You won’t want to miss saltburn in theaters it’s a beautifully Wicked tale of privilege and desire and it stars a killer cast including Barry hugan Jacob Ali and Rosman Pike written and directed by Emerald finel it’s the followup to her Oscar winning film promising young woman critics and audiences are calling
It Dark Twisted hilarious and sexy don’t miss saltburn in Select theaters on November 17th everywhere Thanksgiving rated R saltburn Prince Harry his life living in the shadow of his mother’s tragic death but when he falls in love he realizes it’s up to him to stop history from repeating
Itself in our new series Prince Harry Windsor of change we’ll tell you how a prince without Direction became a Duke who found a family listen to even the rich on the wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts watch what CRA who cares what happens when there’s so [Applause] craps hello and welcome to watch our crains a podcast about all that crap on Bravo that we just love to talk about I’m Ben Mander and joining me today is the wonderful Mr Ronnie carum hi Ronnie how are you well hello how are you
Bond D I’m doing so well such a fun week we’ve already been having um yesterday we were on the Jeff Lewis show so thanks to everyone who listened um I think you can there’s I think there’s replays of that still available either on siriusxm’s app maybe or maybe it’s on
YouTube so go check that out so thanks to everyone who listen that was so fun you got to talk more about Bravo KH your stories are just so hilarious and by the way if you want to hear Ronnie’s stories from Bravo con we did a twart bonus episode that’s exclusively on patreon so
Go to watch crains and you’ll get to hear all of Ronnie’s experiences wandering about Las Vegas running into Bravo Liberties running into listeners running into Jeff Lewis on the side of the road so um go check that out’s experience is covering it from home my experien
Is half episode yeah because you know I didn’t really do I didn’t go into a lot of the things that you’re supposed to do there I just talk to every the whole time of course so that’s just me when I go to a party I stay outside and talk to
Everybody too I thought that would have to stop when I stop smoking because you know you have to be inside more nope might just walk around talking to everybody still um and then Ben actually watched a Content that was being shot at bravon so so I reported on some of the
Gossip I talked about some of the gossip that came out of out of bravon but anyway those are like two really fun bonus episodes we’re not going to do a bonus episode next week because we did two this week to talk about bravon because it was such a big deal um also
We’re doing something really fun today you may have heard of the podcast even the rich because we’ve actually a you may have heard of it because it’s a big podcast but B um we’ve done ads uh right here on our own show for even the rich
Um and we are going on even the Rich today they’re actually having like a live stream um so go check that out if you listen to this in time go check out the live stream but it’ll still be up even if you don’t listen to this in time
So we’re going to be on there talking vanderp rules and stuff like that so that’s going to be really fun we can’t wait to meet some uh other fellow podcasters um and it’s so exciting having you in town Ronnie back here in La this week it’s always so thrilling
We’re in the same space so exciting to be here I know we’re going to carpool later that’s going to be fun so um that’s all the good stuff uh but today we have to talk some Salt Lake City because it was a supered epe no no today
Get to talk today I’m sorry get to talk today we get to talk of Salt Lake City what a show darling the fireworks the love the hatred the villainy the jewelry the jewelry the the the lunatic soda offerings the horrific abuse of Dr Pepper Dr Pepper finally playing The
Prominent role of a crackhead that it deserves because anybody who loves Dr Pepper knows that that’s crack in a cup okay no no other soda does anything to me I can drink five Diet Cokes and not feel a thing you have one Dr Pepper and suddenly I’m like how dare you my mother
Is abusive I was like let me tell you something that Dr Pepper was Monica and little Bobby was Linda just going in hard on that do just just just just going at it full strength Bobby’s Bobby’s always been a cutie pie on this show but wow today she really
Came out as one of my all-time favorites I this was just a great episode of little soda holic Bobby you know like we saw her she’s like a little mini Kim Richards and it just it just grabbed my heart and I and I’ve heard over the past
Few years about the soda culture in Utah like that’s it’s such a big thing soda culture yeah and this is my first time witnessing it you know and I’ve SE actually no I’ve seen the Tik toks like there was some girl on Tik Tok who was
Like this is how I get my soda and because she’s in Utah and then she’s like she gets her Diet Coke and then she puts this in it and then that in it and then that in it and then she adds this and then that and that and I was like oh
My God but now like seeing it here on the show I feel like that was like the element that I was missing from Utah on the show was soda culture and now I feel like it’s really there and Lisa Barlo die Coke thing doesn’t count because
That’s I would argue that might even be more Gay Culture than soda culture but this was soda culture Deed by very heavy soda culture show um we learned something you know this this year we’re learning about missions and soda addictions I know I love how like literally every other podcast that’s
Going to cover the Salt Lake City episode is gonna be like wow that fight with Monica and Lisa Barlo that was insane we’re like the soda it was all about the soda sodine really is the different I mean Bobby was shitfaced Bobby was like Nancy from Sid Nancy like
There was a point where I was worried about Bobby you know like when is she going to check in I mean there’s ways that apparently you can combine the soda that really crack you out um it was just a really fascinating episode yeah she was definitely seeing babies on the
Ceiling by the end of the and by babies I mean probably just her dad because her dad kind of looks like a big baby right so um let’s get into it by the way her dad is 7 feet tall did you know that Justin’s really tall I did not I did not
I was shocked when I saw him he’s oh you saw him in Vegas yeah he’s extremely tall very tall person U very tall man with a derpy dog face plopped on um in a handsome way okay so let’s uh do this we get like a nice
Song it was like a White Lotus White Lotus Salt Lake City music right well it didn’t have the it was the White Lotus but not on the wagon cuz I feel like this was this woo and White Lotus is like so wasn’t season one like White Lotus season one before they brought in
The gar B but it was like actually the White Lotus theme song sounds very much like Whitney arguing like this is how Whitney argues but Meredith you said this before Meredith you said this before you know like she she does have that key change that the White Lotus music does if you think
About it that is Whitney is my the did I have too much soda is my theory or does my theory even hold water you’re cracked out you’re cracked out from mixing your big red with your Dr Pepper but I feel like uh Whitney’s internal monologue because you know my
Internal monologue is oh my god do they hate me what did I do I probably said something stupid what did I say oh my God am I fat what did I eat today oh God I hope I fit into those pants that’s how my in internal monologue sounds this is
How Whitney’s internal monologue sounds [Laughter] especially the part where it goes you know the wit Lotus the wit Lotus it was right there it was right there the Wht Lotus okay sometimes that be a video just got away for it account I mean cuz also Whitney and Justin are
White Lotus characters let’s be honest they just haven’t gone to their Resort yet they haven’t saved up enough money to actually get there did would they ever film The White Lotus at a day in Motel 6 Lotus days in days Lotus holiday roadway roadway Lotus just
All right we’re be here all day great so five hours later we’ll just have to hold on let me say hi even the rich sorry we’re going to be late we’ve been um we’ve been having some U meditations on whether Whitney’s voice sounds like season one or season two of the white
Little theme song Thank you so we see Monica walking up to a place called pink Sweets Cafe which I already hate I already hate this Cafe and why it I generally don’t like pink Foods especially pink candies or pink sweets oh okay just because usually you
Know I have my whole Berry thing I don’t like a lot of fruity flavor so something pink is almost always going to be like that it’s be like bubble gummy or it’s going to be like strawberry or raspberry or something like it’s just going to be terrible for me it’s going to be
Terrible pink is like well yeah it’s bad bad news for me I just want to say what’s hilarious news for the both of us in typical watch what crap in fashion the minute we start recording there’s a leaf blower outside do you hear it I’m
Not even at my own house and the leaf blower still shows up to [ __ ] us every time the leaf blower like That it sticks it it sticks the end of the Lea blower into the fountain it’s Like wheny just start singing so we go to the Sweets Cafe and Monica is there and Angie comes in and yet another pair of stupid glasses how does she have so many stupid glasses glad I’ve never seen someone with this many pairs of stupid glasses well I’m glad you asked that because
This is the episode where she reaches the end of her line of stupid glasses cuz then she goes back she goes back later in the episode to her oversized pink um safety glasses that she was wearing in Palm Springs she she reuses them and I was like aha you ran out you
Ran out of sungasses he cycled back gotcha but yeah she has more crazy sunglasses and um Angie of course Angie loves this she goes oh my God I love pink this is right up my alley I’m like pink have you seen your house it is stark white what are you talking about
You love pink oh but that’s her highlights in her house it has dark white but then she’ll have like pink oh yeah you’re right and the dog yeah pink feather boa plates or whatever so she’s like yeah perfect place for a little girl this time I will have a strawberry
Smoothie and a piece of strawberry Greek cake and I’m Greek so do you have any Bak laa so yeah Monica’s like there’s like a wall of like pink roses and Mon’s like oh my God girl you could do like a wall like this in your house it could be
Like a Content wall content wall content as if you were content I brought a gift for your children it’s sort of for you too it’s a sweet book about loving yourself and asking for help when you need it it’s a good message for you and your kids I
Felt terrible about the way you felt sad and the way you left things with your mom just so that’s sad and Monica’s like well I appreciate that and I appreciate it because it’s a horse and that reminds me of Electra that little [ __ ] I don’t have
Anything if that was my horse my mother would have reap as that horse he would have had that horse repossessed oh I hate that it went so badly and me too especially for Jesus so Monica’s like well for me telling you like what was being said and like like
That was like that was my way I’m like being a friend girl yeah you were being such a good friend Monica that was so great at that party where you said on C you told everybody on camera that her husband [ __ ] lots of other dudes and
His boyfriends wow hugs hugs k k k well I understand that Meredith was the one dropping threats but Lisa is telling me you’re doubling down by saying people are saying he’s like good in bed and like yeah he’s good in bed you don’t live in a bed the size of a state and
Not be good and bad you have to have some sort of skill to even get in out of that thing am I right ha ha ha ha he is good in my bed but not in somebody else’s bed Greek so Monica’s like looking away and she’s like okay
And she goes why would you do that and Monica’s like um I didn’t do that I said something about boyfriends but I never said anything about his performance and then it cuts too the rumor is that Sean [ __ ] men and he has boyfriends running around the city bragging about their sex
Okay well I mean lies and I like that the editors are so good at just throwing they’re just throwing Monica under every chance they get which I think is really funny too so Monica’s like I feel like like whatever Lisa says to you is like Doctrine girl and like you believe her
Over like everyone and like I’m not going to attack your relationship with her but it is very damaging when like she’s telling you things that like were sad and like we’re not sad and like my was like never to cause har girl and that is it I’m done I am done with this
I just wanted you to know why I still had some feelings and Monica’s like yeah and I’ll be more aware of that moving forward so they just decide to get over it right so then Andre’s like okay look you know look at us we just sat down we
Had this talk we got some pink stuff we didn’t raise our voices we’re amazing people good for us that’s all I wanted on Greek Easter and Monica’s like um that was the most family thing my children have done in years honestly and like walking in to see everything that
You did with the kids table that was great and then to see Sean’s table with like handcuffs and ball gags and gay guys I mean that was so cute too yeah they like don’t get to be around like other kids in like family gathering settings and like those are
Like cor memories that they like don’t get have girl and she says Michael my ex was the one was like was the one with a mom and a dad and like the brothers and the sisters and like they had like a big family home and like I didn’t have that
And then like when the affair happened like obviously that changed everything girl Sniff and and she’s like I had no idea about I had no idea about that about you and she’s like yeah and my mom didn’t even have the thought oh I should protect my daughter and she’s like yeah
My mom never came over for the holidays but after the affair by the way did I mention my brothers and sisters were all hot okay so after that Affair uh my mom started coming over for every holiday and I’m at least grateful for that but
Most of the time it would end in a fight like pay for your Range Rover Angie it’s under my credit and then she would leave and I’m like why did I invite her you know I have to say U well this is very sad for Monica’s children CU it is sad
That they are not really getting to have these like family experiences um but it’s sort of funny the way she frames it because she’s sort of really gloss ing over her affair with her brother-in-law in a way like it sounds like oh there was a fire and like
A house burned down and so then after that there was no family it’s like you participated in something that like ultimately caused like a family you’re talking about this you’re wanting a family component for your kids and you had an affair that kind of destroyed
That and so like she sort of gloss over that your fault but listen I’m still I’m I’m traumatized every day by things I did to myself self you know it’s just like bad decisions they follow you forever well of course she’s not going to dwell on it because you know she was
Totally liable in this behavior that like probably caused like severed a lot of things for her in her children’s lives but it’s funny that she’s like yeah we don’t have we don’t have like family things and then my mom would come over be awful and then my mom would by
The way I’m not defending Linda because we saw last week Linda is terrible but she’s like yeah like we can’t have family things CU Linda comes over and ruins it I’m like yeah but you also you had an affair yeah you know well Linda you know and
Who knows what you can believe from [ __ ] Linda cuz she seems to be she’s the original Looney Tune from which this apple Looney Tune fell yeah she’s a she’s a Looney Tune tree from this apple you know what I’m trying to say Looney Tune Alpha yeah she’s the head of this
Looney Tune triangle so um I’m really trying to make Looney Tune trees work in my head I’m really sorry I can’t let it go look hold on give me a second I’m just imag the opening of Looney Tunes but instead of like Bugs Bunny like or the ending saying That’s all
Folks is Linda saying [ __ ] did you call me a did you call me a [ __ ] I called you a [ __ ] um okay so Linda who knows if we can believe a thing that Linda says but Linda tweeted that the car was repossessed because it was under her
Credit yes but Monica was supposed to be paying the car payments and she didn’t pay the car payments so supposedly that’s what happened with the car so who knows but anyway Angie is like um yeah I had no idea about this and uh Monica talks about how you know the mom was
Really never involved but then she kind of stepped in to come over for all the holidays when the family broke apart and I was like okay so there’s a good thing that Linda did and Angie says well I think it’s normal that we love our Greek families even when they’re at their
Non-greek best you know moments but one thing I will tell you you because I want to be able to build trust with you um and she talks about her own mom and how she was an alcoholic and she went through a lot of struggles and self-medicated and um she cries and it’s
A really nice scene actually it actually is a it’s a surprisingly nice in you Angie said talked about how her mom died when she was eight which we learned about a previous episode and that you know she just didn’t you know she was sad that her mom wasn’t there for her to
Watch her grow up to be a young woman and a mother wife all that stuff so sad and I think something else that you know we’re we’re we’re praising this show a lot lately but I think one other thing this show does really really well is the musical they’re just not subtle with
Their musical interludes they’re like this is a soap opera period and nobody’s going to [ __ ] argue with me about it cuz she’s like and my mom was an alcoholic and the music’s like honey it’s like violins like really strong Tel Noll violins not almost to the point of
Being funny you know but it’s this really sto sad story going on I just love the music department and I know it’s Queen working it too and I’d just like to say thank you Queen thank you your work is acknowledged this it is 100% acknowledged it is great great work
And honestly the theme song for the show is just so good when it starts off and it’s like no no it’s so good like I get a thrill every time the they have their credits I an instrumental it’s time for a commercial for a today hip-hop dominates
Pop culture but it wasn’t always like that and to tell the story of how that changed I want to take you back to a very special year in rap 88 it was too much good music the world was on fire yeah I’m Will Smith this is class of 888 my new podcast
About the moments albums and artists that inspired a Sonic Revolution and secured 1988 as one of hip-hop’s most important years we’ll talk to the people who were there and most of all we’ll bring you some amazing Stories you know what my biggest memory from that tour is
It was your birthday yes and you brought me to sh day lifesize hardboard cutout this is class of 88 the story of a year that changed hip-hop listen to class of 88 wherever you get your podcast you can binge the entire Series right now on the Amazon music app or audible
Commercial so um then I love that but by the way also it’s such the perfect visual for this show like here’s where the show is also so good we go from this very emotional and nice scene albeit in front of a Content wall at a pink Bakery
But it’s a nice scene and we go from these two women sharing the trauma that they have in their family and their issues with their mothers and the difficulties that they have with their mothers we cut to Whitney laying out a brown tarp on her lawn I was like that
Is the show we’re gonna now go to some tarp content yep time time to go to Whitney tarp content um but there was one line in that scene as it was ending that I really liked um and I just think we should repeat it just so everyone can
Hear it Angie said listen Monica you don’t need to recreate what you hated I think that’s such a beautiful a beautiful thing to tell somebody because it’s true you know right um and it’s it’s also exciting because later in the um later in the episode I feel like
Monica does that so she does do like that’s I think that was there for re and I think that’s totally normal to do it I think that’s the normal trap that we all fall into you become what you learn you know you you’re we’re all twins of what
We came from it’s [ __ ] crazy we’re all patterns of other people it was like really hard to realize a lot of my own things you know I didn’t have to blame on myself because they were patterns copied from someone now that doesn’t take away any responsibility but a lot
Of times you don’t even know what you’re doing or why you don’t like something or why you do like something or why you eat too much or why you’re craving alcohol all the time or why you have like so much negativity or so much Rage or whatever and then you kind of realize
You’re just a pattern of the people that made you you know and they’re just a pattern of the people that made them it’s a sick [ __ ] cycle you guys so aie thank you for saying that out loud because we need to hear it over and over
I think that’s going to be the main lesson for the show well I guess that means I’m gonna start watching a lot more Judy Woodruff I’m gonna start getting really wasted at restaurants and cradling my my uh cradling my temple between my uh thumb and my index finger and saying you
Know what you need you know what you need tell you what you need this makes sense why suddenly I’m playing my TV really loud while watching the PBS newsour we are our parents um I’m like I’m flipping the Dillard’s tags inside of my clothes before I go to Dinner oh I was gonna say I guess this means I’ll be singing along to Rea Franklin Tina Turner soon but I’ve been doing that since I was a child that that pattern started when I was five yeah also created by I have a memory because
Of my mom I have a memory of going to Kors which no longer exists but going to Kors and uh my mom buying the Private Dancer uh record and uh me stina Turner on that and being like look at that lady with that wig wow I was like so amused
By her hair and uh the rest is history that’s what I think that was a formative building block to getting me into becoming like a gay podcaster is going to cers and getting Private Dancer album but that’s how always whipping it out at the end of Recaps Dut American Express will do nicely thank you let me loosen up your tell me you want to see me do the shimy again I’m Greek do what you want me to I’m your I’m your priv Greek Lady a Greek Lady for pleasure all right so Whitney we need to
Get to the Whitney tarp content because I feel like we said Whitney tarp content and then we went off of it and people are like oh my God what is happening with Whitney at the top people are like yes they’re going to talk about the tarp the tarp content actually never
Becomes totally clear it’s not really I’m not I’m never sure why she’s do we see why she puts out a tarp she just puts out a tarp is this like her hobby no she puts out a tarp because Lisa is coming over they are painting TI torches
That’s right to go along with Bobby’s party which is like Hawaiian Hawaiian beach theme party and so for some reason that means painting tiki torches so yeah they have a they um yeah this is spoiler alert they decide to have like a sunset in Hawaii party um uh sort of a Lua
Which they decide to do indoors at a roller rink in a place that looks nothing like Hawaii so I know it’s like a roller rink’s just big in Hawaii what’s happening is the roller rink represent like the big island or rolling around it like what’s going on here yeah it was never really
Explained um basically it’s just a big excuse for everyone to get shitfaced on Dr Pepper and wear Hawaiian it’s a drug party and to prop up some unlit tiki torches in the corner so um yeah Lisa comes around comes over hey are you ready to do that
And she has all these tiki torches and he’s like this week might actually be the week that tips me over the edge I have two large events back to back Bobby’s 13th birthday and my prison wait prism event introducing my jewelry line to prisoners no prism I have to remember
It’s prism not prison I wish it was a jewelry line for prisoners that would be much better like bracelets formed out out of like toothpicks well what are you allowed to have in prison probably not a toothpick right maybe soap bars here is your soap bar earring enjoy don’t wear in the
Shower uh so um let’s see so yeah she’s stressing because she’s having two parties right in a row by the way by the way I just want to say this is [ __ ] stress because I was under the impression that she was having like the parties were back to back on the same
Day like Bobby’s rink in the in the afternoon and then prism event in the evening I was like that is stressful but there were two separate days and I think that does not count in the same way so I’m gonna I say that this P this this stress is embellished embellished and I
Think they’re two weekends apart wasn’t that the thing that Justin couldn’t be there one weekend but he could be there the next something like that I think they were two days apart but um but the point is she’s like they were like she had to run from one to the other I’m
Like you have a full night and the other one is just putting out jewelry on little cases yeah just how dare you sorry so um Whitney’s like okay thank God for for skin care Botox and a good friend cuz what’s a party what what’s what’s what’s a party without them I I
Look bad as I feel can I do that again so is Bobby ready for her party now that she’s 13 she has to drink all the things in her soda and when he goes yeah my mom’s coming amazing how did you get your mom to come did you leave a trail
Of Diet Dr Peppers um so I’m I’m lost to be honest with you I’m looking through my notes I don’t get it have we talked about she’s going to get a golf cart no um but she basically right now she’s saying how uh Whitney’s mom was not going to come but
Then Bobby called up and was like look I can make Grandma come to anything I want and so she basically yeah here’s my issue with the Jolene story first of all her name is Jolene and Jolene stole Dolly Parton’s man there’s a very famous song about it so kind of whenever you
Meet someone named Jolene you’re like [ __ ] Jolene and that song is called Private Dancer oh wait wrong song Jolene Jolene Jolene Jolene I’m Greek I’m Greek I’m Greek I’m Greek Andie sings the hits Please unless your Greek don’t [ __ ] my manaa so yeah Jolene kind of sucks for
That but now I know there are people named Jolene so I’m sorry you know I’m sorry but you you you’re you’re already [ __ ] shamed you know what I mean just because of your name so blame your parents what parents are like you know what let’s name our kid after that lady
Who slept with Dolly Parton’s man and sing about it and [ __ ] shame the name Jolie for Jolene forever let’s get let’s name our kid that that’s better names guys there’s even books of names that you can pick with better names than that anyway Jolene Jolene I didn’t care about
Jolene because they made this big drama like oh my God Jolene wouldn’t come and then we had to get Jolene to come and then we finally got Bobby to guilt Jolene need to come in and Jolene came and I was like are there no tears from Jolene is there no drunken scene from
Jolene is Jolene going to take off her top and sit in the middle of the roller rink no she’s just going to sit there why did you waste my time with Jolene yeah we didn’t get any Jolene content really she just shows up so uh but then
They start talking about the golf cart Whitney says that they’re getting Bobby a golf cart for her birthday which is to me a strange gift I mean I’m assuming that they live in some sort of like housing community where people take golf carts around and like they go to The
Community House or something in the golf cart so maybe that’s why it’s exciting but like generally speaking I find that to be an odd gift and I also don’t I don’t know I don’t know what the what the deal is with golf carts and 13-y olds are 13-y olds like wise enough to
Drive golf carts I don’t know I don’t know the answer to this but what I do know is that golf carts go faster than than you would think I remember the first time I drove one I was like I was terrified I was like this is fast I
Thought this was going to be just like a nice gentle stroll like rolling stroll down the road and it was like it was intense so I don’t know if especially after Bobby’s Dr Pepper issues later in the episode I’m not sure if this is a to
Get for her yeah I’m not sure that it’s safe either but I know that we we begin as kind of helpless babies and then we become adults and then we turn into helpless babies again when we age you know as we age and go back to the sand
And I feel like um when you’re aging and going back to the sand the natural car is the golf cart so it makes sense that on the other Rise up that you would get the golf cart too like just Evolution wise that m not Evolution wise but age
Rule wise that makes sense to me does that make any sense to you how it just it does and I you know what though and by the way by the way so here’s something that I am recreating from my mother is like a sense of rules and I I
I did a search I said uh my search was when can you legally drive a golf cart and in California at least 16 and over I’m going to say in Utah let’s see what this is probably Utah in Utah Legal age of driver 16 how about that of a golf
Cart let’s see let me double check that it has to specify golf cart because it’s not just regular driving you don’t have to have a license to drive golf cart oh you know what that was so hold on how old do you have to be to drive a golf
Cart okay hold on yeah hold on golf this is this is from the website called golf cart garage your private Utah legal age is 18 it’s even worse of course it’s worse than Utah so this is they got Bobby an illegal gift I want everyone to know this is illegal this is
Illegal my mother is channeling through me this is illegal this is not right you cannot do this for shame Bobby should not be in that cart she should not be terrorizing anyone how dare you well Whitney’s like you know this golf cart is a huge debate between Justin and I
Cuz a 13-year-old flying around on a golf cart with no seat belt no doors no wings no spanic cop I’d like to add there’s no ear this is terrible there’s no inflight service no entertainment no Wi-fi there’s no Rocket Fuel how’s it gonna go so um when he’s
Like yeah and then the first time she picks up a boy we’re done but on the flip side she can help me get Brooks to school she can help me run errands and she can be my personal Uber no no she can’t what are you thinking have a
13-year-old driving now listen does that mean that I never did that for my parents of course you know maybe when they were a little tipsy after nights at the Country Club and I was 13 14 I would be driving their home their car home from the country sure maybe a couple of
Times but that was the 80s that was very different you can’t do that now yeah and by the way by the way that’s true isn’t that horrifying by the way and also go [ __ ] yourself driving a golf cart on my street okay I’m trying to get somewhere
And I guarantee it’s going to be more important to wherever your golf cart’s going so if I’m stuck behind your 15 miles per hour golf cart because you want your daughter to go pick up some Dan and yogurt at the supermarket then I’m going to be mad cuz I have places to
Be cuz I’m probably running always horrified I’m always horrified to see a golf golf cart coming down my road cuz I live by the lake so I have there are a lot of golf carts cuz people take the golf cart to the lake or whatever and um
You know whenever you see a golf cart coming that that’s a drunk ass neighbor yep and they are going to talk to you there’s no getting away from it cuz they don’t have doors and they just can’t help themselves so be like hey how you doing which one are you in you down
There riding that one guess what we did today guess what we did did you go to the lake you smell like it you’re wet and you’re in a golf cart and you’re drunk keep going keep driving your [ __ ] golf cart get out I have one word to say
About the whole golf cart situation on streets Austin not your Austin as an Austin Austin that’s the southern charm thing yeah Southern Charm RS Austin it’s ironic that we’re talking about your Austin but I’m talking about Austin that is what’s happening here that’s what you’re raising Bobby to be like by
Having her starting her on a golf cart so early on public streets yeah congratulations congratulations okay so um terrible gifts golf cart golf cart say no yeah down with golf carts so uh Whitney has invited um everyone to Bobby’s birthday party except for Mary I just read something about Mary’s son
This morning wait did you see this no what is it hold on let me pull it up let me pull it up let me pull it up I I I was driving back I was driving back in my car not my golf cart I was driving
Back and I saw this headline and then I I forgot okay apparently Robert Cosby JR this is from Media Takeout they have pictures though on his Instagram he is uh the headline is doing drugs and flashing guns on social media this is this is this is him he’s
Doing like cougher like he’s got pills I’m seeing the pictures right here what are the drugs well it looks there’s pills of some sort I mean I I haven’t looked at there but he has cough syrup he’s like showing it’s like you know he’s got cough syrup prescription
Coating syrup and pills I don’t see pictures of the guns but um someone needs to oh he has like things he has weed you know but like it’s it’s like that like um it’s very the pictures are very Euphoria you know it’s like was cough syrup a big deal on euphoria that
No meaning like young like gen Z kids being like drugs you know like they’re excited like like he has pictures of like five pills on his tongue and he’s like with a girl who has like four pills on her tongue a what a cute couple well they didn’t have um wedding pictures
Taken so maybe these will suffice yeah I don’t see the gun pict there so Mary’s not in this episode that’s for sure so she’s like yeah you know I don’t want to put her out also I don’t want to open her up to saying mean things around my
Kids like you know the last time Mary was around my kids it wasn’t the best visit we see that clip of Mary being like well one of the members to my church their daughter had a crash and she was ejected from the sun roof and she fell down into a neighborhood and
Bobby’s like is she still alive no Mary laughs oh no um that story is so sad just the way it was presented was so merry I know when he’s like I think my kids are still scared so she says I tried so many times to men that relationship and I don’t think that
She likes me well you know what this is all about Bob so whoever makes Bobby feel good have him here by the way who is Bobby is that your neighbor who is this person and she’s like uh you know what I uh what else what else is going on let’s
Talk about Monica let’s talk [ __ ] about Monica um she’s like yeah I talked to Monica and she’s in a very abusive situation with her mom and then we see the clip of her mom being like I’m so broken right now and Monica being like you see my mom and how she treated me
Like if she haded something in me right now and I swear to you my mom finds different ways to hurt me every single day girl I am so Sor and we come back yeah and so and Lisa’s like wow I love when things are like conveniently a b
And when’s like what do you mean I mean you can be abused but you can also be abusive and if your mom is so horrible then [ __ ] make changes and like I don’t think she’s sincere in anything so it seems like a convenient time to have
This huge issue with her mother at this point I don’t even value anything she says I was like whoa Lisa Barlo coming in hot and by the way I know Lisa Barlo is not saying that this is a convenient time for anything to happen considering all the convenient times for other
Things to happen like I don’t know hot mic moment you know like this is a show built on quote unquote convenient moments so when he’s like Lisa if you haven’t been in an abusive relationship you don’t understand how hard it is to one recognize how to even have one that
There’s amuse abuse and manipulation and that is toxic and two tarp tarp tarp listen just stop numbering things if you don’t have a two Whitney yeah but I did have something hold on let me think of it and two take it is no by way stop wasting my
Time tarp definitely sounds like someone who would be a cast member on Southern Charm like oh here’s my friend tarp So Lisa he’s from the wrong side of town but he’s very tall So Lisa has decided you know what [ __ ] all this [ __ ] all this Enlightenment that we have about victim
Blaming she you know what you bring this on yourself the way she treated her mother with was horrible and this destructive conversation that she’s having about Sean and Angie’s marage it has nothing to do with her mother it has everything to do with who Monica is and
To me that feels like an excuse and it feels awfully convenient that she’s like it’s because of what I’m dealing with my my mother and it’s because of how horrible her mother is and then it’s like oh feel bad for me and like I don’t feel bad for her oh my God
Lisa so Whitney says I have to believe Monica and Lisa tells us the bottom liners your tribal is not an excuse to treat us all like sh and it’s definitely not an excuse to spread a rumor about a fun to me she’s manipulative and by way Monica Monica never Monica never
Said that she did this because her mom was abusive to her she like that was never a thing right but Lisa is saying that because all of this came out after Monica was getting in trouble here comes one right now so Monica did this thing where she
Outed Angie and then when they started confronting her it became all about like my mom and the mom storyline and stuff and so she’s like oh so now she’s going to get away with all this [ __ ] she did because of her mom’s storyline like that doesn’t that’s not fa no this is it’s
All mixed up though because Monica first of all I don’t even believe that Lisa has a very strong case against Monica on the situation you know like maybe Monica could have been more delicate in that scene but honestly it’s a reality show and she said this is just what people
Are saying and she it was not coming from a place of like let me spread gossip she was just like this is what people are saying and it was something that Whitney had started anyway but also Lisa is like I got to disagree with you on that I think she was really excited
To get that ball rolling Whitney’s like yes oh my God they were sitting over there colluding together cuz Whitney wouldn’t say anything on camera and then they’re like let’s go talk to her it’s like okay let’s do it girl but Lisa husband’s [ __ ] every guy in town or
Whatever it was but Lisa either way Lisa Lisa’s story keeps changing about what she’s mad at because Lisa’s saying how she thinks that Monica was horrible to her mother at Eastern that was just totally reprehensible but then she’s saying no but Monica was spreading rumors at the at the party so that was
What was bad so at Le but Lisa is ultimately just mad at Monica because Monica was a shitty friend to Lisa at Palm Springs like mon was going after Lisa and Lisa’s just mad ultimately I believe Lisa is just salty about that and so now anything that Monica does she
Gets angry at Monica about and so this she’s just basically I don’t know I think that Lisa’s Lisa coming for Monica and Linda’s relationship though I don’t think that like Lisa should do that CA she’s not privy to it in the same way like I mean we’ve seen like even just a
Snippet that we’ve seen it’s just like it’s obviously a lot of dysfunction over there right but she hasn’t seen that snippet so if all you see is the first of all yes I agree Lisa is coming really hard here and just being like she’s lying about abuse which is not a good
Look period yeah like so nothing I’m going to say is going to excuse that right but if you were only at that party I mean when I watched that party scene I was like team because Monica’s acting like a [ __ ] crazy person and all Linda’s doing is trying to calm her down
And not to embarrass the children in front of all those people now of course then once we saw the Linda scene and I’m like oh okay well now you’re really seeing and then we hear what the mom did to Monica when they was it gives you a
Whole new when she was a child is what I was going to say it gives you a whole new perspective on the dynamic um so I’m definitely not just automatically team Linda anymore and I definitely believe the childhood abuse and all that stuff cuz Linda didn’t even deny it really
Right um but I’m not willing to give a full p everything Monica does because I think that she is like a complete replica of her mother in a lot of ways as we see as the show starts to unfold but yeah Lisa was was wrong in this it
Just was like Lisa was going hard in the paint over this about something she doesn’t really know and and for reasons that don’t totally make sense to me like not not that they don’t make sense but like she is kind of she’s Prosecuting a crime that I don’t feel like is like
Like it’s she’s going hard in the pain over something that I don’t think is really that essential to her life about how Monica treats her mom so well she’s just very triggered in general by Monica cuz Monica keeps coming after her calling her narcissistic and all this
Stuff so Lisa’s just already like ready to how dare you exactly her jaw is liter you know how Lisa just opens her mouth so wide her and Meredith both do it but they get they can get like two fists in their mouth both of them and I feel like
She’s when she starts really getting triggered her mouth literally becomes unhinged like a snake and she just you could just tell when she’s furing cuz she’s like yeah I don’t believe her and Lisa is furious this episode so then we go over to Heather at a restaurant where
Meredith shows up MTH is like wow it’s been a busy day right and Heather’s like yeah I was just tracking a shipment because Georgia’s shoes for prom haven’t been delivered yet prom oh my God have you ever seen a little baby toddler slow dance to the
Rose by B Midler talk about a beautiful PR moment um so Heather’s like so speaking of kids what about Jack’s Mission let’s talk about that like oh that’s so wild you know I didn’t even realize that missions were seven days a week 24 hours and day 365 days a year 4 years
A i for I’m running out of things honestly there’re very long they’re very involved I don’t know it’s like raising a toddler you’re always on the call hold on I’m getting a pH call from Brookie right now hold on oh yeah congratulations brookley he just put the
Square in the Square slot for the first time yeah it’s hardcore I mean poor Jack has to go out there and preach Mormonism by the book and I don’t think that’s what he’s been raised in cuz according to Lisa he’s been raised East Coast Mormon and I just don’t think that
Translates like oh wait there’s an East Coast Mormon and a West Coast [ __ ] do you straight fight do you come at each other snapping at each other and see you can do the best fight Bells is there a be Smalls Mormonism and a Tupac Mormonism I don’t understand are there finger signs that
Can get AC cross in your brain this kind of Mormonism what is it no she just you know she says things like she has a cool bishop and she can wear strapless dresses and sell tequila I’ve just never heard of that kind of Mormonism before wait you going wear strapless
Dresses to church who would join that church I’m going to Blazer only charge thank you how could you not not wear a blazer to any sort of house of worship so then we see Lisa and Heather two weeks earlier talking about this at that party and Lisa is like you know
What like the difference is that I don’t think it’s cheuck the box to go to church like Heather Heather I would I would we this to go to church she’s wearing a Sleepless like beautiful ball gown type evening gown type thing and hea’s like oh stop you would not just
Yeah that’s John John John John John would I wear this to church with glass with sunglasses 100% I would John right right John do you want me to say yes to say to back you up or no to yes refute [ __ ] shaming Shad says yes so then Heather’s
Like sheather’s like please take me to this church that you’re practicing fa and as a Fai because I want to know what this faith is I’ve never even heard of it and Heather says I mean you always cover your CH your shoulders or you’re not worthy of entering the chapel I mean
At least say Brandon Mormonism doesn’t exist it’s like someone has taken a bag and glue gun to interlocking season called it Chanel I’m like oh so you’ve been watching real housewi in New Jersey also yeah I was like there is a church uh that does that and it’s called The
Church of Bravo it’s called The Brownstone okay their Jesus is a Gorga it’s called braon um so Meredith’s like wow I guess religion is how we all Define it really I mean some of us have a religion where we can I don’t know how to say this but I’m
Not going to diss anybody’s religion if she calls wants to call herself a Mormon let her call herself a Mormon what are you going to do about I’m in a good mood mer moment and we’re not talking about the rumas and the nastiness so I’m happy with whatever sort of Mormonism non
Mormonism she has and Heather’s like well it’s just that really just pushes my buttons because gosh I mean she can be whatever kind of Mormon she wants but I’m invalidated and excluded and I’m just no longer welcome in the community okay well to be fair she’s cheerleading for
The church and you’re flipping the church off and telling everybody like it’s a traumatic cult so Heather is such a teenager she’s such that’s the teenager thing it’s like you Rebel and then you get like upset when people get mad at you like but why my mom doesn’t
Even like me anymore now it’s like um because you’re like you’re sticking your thumb up at like at an institution and then and I’m not talk about Karen huger’s marriage and then you’re like upset that institution’s like hey not cool man we don’t want to hang
Out with you yeah and I think it’s funny that kind of at the end of the day she’s jealous of the people who still get to be Mormon but not follow the rules yeah she’s like I’m rebelling against this but the parties were really good I still
Want to be invited to those well she Mor game nights are still pretty good and I’ve been excluded from those yeah I feel like probably Heather feels like she did like one thing which is that she got a divorce and then she was like kicked out of the whole thing but
Whereas Lisa can do all these other things and not be kicked out so now she’s like well I was kicked out and that’s [ __ ] so now she’s like Angry well now that I’ve been kicked out I’m angry but ultimately she just wanted to got a divorce and stay a Mormon that’s
Sort of what it sounds like so Heather is also wearing this button- down Pilgrim shirt with a B bolo and a pearl necklace over the collar which is interesting cuz she’s kind of dressing like what she’s rebelling against you know yeah it’s like if I just went out dressed as taxes
She yeah um she uh she like she had a she was wearing a tie at bravon and now she has this she does have this very sort of conservative 1982 kind of top on and uh she’s she’s she’s decrying the conservative practices of the of Mormonism while at the same time
Dressing like she is uh running some sort of I don’t know Church gathering in the early 80s well listen I think you know I don’t think you should be bound by passions you know you should still take what you want from everything I think this is Meredith’s Point like you
Don’t want to be a Mormon anymore but you still love to dress like you’re in a covered wagon in the 1800s trying to catch Brigham Young so you can ask him for a piece of gum before he gets to Oklahoma all right feel you’re allowed to do that so Heather asked Merith how
She feels about like um how she’s doing after that cross country uh afternoon that they had skiing and M well I do understand and Whitney’s concern about there being a fade at her daughter’s party and that to me is a very fair legitimate concern and I’m so I’ll bring
A gift a gift of me saying you can leave your own party that’ll be fun and you know I’ll wish her happy birthday and then I’m GNA what my my toddler says this is what they say now I’m gonna dip I’m gonna dip out once so then we go to Whitney getting
Glam with Bobby it’s Bobby’s first time in Glam and like like you can still talk even though they’re putting on your lip liner she’s like how would I know I’ve never done lip liner mom she like so cute I’m dying with Bobby so she’s like watching my baby get
Clammed it’s like last week was her first birthday I can’t believe I’m looking at a a teenager and then Bobby looks in the mirror for the first time and she’s like wow I got eyebrows and um then we see Heather uh Heather and her daughter are like rapping presents uh and both her
Daughters I guess they’re wrapping presents for Bobby and everything and then Heather calls she facetimes with Angie K to see if Electra’s gonna come to Bobby’s party because you know they they’re going to get the daughters all together and um and they’re just like talking Angie’s Angie’s wearing like a
Jean jacket which is not very Hawaiian themed and Heather asks like who’s coming and Angie says well I only talked to Lisa today and I think the kids both the kids are coming and did you oh did you hear the good news uh Jack is going
To Colombia oh my god I didn’t even know his grades were that good uh no on his mission bota oh oh B wow okay wow so he got his mission call and nobody told me about that so yeah because Lisa did a whole announcement yesterday at her little brunch Greek boom and Heather’s
Like an announcement what and then we seeun the brunch what we see the little brunch and John’s like um let’s cheers but let’s cheers with water to my son with the terrible hair May Colombia have brushes to push your hair all the Way Forward so you don’t feel comfortable I mean so you
Don’t feel uncomfortable with normal hair congratulations son and everyone is everyone ready to find out where jock is going just going to going to Mission Jack’s like B Colombia like oh that is so what a fun non-greek place for you to go to Opa congratulation ends and Heather’s like wow I can’t
Believe they had a brunch she goes it was it was small honestly it was small like Greece and Heather’s like who was there and it was Justin Whitney abor a DVD in my Pur and leisa’s family says Angie and Heather’s like um an intimate Gathering of what sounds like her best
Supporters I guess she’s like yes I suppose so oh Heather I am so sorry I just this just feels like more of the same rejection I’ve been experiencing it things more coming from Lisa I mean you’re Loosey Goosey about more ISM when it comes to excluding me
And then all of a sudden you’re a soldier of the Gospel I’m like Heather you’ve been critical of jacks you’ve actually made a teenager’s choice of how he’s gonna spend the next few years your storyline and then you’re like upset that you’re excluded from a celebratory
Meal for him I mean it doesn’t it’s not that shocking to me yeah me neither so Heather’s like um so I’ll just ignore her tonight so I don’t lose my temper could you imagine I love this show I’m going to go fight with somebody to roller skate party because I wasn’t
Invited to their son’s Mission announcement at brunch I know so now um Bobby’s friends all come over all and they all hop onto like a Magic School Bus thing and it’s like it’s like a party bus and they head over to the roller rink and the kids are just
Of course like having the best time and they get there and everyone’s showing up everyone’s putting on skates and then um and you know Lisa is rearranging tiki torches in the corner like hold on this one’s really bothering me over here and she like rotates it so that way like
Like there’s one inch more of fluorescent paint that visible to everyone to see yeah they just painted something onto the tiki torches I thought we were going to get full tiki torch painting but I think they got tired so not to Tiki t Tiki Torch art shame you but
Those aren’t great I’m just going to say there were two of you there was a tarp there was a whole day this sucks there’s either here’s what we got to find in that tarp either a dead body or some fully painted tiki torches for real okay so roller rank let’s see
Meredith Mark shows up in a bikini in she’s a bikini and a blazer yeah um the ladies start Gathering Whitney’s like have you seen Heather and andie’s like Lisa I was excited about Jack’s announcement and I told Heather how how he was going to Colombia and Lisa’s like
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh she starts doing that thing where she’s pulling the sides of her hair she’s like why did you tell her why did you tell her an why an why she like well it just came out because I was super excited for him and I think
She felt hurt that she wasn’t involved or invited but I don’t think it’s that big of a deal l i don’t ah I’m my hair I can’t stop pulling my hair somebody restrained my hands I can’t believe you decided just to gloss over the part where they’re all roller skating and
Lisa and Angie are roller skating together and Angie is like this is like Greek dancing like wow right on Q so uh I don’t even know what part she’s really saying Greek anymore because I put it after every other word so I see it in my notes and
I’m like I can skip that Greek reference that was the actual Greek reference so Lisa is like inviting hather to Jock’s mushroom Branch didn’t make S cuz she met up very clear at Greek is that she doesn’t think it’s like a good idea that Jack’s going on a mission so I’m like
Shocked that like she F she feels hurt like but like Heather and I are like in such a better place that like I don’t want this so like I don’t want this non inite to be a big do hey everyone that is the end of part
One of this recap uh keep your eyes and ears out for part two coming up on our podcast feed momentarily be sure to subscribe so that way you don’t miss an episode catch you on the next one watch what crap in would like to thank its premium sponsors ain’t no thing like
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