Hi I’m Sean Clark today I’m standing in front of Anna’s house from the 2004 film Dawn of the Dead welcome to Horrors H grounds to me take your Reas and all night all night never what you said manine money and your attitude gratitude yeah you’re not my problem I’ve got my
Problem go away go Away starting right here at the hospital from dawn to the dead is actually a library check it out it is a library not a hospital you know it’s movie Magic and oddly enough this is pretty much connected to the mall this is the mall is right behind this it’s part of the
Mall complex the parking lot if you will so she comes walking out and then she sees her buddy so that wood thing she passes would have been right there and it went around this flower pot thing and the crosswalk was right here so she walks up
Here I would have been right about here I think you can see those windows in the Background so right here this is where Anna pulls up and speaks to the little girl on the roller skates as she’s heading home which is right behind me I’ll pan around her house it’s just over there we’re going to see that in just a second they pretty much
Use this entire neighborhood for all the the scenes of driving around and the chaos is pretty cool let’s take a look e see what you think what movie is this the shot is over here when she’s talking to the girl in the roller skates it then cuts to
Her on the roller skates in front of the car going backwards on the skate showing her incredible skating skills and it happens right here in front of Anna’s house little bit obscured by this tree now but as you can see it matches up see the windows and
Everything this would be it right here but she she turns around and skates forward oh oh you can see my butt yeah all right so she skates off in this direction not so close to the curb she’s out of yeah there you go that’s a little
Better and you see her past this little power thing here there that’s it that’s it there and then Sarah pulls into the driveway right here now although the interior of this house was completely uh rebuilt as a set the bathroom the hallway the bedroom was all a set shot on
Studio they did use the bathroom window here for the seam where she climbs out is the window that Sarah comes out of and then the Gardner starts his godamn lawnmower thanks Guy thanks a lot guy no [ __ ] filming etiquette 9:00 a.m. on a Sunday who who moves the lawn
And after she comes through that window Sarah then runs over here past the garage es right about here struggles for the keys help I’m here hello but then he walks that way you’re seeing no he walks right towards C that’s what I was doing you were walking that way I didn’t want to
Walk into you come on do the [ __ ] right I’m going right towards you I’m not stopping so this is where he steps out in the street and boom that’s how that’s what I I’m the motion for getting hit boom ouch ow without this tree you can
Even see the house in the background too now hey Scott if you could just step in the frame and and wait till the car comes it’d be great for my video yeah actually if I put up the tripod I could jump in your car real quick and we’re
Good I’ve seen you drive mind so interesting fact in the shot where you’re looking over Sarah PA’s shoulder as she’s seeing the chaos she’s literally standing where I’m standing right now and it’s looking over her shoulder it’s kind of here as you can see in the shot down there and it pans
Over and down the street you can see that manhole over there well funny thing is she’s supposed to be looking from where that red car is over there that’s her driveway but they cheated the shot and shot it [ __ ] three driveways down yeah um to show the over the shoulder
Shot but when it cuts back to her she’s standing on that driveway over there so [Applause] Interesting from the next shot it cuts the Anna looking back to the front door and her husband coming out to try to attack her I remember she was supposed to be standing right here she was really standing in that driveway where the the black car is when it was looking over her
Shoulder then she jumps in the car and he jumps on the hood and tries to smash his fist through the window car backs out this way to head in that direction yeah so then it cuts to here she pulls out and her husband starts chasing her in this
Direction he’s not a very good chaser he’s he’s all over the place he’s kind of all over the place like just said and then he gets distracted by a neighbor standing in the yard emergency broadcast Milwaukee area running backward [Laughter] sucks after Anna Leaves her house she
Slows down here CU she sees a car crash right here in the middle of the street kind of right where these manholes are she starts to turn around this corner so it’s cut to this angle she’s about to go around the corner you see the woman walking in her driveway right
There so it’s pretty much right where Scott is standing where the woman runs up to the car and starts banging on the window to let her in please let me in and she’s not a zombie she’s not a zombie she’s a nice lady but you don’t
Know who is and who isn’t at this point don’t let him in I would have picked her up well I’m just that it’s filmed in Canada Canadians will pick her up so they really did come from that direction around that corner and head around this corner they shot it in
Sequence and this is going back towards her house but guess what can I point something out yeah the electrical box is missing no they took an electrical box out look you can see it it was there and now it’s not there they moved it across the street maybe there was one across
The street too oh look they got rid of the box and just put a uh it’s right here a this is where the electrical box once stood it’s my favorite thing to see is electrical boxes no electrical box for you cop cars coming from over where the
That slide is in the park goes just merely misses her and she turns this way and heads down this street you can see this house pretty clearly in the shop of this tree has grown quite a bit in close to 20 years it’s hard to believe it’s the 20th
Anniversary of this film pretty much it’s kind of nuts so she heads down this street like so so she’s actually going in order which is uh rare in film but in the middle of this street is the burning car it’s nice this is a very quiet
Street I haven’t got to get out of the way too many times but now you can clearly see that house to the left she goes this way she goes around the burning car and continues in this direction here and the next Scene It Cuts to this Main Highway shot
Aerial shot little CG involved but we’re going to go check out where that street is right now so this is a shot we’re not going to be able to recreate need a drone you need to go very very high to get this shot very high and unfortunately not happening but this is the
Road the apocalyptic road we call it apocalyptic road then we should probably turn around well you can also see the part that was over there cuz it’s it’s ginormous camera is apparently going that way it’s got the subdivision on the left in the picture and on the right
Fields is exactly like that up here by the way this is Scott on tape if you haven’t followed his channel you better do that right now see that right there yeah yeah that’s I that one the daily woo no right there the daily woo Scott on tap follow that one too yeah take
Your pick it’s a great shot we’re also not sure how much of it was CGI too yeah I think quite a bit was CGI um but this is the road and this leads to her accident which you know [ __ ] could have been somewhere but it’s not here but
It’s something like this you know she goes off guard now this next shot was hard to recreate because this is a very busy road as you can see Scott actually braved this on his own and got these shots see the signs in the background the freeway signs highway signs are
Obviously still there look at that Pole right there his head towards this look at this it’s like Frogger way he’s dodging these cars not not as good as him he fell out but the car goes up and goes through this gar Grail right here probably not
That exact one who knows they might have put up a fake one they may have replaced it after they smashed it I don’t know they look exactly the same and this is the spot and then it goes over the hill down the hill and hits this tree which I
Doubt is right there but could be you never know we’re going to go to where she crashes and gets out which is really far from here yeah it’s like on the other side of the city how far would you well not we it’s in a different city
It’s that’s in Thornhill we’re in this is about a two what’s about an hour and a half 2 hour drive from here no no no about about an hour 5 day drive about a 5day drive we’re going to pee in bottles where as we drive straight yeah no
Really how far from here roughly 45 minutes to an hour depends on traffic about an hour drive so we’re going to go there now and check out the park the tunnel and then you know where we’re heading to Next Monroeville okay so they’re walking along this path here and they pass along
Here passing by these swings can actually still see where the grass comes out too and they start heading down this path now the tunnel is down over there yes but they cut to the other side of it exactly a that right Scott yeah it goes into a different area yeah so this is
Where Ving RS and sarali come walking up and they enter this tunnel here which had a lot of graffiti on it and it still does come down that path thisth it look like it’s from the other side that Pole’s still there yeah the pole is still there this
Reminds me a lot of the Clockwork Orange tunnel where they beat up the [ __ ] it’s very similar actually and there it’s weird there’s a ramp like a an incline with a pole it’s very similar to the the one in London PO on I didn’t notice the
Pole’s on an incline yeah and look Scott tagged it a few times here that’s his symbol if you guys didn’t know yeah I left school property in grade 7 didn’t tell my mom I write stuff like that yeah 1976 this tunnel was erected Bicentennial the bicentennial now is this the band Ghost
I mean probably not no they’re a big fan of the movie Ghost so they he loves Oreos and somebody stuck this there I there’s a lot of fans come to this place so I understand that they come through yeah walks past all this stuff here then it cuts to to this
Angle and they’re coming out or oot as they say here in Canada and he gets shot at from up there yeah they’ve cut off that house so it’s more like that one right there is that house actually there yes this is this neighborhood’s been here for years oh so
So they kind of did it like this yeah and a big tree it’s blocking yeah they make it seem like that’s a giant Highway overpass and it’s not that’s just a small Bridge here so he’s crouching here and he comes walking out this way yeah all
Right can see the the peak of the top of that house it’s barely peeking out they’re shooting from down low yeah and you could see those that pipe here that’s attached to the pole that’s still there pans around as you can see that that actor I can’t remember his name
White guy we’ll call him he he’s walking with the camera walking around behind him and has this in the background you can see these in the background and Sarah Paulie’s standing down here by the tunnel she’s standing right there cuz you can see the gate attached to the tunnel because up behind her
Yep so they do walk up here to a fence walk up here let’s go through this weeds this is what they had to deal with during the zombie apocalypse they had to walk through these weeds just like I’m doing right now and they go up to a
Fence and you can even see the over pass in the shot they had a fence here and then they cged the mall here in reality the mall is over there not too far less than a mile but they had them looking this way it’s all pretty cool when you say
It’s pretty cool Scott the mall is 1 kilometer away as the crow flies I don’t know what that saying means it’s that way what you just said you know have to yell you’re miked up by the way that that way is Walmart I got to go to
Walmart that Way’s my house so anyhow I guess we should go to the mall now let’s go to the mall we’re going over there to the mall not over there where the CG mall is that’s a fake Mall we’re going to the real mall over there going to the
Mall okay yeah Scotty on tape so I did these locations before but this video will be better I’m told yeah well B Hill Square shopping center been here for years but been torn down it was a dead Mall and now we’re getting hit P let’s everybody everybody want everybody wants
To hit you not everybody yeah that’s the second time this has happened when I was a kid this mall was known as a dead mall like I said no pun and it was always a shitty Mo you came I I can swear right yeah [ __ ] awesome [ __ ] great and it
Was there was never any business here so that’s why they chose this mall obviously CU it was easy to rent out but right after the movie they tore half of it down on that side and that side yeah this is just a little bit that was left
Over in the middle now this part this this big this part here was this here I mean it looks old the top part you don’t see that in the movie I know they CGI a lot of the exterior of the allall but yeah that definitely looks old but not
Seen in the film really it’s very odd because we’re really close about four or five locations for the movie and they’re right in this one block of Thornhill Ontario which is very strange but uh on the property is a hockey arena Library that’s all still the same from 30 years
Ago I’m a millennial so 30 years yeah I wasn’t alive there and this was a Crossroads Mall in Dawn of the Dead let’s go take a look at it I pretty much the inside isn’t going to look at all like the film but just cuz you know people’s curiosity they’re going to want
To see what it looks like I know you showed it in your your video but we’ll go yes you did you walked in there yes you did and we’ll go in I’m actually I’m technically banned from this mall oh yeah I’m technically I think they took
That uh that little kitty store out of there so I don’t think you have to I think you can go in there now what yeah this ball does it just looks completely I mean you were okay and the Chuck-E-Cheese are there that’s true that’s true I they really like being
There oh wait a second oh no they still it is still there damn it the store you got banned from [ __ ] I like to try on small clothes huh what crop tops he likes it he likes tight clothing yeah this is completely different but if you
See here I mean this was where you would come into the mall it was all the escalator food court and now this place is old school looking you know what it’s crazy this this looks a lot like uh reminds me a lot of Sherman Oaks Galleria from Fast
Times yeah they have had similar similar stairs also some people remember it from Commando I think the mall went shopping mall this way yeah there’s another Mall entrance oh yeah so now this side out here this is the side they were on most of the time in the film when they were
On the roof because it’s very close to the St Luke’s Church which you can see this obviously was probably part of the m too this uh new shopping store shopping mart grocery mart whatever you want to call it if you have any fans in Ontario in Thor Hill you may have one or
Two oh well there was that guy that met us a prom night location at least one a strong strong one somebody would know the history of this mall better than me we used to come and hang out and run around M it’s teenagers but it never was
A good Mall there’s St Lou Church you see in the movie okay so actually really is that CRA could be right here then because because or you know what it’s hard to tell I’m going to have to pull up that picture there’s a behind the scen shot right from the making of
Where you can clearly see this in the shot right by the roof where they are on top of with the sign that you know help sign that they’re inside uh when they were lowering the dog down uh you can see that it hell it could have been
Right up here we can get up wait a second wait a second what hold on now let me take a let’s pull up that picture okay so if you look here this would have been basically where they were when they shot that scene from the roof now you can see some crew vehicles
In the parking lot here but this been part of the mall this is now a new condo building as you can see I’m standing on on sort of the front entrance of one of the condos so it would have been up a little bit higher you know cuz it was the roof
Of the mall but this is obviously part of the mall that had been demolished and it was shot from right up here so basically right up in this area would have been where they were looking out uh towards like Andy’s Andy’s gun place would have probably been in that
Direction even though that was a different location but that’s the they were looking in I believe but if you look up on top of the pre-existing Mall here right in the middle see that that looks very much like the thing they were standing in front of so clearly those were all over
The roof of the mall I’m going to go down to where Scott is and get a better look at that from over there just kind of put it all into perspective but I’m standing where it was this was part of the mall right here so here’s the church right here
I was standing right up there on that little balcony rest of the mall right there as you can see would have connected easily that there’s this new neighborhood instead they would have been up there but it’s cool to like see this cuz you look at this this looks just like the
Thing that was behind them same color everything I believe that’s aluminum yeah probably so it must have extended over to there yeah cuz if you look here this whole section here with the windows looks new cuz I bet you it extended over to there yeah that part up there looks
Old wonder if we could find a an old like picture yeah I that’s a thing I wonder if if what if we go to like an administrative office or something if they have an old picture of what the mall used to look like and that’s exactly what we did we went to the
Administrative office and they had these pictures framed on the wall in the office and you can clearly see where this mall was cut in half see this is it today it’s now a neighborhood but that entire department store section that’s missing from about where the roof changes color from white to gray there
That was a department store and in that area is where they built all the interior sets they recreated the inside of a mall this was all built inside an empty mall and this section here is CGI except for the part to the left the glass that was pre-exist exting but all
This was created inside a hollow shell speaking Hollow hollowed Grounds Coffee you know I appreciate the nod Zack Schneider but you could at least asked you know my [ __ ] had been around a lot longer than this movie just saying okay now we’re going to zoom in to that semi
TR parked on the far right side that is the entrance where they got in check it out right here bada bing bada boom out ow that hurt this is where they got in and if you look also to the far right you see that little building just
Adjacent from where the semi is and it has a little white kind of grid thing next to a door we’ll see that here boom right there there it is unfortunately those are all gone now and that’s a neighborhood now this section right here by the fountain you can see these glass
Doors see how has a round kind of opening that’s that middle section there that used to be there that’s pretty much right where they cut them all in fact from pretty much there over that whole section from that front door and following down the hallway watch them go
From there down to another section by the hollowed Grounds Coffee place and you’ll see another Skylight right here boom see that one you can see that right in the middle of the building there see it in the dead center that one round circular window that’s pretty much the
Section that they created all the sets in and the bit over to the right they did some of the department store stuff and things like that now see the right there see that Skylight it was there right you saw it that Skylight you saw it when they pull out in this shot they
Cged a lot of it and guess what they forgot to add it it’s gone now oops mistake now here’s Andy’s gun shop that you think you can see from the roof but you man it’s in a completely different part of town now see that bit on top
With the door I kind of feel like that was a nod to Dawn of the Dead the rooftop sequence in the apartment building not just me see it that looks a lot like that one from the original Dawn of the Dead well anyway this building’s hard to recognize now because it’s
Camouflaged by all that Ivy but this is the place right there this is where it went down poor Andy you know just wanted to have some friends you know thought he was going to get saved now you might notice the one right here the one manhole that’s the one that they come
Out of you see them coming out of there like so take a look see oh yeah there’s the building right there they come out if you look across the street see the top of that building there on the corner boom there it is right there
Looking a lot nicer than it did in the movie now they’re shooting zombies all over this place shooting them over there you see that it’s like a fence there like a wall cuz that looks like there’s some construction going on over there well now a brand new building new since
They shot this movie in 2006 now this section is used a lot see that like light pole there you’ll see that light pole quite a bit right here shooting zombies by it he falls down puts him up against it pretty much right there look at that crack in the pole
Very distinctive crack see it in the film film boom still there today crazy crazy never fix that crack anyway that is the center there like the little alley right next to the building where the zombies are running out coming to attack you know it’s all right there
This place pretty much looks the way it did with the exception of that new building right there you know pretty cool to see in person and his Gun Works moving on all right we are now at the scene of the bus crash from Dawn of the
Dead right here a lot of these buildings have changed a lot of buildings have changed but one Remains the Same this one right here it’s right in that alley there was another building here no longer there but it’s in that alley where the bus went through and slid so
We’re going to go over and take a look at that right now and then show you what else happened here all kinds of crazy stuff let’s go check it out Scott all right F Scott shut up you’re talking too much that’s over here that building there that had the restaurant sign that used
To be there the scrap metal building used to be over there and when you see the zombies come running out they’re actually running down this street and they’re coming around this way and right here like where this tree is is where the other uh shuttle bus was parked but down
Here in between these two buildings this is a new building it’s in that alley where the bus went through and slid right here this is where the bus slid now you might notice this right here there was a scene where a zombie jumps up and attacks he’s he it
Was right here he jumped right here to try to attack was it Sarah maybe Sarah Paulie Canada treasure is she Canadian of course are you going to reenact oh look at that boy that was spot on my back that was spot on uh yeah but this is it unfortunately
It’s changed a great deal but they had this all dressed here with all kinds of crap it looked but but it did actually this area was known not for being rough but had really just undeveloped it’s completely changed now up here all these buildings are new the uh that’s Front
Street it’s one of the main arteries into downtown toron I think every day on the way to work I was telling you this in 2004 I was working downtown and I would pass this overturn bus for 2 weeks in a row and I’d be like oh they’re filming a movie little did you
Know it was Dawn of the Dead yes 20 whole time I kept passing it now over here this was just a fence with a vacant lot and it’s still a vacant lot I mean that building wasn’t there that’s a newer building but there’s still a
Vacant lot where that was and it’s l as you can see the street has daylight but this street was just a dark Street going down towards the lake there was nothing here except a couple of dive restaurants you didn’t come here for anything yeah
You drove by it was just it just it was steel yards like that and just junky yards yeah so now look at it the metal scrapyard was there zombies come running down this way to come try to attack them they abandoned the one that was flipped
Over yeah they got in the one here and the zombies are chasing them and everything but yeah this building this building looks the same this building’s the only one that hasn’t changed the one that was right here looked a lot like this one yeah and actually the one
On the corner did too but it had the rounded front with the restaurant sign and can I tell the uh little why don’t you tell another story about another film that we’re not covering well there’s another film that I did do location for that used this exact same
Intersection but we’ll leave you to figure which one that was but the name of the Fil A name with the name of the movie Scott and often I do save the world world it was sh right here at the ending so Scott on tape saves the world was
What it was called that’s what I’m doing one video at a time oh right on one video at a time so no so explain what what what scene was it what what was over here and what it the ending scene where I can’t remember Scott pilg I love
The movie but the end scene where they’re walking into the club or whatever it is where was that it’s right here this building and that building that’s gone now which I’m surprised that building’s gone it was a pretty historic building but this one can’t be torn down
Apparently cuz look it’s got one of these signs if you got one of these signs well I don’t think you can tear them down it’s like historic it doesn’t say can’t do it can’t do it I’m staying it right now can’t do it that’s it for this location let’s go
To another one well yeah but right here don’t forget you see this building quite a oh that’s true when when they’re running out of the street here peeking up over the old scrapyard you can see the top of this building and those two condos were built about about 2005 2006
Just after the movie yeah yeah th those two right there new beautiful condos but yeah you can see this building’s still there same with that the air vent and all that all matches up and there’s some of those cranes he was talking about 7% of the world’s cranes are here in
Toronto yeah that’s a that’s a fun fact Scott likes to share a lot 7% of the world’s cranes 70 70% this is the gate They smash through as they’re heading to the docks right here remember no Public Access at [Applause] all this is where they had the gate where they busted
Through right where this gate really is but you can see in the background this is all overgrown but you see this this balcony quite a bit that was a dead giveaway from the road to see that dead giveaway obviously this this growth has grown in a lot more since the film and
That the sign was up there the uh what did it say bomb babies something yeah something like that and they come running past here you see these trees these two trees it’s a little little overgrown now but you see these two trees quite prly this is the dock so we’re pretty
Much standing right where the truck crashed right here how cool is that beautiful yeah Ash Bridges Bay toroto yeah look at it it’s crashed right here it’s pretty much right here right in this spot right here so the zombies are running up right here from around that corner and they’re running towards them
Right here and right here right here to this dock so anyway it’s right out here on this second dock that the boat was parked boat was parked pretty much where this one’s parked right here this Havana daydreaming right here they were parked here and then they
Drive out Sail Out they don’t drive out they sail out and the other dude stands here yeah I think I just stay here a while enjoy the Sunrise it’s kind of like it is right now he’s like it’s a nice day and whatnot sees the Sun and anyway hope you guys enjoyed
This little trip out to Dawn of the Dead 2004 Toronto Canada never thought I was going to come out to this one but here I am doing it and off to the next Episode pull me over again the G he swe me yeah can’t get a mile in this town taking me down what kind of question is that should Gotu back off man I got Aide yeah let’s hope this opens that would be kind kind of a bummer if it didn’t and could always go under huh what’s that this here that’s locked how the [ __ ] are we going to get out uh well hold up hold on hold on hold on is this
A says a reset button push that with it nope huh we have to go under there it’s locked huh oh well oops didn’t expect that to happen we got trapped that’s what you get for trespassing huh and on zombies we’re going under we get under that uh I think so oh