Why won’t this work did you push the button oh yeah no not that Button well good afternoon and welcome to the shter leprechaun my name is Mark your host and it’s time for our monthly update video yes it’s once again that time for our attempt to keep you all informed about what’s going on around here so this month we’ve got Tech stuff
We’ve got programming stuff oh and there’s other stuff too as always the timestamps are in the description below so you can skip around if you want to but please don’t we would like for you to watch it all the way through because as usual there’s stuff we need your
Feedback on so let’s get started with programming news and for starters I have a Content situation I need your input on you YouTube changed shorts so now you can link related content to them so that viewers get to related videos now currently we use shorts as a teaser for
The future episode of whatever’s coming Tuesday teas is Friday Thursday teas is Saturday but you can’t or at least shouldn’t link a future video to a current short so what do you guys think should I run the short after the episode that way I can link the episode to it or
Should I keep using shorts as teasers let me know in the comments on or on any of the posts in the YouTube Community or drop a note in our Discord please and thank you now about our regular content and a question I’ve been asked we’ll say elsewhere yes I am going to play
Starfield it’s just not real soon because of budget I mean it’s expensive and we have to be able to fit in the schedule right now there’s no slots now just like the rest y’all I have been waiting for this game absolutely salivating like Pavlov’s dogs over every
News blurb and Link but I want to play it as blind as possible when I play it because that’s what we do on this channel by God so when I can fit it in the budget and I have a time slot in the schedule I’m going to play Starfield
It’s coming don’t know when but it’s coming and by the way all that means I have not watched a single gameplay video about Starfield and I’m not going to you have no idea my son dirtnap he has it on Console he’s actually playing it in his
Room at this very moment right on the other side of the wall in fact if I go into the closet I could listen to it you really have no idea on the subject of series content the plan for our three series schedule is to play a new game
Like within the last 12 months a somewhat recent game something within the last couple of years and an older one say three to four years old now more or less that’s you know Friday Saturday Monday in that order and we almost got off track after forever Skies ended so
Much sooner than I expected I kind of had to scramble to pick something out now fortunately one of you had gifted the Mr prepper DLC to us a while back thank you Burger uh I do hope I said that right so everything’s worked out and on that subject our playthrough of
Animal Farm is actually kind of fun well now that everything is working right that is I hope this has been a really odd playthrough with some interesting gameplay problems we may emphasis on may have them all fixed like I said I sure hope so not really sure what kind of
Playthrough time this DLC has because it you know it runs more or less concurrent with the main game and I’m expecting 10 or 12 episodes hopefully not the entire game all over again all 25 episodes of that one we’ll find out how realistic my expectation is pretty soon right and
Then there’s our new Monday series Mad Max now this one is courtesy of my sun dirtnap you know the one playing Starfield right over there and I was expecting something like bios or bi a Shock Infinite a learning curve 15 20 hours of game playay fun I was not
Expecting something that could go 20 hours just for the main story and 40 hours is the average playthrough which means this one could last pretty close to a year I really wasn’t expecting go anywhere near our playthrough of Fallout 4 oh yeah 48 episodes for that now I
Will do what I can to leave out the grinding bets I think it’s pretty clear this game has a lot of grinding to it we’ll see how far that goes and then there’s Chernobyl light according to the internet that game has like 14 hours of gameplay so given my play style I’m
Expecting upper teens in the number of episodes which means we’re currently maybe halfway through so that should give you a sense of where we are in each one of our current series and now I want to touch on something else I really need your help on and that is channel growth
And Monet ation about a year ago I made Channel growth the goal the original goal was therapy to get me back to work once disability became permanent I changed that up and it’s kind of been working we’ve doubled our subscribers despite me not knowing what
The heck I am doing or how to do it all that means there’s a subject I haven’t been dealing with and I should have been dealing with it for a while and that is developing Community yeah it’s one of those things every channel deals with sooner or later
Usually when it comes around for monetization which was not one of my original goals like I said but it became one by default when growth became the goal and I’ll be honest I have no idea how to do it I have always been poor at networking and such personalized
Engagement with others on in that realm it’s just not my strong suit which is really weird for a musician right so other than having a goal of providing you with the content you want while playing games blind as much as possible I have no real direction for this channel but with subscriber growth
Heading towards 500 that puts me in the position to start the monetization journey courtesy of YouTube’s new monetization rules and doing that means I have to learn how to develop community so for starters let me ask a couple very open questions why do you watch the
Channel what would you like to see and what would you like to see changed or improved put your comments below or add them in the community tab on any post or uh you know throw something on our Discord and now it’s time for Tech education the part of the video where I
Talk about the things we’ve learned on the technical side during the last month first up things Mark got wrong remember last month when I said according to Hardware info we were in danger of thermal throttling the GPU which was true and I had done everything
I could to cool down the GPU which was not true see whenever I upgrade the CPU or the motherboard I set custom fan curves using the BIOS the UEFI and I read it all that when I stalled the water cooler no problem our CPU is in the 50s or 60s
For gaming and 60s and 70s for rendering not bad better than what it was with our air cooler and there’s not much more I can do to change that so yeah not really a problem when I got our 3080 graphics card last year I went into MSI
Afterburner set a custom fan setting I set it to run at a fixed 100% that way it would always start as cool as possible no matter what except I forgot to apply the changes yeah the setting never happened so rather than starting cool and warming up slowly temperatures jumed up quickly and never
Came back down so I went back into MSI After Burner and set the GPU fans to 100% yes it’s noisier not by as much as you would expect certainly not as much as I expected and yeah wouldn’t you know it with the setting in place and saved temps are down a full 10c
Depending on what I’m doing temps are down a full 10 C depending on what I’m doing speaking of the graph graphics card as I said we have an RTX 3080 10 GB graphics card and I’ve noticed something lately there are times where the frame rate just tanks
During loading screens it goes from a really high number 1 15 200 to like one or some insanely low number and it’s going on in a lot of games that it should I went back and discovered that’s what H what was happening in no man’s Sky live streams remember we had to end
The stream because it wouldn’t run well that’s what the frame rate was showing when it loaded the UI the the game play screen with all the control and and monitoring stuff and everything else and it makes me wonder if it hit zero and then crashed looking at the raw video I
Noticed it happened during green hell uh I’m seeing it again in Chernobyl light and there’s no good reason for it that I know of the the BIOS on the motherboard and the GPU are up to to date the windows is not running a generic driver because you know Windows does that kind
Of thing I’m at a loss to explain it or fix it and if you have any suggestions put them in the comments below please and thank you now in our August video I said we were going to be replanting our vegetable garden within a couple of weeks of that monthly update well we
Didn’t it dawned on me about two week it dawned on me about weeks after that video right before we left for the first trip there was no way we could keep the Water Garden at the level it needed to be watered while we were gone which meant everything would die in the Heat
And waiting till travel was done would make it just like last year planning too late everything dying with the first Frost so instead we took our garden soil and spread it around the yard there were several areas that needed to be leveled and a few holes the dogs dug because
Dogs do that sort of thing and this was the perfect opportunity to get that done or at least some of it we had a lot of dirt to work with but wasn’t all the dirt we needed and that brings us to another health update So the plan was to
Have low back surgery on October 12th but we were able to meet with a specialized movement therapist who laid out a course of treatment that meant I might not have to do that it was a recommendation of a friend and we liked what they presented whether it’s right
Or not or even if it’ll work well that remains to be seen but based on the course of treatment he’s created we postponed low back surgery it’s now on the books for early November while we wait and see if the therapy works we’re still declining the neck surgery though
There’s an outside chance this new therapy could help the neck shoulder arm and hand problems but it’s not going to help the herniated discs at C3 C4 so at some point that surgery is still a likely Prospect just not for now meanwhile there is no new information about the disability insurance claim
Well I say there’s no news there was a paperwork snafu stuff was getting sent in using the wrong claim information so it was getting attached in the wrong places or in some cases actually just lost and before you ask no this is not the insurance company causing problems
To avoid a payout it was genuinely being sent with the wrong information there is a general claim number which is actually kind of a placeholder for all the information all the short and long-term claims going back to 2019 so sending something in means it could get linked anywhere in that chain meanwhile the
Review got its own special identifier within that General number and I didn’t catch it which means the stuff we sent recently was not being sent over to the reviewers I figured it out when I got a letter on the last day to send stuff in and after a short phone
Call it all got sorted out and then I asked what happens next at which point they were kind enough to extend everything 21 days which means it’ll be sometime in November for before we get a decision and now for our normal spiritual update now last month I said
We were going to take time to pack Philippians 48 but while I was thinking about the next part of that verse I realized there was something else we need to discuss about thinking on things that are true and I’m going to start off by talking to Christians I’ll speak to
Non-christians a little bit later and I hope you stick around for that so we’re told that Jesus did it all we’re free from sin forgiven and so on except we continue to walk in those sins worse we make excuses for it and when we do that
We we deny the truth and the world sees us not dealing with all this stuff and they mock us and they laugh at us it’s one of the reasons a big one mind you they call us Hypocrites well we all struggle with stuff it could be lying
Sexual sin greed anger it’s a pretty long list well the truth is we are forgiven the blood of Jesus has cleansed us and made us holy to the Lord scripture says so and God’s word is always true so then why do we struggle like that well the answer is there’s
Something we must do we must acknowledge the truth and reject sinful Behavior Colossians 3:10 says do not lie to one another since you laid aside the old self with its evil practices and have put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the
Image of the one who created him and we have Ephesians 4:22 to 24 telling us that in reference to your your former manner of life you laid aside the old self which is being corrupted in accordance with the lust of Deceit and that you be renewed in the spirit of
Your mind and put on the new self which is in the likeness of God who has been created in righteousness and Holiness of the truth did you catch that you are supposed to do this God has Justified you God is sanctifying you God has made
You his child but you must put off the old man and put on the new man and before you talk about this being a Jesus and something to get right with God that’s not what we’re talking about here you are right with God if you are in
Christ but you are still called to Holiness you are still called to resist sin you are still commanded to put off the old man this is an action you have to do God will not do it for you this is the truth you should should be thinking
On his Mercy saw you in your sin and made a way out through Jesus his grace empowers you to put off the old man and you receive this Grace by being in Christ born again by faith through the blood of Jesus and the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead this is the
Truth you should be thinking on I’ve been a Christian since 1987 and speaking for myself here putting off the old man is a lot easier said than done anger explodes out of me at the worst possible times sexual Cravings are sometimes nearly overwhelming the desire to lie
Does overwhelm me sometimes and the list goes on so how do we beat it well 2 Corinthians 10 tells us we destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the know go knowledge of God and take every thought captive to obey Christ in other words we use the word of
God to withstand sin sure you have to resisted in the first place refuse to give into it but use the word of God this is the truth you should be thinking on now of course all this requires that you know the word are you reading regularly are you taking time to learn
What it means or are you just taking in what someone tells you and going on your Merry way believing what may or may not be true about God’s word God’s word is true so knowing it and pondering it regularly will help you focus your mind
On what is true then it comes down to what you speak publicly and privately Zechariah 8:16 says these are the things which you should do speak the truth to one another judge with truth and judgment for peace in your Gates what do you believe about righteousness and
Holiness and God is not a private thing never has been so speak the truth to other people this is the truth you should be thinking on Psalm 15 talks about those who dwell in God’s house in verse two it says He Who Walks With Integrity practices righteousness and
Speaks the truth in his heart that means in the innermost being in your thoughts speak the truth about yourself and others train your mind on what to think like it says in Philippians 4:8 this is the truth you should be thinking on and you know what else speaking you know
What else speaking the truth helps us become Christlike Ephesians 4:15 says speaking the truth in love we are to grow up in all aspects into him who is the head even Christ so clearly putting off the old man starts with the truth knowing it and speaking it publicly and
Privately about yourself and others so what does this mean for you and me as Christians well the first thing that has to be decided is are you in Christ have you surrendered to his lordship over your life are you born again by faith through the blood of Jesus and the
Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and the second thing is are you denying your selfish sinful desires are you choosing to put off the old man if you’re choosing to put off the old man you’re being perfected in Holiness and remember it’s a process it’s not a
Immediate the struggle is real and it doesn’t go away after 36 years as a Christian I can absolutely attest to that but there are things you can do to get out of the Trap of your sinful desires and thoughts daily spend time in God’s word daily get around other
Christians and encourage each other in the faith daily strive to put off the old man with those desires daily choose to think the things God says to think like the the list in Philippians 4:8 these are your ways to victory over the sin that controls you in so many ways
The sin you give into because the desire is so overwhelming so I tell you Christians put off the old man put on the new man be what you are called to be by choosing What God Says is right now for all you non-christians hopefully still listening and watching these are good practices
That will help you overcome sinful Behavior you also don’t have to give in to those desires whatever it is that overwhelms you and guides your thinking it could be sex it could be finances it could be emotions it could be physical could be greed lust deception fear shame
Guilt condemnation it it could be anything but you don’t have to give into it however that doesn’t deal with the penalty of sin there is a sin debt that must be resolved with a holy God acts of self-righteousness won’t help you those things you do trying to make yourself acceptable to
God they won’t get you anywhere in Isaiah 66 it says that God thinks our acts of self-righteousness are just filthy rags in his sight um in a more graphic interpretation that verse means whatever you do to make yourself right in God’s eyes has the value of a used tampon now
You can be offended by that but in the Hebrew that’s actually a very valid interpretation either way it means you cannot resolve this debt with God the only way to resolve that sin debt is through Christ Jesus shed his blood to cleanse you of your sin but you only get
That benefit if you humble yourself and surrender your life to him confess your sin to him repent of your sin and believe put your trust and hope in him this you must do to be saved and if you do that then you’ll be right with God the rest becomes something you want to
Do to please him and you want to please him because you want to not because you have to yeah that will probably be a topic for another video someday which also means that will be enough for now thank you for spending your time with us here today at the shre leprechaun it’s
Always appreciated let us know your thoughts in the comments uh we love game suggestions Improvement ideas gameplay tips please no spoilers pretty much anything that can help us get better and of course there’s all the things we asked for your help with in this video if you enjoy our content here please
Well you know the drill please hit the like button subscribe set yourself up for notifications we don’t want you to miss anything around here and if you’d like to support us there’s links in the description below but finally remember the leprechaun is out there and his
Mission in life is to mess things up so remember always always always remember that if you see it and you can’t quite explain it you can be positive the leprechaun did it now you have yourselves a great day a great week and we will see you here next time on the shers leprechaun Bye-bye