All righty everyone Welcome to our new playthrough which was highly anticipated this is Pokemon X Obama Jesus Christ that was the worst intro ever to a playthrough especially a new one we’ve started and you always give Joe and I for our intros but anyway welcome everyone to the kalus region in
Our newest playthrough of Pokémon X yeah we’re super excited to be here everyone and if you’re all wondering what happened to our Pokemon Violet series well we made a poll a couple days ago on our Channel explaining that the Violet file got corrupted yeah sadly we
Lost all our Sav data in that game and for now won’t be returning to it but from the poll we made in a community post about which game you’d all like to see us play next Pokemon X and Y were the most popular so here we are this
Game is better anyways boys but if you enjoyed this video then please remember to hit that like button and subscribe so you know when the next episode from this series will be out now it’s time to get this game started that’s right Donnie let’s get this game going and it’s
Actually my turn to play since Donald started playing Violet before went to but anyway I chose the boy character and the middle one out of the three so there’s no arguments between us about how our player should look all right since we ditch Fletching in our Pokemon Omega Ruby playthrough boys we
Have to use it in this game and we’re using froy too just cuz it’s the goat hey I haven’t played this game before Obama so you two are going to need to help me out here but that intro was probably one of the best in any game
We’ve played so far the animations here already look 10 times better than violet El maau this game is 10 times better that’s why Joe now head to that mirror first and get changed out of your PJs so we can get our starter that’s all I care
About right now oh yeah the second most popular game on our poll was Pokémon Black and White white too so that shall be the next game we play and then we’ll take it from there but I am so looking forward to exploring this new region
With my two buddies and a bunch of Gen 6 Pokemon too well look what we have here our mom is a solid 10 in this game too boys this is something that never changes no matter how the game is elow okay well one thing I absolutely dislike is the interior of our house
Holy hell it’s tiny agreed Joe but luckily enough we never have to return here again after saying bye to our mom but check it boys more sweet animations and this is where we get introduced to two of our newest friends yeah this is Serena and Shauna another pair of
Hotties Elmo Obama you’re really thirsty today huh LMFAO and look Joe our house is so tiny they made that poor ryhorn stay outside in the cold wet French weather we wee to as raisen Donald CE po ryhorn VOR Joe what in the actual was that that was my attempt at speaking
French Donald since Kaos is based off France I thought I’d show off some of my French language skills okay well do me and everyone a favor Joe and never say anything in French again I loved your French Joe so ignore what that fat whale Lord says and anyway we’ve made it to
The plaza of vanaville town where we’re going to get our starter Pokemon boys yeah and since we’re going to pick froy I say we resurrect our beloved greninja’s name from our Omega Ruby playthrough and nickname this Froakie Hanzo Joe that’s the smartest thing you’ve said since this entire playthrough started I hope you
Understand that but yeah I know I’m not going to be happy with this froy right off the bat before I ask why Donald look they all want to give us a nickname of our own well there’s absolutely nothing little about any of us three so I’m
Going to pick Big T as our nickname boys good shout Joe I am definitely a big kind of fellow known as The Big D around these here Parts elmau all righty boys here we go time to choose the Pokémon which will carry us through this region
And make us the champion of Kaos 2 although everyone knows what we’ll be picking so this is quite underwhelming yeah it’s probably written in the Bible that not using a froi in Pokemon X and Y is a sin and you’ll go to hell for it but anyway like I said earlier Obama
This fraki will need a little upgrade maybe keep the Laughing to a minimum Donald before you choke yourself to death shut up Joe I’m still fit as a fiddle and anyway now that we’ve got our starter Pokémon and Pokedex it’s time to head out on our new journey and by the
Way Obama we have to use xeri in this game for our team so make sure Joe gets the memo and doesn’t forget oh yeah so we’re playing Pokemon X since we couldn’t get y but regardless two of our members are going to be zeras and Bulbasaur since we already used
Charizard and Omega Ruby but the other three members of our team we shall leave to you guys our viewers to decide yeah fine by me boys it’s been a while since I used Bulbasaur actually I don’t think I’ve ever used one so this will be fun and what’s this about froy needing an
Upgrade Donald don’t you worry about that Joe just focus on winning your first battle here with Shauna and if you lose you’re a because we have the type advantage here yeah and I already have bubble on our froy too this is like the first time in a game when we get a
Move which is the same type as our starter so this battle will be a cakewalk talking about being a cakewalk this game has been renowned to be one of the easiest in the series but we still like it so I hope you all enjoy it too
And anyway we need to beat this game so we can say we conquered all the regions in Pokémon right that Shauna dealt with boys and I also leveled up too it seems Serena might be the one to give us more of a challenge but I’m just wondering
Will the other two battle us as well the big one and that small boy with the ginger hair that’s tyno and Trevor Joe I can’t remember if we ever get to battle them since it’s been a few years since I played but what makes me happy about
This game is we have more than one friend who travels on the journey with us yeah I like that we have a whole Squad who travels the land of callus with us Donald it makes it feel like the game’s more immersive since we can actually talk to more people and this
Game feels more alive so if we go off the anime boys our mom is a rehorn racer and that’s why she walks around in overalls but it would have been cool if there was a mini game where we got a race ryhorn in this game oh that’s a
Shame they didn’t have mini games like that in Pokemon X and Y Obama but anyway I said bye to our mom and it’s time to head to the first town in Kaos yeah finally we can leave this hole Village Place I feel so claustrophobic just walking around in vanaville town
Jesus Christ well at least the buildings and trees aren’t glitching out like they did in palia LM but anyway I’m going to get PTSD if I keep thinking about Violet so let’s get on with our journey look guys that was so sweet our mom’s ryhorn was saying bye
To us like it knew we’re leaving forever never to return to this place Joe literally no one cares now I hope that moreon hi ER person standing next to the bridge will finally let us cross it and not tell us to go say bye-bye to anyone else don’t worry Donald he’s just
Telling us that wild Pokémon will pop out of the grass if we walk in it and to be careful not to get killed by them I guess oh look boys the first wild Pokemon of our Pokémon X playthrough I wonder what new Pokémon we will see a
Pidgey are you serious so game freak went and made a bunch of new Pokemon for this game but the first one we come across is this gen one bird well this game has Pokémon from other regions too Donald but yeah maybe it’s random and we just got unlucky to find this
Pokémon first or maybe this battle is a scripted one I don’t know to be honest well even though PID out is amazing and even has a mega evolution we won’t be using one in this playthrough since I really want to use the new Pokemon from Kaos oh look boys I caught up with
Serena and Shauna it seems they were waiting for us it’s just a dumb Pokemon catching tutorial Joe nothing special at this point they should have implemented an option to skip these dumb tutorials hey Serena has a a Fletchling of her own now I really want to have one on our
Team boys because then we can have head-to-head battles with her and see who has the stronger bird El ma well I really want to have a strong dragon type on our team Obama we always need a dragon type in our playthrough because they’re just the best but I don’t want
To use Garchomp since we already used one in our Pokemon Platinum playthrough hey she caught that bunny I think we should use one of those boys because I love bunnies and that one is a ground type too Bunnelby is okay Joe but I wouldn’t say it’s going to suit our team
We can find better options that you’ll like more than that Bunny look what shaa is saying here boys she’s amazed that the Pokémon Serena just caught went inside that poke ball even though she has a fenin that also goes into a poke ball what a dumbass seriously okay well
Now we know which friend of ours has a few screws loose don’t we Obama yeah don’t we Obama laau I feel like that was a shot at me Donald but I’m also not sure either so I’m going to say you weren’t talking about me wow Joe sometimes your innocence is adorable and
Also insufferable but anyway I was thinking we could use an Aurorus too we use Tyrantrum in Omega Ruby so I think it’s only fitting we use Aurorus in this game but ice types are so weak and Obama that Aurorus will die so much and with Joe playing it won’t even last one
Turn in a battle I think you need to rethink your ideas bro well Donald you haven’t exactly provided the group with any suggestions so how about you participate more you my ideas are way Superior than yours Obama and if your tiny psize brain can’t comprehend and my greatness then whose fault is
That well a youer pointed out to me Donald that you two had PTSD and struggled with your Champion battles whilst I absolutely destroyed Steven when I battled him so what does that tell you well that tells me you had a piss easy game Obama and also whoever
That viewer was is incredibly rude are they a psychologist no they are not so how dare they give an assessment on my mental stability we don’t need a psychologist to get your mental health assessment Donald lmow Joe why don’t you shut the up and just battle this
Little punk with his shitty little Zig zagon I’m not in the mood for your sass today buddy it feels like we’re in hoen with the amount of Pokémon we’ve seen from that region don’t you think boys why aren’t we encountering many Pokémon from Kaos like we should be well Obama I
Can tell you no you will not Joe because I want to be the one to show off my Pokemon knowledge skills you’re just having a meltdown Donald as usual since my comebacks have grown over the months and are now on par with yours can one of you just please answer answer my
Question well Obama what I’ve noticed is over the years with each game they’ve gone and made less Pokemon well at least for X and Y they didn’t make as many but in scarlet and violet they made more I think but anyway to balance the reduced amount of Pokemon in each game they went
And added older Gen Pokemon in this game wow that actually makes a lot of sense Donald but anyways check it out guys I have made it to the first major location of the game if you can call it that and I love how all our friends are here with
Us walking together nice Shauna gave us a paralyzed heel boys she may be quite useful after all Donald don’t you think yeah well she’s still at Pokemon battles Obama I wish they would make the friend battles more tough I mean even Wall-E was more difficult than these
Losers LML oh look one of the new bug type Pokemon in this game boys this little guy is a Scatterbug and I think he evolves into Vivian which can be all different colors in my Pokémon home storage I actually have caught all the colors of Vivian Joe and also I’ve
Caught all the AL versions as well I even got a shiny stamped caste no one likes a show off Obama and guys did you just hear that Pikachu it’s the only Pokemon in this game which makes a noise like in the anime when it talks and of course they’d only make Pikachu have
That effect well Donald what do you expect Pikachu is the literal mascot of the Pokemon company but I want to hear more about what your opinion is on the best rival in any of the game I’m glad you asked me Joe because cuz it’s obviously blue he’s just the best and
It’s not even a competition yeah I second that Donald leave a comment down below telling us who your favorite rival in any of the games is Lyra is the worst too by the way OMG here is Pikachu again what’s with these trainers not using any
Of the new Pokémon this is so dumb well we’re going to be in big trouble here Joe if that think uses shock wave or something like that let’s hope you can try kill this thing before it kills us if I lose to this level five piece of
Poo Pikachu you have permission to bully me for the rest of my life and also in every other life too Donald elau I think we’re good Joe this guy is just using stat-based moves so one more shot from you should give us the win but knowing our luck this trainer probably has a
Full restore or hyper potion on her lmow hey that reminds me the first gym which is in the town we’re heading to by the way is a bug type gym and I think we should try catch something here Joe since froi will struggle there right now
Okay but what if I train froi all the way up to level 16 so it evolves and then that battle will be easy peasy lemon squeezy won’t it Donald also what happened to your so-called upgrade plan too I’m working on it Joe but I’m not sure if it will be 100% possible to
Achieve by the next episode and I thought I would be kind and impart some wisdom on you but instead you act like an ungrateful and threw it all back in my face I wonder where he learned that sort of behavior Donald elmau but anyway Joe well done for
Making it to the end of the tiniest forest in Pokémon history and now we’ve rended with all our friends to head to the next route together you make this sound like a military operation Obama by saying rendevu well out of the three of us Obama has always been the best at
Organizing military operations yeah he thinks he’s such a big man when he’s not Joe and look these idiots just gave us the adventure Rules book like we’re a bunch of amateur peasant Pokemon trainers who the hell do they think we are well I’m certainly bigger than you
Donnie I’ve also achieved more than you could ever dream of too but that aside look it’s another gen one Pokémon for us to deal with this is actually getting annoying now yeah we’ve battled like two new Pokémon since we started playing which is quite frustrating but at least
Caterpie here is trash and a good warm-up for me before I take on the gym battle it was level two as well can you believe this boys no wonder people say this game was so easy when we have to battle trash like that yeah and now
This kid has an Azurill too he just has baby Pokemon with him because he’s a little baby himself you know this game beat all the other ones in our poll by quite a large margin and I’m surprised that even beat Pokemon black and white two boys so what do you two like about
This game then well Donald I think I’m right in saying this was the first Mainline series Pokémon game that was all 3D excluding Coliseum and others like that but before this game was in fact the black and white two series which was the pixel style do any of you guys miss
The pixel Style Pokemon games because I really do but this was the game which introduced Mega Evolutions and that was probably one of the biggest changes in Pokémon for a long time Joe you forgot that fairy types were also introduced in this game too which I think is an even
Bigger change since Mega Evolutions got ditched after this game but fairy types are here forever now arus must have got bored so he made a new type LML oh yeah I forgot about that Donnie that is probably the biggest change hey the roller skates were also a feature I
Really loved in this game too boys it made moving about way smoother and more controllably unlike the bicycle which at times was way to fast especially for Joe with his arthritis finger joints speaking of roller skates Obama that Maniac almost ran us over in them this is absolutely a situation to send SEAL
Team Six in for Joe for almost killing an active president oh ho Donald you’re right I could have died there I will hunt that down just like Liam niss did for his daughter before that Joe we forgot to mention the Pokemon Center is getting a mad overhaul in the interior
Design Department I actually like this style a lot and this carried on into Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire too yeah they went and added changing rooms to Obama I loved spending my time in lumio City blowing all my money on the most expensive clothes so everyone
Knows I’m rich except I remember you never made it inside that one shop Donald which said you weren’t stylish enough to enter lmow wait there’s actually a shop like that in this game there is Joe and it’s the most BS thing ever I can’t remember the prerequisites
To enter that place but I’m just going to buy the whole establishment and then fire everyone in it they will get the the full Wrath of Donald J Trump or you could just get better fashion sense Donald elau whatever Obama anyway look we didn’t introduced Santa Lon city
Which we’ve just entered boys and I like the architecture here it’s very quaint yeah it’s a nice little city Donald but I wouldn’t exactly call it a city it’s more like a town or Village there isn’t much to do here either well like every first major town we visit Joe there’s
Always a Pokémon school to visit and don’t get any ideas about hanging around in there for too long Joe you creep I love how there’s just one classroom in this school Obama like there’s only one school in the entirety of Kaos and it can only hold like 10 children elow well
This was very kind of this teacher boys he just gave me some X items I wonder if we played Pokemon Y we would have got some y items from him instead Joe your intelligence is sometimes frightening well lack there of Donald but anyway I think we should start looking for the
Gym now Joe hey look this is that news reported journalist chick who was in the anime Obama she had that go- goat Pokemon and also that Dragon bat thing that like the spicy tomato berries oh looks like this is The Game’s way of telling us we can’t proceed until we
Beat the gym first boys although I’m starting to get nervous Donald since our little froy might get destroyed look Joe this is the maniac who almost ran you over just standing in front of the gym like she owns the place and she even had the audacity to rub it in some
More with a battle Joe if you want to take her out then now’s your chance bro well Obama I did just read what she said and apparently if we beat her in a Pokémon battle then she’ll give us a pair of roller skates of our own and I
Think receiving those as a gift is the perfect apology for almost getting run over what do you two think amazing deal Joe okay well all I have to do is beat this stupid raccoon and then we can scoot all around Kaos and also be a
Maniac LML I just want to say Joe that this is the highlight of this episode for me I want you all now to imagine Donald J Trump roller skating his way around Kaos now and what a beautiful image that is in your minds okay well I
Think I was just sick in my mouth all right here we go boys I beat the original maniac and now she’s imparting us with a pair of skates this is also the Highlight for me Donald but I’m not going to tell our viewers to imagine me skating because
I’m nice okay on that note I say we end this episode here boys we hope you enjoyed it so please remember to like And subscribe yeah we hope you enjoy our new series everyone and we’re super excited to be making it and hope you all stick around to enjoy enjy this new
Adventure with us