I got this new syrup recently from skinny Barista I don’t know if it’s I think it’s the same brand as skinny syrup it’s in the flavor French vanilla oh my goodness it is divine it’s so good in coffee it just smells incredible as well it’s like my favorite thing to put
In iced coffee at the minute I only do a little a little dribble like so anyway good morning everyone I hope you’re all having a lovely week so far it is currently Friday as I’m starting this Vlog doing a little bit of skincare a little bit of makeup this morning the
Bags under my eyes I don’t know if it’s this lighting or what but she’s looking tired today I’m trying to be really on it with my skincare routine at the minute morning and evening I feel like it’s a really nice start to the day just getting up taking like 10 minutes to do
All of like my cereal serums moisturizer oil I have a lot of tools like a lot of Beauty Tools that were just sitting in my drawer like I have my new face which is like the microcurrent device if anyone’s seen it um and I also have my
Red LED light mask just all these things that I’m like why do I not use these like I have these really incredible tools to use in my skincare routine and I just don’t use them so I’m trying to be really on it at the minute so I’ve
Done my skincare this morning I’ve put my robe on this robe was actually a gift from Rage when I got this house it’s like my favorite present anyone’s everever got me it’s so cozy I’ve not got tons of plans for today although saying that I think we might go to the
Cinema tonight to see the new Hunger Games which I realiz has been out for a few weeks now but I’ve been so desperate to see it and I’ve heard so many good things about it when I went to mads selfcare Sunday recently which was incredible I think she’s going to be
Doing some more of those um in like the coming months definitely recommend going and getting a tiet it it was just like such a gorgeous day and such like a needed day I was feeling very I don’t know just not great at the time mentally and it was just such a
Beautiful day she had such an amazing job the gym like all the staff at the gym did an amazing job as well it was just perfect I was speaking to some of the girls that came to the selfcare Sunday about the new Hunger Games as well and they said it was amazing mad
Said it was amazing so I think we’re going to go and see that tonight otherwise it’s going to be a very chilled very cozy day at home I’m actually see in mads and Millie tomorrow evening which I cannot wait for we’re going to have a bit of a girls night out
In Manchester I think we’re going to Peter Street Kitchen and then Albert Schloss afterwards I feel like Millie lives in Albert Schloss at the minute and I’ve not been in ages but I always remember having really good really fun nights there I don’t think M has ever
Been um so it’s going to be a really fun night hopefully and then Sunday I’m going to my mom and dad’s um so it’s a really it’s a really fun weekend I’m very excited thought it was still Vlog today because I wanted to chat to you guys about some things around the house
Because I’m trying to make a few decisions about other sort of like parts of the house that I want to decorate and I just need some opinions and I always love asking you guys on YouTube because I feel like you always give really really good feedback advice opinions I
Think I’ve come to like the realization that my favorite vog Vlogs and just like my favorite content to film on YouTube at the minute is home related stuff and um like decorating renovating I would so love to buy a house at some point that’s like a proper do or oper whether that be
Like my house or if I was to buy something like smaller as like a little bit of a project where I could learn things cuz I just find it all so fun and I love sort of like learning the DIY aspects of things um I love doing the
Living room I’m so happy with with it it’s so cozy and there now that we’ve got the tree up also I filmed this for Tik Tok but I hand knitted this stocking and I’m so proud of it I’ve never actually done any sort of like crocheting knitting or anything like
That before but I’ve always wanted one of these really like chunky uh Christmas stockings and I thought rather than buy one I just set myself the challenge of actually like making it myself guys it looks so good I mean it’s kind of hard to see like the size of it that’s my
Hand compared to the bottom of the boot um but oh my gosh it’s so soft and it’s just like the perfect size and it was so easy it took me less than an hour to do it got some new BBL from John Lewis just some more sort of like I guess like
Patterned just textured slightly more interesting bubles I only had these ones like these kind of plain ones in red and gold last year so I decided to get some more sort of like interesting bobles shall we say okay and then I’m going to bring you guys on what is essentially
Going to be a small house tour because we’ve got all of the rest of the rooms upstairs to decorate and actually starting in the hallway so this is like the hallway in front of me is the front door um we have a very small hallway
That is like one of my things in the next house that I would really love to have is just like a proper hallway where you can actually walk through and go to the kitchen like right now we have to walk through the living room through the
Sort of middle section of the house to get to the kitchen so I would love to have a proper hallway in the next house but anyway jumping far ahead so this is the current situation so we have the laminate here and then the stairs and the Lings are
Carpeted firstly I want to get a proper sort of like side console unit made it’s a very awkward space this especially having a radiator there which I kind of want to get rid of to be honest um and also the alarm it’s just I’ve never found like a unit that fits in this
Space right to put like I don’t know just like a mirror on so I think I’m going to have that that made cuz again shoes just get dumped here we do have a thing um like a shoe storage unit under the stairs so I do actually just need to
Move those we’ve just been lazy in leaving them there I wanted opinions firstly on the staircase because I want to um put a doo rail in So currently we have this hand rail with this kind of like plank of wood behind it so I’m thinking I want to take this out I have
Actually detached this first section here and remove this W because I’m think think I’m going to put a day door rail in all the way through the stairs and The Landings and do the bottom half of the stairs in a darker color and then keep the upper part lighter because you
Can probably tell but you know stairs just get so scof my first question is what do I do about this hand rail and also should we do paneling or should we just keep it just the Dayo Rail and paint I’ll put pictures in the two
Options so you know what I mean but I’m thinking either like do I do like the Box panel like we’ve done in the kitchen or just the D rail yeah seems silly cuz it’s a lot of thought to put into the staircase but um it’s like the first
Thing that you see when you walk in the house and we do have two sets of stairs and two Landings so ideally I want to put a DAT rail in and just paint them and put some prints up and make it just look a little bit more homey okay and
Then we are now in the guest room which does actually get used a lot because it’s really really bright in here the front of the house gets so much more sun than the back of the house as I was saying it does get used a lot this room
Because now that my mom and dad have moved to up North near Lancaster um they’re still working in Media city so my mom stays at least once a week just to make the sort of commute a little bit easier because she doesn’t have to drive all the way home to come
All the way back the next morning this was the room when I moved in that I just I just didn’t even think about I was like I’m just going to pick any bed any carpet no thought went into this room because obviously spending so much money
On a house to begin with I was like this is just not the priority now that I’ve been in this house two years and my mom’s using the guest room a lot more I would just love to make it a more homey space so I think for this room because
I’ve gone very sort of mature and you know earthy neutrals in the kitchen and the living room so I kind of want to make this room like my girly fun room um I’m not going to do it in the main bedroom cuz obviously me and Dan share
That room but the floors at the rooms on this floor sorry on the middle floor of the house we have the guest room and then Dan’s office and Dan’s office is like his room to do whatever he wants it’s like his little man cave like I’m
Just like you know you do whatever you want to do in here so I’m thinking with this room I’m going to do what I want to do and I’m going to make it my girly room so I have some inso from Pinterest I’ll put some pictures on the screen
Here I’m kind of going for like Pastor I mean it’s not going to be like everything is pink but I want to kind of have like maybe a pink bed um I’ve seen one on dusk that I really really like and then maybe just some really nice
Kind of like more pastel bright artwork colors that kind of thing yeah that’s just so much crap in here currently like all of the um coin that we used downstairs because I am going to hopefully put coin up in the rest of the rooms the day rails I mean you can see
The walls they are just mcky from Freddy one question I did have about this room if anyone can give me any advice is I think I am going to take the carpet up in here which I do feel really sad about because as I said Freddy loves playing
In the rooms that have carpet in but the issue is is that for whatever reason Freddy picked this room to be his like secret toilet room so when he was a puppy and even like occasionally now um for whatever reason probably in the night when he’s not been able to wake us
Up cuz me and Dan are just like completely passed out he comes down here and he has picked the guest room to be his like secret toilet spot where he just wee poops whatever I mean obviously the carpet is clean cuz I’ve cleaned it 101 times but it’s kind of just at that
Point now where like it just feels gross kind of just want to switch it to laminate floring now and I was thinking do I do it myself never installed laminate floor myself before from watching some tutorials and things online it doesn’t seem impossible well obviously it’s not impossible but it
Doesn’t seem like it would be the most difficult thing for me to do myself as someone very rightly pointed out on my living room transformation video things just always feel so much more rewarding when you do them yourself do we think that I could fit the laminate floor
Myself or is that taking it too far I don’t know I think the whole process would be obviously take the carpet up remove the skirting boards which is going to be that was my least favorite job when I got this house we took all the skirting boards off in all
Of the rooms that we fitted laminate including the living room I say I took the off my dad took them off he put so much time and effort into everything for me but oh my God it was one of those jobs that I just hated doing I obviously
You don’t have to take the skir and bars off I could just fit it to the skirting boards but it makes everything nice and clean in terms of the finish part of me thinks I could part of me is like is it going to be one of those jobs where I’m
Literally pulling my hair out over how much stress it causes me and should I just get someone in to do it but no I’ve said it myself I do want to learn these things and you don’t learn without doing yeah that’s my plans for this room I
Think that’s going to be oh excuse me and then last one not least sorry I promise I will shut up in a second about the house this is our bedroom this is the main bedroom which you guys obviously have seen again we’ve got our little Christmas tree up in this room which I
Love it makes the evening so cozy like being in here watching a film or something is just so so cozy I do want to do something with this space at this end of the room we have currently the Christmas Tre Tree in one corner currently a chest of drawers in the
Middle and currently a mirror at the end basically what I’m thinking about doing is extending the drawers so I probably have to get new drawers because this dresser this chest of drawers wouldn’t fit what I want to do but I’m thinking about getting draws all the way
Across um kind of like the wall so basically what there is now but extend into the wall each side and then putting shelves above um the end parts next to the TV so have kind of like shelf storage and like maybe a little bookcase or something
Because I’m very much in my reading era now um I’m really really loving reading at the minute so I have a lot more books to kind of like display and store a would it look Overkill B would it look like something that should be in a living room because it would kind of
Look like I don’t want to say a medior w cuz that’s not the vibe that I’m going for um but I I don’t know would it look right is it worth doing decisions decisions I don’t know so yeah those are my Les sorry I feel like that was really really long-winded those are
My current dilemas if anyone has any sort of input opinion anything see what Dan is up to probably working oh no you’re booking the cinema what I said let’s see what Dan’s up to probably working but no you’re booking the cinema no I am working but I’m I
Didn’t say you weren’t calm down we ‘t shown everyone this room this room’s a bit of a work in progress really let just turn like a full-blown full-blown house tour now oh come on come and say hello come and show everyone how gorgeous you are oh yes oh yes you just
Look like a proper teddy bear now what’s everyone’s like preference at the at the cinema I I personally love to be on the backg girl okay anyway I didn’t know if I if I was the or not so I if you just said hello to you oh my gosh exciting news so I
Mentioned this on Tik Tok I think I’m going to start ice skating lessons because I’ve been wanting to do that for ages and I just haven’t got around to doing it so I’ve had a pair of skates shipped off that initially had inline roller blades on to basically
Have ice blades put on um and they’re being shipped back out today I’m so excited so I think I’m going to start having ice skating lessons because another thing that I wanted to speak to you guys about actually I’m thinking about doing the 75 hard challenge in in
January like starting January 1st for anyone that doesn’t know it’s two exercises a day one of them has to be outside so which is pretty easy really because that would just be walking Freddy every single day which we do anyway and then I kind of quite like the
Idea of mixing up my other exercise throughout the week so some days I’d go to the gym some days I’d maybe do Pilates some days I could do a homeworkout some days I could do ice skating cuz that would count as exercise I could do like a lesson do kind of want
To get back into my horse riding lessons as well because I had so much fun doing those so yeah it’s kind of I quite like the idea of maybe doing like different kinds of workouts throughout the week I know I think like going to the gym every single day I’m
Just maybe one day that will be for me but I just I like a bit of variety especially when it comes to working out I just get bored quite easily and yeah I think doing different kinds of things would maybe make the whole like process a little bit more
Interesting as well so if anyone else wants to do it with me um let me know rest of the challenge is obviously eating healthy um so no sort of like snacks or like unhealthy snacks or takeaways which I kind of like the idea of anyway because we spend a stupid
Amount of money on takeaway like we get takeaway way too often and I think the last part is reading 10 pages of a non-fiction book every single day whether it’s like a self-help book or some sort sort of like entrepreneurial kind of B no drinking either which actually wouldn’t be difficult cuz I
Don’t really drink a lot the only time I drink is when I go out and I can just not drink for 75 days like that doesn’t bother me it’s just one of those things though that like I I would really want to stick to it I would have to stick to
It especially if I say that I’m going to do it like I would have to stick to it anyway I’m going to stop waffling on cuz this Vlog is already like an hour and a half long and it is literally just me chatting crap I’m just going to do some
Bits of cleaning and I also need to do my counts which I’m really putting off doing because I hate doing my accounts more than anything so I’m just going to do some bits of work and then probably get ready and we’ll head out for the evening what a little treat this is got
A few helloof freshes at the minute I’m really enjoying having hellofresh again um this isn’t sponsored I know I do work with them sometimes but we actually had someone turn up at the door um basically stellin hellofresh and he gave us a really good discount so this is the one
That Dan’s just made it’s the creamy chicken cormer whenever we get a hellofresh i always get a risoto as well if there’s a risoto option because they’re so delicious especially the Tomato ones but this smells bloody gorgeous thank you darling Oh yeah that good oh my gosh that’s really Good this tracksuit is the coziest tracksuit ever it’s not actually a matchin set but they’re pretty much the same kind of shade of gray yeah this is my little Cinema day outfit we’re not going to go for food we’re just going to go straight to the cinema although we
Are actually going to stop at Costco because we need some bits um from there look at Fred I actually hate leaving him I am that dog mom that just never leaves the house because I hate leaving him yeah I don’t think I’m going to take the camera just because we’re literally just
Going to the cinema so I will check in with you guys afterwards good morning it’s now Saturday um Danny’s actually out all day today so it’s just me and Freddy at the house as I mentioned yesterday I am going out with mads and Millie tonight which I’m really looking forward to that’s also
Why I’m looking a little bit more tan than I did yesterday because I did a quick 1H hour Express tan last night I’m about to take Freddy for a walk he’s being so lazy this morning he’s probably the only dog on the planet that when you
Say the word walk he does not B an eyland oh my gosh the hunger G last night was really good as well Ry at the aan Travis Center and I really need them to give that Cinema a makeover it’s actually really weird going to it now because that was always my like go-to
Cinema when I was younger and throughout high school and things and I hadn’t been in ages and if anyone is from Manchester and used to go to the odent at the Travis censer a lot obviously they used to have like the desk where you would go
Up you would chat to someone get your ticket whatever um all of that is gone now like it’s literally just just screens where you like select your own tickets and you also order your food and drink from there which it was just so weird I was like this is just not what
I’m used to at the cinema um I guess that’s how everything is now like you do everything yourself on like self checkouts and things but I kind of missed it I used to like being able to go up to the desk and like chat to someone ask them like what films they’d
Seen or like what they recommend um and there’s not really any of that now in this Modern Age but the film was really really good I I I don’t know if I would say I don’t know if I would put it above the original Hunger Games I did
Really enjoy it and the casting was really really good loved the music Rachel I don’t know how you pronounce her last name but who played Lucy gray her voice is incredible like it literally gave me goosebumps as I was watching it it was it was really interesting actually like seeing the
Story of snow when he was younger and how he kind of like progressed into the person that he obviously was in The Hunger Games doesn’t he look so handsome in his little fleece are you excited going on a walkies oh you’re such a gorgeous boy
Guys can we take a moment for the Glam I ordered these lashes on Tik Tok shop literally yesterday and they arrived today which I wasn’t expecting them to I was just going to put like strip lashes or something on which is actually really funny because in my last video I was
Like oh you know I feel like I’m in my natural makeup area now like I don’t really wear strip lushes let’s just erase that let’s just forget I said that because these lashes are to die for they’re actually cluster lashes but they’re like an L curl lash which is
What I get when I have my lash extensions done I’m obsessed with them I mean they looked a little bit crazy when I first put them on because I had no other makeup on and they were a little bit fiddly to apply but they’ve definitely been worth it I feel like
They look really really cute now anyway yeah this is is makeup of the night I love it I don’t know what to do with my hair I’m kind of tempted to do maybe like a side part in situation kind of wanted to do like French twist bits down you like sultry upd
Vibes there’s an absolute hurricane going on outside so I feel like whatever I do hairwise it’s potentially going to get ruined it it would have been perfect if I was having like a slick hair day like a slick pony hair day can you hear the win not actually ordered from PLT in a
While but they had some really cute faux leather pieces like skirts jackets we have this little like vest top and I did get the matching shorts let me try this on a sec this is absolutely not practical for the weather because there’s some sort of hurricane going on
Outside what my thought process was is that I could layer some like thermal tights with some lace tights and wear boots with it I’ve seen a lot of like red leather at the minute and I kind of wanted to like jump on board the red the
Red leather train it’s not really what I would usually wear but I kind of like that I feel like I have such a weird variety of taste when it comes to Fashion like I love wearing long maxi skirts Blazers very like classy things but then I also saw this red leather
Poot pants and vest set and I was like love that too I mean you can’t even fully see there it’s times like this when I really wish you guys were like here with me so that you could tell me cuz I actually need some opinions Dan’s not even home okay I’m literally about
To run out of the door but I’ve ended up just going with my PLT Blaze dress and then I’m going to do boots because I’m determined to wear boots this evening it’s too cold for heels I don’t think I’m going to take this camera just because I always worry about losing my
Camera on a night out also not my riding socks put under my boots so yeah outfit of the night oh it’s a very floopy baby it’s a very fluffy baby let’s put you on your bed know I just feel like I’m a terrible vlogger sometimes because I did really want to
Film and Vlog bits of Saturday night but as soon as I got out and I was with the girls I was just having such a good time I completely forgot to Vlog we ended up spending pretty much the whole night in Albert Schloss and me and Millie didn’t
Get in until 3:00 a.m. which is just unlike me because I am a grandma now so I was actually quite proud of myself for staying out that late it’s now Tuesday so I am going to end this Vlog today but I quickly wanted to unbox my eye skates
Because they arrived yesterday and I really wanted to get them out but I also wanted to unbox them on camera because I know I did mentioned the fact that I wanted to maybe start ice skating lessons earlier in this Vlog so I thought we could have the shared
Experience of unboxing them together you obviously know what the skates look like because as I said they used to have roller skates on there like they used to be roller skates I also had to ship it in a hello fresh box because I could not find another box that would fit these
Skates in I sent them off to everglides which is where I actually got the skates from initially and they are amazing customer service wise so helpful um I had like a full consultation to kind of figure out what style of boot would fit my feet the best
And things um yeah just they were just amazing Moment of Truth oh my God oh my God they are actually beautiful God they look literally perfect I’m obsessed with them so yeah they did have um rollerblades on previously I actually bought these during Co because I don’t know if anyone
Remembers but at the start of 2020 oh my gosh was it that long ago I think it was that long ago I started a series right at the start of the Year where I was going to do monthly challenges so I think the first month was like basically a 4-week
Transformation challenge so I went to the gym every single day and then the second month I ate vegan for 30 days so that was like my challenge for 30 days was to stick to a vegan diet and then I actually was going to do roller skating as like a 30-day challenge I was
Basically just going to try like a bunch of different like Hobbies things like knitting crochet in which obviously I’ve started doing now as well because I just think it’s really fun to kind of like learn new things and try new things I feel like when we’re young or especially
When I was younger I always loved trying different Hobbies I guess as an adult all you kind of just like put it on the back burner a bit or certain things just feel a little bit silly to start like I kind of thought that with ice skating I
Was like I’m so past the age of learning to ice skate because most people would have started ice skating when they were like really really young I just I don’t know I don’t want to kind of like limit myself in terms of what I try and what I
Do just because of like I feel like a little bit too old to do it so yeah that’s why I actually had these skates because I was going to do 30 days a roll skate in and then Co here so I pretty much just had these boots sitting in
Like a cupboard for years and years and I’ve only just got around to getting the blades put on them so yeah I think I’m going to try to book some lessons for January I have found someone at Ultram ice ring that I know does private lessons I messaged her maybe a couple of
Months ago so I’m hoping she’s still there I think lessons is the best way to go about it as well because part of me thought like obviously you can just go down to the ice ring and practice yourself I messaged Erin as well if anyone follows Erin Williams she is so
Beautiful she’s one of like my favorite content creators as well her content got me through Co because she also started taking skating lessons and she said that it’s really really worth doing like it’s good to have the lessons rather than just practicing by yourself because obviously like you can pick up bad
Habits if you’re practicing yourself um and XYZ so yeah I’m hoping I can find an instructor to do private lessons with kind of wish like I could do it with a friend I feel like doing it with a friend would be really fun but I also
Don’t I don’t know if any of my friends will be down to do it maybe I need to ask them Millie might be like down to do it I’ve also done a couple of cluster lashes today because after doing them on Saturday I forgot how much I love them
These ones from ker actually really nice I’ve only done two on the very outer corner to make it kind of like natural looking but winged um and I feel like they kind of just look like really natural lash extensions so I think I’m going to start
Doing these for dayto day I have to say as well because I always see on Tik Tok especially um if anyone does a video about cluster lashes there’s often comments of people saying that cluster lashes and the glue have ruined their eyelashes so for anyone that uses
Cluster lashes and finds that they ruin their lashes or they really struggle to get the glue off this glue from Kiss it’s the falscara remover so I use the falscara bond and seal and then to remove I use their like specific remover if I try to use just my cell water to
Get the glue off it does not work like it literally doesn’t budge obviously it’s a stronger glue than like your typical lash glue because it keeps them in place so so well yeah if you’re someone that wears clust to lashes a lot I’d really really recommend getting this
Remover because it will just make your life so much easier look at this sleepy boy hi baby it’s so cozy in here in the evening with the tree on still only on season 2 of Gilmore girls I’m really enjoying it it’s just taken me a while
To watch for some reason I think it’s because me and Dan have been watching a couple of things together but I’m going to sit and watch an episode now whil I’m uploading this Vlog yeah I think I’m going to end today’s Vlog here I realized it’s been quite like a chilled
Chatty Vlog I really hope you guys have enjoyed I’ve honestly just enjoyed like catching up and yeah just like going through house stuff and future plans like plans for the start of next year that kind of thing I’ve kind of decided in my head that the guest room is going
To be the next room that I tackle so I’ll probably start filming that sort of like room transformation soon um but if there’s anything else that you guys want to see in the meantime then definitely let me know thank you so much for watching anyway I hope you’re all having
A lovely week so far and yeah I will see you guys in the next video