Let everybody shame let everybody go let everybody Shame Mary Mary on my mind the f are going the this is all M there and there I want to be with you you’re listening to the morning show with kayen friends live from Cleveland Ohio as well as some other mystery location brought to you by Catalano TV
Start your day with a chuckle on a l with Kai brono and friends let’s get ready to rock and roll baby is going to be that too and bouet [ __ ] and may all your camelas be accompanied by butterflies yes good morning Mr big shot how you doing today and this tumultuous
Tuesday morning oh man I’m doing lovely doing lovely say that again sir lovely I said I’m doing lovely that’s great man glad to hear it well you see this wonderful background we have here Mr big shot with this beautiful fall colors and and some subtle motion of the little bugaboos and leaves dropping
Yep yeah it was nice while it lasted you know what we woke up to this morning sir which I woke up too this oh like the background like that background yeah it’s it’s nice time of the year though you know the snow is GNA rolling in we expected to see some eventually I
Just don’t know when but today guys I guess it’s I guess it’s time we go ahead and go with the weather minute yeah yeah yeah right that that’s I think that’s a good idea um let’s See where’s the weather bunny there we go welcome to the Catalano TV’s weather bunny Mr big shot what you got going on over there well I got a currently off I’m s right now it’s GNA be part the cloudy 32 degrees but it feels like it’s
24 don’t have any of this going on huh no I don’t you don’t got any rain though that’s good no rain ain’t got no we got like we got blustery we got snow blowing around and uh it’s actually not quite as nice as this image here in
The background here we’ve we’ve got a lot of wind and a lot of snow gusting around so it’s like I mean we went from uh end of November feel like we dived right into January it’s a quite a quite a difference from yesterday I got to tell you but I’m not complaining it’s
It’s it’s 25 degrees out though it was it was a little cooler earlier so it’s starting to warm up a little bit if that sounds like a warming up to anybody and let us know in the chat folks uh what is your local weather and uh what we got here miss
Honeybee says good morning hey Brent monk house good morning good day morning good morning good day to you yeah good morning to us and Sucker Punch says Sucker Punch Drunk Love says good morning nice snow he’s liking the flakes H he’s got rain see he’s telling us he’s
Sharing what he’s got well I don’t know I could I take the rain over the snow right now but uh there is some beauty in it right we go to we got to keep that in mind and hey there’s a lot of folks that are just they’re itching to hit the the
Slopes man with their skis missani Beast says it’s 25 there Brent says cold 28c not exactly cold it is a funny joke though when think in terms of folks that don’t know what c Celsius really uh translates to 30 here Mrs Honey B SI Sucker
Punch it was in the 70s last week yeah how about that was nice beautiful last week that’s thing you don’t know what you’re getting the whole another week yeah so um Mr big shot can you cover for me for about 30 seconds here gotta all right so how’s everyone doing today in
The chat I hope you’reall doing lovely on this Tuesday morning I sure y more chest coming in shut up dog you’re waking people up oh boy yeah I can’t wait for we need some snow I’m ready for the snow one there’s that dog barking yeah I know a crazy dog is barking you
Know annoying as hell needs to go back to sleep Ross hello Hello Ross hey R do here I didn’t catch what you said Mr big shot is it anything important you’d like to bring me up the speed on or we’re good no you’re good okay welcome good morning Ros
Dogs hope you’re having a fine Tuesday tell us tell us what’s the weather in your neighborhood Ross dogs frucking Frank had an idea of uh showing multiple Cities weather but that segment might get a little long so make it more relevant to those who are uh in
The chat just sharing what their weather is I think it’s the result of a decent idea thanks to [ __ ] Frank H Ross says Mr big shot had five hyy on the Vikings I don’t know is that true Mr big shot incorrect Ross incorrect you know Ross Africa’s a continent man
And the weather varies quite a bit there but I’m sure certain parts of North Africa and central Africa get hotter than hail even South Africa right to his point right oops my bad I mean cold yeah so Mr big shot should we uh go with the uh bounce right into
The sports minute catalana TV well of course Ross I don’t know what happened in that game last night I really didn’t watch football but you tell me I don’t know who won I was to be watching Christmas movies last night oh really yeah that’s cool I didn’t catch Monday Night
Football footb so I don’t know what happened or any sports last night really okay so uh and that’s the end of cat of TV sports minute today very compact version well Mr big shot shall we go into yesterday’s grossly embellished history yes yes yes yeah I should have
Run that before when I had the little audio issue let’s see what we got here the 27 Here we go here we go starting today’s episode of this day in grossly embellished history and0 in 1587 the Dutch County of groaning Jin was flooded due to failure of a dck I got to be honest I read this item like three or four times and I just can’t
Figure out for the life of me what exactly she did uh not that there’s anything wrong with that but it seems like they were picking on these people even back then and in 1826 John Walker invents the friction match in England this invention conveniently preceded the burning down of the British Parliament in
1834 the Palace of Westminster had similar little sticks that were disposed of carelessly in the two furnaces under the House of Lords yes better by birth indeed and in 1868 was the Battle of washto river in Oklahoma uh General kustard attacks a group of Native American Indians their Chief Black
Kettle died in the attack uh Black Kettle uh I don’t even have to make anything up for this one uh son of Castro and in 1870 New York Times baseball as the national game this was long before the New York Times started lying about almost everything allegedly that is in 1911 the
Audience throws vegetables at actors for the first recorded time in the US well it is late November and after all most of the garden veggies are bad by now why not throw them at some actors hell I can think of a few actors I’d like to throw
Veggies at right now and no uh crazy cabby Tom Cruz is not on the list okay uh you see uh crazy cabie said he’s gay for Tom Cruz and so you know I don’t want him to get upset and in 1912 the Albanian national flag was adopted the
Problem is they didn’t say who adopted it and in 1934 bank robber Baby Face Nelson and two FBI agents die in a shootout in barington Illinois don’t you hate when people say Illinois yeah I do too uh H Baby Face Nelson huh and two dead FBI agents yeah
That was back when the FBI were the good guys and they didn’t lie to you and in the 1972 Pierre trudo forms the Canadian government this is probably long before his wife met Fidel Castro um make a bite baby make him the baby and in 1942 Jimmy HRI was born in Seattle
Washington it is sad that the weather had somewhat of a purple haze that day and the wind cried married or at least that’s what the Joker said to the thief or was that the Voodoo Child and there you have it folks as this day in history with gross disgusting embellishments has
Been established here on the morning show with time frame what the heck are you doing what are you doing I’m a mature young man I’m Stupid and there you have it uh I couldn’t quite make things out as we have a lot of Illinois going on over here it’s hard to hear and so uh rosock says when did Eli Whitney invent that cotton gin and Brent monk house says cotton Jin no Brent that’s not something you
Drink good question though I I know Eli’s Whitney’s birthday’s coming up on the 8th of December if I’m not mistaken but he’s pushing up daisies and he has been for quite some time now Mr big shot do you have any commentary on the Preposterous disgusting and grossly
Embellished history that we just ran no I don’t okay well forgive me for asking I just want to make sure that uh you uh add anything that you want to add to it or you know argue with anything that you didn’t like in there just want to want
To make sure that we’re being fair about these uh Preposterous grossly and disgusting embellishments you know what I’m saying yeah yep man I’m looking at this snow background and I don’t know man I’m not ready for it it is pretty though well gotta get ready yeah right gotta gotta come
Around Sucker Punch Drunk Lo says I once drank dranked that’s funny I once dranked some bathtub cotton gin what a hangover yeah so Ros dog says Kai the only person in the world for the last 150 years who knows Eli Whitney’s birthday well I gotta be honest uh Ross
Dogs you asked what year he invented it and so I just did a quick search while that was playing and so that’s when I saw that uh well his birthday’s not far off from Joy’s if you come think of it right I guess not yeah and Mr Big shot’s not far off from
That as well right when’s yours Mr big shot or we don’t we don’t go into the details I forget my birthday is actually Sunday oh awesome awesome yeah so um Mr Big Shots getting ah young at heart man for sure Sucker Punch Drunk Lo says I’m sure
My city won’t get snow where is your city roughly speaking Sucker Punch probably somewhere nice yeah must be he says did you know Gino ain’t got no money I don’t know I’m not sure which Gino you’re talking about um and uh the fact that if you’re talking about Gina bisanti well he’s
Getting married so he’s not supposed to have any money man I you have seen what the some weddings cost these days it’s going to be a while before he has money again probably right that’s a joke I have no idea how uh Gino’s financers are going he’s a
Bright guy though so I imagine he’s he’s doing just fine I think he does a lot of contemplating when he does all that rope jumping that keeps him in shape soester uh when uh we went off air something popped on YouTube I think da was story did something on me on
YouTube this like a Clips couple of Clips yesterday and anything relevant in there about actually no actually are funny they’re funny yeah so you’re giving him the stamp of approval from Mr bigshot on his latest releases hey well are nothing terrible it actually is funny if it’s funny it’s
Funny yeah being uh being intellectually honest I I admire that see just like a sucker punch drk glov you know I’m not even following him and somehow it was YouTube notifications and it came through and I seen it and I was like what the hell is this
Crap at first I thought it was something that at first I said all right it ain’t gonna be good let me see what he has to say no actually this a little clip it was funny you know he has something on there I was balancing a cup of my head H
Okay then you act like I was in a Pepsi commercial or something I don’t even drink Pepsi I I’ve seen that clip before but so he did a different spin on it huh oh yeah I mean you have to go and find it it’s yeah so you are the subject of his
Video in other words huh oh yeah that’s cool at least it was uh in a way that wasn’t denigrating or disrespectful so that’s that’s encouraging maybe maybe he’s turned over a new leaf and and celebrated the American Thanksgiving who knows yeah who knows we’re not gonna get into all that right
Now right right yeah and uh so s he he says you should have pretended and yeah well if we’re being intellectually honest we got to be honest about uh you know even the stuff that can make us look good that uh well it doesn’t make me look good to know
What his birthday was right but yeah I don’t take credit for things that uh you know I’m I’m just one of those folks where I don’t try to take credit for things that I I don’t need to let’s put it that way oh thanks thanks Sucker Punch he admires my
Honesty Mr bigshot getting drunk on Sunday Brent MOS wants to know no oh not nope he’s going to be happy and sober yeah that’s big shot can’t drink right now all right yeah the T tum situation yeah forgot about that I can’t no alcohol products and December
Will be over in no time right yep hopefully New Year’s yeah and Sucker Punch I think’s replying that he’s uh somewhere South so he’s got the nice nice weather and he also said yes he was talking about Gino bis don’t they we we need to get Gino Gino on the show on
Catalano TV I I know Joey I believe is Joey spoken with him we got to get him on some night one of the evening shows perhaps we’ll see we’ll figure that out but uh Gino’s an interesting fell and we wish him well he’s he’s going to be getting married oh good morning Kahuna
Nei he’s got five degrees Fahrenheit Minneapolis Minnesota makes it hard to get out of bed well you know with the name Kahuna Nei I thought for sure that you were on some Paradise Island but at 5 degrees Fahrenheits Fahrenheit I’m thinking that is not the case Sucker Punch says she has
Money does she oh I don’t know I I remember some folks were talking about how the shooting happened near her residence and then they were commented that she lives in a better neighborhood than gin does but I don’t know all the details of that stuff Sucker Punch says lovely Kiki has
Big bucks from her mommy well maybe so I’m I’m not aware of the details I understand she has a nice place and uh she has her mom on her show lovely lady it’s uh it’s entertaining and she’s over sometimes when Gina’s broadcasting on the weekends she’s she’s in the background and that
And sometimes she comes on camera it’s interesting those two are entertaining they make it they make a very interesting couple quite frankly yeah Sucker Punch you bring up an interesting point um jumping rope is it’s such a great workout it is a good workout though it is I I know
Um you know when I was a when I was a wrestler that that was one of the regiments I’ll tell you what I like jumping rope a hell of a lot more than running around the basketball players before wrestling practice we had a run around the basketball court and while
The basketball players are practicing was like I am I I was never much for a running around the basketball court you know what I’m saying I’ve jogged of course in the past but just wasn’t my wasn’t a thrill at that time let me put it this way you didn’t
Get Runners high from from running around the gym and uh Ros do says the background the backdrop looks like a scene from Dr shivago isn’t that some kind of soda that was a bad one sorry about that Ross dogs I think he gets it though yeah is that your favorite film Mr big
Shot Dr shivago hell to the no So you you’re pretty opinionated on this one Mr B hell no Mr big shot gives a hell yeah and a hell no he’s he’s not on the table you know he’s sitting on the fence so to speak right that’s right Dr shivago have
Mercy the Omar Sharif version of course Cab’s from Minnesota yeah well cabbie was mentioned in today’s uh grossly embellished history and sometimes disgusting and we wish cabby well man he is one hell of a guest I got to tell you uh if you think you’re going to have cab
On and you know what he’s going to say or what he’s going to do well I got news for you be ready for some curve balls man and some knuckle balls right Mr big shot that’s right man some of the stuff he said Mr big shot I was just like what
Did he just say I can’t believe if he just said that but that’s cabby man yeah Kiki’s mom she seems like a sweetheart Sucker Punch Drunk gloves loves her yep now uh rosock says Kate meanie is not a fan you mean of the morning show here oh I’m so disappointed or is she
Are are they not the best of buddies is that what you’re saying Ros I forgive me I’m not I’m not up to speed with uh what’s going on on uh in in those folks lives um in terms of that stuff anyways the little details Mr Mr big shot you
Have any knowledge or any of that uh they it might be the other no don’t I don’t think it’s ARA I think it’s uh Gino and the other one I think she’s not a fan of theirs anymore right now I think something happened they had a Fallout or something I don’t know say
Say that again they has have a Fallout or something between I guess mean and uh the Gino kante you mean they’re not engaged no Kate meanie is not a fan of the show anymore oh Kate meanie I got you forgive me yeah yeah oh I see they
Used to she used to go there but you know hey don’t know something Sucker Punch Drunk Love said I could bring Kate meanie here he told about wants to bring Kate mean on our show Kai I know Jake Jake Jake is all time over there you know I mean
Hey we don’t turn out nobody you know K me that she’s innocent person you know kai so you know hey maybe someday maybe some we get maybe you know me and Kai work something out yeah we like to hover yeah we’ve been we’ve been working on getting our groove going in the morning
Show and uh we intend to actually have Morning Show guests so um we’re certainly open to that and uh certainly Gino is welcome to come on in the morning show too uh I haven’t uh had any conversations with some of the folks so you know anything’s possible I know
Joey uh is interested in having Gino on too so we’ll figure that out and certainly Kate mean’s welcome as well as H Kiki and uh Sucker Punch says I have I am so rich with Kiki bucks I was informed I had some Kiki bucks I’m not sure I should know what those are
Shouldn’t I he says I can buy a new home and derly Dallas doesn’t like Kate meanie okay well I’m not I’m not aware of that and I’m not aware of why no listen the Sucker Punch Junk Love we want now how have both at the same time
If they don’t like each other we don’t want to bickering and and B so we will not have them at the same time no of course not that’d be like having uh Stuttering John on and then bringing shulie in wait wait yeah they do that that at the same time though never boring
Man I gotta get caught up in this chat forgive me Mr big shot I’m not as fast as you cabbie uh Kahuna Nei says cabie sure was I remember him on kq92 in the morning yeah he’s quite a character cabbie is from Rally North Carolina now and he won’t see
Snow I I don’t know rally Durham they they get uh they can get some snow can’t they unseasonably I know it gets cold there man I’ve been there Les goes up his nose that has not a weather related comment I got a feeling I had to walk the dog during and missed
It and Miss honeybee says Mr Big shot’s famous World hell yeah LOL a vacation thank you yeah vacation drun oh Mr big shot we love the drama guys it’s okay to have drama but no we’re not going to have that drama here it’s called why would we have two
People on who don’t like each other for one and one might not come on we do something like that no we’re not doing that yeah of course you can be a friend of Kai Kai keeps an open mind in fact Kai has tried to make uh friends with a
Number of folks that have chosen alternate paths and well that’s their Choice man the olive branch has been extended says she could co-host one morning yeah anything’s possible man and Joey C’s parole office Joey C is not on parole it’s it’s quite simple um people that have a job that work for
The FBI that get paid to lie all day every day tried to entrap people just like they did with the the Gen or yeah the general uh working on the Trump campaign they just ENT trp catch him in something that can be construed as a lie and
Bam they got you that’s that’s what they do man that’s what they do it’s not a reflection on Joey when he’s he’s just you know he’s he’s in the interest of his wife maybe he’d have been better just plead the fifth but you know hindsight’s 2020 he had no idea uh what
What uh what they were trying to do there so that’s the truth that’s the facts as I understand it anyways can’t speak for Joey but I’m pretty sure you know we’ve interviewed Joey uh on the morning show and uh pretty sure that that was the case as we talked about it
So uh here we have um Kate minie is going to show all of Kiki’s only fan nudes really I’m not aware of any of those you want the Kate I can get you the Kate Kate’s welcome I know um I know there’s a lot of folks who are
Big fans of hers we don’t we don’t discriminate people in the morning show no man welcome any kind of humans welcome here is that right I’m PR sure and I’m pretty sure Joey would love to have her own evening show as well yeah we know Joey saids come out his work
We’re pretty sure Joey would love to have people like that I I see so this an interesting piece of uh information Kahuna knew he says Hawaii is the only state in the US to not hit 100 degrees Fahrenheit that makes sense because it’s surrounded by cool ocean waters at least relative to
To uh even a mid Summer’s hot sunny day it’s still surrounded by cool ocean waters that are constantly churning and the colder water below is surfacing and mixing right well what about the Drake Mr big shot any comments no and Ross do says every time I hear
About Hawaii I’m reminded how much lost stunk after SO2 yeah Lost season two oh Mr Big sh we love the drama Ross in season two yeah so I guess Ross has said this before huh Sucker Punch says we didn’t get any snow last year well you’re lucky we you
Know we did not get much snow last year here how about you Mr big shot did you get a lot of did you get a heavy winter no actually we didn’t hardly get winter barely was barely cold last last winter more warmer more warmer nice well we’ve been we’ve been
Fortunate in that regard we haven’t had any terrible snows uh you know we’ve had some storms like I said they said this winter supposed to be we supposed to be getting bad it’s supposed to be the bad one so we’ll see we’ll see if it is or
Not they say it all the time and the last couple it really wasn’t so right we’ll see if it is or not today’s Tuesday they’re not too good at predicting what weather we’re going to have on Saturday or Friday for that matter so I’m not g to pay attention to
A seasonal forecast listen here guys we can’t predict the weather only the man upstairs can predict the weather for us what’s it going to be and he’s not participating so as I know it that’s right something called Free Will says went to the summit of Manaka it was 31 degrees Fahrenheit with 51 mph winds windshield was -4° F yeah we get we get those kind of winds here off of Lake ER too sometimes and I tell you they’re nothing to sneeze at and uh Mania Summit gets snow almost
Every year yeah right higher because I could tell you sometimes they could the weather says one thing you go out I oh man the weather lie it ain’t raining out here it’s sunny no rain I don’t even see no rain clouds where the rain at that’s right you hear me Mr
Bigshot yeah so I think Mr bigshot already answered this I I don’t listen to the weather I’ll predict the weather myself just go out and see what’s gon what’s gonna be out what’s gonna do what’s gonna be yeah that’s why I call him Mr big shot so he says if K comes
Out can she show Kiki’s nudes no no we don’t do any nudes hell to no he he already answered this one forgive me Mr bigshot I’m just trying to roll through these too many tiger shocks in Hawaii is that the case I guess it is is it humid in Hawaii you
Know you youd think they’re surrounded by a body of water it would be but you know my time in Hawaii there was always a breeze you know which is normal and so um if it is humid there you got enough Breeze always all the time it seems that
Uh Le see I don’t think if you notice it too much if you know what I’m saying Mr big shot you have any extra information on that one no I don’t I used to never miss Dog the Bounty Hunter yeah there’s a shocking Revelation Ross
Dogs yeah that was a that was a fun one I gotta say dog B my show I love that’s your show yeah oh I love it I should get up every morning just watch that but you know it’s not the same anymore they don’t even don’t even do nothing no more
Yeah he pretty much took a step back ever since his wife died yeah yeah that’s that’s a tough situation yeah yeah very tough so canoe Ani says go snowboarding in the morning and ocean surfing in the afternoon yeah right just take a drive down the mountain sure it’s not that
Fast but uh yeah that is kind of nice to having that diversity and uh weather all in one I tell you snowboarding I don’t do snowboarding but I do sled riding and I can’t wait yeah that’s cool pull go get the [ __ ] go get the snow go get
This the sled out and it’s going down a nice healing Sucker Punch says uh Ross like the wife that woman was all boobs a sucker oh man she wasn’t annoying at all says Ross dogs I don’t know how the wife didn’t fall over her moves were huge you’re
Talking about the mechanical moment arm of the uh well let’s just talk about gravity so um I have I got a DM yesterday from one of my uh friends yeah asking me to go ice skating and she know D what I don’t go ice skating we used to let’s
Say we used to be close back then when we was in school and stuff uhhuh we’re just friends and now asked me to go ice skating I see him back I said you know I don’t ice skating you’ve been known I don’t ice skating so
Why would you ask that she said but she used to roller skate I said well roller skate and ice skate is a complete different thing yeah yeah I said I’m not falling and breaking my neck on some ice I said I don’t ice skate ice skat is
Hard roll skating not gonna do that that’s different so you do you roller skate in public or you kind of roller skate uh in a u building with the the wood the wood floors well you see roll skating is like a public thing but it’s it’s actually
Inside a building with W wooden floors though with a bunch of people yeah get on there I do the rhm SC I dance on I dance on skates come on I could do it now the ice skate is totally different last time I tried ice skate and I
Couldn’t do it I need a freaking ice Walker they said come on you can roll blade I looked at him I said hey that’s different this is ice a whole TT of different subject we talking here now and good morning red green keep talking at the same time good morning and
Welcome but I did reached out I told her I would love to I told her I I’ll show up but I won’t be ice skating and I said I said you’re crazy too it’s going to be cold in there huh yeah see ice skating is not quite
The not quite the same feel as you have when you’re roller skating huh no definitely uh and you know when you fall and it’s freezing cold out it’s a different feeling when falling when it’s nice and warm is it Mr big shot that’s right not that you know I’m that you
Would ever fall but like you said you don’t know been it’s been a minute since I roll a skate too but I know I still know I still got my touches I still got my touches hopefully I can put on pair of skates and go right back into it but
You know it’s been a while since I roller skate right if you were able to 10 years 10 years no actually a little longer than 10 years actually we’re go 11 years since I put on a pair of skates I hung up the skates when I soon as I hit 20 years old
That’s when I hung the skates up uhhuh so you must have pretty good agility on the roller skates to be dancing on him so that that’s you know that speaks to some of your talent there huh yeah Sucker Punch says my favorite Dog the Bounty Hunter was when he made that
Phone call saying his son couldn’t bring that girlfriend around boy you never heard anything like that happen before huh I don’t know have you ever done the Cha Cha the Cha Cha Cha song on roller skates I cannot say I have sir no oh tried doing that on
Skates I did it’s a little hard when they said jump boy yeah I jump all right H that’s cool yeah and uh Ros doogs ask what about roller derby you ever see any of those Mr big shot no I haven’t man that’s with them tough ladies elbowing and knocking
Knocking the other ladies on their tails going around the uh oval-shaped uh skating ring I’ve seen some of that classic stuff man that’s some wild stuff I think they even tried to bring it back for a while not that oh man you know my favorite part about roll SK trio trio re
Former line you got hold on to your buddies I think it’s like three I think it’s four people you hold on to each other the trio they blow the wh you got turn keep turning got fast turn the last time I done Trio I looked at them I said yah suck y’all
Couldn’t hang on we lost I said we had it we had it what it was he kept blowing his whistle back to back fast we turn we we got turn back as oh that’s where we lost L huh yeah okay yeah it sounds interesting kind of looking like a centipede when
You’re doing that huh try doing a limbo the limbo stick on the skates huh so Sucker Punch says uh doc the Bounty Hunter has claimed he had a free pass to use racial slurs that’s kind of sounding like U some old Howard Stern talk there no that’s a good question at
Ross I don’t know well Mr bigshot I think the time come to run today’s grossly embellished history what do you say okay let’s go with it Roll It Here we go here we go starting today’s episode of this day in grossly embellished history in 1240 we had the Mongol Siege of Kev yeah I know it’s supposed to be Kei well I’m going to say Kev so there Batu Khan’s [ __ ] Army lay Siege to Kev
And begins assaulting its city with a bunch of catapults the city Falls just 8 days later so if I say Khan was a Mongol is that politically correct ah screw him Khan was a Mongol and a mongel and in the 17 17 the Blackbeard attacks and captures a French Merchant
Slave ship which he renames his Flagship the queen ants of Revenge Blackbeard was a notorious English pirate less than a year later the ship ran a ground off the coast of North Carolina so there you go you stupid oh and in 1893 women vote in a national election
For the first time New Zealand the first country to grant women the right to vote just think about that back in 1893 it only took a 130 years for all those Forward Thinking people to forget all about what a woman actually is they don’t know and in 1916 was the first
German air attack on London and no it did not involve sour clouds or Bor in the 19 22 six ex ministers was executed in the Greece well maybe this should have stayed into the ministry no and in 1956 photography begins on and God created woman sounds like an interesting
Piece if you know what I mean and in 1909 Serge Rock monov piano Concerto Number Three one of the genre’s most difficult premieres at the new theater in New York City um yeah one of the genres most difficult why don’t you try playing that one Pat Dixon and telling the joke at
The same time it’s Joey see and in 1901 austan mailor conducts the premiere of his fourth Symphony in G at C seal concert hall for Symphony and G huh that would have been much more impressive if it was done in h don’t you think and in 1978 Atlantic Records
Released a briefcase full of Blues the debut album by The Blues Brothers becomes the bestselling blues record of all times I mean Dan akroy and John beluchi who would have thought oh the glory of all those police cars destroyed in that movie and in 1895 America’s first auto race organized by the Chicago
Times Heralds Chicago and Evansville on back for six cars 55 mil Frank derri a won the average 7 mph Feast the hell live a horse and carriage son of Castro and there you have it folks as this day in history with grow most disgusting embellishments has been established here
On the morning show with my friend what the heck are you doing what are you doing I’m the mature young man I’m Stupid and there you have this day in grossly embellished and sometimes disgust in history what was that guy’s name that one that the first uh American auto race outside of Chicago there derrier something like that what a name I’m sure I’m grossly mispronouncing it on purpose Mr big shot do you have
Any commentary on that grossly embellished history no excellent EXC excellent I’m glad you like it man so uh got questions here in the comment if I were from North Carolina I would go see Blackbeard’s sunken ship yeah I don’t know man would would it last a long time if
It’s not going from dry to wet constantly cycling between dry and wet I’m not sure how long it lasts underwater now it depends on the type of wood of course as you could see some of those U stories where they’re pulling logs out of swamps Down Louisiana man some of those trees are
Old so um yeah maybe maybe there is a there is something to that you know you think about those guys sailing across the sea and like for instance mellin that was one of the other stories that just didn’t have time to cover for today’s Grocery and Bell’s history but
Mellan started his uh path across the Pacific Ocean you ever take you ever you ever take a globe and look at how vast the Pacific Ocean is and thinking a guy in a boat that has no power is going to cross that ocean if you ever seen ocean waves and
Have you ever been on a a boat in the I’ve been on a powered boat in the ocean and uh it was a small boat and I just can’t imag imagine with those those those suckers were made Columbus yep what’s that Mr big shot uh well we just lost yards acting
Up a little bit just Fayed in and out but you’re good now oh my my sound yeah well maybe that’s because I was boring you with what I was talking about oh no you don’t bore me and um Roso says there’s a Blue Beard as well I’m pretty sure
Yeah I’m I’m not yeah you’re not talking about Blue Bloods you’re talking about blue beards yeah there was a blue beard in fact um when I read this the story about Blackbeard there was a reference to Blue Beard there so I I’m not sure I have to
See the details are they the same person I’m not sure maybe it was the lighting I know there’s crazy stories about Blackbeard that said oh he would go into battle with his beard lit on fire so all the smoke was coming out of it he looked
Like the devil when he was coming at the people on the ships that’s sounds like a Croc of garbage to me I don’t know about you but a man lighting his beard on fire to scare people H it just doesn’t seem doesn’t seem very wise now does it Brent
Says the ocean has no mercy that’s a man living on the uh continent of Australia Brent tell us what part if we could be so nosy are you in southern Victoria State there or what part of uh Australia are in friend if you care to share that
Is rosock says K needs to upgrade that modom so uh is he referring to the sound yeah you did one of the Joey C bits me yeah your thing it went out it went out and came right back in now is was that also the case with the uh this
Day in grocy and B shry no that went by fine okay so it probably is like a microphone issue or something of that sorts yeah I’m not trying to pull the joeyc bit guys I don’t I don’t copy I don’t copy off of others at least not intentionally sometimes I’ll I’ll have
Something that’s reference of humor like uh you know uh that references a joke indirectly but uh you know guys that was actually the first time that ever happened to Kai really that’s actually the first time they actually done that really never heard yeah yeah so I’m I’m working on I I’ve
Got a engineering workstation I run this off of and I do a you know um audio recording with the with the music as well and so typically never had those types of problems so um yeah maybe that’s just one of those uh something weird happened or maybe there was some type of
Uh um the Spectrum on the bandwidth was somehow just you know what guys it may not big Cosmo it might be streamyard because be having a lot of problems too it could be streamyard trying to act up for once yeah did you notice Mr big shot they’re sending out some emails saying
That oh we had this problem on uh chrome chrome had an echo problem and we we’ve uh we sorted that out it was Chrome’s fault are you getting those emails from streamyard kind of blaming others no yeah and maybe they’re right I don’t know 24,400 kilobits per second is the way to
Go I went to some Choo Chu chain thingy when I was a little yeah well what kids didn’t go choo choo chain hell I still to this day go see the kayaga valley uh Railway Railway when they have the steam engines come usually in October uh it’s
Is just something to see you ever been seen one of those steam engines uh steam locomotiv Mr big shot I can say I did I can’t say I haven’t I don’t know I might have I might not yeah there’s something to see man it’s funny and you hear the
Guys talking about it they’re run these trains and they’re like they’re all volunteers you know and they’re like they argue and they fight over who’s going to get to shovel the coal which is a you know it’s a hell of a job shoveling coal into that burner
Right and they argue about who’s going to get do because they just it’s fun to to run that train yeah that giant pressure vessel is a pretty dangerous business they got it under they got it engineered though so if they’re careful they it’s pretty safe ether NE C Brun says he’s in
Western Australia okay interesting that is one place I would love to go have not been to yet Mr big shot have you ever been to Australia no no and no okay uh rosock says Brent has docked himself before West Australia pretty large area right I don’t think he
Has to worry proba we know Brent uses his real name who knows folks uh folks have their own approach on how they choose to handle things and we’re just happy that they’re here visiting I got a new modem today yeah rostock so I run off wired
Hookup I don’t do the uh any aerial I just go strictly excuse me had a cough off air and uh yeah it just goes strictly with the wire it’s just um it’s just takes any of these uh concerns out of the equation rosu says he lives near that River I forget what it’s
Called denal yeah I think we’re on a different continent there Brent says our cops don’t do swatting thank God yeah you hear these stories about guys getting their show swatted with Tim P do you ever hear about that stuff Mr big shot there folks that hate Tim P get him squatted on a
Number of occasions now and other celebrities too no I don’t I don’t follow any type of that stuff K I really don’t yeah I don’t hear nothing about it yep yep my Spectrum was only giv me 80 Satoshi I’m just kidding M shis yeah I have to Jerry Rick and internet
Ethernet yeah Mrs sun says she loves seeing the steam train too Sucker Punch says Tweety railroad yeah it is fun oh he says the the Tweety railroad is now decorated for Christmas where is the Tweety railroad if you care to share let us know I’ve not heard of that before
Is it somewhere around Twitter we go they also have Bigfoot sightings at Tweety railroad well yeah I can imagine there’s guys are like working for the railroad saying I’m going to play Bigfoot today no I’m G to play Bigfoot just hope none of your passengers are carrying they also run it as Polar
Express and welcome and good morning false Bandicoot I was swatted I invited them in for biscuits and tea that sounds like a rather English thing to do or British would you like some biscuits and tea yes we’re all good friends now and now when they when they get a call to swap
Me they know they’re going to come in and have some tea so they’re not bearing arms probably they just knocking and say hey you got swatted again we’re here to have some more tea biscuits there you go oh okay so sucker says um that’s in Blowing Rock North
Carolina I’m not familiar with Blowing Rock North Carolina but yeah it must be outside of rally Durham I’m guessing which uh I enjoyed visiting rally Durham you know they have some interesting restaurants down there too they they have quite a selection I mean there were some Greek Foods there was all kinds of
Things to get over there it’s a rather nice place the uh technology triangle down there interesting interesting area rally Durham Mr bigshot yes are you going to bless us with the song today or anything like like that are you not feeling it let’s see here what song sh oh I got one for
You I like to eat eat eat UT and [Laughter] bananas just one you just G do one bar that’s right one bar that’s all y’all get it’s Tuesday I’m not in a singing mood yet right you’re GNA work it up to Friday right yeah and Mrs honey be and I by the way
That was great Mr big shot Mrs honeybee says when I was a kid we always went to the model railroad my dad had some railroad models yeah that’s cool I remember I had an engineering manager and we’d go we’d go out traveling to you know like Hollywood California and certain certain projects
And stuff and and um whenever we were traveling he always wanted to to stop at the model train shops he was he was an avid uh fan of the railroad models cars and different they got different sizes they go to Absolute detail and scales some interesting things really quite
Frankly and you know it’s it’s a it’s kind of nostalgic you know they are ruining the city with the small town fi really okay oh Mr bigshot shall we wrap it up for the day well you know I think it is time to wrap it up yeah once we start getting guests in
Here we’ll probably run to about an hour and a half show or something like that we do appreciate all the folks here we hope you have a great morning and yeah just let everyone know whoever said yes we would love to have Gino Gat and we
Will love to have Kate me come and join us we will love love that yeah and Kiki yep who knows maybe even Kiki’s mom you never know what the future can hold yeah and uh don’t forget since uh catalana TV is not yet monetized and you
Can help the show support by hitting the like button doesn’t cost you anything it really does help the channel uh also leave a comment uh after the show if you like just to give some feedback like FR and Frank did he had suggestion about maybe showing weather in different cities any your
Suggestions can lead to something that maybe benefits the channel and helps also we got a patreon link in the body of the show description and Mr bigshot always likes to talk about the merch because he is well represented in that department Mr bigshot well yes everybody don’t forget
To go to a March store it’s in YouTube Scripture PL you can find it there’s an awesome cool merch in there there’s a bunch of merch with me in there and Joey see and M to see so please check it out if you’d like to buy something please
Check it out and also don’t forget everybody the alpha shot lounge do return this Friday yeah that’s exciting yeah for sh Lounge return we got the Joey’s birthday special a lot of interesting things happen here at catalana TV Joy’s Joy’s talking about some interesting things for evening show too later night at 9:30
I want to say so there’s there’s some interesting things happening elments so until next time Chia nice driveway Mr big shot what’s your final word my final word is everybody please be safe today and enjoy your evening walking in a winter Wonderland How Oh