Woe zoi let’s go hey it’s Adam make a swimming bird no we’re we’re not that Rusty welcome to Super Mario Brothers Wonder just doing my Willy Wonka you know stumbling out of the Chocolate Factory he falls down no it’s a roll he’s actually high energy and spry let’s
Get back to it here with this brand new 2D this is the first 2D Mario game in a while in that style since maybe Mario maker and this is going to be a lot different from Mario Maker because thanks to that game the developers are like man everyone knows all our tricks
We got to just bust out all this new stuff come up with a lot of good ideas and I’m going to be playing with you folks let’s jump into it I’m going to make a room as soon as I’m able and then as many people as want you know that can
Can jump in we could do random H and then it might stick me with the easier characters right off the bat I’m just going to go through them let’s start with Mario it’s me oh I yeah that is you now I want to hear the voices real
Quickie doie yeah that is Kevin Afghani the new Mario and Luigi it’s me it’s a little I don’t know it’s more youthful I guess it’s it’s no Chris Pratt no it’s it’s just taking some used to you know getting used to it’s not Charles but will’ll get used to Kevin right welcome
To the flower Kingdom just a short hop away from the Mushroom Kingdom somehow we’ve never found this place before thank you Rafa for using your 8 months Night Owl message to say woe zoi 8 months with the best Nintendo community on the internet welcome back Adam hope
Your Hiatus was okay and let’s get this party started yeah I’m feeling much better now and I am ready to go upon receiving an invitation from Prince floran that’s a new character Mario and the others are traveling here for the first time okay I don’t know if I want to use
A control stick or the control pad on some of these Nintendo controllers recently aren’t uh as great so we’re going to try the stick wanted to hear that again you can turn these chatty flowers off I guess where’s the party immediately they’re getting snarky I got some so excited got some
Stuff to say about these flowers but I’m going to leave them on for now oh wow Mario’s got a symbol in his overalls if he if Luigi makes a bad joke Mario can just ground pound wow he can really visitors today really jump up there how
Come Nab nabbit’s in there have a great great time how come Peach gets a Yoshi and we don’t o a little bit of the theme all right let me know how the audio balance is since this is a new game that I’m booting up for the first
Time toad still sounds the same that’s for sure toad do you need a laeng or cough drop or something oh he’s a caterpillar sounds like a Sim sub wub oh no immediately he’s back in his clown car it’s been a little bit for That that’s why you don’t touch things that don’t belong to you you freeze everybody and you get Warped into some sort of flying fortress he seems happy enough with it Bowser’s willing to you know do whatever it takes he’s his own country now oh this Rana plants are pretty
Gnarly jeez he’s huge he’s bigger than I thought he’s ruining our air Quality I think these guys are called Poppins they’re kind of like the flower Kingdom equivalent to toads well they were till they got put in jail their voice isn’t quite as shrill as toad a he better become a butterfly by the end of the game was that King Bower
How could he steal our Wonder flower and our flower Castle too I can’t believe he merged with our beautiful castle like that it it’s just so awful Bowser will make a terrible mess of our whole Kingdom if we don’t stop him somehow he he indeed Mario he just intuitively understands
You’ll help us thank you I deciphered your grunts and shouts and you’re going to help me I’d like to be your guide if you don’t mind let me just slip on in there oh okay a he’s cute Daisy’s coming along for the first time and all the Yoshi’s believe in you
Oh thank you talking flower at first I thought that Prince floran was going to be talking through the flowers but I guess they just kind of do their own thing okay world one Pipe Rock Plateau now before we get into it can we activate online okay let’s
Connect oh wait hold on I want to play with friends as well all right so I think anyone on my friends list can jump in you guys can do your own courses if I’m playing the course you are then you can jump in yeah you might
Have to jump in the room I’m in but we’re just going to do this right off the bat no password although maybe I should if this is open to everyone we we’ll see no one’s going to jump in if they’re not watching right Spider-Man’s here
What all right and we’re going to go to the first level I’ll give you guys a second to jump in as well so hopefully I’ll see some of you in here yeah I’m not sure yeah while you play with friends you can switch between the player screen and cor screen okay
So we can see what what Spider-Man’s up to he should be playing his own game that came out today but all right let’s jump in the first one so I get a little taste of it before everyone is bouncing around hold be to J okay by pressing
Okay I thought they were saying I can jump higher with it host a friend race okay so that’s if we wanted to speed through here Spider-Man entered the same course we’re going to see Spider-Man oh yeah oh can wall jump yeah we got classic Mario moves there’s Spiderman look at him he looks an awful lot like Princess Daisy he’s slipping around oh my gosh you’re dead already come here okay I’m glad I could uh revive Spider-Man very important that he doesn’t die on my watch
Ooh one ups are still here of course I was trying to do a a uh somersault but I guess that’s not in this one we’re going to find all the new stuff how did he even die there the glomas wow there we go we’re wo zoing immediately oh that’s a fun sound
Spider-Man come on we got to go follow the elephant well I’m sorry Goomba Mario block oh we can keep one of these right yep just in case my wowy gets Z can we slide yeah we can oh we need to oh some water can I take some of this with me
Yeah have some of that glomba Yoo he doesn’t sound any different as an elephant you think his voice should be a little different so you can place these standies around who oh oh oh thank you so much Raa for the Super Chat that was not in the game I forgot I did
That I don’t know if I can get that last bit of coin here unless we ride this water there we go okay oh no that was a gifted membership sorry that wasn’t a Super Chat who got that vinin welcome to the early birds vinin yeah I set up some new Mario
Alerts as you can probably tell can we we can run right okay it’s that button I was going to say there’s got to be runs still I was just taking a leisurely leisurely elephant Trump around all right here’s one of the big features the wonderf flower and now everything’s all trippy let’s
Go it’s flying through the air oh I got to water these I can’t leave any flowers behind there we go I’m sure these coins will be useful how do I have 26.6 they’re partial coins interesting currency in this kingdom is a little confusing compared to the Mushroom
Kingdom I don’t know what the exchange rate is why is elephant Spider-Man so big oh they’re in the foreground Hi Spider-man what are you doing here blocking our view I don’t know is Spider-Man even one a VI or is they are they just a Sony crony promoting Spider-Man’s new game no there we
Go that I don’t fight in any of the console Wars a silly Endeavor wonderful there we go Spider-Man reached the goal we missed a Wonder flower somewhere though or a w seed sorry I wonder if it’s hiding in one of these pipes o let’s just do this for
Now unless maybe we get one from the poplin when we bring them back there we go yep they had one okay it’s a little weird to be like finish the level I gave him some water I don’t know if that would be painful to have your head open like that but they seem
Happy thank you so much step for the Super Chat thank you for subjecting everyone to that sound also what did we we got another thing we got a couple different things let me read this dialogue real quick all right Wonder seeds are going to be really useful on our adventure I forgot
He was with us let’s go get some more are you the same person or did an elephant kill you and steal your clothes so midnight and Glitz has been a early bird for 1 month they say hello Adam I got this Milestone from my free membership oh yeah it was gifted also
You saw this plat Fest there on team skeleton what are you going to choose I’m going to go for ghost we might see some ghosts tonight we we did see ghost Daisy a Terell gave a I think it was like a super sticker thing there we go
Thank you so much oh they celebrated their first live stream okay and then Steven said happy Mario Day Rafa gifted a membership thank you all so much appreciate apprciate everybody joining in I’m having fun why is oh it’s Daisy okay so how do I get more of you in
Here do I have to put out some sort of call I don’t want to exit my friend room let’s learn wait we saw the shadow of uh of Spider-Man how do I get you guys in here play with friends can S and then press L to open the player screen okay I think if you guys are able to join hopefully that works let me know if someone is trying and has confirmation other than Spider-Man what’s going on oh no I’m accidentally going to Spider-Man’s course where are they oh they’re back
Here okay no Worries congratulations shanan that’s awesome Ashley’s booting the game okay I’m going to jump in Prana plants on parade while we are doing that okay oh so it has to yeah some of these I know it’s not every course but a lot of them you can uh do those races I’m
Not used to the Run button being on y let’s get this guy with our trunk can we go we don’t want to go down there I would think I would go in the background if it let me I don’t want to not be an elephant but I guess we’ll go with what
They gave us Wo also have to remember to uh change my character out occasionally let’s get back there these guys are on Parade they’re trotting around I like when the enemies were used to have uh weird remixed things we’re going to see that a lot in this game I
Would think and I really keep trying to do the equivalent of the squid roll in Splatoon but the Mario like somersault where you change directions really quick tar koala jumped in okay good good to see a familiar face okay and we’re back I might switch oops whoa what
Happened oh we’re going back okay I’m going to use my Oh no I got a fireflower my elephant fruit so you can get over there I lost lost it that’s okay walking plants huh he’s used to zo theity became a member Spider-Man thank you so much well
Hold on Divinity thank you so much for becoming an early bird but I also thank you Spider-Man for letting me be an elephant again these help you jump higher right can I jump in there from here Spider-Man’s just a friend to everybody including elephant Mario what the who’s just floating down there okay
What’s going On no they Lo me with their Singing oh No I don’t want to kill them beautiful all right they’re so cute that’s the trick if you don’t if you’re a Mario enemy and you don’t want Mario to hit you with fire or whatever just have a beautiful song there we go I got distracted oh
Sorry I try to do my best to uh avoid them and let them sing you don’t see that every day yeah telling me assuming we can take him out oh no he came back oh there was a secret there it was a Yoshi uh red Yoshi block
I wonder if that was left by another player oh I kind of see where the coins were interesting are you okay Spider-Man he was crying thank you Fen so much for hitting 8 months as an early bird my friends are back yay she says thank you so much
Okay I’m having a lot of fun so far even though the pra plants are trying to trick me with their beautiful song it’s like Little Shop of Horror is even more it’s come full circle okay I know taro’s in here we’re going to get some others in here
Hopefully that was a very beautiful song but it was also very dastardly we do have a Q&A going if you have any questions how are you asked jrod I’m doing pretty good how are you Thomas asked why’d you quit for a while I had to take a little break for health
Reasons but we are back appreciate everyone who’s been patient scrams G adlers that’s the next one T man asks about armored Core six I don’t know if I would get to that I do like from software games but I’d probably rather play Elden ring if I’m
Going to do one of those what is going on with this guy he’s shooting giant he’s like the Berto equivalent of this game maybe peanuts they were full of coins that would be like trying to eat a chocolate and it had a chocolate coin and it had money inside of
It what’s going on with these peanuts do we have to be an elephant to break them I’m going to hit him with water sorry SC Adler you had to do it so those aren’t pra plants they’re little like blue Wy things hey get back here the sound of an elephant chasing a
Golfer o I wonder if I can get him in here if I hit this yeah here we go o I don’t want to okay F can pick it up good elephant Mario can pretty much do everything normal Mario can but better and he has kind of the Tanuki Tail Going on a
Little bit oh okay that wasn’t too bad his fruit are here yeah you can smack stuff almost like you had the the tail on you you’re just bigger and easier to hit in some ways which might not be the best but yeah you can wall jump you can do
Everything nope he get hit yeah I feel like it is going to be harder not to take damage a little bit with this guy yeah scrams get Adler very apt uh course name is there something down here I’m just so secret hungry with all this oh Spider-Man’s been dropping some
Elephant fruit for me thank you Spider-Man you can even fit in a lot of these areas did I surprise you no I was expecting you to be around every corner you creepy Little Flower I mentioned there’s a real thing called elephant fruit there’s also a real uh flower that looks like that star
Aant oh my gosh give me more nice work oh we were running out of time got to get the seed Before Time Runs Out wonderful there we go yeah I wonder if we didn’t reach him in time we wouldn’t get the seed okay doing good Taro beat me to the
Gold that’s fine these standies if you die so I I might be able to leave one right yeah I can emote at least I think there’s a way to also leave the the standies when I unlock that and then if someone is playing with you and they touch one they’ll be
Revived if they’re a ghost fantastic Okay despite all the new stuff yeah it still feels very mariy bye-bye oh I didn’t have any water for her but yeah I know some people are like this is this feels like Rayman Legends this is uh that’s what Divinity just said there just a lot of new stuff but I
Think that’s the point because Mario maker made most of the other Mario stuff a little old hat by now isn’t this fun the flower Castle is me and I’m the flower Castle so much Wonder power I can feel myself getting stronger and stronger and stronger soon everything will be
Mine thank you Bowser is the same voice and Peach and toad I believe but some of the characters yeah Daisy Mario Luigi are new in this one that’s no good Bowser no that no good Bower I won’t stand for his Antics we’ve got to get him somehow Tallyho
Elephant ah let’s use that propell flower up ahead to catch up okay I like the idea that maybe Florian doesn’t realize that this is not this is Mario he thinks it’s someone else who else is in here we got Figo let’s jump on this oh we had one of
These in the first stage is that taking us to a new land already or just the world map proper G he like driving behind a semi Tru can’t even breathe he’s corrupting everything and he just sprouting flowers leaving his sun and air oh yeah my dad’s
A castle now nobody’s going to be able to stop him now that he’s all powerful he’s just kind of coping he doesn’t he wants a father more than ever a present father but he’s got to deal with the fact that his dad’s a castle and act like it’s cool this is getting
Worse and worse and look at the plant go around that house over there I see it not the weirdest thing we’ve seen today hey I’ve got it let’s try using our Wonder seeds bet it’ll fix this up they’re really powerful so we need the seeds to unlock courses right yep we have six
Already there we go a that one’s not going to sing not going to do much of anything badge house in Pipe Rock Plateau okay let me check the Q&A real quick I’ll be right back we get drink of Water Levi asked favorite game that’s come out this year I thought earlier you know I would have said tears of the Kingdom still need to finish that but I think it’s going to be Pikmin 4 honestly this game is so wonderful says Terrell thank you again for your little Super
Chat h how long has it been since you started your first Mario game well I’ve been playing Mario since I was in diapies I was uh I played duck hunt first but yeah we had an NES and I played the first Mario back in the day
But three was my favorite as a kid is everything all right in here I was so scared oh wait that’s uh Pop I was so scared I thought I’d Wilt on the spot but I’m glad I was here to keep this badge safe yeah by the time I
Was born my sisters had already bought like the first three Marios so I had those waiting for me oh yeah badges they have lots of different effects people who travel through the flower Kingdom like using them uh Prince Florian if I could be so bold would you accept this gift from me
I’m sure someone as princely as you will know how to use it best there it is and that’s why he’s with us it goes on his crown oh thank you I’ve always wanted to wear one of these I can use the power of this badge to help
Everyone that brings a bloom to my heart Prince floran I’m happy that you’re pleased you bloom in front of the prince badges will take some trouble out of your travels so these are kind of like little abilities we saw Spider-Man use one earlier the this way the plant that
Allowed you to repel Rafa’s in here I think see you okay training ground parachute cap this is yeah in a lot of trailers while in midair press R shake the controller to open your hat and slowly float downwards okay ooh oh there’s a spin jump on R I didn’t
Even realize till now press R inid what is an R see you later all right we know how to use it thank you raccoon x for being an early bird for 4 months they said hi from New Zealand managed to catch a stream are you playing any spooky games for the
Halloween season on or off YouTube I’m thinking about a particular spooky game that no one would probably ever be able to guess coming up maybe around Halloween a little closer and we’ll do the Splat splatfest of course oh look at this place there’s so much to see but
Kind of deserty that’s another one of those icky pants we’re going to need more W seed needs tole pip Mario so where do you think we should head first if you want to have a look at the map just press L okay I kind of want to see we can change controls
Right somewhere in here player options oh okay oh no this is a that’s not what I meant I want to do this right yeah I kind of want to change this to yeah there we go that’s what I’m used to B Dash a jump ground pound controls with
ZL maybe I’ll turn it off of down cuz I kept accidentally doing it motion controls off for this maybe and then automatically open yeah okay you could turn the flower off and I guess in development they played around with a different flower voice and it was more
Of a Sunda like it was more insulting but then they decided not to put that we can change the flowers language it’s kind of fun can I make a Japanese flower we can wow there’s a lot of options okay that’s pretty cool who else is in here I
Saw yep Tara’s in here Rafa is in here Ashley jumped in she’s playing as Luigi I need to change my character I’m going to steal Luigi oh no I can’t let’s go with peach so he can only play as characters that other people aren’t playing as and now we are
A giant earring elephant bull rush coming through or here come the hoos which large mammal do we want to try Okay can stand on the backs of some of the bigger enemies oh yeah so we can switch our badges all right we’ll see how this
Feels with the badge oh I got I already forgot I changed my controls okay whoa whoo whoo yeah they they fall through what about what if I uh they’re Invincible okay kind of like feel like if I had if I hold jump that would be a good way to
Activate the cap but it’s not how it works oh he killed that snail thing that was stressful oh when you you select a emote thing then you can uh oh it’s on this now okay I see why you just if you tap it it does it you can’t jump under there we’re
Going to have to use a bull rush to get it right can we get the bull rush to follow us over here oh we knock him out I want to pick him up and bring him with me that’s not how that works oh no okay well never mind I bet we’ll get one
Over here somewhere right y here they come oh there’s got to be a way to get it to BL through there H we’re getting so many people jumping in here oh no are you playing the same game I am talking Flower these guys are scary they just run off like little Lemmings actuallyy speed running yeah everyone’s going to beat the course before I I’m taking a little bit of a cic scenic route to try to see everything oh no oh my elephant my beautiful Elephant Princess let’s oh yeah we can grab that
I just don’t want to replace my fireflow or my elephant yeah H how are we going to break that it’s a one of these King oyster mushrooms right one of these Goombas in this Kingdom they grow to the size of oh no yeah we’re going to need a b rush for
This I’m guessing here they come something feels a there we Go Mario there’s wilderbeast there’s bull rushes in the pride lands oh we don’t want to fall behind we’re going to lose our ride oh no get back here oh we just passed the castle whoa evil clouds what is going on here Wonder see and then it it cures the uh Wonder
Sickness the Wonder hallucinations are cured by EA a Wonder seat what is that was a substantial flag pole oh we missed one yeah there’s somewhere else through there thank you a peach is very polite she is royalty so this does have local multiplayer but we are playing online
With you guys how many people can be in a room oh we still have five slots if anyone wants to jump in we’re starting to uh run out of characters I’m going with toad this time Blue Toad there’s also yellow toad as an option all right hoo time here come the
Hoos try to catch up with the questions here how’s the weather currently oh I’m a fire toad already I want to be an elephant toad just bizarre there we go still adjusting my controls that I changed poor hoo oh it’s a goombrat they’re little Pimon Goombas instead of Mushrooms hoo’s not as scary as bull rushes although in real life hippos are one of the most deadly animals in existence they kill more people look at them these things kill more people every year then I think elephants probably don’t do that much in especially in comparison
We’re getting yeah is this uh this might be based off like the Savannah cuz of like the we got sort of a wilderbeast thing the elephants already reminds me of tropical Freeze the one level that had all the fires and stuff going on these guys are saving us from certain
Death thank you to everyone putting these uh standies that aren’t confident that I’m going to make it through the level again the stand these will save you if you’re a ghost which we saw at the very beginning with Spider-Man turned into one stock up on
These can we oh no I thought I could squish him for some reason think I got another One oh I bet if I did a h this is risky but I bet if I did a spit jump onto him it’ll it’ll get him right I’ll worry about it Later I just forget the spin jump exists what 3 2 one oh wow okay thank you I need another one of those to test my piranha plant we can do this at least right get out of here I don’t want to hear another song out of you check some pipes Okay water the Koopas on the way oh oh I forgot we can uh hit stuff in the air and we can juggle it to get extra points can I get extra lives oh it turns into coins okay there’s so much going on I want to hopo up there please
Okay let me try this come out of there flower nope it does not work okay good to know but I think I can flick it into that part right Ashley’s trying to keep catch up okay well if I had water maybe there’s got to be a way to do that
Right maybe with some water let’s fill up this trunk here I’m already just like completely desensitized to uh toad as an elephant for some reason I bet maybe we could flip the hoo back h there’s got to be a way to get that or if we had one of those special badges like
Spiderman Josh thank you so much for the gifted membership I’m sorry I can’t look at it right now I’m being attacked by hoos ravenous hoos but what are we doing with this we got to get on top of it get on top of that hop what’s happening oh my goodness he’s killing me
That’s what’s happening flower oh my gosh thought it was a super chat but that’s just how toad sounds yeah we can kind of direct these guys but we can’t you know launch them in the air like I was doing with the Shell so you know this is a weird different take on Mario because they don’t wear suits they just turn right into an elephant wonderful okay Taro is Nabbit so the nabbits and Yoshi’s have one there’s one nabit nabit and the Yoshi’s all are invincible from damage and the Yoshi’s
Have all like the flutter jump they can eat stuff you can ride on them in multiplayer Yoshis can ride on Yoshis it’s crazy here in the flower Kingdom but uh nabit doesn’t have any of those I think it’s more like a normal character and but I don’t think Yoshi’s can use
Badges now that uh sorry it’s not a toad now that you’ve collected some W seeds I’m sure we can do something with them let’s go where that coiled plant is okay well what about this thing Wonder token Tunes journey together Professor connect Hello nice to meet you hold on Professor connect we
Can do something a little different for you Hello nice to meet you you can call me Professor connect come talk to me anytime you want to do anything with online play so with that said here’s a lesson in having fun online share your adventure with players from all over the
World when you play online you can have fun with folks from anywhere there’s lots of little ways for players to help each other out of a tight spot seems like a good reason to turn on online mode H hint hint all right we’re good he was trying to get me to Exit the
Friend room all right let’s get back to it that was weird look at everyone hopping around oh I was going to spin jump but that was just my badge so these are break time rooms that I guess we can earn more W seeds let’s try this out
Dash and go hold me to dash dash get the one seed Okay I keep thinking I have to touch those guys to get them to talk but they’re going to talk one way or the other I love Toad’s like putting his eyes out or his arms out sorry putting his eyes out I love Toad’s uh slug like
Eye stocks no it’s his arms when he runs okay you can still get coins to get lives Oh this is uh Mario World music I love this song it was an odyssey as well is that it a love that sound that’s what I was saying flower ho I don’t even need to commentate these flowers are just doing it for me okay this was a fun little break
Time boing boing Bo boing Bo all right so we need 10 to oh it tells you in the corner okay that’s how many you need to unlock that let’s go see this poplin this Figo the Yoshi is directing us here hi there here at the poplin shop we sell everything and we
Accept flower coins as payment we don’t accept Point coins there was like decimal versions coin reward that’s a bad oh okay so that’s the type of badge I got to get a standy here we go buy one of these to get a standy at random I don’t have one yet
Who is it that looks like Mario no it’s toad it’s swimming Blue Toad oh perfect okay oh I guess I do have the normal standies all right we can play play some oh okay I have to crouch and push it that’s how that works and then this is what I was trying to
Say if you’re a ghost and you’re playing with other people and that or even if you’re just playing normally and you see a stande you can touch it and you will get the ability to come back to life they’re powerful in that way let’s go ahead and buy this I
Guess all right and the badge just clear them out we don’t need extra lives you want to try using a different badge no we’re okay keep forgetting I have the one I’ve got all right Let’s see should I switch characters yeah we’re go no oh I want to be Luigi I’m going to be Toadette she’s ready and then we can change our stande here right yeah we got all these ones but I got to go with my new swimming Blue
Toad can we pick or we we just kind of goes with whoever you have we’ll find out okay let’s go can we go this way first cuz that look like a boss this rock fell here oh wait you’re not a toad I keep forgetting look’s terrible this rock
Fell here because of that awful Bowser I’d smash it if I could but it’s just so huge if only I had 10 flower coins they give us poplins an energy boost here you go I should just be giving you guys these thank you now I’ve got some oof in
My Bloom I’ll break this rock in no time hey Rock stop blocking our path oh they have a pick the captain Toad there we go I broke the rock with the bloom of oomph you gave me please go through is this the same world it’s a secret segment
Okay that looks like a break adjust the controls and another badge CH let’s try the badge challenge get me to remember that the badge exists as an ability okay oh I lost my elephant okay here we go oh I didn’t hit the badge do we have to hit anything before
We did it or it just kind of went I was too excited to use my badge oh no Luigi is that Ashley okay keep going I need to get up a little higher I’m going to jump from up here those things look like donuts a little bit oh no I didn’t make
It have to remember to jump first and then do the cap there we go okay I Know yeah there’s a surprising amount to get used to actually no I banished her to the nether realm I’m sorry Ashley there oh she’s back she’s little she’s back in baby form can we get back up there Impressive oh oh my gosh can’t believe I survived that there we go I’m doing this all wrong but it’s okay as long as we get to the end Spider-Man standy I’m going to leave one here this is a good spot for it oh it is dependent on the character
You use so whoever you’re playing as no no no I can save myself okay let me see if I can get over here and onto that it looks like an eair I want a donut no that was a little Jump Spider-Man save me thank you Spider-Man I’m trying to get on there cuz I really want that flower coin there we go I got it and I missed it after all that I wanted to show everyone how the ghost work of course that’s exactly what I was [Applause] doing all right how’s everyone
Doing getting caught up with the chat after that exciting climb all right this will open up after we do this I’m guessing so darling yep it does have land multiplayer this is our weird Dark Souls sort of ghosts going around helping each other multiplayer shid yep I am friends with
Zach haven’t played with him in a little while usually we’ll play Splatoon together occasionally Ashley I want to be Luigi stop hogging the Big Green man no it’s okay um the Yoshi’s are cool cuz they have extra Powers but I’m going to wait to show them let’s go back to Mario for a
Little bit so we can woi zoi all right roller Kirby roller Rolla Koopa Derby sorry I don’t know why I thought Kirby here we go oh my gosh oh it’s preparing the speedrun thing that’s what I got confused with last time can I kill these guys they’re just too cute oh my
Gosh you can I’m sorry I can get extra coins if I keep flipping their shell oh it’s I feel bad I they were just trying to skate around get some isometric exercise okay let’s go let’s let’s try to not remember our crime they probably would whoa bonus level they probably would have
Uh okay four to go oh we have to kill them now we now we’re expected to kill them okay right nice job you killed those Koopas nice job Mario oh I could bounce them out of there I see Look Out Below Operation Dumbo Drop yeah they didn’t want us to kill
Them before or I didn’t think I was supposed to I just want to grab all the grab all the secrets I missed we got to go back after that to get those is it even worth it I shouldn’t feel bad these guys even though they’re very cute and they’re wearing roller
Skates they’re uh might not be able to be trusted I’m going elephant mode again got to hear that woi zoi murder it’s just like the the singing panha plants just because they uh oh secret thank you Spider-Man what is it can a guy get some shy around here what is it it sound like we had horrible news for him what is it is my son okay um but yeah it’s just like the singing PR plants they want you to think that these guys are cute and
Helpless and sweet but then they hit you with roller skates when you’re not looking that’s a fun little clicky clacky sound you like the little Koopas even though I’m killing a lot of them there’s plenty they’ll repopulate craft more skates there we go oh so there’s three
Of the 10 coins in every stage I didn’t even noticed that grab that there we go oh what are we doing oh it’s a secret path this is wonderful do we want to follow them back on this path no we’re going this way oh we’re getting coins that way okay this is wonderful
Up up up up y I like this song no no no my elephant firef flowers are old news this is new Mario and new Mario turns into an Elephant where we going next up more or is that it follow that blue Yoshi I guess Ashley left the friend room no she might be swapping characters no my elephant there we go we’re just skating up to heaven we’re skating up to xanado do no all right keep messing
Up getting distracted by all the beautiful Colors oh I can do this with Fireflower all right all right look at my beautiful uh fire fire cap it’s just the same but it is unique looking here we go wave into the Koopas who’s to say if that was that oh that was just a dream right a wonderful dream here we go
Okay all right good to see the star is still here as well oh we saw those before mushrooms firef flowers Stars some of the few things [Applause] returning I got to get caught up on stuff thank you so much Stephen eight months as a taban GG treat Giver or at
Least eight months as a member but I know you recently upgraded thank you again for that toad noises is what they said I see if I can do this what an amazing way to no to bring this community together this game rocks glad to be back in the chat again have fun
All who are playing tonight thank you so much oh uh Ashley switched Spider-Man no well I’m getting Daisy then Spider-Man’s been sitting on Daisy this whole time at least we got her even if I couldn’t get Luigi thank you for switching Ashley Luigi’s probably my favorite of the
Bunch and Mar uh Mark I almost said Mario Saunders Mark Saunders T me and GG treat giver and mod of course for 8 months happy to be back they say nothing like a new Mario game to bring us all together here go thank you Adam for crafting a wonderful Community we got a
Lot of puns tonight thank you so much okay what is this the preparing part keeps throwing me off off cuz that’s just saying that it’s starting the friend race there we go thank you Mr hoo I hope you’re not trapped in there forever it’s so weird that Daisy has a
Mario hat but lber hat whatever you want to call it all right some of this actually kind of reminds me of speaking of Kirby we just I accidentally said Kirby before but uh it reminds me of some Kirby bonus levels where you have to kind of do little
Puzzles like that not that that was unique to that series but I don’t know it’s got a little bit of that Vibe what the what did I find secret whoa where are we it’s fall I don’t want to be here yet what a view quite the surprising place to run
Into someone huh Captain Toad’s in this nice to meet you this is our first time meeting right or maybe you already know who I am I don’t know if Daisy and Captain Toad have been in the same vicinity I was busy exploring searching for Treasure next thing I knew I got
Caught in a blizzard I didn’t find much treasure but the view sure is pretty huh oh right during the blizzard 50 flower corns came flying right at me I lost an eye I hope they’ll help you out there on your own adventure thank you Captain Toad Captain Toad’s like a he’s one of
The idol Rich he Adventures because he doesn’t need the money he just does it as a hobby like an oldfashioned adventure okay you got any more money for me no Captain Toad is my sugar daddy all right that was fun he’s just hiding back
There behind a rock or it was a pipe but okay now that we’ve done the bonus section well there’s grazing bull rushes they have like exercise gear on they remind me of something from uh what’s that one a ring fit Adventure kind of evokes that a little
Bit elephants can’t jump in real life Wow thank you kite flying cat for the fact o there’s a wiggler wiggler race mountaineering okay we’re only missing one wond seed I think but I could probably go back for that before we leave this place wiggler race we’ll
Be in dash oh we have to oh this is like racing foot race with Koopa the quick but it’s a wiggler on roller skates here we go oh Ashley or Spider-Man’s trying to race us okay I’ll race you guys and wigler Wiggler’s part of the race he has his own icon
Wi whoa okay here we go boost pads it’s like uh Mario Kart I want those coins I’m going to resist oh oh oh oh oh okay good wiggler can’t hurt me Wiggler’s not real wiggler can’t hurt me oh no this my time to get ahead wigler also has some problems with breaking peanut blocks hey skidaddler we don’t need you right now we’re
Busy oh Daisy can hang I’m sure they all can I could have well jumped that I’m seeing all the things that I need to do oh no I missed the Boost we still won at least against wigler Spider-Man beat us a what an honorable worm caterpillar okay we’re only a couple seconds behind
Spider-Man wiggler got third we did it oh here comes something I saw it it’s going to be a delay but it’ll pop up we did it we won a wigler race a flower Kingdom specialty wigler was nice enough to give us an auto super mushroom badge to celebrate
Your Victory it’s a really great badge it triggers the effects of a super mushroom when you start a course I wonder if that’s what was going on before want me to Wet it I think we’ll keep the badge we got I like having a plumber’s hat even though I’m a
Princess wigglers I wonder if that’s what uh Florian’s going to grow up into Ashley thank you so much for the Super Chat it’s a distraction trying to win the race by uh distracting me it didn’t pop up with the toad voice but that’s okay all right where
Is Get Wrecked wiggler says Al thank you Al where is the there’s a second little uh there we go bit of a delay on that thank you again Ashley sorry toad let’s try to find the other wond seed here that was stressful these bull rushes can take quite a bit of uh
Punishment I’m curious how to get this to break I think we got to get a bull rush oh I see oh there we go I didn’t know you could break that can I put it back up or no just that one goes down all right well we solved
That look at beautiful fire Daisy she has like a creamsicle color uh dress on don’t snort at me I’m the princess of Hur land and I can’t remember what the Mario Land place was called nice so nice oh she got he got me just nipped me
There I keep forgetting I have to ground pound with a button now there we go creamsicle Daisy is Back so this was the first Wonder feels let’s ride this guy up here we got this one already I just have to figure out where the second one was maybe it’s cuz I stampeded past it last time Jee chill out talking flower you’re not going to die you’ll be fine uhoh Uh-oh I think I lost these guys last time too maybe that’s where I missed the seed that’s what happened they knocked that goalpost over oh I bet if we bit if we beat them to the goalpost we get the other W seed that’s my guess only during a full moon is what someone
Said uhoh is this death okay we’re good anything down here oh look at this secret path hey someone to talk to farewell lonely days keep tickling him all right bye a I feel bad I think he’s I thought he was going to be like oh okay Bye her jump sounds interesting that’s a nope there’s got to be something around here right we’ll find it h we can’t I bet we do have to get in there that’s my guess we just have to beat them to the flag pole so that it doesn’t get
Destroyed there’s this coin here that oh hey hey aha oh no don’t jump come back they have hands not the weirdest thing in this game but still kind of odd all right do we want to go back anymore I could die I’m little look at her little hat oh this is a Risk okay well I wanted to do the level again anyways all right let’s try this again yeah we’re about to hit the Wonder FL uh W seed thing flower in a second here Give me that shroom all right and then I just I’m going to try to race ahead of them cuz I think if I don’t they’ll just destroy the gold no no No I could use a boost from Spider-Man you got any secret power up Spider-Man let’s go baby Daisy Run oh oh no oh oh my gosh we’re going to be in trouble here if I’m not quick enough come on baby Daisy there we go see yeah you I I don’t think you can get both of these right cuz you have to get one seed by going
Over and one seed by stopping in the middle so got to do the course again goodbye goodbye I had another uh alert sound I was going to use that was Daisy that I thought was funny that maybe I’ll switch it out for the next stream okay so that
Is hit Y to see the course or no l or there we go I just want to make sure I do we need to get all the coins all the big purple coins huh I didn’t get the flag on the parachute interesting oh it probably marks if you
Get the top of the flag pole versus if you just hit it normally I see okay I think we did everything that’s world one right all right let’s go oh no this might this might be the end of world one oh no they’ve even managed to take over the palace here
There’s a special treasure kept there that’s known as a a royal seed we’ve got to do something before they use it for some evil purpose I’m never going to carry on my caterpillar bloodline okay and then Luigi Okie doie oh what happened did we lose our room cuz all the characters are okay
Good that can be Luigi oh a different bull Rush Express and then wall climb jump badge just want to see what our options are and we can go down to Hell I hear a Yoshi down here I’m too little to break those there’s so many courses that looks gross see the
Stars oh so that’s the difficulty rating all right let’s go back okay welcome everyone I know there’s some new people I’m going to get this new badge first as we catch up on questions in the Q&A charu as you like Mario Wonder so far definitely very fun exciting new
Stuff every course basically having a lot of a lot of fun with this one more so than I I’ve kind of got a little uh middling on 2D Mario as I was not a huge fan of like the new Super Mario Series so I’m glad they’re reinvigorating it
With this one all right wall climb jump oh wait can’t we already wall climb oh it just goes straight up after instead of having to do the thing I was doing the thing I did was Jump off of a thing and then try to you know push my way back in I forgot how tall this guy is cuz uh I was used to being a little Ouija for so long but you have to land you can’t do consecutive wall jumps but you can still
Do the thing where you kind of just scoot yourself back and make your way over deep bre okay what are we doing here back oh I see they want us to go straight up for the coin okay oo kind of don’t always want to go
Straight up with a wall jump unless I do it here you got it oh hey impressive all right I don’t have my hat any might have got it but I can’t use it as a parachute just a little twirl instead I did [Applause] [Applause] it okay speaking of golden grisco weekend Mark mentioned it they’re going to make a golden grisco weekend during the Splat ween can’t believe they would do that nicely done and we got the badge you just used as a gift do you want to wear it I kind of don’t know if that’s
As useful maybe for some courses but I’m going to keep the badge I got for now I can see it being useful but I kind of would rather just maneuver myself in the air with the wall jumps okay how are Danny and the kitties asks Fen they’re doing very well thank
You Gigi if you’re in the Discord you would have seen a picture of Gigi with the uh new spooky Halloween cat tower he got recently that he enjoys when I stream or work in the office he sits on there and waits for me he’s very cute
But that picture is in the pet picks of the Discord which there’s a link in the description if you haven’t joined that yet doing well tonight thank you Craig okay let’s jump into the this one’s going to be tough so I’m going to try to
Focus up to at least four star level of attention is this going to be like a harder version of the other course I’m guessing Okay okay here we go o oh wow the cap definitely helps if you’re I probably should have brought a power up into here I’m realizing oh here we Go oh my gosh yeah I’m guessing this is going to be a tough one with uh okay without power ups but oh I missed a coin oh there’s poison oh my gosh oh I shouldn’t have did that I should have rode them down there okay okay
Okay no oh my gosh you got to be fast with those uh P blocks I’m Little goodness no no no jump oh no I didn’t jump quite high enough on that last bit okay sorry there’s just a lot of me uh screaming and uh freaking out a little on this one that’s okay it’s part of the fun when you’re under the effects of a wonderf
Flower feel bad for these bull rushes that they have to live like this missed It now that definitely sounded a little off to me Luigi’s oh yeah didn’t sound uh what I’m used to with the Luigi uhoh uhoh I missed my ride I wanted that coin do you keep the coins you get even if you die let’s find out kind of seemed like it yep you do
That’s forgiving yeah the fact that it’s just like too bad you died go easy on a little guy just a little Luigi in a big world of bulls there we go there’s probably something if I get all of the blue coins but I don’t know if I’m going to
I’m the guy to do It music’s beautiful oh no no no what are those slugs Luigi got stuck on the wall Luigi you got to get off the wall and dance sometimes yeah I do like the bull rushes it’s a fun Dynamic to kind of like balance forward momentum while still being able to focus on other
Stuff okay oh thank you I’m glad the mushroom stays with You my best Shot amazing missed This there we go that’s all three of those I hope I don’t have to get all the blue coins for anything okay I was so close to the end there oh there’s probably a secret if I bring a shell or something with me this better not fill up oh don’t backseat me
Flower it’s like why would you go this way CU they’re secrets I don’t want to bounce on that so bad it’s probably not the way to do it I bet if I go up here no no no do not die now Luigi just grab the flag bolt let’s go let’s get out of
[Laughter] [Applause] Here yeah they do I keep forgetting the bull rushes have those creepy hands till someone mentioned it again kind of like the deer with the creepy hands in Adventure Time we’re trying to make it a little spookier here like Fen mentioned it’s it is the spooky month all right there’s the extra stuff
There’s so many extra courses in this it’s crazy could spend a whole lot of time just on this stuff all right what do we want to do let’s try pip Rock Rumble yeah I’m hoping to get to a spooky game or defeat them and keep going defeat all the enemies to open
Each gate if you do it quickly there’s extra Awards waiting you can tackle challenge solo join up with friends okay what you going to go with oh I’ll take an elephant anyone else want to jump in let’s see I’ll take two elephants I take okay and then what do I do here smack Right we have to go oh what oh we go uh no oh we go up man I messed that up I was like oh we’re waiting for the enemies okay oh they’re sleeping I went a little slow on that start that’s okay we’re learning oink okay I should have Maybe started
With some of the the closer Goombas before that I just waiting for those corks to open foolish all right eight to go oh oh they’re going to dance around and sing don’t let them get out of here no survivors it is like Mario Brothers I
Was going to say the the song at the beginning reminded me of the original Mario Brothers arcade game and NES game where you have to hit them from underneath like that I’m taking this with me no I’m not can’t fit an elephant and a shell under
There oh oh oh can’t kill them that way I just have to get them to run okay hurry hurry hurry I didn’t have to do it that way but it felt like now the bull rushes know what elephant Luigi is made of and they won’t mess with him again okay ooh nice extra rewards for doing it quickly that’s what he was talking about oh we’re waiting on someone is it
Taro your friend race is ending Taro get in here I’m going to stick my trunk in grab it oh no it was Rafa okay I beat Figo just barely by like 4 seconds good race okay let’s see more Questions yeah I do wish there was a more traditional multiplayer in this but I wonder if uh after Mario Maker 2 they were kind of like H that didn’t work out so great so let’s just make it this kind of ghost thing but I don’t know this is using the new
Online setup it seems like it’s working well at least for these little ghosts I haven’t noticed anyone like phasing in and out we did lose a lot of people I wonder if uh the lobby emptied for some reason that’s okay still got a couple with us all right swamp pipe
Crawl H first impressions of the game is it worth it yes definitely feels that way it reminds me of honestly reminds me of Yoshi’s Island and how many new things get thrown at you cuz uh some of my favorite Marios Mario 3 world is is great like the early 2D ones they did
Really try to be inventive and then I feel like the new Super Mario games got a little syy honestly these snails are creeping me out they look like a it’s a digimon that looks like that I feel like kill all the snail we can move these pipes some sort of hammer bro looking
Guy he’s like a training dude got Ms on this stuff reminds me of uh Donkey Kong Country Returns going into the background we jump up there maybe not with the without the one badge oh we can kind of game it with the hat no we don’t want to do that anyways Okay spooky over here I’m worried that Poison’s going to jump up on me after the bull rush level creepy Crawlies how do I get those I wonder I throw somebody into oh I got throw a little higher oh so close I could bounce off one right there we go all right hey you don’t be having your Sumo matches here push that over for me thank you we’re making our own little pipes
Which is fun o that was close how many do we have we have two two seeds hav’t found any of those coins yet I don’t want to miss anything but oh oh oh I see I think we have to do this and then do this there we go
Oh what is happening oh the pipe’s moving again is this happening it’s a like teal pipe though it reminds me of the pallet swap pipes from uh Mario 3 am I going to are we going back thank you don’t kill me pipes hold a grudge are they what are they they’re just pipes
They’re just wiggling inchworm pipes it’s fine keep going oh Luigi block keep going thank you yeah a lot of Mario 3 would have like the I’m in the background Mario 3 would have all these different pallet swaps and stuff and that’s what these teals pipes remind me of like the
Airships they would use that sort of blue a lot I can’t get caught up okay there’s so much of like desperately trying to keep up with the level okay I noticed though there’s no no time limit this is like the first Mario I think since was it all a dream I
Can’t think of like first 2D Mario in a long time to not have a time limit wonderful thank you Figo the loyal Blue Yoshi for sticking with me for a lot of these levels Espeon yeah I’m feeling good about the game so far are they’re asking we’re in the first world which typically
Is one of the more uh boilerplate worlds and if this is world one I can’t even imagine what other stuff is waiting for us in some of the crazy later worlds I can finally break this here we go yeah this is way more saturated way more you know craziness happening
Constantly well we get a Wonder Emoji that’s a good question Fen and what would we replace though that’s the tough part angry spikes and sinking pipes what was the fastest Mario game you’ve beaten so far I have a a formative memory of beating all of Mario 3 in a couple
Hours uh overnight because I knew as a kid my parents and I would you know and family typically would go on road trips I didn’t really like being in the car that long so I would try my best to just sleep the whole way to wherever we were
Going once I realized I didn’t want to be in the car like that eat eat them Yoshi ghost Yoshi I wonder if I could flip one of these up at the but if I did an up flick oh so close oh no my elephant it’s probably
Not worth with it um but yeah I definitely did uh a allnighter where I think it took like three a hours but I beat every single level in Mario 3 all in one Marathon session and then had a glorious no snooze all the way on the uh 8 hour car
Drive to where we were headed don’t recommend doing that necessarily but if you’re a kid and you got nothing better to do you’re not driving you’re sleeping in the back seat then that’s that’s a way to go one of these has to be a secret right someone there’s so many pipes in
This game I’m noticing where it’s like sound someone’s got to check all of them I’m sure I’ve been missing some little secrets here and there but yeah I feel like uh I’ve beaten other Marios like Mario 1 I think I can beat faster than a couple hours
Obviously cuz you can warp and do that or Mario 3 can even beat faster than that but that’s if you’re uh not oh no uh that’s if you’re not trying to beat every level H another Koopa around Here oh if I push that there we go and then that’s going to go there hey I know it can’t hold us oh didn’t think he would jump out I’m just being careless we got kind of like a remix of the uh underground theme I missed a wonderf flower didn’t I where was That H I don’t think we did a wonderf flower that whole time or I would have gotten the seed where was that somewhere in here right H okay oh maybe up Here there a one Up speaking a Mario 1 I’m just going through the top of the level here where is the secret flower I should probably should probably beat the level is what I was going to say and then go back and look for it sorry sometimes I’m looking around I’m not paying attention where Luigi’s feet
Are landing about up here that’s how you’re supposed to do that and then you go through there H jeez if I was bigger I could this pipe get hold us all right let’s just go can always redo the level if I want to look for it yeah they’re all little Navi play
What if there was a thousand navies in a Mario game all going Hey listen it’s pretty much what it is Fair Super Luigi wants to play I think you have to be on the friends list and I don’t have any more room right now I will mention though anyone who is a night owl uh YouTube member above does get a spawn on the friends list so that
Is one way to be able to play in future streams what team for Splat ween I’m going to be ghost all right we need to do that I think I’ll come back to that one level can we we don’t store power ups or anything right there’s no like secret
Way for me to get a power up before I go in here let’s go for it Luigi says hi hi Luigi I am Luigi Hy roock platto Palace Let’s Take Back The Palace don’t forget you can press off you want to take okay e what are I looking at ooh looks like some sort of quilted tentacle am looking at Yoshi can go in the castle that’s new right compared to Mario World there’s bone Goombas are they
Called dry Goombas hey the blocks from Mario World are back they don’t even look like they’re dead like dymes they’re just wearing a skull Rafa’s a elephant I’m so Envious so many pipes that just fall out from under you oh this this is some Mario 1 stuff Here good Throwbacks to earlier Mario games despite how much new stuff is in here I want an elephant how do you give uh things to other people like if I have an extra power up can I give it to others I know that Spider-Man did that for us
Before oh we got the like long versions oh big did it Big’s here they were here for a split second okay got to be a way in there do we have to let the glomas go all the way down and then go through the pipe no time for that so nice so
Nice all right there’s a let’s put it over here in case someone dies on the glomas there’s my stande Oh there we go okay we got to get down there there’s a proper Dry Bones the levels Mountain Dew does kind of look like that do the do Luigi oh my gosh everything’s falling hope that do isn’t Rising I prefer Code Red this warped version of the Mario Music spooky Mario one theme they did a little dance when they met each other okay we’re okay I thought I saw something back here yep can I run over this as an elephant I can I remember that from the overview trailer if you’re a big elephant you can run run over
Stuff that like the gaps that normally Mario would fall into okay I hear toads I hear Rafa Little Toad being like get this quick before it goes all the way in there’s the seed I did it I crushed it with my bottom woohoo here we go
I don’t want to touch that do it look at this cool effect we’re going to get a boss here I’m sure going up these stairs spooky elephant Luigi is ready oh that’s kind of I don’t need either of these but I’ll take another one can’t leave a standy here fig is
Just like with us the whole way leaning us a little guide Yoshi all right Bowser Junior what you think you’re going to stop me okay then I’ll play with you this Palace is super mega loaded with dad’s Wonder power no way you’re going to beat me but it’s going
To be fun to see you try don’t turn into an elephant or anything I want to see if I can flick him back with my trunk but I don’t know if I should try it there we go get out of here you cry baby he’s getting Wonder IED whoa that’s
Creepy and I’m whoa what should I knock him into the air okay why am I so big and he’s so little oh now we’re flipped okay here we go he’s huge I can still hit him with with the trunk though no don’t you stomp on
Me I wonder if I need to lick him when he’s trying to land on me he’s mad I’m so floaty as a little baby elephant here he goes oh that doesn’t work no oh no my elephant we did like a a jumping butt pound meeting in the air I don’t know
How it happened but Luigi won all right unfortunately my goal to stay as an elephant as long as possible did not work out all right I feel like Kevin Afghani is doing a pretty good job as Mario and Luigi there’s my little picture of me beating him mid butt Pound and it’s back to its flowery goodness oh could use a paint job little drab everyone’s blooming that is world one down and so Luigi’s party reclaimed the palace even though they were critical of the design choices they retrieved the palace with a royal seed safely in hand
They set off in pursuit of Bowser who was somehow turned into a castle can they stop Bowser before he pulls off whatever he’s planning see you later see you talk and flower I’m sure we won’t find you in every world after this okay that is world one beaten
Unless we want to get that wond seed we left behind let me check the courses the pedal ises are just ahead this beautiful place is the heart of our flower Kingdom now let’s try to catch up with Bowser okay yeah that was a pretty solid world
One pedales oh this is like a hub sort of right or is it another it’s another world I thought it was going to just be like the middle area I’m sure the Bowser must be around here who is that a Taco Bell no no one can even get close as long as
My cloud baras are here how many pron plant Styles is he going to develop in this one which means I can focus on Gathering up all the Wonder power once I’ve got enough to pull off a big wonder the world will be mine I’m going to drop a big Wonder on this
Place okay this is just awful isn’t there some way we can stop it h we’re going have to use our own wonders oh what’s this is that going to get rid of one of them there’s five of them there it goes oh wait there’s six so there might be six
Worlds I just made the that cloud piranha what where’ that cloud piranha go what have you done he could just like glance over and see that Luigi did it Mario’s like Luigi you go do this for me I don’t want to be eaten by a flading
Castle so much hour all from just one Royal seed of course that’s our answer I have a request that’s almost too much to ask of you will you please help me search find more Royal seeds they’re among our most prized treasures and I believe we can use them to save the
Flower Kingdom the Royal seeds will get rid of the cloud panas that are swirling around Bowser and if we get rid of them all we’ll be able to reach him okay sounds good hooray thank you well then let’s make our way up to Fluff Puff Peaks north of here oh this
Is a hub there’s a royal seed at the palace way up at the top okay all right I see some cheap cheps they’re back they haven’t been transformed by weird Wonder poers quite yet but there’s still time the pedales are the center of the flower Kingdom the
Chain of a surrounding by the other areas if you head north from here you’ll reach Fluff Puff Peaks Kingdom map makes it easy to see where the pedales connect to other areas to access the kingdom map first open the courses press X okay I kind of want to
Double check here so that’s our next place we got 27 and the Royal seed and then yeah some of these I don’t have the coins I don’t have the flag poles well that has a uh special flower thing around it I wonder yeah they’re missing one from Angry spikes and sinking pipes
And I think that’s it yeah we just got to go back to that can I jump there from here that would be extreme convenient we can all right I’m going to try to find this let’s see it was fairly early I would think cuz we didn’t actually get the Wonder
Flower to activate it so it’s somewhere here we don’t have our loyal Blue Yoshi with us we lost Figo that’s okay they might be off playing a different world all right where is this wonderf flower most of them have been relatively obvious so far oh did we do
This I don’t remember we might have I don’t actually I don’t remember this water so this might be new I think I missed this last time oh we don’t have an elephant I need an elephant O’s here okay they’re catching up and Rafa’s here as well I need to go
Back and then come back through here I think once we have an elephant I can water that oh no we can’t go through that’s okay what’s this secret nope sorry weird little plant I I can’t water you Today forgot I can do that take stuff out a little easier all right where is this wonders I keep wanting to say w seed but it’s wonderf Flower checkpoint still haven’t seen it this is about where we were exploring before H pigo might be Len us to it where is it Figo my little Yoshi friend ah I keep doing that I get impatient and I just want to jump in and uh go to spots on the map and then
There’s a flower waiting there to bite me okay I did all this before Rafa was koed no Rafa H is it something to do with that I’m trying to resist the urge to check every single pipe we can break these now right we have to do the thing with the
Spike to get this to Work it can’t hold us it really seems like it would have something to do with this uhoh I’m in a prison of my own making Mario H where is this Wonder Flower trying to check the chat just in case someone going to give me a hint cuz I’m yeah I’m really not seeing where it would be I don’t need to kill every pan plant to find it I’m sure this game is so new that it’s kind
Of hard to have don’t have any guides or anything to help I usually don’t like using them either if I don’t have to but I know we went up here but last Time yeah H maybe Figo wandered off to where it is Touch a flower bud and it leaves you a little Trail we did touch one here at the End it’s not here is it some of these are gunked up with stuff pigo I’m going to check back just in case I’m missing something farther back but if we don’t find it you know I don’t really have to get every seed a oh wait there’s a pipe down There is there one that I can push to get that to raise up I’m guessing let’s See what about that and then run nope that’s not it h Can at least get these coins I bet it’s that one oh what is that we got to get him to fire this way is it all the way at the beginning and I just didn’t notice oh that’s just coins okay that worked out yeah it
Did I bet it’s the one pipe that is underneath that’s my Guess the one before the last one what if I this is risky okay oh that’s where I came out I forgot about that okay oh what up I’m finding all these other Secrets here though at the Le at the very least I wish I could get that water over there
But we just don’t I can get fire that’s about as good as I can do for this little plant okay let me try to listen to what charu was saying we get like a split second where Figo appears and I think I can ride the
Yoshi he’s going to lead us to it okay that sound he’s our little hint system but he’s a real person thank you Figo Oh I thought I thought about that and was like I’m going to die if I ride this right it was the hay flower that whole time o ooh the carnival down here’s this It’s a spike sambba it’s kind of catchy it is you ready here we go I keep turning around didn’t kill all of Them okay yeah that was a little tricky cuz uh that was fun there’s Rafa coming up I really was like I don’t think I should ride this down cuz I’ll probably just die I was trying to be extra careful but thank you figa thank you charu thank you everyone who was helping
Me yeah I should have known just to go for it okay we got it now I can safely move on from world one with the feeling that I got all the Collectibles for the most part let’s not talk about the coins or the flag poles and we got a nice picture from our
Soma Spike party okay I’m out of here let’s change characters we’ve been playing Luigi a while who else can we be I could try Yoshi or a nabit I kind of just want to show Yoshi’s Powers even though Yoshi is kind of uh figo’s character no Yoshi’s kind of easier in a
Way because they don’t actually take damage they kind of take the little hit but I don’t think they can be killed by human means you need dark magic to Kil Yoshi all right let’s go was that anger poplin hat or the angler oh angler okay good fishing rod I
Thought they were angry at me I haven’t even met this Poppin all the fish have been scared off by that guy I can’t get any fishing done with him around oh this is awful have to help my subjects don’t worry we’ll do everything we can to stop Bowser once he’s beaten I
Bet the fish will come back really you think that’ll work oh they’re so happy they bloomed oh let’s put the bloom back into my day I know what I can do to help take this W seed I Reed it in a long time ago W seeds are so pretty and even every
World’s W seeds have their own color for you oh it’s all for you Yoshi it’s orange that one looks pretty pretty delicious they saved us a fishing miname by having the poplin do it for us only void and lava can kill the Yoshi C kite which uh yeah that’s true it just
Sounds like it’s like you Dark Magic the darkness and the lavas of a volcano are the only things that can kill a Yoshi I don’t think Yoshi’s can use badges so let’s wait on that leaping Smacker roll we’ll see all right Yoshi let’s show you off a
Little bit before we finish up with uh yeah they can flutter jump finish up with the easier characters I think nabit doesn’t really have much special to them you doing but we can flutter jump can we eat a mackerel a smackerel we can eat powerups but then
Can’t actually get them we just get coins yeah we can flutter jump ground pound like everybody I want to try to eat that Smacker roll but I don’t know if it’ll let me yeah no and I could test this out come here smack girl oh yep see because Yoshi doesn’t
Use powerups they’re just uh they don’t get small they don’t turn back into baby Yoshi I wanted to see an elephant Yoshi I think that would have been interesting but unfortunately yeah so I could get pretty careless if I was playing as Yoshi your nabit without having to worry about damage
But now we know oh look I was going to say are the those little coin things are different too the flowers to match the W seeds break the way smack roll here’s the cheep cheps in this ecosystem it seems like chep cheps are prey watch where your tongues go in
Fig yeah so in local multiplayer if someone is playing a Yoshi you can have somebody ride on your back and then I wonder if you’re both Invincible or if they get knocked off of you but even Yoshis can ride Yoshis which is maybe one of the strangest
Things in a very strange game smell that that would be great if Yoshi could eat the talking Flowers just get rid of him mid sentence he’s just like we miss anything just some coins yeah I think we’re good just wanted to make sure we weren’t missing any secrets Yoshi’s got a little bit of a tummy in this one I notice when they eat something
They have a really funny expression as well we can use the smack roll to break through stuff I’m getting so used to uh FL here forever getting so used to having to find the Wonder flowers now that if I don’t find one for a while it makes me worry oh those are
Spikes yeah as as fun as y she is with their own powers I don’t like not having whoa is that to help us with the water or we we’re going down here yep yeah I don’t like not being able to use the power ups oh
No give me that oh that’s not me that’s fig I was watching fig okay we’re going to ride this back I don’t think I’m going to get all of them in time those is tough yeah I wonder if you get some bonus coins or something for getting all the blue
Coins a down Vine that’s how crazy Mario wers is in the flower Kingdom The Vines go down this is a pretty decent one to use uh Yoshi or nabit on because can’t really fall into pits but you can get hit by a lot of stuff so they’re very suited to this
Level oh I think it’s impossible for Yoshi to die without any pits but we got to collect five of those this time again I can only imagine the pressure of this if there was like time limits on top of the insanity of the Wonder flower is
Activating oh oh oh are they going to pop up right here yep they are oh jeez I would be dead right now if I was a Mario Brother okay we got to break this some of the Wonder effects seem to have time limits but not all all of them these Smacker rolls
Are getting large in this area Jeez there’s no frog suit in this one or anything to help a swim oh no there’s that badge I bet if I had gotten that badge first this would have been a lot easier cuz there’s like a dolphin badge that we kind of glimpsed before I jumped in here watch this macro
A poor chap chep feel bad for one of the more annoying Mario one enemies I’m hiding up here I can’t be eaten okay last coin this kind of reminds me of the Bowser boss fight for Mario 3 cuz you want him to break certain spots oh no is that flower drowning
Okay we survived you okay buddy well that was something hey tell me I don’t understand anything what’s going on I’m just a weird little dinosaur frog thing I never I don’t know I’m just so used to certain normal Mario stuff that like the fact that Yoshi is like a frog
Tongue isn’t that weird anymore but there it is I guess they’re kind of lizardy like a gecko all right we got to catch up oh Yoshi can use badges I was not expecting Yoshi to use the uh look Yoshi has a Yoshi hat okay I really didn’t
Think they could use badges all right well at least they can do that they just can’t use power ups is what I was yeah I want a flutter jump onto the flag it’ll be cool yeah wonderful thank you Dwayne for correcting my info [Applause] There let’s see favorite Halloween costume I’ve ever worn asks kite flying cat that’s tough I haven’t worn one in a long time my friends and the mods are uh having a party here soon so I got to figure out something quick oh Professor connect is back but I won’t
Do the voice this time we already have online going all right kind of want to see Yoshi use the dolphin kick real quick so let’s try to get this badge I my mom was so good as a kid of uh didn’t always have the most money
Having a family of six so she would make me costume and I had a little bat one that I still have that’s was like cardboard and fabric all right let’s focus on being a dolphin I already missed how to do it when underwater press r or shake the controller okay there we
Go oh okay I thought it was going to get squished so yeah we can do the uh this is basically the equivalent of the frog suit it’s very similar cuz you actually have more control over your swimming yeah this would have been great to do before that last level but now I
Know you can just kind of do this unlimited if you don’t do it long enough he stops and he goes back to normal swimming though so get back here you coin there we go the red flowers are cheek here I’m going to beat this flower to the
End oh did I want to do that or should I have gone uh-oh oh no I probably should have gotten that whoa good oh no I wanted to use my cap and I missed the flag pole somehow I was right above it Hal’s like no costume picked yet I
Had some stuff going on I had yeah I don’t know if I’m going to be able to figure something out in time I’ve got some ideas I’ve said too much the mods are on to me okay nicely done and we got the badge you just used as a gift do you want to
Wear it now this is like instead of being stuck with the frog suit and having to hop around on dry land you can just have a badge that lets you swim like a dolphin much better okay who do we want to play as uh we haven’t done yellow toad we did briefly do
Toadette I can’t be blue Yoshi that’s figos let’s try ABB it real quick while we’re at it so we can show the differences before we finish up with the other characters oh oh I didn’t mean to do that I wonder if we can exit well let’s look at the badge in
Here and just see how different it is and then I’ll move Nabs it nabs it nabit once again cannot Al cannot use the power ups I feel like nabbit’s not as fun as the Yoshi’s cuz they’re basically the same except without the Yoshi Powers I guess it’s like do want a challenge a little bit but not that much
Of a challenge see yeah this is so much easier and I get to play a screaming rabbit man okay we’re going to exit since we’ve already seen it yeah Nabbit screams every time you dolphin kick that’s a feature but yeah nabit is like okay not quite as easy and the Yoshi’s are a
Little easier than that let’s see oh Rafa went to Mario thank you Rafa it’s yellow toad time what’s what’s it on about ghosts we want to race ghosts hold on professor connectus something to say here is a lesson in having fun online come back from the brink as a
Ghost if you get koed in course you might come back as a ghost oo it’s sort of Halloween related ghosts are revived on the spot if they touch another player and if someone saves you it’s nice to press Y and send them a thank you greeting keep everyone chipper okay thank you Professor
Connect that was info we already knew but appreciate it Roger Roger yeah it does Alex it sounds like one of those droids Robert Cove hm I’ve never met Robert Cove move it sounds like a name what are these raw Birds up to is that one no that’s some sort of little
Doot snoot turtle is that a secret over here H oh I forgot I don’t have my uh don’t have my kick anymore oh no I didn’t want to do that cancel that’s okay Rafa’s going to jump in Here well cancel I wonder if I can do this restart there we go it lets you pick your badge too okay A friend race is in progress I didn’t mean to do a friend race that’s okay oh I bet if we dolphin kick we can go in the pipe
Yeah that’s fun so certain badges definitely are needed for certain Secrets it feels like you’re quite the swimmer yeah look at those legs it’s like Toad’s wearing two bread rolls on his rump a lot of kicking power in those little legs Robert he’s robbing me they’re cute they got little goggles
They’re some sort of uh paddling in the water Aven creature no the Roberts they’re robing me blind they’re so good I love them even though they’re stealing all the coins okay no no for you they have an Artful form what’s this guy’s name he’s cute seems like he could ride on his
Back hope everyone’s enjoying all the toad sound effects there we go classic Toad’s voice has not changed really for better for worse just trying to make sure I’m not missing anything here a uh-oh I guess I can’t get whatever was back there now I jumped up too quick oh you can kill the
Urchins hope that wasn’t the wonderf flower hello fig all right yeah they usually water levels are kind of a pain despite my screen name I’m not a huge fan of water levels in in games but feel like the dolphin kick is making this a lot
Easier oh do we want to go over here what is that h no okay I don’t know if I missed anything there if that was the intended way to go through but we won’t worry about it too much oh this is going to fall oh I see we’re supposed to follow
This strange glowing light come on toad follow it all the way over here aha glad I did that oh whoa who whoa here we go oh it’s the water is upside down that’s so cool can that break that thank you a ra bird would love to get into
This area look how many coins there are okay kind of don’t want to go in the water we can avoid it okay we got Plenty jeez It’s really messing with me having the coins and everything be up the water above us no no no no the dolphin kick couldn’t save me from the urchin but I want these flower coins they’re e they’re fractions of a flower coin I’m I’m realizing again yeah they’re like 0.1 flower
Coin yellow toad is greedy let’s leading me to where I was already skipped ahead a little okay okay sometimes you just got to left the current lead you where it does jeez I’m little aren’t I or am I just little all the time I can’t tell if I’m
Small or if I’m just oh his color changes when he’s little doesn’t he isn’t that a feature from the new games this is intense let’s just get this oh it doesn’t change okay I thought they they added that a while back the Rob birds are going to nest
Okay jeez nobody wanted to talk to you anyways Flower he was telling me to go with the flow I was just saying that to Him I’m about ready to switch off a toad I love him but he’s about as chatty as the flowers okay let’s go I think I got yep we got the seed careful out there I’ll try thank you so much Captain bird you’ve been a early bird for 4 months fig has left us
Standy and a fir flower thank you fig I think okay that’s just how he sounds I was wondering if his jump was springier when he was little look at my time I forgot I was supposed to be racing uh Captain bird says I like water levels except the
Ones in 3D games that are spooky to me yeah I definitely have a little bit of that when you think something big could be uh what’s that one there’s one game that really capitalizes on the like what if there’s something giant lurking in the water the jaw is sort of fear
Nintendo has done it again says Anthony yep yikes that was scary I usually stay away from birds or poor Prince Florian after all that I could use a break a little shopping might be nice I’ve heard that the pin shop here sells a helpful question mark or exclamation mark block
Badge sorry I didn’t go to school I’m a prince and remember that if you want to swap out your badge just press R and see what you’ve got okay so we can buy a badge Big’s already leaning us towards where we need to go hi there here at the poplin shop we
Sell everything our special exclamation mark block item is sure popular super popular so that it adds those blocks to all the courses they can act as extra platforms contain items or serve other purposes okay let’s get a random stand D oh giant eel in Mario 64 yeah Fair and
That’s a that contributed to a lot of people’s fear of the water crouching Mario hidden toad oh I should be saving my purple coins right crouching Toadette we’re getting all the crouching characters oh we have plenty do that I’ll get this I don’t know if I’m going
To it seems like the blue ones are kind of like helpful in a leg up sort of way whereas we can buy another okay it just had a mark on it and then the red ones are kind of more gameplay elements posing nabit now that’s good one more it’s posing yellow toad oh
Perfect do we get to pick what stande we have or does it just give you a random one do you want to try using a different badge I’m good for now come back again sometime I’m sure those platforms will be helpful but if we’re in water areas I
Might stick with what I got although this doesn’t look too watery Bluebird Roost there’s a lot of seabirds in this level yeah lame mentioning speaking of childhood fears chain Chomps oh hey that’s helpful they put out a little party straw it only lasts so long though uh but yeah chain Chomps are Moto’s
Childhood dog trauma come back oh no I messed that up oh hey is that should I have that yet Rafa’s giving me a forbidden power up let’s just get it it’s bubble toad so you can bounce on these this is a uh a new power up bubble
Flower the bubble flow kind of looks like something you would see like a fan related uh power up you know how fan Nintendo versions of stuff are uh created all the time no oh I messed up my snail picked a bad time to do that um but yeah it there’s
Only so many color schemes so I’m sure dangerous I’ll just wait here not like got much Choice somebody probably came up with a uh bubble flower at one point or another no my snail thank you fig I can see who gives it to me
Too what if I go back real quick and see if that snail is back keep messing up all these little spots all right snail it’s dead we’ll move on the thing I’m supposed to be doing is uh using the snail shell to hit this stuff oh this one’s still here okay we
Do that not like I’ve got much Choice there we go just a couple Coins there we go Reuse just there’s a lot going on even though it’s pretty simple it just there’s just birds sloting out Kazo and uh straws all over the place this is probably what they use for straws in the Mushroom Kingdom they’re renewable cuz they’re from Birds they’re their beaks though though uh I just realized
That oh we can hit this stuff with the bubbles so I don’t even actually need to yeah you kind of have to do it that way right otherwise you can’t touch that stuff in the wall can I get the coins that way though uh-oh well I hope no you got to touch the Coins that was we don’t do we even have Luigi playing with us Luigi’s been leaving his blocks all over the place yeah I probably am not supposed to have the bubble yet I don’t know but otherwise why would I be able to hit all these things I’ve lost track
Of what powerups people are giving me to help and what power ups I’ve got on my Own okay I’m getting a little overwhelmed by everything happening and now now it’s time for the Wonder flower oh here we go speaking of bubbles he’s just screaming it’s hectic enough as it is without a flower screaming at you I’m going to dream of these birds
Tonight oh you can just keep doing that little twist in the air I thought you can only do it once in the old Mario games oh just like the fireflower we can also Spin and send out bubbles they feel so clean now yeah cuz we killed all the
Birds is that what you’re trying to say talking flower you don’t want Birds to exist uhoh wait that wasn’t the one it came out of right oh I bet if you don’t get the wonderf flower you have to go through this one cuz you get locked off from the
Rest of the level luckily that wasn’t us Okay yeah I’m not sure movie toad uh leay brought up is a little less harsh than game toad but I’m I’m partial to game Toad and how just ear shattering it is okay H just want to get caught up on questions and stuff cuz you guys have
Been posting a bunch of them thank you so much how we doing so far on courses I want to make sure I’m not missing anything couple coins but we got all the seeds so far how did I start the the channel Melanie asks um I just had it
Originally to watch stuff and I posted like videos of learning to ride a bike on it that are long lost now but uh yeah it wasn’t intended to be used for playing games on but here we are can I walk out in the water no oh the icy area
That we saw with Captain Toad is over here we’re forbidden from going over we got to open this up these plants hate seeds ironically okay puff puff Peaks oh I forgot we’re still in the pedes we’re going to a new world now this wasn’t even world two now we’re finally in world two
Okay I got this view all to myself he’s got some weird bird there’s so many weird new bird enemies in This oh so this is like combination snowy level and beautiful pink clouds like an earth Earthbound okay okay we’ve arrived at Fluff Puff Peaks there should be a royal seed at the summit this is going to be a rough trip for me I get cold pretty easily I’m
A caterpillar and we die off in many ways I’m usually food for things and don’t forget you can Orient to your surrounding by pressing L and having a look at the map all right let’s go onward we’re keeping king or Prince floran alive longer than maybe he should
Have been in some of these scenarios Fluff Puff peak’s cabin what do we got look at Toad’s little hands and their pink overalls or pink pants di I don’t know it’s a diaper probably it’s so cold here hello Prince I welcome you to Fluff Puff Peaks where climbers dare the heights of our
Tranquil Mountain the Summit is pure Bliss especially if you yodel up there there’s no better Echo oh no are we going to get more singing but a Scamp and a silly mask is up at the summit right now it’s not safe for anyone to go climbing anymore I’ll give you a w seed
To help take back our beautiful mountain please pretty please I won’t stand for this of course we’ll help I bet Bowser Junior is behind the whole mess no doubt about it woohoo let’s climb to the summit and kick him off the mountain would we claim the
Royal seed up there too pretty please oh for you talking flower we will gather the cyan seeds I’m just realizing that are we basically Yoshi for Prince Florian we’re kind of his Mount he’s talking he’s taking all the credit and we’re just shepher him around and at the end of the
Game Prince floran is going to jump off of our backs over a pit and we’ll fall in okay one more with Toad and then I’ll swap around or no I was going to do that anyways who haven’t we played with as much let’s go back to Peach let’s see bubble
Peach look at that beautiful purple she looks kind of evil like the one wasn’t there an evil peach in one of the Mario RPGs out my way Valley okay three star difficulty oh we should change mag we’re not in the water anymore oh well oh she does little She Blows the
Bubbles like a kiss almost yeah I kind of want the O this is slippery I want the one Capp Back H is there something up there or is this just a oh there some coins yeah the dolphin kick is not going to do much for me in this world but that’s okay Let’s uh Swap this I guess there we Go what’s with all the ice Blocks yeah the bubble flower up on the left if you see it in that corner it just doesn’t look real yet I’m not used to it being an official thing that’s why we want fire oh no come on buddy there we go yeah so satisfying sound pulling those
Things what was that I didn’t even see that Koopa that I blasted oh we’re going to need another one come here buddy your princess needs you oh no I was trying to hold down the dash button oh well we’re not getting that H oh jeez oh no now we can’t break this
Unless we do this there we go luckily there is other ways to do that no do we still get the fireflow oh we should have rode thing all the way down huh how do we get under here I bet if we go back it’ll be back
Nope these guys only kick ice they don’t make it h kind of want a triple jump badge does that Exist I want to try that again stop your ice making yeah we need a traction badge or a uh the one with the cap oh no Rafa oh without him I can’t ride this thing all the way over yeah we’re going to have to come back when I change badges cuz you can’t
Do it mid level right you have to you have to switch it out at the start oh so quiet lately they all left okay why is Luigi up there what’s he doing up at the top oh is that showing that that’s where they are I just saw that little Luigi head
And was like what’s going on okay we’ll do this one again I’m sure I just wanted to see if I could try that challenge a second time these guys kind of look like um oh look at the Snowman kind of look like those Mario 2 Enemies Mario 2 USA the little snow
Guys that would skate around oh I messed that up didn’t I can I make it nope oh I needed the block anyways to do it there goes fig no we’re locked off Yeah so many of these you got to get them on the the one try H can I nope did that wrong oh we’re supposed to ride this one nope we can’t kick it learning a lot for the next time we go through here hey he hey he secret
Yeah snowy nines yeah was that what they’re called they’re kind of n like oh my goodness what’s going on someone’s house got caught up in this in the Snowman it’s like a good Smash Brothers level or a bad one depending on if you are playing competitive for
Not well there goes one of the wond seeds it’s this guy’s house now I feel bad for them you go through the whole level with them kicking ice at you and then you learn it’s pretty rough out here for little snowy guys you know got to walk a mile in their weird little Shoes still not used to her hopping sound sounds like someone like flicking a hair in a cartoon like someone who has a single strand of hair getting plucked okay let’s do this then I can run oh this is so tough when everything’s slippery you can’t probably tell as well but it’s very
Slippery a lot of trial and error yeah kind of that also reminds me of Kirby where sometimes Kirby you have to play through and you might mess up a puzzle and then you got to redo the level to do it thank you oh she’s so polite the only one we
Missed actually was we didn’t get the gold poost before the snowball thing went over it there’s so much stuff in that level I could have done easier if I had a different badge which is what we are going to do let’s try out so we got all these
Other ones like these just kind of make it easier for you but I want to try this one the exclamation mark blocks if we’re going to do it again I’m going to try real quick with this and see if it adds a bunch of platforms like it was saying it
Would okay let’s see what does it really change oh these weren’t here before right yeah it does put stuff all over the place I’m still going to struggle to get to certain spots without the one badge but I’m curious how yeah this makes it a little easy easier cuz you can get over
Certain things I don’t want that cuz I don’t want to lose my Bubble I’m glad those don’t just like kill you when they hit you all right let’s melt our way through here we got this already but it’s so satisfying to pull that good sound design on top of uh all the new gaml it’s just very solid sound
Design this is the you know the main Mario team I think the team that made Mario uh maker so that’s why they really pushed themselves to try new stuff I’m going to do this correct this time and not fire a fireball at that guy oh that’s all that was okay well I guess
I didn’t need to feel that bad about missing it I want some Snowshoe badges a badge to uh give Peach shoes for Cru or something CU she’s slipping everywhere here all right we’re going to try this again I need to ride on these ice blocks to get all the stuff up top I
Probably should destroy that right oh I shouldn’t have cuz then uh yeah look at that again we need to keep all three to get up there this just a couple coins you know what we could do cheat with a new power up again again hold on that thing’s getting in the way again
Again okay we get it buddy he really wants to ride the uh again again I’m going to layer these here chill out buddy there we go see the bubbles you can bounce on them very helpful again again I I’m starting to see why some people might want to turn the flowers
Off how do I get to that that just doesn’t seem accessible from here does it unless there’s a way up top I just want to double check was there any way to get on top of this stuff no h interesting it’s blocked off like you’re supposed to go a different Way thank you so much sombering for 8 months as a tubby gigg treat Giver member level three member appreciate you they say8 months of goodness all right I’m not going to bother too much about that coin he really wants to go again yeah that flower is a very Insistent I thought these would maybe bounce back what other things did we miss last time oh we really just got to get the goal we’re supposed to ride this all the way aren’t we oh look Figo left some sort of weird uh Yoshi’s got like MPS or something I don’t know what that
Is I hope he’s okay he seems like he got better though oh no he’s a ghost Yoshi Yoshi didn’t make it yeah this I can definitely see this B badge making it easier cuz look it covers up some of the pits almost like in Mario World when you get the
Special uh special little switches that give you extra blocks okay here we go I’m going to leave that we can’t go in these right they’re sideways I have to go ahead of this oh maybe we don’t want to actually activate it I’m realizing cuz if we just do this normally then
We’ll get the flag pull oh we here was supposed to let him kick that uh-oh that’s okay think we can still do it too busy uh destroying some of these guys all right first second Bo let’s try that again first bubble second bubble there we go okay top of the flag pole Ma
Thank you so much Josh for gifting a membership and Jacob got it welcome to the early birds Jacob I don’t know if we’re going to get the little Mario woi zoi for that but okay happy I cleared all that what is this kick it out of my way another atam away
Level um I am going to go back to the one badge cuz I do think me as fun as the having easy platforms everywhere is I’m going to go back to the parachute cap which I think is maybe like the best allaround badge so far seems like it’s always
Useful when did I see this game asked Jaden when uh when the direct was showing it immediately I was intrigued so I’m happy I don’t want to lose my bubble flow I’m happy cuz a lot of the time like I mentioned 2D Mario games I just haven’t been that enthused about in
A long while cuz yeah it’s it’s not nothing against the uh Whatchamacallit new Super Mario Brothers series but I don’t know I just have never been I played most of them I played you know new Super Mario Brothers new Super Mario Brothers Wii played a
Little bit of you I didn’t play new new Super Mario Brothers 2 with all the coins but yeah I gave them their Fair Shake I just they never felt as inventive to me the powerups in there were not as uh like the bubble we just showed like the bubble can open up
So much stuff cuz you can use them as mobile platforms get enemies that are tucked away like I think that’s one of the better new powerups and the Elephant as silly as it is is really good puzzling Park search party okay let’s try this one this is going to be a brain teaser
Find all the Wonder tokens hidden in the plaza if you can find them on your own look with the if you can’t get fig to help you Figo okay this is a kind of a new oh what is going on that’s so many were there supposed to
Be there or there was left by players cuz they’re all nabit and uh princess themed interesting this won’t do anything right cuz I already I already have a better power up so it just gives us points oh we’re back here okay that was another one that
Block is uh throwing me off it was blocking me in a weird way um I can’t remember what I was going to say but before but yeah I in general I am enjoying this um I bet we want to run and jump or something h i I wonder if I can make
That if I do it from the right elevation oh just barely am I supposed to do something in that pipe to get that I Wonder H I bet there’s a different way to get this cuz this does not seem like the way I’m supposed to I’m going to come back to that one yeah I basically have my own little uh Shadow Yoshi this whole stream thank you Figo for stay sticking with us so long
H yeah we’re definitely missing a lot of these there’s got to be one down there I’m going to look in here one more time see if there’s a way to get oh what was that That that’s so suspicious the fact that there’s a block right there but it’s in the foreground oh okay I figured oh bubble mode yeah that smart I don’t think we uh have a bubble here normally but that’ll work right yeah I think we’re supposed to do something with a be a bean
Stock but that’s okay okay can we go down here I don’t want to go down in there and die but that might be our only option H that question mark block is Suspicious there’s an awful lot of uh just kind of going into pits and hoping that it’s not going to kill you in this game though yep see it just goes against my Mario sense of preservation to jump into a random pit but this is a a puzzle level so I don’t
Think they would put a pit like that there we are missing one I’m curious where that I feel like I saw him use a Vine yeah look he’s doing something oh I bet you hit the block and then it like puts a Vine uh backwards like down instead of the other way H I want to get on that this is also suspicious but it doesn’t seem like there’s anything to that big is trying to get me to do something oh it’s a hidden Block it’s Luigi’s hidden block block that’s some Mario 3 stuff okay and that’s how you get that all right at
Least we could have done it the normal way H any more hidden blocks About oh Yoshi egg Blocks huh look like there’s anything else up there Though anything back here I’m trying to not let fig necessarily show me all the puzzle solutions yeah a lot of this is just like bounce around and try to find the hidden blocks the Level oh there we go okay can you push the pipes is that oh my goodness that’s what I thought that only the teal ones could be pushed but you had to push this gold one that’s how you do it and then you jump right up there okay what he’s just floating there cuz
The pipe’s there for them okay that was fun it was a little bit like a just a lot of invisible stuff but I still enjoyed it thank you Malcolm good to see you in the Stream I hope there’s more of these puzzle ones they were fun you don’t
Usually see that that much in Mario at least like 2D Mario that’s a 3D Mario thing more poed pass let’s try this out okay difficulty one shouldn’t be too bad although might want fire for this we are in the snow after all oh you can make a bubble and then aw poor Goomba
You can make a bubble and then swap to like a different power up and the bubble sticks there for a little while it’s snowing yeah I hope it doesn’t start anytime soon oh there we go I lost my bubble that’s okay we’ll get it back when we need
It it’s supposed to be a milder winter for my area at least but I hope I hope for a mild winter for everyone else if you wish for it poke pees oh okay fantastic I’m surprised the elephant Mario can walk on the snow here oh o it’s a little owl it’s like
The robin bird or whatever robird but it’s an owl I’m sorry he look like he came out of a uh Hornet’s Nest or something yeah you can really cheese these wall jumps if you have the parachute cap cuz you can just keep jumping off the wall and parachuting
Back I learned early on so who needs the uh other one wall jump badge when you can just do that two badges in one uhoh that’s a lot of owls I don’t like just smacking owls but they are you know flying into me got to be something in this Snow see there we go cheesed my way up here a little bit the cap is even bigger when he’s elephant Mario do we need need them to yeah they have to break through certain things so I don’t want to kill the Poke peeds immediately oh like this one we got to
Let them get over here I wonder how to get never wonder where snow comes from here they come okay go through here thank you poke peede on your way you won’t die today cuz you helped me this isn’t good the snow it’s burying me Mario go on without me I’m
Dying o there we go this is uh an intense one oh no yoi zoi I do like that the powerups land right on you oh no I lost it again I was trying to land on him to bounce up there but that’s not the way to do it this is
All for a one fraction of a purple coin okay let’s go um can’t remember what I was saying let’s save this glomba from an untimely death I can’t get through here no that’s okay yeah elephant Mario can’t he’s not Invincible he’s powerful but he can’t land on everything thanks for waiting F
Trying to jump on him but we Can’t oh jeez we’re in a bad way we have a tiny little cap it’s adorable but deadly wonderful okay we Brave the snow storm oh that’s what I was saying yeah we’re having a because of elino it might be a milder winter and a worse winter for some areas thank you
Figo here they come we don’t want to let them destroy the whole thing right or else we’re going to lose our black pole okay my trusty Blue Yoshi always here with an elephant fruit when I need [Applause] It tul he does say things other than woi zoi all right might try to get through world two and then we’ll we’ll finish up for the night cuz we’re getting pretty good progress already that’s all done okay oh we didn’t do this we have to use
The one badge wall jump wall climb jump oh this is going to be four stars yeah they force you to use that badge I could use a mushroom or something there we go thank you read my mind okay here we go this is the call of the wall no matter how high wait H so we need to jump go up and then across is that what we’re doing yeah there we go okay you got to remember after the first one you have to go across I see oh yeah it’s all wall jumps here like I’m playing
Celeste oh do I want to I want to jump there and then over and then my hands are starting to get a little slippery after a night of Mario that’s not the way to do that up over up up over over up over there we go I’ll get used to it up
Over just have to tell myself up and over one I need to do the right one okay the up one basically you can just jump right on where you need to go and you have to land to get it uhoh okay we’re good only your first wall jump before
You land is the one that takes you up ooh that’s tricky H I think I can make it fig is already up there he has a jump though he’s a Yoshi oh no oh no oh no oh no land on something Mario please he could have just reached out
One of his gloved hands and grabbed one of the blocks but no he decided to humiliate me now I’m Mario so I have no one to blame but myself all right this way he goes farther than you would think with some of these Jumps I wonder if I need to go up and then try to get that cuz it’s kind of in a weird Spot yeah Mario Parkour Mario’s like the king of Parkour I think even in Mario 1 he could kind of do a weird uh Focus take a breath sort of uh wall jump thing there we go okay I got it no Mario okay good
I was about to say if we have to go all the way up that’s going to be unfortunate all right I’m getting the hang of it take a Breath okay ride this up yeah the flutter jump seems pretty nice Big I need to do this okay try that again I think I need to like do a uh are you going to climb up the left H that’s a good question flower here we go okay okay I need to get on the top of this and then H like that yep there we go Okay okay okay Oh do I want to do this yes I got It okay we did it yeah that was H that was a fourstar difficulty see I’ll do one of these types of things every once in a while but I don’t really have the patience for a Celeste type game where the whole game is these really precise jumps that are
Punishing I feel like I fell off of that pretty quickly despite also taking place on a Snowy Mountain like this looks like he mastered that badge do you want me to wear it no I’ve had about enough of the wall jumping badge thank you thinkig so thank you for waiting for
Us I’m so frustrated I want to be an elephant I wanted to climb higher but now I can’t thanks to the mess that masked up Scamp made I really really wanted to reach the top and now can’t someone do something about this all right let’s get that masked up scamp out of
Here charu yeah you could turn off the flowers I do know that but then we would miss all their quips I think I would miss it if they didn’t say anything you would just have to read it Con Darts Away there they are circling we the cond darts are overhead
Waiting to pick the ticks off of elephant Mario all right let’s go oh oh no OE zoi I didn’t know he was they were going to poke me still they have a cool design this is the third new bird enemy in like one and a half worlds you killed elephant Mario you get
The fireball are they after me nah it’s got to be you okay so yeah they they stick themselves in There and then I can jump off of them right yep they’re interesting am I supposed to go down there couldn’t tell if that was like a uh tease of somewhere to go help yourself oh thank you how did you make those fall I don’t trust these
Flowers see in another game I would say the flowers are the secret villain or the prince is going to turn into an evil butterfly but I don’t know if that’ll happen in this one H did I miss my chance to get up there from the uh cond darts
Maybe I don’t have a bubble to get up there either yeah the bubble’s kind of like a cheat power up in some ways if you mess up quick or careful what will it it’s not cheating if it’s in the game right nope but yeah it’s it’s more forgiving
If you mess up some stuff if you have the bubble to help you out oh there we go maybe this is where I wanted to go anyways hey hey hey bonus flowers are just some guys says Espeon yeah I don’t think they’re evil or that mysterious they’re just weird
Little guys that talk a lot which I can relate To all right feels nice to get that in one shot anything else over here nice yeah there was something there that’s that one spot Nice it’s good that the flowers repeat themselves if you want to hear what they said again but it’s also funny when they say the same thing over and over H I got an idea nope I did it too soon I was going to try to jump off of one of them and
Then float over but I just don’t think it’s going to be possible like do that and then get on there but I think we missed our shot on that that’s okay hopefully that wasn’t the Flower break that for me thank you you’ve earned yourself not dying from fire oh thank you I’ll take you with Me uhoh oh they’re getting a little feisty here okay that’s another one of those pits that is awful suspicious fig jump down there and tell me if it’s safe if you turn into a ghost I know that it’s death give a second for my Yoshi to uh catch up with the stream your
Might okay gotcha thank you Figo terrify he’s my uh my canary in the co mine Yoshi that tells me if I’m going to die oh I wonder if we’re supposed to get something out of here oh an extra life thank you fix theyve had a real trooper this whole
Stream this is also like the Bowser boss battle of uh having these things break blocks you something unusual oh there’s the wonderf flower okay see now I don’t have to be as picky about finding all the secrets cuz I found where the wonderf flower
Is okay when it’s on its way back I will bounce off of it oh jeez I didn’t even need to do that did I cuz I could just wall jump okay here we go whoa It’s Zam Mario this is the uh Zelda like perspective now thank you this is so
Weird you could see a Mario game like this oh I was trying to get them to break the blocks but I shouldn’t I should just go we need to get the seeds can’t go that way oh how do I get through here the Twix to the Birds oh no we got to find the right spot here we go okay wonderful yeah the only time you get these time limits are on some of these Wonder flower trials big I’m Figo I’m little Figo help thank you there’s such a MVP of this gave me a
Great bubble are we supposed to yep there we go okay hit that pal for me if you don’t mind Mr conart drop some coins there we Go that’s the thir one anything up here probably not worth bubbling up to Bubble Up it’s just fun to be able to get into all these weird spots the mods are like Figo you’re babying he just helping for a more enjoyable stream where I don’t die as often CU I’m being given Powerups oh there’s a secret I saw it I saw it even though I heard a Yoshi make a weird noise what’s up here so the okay I now I excuse me I understand the uh the difference just wanted to double check that uh the the
Ones that you can see the full coin over on the counter whereas the bits are like little corners of a coin [Applause] Okay Byebye Yep this is on the switch will I play the new Mario and rabbits I I don’t know I’m I’m not that opposed to like playing an XCOM sort of game but I don’t know I’m not a huge rabids sky or minions or that sort of Welcome to
The poplin shop where we sell everything snow or shine we’re always open I got plenty of games to play as it is including I want to get back to Zelda Pikman 4 Pokemon DLC and uh we’ll have more Splatoon soon we have cry oh it’s crouching are those crying
Peach I’m glad it’s not crying Peach come back again all right I want to go Ouija time again I don’t know why I feel like I play better as the Mario Brothers maybe just cuz I’m I can spot their uh I don’t know the toads are so tiny it sounds
Weird to say that it it’s easier to position myself with a Mario or a Luigi a what to do what to do oh is the path that leads up here back to normal what a relief you see I got blocked just as I made it up here
I’ve been stuck here ever since jeez it’s rough living on a cloud the path that climbs to the summit has also been blocked it’d be nice if we could all go up there again I’ll get on it in a second here should maybe I should give
Up on reaching the top no don’t give up on your dreams all right so jump jump jump we got a jumping level Fluff Puff C buff oh a new is that like a flutter jump badge that could be useful pull block passage let’s start with the badge cuz I
Kind of regretted not getting the dolphin badge as early as I could before H oh we have to start out a small form when we go into bat that’s what it was just saying jump higher than usual and momentarily float you have to hold it though go for
It it is kind of uh what’s going on with these coins they’re twisting in weird ways it’s kind of like the flutter jump but not quite H I got to get a little bit of a oh little bit of a arch going right there we go oh and you can also get the
Spin at the end oh yeah it’s not quite as there we go not quite as high sometimes as I expecting now why are some of the talking flowers red and some are yellow most are yellow but some of them are red okay honestly between the
Two I kind of I kind of like the um C cap a little better the Cap’s a little less uh terrifying oh that kind of works in a different way gives you a lot of float from a wall jump it’s different how am I going to get up there
Just jump almost there okay no pressure almost there jump and yeah there we go there’s an invisible wall that stops you right before the flag so you can just kind of hit that and fall right on it yeah it’s it’s similar enough to the gliding cap but not quite the same it
Might give you more lift it looks like we’ll stick with this one for a little while see how it suits us yeah we’re going to go a little bit longer try to finish up this world thank you all for hanging out nicely done and
We got the badge you just used as a gift do you want to wear it yep and we’re back to Bubble Luigi who looks like an Easter basket it’s like made him more bright green to his overall like classic didn’t Classic Luigi have green overalls instead of yeah he was they were all
Flipped up that’s an arena actually let’s do that while we have the bubble it seems like a good thing for killing enemies and I’ll keep that new badge on okay so now I know just go up there defeat them and keep going what you going to yeah give me give me another
Bubble oh maybe an elephant and a bubble okay so that’s what those other pipes are just for powerups and that’s why the one was corked cuz there was only a couple powerups I get it now all right here we go let me just get these guys oh not the big
Ones how do we oh I see uh-oh do I have to have to jump on I see okay okay you can hit them and then they shrink a little these clouds are creepy and the goal of this is to finish as fast as you can so you get all three of the
Coins I don’t know how we’re doing so far come on con darts you guys are going to give me a problem here aren’t you the bubbles are pretty good for taking stuff out though at least okay oh lock to Cloud very slow but at least it’s getting me over Everything turning into Waluigi the more he uses the bubble see you see in Mario Kart smiling Cloud oh no I need an elephant stat oh NOP I need to not have an elephant anymore there we go we don’t need it we can jump on these guys and even if we’re little we can
Win oh no I’m running out of time sneak attack okay did that stop the timer I don’t know if I did it fast enough no we’re still going Play That Funky Music green guy go go go okay conat ah we needed 70 seconds to get the last
One very close if I didn’t have to lose my elephant immediately yeah that was a little tougher than I was expecting after I lost my bubble all right does anyone know without spoiling too much is there a reason to have to get all of the big 10
Coins in every level is there any special reward I I figure I want to get all the W seeds but I don’t know if I need to worry about the coins that much pole block passage okay this like only our second paratroop bow we’ve seen the badges are nice cuz it felt
Like I had a power up even though I didn’t can climb these right yep the Koopas don’t like when I get close to them and start kicking into them oh o weird shimmering along shimmying rather coins are shimmering ah I’m getting careless I just want to go fast you know
Just want to run through don’t have to worry about Koopas but it’s not life in the flower Kingdom should do that she get the coins that’s how efficient plumbers get their coins oh there’s a oh it’s a cloud okay I thought there was something shining there quite the climb huh oh aha anything up here that’s why you got to Snoop around I
Only have 28 lives I need as many as I can get the animation when they get the mushroom is really fun I like the kind of it’s almost like a stop motion or not like a limited animation look to it I don’t know it’s fun that’s all I got to
Say oh you can steer your ground pound did you see that you can kind of like aim it a little and cancel it it looked like I canceled it somehow anyways thank you they did little butt bounce adorable I think we saw the dry bones do that too earlier oh no H wait we can do this I thought I needed the Koopa shell I’m not sure why Luigi says W when he wants to uh blow a Bubble okay oh a bunch of members are also playing nice H I bet we need both of these oh ah if I leave that going it’ll uh do it for me keep them going forever yeah the badge the badge kind of makes you into an Luigi’s kind of tall jump long
Jump that you’re used to his higher jump in some of the other games I’m realizing certain badges are fitting to certain characters like if you want to try to pretend like Peach still use her float ability give her the one where she carries Mario’s hat for some
Reason it is a little weird that like doesn’t matter what character you’re playing you all have the like plumber cap for that badge this is a fun stage I don’t know if any of them so far I would be like this is not a fun stage honest but oh we got to hurry
I know which way to go it’s kind of like the chain link thing in what’s that Mario World we have to climb in a certain way okay go go go I also like being able to see how you guys are doing see your little achievements and stuff oh oh oh they’re all up
There got to catch up to him I don’t think I was supposed to get to the one when I did I got to it a little early there’s no timer but of course I want to go as fast as I can cuz it just the Mario games do to you that compel
You to speedrun okay yeah do they just get Angry Eyes yeah when they’re near you it’s kind of like like when Ochi sees an enemy the enemies just scowl at you hi are you a hive mind I want to know about these flowers I want to know what their deal
Is I don’t know if we’re going to get it from this game the actual reason for their existence is to tutorial lie and give you hints but why do they exist outside of [Applause] [Applause] that Wario and Waluigi DLC yeah I’m a little sad that uh doesn’t seem like we got like roselina Wario and Waluigi would be really fun but I guess then they would have to make Wario lose a lot of his abilities and jump really high even though he’s more of a Brute Force
Kind of guy break 10 time cloud cover right let’s go haven’t played Toadette in a while she’s ready We okay cloud cover to resident in the C has trademark pigtails okay we got a little lore on Toadette can we go oh the clouds are covering stuff it’s going to go down if I’m not quick enough I see just got to be fast go through I want those coins that’s
Okay just begin getting the badges or the seed Things I could nope that’s not going to work that’s okay all right check on the questions once again if you have any questions so that’s a good place to ask it you can click on that little thing during streams and then it keeps them all in
One spot for me so I can see them between levels it’s still screaming like it uh they want me to do something else oh is it cuz I didn’t get the coin so that’s where we’re going after we already did this right no we didn’t I went to get
The badge jump jump jump difficulty four stars charu yes I’m going to continue picking for pretty soon here that’s kind of the one I want to get back to the most although Zelda I am uh I still want to get to that of course but I’ve been enjoying Pikmin the
Most oh what are we doing here so we want to okay I think I’m supposed to go faster can we retry you come from like if we go back up here I wonder if it’ll let us yes good good good nope I I’m probably supposed to wait a
Second right cuz it’s a song based one I’m getting too getting too ahead of myself all right let’s hold on just a split second there we go you can skip ahead if you’re quick oh man this is like Rhythm head It’s getting really Fast this is great my kind of Level no No I hesitated the last bit but I got all the coins so now we can skip all the purple coins I can just run I love these music levels more music levels the pra plant one was so great okay let me do this nope oh man I think I’m going to
Have to Bubble or use the one cap if I want to pull that off right let me try this I want to skip ahead cuz then I can save time can I scoot under here all right here we go here’s the hack there we
Go and then you skip a bunch of it at the beginning then you have to wait oh I wonder if it’s easier because you get to go to the harder Parts sooner if you’re not waiting as late into the song yeah it’s not as Frantic there we go and yep okay yeah that was fun you if you’ve watched the channel a while you know I love Rhythm and music based things Rhythm Heaven one of my favorite series Kaz overse thank you so much 6 months as an early bird they said it is
Me I don’t know if that was supposed to be in a Mario voice look get bubble toad at good color scheme cheesing once again no that was meant to be skipping that cycle I think was intended okay yeah that was is there anything above four star is there a Five
Star difficulty can’t even imagine expert badge challenge spring feet I don’t even have this badge oh cuz we’re getting it here we don’t lose any lives good cuz I only have 30 perpetually hop along you can also jump higher than usual this this kind of like spring Mario and Galaxy
Yeah sort of go for it thanks for that yeah you just have to time your jumps really well this makes Toadette like a flee oh no I couldn’t get that coin you can do really little jumps if you want weird kangaroo mushroom okay I have to remember I can
Still will do that little twist in the air if you’re going to play this pressing R gives you that little twist just like in the new Super Mario Brother games in kind of a base level it does really feel like you’re playing Mario maker or new Super Mario uh brothers so
It has a similar feel but uh just like in those games if you hit R you do that little twist if you do it on the ground you do the spin jump from Mario World but if you twist in the air you get a little more out of your jump so I
Recommend using that nicely done and we got the badge you just used as a gift do you want me to wear it uh sure that could make some levels really difficult I could see people doing challenges where they play through the whole game using certain badges kind of want to get
That coin but that’s okay we’ll worry about it later oh where are we going Toadette she’s leaving us she’s riding a flower to the heavens we’re already in the clouds what’s even higher here what is this flower Road Special World whoa we found a secret Toadette wow this is really something
But where are we exactly this entire area feels really special doesn’t it I don’t sense any Royal seeds here but we should explore a bit H interesting this is like the Mario World special oh no five star difficulty see uh we’ll try it Fluff Puff Peak
Special climb to the beat oh it’s to the beat good timing cuz I just did that do we want the spring on this one I would doubt it but I’m going to try it I’m worried this seems slick it’s going to be real tough figo’s here for moral support no I’m a ghost it’s a it’s October oh okay um let’s try the floaty jump maybe actually the wall jump one is probably the way to go on this right okay let’s try this this I don’t know if I’m going to be able to do this no promises
Oh ah it jumped me straight up in a way I didn’t want to go so maybe I don’t want that that’s cheating okay I want normal wall jumps I’m not going to I’m going to give up um I want normal wall jumps maybe I want the floaty jump kind of think maybe
The parachute cap is probably the best honestly no badge at all it might be better cuz it’s kind of throwing me off all right here here we go oh it jumped too soon I was anticipating it too quickly all right let me I kind of want
This mushroom but I don’t know if it’s going to cause me problems if I use it all right here we go Five Star level I did it too soon oh man she didn’t Jump kind of want to switch I don’t know why but Mario and Luigi can I I can’t change characters we’ll one more with TOA Mario and Luigi I feel like it’s easier to play with I don’t know what it is I lost my Mushroom uh-oh yeah we’re not making it out out of this one folks oh Maybe I’m not worried about the coins I’m worried about surviving worried about keeping this cute little mushroom [Laughter] alive let’s see what’s up here oh man look at this that’s rough okay I’m going to I don’t want to use all my lives this is a little experiment do I
Play better with Mario and Luigi as weird as it sounds I know they all play identical except for Yoshi and nabit but I don’t know what it is it just feels like it’s easier I think maybe out of the corner of my eye I can see those little bright colored plumbers easier
All right we’re going to try this again couple more times and then we’ll come back if I can’t do this he’s still little don’t want to go too quick or else the wall won’t be There do speed up quite a bit Though I’m sure I’ll regret this if I come back and I need to get these coins Later oh I didn’t know where to go I didn’t see the orange at first I just saw the red above me see I played better with Mario I don’t think it’s it’s I don’t think it’s all you know in my head I think I do just I don’t know what it Is Okay buttons are getting very Sweaty okay I might uh might have to either come back to this one listen to him he’s suffering all right one more try I’m going to wipe my controller off I’m sorry if that sounds gross but I’ve been playing a long time and you know human
Sweat it’s taking me back to playing in Smash Brothers tournaments for my hands I would like wipe my controller down between games cuz I would be so nervous and nerve-wracking playing this tough level of uh gam play you know H oh no I jumped I was trying to be quick so I cut my jump down a little and let go and then I landed on the side I’m going to give myself until 20 lives and if I don’t beat it by the then we’re moving On Mario’s having a lot of Fun uhoh oh can I still get out of this maybe [Laughter] no yeah I caught up a little bit all right if we don’t win this one we’re switching to Luigi for the last two Lives I don’t need the cap but it makes me feel safe it’s like a blanket oh I messed that Up trying to quickly push buttons with theuh side of your thumb is a little tough okay two more and then I’m done I’m setting myself a limit they give you leeway if he plays Mario that would be weird if it if the game yeah ok doie and it makes it tougher if
He plays Luigi no that’s not true at all here we go Luigi makes me play better cuz I don’t want to disappoint him he’s such a sweet boy okay here we go I’ll have to come back to this on a day when uh we start and my uh controller hasn’t been drenched as
Much if we don’t get It I think you said prey pre you live Yipp pay okay he doesn’t say prey Yipp no the orange block I bet we’re so close there after that I don’t know that orange block keeps giving me trouble hey we got a life that means I get to try more slightly longer okay deep breath here we go oh I messed it up already well there
Goes that extra life okay I’m going to take one one second to get a drink okay I bet the floaty badge would make this easier in some ways this is my last chance for tonight Wo I’m using a different Floy Badge pray for your soul Luigi no yeah I’m not jumping fast enough I think so I’m not getting the height I need on this I got to just tap tap tap tap okay okay I’m going to stick to my word we’ll come back to this I think I can do it when I’m refreshed on
A fresh stream and I haven’t been playing so long that was always that’s something I learned young there was a Final Fantasy 10 there was a thing where uh you had to do this Chocobo mini game to get titus’s Ultimate Weapon and I remember it was so
IED tried for hours as a kid and then I took a break and came back like 15 minutes later and I beat it first try like sometimes you just got to got to let it breathe a little bit you know okay Luigi let’s Go I feel like we’re we were probably pretty close to the end though the way the music was going it was five stars and that’s the Special World which is probably the toughest thing in the game so thank you oh no I saw Figo and they
Got banished into the I don’t know up into the Special World up and down with puffy lifts all right what did I oh I got that floaty badge what’s going on here look like an ice cream cake or something we’re just a normal cake oh we don’t want to oh my Mushroom o nice you don’t want to sit anything on it like a shell I could have used that mushroom bet if I no no I was going to say if I time that Right we can throw this up right go my puffy left and these are strange little things trying to do oh help me elephant Toad thank you see we needed a little bit of spooky for Halloween once again okay I wanted to do that you have
To just break one of them and then I can get down here there we go all right let’s Go these things are strange I don’t trust them they’re probably delicious but ooh bonus go Little Luigi fly high I understand them but I need to get used to them more this thing’s just you pop with the oh no I I dropped it the beach
Ball you just bounce it a bunch it was deceptively uh tougher than I was expecting I’m sure that was something Good okay and then you’re going to go over here oh I guess we don’t want that SP likey ball to go down here we want this one oh no here it comes okay go go go oh I got to do that I See then we can lure it over bounce back okay that’ll break that and then we got to go up here Luigi’s also got a symbol in his overalls every time he ground pounds that’s got to hurt the goom brats are back W so is wo zoi Luigi oh I knew there was
Something down Here he’s got to break these like immediately right with this extra elephant weight hm H get that thank you it’s so weird that you can collect coins with Koopa shells but just not something you would expect but I guess that’s the name of the game now are the different colors of these cakes something important the the yellow ones go all the way up
Two they’re not even cakes why do I keep think what Luigi oh I need to get it up there you’re in great shape uh-oh what was I supposed to do ride those up there H I was being insulted by a Flower okay I lost my chance to get to be a Elephant where was that it was over here right yeah got to ride this thing up hopefully I’ll get another chance at that Wonder flower there we go okay so I need to do I need to bring a spiked thing up there with me or I just have to go you’re in great shape
Right go oh I’m not supposed to worry about that am I I just need to go we do want to get that that way there I see I did I was barely grasping these cake Cloud lift things and then we turned into one like Mario Odyssey or something all
Right nice job where’d you come from right back there all right this is kind of Fun I’m falling that was I think he screamed oh no they’re all my Endeavors okay can do it oh wait we don’t want to hit that do we I thought the spiky ball was going to get it for Me oh that was Close okay we’re fine we’re fine no no no thank you big you’ve saved me all right here we go big elephant jump couple more levels here and we’ll finish up for the night we got a lot of people watching I’m surprised maybe cuz other areas other time zones we’ll have
More of this soon if you are watching this later I’m having a lot of fun we’re breezing through pretty quick the only really hurdle I’ve run into was that special world and uh I think we’ll we’ll get that eventually nearly there let me check the courses just want to double
Check I’m getting all my w seeds you know not every coin but we can go back for that later if we have to nearly there you’ve almost reached the summit but the journey ahead is even more perilous maybe it’s time to stop by the poplin shop for supplies is there one
Here oh no cic or just a Magikoopa please don’t please you don’t have to do this Bowser’s not around to see you just help an old elephant out oh he warped in a spooky cyberpunk neon Airship my coins is it taking my coins oh no we’re going
To flutter up Fluff Puff Peaks flying Battleship we haven’t seen a airship in a little while okay here we go this head’s on fire me this how it feels itself oh it’s autoc scroller well that’s one point against this oh fireworks no I’m fine with auto
Scrollers but I know a lot of people especially people that want to play games quickly do not enjoy Auto scrollers oh we can light the fireworks early and they dropped the coins to Us this is like the flower kingdoms version of B bombs feels like I don’t know if they can hurt us or not Uh-oh we made it I thought for some reason I was just going to burn these crates but they’re fireproof but not firework Proof you okay over there Toad thank you Steven for the Super Chat I it was just good timing because Rafa is like way up ahead where we can’t see him as yellow toad oh did I oh I might be able to get in There Luigi just squeezed through okay we need to last this Up wonder if they only give you so many of these or if they just keep spawning I can’t believe I managed to squeeze through there well I I figured it was possible cuz that’s why I tried it I want to know if there’s any reward for blowing up all these blocks probably not
But there we go okay just squeezed in there Luigi he likes little spaces he’s a he’s a plumber he’s got to get you know sometimes you got to crawl behind the toilet to figure out what’s Wrong I think you are yeah you are just supposed to carry these around I think oh there’s the wonderf flower whoa whoa wo Bower’s targeting us from the background can I have this thank you woo No I didn’t work on that one can I shoot him with the fireworks he’s blasting up the bullet bills you’re destroying your own place but we’re not actually on the Airship are we oh my goodness oh no give me the elephant free me from Bower’s Onslaught okay he’s gone we are on the
Airship what was that then that was another airship in the background this is all just hallucinations okay good elephant Mario can break the Crates oh hey the bombs watch where you’re launching those please blow that guy up no my elephant you’ll pay for that weird Sumo bro or whatever you are H looks like somewhere we would go down and then come back around follow the Yoshi they always know somehow oh it’s boss battle
Wow we’re fighting Bowser’s bomb Factory oh I almost ran right into that give me that coin I’m so coin hungry I need to get over my coin Drive oh ah I didn’t realize I was holding the one that was going to blow up are we supposed to just [Laughter] yep
Ghost luig Luigi turned into what he fears most a ghost we did it felt a little cheap but we took it out I thought we were supposed to throw B bombs in its mouth or something so I was just trying to carry one all we had to do was hit the
Button classic Mario Style you just need to grab the axe hit the button all right that’s just going to sit there what a blate upon the pink clouds of Fluff Puff Peaks that was the scariest thing yet I really don’t like heights you better not turn into a butterfly or moth that
Reminds me I heard there’s a badge that helps you survive a fall it’s sold on this mountain somewhere if you do get a new badge press R to see what you’ve got from there you can swap badges okay so that’s the probably one of the uh a
Badge You’ think they would give you earlier one that lets you drop in a pit here at the poplin shop we sell everything put on the safety bounce badge and you can fall without fear yeah this feels like the one that probably would be the best for kind of an assist
Mode maybe or for younger people bounce back out of pits or anyone who needs it and no judgment or gatekeeping on that but I think I know a lot of people that like kids played Mario Odyssey and having the mode where if you fall off you just bubble back up was so helpful
For people to be able to actually play the game I will buy that just in case we need it that’s good we got to get a stande or two while we’re here posing Yoshi I keep forgetting to use those on tough areas cuz we want to help other people out right it’s fgog
And the or Figo in the CL I miss mixed his name up Figo in the cloud all right let’s go do you want to try using a different badge I’ll I want to show the badge let’s try it just to see what it looks like like and then I’ll take it
Off we got countdown to drop down and cruising with linking lips all right let’s try this badge real quick just cuz I want to know what it looks like to fall in a pit and survive o Sparky so if we that’s not what I wanted to do it only works once okay
I see the first fall bounces you out and then you have to come back okay I’m going to restart or I’m going to change my badge and then restart okay oh we got a raid hello how yall doing are you enjoying Mario I hope so what other badge did we get recently it
Was this one I’m going to try this and let’s go back to Daisy let’s go hear her new voice I know a lot of people conflicted about Daisy getting a new voice Tom Sonic has a vision impairment so they use the badge all the time yeah
That’s a well speaking of which I’m uh I’m finally getting glasses here soon so yeah no no sweat anyone who benefits from o from using uh things that help them actually play the game because you don’t need to oh hey that Condor just gave me a elephant fruit
Um whoa oh we’re supposed to hit him out of the air and we’re supposed to keep getting these so it keeps going sorry I got distracted in the middle of what I was trying to say but um yeah I am all for any any things that can make games more
Accessible to people that want to play them cuz there’s no sense not you know excluding people from being able to actually experience things can the elephant squeeze through she can just barely oh can we get through fast enough to hit this good and she can
Float I’m used to Mario and Luigi as an elephant I got to get used to Daisy and and Peach a little more the lift was enough to learn about out and then we got guys flying in we got electric shocks oh no we got the Locka Squad
Coming oh they’re giving us coins this is nice they’re being sweet oh I need that oh I missed the one there we go as long as we get the parts of the wond seed thing hi you okay oh I heard it fall there it is I
Believe in you this is probably going to take us right up to the flag pole oh no I missed it is they they give us another shot yep they did okay good now it takes us to the seed okay can we get there in time 10
9 oh no I don’t want to put the tension too high I’m getting it all right Yeah so far oh we Gotum this is uh this is up there for 2D maros with Mario 3 Mario World and Yoshi’s Island for me I know Yoshi’s Island is debatably a Mainline Mario game for some people I think if you look at the actual Japanese title it is like Mario World 2
Like it is yeah it’s meant to be a sequel even though you’re playing as Yoshi but uh yeah I don’t know this is is as inventive as very early Marios like that I think so I’m glad that they’re trying some new stuff that was absolutely amazing you
Took out that air flying ship like it was nothing if you got all the way up here I bet you can take care of the Mast meanie no problem summon is just up ahead is he a meanie or a Scamp I’ll be cheering for you and we’ll all
Yodel together at the summit once it’s safe for us to go up there okay we’re going to have to see if we yodel at the end and then we will end the stream after this world cuz we’re only a couple levels away thank you Raiders for jumping
In okay careful who okay yeah watch your steps so oh has a countdown oh these gu speaking of Yoshi’s Island we got little melon piranha plants there was a melon in that game that you could grab with Yoshi to spit Little Seeds so I got to guess that
This is inspired by that game oh no no I was trying to duck well let’s do it again or no we can go back up she just barely fits through there okay go go go hm oh oh we can bounce on them that’s so fun I thought they would just kill me out
Right see that’s another thing that I appreciate in games is when there are mechanics oh I’m not going to get that now unless I do a big jump from over here there we go um I really appreciate mechanics in games that don’t just they’re not just there to punish you or
Be annoying like they have actual other properties to them oh we skipped it um but the fact that those seeds are scary but then they do help you it’s fun I like yeah using the enemies to help you do accomplish things is uh it’s going to move yep it
Is oh running out of time to get all these coins Though the parat tropus speaking of enemies helping you this guy’s definitely not he’s just eating up all my jumps on this Platform all right oh ah he was still in there anything down here just a way out cuz they knew curious players would go do that I’m not going to get my elephant yet in case I really need it what’ll it be oh hey yeah that’s a good idea
Idea can I change the stande if I keep pushing different stuff no you have to pick it I guess her character here we go oh no that’s not what I want to do bad time to get a star kind of wow or good cuz now we’re getting spinies thrown at
Us oh I missed it be careful ah that’s gone I was really hoping I could get lcus Cloud oh oh oh we’re going to have to get it if I want to get that wonderf flower there we go clever oh I’m falling like Che of the
Kingdom we have a star what am I doing oh no Give me that seed okay it’s just I don’t know it’s a whirlwind of of thoughts where you’re like oh I got a star okay I should kill these guys oh no that now they’re after me I’m vulnerable there’s the W seed you don’t really have time to like process
All of it you got to use a lot of instincts which is fun it’s not that punishing honestly so it’s nice that that is a thing in this game okay it’s getting its timer back on and I’m going to kill Latu and steal his cloud look how cute she is in there well hold on there we [Laughter] go perfect oh I don’t need that that’s okay oh it’s running out out ah how come he gets to use it forever I guess cuz I’m an Elephant there we go clouds are immune to watermelon seeds and other little known facts oh just in time tears of the elephant I did it you did Daisy goodbye I love how BL they are to the poplins at least Daisy and Peach seem to be very sweet to them I don’t know if
Mario and Luigi extend the same courtesy okay who’s next let’s swap around we only did one is Daisy I’ll do another with her let’s go I for tubby on the cloud emote thank you Steven for popping that up that was how the stream started whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what
Is what is going on all just zero to Elephant flying through the clouds on a conveyor belt all right I’ll one more with Daisy cuz that barely felt like a level oh we did that already okay think we’re done fall fearlessly oh he’s talking about the
Badge I thought they were like jump off the clouds all right Daisy you want to take us home with the castle that was the quickest level yet yeah actually all right last thing for the night here Fluff Puff peak’s Palace four stars and Figo is still with us and
Rafa I think was around let’s take back this mountain together and press all if you want to change a badge we’re okay F us waiting and RAF is here as an elephant as well it is weird to see even the ghost of Yoshi enter a castle that they’re maybe not supposed to go
In look at them they’re dancing and they have skeletons somehow even though they’re plants never quite understood that but that’s okay all right bubble time hey you get out of here bubble just instantly kill any enemy it seems like let’s test that yeah even if they’re
Undead what badge do I oh I have the floaty batch trying to remember what I had cuz I was like not jumping up how I wanted okay testing out some of these pipes don’t want to be on certain ones I do want that though I bet this would raise up the one
We needed to go on oh no toad is having a grand old time over There she’s also got a symbol in her dress Somewhere I don’t want to lose my uh Don’t Want to Lose My Wo zoi we’re going to grab a bubble the theme of this game is also pipes that lower down cuz I feel like we found so many of those oh which one’s going to do it okay there we go [Laughter] what what is going on more than a symbol in that dress there’s some stilts do we want to be tall really doesn’t feel like it just trying to get out from under everything no he went in the lava oh when you do different forms it changes the coins it Alters
Everything that’s so crazy okay okay leaving the Fireballs don’t let let this guy see me he’s going to chase me okay we’re good what’s down there I see a coin poor Daisy one day you’re an elephant the next you hit a growth spurt oh I want to get in there can we
Get in there yes I was worried that was a block uh this is bizarre no I’m little but I’m still tall what about elephant oh we can’t do an elephant in here that would have been so great got to have a silhouette level these days it’s just a given in any Platformer okay we’re good we’re good we’re good okay oh yeah oh yeah I get to become normal again H that looks suspicious up There tempted to try to do some Shenanigans ah so close oh I don’t think it is anything but I want to see pigo is going up he’s doing fact finding for us there’s something up there oh that’s the exit I bet we’re supposed to do
This jump up here and then go yeah I see I’m going to put a standy here as well there we go I don’t know why we needed one there to save anyone right before the boss but here we go bubble time okay folks last level of the
Night oh no I don’t need that we got an elephant we got a bubble what more do you need to take on Junior again hey it’s you you climbed all the way up to the summit just to play with me huh well if you want to
Play that bad guess we can I’m going to do some wild stuff with Wonder power so you should be extra scared hey don’t shake your butt at a princess can bubbles even hurt him doesn’t seem like it can I jump on him at yep there we go okay here he goes he’s becoming
Ooh he he’s creepier for sure even though he’s still cute that voice just got to wait till he dizzies himself basically unless I want to go elephant mode on him there we go is this ice now it is I’m sliding around okay now it’s some sort of golden
Sludge you can’t jump on it as or walk through it as well okay here he goes oh he’s he’s diing through okay what’s next back to ice he’s mad kind of want to go elephant mode for this can’t handle me when I’m elephant Daisy he’s going sludge again Bon
Yeah go rest in your Jello all right I have a feeling the Koopalings aren’t in this it’s just Bowser Jr trying different recipes making some sort of marmalade for us to run around in she did It yes thank you for the reminder as Baldo to thank Figo our loyal Blue Yoshi this whole time giving us hints showing us where to go I’m going to guess they just blasted through most of this game earlier cuz they’re very Knowledgeable yeah you don’t you don’t see that many AAA games these days that are uh just you know not afraid to yodel with the Royal seed from Fluff Puff Peaks an and Daisy’s party continues their journey I can’t believe elephant Daisy didn’t yodel with everyone I guess
She didn’t really know that that’s what they were going to do they mentioned it but the road ahead is filled with even more dangers and Daisy’s Quest is starting to get much more difficult will they overcome what awaits them well how well they use the badges they find will make all the
Difference come on Daisy yodel use that trunk I guess they didn’t want to make a yodling sound for all of the Characters the flowers doing it Daisy could have at least been like or whatever you know I can’t make an elephant noise something like that they they have not made like the trunk sound yet have they congratulations you found all the W seeds and fluff pu Peaks here’s 100 to
Celebrate your achievement 100 coins wait did we not get that for the other place now let’s use the propeller flower to head back to the pedales the wind wind up here is pretty strong so hold on tight bye cond darts I’m sure you’ll be dethroned by the next bird of the next
World we’ve had so many so far from Rob what were they Roberts roberds oh all right Royal seed go ahead get rid of one of the cloud brze protecting Bowser oh yeah I forgot about that plot point I was just having fun there’s the angler Poppin fishing still is it going
To get rid of the blue one yes I don’t know why I guessed that but the it was snow so okay any last minute questions I will check before we wrap up here hooray it worked thank you so much now let’s keep at it no not for tonight so where we
Next oh I know shining Falls I’m sure there’s a royal seat at the top of those waterfalls let’s start by heading east towards shining Falls and that will be the next stream thank you all so much once again if you want to join as a member night owls and
Above get on the friends list guaranteed spot look at go and you could be like Figo or Rafa and jump in and run around with me and play in the little Lobby here thank you to everyone who jumped in and was enjoying or hopefully enjoying your time in Mario Wonder with
Me okay let me get the member set up I think we got a couple new ones we five new members today let’s listen to this beautiful music while I check this out I’m not I mentioned I’m not big on like water Vibes or uh Beach Vibes that sort of stuff as
Much but I’m I like this so we had Divinity charu vinf Fin and kite flying cat all get they rejoined I think from gift membership I think some maybe someone in there was a uh rejoin of their own valtion and then who did we we got a fifth new member here
Somewhere that I’m not seeing H I’ll have to double check oh sombering rejoined as the to and GG treat Giver thank you so much sombering I think that was it and then here are the rest of the members starting with topby and gig treat givers Steven Mark Ashley Elina
Zach Josh Kayla and then sombering is in there again sorry sombering I I’ll get you on the next slide but they are back as a treat Giver the highest current level of channel members thank you all again regardless of whether you support through memberships or are just hanging out and watching leaving likes
Commenting all that stuff is good here are the night owls I think we just got another gifted one right at the end thank you Ashley and then the early birds Haley Allison I saw you guys in here earlier grunky did some really good art in the Discord Figo left thank you again
Figo all right and Ashley gifted one to osbaldo nice o Balo did some really good art of my Pikman Rescue Squad member if you haven’t seen that Okay that is it 4our stream I had a lot of fun it went by really fast I do yeah I’m going to have to get back to that special World level cuz I am uh a little sad that I didn’t complete it but we can
Go do that in the future when I’m rested up I think I’ll be in a better spot that was like up and Fluff Puff right yeah okay but next time we’re going to continue we got some more of the pedales we’re going to some sort of golden shiny
Falls I think they called it so uh I will see you all then and uh yeah join the Discord if you haven’t already that’s free anyone is free to join talk with the community and uh hopefully I will see you then oh no
Mark I’ll got to I got to get you on the next one okay Mark was trying to get in but you can get in in world three hopefully okay have a good night everyone I’ll see you next time for more Mario goodbye