All righty so now we get down to something we talked about last session and the we in the session before that and that is the concept of utilizing role playing to change the course your actual life is on and so we’re going to be talking today about what kind of things you need
To unlock your potential what is it that you need to consider when looking at what skills that you wish to accept and attempt training on which ones you have perceived that you have uh already got a skill in and you want to advance and all of that so the first one that’s required
Is a Frank assessment of resources what do you know to what level do you know it what sources can you site What mechanisms can you draw into use which computer programs are you familiar with these are all things that are your resources some of them are more tangible
Than others perhaps you have a aant for public speaking maybe you have what it takes to do broadcast and to elevate your message beyond the living room so to speak this Frank assessment is how you’re going to determine the Baseline numbers for the Persona that you are
Wishing to advance toward in my case one of them is I wanted I wanted to become more of a public or visual presence and to do that I had to change my appearance hence the change of my haircut the change of my beard to a much more trimmed
Version even the style of clothing has somewhat changed when my when there was an increase in my uh Revenue stream one of my agendas is to uh to get an entire wardrobe that’s more suitable to what I’m trying to do until such time I’m going to operate with what I’ve got to
Work with but the idea is to have a really Frank discussion of what you have what your skill level is and what you’re attending attempting to increase so that you can grant yourself the numeric rewards when they’re Justified and the ability to advance your persona towards your objective this includes Your
Arsenal of Alternatives and tools what is it you can draw upon do you have a are you a quick quick hire quick study can you do you have a variety of skills in my case if you went through the panoply of the different occupations I’ve had air traffic controller microwave antenna
Installer cellular technician I owned a trucking company and a landscaping company and a moving company and and and and and you can build out the list now in certain cases they are supportive the skills that I have as a landscaper definitely would have helped me with the
Muscle structure required to be a mover but they don’t necessarily directly align so it’s a matter of understanding where your skill crossovers are and granting your skill modifiers accordingly once you developed this list then it becomes a matter of how you’re going to advance the character through
Your story now your story is obviously those things that happen with you in them or without you throughout the passage of time going forward but you really need to also be able to dedicate your processes to to develop the discipline to do the things that you
Need to to accomplish what you want I’ve just recently started back with the you know fundamentally form of physical therapy is to get back into my roller skates and I put them on the other day and I was shaky as a leaf but I still could navigate I still could move and so
This is just a tiny step forward but it does reestablish where my Baseline level is because if you had asked me where I was without knowing not having put the skates on or while I would have made an overestimation and then I’d had to be embarrass to bring that back down so by
Recognizing when I put the skates on that I’m way back down on the skill level now I can begin that prog progress to advancement again recognizing what it’s going to take the next is to make sure that you are engaging in these actions in an actual operational environment if all you’re
Doing is practicing you’re practice you’ll only be good at practicing so if you are not a public speaker find ways to become one if that’s what your goal is find places to speak whether it be in a community study program maybe in a school classroom environment there’s a
There’s a ton of ways to start to progress down any skill path if you wanted to be a carpenter you got to swing a hammer and you got to swing a hammer to build something so start looking how you can do that the idea here is that you want to engage in
Actual operations because it will actually give you actual feedback on your your uh talent and skill level so that you can make the adjustments to approach the levels of Competency you’re looking for the final thing in this portion is to realize that your actions in the field
Need to provide you with feedback so you’ve got to be willing to accept Frank and functional feedback from individuals that observe you whether it be I’m I’m not to the point where my SK skate competency is back to where I would be willing to do so but in short order I
Will eventually be going back to a skating rink so that I can get feedback I can look at the comparative value of what I know versus what others know what my muscles have relearned and so on and by having this feedback I’m going to be able to therefore adjust and alter not
Only what I think I know about myself but what real advances look like when you do all of this when you when you P when you allow for all of this you’re providing yourself an opportunity to look at a capacity for course correction let’s say I find I
Don’t have the chops to be a a dancer on skates anymore maybe I’ll relegate myself to Simply being a casual skater again who knows I might find out and get back up to the the level of proficiency I once had but I won’t know until I try it so
By going through the process and engaging not only in the practice world but in the functional world of roller skating for example then I can actually get the feedback to know what I might have and therefore course correct maybe adjusting from uh competitive dancer back down to uh you know General roller
Skater and this All Leads also to the idea the or the the fact that you need to be able to develop realization of recruitment renewal as you practice and you esteemed like for example in the case of my appearance I’ve made changes to set a new Baseline
I haven’t determined whether or not I’ve gotten to that new Baseline yet I’m therefore experimenting a little if you’ve noticed I’ve done various things with the the the chin whiskers and stuff to decide what what I want to do in that in that Avenue but these will lead me to
An idea of whether or not this transition was this transformation was where I wanted to go or whether I need to look at another uh radical transformation protocol in the future the main point is that the reason for doing all of this is to make the measurements of your movement me uh
Measurable you want to be able to determine if I’ve spoken publicly for say my 50th episode am I a better public speaker than I was 50 episodes ago can I quantifiably see the difference and can I track that so that I can make measurable metered acknowledged advancements so that character
Development on the in the character sheet the idea of keeping my new role in mind I can continue to move towards that projection in a realistic way and by doing these pieces I bring the role of that which I want to be more in line
With the person that I am to the point where they will once again align and I will be the person I want to be the reality is is that the world is a game and we are all Mily players and the only way to win is to actually play the
Game so with having said that we have reached the end of the materials I had for today I still I’m running right about the same time frame so I’m feeling pretty good about that uh this has been Nikos RPG nightly uh this is uh been
Game Master J I’m still game Master J at Jonathan Alman and I will see you next time here’s the information you need to know about our resources if you want to know what to gain access to Nikos RPG you can go to Nikos which has product info and Merchandising if you go
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Groups and get access to Advanced information and such all righty this will conclude the show for now make sure if you like what you’ve seen you follow us here on Twitch if you haven’t yet gone over to YouTube we are at Nikos RPG and you can watch tons and tons of
Videos including our playthroughs and other uh types of uh videos more of the nyos Nightly News sequences and story lore as well i’ this has been Jonathan Alvin game master game Master J and this is Niko