Swiftly moving forward another attempt well being a fabulous first campaign here for the sport of R ball and like we have been speaking all this while earlier on in the last couple of three days in fact before this we have seen the league stages progress into the semi-finals and
Eventually now the first final then for the evening wait and watch how things happen here’s the first attempt blocked right away there’s no chance There oh there they are the maharan girls snatching every bit out oh he a clear chance what a brilliant save yet again from the goalkeeper from Maharashtra oh there they have to push back have to push back quickly uh they have counter attack oh well was just went trickling
Down towards the far end see the goalkeeper little frustrated there with the last defense because uh they have to ensure that they don’t really any gaps out there in between to make it worse for the team counter grows back again very strongly oh well we’ll have to wait and possibly
Not oh it looks like uh the coach is contemplating but no they’ll continue sometimes it the ball is so Su can look like it has gone inside but it doesn’t Maharashtra could do way much better than like this well Now the best part of course is that Maharashtra and Rajasthan the two states play each others in the finals in both categories we saw Rajasthan with an incredible Victory uh story they’ll tell for a long long time in the men’s and also the women’s category so brace yourselves two
States not exactly neighborhood but the state in between but nevertheless they would love to walk with a gold medal here interesting now Maharashtra the likes of MAh And just trying to keep ball possession along with them really help them Oh well and you see the waves from the referee’s hand which confirms the first goal here for Maharashtra I’ve heard the war cry from both teams loud and proud Rajasthan I think any team which will put them out early away would be foolish to do that because Rajasthan have been a great
Example of how we can get back into a game and the girls learning from the boys and the men of course learning from the woman is Bed off Rajasthan on the count on the offensive for we have pra There mahra Maharashtra versus Rajasthan the finals of this roll ball event 37th National games go or final team captain team captain Asam jersey number attemp there is no conversion this Time top seven team qualify team host team or Maharashtra jamu Kashmir Gujarat or utar Pradesh pool a jarand Kerala Goa or Rajasthan Rajan Mahar Coming back to the match Mahra MRA attack it the combination of basketball hand ball and also throwball running subss 3 seconds turn conversion foul Already free throw or bah father of the sport we can also call him the founder of the sport IND SP or nationship Indian Olympic Association recognition uh R Raj International olymp this SP is making a debut this is the first time when R ball is uh uh being playing y Rajan on
Attack semi-finals me jarand K Hara I Final Muka Maharashtra versus rajas Rajasthan or opening they lost in the hands ofar 126 top fourk Clash may they once again registered the Victory and now they are in the finals up against Maharashtra Rajasthan ke Puja CH double team officials final confirmation moment comary welcome to the commentary box and interesting this match is between Rajasthan and Maharashtra and now Maharashtra is leading one Zer or semifinals team and now we are looking forward to a strong battle between the
Two for the top corers here it’s great to to show you uh the live action from the manohar parkar stadium in South Gua with Maharashtra who are leading by one goal we had a decision that we were awaiting and Rajasthan have managed to also score a goal that means uh both the
Teams with 13 minutes down into the first half of play they are locked at 1:1 it’s an interesting battle here and like you said of course both the teams would be looking to uh create history and uh I’m sure roll ball that is in its
N recent stages of course has a lot of popularity not only in India an indigenous sport that started off here in India in two around 2003 when a marran who uh decided to introduce a form of a mix of basket ball roller skating and football or net ball and
Call it this wonderful game of roll ball here and of course for the very first time at the 37th National games in Goa roll ball makes its debut as well and uh look at the spectators who are around come to witness the finals and that’s another goal for Rajasthan they
Have come from behind a spectacular goal it is speed agility but finally what counted is look at her concentrated took her time and made sure that it was a goal and then she converted that opportunity into a goal 1-1 Maharashtra versus Rajasthan now it’s 21 in favor of Rajan
Game Changer here Game Changer the motto of the games it’s time to celebrate the sprit of sportsmanship but yes we are celebrating the spirit of a roll ball on the scod keep rolling the ball yes uh that’s it speed agility balance control and finally you need to make sure you
End it with precise accuracy to score a goal it’s quite a should we say uh quite a task to Ure sure that you not only dribble the ball because you can’t hold the ball for more than 3 seconds you need to dribble the ball you can pass it
With one or two hands and here we have Rajasthan once again on the attack they’ve come from behind they were one goal down they equalized and now they’ve come up in 2-1 as they lead let’s see what this move brings to them here’s their jersey number 10 pravat there trying to
Find a player and lavisha Sharma of course uh took her time but that the angle was too too small well the Empire the referee has a decision with a throw in for the Rajasthan team but uh both the empires are once again checking to see that they are on the same
Page quite a few violations that uh are in force in the game of roll ball violations which include of course uh holding the ball for more than 3 seconds touching it to your body when you’re moving around we also have uh Team violations and player violations where like in
Football you have a yellow card and a red card for a repeat offenders 12 players of course who are formed part of each team and six active players on the ground and we await the referees decision as they go up to the match commissioner to see what he has to
Say we also have Sunil Thomas who’s the video referee for today’s match and Alisha Farin and Dives picha are the field referees as Maharashtra now in blue or navy blue are trying to make amends for a few defensive lapses on their part that led to two very quick goals from rajas
And here they are once again making a move and this could be dangerous for Maharashtra but no they are on a Counterattack here we have the number seven sheta kadam now trying to make moves and well what comes in her way is their goalkeeper gjan kumal MRA
Team confidence naar when you are going for a fast break you should take an attempt and she missed that chance yes she was waiting for for some support from her teammate she was the one who was really up in front and here she is once again mea K making another move
This time she has her colleague or uh her partner with her sheta kadam but she shoots wide off the goal it’s quite difficult to try and ensure that you keep your balance you concentrate when you are on the move especially in critical areas when you’re close to the
Goal or when you’re coming close to scoring a goal you have to take your chances and speed plays a major factor when it comes to scoring a goal a lovely opportunity for the youngsters to try and learn the tricks of roll ball and that’s the equalizer for
Maharashtra it’s a lovely one from MEK took an opportunity the ball bouncing from the crossb onto the goalkeeper gjan kumavat and going back into the net it’s goal number two for Maharashtra it’s even stens once again the girls will have to start a fresh now and it can be anybody’s battle at
The moment it’s a ding-dong battle like they say Maharashtra ofto started the score and we are just in 19 minutes of the first half it’s a 25 minute game as you know Rajasthan now once again treading cautiously or rolling cautiously on the field with laisha Sharma there finding Puja
CH and let’s see Whata kadam quickly pass passes it on to the player in form we have shadam there with the ball But it’s a throw in Captain versus Rajasthan the final battle of this roll ball event at the 37th National games in Goa IND exciting or interesting action event MRA and look at the scoreboard Rajan has already committed the two team fouls f Rajan section fani badaldi and Rajasthan
Defeated jarand and reached into the finals yes that’s uh another point that the players have to ensure that they do not concede too many team Falls and at the moment Rajasthan has two team Falls to their name and here we have Rajasthan now again on the attack but
That ball passed too far too wide for janvi indora to even get a good grip on it as Maharashtra now in blue slowly get into attack position that was a very feeble try at the goal but they managed to get a throw in from in danger
Area sham quickly takes in the throw in and passes down trying a back flick there but we have Rajasthan back on the Counterattack this can be dangerous oh that was shot a little too high going for the aerial goal as we have a timeout called by team Rajasthan with just less
Than 2 minutes left in the first half there you see players from Maharashtra who would be looking forward to their teammates to try and ensure that they to try and win a medal for themselves and I’m sure when we go down back in history maybe 10 or
20 years back whichever team wins today their name will be etched in the record books and if you Google and try to find who won the first gold medal at the national games when roll ball was introduced at the 37 National games I’m sure the team that wins here will have
Their name popping up first and it at the moment it’s still Even Stevens it could be Maharashtra or it could be Rajasthan half second half I’m last few minutes in this first half or attack Maharashtra team blue or black combination Maharashtra a shikalgar Flor cleaning final M already Wheels body contact sport basketball
Handall SPS body contact in fact football a unique spot 37th National games or mahra team captain comment Bo and she was too optimistic she really wanted to keep this title in maharashtra’s bag and we are we really want to create a history because man bench Mark Maharashtra won the debut
Title at the national games yes that’s uh exactly being positive when you go into the field on on for any sport any discipline I think that plays a major role that uh the positive attitude and at the moment as Maharashtra War are still in the attack possession of the
Ball here at the first ever roll ball finals at a national games the 37 National games being played at the manohar parer Indoor Stadium in South Goa navali it’s an even battle between Rajasthan and Maharashtra going in for that back a counter attack from Maharashtra from Maharashtra as uh their Captain sha
Kadam there tries to find her partner snal patil with the ball snal tries to go for the big one tries to roll P it under the legs of the opposition players but shooting wide not even Gan kumavat the goalkeeper of Rajasthan just watches the ball go wide off the side
Posts another quick timeout call I’m sure both the team coaches must be using the these tactics because because uh although both the teams are at two goals each it’s always good to go into the lemon break with a slender lead even if it’s one goal so
They must be giving them that little pep talk to try and see if they can score a goal so that their respective teams can go into lemon break with a lead and that ensures that when they go into the dressing room they can always they can always uh come
Back with renewed Vigor they can come back to on on the field feeling much more positive and that’s what it is all about as play is about to resume here with less than a minute and 15 20 seconds plus minus some add- on Time in the first half of uh the women’s final between Maharashtra and Rajasthan in the rooll ball here we have Rajasthan now trying to go for a black back flick quickly passing the ball from left to right flank and we’re going to see what tanvi can do tanvi passes the ball right now
Prika is trying to control the ball tries to get a deflection of the Maharashtra player but this time it’s m r Now controls the ball looks around for some help passes the ball on to AKA shalar but that’s a throw in for Maharashtra in danger area just in line with the D area
Outside here we have snal patil now with the ball tries to go out ahead but passes the ball to M gr all right that’s uh the end of the first half of play both the teams would be happy that they’ve at least managed to open the account Maharashtra of
Course started off on a high note with the first goal but then Rajasthan came back to score two consecutive goals there you see the Maharashtra there who were on the attack we’ll be taking you through the main highlights of the first session of play or the first half of play
That was uh the comeback that Rajasthan made through this lovely goal from johnv indora and then Maharashtra coming in with an equalizer 22 and that’s how the story reads at the end of the first half of play both the teams are locked at two goals each Rajasthan
Have two Falls to their credit whereas Maharashtra has one fall and this is the women’s roll ball final at the 37 National games being played at the manohar parer Indoor Stadium in MGO e for are you are you RA in full blue attire and Rajasthan in Black Maharashtra playing on your screens from right to left Maharashtra once again trying to build an attack oh that was close that was a lovely shot there from akata shikalgar but going just slightly wide a chance missed in Rajasthan both the teams starting very cautiously in the second half Rajasthan on your screens playing from left to right referee devs picha and Alisha
Farin making sure they have total control of what is going on on the field as Rajasthan they’re trying to make a breakr this time it is Maharashtra now quick movement from me gr but doesn’t result in changing the scoreboard as of now Rajasthan pravat there now slowly trying
To find her partner of course Puja Chi goes in for the goal but uh saved well by Mani Patel and this could be closed that could have been closed sha kadam the captain asking for an infringement but Alisha Farin the field referee has is not convinced that it was was a
Fall or an infringement here we have Rajasthan once again on the attack it’s a throw in for Rajasthan this time referees D and Alicia are quickly trying to consult each other to figure out what exactly happened there Alisha they explaining to Dives and he’s going to give his final decision it’s
A Maharashtra to restart proceedings as they are on the attack this time once again AK shikar but that’s a shot that goes just Way Beyond uh any danger territory it’s Rajasthan this time again on the attack losing the ball this time this could be dangerous for Rajasthan as
Here we see and uh well really well saved sheta kadam the captain who made another great move but uh gjan kumawat still dangerous position it’s another throw in for Maharashtra going be taken by the captain Sha Sha passes the ball on to Alina Jani oh this could have been
Closed gjan kwat had to come up with a little save the ball punched over the cross lines throw in Maharashtra happy to keep control of the ball keep possession of the ball I’m sure their coach must have told them that they need to make sure that
You control the ball as much as you can keep possession just rattle the nerves of the opposition team and that’s exactly what this sport is all about speed agility temperament and here we have Rajasthan now on the attack this time snal P let’s see this is uh chanvi Indora Rajasthan are still in possession of the ball but Puja Chi well here we have mahra now on the counter akat shil gakar with the ball she still has the ball back given back to her by her teammate and shadam the captain now playing a stellar role making sure
She guides her team a nice little onew between her and mea this could have been close could have been dangerous but but the ball falling very easily for gjan kumawat the goal keeper of Rajasthan to take it in her safe hands both the teams are trying to find a break
Through 6 and 1/2 minutes of play in the second second half a total of 25 minutes to be played and we have around 18 and 1 half minutes of play left and both the teams are locked at two goals each but another deciding factor will be that Rajasthan have two Falls to their
Credit well whereas Maharashtra has only one and that’s Rajasthan there trying to find make an inroad into the defense of Maharashtra that could have been Clos but the ball ball just bounces off there you See just bounces off the goal post this could be close for Maharashtra yes of course that’s me what a lovely move it was for her mea Kat make sure that she scores a goal for Maharashtra there you see how she came in gjan kumam thought that she would go
In for a pass but precisely got a nice angle for herself cleared the defense of Rajasthan and made sure that she had a goal scored 32 in favor of Maharashtra and a strategic timeout called in there you see it was a very very narrow angle for mea grout Maharashtra will be
Happy at the moment just taking time to recuperate and uh recover recharge themselves with that goal from me rout on your screens you see Dives Pala and Alisha Farin both the officials the field referees we have Mish Rana who’s the timekeeper and the video referee is Sunil Thomas along with the match
Commissioner Steven David who is keeping a close watch on the encounter here remember this is uh the playoffs for the gold and silver medal the women’s roll ball game at the 37 National games being held at the monohor farar Indo stadium in naali close to the city of
Margo and here on our screens the team from Maharashtra in navy blue at the moment having a slender Edge a slender advantage there’s meanwhile there’s uh the field referees taking a call taking a check on the last couple of minutes remember we also have the video referee and we’re going to see
Because the Rajasthan have called in for a check on that last couple of minutes of play in consultation with the video referee D picha and Alisha Farin roll ball of course is a very fast quick game and sometimes some decisions made on the spot could be overturned and it
Looks like yes the the referee has overturned his decision of that goal and uh it’s 22 it was an infringement on uh the player she held the ball in her hand I think for more than 3 seconds and that’s the reason why that goal is overturned Rajasthan will be heaving a
Sigh of relief but they did have a doubt in that goal it’s back to Even Stevens now two goals each to Maharashtra and Rajasthan as Rajasthan is making a move here now on the Left Flank well seems like it’s an infringement on call taken by the field referee DS picha
But so we’re going to have a video review of the referees the field referees decision that he had given just now against team Rajasthan and uh as we watch the replay the video replay to see whether it was really an infringement or not or a violation both the teams are waiting with baited
Breath as a review of that last 10 seconds of play when maharash when Rajasthan had possession of the ball with advancement technology it’s good that roll ball uses video reviews or video replays to make crucial decisions and of course at this level where a gold and a silver medal are at
Stake I’m sure both the teams would want to ensure that the correct decision is made along with the field referees we have the video referee Sunil Thomas who’s taking a a quick look off the Footage still trying to figure out as uh The Spectators as well wait with baited breath to see what the decision will be would it be overturn in favor of Rajasthan would they continue play with the throwi in or whether Maharashtra did have a decision in their favor both the
Teams of course on with two goals each as the clock has of course been stopped we have a good 17 odd minutes of play that are yet left in the second half match commissioner Steven David along with video referee Sunil Thomas and the field referees Alicia and Dives in consultation right now
Well the has over turned his decision in favor of Rajasthan Rajasthan get control of the ball in opposition territory and it’s going to be Rajasthan who have a slender Advantage psychological advantage at the moment let’s see if they can take advantage of this situation that was a good
Try and let’s see this time Maharashtra back in Action back on the Counterattack that was a lovely try there from mahc rout but then the aile gjan kumawat who’s Manning the goal post for Rajasthan make sure that she has denies Maharashtra an opportunity to take the lead and uh I think Maharashtra have
Called for yes Maharashtra coach has called for a video review of the decision that was taken a little while earlier she is uh in consultation with the video referee Sunil Thomas to ask them to review the decision that was made there you see the video referee the match commissioner proceeded
Up there behind Steven David they will review that last move there you see that try from Rajasthan the number nine lavisha Sharma players taking welld deserved break as we have a video review players from Maharashtra as well looking at the display that shows the precise moment when
That fall or the last try from Maharashtra to have a goal or go at the goal is concerned remember the players have to score the goal from outside the D area they are goalkeeper gjan kumavat is denied Maharashtra there you see on your screens the action
Replay M gr trying to go for the goal but play shifts with shifts attention to Rajasthan on the opposite side it’s been a battle of uh passing the ball from one end of the court to the other for quite some time now in the second half neither Maharashtra nor Rajasthan have made any
Change in the goal line although Maharashtra did have a goal but that was dizzel out after a video review and this time it’s Rajasthan now on the attack with their star player prika tavat passes the ball on to janvi Indora good combination between janvi and tanvi but she rolls outside the play area at any given time the players have to make sure that they stay inside uh the play area Maharashtra now in danger area danger territory the Rajasthan defense is has been marking the players really well
They ensure that they don’t give them any chance whatsoever I’m sure at the lemon break their coach must have instructed them and told them that whatever it is make sure you don’t allow any inroads for Maharashtra because even one goal can change the fortunes of any team
Rajasthan now back with the ball back on the attack tries to go in for a solo goal that’s Puja Chri for Rajasthan look at her she didn’t want to pass the ball she had an opportunity to pass it but she went straight for the goal Puja Chi but Maharashtra are on the count
Now their Captain sheta kadam along with me have combined really well with a nice little one two there you see Alina tajani now with the ball finds sheta kadam the captain sha goes for goal but has been blocked on the counter now it is Rajasthan could this be dangerous for Maharashtra it’s
Number eight of Rajasthan who passes the ball on to her fellow player it’s a good one to just outside the D area from which they need to shoot oh the crossbar coming in Aid of Maharashtra at that time as they back on the attack Maharashtra this time on the attack
That’s mahak ra there who goes for the goal this could be dangerous because they’ve got the ball once again but captain sheta kadam cannot really finish it this time 13 minutes and 15 seconds into the second half it still can be anybody’s game well here we have of course uh rajastan
Now back on the attack trying to make inroads trying to find that elusive goal Maharashtra as usual with the counter from their two stra players Mok and sha this time this could be Clos well mayuk raat there didn’t get any support from her team players and uh Rajasthan now they are
Back on the attack prika tavat with the ball making in roads prika there tries to go in for a solo but she had knew she had to pass the ball to one of her players a timeout called meanwhile from by Maharashtra the first time out in the second half
Although there have been two video reviews one that overturned the goal that Maharashtra had scored and two more decisions that had the play continued but that was the major decision the goal that was overturned for Maharashtra they could have been in the lead by one goal
But at the moment it’s two goals each to Maharashtra and Rajasthan as a timeout is called by the Rajasthan coach surely he’s uh the coach has seen that uh they have been getting the ball but somehow the finishing is just not happening as Spectators who are here come to watch the
Proceedings to get inspired the youngsters to get inspired by this new form of a game introduced for the first time at the national games at the 37 National games a game that is gaining popularity world over we already had the world championships the sixth World Championships that were held in Pune in
April this year Maharashtra of course the center or the Hub or the birthplace of roll ball way back in the mid 2000s and has gained a lot of popularity the world over meanwhile here’s a throw in in at danger area for Maharashtra we have snal patil
Who passed the ball on to her Captain kadam kadam rolls right through the half line but now it’s going to be an attack on the rebound but no tanv pagar of Rajasthan just didn’t manage to scramble fast enough but here we have a goal for Maharashtra from me raat And It’s 32 to Maharashtra what a wonderful move it was and m r managed to get the ball had ample control and that was one time where the Rajasthan team was breached especially the defense of Rajasthan was breached and with less than 10 minutes in the second half
Maharashtra will try to make sure that they either play the ball with possession with them and that’s exactly what they’re doing trying to keep possession of the ball that will be the tactic but 9 minutes can be quite big can make a difference they really need to make sure that well there you
Are meat telling her teammate snel patil to go back to the halfway line and start AR fresh going in for the big one gets Rajasthan now they’ll have to be really quick they’ll have to be fast time will slowly be not in their favor and they need to make sure that
They get the ball past the defense of Maharashtra who’s been standing Like a Rock Maharashtra finally in a slender lead of one goal leading by one goal Throw in for Maharashtra now back on possession of the ball shalgar Captain shadam tries to go in for a long range goal that’s one of the tactics that’s of course also used to kill time here we have oh this could be close but hitting the goal post and uh luck
Not in favor of Rajasthan this is the second time in the second half now that the goal posts have come to the rescue of Maharashtra but here they are on the Counterattack trying to make a fortify or solidify their lead Maharashtra this time once again time to play safe time
To play safe and uh sheta kadam there takes the ball into her half Rajasthan will have to really get back into the game in the next 7 minutes there are left here we have Raj Maharashtra once again in India attack from their captain shaam gets another
Goal to her credit and yes what a way it is she’ll be very very happy to see the score and her team she has led by example she has led from the front and there you see she’s so happy beats the outstretched arms of the Rajasthan goalkeeper Gan kumawat has
Absolutely no chance of saving that 42 in favor of Maharashtra and uh they seem to be gaining confidence with every minute with every second you can see it in their body language now they they know that they are going to be on top in the women’s roll ball game here
At the 37 National games and that means a gold medal a timeout called by Rajasthan Meanwhile by the Rajasthan coach they’ll be looking for making sure that they keep the Rajasthan team to have them concentrate they need to keep their momentum they need to keep their focus on and that’s exactly what
I’m sure their coach would be telling them but the Maharashtra bench there you see pretty happy and taking it nice and easy as athletes and players from the other teams look around and see what the outcome of this match would be and right now there you see the Rajasthan bench
Still hoping and praying they need to concentrate they need to achieve they’ve come from behind earlier when Maharashtra got the first first goal they came from behind not only to equalize but take the lead and then Maharashtra of course have come back from behind two goals in this last 7 Minutes of
Play that has taken Maharashtra now to a two-goal advantage over Rajasthan the scoreboard reading 42 and with about 5 minutes and 20 seconds 27 seconds left on the time in the second half Maharashtra will be happy to keep possession of the ball dribble it around on the
Court try to take an advantage if possible let’s see what Rajasthan can make out of this here we have Puja chodri number six who takes the ball there you see a little replay of the try from Maharashtra Rajasthan now with the ball this could be dangerous we have Puja
Chri who’s lurking around the D area she still has possession of the ball passes it on to the player onto her far left Puja of course gets the ball and tries a quick one oh this is a keen tussle it’s not only turning out to be a game of infringement
On fall called by referee DS palesa on the Rajasthan player there you see Puja Chi trying to use her hands in pushing the Maharashtra player well checked by thees the field referee who’s given a fall individual fall mahra we have M now cool calm and composed that she has been she’s played
A p pivotal role she has kind of guided not only her team but also her Captain scheta kadam the number seven of Maharashtra who slowly but steadily take Maharashtra to a two-goal lead but here we have now Rajasthan back on the [Applause] attack but yeah somehow losing concentration of the pro seedings they
Have been holding their neck just a little bit high but here’s another move oh well saved there from gjan kumawat it was a lovely try from meak raat the Maharashtra playmaker should we say as the ball goes over the goal post play restarts again mtra slowly starting off taking time
Time to move the ball around on the field on the court here’s the one who’s made a massive should we say U impact on the game M gr the number two from Maharashtra but this is another attack coming in from lavisha Sharma this could have been closed for
Maharashtra a lovely move from lavisha Sharma there you see lavisha dribbling the ball across tried to play a deceiving shot but then didn’t manage to get make anything out of that on the days we see our dignitaries remember this is the gold medal Match well a quick timeout that was called by Maharashtra Less Than 3 minutes of play left Maharashtra will be happy to keep possession of the ball in the dying minutes of the second Half and uh with a score line of 42 and with less than 2 minutes left to go I’m sure Maharashtra will be happy to let the clock slowly tick Rajasthan will have to counter but every counter that Rajasthan tries to is farted by the defense of Maharashtra but
This could be dangerous now here we have a lovely play that’s been made on the farle flank for Rajasthan but unfortunately it was a lovely throw uh TR from Leisha Sharma who has had consecutive tries she’s just come onto the Field Rajasthan still with the ball things can brighten up just a bit for Rajasthan if they manage to get a goal now quickly they will really have to make inroads this could be close for Rajasthan well that’s it they’ve narrowed down the goal but could it be too little too late
There you see a try and janv indora got the ball right in the mouth of the goal and she managed to convert it four 43 is reads the score in favor of Maharashtra the clock is taking down 30 seconds of play left we could get a goal in 30
Seconds if anything favors Rajasthan but with this move this is the time that Rajasthan will have to get the ball going in less than 13 seconds left in the second half here’s an attack coming in from Rajasthan and if at all anything can happen it
Could has to be now but that’s it it looks like it is the last hura for Rajasthan as Mumbai now oh as Maharashtra now with the ball and this could be close it would have been and here we have the final whistle goes Maharashtra win the gold medal four
Goals to three against Rajasthan what a match it has been here Maharashtra started off in Earnest starting off scoring Rajasthan came back from behind took the lead and then in the last 10 minutes everything was changed two goals from Maharashtra Rajasthan coming in with a last minute goal but that was it
Maharashtra winning the gold medal by one goal the Maharashtra team will be really happy scheta kadam who played terrifically played the Stellar role and really played the captain’s role in the match and ay assisted by mahk R the number two from Maharashtra the star players along with the others Mani Patel
And Alina tajani as well who really played well hats off to the Rajasthan team as well they defended well at many occasions when Maharashtra SE seem to be taking and having the upper hand but then at the end of it that’s the score the score line in the women’s gold and silver medal
Playoff reads in favor of Maharashtra by four goals to three Rajasthan will have to be content with the silver medal they played well but overall it was Maharashtra who played as a team who played as one who were very cool composed along with the Speed and
Agility that they had and surely this is uh what this game of roll ball is all about the very very happy team in blue the women in blue must be really happy along with their team coach it’s another gold medal for team Maharashtra at the 37 National games at the RO ball
Championships and there you see on uh your screen at the end of uh the second half Maharashtra 4 Rajasthan 3 and gold medal for Maharashtra silver medal for Rajasthan what a breathtaking match it was between Maharashtra and Rajasthan and finally Maharashtra win the title his 37th National games presh thank you thank you
Actually [Applause] positive basketball cour basally than 60 nations are competing in roll ball all over the globe B conratulations thank you very women’s mahra WIS the title well we have uh the two teams now in the men’s playoff there you see being introduced to our dignitaries who are present here team
Rajasthan will be taking on team Maharashtra of course team Maharashtra ainka herel atva sanog shubam adiya Mier shubam sahas Rohan barav and Aditya well as team Rajasthan have wikii Banu Aman manipa mahipa Ash yadav laka rajendra mul bani [Applause] lak well we have amitab Sharma the head
Of the head of the technical committee being Technic Committee of this National games of the national games being introduced to both the teams team Maharashtra and team Raj Jan there you see on your screens the officials for a group photograph before we begin and there you see on your screen
The lineup for the men’s roll ball finals buying for top honors just like earlier we had the ladies we had the same States Maharashtra and Rajasthan which is so popular around India but now as we see Maharashtra ainka jamad haral gur Atara sanjog Shang adya miir shubam sahas Rohan barav and adya Rajasthan
Meanwhile Fields Vicki Banu Pratap Chan Aman Sharma mahipal Mahala Ashok yadav laka rajendra mahul bani Singh laka Singh navir shawat and bat Singh thank you for reling me no problem line there you see the spectators waving out in anticipation for another cracker of a match between two teams that have
Made it to why for the top honors to why for the gold and silver medal match just a few minutes early of course Maharashtra the women’s team got clinched the gold medal Rajasthan had to be content with the Silvera and here we have a repeat of both the states in the
Men’s finals now and we’re going to see what the next two halves bring about in the last 7 to 8 years roll ball the game of roll ball has gained a lot of popularity not only in India but all around the world as well recently we had the sixth World Cup
That was held in [Applause] Pune in April 2023 and here we are at the 37 National games where roll ball makes its debut for the first time it’s been introduced in or at the national games well team Maharashtra in all orange there looking pretty strong but they have to still put it
Across team Rajasthan and only time will tell on whose side it would be an advantage spe one come on Bo Championship G here indigenous Games grp Team Championship championship roller skting basketball basketball ball hand ball handall yes looks like it’s Rec of a match and with Rajasthan have an advantage now they started off on a positive note with that goal that was scored in just the on
The second second minute of play I’m sure it’s a moral booster for Rajasthan as they look to ensure that they have control of what happens Rajasthan on the attack now this time from the Left Flank the number 10 the star player Rajasthan there trying to make another
Inroad but uh a lovely black flick from their player of course trying to find way trying to find it but they have not managed to the men’s Rajasthan team will surely be looking forward to making amends for the women’s who had to be contend with the silver medal against Maharashtra in
The earlier final but here we have the men’s final now and Rajasthan are already one goal Up with we’re in the fourth minute of play in the first half the game can swing in anybody’s favor well a counter from Maharashtra there this time playing in Orange of course trying to find and make the Breakthrough and level the score but it was the goalkeeper of Rajasthan who stood really
Strong tries to fake yeah this time moves with the ball all around the court rolls around tries to make sure that he has an easy way hold that was number 10 for m rra who tried to go in for the goal well looks like that’s an equalizer for
Maharashtra they played cool and calm and composed look at that lovely pass for the number five for Maharashtra makes no mistake that time scores right right through the defeat of the Rajasthan goalkeeper it’s Even Stevens now Rajasthan back on the attack making a move on the right flank this
Time lots of Maharashtra bodies there and once again they are making another Move Taking time making sure they have the players in proper position trying a back flick there this time that was very feeble here we have the number 10 for Maharashtra passes on the ball to his player number five who has already scored a goal it’s a great combination between these two and this
Could be Clos it is number four scores for Maharashtra wow they’ve come from behind scoring consecutively see very happy man 2-1 in favor of Maharashtra and just like in the women’s section I think uh the men of Maharashtra to are slowly cementing their position in the
Game but it’s still too early to make any conclusions with Rajasthan back on the attack this time trying to find an opening where they can try and beat not only the defense but also the goalkeeper that’s a 3se second rule that comes into play holding the ball for more than 3 seconds
And this can be closed yes it is no the referee overturns that not a goal Rajasthan will be heaving a sigh of relief with that it could have rattled the nerves well Maharashtra now are on the counter this time and this was an lovely opportunity for Maharashtra it still
Is it’s a goal mouth M oh that was a jumping finish from number nine of Maharashtra Rajasthan will be heing a sigh of relief the last couple of minutes have been quite dramatic Maharashtra goalkeeper standing like a rock as they are back on the attack this time well that was a lovely try
Score five MRA [Applause] All right back again uh to to Rajasthan there with the ball looking dangerous there in Maharashtra territory but their goalkeeper standing nice and Tall there for team Maharashtra goalkeeper sahas doy who’s standing Like a Rock he has denied Rajasthan from scoring on a couple of occasions just that one goal that came
In for Rajasthan in the beginning first couple of minutes minutes that started off play oh that’s a lovely back throw what a lovely shot there from the Rajasthan number seven Aman Sharma what a lovely way he had a deceptive back flick goal the Maharashtra defense never even anticipated what was coming their way
And the game is back in Even Stevens shra Rajan top two teams go league league matches Rajan team last chionship National Championship National Champion third and now they are playing for five gold medal Match meanwhile there’s a video review of the last couple of seconds of play to see if there was any infringement there is the spectators they see the players from Team the ladies team or the women’s team who are looking to see what the video review the video review we have ch chitrali Nei
Well the review goes in favor of Rajasthan and M Maharashtra back to to two B teams attack Shand goal number P mahra say well the referee uh still considering to see whether it was a goal or it was a [Applause] Fall so there you have have Maharashtra have got an advantage there three goals to them now that goal through video review was counts as a goal for Maharashtra psychological advantage for Maharashtra it is for sure as they are on the attack once more now this time Maharashtra the player number nine for
Maharashtra miir San first and third Fin [Applause] Team going to have a video review of that decision to see whether it was a B committed by the Rajasthan player for holding the ball onto him for too long that was the decision that was taken by the field referees abijit and ninder as we see the video replay on the big screen
There a tussle for the ball in danger area certain teen team second half yes uh Al the Maharashtra are having a slight slender Edge over Rajasthan as of now Maharashtra seem to have uh total control of their play and here they are once again coming into an attacking
Position adiya ganeshwadi the number 10 Jersey along with his teammates who barav gapur and atur D the number five who has scored two goals who has two goals to his credit there he you see on his screen he has control of the ball very cool composed adiya meanwhile takes the ball
Passes it on to barav oh that’s a little goal mouth Melly there and this could be Clos wow that was a close call miir Sani they hitting the upright and Rajasthan are back on the attack now on the counter attack and this could be close let’s see what happens
Now oh that was the upright coming in to help team Maharashtra have a slender age of one goal right now three goals to one is the score line both teams playing cautiously playing trying to take their chances the one Edge that Rajasthan has is that they have players who
Are little taller than the Mahar rra players and this could be closed but well saved there by the Rajasthan goalkeeper Ashok yadav who stops the ball using his feet look at that making sure he had his feet together at the right time and it was a good CH try
There by ainka jamad from Maharashtra the number seven jersey but once again Rajasthan now are back on the attack but wasting the chances many of times and uh a little timeout taken by the teams to recover from the fast-paced action with uh Maharashtra having a slender lead of three goals to two a
Lead of one goal 16 and 1 half minutes of play in the first half Maharashtra came back to equalize and to take a lead looks like the game can go in any any team’s favor yes there you see that lovely black fck goal there by Aman Sharma for Rajasthan to make it
22 and then towards the end we had goal number three but here we have play restarts again with Maharashtra on the ball they number nine miir San Now controls the ball surely must havei thought of changing Technics Aditya Aditya looking to see to find Mi sane I
Think he’s going to pass it to the player on the far side the number four the Star Striker barav who got the first goal the second goal for Maharashtra but there here we have a counter from Rajasthan this could be quick this could be dangerous for Maharashtra it is an
Open goal and it is a goal that’s number four for Rajasthan lxa Pratap Singh who gets the goal for Rajasthan that was a very dangerous move Maharashtra were caught napping they came out from that little timeout they didn’t have time yet to kind of regroup themselves and the counter from
Rajasthan and the great goal from laka Pratap Singh beating the goalkeeper having him napping and that evens the goal but Maharashtra now here are on the counter once again from thear Striker who has two goals to his CED atva atva passes the ball on to barav and well this could have been
Closed and once again Rajasthan Aman on the attack Now counter this could have been closed but very well defended by Maharashtra there this time they finally realized that they need to make sure that they really go on the back foot as soon as possible to ensure that
Rajasthan don’t get an upper hand this time both the teams of course locked at three goals each Rajasthan meanwhile are still in opposite territory as they try a nice little one two that’s their number 11 oh that was a lovely back flick from mahipal Mahala to try a back flick attempt at
Goal but now we have Maharashtra back on the counter attack this is a good try from barav gur the number four who has a goal to his credit and another opportunity for Maharashtra to Aditya but goalkeeper is very very alert Ashok yadav of Rajasthan well it is a neck and neck battle here
Both the teams are matching skill for skill goal for goal and uh it’s a cat and dog battle I think to try and get an upper here’s Rajasthan back on the attack in opposite territory they’re going to try and find a little open spot to find a gap between the players to try
And get ahead of Maharashtra oh that’s such a lovely back hit there an amazing goal what a wonderful one there coming in for uh Rajasthan they are number seven Aman Sharma makes it 43 he really didn’t nobody expected him to score from that angle as you can see the
Maharashtra team were just not even ready for a back flick from him a Rivers flick Maharashtra will have to really try and counter that attack here we have Rajasthan back on the attack now from the Left Flank we have Vicki seni there with the ball Vicki is surely making inroads Vicki
Still holding on possession of the ball passes it on to mahipal mahipal who tries to go for the goal it looks like they’ve got a side throw a throw in for Rajasthan this time taking their time less than 5 minutes left in the first half Rajasthan would want to go into the
Lemon break with that slender lead of one goal but nothing like cementing it a little further and getting an advantage when they go into the lemon break Prine what do you think will happen in the next 4 minutes L PR left FL am Sha counter let’s go this kick out a third ball strategy ran MRA goalkeeper sah first half of just finish [Applause] counter well that’s a wonderful goal there for Maharashtra and from the Star Striker uh bav garur who gets another goal to his credit now this time evening
Out the score to 44 for Maharashtra what a lovely run it was on the right flank we’re going to see you show you the action replay on the count this time it was team Rajasthan that was caught napping and taking full advantage of the situation barav garur had uh just the
Goalkeeper to beat and he beat it in style utilizing that back flick or the reverse throw to ensure that he had his team right in the top they like to ensure that they keep the score line at even as with less than 55 seconds in the first half to go and
Play will resume any moment now with Rajasthan taking the throw in from the far right hand side of the Court here we have Maharashtra have two Falls to their to one of Rajasthan Rajasthan in possession with the ball at the moment it looks like they’re going to be happy with going into lemon
Break being tied at four goals each remember this is the gold and silver medal playoff at the 37 National games the roll ball men’s final earlier in the afternoon in the women’s final Maharashtra defeated Rajasthan four goals to three and here we have Maharashtra back on the attack this could be
Close well saved there by the Rajasthan goalkeeper utilizing his feet to his Advantage Ashok yadav and there goes the F the the halftime whistle 25 minutes of play Maharashtra 4 Rajasthan 4 Rajasthan started off scoring and Maharashtra caught up then had a slander age but Rajasthan have equalized in the last couple of
Minutes there we see the goals the first goal for Rajasthan coming in from Aman Sharma Aman Sharma has three goals to his credit right now and then that back flick goal there from luxure Pratap Singh to make it 22 that was the goal from Atara dud to make it
3-2 then we had laka Pratap Singh to make it 3-3 for Rajasthan and then that lead taken by a goal from Aman Sharma his third goal making it 43 and then in the dying minutes of the first half that’s the goal from barav garur to make it 44 and that’s what the
Score Line Stands like at halime four goals to Maharashtra four goals to Rajasthan and we’ll be back after a 10-minute break with live telecast of the finals for the gold and silver medal match between Maharashtra and Rajasthan Again You For I I Hello Excited to introduce new games in this 37 National games so that the as many as players May got the opportunity to play for the nation and for the in this National games I always teach that maximum disciplines has been participated or introduced in this 37 National games where we have always
Taken uh the responsibility and the organizational scheme to give the best in this National games yes I must really congratulate you and your entire team who have really ensured the facilities have been provided for and everybody has been commenting about this definitely we have tried to give our best in as far as
Infrastructure is concerned and organization skills has been put up my entire team including my officers director of sports and youth Affairs the Sports Authority of Goa the sports secretary and all the crews who has been instrumental uh the we have we have we have fought or we have given the maximum
Uh from the day and night we are working for that without any food also we are worked on the field uh and definitely this is a reward has been um given by all of the uh federations the do’s for the best organization of this 37 national game as of now yes and of
Course here on the sidelines of the the role ball championships earlier we had Maharashtra who won the the the gold medals in the women’s section now we see a neck and neck battle between Maharashtra and Raj son and we are really happy to have you be part yeah
It’s very exciting match and I’m lucky to witness this match I I think this is the first match I’m witnessing in entire this um span of national games because uh due to a shortfall of the time it is not possible me to be witness any game
But uh this very exciting I love to be in the midst of this athletes or the participants so that they also encouraged with their um performance and definitely I wish you all the best both the teams they are doing perform performing very well the participation and the
Excitement and the the way they played it’s very outstanding and admirable yes thank you very much goind GA and once again congratulations to you we’re going to check and see who gets the upper hand whether it’s going to be Maharashtra or Rajasthan in the finals of the men’s
Roll ball tournament right here and the sidelines of the 37 national game back to the comary bo thank you thank you yeah is R ball [Applause] MRA Aman Sharma think Rajasthan will be on the back foot right now but it’s too early in the second half to make any conclusions Rajasthan have come from behind that’s a lovely back try or a black flick there by bat Singh for Rajasthan meanwhile here’s Rajasthan on the attack
They’ve been getting a lot of luck with that back flick tries and especially from aan Sharma who already has three goals to his credit trying to Maharashtra will try to see if they can cement their position right now in the game they have a slender lead of one
Goal but this time it’s going to be a counter from Rajasthan and every time Rajasthan counters it always ends in a goal but what a lovely back flick it was from uh the star player laka Pratap Singh who already has a goal to his credit earlier but the star player is of
Course number seven who has three goals to his credit that’s Aman Sharma of Rajasthan and like I said it was almost close to a goal but they have a throw in from the sidelines in danger area we’re going to see the man who loves to do his back
Flicks that was lashan there this time jie number nine trying to watch what is happening trying to see how to make a move oh that is closed it is closed and it is right into the net mahipal mahama there scores the goal for Rajasthan
55 what a lovely pass he had he got and he ensures that he made no mistake this time 55 mahipal mahima scores the goal for Rajasthan and every time Maharashtra seem to get a slender Edge it’s Rajasthan who are coming back from behind but that’s not going to be enough
If they want to make sure that they are strong they need to get a a good slender lead in the fifth minute of play in the second half each half of 25 minutes there’s no extra time that’s played but the clock is stopped every time there’s a timeout taken and at the
Moment it can be anybody’s game yying for top honors here for the gold and silver medal Rajasthan and Maharashtra a little while earlier we had the same two states playing in the women’s finals where Maharashtra won the gold medal oh that was so so very close for Rajasthan this time Aman once again
Aman Sharma who like I said already has three goals to his credit h hitting the cross bar the cross bar coming to the rescue of Maharashtra well well it looks like Rajasthan have an advantage there to them a fall player fall and there you see Maharashtra the third fall to
Them that also plays a crucial role in deciding the winner later On Rajasthan they waiting to take the throw in making another move from the right to the left flank on both sides of the field on the ground here we have aan oh that was a so getting so very close once again and once again it’s uh the upright
Coming to the rescue of Maharashtra he’s so quick with his back flakes really quick he catches the team off guard there was a slight deflection otherwise it could have been dangerous for Maharashtra Aman once again with the ball once again with the best move that he has in his
Pocket Maharashtra of course uh are at wit’s end but with the score still reading 55 7 Minutes the 7th minute of play Maharashtra and Rajasthan now battling it out for the top honors the finals of the men’s roll ball at the 37th National games and every time Maharashtra seems
To start having a slender lead Rajasthan always have a lovely answer to every question that Maharashtra has been throwing at them and right now they both are contemplating on the next move the first one comes in from Aman Aman Sharma and I think Maharashtra will be marking Aman this is going to be a throw in for Rajasthan in danger territory going to have Vicki sen who’s going to take the throw in who that was a lovely one a back flick once again tried there by lxa sangan trying to emulate the moves of Aman
Sharma and that’s VIII with the ball passes down to am am passes down to laka prab sing L pratab Singh once again passes it on to Aman that’s your 3C Time the referee cautioning the Rajasthan player prob a very fastpac action that’s happening here I’m sure both the teams are trying to get an edge second Aman Sharma sorry Aman Sharma or lakap Singh yes it’s really rattled the nerves of the Maharashtra team because three goals from Aman Sharma already he’s has a
Hatrick to his credit here I’m not sure if anybody has a hatrick in the earlier rounds but lakha Pratap and Aman Sharma have combined very well but uh along with them as well mahipal Mahala have has now equalized in fact we are waiting for a video view the video referee
Chitrali Nei is having a look at what happened in that move there by Rajasthan was given in favor of Maharashtra and the Rajasthan bench asked for a video review of what happened we still waiting to see there you see on your screen screens both the referees Abhijit and
Naginder waiting to see what the video referee would decide also have the match commissioner Anand yadav there keeping a close track of the video review which is on the giant screen here on the sidelines match being played at the Manar parer Indoor Stadium in South Goa naili which has seen
A battle over the last couple of days looks like the decision is in favor of Rajasthan they get hold of the ball and they’re getting hold of a chance to try and get an opportunity to score the goal and none other than Amon starts with the free kick or the free throw
It’s should be a throw in taken from the sides that’s amand there with the ball dribbles it across roller skates onto the Center passes the ball onto his teammate Rajasthan trying to be in total control of the proceedings here and here’s the man Aman but here could be a counter from
Maharashtra this time on the far left flank roller skating around that’s the number nine miir Sani there Mi sane who tries to go for the goal that’s a throw in for Maharashtra to be taken see that uh the goalkeeper getting a slight touch on the ball the ball rolling across on
The goal lines going to have a throw in Corner throw for Maharashtra in danger area we’re in the 10th minute of play in the second half both the teams are locked at five goals each here we have Maharashtra now on the offensive and this can be closed we have uh Maharashtra number
Number four barav gur who has two goals to his credit [Applause] all right that was a lovely goal there scored by herel gug to make it 65 for Maharashtra 65 for it’s not a goal I think that’s uh a video review being taken to see whether it was a goal or
Not players waiting to see what happened a video review of the last goal everybody waiting with baited breath to see everybody’s eyes on the video screen mahipal Mahala who had scored the fifth goal earlier going to wait and see yes uh well it looks like the referee has overturned his decision it’s
Not a [Applause] goal there was a little confusion there was celebration from Rajasthan and immediately after that the match referee or the match commissioner and video referee once again called the field referee there have a celebration from the Rajasthan bench but there’s still uh some discussion going on
Between the coach and the match Officials the goal has been disallowed Trine what do you have to say about That 2 keeper counter yes Suman time and time again tries this back back flick goals didn’t manage to get a throw into his benefit but there’s no dent on the goal line so far five goals each to Maharashtra and Rajasthan both the teams tying they are whing for the top honors
Trying the level best as a timeout called by the Maharashtra team to try and figure out what’s happening meanwhile here you see the spectators rooting for their favorite teams the stands are filled capacity here at the manohar parika Indo stadium in navali close to the city of Margo in
South Goa five cities in Goa are playing host in various disciplines of uh games right at at the 37 National games being held here in Goa hin G it is really nice to see it’s a fast-paced game and there you see Rajasthan on the attack now from the
Player is number 11 mahipal Mahala who had a gold dizzel out just a few minutes back he will try and make sure oh wow that was a lovely little shot Wei s there this time the upright once again coming to the rescue of Maharashtra and so many times Rajasthan
Have hit the crossbar and if uh it wasn’t there they would have been up by at least two two to three goals for sure the pride coming into Aid and once again there we have Aman Sharma there a scorer of three goals he has a hattrick in his
Game if trying to better that Mark 55 is the score as of now and Rajasthan now are on the count on the attack still in danger area here’s aan with the ball he can do anything if he turns around Maharashtra knows the minute he turns around
That’s a shot on target from Aman he gets uh the Maharashtra goalkeeper sahas doi to make a save to punch the ball outside over the goal post and this can be be close once again Rajasthan here still in control of the proceedings passes the ball to
Mahipal mahipal makes a back pass to his teammate Vicki sen with the ball but wikii seni didn’t have any other options in his way we in the 15minute of play less than 10 minutes left in the second half Rajasthan are looking dangerous every time they come into attack it’s either a
Goal or it has to be a save to be made by the Maharashtra goalkeeper and that’s what this game is all about every second can mean different and there you have rman who once again went for his stylish and traditional should we say back flick here we have an open
Chance now coming in for ran oh he went in once again for his back flick could have been close Maharashtra were already backtracking they had to backtrack really fast to try and get to the pace of Aman meanwhile on the opposite side it’s Maharashtra on the counter attack
And here we have Vicki Vicki coming in with the ball VII seni passes the ball on to LXI Pratap LXI Pratap keeps gets the hold on the ball passes it on to the one and only a a once again makes his way into the D area shoots and gets a throw
In for his team and Aman passes the ball on to mahipal mahipal slowly passes the ball on to luxure it’s a lovely combination these players from Rajasthan that they have you can see it slowly building another move oh that was a lovely under the feet shot Try by mahipal but
Meanwhile there’s a counter from Maharashtra and what a lovely save there from the Rajasthan goalkeeper Ashok yadav who has time and time again made countless saves denying Maharashtra to get an upper age this time clinching his head mahul uh the number 10 Aditya Ganesh of Maharashtra he knew that was
So close to get his team into a lead but that’s not to be it’s once again the Men in Black the team from Rajasthan who slowly try to take control and this is the man Aman Sharma the playmaker mahipal looking for lxa Pratap Singh is on the opposite side lxa is waving out
That he’s has an open chance but then lxa sangam then being brought down Maharashtra now on the Counterattack lovely pass there from adiya ganes but Maharashtra seemed to be disappointing when it comes to making a finish it was Harel g go there this time he has a goal to his credit
When he scored to take Maharashtra 54 up but then once again it was Rajasthan who equalized on the goal from mahipal Mahal high five this can be closed yes it is it looks like it is yes a goal there for luer San but looks like it’s been disallowed the goal has been disallowed
By the referee but there’s going to be a video revieww that’s been called by the bench the the coach of the coach of uh Rajasthan have called for a video review that’s exactly what is happening right now with the clock that has been stopped the referee the field referee dis allowed the
Goal but Rajasthan were very quick to asked for a video review which there you see I think he’s laid cross the D area after he shot the goal that’s exactly what uh you have to score a goal from outside the D area you cannot cross the D
Line and it looks like he crossed the D line after his his hands were off the ball or was he being pushed into the D area that’s the question yes he was being pushed by miir San of Maharashtra to ensure the follow was called and it’s are that’s correct uh Prine Maharashtra of
Course also have three falls under them whereas Rajasthan have just won there we see the replay now and see we got to wait for the official verdict that comes in [Applause] favor of Rajasthan well Rajasthan calls for a timeout yes Rajasthan have called for a quick little timeout with that goal by lxa San we’ve have about 6 minutes uh 6 and a half minutes of play left and uh well Prine like you’ve been saying so many Spectators around enjoying this very fast-paced action happening at the the roll ball uh gold and silver medal match being played here but in the last s or
Eight years I think roll ball has not only become popular in India um an indigenous sport that was started off in in India in the mid 2000s but uh around the the world as well in fact we had the sixth edition of the World Cup in April
This year and uh many countries from around the globe have embraced this new sport because it’s a combination of uh roller skate basketball dribbling that’s involved shooting just like netball or football and such fast-paced action means you need to be very accurate you have to have balance you need to have
Also match your speed for that you need to have speed and that’s what’s make this sport so very uh competitive and so very exciting that we we we can see so many Spectators here being part coming to witness this new game that’s making its debut at the 37 National games and
The clocks starts rolling again Maharashtra now will have to try and come from behind but in the meanwhile here’s an attack coming in from Rajasthan it’s mahipal Mahala there who tries mahipal Mahala this time it’s uh luaka sangan there who scored the goal to take Rajasthan in the lead by six goals to
Five Rajasthan will be happy to let the clock tick by but remember there’s more than 6 minutes left in the game it’s a game of 25 minutes and every second counts and that was a lovely under his feet Try by mahipal Mahala who has a goal to his credit in
Meanwhile there’s Maharashtra who will have to get some tricks from the kitty who will have to get we’ll have to think of all the moves that they have in their Kitty to try and overcome the lovely resistance that Rajasthan have displayed the lovely play that Rajasthan have displayed and here we have mahipal
Here once again passes the ball onto mahipal that’s mahipal with the ball right now finds Aman [Applause] But [Applause] Compl spe well that was a lovely try there from Maharashtra adiya Ganesh vade who as we can see on the screen had the ball in his there you see on your screen he had the ball with him went in for the hit but uh touched the fingers of the Rajasthan
Team as it went over the crossb there you see his try video review still on they’re trying to see they asking for Spectators are waiting to see they also have their eyes on the LED screen to see what the decision is on your screen we see the field referees
That’s waiting to see what the video referee chitrali Nei would decide we have the visuals on the screen the LED screen at the side of the play area where everybody’s eyes are focused on right now at the most I think they’re going to have a get a throw in for
Maharashtra the time has stopped here 4 minutes 55 seconds to go in the second half Rajasthan have a slender agge of one goal and uh well we finally have a decision from the field ref is going to be a throw in for Maharashtra play begins Maharashtra will try to
Make advantage of the situation taken advantage it’s a onew quick Cross there but team Rajasthan is standing like a fort they blocking every move they’re leaving no chance and leaving no gaps between the players but commendable job from from uh their goalkeeper who’s done a terrific job Ashok
Yadav and if it has been Ashok yadav to deny Mumbai a chance to score on the other side it’s the crossbars who have denied Rajasthan to take a Consolidated lead but here they are once again in attack Rajasthan in attack oh that was a very very close call for Maharashtra there Lu Sunan
Taking a black fit hit and once again it’s the upright that’s coming to the aid Of the Maharashtra team and there you see on the other side if it’s the crossbar for Maharashtra on the other side it’s their goalkeeper Ashok yadav who’s making save after save for Rajasthan boosting his morale Maharashtra once again on the attack but this time is going to be a Counterattack
From Rajasthan can it be goal number seven no LXI pratab sing tried a solo effort there but then uh the angle was very narrow for him as he came closer towards the goal remember the speed and accuracy that counts he had the Speed but no accuracy at that
Time here he is once again with the ball ball mayal trying to make a play from that it goes off one of the players for a throw in on the sides for Rajasthan quickly taken there By well am this time goes way way up and Beyond the goal post there you see shooting into Spectators who are seated behind the Goal less than 2 minutes 15 seconds left Rajasthan will be happy to waste their time Rajasthan will be happy to keep the score as it is they know they are leading by one goal they’ll have to keep possession but here’s the man trying to go in for another goal to add another
Goal to his name he already has three goals somehow they managed to grab the ball and that’s a lovely pass from Aman for his teammate and could it be goal number that’s not a goal once again it’s the cross bar did it go inside I think
There’s going to be a video review going to be already asked by by Rajasthan a video review it seemed like the ball went inside but we have uh that was Aman Sharma with his the shot that he’s used so often like I’ve been saying he has three
Goals to his credit and that looked like it came off the inside of the goal post but we’re going to wait and see where the ball hit it was so fast was it from the inside or from the outside we’re going to have another angle we still cannot decide to see was
A lovely pass that came to Aman from mahipal Aman took his Time we got to wait and watch in Ultra slow motion to see if the ball came off from the in yes it looks like it came in from the inside yes celebrating there Aman’s fifth fourth goal of the match that stes team Rajasthan to 75 And with less than a minute and 20 seconds left in the second half it looks like it’s going to be Vengeance for team Rajasthan the ladies lost the gold medal to Maharashtra but the men have clinched the gold medal against Maharashtra they’ll be happier at that there’s a
Little gold mouth Melly there that’s happening in the Rajasthan go go mouth but Mumbai uh Maharashtra will have a tough time to try and see if they can make anything they need to beat the man in behind Under The Cross by Ashok yadav who has denied Maharashtra time and time
Again could it be one consol consolation goal for Maharashtra oh it’s not less than 40 SEC 40 seconds in the second half team Rajasthan have started celebrating in the stands the women’s team have started celebrations in the stand 19 seconds to go in the second half two goal advantage to
Rajasthan D seconds good Maharashtra close the gaps but it’s time up and it’s celebration time for Rajasthan winning the gold medal against Maharashtra seven goals to five what a match it has been for the Rajasthan team they had to come down take time to ensure that they had
Everything going for them they started scoring right from the word goal with Aman Sharma starting the scoring one goal but then Maharashtra came back to score second and goal and Rajasthan always had an answer for every goal that Maharashtra scored and then in the last 3 minutes it was two goals coming in
From Mahar for Rajasthan credit goes to Aman Sharma four goals to his credit he’s the man who really made the difference for Rajasthan and I’m sure braine you will agree when I say that he’s the man of the match of The L Maharashtra team rash Ki push roll ball number Number See his very very mandatory back flick goals that he had turning around Aman Sharma there a goal from Maharashtra that came in from the number four that was uh the goal to make it 44 for Maharashtra Maharashtra scored the next goal as well to make it 5 for herel Goodge that’s uh a goal by lxa sangan to make it 65 for Rajasthan there you see turning round and that goal 75 from Aman sharmma once again coming out from off the back post and comprehensive Victory I must say for Rajasthan 75 the Rajasthan team will be very very
Happy with the performance of the men making up for the women who got the silver medal against Maharashtra in the women’s roll ball game here being played at the Manar parika Indoor Stadium at the 37th National games so Rajasthan taking another gold begging another gold in the team event of roll ball in
The men’s section and the women got a goal in the women’s section the team from Maharashtra getting a goal like I said uh roll ball is a very very fast growing sport not only in India but all over the world as well we already have had six World Cups that have been held
The last being held just a couple of months back and uh right over the last s years the team the the game of roll ball has rolled across Nations transcended across Nations and has gained wide acceptance among many nations to be one of the fastest growing Sports in the
Last 10 years and it’s just been about 20 years since his in its Inception an indigenous sport for India started off here in in in Maharashtra by a sports teacher called Raju Dade who started off uh as Distributing newspapers on roller skates and then he went on to become a a
Physical education teacher in a school where he saw somebody who was playing football suddenly get into the basket uh playing roller skates suddenly get onto the basketball court and try to score a goal and that’s when he got the idea so with Rajasthan winning the gold medal in the men section and Maharashtra
Be having to be content with the silver medal in the men section that’s it from all of us here at the manohar parar Indoor Stadium jarand got the bronze medal in the men’s section of course and for the in the women’s section it was Maharashtra winning the gold Rajasthan
The silver and Jammu and Kashmir winning the bronze medal and with that we wind up this live telecast of the Roll ball finals here at the manohar parer Indoor Stadium on the sidelines of the 37th National Games For Spe For Foree Spee Again To [Applause] Fore Get get set Go You For Okay Yes For again Again Again Sh hello check 1 2 3 get get set go okay now I request to all our dignitaries to play Roll ball games with Moa yes yes now I request all our dignitaries respected dignitaries please come down requesting our dignities can we have a small moment of play with our
Honorable Sports minister of Goa SRI Goen G G and our other signaries can we please welcome our guest here for this ceremony with a huge of Applause and we have with us the 37 National games mascot our bill out MAA can we have some play yes can you make some noise can you
Make some noise from Moa all the dignitaries they’re playing the RO ball game it’s our very proud moment because roll Ball created in India and we have our director of the competition director of the creator of the rooll ball games sir Raju darare is along with us come on everyone keep cheering
For keep chatting for the rooll ball games and all our respected dignitaries Again there are three key point of this game dribbling passing and shooting as we can see Yeah yes dribbling I don’t we can see that wow there a very nice passes Keep spreading the joy of Ro ball game you can shout you can clap for yourself you can clap for the Moa Wow that’s awesome pass get it go okay get set Go now we are going to start now we’re going to start the assemble we are going to start the meeting with our team members and their C respective captains I request the dignitaries to please uh proceed for the handshake with all the team participants who had participated in a roll ball competition
All the eight teams who had participated in roll ball starting from chattis gar to the other side I request the dignitaries Requesting all the captains to come in front all the captains in front all the team captains to come in front captains coaches secretaries please come in front row please please oh For Again For [Applause] Foree get get it door get set Go Spe For get I request the dignitaries to meet all our technical officers support staff without them uh this event of roll ball matches wouldn’t have been complete spe E for speee spee get set go get set for for I request the host of the ceremony to please take over the mic now I request the host of the ceremony please I request the host of the ceremony to please take the mic from hello Spe for hello a very good evening and welcome all to the 37th National games Goa 2023 I’d like to I’d like to Welcome to our respected guest sh goind GA honorable Mr minister of sports and and youth Affairs government of Goa Shri abishek Danya superintendent of police South
Gua s ulhas tar honorable MLA nabim constituency s amitav Sharma chairman of GTCC of Indian Olympics Dr Gita nager director of Sports Authority of Goa s AG now welcome director of competition of rooll ball Shri Raju dhare venue Commander M Mr Manuel barito and assistant venue Commander Ramesh gawar
Now we are going to start the presentation this is our final day and award ceremony is going to happen very soon joining us today esteemed guest for the ceremony SRI goind GA Mr go to our respected guest goind ga Sport and youth Affairs government of Goa accompanied with Shri abishek Dania
Superintendent of police South Goa starting with the rooll ball woman I would now request our ushers to guide the medal winners and guests towards the ceremony area Again again You Starting with the roll ball woman the winners of bronze medal please put your hands together for Jammu and Kashmir I would now request SRI goind GA to kindly hand over the medal to the winners let’s chare for their spectacle performance for their outstanding performance please give a big round of applause for Them [Applause] For the winner of the silver medal okay I now request abishek Dania sir to kindly hand over the souvenir to the winners For Againe okay the winner of the silver medals please put your hands together for Rajasthan I would now request Mr goind GA to count kindly hand over the medal to the winners give a big hand for the outstanding performance of this Team The thank you so much sir thank you so much now I’d now request Mr abishek Dania to kindly hand over the souvenir to the Winners [Applause] Spee thank you so much sir thank you so much now let’s move on to our next award the winner of gold medal at the 37th National games Goa 2023 please put your hands together for for Maharashtra I would now request Mr goind G honorable minister of sports and youth Affairs government of
Goa to kindly hand over the medals to the Winners F ladies and gentlemen can we have a huge round of applause for the winners as our honorable Sports Minister honors them with the gold medal the winners of Ro ball finale of the 37 National games Maharashtra I now request s abishek Dan SP sou to kindly felicitate our gold medalist with the token of Momento No players please request ouram guest to kindly join the winners for a group photo Love Thank you now may I please request Madame Gita Naga the executive director of Sports Authority of Goa to kindly present with the commentary battle to our STM guest Dr Gita rager the executive director of Sports Authority of Goa presenting the commor medals to The Honorable Minister for sports and youth Affairs s goind
Gaudi and Sh abishek da SP South Goa thanks a lot thank you to our esteem guest and also thank you all the winners requesting you to kindly step down and join the other teams on the ground thank you very much and congratulations once again kindly follow the protocol line please get set
Go get set Goa It’s time for the presentation ceremony for the roll ball Main For For Fore spee For Spe [Applause] it’s now we going to start the presentation ceremony of the role Bo man very shortly and we are in the very final day and today the award ceremony of the Roll ball games we all are very excited and we have been we have been doing a very
Exciting games last 3 4 days and now it’s a final day we all are here to celebrate today for this Indian Sports roll ball for this 37th National games Goa 2023 For okay okay Spee it’s time for the presentation ceremony of the RO ball men joining us today esteemed guest for the ceremony is s ulas tuer honorable MLA Naim constituency accompan Mr amitab sharmma chairman of GTCC of Indian Olympics the winner of bronze medal now I would now request to our
Ushers to guide the Medal winner and guest towards the ceremony Area ladies and gentlemen can we please have a huge round of applause as they walk towards the porium for the medal ceremony the winners of the 37th National games for all ball Mens [Applause] the winners of bronze medal put your hands together for team Charan may I please request The Honorable MLA of dri AAS tuer to kindly honor the bronze medalist requesting The Honorable MLA taser to kindly honor the bronze medal winners team Jun get set go get set Goa get Get Now may I please request abitab Sharma executive director of IA and chairman GTCC to kindly hand over the souvenir to our bronze Medalists For Spe Speee For Thank you sir and now the winners of silver medal ladies and gentlemen put your hands together for Maharashtra requesting The Honorable MLA of Naim shaser s to kindly felicitate the silver medalist with their [Applause] medal For Get Set get set Go thank you sir now may I please request amav Sharma executive director of Indian L PE Association and chairman GTCC to kindly hand over the souvenir to our silver Medalist Again Thank you so much sir ladies and gentlemen it is time for the gold Bist of 37th National games 2020 three for roll Ball B put your hands together for Rajasthan the gold medalist Rajasthan requesting The Honorable MLA of Naim shaser sir to kindly hand over the gold medal to our Winners For Sh Thank you sir now may please request amitab Sharma G the executive director of Indian Olympic Association and chairman GTCC to kindly felicitate our gold medal winners with the souvenir a token of love from Goa Get set go thank you sir now may I please request aditar to join our medalist for a group photo Let thank you now may I please request the venue Commander Manuel VTO to kindly honor our esteem guest by presenting them the commemoratory Medal thank you so much sir now may I please request all the medal winners to kindly stay at your position and may I request all the medal winners of women’s team to kindly join us back to the podium for a grip photo may I request The Honorable Minister for sports and youth ofest
Goind GA G Shri abishek darya IP South Dr Gita Naga the executive director of the executive director of Sports Authority of Goa s abishek d ipsp of South Goa the director of competition SRI Raju dbal G the venue commandant sh Manel Berto and the assistant venue command Ramesh
Gawar to kindly join us for the photograph requesting the women’s team The Medalist to kindly come forward and join us for this photo we want all of you for this Photograph kindly kindly come first we are waiting for you all the women’s teams The Medalist can you please make it
Quick when you’re on skates you run like wind we want you to run in the same way here so that we can do this Quickly Spee for Get set get set for on behalf of the role ball Federation of India the president of Indian rooll ball Federation Shor khanji would now felicitate our honorable Minister for sports and youth Affairs s go g g recognizing and acknowledging the efforts our honorable Minister has taken for the successful organizing of this 37
National games can we have a huge round of all for honorable Minister for sports and youth Affairs fre Goen GA G felicitating the executive director of Indian Olympic Association and chairman GTCC Shri amitab Sharma G one great pillar behind this successful and smooth organizing of 37
National games we have with us we are honored to have with us s abishek see amitab Sharma For presenting a small token of love to Dr Gita Daga the executive director of Sports Authority of Goa on behalf of Road ball Federation of India we thank ouram Guest The Honorable MLA of Naim shaser Sir