(narrator): Grandpa Pig and Granddad Dog are taking Peppa, George and Danny bowling. – Grandpa, what is bowling? – Well, Peppa, I can’t really say. I’ve never done it before. This was all Granddad Dog’s idea. – Bowling is fun! Try not to be grumpy, and even you might have a good time, old man.
– Old man?! You’re older than me! (narrator): Granddad Dog and Grandpa Pig are the very best of friends. – Welcome to bowling! Please take off your shoes. – Sorry, for a moment there I thought you said we had to take our shoes off! – That’s right. Shoes off and hand them over. (narrator): Everyone has to wear bowling shoes to go bowling. – My goodness! What a lot of fuss for a little game. – Have fun! – We will! Right. This is our lane. Danny, can you show everyone how to bowl? – Yes!
First, you take a ball. – That’s right. And can everyone see the pins at the end of the lane? – Yes, we see the skittle things. – I use this ball to knock those pins over. – Two fell down! – Good shot, Danny! – It’s like magic! – Bowling is actually quite fun! – Okay. It’s my go. – My goodness! They all fell over! – Yes. That’s called a strike! – I’m really beginning to like bowling! What’s charming is how simple it is to play!
You just roll the ball, and it knocks over the skittles! – Grandpa! You missed everything! – Yes. But not to worry. It’s only a game. – That’s the spirit, old chap! Not everyone is good at games. – My go! Oh! This is too heavy! – Pick another one, Peppa! – Ah. This is just right! They all fell over! – A strike! Well done, Peppa! – Yes, and that was the first time you ever bowled! – Wonderful! – Now it’s George’s turn. (George snorts) – Try this one, George. – And for George, I think the ramp would be a good idea. – Strike! Well done, George! – Yes, well done! But how comes George gets that ramp thingy and I didn’t? – Because the ramp is for little children! (giggles) – Yes, Grandpa. George is little, but you are big. – Yes. Of course. – My go again! – Strike! Well done, Danny! – Brilliant! I think that means we’ve all had a strike! – Uh, apart from me. – Oh yes! I’d forgotten you didn’t hit any. – Have another go, Grandpa! (snorts) – Okay. I’ll try. But I can tell this is really not my sort of thing.
– But I suppose what matters is not the winning, but taking part. (gasps) – Strike, Grandpa! – What? – That was an amazing shot! – Did you see that? I knocked all the skittles over! Hey, everyone! (snorts) Stop what you’re doing! I got a strike! I got a strike! I got a…
– Like you said, it’s the taking part, not winning that matters. – I got a strike! (clapping, laughing) – Bowling is really fun! – It’s brilliant! – Bowling is probably the best game in the world ever! (narrator): Grandpa Pig loves bowling! Everyone loves bowling! (narrator): Today, Peppa and her family
Are visiting an adventure park. – Welcome to Monkey Trees! (narrator): Miss Rabbit is in charge. – What do we do at Monkey Trees? – You climb through the trees like monkeys! (snorts) – I just hope we don’t have to climb too high. (narrator): Daddy Pig does not like heights.
– Don’t worry, Daddy Pig. You’ll be wearing a harness so you can’t fall. If you lose your balance… Oops! The wire will hold you! (giggles) – It looks fun! – Me first! – My turn! – And now me! I just have to keep my balance. Ho-ho-ho! I don’t know what I was worried about! This isn’t high at all! – That’s because this is the practice bit. – What? – The real course is high up in the tree tops! – Ah. – Don’t worry. I’ll be down here
Giving you advice! – That’s good to know. – Follow the wire. It will lead you where you have to go. (narrator): The steps are going high into the tree tops. Here is the Wobbly Bridge. Danny Dog and his daddy are crossing it. (snorts) – Hello, Danny! (barks) – Hello, Peppa!
– Wow! We are so high up! – Brilliant, isn’t it? – As long as I don’t look down, I should be fine. – Oh! This bridge is wobbly! – That’s why it’s called the Wobbly Bridge! You’re doing great! (giggles) – Wibble wobble! Wibble wobble! (giggles) – Wibble wobble!
– Um… Maybe I’ll wait here for a bit. (bleating) – Come on, Mr. Pig! – We can’t cross until you cross. – What’s the hold up?! (narrator): There is a queue behind Daddy Pig. – Ah, what’s going on? – Sorry, everyone. Okay, here goes. Whoa! I did it! I did the Wobbly Bridge!
Ho-ho! – Well done, Daddy! (narrator): These are the Swinging Hoops. – Oh. There’s nothing to walk on! – Just use your arms to swing from hoop to hoop. Like a monkey! – Um… I’m not sure. (snorts) – Come on, Mummy! You have to go first so we can go! – Okay, here goes. Woo!
Oh my goodness, this is hard work! (snorts) – Whoa! It’s too difficult! – Oh! I can’t hang on anymore! Whoa! – Ah! (narrator): Mummy, Peppa and George are hanging from the wire. – Now what do we do? – You need something big and heavy to push you across! – Ah. I see where this is going.
Hang on! Here I come! – Oh! – Wee! (giggles) – Well done, Daddy Pig. – It’s what my tummy was built for! (narrator): This is the Ginormous Zip Wire. – Brilliant! – This is the last bit. Mr. Rabbit will give you some help. – Just decide if you want to go head or feet first. – Definitely feet first. – Feet first! Off you go! – Woo-hoo! (laughing) Woo-hoo! – Peppa and George, head or feet first? – Head first! (giggles)
– Head first! Off you go! (giggling) – Woo-hoo! Yipee! – And Daddy Pig? – Ho-ho! Well, I’m certainly not going to say head first! – Head first? Off you go! – No! There’s been a misunderstanding! I want to go feet first! – Did you have fun? – Ho-ho! I must admit, that was quite fun! – No, Daddy! It was the most amazing good thing in the whole wide world ever! (narrator): Peppa loves Monkey Trees! Everyone loves Monkey Trees! (narrator): Peppa and her family have come to the water park today! – Hello, everyone! (narrator): Miss Rabbit is in charge. These are changing rooms. – Please change into your swimming costumes. – Yes, Miss Rabbit! (narrator): Daddy Pig is wearing his swimming costume. Mummy Pig is wearing her swimming costume. Peppa is wearing her swimming costume. And George is wearing his swimming costume. – Wow! – This looks amazing! – Yes! There’s bubbles and slides and all kinds of watery fun! (narrator): This is the Bubble Bay. Pedro Pony is here with his mummy. – Hello, Peppa! Let’s play in the bubbles! – Bubbles! Woo! – The bubbles lift you up and tickle you! – Oh, yes! That feels good! Ooh! – Ooh, lovely! – Bubbly wubbly, bouncy bubbles! (narrator): This is the Tipping Bucket. Mandy Mouse is here with her mummy. – Hello, Peppa! Squeak! – Hello, Mandy. – You’ve got to try this. It’s brilliant! – What do I do? – You wait here until the bucket is full. – Then what happens? Ahh! – Something sounds like fun! Can I have a go? – Yes, Mummy! You go next. – What do I do? – You wait here… – Until… – Until what? Ahh! Ahh! Oh, I’m all wet! Although, I suppose that is the point of coming to a water park! – Let’s do the water slides! (narrator): Here are the water slides. – There’s a tiny slide for little children. And a really big ginormous slide for the people who like that kind of thing. – Look at me on the slide! – That’s very high. (narrator): Daddy Pig does not like heights. – George, let’s do the tiny slide! (George snorts) – Mummy, Daddy! You have to watch us! – Okay, we’re watching! – Ready, steady… Go! – Woo! (snorts) – That looked fun! (snorts) I’m going to have a go! – Okay! We’ll stay here and watch you! – Sorry, Daddy Pig. You can’t wear glasses on the water slides. – Oh. – I’ll look after them for you. (narrator): Daddy Pig cannot see very well without his glasses. Oh dear.
These are the steps to the big ginormous slide! – Daddy! We’re waiting! – Sorry! (snorts) I have to go slow without my glasses! – Daddy’s taking a long time to climb up the tiny slide. – Hurry up, Daddy! (George snorts) – These steps are taking forever! – Where is Daddy?
(Peppa): There he is! – Hello, Daddy Pig! I didn’t think you liked heights. – Huh? (narrator): Daddy Pig cannot see where he is. – What are you doing up there, Daddy Pig? – Sorry? What did you say? (narrator): Daddy Pig cannot hear because he is so high up!
– Sit back and enjoy the ride! – Okay, here goes! Wee! Whoa! – Wow! Daddy Pig! You did the big ginormous slide! – Ho-ho! – You are brilliant! – Here are your glasses, Daddy Pig. – Thank you, Miss Rabbit. (snorts) – That was actually the best fun ever! Maybe it helped that I couldn’t see anything. (narrator): Daddy Pig loves the water park! Everyone loves the water park! (narrator): Today, Peppa and George have come to play at Granny and Grandpa’s house. – Grandpa Pig! (snorts) – Hello Peppa and George! – Dine-Saw! Grr! – And hello to you too, Mr. Dinosaur. – Roar! – Ahh!
(narrator): It is Granny Pig, dressed as a dinosaur. – My goodness, Granny Pig! You gave me a shock! – Sorry, Grandpa! Didn’t I mention I was doing a dinosaur day today? – No, you didn’t. – Granny, why are you dressed as a dinosaur? – I’m doing an historical reenactment
About dinosaurs with my friends. – It sounds like an excuse for another tea party in the garden. (chuckles) – It’s not a party. It’s all very serious and based on facts. I am dressed as a tyrannosaurus. (children): Ooh! – And I’ve made costumes for Peppa and George. Peppa is an allosaurus.
And George is a stegosaurus! (both): Grr! (narrator): Here is Granddad Dog. – Grr! Hello, everyone! – And what are you supposed to be? – I’m a triceratops! (thudding) – Roar! – Hello! – Hello! (narrator): It is Granny Sheep… (bleating) …and Granny Wolf. (roaring) – Ah! I know what you are, a brontosaurus!
– Actually, the correct name these days is apatosaurus. – Wonderful. (snorts) Well, I’ll get on with making the cups of tea. – Thank you, Grandpa! Everyone else, follow me! This is how the world looked a long time ago when there were dinosaurs! (children): Ooh! – Let’s start our historical reenactment!
– What do we do? – I suppose we just stomp around and roar! (narrator): A long time ago, dinosaurs walked the Earth just like this. – I see the party’s started! – It’s not a party! – Hello! Hope I’m not late for the party! – You’re just in time. – Ah! A cup of tea. Thanks, old chap. (narrator): It is Grampy Rabbit.
He is dressed as a caveman. – Why are you dressed as a caveman? – Well, you said it was a dinosaur party, and dinosaurs and cavemen go well together. – Er, actually… – Anyway, I’m good at being a caveman. I hope you don’t mind, but I asked my daughter along to the party! (narrator): Miss Rabbit is driving a Huge Robot Dragon! – Hello, everyone! Oh, sorry! It’s a bit hard to control this thing! Stand back, everyone! – But that’s a dragon, not a dinosaur! – Whatever! You have to admit, it’s good! – I suppose it’s like a dinosaur. (snorts) Okay, everyone! On with the reenactment! – Um, how long is this going on for? Didn’t the dinosaurs die out at some point? – Yes. 66 million years ago, the world was hit by an asteroid. – What’s an as-ter-roid? – It’s a huge ball of rock floating through space! – An asteroid would be super!
But where can we get one? (narrator): It is Mr. Fox. – Hello, Granny Pig! I heard you were having a dinosaur party, and I thought I might be able to sell you some stuff. – That’s very kind of you, Mr. Fox. – I’ve got rubber pterodactyls, plastic nodding herbivores… – We need an asteroid.
(snorts) – It’s like a ball! – And it has to be very big. – I’ve got just the thing! A giant beach ball! – Wow! – Perfect! That can be our asteroid! – You’ve got people in fancy dress, palm trees and a beach ball! This is a perfect beach party! – It’s not a party. – And you can’t have a beach party without music! (upbeat surf music) – This is the best party ever! (narrator): Peppa loves dinosaur parties. Everyone loves dinosaur parties!
(narrator): Today, Peppa and her friends have come to the Climbing Centre. Grampy Rabbit is in charge. – Hello, children! Today, we’re mountain climbing! (children): Ooh! – Is it difficult? – Yes! But it’s fun too! I’ve climbed many mountains. – Have you ever got stuck? – Yes! Once I was climbing a mountain,
And I couldn’t go up or down. – What did you do? – I called mountain rescue! They came and saved me using a helicopter! – Oh, Dad! Not again! – Sorry! – Rescued by a helicopter! Brilliant! – Yes! But that won’t be happening today. We haven’t got mountains, we’ve got climbing walls!
We call this one Mount Snowdon. – It’s just like a real mountain! – Apart from the fact it’s little and made of plastic. (children): Ahh… – And you’re going to be wearing safety helmets. – What are the bobbly colour bits? – You use them to put your hands and feet on. Like this. (children): Wow! – Who wants a go? – Me, please! Like this? – Very good, Pedro! (children giggle) – Which bobbly bits do I use? – Any colour you want! – Okay! I’ll do yellow.
(narrator): Suzy Sheep is climbing using the yellow bobbly bits. Peppa is using the blue bobbly bits! – This is fun! – George, would you like a go? (narrator): George has climbed to the very top! – Well done, George! (snorts) – My little brother is the best at climbing! – That was our little climbing wall. Now for our big one! May I present… Mount Everest! (children): Ooh! – Mount Everest is very high! – Yes! Which is why nobody climbs Mount Everest without a safety rope. If I want to stop… I simply come down gently on the rope. (children): Ooh!
– Who wants to go first? (George snorts) – Are you sure, George? – Remember, you can come down anytime on the rope. (narrator): George is climbing Mount Everest. (children): Wow! – Oh my goodness, that is high! (narrator): George has reached the top! (clapping) – Brilliant climbing! (narrator): Oh dear. George is a little bit worried. – Hang on, George! Mummy’s coming! – Stop! You can’t climb without a rope! It’s against the rules! – No time for rules! (snorts) I have to rescue George! (George crying) Mummy’s here! Do you feel better now, George? (narrator): George is not worried anymore. (all): Hooray! – Good! Down you come, George. – Well done, George! – Hello? What about me? How do I get down?! – Hmm…. For you, we will have to call Mountain Rescue! – Hello? – Mountain Rescue, please. – Oh, Dad! You’re not stuck up a mountain again! – Not me. It’s Mummy Pig! She’s on Mount Everest! – What? The actual Mount Everest?! – No. The plastic one! – I’ll be right there! Hang on, Mummy Pig! – Woo, oh! (narrator): Mummy Pig is rescued!
(others): Hooray! – Mummy, was it fun being rescued? – Er. It was kind of fun, I suppose. (narrator): Mummy Pig loves mountain climbing. Everyone loves mountain climbing! (giggling) (Peppa): Winter Games (narrator): Today, Peppa and her friends are skiing on Snowy Mountain. – Which way shall we go?
(narrator): One side of the mountain is a nice, gentle slope. The other side is very, very steep. – Oh, I certainly don’t want to ski down the steep side like I did the last time. – Ho-ho! Yes, that was quite spectacular. (narrator): Last year, Mummy Pig skied down the mountain. …all the way home. (exclaiming and grunting) And she won the Winter Games Cup! (triumphant music) (giggling) – You skied so well, Mummy! – Yes, well, I didn’t actually mean to do it, so that’s not happening again. – Okay. (snorting) Let’s go this way, then.
(narrator): Daddy, Mummy, Peppa and George are skiing down the gentle slope. Here are George’s friends, Richard, Edmund, Zuzu and Zaza. George and his friends are skiing together, like a long caterpillar. (bleating) – Hello, Peppa! (narrator): It is Suzy Sheep. (snorting) – Hello, Suzy! – I love this bit. It’s all wibbly-wobbly. – Wibbly-wobbly, whoo…! (giggling) (narrator): Here is Mandy Mouse. She has a mono-ski. – Hello! (squeaking) – Hello, Mandy! – Look at me go! (giggling) (barking) (narrator): Here is Danny Dog. (laughing) He is on a snowboard. – Hello, everyone. – Hi, Danny! – Look at me jump! (laughing) – Wow! You’re all skiing so well!
– Yes, you’re almost as good as Mummy and me. – Mr. Pig, what is your best ski trick? – Can you go backwards? – Backwards? (snorting) I think that’s impossible. – Yes, I don’t think anyone can ski backwards. – Ho-ho! (narrator): Everyone has arrived at the bottom of the slope. – That was good! (snorting) – Again, again! – Yes! Let’s get the ski lift. (narrator): This is the ski lift. It takes everyone to the top again. (laughter) – Skiing is my most favourite thing in the whole, wide world.
– Oh, Mandy, I thought your favourite thing was cheese. – Ah, yes. Cheese is good too. (squeaking) (narrator): Everyone is back to the top of Snowy Mountain. (snorting) – Now we ski down again! – Yay! Let’s go! (laughter) – Stop! Hang on a moment! Since we’re all together, it’s a great chance to get a photo! – But, Mummy, we want to ski down again.
– Oh, it won’t take a moment. Everyone squish together so I can see you all in the picture. That’s good. I just need to go back a bit to get you all in. – Uh, Mummy Pig, you know you’re standing on the edge of the mountain.
– Yes, yes. Good. I can almost see everyone now. There. Big smile, everyone! Whoops! – Here we go again. (narrator): Mummy Pig is skiing down the mountain backwards! – Whoa…!!! – Quick, everyone! To the rescue! Don’t worry, Mummy Pig! We’re right behind you! (narrator): Mummy Pig is skiing past the shops, all the way home! – I’m never going to stop! – Oh, Mummy Pig? – Mummy skied all the way here backwards! – Backwards? That is amazing skiing! Here is the Winter Games Cup. Again. (triumphant music) – Oh, thank you. – My mummy’s the best at skiing! (snorting) (laughter) (narrator): Peppa loves Winter Games. Everyone loves Winter Games! (laughter) (narrator): Peppa and her friends
Have come to the Trampoline Park. – I’ve never bounced on a trampoline! (squeaks) – I’ve bounced lots! It’s the best thing ever! (giggles) – Welcome to the trampoline park! (narrator): Miss Rabbit is in charge. – When you bounce, you must bounce safely. (all): Yes, Miss Rabbit. – First, take your shoes off. Only one person on each trampoline at a time. Always bounce… in the middle! And no clever tricks, just bouncing. – It looks fun! – Yes, really fun! (snorts) – I might even have a go myself! – Happy trampolining, everyone! – This is brilliant! – Yes! But these mini trampolines are for little children. These are the trampolines for big children like us! (snorts) – Now we can do really big bounces! (narrator): Peppa and Rebecca are doing big bounces. (bleating) – I love bouncing! – I am bouncing higher than the sky! – Me too! – And me! βͺ Bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce βͺ βͺ Bouncing up so high βͺ Bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce βͺ βͺ Bouncing in the sky (laughs) – Ho, ho! I think I’ll have a go! – Look, Peppa! Your daddy is on a trampoline! – Are you sure that’s a good idea, Daddy Pig? (snorts) – I know what I’m doing! (laughs) – I want a go too! – And me! Hey! Woo! (narrator): The grown-ups are bouncing on the trampolines! βͺ Bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce βͺ βͺ Bouncing up so high βͺ Bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce βͺ βͺ Bouncing in the sky (narrator): Mummy Pig is bouncing really high! – Bouncing up so high! – Not too high, Mummy Pig!
– Bouncing the sky! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! (narrator): Mummy Pig has landed on top of a tree! – Oh. How do I get down? – Don’t worry, Mummy Pig! We’ll rescue you! – Er…. We’ll call Miss Rabbit’s Rescue Service! – Hello, Trampoline Park. Oh, the emergency telephone! Hello, Rescue Service. – Mummy Pig is stuck in a tree. – Help! – I’ll be right there. Miss Rabbit to the Rescue! – My goodness, this is embarrassing. – Yes! (snorts) It’s the sort of thing that normally happens to me. – Don’t worry, Mummy Pig! We’ll have you down in no time. – Thank you, Miss Rabbit! – Hmm. I can’t land on the tree. I know! I’ve got a really good idea!
– Oh! Where’s she going? – Wee! – She’s bouncing back into the sky! – Here I come! Wee! (snorts) – Wow! This is unbelievable! – Yes! It is one of my more amazing rescues! – What happens next? – Who knows? That was lucky. I forgot the helicopter was here! (all): Hooray!
– Thank you for rescuing me, Miss Rabbit! – Just doing my job! Next time, don’t bounce quite so high. – Yes, Mummy! If you bounce on trampolines, you must bounce safely! – Thank you, Peppa. I’ll remember that in future. (narrator): Peppa loves trampolines. Everyone loves trampolines!
(narrator): Today, Peppa and her friends have come to the Woodland Club. Mr. Wolf is in charge. – Children, please come to the middle. Mommies and Daddies, please stand back and watch. (laughter) Now, children, I know all about living in the woods.
I was born in the woods and I was raised by a family of wolves! (kids): Ooh! – Today, I will teach you how to look after yourselves out here in the wild. (kids): Wow! – Imagine you’re on your own, far from home, no one else around. – Oh, sorry. Carry on. – No one else around. What do you do when it starts to rain? – Get wet. – Ah. But what if you don’t want to get wet? – Go home? – But remember, you are far from home. – I’ve got an umbrella! – Y-yes, alright.
But sometimes the only thing to keep you warm and dry in the woods is… a shelter. (kids): Ooh! – It’s like a little house. It’ll keep out the rain and it will keep you warm from the wind. You make a shelter using sticks and other stuff found in the woods.
(kids): Wow! – Who wants to try? – Here are some sticks! (laughing) – This leaf can be the flag. – It’s finished. (applause) – Well done. – Okay, who would like to test the shelter? – I will! – Are you warm and cozy in there, Mr. Pig? – Ho-ho! Yes! I like my little house of sticks.
– Good. Let’s see if your “little house” keeps out the rain. – Ah! (narrator): The water goes straight through the roof! – I’m getting wet! – Did the house keep out the rain? (kids): No! – Let’s see if the house keeps out the wind. I will huff and I will puff, and I will blow your house down! (inhaling deeply) (blowing) – Whoa! (narrator): Daddy Pig’s house is gone! – Oh, dear. – Maybe the children should’ve used bricks.
– A brick house would be good, Mr. Pig, but there aren’t any bricks to be found in the woods; only sticks and leaves. – But we’ve tried sticks and leaves. – We’re going to have another go. First, collect big sticks, like this one. Off you go. (laughter) – Here’s a big stick!
– Here’s a bigger stick! – Here’s the biggest stick in the world! – Very good. Let’s have that big stick here. Lay your sticks along here. Now we need little sticks to go over the roof. (laughter) – Little sticks. – Teeny sticks. – Itsy-witsy-ickle sticks. – Use the little sticks like this. (laughter)
– Is it finished? – Nearly. We just need lots and lots of leaves. (kids): Leaves! – Lots of leaves! – Loads of leaves! – Bundles and jumbles of leaves! – Wow! It’s a cozy house now. – It certainly is. Daddy Pig, please go inside. – Um, maybe somebody else should have all the fun of testing it this time. – Are you ready, children? (all): Yes! – First, the rain. Is the rain coming in? (kids): No! (laughter) – Now the wind. I’ll huff and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house down! Did you feel the wind? (narrator): The little house is very strong. – So that, children, is how you build a shelter in the woods. – Oh, it’s raining. (narrator): All the grownups are getting wet. But Peppa and her friends are lovely and dry in their little house. – This is fun! (laughter) (narrator): Peppa loves the Woodland Club. Everybody loves the Woodland Club! (laughter) (Peppa): Roller Disco (narrator): Peppa and her friends are going to a roller disco.
(Peppa laughing) – I love roller discos. – Me, too. (trumpeting) (music playing) (narrator): Madame Gazelle is in charge. – Keep going round and round in a circle, children! (giggling) (narrator): Peppa and George have their roller-skates on. – Would you like me to walk around with you both, holding your hands? – No, Mummy. We are good at skating. (snorting and giggling) – Whoa! – Are you okay, Emily? – Yes, Daddy, I’m fine. (trumpeting) (narrator): Simon Squirrel and Belinda Bear are doing the music. They are big children. (Belinda sighing) – I wish we could play something grownup. (narrator): Belinda Bear is nearly 10 years old.
– What should we play next?! – The Wheels on the Bus, please. – Oh, I can’t seem to find Wheels on the Bus. – Look. There it is. – Uh, thank you, Madame Gazelle. βͺ The wheels on the bus go round and round… βͺ – Huh. – This music is so babyish.
βͺ The wheels on the bus go round and round βͺ βͺ Round and round… – Hello, Mummy and Daddy! (both): Hello, Peppa. (George giggling and snorting) (parents): Hello, George. – Hello, Daddy. – Hello, Emily. This is fun. It’s the first time I’ve been to one of these things.
How many times do the children go around? – Uh, hundreds and hundreds of times. – Ah. (narrator): The children love going around in a circle hundreds and hundreds of times. (snorting) – Hello, Daddy! – Hello, Peppa. (George snorting) Hello, George. (narrator): Here is Suzy Sheep. (bleating) – Come on, let’s skate together.
– Okay. (laughter) (narrator): Freddy Fox is going the wrong way! – Look out, Pedro! (both): Oof! (laughter) – Everyone go the same way so you don’t bump into each other. – Hello, Daddy! (snorting) – Hello, Peppa. (laughter) – Hello, Mummy! (squeaking) – Hello, Mandy. – Hello, Daddy. – Hello, Emily. – Hello, Daddy. – Hello, Molly. (giggling and snorting) – Hello, Mummy! (laughing) – Hello again, Peppa. – Hello again, Daddy. (laughing) – Hello again, Emily. What a surprise seeing you here. (chuckling)
βͺ All day long – Now that baby music is finished, we can play something good! – I’ve got just the one. – Can we have One Potato Two Potato, please? (Belinda sighing) βͺ One potato two potato βͺ Three potato four (laughter) βͺ Five potato six potato Seven potato more βͺ
– We have to be quicker with our own music next time. – Yes, I’ve got it ready to play. βͺ Six potato seven potato More βͺ – Wow! Danny’s going backwards! βͺ Three potato four – Ooh! How do you do that? (laughing) – I don’t know.
βͺ Seven potato more – Quick! It’s over! Put our record on! – Yeah, time for some real music! (heavy dance music) (narrator): Peppa and her friends do not know how to skate to this music. – Oh, my word! This is my all-time favourite song!
(laughing and exclaiming) βͺ Skate on down to the disco town βͺ – Madame Gazelle’s roller-skates are flashing! βͺ Skate on down to the disco town βͺ (kids): Wow! – That’s incredible! (narrator): Madame Gazelle is very good at disco roller-skating. – Wow! I wish I could do that! – Me, too! (all): And me!
– All together, everyone join in! (laughter) βͺ Skate on down to the disco town βͺ – Hello, Daddy. – Hello, Emily. – Hello, Mummy! – Hello, Mandy. – Hello, Daddy! – Hello, Molly. – Hello, Mummy! – Hello again, Peppa. (snorting) – This is the best roller disco ever! (narrator): Peppa loves roller disco.
Everyone one loves roller disco. (laughter) (narrator): Today, Peppa, George, Mummy and Daddy Pig are at the park. Peppa has her scooter. George has his tricycle. – Vroom! Vroom! (giggles) Mummy Pig has her bicycle. And Daddy Pig has his skateboard. – Daddy, can I have a go on your skateboard? – Skateboarding is quite difficult, even for a grown-up like me. (snorts) – Yes, you don’t have anything to hold onto. – Please, can I have a go? – Well, maybe Daddy could give you a lesson?
– Yes, I think you’re just old enough to learn. – Yippee! – It’s best to start off slowly. Like this! (narrator): Daddy Pig is good at skateboarding. – Now, it’s your turn, Peppa. – Yay! – Put one foot on the board, and push with the other. – Well, done Peppa! – And now try it with both feet on the board. – Look at me! Whoa! – Well done! (giggles) – I can skateboard! (narrator): It is Belinda Bear and Simon Squirrel. They are big children. – Hey, Peppa! – Yo! – Hello! (snorts)
– Is that your skateboard? – It’s my Daddy’s! – Can you skate on it? – Yes! (snorts) My Daddy taught me. He’s the best skateboarder in the world! – Well, I suppose I am a bit of an expert at it. – Really? – So, what do you make of these ramps? – Ah. – Wow! – Amazing! (narrator): Simon and Belinda are very good at skateboarding. – Peppa, would you like to try? – Yes, but… I can’t skate like you. – Hmm, but only because we are older than you. – Yes! We’re almost grown-ups. – I’m nearly ten! – Wow!
– Maybe you big children could give Peppa a lesson! – Yes, please! – Okay! We’ll teach you. – As long as you keep it slow and safe. – Of course. We’ll keep it real cool. – Let’s go down this little ramp. – I’m here to catch you, Peppa! – Okay, Daddy!
– I’m here to catch you too! (narrator): George is helping as well. – Now, Peppa, put both feet on the board. – Yes, I’ve done that before. – And we’ll give you a little push. – Um. It looks high… – I’ll take you a bit lower. Ready now? – It’s still quite high. – How about here? – Okay! Whoa! I did it! I did it!
– Well done, Peppa! (snorts) – Yes, you did brilliantly! – I’m going to do it again! Watch this! Oof! – Are you all right? – Yes… I think so. – She’s fine! When you’re learning to skateboard, there’s lots of falling off! – Yes! And that’s why helmets are ace! – Wow! (snorts)
That’s so good! Can you do that, Daddy? – Um… I expect I could if I wanted to. Please show us, Mr. Pig! – Oh, all right! – Um, Daddy Pig… Are you sure this is a good idea? – Don’t worry! I know what I’m doing!
– Right. Have you ever been on a ramp before? – Not as such! (Simon): Wow! He’s gone to the highest ramp! – Oh! I hadn’t realised quite how high this was. Maybe I’ll… Whoa! – Wow! Look at him go! Whoa! Ugh! (panting) My goodness. – That was awesome! – Unbelievable! (snorts) – My Daddy is the best at skateboarding because he is very old! – Thank you, Peppa! (narrator): Daddy Pig loves skateboarding! Everyone loves skateboarding! (narrator): Peppa and her friends are at the playground today. – Haha! I’m a cheeky monkey! (snorts)
– Me too! (bleating) – This is such a great playground! – Yes, the children love it! – Once they start playing, they never want to stop! – Stop! (narrator): Here is Mr. Bull. – Stand back, everyone! – Mr. Bull! What are you doing?! – I’m digging up the playground!
– Why are you digging up the playground?! – So I can make a hole for the concrete! – Where do you want the concrete, boss? – In the hole! – Er, excuse me, Mr. Bull. I think there’s been some kind of mistake. We don’t want the playground dug up!
– The playground is perfect as it is! – With you in a moment! Just need to get the concrete done. (narrator): Concrete starts off soft. – Soft, soft… Hard! Moo! – And then concrete sets as hard as rock. – Okay. Sorry about the wait. What exactly were you all asking?
– What are you doing? – I’ve made a concrete base! – But why?! – To put this clubhouse on! If you don’t want it, I can take it away again. (children): We want it! – Actually, that does look quite good. – It’s got a slide! And a swing! And all kinds of other fancy stuff! (together): Hooray! – Let me show you around. This is the front door.
– It looks a bit small, Mr. Bull. – That’s because it’s not for grown-ups, Daddy Pig! (children laughing) It’s for children! (all): Wow! – Everything is children size! – Yes, the clubhouse is not too big, and not too small, but just right for children. (gasps) – There is a toy cooker!
(narrator): The toy cooker is made of wood, and has a light that comes on inside. – And a toy fridge! – It’s got plastic cheese inside! – There’s a telephone! (snorts) – Does it work? – Well, it’s a toy telephone made out of wood. But you can pretend it works!
– Ring, ring! Ring, ring! – Aren’t you going to answer that? – Hello? Peppa Pig speaking. (snorts) Who is this? – Who is it? – It is the King of the World! Thank you! Yes. I am busy right now. Goodbye! (laughing) (narrator): Peppa loves the wooden telephone.
– This is the hatch, with a counter! (children): Ooh! – It’s like a little shop! – Or a cafΓ©! – What do you want from our cafΓ© today, Mr. Bull? – Er… What have you got? – We have pretend coffee or pretend tea. – Okay… pretend tea, please.
– There you go! – Have a nice day! (slurping) – Mmm! That hit the spot! (narrator): Mr. Bull likes pretend tea. – Can we see the rest of the clubhouse now? – Of course! Please go up the ramp to the next floor. This is the balcony! – Now we are as tall as the grown-ups! – Yes! And off the end of that balcony is the slide. – Wee! – Wee! – Woo-hoo! (giggling) – Thank you, Mr. Bull! – You have done a very good job! – I must admit… It is quite good!
– Three cheers for Mr. Bull! Hip, hip! – Hooray! – Hip, hip! – Hooray! – Hip, hip, hip! – Hooray! (applause) – Moo! You are most welcome! – Ooh! It’s looks lovely and cosy! Can I go inside? – No, Mummy! Grown-ups are not allowed!
– But could us grown-ups just have a quick look inside? – No, Daddy. – Why not? – Because the clubhouse is for children! (narrator): Peppa loves the clubhouse. All the children love the clubhouse! (Peppa): Hoops. (Narrator): Peppa and George are at playgroup with their friends. – Children, today we are going to play with hoops! – Ooh! – Playing with hoops is a super-fun way to exercise! – And exercise is good for you! – Yes! Exercise gets your body working and your heart pumping! Boom, boom, boom! Okay! Take a hoop each! There are lots of ways to exercise with a hoop! We will start by throwing it into the air like this. Hoopla! And catch. Now you try. – Hoopla! (all laugh) Ho, ho! Very Good! Now let’s try rolling your hoops along the floor and running after them. Now lie your hoops on the ground. And jump from one hoop to the other! Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! – I like jumping! – Yes! Jumping is fun! – Very good! And rest! Now we come to the very best bit. Spin the hoop around your middle… Like this! (all): Wow! (Narrator): Madame Gazelle is spinning the hoop around her middle! You try! (Narrator): Everyone is trying to spin their hoops. – Madame Gazelle, I can’t do it! – It’s not working! – My hoop is not very spinny. (Narrator): It is difficult to spin a hoop around your middle. – Don’t be sad if you cannot do it straight away.
It takes a lot of practice to get it right! (Narrator): It is home time. – Take your hoops and practice at home, children. – Look Mummy! We’ve got hoops to take home! – Oh, wonderful! – Daddy, Daddy! Look what we’ve got! – Wow! (snorts) Hoops! – They are for exercise. – I see. – Madame Gazelle says exercise makes your heart go, uh, boom, bang, boom! – That sounds great!
– You throw them up in the air like this! (both): Hoopla! – And catch them like this? – Very good Daddy. (snorts) And you roll them like this! Whee! And you jump in them. Like this! – Ooh, that looks fun! – You can do it too Mummy! – Ooh! That was good! My heart is certainly going boom bang boom! – But the best thing ever is to spin the hoop. Like this! – Oh! – Uh… It’s very hard to do. – May I have a go? – Okay. But don’t be sad if you can’t do it, Mummy. – Right here we go. Ready… Steady… Go! (Narrator): Mummy Pig can spin the hoop!
– Wow! – Very good. – Have another go, Peppa. – Ready… Steady… Go! Aw, I’ll never do it! – I’ve got an idea. Hold on. Don’t move. – Where is Daddy going now? – I think this will do it! (radio): βͺ You’ve got to spin the hoop around βͺ – What you need is music to spin to! – Ready.. Steady… Go! Hooray! (Narrator): Peppa can spin her hoop! George can spin his hoop! We’re doing it George! – You clever piggies! (Narrator): Peppa and George love spinning hoops! Everybody loves spinning hoops! (narrator): Suzy Sheep has come to play with Peppa and George. Peppa and Suzy are having a tea party. – Would Teddy like some tea? – Yes, please! Teddy loves tea. (snort) – Here you are then! – Thank you very much! (narrator): George is playing with Mr. Dinosaur. – Dine-saw! Grr! (giggles) (narrator): George likes playing with Mr. Dinosaur. – Oh. (sniffs) – What’s that smell?! (sniffs) – Ergh! – Poo-poo. – Mummy! (snorts) George has done poo-poo! – Do you need the potty, George? – Too late for the potty! (sniffs) – Oh, yes.
Let’s get you cleaned up, George. (sniffs) – That’s better. Now… where were we? – Tea. – Oh, yes. Does Teddy want more tea? – Of course! Teddy likes lots of tea. – There we are, all clean and fresh again! – Mummy? (snorts) Why can’t George go to the toilet like me? – George is too little for the toilet, Peppa. He is potty training. – Hmm. He is not very good at potty training. – He will get better, Peppa. You were just the same once. – What?! (snorts) I never did potty training!
– Or me! (laughs) – We all did potty training when we were little, Peppa. Even Mummies and Daddies! (both): Really? – Yes! (snorts) – Now I remember sitting on the potty… Like this! – So, George, next time, before you poo-poo or wee-wee, call the magic word, “potty!” – Potty! – That’s right! Potty! – If you do it right, you get to stay all clean and fresh! Let’s play giants! – Fee, fie, foh, fum! I smell the smell of a clean fresh… George! – Quick, George! Hide from the giant! – I’m coming to get you, little piggy! Excuse me, Madam Sheep. Have you seen a little piggy around here? – Does he smell clean and soapy fresh? – Yes. (giggles) – He went that way! – Come back, you cheeky piggy! I’m coming to get you! – Wee-wee! – Mummy! Daddy! George wants his potty!
– Come on, George! Let’s get you to your potty! (narrator): George is on his potty! – Well done, Peppa, for shouting out! George did a wee in his potty. But next time, George, you must do the shouting out! (snorts) Call the magic word, “potty!” – Potty! – Ho, ho! βͺ The magic word is potty βͺ So when you want to go
βͺ Call out for your potty βͺ The magic word is potty (children): Potty! – How high can you throw the ball, Peppa? – Really high! (snorts) Watch this! Woo! (giggles) – Catch the ball, George! – George? – Do you need the potty? – Potty! Potty! Potty! – Hang on, George! – We’ve got the potty! – Here it is! – Well done, George! You called for the potty. – Potty! – Now George is almost grown up like me! (narrator): George loves potty training! Everybody loves potty training! (narrator): Today, Peppa is going to the doctor’s for a health check. – Are we all ready? – Yes! I’ve got Teddy. – And I’ve got the red book. – What’s the red book? – It’s your very own book, Peppa.
It helps the doctor see how you are growing up. – Ooh! (narrator): Peppa has arrived at the doctor’s. Here is Doctor Brown Bear. – Hello, Peppa! Have you come for your health check? – Yes, I have. – And did you bring your red book with you? – Yes, I did! (snorts)
And I brought Teddy too! – Very good! You’re seeing Doctor Polar Bear today. (dinging) Ah! That means she’s ready to see you. (narrator): This is Doctor Polar Bear. – Hello! Who do we have here? (snorts) – I’m Peppa Pig! – And who is this? – Teddy.
– Has Teddy come to see what happens at a health check? – Yes. – Lovely! And did you bring your red book? – Here it is! – Excellent! Let’s start by seeing how tall you are. Come and stand by the wall here please, Peppa. That’s it! – I’m a big girl now!
– Yes, you are! (narrator): Doctor Polar Bear writes how tall Peppa is in the red book. – Now, hop onto these scales for me, please. (narrator): Scales show how heavy you are. – That’s good. Now, I will listen to your heart with my stethoscope. (narrator): A stethoscope makes your heart sound louder. Doctor Polar Bear can hear Peppa’s heart beating. – Would you like to listen? – Yes, please! (heart beating) Haha! It’s going bumpy-dump, bumpy-dump, bumpy-dump! (giggles) And now Teddy! – Is Teddy’s heart going bumpy-dump, bumpy-dump? – No. Teddy’s heart doesn’t do that
Because Teddy is a doll. – Oh! I see. Now I’ll check your ears with my special torch. (giggles) – It tickles! – That’s all lovely! Now I’ll check your mouth. Say, “ahh!” – Ahh! – Wonderful! – Do you want to check my nose? – Thank you, Peppa. I can see that your nose is working very well! Let’s see you jump up and down. – I love jumping up and down! (panting) – And flap your arms. – Okay! (panting) – Super! Now, do you like eating fruit and vegetables? – Yes, I do. – What are your favourite fruit and vegetables? – I like apples, and oranges, and bananas. – Good. And do you like broccoli?
– Mmm, I like broccoli a little bit. – Okay. – But I love spaghetti! – Spaghetti isn’t a vegetable, Peppa. (laughs) – I love spaghetti too! Is Peppa up-to-date with her vaccinations ? – Yes, she is. (narrator): A vaccination stops you getting ill. – Very good! Well done, Peppa!
That’s the end of your health check. Would you like a sticker? – Yes, please! – Mummy Pig, are there any questions that you want to ask me? – Oh! I can’t think of any. – I have some questions! – Okay. – How big and heavy are you?
(laughs) – I am just the right size for a polar bear. – And do you like eating broccoli? – I like broccoli a little bit. – Good. You can have a sticker too. – Thank you, Peppa! – Teddy eats lots of broccoli! – Well, Teddy must have a sticker then!
– And Mummy can have a sticker because she eats broccoli too! – Oh, thank you, Peppa! – Here’s your red book back, all up to date. – Thank you, Doctor Polar Bear. – Did you enjoy coming today, Peppa? – Yes, it was really fun! (narrator): Peppa loves having a health check. Everyone loves having a health check! (narrator): It is a lovely, sunny day at playgroup.
Peppa and her friends are hard at work painting pictures. – I’m painting a tree with all the leaves! – I’m painting a rainbow with all the colours. – What wonderful paintings, children. You have worked hard, so now it’s time for play. – Look what I have. It’s a rainbow parachute! And we are going to play games with it. (kids): Ooh! – First, I want the little ones to hold the parachute edge. (narrator): George, Richard, Edmund, Zuzu and Zaza are holding on to the parachute. – And give it a wiggle like this!
(laughter) – Wiggle! Wiggle! – Look at the way the parachute moves. It is like the sea. Imagine a little boat sailing on that sea. βͺ The boat bobs up The boat bobs down βͺ I will put this little toy boat on our sea. βͺ The boat bobs up
βͺ The boat bobs down βͺ The boat bobs up The boat bobs down βͺ βͺ A bobby bobby bobbing (singing) βͺ The boat bobs up and down – And the little boat sails away. Say bye-bye to the boat. (all): Bye-bye! – Okay.
Now it is the turn of the big children. (laughter) (narrator): Peppa and her friends are holding the parachute. – Imagine a flying saucer. βͺ I’m a flying saucer I spin through space βͺ Together, we are going to turn this parachute into a flying saucer!
On the count of three, we lift the parachute up and then let go. Are you ready? (kids): Yes, Madame Gazelle. – One, two, three, and lift! Up, up, up! And let go. (kids): Wow! (narrator): The parachute looks like a flying saucer! βͺ I’m a flying saucer I spin through space βͺ
βͺ I spin and I spin βͺ And I spin all day βͺ I spin and I spin and I spin all day βͺ – It really is spinning! – Wow! How does it do that? – If you want the full explanation, I could set aside time to go through it later.
– Yes, thank you, Edmund. (narrator): Edmund Elephant is very, very clever. – Now everyone hold the parachute. (laughter) (narrator): All of the children are holding the parachute. – Imagine a cooking pot with corn popping! I will use Ping-Pong balls for the corn. – What happens now? – Well, now the pot gets hotter and the corn is ready to… pop!
βͺ Pop pop pop Pop pop pop βͺ βͺ Pop pop pop pop pop βͺ Pop pop pop Pop pop pop βͺ βͺ Pop pop pop pop pop (laughter) (narrator): It is home time and the parents have come to collect the children. – Wow! (snorting) You’re playing parachute games!
– Oh, I loved playing parachute games when I was little. – My favourite was the rainbow game. – Well, we could all play the rainbow game! (narrator): Everyone is holding the parachute. – Lift the parachute up, up, up. Now step in and pull down. (laughter) (narrator): Everyone is inside the rainbow parachute! – Oh, it’s just like we are inside a rainbow! – It’s brilliant! I wonder how it stays up like this.
– I’m very glad you asked. In simple terms– βͺ It’s rainy sunny day βͺ The rainbow’s here today βͺ Rainbow rainbow βͺ Red and orange and yellow and green βͺ βͺ And purple and blue βͺ Rainbow rainbow βͺ It’s a rainy sunny day
It’s the best rainbow ever! (laughter) (narrator): Peppa loves parachute games. Everybody loves parachute games! (laughter) βͺ Ooh (narrator): Today, Peppa and her family have come to play in the park. – Look what I’ve brought along. – Ooh! (snorting) What is it? – It’s a flying disc. – Wow! That is good!
– Yes, flying discs are brilliant. (snorting) To you, Mummy Pig! – To you, Peppa! (giggling) – To you, Daddy! Oh. It didn’t fly. – It’s okay, Peppa. You just have to spin the disc in a special way. – Hold it flat and then spin it. – Okay. Hold it flat and spin it!
To you, George! – Throw the disc to me, George. (laughing) Got you! To you, Peppa. What? – Got you! Oh. Our disc isn’t red. – Whose disc is that? (barking) (narrator): It is Danny Dog and his daddy. – Hi, Peppa. – Hi, Danny. – Good. You caught our disc. – Ah, it’s your disc.
– Yes. Can you spin it back to me? – Okay! To you, Danny! (giggling) What? – Another disc. – Hello, Peppa! (squeaking) (narrator): It is Mandy Mouse and her mummy. – Have you seen a blue disc? – Yes! (snorting) I caught it. (giggling) – That’s my disc. – Okay, Mandy, are you ready?
– Yes! – Steady… – Yes! – Catch! – Got you! (laughter) (bleating) – Hello, everyone. (narrator): Here is Suzy Sheep and her mummy. – Hi, Suzy. Have you got a flying disc? – Yes! It’s the best flying disc in the world! It has flashing lights and plays music! (all): Ooh! – Great!
(snorting) So where is this amazing disc? – Um, well, you see, the thing is– – Mum threw it in a tree. (narrator): Mummy Sheep threw Suzy’s flying disc into the top of a tall tree. – It’s very high up. – Hmm. Too high to climb. – No problem. We’ll just knock that disc out with this one. – No, Dad! (all gasping) – Ah. That’s not what was supposed to happen.
– But it was a good idea. I wonder if I can knock both of them out of the tree. – No, Mummy! – Looks like we’ve got the only disc left. Shall I try and knock the others out of the tree? – Okay, Daddy, but do it right. – Oh. (Peppa sighing) (narrator): All the discs are stuck in the tree. – Don’t worry. I know a way to get the discs down. You remember how I shook an apple tree to get apples down? (Peppa): Yes! All the apples fell on Daddy’s head. (giggling) It was funny! (Daddy Pig): Yes, really funny.
(snorting) So this is the same sort of idea. I might need a bit of help. This is a big tree. – Right, then. (barking, squeaking, bleating) – Oh, I think it’s working. – Keep shaking, Daddy! (all groaning) – Shake harder, Mummy! (exclamations) – Come on, Mum. Put some effort in. – I’m trying my best! (groaning) – We did it! (kids): Hooray! (laughter) – Okay, everyone, watch what my disc does! (narrator): Suzy’s flying disc has flashing lights and plays music! (all): Wow! – To you, Danny! – To you, Peppa! (giggling) (narrator): Peppa loves flying discs. Everybody loves flying discs! (laughter) NARRATOR: Today, Peppa and George are going to visit a castle. What will we do at the castle, Mummy? Let me see what the guide book says. Will the castle be good or will it be boring? It will be good. -Will we see knights in armor? -(GIGGLING) NARRATOR: George likes knights in armor.
You never know, George. We might even see a dragon. Grr! A pretend dragon, Daddy Pig. Yes, Daddy, dragons are in storybooks, they are not really real! NARRATOR: Peppa and her family have arrived at the castle. Welcome to the Castle Tour! “Cars are parked at owners’ risk.” What does that mean, Daddy? Oh, nothing, Peppa. They always say that in car parks! Please make your way to the castle where you will be met by a knight in armor. Hello! NARRATOR: It is Mr. Rabbit, dressed as a knight in armor. We start the castle tour here, at the cannon. ALL: Ooh! In the olden days, this cannon fired these heavy cannon balls high up into the sky! Daddy, is he going to fire the cannon? (CHUCKLING) No, that would be crazy!
Right! Let’s fire the cannon! Five, four, three, two, one! Fire! That almost hit our car! Well, we do say, “Cars are parked at owners’ risk.” On with the tour! You’re going to see the wonders of the castle, -eat a real medieval banquet. -Wow! A real medieval banquet! It sounds delicious!
And meet a dragon! Grrr! (GIGGLES) This is the royal throne room, where the king and queen would sit! ALL: Ooh! Who would like to have a go? (GIGGLES) George can be King and I’ll be a bossy Queen! Do this! Do that! (SNORTS) Your Majesties, may I carry on with the tour? Yes, you may. We have to go through a secret passage. But first, we have to find the secret passage! Hmm. These secret passages usually have some sort of top secret button to open them. I don’t think it’s that big red button, George. That would be too obvious. -(BUZZER SOUNDS) -Oh. Yes, we try to keep it simple. (GIGGLES) This is fun! This passage has lead us to the dining hall. Wow! This must be the medieval banquet. Yes! It looks really tasty! It’s all made out of plastic! (SNORTS) Yes, it’s just to show what a real banquet would have looked like. Oh. But of course, as part of the tour, you get to have your very own real medieval banquet. Fantastic! Here it is! Your Banquet in a Box.
Ye olde cheese sandwich, Jester’s pickle, and a King’s Jelly. It’s a little picnic in a box! Yes, it’s not quite the medieval banquet I was expecting. And now, it’s time to meet the dragon! George, it won’t be a real dragon! Dragons are just pretend. Yes, don’t be sad if it’s just Miss Rabbit holding a little glove puppet. -Oh! -CHILDREN: Wow! NARRATOR: Miss Rabbit is driving a huge robot dragon. Do you want to see it breathe fire? Yes, please! MISS RABBIT: I’m just going to park it! Uh… It’s heading for our car! Another reason we say, “Cars are parked at owners’ risk.” And that’s the end of the tour! -Hope you had a lovely time. -(SNORTS) I think that was George’s best day out ever! NARRATOR: George loves castles! Everyone loves castles! – Peppa and her family are going to a shopping centre today. – That’s a big shop! – It’s not one shop, Peppa… It’s lots of shops, all under the same roof. – (children) Wow! – But we’re not shopping today. – Not shopping at the shops?
– No, Mummy’s here for a ‘Perfect Day’ experience! – (children) Ohhh! – This is Miss Rabbit’s spa. – Hello, Mummy Pig. Are you ready for your ‘Perfect Day’ experience? – Yes, I think so… But what exactly is it? – Oh, lots of lovely things! You can have a massage… – (thumping) – (moaning)
– Have your fingernails painted… Or have a herbal face wash! – Oh! That all sounds lovely! – Do we have to do it too, Daddy? – No, Peppa. We can go and find our own perfect day. – Oh, goody! Bye, Mummy! – See you later!
– Where are we going to find our perfect day, Daddy? – Hmm, I don’t know… It’s just shops and shops and… – Ooh! Magic moving stairs! That, Peppa, is an escalator. Snort! – Can we go on it? – Yes. Hold my hand. – (children giggling) – Here is Suzy Sheep.
– Ah! It’s Suzy! Hello!! – Hello, Peppa! Where are you going? – We’re going to the top! Where are you going? – We’re going to the bottom! – (Peppa and Suzy) Hee, hee, hee! – Peppa has reached the top. – Quick, Daddy! I need to go down to find Suzy!
– I’m coming to find you, Peppa! – I’m coming to find you, Suzy! – Ahh! – (both) You’re going the wrong way! – Peppa and George are back at the bottom. But Suzy is at the top. – I think that’s enough escalators for now. – But I need to see Suzy!
– Then we can use the lift! – (lift pings) – (children) Ohhh! – (lift moving) – I need to find Peppa! – Then let’s take the lift. – (lift pings) – It’s not working! – Someone else is using it. We just have to wait! – But I need to find… Peppa! – Suzy!
– Peppa and Suzy are best friends. – Peppa! Look what I’ve got! – (Peppa) Tee, hee! Little Suzys in boxes! How did you do that? – In the photo booth. I’ll show you! – This is the photo booth. – You sit in here… Put the money in there… – (coin tumbling)
– And then it flashes. – It’s not flashing! I think it’s broken. – (camera clicks) – Oh! I missed it. – (giggling) There’s more! Smile! – (silence) – When does it flash? – (camera clicks) – Agh!! I missed it again! – (giggling) – Do a funny face!
– (all laughing) – And the last one! – Has it finished yet? – (camera clicks) – Ho, ho! I think I might be in that one. – (all) Ha, ha! Hee, hee, hee! – (whirring) – Here are the pictures! – Look at all of those funny faces! – (children laughing)
– (both) Again! Again! – I think it’s time we pick up Mummy Pig. – Mummy! Did you have a perfect day? – Yes, thank you! I did, Peppa! Did you? – Yes! We went up and down the magic stairs! And we saw Suzy and did some funny pictures! – That does sound nice!
– Home time! – (engine starting) – Daddy Pig, did you have a perfect day? My perfect day starts when we get home. – Daddy? What’s your perfect day? – Ho, ho! Come and see! Ho, ho, ha, ha! Weeeee!! – (splashes) – Daddy Pig is jumping up and down in muddy puddles!
Everyone is jumping up and down in muddy puddles! – It’s the perfect end to a perfect day! – Peppa and George are at Granny and Grandpa Pig’s house today. – To me, George! Throw it to me! – (ice cream music playing) – Mr. Labrador is here in his new ice cream van. – Ice cream! Hooray! – Everyone is queueing for ice cream. – Wuff! Hello, Mrs. Cat.
What flavour would you like? – Is the vanilla ice cream nice? – Oh, I don’t know. I haven’t tried it yet. – It is Mr. Labrador’s first day selling ice creams. – Oh! It’s delicious! – (crunching) Umm, num, num, num! Would you like one? – Yes, please! – What’s the strawberry flavour like?
– I’d better check. Umm, num, num… Oh! That’s nice as well! – I want a strawberry ice cream! What do you want, George? – I-cream! – Thank you. – Is the mint ice cream good? – (slurps) Mmm… Lovely. Umm, num, num… – Four mint ice creams, please. – Thank you, Mr. Labrador!
– It is Peppa and George’s turn. – Can I have a strawberry ice cream, please? – Ah, I seem to have run out of strawberry ice cream. – Then can I have a vanilla ice cream, please? – Oh! There’s no vanilla left either. Actually, I’ve got no ice cream left at all. (chuckles)
– No ice cream? – Waaahaaa! – Hmm… Maybe I tried too many myself? – Yes, maybe you did. – Mr. Labrador loves ice cream. – Don’t worry, my little ones. Let’s make our own ice cream instead. – Can we do that? – Yes! We used to make ice cream for your mummy
When she was a little piggy. – Ooh, homemade ice cream! That sounds lovely! Woof! Hop aboard and I’ll take you back home. – Can we have the ice cream music, please? – Good idea, Peppa! – (ice cream music playing) – Right! Let’s make ice cream.
– First, we pour some milk into a jug. – Then, we add some cream. – Now, what flavour would you like your ice cream to be? – We do have raspberries and strawberries from the garden. – Yes! Let’s make raspberry and strawberry ice cream! – Hee, hee, hee! – In, they go.
Then we pour all our ingredients into a freezer bag. – Now we need to make it very cold. – Ooh! – We’ll put the ice cream bag into this bag full of ice and salt. – And wrap it all in a towel. – Now, for the fun part!
We shake it up and down for five minutes. – You can start the shaking, Peppa. – (singing) βͺ Ice cream Ice cream βͺ βͺ Shake, shake, shake βͺ Ice cream, ice cream βͺ Is what we make – Very good, Peppa! – Grunt, grunt! βͺ I-cweam, I-cweam Hee, hee, hee!
– βͺ Ice cream Ice cream βͺ βͺ Shake, shake, shake – βͺ Ice cream Ice cream βͺ βͺ Is what we make – One last shake from me and I think it might be ready! – Did it work? – (Granny) Yes. – (all) Oooh! – Mmmm! Snort!
It’s the best ice cream in the world! – Yum, yum! – Granny? Can all my friends come for ice cream? – Of course they can, Peppa! – Ho, ho! In that case, we’ll need to make a lot more ice cream. – Hooray! – (ice cream music playing) – Ice cream!
The best ice cream in the world! – All of Peppa’s friends are here for ice cream. – Hooray! – Can I have banana? – Can I have raspberry? – Can I have blueberry, please? – Here you go. – Thank you, Peppa! (all slurping) Mmm! – That’s delicious! – Have you got carrot flavour?
– Oh, I don’t think so… – Yes, we do! Made with carrots from my very own garden. – (slurps) Mmmm! Thank you, Peppa! – Wuff! I love ice cream. – We all love ice cream, Mr. Labrador! – Yes, but I really love ice cream. Umm, num, num, num! NARRATOR: It’s Wendy Wolf’s birthday, and she has invited all her friends to a party. KIDS: Happy Birthday, Wendy! Thank you, everybody! NARRATOR: Mr. Wolf is blowing up balloons for the party. I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow these balloons up! (CHUCKLES) I love balloons! (CHUCKLES) Me too! KIDS: And me!
NARRATOR: Everybody loves balloons! Come on, let’s dance! Don’t let the balloons fall to the ground. Keep them in the air! (SNORTS) This is fun! NARRATOR: Here is Mrs. Wolf. Who wants bubbles? KIDS: Me! Me! Me! Okay. I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow some bubbles! I love bubbles! They are a bit like balloons. But they pop when you touch them! Watch! -Whoo! -(KIDS LAUGHING) See, I popped one. -(NEIGHS) -(BLEATS) Oh! We’ve popped all the bubbles! We can always make some more bubbles! Who wants a go? KIDS: Me! Me! Me! -(CHUCKLES) Okay! -KIDS: Hooray! Are you ready? KIDS: Yes, Mrs. Wolf! -You have to huff! -KIDS: Huff! -And you have to puff! -KIDS: Puff! And blow! -So many bubbles! -(SNORTS) Pretty bubbles in the sky. KIDS: Ooh! Look at that big bubble! That’s not a bubble, Pedro, that’s the full moon! Ah. And you know what you do when you see a full moon? -Um… -You howl. Why do you do that? That’s what wolves do, we howl at the moon! Wendy, can you teach us how to do that? Okay. First, you have to look up at the moon. And then you howl! NARRATOR: Wendy Wolf has taught everyone how to howl like a wolf. Wow, who did that one? It wasn’t me. It wasn’t me. It wasn’t any of us. It’s a wild animal! NARRATOR: It is Granny Wolf. Happy Birthday, Wendy! Hello, Granny! You must all be Wendy’s friends. How do you do? KIDS: Hello, Granny Wolf. (SNORTS) My, what big ears you’ve got, Granny Wolf. (CHUCKLES) All the better to hear you with! What big eyes you’ve got, Granny Wolf. All the better to see you with!
And what big teeth you’ve got! All the better to eat birthday cake! -(CHUCKLES) -KIDS: Hooray! (LAUGHING) (SNORTS) Wendy, what’s that in the middle of your cake? It is a little house made of sticks. Ah. Time to blow out the candles, Wendy! I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow the candles out! You’ve blown the stick house down! -Oh, well done. -That’s my girl. It was quite easy. NARRATOR: Houses made of sticks are easy to blow down. I always forget, what’s your house made of, Mr. Pig? It’s made of bricks! Not straw? Bricks. Oh, of course. (SNORTS) That was a great party, Wendy! Yes, that was my best party ever! ALL: Happy birthday, Wendy! – Peppa and her playgroup are visiting the Museum. – This way, children! Follow me! – Here is Miss Rabbit. – Hello, everyone! Has anyone ever been to a museum before? – Yes! – Good! Then you know that in a museum you can look but not touch!
– Because everything in a museum is very delicate. – Bump! Wobble! – Oops! Yes, these old things break easily. But today, we’re going to visit the Science Museum! Here, you can touch everything! – Yay! Buttons to press! – (bubbling) – Wow! – Click, clack! – Brilliant! Hee, hee! – (pulsing) – Oooh! Spooky!
– Pull on that rope and try to lift the weight. – Urrrg! It’s too heavy! – Now try that rope with the pulleys on it! – Wow! Now it’s easy! – My goodness! How does that work? – Well, it umm… – The system increases the mechanical advantage proportionally to the number of pulleys.
– Yes! That’s what I was going to say. – My little brother, Edmond, is super clever! – (trumpets) – Ooh, look! A tube. – (through the tube) Hello! Suzy Sheep here! – Oh! Where are you? – (through the tube) I am here! Where? I can’t see you!
– Let’s find the end of the tube! – Here, I am! Meeh! (through the tube) Hello! Suzy Sheep here! – Amazing! Oh! Maybe in the future, this could be used for talking to people a long way away? – You mean, like a telephone? – Ugh, yes. Telephones exist already, don’t they?
– Magic balloons! Get your magic balloons here! – Are they really magic balloons? – Er… No, not really. But they’re still pretty amazing. Want to see? – Yes, please! – (balloon rubbing) – All we need to do is rub it like this… And then… – (balloon echoes)
– The balloon is sticking to the wall! – Magic! – No, not magic… but static. – How does it work? – No idea. – Protons are said to have a charge of +1 electron unit, while electrons have a charge of minus one– – (distant explosion) – …which explains static.
– What was that “bang?” – Hello, children! – Here is Grampy Rabbit. – Now, it’s time for some dangerous science! – Poof! – Aha, ha, ha! – Oooh! – Don’t be alarmed. There is a responsible adult in charge. Me. – Poof! – Who wants to ride in this rocket?
– (calling out in turn) Me, me, me! – Peppa! Kindly jump in. – Um, are you sure this is completely safe? – Of course, it’s safe. Now, Peppa, put your hands against mine. On the count of three, push. One, two, three! Push! – Wow! I’m moving! Snort! – Yes! That’s called “propulsion!”
– Ahhh! – (Grampy Rabbit) But real rockets use rocket fuel to blast off. Who wants to fly in this rocket? – (exhaust wafting) – (calling out in turn) Me, me, me, me! – It has to be someone small, there’s not much room inside. – I’m small! – Perfect. In you get, Edmond!
And, er… this is completely safe for children too? – Yes. The rocket just flies itself. – No, I meant– – (blasts off) – Off, you go! – Oh, my goodness! – Wooohooo!! – (rocket thrusting) – Lucky the museum has a high ceiling! And that is how rocket propulsion works.
– (applause) – That was fun! – It was brilliant! – It was, er… …unbelievable! – Peppa loves the Science Museum. Everyone loves the Science Museum! – Today is Mandy Mouse’s birthday. As a special treat, Mandy is going to Cheese World with her friends. – Mandy, what is Cheese World? – It’s the most fun ever! There’s a cheese river, a cheese mountain, and a cheese sky! – Wow! – And best of all, is the cheese castle,
Where you get to smell cheese! – (giggling) You like cheese, don’t you, Mandy? – Yes, Mummy! – Welcome to Cheese World! Have any of you been here before? – Yes, I have! – Oh! Hello, Mandy! Nice to see you back again. – So, as Mandy already knows, everything at Cheese World is about…
– Cheese! – That’s right! And we start by sailing on a river of… – Cheese!! – This is the River of Cheese. – All aboard! – Hold tight, everyone! – Miss Rabbit, are the boats made out of real cheese? – No. The boats are made out of plastic.
Boats made out of real cheese would be bizarre. – Ahh. – The Cheese River flows past hills and trees of cheese! This is the Cheese Mountain. – (children) Oooh! – Is this made of real cheese? – No. But this is exactly what it would be like to sail through a cheese mountain.
– Ahh! – If cheese mountains existed. – Hello, everyone! Welcome to the Cheese Aeroplanes! – Wow! – Now, has anyone flown one of these planes before? – I have! – Of course! Hi there, Mandy! Can you show your friends what to do? – Yes! If you the lever, the plane goes up!
– Wow! – And if you push the lever, the plane goes down! – Ooh! – All aboard your aeroplanes! – Up, up, and away! – This is brilliant! – There’s the cheese sun! – And the clouds are cottage cheese! – I can see the whole world! And it’s all cheese! – (all) Oooh!
– Was that fun? – (children) Yes! – Told you it would be the most fun ever! – Hello, Mandy Mouse! Lovely to see you at Cheese World again! – Hello, Grampy Rabbit! – Have you told your friends about my Castle of Cheese?
– I told them the Castle of Cheese was the best bit. – Too right! It’s where we get to smell real cheese! No pretend cheese here! – Oooh! – Follow me, if you dare, into my Castle of Cheese! Let’s start by smelling a mild cheese. – (sniffs) Mmm… That smells good.
– (sniffs) I like it too! – (sniffing) Not much of a smell. – Now for some decently strong cheese? (sniffs) Aaah… That’s more like it! A proper stinky one! – Ugh! It smells like my daddy’s socks! – And now, boys and girls, we come to the strongest cheese in the whole world!
– (dramatic drumming music) – Here goes… (sniffs) That’s what I call cheese! – Mmmm! It’s the nicest smell I’ve ever smelt! – (giggling) You do so love cheese, don’t you, Mandy? – Yes, Mummy! I like smelling cheese. And I like eating cheese even more! – Funny you should say that because… …it’s time for your birthday cake! And… it’s a cheesecake!
– Happy birthday, Mandy! – This is my best birthday ever! – (laughing) (Peppa): Undersea Party (narrator): It is a lovely sunny day. Peppa is feeding Goldie the fish. – Mummy? (snorting) How old is Goldie? – Uh, well, I think she must be almost a year old? – When’s her birthday?
– Let’s say her birthday is tomorrow. – Can Goldie have a party? – Oh. Um, perhaps we can have a little party. – Daddy, Daddy, Goldie’s having a birthday party! – A party for a fish! (snorting) That’s fun. I suppose it will be an undersea party, with starfish, treasure and mermaids,
All in an amazing undersea world. (laughter and snorting) – Oh, yes! It could be the best party ever! (laughter) – Daddy Pig! What have you done? – It’s just a game, isn’t it? We’re not really having a party. – Yes, I think we are. And it’s tomorrow. – Oh. I see.
– Okay, keep calm, don’t panic. We’ll just get some help. Undersea party. (beep) Here we go. – Undersea parties, brought to your house by Miss Rabbit! – Sounds good. – Click here, and I’ll be straight over! (doorbell ringing) Hello.
– Wow. That was quick. – How many days have I got to plan this party? – It’s tomorrow. – No problem. You go to bed. I’ve got this. – Thank you, Miss Rabbit. – Good night. – Right. Let’s get to work. (rooster crowing) (narrator): It is Goldie’s birthday.
Miss Rabbit has made an amazing undersea world, with shells, seaweed and big waves on the walls. – Wow! – Oh! You did all this in one night? – It’s unbelievable! – Happy birthday, Goldie. (Goldie giggling) (doorbell ringing)
– Oh, who can that be? – Well, you said it was a party, so I invited everyone! – Hello, Penny. (snorting) – Hi, Peppa. Grrr! (narrator): This is Penny Polar Bear. – I’ve never been to an undersea party. – Bye, Penny. – Have a lovely time. – I’ve made costumes for everybody! You can be a mermaid, Peppa. – Thank you. – And here is a crab costume for George. – Pinch, pinch! – I am Suzy Octopus. – I’m Mandy Shark! (squeaking) But I’m not a scary shark. I only eat cheese. (giggling) (narrator): Penny Polar Bear is a penguin. – Grrr! (narrator): Danny Dog is a pirate. – Aharr! (narrator): Rebecca Rabbit is, um… – I’m a fish finger, because I love fish fingers. (laughing)
– I’m a sea captain, and Edmund is a jellyfish. – I’m not convinced this costume actually represents a jellyfish, but I’m not going to spoil the fun. (trumpeting) (Mummy Pig laughing) – You all look brilliant! – Is everybody ready for the pirate treasure hunt? (kids): Yes, Miss Rabbit!
– The first clue is: I swim along with a giant tail. I’m the biggest fish in the sea. I’m a… – Shark! – Almost. I have a giant tail. I’m a… – Whale! – That’s right! – Here’s a whale! – The biggest fish in the sea is a whale. – Actually, a whale is not a fish. It’s a mammal. – Okay, last clue. I’m buried treasure, and X marks the spot. – Here it is! (kids): Hooray! – Well done! You found the treasure! – Oh, it’s teeny-tiny. – That’s because it’s for a tiny fish. – Ah! This is for you, Goldie. (all): Happy birthday, Goldie! (narrator): Goldie loves undersea parties. Everybody loves undersea parties! (laughter) NARRATOR: It is the start of another day at Peppa’s playgroup. Good morning, children! Where is Madame Gazelle? -Here I am. -ALL: (EXCLAIMING) Oh. I was wearing a mask! (GIGGLES) You were in disguise! Yes, and today you will all be making masks. ALL: Hooray! We have cardboard and colored paper.
-(ALL LAUGHING) -Crayons and paints… Feathers, pipe cleaners, buttons, pom-poms… Can we use glitter? (GASPS) No glitter. Please, Madame Gazelle! ALL: Please, Madame Gazelle! No! I have only just managed to clean up from the last glitter event! Now begin your masks, children! NARRATOR: Peppa is using colored tissue paper. I’m making a butterfly mask! (SNORTS) NARRATOR: Danny Dog is using buttons and drinking straws. I’m making a robot mask! NARRATOR: Suzy Sheep is using feathers. I’m making a magic owl mask! I’ve made a super hero mask! I’ve made a carrot mask. (GIGGLES) And my little brother Richard is a baby carrot. We like carrots! NARRATOR: George has made a dinosaur mask! Grrr. Dine-Saw. (GIGGLES) And what mask is yours, Edmond? It is the solar system, with all the planets. I see. I have included Pluto even though it’s only classed as a planetoid. Very good. NARRATOR: Edmond Elephant is a clever clogs. So, are we all finished? Mine would look better with some glitter on it. Please can we have some glitter, Madame Gazelle? BOTH: (CHANTING) Glitter, glitter. ALL: (CHANTING) Glitter. There are lots of other shiny things you can use! Not as good as glitter! ALL: (CHANTING) Glitter, glitter, glitter. No! Glitter gets everywhere!
There is no getting rid of it once it comes out! It is a menace! But it’s so special and magic. Please can we have some glitter? ALL: Please? Oh, all right! But only if you all promise to be very, very careful with it! ALL: We promise. Okay, I will unlock the glitter cabinet.
NARRATOR: Madame Gazelle keeps the glitter safely locked away. Now, children, you did promise to use this glitter very carefully. NARRATOR: It is home time and the parents have come to collect the children. Ah! Glitter! Don’t panic! Please remain calm. There was a glitter leak, but we have it under control now! Today, the children have been making masks. PARENTS: Ooh! (LAUGHS) I’m here to pick up Peppa and George, but I can’t see them anywhere. I’m a pretty butterfly! (SNORTS) Flutter, flutter, flutter. Excuse me, Mrs. Butterfly, I’m looking for two little piggies. Do you know where I can find them? (LAUGHS) Daddy! I tricked you, it’s me! (SNORTS) Peppa! What a surprise! But where is George? Grr! -(EXCLAIMS) -(GIGGLES) -George, it’s you! -(SNORTING) I thought you were a dinosaur! Madame Gazelle, I can’t find Rebecca and Richard. Would you mind if I took these two carrots home instead? (LAUGHS) Silly Mummy. It’s us! Oh! (CHUCKLES) Rebecca! Richard! Come on, Pedro, time to go home. I am not Pedro. I am Super Pony! Oh, does Super Pony want to come home? Or does Super Pony want to stay here for the night? Come home with you, please, Mummy. Haven’t we all had fun making wonderful masks! Who are you?
It is I, Madame Gazelle! NARRATOR: Madame Gazelle loves masks. Everyone loves masks! NARRATOR: Peppa, George and Suzy are playing in the garden with their favorite toys. -George has Mr. Dinosaur… -Grr! -Suzy has Penguin… -(GIGGLES) And Peppa has Teddy. Teddy, what game shall we play? Squeak, squeak. You want to roll down the hill? Okay! Let’s jump in muddy puddles! (SNORTS) What’s that, Teddy? You want to jump in muddy puddles too? (SNORTS) Okay! Splash, splash, splash! Oops! NARRATOR: Peppa has slipped and fallen on Teddy. Sorry, I sat on you, Teddy. MUMMY PIG: Are you all having fun? KIDS: Yes! (IN HIGH-PITCHED VOICE) Yes, Mummy Pig.
Ooh, Teddy, you look a bit under the weather. (IN NORMAL VOICE) What do you mean? -Teddy is a bit muddy. -Oh. I took Penguin to the Doll Hospital, and now, he’s as good as new. What’s a Doll Hospital? It’s where dolls go to get better.
They get washed, filled up with stuffing and even get new voices! PENGUIN: You are my best friend, Suzy! I love you a lot, Suzy! Ooh! Mummy, can we take Teddy to the Doll Hospital, please? What a good idea! NARRATOR: This is the Doll Hospital. Hello, Miss Rabbit!
Hello, Peppa! Welcome to the Doll Hospital, where we turn dolls like this into dolls like this! KIDS: Ooh! Have you got a sick dolly? Yes! What is it? A mouse or a dog? It’s a bear! (CHUCKLING) Well, we have got our work cut out, haven’t we? -Grr! -(MOCK SCREAMING) And a dinosaur!
Are you booking them both in? -Yes, please. -Okay. So tell me, little bear, what have you been doing to get so poorly? Teddy has been rolling down hills, jumping in muddy puddles and being sat on! It’s no wonder you’re not looking your best. There’ll be no more rolling down hills,
Jumping in muddy puddles or being sat on once I’ve finished with you! But Teddy likes doing those things! You do seem a bit floppy. Nothing some extra stuffing won’t fix! What do you mean? Look! This elephant is a bit sad, but he just needs more stuffing.
Teddy likes being floppy, thank you, Miss Rabbit. Would Mr. Dinosaur like some extra stuffing? Grr! Okay. Would Teddy like a new outfit? Here we have a smart sailor’s uniform. But Teddy is a girl! Girls can be sailors too, Peppa! Yes, but Teddy doesn’t want to be a sailor. -How about a pilot? -No.
-Deep sea diver? -No. What about a princess? I think Teddy is happy not to have any clothes, thank you, Miss Rabbit. -What about Mr. Dinosaur? -No! Fair enough. Would Teddy like new eyes? You know what they say, “The eyes are the windows to the soul.” What’s a soul? Uh, it’s a bit complicated.
Just look at these eyes. We’ve got green eyes, blue eyes, or even these googly eyes. The soul thingy might look a bit wrong with those eyes on. Teddy’s eyes don’t need changing, thank you, Miss Rabbit. What about Mr. Dinosaur? -Does he want some new… -No!
Fine. One thing I can offer you, Teddy, is a new voice. The voices come in little plastic boxes which go inside the doll. RECORDED VOICE: Hello. I love you. That isn’t how Teddy talks! RECORDED VOICE: I’m so happy! I wanna play! That’s not Teddy. RECORDED VOICE: You are my best friend.
But that’s Penguin’s voice! RECORDED VOICE: You are my best friend, Suzy. Mr. Dinosaur, do you want a new voice? Grr! Silly question, really. There is one last thing I can do for you, Teddy, and that’s give you a wash. No, Teddy doesn’t need a wash. Okay, I’m finished, and it’s good news!
There’s nothing wrong with Teddy or Mr. Dinosaur. That’s wonderful! Would you like to pay by cash or credit card? Oh. Teddy, I love you just the way you are, and I always will! -(SNORTS) -(KIDS LAUGHING) NARRATOR: Peppa and George are visiting Granny and Grandpa Pig. PEPPA: Hello, Grandpa! Hello, Peppa and George! Ooh! NARRATOR: George has found a ball! -(THUDS) -(SCREAMS) Careful, George. This is my greenhouse. It is made out of glass, (KNOCKS) -which breaks easily. -BOTH: Oh! Let’s throw this ball out of harm’s way. -(THUDS) -GRANDDAD DOG: Oi! Who’s throwing footballs at my greenhouse? People who live in glass houses should not throw footballs. You threw it first! It nearly smashed my greenhouse! Call that a greenhouse? It’s a pile of rotten old windows. It’s good enough for growing tomatoes. I’m amazed you can grow anything in that rubbish tip.
I’ll grow more than you do in your fancy glass box. -(SNORTS) -(BARKS) NARRATOR: Granddad Dog and Grandpa Pig are the very best of friends. Grandpa… Why is your greenhouse made of glass if glass breaks easily? Because I grow plants in it. Let me show you. These plants like sunlight
And glass lets the light in. (SNIFFS) Ooh! This plant smells lovely! Oh, that’s just basil. Granny Pig throws the seeds in a pot and it just grows. Oh. Let me show you something that takes real skill to grow. My tomatoes! They are very small, Grandpa.
Eat one and tell me what it tastes like. It tastes of… Nothing. Well, they’re not quite ready yet. Hello, my little ones. -Granny Pig! -(SNORTS) Could I have some tomatoes please, Grandpa Pig? Uh, no, I’m afraid the tomatoes aren’t ready. Maybe in a few weeks.
But I want to make a tomato salad for lunch. Granddad Dog is growing tomatoes! Yes, maybe Granddad Dog will lend us some. I don’t think we want Granddad Dog’s rusty old tomatoes. Cooey! Granddad Dog! Ahh, Granny Pig! Lovely to see you this fine morning. Do you have any tomatoes we might borrow? Borrow? You can take as many tomatoes as you like. The tomatoes have done very well this year. They look a lot bigger than your tomatoes, Grandpa.
They may be bigger but that doesn’t mean they’re better. Peppa, would you like to taste one? Yes, please! (CHOMPS) Mmm, yummy! That is the best tomato I have ever tasted ever. -Huh! -How did you grow them, Granddad Dog? I didn’t really mean to grow them.
I just threw some old tomato seeds down in the corner there, and they grew. Fill your basket, there’s too many for me to eat. Thank you. We’re going to make a lovely tomato salad. Ah. I know a great recipe for a tomato salad. Lovely! Can you make it for us?
The problem is, my recipe needs basil. And I haven’t managed to grow any basil. My grandpa has lots of lovely basil. -Really? -Oh yes. Growing heaps of the stuff. Let me show you. Very impressive. Tell me, what’s the secret of growing basil? Well, it’s quite tricky. The fist thing you have to do…
I sow some seed to the pot and the basil grows. You mean, it just grows by itself? -Huh… -Yes! (SNORTS) Is it lunchtime yet, granny? Oh, my poor darlings. You must be starving. Let’s make that tomato salad. First, we slice the tomatoes, add a little splash of olive oil, a shake of pepper,
A teeny-tiny pinch of salt, and finish the whole thing off with these lovely basil leaves. Tuck in, everyone! (BARKS) ALL: Mmm… Marvelous tomatoes. Thanks to my green house. Mmm. Beautiful basil. Thanks to my green house. This is the best tomato salad in the world ever! NARRATOR: Peppa and George are visiting Digger World. Digger! Digger! (LAUGHS) -George likes diggers! -(SNORTS) I like diggers too! (LAUGHS) And today, you’ll both be driving real diggers! BOTH: Wow! NARRATOR: Here is Mr. Potato. Welcome to Digger World! Where all your digger dreams come true! NARRATOR: This is the sand digger ride. PEPPA AND GEORGE: Ooh! Peppa and George, jump on board! Mummy and Daddy Pig, you have to pedal. MUMMY AND DADDY PIG: Oh! -(CHUCKLES) -(DADDY PIG PANTING) -(PEPPA CHUCKLES) -(MUMMY PIG PANTING) Now, fill up this big bucket with sand!
-(MUMMY AND DADDY PIG PANTING) -(PEPPA AND GEORGE LAUGHING) This is fun! (STRAINING) Yes! Fun! Excellent work, children! Now we flip the bucket over, give it a tap, et voila! PEPPA AND GEORGE: Hooray! (LAUGHING) NARRATOR: Peppa and George have made a big sand castle. Let’s go to the next ride! NARRATOR: This is the wall-building ride. Stack the soft blocks to make a wall. Hurry up, Mummy! Okay, Peppa. -(PEPPA LAUGHING) -(MUMMY PIG PANTING) Pedal faster, Mummy! I’m going as fast as I can, Peppa! Nearly finished. There! -A lovely wall! -(PANTS) NARRATOR: Here comes George with a demolition digger. -(GEORGE GIGGLES) -NARRATOR: Oh, dear. George has knocked down Peppa’s wall. George! (SNORTS) You naughty piggy! Ho-ho! Building things up, then knocking them down! It’s all part of the fun at Digger World! NARRATOR: This is the grabber machine! How do we play this one? Let’s hope it’s not pedal-powered. Mummy and Daddy Pig, do the pedaling. BOTH: Oh. Peppa and George, use the grabber to win a lovely prize. PEPPA AND GEORGE: Ooh! NARRATOR: There are Mr. Potato dolls or toy dinosaurs to be won. Dine-saw! Grr!
Okay, George! Let’s get a dinosaur! This way, George! PEPPA: No, that way! Back! Forward! Down! Hooray! We’ve got the dinosaur! KIDS: Oh! NARRATOR: The dinosaur toy is too heavy for the grabber! (CHUCKLES) Try again! PEPPA: Oh, no, we got a Mr. Potato doll. NARRATOR: The Mr. Potato doll is just the right weight for the grabber. Aren’t you lucky!
And he’s yours to keep! Oh. But the best news is, you have earned your digger badges! You are fully-qualified digger drivers! BOTH: Hooray! Thank you for visiting Digger World, where all your digger dreams came true. -Bye! -Bye-bye! I really liked Digger World because we get to drive… Stop! -(TIRES SCREECHING) -NARRATOR: It is Mr. Bull. What’s the matter, Mr. Bull? We’re building a wall across the road! Digger! Digger! (CHUCKLES) Mr. Bull, can we drive your digger? Ooh, I’m afraid children can’t drive diggers! But we’ve been to Digger World.
We’ve got badges! Oh! That’s okay then. Hop aboard! I’ll drive the digger, and you can have the important job of pushing the buttons. Okay now, push the button! What? This red one? No! The green one! Agh! NARRATOR: The digger has knocked over the new wall! Sorry, Mr. Bull. Building things up, then knocking them down! It’s all part of the fun with diggers! NARRATOR: Peppa and George love diggers. Everyone loves diggers!