Got to go girl talk good evening Gotham let’s go let’s do that hard in boom Harden with Dole and Jay uh I don’t know where Lexi is I think she’s coming I think I think I just assumed she was I guess I should have checked in but I’m hoping she just pops in
Partway through and is like oh whoops uh so that’s on me that’s on me Jay how are things uh things uh are good good yeah like you know busy life’s work’s busy life’s busy uh right but it’s getting to that holiday season you know it’s like this weird crazy spring and I
Gotta you know try and deflect crazy Christmas list items that that my kids are actually just one kid in particular has put on his list and I don’t and we’re trying to navigate it it’s a difficult thing right now oh okay so okay yeah we can get into it but
Anyways he just he’s put this he’s he’s calling the bluff and he’s put like an insanely expensive Lego set on on his Christmas list oh do we know which one it is yeah so have you seen there’s this Lego Titanic it’s like a $750 set
Okay does it float no it’s just a really big freaking set and I’m just like dude like I that’s that’s out of Santa’s budget that’s way out of my budget I’m pretty sure that’s out of Santa’s budget I don’t know how the hell that’s going
To happen oh I’m the level of kn you got to be to be like that high on the nice list to to pull that kind of change yeah why can’t you ask for a PlayStation 5 like a normal kid right that would kind like we T we generally or Santa
Generally tries to keep a $500 per kid budget for all the presents anyway it’s just uh tough times not really tough times it’s stupid but whatever but whatever but I do got to give a quick quick shout out we’re going to Quick say quick hi to the
Chat uh before we get into this because we do have some movie news before we get into our Christmas fun time and it’s going to be amazing first person to get a shout out is my ve our very first Super Chat on this channel Jay and you
Were here to witness it wait this is the first one ever first one ever from Matt Bush finally monetized I don’t no I think I think the money is gonna get sent to Lexi who’s not here so congratulations Lexi would you get five bucks in the mail yeah I think you can
Get the uh Super Chat stuff before a th subscribers now so yeah yes uh we’re close like and we like it’s funny because you have to also have a certain amount of hours and we destroyed the hours long before a thousand like it’s it’s really kind of funny so thank you
Very much Matt bush it’s very generous of you uh so thank you thank you thank you but let’s say hello to the rest of the chat who is here and thank you for being here derian is here toy geosaurus Charlie Weaver pay’s toys Sam pleas toy samples and Stanley’s toy Channel I
Can’t be reading both of you at the same time noan is here Derek Hoover he’s here Jack KN 73 shiny plastic people that was an excellent Dynamite I absolutely agree with you on that one that was awesome Stanley everheart is here toy art Zack
How are you guns up I love it I love it I love it I think Chad Stewart uh the the dead heads yes we’re gonna do some we’re gonna look at some old wish books tonight as well but I do want to do some like just Let’s help everybody get the
Christmas gifts we all want and the all the Christmas gifts everybody wants to give uh Jordan Andrews is here thank you for being here hanging out Kayla SVA Sila K she is here as well Studio henge Kenton I I don’t know where he’s streaming or where he’s watching from
Today I think he was just in Japan according to your Discord Jay on the geek dad life Discord I don’t know if you pay attention to your viewers I do oh my gosh yes of course he does Johnny is here speaking of Wonderful wonderful people
Uh Tony Taylor is here hanging out with us Chen noo Thunderous or thunderhouse design I like to call him thunderous goog Milla cies here flash 739 oh my gosh look at this look at this Charlie Weaver second one 499 thank you very much Jay stop it I would John this must be John
Listening so thank you thank you bat boy versus my boy Steve three he’s got a good night off listening to Dole thank you very thank you very much for hanging out I rarely see you here so thank you thank you thank you thunderous quick Buck for the super
Sticker thank you very much I guess I should set up some super stickers or something I don’t know what I am doing that Derek Hoover’s other other account he’s double dipping yesterday’s podcast 199 fourth Super Chat yes you did help and thank you thank you everyone for
Your generosity Jay also thank you for your generosity uh there was movie news that broke today what I maybe I’ve I’m what happened I missed it we got one casting announcement one writer announcement all right so I’m GNA quickly quickly get into it let’s share this from deadline
Sorry I’m tring trying to trying to navigate look at this BC premium liquor release clearly they know that three and I are watching oh those hazel eyes oh my goodness my goodness gracious indeed be still my heart hi yeah all right pay’s toy samples thank you very much uh for
The generosity Johnny as well everyone’s Now using the super stickers I don’t have curse you all I think they’re there it’s just uh uh this thing doesn’t doesn’t show them so I I’m looking at it on my computer it was a hot dog was the
Sticker oh I like hot dogs and then uh the thunderhouse was a peach um and yesterday’s podcast had a number one on it but I got a point out because go ahead go ahead no it’s just streamyard doesn’t show it in the chat thing but it’s there in the chat for people that
Are in the YouTube chat sorry I’m new this is this is my first time let me be Chad Stewart has a question here uh which I believe is also for Craig Goldberg uh Ryan did you finally get your package yet from me been close to
Two months since I sent it off I do I’m gonna say this it is on the way Craig takes a while uh we usually like to this is gonna sound totally like to this gonna sound awful it sounds it’s gonna sound like a humble brag we usually wait
Until we’re sending more things at the same time to lower the cost of shipping down uh so that’s usually why sometimes it takes two months that and uh Craig doesn’t have time to stop at the post office within all the target uh runs that he has to do do it’s just out of
The way but it’s all good but it’s it’s coming it’s coming it’s coming I’m looking very forward to it I don’t know what it is yet Chad but I’m I’m super super stoked Alison Troy’s here as well thank you for being here hanging out thunderous oh my gosh $499 Super Chat
Thank you very much my mom was in Amazon with him studying spiders when she died oh oh is that the plot to Arachnophobia but no I think yeah so anyways here we go on Deadline Superman Legacy James guns this is what’s G to I think it’s the animated
Monster show that’s supposed to be kicking off everything okay but let’s face it Superman Legacy is the one we’re all waiting for absolutely uh right so I am going to butcher this name because I am a white Canadian man uh Superman Legacy sets Maria Gabriela de friera to play V
The engineer I think it’s Faria gabri yes I I tried my best I really did try my best is she Italian it looks Italian I think so let’s see Venezuelan oh Venezuelan okay okay there we go so she is going to be playing uh the engineer who did not debut in DC Comics
Oh the the character the engineer is from Wild Storm uh and from the authority and we do know that the midnighter is going to be also part of that first wave of James gun Universe shows or movies so we know midnighter is coming so we we do have characters from
The Authority coming on to all this big DCU stuff uh however I think this is a very interesting choice I think this is a character that could lead to other characters coming in uh nudge nudge such as steel uh sure have you heard of first off I know you you haven’t read comics
In a long time am I any modern comic I read is uh Saga right by the way folks add that to your Christmas giving list Saga is amazing all right so good um this so yeah I I’m just trying to think where I was going with this so with modern
Comics yeah so it’s like she’s this would be this would lead into more like the more modern stuff that we’re getting yeah and he seems to be really leaning more towards that too with Supergirl which we’re going to get into in a moment as well they announced their
Writer uh so to bring in Authority uh this kind of like I guess it’s early like there seems to be there was a lot I don’t know if it was confirmed or not but like Green Lantern supposed to appear here in Superman and like all this other kind of stuff yeah uh should
Be I don’t know I find it really interesting that they’re bringing in somebody and a character that is not just from the Superman Mythos yeah I mean I I’m kind of reading it as like it’s a character that’ll be in it but it’s probably not the main character the main bad right because
Here’s another good point too right toy and this is another thing I was about to bring up and even James gun has been like kind of hard on the dead on not on deadline but on headlines calling her a villain because he’s even kind of made a
Tweet being like are you sure she’s a villain yeah uh like so the engineer turned heel because the engineer is part of the authority as far as I can remember yeah so it should be really interesting to see where this character is going to fit in how they’re GNA bring
Like is this going to be our introdu is she gonna be our introduction to midnighter uh I don’t know I think this is kind of exciting in its own just because now we’re getting that casting news we’ve been kind of like like waiting are falling you know moving towards a
Thing eventually happening on the Marvel side Kang Dynasty cancelled it’s done it is done I think we all saw that coming a mile away I know I mean just yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so she’s in yeah she’s been in animal control in the moodies again this
Is great for um James gun to be doing this because we we he he’s gonna cast people we probably don’t even know really who they are yeah and I you know there’s something to that where I I I especially in a role like or or any type
Of superhero thing I think having actors that can just kind of play it without any of that not baggage but pulling in any of like their star Persona and just lets them play the role so I think I think um gun knows what he’s doing trust in gun in gun We
Trust in gun We Trust I def in a two two End Gun not just gun G trust correct yes but no to so to me this is exciting so we’ll just we go on from that and then on to from Superman news to Supergirl news uh we have a writer uh according to
Hollywood Reporter and again uh I think even attack oh my God okay how did you oh my God okay where did you get these dumb gimmicks from is this part it’s just so it’s this thing in the new Mac OS where you can use your iPhone as a webcam and it gives
You all these little tools you can use oh my God are we all doing that I think we’re all gonna have to do that now yeah because it’s it’s I’m I have an iPhone 12 it’s not the most recent iPhone but but that’s it we’re all doing it now
It’s going to be the next toy Tu it’s Craig’s fault he told me about it so I was like that’s pretty cool you know what I blame Craig for a lot of things but I don’t blame him for this we do have a DC movie Supergirl woman of
Tomorrow Finds Its writer and again I am going to butcher more names uh Anna nura I just ngira I would probably nir ask this chat Jay if you’ve ever watched this show I don’t there’ll be like a famous celebrity I will never get the name right I’m not perfect but
James gun right I was an announcer for uh ice skating uh competition so I would be like and next up so and so so and so and there’s just so many it’s such a diverse thing so I had to like learn all these different types of uh uh pronunciations of different last names
From different nationalities and stuff oh see that’s a see maybe we should all take that hey you know it’s where I got my start talking in a microphone yeah well just to be clear though toy anxiety and Gotham City tonight is not a new source we are just a hangout Source I
Just want to make that we’re more of a hang a good hang we’re more of a good hang that’s what it is so I hope everyone has your favorite soda your tea your coffee your your boozery your drink of choice and I hope you’re all sitting
Back B and and enjoy hanging out with Jay and I as we talk about Supergirl uh so yes woman of Tomorrow stand alone so she was an actress in I think Vampire Diaries okay uh this is kind of like her first like she has written other stuff
But this is her first big thing and again it’s one of these things if James gun and the crew uh if they if they uh if they’re on board yeah if they trust her uh I have no reason not to in fact everybody starts somewhere and you know if she’s already
You know I’m like I I’m talking in circles she’s she’s gonna she’s gonna kill it folks yeah this is gonna be the greatest Supergirl movie of all time not that the bar is high at the moment but I think this is going to be I I don’t know
Again excited we’ve never had a since the 80s we haven’t had a Supergirl movie right no just the just the uh TV show show yeah yeah the CW Show which was good actually like it was what’s the actress’s name she was really sweet I I met Melissa
B Ben yeah benoi Ben benoir or something like that yeah she’s she was really sweet she um at Comic-Con one year we were we stayed on the same floor in the same Hotel so we kept running and she had the cutest little dog and she uh was
Really nice to Zach and like you know interact that’s really sweet I like hearing that uh my niece really liked the show too I don’t know if you guys can see this headline up here Pedro Pascal circling Fantastic Four to play Reed Richards everybody everybody’s gonna play Reed Richards it’s ridiculous
Okay do you know who should play Reed Richards Dan lson from Secret Galaxy he should play Reed Richards uhre Dan’s a good actor he is f and he speaks with such great articulation that I could believe he is the smartest man in the Marvel Universe yeah 100% so I
Already 100% buy it that’s who they should be going to if he doesn’t have an agent which I’m sure he must by now uh they should be calling him up I would be shocked if he didn’t I’m gonna ask him like Dan do you have an agent
Text him real quick I wish he watched this show I he may he may he may like he may pop in the chat right now or he may like send you a message afterwards correct but I think but imagine this you’ve got Dan Larson as Mr Fantastic imagine a
Flashback scene with Dr Doom there in college together and that Dr Doom was played by Henry caval Dan Larson and Henry caval in the same room that might be too much handsome on one it might be too much handsome and also that’s a lot of [Laughter]
Dork like that’s a room that is a that is a room that would outgeek everybody right so yeah that that’s how I’m feeling too it’s here’s dorian’s got it I don’t know John Ham would play either a very good Doom or Richards the the thing with doom is he is a very
Good-looking man yeah who’s just really hard on himself don’t ever let bellish ellish tell you that uh you know men don’t get uh commented about their looks because because they do and we hear it and then when we hear it we wear masks and then we become dictators and and take over
Yeah I think that’s the main difference though for talking about men and women is like women hear that all the time if men get to us like I’m going to become a super villain cuz the world burn it all right God but how great would it’s Billy
Ish by the way that’s it thanks I wouldn’t know I’m not I’m not a Zoomer I don’t know who these people are I love Billy eish I think I think she’s really good actually her and her brother her her like the brother I think writes the
Music she does the lyrics and the oh really yeah yeah see I told you I don’t know how to pronounce anyone’s name but but you are correct uh her last album I did listen to the wholeway I like her this is going to I want to stir up any controversy
Careful I like her more than Taylor [Laughter] Swift I do though swiftler can I cosign that because I also agree I like her better than TL Taylor Swift right but I I want Taylor Swift to play dazzler in Xmen sure but just swifties out there I still like
Taylor Swift I still like Taylor Swift yep we still love her I wish love Taylor Swift y I wish she was dating a uh climate control [Laughter] scientist I I I don’t care who she’s dating I think whoever she’s dating is the right person that she should be
Dating but also Taylor okay I know Taylor Swift is watching this on the replay okay it’s not her you got to worry about it’s them swifties okay it’s them swifties right but I’m just saying Taylor Swift needs kind of like maybe not change your lyrics to to her current
Boyfriend that’s all I’m going to say don’t do it it’s just going to come back and bite you in the ass later I’m just letting you know it’s not my I don’t make I I’m just saying sure we from experience when we’ve all kind of changed our personality to whoever we’re dating at
The time before things get too too serious it’s bad bad news but do you hear this oh yeah we got some Christmas music because next week is dirty American Thanksgiving oh yeah right politics religion politics religion and turkey that’s what it’s all about during americ
Thanksgiving oh man I get to be at my in-laws for this Thanksgiving and they’re all awful H it’s gonna be great dude you’re going to have the best time because if you play nice Colleen’s going to let you keep that bat mobile Power Wheels that you bought oh she’s over it
She’s like okay whatever whatever okay well that’s fine it was only 100 bucks anyway I think it was 100 bucks yes it was a 100 bucks so it wasn’t like oh Jay you spent $1,000 on something we don’t need it like it was $100 it’s more of
The space thing and it’s nestled in the Nethers of my garage did space danger is a real thing it is I glad recognizes where I do getting ready to either just bring a whole like boxes and boxes to John’s shop just to clearance it out or colen
Wants to sell it all individually but I like I just don’t have I don’t think I have the time look at this jaylor Swift I like [Laughter] this see I could I could see that but okay what was your stance on the Batmobile uh and I can bring up pictures
Outside of the P you like yeah absolutely so let’s let’s talk about this so we Jay went to Batman related you went to the toy show you guys seem to have a toy show every month is this what it is uh so this this company inside pitch they do six toy shows a
Year oh God that’s a lot so there’s there’s three that are like sports card and Toy Show Combos and there’s two that is like Toy Show only but the guy that is own and runs this show for over a decade sold it and this was his last show he’s also a
Collector and uh the last day I noticed at the front where go and buy tickets there was this beauty of a 1991 Batman Returns Batmobile Power Wheel amazing and I’d only seen images of them in like wish books or whatever I never seen one in real life before right
And I kind of forgot it existed to be honest I I kind of did too I’ve always had the DeLorean one in my mind CU I think the same company did a Back to the Future one for 1989 and uh uh but still like I saw I
Was like holy I’ve never seen one of these before and I assumed it was just there for show you know it’s a good showstopper come look at this cool 89 bat mob it’s massive it’s like while you’re here check out my $1 bin under the table right exactly right um and
It’s it’s twice the size probably of what a hot toys one it’s it’s big it’s it’s a power wheel size well yeah but for like you if you wanted to like if honestly like this should have been a red flag from the Geo the fact that she
Didn’t get excited and want to make out with you while inside of [Laughter] it I I feel like that’s kind of like a missed opportunity um like well no colie never would luckily she wasn’t there or she would have said no she’s like no you idiot um
Cuz that Hood’s big enough for you guys to like lie down on it yeah yeah we could probably make out on it yeah for sure um but it’s it’s probably it would be just about the same maybe a little bit shorter than a USS flag it’s it’s
Big um so I I I have no space for in a toy room or anything it would probably just be something that’s in a garage and I look at it every now and then and appreciate it um go ahead are you going to because you I think one of the things
There too it didn’t have the correct steering wheel yeah so this the wheel itself is the right wheel but the little center console I think broke so they kind of Kit bashed a a replacement um the thing is it’s so rare there’s only one on eBay right now they’re asking
$750 for it so I’m not going to find that part so I can maybe custom make a better steering wheel but at the end of the day I just think it looks cool the stickers are still good um so I’ll I’ll keep it in nice shape and maybe
Eventually look cracked or anything like it looks really I mean there’s stuffs like it was clearly used by a kid but it wasn’t destroyed you know these things can get just totally trashed um you you know you should do you should create the base for it so that it looks like when
The penguin was using the small ridable one when he was taking control of the Batmobile oh that’s a good idea right with a little TV screen on the side and yeah yeah it’s a really good idea I think that’s the way to do it well what
I love is like the side uh hold on um like it has the Gotham Zoo like on the little map thing on the inside I love that and then just the back of it cool as well yep I think that dude this is so
Cool I would have uh so so when the guy was like it’s a hundred bucks I was like you it’s not $100 and he’s like no no for real it’s 100 bucks is like and it it’s for sale I could give you $100 right now and it’s mine that’s what you’re
Saying right and he was like yeah and I was like done I was just I had CU like you know people paying cash I had just a Big W of cash and I was like and then I was like here we go and I just walked back and I put it back on
My booth I I love it dude I love it that is like that is the coolest thing all right let’s Thanksgiving I actually got a quick Christmas question before we go in do you decorate before or after Thanksgiving um we Colleen does not believe in decorating before Thanksgiving that’s
Good she’s a good woman I would be fine with it now so we’re kind of in a transitory period last weekend all the Halloween stuff came down because Colleen’s favorite holiday is Halloween so right we kind of have this Halloween Christmas because I I mean I love Halloween but Christmas is my favorite
So we’re in transitory right now we’re start starting to get things out for Christmas but we won’t get our tree until after Thanksgiving ooh so you go real tree we are kind of stupid we have a fake tree we have a big fake tree for all of our like family ornaments
Right and and you know like our fun nerdy Hallmark ornaments just like all just the more bricka bra ornaments just a bit of everything and then we get a real tree for like to be like a a themed tree like our fancy tree is a real tree and then Alex our youngest started
Tradition of getting a baby tree so and we get a a baby real tree that he decorates for himself oh that’s well at least he’s got his own we’re weird so we we have we have three trees we have a big fake one with our family ornaments
We have a fancy real one and then we have a baby tree gosh you must live in a Mansion uh it’s a it’s a decent sized house but it’s not a mansion it’s a Well if it’s a house these days it’s a mansion it’s uh we we’ve own our home
For a while we got lucky it’s a big old or it’s a 70s contemporary uh Ranch all open for concept kind of thing that’s awesome I totally dig that so when do you so okay I think the thing I’m trying to lead into is then we have to start get
Thinking about Christmas stuff this is what this episode’s all about getting Christmas ideas there’s prepared with your wishbook thing uh oh were you so in preparation I went and bought a stack of vintage Toys R Us wishbooks dang right you know what I tried looking at the Sears ones you know
The big Sears wish of course yeah those are going for like a 150 bucks to 200 they are expensive this no idea 1999 toys arrests all right that’s an okay year it’s an all right year but this so this one R it’s mostly 90s oh here’s a good
Here’s a good one right right cheer how about this Toys R Us guide baby o okay look at how look at how look at this douche what ises that face like I got a Nan star fighter Hey kid you like that yeah you like that you
Don’t fcking have one dude that’s how we look now on like our shows when we do our recent pickups like hey look at our N1 here’s here’s a a JC Penny catalog man like the uh Phantom Mena stuff was nuts how about I want to find these
Sheets right here the Pod racer sheets SAA on there dude I love dude so good I can hear those bed sheets I bet they would feel so good to piss [Laughter] in good ass right there I love it I love it so I have to actually thank this guy right here battle armor
Dad uh because I actually was stealing a lot of the photos from uh his uh from his uh Twitter account because he’s got all the scans and stuff and these pictures and stuff so I had to find some just online do they really go for a buck 50 yeah they’re they’re expensive okay
All right some of well it depends on the year right like if it’s the 80s crazy expensive damn I should have bought more of them when they were like $ five never even thought about it I was like is one of those things when I worked at Sears
Back in like back in 99 and because there’s like catalog pickup area yeah they had like the shelf of like from 1950s all the way to like you know 2000 you know to to 99 when I was working there yeah of all of the cataloges you
Could just go back there it was like a library archive oh that’s cool it was so that’s where I would just go spend my breaks I would just grab one of those and go ah G Joe right I would do like that right what year is that uh this
Is I think this is 94 or 95 1994 Toys R Us the big toy book so I bet you there’s some Spiderman in there and I bet you’re probably right it’s probably the Batman Forever might be in there too should we should we check do you want to look I know
What’s where do you want to go with this I don’t know I just I out just Cas David cabal 199 Super Chat thank you very much uh Ryan going to see you’re go going to see Jim Lee any tips uh just be cool be nice uh you know just and bring the stuff
That you love to get signed and and expect the expect your line to go very very fast so whatever you’re gonna ask or say to Jim Lee make it quick make it brief because they’ll just push you through while he’s still talking I’ve seen it happen happened to me yeah it oh
No well they I mentioned a name and I was like hey you know I was at the St you know letting him know I was at the DC offices and then yeah I said how nice they are like it’s so incredible and he’s just like oh who do you know there
And I dropped a name of who got me the tour and he’s like how do you know him and the guys were like trying to like pull me away and I felt bad because he’s still trying to talk to me and the other people are like waiting now to talk to
Him and I’m just like oh no I didn’t realize this was going to like turn into a turn into a thing so you know again just just bring what you love Jim’s the nicest guy he’s he really is a nice guy so I’ve met all the image Founders
They’re fantastic all right let’s go to you first let’s let’s before we talk about what we want what we want and you know what we can drop some some ideas along the way are you gonna be ready do you need a moment I was just there we go I don’t
Know there’s your soundboard look at that keyboard here we go all right we’re going to do this okay so you said you think there’ll be a Spiderman I think definitely there’s going to be some toy Biz there 94 there has to be some toy Biz at that
Point all right I zoom in the camera a little bit let’s go a little bit oh wait no look at this God she so fancy I can’t handle the amount of fancy Happening Here all right here we go battle armor Dad I need to track down more 90s catalogs for the Millennials
The cataloges that are the era are unfortunately smaller and less impressive you you’re correct they’re still cool oh yeah Stanley’s toy Channel Batman the Animated Series figures oh I oh look at that oh wait I got to flip this camera you got flip it upside down
You got to or no or you got to look at it upside down no no I hold on I think I if I go the camera if I go this way I think coupons unused coupons hundreds of dollars could have been saved Jay 600 and something dollar go okay Mighty Max come
On did you ever get any of these Mighty M uh I had I had this one okay um and then I had the big play set that mountain Play Set uh but I didn’t I didn’t have that one and I had you know the smaller ones
Too right so I never had any because I was at that because by this time I was like uh what year is this 94 so 144 and if I was going to be buying toys at that age yeah uh they had to be like X-Men didn’t we have these power
Gladiators I I didn’t have that what is a power Gladiator I don’t know does it mean in the chat if anyone has had a power glad are those like little wind up robots two radio controlled robots do bots came with awesome weapons dude awesome weapons yeah that’s you totally
Go to your mom with and go but M they got awesome weapons coupon savings number three number three incredible I love it um and then bacman I never had him but he looked cool in the commercials bman bman Armstrong I do remember the again I see it’s I’m this
Is at my this weird CH this is the transitional age of going from like collecting from playing to collecting and again like when it came to like these the micro stuff like Mighty Max uh I skipped all that and went straight to Star Wars that’s probably that was
Probably Star Wars actually Mighty Max is cool Mighty if I could have one Mighty Max set it would be the skull that purple skull that opens up and it’s like the Frankenstein lb yes and it’s not really purple it’s like it’s kind of a grayish purple kind of yeah it’s not
It’s a great set um okay this might have been your alley the uh micro machines Star Wars the heads yep I have uh so as a teenager I I did get two of them for Christmas because my parents knew I was so big into Star Wars I got the Darth
Vader in the center there that opens up to be the cloud City carpet freezing chamber and the R2-D2 that folds open to be the rancor pit good stuff and these little sets I I had this uh um Death Star death star one yeah I got that one
Too um zbots I didn’t really do but I know they show up do do they still show up at uh the convention they show up at toy shows and stuff I see them to RC cars always big but I I think I we did I did one of
These on on my channel I think we forget how popular our C cars were oh especially D like dude we had crazy gimmicked ones too like by the time the early 90s hit there was like monster trucks that had tiger paws coming out of the wheels like it got the
CLW and this one triple wheels so it could like flip and still work and this one too this one flips and keep the jack knife right dude we love a good gimmick I think I had this this I think my uncle got me this and I was like I don’t
Really want a fire truck a little too old for it but it was a nice fire truck but it be cool fire truck if it was a Ghostbusters fire truck here we go oh look at all this there it is Daily Bugle yep dude I I’m gonna try and get
This play set next year that’s on my that’s on my that’s a good one right I know Steve 3 is ALS I’m trying to get him into collecting more he does not need but I did start getting he did start getting the uh the Micro Machines last Halloween so when we
Were both in Toronto we went to Treehouse Collectibles yeah and I peer pressured him slightly it didn’t take much to be honest I shouldn’t say it was pressure it was more of a dude how cool is this fold open Stormtrooper head you love Stormtroopers you should get this
You need this dude you need this and he got it and his wife was there too and he got away with it so obviously it was all right that’s that’s the best that’s the best such a good feeling um I I got this Batmobile but I
Got it clearance at KB a few years later I think I got this at KB in like 97 or 98 for like five bucks or something like that I received as a gift the ninja force one which is neon yellow oh that’s right yow yeah yes right which I opened
Here on this channel so if you’re watch unblock it un block it unbox it uh yeah you can totally go back and do this oh attack Peter is here hey Mr attack hello good evening um but yeah the G2 Megatron okay now have you ever parth of
Stargate uh action figures uh no I didn’t but there was a again because it it’s at I’m at that stage where it’s like it’s got to be X-Men it’s got to be Spider-Man yeah I’m not going to trickle into anything else uh but don’t think those Stargate figures never crossed my
Mind because again I for those who don’t know uh I love Kurt Russell and this goes back to like the John Carpenter days being a kid I wasn’t watching thing as a kid but I but I was definitely watching Big Trouble in Little China on repeat uh Kurt Russell is hands down one
Of my favorites and I love Stargate because again he’s in it and it’s awesome a great movie I saw it in theaters I saw that movie in theaters my dad and I went um it blew my mind I was like what um it just seemed so freaking
Again I was a kid so just like from my little brain I was like what the pyramids were aliens or whatever the the whole I do believe that’s just I believe that that’s actually thought Stargate was a documentary but it is super cool uh you
Had a reuse of a GI Joe uh uh Striker a striker y um for their car you had this cool kind of um what you call whatch call them well the name’s right there Stargate uh yeah Mage but what’s the uh what’s the what’s the elephant thing from Star Wars why am
I play that is not a bantha I say kind of is a kind of bantha is it’s a big woolly creature but um re at a toy show this this gentleman had all of these all the figures the vehicles everything for like 40 bucks and I bought it all yes thank
God right but I I don’t have it displayed it’s just it’s in a box somewhere I had it displayed for a little while in this expedit but it has not been out since from New York Steve three I agree anything else in here that you find interesting the Batmobile L of those
Let’s look at those Batman figures for a bit those are the legends of Batman figures because this is after all this is a go this is a DC show we try I try to make it a DC show but we always get into Star Wars and Marvel somehow
They’re all adjacent uh did I never like these figures when they first came out iate until I got old I hated them so much the future Batman swashbuckler Batman then you then all the villains were just like the normal villains but we also got like pirate Joker pirate 2
Pirate Batman I didn’t appreciate them till I got older where I was like these are amazing but yeah they have this is this this the let me try that again this was Kenner Hasbro’s reply to spawn yep exactly 100% they sculpted capes the uh the big poses but the
Articulation that meant nothing exactly you put them out of you you if you pose them slightly out of what they were meant to look like they look they were dumb yeah like terrible I appreciate them now because they look great in the package yeah but I think as
Far as like a playability toy for kids because spawn to me still kind of felt like yeah like Todd didn’t quite know if it was for kids or yeah are these cool statues are these cool toys for adults to have in their lawyer’s office you
Know what I mean like y he still didn’t quite know and the fact that they were trying to answer to that as if kids were buying again toy companies didn’t quite realize who was buying the toys either right so it was a transitional stage kind of for everybody because yes
Us kids became collectors yeah kids were still buying toys Y and the companies didn’t know how to react to who was buying what so it was really it’s quite the interesting transitional Growing Pains that uh everybody was going through uh including ourselves because we were still like we like we still go
Through this do you feel that like where it’s like I still feel like Us’s toy collectors go through these growing pains because it’s like we want a Kenner style action figure y but we also still expect it to look like a hot toy yep and
We still expect it to be 299 yeah like it’s it’s really like we still I still feel like us as toy collectors still don’t know what we want yeah no you’re right we want super seven Style real Ghostbusters but we also want real Ghostbusters like it’s like we don’t we
Like we’re we are dumb and we don’t know that’s what it comes down to Derek Derrik Hoover brings up a good toy line here too uh do you have mixed emotions as I do about Total Justice I know he’s talking to quip I well I love I actually
Really like the total Justice figures a lot for all for all of these I like them now I hated them at the time because I was the superpowers fan and like and by extension the toy Biz uh Superheroes DC superheroes and um so when I saw and and really
Batman The Dark Knight collection and the Batman Returns toy line and Batman the Animated Series toy line continued that superpowers you know scale and approach so really this was the first of this you know McFarland IED DC and I hated it but now in a world
Where I can but the reason I hated is like well I still want figures in that style because I don’t have every single one but now I can just I can get the old superpowers z type stuff and I can have this like there’s no there’s no limit to
Anything that I can get so like I appreciate them for what they are now right I got a question to like how do you feel about the the new Marvel line and I know that they’re doing a new 5pa line for Star Wars uh but there’s that
New Marvel line that came out they’ve got that Xmen 5 pack for XMen 97 they’ve been doing ones for spiderverse they’ve been doing ones for Guardians of the Galaxy how do you feel about those toys I don’t like them and my kids don’t like them interesting okay because I I
Think there’s something to the scale they loved the um the Fright features Ghostbuster figures scale which is like a more four it’s a more old school Kenner 880s scale of that four and half inch right um and they’ve liked the uh Motu Origins scale better I I think
Those scales are more fun to play with the thing with like the three and three4 inch that makes it good is either your GI Joe and the articulation is really cool with o-ring plus the vehicles and playsets or your Star Wars at 3 3/4 inch and you have a bunch of vehicles and
Playsets which makes those figures fun but with X-Men and these Marvel things like there’s nothing there nothing to play with them and and it kind of defeats the purpose of the three and three quarter inch skes it’s not as fun just to play with those figures like it
Is with the more Kenner style four and a half or M we are getting like the Blackbird jet right like we are getting we are getting vehicles with this stuff yeah but that’s have you I have that jet it’s not great it’s not great let’s just
Yeah let’s just call it like it is it is not that great I actually don’t mind the figures but again the figures are fine they’re just um I don’t know like with that scale you want playsets and vehicles and the and I’m with you on this too
This is why which is why I wish that superpowers would just do it like they’re doing all these cool vehicles like how do you kids feel about superpowers do they care uh they don’t care they’re not really into DC characters so much right now but if they
Do get in into it at some point I think they will cuz Alex has shown interest he’s been into Superman um but that’s kind of pass but if he gets back into Superman and Batman and them I’m sure they would they would like those figures
So here’s my this is where I bring this up not only because are we talking about like ideas for Christmas uh but I also kind of feel like I think the one thing toys is missing today for kids is and I bring this up anytime I can I know I just
Talked about it on toy anxiety as well and I wish Turtles would kind of do it again as well and it’s that like like Hydro claw Spiderman like I just think we need that to make not just like we need that to make kind of make a comeback just a
Little bit Yeah like and again I think us even as collectors like we still want that as well like we want our basic Spider-Man yeah but we also want the weird too yeah like I don’t know but it anyways let’s so while saying that we’re going to recommend for kids Motu Origins for
Your kids even though that’s not nothing to do with anything on this channel right but we’re gonna bring all that up is that toy Biz TNG not toy Biz Playmates Playmates but let’s let’s wait let me go zoom in where’s the zoom there we go this is great like I can move around
The camera like I don’t even have to like touch the camera yeah see you got to do more of these kind of videos great uh let’s see superhuman Samurai cyber Squad I don’t remember I I’ve had this guy before well this is the case of every make everything that was remotely
Close to a Power Ranger in Japan bring it all yeah pretty much right right did anybody have these if anyone here in the chat is a big samurai Squad cyber Squad fan this guy kind of looks like Optimus Prime he’s like a mix between like Transformers and Power Rangers that’s well isn’t that
Kind of aren’t they all kind of that that’s true or yeah like Voltron I remember the first time I saw the commercial for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and me being a hipster Soul even in in my you know tween years I was like oh they just ripped off Voltron like is
It liveaction Voltron what is this and then I watched I was like this is amazing I love it quips coming in hot he had those Sero was his favorite okay Johnny he had superhero Samurai cyber Squad toys uh Stanley’s toy Channel had mini figures gosh go there we go look at that
We got some EXO Squad love oh yeah dude I those always caught my eye too but I never again because I was just at that age I I had EXO Squad I had I had this one and I had the main good guy I didn’t have this one but I
I’ve been slowly piecing together EXO Squad collection and it’s pretty nice I I still have some other pieces I really want but EXO squad’s a great toy line dude we’re bringing it back um and then I listen I love TNG I love Voyager as a kid I thought deep
Space sign was super boring but I’m sure it’s great I just never like deep space it’s funny because people that have jumped on to Star Trek late yeah as adults love deep space nut right I feel like it was the grown-up one but as a
Kid I was like I don’t want the boring grown-up one I want freaking you know I want Adventure excitement exactly exactly social political climate that’s what I want that’s so I I I respect that probably Deep Space 9 is the best but just as a young person
Growing up it was like TNG and then Voyager for me but yeah battle armor dad makes a good point here too The Playmates Toys at the height of absolutely agreed agreed right Zack Deep Space 9 is the business the business right it’s it’s ass as we would say on toy anxiety um we
Say I I it’s so sad that Tao doesn’t make these insane slot cars anymore cuz this is so I would buy this today if it was on a if it was on a Toy Show for my kids what you’re telling me slot cars have gone
The way of the dinosaurs I I think they still do slot cars but they’re not insane like this dude Which slot car did you have as a kid um I had it was similar to this one uh so I I was a from a divorce
Family so on my dad he had a broken home if you will uh but um he had he had this one with the one that went up against the wall I don’t know if this the exact one there was a lot of versions of the
One where it would go up the wall um but we had one along the lines of this because in California and I’m sure they had them everywhere but especially in Southern California there’s a big slot car culture but they were bigger they were like this big whoa and so it it was it
Was amazing they don’t really have them anymore but even when I was young you could go and you would bring your slot car and then you would go race against people it was awesome but that’s super cool yeah it was awesome and you would go in and you’d have this like you know
Everyone would have their like case and they open it up and they put their car on the track and they have their little controller it was awesome let’s bring that back I wish I really wish they would the last one left San Diego in like
1999 or 2000 or something and it was so sad when it was gone that’s so cool okay I’m going to tell you about the one that I had as a kid okay okay so mine was a Transformers one and the slot cars could transform so they could like race kind
Of standing up with arms out the cars glue glow in the dark and so did the lines on the track they also glowed in the dark whoa so my dad used to like I think my dad was more stoked about it I was right like it’s kind of funny like
We always think about our parents as like not interested in this stuff yes but I honest to God think my parents were big into tootu and they were just living through me y because they loved all the skulls like I got all the villains man they were all into that
Skulls and that spook and I remember my dad would come in and he was like he would only set it up at night obviously yeah and he would hold the car up to the light like hold the cars up to the light and then put him on the track
And then shut off the lights and then want to play so I think my dad was just more I think he was just as into it as I was and it was awesome so it’s like it’s again it’s one of those oh 100% it’s one of those really really cool memories of
I think one of the cars I think my honestly I think my dad still has one of the car uh it is but it was so cool because I I still remember what seeing that thing GL glow up yes D Dolan is perfect yeah here it is this is before I had the
The uh the the the castle theoria by the way did your try did your parents have a van with a barbarian lady pain on the side of it you know what I would not put it past my parents and it was always one of those things I always wanted as an
Adult I always wanted like the the woman on the side of the cliff with the Saturn and the on the side with a polar bear and she’d be like there protecting right like of course so cool I would love to have that right I would love to have that all
Right what else we got in this thing and then we just kind I think that’s it for action figures we got this cool Nerf air blasters thing we should start a rollerblading Club yeah can we just talk about just it’s 1994 Peak rollerblade think about it though $45 in
1994 was that was actually yeah what is the that’s probably like $150 right and now we spend like 100 bucks like it’s five bucks today like um I had whatever these were my first roller skates I had these oh you were a Fisher Price roller skate kid yeah did
You have these I feel like every kid started with these you didn’t have these no oh these I had not but an earlier version It’s like a more modern version but I had whatever the 80s equivalent was lower your hand down lower that finger down look at the bot like no down
One more there’s the Fisher there’s the equivalent for roller blades yeah I didn’t have that cuz I was chicken I I needed the four wheels baby I need them four wheels right dxing I had the 18 slot car set that’d be awesome quip had these black and purple ones he says
Street inline skates $44.99 yeah I love it ah here we go Moon shoes did you ever have these no but I I had I knew people that did I had friends that had them I never had them either did they work good um did you ever try them I I did once I
Just it was it was all right it was all right like I feel like so people had this little tyes uh basketball set yeah again see didn’t have the perfect childhood folks I didn’t have that either oh man I never noticed I I haven’t read all these but is that a
Harley-Davidson bicycle yeah isn’t that sick that is that $239 in 1994 we I gotta we got we got to do the math on this one hold on dude it doesn’t matter because those were all the kids of H’s angels and they all got it um uh inflation calculator what God what is
That what do you mean so 1994 yeah was it 239 two 240 just put 240 240 okay let’s calculate $500 in today’s money that is that’s but you know what though the Titanic my kid wants to still $250 more than that that’s [Laughter] true oh speaking of Power Wheels power
Dude do you have the do you have the catalog from 92 by chance uh maybe what what was it ‘ 92 what was 92 uh that was Batman Returns oh I’d have to dig dig quickly dig I’ll go I’ll start going through the Sears wishbook stuff put
That one away go do your shears wishbook go all right and uh hang on let’s I’m going I am going to present all right window but oh talk boy talk boy T are we now we’re at the the peak of oh look at that the old board games crocodile Dennis come On get a golf all right here’s a bunch I here’s a bunch of pages I sto on because guess what you can’t afford to get real Sears wish books in your life anymore this is from 1992 I just wanted to pull up the they always had
The the the page with the sleeping bags and the little sleep forts nap forts for kids yes um I didn’t have that one I think I had the real Ghostbusters one I again never had any of those I don’t think my parents were just like no
You’ve got enough junky yeah it was so Cheapo it would break apart in no time right uh have you ever seen the guy that on Instagram that takes kids sleeping bags and turns them into jackets um like puffy wi jacket first off they’re amazing like they look like hip-hop
Jackets and the way he designs them like the way he’s he takes them apart and makes them into jackets they look like they were meant to be jackets oh that’s incredible it is Absolut like he’ll do ones he’ll take ones from Disney Batman Forever all this kind of stuff and all I
See here is a Catwoman jacket that I do not own oh that’ be amazing because I would love that and and you see you see that right there that that’s hip-hop that’s hip-hop that’s hip-hop like even you take a look at this Terminator 2 and and Wolverine this classic Jim Lee
Wolverine sleeping bag like these would all be amazing right so I be incredible I would absolutely send it to him and pay him like here’s here’s aund here’s 200 bucks make me the jacket please and I would be the coolest dude ever I’d be the coolest
Dude in my apartment building for sure I mean I I know it doesn’t count but I got a 97 FAO Schwarz that’s star Wars Focus from 1997 look at that hang on keep that around because we’re eventually going to make you big I want to look at that art
Looks like Drew stren did a catalog cover it looks like he did that’s incredible God dang it all right gonna go to the next one this is Dark Knight collection it’s funny it’s advertising Dark Knight collection but there’s also a mix of toy Biz in here it’s mostly toy
Yeah it’s mostly toy Biz I actually don’t even know I think the stuff at the bottom is the only thing from The Dark Knight collection well if you remember they used um for the Batmobile in the ker catalog for that year they used the toy Biz one
And they built a little canopy on it uh as like their image for their bat It’s Kind which is funny because they took the superpowers Batman and used that for their promo for for Batman figures but yeah these are all right toy biz figures including that penguin uh I find it really really
Funny that they did that but I just I that’s why I am showing this one uh this one is this one’s from the battle armor dad collection uh dude if you okay honestly folks if you’re not following battle armor dead on Instagram you need to uh and Twitter
You have to because he’s pulling stuff from cataloges he’s been like I think what really caught my eye the first was all the catalog pictures plus he’s he’s got the toy the toy fair catalog from uh from Toy biz for X-Men and Spider-Man which has me just like envious as hell I
Would love to have that yes I do have some of the Kenner ones but man give me some of them toy Biz ones uh and again here’s some first off this Turtles wacky pop and pool if had this cool I didn’t have that I had the um the h one the sewer hockey
And recently a couple years back I found one at the a Toy Show and I bought it but the stickers fell off of it but oh man that’s that was such a cool looking set too but again here’s our here’s our favorite Batman Command Center uh and a here’s the
Robin in the the Batcave as well so all this beautiful stuff from Batman Returns this is the first time we’re going to see this Command Center which was originally made for Dark Knight collection but then they just moved it over and waited and released it for Batman Returns little bit of history for
You folks uh speaking of slot cars Jay this Batman Forever slot car set is something for those slot cars oh right I think I I think I need it again oh there’s hydroc claw Robin I just said hydroc claw Spider-Man uh but there’s hydroc claw Robin that was the one that
I got as my basic Robin because it was the closest thing we got at the time before that two pack yeah before that two pack it was the closest thing the closest thing so I us going to Toys being so pissed I was like I just want I just want Robin normal Robin
Same here and get this this one doesn’t even come with a cape I had to make a c yes some but you know what it’s I still love that figure to this day I still love that figure and I love the art on the packaging for hydr cl the art is
Incredible I don’t know if you watched the full thing I got these card backs and some of the the Batman Forever stuff was in there that art is act is fantastic it’s so good it is Batman Forever and Batman and Robin have some of the nicest package art uh around but
Again uh be amazing stuff for Batman Forever This is and plus the Batman Forever logo is still my favorite movie logo with the bat symbol in the question mark favorite that’s why I snuck it into Batman v [Laughter] Superman I I love claim to fame claim to
Fame uh and here we go here’s the last time we see the uh the Batman Command Center I didn’t understand why they kept reusing this Command Center when the figures got bigger and got plastic tapes cuz how the hell do you sit the in the
Chair and how do you put them into the like the the quick flip switch TR like what is it just like the suitup area where you turn it around and he’s dressed up as Batman like I don’t understand how that worked again though these figures are super fun I thought
They they the movie The figures the movie does do not does not do these toys Justice uh but what’s great is that we’re getting the movie figures we’ve always always wanted yeah here’s another Christmas idea for you folks going to drop this one in here because we are now
Over an hour we like to keep it tight to an hour uh if you pre-order those Batman and Robin figures now from Amazon or from McFarland directly you will get them before Christmas so if you’ve got that Batman fan in their life who loves the camp loves the cheese appreciates
The movie Just for what it is you can get those figures and still get them in time for Christmas they’ll be they’ll be coming to your door the first week of December I bet you they’ll be in the stores before that so be sure to check those out it’s a quick boom
Look Todd’s not even paying me and then then we’re back to the beginning of oh there we go and one more so I wanted to put this one up here as well this one’s from 1998 this is from the fir my first Christmas time working at Sears in their
Toy department and I remember these figures coming out and me buying them all uh the creeper uh Batman some of these ones yeah I couldn’t I never found uh this this this letter B one this uh I want it so bad now that I’m looking at
It it’s a winter themed Batman he’s in flurescent Orange and he’s wear he’s on a sled he’s on on one of those like what’s that Olympic sport call where tobogan down the hill the Lou he’s on a Lou he’s on a bat Lou Jay he’s on a bat Lou and there’s my
Favorite Batman shirtless Batman from Ninja Force also a previous video go check it out also a previous video also the same one uh let’s go back to let’s go back to your yeah I guess I I close out mine so the earliest I have is 93 so I
Don’t have 92 unfortunately oh it might be in there still it I look like it so um we’ve got some we’ve got some heavy hitters though we’ve got the Animated Series Batmobile yes um which that I think it was only that first kind of run hold on
I gotta make this biger there we go yeah so animated series Batmobile we also have the aliens Evac fighter that’s cool the it’s taking everything oh my it’s taking every Power I have in my body to not start buying these ker aliens figures you need to it’s so cheap
Just do it they are cheap they were all at um at treehouse Collectibles out in East York Toronto area and gosh dang it and then all of a sudden then because Steve three he might have already stopped watching he might be like screw these dorks the uh uh his
Wife showed up at uh well doesn’t show up she came she was there with the rest of us uh she was at uh Paul’s fundraising party and she she went as Ripley and then seeing that had me like oh my God I need to buy these ker toys
Yes you do because it’s so cheap they’re so good there’re now they’re cheap um go but you know it’s not cheap and hasn’t been for a while uh is this Jurassic Park jungle Explorer the Ford Explorer only $4.99 originally but this is a tough one to find complete for not super expensive
Right I slowly piece my together I found one without this thingy and without the bullets and I’ve slowly found the parts to put it to complete it dude you got to Jacob Walsh that and get it in the Box um yeah I don’t I I don’t play that
Way but uh let see he also doesn’t have kids but yeah exactly uh I had this the SK Mountain play set I I don’t have it now I do want this one though I’ve almost bought it a few times uh crash dummies one of my favorite toy lines of
All time I got a few of them on the on the Shelf because I also think that line is super fun and ridiculous like just so good um bastard you to get colonial marine armor too and the biggest disappointment in the history of toys dude 50 bucks the
And I remember it and I people said no it wasn’t a toy stce exclusive there there’s your F right there sold only at Toys R R Us 50 bucks in 1992 which has to be $100 yeah I thought I was get finally getting Iceman which you couldn’t find like all these
Figures I was like perfect nope they’re all glued and have like extra pegs that locks them into this stand they they’re not to play with it’s just to look at what a shame because this set what a shame because that’s everyone you could want really like if you’re if
You were like I need X-Men I don’t have any X-Men I’m a kid who loves X-Men this is like the set yep denied I got I got to see adjust it for inflation holy let’s just see 50 bucks okay okay think about what 10 figures are think about what 10 Marvel
Legends cost now though too okay but this is toy Biz you could buy all these figures right now mint on card for a nickel okay 25 cents give it some credit all right adjusting for inflation 25 cents American $109 because you could get all those figures now separately on card for under a 100 easily if not for 25 bucks Taps I’m trying to think what what out of this is the most expensive today like what like maybe Professor X Professor X maybe that Wolverine yeah but I I that Cyclops has
Got to be he’s a he’s a five he’s five bucks Iceman five bucks yeah Archangel def two bucks yeah right let’s scroll down Juggernaut five bucks if that this is the SEC is this this is the second version is the first the first one okay one so it’s a maybe five bucks that
Sabertooth two bucks if that right right you’re right uh that’s soron yeah Sauron saon two bucks two bucks yeah that Magneto two bucks for sure yeah and skinny uh skinny apocalypse two bucks yeah he’s a two he’s a he’s he’s in your dollar bin for sure I think all those
Villains outside of Juggernaut maybe Juggernaut Juggernaut might be five four six eight $1 $12 just for the bottom row I think actually $12 for the bottom row seems correct right if you were go to the Toy Show today sure right okay 12 bucks and the top row five
Maybe two two bucks two so was that seven maybe a buck I’m gonna be honest like with that Cyclops because again thaty especially this one if it was Cyclops 2 which was the one that looked like the Jim Lee one I would say that’s five maybe $10 because that one’s been a
Little harder to find 10 pushing it but okay but that’s what I mean t pushing it but may like maybe I’m just saying okay right like are you feel that a this ain’t that one so$ five six7 y Professor X five so we’re at 12 maybe Wolverine might be five just
Because it’s that Wolverine okay 17 and like a buck 18 plus 12 so that’s $30 $30 for all this Which is less than what that is now like what it was then really after even with the inflation right so trash some some stuff just and again that’s if you’re buying them single and
They’re articulate yes yeah right like it’s all right that’s rough that’s rough uh we got some TNG again the transporter all that kind of stuff great play sets great toys ton Turtles tune Turtles I love 3.99 each give me them tune Turtles all if I was going to take anything off that page
That wasn’t the transporter uh it would be that tector Drome scout vehicle yeah I have this one this is a fun little vehicle I like those little Vehicles yeah I kind of I was kind of hoping they were going to do more of this kind of stuff for mutant
Mayhem which they still might yeah they might they still might uh maybe if my co-host dressed nicely to a business convention they could have gone behind the door and looked at it um I guess uh some some uh oh I had this big Rex somebody got me that for
Christmas one year that’s not God um I didn’t have this stretch uh this is the beginning of GI Joe bringing back 12inch scale GI Jo’s yeah that failed pretty miserable it but it was it hung around for I I was just pissed I was like why
Are you doing this Real American Hero is perfect what are you it do you think cuz at this point too you got to remember toy Biz what toy no not yet so this was 93 and what like two more years toy Biz was GNA start releasing mego styled
Marvel Universe figures yeah and I I always felt like this was like oh you gotta you gotta reinvigorate the olds or something I was like this this ain’t my gi. Joe but like again like we don’t know because again but they’re trying to tap into a Nostalgia that wasn’t ours
Yeah yeah right so um that’s it for super nintend yeah got Super Nintendo combat Oh What A Time To Be Alive some Game Boy some I was a Genesis kid I was Genesis I I was not Super Nintendo oh poor you Genesis was great what are you talking about no Genesis is
Great um all right and this this art you were let we can find first off that’s amazing can you please scan that for me uh we got hold on where look at that Leia man like she looks like what novel is like does anyone know who artist sign
That is but yeah go ahead let’s sorry put it back up there sorry there we go make it still K plus I saw for LOM to zuus Jake Stevens is in the chat here somewhere yeah right uh you would know if anyone should know it should be you in this chat if
You come on Jake Stevens but I feel like I had some version of this and I would just oole over the really expensive stuff what’s what consists of really expensive short whoa like this like look at this $625 rich people toys yeah this is this
Is the thing that would be like on one of those this is like a show this is like Sideshow Collectibles of the N of 93 like look at this Sebastian Shaw I saw his eyebrows Sebastian Shaw is that his name what is his name isn’t that am I
Thinking why am I thinking that’s Bucky maybe I don’t know that’s whatever his name is welcome to Gotham City tonight where now now Jay does it we got some 12 inch again those are great I have the uh the Princess Leia power of the force 12inch and it’s it’s
Kind of opened this door of like uh do I want more of these 12-inch figures of the from the 90s because there’s this weird there is a charm to them that I love and Al yeah go ahead talk about like this was the dream as a kid right the saber Hils a
Signed Luke Skywalker’s lightsaber an exceedingly special edition signed by the actor who played Luke in the trilogy Mark Camel only a th will be signed and FAO Schwarz is quite fortunate to have 125 pieces of the entire Edition 450 bucks which has to be like $1,000 Dollar in today’s money that’s insane
But that stuff was so rare yeah absolutely you just you could just go this is you can get a replica graflex Luke saber right also okay can I okay this is something I need to get into as well something I’ve been wanting to do as a
As a as a Star Wars collector those porcelain cookie jars and those like old ceramic coffee mug that’s stunning that’s stunning I would love to start getting into those I think it I I love that stuff like when the Applause would make those like ceramic ban guards like porcelain
Mugs hook me up uh Alis Troy retro toy princess also be sure to go follow her on Instagram and go watch her shorts on YouTube as well Killian plunket was the cover artist there you go Killian plunket right thank you for that um Obi-Wan’s Hilt is my
Favorite that’s why I do have the oh Sebastian Stan isy everyone sounds the same yeah Sebastian but what what Bernard Shaw who’s the is that you’re right Sebastian Shaw yeah oh oh D oh dude that’s for me actually looks pretty good like that Wolverine desk set like I love how
They’re saying like oh wait this is for your desk oh it’s one of the claws is a pin dude imagine being a lawyer right and then pulling out a a claw and being like ah God like dude we failed like at life you think about it like we failed like we
$90 for your own we I got to find this this has to still exist someone has to have this right this is on eBay somewhere on somewhere right Wolverine desk set Jesus Christ oh my God desk set oh it just gives me like modern things like check out this
Laptop what it year is that 90 this is 97 this is the 97 FAO Collectibles 97 was a fun year yeah jesz that 97 was when started to get real like they finally started making nerd that was fancy right Wolverine desk set 19 now I’m just getting Wolverine 97 stuff
Uh nothing I can’t I just Googled it under images there’s nothing there’s nothing holy what is that hold hold on they got hold on okay well there’s our toy Biz yeah right our our cyborg Spider-Man I have that figure on card I love it I love it spawn
Spawn and then but Terminator 2 skeleton and RoboCop 25 bucks not a machine I missed these These are cool yeah I like that RoboCop there’s something weird about it because it looks totally not like RoboCop yeah oh because the chest comes off that’s why it looks weird oh okay okay okay yeah
Yeah you’re right yep but I also find that cool that you could take it apart I think uh I think robocup is such an underutilized toy line uh agreed NECA is tapping into it a little bit but yeah 100% yeah with the with the builda builda dude The Beatles oh by the way
Hang on folks I want to give I want to give Jay’s patreon a plug geek dad life patreon a plug uh Jay Craig was the guest last week or this week yeah this past Sunday and he stayed for after dark and they got into like this really awesome Beatles conversation because
Again geek dad life is not like after dark is not it’s just just a couple of dudes chilling is what it is yes it’s a hang it’s that is that is the GD hang they’ll talk the the closest they get to toy talk on that show is going to be the
Pickups and you guys got into like a really good Beatles conversation if you really just want like a really just a fun conversation to listen to bang that is it and that’s worth your five bucks right there that conversation so I just want to give you guys a shout out for
That that was I told Craig too that I really enjoyed that that segment uh both Craig and I are big Beatles fans so that that I enjoyed it because I haven’t like had anybody to talk about that with like even at work I was like hey listen to the new beet song
Like you and I’m like fine whatever so it was nice to I haven’t watched that yet either though but I like the other documentary it was so good um I mean the Lost in Space robot I thought Ro was the coolest thing ever B9 it still is still one of the
Best designed robots of all time um whoa what is that g like this again this is like that whole oh it’s bring back the 12 and she I don’t give two shits about any of this but again take a look at who this catalog like is for like
There’s some stuff it’s for the people that were our age in 1997 so this is a bunch of Boomers like hey the toys you L as a kid I like how you’re mocking that and yet that’s exactly what we do like this my dad
Uh uh there was a a a Hot Wheels set that was this Dragster and another one and he got me that he thought it was the coolest anyways that was super cool um we don’t want to show that oh we got some uh there we go some sports stuff Little
P Little Penny Little Penny Hardway oh that’s kind of those are kind of fun yeah what our I I don’t know again this oh premium teddy bears I dig it and and pens right do you wna do you want to do a counting what fun oh hey look and uh yeah the answer
Was here in the book and Allison Choy was correct the dynamic artwork of Killian plunket has thrilled Comics fans for years the Irish artists earned his reputation illustrating Dark Horse Comics such as aliens Labyrinth Star Wars Shadows of the Empire and The Mask movie adaptation as well as DC Comics
The Unknown Soldier this fall Killian’s unique Vision will be discovered by a new audience with the publication of two Disney funwork Star Wars Cruise along books which combine children’s books and toys in a single package plunket next Comics project is the eighth wonder which Dark Horse will release this
November dude first off when is Alison never wrong it seems like true she’s a so she has like so much knowledge makes it’s it’s incredible but quip found the Wolverine desk set so I’m gonna have to go back to the Discord oh after and check it out hopefully nobody Snipes me
Yeah don’t snipe it from Dole oh my God there’s like a whole another thing on I I we don’t have time for this I Colleen’s upstairs probably pissed like you said you’d be done at 11: I didn’t there’s like another side of this on here oh with the oh with
Premium Barbies dude so like doll dude we’re gonna have to do this again on your channel and we’re have to go through like the pink is stuff we should dissect all these oh my God anyway incredible awesome all right all right I’ll let you fix your camera right now
I’m going to say hey thank you everyone for being here thank you everyone for hanging out we did go well over an hour like we always tend to now more and more often uh even with toy anxiety we’re doing it more and more often uh but yes you can find me on Tuesday
Nights and toy anxiety uh we have a patreon there as well with the yes have some podcast uh we don’t have one set up for here yet I I want to do a jaded I want to wait till we’ve got enough subscrib and then we’ll do that it might
Take a few years to get there but who knows wait what do you need if you a patreon what do you need to get a patreon I don’t know I haven’t come up with a goal yet I still haven’t really set up the memberships here properly yet
But we got as you can see we are monetized so thank you everyone and thank you for all your generosity tonight with the super chats make yourself big I don’t want to be the big one make yourself the big I don’t feel like I have an ego or
Something there we go there we go and then uh and yeah and Jay you can find Jay on geek dad life and geek dad Life 2 geek dad life one or just geek dad life Prime uh you can find find him on there you can find him every Sunday night
Doing toy Geeks with John or a special guest depending John’s a very very busy man I think John’s done the rest of the year so we’re have guest host the rest of the way uh this Sunday uh Kyle from Super 7 Will Be Our Guest so he was your
Guest uh last week or yesterday yesterday he’s gonna make those rounds like let’s face it the dude should be stoked to go on shows and brag about that rat king I listen he sent me um uh a the image uh that day and he was like
So am I redeemed and I was like yes you you you are redeemed and he was like I was like I love that you you included the uh I still the boy band the boy boy band head scope I love that you kept it in there and and he was like really like
What I was like and I was like the haters it was like weren’t you and I was like yeah me just leave it in there see I just I I actually like that figure from the get-go but now that he’s kept it I act I have to buy it yeah I
Now have to put my money where my mouth is so I I do have to buy it agre uh but now I also want that slam dunk and Donnie to go with that rapper Mikey of course you need it it like this just they just look so cool this so what else
Do you do on geekdad life Prime now that you do toy reviews and stuff on geekdad life well the the reviews will still be prime uh gdl2 is just live streams really or or other random um but gdl Prime is toy geeks on Sunday and
When I have time to do a proper edited thought out review GD Prime that’s awes and maybe other things in the future but I don’t have anything on that for rizon well one thing we’re going to have to do before Christmas is go through these cataloges again yes and
We’ll do we should do let’s call it catalog commentary o i you know I’m a sucker for literation so we’re gonna put a pin in this we’re gonna start it off on we’re gonna we’re gonna kick it off here tonight with catalog commentary and then we’re gonna continue it on geek dad
Life on another night boom uh when Jay says hey want to do a catalog commentary and I will say yes sir and I will come on and we’ll we’ll have some fun doing it so till then thank you everyone for being here thank you everyone for hanging out again thank you for everyone
Uh for the super chats as well again I super appreciate all the generosity uh and I will see you on Tuesday and I will see you next week on Gotham City tonight awesome thank you everyone