Our annual fall show is quickly approaching. The show will be Oct 7 and 8 (Mon and Tues) at our Roanonke VA warehouse. This is a great opportunity to see new products, meet with vendors and other rink owners, and get some deals on closeout merchandise. Here are some details:
#The local RSA Chapter is working on a program Monday night at the Firehouse Skating rink, which is just a short drive from our warehouse. They’ll have former rink owners Jim and Cindy Anderson doing a presentation on “Is Your House In Order” about maximizing your business. They’ll also be doing chapter elections. You’ll need to be a member of that chapter of the RSA to vote in the election, but everything else is open to everyone.
#We will have a complimentary dinner at 6pm on Monday night at our warehouse. Please register with us in advance so we’ll have a good count for the caterers.
#The show will start at 2pm on Monday the 7th. The dinner will be at 6pm. The Firehouse program starts at 7pm. Then the show resumes at 9am on Tuesday the 8th.
#If you have questions about any of this, please call or email us for more details.
Vanilla has introduced a new wheel called the Astro. This wheel has a really great looking hub that was turning heads at the recent Sk8 Expo show. We have the 58mm version in stock now in pink and green. They’re working on a 62mm version and possibly two other colors. We did not get many of these on the first shipment, the ones that are in stock now will not last very long at all, so please order as soon as possible if you’re interested in getting some from this first batch.