So today I’m doing the starting room only challenge on every single zombie game from Treyarch to non triar right I’m doing them all and I had one simple goal in mind right I had to at least hit 70 rounds total by the end of the video
Right but spoiler I had to increase it to 100 rounds total to make it you know more of a challenge so you know go ahead and take a guess in the comments right now if you think I’m going to be able to get over 100 rounds total on this video
Also if you guys could please just sub to the channel I’m actually so desperate I really want to hit 20K by the end of this month but only like 10% of you guys are subscribed so so here’s the deal right if you guys do subscribe to my
Channel I’ll give you a really good high five like not one of those little wet high fives right like a real manly meaty high five that like reverbs but yeah other than that let’s jump into the video me boys half one all right like no better time to be starting the starting
Room only challenge right on D that’s a that’s 1:30 a.m. for any Americans out there but yeah right so I chose theice for all the war because the spawns in this game you know aren’t the best so I think Darice is probably the only good map for the you know actually getting
Decent like Fast spawns so yeah you know we’re going to be doing the there’s a decent little training area here as well so I think probably have the best chance of getting to a decent round on the under re so hopefully all goes well we do have access to probably the most
Powerful gun in the game you know the kind get cable be popping some heads with this you know me I’m a little SP sniper oh bro we even hit that shot bro this boys look at this little bad boy shot right now really yo look at that
Bro that was actually hype dog honestly y why am I saying dog bro like come on all right too much autism at the start of the video right so the only worry I’ve got is the dog round but honest I think a clap a dog right like they would
Even want to start me if they even try right like I actually one shot right up deck to that little wrinkly Little Neck actually little marks from popping heads at the moment I am curious what game is going to have like what game we going to survive the longest I’m thinking BO2
Right you guys will see later in the video the map I’ve chose a little bit sneakier right so I’m thinking BO2 might be the one yeah you know we’re not on BO2 we One World of War so so far we’re not doing too bad it’s it’s round three
Obviously we got 10 games so I’m going to set like I do what I did last time where it was like 70 like 70 rounds total I might do 70 rounds total again so we get an average of seven rounds a game so let’s see if we can hit seven on
This I don’t know if we will which means we might need to bring it back on a game later on actually you know what will’ll be massive but let’s upgrade like grenades remember this little cheeky little rumor I actually thought that worked you know I’m like I I don’t want
To say like back in the day when I was like young like I I gen was beli in that until like literally like the other day also I’m only giving myself one attempt at these maps all right like I’m not going to swear El you know if we mess up
Like bro that’s just tough you know feels so eepic about 360s I feel like I need to stop using the car akk you know it’s making it a bit too easy you know so I might to switch to the G just BL up some zombies with this uhoh maybe let’s
Not go down this tiny little staircase we might we’re definitely going to hit round five right I know that for a fact oh dude big insta kill right at the end of the round actually massive bro we’re hitting the high rounds though all right butys round five so this is where it
Gets bit squeaky right cuz I think the dogs might have a chance to spawn in here kind of hope they do because we still hav actually well let’s spawn in uh I guess next round maybe from round seven I don’t know we can use our grenades a little bit more like
Optimally if that’s I think that’s the word but yeah we could be using them to our advantage righty it like let’s hold them up maybe toss a few grenades in there CU I think the water War grenades are strong oh my god oh oh my god oh my
God dude all bro the zombies aren’t messing around bro oh my God oh my God okay we’re we’re going to FR few grenade I can’t even speak bro here we go they should do a big yo look at the damage bro yo grab that nuk CL bro I’m ouy yo
Round six bro wasn’t even s I’m going to start sweating if maybe this is the dogs if it’s not like round seven bro easy oh it’s not even the dogs bro round seven we’re guaranteed it obviously we’re not just going to give up at round seven all
Right I want to try and hit as high of a round as possible because there could be a chance in the next few games where I just mess up and I just like die round two type of death so I got to take that into account all right all right all the
Zombies are starting to gather up for me just as I planned or idiots over notices I’m actually I’ve organized this there you go look Bro Look them all little cers bro only success you’re seeing is in the power Olympics bro oh my okay I actually di oh my God I actually can’t
Even believe that I was chatting so much [ __ ] as well all right well I mean I guess that’s World at War I’m actually so annoyed by that but cuz every time I chat [ __ ] to the Zombies bro like they just decide they want to pop up right
Add six rounds to the counter I guess I’m going to do now I guess I’ve decided I’m doing a counter so add six rounds to that and yeah let’s jump into uh Black Ops 1 all right then boys so we’re on to Black Ops one all right so the map I
Chose is keeno the toen you might be wondering Jak why did you pick Keo the toen of all the maps you could all right well you see back in the day all right I used to buy the M14 and the Olympia all right and I used to think I was the [ __ ]
All right I used to think I was actually Unstoppable you know I thought the zombies listen to what I said all right I thought I was in control you know and then I get to like round four you know like piss my pants a little bit cuz the
Zombies were a little bit scary right and then I just like the game so I thought you know we’ll go back to this uh era of my life where I couldn’t even get really past the main menu actually was a bit scared whenever the screen just went red but you know we’re going
To go back to it we’re going to repeat that I’m going to see if I can you know do a little old Jake cden uh you might be wondering did you you know come up with that back story or or reason to why you playing the map no I did that
Entirely during the loading screen cuz I actually had no idea why I was going to pick youo to be honest I was actually going to pick Ascension because I thought I could use the thing in the middle that spins around to get kills but then I thought who wants to watch a
Video that’s entirely in black and white you know we’re not in the 1940s all right boys we’re evolved we have color now so yeah we’ doing Kino all right but that is a true story though about me getting the M14 and the Olympia and thinking I was actually the [ __ ] see
When I was little right I used to get so scared of video games right like like my first proper Call of Duty right I think was Modern Warfare 3 I actually love that game I played it for like actual days but yeah right so like I used to
Get scared of just going around the map in private match like I don’t know what it is going around like a map in private match especially in the old Call of Duty it’s so Eerie about that I don’t know what it is she terrified me bro I was
Actually so scared used to think there was like little creepy Pastor demon around the corner but yeah the red screening zombies also scared me I was actually like thought there was a real zombie in my room at the time real spooky stuff also I just realized we can
Now actually buy like Quick Revive which should be a massive help oh yeah yeah as I said massive helpo we actually are in desperate need of it I actually can’t believe I just died there that’s actually a bit embarrassing but even be at 14 is looking at that and being like
Bro what the [ __ ] right we’re making our way through these rounds right we’re nearly already on round four I mean there’s prob surely about like two zombies left this guy left there you go look that round four actually a professional we’re also going to buy the
Olympia such an El gun by the way I don’t care care who you are if you think you’re Olympia gang you’re just like you’re lying to yourself you actually are trying to be so extra like you don’t you know you don’t believe that the Olympia is better than the M40 you know
It but look at this bro such an L gun like you know that the Olympia is not it so why you keep saying it is I don’t know everyone knows the M14 is better right it’s statistically better I’ll start this war boys you guys can’t win
This I did an Olympia only challenge on like five bro it was actually the most depressing moment of my entire life right we’re coming up to round five there is dogs in this map as well but the B1 dogs are not as bad as the WG
Okay speak of the devil bro I could actually get collaps right now this one might actually be a job for the Olympia though because yeah I don’t think the M14 is going to really cut it oh yeah the Olympia one shots but I bet all the Olympia lovers are actually losing their
[ __ ] right now they’re like bro I told you oh my god Olympia might have been useful for a little bit but look who I came back to my trusty old M14 don’t start me boys yeah we got through that dog run actually pretty easy so as long
As we can get like round I think it was we died on round six right so we can get round eight we’ll be back on Pace and we still have two quick revives left so I’m feeling good you know I’m actually feeling pretty giddy right now you guys
Secret Easter egg bro there it is how to get an extra Quick Revive there it is okay so this Olympia has become actual dog [ __ ] already I mean look at that it’s like two shot on round six that’s the entire clip bro look this guy is
Just dude it didn’t even pH that guy oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh bro this is I’m not using the Olympia I’ve decided the Olympia is actually dooky but could we end the round though all right M14 boys we going in look at
That bro look at this King going in nothing will beat the M14 bro like the Olympia actually has stands on no chance all right there you go boys we’re on round seven so we reached our goal figure of the game let’s see if we just get like extra round you know there you
Go for anyone who thinks M14 versus Olympia what gun came back in Zombie Chronicles 2 right in the maps tell you not not the Olympia the M14 did and you know what it’s a beast in that game as well don’t even try me boys all right
Let’s just see if we can get through this one round right if we do I’ll be happy I’ll be a static boys got do some little loop-de-loops around these little zombies you generally just like teaching them teaching them lesson I don’t know my [ __ ] talking can only go so far but
Oh my God why I get stuck on them I’m so slippery bro that’s such a why am I even on of her oh dud instakill that’s actually kind of hype if we can get through this round real quick and we can use the insta kill at the start of the
Next round watch this boys actual big brain tactics ready as soon as it’s ready to go we’re going to pick it up let’s grab it now I think that’s probably like as long as we going to be able to wait there right here we go boys
Here we go going in imagine we get round uh nine forgot to count there for a second but yeah we can get round nine dude that would be kind of Epic the insta kill has run out I’m kind of I’m kind of sarting up as we speak I don’t
Know why I box myself up into a corner I don’t know why thought that would be a good idea okay let’s just go ahead and train up some of these bad boy zombies throw a grenade two okay I died I’m in one of the worst spots to be using my
Mustangs uh can we just proba get those guys down there oh is that is that a nuke oh bro dolphin di for that little bad boy hopefully that’s going to take us of around nine or IM oh my God bro it actually has we’re in right now boys
We’re I’m going for a world record and this is light worker I don’t even I’m not even breaking the sweat boys oh and it’s the dog red okay actually I’m a little bit squeaky though do you think this Olympia will be able to still One
Tap him let’s give it a try around let’s see if it will do us any good it is a two shot now which is a little bit poopy there’s also a dog that is about to spawn in I’m dead okay okay I died all right boys well round nine nine round is
Actually pretty good all right I’m happy with that so let’s go ahead and add a nine round to the counter Jake you know do your math right do six plus 9 which that currently puts us up to 15 which isn’t bad so yeah other than that we’ll
Move on to our next game which is a BO2 right then boys so onto Black Ops 2 we’ve got mared you know I chose berries because for one obvious reason right you can get the AL out right that’s going to be a very good gun against the zombies
All right I don’t know why I I don’t to think they’re what we were going up against I mean it’s kind of in the name of the game but I thought it’d be better you know than the Olympia in the M14 so yeah you know we’re going to do that the
Only issue is right is hopefully we don’t fall there is a little trick that you can do and I believe I’ve mastered it all right so we should get this first try let’s just we just need to get the 2,000 points we need to actually buy the
Elsa and then you know we on our way boys so all these zombies just taking their time bro like speed up little bro they actually double points kind of massive actually lie we’re going to shoot these little geers in the leg a few times there we go get this little
Geek as well there we go get him out of here look at these little idiots right just jumping to their death like come on all right here we go boys so I’m going to try and go for it so we’re going to jump up uh we’re going to buy the gun I
I messed up okay no I did say I was going to onot all of these attempts right but you know feel like that was a little bit too harsh right we’ll give it a second try I’m going to consider my actual attempt when we actually buy it
All right you can call me a little wuss boy or you know whatever you guys want to call me in the comment section though just don’t be too mean you know I actually want to have an enjoyable time so boys let’s try this again all right
So we come here buy it and then I mess it up again oh for [ __ ] sake all right boys come on now third times to try like charm right like I messed it up already I’ve already messed it up haven’t I oh for [ __ ] I didn’t even buy the gun that
Time Sur has to be an easier version of this right this video is from 10 years ago to recorded on his phone kid told me the best tutorial ever he just said like turn left all right he just said go left and you’ll literally land on the on the
Platform and I was like let’s go dude I was making it big all right boys let’s go for this bad boy again all right this time all right I’m going to get it watch this oh I actually got it bro I’m actually a little King boys yo bro we’re
Going in now all right this is our F this an actual attempt I’m not retrying that trick again after that I always knew right four times a charm right four time was always lucky Four’s actually always been my lucky number so boys let’s get in this boys this is actually
Going to be an easy round 20 who’s dming me on Discord bro go away oh it’s my girlfriend though I maybe shouldn’t say go away we want to try and bring back some serious rounds here okay so I’m hoping like round 10 maybe even 12 all
Right I could be getting a little bit crazy there but I guess it all kind of depends on max ammos because if we run out of ammo in this Els set like bro it’s over which why I need to stop using it and I need to be using that M14 more
Got cheeky little max ammo there but I mean use up any of my ammo obviously the thing with this right is it is going to be a little bit difficult because can’t really like train it’s kind of more like a camping type of uh spawn room do instag obviously we don’t have Quick
Revive which is kind of unfortunate I think will be good you know there is actually that tree you can like got like you get like the PhD Flopper perma perk and you just kind of like just keep dolphin dive off here I don’t I don’t
Think I’d be able to get it and I don’t really want to risk that falling off either I mean if I fall off now I’d actually like cry so either give me the per perk right now or we’re not getting it I didn’t get it okay one bro game
Come on please okay come on game okay we’re not we’re not getting there right I’m going to stop trying it last thing I want to do is risk just like dying so Al this M14 is way better than the one in a bo1 that’s what we need to decide all
Right M14 guame you bo1 M14 or BO2 2 M14 I’m definitely BO2 M14 I like this M14 better but that’s just me we are cooking so hard right now I I do want this one to be the one where we get like a few extra rounds into our build I feel like
We’re going to struggle on some of the later games also I think I’m going to have to startop pull out this L because M14 ain’t really cutting it buto I started to Sprint and stuff and that’s kind of scary I’m going to pick up this nuke actually try to save as much ammo
As we can but round seven bro it’s actually just that easy like honestly like I’m actually just not even sweating out right now watch me get the cheeky PhD part perk as well watch me get it bro watch me get it boys right here right here bro I didn’t get it okay stop
Messing around Jake it’s a serious video bro I’m trying to go for some cheeky World Records here I actually do kind of wish I had the PhD Flopper P that would been such a little cheesy way to have gotten this every time I’ve ever seen like people do it though it looks so
Squeaky bro like literally any minute it could die oh but we got max out s I’m going to try and use up as much as my ammo as possible just take out as many zombies as I can look at that round eight we’re actually we’re actually
Flying through bro I might have to up the amount of rounds you know on game game I know you want to give me the the per bro I know you want to give me a lot bro stop playing around we’re going to have to get rid of it again we’re going
To start going for it right because I just I don’t know how you get it I thought it’s just like take enough full damage maybe it’s not enough full damage also I think when we reload that’s going to be a little bit squeaky cuz dude the
Reload on the outside is long bro so yeah think we might just have to do it at the end of rounds like now this is our only real chance to to reload all right come on game come on game I’m going to keep doing it between rounds
Just in case we do end up getting it like I don’t think we will but just in case oh I just get it oh I actually think I just got it hold up think I actually I don’t think I did okay I’m lying I don’t know what that Perle perk
Was for but it wasn’t for PhD I guess we can test it bro there like throw Grenade on the floor nearby take any kind of Splash damage okay yeah we definitely don’t have it oh dude we got another max ammo oh my God okay this kind of isn’t
Good though oh my God this really isn’t good though I died okay I bro I really thought that was going to be the run I don’t know what I was doing bro why they even try to reload all right whatever all right that’s buried the next game we
Got his Advanced Warfare so let’s go ahead and jump over to that now right boys so we’re now on to Advanced Warfare right now the map I chose is carrier and this was going to work better if I was on that side of the map but you know you
Got spawned on this side I’m not going to sit there and a quick restart until I get it so let’s just see how long we can go boys I mean we both sides have Quick Revive so that’s you know always good I guess we’ll just see how it goes buy
Actually just now now we do have the bulldog and we also have the MK14 so pretty much the same as just like normal TR zombies except I think this is better than the Olympia so who is this little Giza bro like little clone yeah I don’t
Know how this is going to go I mean the zombies in this game are like pretty random so you know it could go well I don’t know do we have the MK14 on this side like where is it well I’m I’m looking for it I can’t find it I should
Have been on the other side you know is that actually not the MK14 I’m I don’t I my brain can’t believe that there’s no MK14 on this side of the of the small I why that’s actually wild to me oh bro okay [ __ ] here come the dogs oh my god
Dude okay actually I’m getting clapped right now all right where you at little geers the reload it’s so slow where you at come on then boys then let’s start bro you know what a little bit of a cheeky jump okay that was actually way too risky bro okay Jesus Christ those
Dogs will not playing around bro at least the next time we should get them is like round eight and by then I might be dead so but this shot is actually a two shot right now so we can kill two zombies every reload know if we go for a
Head shot is a one shot so just got make sure we getting those big bad boy head shots oh my God I actually get out of here little bro genuinely don’t even know me oh we got explosive search I’m going in coming in you little I think we
Should be coming up to round six now you just stand here like the second they even land on me bro just dead why are they spawning over there for like what is NE oh bro passing away but oh where is the last guy though where he’s taking
So long brosi okay he’s just de just I don’t know either way round six game in right now I also remembered that we have a grenades and they’re actually like pretty good in this game so we’ll probably be using those more I mean I guess for now the Bulldog is kind of you
Know pulling through is that the EMZ zombies yeah but what are you going to do I did just there is teleporting zombies on this map though so you know I mean that could be a slight issue but I’m don’t even worry about it boys we got double points bro I’m actually about
To go in oh we got open fire as well coming in little buy boys okay open fire is actually going to be huge byway so we have reached our goal of round seven you know we’re actually going up in the world now the issue is right is I don’t
Know if the infected zombies can spawn and if they can like that’s it like if we get infected around bro like we are not surviving I feel like one would have spawned by now if they you know could spawn I can’t remember what round they spawned on when I was doing the uh
Outbreak Easter egg from our last videos I think they spawned pretty late so we got open fire about to go in boys yo get me in here boys yo we’re actually reached to round eight boys we are making out of these ends I’m also going to get me this camouflage that could be
Pretty useful oh there you go we’re about to hit round eight dude I’m actually in there boys no even question me yeah so it’s not an infected round still which is good but this Bulldog is just not cutting it oh DNA bomb let’s go I just got to remember we still have
Grenades so I have not used a single time because you know what for as much [ __ ] as I’m giving this Bulldog right as long as I’m going for the head it’s not actually been it’s not doing that bad right like it’s working I think it’s
Even like a two shot body shot you know yeah a two shot body shot you know it’s it’s doing work but there we go boys round nine it could could this one be the infected I think it is or or is it a dog round oh no I’m coughing I’m
Coughing bro I got Co oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God if I get infected it’s oh bro it’s over I even tried to pop camouflage and everything boys I’m thinking round nine might be it boys they’re running too
Quick as well bro like I haven’t even got a chance to kill him oh let’s see if we can make the jump again or we just man to make the jump yeah boys I don’t think we’re uh I don’t think we’re making out of these ends boys yeah we we
Are literally going to die actually no we’re uninfected again so if I can make it back up to Quick Revive I’m going to Reby Quick Revive we’ve all we’ve used up all of our quick revives now but I’m hoping oh my God we’re going to die
Again what the hope is that this is the last few zombies right cuz if it is we can make it the round 10 we can actually get out of these ends cheeky little reload going in I’m not even fussed that we’re infected again is this last guy is
This yo that actually we managed to get through it bro holy it took two downs but bro we made it means we keep going bro we’re started off with a crazy explosive touch boys oh bro okay but now what if I didn’t realize that shooty guys could actually appear this isn’t
Good let’s see if we can just go for a cheeky little of fuse though there we go but you know we never catch a terrorist attacks here I actually might die anyways you know so oh yeah bro I’m actually dead L bro I am dead bro all
Whatever right 10 round right that’s not too bad I kind remember we were at before this so just add 10 rounds to whatever round we’re at Jake and yeah we’ll move on to our next game then boys so we’re on to Black Ops three now right
And the map I chose is Shadows of evil now if you guys don’t know there was a little tournament and in that there was a comeback round right and we had to do for the comeback round was a high round on the three maps that they chose it was
Like shadows veroes and Origins so I chose Shadows because I have an actual idea of what I need to do to get into a higher round and I think it was actually my highest round in that entire thing other than Nation Origins was but yeah I
Mean I did pretty well in this one so I’m going to run this one I have ideas all right and I’ve actually immediately just ruined my strategy so we already off to an actual great start boys we’re just trying to get to round seven I think the mara spawned on like round
Eight so I think we’ll be good either way all right we should definitely at least reach our goal here we go right we’ve got death machine so I kind of messed up because I wasn’t going to buy Quick Revive until like round seven or something like that when the mara was
Like like just before the mara was going to spawn my big plan right was I was going to get a death machine and just C up the M with it so I didn’t you know think about that when I bought Quick Revive but it’s all right boys you know
We just move like that right I hly I’m not even swear this is a little bit upsetting as well I mean I was kind of hoping this would be like an instakill or something [ __ ] Max Amo over my rk5 again boys it’s not even a problem but
Are you sweating like actually are you a bit nervous for me like bro if you’re nervous for me that’s just lowkey kind of cringe like don’t even be that don’t even do that be a Locus right here bro look at that nuke easy so the best thing
You can get in that pod right for the start room only is the locus right but I I don’t think I’ll ever get it already on to round five we’re actually speeding through this actually doome some zombies why is the windows out of the map look so low Polly actually no graphing also
I’ve got a plan to make sure I don’t like die in a corner so pretty much right if you train kind of up and down and when I make my way up back up to the top up here I’m just going to like go
Crazy and if I can’t kill him or if I have no other way of getting out you just run over here and become beast mode also we’re on a got a little uh little bug round I forgot what they called there for a second so that’s okay what
We going to get here a zombie you are actually joken Roose actually playing with me right now but even way this bug round actually going to be so easy little bro look at that it’s already offer dude round seven right we met our go which is at least good but I think
The mara is probably going to show up soon which is a little bit scary I’m not even going to lie boys we got a cheeky little insta kill that’s pretty epic I just realized I could have actually just done the shadowman skip I feel like
That’s cheating all I don’t want to be a little cheater so it’s a bit late now anyways you it’s round seven so around 8 it’s getting up to 3:00 a.m. in the morning so I might have to come back to this you know you guys would know that
Because you know I got the power this not my side but I think the mar was spawn yeah here he is make show a little nons right here I think I’m going to just try and not kill him maybe we get like a cheeky death machine here imagine
The Uproar yeah I’m going to try and not kill him and maybe just try oh bro bro what is the chances of that actually the world’s luckiest man oh oh oh oh I don’t want die though we die here that would be actually lowkey kind of unfortunate
So let’s try and not get slammed by the mar please can’t see so if there’s a zombie there actually might just blast me okay and we Som managed to kill the mar that’s actually kind of high that was a lucky death machine I’m not even
Going to lie I’m got one bro it’s too easy actually too easy and we didn’t even down bro and we didn’t even down look at that one 2 three kills we’re rocking up to around nine D we honestly 70 rounds for this challenge actually easy bro like piece of piss bro my bad
Bro I actually didn’t realize i’ be this good at the game you know not even sweating bro oh my God oh my God there a nuke there a nuke and see if we can take out as many zombies as I can with these little bad boy meat wagons and we’ll
Grab this nuke hopefully that’ll take us over to around 10 I think it will oh there it is dude we’re already in the double digit this is actually the world’s easiest challenge we do have a harder challenge though also I don’t have quicker [ __ ] yeah the meall round
Is definitely a lot harder so we do need to be careful oh my God’s actually coming for me bro step back little bro where is this GE are hiding bro down there get step away bro why is he not dying actually the Terminator all right we’re down to our last Quick Revive I
Think this bad boy should disappear now yeah see you later bro boys I guess now just me verus the world bro we can go ahead and harvest little bad boy here maybe I’ll give us something good I don’t know grenades that’s that’s epic so lucky bro oh dude we got death
Machine how many death Machin this game wanted to give me bro like I ain’t complaining but like bro we actually might make it to around 12 bro there it is bro round 12 I’m actually cooking bro the only think is right though is because I got that death machine there
That last round I think when the mara does does spawn again I can’t remember what B he’s going to spawn I think it’s around like 14 or 13 so when he does spawn uh yeah I won’t be able to get a lucky death machine like last time oh my
God oh my g there’s no way actually lowkey kind ofno about that but is what is oh we got inst that’s hope whenever I do the shadow starting only I actually do get really good Lu with drops it’s just I never get that Locus and that’s
Kind of what kills it maybe that’s what I should spend my days doing is getting the Shadows Of Your World Records for the starting room dude round 13 all right we’re going in I’m this Max time that it’s literally going to be no help
To me ever so we might get the M with this round and if we do yeah okay so this is going to be a bit risky boys oh my God yeah okay we’re dead Okay zombies got me from behind it is what it is but round 30 I’m actually pretty impressed
With just the fact that I just jumped into it so yeah I mean that’s enough of Black Ops 3 we’re going to jump over to our next game which I’m pretty sure is infinite Warfare all right then boys so yeah as I said the next game we got is
Infinite Warfare if I do sound different it’s cuz I actually just took the fattest nap boys I say nap was actually just going to bed so it’s a new morning and we’re back on the content grind boys so yeah I chose Shaolin because honestly
I I don’t really play a lot of Shaolin I did it for the Easter egg and that’s honestly about it so you know play some we’ll play some show and shuffle all right by some up and atoms boys bro are you Quick Revive or up and atoms G gang
I can’t even speak bro I Lally just got home let’s try again are you Quick Revive or up and atam guy that is the question bro we do get the hornet in the starting room though so that’s like pretty good all boys round three right
We’re going in also if you think I sound a little bit different I think I might have Co my girlfriend and all of my family have gotten it and I was the only one to test negative so I might be in the midst of getting Co boys but again
You know I can’t stop the grind boys we do have another gun in the spawn we have the bansi I don’t know if it’s going to be any good or not but also I won’t use like any fate and Fortune card or like elixir or anything like that cuz I feel
Like that’ make it a little bit too easy all right so I would have put gobble gums into that but like the shadow starting just don’t have no gobble gums bro so I actually have one of the most pointless little modifications on this bunch here look look the ammo just blows
Itself actually so pointless bro like look at the reload it’s not even that bad actual work business but we’re coming up onto round five that is going to be the the roller skating zombies that’s a little bit scary you know so I’ve got to be on the actual look at all
Here they are actually the Hornet is just like clapping on right now so I’m not even worried about it the actual baby mode stuff right here honestly let’s I’ll punch this little Giza there we go that’s round five yeah I definitely set round seven a little bit
Too low all of these Maps but I mean it’s a bit late now to change it so oh bro we’re in the phone booth okay bro somehow I’m actually FR but the Banshee is just not here bro it’s like the Olympia I think if we kill wait where is
That not last guy where’s the last guy bro there you go there you go if we kill him now we’re on to round seven bro so I’m I’m going to end my phone number boys oh what the what is wait what’s going on oh it was just a zombie SP I
Thought it was another roller skating blade around and I was actually like about to pee my pants but actually about to have like the brown sound or whatever it’s called the brown though that’s what it’s called the brown sound yeah that’s my version of it yeah I think I’m not
Going to use the uh Banshee anymore I think the Hornet is just the way to go so look how good the Hornet is like honestly I always forget by the way the grenades are actually like pretty good in infinite warer like look at this boys they’re about to just die actually it’s
Like pretty good so should be his nose more to my uh Advantage went up into round eight boys to pop a monster boys that’s how you know where we’re about to go in boys I’m off the Red Bulls I switched to monster like Monster Energy right it’s like so hit and miss because
Sometimes it like actually just hits so [ __ ] hard and then sometimes it just like misses I didn’t think infinite Warfare was going to be so easy to be honest like these guns in the starting room are still holding up like literally one to into head on round eight we’re
About to go to round nine now boys okay they’re actually starting to speed up a little bit more now so I think I’m going to use my grenades to actually start like killing the zombies oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh bro oh my God
I just like fully that I’m just I’m I’m dead I say that but I mean I’m in the afterlife arcade we’re just going to go back yeah I got a little bit panicky right because I there was the Kung Fu zombies and by the way the Kung Fu
Zombies are actually like like the most powerful things in the entire world like actually will One Tap you like Jackie China has nothing maybe this Banshee is the way to go like as long as I’m getting head shot it is still one tapping so honestly it might be the play
Here look at that boys we’re already on to round 10 yeah okay this Hornet is starting to not really be am I going to die again okay we’re good why am I even like questioning am I going to die I’m a pro zombie player Gamers all right but
Round 11 we’re cooking right now bro oh my God oh my God oh oh no no no no no no no no bro I got to pick up the C4 quick bro see C4 get him wait that C4 actually did nothing by the way actually lightly tickled them what the [ __ ] we got
Infinite ammo boys I’m about to go in look at that boys round 12 I was even panicking bro here we go boys we got another uh roller skate zombie round but they are like pretty weak so we should be good boys which me we’re going to go
Into round 13 I think this is the highest round yet oh my God okay I died again they’re not even sweating bro let me just hop out of here real quick go back and grab me some up and atoms so I think we might be out of up and atoms I
Don’t know though we need to like down one more time to see this banshe is becoming a little less reliable now like you kind of need to be more like specific with getting a head shot if that makes sense like you need to get more hit more shots to the head but
Either way round 14 bro we are cooking right now actually didn’t think we’d get like this far in INF for the Warfare to Winners I thought we’d actually like die like round like eight you know I’ll take it you know we’re making moves money man moves the zombies are starting to pick
Up but we did just get instant kill as well so you know that’s actually massive try and make the most of in oh we got gas grenades all right gas grenades actually like the world’s best grenade I promise you I have no off to the uh to a
Certain German Army but oh my God I you I just got collapsed before I go I’m going to actually like it’s some mad basketball hoops like look at this I’m actually really good at this in real life you know it car kind of correlates into the game you know like you know
Like you can’t really be hitting all these shots like me you know like there’s actually just a certain level of skill uh that goes into it I’m done playing around bro I’m going in all right also can we buy up atoms no we can no longer buy up atoms okay we coming up
To the end of round 14 as well oh there we go we’re actually on round 15 bro BR I don’t think we’re getting past round 15 boys I’ll be honest I think we’re coming up to our limits here like it’s not even a one shot head shot anymore we
Do have gas grenades I do not to remember that so boys look how good gas grenades I watch I’m just going to throw these little bad boys on the floor I’m dead okay well boys round 15 bro that’s good enough for me all right let’s uh
Jump on to our next game which I think is World War II then boys so we’re on to World War II right why is there so many little fish here so the thing with World War II right is ien actually played like most of these Maps so I picked the
Darker short and I’ve never even touched this map like a time in my life so can you even like progress rounds in the starting room here I don’t see a round count and I’m only getting 10 points a kill oh here we go another bad I got an
Achievement as well says in the darker Shore survive the initial each Rush without using any machine gun turrets I didn’t even know there was machine gun turrets boys so what can I say bro I’m too much of a little professional oh I guess you have the mg42 here okay I
Didn’t actually realize so I mean I guess this is what we got to deal with there’s actually so many little fish bro just chilling on the beach I heard people say this is like one of the worst World of War II map so I’m actually interested to see how it plays out let’s
Go ahead and buy a quick revive but I mean we’re kind of cooking all right we’re already on round free I don’t know what it is about World War III but the spawns are just so slow in this game it literally is like World at War I did a
Poll on the what was the worst World War II map and someone just said like just put more time into World War II and you’ll like come to enjoy it bro I don’t think we will bro me and Tyler we spent a lot of time trying to learn this game
Bro it just was not it but at some point we’re going to have to learn this game like properly and like actually put the time towards it because if I want to make any steg video out of it I’m going to need to yo bro I didn’t even realize
It’s was just a big ass whale there what’s he doing little bro on zombie get out of here little bro Bop your head over there I also have my ability I mean I could use that when things get a little bit too hectic oh my God oh my
God I actually forgot about these little Geeks we did get an insta kill though that’s pretty lucky but some we’re on round six I didn’t even realize I probably don’t have a whole lot to say about this because honestly I mean like it’s World War II like bro this game is
Actually so dead I won’t lie get this last zombie out of here bro like actually get lost little bro okay we’re coming up to wave seven so honestly I mean if I just happened to die I promise you not I wasn’t on purpose they’re not really that fast you know for like round
Seven zombies usually they’re a lot quicker but I mean that’s round seven done and actually just cooking right now this some this some crazy gaml bro I already know my average U duration is going to be around this point all right there you go wave eight I thought this
Map was meant to get like shrouded and fog at some point but will not do that because like I’m not actually like in the actual map is that round 10 there is round 10 boys actually a little Pro Gamer I am okay we got one of these little geek rounds which means we’re
Probably going to get round 11 so essentially what I’ve learned right is setting round seven on every map was just way too small yeah because I know for a fact that we’re probably going to get 70 rounds if you want to really go above right we’re aiming for over 100
Rounds like 100 rounds right so like 10 rounds a map on average I think that’s a bit more of a challenge so if we get 70 like we got like you know we got like a pass and if we get more than 70 we get
Like a a gold St also here is the map just being actually shrouded in fog this is actually hidious bro what is this but in what world right did someone say like oh yo dude this is going to be a sick gameplay design like yo guys this going
To go so hard all right where’s the guy bro where’s the guy the there he is I’m going to get him with his mg42 bro he’s about to go down little bro is actually not ready for it he’s not ready to catch he was not ready to catch the smoke bro
Know but for real though like how long does this fog last because this is actually hideous also I don’t know how long we’re going to last for because I’ll be honest like we’re making an actual mockery out of this challenge oh there’s a big guy behind me oh there you
Go at least the map’s gone back to looking like normal let’s see if we can take out this little big bad boy oh okay’s I don’t know what he’s doing bro’s Actually I don’t even know I don’t think bro knows what he’s doing oh okay okay well that’s him gone and we’re
Coming up onto wave 13 but we are actually cooking right now if we somehow beat infinite Warfare with like round 15 I I’ll be actually surprised cuz like even by now on infinite Warfare we are taking our first down we got a hidden challenge get rich quick try boys call
Me an nft user I just got blown up there like a little terrorist oh my God oh my God oh my God actually a little toddler challenge all right we just need this guy to come back into my sides so we go just collap him really quick as we know
He just for some reason can’t hit you on here so just going to not abuse the game oh I got no ammo in it oh he’s dead anyway so I didn’t actually realize that thing had an ammo count to it a bit dodgy but has actually so many little crawlers bro
Like get out of here surely we don’t make it to round 15 like surely we don’t another healing challenge bro I’m I’m just I’m just that guy I find the hilling challenges all right oh okay I’m dead mean I think we will get to round 15 yeah there we go actually too easy
Bro I’m going to be so annoyed if this is our highest round right like for this challenge because it’s one of these rounds yeah okay we go we hit round 16 our actual toddler [ __ ] Bro oh my God we got quite a few zombies loaded up here
So we’re going to go ahead and cook a grenade takes out the entire hole get cheeky little instakill we might actually hit 17 oh my God the map is shed again in fog thank you World War II this looks really good on my video oh
The [ __ ] is this little guy bro who the [ __ ] is this guy bro where the [ __ ] is he going bro what who bro what bro I have never played this bro who is this oh my god I’ve never played this map before by the way this is actually my
First time playing it holy [ __ ] bro this little geek said you’re doing too well actual [ __ ] peed though bro go away bro yo step back step back little bro step back little bro what the [ __ ] who is this guy who is this little geek bro
Why is he dying oh my God we have no more quick revives okay no’s sweating about it no’s sweating about it just toss a grenade okay I’m dead okay what even was that bro okay whatever right round 17 we didn’t do too bad all right that’s actually our highest highest
Round so far so yeah right I guess other than that we’ll jump onto our next game boys so Black Ops 4 right the map I chose is nine do I have any reason for it not not really but I just thought you know what this is like a pretty open
Starting room plus actually we can get the stri yeah I actually thought about that boys I promise a little professional like that but yeah I know there is a Talisman that let you spawn in with like an lmg but again I feel like it’s a little bit too easy so I’m
Going to ban Talisman I’m going to ban Elixir so it’s just me my Ray fires my my big ass hammer and hopefully I can get myself a package weapon right let’s GA up a few of these zombies and we’ll you know pop my my R fire on them so we
Go ahead and do it is that six zombies I don’t know if it is we just leading on to this little guy who’s taking his time right so there we go and hold up we just see one more there we go there’s the six of kills so let’s go ahead and pick
That’s extra self revive as well which is nice five consecutive head shots say less little bro we’re already on it there go there two head shot there three head shot four head shot oh wait what I messed it up how let’s try again all right one two how do I keep messing this
Up three four I just need to get one more boys but they’re starting to Sprint a little bit okay there we go five head shots Jesus Oh slide under a blade trap without taking damage oh okay then boys so no strier us I think there is one
That lets you get it in the starting room but I didn’t really think about that I just picked danu because you know I mean just it’s just danu and it look at The Strife is actually like pretty good until like a decent round also if we build up a good enough reputation
With the crowd uh we could get ourselves a few extra cheeky little drops so what can I say bro I actually thought this all out this is why I picked nine boys you I didn’t pick nine at random you actually thought I did I baited you all
Let’s pick up this insta kill now let’s actually go to town boys but can I start a different trial oh it say I already got one so the only two weapons we have access to is a strife and the essx but the essx is like pretty cheek so I don’t
Think we’re going to be using this very often we can try it this round just see how it does oh okay we’re starting to get Tigers but this why we don’t use the SX bro it’s actually so bad look how much better The Strife is bro honestly
Either way right we made it to round seven but can we make it to round 10 oh bro I forgot about these little rat zombies I think we’re coming up to the end of this round you know there we go round eight making some big plays boys I
Kind of am a little bit upset that I didn’t get the uh the pack strive bro it honestly is what it is bro oh my God okay so this little rap boy Gladiator so I’m going to put my my hammer and I’m just going like actually blast his
Little GE away like watch him just fly away right now like see you later little bro there you go round nine right we just need get through this one round and we at least have hit 10 Rounds oh is this a tiger round oh yeah here we go
This shouldn’t be too bad all right I remember when B4 first came out like the Tigers could actually one shot you was actually mad so yeah all right round 10 right I don’t mind it when we die now we might as well secure as many rounds as
We can okay we’re go ahead and pop our Hammer get rid of this little geek you know send him back to where his friend was like in a bit we’ve not downed a single time yet either right there we go boys round 11 oh bro okay here come the
Poison zombies and throw a cheeky little r fire which is something I’ve not been using but I really should be using more oh my God are you bro BR actually leaps for me right whatever let’s just get up and we’ll immediately grab this insta kill took one down all right it’s not
Even a problem I thought the r fires would be a little bit better than what they were but I guess not but either way round 12 actually so easy boys oh we got the fire zombies now right we got to be careful with these little GE right cuz
They’re like the knee Palms oh my God bro the tiger got me again bro actually clowning on me right now cheeky little insta kill right coming in kind of clutch bro round 13 we’re going in actually two three I’m not even s oh bro okay this one might be a little bit hard
Because it’s going to be the Gladiator around I don’t know if we can take these bad boys out with the St I’m just going to pop my specialist it just means we’re going to be really quick with it oh is that it there was just two two
Gladiators that was it all right well I mean I guess I mean I guess that is what it is we’ll just move on to round 14 I guess we got ourselves a nuke hopefully that will take us over to round 15 maybe oh never mind we got a gladiator there
Is he going to die no he bur dead I think he might be last zombie though or so oh no we have got a zombie there all right let’s just unload a load of bullets into this guy okay we took off his helmet oh no we took off something I
Don’t even know what we got of him there we go that should just be him dead all right there we go round 15 boys not bad for a unpack ofch weapon oh okay bro so this is what I was uh a bit worried for was the blight father but I think we
Should be all right we just blast him with the hammer okay he is kind of clapping our cheeks so I’m not even going to lie but there we go we got him oh here we go we’re starting to get items from the crowd and we got a fire
Cell W that’s actually really epic and a barrier with no boxes round 16 that is round 16 boys okay so this is going to be a little bit of a struggle bro stop giving me fire Sals obviously now we’ve got the Brawlers and Gladiators and stuff like that but I don’t actually
Have a specialist on me oh my God oh my God okay well let’s just see if we can kill as many as we can with uh the Welling of course they don’t really decide to they just don’t want to spawn I guess all right I think these are the
Last two guys so hopefully they’re not too much of a pain ass to take out okay there’s one of them down we just need to get rid of this little geek right so just actually go to town right now boys oh there we go all Bo second Gladiator
Round down boys 17 we not not doing too bad it could this beat World War II I think uh this is the same round we got to in World War II actually so if we can beat this round we will beat World War II we’re currently matching it another
Fire up bro I don’t want them how okay what how I don’t even know how I died there I actually just St up got insta killed all right well I guess that’s uh that’s B4 I know it says you survive 16 rounds I don’t care about that we
Survive 17 all right well I guess we’ll just move on to Cold War I guess that’s like I don’t know how we died like genuinely right boys so onto Cold War now all right so the map I chose is fire basy because wait I think I was about to
Literally say the same thing I did by a one hit chall I don’t play fire Bas I’ve done it two videos now well either way we’re doing Cold War right so why is my game lagging so bad see I think this one will go pretty well we do have stuff
Like the uh Ring of Fire and like our M16 is already purple variant so I actually don’t think we’ll have too much of a hard time plus what we can do is we get in enough Salvage we can actually start getting like different types of like support streaks like a death
Machine like a flamethrower and stuff like that but we’ll have to see if we can get lucky to get that zombies are so slow I’m actually about to activate the Rampage just so we can speed up for the rounds bro it’s probably a dumb idea but know we’ll spice things up all right
Sometimes Boys you’ve just got to make things a little bit more interesting all right so it makes me different okay I a say that ever again but yeah oh my God oh my God okay I might have made things a little bit too different was the rusa
Might be getting turned off why Civ just bro thought he did a funny bro really thinks he’s funny bro right round six all right bro C is such a boring game I’m not going to lie I’m going to activate the Rampage inducer and then just immediately turn it off okay
Because I just want to speed up the spawns bro actually taking so long all right how much rare Salvage have I actually gotten right maybe we be able to buy a a kill streak bro I’ve gotten 10 rare Salvage I’m actually loaded boys honestly if you need Salvage come to me
Bro I am that guy with all of the Salvage I mean I guess you can start buying like sea balls and [ __ ] but s seem worth it actually a little snooze Fest right now I’m not even going to lie I’m more distrug in the game after this
One bro which is Vanguard that game is just not going to be it I could already tell actually me bro after this recording session honestly we swarmed in flies and everything I didn’t even think about Quick Revive I guess I’ll buy that the only perk I can byy you haven’t even
Gotten like lucky with armor or anything all right boys round 10 we’ve hit double digits I’m pretty sure the only armor station is like behind like these locked doors so definitely won’t be able to get those boys have I found the strategy have I found the tactic is that a nuke
Down there guess I’ll go for that let me down here boys oh boys I can buy me a combat bow and a hand Cannon yo you know we’re getting the combat bow I just need to get me some armor I like an EXO over 1,000 me away yo boys just over there
Boys actually so close also I think a mimic that’s going to spawn y what’s good little bro oh my God Jesus bro bro actually said I’m not playing around but I like how when they made the mimic they really thought people were going to fool
For like oh yo d a random Chopper going on the floor bro let me just cop that real quick like no one’s fooling for that bro they were really like bro well they mean they bought the same bundle over and over again so I mean surely they’re going to fool for this average
IQ of a Cod player like two we’re actually on round 12 like this is this become a bit of an easy easy game you actual snooze Fest let’s get this combat B going in right now oh I died oh bro if I can get a kill with a quick revive
There we go back in boys like we never left going in there we go yo dud round 13 we are cooking right now boys we have quite a bit of red Salvage as well oh my God bro why is my game actually running at like it’s actually running at 30 FPS
Console gameplay by the way so I was trying to [ __ ] about this combat B it actually is kind of like doing God’s work right now like look at that that’s a bad example but like that b just took out all of our zombies yo guys I’m level
69 in Vanguard let’s go oh my God oh my God we are actually at free HP I’m going to die oh my God oh my God oh my God how am I not dead yet bro actually who is this guy bro my game is running so laggy
What the [ __ ] what have I done to my settings so the game Run this bad I don’t know about we’re off this game anyway soon I don’t if it’s just me but this game is so poorly optimized we got another mimic oh [ __ ] every time I hear
The mimic I was just think about m the mimic he’s so annoying I blame FPS for that also we finally got some [ __ ] Armor bro took ages but we’re there boys and apparently the minute I get armor my game actually doesn’t run too bad maybe
It was a sign boys go round 16 I’m just going to sit up here pop me a ring of fire and just honestly just go to town all right round 17 boys could we have a chance to finally beat in World War II I have 45,000 points what the [ __ ] I
Remember there used to be a glitch where you could like just hop up here actually the good all is dude there’s a Mangler you got to go little bro mang’s down and I think that’s round 18 but we finally beat World War II actually giddy right
Now L bro and we’re at 50k points Jesus if I wanted to I could actually open up the entire map and get S kind just shows you how op getting the purple gun is at the very start like this M16 right it’s still doing work oh there’s a mimic now
They’re sending out the big guns they fed up me let’s throw a decoy oh my god let’s go in boys let’s go in I just picked up is that Intel I got Intel it’s Round 19 bro we could hit our first round 20 if I play this right like it is
Entirely possible oh my God okay I’m going to throw a monkey bomb there we go let’s toss that bad boy what the mimic say like little bro I’m not even going after that oh my God there’s two mimics oh it’s actually kind of getting a bit
Intense bro oh armor y we’re decked back up now boys uh uhoh uhoh that isn’t good boys could I potentially get one kill nope they actually just running away from it I mean I might as well try and get the kill he try and not run out of
Ammo oh there we go we got it ain’t using myself revive just [ __ ] little bro we just got to take out this mimic and we’re on round 20 Boys on get clapped little bro there it is boys we hit our first round 20 in this video oh my god
Look we got an achievement oh we got like a I think it’s an achievement like calling card I didn’t know that was a thing but at least if we die you know out with some pride oh oh I died again uh let’s see if we could maybe get oh we
Got a kill sh I I don’t know how I did it but we’re going in boys I’m going to come over here pop ring of fire I’m going to go in real quick boys honestly even ring of fire struggling to save me here bro armor armor oh there it is on
21 bro we’re actually going in kind of I’m like genuinely curious now to see how far I can go oh okay I died uh I don’t think we’re going to be able to get a kill oh there we go we got a kill ex little budy bro buy me another Quick
Revive bro honestly Quick Revive is saving me right now got to take out this Mangler there we go boys round 22 we going in bro let’s go ahead and grab me this nuke and is that going to put us to round 23 now I think we’re this Mangler
First that be a little bro that’ll be a little boy there they go he’s gone and there go round 23 but I actually was not expecting this but I’m also not complaining this war machine was definitely the shout I think the manglers are going to start becoming a
Bit of a problem yeah these boys are actually tanky but even that war machine didn’t do anything to them so it might just be have to be one of those that we just like save until the end of the round and just like lay into some armor
There we go probably going to have to be the same with the mimics let’s just sort out this bangler here and there it is but round 24 I don’t think there’s a weapon anywhere here either which kind of sucks because I think by now it would
Have been like decent level also I don’t know what happened to my War Machine it’s actually just vanished so oh my God I died oh I think there’s a crwler there anyways oh no he’s not crwler but we should be able to get the kill there we
Go go ahead and buy me some quick revive again oh my God we actually are going to die again I guess if I just sit at the top of the stairs ring a fire him see how that works oh bro the the the mimics actually said like no sir bro do I want
Little bro they actually bro they’re coming for me bro the insta was actually pretty huge though I think that might be the end of the round yep there we go around 25 I’ll buy me another war machine I think I’m also going to buy some black holes the GES I’m down seven
Times there’s a dog I didn’t think Hells could spawn outside of the Easter egg it’s crazy but they are just casually spawning oh my God oh my God yeah we’re dead I don’t know if we’re going to get a kill here boys they actually don’t
Know if I’m going to get it cuz they are sprinting up the stairs actually we got this little guy over here might just be able to kill him oh bro The Recoil is just not it bro yeah I just cannot hit a shot from here so oh it’s a shame we’re
Going have to waste our revive but not even s up bro we have enough crap where we can just buy another self-revive so let’s just work on taking out these mimics this is definitely going to be the longest part every round oh my God bro them grabbing me is definitely
What’s going to kill me that’s one mimic down and that’s our second mimic down Jesus bro all right round 26 we got some armor oh I didn’t pick it up though I need to come back around and get it pick that up bro I’m honestly going to start
Using my ring of fire bro on these guys you know honestly I actually am they actually take so long like get out of here little bro all right around 27 I am like getting genuinely curious on what round I’m going to get to oh my God oh
My God I got stuck are you serious oh can we get that zombie kill down there oh we actually did what are you serious bro there’s no way that’s actually disrespectful bro I’m not going to self revive just yet think I’m going to be able to kill a zombie but I might be
Able to kill a dog yeah all right I’m just going to have to self Rive cuz no dogs are spawning all right though we move all right of course now the [ __ ] dog wants to spawn oh dud we got an insta that’ll help with this uh mimic
There we go round 28 boys we’re going in how we’ve done this is actually Beyond me all like I don’t consider myself very good at these games like I think I’m like pretty average like I can do the easter eggs and I can get a few round
The hundreds right and that’s about it oh my god dude oh my god dude one of those guys is super low oh that kind of sucks we’re going to probably have to waste our self revive again there actually is a hell Hunter oh my God we
Actually did it okay let’s go ahead and re us do my Quick Revive BR 11 downs by the way I don’t actually think I’m that good at the game so for me to get 28 in the spawn room on Cold War it’s like me I’m pretty impressed that for myself
Right like I know I prob get that one guy in the comments being like this is toddler play Oh I died again oh we got hell which by the way that is an actual comment that I got I told me that the uh the thing I was doing was was Child’s
Play I just like I Todd look into do it oh my God D I died again so I’m sure I’ll probably get a comment like that again but I don’t care okay I think we might actually just have to use my self revive this time kind of sucks but it is
What it is I’m going to put my ring of fire oh my God you serious all right whatever it’s fine we use our Quick Revive oh my god oh bro there’s no way oh I really thought I was going to be able to make it to 30 there all right
Well either way that’s cold war I’m pretty happy with 27 all right go ahead and add that to the counter yeah I guess we’ll move on to our final game now which is Vanguard all right then boys so on to our final game which is Vanguard I
Actually hope this is a round based map because I’ve never played this map before I think it’s like the archon what is this I’ve never played this map before so I guess this is the spawn room we’ve got we got a pretty big spawn room
Though I’m not going to lie oh bro oh my God that zombie went flying to round three this map is so ugly so why this why is this guy got a headset on bro he’s a gamer we got gamer zombie yo gamer zombie confirmed bro why is this
Last Zombia is actually nowhere to be seen okay here we go I don’t think this game is going to be as long as Cold War because I’ll be honest the only reason we already got through Cold War was because we had that Quick Revive this
Game was just like n bro we haven’t even heard a quick R round here oh forgot about the explo guys round six all right we’re going in I wonder when this gun like stops being good cuz right now it is just like it’s still one tapping look
At that we’re already on round seven so we’ve met our goal I’m even set goals this right like we definitely reached over 100 rounds Al here go this is what I was waiting for right because further we get into it like the guns start becoming a pack-a-punch also this an
Ugly camo bro what is this bro that’s actually a rank bro yeah the further into the rounds we get these guns start becoming pack-a-punched so I don’t know if there is another gun on the wall in this spawn room kind of hope there is because yeah like this gun is kind of an
Now so I’ll have a look around but I think that is actually the only gun a little bit of s but we just have to move like that boys all right it’s looking like this is going to be a bit more of a longer game all right round nine boys
I’m actually cooking right now I really need to like sit down and just like make myself play through all the Vanguard Maps just why I like have played them you know same with World War II like I’m pretty sure I played every single zombie map other than those two games all
Either way we hit double digits could xill I don’t know why you’d XL too low all right we’re on to round 11 I think this gun has just gotten another up 13,000 I guess I’ll go ahead and buy that all right this camo is a little bit
Better it’s not like the bees knees or anything like that but it’s a little bit better than the other one you just look at this one brother this one was actually hideous but we’ll throw a monkey M I feel like I’m in that Modern Warfare 3 trailer leag it’s still Wild
To me bro like the first game playay of Modern Warfare 3 zombies wasn’t really aite cuz obviously like Treyarch like reposted it but it was in a Serial advert was actually mad right there we go boys round 12 oh my God okay these guys are starting to hit a little bit
Harder oh oh my God all right we taking our first down it’s a little bit unfortunate but these guys are starting to hit kind of hard bro I a even going to lie you just don’t regen your health fast enough oh do we get the nuke off
There we go bro nice 20 hp we lived on there all right round 13 if we can hit 15 I’ll be happy but we didn’t get a single piece of armor by the way like I know what it is about this game in particular but they’re so cheap with
Giving out armor oh we got a nuke is that going to put us around 14 that is putting us around 14 boys oh my God I actually am one t bro what happened they have only just now started spawning these little bad boys with them BS look
I’m just standing still bro all right and is that going to be round 15 that is round 15 boys okay I’m happy now boys if we die we die all right but should we try an xill where do you xfill to uh new object new objective found xfill where
Is it telling me I need to xill just here you right bro that’s that’s the final challenge bro can we xfill oh of course it’s [ __ ] that witch [ __ ] step away though bro oh my God oh my God okay I’m going to pop a kind remember what’s called now The Ether shroud see
If we can take out the zabella zabell bro like get out of here little bro oh my God they are actually just going in on me right now yeah I don’t think we’re going to get it boys I don’t think we’re going to do it okay right we we took out
All the bosses now I’m pretty sure all we’ve got to do is literally just take out all the zombies there is quite a lot of them we have to take out so they’re so slow is that another witch if that’s another zabella okay we’re actually gone
Boys yeah boys I don’t think we’re the X for you know now boys I don’t want to be the bearer of bad news but unless a literal nuke goes off we have actually failed this uh it’s xville okay well I mean we died anyways but yeah I mean I
Guess that’s it then add 15 rounds to the the total I can already tell you now without even doing all the calculations we actually got over 100 like there’s not a chance we didn’t but yeah I actually want you guys to go ahead and try out all these Maps right and if you
Guys beat me then like send it to me in my Discord right which link will be in the description so other than that that is going to be the end of the video If you guys did like the video make sure you guys leave a like And subscribe I’m
On my way to 20K and I want to hit that ideally by the end of next this month so if you guys could help me get there that’ be greatly appreciated but than boys I’ll see you guys in the next video