Well hello everybody welcome to disco ball benter taint disco ball entertainment he gave more than a four second performance disco blob entertainment his quarter now tomorrow’s fairy Isle studios I was gonna do regular video tonight which I still am gonna upload a regular video but I gotta
Learn some sad news that my old skating rink that I learned that we used to go to his kids and when I went to is in high school and I went to four years and I learned how to roller skate there caught on fire tonight so I mean it’s
Been closed since 2001 but like I said the dog track owns it the race dog track the casino they owned it and going to building and use it as storage that was sad enough for it to be closed but actually a lot saturd and much sadder
Being on fire you know so on my sister sent me some pictures and sent me em sent me a a texted of the place burning so burly sad news the skating rink was right across the river from me home wheeling Island and I’ve spent a lot of
Years there skated a lot of years there I learned how to roller skate there went there was a wee little kid went there in high school so many many fond memories that I’ll never forget and very sad and tragic you know I even got some pictures
You know and I have to show where everybody said that it happened you know here’s the pictures of the rink right there you know on fire terrible guys you know terrible way to let out the year 2008 here’s another picture there’s a football stadium high school football
Stadium migrate there and this is the parking lot of the track of the racetrack so very very tragic news and the rink there’s a good picture of the rink it’s very by the football stadium and then by the racetrack and can see now so get a good picture this was like it’s 6
O’clock or so my sister sent me the pictures like I said very very sad news it’s it’s gone so it’s clear down to the foundation they have multiple willing fire department there very very tragic I had a lot of fond memories ladies and gentlemen and that skating rink lot of
Fond memories a lot of good times in that skating rink I learned how to roller skate in that place like I said a lot of memories I mean it’s very very sad it’s gone up in flames and and I was just talking about roller rinks yesterday about not being a many roller
Rinks from here anymore and now like I said that was close since 2001 but Dahmer the building was always there but now the building ain’t there anymore and the building was originally originally the building they used to have like fairs and stuff over there years and
Years ago like in the 1900s 1920s like 1920s and stuff like that and that building really originally wasn’t built as a skating rink it was originally built as a an expo hall they called it and it had a stage inside of it and what they did was they had like shows and
Stuff in there and the place was built in 1924 originally it was Wynette roller rink was opened what they call it the expo hall expedition hall and that’s what they had on our wheeling island and then they changed it to a skating rink I’ve seen old pictures of
It you know times of it so like I said I was going to do a video earlier but I decided to do a video on this one you know this was most important to do a video on this one you know guys I joke around a lot you know I tease around a
Lot you know I goof around a lot you know and I have fun but this video is really really really saddens me did that happened to that skating rink you know like I said so many fond memories you know when I started going there in 1989
Well I went there was a little kid and we went there in 1979 1980 81 you know my mom’s party and stuff like at her work party and that’s how I started rollerskating like 1980 81 and then we was going there since I was going there until 81 82 and
I quit then went back in 89 and I skated there from in 1889 all the way till 2001 when they closed and like I said it was fun times the place was pretty awesome I mean it had the high ceilings in it I met many people in there I fell on my
Rear end many times on that ring roller rink floor and a a lot of good memories a lot of sad memories so I’m not of not sad memories but a lot of good memories and it’s very very sad tragic you know but I want to share it out with you guys
It was a breaking news story tonight and I was really blown away by it I was sitting there looking at looking at videos and stuff and it popped up on my screen my sister sent me a message and told me about it and sent me the pictures I was blown away and they’re
Still fighting it over there to this day ever this this time are still wherever they’re fighting it that must 6:30 or 7:00 o’clock when she sent me the message so send me the pictures those are the pictures very very sad so I want to share that with you guys I’m
Gonna be back tomorrow with a video the video I was supposed to make tonight I’ll make tomorrow I’ll have for tomorrow I’ll have a kind of early for you guys earlier in the day and then I’ll make my other one an evening but yeah I definitely wanted to share it out
With you guys that was a very very sad you know a lot of my local subscribers that rewatch us you know will realize you know what knows how sad it is you know but hey I wanted to chair it out with you guys like I said I was gonna do
A regular video tonight upload one but I wouldn’t upload this one so well hey everybody have a good one and thanks for watching disco blob entertainment and happy New Year to everyone of you guys it’s been a been a great year up until now when this happened but like I
Said you guys have a great new year and I love you all so everybody have a good one and thanks for watching disco blob entertainment