He [ __ ] Welcome to our wake and bake we are literally sitting here smoking there are a few people that I want to talk about in this video because Jaclyn Hill we were just singing her praises the other day we were saying when she comes back it’s going to be
Jaclyn’s Journey she’s going to focus on herself she’s going to talk about the weight loss she’s being accused of ripping off another Creator but we’re going to get to that in a minute I know you guys are shocked you guys are like Jaclyn Hill she would never I know well
The first person that I want to talk about because we actually were kind of talking about this the other day we bring it up a lot Michaela she did that giveaway contest where you had to donate with Chris Appleton they were going to give away the two Chanel bags that got
Taken down because it turns out it was against the law they were doing it was a raffle so it got taken down people did enter there were like three or four people that entered they never heard anything about their Chanel bags in my personal opinion I think that they
Definitely should be gifted something if they don’t want to give him a full Chanel bag that’s like what6 $7,000 give them like $1,000 Ulta gift card it’s not what they were like promised but I mean at least it’s something in the form of payment yeah well as you guys know
Michaela has said nothing about she’s been asked about it in her comment section she ignores people might block people we don’t know you know how influencers like to get but Chris Appleton he’s the one that’s skating by through all of this he’s been married for 6 months okay convenient he’s been
Married for 6 months now all of a sudden the day after the Kardashian episode a where it was like about his wedding with the guy that he married he filed for divorce and I’m just saying I’m just saying this is a little suspicious because I think that he’s doing this to
Not talk about these Chanel bags you think so are you stretching it or do you think do you think that I mean CHR he’s doing anything he can notags I had never I did not know who Chris Appleton was until Michaela did that weird Tik Tok where she was like rocking back and
Forth like I can’t believe it who’s coming to my house no let me finish Chris Appleton and her face is like that and she’s like weirdo behavior that is so weird like you would no famous person no literally nobody unless it was like my mother that passed away walking
Through the door would you get that type of reaction for me for some seriously well I knew who Chris appeton was because I have watched the Kardashians in the past I knew that he was the one that did Kim Kardashian’s hair I was a little shocked when everybody found out
That he was gay and they were like really like like o question mark like no he couldn’t tell so that’s just my conspiracy theory on that it’s just very convenient that what people want to know about these two Chanel bags that he’s never said anything about where Chanel
Bags as you guys can hear we did call the law on both of them to let them know about these Chanel bags they we called the law we told the law about this they need give them they need to give these contest winners something give them their damn
Money because people think that Michaela is doing all of those giveaways for PR where she’s putting in these gift cards a lot of people were in my comment section when we talked about that saying you can just get gift cards without loading them like you can just hold them
Up in the thing and be like yeah you’re going to get these there apparently only one or two people that have received these PR packages from Michaela and it’s a [ __ ] ton of stuff that she’s sending like full collection only like one or two of them have done an unboxing video
Because they’re probably not into makeup like that I’m sorry I have to say this cuz it it just randomly popped into my head and we waked and baked so I had to get it out there do you remember the other day I was talking about this the
Whole makeup bag makeup bag that makes me laugh so hard every time Michaela is not on the joke there are a lot of things that Michaela knows how to go viral she knows how to get people talking that’s funny give their Chanel bags I think that that’s the upper hand
That Michaela has over Jaclyn Hill Jaclyn Hill is not really funny right but Michaela can be funny no see the Kim Kardashian thing that gets me and then what was the uh it was the Kim Kardashian thing she did with Manny that was like funniest Tik Tok I’ve ever seen
Kashian and then closer and closer Kim kadashian I’m going to put it in right here Kim kadashian Kim Kim Kim Kim kimes kimes Kim KES well I think that they have two different like senses of humor Michaela can be very funny Jaclyn can just come off of like very annoying like very like I need to be the center of attention all times and like yeah not
Like not for me but speaking of Jaclyn Hill she is getting C out right now and I want to say before I even talk about this I was going to do a video where I gave like credit to jacine and said like thank you so much for like teaching me
About this because I didn’t know there is a Tik Tock Hack That Jaclyn Hill I just came across her video the other day and I love avocado to he’s been an OD I I will buy the avocados and I will just leave them on the counter because I’m
Like oh I have to make it every single time that I want it cuz it’s going to turn brown in the refrigerator it’s going to get gross nobody wants to eat Brown avocado like that’s just not can’t it looks like baby [ __ ] so I came across this video from Jaclyn and she was
Showing like this avocado hack because she likes avocado toast as well and you basically put the mixture into a bowl and then you take a paper towel fold it put it on top and you take a lemon and you squeeze it on top and get the juice
I had lemon juice I accidentally soaked it like a little bit too much but it did work it kept it green and vibrant not even just green I can’t believe you didn’t know that because I remember I don’t know if it was in homech or whatever in school I remember like they
Taught us that if you have like apple slice and you know apple slices will turn brown too something to do with like the air whatever if you put lemon juice over them it will keep them I didn’t know that I didn’t know that and I know that Jaclyn didn’t come up with it
Before people are in the comment section like that’s an old trick oh my God the reason that Jaclyn is getting called out has to do with avocados as well jacin the other day uploaded a video where she was making this snack that she’s been loving since she’s been getting healthy
It’s with avocado there’s some eggs on it some chives I think like green onions other things like that uploaded the video last time I saw it it had like 532,000 views so it did pretty well for her over on her Tik Tok good morning let’s make breakfast together this has
Been my breakfast Obsession for the last 3 months it’s also helped me lose 25 lb first things first we’re going to boil some water I have like an inch and a half in that’s it if you can boil water then you can make this water is boiling I’m going to
Put four eggs in because I’m going to use two of them for meal prep and immediately setting a timer for 6 minutes the 6 minutes is up up they go straight into an ice bath that way they stop cooking and your yolk will be perfect cottage cheese I get the small
Cur one because it’s less cottagey put that in a bowl this is going to be delicious trust me I make no mistakes I don’t give a damn if you don’t like cottage cheese this is delicious okay we’re going to go in with some avocado 1,000% do not need to use avocado I eat
This without it all the time but this is just taking the extra step and it just makes it even more delicious I’m only going to put salt and lime in my avocado too today I’m going to take my avocado I’m going to put it right on top of my
Cottage cheese just like that and now take your eggs out of your ice bath crack them open I’m going to put both eggs right there on top this right here [ __ ] this chili onion crunch or crunchy chili oil whatever it is I take a pretty decent amount of this okay it is it’s
Spicy it’s got a kick to it so be aware of that and then I just drizzle it all over then we’re going to go in with honey you can also do like my hot honey like spicy honey but I’m going to go in with regular honey and I’m going to
Drizzle that all over the top just trust me [ __ ] when I say this is phenomenal last but not least I cut up a decent amount of green onion and I’m going to just sprinkle that all over the top generously that right there is what your completed meal looks like it is so good
So easy healthy low carb high protein breakfast so filling let’s cut into the egg so you can see hold on here’s the true test of what 6 minutes we’ll do [ __ ] I’m telling you I don’t [ __ ] up [ __ ] I don’t [ __ ] up the flavor salty sweet soft crunchy spicy
It’s hot it’s cold it is everything that my mouth desires it is so good you can 1,00% put this on like sourdough and make it a toast but you keep it a little carb I just eat like this okay bye he has some Tik toks that have like 35 million views
Yeah on her like roller coasters oh God my oh God this is so oh my God up high oh my gosh guys we’re so high oh my God oh my God fu Oh my God oh My oh my oh my God it’s not over it’s not over that it’s not over it’s not over so there’s a user over on TiK ToK by the name of KRA Holly she has 47,000 almost 48,00 followers on Tik Tok over on her Instagram which is the exact same name
She has like 200 something thousand I can’t find it she a decent I can’t find it on my phone wait oh it’s right here she has 240,000 followers over on Instagram well she is under the impression that Jaclyn Hill ripped her off for her avocado toast recipe and she
Said that it was one of her most viral videos which got a million views so more than Jaclyn’s did episode 4 of my breakfast toast series cottage cheese is really having a moment right now so I had to do one with cottage cheese starting with garlic com FEI avocado
Cottage cheese lots of crispy garlic chili oil a softboiled egg hot honey and lots of green onions listen to this crunch but here’s my thing it’s avocado toast it’s literally avocado toast she went on like she showed all of these messages after she called Jaclyn out for
It of people like supporting her like yeah Jaclyn’s done this to other people she ripped off a small Creator stole her entire brand she had to shut down in a few months she did do all those things this lady went on this morning thank God
I looked cuz I was going to talk about this last night she went on to say it’s not about the toast avocado toast is not new I didn’t create it did I throw together a unique version of it in a breakfast toast series I did sure but
It’s not about the toast then what is it about okay because this isn’t like Jaclyn Hill ripping off like somebody with their brand this isn’t her ripping off somebody’s product this is literally her seeing a recipe this really annoys me about like the credit police online this happens so many times with
Screenshots of tweets I cannot stand when people put a like watermark on something that is still there why are you watermarking there something that’s easily accessible to the public you know what I’m saying like and they’ll be like I need credit for my screenshot girl I
My favorite thing back in the day is when drama channels you know which ones they would put a watermark and then there’d be another Watermark from another drama Channel and then another drama channel would report on it and then they put their Watermark and by the time everybody was done reporting on it
The last video that was made about it had 100 Watermark well Kendra is very upset about Jaclyn Hill allegedly ripping off her avocado toast so she made a whole entire post over on Tik Tok showing Jaclyn Hill making it showing Jaclyn Hill reposting people that were
Thanking her for the recipe and just a bunch of other things she said as someone who has been a professional food blogger of 13 years and has professionally published multiple International best-selling cookbooks all while building my platforms within Integrity authenticity and truth and advertising I’m shocked that this woman
Has as many followers as she does especially on other platforms she has a long history of stealing other people’s work bullying and tearing down other women and other creators but this time she stole from the wrong person over avocado avocado toast this is so dramatic I listen this sounds good
And everything and I would agree with you if this was not about avocado toast did jacqulyn Hill explicitly say hey I came up with this recipe this is mine like no she didn’t it’s avocado toast wait it continues because I’m not afraid to call her out to stand up for what’s
Right because you want to just no but you know what I’m thinking like do you think that you’re the only person that’s calling out Jaclyn Hill like does she think that she’s at like the Forefront of something people are so scared does she think she’s like the first person
It’s not about a viral little toast recipe it’s about integrity and she has none # I’m sorry I’m with jacn Hill on this one like this this is ridiculous wait let’s read the ridiculous let’s read the other one because she went on to continue it’s not about the avocado
Toast avocado toast is not new I didn’t create it did I throw together a unique version of it in a breakfast toast series I did it’s about integrity honesty and proper attribution three things at Jack Hill knows nothing about Jacqueline if you’re reading this you should also start properly disclosing
Paid Partnerships affiliate links commission links Etc she right about it would for sure be a shame if the FTC came for you so she was like claiming that she didn’t know who Jaclyn Hill was oh wait a minute no no to me that reads if somebody said that to me that would
That to me comes across as a threat like hey girl like you did this I’m going to go do this over some avocado toast it makes you wonder who she’s been talking to but here’s it goes on I’ve written nearly 2,000 original recipes between my blogs and cookbooks in the 13 years I’ve
Been doing this I’m not new to this but you know what I’ve never done in those 13 years I’ve never taken credit for I’ve never taken credit or stolen the ideas and hard work of others I’ve also never backed down to vile trash humans you know what this is this is the
Energy that kayin should have given Jaclyn when she ripped off Co this is avocado toast girl this is literally you need to com you pipe that [ __ ] down maybe but here’s the thing here’s the thing though Jacqueline’s now I could understand her argument as stupid as it
Is in my opinion like let me know in the comment section if you guys will be upset about your avocado toast as well if this was like a family recipe and your granny passed it down over Generations all that kind of stuff I get being a little like okay wait a minute
Maybe I thought that my granny was the only one that created this and so give me my credit still think the argument would be a little dumb I would also maybe understand a little bit more and not think it was so stupid if Jaclyn’s video got like 35 million views on her
Avocado toast this lady’s video she claims it’s one of her most viral videos has at at least 500,000 more views than Jaclyn so her video clearly did better I just don’t I don’t get it and unless if Jaclyn Hill got on there and was like explicitly came up with this recipe this
Is how you do could do it that might be one thing but literally it’s avocado toast it’s it’s not that serious you know what this is given do you remember when James Charles acted like he created the rainbow like it’s very annoying the credit Poli it’s super annoying unless
You have like something exclusive or unique to you so she continued with after someone tagged me on this I Googled her so she’s saying that she did not know pretty much I Googled her and apparently she has a long long history of stealing content Creations designs recipes Etc from other people she was
Even re-sharing stories from all the people that tagged her crediting her for the toast I make recipes for other people to make and enjoy not for other larger creators to steal and build their platforms on if it sounds like I’m annoyed over nothing think about how
Hard you work at your job and then think about someone taking credit for it and profiting off that hard work it’s avocado toes this is a desperate craft rotation avoc to honestly if somebody SL into my inbox with this I would be like get the out of my inbox that’s ridicul I
Be like I’m going to make it again I’d make a few more of their recipes no it’s it’s ridiculous there’s nothing unique about this avocado toast it it’s very annoying that she would try to like drum up drama and act like it’s something that she’s trying to protect herself
From if she thinks that this is like the most one of the things that people are going to look at Jaclyn and be like oh my God you’re a horrible person this is not this is avocado toast this is a recipe this is not Jaclyn Hill stealing another brand from another Creator and
Then shutting it down after a few months girl you know what this is do you remember back when you started watching water talk and people were calling other people out for recipes it’s very much that God it stupid when water talk was like the biggest thing over on the platform there
Were people making water recipes and they’d be like I’m mixing a pack of Starburst pink whatever it’s called and I’m going to mix this Hawaiian punchin as well and I’m going to call it mushroom water or like Moon water something like that oh my God don’t get
Me started off Moon water they would mix it in there and then somebody else would do it and they be like this is my recipe Why did I not get credit for this because it’s water it’s water and all you did was rip the top of a packet off
A board and then Stir It with your ice Cub crazy it’s not you didn’t invent the wheel [ __ ] this is literally someone in my opinion taking the smallest thing and trying to blow it up for attention new Flash sis if you’re just learning about Jaclyn Hill you should have got on that
Train a long time ago because her relevance is not anywhere it used to be I wonder if she knows about the snark Reddit oh probably girl Jack’s probably sitting in a home like what F I made avocado to if we’re being there’s probably people out there that
Probably sent this to her that hate Jaclyn Hill that are probably trying to get her to attack her if we’re being honest did you know that this other Creator made your toast and it’s probably is this on the the Reddit I hope more people make her toast it’s so
Annoying listen it wasn’t the Reddit that’s how I found out about it oh wow cuz I was like are they really like bitching about this avocado toast and then people were like it’s more than the toast it just shows Jacqueline is going to rip off more people in her career
It’s like girl girl tell me something I don’t know that’s like saying water’s wet or like elephants are heavy like we know jacn Hill is going to do that but it’s avocado toast this in my opinion is really looking for tits on a ant this is looking for something where there is
Nothing with all that said everyone that is it for this video we hope that you did enjoy it please leave us an avocado or a toast Emoji I think there’s a toast Emoji there is a bread Emoji leave us one of those down below I can I really
Cannot please you guys fill this comment section up with avocados because this is important or maybe they maybe maybe y’all think that we’re in the wrong and this lady should be upset about her avocado toast let us know and let us know why let us know why this isn’t
Ridiculous down below cuz it is and we’ll see you guys all in our next video bye