[ __ ] welcome in my creeper oh hi Ben I didn’t he my creeper I’d call almost like my bodyguard how you doing James well pretty busy just made another you could say 10K in the game you’re you’re you’re packing you’re packing the vix boxes well already did a dozen boxes already for
Them I know now they’re like hey we’re we’re we’re we’re getting in early now we really got to get to work I’m like what the hell have you been doing yeah there’s some news that Mrs T put out in Disco so yeah hi Andy that’s unknown unknown news unknown news
SCE I don’t know who this person is seems like a troll be careful literally down from Down Under there you go that’s better on the TR from under the bridge oh L hang on I better go over and hit the like button on James I think
James is R streaming is he yep yep he’s he’s whing my my hours yeah pouring off the labers of other people’s backs like James you have a you have your shot ready right oh yeah know I actually don’t have I no I don’t on the um the on the hot chocolate kid
Today all right goodby good goodbye Wendy unacceptable for the Aussie to not have alcohol I’m a freaking broke ATI this week I’m a I’m aoke I’m a broke white person too this week don’t worry but I still like I have to sacrifice I sacrifices I’m a black person so there’s
A better chance of me being broke in austr a bad racist we’re past the timeline YouTube won’t pick it up um um what’s today it’s Friday here and I get paid on in three days time so only get paid every two weeks that’s that’s most people most
People are every two weeks and thank you thank you to the Vick you know I make sure I get that extra [ __ ] penny it’s very thoughtful waiting for the ads to watch to end yeah I wonder what their ads are like because everyone’s ads are different I bet they’re scary oh mine
Was a um mine was a t t m oh is that right you don’t get the money unless you watch the whole ad is that true thought you were coming no I I don’t I don’t think I think you I think I think I think I think that you
Can do non skipable of ads and skippable ads and then you can select like depending on your video like do you want an ad in the middle of the video if it has to be eight minutes at least or longer then you can put multiple in the video and YouTube will do it
Automatically you can deselect that and take that off so it just does it at the beginning or whatever but most people just leave leave it let YouTube do whatever it does but everything is like customized to the viewer not by what the the YouTube video is about so it could be to like
Videos uh stuff you’ve Googled like products yeah depending on what I’m doing I’ll just let the ad play the ads don’t actually really worry me much on YouTube I think I have know what YouTube does with it I’m like whatever you you just I don’t even
Play with the settings hi Amy how are you I’m doing okay sorry husband was talking to me that was very hesitant hi I’m doing okay where’s uh where’s your where’s your where’s your St buddy I don’t know I don’t know where he is yeah the Harley guy probably yeah he’s probably still
Reading all the Discord chats yeah yeah I need to turn that I need to turn that [ __ ] off too because I’m even on my it’s just on my desktop not my phone I close it I actually close the program and it’s still beep beep beep and I’m like what are people
Doing it’s not just from you guys it’s from like the football one couple discords from those and I’m like we were all having a gay old time back in the days when gy was happy exactly happy colorful cheery all that good stuff guy all time not the not
Not what it is now I don’t even know what it technically is now it’s fluid it’s fluid and never I think it’s gone I think it’s still a happy time as well um well I think a lot of you are having a happy time I don’t know okay Mrs D okay that’s if
He I’m still trying to get everything cool guys tell him to stop don’t ruin Wendy’s night over there okay yeah I missed I missed that last night found I went back and uh watched I went back and watched stream and I was like a focal point of
The conversation for like an hour and a half for some reason I don’t yeah off and on I know James was me apparently and then at some point because the chat got that person got blocked or timed out you didn’t see it in the chat so it just
Kind of popped up commentary but I didn’t get to see the chat so that’s why I was like oh I think I caught on to what the what the issue was last night CU I was I woke up at like 2: in the morning I was like crap so I got up and
Then Discord was like and I’m like what’s happening right now yeah well I think I mentioned myself how James and um James and Ben seem to be having a bromance yeah J James doesn’t play with me in the the Freo though he’s always like I’m on there doing stuff but he’s never playing
With me I don’t know what’s going on well then you like touching the GF uh the well g g stickers all the time well that’s on Discord not foro though yeah uh I do have to give a an alert here this might be a troll down at the bottom might be aoll it
Might be Monica no it’s not Monica oh oh a and I Alien Alert Alien Alert Mr Dugger D there he is good I don’t think Monica he’s been in swh until recently hey Monica just want to come say my buddy well that’s the only this is the only time you ever say it because you don’t come on to my we stopped our Friday night shows for the political
Talks oh [ __ ] people weren’t supposed to know that’s me [ __ ] I was there every time that is true Mrs T pecking a few boxes you kind of gave that away bro that’s that would be questionable a few boxes would that be just one or two boxes we already gave ourselves away
Anyways because we showed ourselves on camera a couple times because my whole the whole thing was faceless and then I showed myself on camera a couple times quickly I was like well that destroyed the whole point of channel yeah he didn’t miss out on too much Monica Ben’s a bit weird he keeps
His boyfriend the cage in the basement B I don’t have hashw right you don’t have a basement yeah I was like the basement I don’t have he’s dead asleep right now he had a he had a really long day he gets up at like 5:30 in the
Morning he’s at work he leaves for work by like 6:25 today he got home at like early but then he had to go back for like a conference meeting from like 5: to like 9 900 p.m. so he got back he had some snacks and he was like I’m [Laughter]
Done oh he s work he works a lot poor Dar does that make any sense Ben when I types what TP hey uh if you just click the x button on Discord it doesn’t actually close the program it minimizes it to the system
Tray no no I know I know I just need to turn off the uh notifications though yeah or you I need to go I need to go to the actual system and you just right click down by the or you just click on the little up Arrow by
Your clock on a computer it’ll show you the system Dre you find the little mask icon and then you right click on it and click exit Discord if you want it closed there’s also you want to shut it up shut it up all right thank you tpr all right tpr is gone thank
He [ __ ] he [ __ ] left I was going to pull him back in I was just like all right goodbye tpr he left oh Mr dugger’s gone too uh Mr Dugger that’s his that’s his internet tpr I was gonna pull back up on panel I was just gonna be like all
Right thanks dick and then pull him back up oh oh you like Ben’s green backr I think he’s probably got a secret thing with Kermit the Frog maybe as well who knows I like green our football team I don’t think this will work oh so that’s the Aron that’s how pronounce in America
Oron oron I can’t say it lot of people say or Aon but it’s it’s actually like or oron or a gun like think of or a gun or or oron oron yeah Oregon oron or yeah Oregon but you know that wasn’t by American Standard that’s by the you know
Translation through the whatever the [ __ ] it was who who gives a [ __ ] pronounce it right d Monica might come up want to come come up on your panel one Discord cool kids tpr don’t be upset I just removed you I was going to pull you back up you decided to be a little
Is he in the background giving you sign language no no he D he totally dropped out I just removed him I was going to pull him back up but yeah he left the background even oh all or Oregon oron there you go people in the US can’t even pronounce it correctly
So you’ll listen to live broadcast they’ll be like today is the Oregon Ducks and everyone’s like what the hell did he just say one I’ve always had Americans pull me up on is New Orleans they go it’s not New Orleans new New Orleans New Orleans New Orleans it’s New Orleans or New Orleans
You gota like roll that [ __ ] I’ve actually had yeah one American friend that’s one of those deliberate stirring words I use where I go so he jazz is going on down at New Orleans like it’s not New Orleans it’s New Orleans New Orleans New Orleans is still pronounced
Correctly to a degree but yeah they just roll it there I mean you’ve listened to Wendy you can hear what a southerner sounds like so of course she’s not going to say New Orleans she’s going to say New Orleans yeah yeah yeah she is what I love that southern
Accent I really love it that just that just sounds like the accent of what I visualize all Americans sound like even though I know you don’t but the the Southern Southern Dro as we would probably call it yeah depending on especially depending on where you’re at what location in the
South because I mean [ __ ] me like you talked to LW LW doesn’t really have an accent he has like a more of a a little bit of Southern but not really but I’m from Oregon in the north I’ve lived in Georgia South Carolina Hawaii and in
Texas and then North Dakota and in Texas again I just have a weird [ __ ] mixture of word say words because of like different things because like North Dakota is that that’s that’s damn Canada it’s like an hour south of the Canadian board they fly the Canadian flight’s
Airport for a [ __ ] sake where Sam come from Again Sam comes from a country that starts with I can’t remember it El Salvador oh I even didn’t even start with ML it didn’t start with l e l it does start with e l l l
Salador uh that would be uh I mean I’m in Houston South American go but I’ve uh I’ve lived in Colleen Texas Fort Worth Texas Dallas Midland I’ve spent a lot of time in San Antonio but I’ve lived in Houston in two different hitches is for like six seven years
Total isn’t there a song about San Antonio Texas I’m sure there definitely is multiple oh especially about yeah everyone just sees all the Oregon stuff it’s like oh you you live in Oregon I’m like not for almost 20 years oh wow really I’m still you
Ro that old I think I’m the grandm on the panel I don’t know how old are you Bosley discussed James is a brightly brightly a spritely 23 oh not that young I don’t know about spritle then yeah I almost said brightly and I was like that’s not the word I’m looking
For it’s spritely that’s the one I’m looking for well I figured it was spritely I said spritely Monica hello hello hello good to meet you B Sam well hello yeah we we chat a little bit briefly on some of like the either the vix or one of the
Other streams like a little bit but yeah I’m not always involved in chats I’m usually watching I’m creeping kind of like James just sitting here staring at creepy Watcher hi James hi sir I love you Bosley boss’s like what the hell did you say to me no we just the all we need is the Vicks and Harley up here and we’ll have we’ll have the panel yeah we just need my daddy and then we’ll Harley is over on a [ __ ] show right
Now no he’s not I popped my head in to see what was going on and yeah it’s like chaos over there like 10 drunk people including Harley they ever on that [ __ ] show um a friend of that [ __ ] show yeah are you talking about the [ __ ] show
That the day on panel no no not zero no Lord oh Zer H my Lord get your ass over here for real so where is he over on has he going to nbody that you’re no he’s he’s over on Chris’s Channel beers and shears oh right whoop beers and
Tears wo I’m on hot chocolate come here well actually I don’t even have a hot chocolate you look cute today I love your forehead looks like he’s put a bit extra work into it today you don’t want to talk to me I called him Bosley oh well that’s your name now you
Got James likes Ben picking on him I don’t know what gos with that they’re like brothers I swear James like gets off on that [ __ ] well me and Ben start picking on the Vicks that’s how we got along who doesn’t who doesn’t pick on picking on the Vick oh yeah
Me telling them how late they’re running I’m gonna be picking on Vick for for the cold season Vick Vaper rub and Rob putting on on M te’s makeup like I have on my lips right now I got a lip Plumping gloss for the first time and that’s some weird
[ __ ] uh oh it’s how do you call it how do you call that that oh God what is it chapstick or whatever you call that thing it feels like it feels like you know that lube that like heats up and cools down and [ __ ] like like it feels like I have that
On my lips right now it’s not pleasant I don’t like it yeah it’s like it’s like it’s like it’s like almost like it’s almost like a Icy Hot because Sam Sam uses chapstick a lot like especially in the winter and then he’ll like he’ll give me like a some he’ll
Give me kiss goodbye in the morning or whatever I’m like no he’s wearing lip gloss again because I’m like he’s like not lip it’s not lip gloss you just tasted it you’re like oh Lord I got to taste this again n that’s when he want sounds a bit well because it’s greasy it’s
Greasy yeah I feeling though yeah I think if you’re not expecting the LI lip gloss yeah if if I don’t take care of my lips like they crack super freaking easy so I feel him that [ __ ] hurts I know he does I hated it too I remember Winters before I
I was like cracking my lips all over I’m like I couldn’t even smile could even eat couldn’t even open my mouth I’m like like crack and then bleed then you eat something salty and everything’s hell Oh I hope you’re not EA eating anything spicy that’s even going to make it worse girl no no well that’s sort of like if you get a everyone gets them no matter what you do at least especially winter time if you’re actually in winter winter everyone gets like a canker sore once in
A while uh it’s like just a natural thing that happens no matter what yeah it’s like one of those things like sometimes it hurts some done it’s just annoying most of the time but if it hurts it’s like or getting when it gets really bad
And the more you lick your lips the more it stings and feels like your own saliva is spreading the wind burn you know what I decided to do is is we we don’t we we used to wear masks I wear my my masks during the winter so I could keep my mouth pretty
Moist yeah yeah that would work otherwise I because I work outside so I have to be tough of the gear if if you know what I mean yeah you’re one of those this people wears all the high flu SK I’m G to warn you people I’m GNA warn
You people immediately this is not gonna go till 4 in the morning not till 4 am I am warning you guys I meant to start the show with that night you know what I everyone says that you know what I used to have a I I used to go to a
Stream where they where they did like live action police action and stuff I used to tell the the uh the owner of the channel M $10 till till 5 in the morning and everybody was saying yeah $10 till 5 in the morning and not everybody will be you know super chatting super stickering
And I’m like you gotta be after until until 5 in the morning you are thinking you’re wrong I ain’t going up I ain’t going to be like that until 5 in the morning I’m getting out of here until 12 bye well that’s what that’s what happened last night with uh Southern
Girl with Wendy’s was like all right we’re giving this 15 more minutes then Dez got on I’m like well this is gonna give another hour another hour she yeah she’s a live animal she’s a live animal that lady yeah oh Monica I I spoke to Harley and
We think we’re going to do your stream at 6:30 6:30 uh Eastern Standard Time 10 for angel number one okay and 104 Roger dad windows I love you window yeah but I can’t say I love you back there because mul’s here my cyber husband so that’s who I love if everyone
Hold on a minute this is a sister love so I’m not getting jealous I’ll get it I’ll get I’ll get something to drink hang on demands in a second get a drink I’m going to grab another beer quickly so if everyone doesn’t have something to drink I’ll get a
Drink I need a beer oh no I’m gonna be by myself with three women oh my God that would be the first time you’ve everever said that in your life James James you’re so you’re a lucky son of a gun you have three Angels next to
You ha yeah to protect me yeah yeah we got no it’s the other way around sir you got to protect us you remember you’re the agent Bosley remember [Laughter] that you’re the one that s us assign assigned missions and then we come back and then give you the
Report yep you’re the Bosley of our Harley’s angels yeah you you go to Harley’s and you say Okay reporting my my to my duty sir I don’t think James like that oh will oh M multi is kill me I just saw that I heard Lu what he
Say he said I heard lub and came running oh my God multi you’re some mes you’re some Ms oh Lord I love well I’m going to ask a question of the day to all four of us well three of us okay question of the day um what is the most daring thing you
Would do in your bucket list anything no no matter what if it’s dangerous not dangerous if it’s delicious if it’s if it’s uh if it includes you know writing a book whatever it is H see I keep going back and forth on whether or not I would do skydiving or not like I feel like it could be cool I just don’t know if I would actually be able to bring myself to do it you know what you know what would be the best thing to
Do hary dad James wends me and you all five of us let’s go skydiving oh my gosh did you say skyd sweet yeah oh my God great time we just go skydiving and we we we would have the thrill the most thrilling time have you done that yet Ben you’re
You’re an adventurous fellow you go W the question of the day is what would be the most daring thing you would do in your bucket list oh SK sister me too too yeah Sky see I have not been skydiving because mostly because I’ve never had the opportunity slash also always [ __ ]
Expensive [ __ ] expensive well compared to G to Paris well Sam Sam well that’s true Sam has been um once and I I’m like yeah oh I mean I’d rather go skyd me the one thing I don’t want to ever do is bungee jump yeah I I don’t TR don’t TR I don’t
Trust I’d rather at least if I if the parachute doesn’t open I just go look at the view yeah and not only that be going tandem jumping yeah You’ be going tandem when you Sky die Sky freaking parachuting or whatever and I mean the fell that you’re tanding me with I’m
Pretty sure that they don’t want to die yeah yeah doues your CH sergeant Tom Tom good to see you hello Sergeant Sergeant I don’t need to I don’t salute sergeants the [ __ ] am I doing I do I do you don’t salute you don’t salute other enlist actually he
Doesn’t come up you’re supposed to offic supposed to you officers that served your country sir so Che that out no no no no no he’s a sergeant he’s a non-commissioned officers you pred rest he doesn’t matter that’s weird yeah Sergeant talk I I will in in the
Army I did want to join the Airborne though I wanted to go Airborne or um uh what’s the other one [ __ ] what what is it called s help me out it’s not Airborne it’s the other um air tactical uh units um [ __ ] that’s going to piss me off I
Can’t think of what it’s called now but they have to jump out airplanes you aerosol Aeros Sal or something like that almost like air salt airos salt yeah yeah got it got it it’s like a SWAT team kind of thing like when you go to rescue people or or or Bunch into the
Their people’s houses and and look for criminals right kind of like that no um something like that they they my my first Duty station they had the last training course like four weeks after I got there and then they discontinued it because they were getting away from it or just removing
The unit one or the other and uh yeah I I I couldn’t get into it and I never had the opportunity again but okay yeah it was it was airault okay thought I thought it was Air Assault that’s what I was trying to think I was like
[ __ ] I know I would do everything I want to go skydiving I want to go bungee jumping I want to go cliff diving I want to go snorkeling I want to go scuba diving I want to go oh GE what else can I I want to do
Do oh no going to the safari African safari and just explore all them animals okay I don’t care if they’re dangerous or not all right Monica just listed a bunch of stuff James Wendy Amy name the top three Adventure stuff that you would like to do at least try you’re going to
Be able to do it because training equipment etc etc etc but three things that you’d be like I want to do that I mean it doesn’t it can be I want to go to Mars you could be like I want that ticket to Mars whatever I don’t give a [ __ ] yeah
No I would totally be into like a safari that’d be cool as [ __ ] I don’t know about scuba diving like I don’t like deep deep water like that freaks me out you’re missing out M SC the whole world yeah I don’t know like my danger level and Fear Factor
Kind of elevates the older I get I mean I’d love to go there in the catacombs but but then I just not that I’m claustrophobic I just fear claustrophobic so straight up already having the before not being classif probably just get me the [ __ ] out of
Here like do it in 5 seconds really it’s really not that bad once you’re inside it’s just that first little tunel I when I was a kid that was cool have you been there Ben Ruby Falls to where Ruby Falls up in Tennessee no it’s pretty cool it’s over near Dollywood um oh
I’ve been I’ve been to Dollywood and because that’s there the town of um I went skiing there once we took a like a four-day trip me and an ex of mine it’s past Dollywood it’s by uh was it Gat Gatlinburg or yeah something like that yeah oh Gatlinburg oh something
Like that fancy fancy fancy little yeah it was it was it was really cool it was like it was like an underground waterfall in this cave it was really fre you are so lucky in there girl well see before I say that James you said space
Would be cool but what would your other two be then because space of course I think everyone would be like if I could go to space I probably might take the opportunity especially as at least like a final trip like guy shoot me up YouTube’s really
Weird so on my YouTube I don’t have Sergeant Tom’s chats so I got YouTube on me fine and then I’ve got the whatever you call it streamyard on on the tablet and there’s no comments from Wander on me fine no comments from sergeant Tom on me
Phine weird you might be see yeah it’s it’s because you’re I think you’re watching mine but theirs are linked and so you’re not goingon to pull theirs up Sam hi Brian ah yeah it’s link so the comment is a combination of James and Ben yeah they’re they’re watching on James
Channel but I’m yeah they’re watching on mine but the comments are going yeah the co- streaming stuff can yeah yeah put on the stream yeah so J what do you got besides space well I can’t scuba though so that’s one thing I can’t and I got Britt brittle old bad
Oio Paris so that also limits me options yeah let’s go Urban he wants to go my yeah Urban explor do I’d love to go like I go into like those asylums and like uh like abandon stuff like that and go in there and and see if I can find
Spirits well see then that that’s one thing a lot of people go hey have you gone here have you gone here and we say um we’re not a whole lot for tours so like some of the big ones where people are like have you gone here and done the
Tour we’re like no because that’s just not our we I do we be if we could be like left on the property overnight by ourselves that might be different when you’re in a group setting it just kind of disrupts like what you want to do so
All of ours are like abandoned un not necessar unknown but like not in use period of any sort and I wna go do that I wna go to cemetery I want to go and Cemetery a very not a structured time clock yes I see I would cave dive but
I’ve told certain Tom I’m like I have been in cenotes we’re swimming in cenotes which are the sink holes in Mexico Lim oh Cotes yeah and you look down and you see the cave openings and it’s just pitch dark and I’m like uh oh I don’t know that [ __ ] like I’ll
Watch I will watch the hell out of all cave diving videos all the tragedies all that stuff and I’m like dude that seems so amazing but thinking about all the equipment it takes and just one thing goes wrong unless you go with so everybody can find
You one of my big goals that I’ve set for myself post amputation I really want to try rollerblading again at some point like I used to do that a lot wow roller blade is I love roller skating me too when I was young I used
To go roller skating all the time I used to do all the backward freaking because um when they go to the skating rinks they’d always s sort of have like in that one session they’d be like okay all the slow skaters come up we have the
Speed skaters come out now and it was great man I’ll just be fly around and then when they reverse the direction um of the of the skating Circle I’d have to do that backwards cuz I couldn’t go forwards in that same reverse Direction but backwards I could just fly around I loved
It I just see one of disco yeah I know I see I see one those and one of them disco skate rings and just like oh man I would have loved doing that roll of dirty smashing into them freaking shielders back in the day I love
That BL I just Smash Bash and crash I know I can see it you would look hot in one of those outfits oh see Ser Tom that’s that’s that’s the thing I’m talking about and again th those are people that probably knew exactly what they were doing and one thing went
Wrong it’s over and it’s like oh Sam I wanted to ask you something since you’ve been here in Texas have you explored uh the missions of San Antonio and also that train track where all them all them kids got killed with a with a uh school
Bus I have not done either of those I’ve been through some multiple places throughout like um San Antonio I mean a lot of places throughout Texas but those not specifically no oh boy you have to experience that train the train track where the kids got killed with the uh
School Bus you you put your car in neutral the the car will I’ve been to I’ve been to one of those roads it’s it was in Central Texas now I don’t it’s probably not the same but it’s one of those roads that has those like urban legends of that and we
We tried that Just for kicks and gigles because we put powder and then see how how the little uh fingerprints right I think there there’s probably there’s like 20 urban legends of that around the country in different places it’s it’s I some of those I’m fascinated
To try them just out of curiosity but whether that actually does anything I don’t know like I I believe in paranormal but some of those I think are more urban leg I’ve seen with my own little bitty eyes because I I’ve had my car parked right
There and almost like close to the track the car was being automatically pushed and and we weren’t even in the car I wasn’t even driving it putting not even a neutral nothing we were the car was being pushed and that’s it I’m like whoa this is something
Else and it literally like drove you like around the uh the train tracks not not straight through it’s like the kids are trying to save you yeah it’s like they they’re trying to save you from getting hit so they’re the kids are pushing you away from the train
Tracks certain Tom I’m G I’m gonna have to look this back up because I think I’ve seen that video on that where the guy stabbed his buddy with the knife thinking he would like put him out of his misery or something like that so he stabbed him or something I it might not
Have been the same one but someone stabbed themselves and that way I I remember a video about that in cave di one of the cave diving videos I don’t remember what the cave was so I couldn’t tell you but that’s wild yeah that’s just crazy would to be a downer sergeant
Tom yeah shake your tank with me now I haven’t got enough gas here take this instead hunk of Steel may ask you a question Sam how do you have your green background what what what is the meaning of you as a as green what does that mean to you well tonight
I’m saying tonight James is Ben that’s that’s I’m I’m Ben but uh never say Mr Ben Mr Ben it do it doesn’t matter that’s why I’ve always said on my videos I need to put like our names behind us but at this point I’m like if
People watch the videos I’m like I think they would figure it out since it was just Ben first and then the green is just because or Oregon Oregon Ducks are my college football team and they’re green yellow I can change the light to any color I want I just use it as a
Green neutral anything green because the Green’s a good Background hash where is Sam cuz like right back we have our exploring with Ben and Sam photos back here for our logos then gets involved in a um football stream as well on YouTube Monica and um guys bombing once in a while yeah me and Harley did how many of us
Bomed you that night oh my God so football fans dance uhhuh know now I know no no no no I just went over there just went over there to go where’s Sam and and I think it must have been about 25 of us or something like that it was a
Pretty big number uhuh I know I’m hosting the show I’m hosting the show and watching like what is happening right now yeah don’t read the comments and about 25 oh Amy stream I think it was Amy stream yeah it and literally everyone from Amy stream went over and bombed
Sam’s stream or raed it or whatever and and all of us just like where’s hash where’s Sam hash where’s Sam Emy re yeah and where was he that that night why did he show why did he show up well Sam’s away sleeping I think he’s camera well yeah this last this last
Week was a late night it was a like like 1: in the morning central time when that game ended when we went live for the post game and Sam doesn’t really watch football he does not watch any football I only watch college football but he doesn’t watch any like sports or
Anything like that he’s like isn’t it funny you mentioned before that you’re like the [ __ ] in the partnership because you got to like make his lunches and stuff for work the and goes to work doesn’t watch football ear how long have you how long have you
You two been together U sir almost four years oh nice nice nice nice I’m I’m I’m All About The The Pride the pride parade so don’t don’t think I’m not and you should see Sam you should see Sam he is like he’s a hotti totty but then again all
The gay boys always seem to be really good-look fellas what’s the go with that and you always see all the pretty girls lesbians but the real Stunning Pretty Girls you should have seen the transvest eyes and then the uh the crossdressers they’re like o nice even even the drag
Queens he he he dresses so beautiful and sometimes hello oh it’s you Deon and he goes it’s me Ben kind of smashes the um Ben kind of smashes the the norm for all that like because they normally like take care of himself pristinely moisturizer look well presented and then they’
Been there’s this all over you the uh well that’s why one of the one of the I this we we used to have a this a this woman that girl woman I I I don’t know like what her age was she’ always watch comment joining her live
Streams before and it’s been like a year I haven’t seen her so I don’t know if something happened to her and someone put on a a stream a comment on a video Once like year and a half ago was like are are they a couple and she
Called me back like yeah but I I don’t think they want to say it openly and I was like no why would you don’t ah damn it Lauren damn it Lauren we don’t care I was like people can’t like figure that out like whatever I’m not afraid of saying
Anything either if you guys are the people that care well keep the people that say bad stuff and mean the bad stuff they’re just [ __ ] no one says anything bad no one says anything bad I think it was more of a curiosity by one person it wasn’t
Anything bad or anything I don’t like yeah like why would you dump something that like looks like woohoo I’ve seen like three wedings a girl and a girl boy and a boy and again transvest to transvest am like this is fun Yoo I said and I loved it as a matter of fact
I was I was the brima for the guy and the girl and the girl and I was I was the the groomsman for the for the transvesti I’m like boy what did I get myself into out get out of here you get out of here you crazy Beaver Oregon State Beavers
John you’re crazy beavers what’s ft days I don’t understand that acronym ftds you’re welcome Brian you earned it the Beav the OS Oregon State University has their own language pushy yeah I hear Beaver just cuz we’re the inside Rivals they’re Oregon State or Oregon University of Oregon so Ducks versus be
Beavers the Civil War every year for the pl Beil tail slap Beil tail slap that booty right yeah okay okay Connor get through Washington this week first then then yeah yeah this is like football football slager as we say in Australia slagging each other off football slagging laging
Yes final it’s Connor It’s the final platypus trophy game we’re gonna win get it P duck and a beaver combined to make a platypus so it’s a platypus it’s four o’clock in Eastern side of Australia Cindy Connor watch your [ __ ] mouth Jesus you don’t want to end
Up well I have to represent my state my state is the Lorn so I I’m I’m always gonna say hook horn say orange down orange down hook [ __ ] horns down does that like mean good or bad bagging and slagging yeah like what means horns down like
This and also in the old and old and olden days I haven’t heard that expression actually said for really long time um but a slag back in the day in Australia used to also be like a a [ __ ] you know like a [ __ ] ah check out that
Slag just thought of that I haven’t heard that for a long time I’ve heard have I ever seen a kangaroo Cindy not only have I seen kangaroos I’ve run them over hit them only because I jumped in front of my car though have you been beat up by one
Have I’ve sh a few of them cuz it’s still okay to shoot them there’s no shortage of kangaroos out here they’re not got any risk of being extinct I’ve I’ve seen a few I I was really excited the first couple of times I see kangaroo that Dad SK
Got a kangaroo skin in cupboard that Dad skined years ago couple of decades ago actually Wendy remember maybe you saw saw them fighting and boxing each other I know exactly they’re so cute when you start fighting but they get wild my goodness m yeah they get serious they headlock each
Other and try and boot the crap out of each other and yeah I can tell you a really horrible story about one time we went out shooting but it’s it’s pretty pretty horrible it was funny when I was a kid but it’s not so funny now I’m in an
Adult uh it’s it’s pretty bad it’s so there was cuz um especially back in the days when more Australians had guns and everything like that and kangaroos have always been a big problem uh wild pigs as well especially with um um crops like Farms Farms that are
Like growing crops cuz as soon as you plant your seed down you’ll just get pigs and kangaroos they’ll be eating all the seed up before it even shoots through the ground so that’s why a lot of farmers would always want Shooters to come out and clean up as many kangaroos
And wild pigs and stuff as they can and there was this one time there where um this big kangaroo man he would have been 6t tall if he wasn’t 7t tall like Big R and um there would there was two of us in in shooting Vehicles I’ve even got Dad’s um
Old shooting rig out the back there where he’s actually got two seats on the roof of the the roof rack is actually welded down to the roof of the car and then the seats are bolted and welded onto the roof rack because they had an experience where he stopped and all the
Seats just gone off top of the vehicle um and this big kangaroo man he must have had about he must have had literally a dozen bullets in him of all different caliber sizes so all different gun sizes and this kangaroo was still going he literally had one of his back legs blown
Off and was just hanging by a piece of skin so he was just still balancing on one leg and his tail and this kangaroo man was still going off his chops and one rule that I was always taught when we went out shooting is you you
Don’t leave a weired animal in the padic dad always made sure that you know he put an animal down properly kind of thing dad used to have like a little pistol handgun that if something was kicking and squirming on the ground but couldn’t get away dad would go over and
To shoot at the foot of our misery and his kangaroo just wouldn’t go down so one of the fellas was gone stop shooting stop shooting and he’s hopped out with this billy club like stick bash and stick and man this kangaroo mate it was still shaping up to him trying to
Freaking kill the human with the stick he couldn’t he couldn’t get it on the ground so he went up having to go back to the vehicle everyone put another Budd 12 bullets in the poor thing and the Pelt was definitely not worth skinning because had so many holes at the poor thing
Yeah oh Lord we for but we’d also we’d also eat the kangaroos as well so we didn’t just always shoot them and leave them in the Panic you know Dad like you know take a few fets and stuff like that we’d go and cook them all back up the camping
Hut can you all the wild food mama can you really how does it how does it t is it what yeah yeah definitely gy definitely got that wild game taste about it now kangaroo’s become a really big high selling meat product big selling meat product um I don’t know why
Mr was talking about it recently I used to work at avatars where all we did was um um you know like Do kangaroo meat oh wow and it’s really expensive too I bet I don’t know what it is now but I know years ago it was like 30
Bucks a kilo then cost more than most other cuts of yeah crazy wow especially if the kangaroo is a championship champion in fighting he’s gonna he’s gonna be even more expensive well yeah maybe not because he’s probably the one that’s going to have 12 bullet holes in him so the
Kangaroos that get farmed for um meat for the shops um they just just shut off the paddocks this is where it’s funny this is where kind of be mind so it’s not like someone grows kangaroos for the supermarket like people are growing cows for the supermarket it’s still just wild
CAU so and you pay that much money for him so no one’s farming him you’re paying like 3440 a kilo for the meat no one even worms these things or anything like that um yeah and in Australia you get these things called kangaroo tags where um The Hunters can actually get the government
Gives out so many rout tags a year and to make those rot tags worth anything you’ve got to specifically head shot the kangaroo yeah there’s there’s ways that it’s got to be brought into what we call the the the r box it’s just like a big
Big Chiller we we have them out here where there’s just like big shipping containers that have turned into big cold rooms that have got you know all the meat Hooks and everything like that mm so by the time some one brings in a um kangaroo cart or body or whatever
It’ll still have all its fur on but the shooter has to gut it down a certain way he’s got to leave like the um I think the liver the kidney the heart left still hanging in the in the rib cage that also tells you about the health of
The kangaroo well that’s so so when it goes to the meat works that the um the meat inspectors can actually tell by looking at the liver kidneys and heart if that kangaroo’s got any health issues before they pass it on for the next inspection yeah so that’s why they leave the liver
And the kidney and the heart and stuff like that in the in the rib cage of the kangaroo while all the intestines and stomach and all got out oh boy have you ever seen a little baby a baby kangaroo like around you or no oh yeah yeah no we’ we’ve read
Them up so so once again going back to shooting because I was born and raised on shooting because me Dad’s an old army man for like ever um so I was brought up around guns just because yeah yeah I’m an army brat so sometimes because Dad always
Also had rules when we’d go out shooting you weren’t allowed to shoot a do so you weren’t allowed to shoot a female kangaroo and every now and then you don’t know that it’s a d you know you might be doing like a big long shot kind
Of thing then by the time you drive the vehicle over there to to skin it and or whatever you realize it’s got a little baby Joey so we wind up always taking the freaking Joy home and bottle feeding them and oh yeah done heaps of that all me life baby
Joy yeah yeah then then once they get to a certain age we like release him back out the pic so we can shoot the bastard Again pretty well a you’re lucky yeah I dad had shooting whees there was certain things you weren’t allowed to shoot as far as keeping the production cycle happening and nice Air Force brat multi see this is why we’d be a good team I’m telling you
You could turn for me I’d go gay for you I’d G gay for you mty said don’t think it works that way for the girls that’s nice I love hearing stories from Australia they’re like oh yeah well I I I still like going shooting but it’s just not as a thing
Anymore when I was working out on a sheep station like a sheep property the um property owner there I knew where the keys to his gun cabinet was and stuff like that it’s like oh you want to go out shooting and that and get rid of some of those bloody kangaroos I thought
Just no fun going shooting by himself when oh all sorts all sorts yeah 303s 33s Al I didn’t like the 33 cuz that was pretty big um shotguns yeah like Dad starts started on little 22s and then you work your way up I want to do that girl you and I have
Everything in common I love shooting and I love oh my God that’s that’s one of my kind of like semi Hobbies if you want to say it I love shooting yeah always go nighttime Spotlight and I’ll take out the back and show me Dad’s old shooting
It’s just in me backyard it’s a pretty wild looking Beast of a machine feeling the I’m feeling the connection going on I’m gonna move YouTube lendy If I ever go if I ever go to to uh Australia I want I’m want to hook up with you and I want to have a
Shooting range with you for real oh I haven’t got no gun or nothing anymore the oldest brother went up getting our dad’s guns when he died oh oh my God it’s so bright out here [ __ ] I might lose reception if I get too far away from the
Wi-Fi so this me Dad’s old army truck if Sergeant Tom’s on there dad’s old army truck truth carrier I still got retion so that’s the old shooting with the seats on the top nice and then um just jump yeah truck so this is itd also have a bar on
The front here so you can like Dodge the Dodge the trees and stuff like that so you can like get behind the bar this would be the old ma box you can stick your bullets in it’s all all welded down it doesn’t come flying off the vehicle told appreciate that that’s old army
Truck even got the thing on the roof so you know shoot can hop up out the roof look at that old time Beauty I like that that’s where shovels and pcks go on the side of the vehicle in case you got a dig her out but it’s really funny with
Dad’s old shooting shooting car cuz um cuz a lot of the exhaust and everything get get knocked off the vehicle dad actually made the exhaust go through the bullar or the bump yeah so that’s like a exhaust pipe they got going through the front bullar I don’t know what he calling over there
Wow those are those are now uh how do you call it uh antique uh Road shows now for you vintage vintage V military vehicles oh yes exactly that’s well the old army trucks 1946 I think 46 or 42 what you dogs how are you okay oh yeah it’s um it’s that time
Where the food so I’m might have to go and feed them to shut their mouths up I’ll be back kisses honestly they start like the little one just starts barking her head off from about freaking it’s not even H I walk past the back of the dog biscuit
Think woof woof I’ll be back in a second I was going to feed these demanding little [ __ ] bags all right don’t take too long yeah all right it’s a nor pretty quick job Back oh okay now it’s now it’s just you and me Mr Bosley how you been doing James oh good being online playing the game what kind of game do you play uh that the Vicks play the Bingo uh no that uh I forget the name of it that they play
Tri I can’t think of the okay so are are you still packing more boxes or not not anymore or oh no I packed on about a dozen for them so okay that’s good because the game that the vix play is freeo so and that’s what I’m
Playing oh okay okay okay is is that a is that a very addictive game or how does that go because I never played it before Jo I haven’t played games since I was a kid the last one of them were when he had Nintendo so oh my God Nintendo
Yes back then with this with that with that square uh joystick right yeah then of course he had that little handgun for shooting the Ducks oh my God you remember reminding me of my childhood oh go [ __ ] yourself James you you you and I are
Almost the same age then right 45 I am I’m I’ll be 51 soon so you you kind of are the same oh James how’s the weather over there in Canada oh today was good the sun was out did you go outside and get some vitamin D oh yeah I was outside today to
Get a few groceries so but I have but I have to keep warm because the heater in my apartment is on the not working so uh oh you have a do you have a portable fan or something or no yeah theor brought me a heater that I just
Plug in and it’ll keep me warm for the time being nice nice nice until he fix it because it’s I think the switch where you move it left or right that’s causing why it won’t the heater won’t kick in I remember when when we had those big
Big old TVs in order for the TV to start working properly you had to like hit it hard and then it it come back to to with normal um normal viewing and it was it was funny I I remember doing that so it makes makes me makes me think of your
Heater now I’m like Jesus I’m gonna kick it yeah because the land owners thought before it gets too cold they better check them just in case make sure they’re working before it gets below 30 or 40 outside oh yes oh yes especially where you live is gonna get even below
Freezing I don’t know how you handle that James well once you get used to it you do once you get used to it it’s fine yep I don’t like cold weather I will never do will and I will never do there’s a difference between people live in the south though and people live
In the North when it comes to cold in the South if it gets to 55 degrees everyone’s like oh my oh my God oh God I’m still in flip-flops and shorts sleeves exactly in the north it’ll be like zero and people still be flipflops going to the store yeah yeah people we
Even wearing shorts we we Panic here in in Texas we’re like oh my God we’re gonna go we’re goingon to have a blackout we’re not going to have no no no power we our phone service is going to go crazy uh with this and this now we we would Panic
We like we would hit like maybe 40 45 the the lowest and people would go to the grocery stores buy all kinds of stuff and the grocery stores would be so empty and I’m like what the hell you guys doing go up to the North Pole or go to North Canada
And you’re gonna see how how how it feels living like that you guys are nuts yeah because when the pandemic pandemics hit uh everyone was rushing to Walmart to grab a whole bunch of toilet paper so many packages oh man what that that must have been a worldwide thing
The toilet paper thing yeah was eventually he had to put a sign only one per family kind of thing yeah yeah that’s the same everywhere that was the same there were people people were punching on literally punching on in supermarkets over toilet paper literally having physical fights just like wow
They need to wipe their asses what else do you expect I’m teasing and then also the the hand sanitizer that would be another thing too yeah and the long life milk like the uht milk or whatever you call it that was another one that was like restricting oh
You’re already allowed to have two and it’s like man I buy six of them every fortnite pandemic was really hardcore I mean everybody was going just like like was the zombie a apocalypse and like come on now this is just pandemic don’t go crazy leave even though we live close
To the Manitoba border people from Manitoba were coming into here in Yorkton to follow our rulle look what VAP said a god a goddamn that’s a goddamn live baby on unlike most people I actually was at work every day I was like one of the five people in the office the entire
Time oh still got I didn’t get a damn day off the entire time I didn’t have a day off I was like this is [ __ ] some so because workers have have to work and any any any other worker could could just get either fired laid off fur or anything essential workers are essential
Workers maybe that that was your case yeah no yeah I was I was energy so but I was like everyone else yeah exactly all the finance people everyone just at home and I’m like oh so you woke up did your morning meeting went back to sleep got
Drunk by 2m had an afternoon meeting just sitting there and then we then just got drunk again the rest of I’m like for like a year I’m like [ __ ] yeah with good CES on the top and then just their pajama pants or a pair of shorts or something on the
Bottom when they doing the avdi main yeah because bars were Essentials so people were flocking the bar uh bars to get 12 or 24 packs that was the one good thing about like every almost everywhere in the US essential essential essential stores to stay open where liquor stor
Almost everyone I think it was like yeah go buy your booze you need it no not in Australia man they all they all got freaking hard clo in Texas it didn’t it didn’t matter it they were open didn’t matter matter I think we had about maybe I think there
Might have been a week maybe where everything was just hard closed like because there was a couple of towns in Australia or cities where they just put them on hard lockdown no one goes out if you did go out you had to write on a piece of paper what time you leaving
Your house you’re only allowed to be out for half an hour for exercise or for Essentials really and you had to write the time you left home on a piece of paper so if a copper said you know like how long You’ been out for you had to be
Able to go home and go look there’s the piece of paper right at the time on officer before I left yeah man like we had places that went on hard lockdown there was one set of units I think down Sydney or something units Flats um where they actually had security outside this
Building because there was a bit of Co getting going rampid and yeah they had security stopping people leaving their building D I know it hit hard for for most of most of the globe it was it was just I don’t know Joy Foster huh I just saying good night to Joey
Foster oh hello Mr Goodbye Mr Foster yeah good riddens old man he text he doesn’t even text me anymore uh oh Hardley must not like Ben’s live stream really not I’m gonna I’m gonna having fun in the other stream he’s like yeah he like the going crazy luckily like in the South Texas
Louisiana Alabama Mississippi Georg we we didn’t do hard shutdowns they they like said we’re gonna have a stay-at-home policy but like almost no one really you didn’t have to pay attention to it to some degree like could still go first time I get no not in Australia man but like we are
We’re not as free and easy as what people seem to think Australia is I mean probably the only good thing about Australia is most of it citizens other than that the government sucks big time like most governments but well I’m just saying in the sense of like the southern
States compared to like say New York Pennsylvania and some of the and California and stuff like that which I mean in the US you would just say are the more liberal states they were hard shut down like y hard shut down how where did I do a lot of my
We did a lot of our filming during the shutdowns because gas was cheap as [ __ ] so on weekends we’d be on a road trip across the South and even through the Northeast to one point I had to delete a message online because I was like does anyone
Want to go on a thing with me in Pennsylvania I’m going by myself and people are like don’t bring your [ __ ] up here we don’t want want your nasty diseases and leave that crap I had to delet it because I was like good God and I got to Pennsylvania and they were like
Even the road signs were like if you’re entering Pennsylvania from any other state you must quarantine for 14 days I’m like Good Luck Good Luck Good Luck proving that I didn’t quarantine yeah that that was the norm you have to be quarantined 14 days before you do anything anywhere I’m like
Like yeah I was like how how the hell are you going to prove that I mean like there no way you can prove that you hadn’t entered the state I mean you can be like well you were only at this hotel for three days I’m like but I was
Somewhere else I just don’t have the receipts you’re not gonna get stopped so I mean like what are they gonna do well see even when even um oh even when we went to France France after they they uh we went to chernov then we went to France cuz France shut
Down for like a month and we finally had to redo our tickets and got the tickets reinstated cuz France opened back up when it got there it said it’s suggested you quarantine for 7 to 10 days at least and we’re like we’re only here for seven days we’re going to
Catacombs did you get your golden ticket do you know what the golden ticket is your vaccination card yeah but I mean again how many people have been caught faking that [ __ ] I mean I have I did get the one I never got a boost or anything like that I got
That just because my work if I wanted to travel again so I went and got it like just to be able to travel and stuff yeah there was fake cards going out too that people were getting their shots yeah I didn’t want to I didn’t
Want to get the vaccination but I did it because my son said so he goes mom you need to get the the shot right now and I’m like yes son I’m like I went and then I I didn’t feel no nothing good at all I feel like I had Co back again and
Again after the second shot I know see like even even in Australia um you had to have you had to have a vaccination certificate to even cross the border and the coppers were on that the coppers were literally on every possible Country Crossing border crossing and everything
Like when you think you can get a back weight across the border no no I can do there’ll be coppers there as well um one of the states in Australia the nor territory they had the lowest um covid rates out of anywhere because as soon as someone said the word Co Northern
Territory just locked their state down they just like you know what no one’s [ __ ] coming in and if you’re going out you’re not coming back until this shit’s done like when Queensland and that sort of stuff had something like um you know 10,000 cases in New South Wales
Had 26,000 cas R es Northern Territory had 26 but their numbers were literally that low and I thought well that was pretty smart locking the freaking State down as fast as what they did um even to go into a restaurant anything like that for ages I remember this fell asked me out
On a date one time he’s like oh ask you know would you like to go out in a date one time I’ll take you out for dinner and that that was when the C was on and I said oh yeah where are we going McDonald’s drive-thru I said cuz that’s
The only place I can eat at the moment cuz I’m Andy ma like LW is saying too it’s like I got the one I got the one the first one I never got any boosters after that or anything like that now I got diagnosed
With the yeah we’ll use the CW as uh L here I got diagnosed to that with once and it was you know in North Dakota in January when it was like- 255 outside so it technically could have just been the flu a false reading yeah because Al know many people including people I
Personally know that we getting false ratings every every well all the symptoms were just a cold SL flu that’s all the symptoms were for the most part so it’s like well at the borders at the border crossings once again you know that theyd have all these freaking nasal
Swaps that you and there was people queued up and I mean queued up for hours and hours just to get the stupid stick out their knes for the CC word test I hated that and it was just crazy man getting stuck with with with that uh
Cotton what is that that Q-tip for your nose is is is the most horrible thing that you ever experienced I hated it uh I had to I had to do it in the worst part was when we were in uh a so it was like 2021 we were allowed to
Travel so I flew down with uh another canadi a Canadian guy who I’ve worked with multiple times yeah we flew down to Trinidad Trinidad and Tobago in South America nice there were two well I’ve been there multiple times but so there was the first time we were allowed to
Travel again he was an engineer made Tech going help help set up stuff and all that [ __ ] and they had two locals one was more of an office work the other was an actual like field engineer and the office worker she was new well literally the first day I met her I was
Like Hey and we’re were just talking for a little bit and the next day she didn’t come in she’s like I literally was [ __ ] my brains out the night before and vomiting every she went to the doctor and she got tested positive for covid well the other local guy the
Canadian and me were like well we’re [ __ ] then we’ve been around her the whole day before and in Trinidad they lock you up yep I mean they physically mandate you to be quarantined in like a hospital they don’t [ __ ] around with that at all that’s the place where you’re
Walking down the street jogging and you still have to wear a mask by yourself just jogging down the street you have to so we were like you know what we’re not going to worry about this we’re going to wait till the day we the day before we
Leave when we have to get mandatory retest before we leave the country anyways we’re going to hope for the best and the story is there though when they do the nasal swap they’re like oh here they do it aggressively they like oh good God luckily I had a I had I
Had a nice nurse I had a nice one she she was rather gentle because I was like I people said their nose would bleed after some of them do like oh my God yeah we were all negative but I was like yeah we were all like well let’s live it
Up while we can now before we have to go into maybe mandator quarantine at some local hospital like that well see that making people that locking people down so um because the hospitals as most countries did the hospitals were getting too full with um seaword cases they were um
Making people stay in like hotels and stuff like that and they weren’t allowed to leave I remember that time yeah hotels Y and then gods and everything lot that yeah it was crazy the testing for that not was not pleasant I mean it wasn’t like miserable but it was like this
Again yeah yeah my nose is itching just like I I feel twitching right the top therey no James Works Jam James works for the government candidate he never had to deal with this ah so he’s probably actually potentially spying on us on these streams he knew he knew he knew where it
Came from he knew all the facts and he didn’t have to worry about it yeah I have a file remember when you remember his agent remember that he knowsy that’s right that’s why he’s always got that damn notepad writing down people’s names it’s not just a joke after all it’s
Research well hey it could have been it could have been worse regardless because of all the stories of you know the for YouTube purposes is alleged origin where they allegedly allegedly sealed people in their houses like boarded them up in their houses to keep them inside I know what you’re talking
About yeah yeah I understand I know so we we we didn’t we could have had it way worse than those those individuals allegedly YouTube allegedly relax allegedly allegedly that’s the key word here yeah I was doing that on someone else’s stream they said something God now you
Got to use the word allegedly I said that’s the that’s the safe word yeah oh wait wait wait there it is there it is it’s a never know I forgot about your your safety ticker tape announcement thing I did I did too I just thought I was like oh [ __ ] Mr
Dugger’s not here that’s right yeah you going to bring the chicken tape on the bottom Monica you would have read this one for the first time because this is your first Ben Stream So what again the T the ticket tape it’s called ticket tape over there dear little Noti thing on the bottom
Warning we are not licensed or professional medical personnel we’re not legal advisors or exorcists do not listen to us we are merely idiots yeah we are merely idiots online late at night oh my God possibly intoxicated it’s a fail safe it is do not listen to us oh my gosh this is so
Sweet it’s a fail safe I forgot to put it up James James my did not warn me that I didn’t have it up earlier so I’m just laughing at my ticker tape so I’m guessing you don’t call it ticker tape on the bottom what do you call it that’s
Kind of what it is it is called a ticker tape because it’s like do you want this to be a ticker on the bottom of your screen so I guess it is a ticker tape technically Ed it out I like your ticker taker it’s nice oh the first time I read it off
Fuing laugh it was funny if you’re not on the watch list by now you’re just not doing it right right s Tom I would never do not take my oh I would sge so Tom’s trying to get me to go explore some of his old like gold mines
On his property I’m like is this where you murdered me yeah where your oxygen tank runs out you know what he’s going to do next he’ll allegedly I’m definitely not going any water tunnels I’m definitely not going in any of the water tunnels again c i me
I’d love to do it but I I that’s that’s a whole different Adventure that’s a whole different situation I don’t think I’m I’m ready for I feel like I need to go across the pub to get a drink but it’s a long way away it’s AC it’s across the street but
It’s a long way away oh no literally across the street literally how big is big is this street that’s funny I went up the road so so on one end of my street and I mean the street I know how long the street is I mean it’s probably only like oh it’s
Not across the street the end of the street it is at the end of the street and I’m in the middle of the street and the Street’s probably like 200 meters long and at the other end of the street is the freaking um the takeaway shop and
I went out the takeaway shop there the other day and I wanted to buy some lemonade to go with me vodka and she’s like no no we don’t do lemonade anymore cuz you know like last time we went up through on a whole heat out cuz everyone
Always wants to drink Coke with their hamburgers and stuff he said have to go down the pub and I’m like man I said the Pub’s on the other side of town she’s like at the end she’s like at the end of your street I going
Yeah but you’re at one end of town and the pubs at the other end of town I said so it’s on the other side of town and I mean I can I can stand out the front with me tablet and point up and see the shop and I can point it down
To the pub that’s how close everything is 18 houses it’s not a big town so like uh I told you I told you this last time too Wendy I think or like maybe a month ago we were watching one of those like you know like moving internationally
Like where people find places to live internationally like buy or rent or whatever and we were like man how expensive is this place going to be and then they showed the town it sounds like basically your town but then more much more of it’s more Suburban outside the
Town but the town is like just a strip but it’s on the coast and we’re like okay this could be expensive and this might not be and then we saw the price it was like you can get this 15 acre plot with four bedrooms three bathrooms this much
Space $700 a month 20 bucks or $700 a month I’m like we’re [ __ ] moving there [ __ ] yeah let’s do it Codwell in the H [ __ ] North nowhere on the [ __ ] East Coast but Cardwell yeah but the thing is the thing is places like that they’re cheap what
That out here as well because you got to drive so far to go do your shopping and everything like that yeah it’s like my nearest shopping center is is like an hour away that is my nearest place where I can do a proper grocery shop up and
Even then it’s still not the cheapest place in the world for me to shop if I want to go to the cheaper of shop I got to drive 2 hours it’s 2 hours till my near McDonald’s or Kentucky for a chicken yeah that town that town was more of
Just shops and stuff but it had a couple market like actual like DEC or whatever but it was like that’s [ __ ] cheap as [ __ ] you kidding me yeah the time anything about any did they give you any explanations how how the uh the location was going to look
Like hey Dragon oh those that one they actually showed the prop you know they actually went and did tours of the properties and I was like you you can get that for that I was like Jesus Christ for a two-bedroom apartment here in in Houston we pay like 15 almost,
1500 bucks a month and that’s on the cheap end yeah twice as much and there you can get property extra space extra rooms or even Ocean View I’m like yeah [ __ ] this Australia here we come right I want to go to Australia myself I want
To go live there and be next to my windows oh God in this town forever man in like five once me dad State stops all sorted I’ll be I’ll be getting the hell out of Dodge what tell you I was like in five years it’ll just be me and Wendy on
A late night stream or a midday stream just [ __ ] just shitfaced all have gained an Australian accent by then again Oh yeah I should go to the pub I’ve got money here it’s just not mine but I can replace it on Monday I space can I yeah there you go just say I borrowed it where are the Vicks yeah I don’t have to ask anyone to
Borrow it I’m in charge it it’s just not my money f are boxing the vi yeah okay okay they’ve been saying that for like it would be about 10:43 their time okay early in there world where the [ __ ] are you GI yeah they reckon they’re listening we
Can we can find out if they’re really listening but just like talk freaking what what’s the expression you use like talking bad stuff talking smack talking smack talking smack that’s the one there you go we talk smack about one box and they’ve been Ling since yeah there you
Go prove the boxing yeah that’s it yeah we’ve seen think we seen seen no proof of the boxing I’ve seen absolutely none ever no I just thought of that as well we haven’t seen proof that they’ve been packing no we only hear about it it’s all lie we hear about the items they’ve
S they got for sale but they’ve come across oh but the thing is too they might be paying people to pack their stuff for them no no I think they’re packing themselves are they packing to move out or just packing packing for something what what are they doing no they they
Really like hting to Green a PES I believe oh December 1st they got their new place oh yeah yeah I still I still never I don’t think I’d ever pay anyone to actually pack my stuff I’m like no because I want to pack you know like that way if
Somebody breaks at least I mean I I might I’ll hire the helpers to help me load it like in U-Haul I’ve always driven it myself agre even cross country like North Dakota Texas and I’ve done it myself but I’ll pack everything myself now they may help
Me just wrap up like the TV because like sometimes that’s kind of difficult to like maneuver by yourself or carry down you know stuff like that but like if somebody breaks in shipping at least I know okay I saw it and I said yeah that’s cool
Yeah and most of them are very it but I’ll always pack my own [ __ ] like and not only that I I I I still get devastated if I break something myself of value or or sentimental value but man when someone else breaks something of mine of sentimental value or value I
Just I start baming at the mouth like a Rabbid dog like [ __ ] it [ __ ] it even though I could have done the same thing myself by breaking it accidentally but yeah I’d rather break my items myself through stupidity than be paying someone to break them through St stupidity yeah
Even driving down from North Dakota Texas this last time in like April it was raining when we were loading up the U-Haul the two guys were like different movers they were not like the normal movers that were on that staff they were like Callins so they
Weren’t exactly very good and I had to help them a lot and tell them how what to do with stuff then it was raining so we’re trying to load in it was like 30° when I was leaving north it was a snowstorm the entire way out North
Dakota we just were throwing [ __ ] at the end I’m like I got to get the [ __ ] out of here cuz I got to go pick up my car then go get car trailer put my car on the car trailer hook this [ __ ] up and you know I was like H so about halfway
Through like Nebraska the roads were like really bad and I could hear [ __ ] like sliding around back and I’m like banging and and I was like something’s gonna get broken and I open when I and I opened it like like a day and a half later because I drove straight through
Just crashed the night in the hotel with Sam like uh for like literally like seven hours then we got the key to the apartment here I opened the thing I was like opened it we pulled started pulling stuff out with the Mover take the deep breath and I was like hey nothing
Actually got broken that’s [ __ ] amazing I think like one bowl got cracked in a box like that literally like none of the glass tops or anything that were wrapped up broke nothing I’m like wow that’s impressive I was surprised and see that’s why you don’t that’s why you
Don’t pack all your linen up in a box you use all your linen and your tea toils and sheets everything to pack around [ __ ] yeah yeah if it wasn’t for the WEA more time we would have taken more time but the weather was like I’m a master right
Up I’m a master I’m a master at roping down trailers and stuff like that like I’m I’m actually exceptional at it I’ve had had M friends through me time G can you tie the trailer down for me please well you get to go had Tred you get to
Go run get take out take out booze and stuff quickly I’m going to get a refill and James gets to control his panel yeah I’ll go to the pub and I’m going to go to the pub and be going get some takeaways and misbehave so all you girls don’t don’t annoy Bosley too
Bad Bosley’s in charge a jog what do I want a jog for it’s just across the road literally back okay here you go here you go you have another buddy James to help co-host for you Colby covers hello kby covers just in time cuz me and Ben are pissing off for a few
Minutes oh what about about what hi Kobe covers good to meet you my name is Monica hello Monica he AFK for thank you thank you so much I appreciate that oh my God Amy’s in here Jesus Christ did he leave is he backstage or did he I don’t know I can’t see
Backstage have to wait till Ben back well you guys were talking about moving right I got to move out of out of that apartment so they’re going to fix me with a with movers Free Movers and um I’m getting my new place pretty soon too so yep I have another long another long
Road to go did this say roughly what month kind of January no no no it’s going to be like middle or the beginning of December where I’m going to be moving uh they Expediting everything for the circumstances given yeah so yeah it’s going to be like the beginning of
December sometime I hope so because I don’t want to stay here any longer this hotel room is driving me nuts a lot lots of things happening and plus the bed is so uncomfortable um can’t wait till lay in my own bed and just be there in my own
Piece so yeah I just can’t wait so that’s that’s my goal for for for now I’m just trying to trying to thread uh dark Waters dark Waters if you wanna if you want to call it but um yeah I went back to my place and it looks like
Shambles all over it looks like hurricane came over and took all took over and it’s crazy they’ve moved everything they took out the carpet they took out the uh the the the bathroom floor um clothes all over scattered uh items all over scattered so yeah it’s it’s a horrible horrible scene I hope we can raise you some money and you can put that towards like maybe paying somebody to come clean it for you so you don’t have to do that yeah yeah but I’m not going to stay that apartment so I really don’t care I just
Needs I just need someone to help me move my move my crap that’s all they the bad thing is that I won’t be able to eat the food that I bought from my son so that’s going to all that’s going to be trash maybe for some non perishable
Items yes sergeant Tom I know the Vicks would be listening but when are they going to pop on the panel that’s the one thing oh they’re they’re busy they have so many Legos to move I was about to say cuz I I mean I just popped in here for a second to grab
My empty and I was like disappeared are are they a bigi as the Vick or what what what are they hell yeah B [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] yeah uh the Vicks are kind of dicks Vicks or dicks or dicks or Vicks interchangeable I guess I don’t know are you saying Ben you’re calling uh
No that did it that did it that’s all it took right there I just called them dicks and they’re like Miss T is like oh oh yeah it’s hi Miss T hello beautiful hello everybody we I don’t see any boxes I know isn’t it great we’re about
To move our first load of boxes into the new house tomorrow but where are the current where is the current first load of boxes we haven’t seen them Rob’s taking them out to the truck allegedly allegedly yes anyways yeah no um we’ve uh we were in the kitchen I do have
Stream open we’ve both had it open but we’ve I couldn’t hear what was going on because we were in the kitchen but hey everybody good to see you all hey Vick watch love maybe they are Falling in Love on the Sims no we did that
O oh tell us more please oh multi came in here earlier we we good to see we talking about we were talking about ChapStick and lip gloss and like I think I said the word it felt it feels like greasy like kind of like like a Lube or
Whatever and he pops in chat like hello I can use Sergeant hi Sergeant hello good to see you all vapon Monica so miss if you don’t mind me asking like when’s your movein date we thought December 1st but we talked to them today and they said you
Can have the keys you can move whenever you want oh good that’s good news so we pick up the keys tomorrow so we’re gonna get a we’ve been working on getting movers for the first and it’s expensive I mean everything’s expensive here yes so we’re
Going to try and do as much as we can on our own which means it’s going to be a lot of work but you know we do have a 16-year-old son you know lab if you have a 16y old son then that 16y old son has friends so you
Basically have an army at that point that’s what we’re hoping for so tomorrow we’re gonna um get a couple loads over there that’s why we’ve been packing Lots tonight because we’re like okay well let’s let’s get some over right away but everything’s not being turned on till
The 1 I guess we can change that date if we want to but the house is empty so that’s fantastic well at least you can start putting you can start putting stuff in and figuring out where the Box are going to go so you don’t just pile
It all in one room or something you can go this is Kitchen small house what’s that is that a bigger house or small house you’re moving into it’s so much bigger it’s beautiful it’s it’s going to be the best couple years of our life if we get to stay there for a [Laughter]
While yeah that’s how I feel right now like I love this freaking place but it’s no telling on how long we can use it for exactly no it it is a beautiful house um it’s uh the kitchen is magnificent I’m definitely going to be doing some cooking streams and stuff like that the
Kitchen uh the master bedroom bathroom has got a fireplace that actually goes from both sides of the rooms I know Miss T fancy I’m getting fancy so yeah that red wine in front of that fire place he GNA be too good for us I have to do some bathtub streams you
Know you gonna get a mention basically oh you might give me yeah yeah it’s it’s pretty beautiful it is it’s it’s lovely they’ve got um it was an elderly couple and it’s three floors so I get they were in their 80s and they moved out and um they also set up like a
Whole Japanese garden up in the in the the back there and yeah it’s pretty stunning it’s it’s going to be really nice it’s it’s going to be a nice treat I’m so excited for y’all I know except for the moving part the moving part sucks let’s be honest it is I’m already
I’m already thinking you know I want a Christmas tree in every room oh so do y’all like live Christmas trees or just the the fake ones that I would love live Christmas trees but it’s just too much it’s too oh I love live Christmas trees it makes the smell in
The house better [ __ ] they’re [ __ ] messy messy they’re not messy especially when they’re especially when they’re on if you have a broom then it’s not messy well you give them two days past their prime or just lazy if you think they’re messy just have a broom and you can sweep it up
Chist remember you’re talking to people that live in the North where carpon is much more common than all a vacuum cleaner yeah the vacuum does not like Pine noodles you know what we we need to organize the house Waring house warming party for Miss Miss T I would love that
We should um I um and it does have carpet which is nice I’ve always lived with hardwood floors but it does have carpet but it’s got Central Vacuum what’s that mean it means it’s got a canister in the garage and there’s plugins in every room of the wall that
You just plug the hose in and it’s like a central vacuum it V you can V that’s that is nice I have not heard of that even I’ve lived in the north a bunch I’ve never heard of that that’s nice you’re not sophisticated enough okay yeah goodbye goodbye Kobe
Yeah so it’s good we are exchanging some yard work for uh a little bit of a discount on the rent because we um we actually enjoy doing the yard work there’s a lot of property there to look after but that’s okay every time we’ve been there there’s
Been deer out in the yard and stuff like that it’s definitely it’s definitely going to be very quiet it’s going to be weird the first couple nights because where we are now you can hear the traffic there we’re not going to hear anything hopefully internet doesn’t suck
I would that that’s something you should have figured out beforehand but I’d watch out for those deer if they’re always around that means they might be killer deer that’s okay I I’d rather killer deer over killer humans I don’t know that shit’s creepy as [ __ ] and where we are right now
That’s a horror film it’s the humans I’m worried about where we are right now I’d rather be around nature if I’m going to get taken out Let It Be nature Miss have you ever heard of that disease the the zombie deer disease um absolutely not it is crazy the the deer literally
Are go crazy they can’t even walk and they they just stare at you they’re like walking like like zombies and they they stare at you like this hard and you and they won’t attack you they’re just zombies is this like a real disease yeah it’s a real disease have you seen it
Like on the news or YouTube news everything what do they what do they do like do they just like like hug them like do they bite them like what do they do I don’t know I think it’s like it comes from some kind of animal that that that
Bit them and then they they they spread the disease all over oh no I haven’t heard about that but I mean it will make for some good live streams if I get zombie deer disease but that’s that’s but you live in a place that you just said elderly
People moved out of one because it was three stories two they moved out of they probably didn’t have internet so you don’t know how good the internet will be there so it probably suck well we’ve got it set up we’ve got them set up to come
In and and we’ let them know that we we need internet everywhere in this that’s good that’s good that’s good I had to do test the test the testing earlier for one of my uh job potentials and they’re like you need to test your internet for your connection to make sure your your
Shit’s good enough and they had like a baseline of like this and this it was like 200 download speed and the upload they didn’t care about was most the download or whatever and the download they were like 200 mine’s like 45050 have you ever heard about this zombies apocalypse that n she’s talking
About no no they don’t have that [ __ ] in Australia they have a kangaroo disease in a Australia yeah I am where at oh everything in Australia wants to kill you I’m that is true that is true everything in Australia is huge spider name you’re in the same state as me as
Wendy oh Wendy oh yeah I didn’t even know Wendy was in a state can I just answer uh vapium real quick here yes I know it’s going back to the game but is there faster way to level up mechanical other than reading yes having me teach you
Much faster which she won’t do because they I will spend some time teaching I have no problem doing that but yes having somebody teach you is way faster I’m actually lock I’m actually locked out when that regard to vapon question I’m actually locked out for the the the
Time period until the next levels unlock where you can get your next I maxed out all of mine without enough locks once you get them to 2099 they Decay slower so I actually Max mine that’s what James is doing over there he’s he’s going for
The Gusto and he’ll be able to teach you as well because that’s his skills are getting great see I have my 21 21 skill locked already vapon just wait a few days um I heard you met uh our roommate Hy tonight uh yes some people she messaged me and said Somebody’s in our
House I said which one is it James or Ben she said she said he seems pretty quiet and I said well that must be James and she said no his name is Ben and I said well don’t let him fool you he ain’t quiet I was watching football on the S
Screen and I did I did send her I did send her your uh Channel tonight too oh cool someone else someone else revive me in the game on another property because you people are never there to do it oh look the drunk is I mean when I
Wendyy call Wendy goes vapon I vapon you there I have a question for you I got I just come back okay all have you ever seen Ted lasso yes okay I got okay Amy Amy Amy has some too okay hold on oh [ __ ] I wasn’t prepared all right I got a
I got a couple a couple trivia questions to ask y’all I’m not gonna know I’ve seen three episodes answer last vapon are you ready yeah okay would Jamie rather be a lion or a panda lion oh it’s a panda I’m pretty sure it’s a lion okay I stumped him I’m only I’m
Only going I remember I remember the conversation because it’s with uh what’s her face the his ex-girlfriend and she’s at the photo shoot I forget what so she’s the one who chooses p no no his ex-girlfriend wasn’t at the photo shoot’s trying to throw Mrs T under the
Bus I played soccer in college I’m a huge Ted lasso fan his his girlfriend was at the shoot Jamie tar girlfriend was yeah it was no no no no it wasn’t no it wasn’t it it wasn’t uh the pr no it wasn’t no one was at the photo
Shoot besides Ted and and uh and J girlfriend hey bapan yeah you’ve got you’ve got Cahoots right I should make free ones yeah oh I was trying to we’re probably going to be moving tomorrow evening somebody else want to uh post a trivia night tomorrow night I don’t know a traveling
Fools I don’t know how to do kahoot doah hoot that even sounds weird I don’t I don’t even think Trum fools has it I’d love to host it but I don’t have no experience in it so I’d just be it’ just be like a three- ring C
If I done it well we’re we’re looking into this new one where they just answer in chat which it wouldn’t be too hard to um host oh yes I did the practice run I done that trial run so um but yeah I mean we’ll have to
Talk in back back area there maybe we can find somebody that would be willing to and we’re willing if we trust you to you can log into our account and just post it I’d be happy to try with assistance of one other person for sure well you could definitely get yeah you could
Definitely have a co- streamer somebody that’s so yeah I was say let’s talk after this CU I mean like if Wendy wanted to do it if you needed someone absolutely I could stand in the background vapon could at least someone would be there to take over if something
Like crashed or something for some reason yeah that all I be handy yeah yeah but we’ll we’ll still um we’ll still um pay the prices out if somebody could host it still yeah no I’d be interested in doing that um like Ben wanted to help probably like Ben better because
Ben talks more than James I don’t think Trav and fools would want to do I think Trav and pools is more the kind of like hey let’s just hang out and talk about [ __ ] I don’t think stop sucking his dick he’s doing a lot of volunteering at
An animal rescue as well three nights a week as well so that’s why he hasn’t been doing his own trivia night as he discussed there recently I just animal tributes I feel bad if we keep missing the trivia nights animal rescue oh resue yeah because tomorrow’s
Friday the first is on a Friday as well so it’s going to be a lot of missing of it so I would like other I’d be willing to help yeah or me and Amy me and Amy Amy yeah yeah I was gonna say I could
Help and I like I could like look like some Disney questions or something um but we do have we do have something going on tomorrow though you can do the preset questions right we can get we can get the questions we yeah we can use on the new
One that we have we still haven’t paid for it yet but we could just do the preset questions and then oh yeah that that’s even better and then you guys could put it on your channel and one of us could go backstage just to have it on ours as well and let them
Know to come watch it whatever so Miss T How would how would I mirror that on my channel though oh you know what that won’t work because of the chat option right because they’re answering in chat on that new program yeah on one channel yeah you could see
Like you can mirror it like James is doing he’s mirroring mine on his Channel right now in the chat but on like my channel the chat from his doesn’t show up but in streamyard does it won’t it won’t but the cahoot would work because you punch the pin
In so it doesn’t matter what channel you’re on because you’re punching the pin in yeah I don’t know I just I back side talk about it yeah yeah we’ll talk about I just don’t want to leave everybody high and dry for like three weeks here while we’re dealing with this whole movey
It it just depends on like for me it depends on what time you want to do it because that I was trying to say earlier that we had we do have something going on tomorrow at 6:30 we’re doing a stream for Monica and her son it’ll just be a
Short stream where we show a video and we give out like cash app and vinmo and all that kind of information for people if they want to donate and she’s going to tell story um yeah we’re going to do that and then right after that we’re
Doing dad’s karaoke stream um yeah so I think tomorrow night’s not a problem we can probably skip tomorrow night send everybody over to you guys tomorrow night I don’t think you know I could do one I could do one at uh like midnight Saturday night midnight what what time Easter he’s
Easter yes ma’am or yes sorry daddy you can call me ma’am if you want to oh yes ma’am I was like a Bambi right you guys know Bambi re just keep it and it’s the most people that know you know your situation we won’t be heartbroken I mean you know
We’ll miss out but we’re not going to be heartbroken you wanted to get with me if you wanted to get with me and uh and Amy we could we could uh we could do it uh Saturday night around 12: or 11:30 or so we just skip one week and arrange it
Better just skip this week and arrange it better for next week yeah I think we should probably take some time yeah okay we will skip this then you still keep it Friday we’ll we’ll pop over to everybody else’s stream and you know we might we might do like
I one thing we really miss is going live and just taking you guys for a walk around stuff like that I think we and and we need a breath of fresh air here so we might do stuff like that over this next week just take you guys out well
Speaking a breath of fresh air we I don’t know if you’ve actually been legitimately listening to us the whole time but the there’s a lot of conflicts about we’ve never seen any packed boxes yeah never yeah we’ve seen backx boxes but not P boxers we heard lots of box talk lots of box
Talk James has shown more photos of boxes on Discord than we have seen period that might that might be stuff you’re sending away for people that are bought it looky Cricket all this time two box a lot of Legos two [Laughter] boxes and my [Laughter] pajamas we’ve been trying to keep the
Area where you guys see not looking like the area over there but it it was never looks it never looks now I P something and now I can’t move it all tomorrow sergeant Tom wants to know what’s in the box those are both K what’s in the box
What’s in the box those are both I thought it was boxers in the Box I still have to pack heavy boxers she looked like she was like straining on the way I looked heavy they were heavy is not gonna be fun I don’t want to pack canned canned
Goods that’s not going to I think I think just whack whack out whack out the notice that you’ll be skipping go but there’ll be other streams that you know everyone can like Flock to there’s like Memorial streams alcoholic karaoke streams I think I think I think that’s
The easiest instead of rushing to try to get other people anyways where where is my honey where in the world is Rob in live chat in he he at the casino though stage right now in the house oh is he is he knocking on the door Ben’s not letting him in the
Back that’ be different I’ve never seen Rob and T on on two separate screens before do it do it come on up honey where yeah on your own on your own screen never seen you separated then he can pretend he is at the casino late night I’d be like
He’s like I’m going to the casino and I’m like no you’re not he’s like yeah I’m gonna walk and he would he’d go to the casino on me wait wait wait Casino what if you don’t mind me asking what state what’s that mind me asking what state oh Victoria Vancouver Island
Victoria BC oh Vancouver sorry yeah that’s why it’s called Vic yeah he he would go to the casino and I’d say don’t you spend too much money and he’d be me from the casino and I’m like you seriously walked to the casino drunk he’s like oh Vic Victoria BC love
The dedication love the dedication strangely enough I never woke up richer he’s almostly a bad gam BL he’s probably playing them stupid pikies instead of blackjack blackjack’s mouth thing what was that post that regie today I I it was like uh enjoy me while I’m broke guys because I’m going to
Change when I’m Rick rich or something like that I can’t remember what it was really funny I thought I thought like enjoy me while I’m broke cause oh no because I’m Gonna Change money’s Gonna Change me and I’m gonna forget all of you or something like that it was really
Funny oh goodness hey can I ask a question my liting liting look okay I like the lighting does it look like kind of like Speck like over here and well looks like you have a plant actually well that’s a that’s the red looks the red looks demonic that’s a
Skeleton from Halloween right there oh it looks like a like a spider plant well does it little like speculated over here like does it look clear uh no I it does look a little but I thought that was a plant like with a bunch of branches hanging down
No it’s more what I what I’ll tell you is because of using the lighting like you do with the ls it’s more because it’s not completely encapsulated and or you’re not centered on the like fully CED okay let me show you what I have a Boost seat you need a booster
Seat Colby I have a let me show you one side looks bar chair right here a bar chair I can’t let me show you my hold on now let me oh I’m about to get porn Bomb by Co hold on all right let me show y’all
This is about to be embarrassing I got porn bombed backstage this is my this is my lighting oh yeah your white rose yeah oh that’s cool I like that right so that’s that I have my soundboard right here with my Nintendo 64 sitting on top and then just like a bottle of crown
Right there bottle of crown God what’s Crown you don’t want you don’t want to see it as much as as much as as much as this looks amazing I don’t know if I should it it is pinned on the computer I can I but let’s go for smoke
Anyways honey get come find me let’s see okay I I canach can detach my I can detach my camera so I’ve got big the TV over here for the Xboxes which are down here we got my my nine Milson right there we got my M yes my ashtray there’s my
Soundboard my desktop I see us I’m playing I’m playing I’m beating P us to death uh and but you see how Coe this is what I’m saying you see how the lighting is kind of like all the way around uhuh that’s why and then centered I’m centered on this backdrop specifically
In the way I wanted to that’s why yours is a little weird on the one ball because you’re not centered on it now I still have a light back here I just don’t have it on right now there’s my normal this cool here this is actually all very good information for people
That want to get new to streaming I actually like this information guys I appreciate this in a weird way no kiding holy crap look at the boxes now Lord those are fake that’s fake that’s [ __ ] that’s fake those are fake they’re empty boxes they’re empty boxes like to put
Empty Harley dead says he’s I’ll be Back let him in my mys as we speak Mrs T Amy F [ __ ] yeah for it’s just you’re not centered on that’s all it is other than that it’s fine but that’s why your daughter you forgot to say hi to your daughter dad I said hi to you first
Monica h a okay hi just GNA hear me because Ben wouldn’t shut up so anyway shut the [ __ ] up you know what we’re getting background demonstration which are actually really cool much better now that’s right ban him oh you’re terrible Ben my [ __ ] streaming Channel I can
Do [ __ ] so mean to me oh yeah that’s right Ben you run your channel the way to my dad so it’s so late it’s so late in the show YouTube won’t even care about the language I don’t think even though we got demonetized for one of them not demonetized but like the stream
Got demonetized because of language after Harley dad joined in because he was talking about something or whether trust me on some of my videos0 in 2020 we were walking through and I like coughed I was like no sew no no whatever on my videos and I was like oh YouTube is not going
To like that during [ __ ] oh [ __ ] going on how you all doing I miss you daddy where were you been where have you been Harley I’ve been dipping my toes in the dirty pool you know Wendy oh I had fun though I’m sure you did you little [ __ ]
Troublemaker I don’t make trouble I don’t make trouble I just deal with trouble exactly first first rule about Fight Club is we don’t talk about Fight Club look he’s lost his lights Kobe’s lost his lights they freaking falling and everything he’s oh he’s redesigning K’s doing redesign he’s going for the
Record Wendy Colby was over there with me that’s all I’m saying I do I I do like how Kobe’s trying to do this on live stream but the problem for him is his ceiling the stealing angles are very weird for him whereas you know he needs better shorts like those those shorts
Don’t show his butt can he wigg his bum gonna show his butt can he wiggle it can he wiggle the bum too I know can hear us he still had his headphones on he can hear us no he do his headphones are on his microphone I
Know damn it Amy I saw that Jesus why you got call me out like that the distance right he’s straight up redecorating right now because Ben this is all your fault it’s not my fault I didn’t tell him to do anything right now I was just telling
You I blame vapon I blame vapon honestly all he has to do is actually just move the monitor and his camera over like two feet the not the lighting it has nothing to do with the lights just move the Monitor and the camera over I know that’s easier
Said than done in some situations but that’s all it is I love cake oh I love you MTI Wendy knows cake oh MTI is [ __ ] awesome oh my God Sam bought this [ __ ] uh sh my I want to eat you I want to eat you thanks thanksgiving’s
Coming up and Sam bought this pumpkin cake with like this uh like frosting kind of like swirl like f it was almost like a roll cake but then they just chopped up and they put like a bunch of I had a couple of those out of the
Frigerator for first time I was like I had one I was like this’ll be all right I had to go back for a second piece I was like God damn that’s good not a heavy pumpkin pumkin but I was like God damn that shit’s good in it yeah yeah
When I first heard a carrot cake way back when I’m thinking the word carrot and Cake doesn’t go together but then when I Tred carrot cake I’m thinking oh my God I’m in heaven right that’s good [ __ ] yeah some carrot cakes are a little over a little overwhelming though but some are just
Like that was like the first time i’ ever heard zucchini bread like zucchini bread wait what what oh I love [ __ ] zucchini bread it’s so good yeah I really need to name some of these food products better what would they call that green pumpkin cake carrot cake is is that what
You’re talking about B no chocolate cake it is kind of like that vapon but it’s actually more shaped like an actual loaf of bread but it’s it’s kind of similar to that with a little less frosting I just I just have to ask is is Monica laying in bed with a
On I’m in bed hat onanie beanie oh beanie okay okay all right all right cool it is kind of cold I mean I’m running my heater right now so it is kind of cold so she’s like don’t [ __ ] questioning more of the world man it’s okay Daddy could question anything to me
Fine he’s allowed to I know wheny anamia are super hot I know that I mean the weather right now that’s what a anyway you know how that goes it’s actually hotter out it’s hotter out where I am and where it is at am’s place but am’s got to high
Humidity oh yes it’s the humidity that I [ __ ] hate humidity that kills you yeah exactly y’all think that looks better I don’t like that design no I like thee you [ __ ] it way up bro yeah when I said when I said the wall is dark it’s because the way your your
Camera is centered so actually all you need to do is move the camera and yourself over I move my chair I’m on my hands I’m literally on my knees right now well I know I like that better when the lights were in Arch I’m committed now it just looks
Like y’all just aren’t y y’all ain’t open-minded that’s the thing well hang on you read that wait Kobe a damn yeah I was gonna say we want to see a bit of wiggling what Wendy I heard you what Wendy we want to see some butt wiggling
Next time you’re on the stool moving the lights please and that’s a unanimous opinion shake that ass we want to see you wiggling your shake that ass wiggle it just a little bit little bit we see you wiggle it just a littleit did Amy put yall to this did Amy put
It’s all Amy’s fault it’s always Amy’s fault a damn thing watch a lot of HD TV so uh just let me try to let me let me cook okay let me cook the arch was quite fine the arch was fine it was AR now just looks like ay P hell the original
Orig the original back to the hey that’s a good seven if you that’s a good seven and and we want some more leave me alone leave me alone yeah according to the last panel we were on Colby you’re like a three so I mean just I’m just saying I mean he
Said he said no one could see that that thing off the TV was a skull now he says a skeleton I’m like okay I see it CU orig it does look like a plant I bought a skeleton it’s over literally right here no one could even see it I just
Hung it up there no one could even [ __ ] see it it’s back there literally I just love the fact that all the all these people put so much thought in their background and I’m just like [ __ ] my shit’s all natural they that’s the pole holding up the [ __ ] neighbor’s
[ __ ] and the [ __ ] tree some light on that pole man on that supports me cuz my chair broke that pole supports me so I lean against it my chair broke I’m OCD I’m OCD so I kind of like try to think about stuff and I try to ignore the little
Imperfections because if I looked at everything right now I’d be like I don’t like the chity camera shot I don’t like this look a little off I can respect that yeah because I’m OCD like hanging pictures I’ll be like how’s that look my wife’s like oh it looks perfect I’m like
All right cool so I said it and I walk away and I look at it I’m like that’s as [ __ ] like what I Rel I relevel everything like four times and if one thing they installed the fire alarm talking my language talking my language I will adjust the photo to it just to
Make it look level even though I everything’s got to be square it’s got to be square it’s got to be a perfect distance with my beard cuz my Beard’s not perfect I’m fuckingly trying to is perfect don’t say that no it’s it’s not that’s why I keep doing this cuz I
See it and I’m like no [ __ ] yes it is it’s good what you say what the hell is right what did you say Kobe where do we suggest [ __ ] god I’mma kill all y’all sound I I would just say I would don’t worry I’m killed by somebody else I’m G be
Killed by somebody else Kobe you heard that earlier look at that that’s beautiful Kobe Kobe just do this do this wait anal be yeah do this as much I couldn’t hear y okay what do it as much of the ceiling that will highlight the SE everything below the
Ceiling so you don’t like the seven no no why are you listening to Ben seven that’s the weirdest looking seven okay will you give me a seven Wendy I say you’re an eight but that’s just me seven so don’t get that time with me
Boy don’t put that t with me oh you give me a seven with your [ __ ] L like I gave you an godamn it that looks like a seven so aggressive it doesn’t look like a s you know what I tried hard on that you didn’t try that hard come on
Now looks like a [ __ ] backwards question mark you didn’t try that hard it does look like a backward question mark right just wait till the Vicks get in their new place and they have their official Studio they’re going to set this [ __ ] up so professional it’s going to look [ __ ]
Like it yeah every round of applause for everyone that hasn’t done anything it a round of applause with the cat scratch I wish we could buy new chairs beforehand but no there’s these babies coming with aren’t even helping me that’s why I told I told you the issue you’re the problem with
Your the problem with the room you have which I mean I said this while you were off headphones was unfortunately you have the kind of the angled ceiling going on right there what I would do is just line the the ceiling top as much as you can that way it illuminates the
Walls so it looks evenly lighted that’s the biggest thing yeah don’t worry about the floor level or doggies right there windy with the dogies she got a eat I’ve cut the ears uneven the ears got bad uneven cut I what then can I ask Amy tomorrow what is schedule tomorrow what’s happening
Tomorrow we have a private chat I’ll send a private chat Kobe at 6:30 6:30 I think is what Harley this is E standard time 6:30 tomorrow I’ll be starting my live we’re going to do some time for Monica and okay we’re gonna yeah okay and mon Monica’s cash app will be running
Through the rest of the stream after 6:30 and yeah can I make a suggestion that there needs to be something Australian friendly as well because Australia doesn’t have cash app we don’t we need to send get get cash for you Harley’s got um venmo and PayPal
Right I have venmo W has PayPal there’s also a [ __ ] I can’t think of the name of it [ __ ] right now so so there’s a literal uh a uh that type of thing that works everywhere and it’s [ __ ] I had oh it’s um it’s I think it’s called I think it’s
Called I think it’s back door no no Ben that’s where you visit that’s that’s not where where I visit there’s a a money app that I can’t it actually irritates me I can’t think of the [ __ ] name of it g give me one second give me one
Second my wife knows the name I’ll be right back zel zel I think there was a place called zel PayPal PayPal no why didn’t you get a PayPal setup for Monica isn’t that something we yeah PayPal is that very Universal PayPal I think’s more Universal isn’t it har Harley said
That his wife has PayPal and we could go through him if people want to send money via Paypal but it’s it’s hard when you do that because the you know um one that sends PayPal over gets charged and then Harley gets charged again sending it over to to Monica I believe
Don’t worry about that for this point it’s revolute so re revolute r v l u t is a international thing for I had a dude from I had a dude from lvia Mr Black pasta sent me money when I was having trouble but yeah any PayPal any Veno or
Not Veno well yeah we can do Veno PayPal Veno and cash app we can we can take care of if you want to send it to us we’ll send it tomorrow already P yet but that’s because we’re add to it and send it to her tomorrow um but we are doing a Monica
Well so we’re doing a karaoke we’re doing a Monica sorry I’m just doing that’s but before we’re doing a Monica stream we’re gonna it’s Monica’s yeah so we’re doing Monica and support of course and um Monica I know you’ll probably talk about this tomorrow night how old was your son
23 years old man just got out of the military yep yep I know but we’ll talk about this tomorrow night but I just I was just curious I mean I’ve my my son’s 21 and um yeah Miss T don’t ever let him get into the service that screws up
Everybody just let them stay with you just keep him keep him you know keep him on point focused and and away from the from the shenanigans of the military sorry to say that but that’s the way it is I feel it like that military screws your your brain and your
Body and everything so mentally and emotionally you get drained and the kids even survive so and I mean even that age I mean I know to a lot of you but to any of us that have older kids uh 23’s it’s still a kid to us yeah
No she I’m 35 and that’s that’s a baby to me it is it is it’s still your baby I’ve always called my baby my baby and then everybody says no he’s already a g g man I’m like he’s not say that baby I always will be I’m I’m 39
And I’m my mom’s baby yeah 100% you see well you know my daughter my daughter is um she’s coming up to 29 and I’m starting to accept that she’s an adult but 20s no still D like my C I don’t think you’re just breasted you yesterday yeah no no no your brain’s not
Done developing at that point and like I I didn’t discover myself until like my mid late 20s and that’s usually when people find themselves and like really grow up and and and women do that earlier than men men uh your boys yes your boys are they’re still they’re
Still young for a very long time and I’m I that’s not saying anything bad but yeah um I I just I have I have a seven I’m GNA my my youngest son will be eight years old this this coming December 7th wow so you got a little one too yep yeah
No oh you know what you’re I didn’t expect to have them and I I I found out at my 41st birthday I’m like you’re pregnant I’m like how in the heck oh my goodness and I’m like um I don’t think I could handle it but I did and then it was like
A u what is it risk pregnancy uh that that either me or the baby we’re not going to survive so he will survived thankfully he was meant to be yes ma’am yep meant to be all all three of my babies and a half months all three of them Natural Born
Everything I pushed them the way that that grand mother should yeah yeah I went through the same with all three of mine but I my kids were far apart too I mean I’ve got my 28-year old 21y old and 17y old so they were far
Apart I got a 32 year old and a 26 year old yeah your 32y old is only 7even years younger than me stop Worrying hey I didn’t know you were a Mom Wendy oh yeah me yeah yeah yeah they’re like all growing up and like you know moved out of home and doing their own thing but yeah but it doesn’t matter where they go man you still worry about
Them you know like and they still ring up going Mommy Mommy it’s like I’m there in freaking 6 hours cuz I live out in the middle of bum [ __ ] nowhere and I’ll still jump in my car and drive as far as I need to drive doctor’s appointment
It’s like what you’re almost 30 can you you me mom can you lend me some money I 100% did that Misty I called my mom I’m like can you make me a doctor’s appointment she’s like um you’re [ __ ] married what you got you got to love your
Forever cuz I’m the I’m the baby like my mom and me so connected I [ __ ] anyway yep yeah how many brothers and sisters do you got Harley I got one brother one sister they’re both older I’m the youngest yeah don’t my brother [ __ ] [ __ ] and douchebag but I love my sister she lives
My sister’s 20 minutes away I love my sister love my mom love my dad brother but anyway I’m the opposite of Harley like I’m like I I’m the baby and my brother and sister are older but I don’t talk to my sister I love my brother well
You’re you I mean you know all I’m the youngest yeah I’m the youngest only girl of my adopted family cuz I was adopted when I was a week old so like if you check out Australian history we’ve got like you know bad stolen generation where Aboriginal kids were taking off
Their parents and that I’m one of them people so I adopted basically from birth I even I was even like they even gave my my what I call me Mom and Dad I um I call it a try before your buy kind of basis where they got to have me for
Like a year try before you buy where they had me for a year before they officially adopted me oh um and then and then when I found my actual biological family on the oldest only girl um so yeah going from being the youngest in One family to the oldest in the next
Family and still the only girl a so I I want to ask the boys on the panel here wait how many of you have got a good relationship with your mom first of all I’m a man but yes I 100% have a good relationship with my Mom sorry how
I can go if you want the other room said yes Ben do you have a good relationship with your mom I wasn’t sure who was talking so I stayed muted um zero but she’s also dead so oh well I mean that makesense I had zero relationship for about the last
Year and sergeant Tom had a good relationship with his mom nice yeah I remember you were adopted MTI I remember we had that discussion that’s that’s our connection I was a mama’s girl my Sor husband which is which is funny in the in the sense of in the sense of mine a
Lot of people say how do you know have a good relationship your mom it was funny because when I said that also with like my my other the rest of my other family I’m like zero relationship like cut him off twice I’ve cut him out twice Sam met my sister once and immediately
Within two weeks he went she text me asking for money oh I get it now wow and immediately I I understand I understand why you cut him out now second [ __ ] so kobby Noby it still sucks it still sucks kobby go away what the [ __ ] is that Kobe did Kobe answer even
Worse hold on hold on M’s asking hold on everybody M’s asking Colby go ahead Misty sorry oh oh we know col’s a mama’s boy we can tell huh he we’re rocking the question if you have a good good relation relationship with your m that’s yeah I would I would consider
Myself proud as a as a be a mama’s boy yeah right exactly I’m with you with youe yeah there’s no shame to be a mama’s boy yeah I’m a I’m I’m a damn good mama’s boy too hey I’ll tell you what hey I’ll tell you what my my
Lighting is because I’m a daddy’s boy hey I listen to Daddy this is where it got me too I would I wouldn’t go that far but boy thing you should have listened to your mom I probably should yeah listen to Mama to back to
The are you are you a Georgia fan by any chance I mean I’m a backtack national championship college football team I understand this sliding problem I understand [Laughter] bandwagon you don’t understand what I mean I don’t understand your was that a was that a question vabon no that was
Just saying that I understand that you can’t do lighting because you’re an SEC fan I don’t was are you are you trying are you trying to talk [ __ ] or are you just bad at it he’s bad at it we all are all the above all the
Above mean hold on you can you can hold these backto back trophies if you want to vapon and you can hold them on the back on your nut trophy of liquor wait a minute yeah you you can hold these back you can hold these backto back trophies
Unless you have something other ways or otherwise to say you can shut the [ __ ] up about college football if you want to talk [ __ ] about do hold on hold hold on but how many peppers were in that that that uh trophy right there you were holding up how many
How many peppers are in there uh about about 19 and 42 I don’t know what to say I think we our panels to Hash not good at talking [ __ ] yeah exactly yeah because I mean baby can answer all the questions he want to but he can’t answer
Questions better talk K is that do his lighting that’s for sure I am bapon you need to downgrade yourself to Eevee that’s what you just did yeah I would never be good at talking [ __ ] I would just go cry in a corner it’s not even worth it with me just don’t even
Bother I want to practice earlier tonight so yeah I can talk smack oh I heard you were somewhere oh yeah was somewhere doing my thinge showed up we had a good time uhuh heard that Daddy uhuh uhuh we could also talk [ __ ] about Oregon like Ben’s a
Huge Oregon fan has hold on hold on hold on don’t be talking [ __ ] about organ now wait a minute no hold on some someone brought out college football and just kind of triggered me since I’ve been triggered about this [ __ ] so I got something to rant about
That right now all y’all Oran fans not’s fault you can’t fix your lighting it’s not or no no no it’s not it’s not Oregon’s fault that y’all just got a Auburn quarterback that lost to Jordan for three straight years went to oron Lost in Alabama four straight years so
He has to come back am I allow to say the word on this for the F straight year he’s about to lose to Georgia fifth straight year he’s about to lose to Georgia at two separate colleges suck my freaking suck my vagina check the you do have a giant [ __ ] you do
Have a giant [ __ ] I will say that um check the private issues much all y all y mother all y dog haters out there all y’all have to do is just look at hey look at look at the numbers man back-to-back national championships who’s the best player in
The quarterback in the college football stands Dro that again I’m gonna say low horns because they come from the L horn so all right speaking of dropping out I’m gonna go I’m gonna go pack a couple more boxes I’m Miss T must be an or boxes most famous boxes needs
Pack and I’ll boxes Little Boxes y’all got me on a [ __ ] roll right now I’m I’m I’m mad I’m mad about my lighting I’m mad about George of football about everything Miss have a great day I hope you have I have you I hope you have a
Good oh I’m gonna be listening I’m I’m listening to hear kobby Vent go Kobe you know day and enjoy your thank you love we’ll see you tomorrow night respect bye every everyone else everyone else this is Kobe time Kobe ranting on because of the sports there you go sh Lord have mercy
Here we go oh the hats off the hats off now the hat backwards the hats on backwards Washington and just having to lose liit again in the pat 12 title oh that must have hurt as a Oregon fan Dan Lanning oh he’s had such a great year
Punching him out punch it him out boom boom boom oh he ain’t GNA do [ __ ] let me tell you what and I’ll tell you why Dan L is a great coach I would give him that Dan lny is a good coach but the problem is O Nicks B Nicks played at Auburn let
Me just tell you the straight facts blown neck paid it played at Auburn for three straight years lost to Georgia three straight years went to Oregon lost to Georgia what’s he going to do that’s four straight games by the way if you can’t add if you’re an Oregon fan that’s
Four straight years what’s he gonna do if if they [ __ ] make the playoffs if they make the [ __ ] playoffs what are they going to do they’re going to lose five straight games how many how many times does a senior have to lose to Georgia just to get over the fact that
He he just ain’t [ __ ] [ __ ] good enough oh my God Jesus Christ you can’t do it just get over the fact go to the NFL get draft in the third round be a Medi quarterback go to Jake state from ask him for a job you can do whatever
You want sell real estate open up a trailer park you can do whatever you [ __ ] want but you cannot lose to Georgia you cannot beat Georgia shut the [ __ ] up Oregon fans shut the [ __ ] up George or Oregon fans can do anything about it Dan Landing is a [ __ ]
Fraud fcking di from theide myself I’ve just said nothing dogs on top hold these two trophies hold these two trophies all right I don’t care if it’s a trophy or not you can hold these two things hold these two nuts in your mouth Oregon fans oh
You Ben put him in Ben put him in the nauy corner come on now be ni Tom don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t make me get after you Ser Tom don’t make me do it oh who’s gonna please please bling on the Pano let them talk [ __ ] about Georgia
I’ll put them in their [ __ ] place look at me she already knower go Jerry Wendy’s asked if she was there she they said no get my four I’m from Atlanta yeah yeah a town down be Jord T don’t Jordan T don’t stand a chance Tennessee don’t [ __ ] stand a chance or
Going to beat Oregon Jesus Christ it’s so it’s so it’s kind of it’s like Oregon’s kind of like a makea whis child like you just you’re just so happy for them and just like everyone’s like it’s like that like that r word the field on that that touchdown it’s like throwing a
Little pen into the found well and wishing wishing for the well everyone doesn’t mean to tackle them that’s what Oregon is like and they just dive into the end zone they celebrate and they go woo we did it I’ll I’ll I’ll take I’ll take I’ll still
Take be in Oregon over the last like 20 years most teams would in the sense of record I gotta play my lights now Oregon’s a make a wish child that’s all it is at least we’re not USC Oregon mascot has better use of value just going to Vick place and move
In boxes than it does to the next game at least to make them wor because he ain’t doing any push-ups on the sidelines next game damn mostly in the first comment that was that was kind of funny ran you just ran off all of the women here yeah I’m sorry about
That James is like great I mean a saage I’ve been I’ve been doing that my whole life at least one stuck with me at least well James is saying between us now well the one thing between me or James and my fiance is I impregnated one so I don’t
Know about you James do you have something to say is it mine no so it’s not mine okay he doesn’t know yet honestly what pissed me off is this [ __ ] lightning back here I thought I did something good the private chat came out of the I sent I sent you
The tip in the private chat three messages you sent me the tip in the private chat yeah just the tip yeah you complain otherwise room with lightning I don’t have enough lighting for that I it’s it’s like it’s like 12 feet that way and to that way I don’t have I don’t have
One Outlet too it goes like right there that was the problem here I had one and then I had to buy the uh the the cheap like extension the extra like 20 foot 20ft roll whatever on the brand I had so I could do all the way around it’s still
Again not it’s not perfect I’m not saying this line is good it’s not great that’s cool no that’s good so I’m not shut the front door thanks you Li’s good you’re like visible like you got your Ben lighting is good she’s not talking yeah Ben’s lighting is Good’s
Lighting looks like freaking the gates of hell what it’s it’s abstract so if you don’t appreciate it then that doesn’t look like abstract it looks like more like g g like whatever whatever you whatever’s in your mind that’s what you put in there yeah it looks like looks like what is it like
Bad the pro the pro the pro the problem is yeah I think one of the things is like because you’re ceiling has the the angles the lower angle vaults that’s why I was like you just got to line the top as best as you can it’s it’s that’s a
Kind of a harder room to light up evenly because again I you were off you were off I have a I have a skeleton hanging over here too right here oh yeah okay you can’t you can’t even [ __ ] see it it’s it’s there but no you can’t see
It you know what you should see see right here gu back to the AR way back to the we’re not having that we’re not having that porn bomb come up uh oh he got dropped again well he’s like you know you can see right here huh like no we’re not having that I
Know all righty guys I got to go it’s it’s already 2 o’ in in the morning from hey hey what’s what’s That put a CL of the camera D dogs win at all yeah yeah dogs W it all by Ben bye Sam bye everybody respected bye mon we’ll see you around sleep well sweet lady I’ll see you Tom your stream yes yes sir yes ma’am bye sir Bosley I see you
Later honestly [ __ ] this room now I just completely oated it say something get back to the arway the archway was cool why was cool we told you not to do it and you were all you’ll see no Amy I was trusting you you never said anything dude I shook my head
Yeah we couldn’t say that what I shook my head I was on cam it looks like the lots are falling down I thought you were shaking their head against the haters oh my God there’s gonna be so much the simplest thing I have in that room because it’s it’s it’s such a I
Mean it’s the same as like this room it’s hard to do with the desk the desk shape I have in the corner here get it centered is try to move the cam over like two feet to Center on the back wall put back to the arch that way it’s at
Least the arch was better yeah I always put it back two cim to put back the arch I would just go back back to the as much as possible that’s that’s the easiest way to kind of equalize and can we see it live and can we see some booty shaking this time what
Wendy he booty Wendy he’s engaged Wendy yeah remember he’s engaged yeah but that’s not mean only one person to be well no he’s not properly married and he’s way too young for me anyway but it doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to watch come on you’re allowed you’re allowed to like go shopping you
Just can’t buy the items for like Mrs when she showed her ABS Hy freaking cut with them ABS mine no Mrs te we hav youre waiting for the booty shake oh my god Kobe will have to go back and watch his stream and and see about how many times commented on his
Ass while he was standing on his But yeah will be fixed before you come on again it’s like the [ __ ] is I thought when I turned the seven I thought I’d turn my camera off nope it’s not a [ __ ] seven now was like a was autistic question mark even the SE a seven in what freaking language like
Cereal yeah that’s Aztec over there and that’s ah I don’t know what the [ __ ] that is oh you’re cracking me up over there is me just trying the new seven the new7 yeah tpr it’s an easy it’s an easy fix to do it’s just the alignment of the camera
Cent roof it’s easy it’s easy exploring with Benjamin and Samuel it is not it’s so hard actually his is um Samuel but he hates it being pronounced that way Sam had a few laugh tonight Monica did you know Benjamin Franklin invented or not invented like made the coin
Uh uh daylight saving time so I I blame Ben for Daylight Saving Time well there was uh he uh no he yeah he coined it but it was actually came up beforehand we yeah but he like made it the thing yeah but it was actually proposed like a hundred
Years earli so what the [ __ ] man all well I’m glad make the freaking Sun doy run an hour earlier well I’m glad I’m glad that the the people are looking at getting away from that and actually removing it cuz it’s my boss is saying hey the sun’s up
Let’s start working when we used to have a 30 minute nap time yeah it’s it’s daylight saving even worse when you got children oh do they do they save them not not but so just talking from Australian experience you know like when they um we don’t have it in Queensland
But when I was living down New South Wales in Victoria they do it down there and when you got small children you know you want to try and start laying them down 7:30 8:00 at night so they get a good sleep still screaming daylight outside it’s because of the snakes
Right cuz the snakes come out yeah actually the snakes come out at any time of the day that’s the temperature that defines when they’re going to be out and uh yeah so one good thing about screaming hot summer is the snakes aren’t out when it’s screaming hot because snakes cook over a certain
Temperature cook true story yeah yeah yeah like um um if they were stupid enough to come out they would probably perish pretty quick and yeah you could probably nearly eat them oh man that’s what that looks like that was like a snake here we here
We go here we go here we go we’re going we’re going to we’re going to we’re going to do some deep dive in bombing so yes 1784 Benjamin Franklin proposed the idea of that type conceptualized it not proposed but conceptualize the idea ah yes but in 1895 New Zealand enologist George Hudson
Proposed the idea of changing the clocks to save energy because he was ologist in 1907 British resident William Willet presented the idea as a way to save energy after some serious consideration it wasn’t implemented and then in 1908 Ontario Canada started using day life savings time [ __ ] you Canada degenerates yeah I’m glad we’re talking I understanding I understand it was for farming originally you know like in the sense of like giving extra daylight for crops or some I don’t [ __ ] know that’s you don’t get extra daylight all you’re doing is changing what time you’re going to start
Working but if you’re milking cows the cows still freaking Rock up at the milking shed at 5:00 in the morning whether it’s dark or daylight hey Wendy Wendy get this so there’s some states in the United States that don’t apply daylight Stein Hawaii que New Mexico I think New
Mexico and get this Wendy so some so New Mexico some even counties like cities I don’t know if you have counties over there probably not counties are probably like uh like like just bartenders for you over there region or districts or whatever but uh but like so yeah so some
Parts of New Mex Mexico what’ you say New Mexico B well it’s Hawaii or yeah it’s Hawaii I know doesn’t have it and then it’s yeah multi says it’s Arizona but it might be New Mexico too or it’s just Arizona one or the other yeah I couldn’t I could never remember which
One yeah but like some part so if you go to a different County it’ll be like yeah 6:00 a.m. be like yeah we’re just waking up 700 a.m. over there like if you just drop a county line it’s so [ __ ] stupid yeah like Wendy was saying here in the
State that we live in in Australia there’s no daylight savings Amy you don’t live in Australia yes I do yeah show me a snake show you that it’s still daylight out she Liv she lived in a city she lives in a city where the snakes learn
To hide better than what they do in the country Amy said the snakes come out at night that’s not a snake that’s a bad that’s a curtain yeah but do you see the window there no that’s fil next door anyways yeah I mean the point is if everywhere doesn’t do it at least
Together that makes it makes no sense to do it period cuz it’s just confusing [ __ ] it is man you cross the border suddenly you lose a air or gain an air and all that mumbo jumbo yeah and Nei way it’s like yeah who gives a [ __ ] if
It gets lighter one hour later or darker one hour earlier who gives a [ __ ] the the world as far as I’m as far as I’m aware The World Keeps spinning and that’s all that really [ __ ] matters I don’t what is actually the point of Happ right now it’s to get earlier late in
The morning but why outside my glass door so that was photo taken through my four months outside my glass sliding door no that was like freaking uh 23rd of October yeah so to my knowledge the whole point of daylight savings is that so in winter time obviously it gets
Darker in the evening they move it so they move it they back the hour you get more light in the morning so like say for farming and stuff which again not much farming is going on in the winter times because [ __ ] is dead it’s frozen who gives a
[ __ ] you’re not doing farming or agriculture in the winter times yeah but the thing is the thing is if you’re doing if you’re doing crop farming um you can work with the daylight if you’re working with animals the animals don’t know that the humans have put their clocks forward so the
Humans have got an now get up that still hour earlier anyway like milking cows is a big thing see cows know what time to come up to be milked I don’t I don’t do much of crop farming but I’m a big fan of crop dusting yeah I bet you are but yeah as
To Wendy’s point like I mean even our cat goddamn our cat’s only like five months six months old the first I mean he’s he’s still [ __ ] confused after a week we have schedule and he’s still [ __ ] confused he’ll be trying to wake up Sam at like 4 in the morning Sam gets
Up at 5 5:30 it’ll be like 4 in the morning he’ll be like get the [ __ ] up yeah ready to go he has no idea what [ __ ] time it is then it’ll get dark like at 4:30 and he’s like wait and just looks lost and I’m like mhm
See my freaking honestly my cat comes and slaps me in the face and it does a a a non you know expanded claw freaking hit and it’ll come up and freaking hit me like in the face like wake up wake up and I’ll be like [ __ ] off cat it’ll
Still jump back up on the bed like that’s a snake that’s definitely a snake my boy midy he’ll like stand on your chest and scream in your face yeah he’s telling you SN SES around no he’s telling you I want breakfast he’s like these spiders and snakes
Now it’s a very V catch I live in the country man snakes are a dime a freaking dozen out where I live and they’re all most of them pretty well most of them if not all if y if y’all see a snake how do y’all
Deal with the snake y just grab a stick um it depends on how close to a shovel I am so you Justa it’s going freaking no you don’t beat it you freaking got to get that freaking perfect behind the ear shot hold it pin it keep pushing yeah um
Yeah no you don’t just beat it because all it’s going to do is piss it off then she skins it and roasts it yeah snake on a stick what do you do Amy you just run and wait for your cat to eat it dude I got one leg I can’t [ __ ]
Run H you yeah just just find the nearest Bed bad but no uh I live in the suburbs dude I don’t see that [ __ ] country like Wendy’s out in the sticks I’m I’m not scks I’m not about that hit him with sticks you fancy she she she just said like hey let
Me just show y’all this snake outside my bathroom she’s like SN in the city they just don’t see him as common they are in the city they just don’t see him as common what city you in I almost called you Sydney Wendy Wendy knows Yeah Wendy knows exactly I am it’s
Definitely it’s definitely not [Laughter] fancy the area I live in not yeah it’s definitely fancy it’s definitely fancy yeah but where where you are Amy it’s like um she had a bathro has been developed lot of new stes and stuff out there she had a bathroom that the snake
Was outside of so you know that’s fancy why are you talking about my bathroom it’s weird you showed us your bathroom no dude this is a room this is I’m in a bedroom what are you talking about okay she had a bedroom sorry that her snake was outside of that’s how you
Know she’s Fancy no and actually did a bad area because she’s got security screens on the window yeah that’s not that’s not that’s not the same window she was definitely in her bathroom I was not in the bathro just point it out point out myath my bathroom is say just say
Co Kobe has Kobe has a bathroom fetish I think I think that’s the problem my bathroom is you want to see my bathroom kby yeah Post in the private chat I showed people on YouTube my toilet it’s like freaking spot was be clean I think my toilet’s a cleanest
Room in the house yeah when it swirls it just goes down with six snakes that’s what it does actually now there’s frogs in there get a lot of frogs in the toilet FR attct snakes do you all see a day um well while it’s screaming hot summer I don’t venture outside too much
But if I was while it was screaming hot summer snakes cook over like about you know you won’t see a snake out at 32 to like four six 10 10 12 20 30 not a d not a d okay if you in the padic it probably you’d probably see a couple of
Snakes every day if you’re working out in the padic easy depending on the temperature of the day because if it’s too hot snakes can’t C like a like a meat like a meat p padic padic padic p patio no padic padic God um farm farm you’re scared like you’re panicking no
Oh my God the um yeah oh my what he’s saying is if it’s hot the snakes are gonna be hiding from the heat also they’re also GNA be definitely because they actually can’t they actually can’t that’s why they hi under the Pao yeah now you’re finally getting it I
Think he’s not he’s not he’s he’s he lives in Georgia he’s not getting it yeah we got water moccas I guarantee any snake over there would die from a water mckas in head-to-head battle contact mhm do it water cracking me up waterm any snake over there in Australia
Are you a little bit drunk Kobe because you are funny [ __ ] know wi right now what do you think I’m drunk do do you see do you see the lighting that I just did do you think I’m drunk yeah that’s no recommendation Amy’s got that Australian
THC in her hand right now what do y’all think y both high and drunk f is going to wake up the next morning and just going to go what have you done with the lights honey well no this is my room she stays out of this [ __ ] she
I she’s pumping on that THC let’s be honest dude this is the th you know that’s in Australia you know it’s actually they finally medicalized it they finally medicalized this a prescription bottle wow how’ you pull that off and we also we’ve also we’ve also legalized magic mushrooms we’ve also legalized um
Pum oh do y’all get so we got a lot of cows over here obviously because we eat bacon so y’all just get them off of kangaroo [ __ ] cow [ __ ] y’all have cow magic mushrooms BS dude oh my God y’all do not have cows over there we don’t have kangaroos over here
Hold listen listen listen Wendy we don’t have kangaroos over here so why should I trust that you have cows over there what so you’re mad because we have some people don’t even believe mad mad what that we have more animals than you oh yeah you got a squirrel T check I’m missing those
Squirrels man okay you you got possums and raccoons yeah we got possums okay weal no raccoons yes got Buffalo yes Northern Territory they got bu yep Northern Territory big Buffalo area you got woms you got some we got wombats yeah no you don’t I bet y’all don’t have I bet I bet y’all
I bet y’all don’t have uh dogs that y’all care about no they’re just running around there like come here trying to eat trying to eat the possums out there that’s what y’all trying to do try snakes and [ __ ] get don’t up in here dogs look she’s trying to he’s trying to
Shoe him that’s what he’s trying to do I’m trying to call him in but they all just got drunk we’re not freaking like we’re not doing this I bet y’all don’t have catfish yep you don’t have catfish we got catfish and you can’t you can’t you can’t scale a catfish you got
To skin a catfish because of the way there you get a pair of Pies on your skin a catfish you don’t scale them so no no no okay well I bet y’all don’t have elk do yeah no deer and Elk is different ha oh America is better what’s the
Difference I bet I bet y’all don’t I bet American football sucks oh I bet we don’t have covid vaccines restrictions we already we don’t have talked about that that c word earlier depends on where you live in the US we already talked oh yeah that’s the SE word we refering as a
Sew these days I don’t even think of matter but we talked about that depend on what stage you I bet if Amy walked outside to kill a snake she had to wear a mask some drone would probably hit her up and be like detected detected detected detected you’re losing points with Amy
M but you know what you know what we do have we got better [ __ ] background lights Than You background lights bur why’ you have to go there why why at least I have a [ __ ] snake in my my oh my God that was a there we go here we go
Here we go it’s getting serious oh I think he I think he ripped his camera out that was a that was a good one that was a good one Wendy that that one was a good he probably tried to do what I did the other day and I freaking knock me
[ __ ] [ __ ] and yeah he’ll be back he doesn’t realize the camera’s freaking unplugged maybe he’s trying to probably show us something doesn’t he’s unplugged I think K’s been drinking too much hasn’t he think he’s been drinking just remember just because the camera’s out doesn’t mean the headphones aren’t still
Working I mean I just got back and I’m like we’re we’re having this conversation about you don’t have catfish you don’t have like what tpr tpr yeah did you I think I might a tpr but not to be horrible I was just being silly that wasn’t like a deliberate horribleness it was just
Silliness I’d like to think everyone knows that hyp hasn’t wrecked none of his stuff that’s what I was likeing I think he’s been drinking too much okay he’s I mean it’s too 2:23 in the morning here it’s 3 3:23 for him he’s an hour later than me
So and he’s which means he’s probably been drinking for possibly an hour longer well and he he’s just swigging out of a bottle too oh I don’t know I don’t know anyone can drink straight alcohol like I do shocks with on the freaking Harley dad Channel and that’s just man that is like
Freaking petrol I’ve got to have a chaser I don’t care if it’s water freaking I don’t think you guys have seen me do one shot or no maybe two two on uh this this CH I think on Harley’s where I call that shots and they’re like right do it I’m
Like God all I have is tequila I’m like [ __ ] I didn’t do tequila shots but like I’ve got a lemon Chaser like a slice of lemon yeah I didn’t didn’t I didn’t do salt I didn’t do salt or lime or anything like that afterwards to like
Yeah yeah I was like I can do tequil shots where’s Kobe we’re all still waiting on young Kobe make sure it’s all cool back there well no no because he would have had to press the um Stop Cam thing to get his picture back up and I bet you he’s doing a light
Rearrangement and sticks in them lights I like the AR way better anyway if you’re listening the AR was better we should all just leave this stream and then when he comes back he’ll be like look at my lights now and no one’s here it’s offline he’s like Dam it
Oh that’s horrible you’re [ __ ] [ __ ] stir worse than me he went on a ran about the Ducks for no reason I’m like I haven’t said anything night no light change smile sneezed and can y’all hear me yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s all good Vis vision’s good sounds good for
Everything I said about Australia I saw Kangaroo Jack the first time and I fell in love and um I apologize you don’t have to apologize especially you Wendy I know you’re a true Australian unlike the other people on this channel worry about it man I got broad shoulders I got a good
Sense of humor and you’re lucky I love you I could adopt you I’d adopt you you’re young enough to adopt uh yeah well I’m still in my 20s unlike Ben J as long as you’re all good man as long as you’re all good it’s all humor and silly
Games no it’s all just fun silliness well it’s really not like honestly you know States is obviously better [Laughter] than girlfriend as someone who has lived I’m from the future me and Amy are from the future we were jumping Back to the Future countries yeah then love you
Serge Serge y oh you say Amy saying that Australia is better in the United States in some ways yeah well from what I’ve from some of the experiences I’ve heard Amy talk about her leg situation despite the fact that they [ __ ] it up yeah she probably got better Medical Care and offerings
After care no yeah because all right this diagnosis and [ __ ] like that kind of thing it happens like accidents and [ __ ] happen I’m in my case but like you know that kind of thing happens everywhere um because you saying they they even give you a free stump and
Stuff like that like um what do they call it protic yeah the treatment that I received after my surgery I didn’t or first of all I didn’t have to pay for any of my Hospital stay I was in there for over six months I got physical re
Rehabilitation six days a week or no five days a week um for yeah six months and then they gave me a free prosthetic that cost like 10 grand um I yeah I didn’t have to pay for medicine or anything the entire time I was there nothing so would those
Services because I don’t have a clue would you get that same kind of ABS service absolutely not from the government in America I I have heard stories of other because I’m in like support groups on Facebook and [ __ ] for like amputees and stuff and I’ve heard stories about people in the states where
They get kicked out of the hospital like the next [ __ ] day with a pair of crutches and they’re like good [ __ ] luck like have a good day yeah I have to say look and I don’t I don’t complain about any country whatever every country does their own
Thing every country I think has pros and cons to another one I mean work better count somewhere like the one thing and the one thing like Healthcare in the US to implement it with the amount of people we have compared to like Canada UK Australia is you would
Tank the [ __ ] global economy yeah I mean like don’t financially it would just tank if you don’t get me wrong I don’t I don’t hate America and like I feel like there in certain ways it is better than you know other places but dictatorship dictator about Australia
That are better than America like it’s just some countries are better than others in some areas that’s just that’s just how it is question um question so if you have to get a um like ambulance or par paramedics in America do they hit does um the paramedic service hit hit you with a
Bill in America if they’ve got to take you to hospital it depends on if you’re on job or off job and if you have insurance yeah yeah if you’re insurance I hear that expression a lot yeah insurance is a big expr if you’re on the job then
Zero yeah the company will pay for it but if you’re at like it’s your private thing or your off time or or then if you don’t have insurance even with they can still hit you with some of it but the insurance will cover a lot of it l expensive
But [ __ ] see my dad just fell off some scaffolding and broke his leg like four months ago now and insurance only made him pay like uh $2,000 out of like a like a like over $100,000 bill because it was on the job accident no it
Was off the job because it was on the job accident oh off off job like that because he had medical insurance yeah medical insurance through his job yeah yeah so it wasn’t bad at all yeah yeah plus he paid him plus the the insurance paid him um uh or his work
That he have to to leave because he couldn’t work compensation huh workers compensation yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so it it would it wasn’t bad at all yeah everyone situ different every country has their different variances and that’s why I’m like when someone says oh this is a great this will work
But in the US like if we need surgery we can get it right now or a point we can get it pretty quickly whereas some countries you have to wait maybe weeks you know to get reating question yeah sorry that was it so another reent question is um so Social Security is
That like when the government gives you a little bit of pay until you find another job how long will the government do that for in America Social Security is reti social security retirement yeah but as far as like job like like like like here in Australia they have job Seekers
Like that’s what you’re kind of asking about um yeah it depends on the state um as far as like unemployment goes yeah and Social Security here Social Security is you when you work you get like your taxes done your you know if you have state tax for instance if
You have it not every state has state taxes and then you have your federal taxes then you have your Social Security your Social Security is what you put into over then when you retire you get like a percentage of your input back to you in retirement until it
Runs out or you die basically so it’s also bonus well that’s what that’s what we would call super annuation super annuation but you got to like get that percentage taken out of your pay and also um in Australia a government as an employer is obligated to pay a certain
Percentage out of your wages also into superannuation so what is your retirement money that you can’t collect unless you’re in um Financial despair before retirement or you can receive after retirement well this is true from MTI it it wasn’t meant to necessarily be retirement and it still can be used for
Hard times you can still pull out of your Social Security um during hard times like unemployment and stuff like that you can pull out of it you just get asked later because you may be taxed on it or different I’ve never done it so I’m not
A tax expert but your Social Security is that something you’ve already um kind of paid into while you’ve been employed so you can draw on that when you become unemployed every paycheck that you put in is it’s it’s taken out percent so then when you when you even
If you’re unemployed for a time it’s not take nothing’s taken obviously you’ve already put in the system so when you get employed again they take it back out but when you retire then you can start at 60 whatever whatever the age is 6 66 something like that you can start
Taking a monthly amount out of the social 64 64 now 64 64 and a half I think they down 64 something like that that’s where Australia is in debt to England England Queen and Country Corners ship cuz we’re part of the Comm over here um Social
Security or what is now called Cent Link in Australia we’ve got like so many um what we’ve coined as do bludgers where they just sit on the C link or Social Security payments forever in a day it’s it’s crazy man like so it’s almost like an incentive for some people
In Australia not to work because they’re going to receive a continuous payment regardless or not forever in a day until they find employment well that’s the problem here thinking that’s different in America no that’s the that’s the that’s part of the problem here is that uh if you’re
Unemployed you can get all these benefits as long as you’re like well like for instance U tprs having a [ __ ] his chat no he’s in the background but I can’t add him right now because it says everything disconnected I can’t add him he’s sitting back here I
Can’t but I can’t do anything um something disconnected on his but tprs having a hissy fit but so like for instance unemployment everything here is you get it like help assistance EBT cards food cards uh how you can get housing assistance medical you know everything you can get handed thousand doll a month
To not work to assist you Ware well like what he’s having his he fit about like Trump trump said hey I we’re going to put requirements on this [ __ ] if you’re going to get that stuff you have to be actively seeking work and you you know even he wanted to put time
Limits I think for a little bit like you have six months to get off the [ __ ] because you can find a job it doesn’t matter what it is you can find work and be productive and not live off this and but it’s an incentive so like you look
At this is going to be a little uh maybe this will be a little controversial to some people so you’ve heard like the US has to deal with Mexico the Mexican border we have a migrant I don’t like I don’t use the term migrant illegal immigrant crisis IL immigration
Immigration illegal illegal there are processes to do Asylum there are processes to do migration those are fine legal and Asylum Seekers those are perfectly fine but there’s a process these are illegals that literally walk thousands of miles paid thousands and thousands of dollars they could have used in their
Home country to make their life better and they but their home country was probably like a [ __ ] living that’s know know but like Hey we’re bringing skills I’m like well use your skills to make your country better guess what countries have to fight for themselves if you just
Abandon he wants to be a cabinet maker in a freaking War torn Zone he wants to be a cabinet maker or freaking a trade qualified person in a with the open border as someone who lives in Texas Texas Arizona and even like Southern Southern California deal with 90% of
It easily what’s what’s open border I don’t understand I don’t understand what they just come across they get checked and they get released into the country that that’s what it is that’s what it is like you come in they write down your name and your information allegedly if that’s true and they
Release you in the country like all right here’s your court date show up in six years because of the backlog how many of those people are actually one truly that person how many ever show up and do we know where any of them are no probably not there have been so many
Like National like FBI watch list terrorists and even Interpol terrorists that have come across the border in the last like couple years it’s ridiculous that they’ve caught trying to come across I mean these aren’t just Mexican Central Americans stuff like these are like Africans Chinese every from everywhere because
They know it’s open so uh for the non-americans James maybe is a little more familiar because you know he’s in Canada is that like Governor Greg Abbott of Texas and then the uh governor of Arizona said you know what well this is great Call’s back if you don’t want us
To if we can’t take the if we have to take these people in because otherwise we’re called racists that’s just the common term we don’t want these illegal immigrants so we’re racist well your Sanctuary cities like New York Chicago we’re going to bust you them and so Texas and Arizona the illegal
Immigrants no illegal but the illegal immigrants wouldn’t be entitled to yeah I said illegal the illegal immigrants wouldn’t be able to get they wouldn’t be able to qualify for any kind of payment they would they because that’s this is the stupidity of the [ __ ] us okay this is the
Stupidity they the government in the governments of Texas and Arizona said where do you want to go and all most of them say they say oh New York Chicago they ask them where they want to go and they say get on that bus it’s go into
New York or Chicago so they send them to these Sanctuary cities that want immigrants now those cities are going oh my God and they they only have like a small fraction of the ones that actually come through Texas and Arizona and they’re freaking out and they’re going
This is going to cost us like 144 billion dollar this year over the next like couple years and it was like ah I thought you guys told us that illegal immigrants didn’t cause any financial burden on the the taxpayers or anything like that to the point where the other
Day it was funny they’ve been putting up in hotels like in New York for instance in like these five star hotels in Manhattan well they got moved to this more 10th City so to say they spent like 20 to $40 million on to build this 10th City showers
You know heated indoor living like tent facility for some of the migrants some of them went there and they got off the bus and got back on the bus going we’re not going there we deserve better [ __ ] you and they’re illegal well right so we a kind of a thing like that where
We’ve got um I guess the two terminologies would be immigrants or um illegals and then we’ve got Asylum Seekers the Asylum Seekers the government just like treats them better than they treat their own Australians that’s that’s that’s that’s exactly what people are um starting to realize is
That again they were told hey illegal immigration doesn’t it’s a benefit to the country it doesn’t cost us anything and just in the last couple years oh this is costing billions of dollars and it’s like no [ __ ] people have been telling you this for like a decade plus exactly sergeant Tom illegals are
Living much better than our military veterans veterans and and if something that annoys me and it’s actually been a bit of a personal peeve that um our return service and stuff like that in Australia um you’ve got to serve so long before you get like the military pension but
For fellas that are like G over Afghanistan that sort of stuff and then got their own uh pdsd and that sort of [ __ ] it always seems to be up to these um not the government but personal organizations to help out our return servicemen they didn’t serve long enough
To get like the Army pension but they’ve still come up [ __ ] come back from warn torn countries [ __ ] up in the head and and um oh the names are escaping me off the top of my head um we’ve got so many um charity organizations created by personal people not the government to
Try and support our returned servicemen that have been to these War torn countries that got pdsd where the government [ __ ] paid them to go over there but then the government’s not looking after their mental health and their physical health when they come back it’s I mean and that’s that’s why
This is such a complex thing that’s why multi said you think just one country it’s like no it’s this is all over it’s it’s all over uh and that’s why I mean this should have started years ago with like Texas especially who deals 90% of the probably the four the deals with
The repercussions and the financial obligations of all this [ __ ] it was a genius they want to go to these cities those cities say hey welcome welcome but we’re not near the border so it doesn’t bother us send them there and then let them find out even in a tiny
Percentage let them find out and they’re finding out really the hard way and so it’s so funny to watch them then be like these are not live these are unacceptable living conditions I’m like after the taxpayers just got take money taken from them to build these facilities yeah New York was sending
People to roxom Road into New York has started to offer free tickets anywhere for these people anywhere they’re like if you want to leave we’ll give you a ticket anywhere I’m like I don’t know how they just send them anywhere in the world when we technically legally somehow can’t just
Deport them back to their home I have no idea I’m like I I don’t know it’s it’s that’s why I just go I I get a I get a [ __ ] headache thinking yeah as someone said it would be like going it would be like it’ be like going
Into James is so nice like oh you’re you’re you’re having a rough time you’re homeless now okay come stay with me for like a like like a few weeks while you get back on your feet and then all of a sudden I’m like those curtains behind you are
[ __ ] ugly I’m taking them down you got to change that [ __ ] you need to replace those blinds James your walls you got to change the color on them I don’t like the orientation this suddenly the terms and conditions come in yeah terms and conditions come in after the
Fact it’s stuff like that send him to M’s house come up TF it’s stuff like that though it’s just like you’re getting free [ __ ] they’re getting like this the the the specifically like New York too it wasn’t it was like literally it’s like a shelter private rooms they had a shower
Housee a apparently they had 24hour cafeteria running all the time and some people were like 24 hour cafeteria oh my God not good not good enough I’m in austral living in me own goddamn Country Born breed I don’t even have those kind of facilities here I got to
Move to like the Big Smoke to see that and even then it’s still not going to come cheap anyway if I want to go and purchase an item well the problem is too in the US though we have all these stupid like uh pro-immigration slh human right people that are going well yeah
The establish Is Not Great the shower isn’t connected to the living quarter so they have to walk outside to get it’s not ideal for families I’m like don’t go [ __ ] yourself are you [ __ ] kidding me these people just drug their kids through [ __ ] jungles for like a month and a half you
Think they gave a [ __ ] about them then now they’re giving sh potentially potentially probably 70% of them left I I truly believe this probably like or maybe less than 70% but certainly more than half of them left an extremely volatile situation and Country they in and then they come
To the next Country and this is just like from my own personal exra experience um and then they come to like a country where they get in better conditions it’s all freaking laid on and it’s like w we don’t like this it’s like what the [ __ ] well they literally come
Here and they get free jump back on the boat they get free phones like L you see some people like always filming and Stu like wow so they they Som you know well Australia’s actually um all of our all of our telephone um public telephone boxes in Australia now are actually free to
Use queenslander Joe queenslander wh yeah so all of um Telecom or teler as the new name is um they just made all public phone boxes in Australia yeah free and I think you can even use Wifi I think that the phone boxes I’ve never tried the Wi-Fi thing but I think you
Even get half an hour free Wi-Fi night night kobby sleep well fix those damn lights fix those lights go back to the arch way the arch was better until you can get like more extensions going on I’m also in Queensland by the way I’m an American though oh you’re H was it
OIC yeah OIC because I mean my leg was made here so I’m I’m partially Aussie that’s true too did you Google the beat iy did you Google the beat no no no I haven’t Googled it yet but I totally want to go sounds like a good we will have I’ve
I’ve I’ve not been there as many times as I’d like to but it’s it’s kind of a nightclub that’s been going for oh my God definitely 40 years maybe 50 years or something it’s been there for a long time in the same venue and it is the best
Time for me who’s like totally 100% heterosexual you just see all the best shirtless freaking gay fellas there it’s just like they even let me touch him multis available yeah but I we’re not on the same team I’m trying to like send him straight but I’m prepared to go gay for
Multi but it just doesn’t work the same way apparently australi can yeah cuz like I was saying I took when my daughter turned my youngest one turned 18 and there was a few of us going out party together we’ve got all her young friends and I’ve got like a
Few of my older friends so we went and done um so the actual pubs they’ll have live bands and stuff but most of the pubs in brzy they’ll shut down like midnight 1:00 in the morning but then the nightclubs will go to like 5:00 in
The morning so we went and done what we called the old people stuff first where we went and saw all the live bands and everything and then um after all the pubs kicked us out it’s like a we’ll go nightclub wooo woooo and my homophobic ex of freaking you know me me freaking
Kids dad was saying to him we’re going to the beat we’re going to the beat and any any Brisbane person knows what the beat is like it is class as a gay club um but they let they let anyone in and he’s like oh we’re not going to the be
We not going to the m like we’re going to the [ __ ] beat man like I’ve been there heaps of times and when when he got there he just had the best time and when pardon I said generally speaking the gays are very accepting they were awesome but I mean
I’d already been going there even before I had kids I’d been to the beat nightclub and when when we were saying to the ex with the kids dad they know we going to the beat nightclub he’s like oh yeah you know man man chess he’s like
Yeah whatever ra and I like no no we’re going to the beat later on he’s like I’m not [ __ ] going to that [ __ ] gfuck Fu walking home total like I cannot stress enough how much of a homophobic he is really bad anyway we went up going
There as we you know knew and was planned to do and he had such the best time he was even saying to me daughter cuz she was living down at his place at the time saying oh when’s your mom coming down again when are we going to the beat because my daughter Jasmine’s
Going oh dad wants to know when we’re going to the beat again I’m going it’s just been a smart ass he’s like no he really want to go back there he had such the best time going yeah cuz no one wants to freaking like chat his ass out
Like freaking H he’s as ugly as a freaking basket full of bulldog pups yeah yeah now he actually I think it was probably one of the best experiences for him because he actually realized that um not all gay people they you know like like change your opinion man because people aren’t
Like you perceive them to be I’m probably not saying that properly but he certainly changed his um idea on going to a gay club and couldn’t wait to get back back there because everyone was just really nice um no one tried pinching his ass he’s like oh they’re going to Pinch Me
Ass like you’re know that good looking Sweetheart but yeah yeah I’m you haven’t checked out the beat am’s strucking the [ __ ] right now I’ll show you my chess I’ll show you my chess I’ve nearly got nearly no boobs enough to be like a man chest but I’ve got some
Boobs we got to go there we got to get another more reliable car well this is the time that we try to wreck this stream in the last five to six minutes because it’s not 400 a.m it’s only going to be 3:00 a.m. so I will have commment of not staying up
Till 4 am. apparently we killed Bon has died somewhere he’s probably fallen asleep on the cave I was playing Texas Chas on Massacre Oh I was like if I could unmute him I’m wondering if he’s snoring I didn’t know if I could do it I was about to do It let’s wreck this let’s wreck this [ __ ] in five minutes I I can try to fall asleep in five minutes you you see you’ll hear a chains that’s make it 13 minutes no yeah I will probably go lay down Sam will be pissed off actor scrun if he’s not snoring heavily
The cat will want attention for a few minutes then I’ll ignore it it’ll go away and that’s that’s the routine of the night usually but still ran up being a longer stream than you like bragged it wasn’t going to be uh it is a little longer but it’s not
4 in the morning that’s uh so that’s a that’s a so far that was an actual quote I’m not going to be going up till 4:00 the morning youu yeah that happens that happens a little too often that’s why I’m like no no and I hear that also too often from
Many actually store so loud I’ve woken myself up before [Laughter] w that’s pretty bad way I I I can’t say for certain that I probably have not done that to myself also at some point in time I just obviously I was sleeping so I have no idea it probably has
Happened usually happens when I’m like extremely drunk and you’re just in like out mode that’s when you’re just like that’s probably When I snore at my best when I’ve been drinking so I’ve been told I have I have a bunch of nephews and nieces of all ages and the little
Ones I scare them when I sore they’ll like like won’t come near me for when I wake up they’re like no that’s the monster that was storing 10 minutes ago that’s how Sam is too I walk in I’m like okay how I was just going to go
Tonight some days a little quiet some days it’s a soft snore and other days it’s like a you got to like sneak into bed better nothing verse when you’re try and sneak into bed with your partner and then you wake him up and they just look over at the freaking you know the
Digital [ __ ] and then give you that look like really what is this oh there was a time it’s got to been about over a decade now where I used to sleep in the bathtub and everyone would be like we we had to use the bathroom and you were in
The tub for two hours [ __ ] I won’t go into my I won’t go into pass out modes in the bathroom on my end yeah I got some bad freaking bathroom stories like drunk bathroom stories but let’s not do that yeah probably not as bad as some of uh one is two different
Events one of my ex’s friends it definely is not near anywhere near as bad as that one but yeah I like I like TF freaking excuse just try and pretend you just got up to pee and you’re coming back to bed have you ever had a sleepwalker in your
Family my nephew he will he used to get up go the corner to go pee and you’d have to like Johnny go to the bathroom and if you didn’t do that he might actually pee in the corner but if you said that he’d walk to the bathroom and be
Fine maybe when you got maybe when you got to bed F you flash the toilet so there’s that toilet filling up sound so if Sam does wake up there’s that toilet fill up sound I like the go pretending to P excuse might be on to something there
TF it must be 7 o’cl I know it’s 7 o’clock in Australia cuz me phone go all me all me devices go on to that old freaking care mode I was telling you about Amy oh yeah Pepsi kid cracked the can what time is it in Pepsi kid world 3 a.m. oh
Jeez C me the sound of a can freaking got oh that wasn’t even close to the mic even so specific sound 7:00 in Queensland Jay my husband and I have actually been thinking about possibly moving Town that’s horrible I’m going that’s a good story or a sad story yeah
But if you need some soothing multi I’m here now I’m I’m doing a twoyear plan to get to Americana I don’t know if I’ll be excited about it not how much does it cost to hire a car in America got to be cheaper than Australia everything’s expensive over here
TF did you happen to get a sergeant Tom’s email they live around the corner from each other on the scale of distances yeah because he’s asking ask TF if he did get it or not in my chat yep yep yeah we have we come on that’s a girl cat in it ay
Yeah yeah you know how I know how cuz most Calis are generally females and most gingers are generally males oh useless trivia for you this is Cleo mid around here something no I just took you off the desk this my come up the get your ass up here a
Girlfriend now she’s on the back of my wheelchair jump jump the only little little M that runs you got cute C all right well that point in time um H one more smoke how says that it’s it’s not hard that thing because guess what I can just hit end
Stream and it’s over then it’ll be one more drink after that just backage oh no no CU I can leave once I end it I can leave and then you guys can keep talking I’m just out yeah I know quick TF TF quick come up on the stream
So we can talk backstage when Ben Cuts us off yeah so we can talk for another hour TF quick come up come up on the stream is there a link up there I’ve got no idea yeah uh it should there is a there is a link it should be M come up come
Backstage don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t tempt moldy to go backstage so a something to masturbate to tonight 100 bucks for a pack of 50 [ __ ] I thought it was bad in Queensland I think a pack of 50s in Queensland something like 60 bucks yeah [ __ ] that [ __ ] and it’s funny
J because I just Googled that Australia has the most expensive cigarettes in the world Google didn’t lie to me I quit smoking yeah I quit smoking before I moved here like I start started smoking when I was like 14 I got up to smoking
Like a pack and a half a day and I went [ __ ] cold turkey before I moved here cuz I can’t afford that [ __ ] yeah man that’s crazy crazy prices for sure it’s still expensive here but I mean not like that God damn yeah no I just had this I just
Google weird [ __ ] sometimes and I just randomly Googled um countries that got the most expensive cigarettes and Australia was number one well the middle eastn like Africa that [ __ ] is cheap as [ __ ] over there the the cigarettes there are generally really cheap probably Asia too it’s mostly Europe it’s it’s mostly
Western so to say including Australia civilization where the cigarettes are [ __ ] it’s all the tax and [ __ ] on it yeah yeah isn’t it funny the tax is crazy you’re talking about petrol there earlier on Ben like when the um the Sea Word was going on around the world um
And you’re talking about the price of petrol you know how it got real cheap and I meant to say that is because petrol actually has an expiry date like petrol go St so companies just want to get rid of that freaking fuel resources before it becomes worthless
And then petrol since just gone Sky High through the roof yeah so that’s why petrol got really cheap through the seaword time because they wanted to get rid of it before become worthless and went stale it’s it’s also a little more complicated than that too CU at that
Point we like in the US especially we’ been drilling so much we’ up the manufacturing of oil to fill the reserves so they were full and then after that with inflation then they shut down reserves now they’re importing oil again probably like a lot of other countries were like you know what we’re
Not in Australia we had like the company I work for we had a base um [ __ ] somewhere in Australia I don’t even remember was usually they just flew in Engineers um because it was not a very much used place not a lot of drilling or offshore stuff but in the US they filled
The reserves then it depleted and then they stopped sto and so now they’re importing it and that just jacked up the prices again which again the global that’s confus that’s complicated [ __ ] I I’m not even going to try to explain is it is it 2 point is there
2.2 gallon hang on was it 2.2 lers to a gallon 3.6 lers 34 yeah sorry I’m thinking a pay pound a kilo cuz we we’re paying um what’s your petrol down there I think we’re paying something like um $220 per liter say per th Mill here here
Is is change I don’t know what like for James especially because every state and even City and region is different of course if you’re in theb if you’re like remote it’s going to be more expensive because it get truck there here I think the prices started to go about 270 260 per gallon
In but but in this area now you go to like Los Angeles where it’s taxed heavier it’s probably like five dollar still well you also have to keep in mind Wendy that would be like $ four for us not two for a gallon but you have yeah you have to take on the
Yeah I’m talking about like let’s say the conversion thing is like exchange rate and stuff like that but I know Canada is probably more we go by per leader so well I know but what is it like for you James I’m not sure and is Kia a gallon place or a leader
Place per leader we go by Canada what’s your later price what’s your average later price yeah well that’s what I said multi it was like New York City LA Chicago places like that you’re going to spend a lot more because even last year we did a not this past summer but the summer
Before we did a trip from say when we were I was in North Dakota me and Sam went on a trip North Dakota the gas was just just for instance just say I don’t remember the exact cost it was like $3 a gallon we got two
Ill in Chicago Illinois it was like it was like 4425 so a125 extra per gallon then we went 30 miles away into into Gary Indiana 30 miles away and it dropped to 290 that’s all because of taxes regulation and just dumb [ __ ] policies green agenda policies basically
That’s why they tax so much on that [ __ ] they wanted to like you know deter people from driving as much or our gas is roughly bucks our gas is about 49.9 cents a liter to 154.32 a lader depending on where you are but it’ll be you won’t get under $2 a
Lader that all depends like the bigger cities yeah there’ll be a lot more yeah it all depend on region and everything so it’s like yeah yeah far it’s got to travel and all that sort of stuff yeah wow that’s just Bonkers in it well you better beg
Trav you need to beg travel for PS to come up here real quick or he won’t be able to no he’s he’s in bed he’s as snug as a bug in a rug just looking on his phone or his tablet or something but multi multi come up
Because Ben’s kind of like in the Stream and we can hang backstage two minutes watch if you want to me something backstage no one will see except us I’m watching the timer two minutes I thought it was five minutes freaking 10 minutes ago it was and that’s actually yeah
Right all right end stream now because being argumentative M up the um yeah no it’s me it’s 3:12 here I said I’m not stay till 4:00 a.m. I’ve got some [ __ ] I’ve got to try to do today obviously uh especially video editing well don’t forget to to flush
The toilet before you go to bed I like tf’s theory about the toilet thing so flush the toilet because then you can hear the toilet ball filling back up again so you get I’ll just go out the toilet bun honey bunch and you hear the toilet you need to warn me about that
Before I before you do that so I can make a banner that says advice from Wendy and then pull your Force SC I’m only repeating the advice from TF suggestions yeah it’s like you gota you gota work yeah stall on that suggestion it’s not
A hurry up Jay come up Jay quick come up and you can do like private chat because Ben’s gonna end the stream and then we can thr CH behind stage certain Tom someone open up stream I think it’s j it’s time for James to do something not quite yet not quite yet
Is the link up there Ben uh it is on the top of the stream I’ll let him in I’m not gonna let him if you’re on James’s page you need to go to exploring Ben and Sam’s page and then we can all back backstage chat’s he’s online he’s online
I can see in the chat he’s online um so yeah there’s a link chat just click it it says streamyard just click it and there it is come to exploring so before I let um Joe in though um I am going to end the stream just because I
Don’t want to uh risk a last second porn bomb just in case uh but also again it’s already over my two-minute time limit that I said I was going to have but I I’m going to invite the back in the back stream we’re gonna we can have a
Conversation here so stting Tom multi TR fools what a dick head he is the Vicks packing boxes don’t you pick on [ __ ] you freaking [ __ ] [ __ ] language Wendy not very lady like oh J Wendy vapon who’s playing Chainsaw Massacre no now I’m playing fortnite oh now he’s playing fortnite
Okay fornite switched Amy everyone in chat appreciate you uh good night love you we’ll try to do this th and uh love your work t m see J in a moment are we going to come