Hey guys I am here right now I’m driving home um just dropped Cooper off but I wanted to hop on here because there’s been some stuff going on with family bloggers on YouTube and I just wanted to kind of go over a few things with y’all I’m not a
Reporter or anything like that but I do post on YouTube and I ALS so you know have a family channel which I have been limited my kids on YouTube for some of the reasons of what’s going on with YouTube right now in certain families um but the first thing I want
To mention is what is her name she’s from Idaho can’t remember her name y’all know who I’m talking about she was arrested and being in some kind of cult with connections and um yeah that one’s a really bad look I really do think she’s guilty I mean even her Vlogs I didn’t
Really watch her but going back watching everything on her she definitely has some guilt there on what she did into those kids I cannot imagine what they went through um but there is one that apparently it’s been out for a few days now I’m sitting at a red light
Um but I just noticed it today because I have been really slacking on keeping up with YouTube just working trying to keep up with videos and things and yes Mason’s talking in the background on our way home um but this one really really really caught me by
Surprise and I’m talking to y’all while I’m driving home because I know once I get home I’m not going to be able to talk to y’all um but it’s if you’re not familiar Jan marel Stewart um Jan morel’s large family table something like that I have been watching her for at
Least 6 years if not more y’all and I never would have expected what came out I watched her video like a few days ago and it said she had broken her wrist roller skating with her kids well then I popped up on YouTube today and her husband Travis Stewart was
Arrested um I can’t remember the exact charges but it was some type of either neglect or abuse to the children I’m not sure what it’s going to classify as yet he did get released on bond from what I’ve seen and what I’ve I’ve listened to and read
Um but I did not expected from this family and then when I went through reading the comments on those videos it said recently that she had not been wearing her wedding ring and that she was going through some type of secondhand trauma or something like that um and so I don’t
Think she is a bad mother I don’t think she’s a bad person I’ve never met her but going back and watching the lady from Idaho that’s with connections cold whatever I may may be saying this wrong I’ve listened to all the podcast on that we’re looking when you put these two
Cases combined because I feel like a lot of people they’ve seen this case and now they’re hearing about this one and they’re going to be like well if she did all this now her hus this lady’s husband was arrested then they’re all like that I don’t honestly
And the news it could prove me wrong this case could prove me wrong if it goes anywhere which I’m sure it will because it was toward children I don’t think Jam marel is a bad person bad mother um she’s the one that reported her husband I’m going to continue to support her and
Watch her because obviously she’s a single mom right now I’m just thinking that I mean she’s still posting videos and things like that but she was gone for like a month I guess to give herself a break which she definitely needed um but I just don’t think she is a bad
Person I don’t think we should abandon her Channel if we enjoy watching her just because of things going on in her life I have things that have went on in my life you you know I could eventually be in the news one day for something
Like this you know what I mean I don’t think I ever will be but I’m not a big vlogger either I don’t have millions of subscribers or even thousands um so you never know where it’s going to take you but because she has so many subscribers I feel like people are attacking
Her and really honestly the only thing they know on the inside is from what was on that police report and so they’re judging her character and things like that when they don’t even know the true story the only thing they know is what was written by her on the police report against her
Husband so just to let y’all know I’m going to continue to support her there are videos on YouTube uh you just look up Jamal’s Stewarts has been arrested things like that you can go watch the videos but be very leery of who you watching because there are a lot of I
Wouldn’t say a lot but there are a lot of these reporter type channels on YouTube which I do watch I really enjoy watching them to keep up with the news because I’m not a news person I like to watch those videos it’s more entertaining to me to be able to know
What’s going on about the world but there are a few channels and I’m not going to list names because there’s some things going on with those channels as well um that are are not truthful there is one that I believe it but I believe it till I see it that is apparently
Harassing other people spreading misinformation she’s getting people to talk to her and then without consent she’s blowing out their information and so be very leer of who you are listening to when you are watching when you’re trying to find out about this information because some of them are stirring it up
Like I watched one video earlier and then I was like okay I just want to see what everybody else is saying and then I click on one and there’s a video bashing her pretty much when this person has no idea about her life they were married
For 25 years his father had just passed away I mean it could have been some sort of trauma and he was just triggered and you know he lost his dad but it still gives no right to treat a child the way he did if it is true
But from what the report said it’s him that did it not Jarel and that is her Channel he is never really ever seen the only time I’ve really ever seen him on her channel is like during Christmas time because he would rap all the Christmas gifts but honestly that’s
Really the only time I’ve seen him on her channel so when you’re thinking of this this is her fulltime income so she needs that support especially being a single mother now out I’m sure that’s what’s going on um but yeah if y’all can go and send Jam Morel Stewart some love
I’m sure she did not expect all this to end up in the media the last few days um but definitely go watch her I think you all would enjoy her doesn’t matter what she’s got going on in her life or what has happened we all have something in
Our life that we don’t want people to know so whether it’s simple or something big so if you like vlogs and Thrift huls and things and grocery shopping hauls and cook with MES go check out Jam roll store send her some little bit of love during this hard
Time and I’ll see you guys in my next video bye