I met a guy this past weekend as I often do playing poker and it was a fun conversation the dude seemed to be a rather middle the road guy and he said that he voted for Joe Biden in 2020 and boy does he regret it things could not be worse from the post-millennial
Biomics Americans need a six-figure salary to afford a median priced home according to a study the study reveals the average home buyer needs to earn over $110,000 annually to afford the median priced home in 22 States thanks Joe Biden here’s this guy saying that uh he
Didn’t like Trump he voted for Joe Biden he thought Trump was bad it’s funny I guess you had nothing to compare Trump to the funny thing is how great it was under Trump but the media was incessant and people bought the lies and they voted against the man and now Joe Biden
Has driven this country into the dirt not everybody’s struggling at the same time the media is lying about everything and oh boy do I have a great way to break down the lies for you and I’ll show you how the media plays this game first let’s talk about how Joe Biden
Screwed you over the average us home now requires a six-figure salary to afford marking a significant increase compared to pre-pandemic levels according to a study by bank rate the study reveals the average home buyer needs to earn over $110,000 annually to to afford the median priced home in 22 States this
Represents a substantial jump from 2020 when the average home buyer only needed to make approximately $75,000 a 46% increase during the same period Medan home prices have surged from 290,000 to 412,000 marking a 42% increase holy crap and it’s young people who are going to Bear the brunt of this it’s going to
Be gen Z who at 25 years old should be starting a family and buying a house they’re not going to get there till they’re 40 That’s the terrifying reality I mean it almost feels like it’s on purpose you will own nothing and you will be happy making it so it’s
Impossible to be able to live anywhere let’s break this down you can’t go off into the Wilderness and build a Hut they won’t let you you’ll likely be arrested there are certain areas of the Wilderness you C you could go and if you went into to the middle of nowhere in
Wyoming and started building a cabin and living off the land as if you were some nomadic tribesmen with your family you know if they found you they’d take your kids from you you can’t buy a house so what do you do the system is strained and it feels like it’s almost on
Purpose it’s hard to say why but I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the people who complain about there being too many people who complain about climate change at the same time are the the ones in power who are enacting policies that destroy the economy I suppose if you want to live
This way struggling to eat and feed your kids maybe not even having kids sure the celebrities come out and they say I don’t have any kids I just sleep in all day on Saturday and then wake up with my wife and smoke pot that’s fulfilling to you wow man that’s absolutely brutal but
That’s the world they want for you it’s no surprise we hear all these stories about people who are trying to get medical assistance and dying have some kids have a family Find Faith find Community find passion they don’t have it it’ll be up to us those of us who can
Maintain our composure and our mental fortitude to make sure that Humanity does not die out because as these people self imilate figuratively we have to remain strong and steadfast that’s why I call on all of you at the very least get fit do your best I’m not saying be be like arold and
Get super ripped or anything you know I’m talking with my personal trainer we do Tuesday Wednesdays and Thursdays although I have missed a few days because I’m massively exhausted like I skated for two and a half hours and then did an hour of strength training and I
Was like passing out and I’m like I’m not working out tomorrow like need a day off I’m not saying you got to drive yourself to the Bone like I do go for a walk the you we we we’ve got to be strong because the people in power right
Now are trying to destroy us they are treating us like a burden like a problem who shouldn’t be and shouldn’t exist and there are many people who are weak who will waste away who will advocate for the sterilization or the abortion of their children and whether you have kids
Or not is besides the point the message must be strong the strong must survive the strong protect the weak the Strong Survive they build things and make it better and protect the weak and we can do that but you have to be strong first you have to secure your own oy mask
Before putting on the mask of those sitting next to you that’s your mission be the best you can be honest question are you the best you can be this is what I was thinking to myself um it’s been I’ll pull up the actual number right now I’ve been skateboarding
Uh rollerblading mostly skateboarding my whole life I rollerbladed for about the about a year uh don’t really useing that much anymore but the the the the cardio from rollerblading is so much better than skateboarding sorry skateboarding go cry all you want but uh full body workout when you’re when you’re
Rollerblading on the half pipe it’s intense V2 Max for like an hour drenched and sweat I love it but mostly we’re filming so I’m getting back on the skateboard and focusing on that uh not so much V2 Max well basically for familiar means like maximum oxygen output where you’re getting into uh
Aerobic is turning into anerobic because you’re burning too much too quickly but um I want to see if I can pull up the the information here I think I should be able to see how long I have been going on with this year personal training I
Believe uh uh oh I just got a warning based on your total calories you are not eating enough well okay uh eat more nutrient Rich meals or whatever what does it say the national recommends no less than 1, to 1200 calories completing your diary with fewer than the minimum calories
Noted above will not generate a news what is this I don’t even care about weight loss uh I don’t know where’s I I think it’s like 45 days oh here we go what is this oh wow look at that this app’s SC I’m using my fitness pal anyway this is
A great app this is really fascinating um it was I think it’s like 43 days now I don’t know 43 days or whatever of having a personal trainer and I’ll tell you why not that I wasted your time for a minute but uh so there was a period a few years ago
I was up to 200 lb and uh it was mostly fat I mean I did skate and roller blade a little bit but I wasn’t really going that heavy uh I was getting heavy and uh I just thought one day I was like I haven’t had any sugar all day why don’t
I just go keto so I did and boy did I I lost 20 pounds almost instantly it was crazy within a month and then there was a lingering amount of weight that stayed on but then I started rollerblading more intensely which was just Pure Cardio it was really really fun really fun stuff
Skateboarder course skateboarder people like they’re so stingy like no fun you can’t have fun Fun’s not allowed oh bro we got a scooter we got bikes we got pogo sticks we’re going to have fun with all of it it’s exercise man and so I ended up losing then another 12 I I went
Down to 168 and this was a year ago I’m now at 180 180 uh and I’ll tell you why we’ve been doing uh lifting strength training and I’ve been skating a lot more and eating a ton of protein so it looks like uh in the past year my body
Body fat percentage did go up a little bit but mostly it’s now it’s it’s back on a downward Trend as muscle is is is being built up and so uh anyway the point of all this is I thought to myself am I the best version of what I could be
Am I am I am I maxed out or am I lazy what could I be doing to be the best version of myself I owe that to everybody who’s a member at timcast.net 45 minutes to an hour strength training lifting three days a week why not what
Else am I going to do normally in this period I exercise I skate and then I go and I’ll uh have dinner and then sit down and relax and and put on Fox News uh it used to be CNN now it’s Fox News and I’ll
Take a break and kind of you know just rest a little bit in between uh uh the The Morning Show and The nightly show but it’s usually like half an hour whatever and I was like Noah we’re getting AO Pro stretch Pro stretching and sports massage therapist we’re
Getting a physical therapist I am going 100% I ask you are you the best version of yourself is there a period in your day where you find yourself bored and sitting around start doing push-ups I like there was a period this morning where I was like waiting for
Some clothes to dry in the dryer and then I just started doing push-ups and I’m like I don’t know why not you know and maybe it seems silly whatever but I just feel like are we being the best could you be better that’s what it’s all
About I take a look what Biden is doing to this country and I feel like Victory is going to require more than just advocating to people to do the right thing and teaching them it’s going to require that we transform ourselves and make sure we’re being the best we can
You know El I’m doing I’m cutting out corn I’m cutting out seed oils I’m cutting out all that stuff I’m just I’m just I’m kind of fed up with all of it I’m tired of hearing about seed oils I’m tired of hearing about inflammatory stuff I’m tired of hearing about trans
Fats I’m just like I’m done I’m done give me rice and give me chicken give me some broccoli or something although I gotta be honest I don’t really eat the vegetables enough I’m reading now that corn is inflammatory I’m like I don’t I
Just done all of it gone I will I will I will consume nothing but Jacko milk protein powder for no I know that I’m just kidding but no in all seriousness I hope that um maybe the best you can be isn’t your maximum because it’s hard to
Muster up that willpower in which case I would say maybe you could be ripped like Chris Hemsworth could but your best brings you down to just you’re in shape you’re focusing you’re studying you’re training you’re being the best version of yourself that’s what it’s all
About I want to show you this we have this from Yahoo finance Trump media and Technology Group currently trading up at 50 bucks we have this story from CNBC Trump media stock closes 21% lower after company reports $58 million loss for 2023 well yesterday they reported this
And it sounds certainly like aha Trump media is dropping they want you to believe that Trump media isn’t working and that it was a Fed they want you to panic they want they want this to be the story the real story dowo Futures fall 300 points as rough start to quarters
Quarter continues on higher rates look I’m going to pull up my brokerage app real quick and I noticed this the other day I pulled it up and I’m like everything is down it happens everything drops what do we have D everything is down I’ll tell you I have Tesla it’s
Down I’ve got cabit it’s down I’ve got uh Spotify it’s down a little bit uh rumble’s down a little bit AMC is down a little bit djt is actually the only one that’s up this is so nuts how they play this game so I don’t have a lot of stocks I
Don’t of the ones that I do have they’re all down and then I and then I look at djt it’s the only one in the green up 4.6% right now but they tell you in the media it’s dropping they isolate One stock at a time when the whole Market’s in Decline
And say Trump Stock’s falling dirty games man I tell you this the machine wants you sick they want you lazy they want to strip you of your passions because you should own nothing you will eat the bugs you will live in the pot and you’ll be happy
Okay as we look at those people we desperately beg them not to kill their kids we we reject the idea of this body positivity we have a responsibility to practice what we preach to be the best versions of ourselves and I don’t know I don’t know
What it is in me that makes that fire burn maybe you don’t have it you know we hear about uh New Year’s resolutions everybody wants to get fit and get in shape and then they don’t they send it for a gym and then they stop
Going I don’t know how to break that I really don’t one thing that helped me especially is this is why I said I want a personal trainer because it’s a lot harder when you’re paying for something to break from it not everybody can do that that’s obvious so it’s tough there
Are some days where I’m like man I really don’t feel like doing this but you have to do it and then I got to tell you afterwards I’m so glad that I did we were doing uh we were lifting and my train said we’re going to start with the
Twelves and then maybe we can get some 25s in so we were doing a few lifts using the twelves it was a biceps and triceps and then I and then he was like do you think you do the 25s and I said 35 and I did the 35s
Instead and it is rough but it feels so good afterwards Indescribable I feel like if people told me that lifting made you feel like Euphoria I just can’t even describe it makes me feel like I could punch a bear in the face that’s how that’s how I
Describe it like come here want to punch in the face feels great feels so good maybe that is what we need it’ll clear our minds it’ll make us stronger we’ll we’ll be sleeping better we’ll be eating better then maybe the culture war is won because not because we’re all super oh I
Love this too they’re writing articles about it holy crap you guys there were hit pieces where they were like Tim pool and others are advocating that their their audiences get fit to try and seduce us or some ridiculous thing and I’m like I don’t know anything about what you’re talking about I’m telling
People to be in shape to be your best self and they’re getting mad because they want to be frumpy and lazy they want to gargle Ben and Jerry’s and fall asleep sickly you know man be the best you you can be that’s no answer for what the
Economy is doing I can’t answer for what Joe Biden is doing but you improve yourself you improve your skills it it makes life easier it really does I’ll leave it there next segment’s coming up at 6 p.m. on this channel thanks for hanging out and we’ll see you all then