 fudge stripe cookies in a glass of milk Josh and Spoon them
Out that is no I’m not that fat I put them in ice cream Josh that’s the best idea I’ve ever heard of take a stack of those and pour some milk uh you put them in a bowl or just glass GL oh that’s a better idea
A very nice uh and then when you get to the bottom do you drink the rest of the milk on the course do you do that with ladun too lorad I I didn’t know we had royalty excuse me who the hell’s laa do she makes a nice shortbread cookie who
Can afford a la got an extra job for dud boy oh boy we have a Rockefeller over here that explains that car in the parking nobody mentioned Oreos I mean that’s they nailed it didn’t they that’s okay yeah and I’ll do the same with Oreos stack you won’t split them open
And lick it I don’t I don’t split them no no I think that they’re perfect as the sand I’ve never done that yeah I see that like a golden Oreo or do you stick with just I don’t I want the chocolate yes once again you like you like golden Oreo
Because you think they cost more that’s exactly right better than us you like the chocolate covered oreos I I have had the white chocolate covered oreos one of my an ex-girlfriend of mine loved those those make your teeth hurt don’t they man they are very very s now
Josh where do you stand on the double stuff I’m I’m a Trad stuffed man but nothing wrong with double stuffed where do you stand on the deep fried uh CU they do deep fry those things I have had them yeah have you Kevin have you you
Like no I’m trying to cut down on uh well how deep uh I I at least s and A2 ft and because the air in the grease yes there’s something really happens chemically there that uh I don’t know if I came up with this or some
Other comic did if you get a a a deep fish you know you what do they call them like a deep sea as a pet do you have to get a really deep aquarium yeah they can’t live Marin six feet they they won’t they’ll die on you
Like a big backyard it gets really dark they like the water pressure makes them feel yeah you’re right there must be some difference for them being hugged I kind of ran out of I wondered why you didn’t want to F get tired I did get tired and I I was not
Not committed to the yeah yeah I like when people give up on a story you know they start say you know I was uh this is a craziest thing I was coming home from work yesterday and I got to this traffic light oh this is just too long there you
Go well that’s when you get your raycon earbuds out and listen to those while you’re or maybe you make a phone call with your a on here bud someone’s in the car thinking I want to catch up on the news let’s see what Christy has oh I
Only heard three stories trust me they know this is how it works you know rayon’s optimized gel tips Willie they fit every ear ever made did you know that and whether you’re out walking the dog running on the treadmill stopped at a red light using the chat on the phone
Raycon stay in your ears and also raycons have eight hours of Play Time 32 hours of battery life and don’t worry about whether raycons are up for the task you can enjoy features like easy to use earbud tap functions noise isolation and the raycon awareness mode go to by today get 20% off your raycon order plus free shipping that’s 20% off and free shipping at by Toom that’s by we’ll be right back with news and no we have history and our guests Kevin NE we’re done with news like I said we’ll
Be back today in history and things we learned on the show this is the Bob and Tom Show add to or continue the conversation check out the Bob and Tom Show on Facebook get the link at this is the Bob andom show hey it’s Josh Arnold with a food
Recommendation for you Gardener Wisconsin cheese their famous ovenbaked cheese it arrives pre-baked you just heat it and eat it Grill it skill it or air fry it check out their new oven baked cheese flavor jalapeno ooey gooey spicy cheese it’s sure to tickle your taste buds with real jalapeno flavor and
Heat perfect for game day parties or anytime excuse me are um are you serious with it I mean why are you doing this me the real me is right here here I could easily be doing this we we don’t need you man I look there’s only room for one of
Us that’s Gardener Wisconsin cheese jalapeno flavored oven baked cheese it’s now available in Gardener’s oven baked bundle package so try all the great flavors receive free cold pack shipping and free cheese curds when you spend $59 or more at gardeners Wisconsin click the link below and tell
Them your pal Josh me the real Josh from the Bob and Tom Show sent you hey hi I’m Tom this is chick that’s Josh and this is Christy Lee Christy what’s happening hey Charleston the Bob and Tom Show here and our friends at rock 105 wklc are bringing us to town
For a live show with special guest Duke tomato and the Bob and Tom brass mouth horns plus do not miss an amazing comedy show that night that’s right it all happens Friday April 5th at the Charleston Coliseum and Convention Center if you’re listening anywhere within 100 miles of Charleston or Fe
Come out and see us live on the morning of April 5th that’s a free show and then get tickets for that night’s Bob and Tom Show Comedy Tour event with who Christie Pat Godwin Josh Arnold Jeff uke Willie griswell all hosted by Tom and christe tickets on sale now and they’re going
Fast get your tickets at or the Charleston Coliseum box office see you there this is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen have something new oh check it out that’s a hat I know you like wearing hats Bob I love I love wearing hats Bob likes check this [ __ ] out
This is from the the greatest uh racing venue in the world the Indianapolis Motor Speedway I didn’t KN that they made a hat this big this hat was actually actually worn by AJ fo all right I was going to ask fit in it uhhuh it’s a little bit oh a little
Bit big let me have that hat this uh it’s big a laundry basket it really is it’s huge it says one size fits most give it you know I had that hat when I was playing guitar in the street corners this is now fill it up yeah fill her up
The logo of the great Indianapolis Motor Speedway of course the home the indd 500 coming up in the month of May that’s just great but that is a nice big thank you yeah you got to got to work the brim there yeah can you do you mind trying it
On oh I don’t mind it all let me get the let me get the brim set first we need to get a picture of this on our webite okay Bob is setting the brim which he’s very good at yeah well this is kind of a
Flexible we here okay there we go put it on okay there you go that’s all right hey what’s happening cool cats all right hey coach I’m ready to go in okay will um you should a shot of that for the website tip of the hat to you Christie
Oh thank you you could actually wear that over a fireman’s helmet yeah you could you should wear that all the time and and say and just say what what are you looking at That yeah can I help you through the X-ray machine Mr a yeah yeah yes comedian Bobcat gowe is here with us I like Goofy movies I didn’t see Phantom Menace or the attack of the Clones because uh I’m 40 years old and I’ve been so
Star Wars The Lord of the Rings you know none of that stuff freely but like a jerk I went to the Star Wars re-release have any of you nerds ever seen a could you pick a out of a police line if I had a and a donut and a mop
Could you tell me the difference between these things cuz the day you actually see one you’re going to throw that Stormtrooper cookie jar right out the window what was I thinking about I don’t know we’ve been trying to tell you about it for years I got one of those um yeah you
Know the calls on the phone the uh guy selling you something or trying to get donations right he actually used this is this the man of the house is this 1952 yes it is the man of this I’m I’m lounging on the Divan with a highball why do you insist on calling
During Edward ruro serious come on I’m my wife said you learn a lot about yourself if you keep a diary and that is so true I’ve learned my life is brimming over with really boring activity and now one more writing in my diary thanks honey yeah are the stars out
Tonight I don’t care care if it’s cloudy or bright cuz I’m [Laughter] blind hello this is comedian John Evans the high plains thrifter a range hey welcome back to the Bob and Tom Show Kevin uh nean and Christy are going to go out here no God no oh you
Just got married that’s I just got married I’m not going out I can’t do that it ruins dating when you get married that’s great I used to say that are you you’re going to go out and host some comedy shows and I go yeah is your wife
Going you with you I go no how am I going to get laate if [Laughter] she hey Pat I heard that you have prepared something special for our guest Kevin nean is that correct I am a huge fan uh-huh nean love that Kevin NE he gives us warm f fuzzy feelings whenever he’s
Around oh years ago I worked with him in santel oh but he doesn’t remember me well hey he’s worked with lots of folks Kevin nean so funny Kevin I made no impression on him granted I was terrible years ago everyone who whoa Kevin we love you Kevin D welcome to the
Bob and Tom he’s not here it’s chick show a that’s so nice you got Kleenex up here you know I I remember where we work though because he he remembers the building you were fantastic you were great no I remember you used the microphone right yeah I
Did just the opening but I ran into that guy uh just the other day yeah John bman who used to uh own that club or ran the show or whatever Vegas no in Santa Belle oh in Santa Belle yeah yeah yeah oh I
Ran it to him in Vegas yeah I saw him in Vegas that’s where I saw him and a guy named Dr Al also operated that Dr Al was he the guy that said everything backwards he did yeah I don’t know that’s way to bring things to a
Stop I’m still looking for today in history I gave it to you did you are you sure yes which one was it yeah what day was it wasis day Joe deasio died today I know that I will give it no he’s been dead for a while I don’t want to say
That I don’t want to leave it there though that’s the only thing I have take a break we’ll be right back you know what that is Kevin sounds like an alligator maybe that’s a howler monkey oh and you know what this is that’s Tom that’s Tom yawning that’s
Actually him today in in history here you go oh you almost said history because it is international women’s day today is it was yesterday or today well there’s actually a day too and then they built a month around I thought it was only three to five days of the
Month do do women like that joke oh I love you want eal rights or not hey on this date in 1930 Babe Ruth signs a 2-year $16,000 contract whoa big dollar Yankees GM at the time predicted no one will ever be paid more than Ruth well yeah
Yeah and then we have Bryce Harper what did he sign for Otani 70 million a year or something but you know back then with Babe Ruth 160,000 was like 160,000 today yeah yeah yeah it was really they say here that $160,000 is like what they’re getting paid a game now for some
Of these big Major League contracts that’s crazy 1962 Pat guess what Beetle something yeah they debuted on TV with drummer Pete best oh what happened to him no one knows yeah you know I had a car ride once this driver very old Scottish guy and I said I asked him the
Same question I said who’s your first uh concert and he thought about it for maybe half a minute he goes the Beatles actually in the cavern who would you have to about that yeah it wasn’t an immediate answer Cy top of Mind 1973 on this date Paul and Linda McCartney are fined for
Growing pot um potheads doers filthy filthy hippies on the state in 1993 beis and Butthead premiered on MTV uh on this dat in 1996 uh Fargo is released and that’s sad we’re not going to mention that it really is um birthdays today 1702 H this lady is a famous Irish
Pirate is that right oh Johnny Depp I believe that correct gu that is correct no an Bonnie uh on this date in 197 Oh She Lies Over the Ocean yeah my Bonnie Freddy brince Jr was born in 1976 son of Freddy Prince that’s right Josh you know a lot of trivia dude
You are smart on dat in 1982 Kat Von D was born the tattoo artist and that’s about all they gave me so isn’t she doing something now isn’t she blacking out all of T she blacked all of her most of her tattoos out so now she’s just
Tattooed and so did Machine Gun Kelly have you seen him lately I have did the same thing it’s bizarre that’s crazy got Kelling yeah time now for things we learned today brought to you by Hyundai the allnew Hyundai 2024 Santa Fe equipped for adventure with capable features like a available HRA all-wheel
Driveing standard third row seating we started with Iron Mike today because uh Mike Tyson is going to be fighting uh Jake Paul Jake Paul here coming up uh he going to stream live on Netflix sometime in what did I say July July July that’s uh I claim I can ride a bike and
Josh claims he can ice skate but very oddly yeah we covered that earlier uh Jazelle Tom Brady’s ex-wife was crying we never talked about why did we yeah we never talked about why but Christy really was tickled that so really happy at her pain no I watched
The interview she was very sad she said it was the death of a dream and you said she deserved all of it or something yeah that’s what you get oh yeah that’s what I said poor poor I think it was off the air but you I hate all of
You remember what’s our blatant hostility that’s how we uh been alive so long uh we talked about tumble weeds and dirt devils well Josh talked about dirt devils I think it’s a portable vacuum cleaner but you say both you know what we missed yesterday on today in history
What the 41st anniversary of this program the Bob and Tom Show is that yeah 41 though kind I was wondering what that parade was for downtown at least somebody remember I don’t know how this is not a bigger story but Kansas City Chiefs fans when they the ones who went to see the
Dolphins at Arrowhead when the air temperature was four below and the wind chill was 27 below some of those Kansas City Chiefs fans are suffering from frostbite and they are being advised to amputate some of their extremities that’s rough and I don’t know how this
Is not a bigger story cuz how many I mean there were I don’t know they’re being I can’t find a number it was a lot it was many yeah a troubling amount yeah just because they were outside well there’s only one extremity that really counts well for you guys for us guys and
For you gals yeah yeah yeah many of you GS I’d be kind of upset yeah Christy still claims she’s never seen her an airplane uh the state patrol I have never seen that given a ticket as far as the speeding I’ve seen the signs but I’ve never seen an actual airplane
And there are uh underground bunkers under the interstate system every 3.3 miles with what did you say Willie tomorrow tomorrow yeah right there by the underground bu so we can eat we got to eat uh have a good weekend we’ll be back Monday this is the Bob and
To show thanks for listening to the Bob and Tom Show this morning even though we’re not too much to look at you can also watch the show on our YouTube channel