Bir Oh [Applause] [Applause] Oh [Applause] Mon Ah [Applause] a [Applause] He Cre Yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo if you can hear me put a one in the chats if you can near me put the one in the Ch Hello hello hello hello hello Shout out to Courtney Walker Matt G Tavares shout out to L don’tplay Zar 17 hey Sebastian shout out to China shout out to rain overall Martez how you doing how’s the baby shout out to catla shout out to lunar eclipse Autumn soul shout out to lost one shout out to
Josh shout out to Zar 17 hidden popcorn javiera or zaviera zaviera right cuz I think you clarified that Yesterday fried rice and chicken uh Sebastian just let me know when you’re ready okay so if you were here yesterday oh I forgot my apple juice okay hold on hold on hold on uh two seconds cuz I don’t want to forget my apple juice okay if we
Going to do this I’m going to do this right hey Tom I’mma do this right with my apple juice all right let me put the BRB can y’all hear the music at Least he He all right I’m back people saying I saying one but I see no one I’m scared no no it’s okay I had to get my apple juice so I have my dinner oop oop oop it’s a I had the same thing that I had yesterday except in this little thing I have
Teriyaki sauce to dip the pork belly in hey yes hey anami thank you so much um for you guys what did you guys eat for Dinner hold on let me Lang Lang Lang Lang Lang Lang Lang Lang Lang Lang Lang Lang shout out to Ark for becoming a member hey nerd stuff how you doing shout out to you you Ark thank you so much for Joining there we go oh you had fried chicken and Spanish rice oh that’s good you’re about to heat up some food right now grilled pork chops that’s that sounds delicious I had a pork chop in a while but I’ll tell you one thing this this uh uh pork
Belly pork Bell is my favorite type of pork outside of bacon I know it’s kind of similar Different oh no no problem it’s okay Arc you haven’t had dinner yet oh you’re sick hope you feel better what kind of soup are you eating yeah it’s roasted pork belly I don’t think I like the teriyaki sauce with it I might like the other Sauce better chicken and dumpling is so Good wait you’re air frying some fries is that what you should eat for a sensitive tummy that’s funny are you done with Roblox game plays I remember uh kind of I mean I will be uh every now and again playing Roblox but it’s not the main source Anymore it works for you okay that works for you hey Ash oh yeah Ash are you going to go in there let me jump in there now my favorite game right now um H what’s my favorite game right now hey Anthony favorite game right now I don’t know shout out to
Dan Red game red gamer what Dan shout out to you Dan thank you for the follow I was addicted to fa farm for like a good couple weeks I paused cuz I got married and I thought that hold on I thought that once I get married she going to help me with the
Farm but she don’t so I’m a little disappointed about that I’m not going to lie but um yeah um couple of announcements it looks like um streamlabs is being booty right now are you going to warm up some lemon and blueberry rolles hold on not you being unsatisfied with video
Game marriage I am cuz I I love like I loved pepper I still love pepper I still love pepper but I thought that she was going to help me out so I could go save and do the Dungeons and whatnot I seem to be the only one who
Seems to care about this island and taking care of this island don’t nobody else want to pick up to work so I thought that pepper would help me but I don’t think Peppa’s helping me okay should I try the last crumb have you heard of that no what’s
That what’s that yes church announcement number one no rain got to give her a chance Peppa said I’m an NPC Peppa better get it together there cookies from La oh no luxury luxury cookies okay pause on the church announcements let me I’m dropping food hold on calm
Down now let me look at this let me Google it the last crumb luxury cookies lastrum decom oh this drizzle of chocolate upon this cookie is very sexual wait they have guys guys I want this I want this I want this my PO Box is right
Here which reminds me I will still go to my PO Box before y’all come for me okay hold on hold on there you go let me let me go ahead and pin that they good but Insanity Crystal Christine no listen did you not see it
Did you not see it let me get a drink with that cookie hello donut Shir but cookies cookies listen cookies yes hold on hold on I’m trying to like get this uh uh pin this in the chat but I won’t be I’m not able to pin it I have to wait a little
Bit hey yo listen I know how it sounded I know that sounded crazy but the cookies look at you got to go to the website everybody go to the website here will you be watching the new FNAF movie yes I will hi Christine hello hi strawberry listen there’s the link y’all see you
See it now you see what I’m talking about now you see it now okay I I I got to see these names oh goodness do you see the price yeah so that’s what my PO Box in the that’s my PO Box in the chat you know
Uh so y’all can place the order for the court collection okay too much with that drizzle rain you saw the drizzle you saw the drizzle okay the drizzle is drizzling the drizzle is drizzling all right denim yes they are okay they were yeah okay research it after the stream
All right because when you see that I can already imagine you screaming when you watch the FNAF oh yeah I’m sure I I jumped at the trailer not make your back wide that’s hilarious hello Tom Tom you see it Tom you see it that’s why I put my PO box
In the chat oh wa I didn’t put on Twitch uh Ash if you’re I know you’re not not yeah Ash if you’re in on the twitch side if you don’t well no you’re cooking yes baby can you put my my PO Box in the chat on Twitch oh they you have to
Pay see that’s my PO box that’s my PO Box y’all okay F you know if they chargeing they are smoking it Tom and if they’re smoke if it’s good enough for them to smoke it must be good enough for us to eat okay hey Queen poppy Queen poppy you want the French
Accent Queen Poppy’s going to be tired of me Queen Poppy’s going to stop coming to our streams not oh Lord hey Jordan how you Doing let me leave don’t leave don’t leave that’s F Lang Lang Lang Lang Lang Lang Lang Lang Lang shout out to Anthony Fritz thank you so much for the five months luxury cookies let me have some please yes not Don’t force that Accent on her you’re right ner stuff be the one
Asking for the accent not Queen Poppy not talking about lies right Le you see it Le L don’t play they don’t play about them cookies okay despite the accent somehow I still love you wow what a that’s a sentence I’m glad you still find a a reason to love me despite my Affliction Lang Lang Lang Lang Lang
Shout out to China for the 11 months hello right China I’m trying to get in line boom have you seen the news no I haven’t touched yandre since simulator in so long or right Sebastian would call it yand Deere yand Deere simulator have we played this game
Before yeah this is a finishing we are finishing this game okay that’s what he said that’s your brother not the shade not shade I’m just saying I’m just mentioning just uh politely okay D all right not too much not too much now don’t ban me I’m eating some pork belly from the
Asian food market they had cooked food they roasted pork belly with a crispy top I made some white rice yesterday and I got those old school veggies that you used to eat when you were a kid all right I’m going to switch to the game in a second
Yeah I’m liking I’m liking it Tom I like it so far I’m supposedly almost done supposedly I’m almost done thank you Arc for believing in me Tom thas fed up I I’ll I’ll I’ll look into checking it out yandre uh none Queen poppy all so far we’ve gotten every everybody’s been good
Everybody’s been good mhm hi gaming with d we technically got that one teen guy but he was unsavable and deserved it no the ones who died deserved it yeah hey hot M how you doing yeah that one was unsavable that was the game was going to do that regardless of us hey Bri
Ash and Sebastian how much time what time do you guys have on your cooking I’m gosh you scared the crap out of me sorry hie everybody what you eating tonight roast pork belly and roast pork white rice and vegetables so good I want to get a perk belly and make
It yeah I want to cook it I’ve never I’ve I’ve yet to cook pork belly right I’m like how how hard can it be so I can do it I believe in you y so I made a whole chicken and I made sweet potatoes oh okay okay some light and green
Okay Stu it up I’m going start soon guys I’m try to eat this food you’re eating chili and rice that sounds good you got a full three4 me I see you wait piglet what what happened about piglet what happened I think you can cook pork belly
In anything you could probably do in a cook crock pot you could do in a air fryer mm that like the pork fat drip everywhere having air fryer it probably does but I mine I have a grate that the food would sit on so all that pork fat will probably just
Drip to the bottom true cuz without the oil it’s not really going to pop everywhere it’s just going to cook and like drip to the bottom yeah for must have some Feast what are you talking about what do you mean you eating that food like it’s your last
Meal yeah I’m not a pretty eatting I’m going to tell you right now as cute as people say I might be I am not a cute eater I not a pretty eater and I do not try to be right you hungry you hungry mhm thank you an wait for the
Follow so what’s the plan for tonight we’re going to be F finishing killer frequency yeah gobble it down Christine we don’t care mhm y’all know if y’all know so there’s like a list of things y’all know to expect when you come to a stream I will either be talking about or
We will be partaking in the consumption of food okay um I scream because I’m scared of games I’m scared I’m scared of everything I’m just scared from scaryy things in general um and I’m bubbly that’s that’s the third thing I don’t know you know what chat this is actually a good question let’s
See let’s see and I know y’all are going to joke but I want to know for real for real what are the things that you expect when you come to you’re like I can count on these things happening dewise I can count on these things happening when I come to an i Christine
Stream for me I know we GNA get a AO moment you don’t know when it’s happening but you know it’s going to happen craziness what what type of craziness right M soothing voice oh that’s nice I love it thank you thank you a Lang Lang yes
Yes you saying he mm yeah yeah I do say he a lot many AO moments that’s hilarious oh yeah you screaming at something that’s not scary y okay I mean de okay speaking in Italian I’ve never spoken an Italian one day in my life under do different volumes di wise
Okay goodness do I say goodness a lot did I really say it a lot goodness yeah you do making me laugh out loud oh that’s great that’s wonderful all types you never know with I Christine you want a sugar daddy right to get them $140 cookies I want them too lots of
Screaming that’s what you expect we got one AO with the way she talks about those cookies Zar come on did you not see the drizzle though did you not see it speaking Spanish yes I look forward to you cursing but you can’t expect the cursing all the time I don’t curse every
Stream not every stream and the uh British accent y that is a good one British accent mhm a UK English major you’re hilarious Sebastian first NY comments yes the drizzle on oh you got to look at these cookies Bri look at these cookies okay also my PO Box is pinned in the
Chat accents for different things cough cough fa Farm yes that’s a lot of fun I love doing the accents okay hi Jordan amazing singing thank you bursing air drums a smile that’s so sweet J so sweet a smile every time you say that name I I think you’re talking to
Me when I say which name Community streams with strangers you never met okay it’s a unique way to put that but okay yes why would you yes come on I’m not even going to say that out loud yes because I know it’s going to set them off oh oh Den that was
Funny a good mukbang y the wise what are you talking about I’ve never baked on a stream mukb Christine yes all right let’s switch years se you know Sebastian the The Upper Room invitation has now been rescinded hey Ruby all I can do is shake my head at
Him Sebastian no don’t you start again saying oh goodness whenever Tasha says something out of pocket y’all came to act up didn’t you okay let’s switch gears and start the game yeah Church doors are closing we starting up you get in your seat or else everybody’s know you’re
Late oh and embracing black creators yes love love love excuse me what do he say now it’s okay y’all you see how she do Sebastian Bri you could come yeah embracing embracing now you saying I got the picture to prove it do not listen to Sebastian
Okay is the beefy brown shirt you got to we got to talk to leash we got to get leash and Yas to like put something together so we can get these beefy Brown Shirts the two different versions one with Joe Biden and Leash where he’s like whispering in her ear and then this
Version I really like this version this is my version see I bet it’s brown beefy Brown and it’s a brown shirt and I love it I love it what what do you mean BL hello hey oh Destiny you can still come what te oh oh oh oh oh oh that te
That te I forgot I so forgot I forgot not yet Destiny not yet but the Joe Biden Whispering unleash ear sends the message no yeah I listen I wanted a shirt that I could at least wear out cuz sometimes I’d be wearing these shirts out and about and I live in
Florida I really didn’t want you know them looking at me or whatnot it’s a funny shirt but this shirt it takes a second before they realize and by the time they realize that I’m gone you know okay let me put another piece of meat in my mouth and then we’ll get started oh
Oh gosh I’m actually eating meat I’m actually say it like that we can’t talk and now you’re saying there it is now you saying there it is okay they’re not lying you very much said what you said about the food that I’m eating you it’s a food in my mouth but
You said let me put another meat in my mouth very aggressive on the meat really it’s really good I just came in here to say stop being nasty that’s all I want to say that’s crazy no it’s a delicious pork belly she said let me
Put right that’s why I came in here cuz that’s nasty that is another what hey aie okay another what yeah her being nasty this go th I said meat okay not you didn’t have to emphasize it again because wait who what are you got follow that up by wait huh
Cuz denim said big piece and I did not say no big piece I just said meat I said another piece of meat I didn’t say big okay okay can’t take y’all nowhere could have just said food but specified meat yes it yeah oh okay I just want to know not
Just saying another piece of what glasses slide down face you said a big piece of black meat no I did not you did though wait a minute not didn’t even choke oh y’all are sick that’s kind of gross that’s oh my God Sebastian nasty he nasty for that it gets worse I didn’t
Okay sorry so people on Twitch I’m reading I’m reading what they’re saying on YouTube okay I didn’t say that that’s what they said and I was reading what they said could always expect lots of AO moments what is this now please read the rules in the description box thank you
Not us me me another big piece of never mind aie let’s let’s get it together I didn’t know where I was per your art as you should I didn’t know like what I you saying us meaning me a m hey Davey this a Crum a you
Okay now denim please Crum just a Crum is sick cuz how do you take a crumb of that this is sick I all right listen don’t play with the mods okay I’m very trigger happy all right don’t play with the mods oh Tom let me well I don’t you know what I can’t do it on the computer well I mean I could do it on the computer but I’m afraid it’s
Going to stop the streams let me try it uh Tom let me uh mod you up I see you you mod for um your boy roshi and um I feel like I can trust you huh spell my name like that is sick you know how it Christine talking about oh my God I’m
Talking about Tom on Twitch who just said I’m about to say from Myspace what who’s Tom oh no from why was that not smack me okay D I will a dream Con in 2025 okay oh you’re cool oh my God cuz that’s that’s hilarious hardy har hard um oh
What hold on Thomas I’m trying to find your name oh and queen Poppy I know you you um not my space I know for you too cuz Queen Poppy I think you mod for um Tasha right now what if what if Christine just make all this up right hello they not
Even moded from the people well I know Tom for sure is mod for for your boy rhi I’ve seen it I’ve seen it with my own two eyes roshi or Yoshi roshi not Yoshi his name you starting again here she go this
Girl I know it’s oh how do I do it on oh wait do I have to do I’m trying to see how to do this to be honest because I’m okay let me see if this works uh is it slash mod okay mod I need I need okay there we go the
Phone yeah uh hold on that’s why I’m here where did you you remember okay there we go off on the game um I remember that we see the people I don’t remember what was the last one I think thank you for the love feels lovely okay
For the person that we I know the people we saved we saved those kids in the house we saved the guy that was at that plant we saved the neighbor that was like walking down that was trying to go to a different house or whatever I got to see okay denim what is
Happening he’s sick wait we have to jump them in Jump who in who are you trying to jump in oh the the okay so Tom and queen poppy apparently you guys have to be jumped in so whatow welcome to the gang um let me put in some
Veggies and take another couple bites of veggies and then we’ll start we’ll get started okay Sebastian you still cooking oh well hold on I can’t CH oh oh whoa you said you can’t what l l l i just started um eating Lang Lang Lang Lang shout out to Courtney Walker for the gifted
Membership right Lang Lang Lang Lang Lang for your information veggies okay that’s what helps you sleep at night oh my gosh Lang Lang Lang Lang Lang shout out to John Franklin for gifted membership and also shout out to Denim for five gifted memberships so uh Madame hypnos or
Madame hypnos shorty Redline black umm black okay black van Vanessa uh Vonnie Miriam Moody ring f is off okay Taylor all of you guys make sure you say thank you to Denim and John Franklin and Courtney Walker Johnny Yanni you got to go okay all right nottin please I was trying trying to
Read their name their name was very there’s like extra letters there extra letters in there it was black something I couldn’t see it was black X ice or black ice and I was like there’s a x in there my brain can’t put this together Anthony
Please all right so how so that’s 10 11 so that puts us at 13 Lang Lang Lang Lang Lang Lang Lang subscribe now what hello hello oh I put the wrong thing there’s a subscribe button on Instagram why how was everyone this evening how do you say hello welcome to the
Game Lang Lang Lang Lang Lang Lang I’m leave did you say Supple did you say Supple I’m leave I’m leave okay all right let’s get started into this game continue part two from yesterday no Lang Lang Lang Lang Lang Lang Lang is the sh the the follow thing showing
Up yeah it’s all over the and it’s literally follow Christine you know that thing not popping up please is some lady that came remembered it’s still there just is [ __ ] is offline Lang Lang Lang Lang Lang Lang Lang so wait why is this state okay this
Is working but when it came to Follows it it shows for a quick second and then it goes away yeah May follows aren’t as should take this now what he saying like as in the system the system they they followed you it’s like oh you know something quick but if it’s a
Subscription they’re like oh notice this they subscribe I wonder but you put a timer and I put the same timer and these are up here for like 20 years now now I just want to turn this one down hit the button yeah okay L lady lady in the
Booth give me a second okay I’m trying to fix my stream don’t be over here brushing me already going you can’t hear the game at least I don’t hear oh wait I probably turned it down that’s my bad I’m so sorry ignore me I was like uh-oh oh my sound wrong
Lines up I needed yeah maybe OBS is tripping maybe all right he said take a call all right are you guys ready audience can y’all hear the the game can you leave can you leave my sister Maya alone thank You love you oh my goodness waiting Forest hold on hold on let’s let’s let me do this really quick because for some reason you can hear the tunes yes okay I’m just going to say this once all right because oh I saw it pop up but it went away
Again for a second it yeah it blinked again H shout out to no no eyes bunny for the follow and yiff for the follow appreciate you guys as well um I’m gonna say this uh person who has asking if you can play do not type another word in this t
The chat until you read the rules in the description box on YouTube we have a chill fun a lot of fun here and chill and I we set up a safe space here of chillness chill emphasis on chill I’ve been seeing you in streams my Mod’s been
Talking to you in streams letting you know about these things in streams and yet you continue you have been warned if you carry on you will be blocked with a capital B so recognize actually mods pin them in the chat so they know who I’m talking
About because I’m not going to say your name I’m not going to give you the glory this is your opportunity to turn is turn this is around for yourself okay because I swear if you do it again you gonna get blocked got my sister acting out what’s up Destiny they’re talking about your
Best friend that’s okay that’s your baby daddy all right so let’s let’s get started let’s get started what was that was that supposed to WR this why rice got me choking I’m sorry oh goodness drink your water Christine Cana you know she don’t do that only
Exactly she has a throat of Titan oh my gosh oh my God waiting all right let’s answer this call how do I do this again it’s been a while hopefully this person don’t die okay time to turn the music off oh music music Turn for here listen
We’ve got another caller live on 1896 all right let’s this person what’s on your minder hey Forest I just wanted to phone in and say that I think I speak for everyone when I say that you’re providing a real service for GS Creek tonight it’s cool what you’re doing man
Well I’m just doing my job friend anyway tell me about yourself what’s your name are you keeping safe tonight yeah man I’m good thanks I’m at my roller rink trying to get everything ready for the Harvest Festival tomorrow I had a guy Starling security here earlier installing the Starling 4000 system so
I’m a little behind as for my name my friends call me roller Ricky and I now consider you a friend my man oh okay thanks friend we’re friends now huh well that’s kind of you to say thanks Ricky yeah man sounds like roller skating is more than
Just a job to you is this vocation I wasn’t always roller Ricky Once Upon a Time believe it or not I used to go by just Ricky I can believe it yeah back then things were pretty rough I used to roll with a bad crowd not all bad but
There was this one guy M anyway uh some bad stuff went down okay I harbored a lot of guilt for a long time and turned to the bottle I didn’t really talk about it or this is like a confessional here just how it was that bottle took the best
Years of my life or so I thought it’s never Never Too Late roller Ricky how did you turn things around mhm I joined a support group that’s good I opened up about my problems and sharing that burden just took so much weight off it’s a long story from there but I found
Roller disco I learned how to have fun again Cutting Loose and making shapes now whenever I get down I get down thank you finally free from it all man it’s important just to talk to some that’s the first step that right Max oh goodness that dog scared the crap out of
Me a Hello Max and I got an email from Max just now it says 90day Fon is back um max welcome to the show Max Max is my emotional support dog he’s a rescue dog but I always say he’s the one that rescued me this is wonderful
Could ask but we got to keep these Airways clear cuz people are dying he’s better than me now a real Pro Max can skate yeah man at first they said it couldn’t be done and then they said it shouldn’t be done but Maxi loves the ring man probably still shouldn’t be
Done is that another train Maxi Maxi loves trains man he’s even got that special how to greet them oh you’re a great he’s a special boy Maxi sounds like a really special boy uh Maxi appr all POS going out my man you know I’m actually hosting free skating lessons tomorrow at the festival
I think it’s a great opportunity to give back to the community man all this T of skating has got me itching for a boogie itching a radio off for the night could I request a song for us something I can Groove to you know something funky it’ll be me and
Maxi’s final Boogie breakdown tonight all right then I think we’ll take it down a level I can do that thanks again for calling you and Max be safe now okay hi Maxi he wants to boie peace well folks this next one goes out to Roller Ricky and Max
Enjoy okay but hold on let me let me let me put on something he can actually Boogie to uh we got blast 19 no not that how do I look at David scopo Moonlight okay wait well this one looks like it might be a boogie oh no This
Song is called crying for help the late night lurkers come on for stab in the Twilight okay Hang-Ups maybe maybe that’ll be something to Boogie too not final breath come on how come I how can I put this back how do I put stuff down again okay I guess we’re just stuck with
This oh okay no no it went out my hand all right let’s play the hookups what song should I play what about the one that I’m putting there all right let’s play yes introduce the song you’re going to love this next track I really needed that call you know
After it’s not true Boogie but you know it’s a little something he talked a bit much for my taste but it is inspiring to hear somebody come back from the brink like that well wasn’t going to work yeah that that’s what I meant you were thinking about Max on
Skates weren’t you well uh would you look at that another caller on the line no what are the odds better take it oh no okay we just had happiness and now we’re about to have sadness I bet welcome back to 18916 theam this is Forest yeah roller Ricky
Is nice how are you tonight caller I’m doing okay I made it home safe oh good okay hey I I I just wanted to thank you for doing what you could earlier you know even though we lost Jimmy and I don’t know hey it’s okay you
Were so brave earlier you’re safe now is Carri the one with the friends why why he didn’t why am I why what why yeah why what why did he spare me after what he did why let me go which one was Carrie a part of
Um he saw you as a victim he wanted the pranksters I don’t know uh that’s kind of rude to say he saw you as a victim he wanted the pranksters uh we’ll say pranksters that’s what maybe he only wanted to hurt the pranksters I oh she’s the one with
The friends okay did he just think everyone was making fun of him did he always hate these hazing rituals I mean if he did why wait all these years to why do this now these stupid hazing Knights have to stop har you did so well tonight stay
Safe and rest oh that whisper scared the crap out of me just need to hold on thanks Vicky I just I’ll be back like what hey Forest I’m sorry but I’ll be back could I request the song of course Carrie what what song does she want to
Any song by blast processor and oh okay thank you this next one I got you goes out to carry I got you blast processor there we go and that’s probably also a song they could have boie you what Terry just said has really got me thinking about what
The whistling man her alone why there must be a reason when it comes to masked whistling Killers I don’t think a reason is a key part of their process well I mean no there is normally a reason yeah there’s always a reason let’s let’s let’s be better if you want to stretch
Your legs Now’s the Time just hit the Peggy button when when you want to get back on air okay that’s the Peggy button she says she’s going to stretch her legs all right I stretched my legs let’s roll our necks Let’s Twist our backs twist that B sure you say sure I’m stretching
Too yeah Killers got motives they always have motives is your break time yeah this could have been my time to eat um I need to put a blanket on my there we go I was trying to look for my blankie all right now let’s go yeah squeeze the arthritis out of the
Body I don’t I don’t think that’s how it works you never no did you try it I know your back going to hurt now should I go into the break room also wait is the break room upstairs or downstairs if it’s downstairs I can’t go there yet you know I’m just going to
Press the button for Peggy that’s what we’re just going to do let me turn this down oh hold on give me two seconds I forgot I need to do this thing really quick all right we back did you say squeeze it out like a tube of tooth face let’s get going Peggy
All righty we could run another segment or scratch that for us we have a caller all right let’s press this you’re through to 18916 the scream what’s your emergency hello again Forest okay that call with the teens was awful those poor kids mhm still I’m I’m glad the girl didn’t get
Hurt thanks for your concern uh are you in TR what’s on your mind I wanted to ask you again to play my song for us you said you were going to play it but you didn’t your name was Dawn right what’s her song pecky yes oh well
Remembered my name is Dawn and I wanted to ask you again to play my tune for us home long ride home the one that Peggy said she threw outside the window oh wait how did she know she did she oh I have a thing um oh yeah we don’t
Have it we don’t have it um maybe another song You must love it we don’t have the song yeah she don’t sound that good so like she don’t sound like her life is good right now it still sounded bad thank you Apple for the follow
Appreciate you um H you must love it you must really love that song If you’re calling up to ask for it when you know we don’t have it I’ll be back it and I don’t want to argue but you do have it it’s just outside the window there’s a
Serial killer on the loose right I can’t just go outside hunting for a record I’m really sorry Don but we just can’t get it right now but wasn’t the whistling man just at the old murder house that miles from the station and second to crab
It don’t do it right why isn’t she get it to get him yeah he’s fast I’m not sure if you’ve heard but there’s something unnatural about this freak he’s he’s fast I’m not risking it oh but I think you will Forest what Peggy I’m I’m calling with more than a
Request I know something know something what do you mean I know who’s going to be next what are you serious my hung forest and you’ll find out it’s going to be Peggy well folks here some music for you while I think things over what I think I’ll clock out for the day hello
Yeah I what a b clocked out the moment they told me there’s a Ser kill got to go yeah is she serious Peggy she’s serious about hearing that song that’s for sure and she thinks that I’m going to I mean is she serious about I don’t
Know Forest I’m not going to get we don’t really have a choice do we yeah we do have a choice the truth no if she thinks she knows who’s coming next why don’t she just tell me why do I got to listen to the song to find out hello if you really about
Saving lives just tell me the information y say why don’t you go then why don’t you go and get yeah PG I’ve been going Reggie’s kfam regulations I can’t leave the booth while we’re on air Peggy just you can do it okay no I I can’t do it fine what do
We good man Forest I’ll slide you the key to the fire door wait our fire door our fire door has to be unlocked yeah it uh you know I never thought about it but yeah we should talk to Reggie about that later anyway I’ll hold the for down I don’t
Like any of this maybe I’ll even get a CER that could be exciting 1896 more to do there’s oh I have to there’s more to do what what else is there her to do I just have to wait till she’s done talking okay I have to wait
Till she swings she all right she put this the key down I’m going have to go outside right now this might be the moment that I poop on myself in stream cuz I just feel like where it’s due to happen you know sometime in my career okay this door won’t close and
His footsteps as wild oh goodness and I said I was going to uh I said I was going to finish this game didn’t I yep finish what does that really truly mean you know mean finish the game see but you were then I’m call it out now you saying that it’s
True no I’m just saying that you Knowle okay it’s the key for the fire door oh goodness all right is this town important I I don’t know I think I have to quit yeah hello this town is not important is important finish it imagine going outside in this climate
Hello that does sound like BS Peggy right like you can’t it sound like she made that rule up I need to see the rule that he’s saying is a rule do I really s wait where’s the fire door is it like out in the back I don’t trust Don
Either but Don could hey Maya why don’t you trust cuz my thing is if home if People’s is dying just tell me who’s dying not this nonsense about oh play my album I think you will play my album cuz I know who’s going you don’t lure Poss
POS impending death over me to play your album that’s rogul oh goodness all right is this door the fire exit you know what actually where should I be going is there a um is this the right door I don’t see the fire sign just the exit sign in front of
It well the exit signs where you need to go but but then also when I get out here where where do I where do I go if it only has one cop in it it ain’t that important hello yes they don’t think it’s important enough to Pro truly
Protect it you know we can argue about you know the amount of protection all that stuff a different different day but one no no that’s not enough yeah we will we will for real no is this the door um cuz I I I don’t want to go out
The you hear that did you hear that did you hear that what was that I’m going to um I’m going to um okay can I grab something ain’t nothing but trash back here I need a a knife scissors let me get these scissors I can’t grab the scissors not
Scissors a bell I thought that lint falling down or something I thought oh the L I need I need something throwable not the I can’t do the plant I can’t get the I don’t believe you can throw anything Vibes no nothing though I just I need to
I need to throw some things the only thing you can throw is behind so you better be prepared oh wait what is this a spray bottle can I spray that’s all I could do with that okay hold on okay yeah okay apparently I can’t do anything but okay all right all right that’s
Apparently all I could do with that say you going spr yeah I was hoping to I was hoping to thinking it’s pepper spray you like listen if you try to rob somebody and they just spray like I think it was like wood cleaner in your
Face you going to stop for a second at least okay gives you enough time to leave I’m be even more annoyed it will burn your eyes having to a weapon is too much like right like no I want I want something equip yourself with a manila folder I’m
Trying okay all right guys I’mma Shake It Off we’re just going to do it I don’t know where where is there a way to show a map in this game cuz How can I see the where am I where I’m supposed to go not W wood cleaner with that yeah
That fresh lemon scent it look like was the orange one okay all right let’s just I’m going tell you one thing if I scream okay let’s just do right Jimmy why did Peggy even throw the song out what was the point I feel like there was a point I
Feel like we need to abide by that point okay here we go the door won’t stay open guys you have to oh don’t push push push not you quiet I can’t do this guys I can’t do this I’m you out on the street Christine you got this come on I’m you when I’m
Brutally murdered by the whistling man out here in the open hello I I have to go to the bathroom I can’t do this is this the fire in real life yes in real life look look you saw him now you no what you didn’t see that man walk down the
Street I can’t even run of course behind and course the key doesn’t work on this side are you serious okay uh guys just give me a second okay I’m I’m going to be right back have to use the bathroom Okay I’m going leave youall with some
Music two seconds okay the oh the the uh uh the upper room is here y’all can talk they’ll talk to you okay yes we is here The Upper Room how’s everyone doing tonight are you enjoying the stream are you enjoying Christine almost peeing on her thr the water sound effect song you mean
Like make me you know that one mhm I with the booty Shaking now D I’m spooked and scared and frazzled oh Jimmy I don’t know what what are you watching cuz she ain’t even have done nothing Yet thank you aumn Soul Dam they haven’t even played a song yet and you ever saying it’s a flop song or Flop sing they’re psychic all right well what happens in the game since you psychic Christine dies oh my God no yeah there you go well that was going to
Happen at least once you know we had to reboot yeah she do be dying oh Lord I hope she made it to the bathroom and if she did welcome neopolitan congratulations on finishing work I’ll never finish work no like from flop talk not that it’s I don’t know that yeah I have no
Idea what that is but I don’t know do they wear flipflops or something Christine ain’t even at the bathroom she crying on her bed right now she went into her room I didn’t get up into a fetal position started crying she should be a darn shame I got some chicken salad and
Crackers and that’s all you vegan oxtail vegan oxtail is crazy well okay I mean you know I ain’t mad at it denim is not in the upper room Yanni it’s Sebastian what are you doing horrible all the time we spend and dring P she can’t tell us
Apart maybe like your voices are mixing up now that you guys like been so much time together I don’t accept that not did him in a lower basement now under the house is crazy it’s the Flop side of Tik Tok with flop Queens like uh jfi cupcake and the Deborah
Deborra I don’t know yeah because I haven’t seen them so maybe they are I don’t think this game does not have a jump so are you saying it does or it doesn’t have a jump scare no Anthony he just eating fries is that what you would the St for
Yeah by the way since you guys are reading the chat please tell why Christine and nobody in chat noticed leand hiding hiding next to the door in Texas James call uh napolitan what are you talking about from I guess when she played Texas Chain all oh here like this is a different
Game okay Jimmy y’all going to get so offended but who you talking to I’m so sorry are you asking us or you asking I guess I guess he asking who we are oh well I’m Sebastian Minaj and Bri yeah I’m Bri yeah a breakfast burrito at night love
It you ever have breakfast for dinner I have why did you sound like you didn’t ever I had to oh my goodness something’s trying to take me out 9:00 a.m. yes Sebastian oh well it’s early for you oh he on the other side of the world probably Sebastian Minaj cousin of Nicki
Minaj and Bri Nissa for now what I couldn’t get anything better but n of for Breeze oh yeah Maya you missed playing um Texas Chainsaw earlier today that’s okay we’ll play it again yeah we we actually got out a few times didn’t we like one twice one or two times yeah
Yeah so we did good Christine is on the toilet she is uh popping that thing back when does breakfast stop being breakfast I mean I guess breakfast has deated food so can you technically will it always be fair McDonald’s has all day breakfast so it could be all day true
Flo Alex we might not even get to that point so he said the beginning of the game we are we passed B it yeah so the only jump scare that Christine is gonna get is from herself yeah Yanni I mean she said she had to pee I think
And you know now she she’s been gone I don’t know how long it takes women to pee sometimes though so I don’t oh I think she back oh is she I heard something like a chair move that was my chair oh never mind okay I got a loud ass
Chair okay can y’all mind your business what Christine is doing in the toilet I just want to know I want to make sure she’s regular I just want to make sure she okay sh herself over there she laying down them burdens in theice oh my goodness not bur in the
Over office good Lord that is a wild statement they wanted to know what you were doing in the bathroom uh they don’t want to know what I was doing in the bathroom I told you oh man did you wash your hands I did no no I washed my
Hands I am alive guys all right don’t you saying oh no she’s back act normal hilarious I poop all right let’s do this pariscope okay maybe she finished her food not fear diarrhea you know goodness I thought the whistling man got you that’s funny okay you guys can see the
Game can you hear you can hear the game all right really quick uh how do I run in this game again maybe there’s another way back in through the basement a a door elevator or something I’m want Do okay if something happens you have to go all the way out here for the throne CD that’s crazy that’s the here it is long ride home okay why it didn’t have to make all that noise though hey you found it yeah I got it I don’t know what this switch is
There’s a switch out here investigate CHR Yanni please I don’t want to investigate that s what are you scool raming for I didn’t even see it exactly I didn’t even see nothing you didn’t hear it do you have the game on the stream loud in your ears or
Something I do I have the stream on in my ears and I’m looking at you ain’t nothing happen I see you turn around at the trash can she’s screaming out a building block that’s what it is I don’t even know what happened it’s the sound I heard okay didn’t I say we
Look forward to Christine pausing the game hello right d right because you know it’s gonna happen right you know it’s gonna happen now question how do you run in this game someone look it up right now how do you run in this game if they don’t give you the option you can’t
Run but the thing is that the option might be there I just don’t know what it is they would have told you by now I promise they probably did Bri but I haven’t played this game in over a month if it’s not screamed over I don’t see a but this is
Close there okay I I don’t think anyone in the chat seen what you screamed over either yeah not this is a tutorial it’s it’s not no it’s not the tutorial this is I mean it looks just like the tutorial oh this is the basement she was he was talking about trying to go
In oh so you scared but you want to go in the basement that’s he your legs and move them I don’t know I can’t open this door either that’s probably a whole another [ __ ] hello you kicked it over oh I think it’s for the the switch
Thing mhm how do I get back fuse you have to go to the fuse Vibes and then put the fuse into the uh electrical panel and then you have to turn it on just your wet footsteps is that this thing yes Vibes you open it and then you
Put the fusing are you serious look at all this okay hold on I have to like switch it out yeah looks like you’ll find have to find a few more look like I’m going to have to hunt around for some new fuses how’ you even get outside I mean like
Get trapped outside the door apparently is a one-way fire door now everyone knows you have to leave something to leave the door open right there CHR I’m trying to find out how to crouch you can do this pristine things on that it’s sick how do I crouch in this game oh
There okay oh there is a throw button it’s that button okay get on the floor vibes Okay not we will be picking up glass bottles so we can’t go through the front door I don’t know Jimmy it seems like this um radio place is Fort Knox hly okay is do that does that 70 mean something do you have to add up to 70
Maybe waiting for Christine to break out into Spanish or Pat she I told you she be cussing now she going to be like like Ninja oh here we go I need another one going to be like what the blood plot thing oh there’s like a lot of fuses
Over here apparently yeah so you have to add up to 70 okay all right so let me put this Down okay put it down all right so 20 30 that’s 50 m okay and then this is 6 yeah and then a 15 and a five what did I do what did I what did I do though you open the door is that for the door mhm
Go quickly so we can go back inside come on you turning these Corners to sit oh the basement door basement oh [ __ ] going the basement to get back inside I’ll go home I’ll go home I’m driving home I can’t close that looks like the Janitor’s Closet at least you go hear somebody ankles
Clive do I hide in there how the [ __ ] do I get oh not it’s a two-way oh wow if something happen [ __ ] h i wondering how the show is going oh I told y’all God please let this be the last lock door are you serious it’s locked okay you got it
Christine you got this Christine you got it thank you l l l l l l shout out to Miles what in the name of the whistling man is happening he y also Christine there is no run button trust me it’s not needed okay all right I
Believe in you oh look at this we haven’t had these uh bots in a while let me go and report it it’s been so long you know sorry thank you Jordan for the follow appreciate you yeah how’s it lock from that way though right okay so I’m
Guessing now if you clicked on it that’s your own fault that’s like you be on them sites okay let me go generous CL damn door okay let me did you look into those closets see what’s in there maybe this is a this is a Lang Lang Lang
My oh my gosh okay no ma’am no sir no ma’am okay they were doing this from the basement so it has to be somebody from like the radio place cuz how they doing it from the they got access what the hell Peggy is not going to believe this Peggy dead
Baby what all these sounds ah there’s the beautiful key I should be able to get back to the studio now okay all right let’s look read nothing that’s happening here okay I’m going to bring this with me I was going to say yeah I would have
Moov it just in case the man come down here he’ be like where’s my things crime syndicate impounded criminal operation shutdown 24 arrests inside informant walks free GS Creek game day this a 1969 marriage announcements we would like to celebrate the marriage of Kim Walker and Peter Stein on the 30th
1970 uh Power Station trailer park oh Hospital gas station isn’t that where the killer was going Chuck Brody Kim Walker Chuck Brody is the Festival of disaster big wheel breaks free 15 injured who is to blame Kim Walker flu for Thought local doctor K Walker recommends all locals get their
Flu shot ASAP flu season of a pondis 84 is no different to another year make sure you’re protected Rebecca Allen how do I crouch again oh there there we go staff surge at Power Station ant Williams Gallow Creek Power Station hires 20 new staff record higher 12 which are students from Gallows Creek
High call for donations to help Chuck broy what is the what is the guy’s name again trailer park is cheap sale price oh okay all right scary do I take this too oh it puts the picture back okay so I’m guessing I need to take one of these things
To um to show her what’s what’s going on so I think I’ll take this you want that oh I could take two things okay all right and I’ve got these Circle I I have them already you see this one lurking under the table that’s hella creepy oh wait one of them is pointing
At this door the other one is looking over here so let me look and see what’s under here tell you one thing if a killer comes in here I’m done oh there’s nothing in there literally okay all right let’s get the picture okay uh I do have a question
Would I be able to hold cuz I have the key in my yeah it says I record I I collected the key oh let me look at these drawers okay Christin you really got your PO Box yeah them cookies that done them s look delicious they were good how she has her PO
Box hm I to say you have your PO boxin oh hi Austin thank you for the follow on Tik Tok um let me look at twitch for a second oh seems like someone got Kink for mannequins yep cuz having one under a desk is questionable I agree like that
Is the like what is what is she doing under there so if you just sitting in the chair do they just like casually like hit your thigh or your knee and you’re just okay with it yeah this is this is weird and you got the random
Hand here can I get this thing oh yeah it’s random for them oh no I’m taking this I’m taking this I got a screwdriver in my hand why is that one upside down on the thing easier access okay all all right all right let’s go and this one’s covering its face this is
All hella weird okay okay now I got to go oh crap which door was it switch the head out for the pictures the one on your right oh switch the head out for the pictures okay the random clock he said look up look up the clock it’s
Not I’m looking I think he still won the picture I don’t know if there was one with all the people on there yeah there’s this one maybe have to go to order and then look up on yeah Mary Marie Stanley Kim Rebecca andun Billy price check Bry I don’t
Remember none of these names are these names supposed to okay pule maybe I can’t keep the picture whenever I walk it moves a picture from my hand oh well yeah I can’t take it so I think it’s got to be a head and a thing let me see can I go through these
Dra no okay goodness this is stressful okay here we go all right all right I’m ready I’m ready uh chat are you guys still here on on the YouTube side okay for some reason it was not updating it was like stuck on the Super Chat for me okay I’m good now it froze
Uh for a second but you should be back oh it froze M for mine at least okay that explains yeah cuz all right yeah I’ll take the head pointing up up by the door this one oh yeah well I think she was pointing at the pictures in this wall to make sure
We look at it there’s a lot of things to try to remember here so hopefully he’s I’ve unlocked some speaking things for him okay Anthony let’s let’s turn it down a little oh wow all right let’s uh let’s go on that technically I guess excuse me
Now you read my comment and it went over your head wait did I which one okay I’ll take the head oh I’m too scared you got this okay just take one step at a time step there’s no need to rush mhm n no it’s like learning to fly or falling in
Love it’s going to happen now I stuck in my Head was that uh Jordan yeah Jordan SPS okay all right uh wait why did she go outside in the first place just to open the janitor’s room no I went out in the first place to get that dumb record to play for that creepy lady Christen you playing with this door
Is sick open the damn door why is it [Applause] dark was dark yes was it thought like a little lighter damn [ __ ] hello oh okay okay so we’re up upstairs how do we get up up upstairs is that it is that the room they p over
Here isn’t that such a good song folks and now for Jesus Forest you’ve been gone for ages I thought something had happened oh my good something did happen the janitor might be Clive the murderer what start from the beginning fire door locked behind you okay oh so she’s he’s like telling
Her why am I not answering because I am terrified why did you heave that thing all the way up here uh because the basement’s creepy as hell like standing around down there right Fair all right let’s run through this again we have a creepy board you found in a creepy
Basement made by our creepy janitor who you think is the creepy whistling man M yep and on the creepy board are the names Chuck bro oh I guess I took the board Rebecca Allen right there correct and you think one of these people will be the whistling man’s Clive’s next
Target that’s right and we’ve got to find them you said there are four locations listed there too yeah Hospital gas station Hospital station gas station trailer park Clive must think the target is at one of those locations Forest you’re going to have to figure out if
Any of the potential targets are at one of these locations tonight hit the button if you need any help what okay what about the stuff in my hands oh I got to look at this board and study this board right now not this inquisitive music all right if one of them are going
To be at the thing tonight at the at at one of these places tonight okay why do I have to figure this out hello like where’s that lady what’s where the progress really on that lady with the with the getting the police where’s the police yeah where’s B Jones where’s who dony be
Jones it’s today today’s the third what’ you say Bri say J be Jones as a little girlfriend a book yeah the one that was hilarious hilarious okay today’s the 3D Thursday the 3 um 1987 okay all right um let me look at these things marriage announcements that’s a wedding that’s
1977 this is for festival victims what where you we’re 1987 okay this says 1987 okay let me I guess put this head down all right can I grab these things okay okay okay all right quiet Ridge health and safety convention Tuesday 1st through Sunday the
6th do you care about your okay so then um she’s probably oh wait oh wait I can flip it I forgot all right hold on hold on hold on because one of them’s a Doctor Kim Walker is a doctor so Kim Walker is probably at the not piggy
Irritates my soul that’s hilarious okay nothing on the flip side detect no she was not she was a little girl who was had a temper tangum every now and then you might be thinking of Nancy Drew maybe n Drew book that was um they were detective I don’t know hilarious
Okay she was a detective of her own emotions I9 know she was detective that is hilarious all right featuring special mystery guests the lead engineer responsible for the GS Creek Harvest Festival disaster in 1972 okay they say you learn from your mistakes well I turned mine into a career so the lead
Engineer oh not the yeah health and safety so the lead engineer is there okay which go ahead and put that back all right out of these ones I got to see all right so she’s the Doctor Who’s the engineer Chuck Brody I don’t even know who Chuck uh Charlie Bucket is Jimmy so
You got me I don’t know Gallow Creek Harvest Festival closed early this year after tragedy the big wheel Broke Free from its support en rolled through town and investigation is currently underway more on page 12 okay 15 were injured but nobody did if nobody died you
Know what’s the problem but okay but it says Chuck Brody okay so I’m guessing truck bod um might be the let me see Charlie in the Chocolate Factory I hate you not Ferris real yeah rolled through the town yeah hey Fitness Beast thank you so much for coming
Through okay trailer for sale cheap March 22nd I’m sick of being a local celebrity people are so mean to me I only stole a few cars who cares buy a new one oh gosh you rude I’m selling my trailer and leaving town ASAP I just want to get out of here please buy
It okay there’s this is not any helpful information who’s I don’t know who’s let me see does it say who’s selling it it just says contact Tyler Wallace is Tyler on this thing no so whose trailer park is that donations for Chuck Brody former football player Captain Chuck Brody
Suffered a career-ending injury as a victim of the festival disaster late last year to help him on his road to recovery we are buying him some lottery tickets hopefully he gets lucky and can get back on his feet but not intended drop tickets okay so chug Brody was injured by this Ferris wheel
Incident um let’s read this crime syndicate impounded I know just buy a new one is is rude and wild to say really it’s very disrespectful and distasteful and the queen would never love that she would never crime syndicate uh impounded criminal operation shutdown 24 arrests police have today finally put an end to
The long running car thieving crime syndicate oh car thieving crime syndicate okay so the person that stole the cars the arrests were made after a member gave up information on their co-conspirators to investigators the informant who ask to remain anonymous and will Hereafter be referred to as R A
Has walked free with with no charges more on page 13 okay R A so let’s look at who r a is Rebecca Allen okay so Rebecca Allen oh who left somebody left uh Bri left I think okay um so Rebecca Allen is the snitch that gave out the
Information to the crime in crime syndicate um that she was the informant okay so Rebecca Allen is the informant Chuck Brody was injured by the disaster um I’m guessing it’s possible that um what’s her name uh uh Rebecca might be the same one trying to sell her stuff sell her um
Trailer maybe mhm okay so let’s let’s put this back all right um the engineer in charge of the thing that that might be so that means Rebecca Allen is the informant Kim Walker is a doctor Chuck Brody is the injured person so I’m guessing Williams might be the one
That oh what does it say right here staff surge at Power Station Gallows Creek Power Station hires 20 new staff in record hire 12 of which were students from Gallows Creek okay so I think that he that um what’s his name the last name Aunt Williams might be the engineer
That might be in charge might have been to blame for the disaster um let’s read this beep beep Lookout tragedy five dead 16 injured after breaks fail on bus tragedy struck Gallows Creek yesterday afternoon after a bus failed to stop and crash into a fuel tanker the deceased have been
Identified as Galls Creek locals Mr dud m h hoton p Stein K Stein and J Mildred police have asked for privacy for the families of the victims the incident is not being treated as suspicious so there’s like issues that have been happening around this town that have
Been causing injury and death mhm all right is your car safe Sheriff Matthews warned citizens to look out for suspicious behavior for multiple car thft left the crime wave of 70 will be stopped I can assure you okay so this is about the cars right let’s read this 24hour gas station
Bought by local ex lottery winner I’m guessing this might be what’s his name Christine’s gas and repair has been sold to a man who won the lottery 14 years ago the man the new owner claims it will keep me busy on an evening he has asked to remain anonymous
I’m going to say that the gas station was probably owned by uh uh this man what’s the name the man that got injured was it what the name be Chuck Brody because Chuck Brody they were raising money he got injured by the ferris wheel they were trying to raise
Money to give him lottery tickets and now he owns the gas station so that I’m going to say that that’s he’s the gas station owner and he’s it said he I think he’s probably still there okay local Legend takes to Manhattan Infamous author of tell all
Book Diary of a car thief this is probably Rebecca yeah it’s Rebecca moves out of Galls Creek for a new life in the big city she stole our cars and then she stole our time and money said our reviewer Jim Randy last year more on
Page 15 okay about the book I guess the book was really good a wild she stole our cars and she stole our hearts you know that’s the vibe that they’re giving I know I thought RL Stein but no it says PE Stein um okay so she this is February
1987 they said that she left to go to um Manhattan and it is right now September 3rd so Rebecca Allen is gone Rebecca Allen is in New York right now oh do I have to organize these papers so let me take this and put this here that’s for Rebecca
Allen um so I’m going to guess that he is still at the gas station who’s who got married who got married Kim Walker and peterstein what yeah you’re lost I am lost I would have been like well let’s just go and pick I get a pick one no no I I think
I the only one I know for sure is probably there is the gas station and that’s probably um Chuck Brody he’s probably at the gas station so Kim Walker and peterstein on Peter Stein got married why do they why does this why does he have this okay
Okay so I’m going to start putting these these papers right next to the um the people all right so let me put this by her we’re going to organize this murder board yeah I would think so so we’re going to put there um Stein two Stein died I don’t get it
Oh in the thing oh maybe Stein is dead let me see the car acent where’s the car acent the bus yeah K Stein and P Stein and that is the um sign sign somewhere was he on the marriage certificate maybe not no uh yeah yeah the the marriage announcement
Says um Kim Walker and Peter Stein so K Stein and pin are the the Steines so they’re both dead yeah so let me look at this again yeah kin and pin so they’re they’re dead so Kim is dead um the gas station I’m going to put that
Over by Chuck Brody I’m going to put this trailer Thing by Rebecca Allen I’m going to take this crime syndicate thing this is by Rebecca Allen um the engineer I’m going to say the engineer is probably ant uh just as for festival victims investigator okay the 2-year investigation into the festival accident
Has concluded investigators blame two Engineers that were contacted in or contracted in from the local Power Station lead engineer Aunt Williams and Junior engineer Sean Evert were distracted talking about horror movies while assembling the big wheel which led to various construction mistakes they have been ordered to do community service for a
Total okay I guess it doesn’t want to say what what they did it for so that’s Aunt Williams we’re organizing this board so game day let’s see this this is about um I think that’s what’s his name uh what’s his name Chuck Brody and is your car safe Sheriff
Matthews okay this is the crime wave that’s Rebecca Allen all right so we’ve got our board organized okay Chuck Brody I think is currently at the gas station oh oh oh wait I can take these stickers gas station I’m going to say Chuck Brody okay um the person who would be at the
Hospital would be Kim Walker cuz she’s the doctor but she died the power station would be for um uh Aunt Williams and the trailer park the trailer park which would be for Rebecca Allen but she moved to New York she moved to Manhattan February of this year
So the two definite ones we can cross out this list are Kim Walker and uh Rebecca Allen now it’s up to Chuck Brody and Aunt Williams now Chuck Brody owns the gas station for sure um and it’s a 24-hour gas station that he bought last year here so
I’m sure he might still be there but although as a oh and then you see the thing for the book with Rebecca on it um also it’s been a year so if this said he’s not arrested anymore what did you say I thought a turned his mistake into a
Career yeah he did Community servers something yeah he was but now he’s doing a um from the first to the to the sixth he is doing a um healthy health and safety convention um and that’s what he is right now because right now it’s the third so he is currently at that
Convention so that actually leaves us with uh uh Chuck Chuck at the gas station all right we figured it out guys you’re ra let me put this the wrench in the right hand my only question is I don’t I want to know the why we we know
Who’s next who he’s after next but I don’t know the why that’s the question I I I I need to know all right sometimes there’s not a why there is they’re a murderer like to watch the world burn I see you saw uh Batman Returns one of my
Favorites this was crazy right solves the case again yes yes how’s it going detective her oh thanks to to me I’m ready pegy are you sure we’ve only got one shot I was like oh I cannot keep up I need a clipboard and some notes
Hilarious no yeah yeah I got I got it I know who it is it’s Chuck Brody at the gas station okay name first who do you think the I know I keep wanting to say that it’s chuck chuck bro and where will I find them all right let’s do this the gas
Station the gas station okay I’m dialing one moment that’s why you got to look at everything we were reading everything okay thank you so dude oh Chuck broy listen I know this sounds crazy but we have reason to believe the whistling man is coming for you you need
To get yourself and everyone else out right now the whistling man where the hell are you who is this this is Forest Nash listen the whistling man you don’t know who you is this is Forest oh God it’s today the year I finally let myself forget I forget
What yeah forget what forget forget what forget no no man I got to get out of here forget what I think the killer already over there I think he ran off well fingers crossed that Chuck Jesus it sounds like something blew up he’s using bombs now I I is
Chuck I don’t know Hang on we’re getting a call oh my gosh chuck chuck for the whole goddamn gas station’s got up is anyone hurt we save I don’t think so I got everyone to follow me out that’s only ambulance was blown to hell though oh that’s true yeah damn it that
Fireball threw me oh my I got to get to the hospital oh no I’m not feeling great oh gosh Forest man I can’t thank you enough but oh my gosh yeah I got to go poison you wait I this is well we lost him well let’s just get him in Forest
The cboard is lighting up oh goodness get us into some music while I deal with this okay okay we’re we’re I’m playing some music sure here’s some music while we regroup here on kayf 1896 like the stream I’m like I want to know what did they do why is Clive killing
Them what did they do to Clive maybe they bullied him in high school it does he does have like a yearbook picture he did go to school with them there’s got to be more in the basement to show us who Clive is targeting and if that’s the
Case we can get ahead of him stop the killings before they can happen Forest need to go back down you mean me like I said I need to handle all these calls maybe start with that creepy mannequin room you mentioned before I still have a lot of questions about
Those by the way if you got the questions you go down there I ain’t got no more questions why I got to go down for your questions literally we don’t need to question anything we know the killer let call the police to get him in jail hello right
Let’s call that other uh like do we not it’s 1987 do we not have a a phone book phone books phone books can show you the number for the other station nearby right I feel like Peggy is a coward yes all 23 listens are locked into the
Station right now yeah like come on you can help out with some some of is heavy lifting I know it’s 1987 but I’m a feminist you could do it not big mix said you just said you wanted to know why I said I wanted to know I didn’t say
I wanted to go searching for why there’s a difference okay it’s one thing to want to know and there’s another thing to type it up in Google okay all right I have I have a question yeah Yellow Pages yeah like the yellow pages should be able to tell
Her okay that would be too convoluted I hope not oh that is that if she’s not real this would just be a major mind f for me right now yeah um I have a question for for those of you that have played this game okay um will I be okay
When I go down there I need to know if I need to be prepared or not all right this is a lot of anxiety I’m I I I I’m brave enough to to try to finish the game I just need I just need you to help
Me out just seey we bit just a little bit it like no one is dead the movie yeah cuz I saved them all okay I saved them all D I’m shut out I think you’ll be fine not already in your dreams no not exploring is part of the experience
No good night Lynette yeah I Flo said he played it before so or she I’m sorry I don’t know which one um and he said yeah there’s you’ll be fine I will be fine or there is a scare there is a jump scare coming up there a jump scare coming out okay all
Right thank you I am thank you Tom I am gonna still probably scream just to let you guys know it’s still probably going to happen but at least I’m prepared okay I feel a little bit better you know I you know I don’t like spoilers but this one had to be done okay
Okay all right now don’t be lying to me which one which one of you li we gonna pause the game right here oh I’m sorry I thank you Mama for the follow Christine just imagine there’s jump scares just keep going okay not you being like just oh Lord
Just just say there jump scare just no cuz you going you going you going to interrogate them until they just start saying stuff okay here we go okay let’s go Jimmy what are you talking about he said the jump scares are the friends we made along the way we didn’t even make any
Friends okay I I I I take it back I don’t think I can do this I don’t think I can do this I don’t think I can do this I think you’re good Christine I think you’re good truthfully I really don’t think there’s going to be anything there’s no way Billy Bob can
Try to kill somebody and then go back to his place in under two seconds flco said there’s none trust me all right Christine we giving him our trust there’s none just run through it okay I think it was this way right oh I have no idea you got a screw screw driver you’re
Good you think you peed a little I would have kept that to myself but you know you’re Brave Oh e Oh E uh Christine yes what you doing just try to search everything just [Laughter] oh my goodness I’m so scared hi tein Miner hey Tevin I’m so scared get jump scared I promise you I promise you oh my goodness like what’s in this Locker you know Che Lock thank you lost one for the 6 mons you got this reminder it’s only for a second oh my goodness oh goodness thank you Mama AP for the follow appreciate you what we doing in the game right now Moody ring we are going down to the basement to look at the Killer’s layer
To see if we can get any information on why we’re doing this and Flo said make sure to look for documents in the basement it’s easy it’s important for the story later okay I’m with Teddy throw the whole basement away the building down mhm Jimmy said what doesn’t kill you
Makes you terrified but I think what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger it’s better Jimmy you CL the door you could be in Christine just need to breathe just need breathe I just need to breathe okay you’re just trying to breathe oh my goodness not this looking like a chill
Game and we searching for a murderer yeah it’s it’s it’s it’s a setup this is all a setup this is all a setup okay hold on what let me the apple juice break let me sip on my apple juice hold on okay okay we got this D I’m go away
Who’s who’s who’s leaving she’s making worse my heartbeat is beating out of my chest listen my heartbeat tuu okay we we in this together this is this is together forever all right let’s do this as long as the jump scares don’t jump out the game you will be all right
Listen big mix key this is real life we’re playing with our lives what key I must have missed it when I brought everything upstairs what key do he oh that’s home hello there’s a hole here and a key was that there before I guess it was behind the board it says
Basement storage that’s the other door and we had looked through all this other stuff I’ll tell you this right now if it’s like this when they if they say in the moment when it when said possible jump scare happens and that’s the moment they tell me what the Run button is trust and
Believe we just going to accept death okay because we can’t wait I’m right with you hello you can’t wait until we in danger to try to prepare me for the danger you got to be prepared okay to survive and if you ain’t prepared you going to die all right
Oh gosh okay we got this we got this you got this Christine come on okay all right got this come on come on we got this we got this all right open the door Oh okay closing that back scratch my head a little bit SI little water hey game lover hello game lover all right let’s do this all right all right I’m right behind you I got you I got your back yeah close it so he don’t think anyone been in his room
Mhm we doing good we doing good okay I hate that these doors don’t lock okay go all the way up mhm oh my okay okay hey for Peggy give me some [ __ ] why would you just yell in my ear why would you just yelling my ear my
Yeah why would you do that a a shock roared through my body jolted through my body my thighs quivered like why would you do this literally I don’t condone this but she would probably get beat up when I get back upstairs hello like why would you just yell down here like
That okay oh is that the jump scare okay and now we done cuz the way that that jump scare happened I was just like that that’s disrespectful my God why am I getting scared I ain’t even playing listen that’s just how life is there is no run button if there’s one
You okay so if you are being chased you will have one I guess okay warning before yelling down the intercom sorry bust the intercom when you find something and want to get yes technically you was right uh Flo there’s really no jump scare I can’t close this damn door the damn door don’t
Close okay what she say I don’t see Christine check by the trash cans and the paper on the ground as you walk okay I’ll look at all that I’ll look at all that what’s over here rats if this man sneak up on me it’s over we over he’s not going to sneak up
On you you coming at me Den I’m like I’m not also uh scared of this situation okay I’m scared I’m sorry if I don’t see the comment we all scared right now okay we all scared together okay all right these things okay I bet it’s not even in here I bet
It’s over where wherever the um in that next door that’s over here so coffee ring storm Riders live number November 16th get ready just let everyone know if you have to leave sometimes you can take the uh YouTube the gamer out the game if you have to say good night so if you
Know if you just need to leave just go on tour the Twilight tour okay the scream Gallow Creek’s favorite late said Look by the trash can and flco said make sure you look in the drawers next door for documents okay 1980 all right we’ve got a a
Picture oh wait the picture has a thing on it for over here I want to say I don’t see anything in here okay all right let’s look at these drawers okay yeah let’s look I’m trying to look at I’m trying to look at everything oh that scared the mess out of me
These doors autolock commercial took me out oh you oh is it an ad that’s hilarious okay when the ad is there I can’t play I can’t grab that tape oh can you play the tapes oh I found a tape and a map down here a map of what looks like it might
Be to some somewhere in this storage area weird well maybe the tape will give us more information give it a play okay okay well I guess we can play the saes where’s the this light is too bright I couldn’t even see where the okay here’s one okay there we do no there George
Bar 1968 that’s when this all began for me follow the Maps find the tapes I’ll be waiting wait George Barrow we all heard that he drowned after a night out drinking was it actually Clive has Clive really been the whistling man for that long he says I need to follow the maps
And find the tapes I guess that’s what this map is about I think we need to see what else is hidden down here be careful Forest it said the pig is of the shell behind you not the cabinet I don’t know what that means oh these shelves that’s of
There’s a tape I guess or a tape player somewhere maybe underneath let me see now pecky trying to finish her when her brother started it seemed like it at this point okay why can’t I pick up the tape all right let let me look at this last drawer nothing in
There nothing let me see this drawer come on all right nothing can I pick this up no I can pick up the glue none of this other stuff okay so he apparently has been murdering people for a very long time I guess that’s why he’s good at it well that’s a
Truth all right so it’s probably in the next room yeah they uh Flo said next room remember documents and tapes so MH that’s the that’s it right there that’s the picture right there oh my goodness this is so much but he’s out you know killing the world so we good we
Good was there something on the floor I think there was something on the floor yes time of autopsy is 7 a.m. cause of death is asphixiation from drowning the degree of Bricker Morse indicates that the subject has been deceased for 5 hours puts the time of [Applause] death okay well he did
Die I think the person that he drowned died oh whoever drown delivery note um Okay C Atkin supervisor delivery van delivery address um wait wait hold on hold on he delivered Starling security oh Ricky Ricky said he just got the Starling security system so he’s got the the the thanks for the
Follow yes thank you thank you red Sprite thank you for the follow um sir great G Gabriel’s um Hospital delivered and installed the security security system the repair shop gas and repair delivered and installed it the roller rank delivered and installed it um Woodside Apartments delivered unable to install required new parts new
Installation date September 17th kfam radio station client opted for manual installation so it was delivered but they never installed it so he’s got the um he knows who has the uh these security systems my thing is okay hold on put this down put put
This down oh wait do I need to take that with me what’s this do you need to take it or no I don’t think you need to system overview Factory access codes access code maintenance call alarm test so has he been getting into people’s security systems or is this just the information
For our security system Starling yeah I think he might be getting the people security system that’s what I’m thinking too okay hold on access maintenance call do I have to remember these things I got I got a lot to do here there’s a lot to do and I’m not putting
This uh the the what you call it down uh screwdriver yes that screwdriver staying right through my hands hold on let me look at this stuff if anything I’ll I’ll um I can write these down if he doesn’t take these with him let me let me write these down okay
Just in case they’re important no but I’mma write this down because if it’s for later I definitely do not want this halfa at the top to tell me I got to come back down to go and get this this darn paper okay so I’m write it
Right now all right and if she’s like oh do you remember yes I remember maintenance call code is 311 important so I would write it down okay okay 311 212 alarm test this will set off all security measures okay let me write that down set off all measures and that is 1 n
1 I can’t see 1 91519 91519 not my pen having an ink problem hold on just use my my daughter’s pencil here okay the only screwdriver that is going to help you is Baka and orange [Laughter] juice that’s hilarious oh he uh Flo said take a screenshot I can’t even see the numbers
To be honest yeah there it’s kind of blurry alarm test best um deactivate is 811 yeah it’s so dark 811 220 and then the other one is entry code that is 715 914 let me make sure I move it around there you go oh I could got more light
Like this this angle so let me double check check all right entry 715 914 alarm test deactivation 811 220 uh alarm set off measure 1 91519 and then maintenance call 311 212 uh so Sebastian this is the part I’m G have you remember okay um what’s the part when entering codes and commands
Sequential key depressions must be made within four to 5 Seconds of one another if four to five 5 Seconds elapse without a key depression the entry will be abort oh goodness aborted and must be repeated from its beginning be sure to observe this precaution when performing any of
The procedures in this manual if you make a mistake while entering stop press the star button then start over okay all right so that we’ll remember that so you just have four seconds between each one to put them in yeah so I need to put them all in within four to
5 Seconds make sure to take a screenshot of the delivery note the delivery note oh okay okay okay that’s the other thing all right so I’ll put this back um it’s so dark okay there we go let me I don’t know how to do that for my
Computer I’m just going to take a picture with my phone all right we got it not just saying or that yeah hopefully I don’t have to have the book with me later all right I’ll put that there I can apparently open these all right this is the system that
He was toying with he was toying with the system okay all right got it got it he oh goodness this place is so huge there’s another tape smaller to arms legs and face typically obtained by running through Fage severe blistering to De feet was that as though the deceased had been running
Yeah wow so this person was choked and they were chased through the woods oh so he didn’t uh die by Drowning no no he died by oh yeah yeah yeah yeah he was just thrown into the river so he wouldn’t be discovered yeah oh my preliminary toxicology results shows
Signation however a high amount of cortisol was found indicating elevated levels of stress in the immediate moments before death oh goodness oh wait no open this up there’s another tape by the fan okay so let’s put this down and then didn’t I’m say I think there’s a picture below the time of death
Thing okay this one oh yeah okay taping files it’s just showing us where the tapes are it looks like okay okay Flo said you missed the documents you have to go back to the draw okay let me go to this drawer these drawers there’s nothing right
Here uh I think in the other room maybe wait is this a drawer this is a they are bombarded me hereat me up hold on how many tapes did we listen to we listen to three so far when we first got in there the one on the corner and or like this one
And then the other one okay so three tapes so far this one is a tape that’s at the bottom area Police Department okay so this is something uh okay Sheriff J Matthews this was in 1968 at 4:00 a.m. a call was received from a jogger a Miss Sandra sharp
Reporting that a body had been found washed up in the reservoir I drove out to investigate and was able to identify the body at at the scene as that of George Barrow I contacted the coroner’s office and then the boy’s parents they informed me that they had not seen him
Since 700 p.m. on the second excuse me oh my yeah that’s a crazy oh my these drawers don’t open okay I’m just looking at everything here I’ll tell you one thing anytime I turn around okay anytime if I if at any moment I turn and there’s a face looking
Right back at me this game is [Laughter] over we did that one right did we do this tape this is open yeah we did this tape right no let me keep this do I have to keep this document Flo or can I can I um well I guess I’ll just keep it and
I’ll just put it down whenever I need to find something else all right so is that please don’t tell me that’s a body there’s another tape right there he said one time use what does that mean do that mean I can leave it the document he said no it’s just one time
Use okay it say uh denim said that that that’s right next to you to your right that Picture um I have no idea well let’s keep going really quick let’s keep searching oh she already did it okay okay okay yeah I’m back here hey what’s this what is this m I don’t know what this is like maybe some type of paper cards or something yeah yeah
Okay oh this is where the other tape is right there right there additionally there appears to be a postmortem injury to the arm it looks like trapped in a car door oh goodness so that it was trapped in a car door after it died after they killed that is wild a double
Okay okay what the hell is this yes don’t worry they said no more jump scares so okay what was this teddy bear oh can you guys keep an eye on Twitch chat too for me please mhm I need to take a breath just trying to look these damn
Moths they got you earlier though Sebastian they just got me I give you that they gave you one oh here’s the other tapam oh okay it is the coroner’s opinion that the subject likely feared for his life and was chased resulting in a fall from a height into a body
Laughing at you where he hit his head was knocked out and drowned oh goodness following that he was moved Dr we need to have a talk it’s not recorded shut it up uh there’s no way to do it Flo I think yeah the um comment section is on the way really to do
How this has to be important this seems like it’s the type of game that scares me so much I might cry um the deceased is a Caucasian male age 18 the cause of death is established to be drowning as shown by the signs of asphixiation c section 2 paragraph 4 for
More details I’m sorry I made you do this Virginia not Virginia abrasions virgin were found on the knuckles likely from getting into fights in the past matches with known history of decease being aggressive no other injuries were observed and for the coroner’s opinion there is no evidence of Foul Play
Additionally the preliminary toxicology report oh so you see the report is a lie right from what the recordings are separate than what we see in the report and he had Virginia falsify the report oh it is in the coroner’s opinion that the deceased went swimming while intoxicated resulting in his drowning
Which is different from her actual opinion she said that he was running for his life and that he was running through the woods fell and hit his head and drowned mhm so that’s the true way that man died okay there’s another picture here though uh let
Me let me pick up this picture again this is at a set of desks it’s on the desk it’s probably in the area that we saw all right loo said that we are the ones that saved her we saved Virginia already maybe I don’t know oh this is the desk
Okay all right there’s some papers there’s a light I’m just looking all around before I play this last frightening tape of this situation oh Virginia was the one saved by the college Prat party she said she didn’t tell anyone anything this is what she didn’t tell wait the college F
Oh oh the one that was at the house and we had ordered the pizzas to try to get in touch with them that’s what you’re talking about that that fret the Frat party okay yeah because Dar 17 on Twitch said Virginia is the lady you say by sending the Frat
Boys her way okay okay all right thank you Zar thank you and FL and Jimmy thank you yeah if you’re listening to this then I’m probably dead what the I’m a man who likes to stay in I’ve got subscriptions to newspapers all over the country few weeks ago I noticed
Headlines cropping up in those papers one after the other each headline about a murder each murder death of someone I knew almost 20 years ago each one so it’s not him closer to G’s creep so he’s just researching closer to the anniversary none of us are Innocent but I don’t think we deserve
Killing all I hope now is that I can save some folk from the worst oh wait so he’s not the killer yeah do something to make up for what I did back then I guess kill anyone mind you oh okay but that’s past mattering now what could say that I should say
But my employer made it clear that my sound if I ever spoke out oh so hopefully I’ve said it for you listen his employer are was that Richie no his employer oh I got to pause lot of anxiety breathing blow out all right we’re doing great we’re doing great Clive is
Employed by the radio station I am guessing his employer is the guy who runs this radio station so I wonder if the radio station owner is involved so Clive isn’t guilty Clive has just been trying to piece things together right and he’s been right and
He’s been um uh uh letting us know of like the first uh death and the first one he said was was this one was A barrows Gary barrows and he had to I don’t know why he had to tell Virginia to falsify the document of the
Thing so why is he involved in that or was he involved is that his voice from the other recording it said male it did it just said male speaker so I don’t know if Clive is the one okay we we we’re we’re we’re we’re putting a little bit more together what
The hell p is not going to believe this the guy you played at the tutorial yeah that’s what FL said oh I don’t even remember what happened in that tutorial I’m not GNA lie to you I’m screaming what the hell is this what the hell is this sir yeah okay let’s put that
Down kind of keep you on your Tippy tails what’s this say I can’t even read that so hopefully it’s not important d i remember to look in the drawers okay yeah Humpty Dumpty a story of love tragedy and betrayal starring Maisy cartright as Dawn Dawn isn’t that the name of the girl
That told us to get the album that sent us essentially in the basement anyways baby Peggy about to kill us George Barrow as Henry and George Barrel was the boy that died that was 18 and died also with Mary Marie Campbell as an okay something that you can make your
Way back to the intercom okay hold on I just checking all the drawers o a new vinyl for my collection okay we’ve got a new vinyl is that what we really should be worrying about right now yeah you never have a time where you don’t need music you know even as you’re
Dying yeah no if a killer is uh somewhere and I’m hiding I don’t need any music playing like before you try to run me down first things first let me put on this album all right let’s go hold on I want to listen to this one tape again really quick it is the
Coroner’s opinion that the subject likely feared for his life and was chased resulting in a fall from a height into a body of water where he hit his head was knocked out and drowned he was we need to have a no that voice is different that voice does sound
Different it sounds more um like the guy from until dawn yeah yeah yeah yeah almost like they were using a voice changer M mhm but the note said okay yeah cuz I was just about to say the note said sorry I made you do
This so I I still oh the yeah the vinyl is a weapon too I I I do yeah it was Clive it was Clive okay all right let’s go H out to Clive yeah Clive made the recording what document is this again okay this is one thing I found just put this
Here switch hands okay I’ll tell you one thing if any of them help us say hey you got to get one more thing if that chick Peggy says you got to get one more thing I’m going be like I am 100% good on all of that and I
Don’t need to know anymore Peggy starting to but she’s not the employer I’m kind of feeling like Peggy is kind of like Asuka in parasocial where aruza Asuka I think Asuka was her name where she seemed guilty but she wasn’t it could be but Ahsoka also uh could have got
Punched for how she handled some things yeah that is true she was not really a great friend when it came to like in this situation we need to call the police she’s like oh no just wait it’s not that bad it probably isn’t bad all right now say playing with me everybody be
There oh this is the intercome right what have you found Forest yeah it’s an autopsy tape doesn’t say for who but I think it must be for George poor George he was so young something’s bugging me Peggy what do you mean I swear I recognize the voice of the woman
Talking on the tape I just can’t place it seriously do you think you’ve met her before I don’t know I mean I just got here recently I yeah we met her before Peggy found another tape it talks more about how George died what did it say it
Sounds like he was running for his life mhm spreading through trees and bushes getting cut up all over what would drive someone to do that I’m not sure yet there’s also a tape about a toxicology report there were no signs of drinking or that he was on anything what but
Everyone said he went swimming drunk and drowned it was in the newspaper and everything I found a written autopsy report what did it say according to that it’s just like you said at the start for me George drowned after getting drunk he said he liked to fight too but that
Contradicts the tap I’m right with you I think I know why I don’t think it’s Peggy because that says Peggy’s our age I think somebody made you do this Virginia it’s somebody who was around at the time cuz it was like a long time ago the caller from earlier we had to
Call restaurant wasn’t her name Virginia we need to call her back once we finish down here it looks like she might know something about what’s going on yep yep yep I found a t that introduces a new detail to the story postmortem injury apparently his arm got
Caught in a car door a car door yeah yeah that’s W after he died how do you suppose they can tell how can they tell I’m a radio producer not a but also did they move the body I found doesn’t mention it at all how did his arm get
Trapped in a after he died that’s the UN he got it when the police collected his body I guess someone else must have removed him after he was dead yeah after he was dead where he was eventually found right so where he died is not
Where he what is going on here was found I found a police report mentioned a friend from earlier you talk about the didn’t tell you the report was messed up right that’s right she found George’s body washed up at the reservoir the reservoir yeah what’s strange about that
George got cuts from running through foliage right yeah foliage there’s no Forest around there yep so yeah how did it wash up at the reservoir that means it was put there reservoirs don’t have ties MH but that’s what the police report said it’s not possible though I
Did a school project on reservoirs and got an A but yeah not important right now the important thing is that it doesn’t make sense no so yeah the body was moved that the body was originally found somewhere other than what the report suggest that the sheriff tried to cover
It up but accidentally let something slip oh the sheriff tried to cover it up I think well Sheriff Matthews wrote the report and he hasn’t been eviscerated we and he’s dead true but Sandra is still alive once we’re done down here we should give her a call am
I comes to the this is a long conversation can I not have this conversation up there George was running from something for real maybe an animal maybe but then there’s this next bit where the corer thinks he was moved post death right no animal she agrees with us
At the end of the tape someone burst in and demanded Virginia stop recording I I think it was Clive this is starting to make sense now this this is a conspiracy to cover up what happened to George right I um I think I found Clive’s last recording I think Clive might be gone
Gone I found a confession not for any killings but for playing a part in covering up George’s death yeah so he’s definitely part of in case he died the cover up he hoped someone would find it do you think the whistling man already got him possibly we’ve had a lot
Of callers tonight but maybe not every victim made it to the phone you know mhm we don’t know how many there really are that’s I know but Clive said he had read about other murders in other towns and that the murders were all folks who knew about the incident and the killings were
Getting closer to Gallows Creek well I turn around to make sure CL do something hilarious office he wasn’t tracking people down to kill them he was tracking them down to save them yeah he was trying to save them I just had to be ready he said his employer threatened
Family if he spoke out about employer the one who the cover oh it will not be a good day for anybody in this household do you think you found everything I think so so Forest what’s going on here someone wanted that boy’s death to see to look like an accident
Yeah and someone killed him and moved his body to make it look that way come back upstairs when you’re ready we need to figure out our next step okay not Pokemon Cameo no I feel better I want to see that Pokemon ad than God you’re back than goodness I
Didn’t have to walk up I’ve been running out of stuff to Pat our air time with I’m so happy I did not have to work first I’m stressed I mean I’m also stressed how are we supposed to keep a show going with let’s let’s take a pause
Cuz we got to talk through this before we continue listening to this because they have long conversations okay all right so somebody killed George because one of the things she said was that that looks like ex fixation and looked like he had marks around his neck right that
Looked like he might have been um uh uh strangled so she thought that maybe he was running in the woods uh fell into the like fell into the water hit his head and drowned but I think that someone like was chasing him down killed him and then put his body into the the
Reservoir they moved his body yeah they moved his body and put it in the reservoir and that is where that one lady found the body somehow the cop the saying that the the sheriff might have known about it or might have been involved in some
Way I wonder who he would be trying to cover and protect in this situ situation um so the sheriff is dead now the lady it seems like anybody who knew about the situation is dead and it seems like there might have been a lot of people who actually knew the truth and they
Have died even if they’re not in this city so we know that out of nowhere Kim Walker and um her husband died in that unexplained bus accident with the tanker um we know that an attempt was probably made the ferris wheel thing right um we
Know that so Kim Walker is dead uh we know that the one lady sold her her house and Di not died she moved to Manhattan so God knows whether she’s alive or not and there was the the only two that are are alive is the one we saved just
Now who owns the gas station and then the um um what you call it the uh what Aunt Williams I think was his name he was the engineer who’s like doing talks and whatnot he’s still alive but he’s at a convention so he’s safe for now but yeah so you’re saying hold on
You said um people we saved knew about it I’m I’m guessing so so if that’s the case then that means that the person who was at the plant that also had an explosion and was in the trash can remember we were helping him um like
Yeah excuse me he was in the trash can and then the guy the reporter guy remember the reporter guy I think he might have been our first call was the reporter guy in the office so he must have also known about the situation oh my goodness so wait you’re saying when
People die by Drowning lungs in are lungs are found in the lung LS when you’re killed first the lungs are clear there’s liquid found in the lungs when drowning but when they die first and then are thrown in water there’s no liquid they knew that boy wasn’t drowned okay I got
You they said the killer been killing and it’s getting closer to the people who left may be dead mhm yeah he did defens to Manhattan is dead though Clive said he got paper subscriptions from the whole country and the killing started somewhere and traveled down mhm yeah that’s true so she might yeah
She might be she might be gone yeah she might be dead already so the only one who’s still alive are the two that we one we saved and one’s at a convention and then the other ones we saved already so then does that mean that the kids knew about it or were they
Just okay let’s let’s go after them type of thing wait no no cuz they officially killed just one kid but how would that kid know the truth I mean unless somebody told him the truth right my my money right now is on two people all right if you know the truth
Don’t tell me but my money is on two people one is the guy who runs this uh radio station my money’s on him as one and number two I’m going to say number two I kind of feel like it’s either the mayor or a politician because they would be the only ones that
Would have the power to really get a lot of people to get quiet or be quiet about something blackmail and do all this stuff yeah yeah to be able to to have that that much power over these lives to have them all do these things you know there’s some so it
Has to be somebody powerful my only question is why are they being attacked now that’s the thing we don’t know right now A why was George killed B um why are they all being murdered now anybody who knows about it seems to be getting murdered now why is that the
Case uh if we’re going to go into the supernatural realm maybe George’s ghost is killing because I don’t know if this ghost Supernatural in the game if it does then maybe George is killing everyone that was involved or knows about the situation and hasn’t done anything or come forward about it right
That could be one thing um yeah maybe oh George probably witness something I wonder that would make sense that would make sense that would make sense FL said the guy in the office wrote a fake article so a fake article oh this happening okay hold on let’s let’s hear let’s hear
This um I don’t even remember what she just asked and then saying it’s our job or beats me I’m going to say it’s our job I don’t know it’s your job Peggy we got to do it you’re right so what’s the plan now I think we should call Virginia
Back yeah we should all right I’ll get her on the line mhm okay Forest shut the music off all right please hello again Gallows Creek this is Forest Nash we’re circling closer to the truth behind tonight’s events don’t tell everybody you got Circ you close to the truth one of earli
Callers Virginia to be yes we know hello not smartman plunker here who’s this is it you good oh dear I’m going say sure pler it’s Goose goose oh goodness Goose Goose goose Goose goose where are you get your ass here the party has moved oh cool where’s
It moved to this old lady’s house she’s pretty cool though dude she said we could raate her a liquor cabinet if we stayed and protected her of course we’re not drinking anymore that’s we’re staying sharp in case that whistle in turn turns back up okay so yeah she’s
Got the whole all these people with that’s man of course hey could you put me on with the old lady you know should check if it’s cool for me to I’m so nervous first we do an unnecessary stuff right love I’ll grab her now uh hello is this
Goose hey uh Dr Sullivan who is this hey Virginia it’s Forest I’m I’m glad you’re still okay oh Forest sorry I’m still jumpy I know okay we need to talk no I’ll say don’t be sorry don’t be sorry you’ve been through a lot I’m so sorry this
Happened to you Virginia I thought I I want I want to make her feel comfortable so she could tell me the truth easy we’re not calling to talk about earlier we’re call because we think you can help us understand why this is happening tonight mhm me what would I
Know uh Clive does the name Clive mean anything to you Clive no I don’t know that name she doesn’t know that name are you asking about this for you mentioned that name earlier when you called us the first time oh she said I don’t know what I said then I was
Petrified for wait what you don’t know at our station and we know you spoke to him in the past M for please you don’t know what you’re doing he’ll come for me Virginia it’s okay Clive won’t be coming after you we think Clive’s dead dead but isn’t he he’s the whistling man
Forest yeah I’m going to say why so certain why are you so certain Clyde is the whistling man because was he all those years ago he it’s okay Virginia he’s gone we found evidence to suggest he well yeah and we found your autopsy reports for George Barrow how I saw him
Destroy them well he didn’t I don’t know if he kept them or made copies or what but we found them and we know it’s related to what’s happening tonight which is why we called you why did you write a false report I tell the truth lady all right one day I
Came into work to find a boy on my slab mhm and as I finished the autopsy this man Clive he just burst in and he started making demands to give over the reports to falsify what I found of course I said no but but what well when someone wants to make you do
Something they can use the carrot or the stick what it’s for me he used both what did he say you see my sister is sick mhm she has a chronic condition that’s never going away it’s expensive to treat and it was getting to where I couldn’t
Afford it and Clive promised me that his employer my sister’s treatment I so it’s somebody with money it’s somebody with money ever spoke about this he blackmailed you he’d beat me to within an inch of my life oh my go don’t know why he had me do it but oh okay my
Sister needed me you have to understand she needed me we understand I I’ll say it’s okay yeah it’s okay to get on a good side was God I just want this nightmare to end end this will help end it Virginia thank you will it we ain’t got
No cops we got all this information but we ain’t got nobody to tell it to so Virginia is tied up in all of this Clive threatened her to keep quiet about George’s death but for who why cover up these details well know Sandra was involved in
George’s death do you want to call her I oh okay we’re just calling all these people back before we go asking questions I think we should know what we want to ask is that fair yeah we need to ask her about finding the body she was the one it but something just doesn’t
Add up 100% she knows more than she’s saying I bet she’s about to lie about it too she hiding we’ll hopefully find out soon anyway just be careful when you’re talking to her don’t push too hard you don’t want her to hang up oh careful okay all right calling her now hopefully
She’s at her Jazz Studio aha Forest you’re through hello this is Sandra at jazz bazaz jazz Studio who’s this hello again Sandra it’s Forest snash of 18916 the stream and you’re live on air oh I always thought folks called into a radio show not the other way
Around we talked to her earlier what can I do for you well was she like annoying or something did we sa her the attacks tonight we had a few questions by Forest of course heck after the way you saved my life I’d say yes to just about anything you
Asked okay I’ll say that sounds nice really well that sounds nice I might just call you back tomorrow than two well you got my number but what about tonight is there anything you want to talk about right now called Forest of course you oh we
Had to help her hot wire her car okay have targeted you ha far as I could tell he was just a knife wielding psycho with superhuman cardio he to chase after anybody right well we think he might be chasing specific people yeah he’s going after who specific the death of a boy
Named George oh I don’t know anything about that sorry liar you found the body Sandra we know you found George’s body we have the police report I I don’t know what you mean I’ll say it’s okay it’s okay yeah it’s okay it’s okay Sandra we know you do you know about uh
Yes of course no we can’t let her s this studio is my life after I found the body in the river oh the river I couldn’t lose my studio do you understand oh sure sure I understand when the rent just kept going up he said
He’d stop if I just needed to keep quiet and everything would be okay yeah Christine it’s politician or something with money with money with money I say who Sandra who was he he was yeah give us a name MH he said if I told everyone I found
The kid in the reservoir instead of the river he he he I’m sorry I can’t do this no she hung up and she’s gone I don’t think that could have gone any better okay you truly did great for us I did it the best way she said if
Anyone out there has any thoughts what’s going on tonight please call in that’s good timing we’ve got a call waiting just this second okay all right welcome to 18916 the scream with me your host some money hi Forest I know this is really out of the blue with everything
Happening tonight why does he sound like Dracula I wondered if you could send a special birthday message to my uncle what yeah now really you want to do that now really why of course now it’s his birthday I won’t have a chance to do it
Again until next year may as well for it okay oh my gosh sir read the room people are dying here’s my uncle Ronnie his first name but he never liked his name but since he always had salt and pepper this prank a kid can you believe this is
A prank call always are you sure pepper yes thanks for the lesson is there anything happy birthday you would like to say to Mr pepper oh my godamn it yes tell him he can get the best Birthday Deals of here Pizza the killer need to
Go after him you son of a [ __ ] the killer needs to go after him this is your fault my fault yes I said I didn’t want to do it right don’t blame me because Brian Ponty can’t control himself no I you’re the one who said might as well another caller on the line
Just pick it up okay the killer need to go after him Brian Ponte knows something killer he knows everything so go after him this is 18916 the scream I’m for Nash you’re on the air caller what the caller what what hello what Pony pont’s always delivered oh my goodness rain or
SLE or whistling man goodness oh my [Laughter] goodness my gosh forest forest the creep are you he is people are dying he is deranged Forest I hope the whistling man gets him with his own pizza slicer yep Jesus Forest he deserves it he deserves it no it wasn’t too much the man
Deserves it he deserves it it was not too much a high stress night don’t worry about him anymore okay he is quick too is Qui I think he’s spent for now you sure you got another call when if it’s this man again I swear on God’s green
Earth I will burn every pizza place down okay folks don’t spend your money at pony’s piz so that’s all I’m going to say about that mhm moving along I’d like to welcome another caller to 18916 the Scream With Me Forest Nash who may I say is calling well hello again
Forest Don oh Don oh goodness I’m sorry I didn’t play your song there’s a lot going on but please uh never mind that now first I’m calling because I need your help what oh okay please who’s next please Don if you know something if you
Know who the next Target is oh it’s too late for that now I’ll be the judge of that uh oh fine Chuck Brody was the next Target but that ship sailed see yeah she knows Don knows Don was the voice of the okay okay really quick the I’m pausing
Really quick remember Don was the name of the character played by Maisy Cartwright who was in a play with George barrows and um uh and she knew no her yeah her character’s name was Don and she knew George Barrow so she knows what’s going on this chick knows what’s going
On how did you know it was Chuck well if I tell you I might just put more people in danger people are already in danger this might help yeah we save course I don’t have time I need your help do you you mean yes he’s after me now you oh no
I think so he must have heard me on the radio helping you helping helping you didn’t exactly help maybe I’ve been helping more than you know I was out following the lead trying to work out who would be next after Chuck what happened and I started
To feel like I was being followed I came back to my apartment building but this new fangled security system has me lock loed out oh the codes I need you to help me get inside ready yep got them codes ready uh I got the entry code the maintenance
Call the alarm to set set off all measures and the deactivation code okay all right also use key you have a key to get in only for the apartment door the front gate requires an entry code entry code the future is electronic I guess I I need that code to get inside which
Apartment block do you live in maybe one of our listeners lives there too it’s the new Woodside apartment building between the town hall and the trailer park but I doubt any of your listeners live there I don’t have many neighbors sounds like a prime piece of real estate
What was all that sound while she was trying to tell me for real [ __ ] what okay noisy part of sounds like a noisy part of town it is boy I wish he’d mule that thing in and now he’s blasting David scopo out of his window this can’t get any oh
Goodness he’s coming down the street oh goodness I don’t think he s me yet okay be ready be ready be ready I need help I need the code for that security system or I’m going to die okay I’ll say security system’s name what’s the name of the security
System uh there there’s a sticker on the box it says St we have it we have it we need the entry code we need the entry code and it looks like it wants a six stute number okay all right we’ll try we’ll see what we can do thank you Forest yeah
Of course don’t worry D thank you Forest I knew I could count on you I’ll stay out of sight call me back soon we have it we have it we have it all right folks here’s a little T for you all to enjoy while I try to break dawn into her
Apartment okay so let me play music oh let me press play music we got the code already mhm you were pretty quiet there Peggy yeah you were forest was it just me or was there something it wasn’t just you something was weird about that something was weird
About that well tell tell you what we have a starling 4000 or whatever here at kayam Clive bought one for the station maybe we can find something to help well I’m not sure who to help someone I already have the information okay okay so she’s locked out apartments
And somewhere Clive probably has the papers for pict I took a picture so let me look at my picture yeah we trust Don enough to help her I don’t know so the sounds that she made and we did hear a dog but all right I took a picture it was delivered to Woodside
Apartments but unable to install requires new parts new installation date 17th September oh she lying it wasn’t installed cuz the installation date is September 17th and she also said the man was playing music when he’s supposed to be uh Whispering no she was saying like the
Guy there was a dog somebody about a dog oh wait hold on hold the phone she she a li yeah she did say A man was playing music yeah the security system all right so the hospital has one it was delivered and installed um Charlene’s Christine’s gas and repair my my gas and
Repair um it was delivered and installed roller Ricky’s roller rink it was delivered and installed he’s he would also be playing music he has a dog no then him please remember Ricky Ricky has a dog mhm and Ricky would be playing the music okay so
Then I would need to set off all the security measures cuz she’s lying she’s not trying to get in her apartment because Woodside Apartments it wasn’t installed and K fam wasn’t installed right this Lyon hea all right so I want to set up all the security
Measures I don’t want to help this lady go in and kill that man who um was uh what what was the story again he was saying something sad and I don’t remember his story cuz I I just got so scared afterwards yeah but he got the dog oh
Wasn’t it his emotional support dog didn’t the dog help him wasn’t he in like he used to R roll with a bad oh wait he said he used to roll with a bad crowd and one of them did something really bad he yeah Mhm okay so we have to set off the actual alarm yeah we want to set off the measures not help her enter the measures so okay let I got the code for to set off all measures alarm test set off all measures that’s what we want to do yeah yeah yeah mhm Little
Liar welcome back Forest find anything Nothing by way of key codes I see wait what do you mean do I have to go back down there oh you scared the crap out of me don’t you know I’m playing a scary game you can’t just be rolling in here like
That no no don’t scare me oh are they ready to go to bed okay okay well uh for those who know how long this game is how much more time do you think I have let me know cuz I think they’re trying to ask Mom if she’s okay we going to bed
At 11: need 20 more minutes Mommy you go with 20 more minutes okay thanks mommy Oh I thought she did uh Tom on um okay Tom said 45 minutes to an hour and then flco said you’re almost done I don’t oh okay okay okay I have the
Book all right so I’ll say I’ll look again let me go get the book don’t be too long all the way down there yep I got to go back all the way down I guess I have to hold the book that’s stup bro and that’s all the
Way in that freaking um I should have just carried it with me what we know the kill is not going to be here so we can just boom boom boom yeah at least I hope cuz if I mean if you pop up if the jump scare happen now
It’s over y’all well obviously Don seemed like she’s trying to do the uh booty booty oh that’s true that’s true that’s true if Don’s over there she ain’t here uh was it I don’t know if Don’s the Killer I just think Starling 4000 user manual ah these codes should come in
Handy okay I hate when games do that when you find something they be like you don’t need it yet well let me keep right right especially if this wasn’t a game where you had to like you were limited on what you can hold it wouldn’t be a problem problem
But it’s like you can only hold two things at a time not someone say you in this wrench it’s a Screwdriver this that scol screwdriver I still got the screwdriver right in my hand if I need to I could goow okay I need some some sort of safety but I remember also the the roller rank guy had said that how him and the dog would play something calming after to just wind
Down oh thank you for the gaming gg gg thank you for the gaming gg gg thank you for the gaming gg gg all right let’s get into this welcome back Forest find anything the star 4000 security manual I we did all that writing and we couldn’t even
Use it good and did you you find anything else nothing except the manual all right well I’ll get Dom back on the line then Forest I’ll let you take it from here thanks oh wait do I should I have grabbed the thingy too music off what thingy the
Um the uh hold on let me go back down and pull up the the um the order thing shut the because I think he didn’t it didn’t set off a story thing where he said oh it wasn’t um installed let me go and grab that see if that
Works this is such a long path bro for real in a non cool way they need to do D this order delivery form there you go Starling must have left this by accident mhm the system’s not even installed at Woodside there you go there you go there
You go you see he just said it so yeah I had to get it Lord Jesus he you in this D on music girl you got buttons there don’t you we going to get to it just wait she asked if I seen anything else good night hot Mist turn the music
Off bye hot Mist thanks so much for coming through okay okay Forest shut the music off okay half leave me leave me alone okay line one whenever you’re ready Don are you there this is Forest Nash from 18916 the stream oh thank God you’re back I’ve been so afraid what’s the code
To the gate uh give alarm test activation code that’s the one we want to give right alarm test active Yeah Yeah the code is 1 191 519 thank you Forest you heard her you heard her thank you Forest uhhuh uhhuh uhhm son of a [ __ ] oh my gosh she threw something through the window Yeah stay out nobody disrespects the San of the R I was right don’t ever come back here again I’m calling the cops thank God I was right hello is someone there Ricky get back inside and turn on the radio whoever that was Wasing break into the r
She Forest man you got no idea that was him that was the whistling man the alarm gave me just enough time to get my rifle I don’t like hurting folk but I can’t let anything happen to Maxi he’s my best friend you know listen man I’m heading back inside going to barricade that
Window my man thank you you and Peggy can skate for free whenever you want all right Ricky thank you a done deal I M thanks Ricky wait whist man got it talk to you soon okay Gallows Creek here some music while we process yeah what just just happened so they so they
Saw maybe the outfit maybe it’s the outfit oh I got to play some music so the whistling man is a woman named don don Maisy cartright hold on hold on really quick Maisy cartright is the one that played Dawn so we know Ma we know the real name the name is ma heart
Right um I had my suspicions I had my suspicions yeah sure Forest you just never mentioned it yeah I had him Peggy you ain’t doing nothing she called up you spoke to her multiple times yeah I did um I thought she was just regular okay yeah she seemed pretty normal yeah
She seemed pretty normal why do you think she requested that song Oh to get me outside why you said Peggy slap sounds slappable she she does sound slappable Tom has been beefing with Peggy all night okay thank you El for the follow appreciate you um yeah I feel like to get me
Outside but my thing is why tell me who the next mess with us yeah mess with us yeah maybe why give us a hint I guess I should make an announcement we do have new info okay kill the music and you can make the announcement yeah get that
Home okay you’re live in three two hey folks this is Forest Nash here I hope you’re all safely locked inside for those of you listening to that last call you might be wondering what to make of it all here’s our take we now believe the Killer is actually a woman one who might
Manipulate you into letting her in before she attacks you mhm we’re neighbors look out for each other and stay safe I’m sad to say but it’s time to trust no one oh crap what it’s sad to say but it’s time to trust no one oh
My like I get that especially if a woman because the thing is as a woman when you are perceived to be in danger people are more inclined to help you and that’s a benefit that we have and he said that that she would lure you in or try to you
Know get in before actually killing you so I think yeah trust no one I’m sad to say but it’s time to trust no one un was calling themselves Dawn this could be a fake name this could be a fake name if anyone needs help or you have info on the killer
Please call in you folks have my new number right it’s 911 hopefully our next caller can help shed some light on our killer no but thing is I got all these doors open okay folks time to take a call okay the doors are fine Christine H when the doors are fine
You’re through to Forest Nash the scream hey man Murphy damn straight what’s going on Murphy you in danger again no man I’ve just been listening to the show here at home okay and since you asked folks to call in if they could help out well I’m calling I don’t know
If I can say as much as other folks have but uh I figure I wouldn’t be a good role model to Fernando oh yeah his kid I didn’t try to help you know if you don’t just say it right oh okay uh what have you got sounds good what have you got
What do you want to know well what can you tell us uh I don’t know then why are you calling all right well do you know anything about the death of George Barrow absolutely nothing okay what about the killer herself herself man I I didn’t get my ass kicked
By a lady wait what now I went to to to it was a man man you heard the last call right Murphy right y so you know it’s a woman and you were trained by a VHS Murphy oh yeah yeah yeah I know but man how could it have been a woman under
That mask let’s just move on do you know anything about the history of the whistling man no sir tonight’s the first time I ever heard of him what I moved here 3 years ago man oh wait 3 years so why were they after you no worries hey man no worries just
Thank you for trying right sorry I couldn’t help you all more man now if you to ask me about Gators why would I ask you about Gators when there’s murders happening and you said you would help me with murders all right all right I’ll catch y’all with the gator talk
Later no well folks that was a bust but perhaps our next why would I talk to you about Gators let’s find out you idiot that’s what they say right this is Nash and you’re listen please help me my name is Casey Moore I’m a 25 Nancy drive my best friend’s been
Stabbed he’s he’s bleeding everywhere I don’t know what to do please help me yeah what happened somebody’s been stabbed can can you tell me what happened we’ve been out at the reservoir we were heading back to his place when we heard this whistling all of a sudden
He just started freaking out he screamed at me told me to hide I never seen him like that and I just panicked and ran in the bush he knows who was trying to kill him Forest then what happened he went up the road and talked to someone I
Couldn’t really hear or see anything it sounded like he might have known the person y he knew the person he knew the they just stabbed him was it a woman Casey was he talking to a woman I don’t know they had a mask and wore all black that’s all I know
Please we need help here I’ll get you help but I need to know where did the masked person go they left they left him to bleed out I waited until they were gone then dragged him into the garage and called 911 wait why didn’t she make
Sure he was dead I don’t know so that they could I heard them say something something like it’s not so funny now is it it’s not so funny now left but please he needs to get to the hospital it’s not so funny now I can’t drive so we need an
Ambulance Forest the ambulance was destroyed in the explosion at the gas station you should get all the info you can yeah what is your friend’s name what’s your friend’s name Casey it’s Jason Jason Parker can you tell us where Jason was stabbed they stabed him in the
Stomach and then stabed him again in his leg when he was on the ground and it oh dear oh the knife is still there in his leg oh my goodness so they left the knife patch us through to the hospital on it phoning St Gabriel’s now switch to
Line two okay so that she stabbed him in the stomach and then stabbed him in the leg and left the knife in the leg hello s Gabriel’s Hospital how can I help you make sense hi this is Forest Nash from 18916 we have a stab victim at 25 Drive
Named Jason Parker he’s been stabbed in the stomach and the leg he’s bleeding heavily oh God I’m sorry but the ambulan is well you know I know right please we need something or he’s going to die Forest I listen you’re going to have to
Get him here we need to see him and we can’t get there ourselves right now we don’t have any way to drive him right now right how do we and even if we did he’s bleeding out fast how are we supposed to help all right listen we
Need to buy him time to get here that means stopping the blood first and then finding someone to stabilize him to stabilize him you really need someone with first aid training do either of you have any no no me neither ah damn it I’m really sorry about this but I have other
Patients who can’t wait all I can do is talk you through the procedure as quick as I can and leave the rest to you oh so I got to listen to it and okay let me write this down we can handle it hit me I’m sure we
Can handle it okay I’m down is bleeding out then you need to get him comfortable and try to stem the bleeding lay him down apply continuous pressure directly to the affected areas when the bleeding slows get a clean cloth of some kind and hold it over the wounds get them
Comfortable apply pressure M Clean cloths when slowed got it I think you said he was stabbed right mhm the object he was stabbed with is still in him don’t take it out okay the worse of the bleeding right now if anything you should secure it so it stays where it is I wouldn’t
Have thought of that it makes sense though God that was a lot of info but I think can handle this Peggy got so far because there’s more to go who there’s more okay okay excuse me all right I’m still with you doc keep going what else do we need
To know if he’s lost a lot of blood he may enter shock if he does act fast if you apply to cloth and it’s bleeding through don’t remove it just apply another on top of it if it’s safe Elevate his legs to get blood circulating to his vital organs try to
Keep him warm get him to rest and reassure him we need the patient to stay calm all right uh don’t replace bandages Elevate his legs keep him warm and calm mhm this is a lot I’m really sorry that’s as much as I can give you right now try to stop the bleeding find
Someone to get him stabilized and get him here as quick as you can okay good luck all right for Casey is still on line one all right let we got this I wrote this down I wrote it down hello hello Forest are you there yes
Um we’re on our own casy I have bad news we’re on our own for now oh no no no no no no Jason why the hell did not do anything no Casey you did the right thing we’re going to talk you through this you got advice from somebody at St
Gabriel’s we’re going to talk you through this oh thank God I’ve been maybe I should try to calm her down wound since you left but he’s still bleeding I don’t know what to do that’s good Casey the nurse said to do that what about the KN in his leg it’s got to
Be hell should I pull it out no don’t touch the knife No don’t touch the knife the bleeding will get worse if you pull it out right you sure I’m sorry I’m going to stop making suggestions right just listen no don’t worry Casey we’re a team here okay we’re all going
To get Jason through this Casey is his leg wound bleeding right now oh Lord I hate looking at that knife yeah yeah it’s bleeding his stomach is worse though okay we need to secure the knife wait his stomach is worse okay hold on um bleeding don’t take it out secure
It come make him comfy stay lay crap I didn’t write this down oh continue pressure clean cloth it does it matter what order we’re in leave the light I would say leave the knife alone because right now the stomach is in the worst position okay
Okay oh hold on hold on Jimmy said yeah secure okay okay okay so let’s secure it I think we need to secure the knife so it doesn’t move around cuz they said that it’s the worst part can tie around it uh yeah there’s some laundry piled up
On top of the dryer some cloths on the hood of the car and what else I guess I’ve got my jacket okay oh wait wait wait to secure it I guess use your jacket cuz you can you can clean R well no the clean Rags are for the she
She’s going to need the clean Rags for um his stomach oh okay yeah loss of a lot of blood don’t remove it elevate keep warm keep calm Yeah clean when there’s a wound clean cloth so the clean cloth will have to go for a stomach so I’ll tell her to
Use her jacket this Casey I think it’s best to use your jacket you it’s probably less likely to bleed through it’s just a jacket give me a second here we go okay I’m sorry Jason it’s secure I’m putting pressure on his stomach again okay I’m starting to think we might make
It for all right gg gg now right now now isn’t the best time Peggy can it wait Forest it’s kind of important all right give me a sec there’s a man bleeding out I’m going to have a quick word with Peggy keep putting that pressure on and let us know
When the bleeding is under control they’re doing great but what if something happens we’ll still be here just shout if you need anything and we’ll be there I promise okay what I’ll wait Jason and it’s 11:00 right now I got I got I got to go and this craziness
What do you got to say oh let me press her button what’s up Peggy we can’t stay on the line with her all night Dawn is still out there what if other people need us this man is dying she’s probably on her way to her next Target right now exactly and you
Heard the nurse we need someone there with training who can stabilize him he’s got to get to the hospital somehow she’ll have to drive him yeah okay any suggestions ask for Sugg I might a little before you started working here kfam did a mandatory first aid training course me and Karen missed
It because we were away on a producer getaway you skipped it didn’t you I never mind right right all right let’s focus let’s focus how does kayf fam’s First Aid course help us Casey said they’re at 25 Nancy drive right yeah what they put up a bunch of cheap houses
Around there about 10 years ago so a bunch of people here at the station live around there do you think any of them could help Casey and Jason oh I don’t know who lives there oh okay and since I missed the training day I don’t know who
Knows first aid oh go could you call them and ask I don’t know everybody’s numbers I’ve only ever called Karen every everybody’s Personnel info is probably in re’s office got it I’ll look through their files in Reggie’s office it’s a life or death situation I’m sure they won’t mind Reggie’s office but
There are a couple of problems with that what oh gosh I’m just going to say naturally naturally it’s sensitive information so Reggie probably locked it in his safe okay great do you have any idea what the combo for the safe could be not a clue oh goodness where is the
Serial notaker though oh de maybe something in his office will give it away right there is something else I’m like this am I have you ever heard the future is floppy Peggy what the hell are you talking about yeah yeah what’s on I’m talking about floppy discs floppy
Discs are like these futuristic things that have information on them you put them in a computer and they do something okay py I know what a floppy disc is right anyway Reggie decided that the future is floppy and started phasing out our physical records and replacing them
They’re all on floppy discs okay I imagine it’s the same for our Personnel files that’s good to know since we haven’t heard anything from Casey I’m guessing Jason’s okay for now right I’ll check out Reggie’s office and see what I can find you’ll need a key for that I’ll
Just slide it under my door now thanks py all right I just have to look around so let me save the game um I’ll just make sure it’s there it is there I’m going to have to end the stream here it has been three and a half
Hours I got to let my mama go to bigan okay um here we so yeah so um we’ll do this tomorrow yeah we could do this tomorrow we’ll stream this tomorrow and we’ll finally officially finish it tomorrow um and then we will also have a Monday react stream of just like regular reacts
Tuesday we’ll do some anime reactions and Wednesday we will do like TV show reactions um but Monday we’ll be playing this Tuesday we will be doing Texas Chainsaw where I’m going to be playing as the cook um and hopefully have some people with me or by myself we’ll see what what happens
Wednesday um I don’t know yet what we oh wait you know what I think tomorrow we might I might be playing DVD with some people I will so either I’m playing this or DVD tomorrow and then we’ll come back with this on Wednesday that’ll be the plan if I’m playing DVD tomorrow we’ll
Play this on Wednesday all right and Thursday you know there’s grounded Friday we’ll find another game that we need to finish and we’ll play that okay yeah so the this was I mean this game it was frightening and scary and like cuz the atmosphere and all the stuff but nothing happened nothing but
It’s the atmosphere it’s the sounds and all this other stuff that they put but it is really a really good game like I love how we were s we were sitting there and even like the board and how I was able to figure out the board and then
Even like the thing of like wait hold on the dog and also the stuff that she was saying and I’m like oh that’s roller Ricky that was right so I love this I love that I’m Twist of dawn being that whole yes yes the whole time the whole
Time okay okay but yeah so that means she was outside cuz remember when I was looking outside when I went outside to get the album she was saying how it’s right outside and she was looking at me okay L was looking at me so we the thing
I still don’t know yet is why is Don doing this why is Don going after all these people and then why did George die these are still questions that I have that I really want to know it’s kind of like a show I’m kind of really interested in this but we’ll be back
With this shout out to the peanut gallery everybody who came through to help me do my my my emotional support people because that’s so scary know we scary twins yeah shout out it was funny when denim was like going on and you’re like denim you might think that I’m not afraid but
I am also afraid watching this I’m like you I’m I’m sorry I’m over here hearing the sounds things going Creek in the night I’m looking behind me I can’t do this make sure your door is closed oh my goodness yeah okay uh what why’ you stop
There for a second but my closet door is open and I do not like that something about to crawl out of there but it’s I have these hands at least I already know if I’m going down they’re not going much farther so okay okay that’s good that’s
Good to know but yeah so I’ll see you guys tomorrow um Tik Tok have a great night much love to you YouTube thank you guys we will see you tomorrow with our d double streams um shout out to the love shout out to a lot of the the drops the
Um not the drops what’s it called the gifted the gifted memberships shout out to you guys thank you guys so much for the love appreciate you guys new members we will have a we have a we’ve hit our thing for a community night so we’ll uh
Well we’ll do that Friday is a community night um and then make sure you join the Discord anybody who got a membership tonight make sure you go you get to the Discord and then Saturday I don’t think I have anything planned for Saturday so we can do our um podcast movie night
That was owed like last month so yeah that’s all the news love you guys I will see you um later uh YouTube I mean twitch stay tuned so it can spread the love to somebody else all right so