It’s November 13th 2023 I call this regular s of the town of pro order and if everyone would please join me I pled to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for all
So review and approve the agenda could we make a change yeah could we move our budget review down to just before adjourn sure and that’ll get everybody have to listen to that I mean if you’re they want to they’re certainly welcome to stay but we can certainly do
That any other changes to the agenda if not is there a motion to approve the agenda as amended so moved second all those in favor say I I review and approve the October 23rd regular select board minutes so second all those in favor say I I good news any good news to
Share well fire department was a smashing dead I think in my opinion hard time remembering if it was since our last meeting or not it was it was good was a great turnout and it was nice to see U representatives of our area there come speak in honor our fire
Department and speak to the value of having a volunteer fire department and it’s also nice to see generational um since over here um but see that that continuing generational or even within the families um Row’s Moody like that so it it’s nice to see how that ties into our community and
I was shared a CD of all the photos taken so plenty of photos to upload and I would just say as you’re starting to work on budget I know one of the things you’ll look at is the town report and I would um offer that since we have these amazing pictures of fire
Department and a crew it’s found the 25th anniversary that that would be an appropriate photo to go on the cover along with the write up of about Fire Department inside that’s a great idea yeah any other good news open public comment you get to go oh yeah um so the
Uh Proctor Elementary School PTO president and um we’re looking to do a fundraiser in April I don’t know if you guys are aware I don’t have any children in elementary could you just introduce yourself yeah I’m Vicky Perkins I’m married to Brian Perkins he’s born and
Raised here so I’m sure you’ve heard who the Perkins is maybe not Vicky but you know Brian bill bill or Mary thank you um yeah no problem um so uh we’re looking to fundraise for new playground equipment um working on prek um first and then hopefully replacing the
Structure so that’s you know pto’s Big Goal right now and we’re looking to hold a Color Run uh April 27th um I have a map if you guys would like to know the rout that we were would like to plan I don’t know if that’s something that you guys need to
See or would like to see um yeah actually printing it yeah it’s got the r um we started at the Gazebo you know go around Beaver Pond um we’d have a couple of water stations a few stations where you actually throw the color um the main
Of it would be right here at Main Street park UMO we’d have the main 5K and then for the younger kids because it is the elementary school who can’t make the whole you know 3.1 miles we probably just do like a Color dash for them like
100 meter but um Liz Cy the principal has the facility use form we’ll be reaching out to you to best fill that out make sure you you got all the documentation you need um so I’m just wondering if you guys we’re looking for approval wondering if you guys have any questions for
Us it was a huge hit when it was done two or three years like it was a great fund this schol what’s the date on that April 27th um we probably will to start doing stuff for set up around 9:00 um hopefully End by 3:00 maybe do
Some music afterwards um like just an after run mini party for lack of a better word great we’re going to have lots of um hopefully teacher participation and they would hopefully be in that role um we definitely be having the um I don’t think we need to shut down any of the
Streets my main thing is thinking like top of this hill because people would be running down it um having somebody there just to kind of slow down traffic um but it would be an open course we not not looking to close any of the roads maybe we could have a sheriff
There that day absolutely how you making a note I already got it written down yeah the race starts at 11: um hopefully I mean it’s going to be open for Walkers as well so I’d imagine maybe an hour and a half hour 4 45 Max for maybe our slower you know slower participants
Um but yeah that sounds great I think just the facilities use agreement and then once we get all the information we’ll to approve it yeah Liz might was going to try to stop by but I know she’s busy so I’ll she’s going to reach out to you to
Get that filled out make sure the insurance and so awesome that’s all I have unless you guys have any other oh looks great pretty well planned out here yeah thank you perfect thank you so much for your time thank you have a great even youo excellent all right uh moving into the
Discussion and action items everybody had a chance to review the bills and sign them and then we have the mtap municipal technical assistance program pre-approve for assignment so that was the one that Devin ner shared with us and he we need board approv to move forward on it so
What we’re looking for is just a motion to that we actually want to participate and to allow me to write um the statement the project we want and this is the one that would conceivably get us money for the for the waste for the waste water
Right is there a motion to approve of service approve second all those in favor say I I excellent sherff Fox y I’m not sure how you want to go you have a questions you want to ask or how do you want to yes I you know not not so much the
Need you know you have the expertise you your department for the needs and why things are done but it was just some some of the items I you know was wondering about why the town of Proctor is being built for them they’re not items that are unique to Proctor they’re
Items that may be used in Proctor you know and then they’re also used in west or menant or wherever else they go and I would think those are the items that should be charged against a sheriff department budget line item like equipment repair equipment maintenance uh uh
Computer upgrades you know and and for example you know I just I’ll just give you a few sure you know it’s the start of the shift and it’s uh you know 1,700 to 730 and I’m not sure about what a lot of these acms are for you know but rcsd
I would assume that’s the start of the shift that’s at the r County Sheriff Department fixing Cruiser cam you know and I think that was uh there was a followup on that one and that was uh you know uh update that was done on that and I would think again because it’s not
Unique for pro updating that camera it’s going to be used anywhere that Cruiser goes I would think that would have been charged against Sheriff Department you know uh upgrade rather than goinging it for the project so when those kind of things H I’m Sergeant cross I’m the
Patrol Commander um when those kind of things are essentially what that is is that is the officer that is assigned he’s coming in something with his equipment on the way acted up so he is on town on time for here he comes in to get that repair
If a call comes in he’s going to leave it as is but that’s just something a quick shortterm hate he may come see me I may have to just do something in the programming real quick or whatever else he’s available for any calls as they come in they get it done and they’re
Back on the road in town if it is a significant or time inclusive repair or update or something like that those are not generally done on towntown those are things that are are done separately yeah like oil changes and all that stuff is done on Department time you know you say
It’s Town time but when you look at this well that a that was the system update you know and uh well in order to make the system work which we use when we on patrol if he gets a colum Proctor he wouldn’t have that system that would be operable so we
Wouldn’t have any video we wouldn’t have any audio or any complaint or case that we had to handle unless the system upgrade was done and it doesn’t I mean that’s a a little bit of you know usually there something that we get ahead of time that we know there’s an
Issue so we have it on a down day um but there’s certain times when things come in and there’s a glitch with any computer type thing that can throw it off and it either it’s not copying audio or it’s not copying video or there’s it’s just not recording allog together
So we have to get that operational fhi but Proctor is paying for that fix but yet if he does his 3 hours in Proctor then goes to West drland or menen uh that fix has been taken care of corre Proctor is paying for it but yet it’s being utilized you know in Westland
And it would be West r or Proctor and you guys are in a combined control so that’s you know I’m sure they get they get charges as well things that need to be maintained and last minute notice like major stuff like I said oil changes
Or anything that needs to be done Ty rod ends or whatever is done on Department times it’s not built in town times you know and then another one you know with fixing the uh computer scan in the car when I look at that I think you know that’s again that’s should be
Charged against Sheriff Department fixing equipment pring budget line item rather than you know building the to prop here and again you have to have I can see the need to having that s you know having a laptop on and uh but you know it’s not unique for the town of pro
Wherever that Cruiser goes you know to pay for that those kind of things have across it’s as where they’re at so there are going to be times where the other car that covers West Rutland Proctor if they start their shift in West Rutland and they have an issue you know a week
To later West drland may get the same kind of a bill and you’re right so West drland gets that but that car is answering calls and Proctor you know so it isn’t just everything is one it’s kind of across the board but something like that would be you know a bolt
Rattle I mean we got a lot of dirt roads things rattle loose whatever and he’s driving and all of a sudden the stand drops down that’s something that has to be fixed immediately to be able to keep that car in service for calls it’s a
Quick 5 10 minute fix we get it in we get it fixed and get it back on the road while they’re and then another one drive to R City for rhs PM traffic in K you know again when I read that I I’m wondering you know why are we paying for you know
Drive to Rutland City for you know traffic detail at Rutland high school well do you have the date on that one uh yes uh that one was 1013 2023 you know there’s activity from 1325 to 1500 hours and and part of that is drive- through Outland City for rhs PM traffic
Detail uh that was number 52756 okay uh we have 3 Road St report and emails yes and then the end part of that you know driving from proor to Rutland City for the traffic detail yeah that’s was something that he I’m sure covered at the last minute but it
Was you know when I read the report though you know that just to me it raises a red flag you know because again you know it’s Proctor paying for his travel to the Rutland for its traffic detail and then another one there uh uh maintenance fixing front passenger tire
EQ maintenance fixing front passenger tire so that was the deputy was in crofter doing traffic work went to execute a traffic stop and blew out a tire so he had to change a flat tire okay switched it over his spare was a little soft he went back to the office
Switched into an appropriate spare and came back to but again I would think that would be on equipment repair granted he’s you know in in town but and I mean there are others but again you know just one other one fixing Tire on EQ I don’t know it’s EQ but uh EQ is
What we use for it’s just those types of items that I think you know should be charged against a sheriff department line item for equipment repair or equipment maintenance rather than billing you know a municipality for policing when it really isn’t the policing I think what got us started was
Uh a few weeks ago one of your officers charged us to drive into Rollin and eat and come back you know that was I think what started all us yeah that one shouldn’t be on I would think to take a break for lch it
Was that and then the same one it was go to the Humane Society to check on a dog yeah that was a stray that was picked up here that we had to make sure that they had the paperwork on we have to follow up with them to make sure that
They we put it in the shed have to make sure that they check the shed often they don’t have the crew that they used to have there so I I think on that one is just dog that was found in Proctor you know so that it’s obvious what that’s for
Basically yeah we’re going to work on the deputies to have them kind of spell things out a little better rather than acronyms that’s yeah what’s our one res that’s their residence so like referring to like travel R1 to patrol area if you look at that the times usually on those we’re
We’re trying to get the deputies to be more desri descriptive give you guys more information about what’s going on so our one certainly isn’t very descriptive they’re it’s kind of like I don’t know if anybody’s been know you get used to using the acronyms and it’s
Hard to get that out of them sometimes um we’re paying them to drive from their house to Proctor if you look on those usually on those it will say like 1340 to 14400 and then the billing starts at, 1400 on a lot ofs so we I I’ve never seen that before so
What I think a lot where a lot of this is coming is every Deputy kind of you know we don’t have a set format every Deputy does he’s a little different I’m sure you know Bruce has been on the board a long time and seen a lot of
Different styles and things like that um so back in September we did a complete Deputy change of all of our Patrol towns except one all the deputies changed um so you got two two new deputies that have a bit of a different style so we’re
Trying to get them to kind of come back to where you know the boards are used to seeing from their previous deputies but like that R1 to whatever if you look um like that you Char half an hour here which which date is that that’s just what I think it’s multiple ones
It’s a 2 so like 10 2123 activity 13 30 to, 1400 travel time from R1 to Pro of coverage area but if you look right above that the billing for that day didn’t start till 1400 so it’s noted that she was traveling to the town from 1330 to 1400
But the billing on that did not start till 1400 so she’s describing what she was doing stating that she was in town what about the one that says car was wash at Alman for detail Rutland County Sheriff Department to pick up candy bucket for elementary school Halloween detail travel time to airport
Detail in clearon what what date is that 10:27 I do not have that one here well that’s the one that’s in the packet today why are they telling us they’re driving one we don’t need to know that well like I we’ve tried to have them be descriptive so that’s part of them being descriptive when we ask them
To put down what they’re doing for their patrol shifts you’re going to be busy yeah there’s a lot to read when they put those down so it’s hard to temper like I want detail but if you start ask them not to put it in then you might not get
Something that you want put in there so it’s it’s a little Elementary defense I know a year or two ago where the board asked for detail they wanted more detail and less being vague and now they got more detail and now they’re being micromanaged because they put in the
Detail down well driving to rotland for lunch I don’t think is micromanaging you know our town employees we certainly don’t pay them to for lunch these are contractors I to get paid for lunch they do yeah most Public Works guys do okay but they don’t dag the r right well if
There’s nothing here to get they might ride around and get something to eat I’m just saying like a lot of the details like Elbert talked about are things like if I came into work to do my job and something else happened and I had to tend to it I’m still getting paid
For it even though maybe it wasn’t on my you know to-do list that day but it still falls under the the scope of what they have to do like if they have to adjust their computer and they’re on Proctor time then it falls in to play I mean great but we’re contractual so
Their responsibility is to provide equipment and a deputy that are ready to go that means when their day starts that car should be prepared it shouldn’t be at 1333 they’re starting they’re checking the car to make sure the computer works the stand works I mean someone was in that car the night before
When I leave my office or I leave my workplace I don’t leave things broken for the next day so and some of these things like the one I just asked about that we just didn’t answer about the car wash why would we be paying for them to
Go wash their car that is a maintenance item that that that’s a so I mean it’s 1420 to 1500 I mean that I think part of the problem is with the details some of these things don’t make any sense and we know when we sign a contract that we’re
Paying for hours and I I have a feeling when the contract comes back here as we look at budgets this contract’s going to increase because gas is increased and we know that they have in their contract if gas goes up a certain piece that it’s going to go up I’m sure their insurance
Has gone up I know it’s gone up at for the school it’s gone up here at the town so all those pieces are going to come into play so I think it’s a contractor they have a responsibility to come and be ready to work if I hired
Someone to come and dig I’m not paying for them to dig or to fix their equipment while they’re setting on my property if they’re not digging and their equipment isn’t ready to go that’s their problem you’re out of luck you don’t get to timey to that
Time but if I come to work there’s plenty of times where I’ve come to work here or other places and my computer doesn’t work so I didn’t plan on that not working so I have to have it fixed and that’s downtime um driven places before
And I didn’t plan on having a flat tire but I got a flat tire so I just feel a lot of the things are in the line of duty that happen and have to be taken care of then so those things I find justifiable the car wash yeah now but
These other things I do but I think when it’s at the beginning of the shift that’s the problem that’s the question when things are are being fixed at the beginning of the shift in my opinion and you have that IT Tech guy coming to fix your computer and he starts working on
Your computer and he’s using his laptop and it crashes and he spends 1 hour getting his laptop booted back up and back to operating condition and then he charges the town for that hour that he spent working on his personal computer you’re going to pay him for that hour he
Spent working on his personal computer to get it booted back up I hope not you know you’re for the time that but the same token while he’s working on my computer and I’m not being able to work on it I’m still getting paid well yes you are but he’s not he’s the contract
Saying no it’s Not I would expect an officer to you know at least open the Trump sort of shift and see the spare tire was flat well we don’t to be honest yeah they probably don’t check the spare TIR you truck drivers have to walk around the truck at least and look at tires you
Know make sure nothing’s loose I would expect an officer to at least walk from this car yeah I mean the tires are underneath I’m sure they’re not crawling underneath there to check didn’t this guy I didn’t say that well the tire blew it wasn’t like it was the
Spare you said was he cuz the spare wasn’t good either the spare was soft yes it needed air that’s a maintenance item right but it’s like I said it’s under the car I’m not sure they’re crawling underneath there to check it I mean it’s under the back of the car it’s
Not not in the trunk no it’s underneath the rear of the vehicle I I guess I will say that that I’ve always kind of wondered I mean to me the the 40 hours is for someone in the town patrolling and and providing law enforcement so stuff like a car wash stuff like
That I do question that a little bit it just doesn’t it doesn’t make sense do you think that instead of having them make them up with the effort of writing everything out like long that you just provide us with a list of all the acronyms that they use
So we could if you read something you’d be able to say oh this is what that means would that be a possibility I I can try um you know it depends cuz I mean there are some things so some abbreviate differently than them correct and you know the way that they
Do some of them like you’ll see some of them it’ll like on here one TS 3 W nrvn ddef that’s one traffic stop three warnings no registration um defective equipment and inspection so the NR vni bef that kind of those are the state violation codes
Um the DMV codes things like that um you know as far as some of the others and that’s some of the stuff we’re trying to get them to spell out a little bit more you know TS being a traic stock you might see one 75 because that’s our
Radio code for a traffic stop is a 1075 so like I said each person kind of has their own style on how they do that’s right some of it’s a little bit difficult um but a lot of them you know the are just the state codes NRV andf
That’s the state violation codes for what they stop that hard for I think if we could get like the basic abbreviations though absolutely would be like our one I mean that that would be really helpful to have cuz I’ll remember that for a week or two and then
Absolutely any other questions for the sheriff I would just like to say thank you for coming App thank you very much iate thank you wel uh appointed committee handbook I think so I think the um so I think the purpose of putting on this on there was just to um kind of look at the committee structure but also in regards to to the um well the airb
Was the no it’s right there so yeah so kind of creating a committee for the short-term rentals that we talked about that um there’s concerns about wait I thought we were on the the appointing committee handbook okay I jumped I thought I can buy them the same
Thing no I don’t see where the Airbnb one is well that was part of it so I think what the thought was at least the thought I had was that we should below is it below yep okay so just for the for both the appointed committee handbook and then spoiler alert for the
The Airbnb that it probably would make sense to set up a couple committees I don’t think we want to write the ordinance in a meeting um and the same thing with the appointed committee handbook I think uh it might make sense to have a committee that would be
Willing to take a look at this make any I mean there are revisions that need to be made that are you know basic like I think it still says Town Administrator in here instead of town manager um but also um you know just to take a look at it see what revisions we
Need to make make recommendations and then the full board can make a decision but I just don’t think it’s a good use of our meeting time to to do that I just think that um a lot of the Committees have kind of been watered down over the
Years like when I look way back on a lot of stand stuff and some of the details of committees how they’re structured how they’re supposed to be structured they’re not longer and so I just kind of think we should kind of tie it up better
I mean this is 2009 that it was last revised and I just think it’d be better to have it more structured I mean you have the you know standing committees which are you know they are what they are but even like the Beaver Pond committee and stuff I think doesn’t
Follow any of these kind of guidelines and stuff so I think it’d be nice to if we create committees that they’re all going by the same standards so is there anybody who would like to serve on the committee on committees I’ll do that with Jude it’s
Just a meite I I work that with St me first okay you said what’ you say I’m sorry I said I’ll work I I’ll work with you and Judy to do that I said when when Stephanie first did it we worked on it that’s how we got the Committees all
Let’s do that do you work with Judy and me yeah you didn’t realize your hand was up kind of like an auction I didn’t realize doing we we call that being volun told all right that works guess I don’t have an option all right so the committee will be Lisa Linda and
Judy okay okay placement of no parking sign on North Street from the corner of School Street South so we had some complaints about um up North Street past Franklin’s about cars parking close to the stop sign or from the stop sign down um when kids get out of school that a lot of
Kids have to walk in the road cuz the cars are parked there and we passed an ordinance when we updated the ordinance before it was one designated one of the no parking places in Proctor so um I don’t know why no signs were ever put up
There I know we talked about it it’s probably like P Street or something that kind of went on the Wayside so I did check with the sheriff’s department to say is an ordinance enough to have in place that you could ticket somebody for not for parking there and he said no you
Need to have parking no parking signs as well where is this from up by right down School Street you take a right on to North yeah right there they Park on oh right on the side Sidewalk South got me confused yeah South Street that would have been Taylor
Hill corner of School Street South oh yeah okay all right you’re right yep that makes sense so we’re going north Y and it goes the ordinance goes all the way down to Main Street so all the way to Franklin so they can’t park along the road lot park at
Franklin’s that’s fine yeah it’s a parking yeah but they’re parked on the sidewalk on street I don’t know why they I think it’s parents no no I don’t think it is either it’s oh that Park on no no it’s not it’s residence yeah cuz there are pickup people that Park on side of
Get right right cuz I usually wait you know at that intersection I stand I park down at the old uh Carpenter shoping lot and then I walk up there and wait at that intersection and there are people that do Park on Taylor Hill not G but Taylor Hill yeah this is just North
Street right and it’s right in front of that one house that’s where they par so so the guy said they would get signs okay I don’t think we need a motion to do that and we’ve already passed the ordinance so no I just wanted to make you
Aware and then our next committee to discuss short-term rentals could I suggest we give this to the Planning Commission let them deal with it we’re in the middle of budgets here that seems like a good job for them yeah a motion we’re really just asking them to
Do it so I don’t think we need a motion okay unless they refuse to uh storm water drainage map top four projects yes so I I I didn’t print all of the projects out cuz they’re the presentation is hard to navigate and everything is on computer
So if you click on something that you want to print it just puts another page on top of it and it’s it’s very very detailed and very deep into the weed so I couldn’t even I had to keep asking to send it in a different method sent to me
So I could print these out so she sent me links so I printed out the top four but I have a list of the top 10 which is kind of strange because a lot of the top 10 the top one wasn’t even one of the top four so I don’t know how
They came up with that other than when we met with them if we said to them we think this should be the priority so that’s what they changed it to cuz the garage was number one yes and then Cross Street and Main Street were two and three
So um and Eden Avenue Pleasant Street Lis parking lot school street Beaver Pond Town sand area wastewater treatment plant and meta Street those are the 10 well they were these four were part of that 10 these are the four of the extracted that they were priorities and I don’t know it’s
Because it seemed the easiest or most feasible to do what we wanted to do and we talked about the rain Gardens and stuff that those properties could withstand that project where the others are more although I think some of the Green Space could all just be flower GS
But somebody’s trying to get in huh somebody’s trying to get in oh after two meetings with the engineering firm there um I was not impressed at all and now we now you know what the last thing we were told project number one was the elementary school um and now it’s the Town
Garage uh they hadn’t contacted the schools at all to ask them if they wanted to attend the meeting I don’t want to get involved in this project building little rain Gardens and you know we asked about the sewer plant and they said no Albert I’m also totally confused I
Really would like to see what the mission statement is for this program because most of us were at that public meeting we brought up issues they don’t care about historical data about storm water damage that has occurred in this town you know and I would think any
Master plan you’d want to look at the history to see where the issues are which ones keep coming up again but this master plan makes no mention of it you know their master plan didn’t even acknowledge you know uh uh answering any of the questions that we brought up and
Concerns that we brought up you know at that meeting and one of the big issues was West Street you know they’ve got that runoff coming off the mountain and there’s covers that dump you know into that area that problem down there is getting worse not better and that’s not
Even in their top 10 and you know they they they took the contact information did they ever come and speak with anybody or give us a report of any type no they never gave us any reports you know anything that we brought up yes you know I think it’s just been table
They’ve got their kind of their own agenda that’s why I’d love to see what their mission statement is cuz and two when you look at the these top four that are here they list the benefits and you know of doing the projects and the most common benefit is Aesthetics you know
When you think of a storm water master plan and these top four projects are theirs are for Aesthetics you know uh we’ve got more pressing issues than the Aesthetics of these places and and uh uh you know the elementary school that was one of the questions that was asked you
Know it’s surrounded by Earth you know is that a good filter for the issues and uh other again there’s no response to it on on that one though did they did say that uh act 250 permit is required for any project at the elementary school and
I don’t know if it’s because we raised the question that you know parking at that lot is at a premium we hate to see any of the parking spaces taken and you know the playground area is small begin with and it was just like Vicki was telling us they’d like to get some
Additional playground equipment for prek and uh kindergarten kids you know again so they’re going to use some more of the property there so you know that’s out of premium and and the the picture shows that area next to the sidewalk you know School Street sidewalk why that’s 3 ft
Or heavier than or higher than the parking lot and the parking lot’s got you know the Culver in in the center of the parking lot and the water’s going to go to the Cal I mean they pave it such that the water runs to the Cal you know
So I would think that uh uh and and that was another thing you know we asked last meeting was about the M of the uh C system in Comm you know that would still be nice to have you know and that’s where I would have thought they would
Have tried to intercept that was you know in the cover system I I agree with you Albert and I think I think unfortunately this is kind of a a convoluted project that has more than one goal we didn’t know up until 40 minutes into that meeting that
The real goal is to prevent phosphorus from being put into Lake Champlain um and I I would prefer not to spend any money on this to be honest yeah and you you can’t do anything at the Town garage you know you got big trucks moving in
And out of that both ends of that building and there isn’t that much room you you park uh some equipment on that west side of the building and then try to run a a big truck in and out of there there isn’t that much room between there and the guard
Rail you know it’s just kind of it be different at the State we’re willing to dump tons of money into the towns to do these changes so that the water wouldn’t be impacted in Lake Champlain right what else it’s all on us I think there’s more you know places
Other places between here and Lake Champlain that a lot of them aren’t doing it so a lot of them are on the other side of the river New York State places and the Riverside Cemetery you know come on I agree with well I also think that some of these suggestions
Like rain Gardens like the school the library some of the people in town might take those on themselves and do it without going through yeah you know these steps and Marine Garden isn’t going to solve everything I think and when I first spoke to Michael about this
I mean I had told him about I was telling him about our backyard and he was really interested oh this this will be perfect for the perfect so that’s where I got kind of confused because I mean this water does eventually go down into the creek so it does head up to the
Lake but and it’s been doing that for yeah hundreds of years yeah well I had a phone call today from somebody else in town who has um a culvert that’s issues having issues with water going into their property cuz the ditch is now overgrown and it’s not heading where it
Should and he he actually completed the survey too but never heard anything yeah yeah never heard that property wasn’t listed they never got back never got and then even when we had a meeting in your office I said if one of you would please meet with me I I’ll show you exactly
What I mean no one’s ever contacted me yeah and I I disagree with the fact that the state wants this done but it’s up to the towns to take care of it to you know financially yeah so are we just going to leave this on the table and say I will
Yes I will make a motion that we table that I would hate to say get out of it because they said that well eventually the state may come down and say you’re going to be doing something where this way we still have our foot in
The door and we can so wait a minute cuz it’s a process it’s you know it’s like they doing a plan and then you know you you make the steps and then you can grant money so it’s like what do you want me to tell them that
You’re we’re not going to the next FR step we don’t want to go to the first step we not accepting any of the project so you don’t want I’m just going to say you don’t want to get involved correct time yes at this time at this time cuz we asked about payment they
Said it would be totally reimbursed but that wouldn’t happen until we moved ahead with step two yeah so they got you locked in mhm yeah they only going to pay for one when you start step two and pay for step two when you’re doing yeah okay
Okay uh I would just have one question on that whole that whole topic if there was going to be any sort of penalty for turning down such a project and improving the storm water system is the state going to look at penalizing the towns taking away grant money making it
Harder for you to get grant money just curious I don’t think that there’s any um it it’s more like you know these Consultants coming out and trying to get us to do this process you know for the long term of Lake Champlain but when they initiated this whole thing a few
Years ago even um Canada and New York weren’t even on board with it and so they were looking to Vermont to do it on and everybody said well what’s the point if Vermont does all this and these other two bordering you know locations don’t it’s not going to really change like
Champagne drastically so I don’t think I think it was them reaching out to us saying hey we can help you here’s here’s a process you can go through to do it I mean I can check with even neighboring towns that have you know I’d like to see a different
Process and also the people who did this for us aren’t they’re hired by somebody who was hired by somebody who was hired by the state so I mean it’s not a it’s not like the AOE was in here or something like that so and we asked them
You know let our our storm water and our sewer you know what let’s separate some of those oh no we don’t do that and so we said what about the SE plant you know how much phosphorus are we putting out we don’t do sore plants agriculture property we don’t do agricultural proper
No the railroad railroad we don’t do the railroad so these are the big contributors they want us to put in some ring little ring you know the bump outs in Rutland yeah that’s this program and they didn’t want to get into the CT system they’ve got the math and
That’s what I hope we get detailed of and we ask the question well if you want to see where the pollutants are why don’t you test the water coming out of the covert system before goes into the Otter Creek while we don’t test water don’t they don’t really care about the C
System that’s why I say I’d love to see what the mission statement is I’d like to see what they charge for this no it’s a good question but I I don’t think there’s any penalties down the road they’re going to get a lot harder I think on some of this stuff phosphorus eventually
Yeah okay but you don’t ever hear about New York State doing anything with Lake Champlain or Canada okay yeah all right anything else for this Item skating rate contracts they’re both included in your pocket they’ve been signed actually not the one so they’re exactly as they were last year as far as they didn’t go up I realized last year was a tough year um I think we need a little more
Protection on our end you know that was $110,000 and know how many days of skating did we have three or four but that’s skating that’s not all the work that goes into a town well I I work there I understand that completely but you know we we also pay $10,000 for that much
Skating but it’s not just that much skating no Andre has to Andre O’Brien cuz I don’t do the plowing they have to plow they have to sweep they have to shovel every time it snow I understand that but but that’s not what you’re saying you’re saying that it was for 3
Days every single time regardless of making ice yeah but Brian and and I I I’ve made ice you know when my kids I made ice for years uh it’s not how it used to be I I know that you know that’s why we’re talking about this we wouldn’t
Had to talk about this 20 years ago but you know the residents are saying you know so I remember several years ago when we first took it over the same questions came up and when Stan was the town manager we had Sarah patch as our ice maker it we documented every single
Hour that went into it and when the board reviewed it you guys weren’t paying us I mean nearly enough for us doing what we’re doing last year yes was a bust so last year our ice maker and ourselves I guess you would say kind of made out every other year it’s not that
Way at all okay we don’t make anything anything and it’s for the love of this community it’s the love of kids we put in countless hours mhm and those 3 days that was a struggle to even get it yeah I I wish I could make it colder I
Wish I could make the ground freeze faster if we had a chiller that’s a whole another conversation but some years are going to be that way the facili open year round now you know like I can see where you’re saying that that’s stien for Brian and I
Or for it’s one of us it for us it’s the whole year and we put in a lot of volunteer hours and it’s to me it’s not about the money first of all we enjoy doing it the person that did it before us wanted $122,000 just for the ice
Making and that’s why they had to step away you know we split this Brian or Andre whoever and Andre works his butt off I mean you were at the meeting when ganon’s like I couldn’t believe what goes into just the ice making it’s I don’t know what it would used to be but
Having to make ice and get 25 layers down and attempts to be just right you know and we it’s fighting the weather I didn’t believe Brian when we first started doing it you know like I said it’s not just it’s first of all it’s not
About the stien cuz we enjoy doing it I said but there’s a lot of other stuff that goes into it then just I mean just getting the skates up there that’s 6 hours we have 250 pairs of skates just switching out the roller skates now because it’s not the ice skates to get
Them up on the shelves and that’s not we are doing that this weekend that’s on our time you know we there’s a lot of stuff we brought birthday parties to the rank we do fun activities there we have yes we got paid for the summer camp but
That was a whole different thing that we brought to the rank the roller skating that’s not stiffened that’s stuff that we do I I think split this up you know I don’t consider this a yearly payment you know this is for the skating season but what I’m I know you’re upset about it
But in the end well no no I’m not upset I just I’m sure I know who’s after this because it’s the same person that’s after us every skating season when we’re there and like we were talking to actually the neighbors along um the thing and it was who’s the
Woman that runs up and down fruit three she said you know I if someone has a problem she goes I can’t believe the hours that you guys put over there they’re there they see it they know we are there and it’s you know Brian will
Help Andre Andre will do it and have my two younger kids there he does it whenever he can whenever your you’re not going to find someone that’s going to volunteer and do it and it’s going to be done the way it should be done I mean that’s if that’s what you’re looking for
Then feel free no no no I’m not looking for volunteers I don’t think that’s well I think I don’t know then what are you looking for I’m just asking okay if we have a bad year I’d like to see us get a little money back if we have a great year good
For you your con when was the last time that budget was raised it curiosity we’ve been we’ve been doing it for six or seven years we have never it’s been level funded for seven years hasn’t cost you a cent more okay I think volumes for itself you know
Everything else has gone up and I don’t know who’s complaining which is kind of crazy because we open it as much as we can even in the off seon it’s open we had someone complain that it was a beautiful week and I didn’t open the roller skating rank well I also work a
40h hour plus week job and so does Brian it’s not that we’re just sitting home doing nothing you know it it’s frustrating to hear this because we take pride in what we do over there so the prep work that has gone into last year’s ice you’re looking at 3 days of
Skating every single time it snowed we had to shovel we had to plow we had to s every single time it doesn’t mean I can make ice the next day it doesn’t mean I can make it that night I need to clear it cuz I can’t have it there it can’t
Freeze to the surface I need to have that surface prepped every single time we’re at the mercy of the Town garage the guys got a job to do we can’t stop them from doing their job we got to wait for that equipment once we do get it it may be
Even later it may be 11:00 by the time I’m starting or when Andre starting I may have 40 50 hours in plowing sweeping and shoveling before I can even make ice the amount so like if you want to pay per sweep event or per plow event we’re going to destroy that budget
Before we even get to make ice like I have to get all the pine needles off the leaves off from here on out I’m clean and it’s going to be that way until start making us okay how can we make everybody happy I I don’t know I guess is it just
You that’s unhappy or I don’t think it’s just me you know well like I don’t know unless someone else takes it over that that would be if that’s what you want then that’s what can happen well then how about if we try one more year with this contract I don’t know I’m just
Speaking for myself well that’s what I’m saying and we review it again if you’d like we can just walk away right now and you can figure it out cuz that’s where I’m at list we’ve done so much for this community I know that I didn’t come here
To you want nickel and dime what it takes to make usce and Andre I’ve invited everybody out every one of you are more than welcome to come out and watch the entire process so now you’re informing us you know it’s just like you said there was three seasons with three
Days that was open and uh it cost $10,000 and somebody may have complained we don’t know you know everything that goes on to running the ring and making the ice this uh uh and that’s why you know ice manager position like like you just informed us tonight that’s that’s
Regardless of whether you’re making ice or not that’s that’s a three season full-time activity so have no issues with has to be plowed because you always have hikers there so the parking lot constantly has to be plowed there’s people that are there all the time now they’ll be on the playground no matter
If it’s snowing or not in all the hikers that park there every single day that has to stay plowed and just Andre doing the plowing or ran that makes up for what Andre makes in the season whether it’s ice making or not and he does the same thing he’s a great worker he’s
Willing to come out at all hours of the night you’re not going to find people like that when you can make ice and he’s there whenever is able to make ice he is there so what I’m hearing I think is that part of this might be a semantics
Thing you know what is involved and and who does what and things like that um I think you know at this point and this is just my opinion and obviously everyone else please share um I think we should go forward with what we’ve got right now this is what we
You know where we’re at maybe at the end of the season look at it and just see if there are some ways that we could change it that would make more sense to everybody not necessarily cost more cost less but probably better Define what the duties are and where the money is going
And what we’re getting for the money because if you do break it down to we only had three days of skating and it cost $10,000 that that sounds like you know not a great thing when you do explain Brian like the stuff that’s involved it makes a to me it makes a lot
More sense so um that’s my two cents that sounds great Y no I think you’re doing a fantastic job year round with that property when it used to just be it used to just sit there for 9 months out of the year and plan like that blows my
Mind that and the other thing is there was never donations ever turned into the town I’m just going to leave that there and the donations that get turned in when we are open on the offseason if it’s not skating those go right back to that skating rank
Or stop for the families in town the new front deck looks absolutely phenomenal the playground is such an amazing addition um so I I think I honestly think the problem is is that we’re using like we said you know the budget hasn’t changed in that many years and neither
Have the descriptions of what’s going on and it doesn’t even pay attention to the fact that the rink is open during the summer and that we have roller skating now and that there is a change over between roller skating and IC all that like it’s not about the statement at all
But like for someone to bring it up it’s really frustrating because people don’t know what goes into it no they don’t and it would be easier for us to explain if you know we could say this is for the whole year you know cuz you look at this
And it but you would never get someone let’s be honest you would never get someone to be at that rank for a whole year for $6,000 cuz that’s what Brian that’s for Brian and I that’s a combined stien you would never get someone to do
That I agree so I’m and that like I said it’s not about the money at all that’s not what it’s about but it’s frustrating that people bring it up but they don’t know what’s really going on is that that’s part of the course you by you
Being here and thank you for being here that information can be conveyed and you know it’s on Peg so they’ll know better they’ll have a better understanding they don’t look at they won’t look at it say that was for 3 Days of skating while there’s a lot more it 3 days of skating
Any time the town goes out to plow to Salt I have well so if you take that into consideration as soon as they’re done we’re there yeah I’m waiting for the trucks does the town plow the parking lot no they pull into it to turn around and carry on with the
Roadways I kind of wouldn’t expect them to get in and plow another parking lot I’m more concerned with t of roads than I am with the parking lot right and the salt and stuff we don’t want in that parking lot no just because of the fact
And I do know every once in a while the parking lot gets a little hairy and I’m like I need some sand mix limit the salt use yeah I mean if you get tracked up on the onto the surface if I rewrote these to make it so it’s you know and we don’t
Mind keeping track hours if that’s something you guys want to see like we did for Stan several years ago it was Pennies on the dollar I think my suggestion would be because and and I’m not discrediting you guys at all for the money that you you do make
But you stop and and take that per hour you’re not making much at was pen it’s probably still there Stan couldn’t believe because it someone else that questioned us years ago what what actually went in and that it was like over 300 hours that we had in for the season it was um
Split we had it split between our operational days and our right our ice making but what what I was going to suggest is is it would it be feasible to look into a volunteer program to help not with not with any of the maintenance but just being there so like you guys
Wouldn’t have to be there when it’s open we enjoy being there cuz our kids are there you know we don’t we don’t mind I mean if there’s a day that for some reason we can’t make it Andre has always stepped in so it’s always been that whoever you know even Brian
Myself Andre and his girlfriend that’s how it’s always been just the four of us since we started oh okay six years so that’s that wouldn’t it doesn’t I mean it wouldn’t hurt like we have volunteers from the high school that always come over to help out which is I think good
For them for community service but we talked about kind of building the committee more because everybody on the committee is not a voting member basically cuz we don’t work for the town so trying to get you know in like in those situations where say you couldn’t open it because of something then that
Volunteer could go there and open it up or something you know um that’s the only thing and that’s the same with all the Committees trying to get people you know yeah and it’s hard but like donations do pay for the electricity there so that’s not even coming out of the budget and I
Remember that conversation with with Stan and those numbers and uh every single year is completely different oh yeah like last year last year was a complete bust we did sink a lot of time into surface management but yeah we tried a do times to get it and
We’re like all right we got it coming the next day and we watched it melt away yes it’s gone got to be a kick in the in the butt when you put all that effort in and it’s nothing but water and slug so can we agree let’s keep the
Contract for this year the same and then revisit and see if we can figure out a way to just be more transparent I think is is the best way to put it so that everybody understands what exactly is is going on and I’m not saying you’re trying to not be transparent you see
Like an hour log of each each thing that’s going to happen or do you want to see like I swept today so for the next couple weeks it’s going to be just that I’m sweeping now I think okay cuz as far as like the contract goes the contract
In my opinion is between the manager and you guys the board doesn’t approve the contract no the only way the board can get rid of the contracts if they go through the budget and agree to reduce the money funding for when they make Cuts so I’d be happy if you just give me
Updates so I know what’s going on there so like um I don’t need like the police re I don’t um but like just if if events are coming up so I can post them for people so they know on our website too um and just update me when the weather
Is what it is and you know I’ll try to maintain our website as much as possible so it gets out there for someone to say you make nice tonight you know I need a week of teens to get the ground temperature below I got to be
Well below 32 I got to be at least 25 before I can start making ice but that’s a week of teens to get the ground that cold once it’s there I can try to start building on that do you think it it has to do and this is might sound stupid but
With like global warming with the temperatures the way they are or uh the Tower versus before when it was just La I mean so I I I thought about that too the tar is flatter and it’s I feel like it’s quicker for me to get enough ice on
It that you can skate on it it’s a little more forgiving we helped Rutland town try to start their ice rank back and it was just that it’s it’s a long area it was kind of a bowl so they tried with flooding and it was it was ice and then
It was no ice and then there was a big gouge through it because of where they tried running the hoses and they they fought and they fought hard but do you think if people like didn’t need it perfect ice that they could still skate on it like even if it got
Ruined after a day and knowing you we can’t make ice the next day I mean I’m just saying I’m trying to appease some of those people that so at at that it takes me three solid days to sharpen every single skate if I go through and
It takes me 25 layers to make skat ice I’m not looking for hockey games by any means cuz that’s too braer for the ice you’re going out and just doing a casual skate if I let it get diminished you’re not going to hit the pavement all
Of my sharpening is now out the window as soon as you get the pavement it’s done now I got to go through refine those skates resharpen those skates more time than I have involved in it so if I’m closing it because the ice is soft I’m trying to protect the ice that I
Have be able to build on it again and also trying to protect the town’s property the town has paid for those skates Y unless you you know unless you guys want it done differently that’s and Andre always calls us before he says the ice is good to go like he’s he’s very
Good he’s very good cuz you can’t find a lot of people that are going to be up all night in the middle of the night making ice and freezing cold weather yeah well like Judy said I think the contracts between you and her y but it’s
It was it’s just nice for us so that when people come and complain yeah and you know people they’re going to complain no matter what you do yeah y um just to have some answers for them you know and we are we have always invited people to come over come over and watch
The ice making at night when Andre is there Ryan’s there you know just cuz I don’t think people realize that it’s with a fire hose um people still think that’s flooded and it’s supposed to just freeze but that’s not how it’s done it’s layers and layers of water with the fire
Hose yeah we looked at that say before we paved it and in the whole 9 y we looked through a lot of that stuff and I I’m glad it’s working I do believe when it was uh a black color asphalt it it helped melt it faster from underneath once you start
That underneath it creates air pockets and it’s uh it’s bad it just breaks away um the gray has helped and it slows it down but again I need that asphalt to get cold yeah um we looked into having it painted white that was like $20,000 yeah it was incredibly expensive
I thought about using the same white paint that the road crew uses to paint there the line markings and everything is it going going to be the same is it going to deteriorate how’s that going to react on the coding that’s there I don’t have those answers and I don’t know
Yeah good we all set thank you guys thank you guys for all you do have a good night take care night thank you uh so at this point is there a motion to to um recess the regular select board meeting and convene the Board of Water Commissioners no
Moved all those in favor say I I the linin accounts all right so before the end of the season when we couldn’t shut water off anymore we had four shut offs scheduled um one actually the had um gotten funding so her balance was low um so we didn’t shut that one off the
Other two that we wor one that we wor shut all three that we were shutting off um all came in and paid so um one got an agreement and the other two paid in full so good great great good news program’s working any other business for water
Commissioners believe so if not is there a motion to adjourn the Board of Water Commissioners and convene the board of sewage Commissioners second all those in favor say I anything for sewer Commissioners um just let the guys finished their third class on the asset management for the waste water facility there’s another one
I think that is like a followup covering all three classes and it’s in the spring so um yeah great glad would you talk to Kyle and see if they could do some trimming around the just around the outside of the fence at the sore plant y we got some trees
Growing up through the fence going to give us trouble anything else for sewer Commissioners if not is there a motion to adjourn the board of sewer Commissioners and reconvene the regular select meeting still more second all those in favor say I Department reports I think we covered
The sheriff yes yeah yep count manager all right um let’s see into the highway DPW did some rough patches on Pleasant eeden and South Street and they also removed the um grills from Beaver Pond the F and um brought it to the town garage for winter storage the grills yeah yeah not the
Frills um signs on Cane Street um a few folks were upset about it but the majority um were and after the sheriff was contacted to ticket those ignoring the signs the vehicles were all moved I still had a couple complaints after that because people were Now parking up on
High ledge so um instead of parking in the street they drove up the mountain where they had property and parked there so other cars Vehicles couldn’t get up um but it’s their property I looked at the property maps and it is their property so um yeah I don’t know if om
Has to get up there past them how they’re going to get there but um I did Reach Out to the owners and asked them if they could remove it and he said they can walk up to the mountain if they want to uh fire department was already mentioned and good
News um Planning Commission we met on the 2nd of November and Jeremy Gildan from Rutland Planning Commission was present to discuss the mer Grant and the town not being considered for round one based on energy burdens compared to others we’re still eligible it’s just that we’re in a tier not the first tier
So there will be funding available he also offered to assist the town with drafting an energy plan um which he said can be an advantage when seeking State funding and programs looking to fill a seat on the Planning Commission as well from Tom dod’s resignation so I have
That one out there on the website also trying to find some members to join these committees the we already have an enhanced energy plan with the town plan um this gentleman was new to uh the regional Planning Commission and and uh anyway um when is it do you
Know when our town plan is do again it should be like two more years I think yeah I’m trying to think the last year so that that would be the time to do a new energy right right um as we mentioned deck construction began November 1st um over
At the rink and it is completed um the Halloween party there was a success and we mentioned earlier that we were looking to have members join the park and rec committee so we can have a quorum and help at the rink um on 1111 there was a chili and mac and cheese
Cookoff um and then in the contracts depend on WEA hope to open the rink 330 to boy I got some typos here 9:00 p.m. weekdays and 12:00 to 9: on weekends um they have a birthday party coming up there and then a Santa party as well flakes were flowing half staff over
To honor those killed in Leon Maine um the clerk purchased a wreath for the monument for Veterans Day all documents for the Zion grant were filed on time and Zion and I were to review to make sure there were no discrepancies um that became a real
Um mess because we both reviewed it we did everything we were and the state kept emailing us saying you’ve got to do this you’ve got to do that you got to upload this and I was like we’ve already done all that I don’t get and they were
Like oh sorry we missed that so and even even Travis reached out to them and said I completed everything on time got commitment that it was done so what’s going on and they said oh we apologize everything’s okay so they have everything so the next plan I believe is
Not due until the spring for the project update where does zion stand with the water issue um that just kind of faded away well IE I’m it’s kind of I don’t know you guys didn’t do anything more on it as far as you you were kind of upset
With him I asked for questions to be answered put the ball back in his and he never answered me I reminded him again said I needed them he said they were going to be drafted by someone else Rewritten and I said I don’t want a
Rewrite I want what you read to us while you were at the meeting there’s no need for changes at all and he still hasn’t gotten it to me and I also reached out to him saying we need to have create some type of agreement on your delinquencies and he hasn’t got back to
Yeah I mean he’s got to come up with some money for those the back money that he owes us yeah so I’m going to reach out to them again but there’s no reason he couldn’t have just forwarded me out what he had on his phone on his phone
Yeah so I I said to him I don’t want it altered I don’t I want what you read to us so that’s what we need to go off of to you know to reex yeah he’s got to come up with some money here this is a a
Little yeah cuz I mean and I guess that I need that lead from you so if I reach out and say we do an agreement like everybody else you know you pay that delinquency up front you know over the span of the year and then you still ow for current
I mean there’s a big chance they’re just going to say forget it and we’re out of here so that’s what I need from you guys what your thoughts are is that how you feel they are they’re they’re leaning no I I mean there’s no communication between us really oh that’s that’s their problem
Yeah yeah that’s yeah they’re not good good at getting back to me things we have no recourse though right now cuz we can’t shut them off not now because of the time a year but we can make them enter an agreement I mean you know they they owe taxes they
Owe water they owe sewer yeah how about if we send them a letter asking them what they plan on doing with these delinquencies give my chance to and is is there a lean on the property since they are delinquent no no cuz there’s no agreement that they
Broke but I thought if you were delinquent that automatically resulted in a lean that’s what we were told well yeah but and it’s a lot you know that they’re delinquent in so I’ll write a letter and I’ll also check with theage for the total cuz there’s just going to be more
Coming up in Spring I mean and now it’s a crewing interest and we’re kind of stuck until spring now but uh at least we can send them a letter yeah cuz I email them you know asking for information Callum you know and then there again that’s uh you know he has renters so
That’s similar to King Street M okay yeah you can’t just let him no no I mean he he owns this prop they own this property over here and they can’t I can’t imagine them just uh walking out the door well I think too based on the last meeting the board didn’t come to a conclusion and say we
We’re we’re sticking to where we were at the first place well because we asked them to send us the information so I think until then we’ve got we’ve got to make a decision either put it on the agenda and then make that decision so it’s in writing and this is where we at
So then is if he wants to G that he can then we have more ground to go after them yeah we’ve got to push the button right now it’s up in limbo and he’s just yeah taking advantage of right so what if we put it on the agenda for
The next meeting if they don’t provide us with the information we’ll move forward and if they do we’ll move forward yep okay sounds good question that that’s only current though I mean you’re talking about retroactive to what they’re pass through also about adjusting that I’m not so what they’re P
Do you could still write a letter I mean oh yeah I could still write the letter I mean I don’t think if I was past through that much you’d send me a friendly letter at this time of the year to say Lisa what do you and tend doing with the delinquencies on
Your property if you’re I I just I don’t get why they’re always the anomaly or the exception to the rule well and I don’t know if it was even clear with the board if they basically said that we’re you know we’re lowering it to you know
50% for current only I don’t know if that was ever really stated I never to me the intention was never to lower it for previous years no I would not have voted for that if that had been understand that yeah I don’t know if they understand that that’s why
I want you go back and watch the meetings it’s pretty clear but you understand what you want to understand well and also I mean we I think I even said we’ve already budgeted this for this year yeah so I mean I yes it wasn’t implicitly stated but it was
Yeah the question was asked of them are you arguing your past delinquency or are you arguing what’s or are you asking for the current in the letter to Michael you run that letter by the lawyer right was well I mean initial letter I just want to
Find out that’s not what he said when he said I want I just want back on the agenda so we can say this is where we’re at we’re at 50% that’s it done deal then a letter say we need an agreement now and if you don’t you know that’s what I
Think let’s do that okay works for me everybody okay yeah uh let’s see reached out to the state for assistance with 2651 West Street um they were reaching out to the owners um for their legal advisor they’re going to be contacting the select board to discuss next steps so I’m guessing they haven’t
Contacted you yet but um they’re very quick when I email them to respond um they said that you know it’s a Vermont Department of Health and they said no we’re we’re on this and we’re going to see what we can do to get them you know have an as bestus report they
Agreed with me that if they were having a house built by Habitat Humanity that they definitely would have you know gone and got an asbest report done stuff so um so they’re going to try to see what Avenues they can get to so I gave them all their contact information you know
Emails also Britney that she was involved at one point so have the taxes been paid I think they haven’t I think they were paid right after the right before but when I I did email them and that said that um you know everything was supposed to be cleaned up by 11:15
And nothing’s happened at all um this was the first of the month and that no report was filed and I explained to them that we would have to do clean up ourselves and then put a lean on the house and then tax out so and I haven’t heard name so
Sh um I also called cassella regarding people overloading their trash bins um a lot of people have been overloading the bins using recyclable bins for garbage and then overloading them with just uh you know Garden bags white bags things they’re falling out of the bins on the
Ground and I said to him that we don’t want those picked up if they’re not in a red bag or you know the tops closed do not pick that garbage up and he said my guys are really good they don’t pick them up and he said I’ll call them right
Now and let them know cuz they’re in town so when I went through town afterwards they were all picked up so there was one on South Street there was yes still is this week too and it’s was all picked up yep so I’m got to get on the horn with them about that
Um we’re working on compiling budget details with departments I worked with the highway department and the committee so far and the fire department they’ve got back to me with their budgets so um where’s Kyle’s report huh where’s Kyle’s report he only does it at the end
Of the month it’s one once a month end of the month I thought we were getting Mar Mee here in 2 weeks no I asked him when I first started your report he said I only do at the end of the month y so he does
It for the whole month okay speaking of Public Works you know we’re at the end of the mowing season now will they clean the equipment and service the equipment and preper it for winter storage and that will be in his report then when we get it that we took care of all that
Stuff yeah um Deb king um reached out to me cuz they’re the ones who are doing the Consulting for the um C Street project and they said that um there is a Vermont Transportation alternative Grant which is due in December and that they said that they would assist me with doing
That Grant as a supplement because if the project goes over then that grant money is available to supplement that so they drafted up an agreement with um it probably not maxing out over $2,000 to assist in the grant reading so I thought that would be very helpful
So and the trees are coming down on South Street they I don’t know I reached out to him and he kept saying several weeks several weeks he took care of the ones on patch Street about 3 weeks ago maybe four weeks ago Kyle going pick
That far W up on patch Street yeah um that was a hardwood tree oh I don’t know is it still lying there okay he probably will they pick up all the wood around if they can but if it’s if it’s decent size so they can cut
It so um but I’ll ask them and I don’t know why they aren’t taking the ones on South Street down yet I mean the projects are starting to Spring but still yeah it’ be nice to get it down when the ground is yeah cuz several weeks have passed and yes you know
They’re supposed to do it well we gave them the bid they said they were several weeks out yeah but that was what 12 weeks ago yeah got to be any would you push him a little bit please now those people are going to move back in their house there
And going be happy with trucks all over the front lawn yeah originally they weren’t going to so I’m also looking for a new Forester um cuz ours is retiring so um I’ve talked to um Tom Grace about um the potential of other contractors out there that
Would actually go up to the property in Chittenden and actually create a road as they cut and he said he would be willing to do so so I’m going to I’d like to go out for an RFP so we could try to move part of that money that we put away for a
Road up there back into the um building fund cuz there’s certain things in this building that were supposed to be done out of that money and then it was moved to do that road so those things aren being done anything else for the town manager are we about to
Adjourn the budget okay well before we do that um I’d like to suggest that we appoint or get a volunteer to be a town historian Mrs Kennedy was great you know for years she Knew and I think uh Dale would be a great person for this and if anybody else knows anybody certainly in the roor just a volunteer so look for volunteers to do that put chy on so budget season is upon us um and one thing cuz I don’t know how
Much we can really dive into tonight cuz we don’t have the whole budget um but the thought that I had is there have been years where we have tried to tackle this at the end of meetings and do a couple departments at a time it’s
It’s my thought that we would be a lot more efficient doing this in a special meeting where we could just focus on the budget for the entire time I don’t know what your thoughts are so I just wanted to throw that out there and see I agree
What everybody thought and I sent it out this way per Stan suggestion and um just to see if there’s anything if you you know perused it if there’s anything you think oh no that’s way too much you know we got to cut there or we need
To beef up a different you know a certain line item or something like that and like I said I’ll get I got the tap the highway now so we plug those in fired I’ll plug those in the Committees um but really we we need Highway we
Need to to really see what we’re doing at this point yeah and the fire department must to giving you a budget they I just got it today yeah it’s here um and I got to calculate everybody’s I still won have figures for like workers comp and all that stuff on the leag till
Later so I’m going to have to kind of see where we’re at and try to do the guesstimate till they come on board with that hopefully I’ll get it in the next few weeks a couple weeks um insurance has gone up 14% health insurance we looked at another carrier
Which was slightly lower but in the out you on the outskirts it’s like it’s not going to matter but if we have to do all the leg work to switch over it’s not saving us hardly anything um we actually only have four people on the health
Insurance um really yeah um I see in the past when Michael budgeted it he he the vacant ones that aren’t having insurance he put those in as like two- party family in case someone left I mean I’d like to be conern conservative but not that conservative um
So and then like you know talking about like raises and everything like that we’ve got to have a um operator for the Wastewater Plant and water so we’re talking about that uh Celia hasn’t given you her budget no we’re supposed to meet next week actually this week okay
Stan said this is what he did he said he gave it to you guys plug in the numbers you got all the numbers plugged in oh he said he didn’t he said he get threw it out to you guys and just said hey here plug in the numbers you think I mean a
Lot of these you guys aren’t going to be able to do because they’re they have to be calculated you know anything in the top tier the clear workers comp all that stuff yeah we used to get a budget with all the numbers plugged in standed always jump everyone up like
10% right down through all right but anyway well I can do that so if well no no let’s wait and get the budgets here I mean Sil you can give you a good number right right and I calculate a lot of her stuff for her too yeah I just got fires
Today so I’ll put that in so when do we think we’ll have something that we’ll be ready to look at well when you want and when you have a special meeting are you doing it cuz we used to do a peace Mill you know like we used to do Administration clerks
Treasures like that and then we to do police yeah right one night so is that the way you want to do it like take the first you know yeah first two or three pages or Albert one question on Department 93 that’s on page 11 what that solar contract there nothing
Budgeted and the actual is $64,500 so it’s some of these line items that he had in here aren’t really budgeted in other words the money is allocated but it comes in and pays it so it’s not you know it’s like even Bond payments and stuff when they’re listed
So it’s not like a budgeted item that we have to expend for we actually get the the solar credits like when we get all the Green Mountain bills we get some that have all solar credits in there so we have to allocate for those so it’s
Not funded no it’s not fun it’s not fun that’s not an expense no okay and there’s a lot of there might be some in here that are old like blank because for some reason which I think is crazy we create a line item for every single
Thing we ever expended and then we don’t have that expense again but it still remains you can clean that up yeah that yeah that’s something I’ll have to work with Celia cuz she keeps track of all the I just want to make sure I don’t delete one that she said
Well maybe you know we’ll have to use it or something like that no yeah if we’ve got a blank space here and there that I don’t and I’m starting to get in all the um letters for the budget for like you know the agencies that want a
Portion of the money in our budget so so just a general question you know because a many on these Pages there isn’t any information for the proposed budget for fiscal year or 25 but seems every page has notes in it now are those the notes that are applicable
For year 24 no when I sent them out I said those were notes for fiscal year 24 okay and I’m trying to use old spreadsheets and there’s certain ones that like there’s one I’m doing right now for the um health insurance coverage and for some reason all the public works
There was no fiscal 24 put in there at the column so I’m like so I’m I’m going to try to track it down but I’m going to use fiscal 25 you know which it’s it’s really hard because I’m projecting for figures we don’t even have that don’t
Exist you know like the workers comp rates we get the health insurance rates are for this are this year coming year they’re not two years out so I have to guess what will they be two years out so page 10 under Parks we pay our yearly mosquito
Control where’s our buy in for the uh mosquito District where’s our what B in probably CU it didn’t exist until this next year it’ll have to be put in as a line item I’m guessing mhm but we’ve already paid one payment did you say page 10 page 10 of 12 under
Parks parks mosquito control that’s probably five up from the bottom four yep 15, 17,000 right and then it jumped to 175 yeah yeah so where’s our Buy in is it is it under another another department do we need to put an item in for that so th this is just the cost of
The spring and now we’re doing the buy in for the but the Buy in to join we there was another check generated for that right but it I don’t think it was in that fiscal year like it wasn’t prior so he would he shouldn’t have separated it out I don’t believe unless
It’s in this back one let me check what I believe it yeah the there was a check written for there were two checks written from Proctor to the mosquito District under my understanding to but that would have been under the current fiscal year right I think the the check they received C
Fiscal year that’d still be fiscal 24 though right yeah but it would still be in here yeah well it should be did that not get budgeted for no I don’t see where it showed up at all no I couldn’t find it this is the duplicate of the budget
Last year so so I’ll look and yeah because it was another amount I think about 18,000 yeah Sil you must have cut a check yeah you can find out that will take one question away okay so when do we you know when can we start on our
Budgeting well as far as meeting again well I mean when will you know Kyle have his budget in and well I got Kyle’s Celia I got Kyle Celia I should get this week yeah so I’ll do all those this week I’ll plug those numbers and then the
Other ones I’ll just create well if we take the first three four pages and work on that do do we want to do special meeting I mean next week’s Thanksgiving like think you should do a special meeting this week we want to do a special meeting this week well are we going to
Have some numbers we’ve got some of these here okay yeah I mean we can put numbers in want to go from uh Department 30 up to Department 36 or 37 the first meeting is that two meeting trying to yeah yeah that’s I mean I think that’s ambitious but we can
Probably do it again a lot of this stuff we have to remember not a lot of wiggle room unfortunately no unfortunately the big ticket items are the ones that we have no control over yeah there’s well yeah that’s like unfortunately Cella you know Insurance just like you know our budgets at home we
Don’t so Judy I I think one of the big things for me is if we were to meet this week with those departments would we would we have at least a general idea of what percentage increase we’re looking for for the entire budget then right now it says 8% but right yeah I
Mean it’s if I get the whole thing filled out I would but if I don’t I mean it’s not I mean it’s not like I sit down just pluging numbers I mean the calculations for all the workers C and payroll and all that stuff and going off the spreadsheets I have existing are
Just mne bottling so I’m trying to create my own but we could try to tackle so we’re saying we’re going to try to tackle departments 3 31 yeah so page 1 through 4 try yeah all right what uh day time is is good for everybody we’re thinking the end of this
Week yeah Thursday with Thursday work for everybody I don’t think there’s any meetings Thursday Thursday is okay with me um I think so what time do you want to start at 4 I think that’s a great time okay Thursday at 4 for special meeting for the budget Thursday 4
Okay p.m. good and Judy will turn the heat down a little bit before we get here yeah um also the Rutland County Solid Waste had reached out to me about coming to talk about the previous year year because they’re trying to put all their funding together so I told him he
Wouldn’t be on until the 27th and he said oh I have to be in Killington that day it’s too late so I said if we have a special meeting for the board I said I could invite you but if we do it’s got to be like a 5 minute wrap up or
Just WR summary he wants to show us the summary go over it I mean I can have him email it to us and the mosquito District to will be coming yes they want to attend a meeting Conta 27th of November they’re going to contact do they have yet yeah they sent
Me something oh yeah they did so I’d say to them send us something okay great that we can just read oh okay that we can read okay not the mosquito District the no yeah it is um and under just just for my own knowledge uh page six Highway uh the last entry Highway
Repairs is that Paving equipment rental materials or yeah that’s like I think like when they do the coal patch and stuff like that okay but what about Paving Paving is usually under a separate Paving like Highway like funds like the um grants and stuff so they’re under
The next page where they have Highway improvements that’s the oh there it is yeah $85,000 okay yep good yeah that didn’t have the the budget numbers across the top right okay Thursday at 4:00 CL yep I guess so everybody bring a dish to pass any other business or Questions if not is there a motion to adjourn move all those in favor say I I I we’re