This has got to be the place this is it a few moments Later What’s up everybody happy Sunday and happy New Year welcome back to the Rog five canteen happy New Year Janine it’s been a heck of a year but uh well we’re here tonight we love that you guys are uh spending your New Year’s Eve with us and we’re g to make it worth
Your while we have the link right now in the uh chat so anybody that wants to jump on through the night please do we had fun with that last week we did and we’re going to have some with it this week again um we do have words of the
Night so you can make us drink resolution part and because of what Janine posted earlier and she nailed it with the time zones felt like one too she nowed good job it only took since October but you did great it’s a little much to think about
All that time right I think it’s because I used to live in New York so I don’t know the time zones yeah East West I’m still screwed up because in New York East was where the water was in California West where the water is and I
Just give up I’m 55 I can do what I want I can say what I want well you don’t look a day past 40 so uh 30 we’ll say 30 but uh so for sister how you doing this week I know you’ve been busy with work is things winding
Down finally at your job or what’s going on it is it’s getting quiet I did forget to get our little happy New Year thing so I wore my Star Wars ears in lie of them we are doing inventory next week so I am back to like 53 to 63 hours a week
But I’ll get through it the week after that I’m gonna take an extra day off which is awesome and maybe a short day so no complaints here how about you I go back to work this Tuesday and I’m not looking forward to it but I am
Thankful to have a job so I can’t complain too much though uh it’s gonna be um after a long time off it’s hard to go back but um oh yeah a fresh start fresh Year my vacations kicked back in you know my vacation time so news I’m looking forward to getting a
Good year last year started kind of rough with my dad pass and in January of this of 23 of 23 and um you know things you know are still a little weird you know I Had My Moments obviously especially this time of the year but um
Yeah I mean with you guys and what we’re doing you know keep my mind off of things a little bit more so thank you all for that so so what you do today me yes yeah we um well we were going to chill at home but yeah we ended
Up going down to the casino I did win some money but um yeah we we I don’t win anything and like when that when that and I was playing a penny machine so when that machine went off yeah I wanton a good amount of money but uh nice I drank a
Little bit hanging out a little bit with some friends and um yeah it’s a good day so far nice still trying to get a little bit more in I got I can sleep in tomorrow so it should be fine I have to work yeah oh you gotta work tomorrow
Yeah five o’clock not terrible did you do anything today or I went to Target oh nice yeah I had to get some cat things like the cats eat better than we do these days so it’s all about them and we ran out of Max’s freeze dried chicken
And you would thought like you know the house was falling down around him so I had to go on emergency run and then have you heard about Maddie I think most people this all right so Maddie who is the gray cat uhuh he eats shrimp oh really he’s expensive he
Shrimp baby that’s his treat that’s what he survives on so I had to go get frozen shrimp that we then run underwater so we could defrost them and break them up into little pieces for them so wow yeah welcome to my world we have a bunch of
Divas house bunch of Divas living in the this house not me I’m not one of them no he probably e better than you right he totally does he completely does can I just I gotta hold this up because I see that star Geeks has signed
On and this is some of his work I won this on the spice Runners giveaway look at the colors I wanted that I definitely want to meet up with him and and um purchase something from him he ditched me this week I me him he didn’t answer
Me so star Geeks you’re on my list uh oh no I’m just kidding dude I’m just messing with you but uh at some point we live too close not to hookup so uh I’m definitely gonna get something off of him them them portraits are nice man they’re really nice that’s this is
Captain Rex I mean my gosh are you kidding yeah that’s that that Darth Vader one that he had that night that’s the first time I think I was actually like pissed that I didn’t win right I don’t even know if I said congrats to anybody that night or
Not was so nice man well this one was the one that Scott wanted to win and then when I won I was like wait what and then he they did a giveaway on hyperdrive did you know this so hyperdrive did a give so they gave away two things they gave another
Of his pieces and they gave away one of George’s so I’m on and I answer I won another one of Sean’s pieces and then Scott won the same night right yes Scott was the next winner of the night and he won rigged he won George’s piece which
Is amazing so I like I already know exactly where they’re gonna go I can’t wait for them all to get here I’m gonna learn how to frame at work I want to do it myself and they’re all gonna go over our bed I think it’s gonna be bad oh
That’s nice my wife would not have that right you know she’s like you can have the hallway leading into the room this is above the garage so I could have the H when she said I could have the hallway I was like are you sure like I may put um the
Tuscan Raider helmet up there she said I don’t care what you put up there but that’s that’s it you stop it into the Hall exactly I’m gonna get you a rug for that hallway I got one remember the one the rug B yeah and that’s what started
It I said that does that mean I can have the hallway and she’s like you can have the hallway but it doesn’t go past the hallway and I’m like I can deal with that I I’ll inch my way all over the house exactly and that’s what happened
With Scott he was like you know um I’m like so where you gonna put that and he’s like I’m thinking downstairs I’m like can we keep it all in your room and then you know fast forward like six months later the whole house is Star Wars literally yeah yep it’s so
Good yeah so um just a little bit of housekeeping before I get to the chat next week we introduce our new rogue woohoo that’s pretty exciting it is exciting yeah nobody’s been guessing who it was I mean they were talking about it in the chat before the show started were
They I missed that I have to go back and read yeah yeah it was pretty funny the exchange with Zombie Hunter and H Pats fan was pretty funny um but that and then I see CC tickets go on sale tomorrow also so um I don’t I think it’s
Noon I may be wrong but I have to look that up But yeah I think it’s 12 noon yeah I don’t know I have to look it up I’ll look it up before the end of the show but tomorrow they definitely go on sale the VIP the regular um admission and the uh press passes so anybody who’s looking to go to iccc
Tomorrow is the day to look at the website and and I actually got a message out to Michael Haven so he may jump on to promote I just don’t know how busy he is tonight so he may not but we’ll see what happens you never know some fun
Stuff happening we’re going to start the new year off right next week with the newest member of the Cantina and I’m excited to announce who he or she is right here next week so that’ll be cool exactly let me get to this chat real quick a lot of people there yeah and
They were here you know I know Rosa and zombie andat faman were here a couple days ago and that’s cool uh zombie hunter was here three hours ago said three hours to go so uh hopefully he jumps on again he was a lot of fun last week um he was I keep
Thinking about those 3D prints like literally all day yeah that R2-D2 for how long did he say three years I mean seven months straight like all the Mario all those were just so cool that I think of any I I you know like Rex and all those guys
They do amazing things but I’m a little bit intimidated by that thought and then you look at like the Mario thing and all those and it’s like yeah it’s a lot of parts I get it yeah the tasan devil all that stuff however not any not not that
The other guys don’t don’t um don’t explain a whole lot about it because they all do but I just think he went so in depth about it last week that it made me like realize like what it’s all about he made it seem like something I could
Do like I could bust out one of those maros I could totally do that you know that’s a starting which was cool I felt like I could yeah at least I can screw it up and then keep trying I can at least give it that you know exactly you know so yeah all
These guys they gave me the and you you gave me like the courage to I bloodied up my art the clown last week and you were so proud I read so uh yeah so thank you all for giving me the courage to try that so uh it came out decent I think I
Mean you can’t really mess up blood honestly I mean it’s just splattered you know so blood is blood blood is blood um let’s see who else is here Ken patsan was here 55 minutes to go he says what’s up dude hopefully he can jump on the night with us right
Um see I know they were going back and forth for a little while those two and then popped in let me see who else popped in here I jumped in there under both of the names A lot of people out partying tonight I would imagine yeah I haven’t done that in so many
Years I can’t even tell you the last time we try to keep it lowkey we do that little um we call it like a crawl we just go from house to house to house and just try to keep it safe in the neighborhood so have to drive and all that stuff but
Uh yeah me see here oh Brett stopped in he’s gonna go hang out at the neighbor’s house and have some fun but he said May the force be with us we need it we definitely need it we’ll be back at full force next week so uh I did
Enjoy these two weeks with my first sister so this has been fun we had fun yeah definitely I knew we could do it oh yeah definitely I’m still scrolling they had a really long exchange here we go Zena 5150 happy New Year thank you for showing up
And hanging out with us tonight jump back on if you like yes the um the other half of the first sister got Barry happy New Year brother the first Mister the first mystery there you go that’s awesome I like that yeah have to change his uh handle on
Sp Let me see who else is here trooping with Robin hey Robin I think these ears have to come off they’re hurting yeah they’re gonna give you a headache Chris Elliott’s here happy new year thanks for uh stopping in um ah better J day 636 hey J thank you for joining and
Happy New Year to you as well right happy New Year speaking of the devil there he is Workshop good evening good evening sir youo Rando hey Rando how you doing buddy thanks for coming in the Cantina this evening Cass formerly mcass is here what’s up dude jump back on if you
Like let me put yeah I’m GNA put the uh link back in and as soon as I’m done going through this chat yes keep Mando Marine hi mando Sergio how you doing and then Santino we don’t have the button the night but what’s up [ __ ]
I he had a great post on Spice runers Lounge this week I’m sure saw it yeah and then Rose is here she wanted to pop in wish is Happy New Year and she’s visiting her dad yeah hang with the family have a good time be safe and uh
Thanks for popping in Rosa we always love to see you here let’s see that might be it that’s a lot of oh star Geeks yeah jump on with us we can talk star Geeks I’m going to put the uh link back in in a second in case it got uh buried
In the chat there you go Mega demon collects what’s up dude thanks for joining us hope everything’s well with you me see I faced my Fu user so whoever you are thank you and then Jeff happy New Year dude thanks for coming into the Cen and I think that’s it so I’m going
To go ahead and post the link again and if anybody wants to join in please do we could talk about whatever you want it doesn’t have to be Star Wars tonight it could be anything we love Star Wars we do we can talk about anything you want
We’re gonna talk about the year and review a little bit you know just our favorite shows and uh favorite moments favorite things that happen um do you have anything off the top of your head um Janine that I don’t know I don’t know I still haven’t
Watched that new what is it Rebel Moon me either me either one of these I you not Tom Tuesday Scott’s gonna be up in um Ontario on Tuesday and I’ll be home alone so maybe I’ll watch it Tuesday because he’s already seen it um trying to think of what else what
Else is new and exciting there’s so many new things um as far as like releases go and hot toys all that stuff I’m like crazy interested in because we have a pre-orders that are gonna hit so we’re at that you know yeks moment but what I’m super excited about
Is I referred to a gift that I got for Scott and I don’t remember if it was just to you or if I did it um on stream but I was talking about a gift I got for Scott that I was gonna benefit from and was hey what’s up you guys roommates or
Something starting to worry me yeah I like some else is running around the background too there right it’s hi what’s up little back what’s up y’all what’s up everybody happy happy new year happy New Year what man open open mic night oh oh [ __ ] I just kicked them off what up what’s up
Everyone what’s up what’s up Rex how you doing Rex and effects what’s up Happy new yearsing on there’s more than one happy New Years Happy New Years plal Walmart gramar nice floating shelves Rex thank you I that’s right we’d have never guessed that you make him yourself the dining room table my
Computer’s on I made too oh my God all my stuff is bought from the store yeah right yeah never hom like [ __ ] hell no mine will be all [ __ ] like slanted and leaning and crooked exactly if you if you can’t make it you shouldn’t have it so that’s how how I’ve
Always been you’d be perfect in like the 18 17 1800s you know like Little House on the Prairie time man you can make all your own [ __ ] what’s funny is my wife watches little house like Charles Ang every night always says you would be you would survive and I’m like yeah you want
It yeah he could bathe in the Stream he could build his own [ __ ] he build his own house I die the first day I’m done you’d get a splinter and have to making some woodw I get a toothache and die yeah yeah I’d be screwed cut your finger off just take it
Off yeah you can chop it off bet I bet you Rex know how to do that too it gets in the way to sterilize it afterward you do realize the one shelf on the bottom is smaller than the one on top right was that on purpose yeah because so I little
Comic books there okay engineer too that’s right I’m thinking about holding them pulling all the shelves down and putting like a brick that faux brick wall behind it and then put them back yeah I have that in the basement but you don’t want to see it it’s all like even match up nice
Yeah you guys having a New Year’s party at uh whose house are you at we at the the the back nice nice nice that’s fun what topics you all got tonight uh we don’t know we’re just gonna look back at 2023 and just you know me and the first sister just talk
To whoever pops on that’s right and then we reset for next week with all the father back together Janine I lovea saber super bright I think’s awesome is it it’s cool I added some hair a little bit on the velcro I was trying to cover the velcro so I had
Some batting that I added as hair oh nice covered a little bald spot put a Ruby’s mask on his I saw that looks good yeah his eyes are still like freaking me out for some reason he needs a little contouring up here or something like right now he looks a little stoned St
Little bugged out but that was like the depot picture so I just closed them a little bit you know what’s crazy is like their Halloween stuff sells out so fast it does this didn’t like I couldn’t believe it so you were saying people were getting it for like a 100 bucks it’s
Like and it’s silicone it’s not like it’s you know a blowup thing or anything like that it’s really well done it’s 50 bucks now I don’t know yeah see they didn’t have any at my Home Depot right Joey walks in buys four I go in there and they’re like what are you
Talking about I’m like we don’t have that left like I walked in there and like you want to buy a Yoda I was like I already bought one I overpaid You full price I bought it back in November yeah but you can’t take a chance because theys out so fast y it’s
True surpris didn’t go get a try to go get a price adjustment right I would have I definitely would have because I did that [ __ ] with a grill one time I said look I just bought this I bought a grill it was full price and then like a
Week later we’re walking through I’m like [ __ ] this thing’s like half off and she’s like well we can’t do anything about it I’m like okay well then I’ll just bring back the greasy one and uh I’ll buy it again and she looked at me
Like [ __ ] he got me like he went to she went to get the manager she comes back she like here’s the adjustment no problem bringing back the greasy one dude I don’t care like you want the greasy one back he just want you to do that yeah user happy you too I don’t
Know who that is but thank you we got massive uh fireworks going off in the background here is a massive following we don’t even know who all the people are that know Janine they’re like it could be someone from high school I hear fireworks here too I hate that [ __ ]
Honestly don’t hear a lot of them out here because it’s a fire thing because Governor New would hang you if you did that outa it’s called California no fun it sounds like a gun it can’t be good oh my good EXA is a Facebook user you got Dan
Lopez Tanya Wilson oh nice 9950 online nice cheaper in store nice nice nice Home Depot Home Depot will uh price um uh price adjust if it’s on Amazon cheaper as long as it’s new and it’s yeah you can see fireworks open window yeah I hear
It this is the first ever on the weot we don’t have right am I right you know right yeah who else who else is at the party is George there with you guys too right he’s at Mojo’s house yeah wife kids the uh the Dbacks and the the
Mayoras wow yeah nice just up looking at the collection room that’s a mess a ready for 203 be over yeah when do you think the room’s gonna be full power to B you gonna have it up soon or like man I think even when it’s um I’ve got everything cleared out I’ve
Got so many pre-orders so there’s like gaps fill in so have to wait probably like four or five months yeah right yeah and then did you guys see dmds uh full paint reveal on the bakara yes so now I’m thinking about that amazing yeah I got a lot of pre-orders
Too what’s up Crystal damn she’s right’s on fire the chat is on fire yeah I got I’m kind of like I’m kind of worried because where I do my pre-orders from like I I have a feeling a lot of this shit’s gonna come out the same time but yeah
Because I got uh Tekken Tekken Recker um the 40th anniversary Return of the Jedi Vader oh nice um thrawn and then the D back with the Stormtrooper and then I also have dark cities but I may cancel him because I’m not I don’t know if I’m really liking that one
Anymore know dark cius I don’t know yeah yeah it looks like he’s gumming his food yeah I was looking at him the other day on on on spice run like I don’t know man right that’s a fomo right there yeah but you know it’s tough on that because the
The robe and everything that was one of my favorite robes his from thought that was so cool that outfit they were finally doing one yeah the face is a little creepy old man I want the Palpatine but I missed out on it so now I’m like if I don’t get this
One I don’t know we’ll see I’m thinking about picking up that Captain Enoch I’m really thinking about that what’s up Tony I don’t think I want the I don’t want the hot toy I want the helmet eventually hi Chris oh Rex well there you go Rex is working
Have this one done by the end of January nice who’s that for is that yours no just making stuff to make stuff damn you now I might have to message you know kind of what paint you’re gonna use on that for the gold finish yeah I’m
Gonna mix uh I’m gonna do liquid leaf and um uh grab it Le Leaf is a dop color so alclad gold and liquid Leaf liquid Leaf is just hair bit too thick to throw through an airbrush so thin it down with another cold it and it dries like super fast
Too how many gotta do on that you think one it’s done that’s awesome Y and then you just go over it with a black um it’s called Lamp black oil paint oh yeah and then wipe it off and it it literally looks antiqu and aged it’s good to like feel better Sean
To make like me like silver look more metal like Star Wars nerds we on [Laughter] it man um is this the first this isn’t the first Enoch you’ve made though right no made one for one of my buddies uh John Joker and it turned out awesome yeah
Did yeah what’s that b Droid you got back there in the green the what battle droid you got in the back yes I am Tony for sure so that’s going to be a full life-size battle droid I just haven’t finished the arms and legs everything’s printed and just not everything sanded
Yet nice but it looks pretty cool just like as a bust I yeah it does part of me just kind of to leave it like that yeah and then I I just finished uh Canon jer’s mask uh tonight right soon as I got off work that look good dude yeah
That’s he made it look easy the pain job on that you know I’m old when I get home from work I’m ready to do nothing he just starts over he make it makes it look easy he’s just like I know that’s so cool well it’s fully felt lined on the inside that’s
Cool well I love on the top yeah you got the little uh Niche marks okay here we go dude you could pull off the look that’s awesome that’s awesome man yeah that really is that looks good you just can’t see through it at all so gota use [Laughter]
Course that’s funny and that one I I fully resin printed the entire thing so there was like barely any sanding wow this one would probably fit you Janine it’s just a hair bit it’s for a tiny head I have a huge head are you kidding me in like every picture I’m
Behind Scott for a reason because I have a huge heading onine it’s right all the way back Oh my gosh that’s funny it cost me like to resin print all of it it was like 30 bucks and it was like oh that’s too small oh no I gotta do it again no that’s the thing is it’s such a costly Enterprise right because you got really Scott really
Really bagging on the W what the hell exclusive while we’re talking Scott Scott apparently doesn’t want to see 2024 exactly yeah my God you notice how he Wast till gets his presents then he talks [ __ ] right that’s funny so I got up what I was talking about before you guys jumped
On is I’m like his stuff is literally all over the house and there’s stuff still in boxes so I’m like all right I’m getting him a shelf so I got him this shelf that is from Home Depot but like people are converting it into like a Mau
Case kind of look so had it delivered and I was shocked I got home yesterday it’s all set up I was so impressed today he put lights on it he needed he wanted like a particular shelf liner so I made that happened from Home Depot it was
Like eight to get it delivered I’m like I’ll do it Whatever It Takes project needs to get done I’m like can I help you carry some stuff upstairs open boxes whatever it is you need I will help you with so he’s really excited so his background from now on is gonna actually
Be some of his stuff that never it’s not just gonna be the red light anymore no which is like you know yeah well the curtain will close when he’s working but you know he can open it which is really cool so he’s pretty excited it kind of light that red
Light is pretty much his trademark I know like just remember your stuff’s going to be orange he’s like no no only yeah those Home Depot really nice I’ve seen a couple oh yeah like the Husky ones I wouldn’t recommend but like the muscle what are they called muscle something those are
Super popular and then Kings whatever those are the ones so that’s what we got yeah I was telling that but I want to do a shelf to like Elevate the six gentle giant bus was like everything’s in a cabinet they look cool but like it’s funny he
Does the same thing I do and I was thinking it was just me but like you get in there and you got to duck down to see him like yes yeah it depends where you’re sitting in the room it totally does but now that I got him that shelf
I’m looking at this thing I got from work and I’m like man I could put a shelf there and probably hold more of the work that I did on it which would be really cool you know yeah we will see yeah I need time yeah if you need help making some
Shelves if you need help with that just let me know I’ll walk you through always the best on on screen Testament the work is behind you it’s true yeah like I was saying it was a major because like to fit the shelf behind him he had to move his whole rig
And I posted a picture a long long time ago of what his rig looks like but it’s like you know stuff on the ceiling with all sorts of cameras coming down and you know his workspace so it’s been a huge project but it’s done just about
99% and you see some pictures great you know we’re not getting any pictures until it’s perfect that’s Scott well we’re not getting it from Scott because he doesn’t post exactly exactly hit that like button thank you Rosa that’s right hey guys I I have to run but my
Main thing I I just wanted to say thank you to all of you for you know all the support and you know really like following everything that I make it’s been absolutely amazing this year so thank you I’m very thankful for all of you guys so much thank you so much being
Part of this community make it fun yep we’ll see I’m hoping to make a bunch of cool stuff so yep Rex and effects that’s right thanks for stopping by dude appreciate it man no problem man hey happy New Year everyone everyone in the chat thank you happy Year man happy New Year
There cool dude these two guys he probably worked 12 hours and then he goes home and and Tinkers I can’t I don’t have the energy anymore oh we talk about it all the time yeah one loves that yeah while you’re here what what you guys have like a favorite moment of
2023 or any memory that hits you like off the top of your head that you want to share or anything here’s your time much go ahead Jason moving to Florida that’s a good one I mean I would love that one it is absolutely it is on paper was good it’s it’s been a
Little bit bumpy with the yeah getting the kids acclimated so good it’s been been a Challen uh you know I think it was just being able to spend more time with the community and uh folks Channel and getting to meet so many cool artists seil hey Sean what’s up man what’s
Up how are you but I I’ll steal a little bit of Evans Thunder the the helmet we did for him in the plaque because that was so long oh my gosh yes that was so cool showed up Veterans Day weekend which was not planned it was
Like that was perfect yeah y I remember like thinking like I don’t want to give it away when is it g to happen did I miss that excited when it finally happened I’m like that definitely good highlight I wasn’t expecting that at all oh my gosh
That’s a amazing that’s a one of one right there that’s cool well it was funny because my wife got into on it she’s like yeah let’s do Star Trek all over because they’re saying he’s a Star Trek like yeah let’s do it let’s do all these classic Enterprises on it I
Was like what the hell is this right Li to me Jo Joe I I wanted to tell Joe I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance to get up with you this week but I was busy I’m sorry man I’m just messing with you dude I’m G give you my number too Joe I
Gotta get you all no I’m just messing it’s been a busy week I understand that you know like we got time did you see the Met Sally episode week no Sean is like oh I live like four miles away oh pretty soon pretty soon we’re going to be doing like shows like
Eban and du back do right in the same you know say room but you know so whose room are you to go to which would you guys decide would you go to Joe’s or Sean’s it don’t matter we go back and forth you know there you
Go yeah it’s funny because like he was on your show he mentioned he was from Delaware and then I was like damn I wonder what part and then last week he said bear and I’m like damn that’s like right there like it’s so right kind of
Ridiculous not to like hang out you know awesome be surprised how many collectors are in the same rting yeah but in this area just it’s odd because you don’t run across anybody from this area on you know on these type of shows that uh that you’re that close
To so it was really cool for us call more man yeah hopefully are you going to iccc Sean no where where’s that at where where is that Nashville n oh no that’s that’s a I can’t be doing that that I gotta ask you why you why can’t
You do that like why uh it depend you know man my work schedule’s crazy so yeah like I’m in this right now for me is uh I’m in the spring summer season because you know I do kids clothes so I have to design all that for spring and
Summer and that’s gonna be like the next [ __ ] almost like three to four months we got 10 months yeah yeah not to October oh October oh [ __ ] I thought it was like you know coming up or some [ __ ] normally it would be but they they changed it to October oh okay on sale
Tomorrow oh yeah tiet do on sale tomorrow I would say I probably but then there also there’s also New York ComicCon yes so I think this is better you gotta prioritize it yeah I mean for Star Wars but see I’m I’m doing the conventions too so like I’m trying to
That’s right you said that last time yeah so I’m doing like the artist alleys and stuff so I’m trying to that’s money you gotta put out money stuff like that so you know yeah money iccc is greater than nycc and you could you could make you get a
Booth there you can get a booth like um uh what’s the artistic lifestyle does he got a booth full of his uh of his pictures and all that I look I’ll look into it though they you know yeah cool that’s all we ask just look into it yeah that’s all we ask you
Know I’m a promoter for this for this thing you know I gotta do what I can do you got you got to hit me up whenever you want to hit me up just hit me up on like the prince stuff like that because you know I yeah I was chatting uh in
Messenger with Sean yesterday and finally he’s like you know no I don’t I don’t do this just call me here’s my number I’m old school man listen ra i’ rather just yeah you know what he was chatting with you when he looked at mine and ignored it that’s what it was he
Like forget it forget that that guy Joe you right down the street so I’ll probably going see like a week I want to get a print off you too though seriously I yeah I got you I got you man you know what’s funny man like you know sometimes I sell stuff
Sometimes I’ll you know if if it’s if I’m in the hands of good people man I just I’ll give extra stuff man I don’t I’m not I’m not that kind of dude man I’m not like yo oh I need this and that I just I rather just give it out and if
Somebody likes it somebody likes it man I’m a good dude like that man that’s weird I like friends like that that’s great doesn’t pay for anything he doesn’t like to pay for anything yeah Jo you good friend because now I’m like if I’m trying to get rid of [ __ ] I’m like
Yo just take it please just am am [ __ ] I’m a Gallagher yeah oh my God I’m gonna like share all the texts that I get from Joe saying put on your cart did you see this from Hot Topic did you see this like from Amazon and it’s
Endless he’s like just put it on the cart don’t even worry that was kind of a joke from back you know a few months ago she said well I don’t I don’t really get it till I get paid I’m like put on the card then pay it when you get paid right
Don’t let it slip through your fingers get it now buy now pay later exactly that is a dangerous thing boy that buy now pay later right your credit card company is not gonna come to your house and take the damn Darth Vader helmet they’re not gonna do that
Yoda yeah oh my goodness I’m trying to I’m trying to I’m trying to run away from NC because they got so much stuff coming out I’m like oh my god dude I can’t do it man right yeah I already got the slave one and I’m like man every you know every
Month it’s that 225 I’m like yo all right yeah well because I think the add that was supposed to come out this month right so they delayed that and the so everything’s hitting at once you froze up I froze up one of us froze up Frozen up everything’s good
Now that you’re wagging your glass champ sorry I have to go fill champagne that gentle giant Darth Vader was supposed to come out in uh November right it’s been like postponed or something what’s going on with that I have it on pre-order which one the bust
Or the bus the bus yeah with the half you know face you know I can’t remember that pushed to December now I’m here in March that’s okay but yeah it could be sooner because like when I was trying to get Scott the bus that I got him for
Christmas I could not find it anywhere after Christmas it popped up on Amazon it popped on on entertainment it popped up everywhere so who knows when they release things or when they decide to you know they push they pushed the act bar back for me because I had got the
Act bar yeah they pushed it back because it was It was supposed to be earlier like November then it put kept pushing it back December January so I don’t know interesting huh I get it I get it what happened there yeah what’s what’s he saying gonna unfriend you all
And all back friends but only next year it’s funny he’s too funny yeah General Giant’s been having issues I know they changed their point of cell system and they canceled out all the member Guild thats reallys yeah and if you don’t check your email like like me I don’t
Check it I didn’t realize that I had to go back in and reorder my Vader mck or Vader MC I was so pissed off D I was like what the hell they they wer going to like notify people correctly right there’s like nothing on social saying to go check your
Messages Jason hi guys I’m from deliveries back in time I waste my money on Collectibles that cost like dollars for just a normal Yoda like from 1999 why do I need that I don’t know I wanna I want to hoard my Star Wars collection and uh what’s your YouTube name so follow
You we need to follow you on YouTube you have to post your link so we could all follow you right he’s nothing like Dad this is a lesson don’t ever waste your money on Collectibles that don’t even matter look you’re not matter so we can throw away the fall Nights at Freddy’s yes
Yeah that’s your college fun buddy oh that’s funny crystal said D got younger right he looks just like him yeah he did a Santino says love you guys love you too Santino jump on dude get another for this week he was on here all week all like the whole show last
Week what’s that you got there Janine hold on a something else on Marketplace starts making it rain right I sold my chest set I can’t say the name again with a d e r or something chess set but anyway I sold it yay all the that I don’t that doesn’t matter to me
Anymore I’m starting to sell and like it’s been a big week like free stuff yeah no complaints I’m off Christmas yeah oh Mar no I sell it on Marketplace Marketplace Facebook you have to pay taxes on Market no no now what do you do like ship it or
Do you ship or do you like make them pick it up local I say cash and local pickup because like s die is a huge Star Wars area if you haven’t figured that out so I get pretty lucky my prices are not outrageous like I’m not going to ask
Retail price for something that’s been sitting here for a year and a half or two years you know yeah and you can set up alerts you find you find some amazing stuff out there every now and again yeah absolutely yeah Sean found the um Han Solo and Carbonite for 250 stinking
Dollars I’ve been looking every day since you told me that for the same deal I can’t find it I found the two I found the two Star Wars bus the um the Vader and the uh the Boba Fett I think I found on eBay it wasn’t dude I would drive
They’re people that are local collectors so they have in pretty good shape they take care of it yeah and you know what the community has been great because I usually sold like mostly Star Wars stuff and then like some of my hobby stuff like cricket stuff stuff like that but
Like every single person who has come to pick something up has been so nice so respectful you know like the Star Wars Community doesn’t scare me on Marketplace you still have your phone set to 911 just ready to press exactly I still it out there with me when I go to
The car because like I make him pick it up here or pick it up where I work you know and I still bring the phone you know just in case but yeah everyone’s been awesome I get a lot of military where I am so I trust them because I’ve
Worked so much with the military so you know I’ve had all good experiences too I have a sign that says you’re no longer a trespasser you’re now a Target so I think that freaks them out a little bit so when they see that they’re on their best behavior jump
On I um I Billy with the DAR Vader I walked into I went down Jersey somewhere it was deep in Jersey and I went to it was dark it was dark it was late I was like I don’t know where I’m going in Jersey and then all of a sudden I went
To it and this neighborhood just changed it was just like lights and it was beautiful and then yeah I walked up to the guy’s neighbor and I I walked to the guy’s door he invited me with Open Arms he was just like come on yes this guy
Had a collection that I have just amazing he he was just remark it’s so true yeah and that’s how it’s been like selling my Legos it’s all been military guys from myar and like I still keep in touch with them which is just like the coolest thing ever I’ve become friends with all
Of these people I’ve sent spice rers links I’ve sent Rogue five Cantina links they ask for them because like my car like I’ve got all the Star Wars stuff so when they pull up and they see it in the driveway and they see like how I’m dressed usually they start asking so
That brings up the dialogue and it’s just like they like this chick’s dressed like Yoda this old lady I saw today why does she have a Han Solo why does she have like a Han Solo after exactly why does she have Stormtroopers on her ears yes I do oh
[ __ ] know what Sean’s saying though like sometimes the thrill of the hunt and then you go these Shady neighborhoods are like I don’t know such a good price exactly only fans that’s that’s I was thinking too I was like chair I can picture like somebody welcome up to Janine’s house try to buy
Something and she’s out front with a lightsaber welcome we have a Star Wars welcome at so that’s at the front door she probably puts her listings under the first sister too what the hell is this that’s awesome it is awesome I wanted to since Sean is actually here
Right now I wanted to show once again beautiful I’m glad you got it I have my favorite part right here that’s my favorite you’re you’re gon you’re gonna need a pair of Jordan 3es now so cool amazing is that what he has on Jordan 3’s in the picture yeah that’s
Awesome man love that I I’ve always been a fan of the fours yeah I’m a fours fan too man I’ve had them when they first came out when I was what uh 13 probably I love those shes D I used to wear Pro wings from [ __ ] uh I I I Pro wings
Too they were from uh what’s the name of the name of the store um this is half of my sneaker collection wow right there oh yeah it’s crazy it’s great you wear damn Sean you got a dope space man some shoes set up a library right I used to have 300 Pairs and
Now I used to have a good amount of shoes too and then I gave up on all that I still have a good amount of shoes that I don’t even wear I sold I sold everything for statues Star Wars stuff I like wearing flipflops most of the
Time I’ll give you a virtual P right San Diego San that’s about it I know like Target shopping Walmart it’s like t-shirt crappy got save money aming I had to stop man I had to make sure I had to make sure one thing was good and the other
Thing was like I had to just kind of step away from well yeah it gets cut through too with some of those limited releases and you gotta be out there I used to I used to like I I knew all the sneaker guys around here like I
Collected I used to camp out remember I guess I don’t know if you guys ever seen people camping out for sneakers and stuff I used to be one of those dudes used to yeah that’s so awesome like what you love man yeah out at Toys R Us for Revenge of the
Sith release of the toys yeah I was doing that too yeah I remember waiting outside like I used to wait outside for wrestling tickets overnight for like like WrestleMania and [ __ ] like that remember I wait outside overnight right and it’s funny because people talk about
Like did it run in your family I think Sean asked me that last week and my grandmother was that way and you know she would like stand outside and wait for like hobby Holly Hobby or the cabbage patches so that she could get them for her grandkids she would sleep
Outside she’d wait outside so yeah definitely runs in the family kind of thing so I got a question will you for the next Star Wars movie will you guys all be day one waiting outside waiting in line no no no easy I’ll wait I’ll wait for day three yeah we’ll wait to
Hear what eban says we’ll I’m still confident I’m a day one guy like I’ll be there day one waiting in line so fun though exciting it is I agree I feel burned man so many times yeah agree it’s just that it’s the energy and it’s also like the other fans
There you know what I mean going on a on a bad date you already went on one bad date you really want to keep that date keep that you know that person going we can start our own thing called other fans instead of only fans hater fans I don’t know I gota
See the trailers and stuff if you’re in yeah the great movie I’m not true in a Russ to watch you guys were talking about I didn’t realize it takes place so far after the last one 15 years after yeah yeah I watched the Fon verse one that one might be
Cool yeah a lot of the fan films are showing up in my YouTube and I’m like do I want to watch them and I’m like yes and then like no so yeah I don’t know the of the F films probably pretty good yeah the was it eight of fate or
Whatever hell was called the cartoon that they just did for that one was fantastic is it all right finally I finally copied it it before Disney takes exactly I was I was talking to eban today I was like yo Disney might take it day he’s like I better get a copy of
That internet hilarious I better watch it tomorrow before work yeah it’s pretty impressive yeah the last part when where it starts off with Obi-Wan and Kenobi talking the whole fight scene oh it’s fantastic fantastic nice nice nice what were you talking about bad dates here you see this bad
Dates oh I got a story about a bad date was he on the blue pill whys yeah’s like shut up all right oh no Joe was gonna okay let’s hear it Joe I want to hear some El this first I think it was my first date my
First date so my dad had a dentist office at our house so there were two entrances one to the dentist office and one the front door in the house and it was a kid that I went to school with and he asked me on a date and I was way
Young I was in like eighth grade and I was a tomboy and I was like what so anyway he wanted to go roller skating and my mom was like say yes so he came and he rang the wrong doorbell he rang my dad’s Bell and I was like for his den
Office and I was like completely horri I’m so so that was like one check mark in the negative Direction and then we went roller skating and his brother showed up and I’m like all right another negative but I mean at least at that time I got that first date like done
Like it was done but yeah not my favorite time he was a nice kid he really was he Star Wars I have no idea we didn’t even talk for a second we went to Catholic school we were afraid to even look at each let alone hold hands I
Was wondering where this was going I thought some numbing medication would be in or something oh terrible terrible terrible but as an adult I think I got better at it I am so sure I was someone’s bad date but what was the got first like the bad first date it was in
The Red Room it first date with Scott my first date was Scott so we met online we were both um working at an internet uh radio station and he was well he wasn’t working there yet he was a futured band and I was doing the promos and stuff so
That’s how we met and we didn’t meet for gosh in person for like another six months until we all went to the radio station in Upstate New York and um we had been really good friends for that whole entire time we talked all the time and we decided that we would you know
Visit each other he would come to New York and I would go to California and that lasted 17 days and I just popped up and moved she packed up the truck again moved the Beverly two suitcases left everything in New York figuring I’d probably you know ship everything and it
Goes to show you how much in life like all this how much in life you really don’t need I went with my two suitcases I’m pretty sure I had to like unpack a couple of things because they were over 70 pounds but never shipped anything I was he playing the keyboard in the
Background playing some Journey maybe maybe because his b was Super Active mer right they had just finished an album so it was out and we were promoting it big time so probably that’s awesome nice love it Sean what about you good dates no I never I ain’t never had no
Bad dates I was good or so something this was Delaware come on that’s your story yeah you know that’s probably my now you know what I’m say get these women on there anybody who dated Sean who’s watching yeah’s the link on on no that’s I never never I’m always
Good I’m always good now now later on in hindsight I’m like ah I should it turns to a bad day when I start talking about having kids and yeah I met the internet had just started there was no like um what are the dating sites whatever the dating sites are
Called they did didn’t exist then oh yeah well yeah and you know what that leads me into mind because remember love at AOL remember that oh AOL where the bomb back then it was like theing all that noise was going on you get online and
All that so I I went on there I was doing like I was chatting with people on there I was in like a Delaware chat room and I was talking this gets better dude like you’re not even going to believe what the [ __ ] happened like talking to this chick for like weeks and
She was like she had she was really cute right were you catfish I watch that Jo that’s all well let me let me get to this hold on a minute I don’t even know if you can call it a cat but uh so I’m talking to her I’m like the picture looks
Good we end up meeting Sean you probably know where price Corner shopping center is right yeah I know all right we decide we decide to meet there just to say hi whatever and I get out of the car and I’m looking around and I’m like and we had our little Nokia phones
Back then so I’m like where are you she said I’m right here so then I’m looking around I’m like I looked down and I’m like holy [ __ ] it was a [ __ ] I had no idea that like I had no idea she was like a size of a hood ornament like so
I’m like what the [ __ ] is going on like you lied to me like the pictures made you what’s that vertically challenged is the [ __ ] never live in California dude I was looking all around like where are you and I hear this little voice like I’m here I’m like where is it like I
Look down and I’m telling of a hot toy and if I know now and I know now you would have been in my deto but I don’t know like it was wild she may have been something today I don’t know and that’s why I love Suzanne
Malik when she’s on because you know it gives me that little memory of what happened to me back in I think 98 she was a ja yeah like I can’t see us together so no I’m 63 dude with a size 14 shoe and she’s like
I don’t even know like the size of a bobblehead oh my no offense but I just it just wouldn’t work like I’d have to pick you up kiss you and just much effort for you you’re like you can’t dust the top of my cabinets my detox I
Can’t lie I did have that moment of like I had a couple IDE but I was like N I better not anyway yeah the craziest one I have but it wasn’t really a date because I ended it right there and I told her you lied to
Me like you lost out at least wearing Star Wars shirt when you showed up huh were you at least wearing a Star Wars shirt when you showed up no yeah yeah had thee not at all dude I was trying to get some I wasn’t gonna like wear a Star Wars shirt and ruin
It man flowers and everything if I did she would have dragged them home because they were bigger than her oh man I mean no offense I mean not everybody can be 63 like me but um yeah but I just she just didn’t never tell me that I’m like we talked about this [ __ ]
Like how tall are you and I could have swar she said 52 she must have said 32 I don’t know you had to sleep on me her [Laughter] alone I thought some of these stories would have ended up in like a Star Wars thing but they did
Not well she she was the size of a jaw off that counts but I don’t know I’m pretty sure someone in the chat Menace line oh my God if anybody in the chat has a Story come on in hell yeah come on that’s great yeah you don’t
Have to stay on for an hour you don’t have you can come on and just be like hey it’s me and I wanted to say you don’t have to have powerful equipment you don’t have to have anything we’ll work around it this is your New Year’s resolution give us something come on
People we’re spending our New Year’s with you I could be what’s that what are you guys looking forward to in 2024 for Star Wars me iccc and hanging out out with good friends again have a good time there honestly yeah I can’t wait till October really right I’m just looking forward to
Being surprised like things just popping up being surprised there’s nothing that I’m like planning or looking forward to that’s on the books look at Rosa said she’s 51 Rosa you’re a giant compared to what I had to deal with that day there’s a suggestion right there
Duag tell us your first date with your white we know some of us Doo don’t do that she right don’t do that she right there don’t even say nothing bro don’t even set yourself up it was a cold stormy night Governor Nome had just set all the man
Beats what’s that a Christmas party a company Christmas party let’s just say Nazi garlic fries on your third day the girl that you’re really in love with you guys saw Dumb and Dumber right when he had the relax you know what’s going to sound crazy is I’ve never watched that
Movie what and I love those stupid movies I even got a picture with two guys who were dressed like them and after I got like out of the picture I asked my friend who were they supposed to be because I never watched yeah yeah I think the haircut screwed me up I
Don’t like that the bangs like I don’t know I couldn’t get past it yeah no it’s a there’s there’s a very uh applicable scene there where one of the gentlemen is uh having the worst diarrhea of his [Laughter] life but she still years later she’s over in the catch
Yay wasn’t too bad what what I’m looking forward to in 2024 Star Wars wise right let’s get back to that yeah n um I don’t even know man some Collectibles that’s about it man I’m not what about your art what do you what do you have on the horizon to make man yeah
What are you itching to make yeah what are you GNA make me you know I got some I don’t even know man like whatever comes to me man to be honest like I’m that person but like if it if it comes to my ideas like I want to start doing
Kind of like ships like kind of give it in in that style that I that I kind of flow with um like you know some ships uh I’m working I’m working on something right now but I think I showed y’all when we were so I’m working on that one
And I’m working on a couple other uh ships that I kind of want to give that graffiti style to just kind of make it look good and that’s really it you know um how did the idea come though do you ever sketch or is it just like you’re walking along you’re thinking about
Something else you’re like oh that’d be cool yeah it’s just come sometimes just comes to my like I you know what’s weird like with me is I’m so in and out of like different art styles and stuff that I want to do but I try to keep
Everything more uh graffiti kind of like my style cartoon heavy line stuff like illustrations um but I want to like kind of like it all depends like for now I’m probably do ships I I still want to do an R2-D2 I did one a long time ago but I
Want to make it into a toy so I’m trying to trying to get I’m trying to get actually set up with some guys now who can create vinyl toys and like one yeah with like a sneakers like a sneaker style s show sow does them with a guy
That you know um his name is Tracy Tara he did some stuff years ago we’ve always clashed back and forth but like you know he’s his style kind of ran with it so like I kind of I give him respect on that because he does a great great idea
With that stuff so but um yeah I still want to do my own though like because I still want to do but my stuff is all Star Wars so I want to do like more Star Wars heavy stuff so we see we’ll see 2024 we’ll see what happens you know
What I mean I want to see TIE fighter with some graffiti on the side of the the wi yeah I want to see I’m working on it working on it I want to see the emperor with like a gold grill or something there you
Go you need to put the tear drops oh the tear drops oh I’m totally gonna do that that’s a definite that’s already a definite number and I put a 13 over here that’s right or a 66 right there a scale barge with graffiti on the side or
Something be cool that’ be cool well it’s so funny uh you talking about those little just little touches that’s what I think makes Star Wars so great is all those little touches you don’t notice right away Evan was upstairs in the collection room looking at the Java six
That he sold me he had in his collection he’s like I never realized the tail had a scar on it right there I was like dude this was in your your setup but you know got the Jabba’s got the tattoo on the forearm he’s got that Slice on the tail
Like just all these little notes that you just don’t pick up right away it’s just kind of cool yeah you can do that with your art too I mean you could I do that working into your style yeah I try to I try to hide little things in my art
Just to kind of you know yeah yeah I even do I even do that with some of my work stuff nobody even notices though sometimes I put like Star Wars references in there nobody even notices you know I put a birthday in there something you know it all depends so
Yeah I know um artistic lifestyle he he did a uh a Adat and he had graffiti all over it so wish I had a picture of that but it was pretty cool man was um he had a pretty a nice nice amount of good cool
Stuff at his booth at iccc last year oh nice cool too is that you can produce your own stuff now Santino [ __ ] happy New Year guys Happy New Year can’t on just came to see it what’s up what’s up brother thanks for doing I appreciate it you guys
Good we’re good we’re good man how are you good hangover yeah I’m GNA have one tomorrow probably but no too much whiskey yesterday oh but I bet it knocked the co out didn’t it oh yeah it cleaned it out killed it that’s the way to do it had to purge
It off you do hair the dog dude just take a couple shots yeah exactly feel the burn in the throat it’s gone you’re done yeah then it burns it burns down there after TMI like that I think no shaving party so let’s let’s throw the question Santina what are you looking forward to
In 2024 for Star Wars Captain Rex the premier format yeah announ yeah more importantly uh you ever had a crazy uh first date crazy first date yeah so far you have to beat midgets and diarrhea yeah about the mother it wasn’t it wasn’t [ __ ] diarrhea it’s too separate
Stu no I think the craziest was mother daughter mother player player this is one for other fans PG go ahead tell us the PG part of it yeah I didn’t have to hold any hands you what hold any hands I don’t know how to make him more PG than
That it was two two chicks and one dude yeah oh nice man you remind me of a dude just who just don’t [ __ ] around like yo you you like yo I don’t play around with no [ __ ] like you straight shot like yo he’s like all right so we gonna do this or
Not I don’t I don’t care if you’re related of anarch Canada over here exactly oh man with the same rubber he’s like so who’s gonna be first exactly hey what’s your name Big Boy Dar Kenobi right we don’t talk about Bruno here you am of times I’ve heard that song you should
Man pay you some money every time to say it seriously anyways guys can’t stay on just came and say hi happy New Year happy New Year man happy New Year good we’ll talk to you soon dude take care what’s Janine doing you eating I am I’m starving I knew
It every time she Fades to Black she’s eating a pizza or something Evan Evan what you looking forward to in 2024 Star Wars wi 2024 Star Wars man there’s a lot of stuff coming out NC of course they got a lot of things coming out that uh
The ad add of course uh waiting for that thing the slave one waiting for that thing to come in uh what else did I get oh the Cloud City are exclusive for oh yeah I’m waiting for that thing to come in what else man oh DMD we’re working
With the pass vizla spice Runner exclusive so he’ll be teasing that any day now so that’s that’s coming out this year or 20124 so I’m looking forward to that one that thing looks badass D you guys are gonna like lose and who’s signning who’s signing that Tate’s supposed to sign it okay
Buddy my buddy you like only only two people know that story maybe he could yeah maybe he come in the chat there it is there’s the link hey there you go come on and talk about the coffee dude yeah let’s talk no so yeah what else uh man I got a
Couple pre-orders still I I totally forgot I was trying to do a headcount the other day of what I got left and there’s like 16 coming in 2024 and like three of them are going to be January oh wow when’s the um when’s the Cloud City get uh
Released I gotta get an updated schedule for Michael but it’s should be this year sometime hopefully towards the end of the year but uh’s he’s going to give me a new schedule he’s been moving things around based on production delays on other things yeah 100th episode oh that’s what Jeff’s
Looking for 100th episode yeah we got a bunch of giveaways we’re going to do that night so that the next one is that the next episode or uh four it’s like four away nice we should have been at 100 a while back but we took some time off here and
There didn’t feel like it you I mean you went hardcore this this year we didn’t take any time off I did you guys did last year we took a lot of time yeah little break trying not to do that either that’s why me and Janine right stuck it
Out I just didn’t want to have I didn’t want to like being so new I didn’t want to have that two weeks off and then yep people forget about us you know because you know that should happen y what’s up Andy happy New Year you know and sometimes you text
People when they look at it and don’t answer you know it is what it is right you are getting my number right after this I love you brother I’m just [ __ ] with you man start the new year off right people get mad at me I don’t
Respond to them I’m like oh my God are you mad at me get a l of those did I offend you got time to like go through all the messages so I’m sorry if you message me and I don’t get back to you in time yeah just take it as dead to
Him Evan’s usually pretty good about responding well if I if I know you it pops off quicker but if it’s a name that I don’t I’m like it’s probably some H or right I got a I got a Peter Mayu real that’s almost at a million views wow
[ __ ] BS I get from it I can only imagine oh my God they’re like oh you misspell this or like he’s saying this and blah blah blah you just respond with the and people just arguing with amongst themselves I’m like oh my God these people are [ __ ] stupid you know like
Wish I had that kind of time it’s just a real that’s amazing that’s that’s where Sean says yeah well here’s my phone number call me there’s a whole thread in there about people arguing about his accent they’re like he’s from then you call it and the numberers
Me near near the number you have called has been changed hey David happy New Year dude happy New Year man happy New Year happy New Year Happy New Year David this stuff is fun oh yeah if you guys haven’t seen Sean if you haven’t seen David White’s stuff he
Created like an automatic Star Wars room door it’s crazy he’s got like a Pneumatic work he has a Millennium Falcon one scale I think SC offer engine need some nuts as we speak exactly got you make some dinner not even the first date wait what a good husband he’s bringing
Her money and food I know exactly I haveen him trained well it only took like 15 years got him trained yeah replace them now my wife just brought me a beer I said hey if I text you will you bring me a beer and she’s like yeah I’m
Like is the garage attached to the house does she have to go outside or is it oh no she wouldn’t do that it’ be too cold then hey no it’s attached nice frog yeah his frog looks like my frog yeah that’s the only like it comes
At a like a angle then it has a flat top so like if I get too close like when I’m like looking like trying to put my helmets behind the TV over there crack my head every time I a big melon too just like yeah I got this big red
Spot right here for like a week afterwards damn it but it was worth it because I got my helmet up so right that’s awesome the pain we got to go through to get these rooms looking good right it’s never end I’m a room tour and I still haven’t
Even gotten to the room tour part yet I’m just like you gotta that dude I was telling Janine I got rid of my tall shelf back there and I just got that other one today oh yep I had to put it together like in like 20 minutes a KX
Yeah yeah yeah nice I like them cuz they they display the helmets nice so they do well they’re like uh the opening is nice it’s like a 13 by 13 right yeah yeah you do hot toys in there it’s good solid so now I want to get that window
And I want to get that I was showing Janine what’s that called like the um the garden panel from Home Depot yeah the panel from Home Depot window never seen them in but when I go I never see them D yeah so like my first store carried them
My second and third stores did not carry them so I just got them locally I would imagine my Home Depot won’t have that in stock just because they didn’t have Yoda and they basically don’t have [ __ ] else stores yeah the neighboring Store look at the neighboring stores and pay the
Pay the $8.99 become a pro pay the $8.99 to get it delivered inside tips you get it free if you’re a pro oh damn no but you get eight 9 deliveryin two hours I must be a pro then because I they offered me that with the Yoda I just didn’t take it you
Should have I canel the Yoda because I got tired of looking at everybody’s Yoda I’m like I don’t even need it I’ll just everybody else exactly no it doesn’t cost anything it’s like having like the grocery store card it’s just like a loyalty program but there are perks which is nice sounds
Fancy what’s uh what’s holding up the room tour dude yeah really Perfection I needed to be you I took dear to Heart a couple years ago never let perfect be the enemy of the good you know what weird I’ve had I’ve had a couple buddies of mine down here
And it’s like they’re like man this is perfect I’m like wait not she like no I know the feeling dude man yep it’s never ending I don’t think it’s anybody be perfect you always want to change things around you know that’s just the way it is y always change and stuff but
You know the I don’t know the thing of it is is like when I think about where I started out an apartment and I had like one deto you know one next to it was like nothing and it’s like now you can’t finish off anything because you got too
Much room too much time over moving things around true so it’s an embarrassment of riches it’s never gonna be like done you know what I mean so you know and that’s the that’s the fun part you don’t want it to be done you want to
Keep part of it I don’t want mine to be perfect because I want to be able to keep like adding on and changing and get rid of things and move it around and well it’s kind of funny like after the force awakens I’m like oh man I’m gonna
Build out a sequel section and have all this you had your whole Last Jedi section right you did but you know it’s because I did a a room tour with nerd zoic came over here and did a room tour for me on his channel right and my everything’s totally different in my
Room in that little bit of time I changed so much around y it’s totally different it’s like you collect and then you cure it you know you try different then I have my overflow basement for my stuff that I don’t want up here anymore so that’s my like my
Little pregg graveyard you know I’m not ready to get rid of it yet but it’s close so that’s where it goes but think about Advent of everything on Etsy 3D printing like I mean that opened up a whole new line of products You’ never consider having before yeah could get
And it’s like oh wow fun to a pro account this guy’s still working on Home Depot he’s not talking about yeah because like first I was I love the Black Series helmets and then once I found ex coer and then I told Janine to buy it and put on her card and
All that like but now with Rex and Joel and all these people making these awesome helmets I’d rather have theirs than go by anybody’s because like I just feel like they’re I don’t know instead of being mass produced it’s just somebody doing what they love to do and and it just
Feels right you know to get it from them it’s it’s weird though because even though we say the Hasbro stuff is mass produced but yo some of this starting to be hard to find it really really is scout trooper dude yo that was like [ __ ] trying to pull nails to get that
Thing man like it was I don’t think they produc that many of those I don’t think so either I think it’s a tough piece to make yeah so yeah I mean don’t get me wrong I still like the Black Series I just I don’t know I just for me like I’d
Rather have Rex make the Enoch for me then go to and wait for the Black Series to come out I think it’ll be I think be better quality because yeah honestly because I’ve seen some of his work and I I have his a tuskin Raider that he made even
Even if Hasbro me away ended up making it I can guarantee the hold up is the licensing time the approv time with film you just get somebody that’s not doing a licensed piece and they’ll just get it banged out you know will come back reive so I mean it’s cool that you’re
Getting a license but at the same time it’s like no I could get something just as good if not better faster yeah Jeff Sage um was nice enough to send me the Home Depot link I’m gonna see if I can share it I’m not sure I’ve never done it before let’s see what
Happens there it is she’s done it so it’s $74.97 and if you don’t have it at your local store you can see there’s Shi to store and then there’s also local delivery so 3 feet by six feet so like a window is what that’s like a
Normal window width yeah 36 in so I would just need it cut to the wind good luck cutting it I’ll just have them do it yeah it’s it’s a it’s plastic yeah it’s easy it’s so funny like when I had them cut that that brick paneling that I was
Telling you like we were talking about earlier the guy he was like we really not supposed to do this um they’re not well not because saw I was like well can you can you just try it please and you know because it’s not gonna fit in my car and
You know blah blah blah whatever the dude yeah the dude cuts it and like he saws Right Through the Wire of the saw yeah and like you see all these Sparks and [ __ ] and then like he he got through the whole thing so I’m like well thanks
But his boss comes over and he’s like y at them like and you got all these wires and Sparks and [ __ ] going all over and I’m like sorry dude but thanks see you later there’s reason they don’t cut anything plastic and it’s because the saw is so powerful that it melts it so
They can cut it and you can be on your Merry way but the next time all of that plastic has since like cooled down and it shoots like bullets and it’s an oia regulation yeah well it just start all that plastic don’t think it was the plastic
Shards that were getting him in trouble I think it was the severed wire from the thousand saw they were worried thousand well yeah I was like well see you later bye chuck my gosh he was a Star Trek fan anyway I heard so chck never worked there again Chuck works for Lowe’s [Laughter]
Now he works for JC Penny exactly in the shirt Department he can’t ruin anything oh man it was so funny and it was still hard to fit them things in my damn car yep so I was like jamming them in and I had a beater because I we
Always keep a beater on the side just to like oh yeah put the dogs in and stuff so I’m I’m like pushing this stuff in it’s scratching the headboard all up and I’m like my wife’s like what are you doing I’m like who cares it’s the beater
Like who cares that’s what it’s for doesn’t matter yeah that’s why you call a be yeah yes yes yes yes thanks Jeff for so 7497 for a 3 by6 is that right yeah sounds about right oh is that Scott saying that’s what it is in California
And everywhere else it’s $40 it could be it was like 38 something in other states for yeah I don’t know I was thinking about you guys today because I paid like $50 to fill up my tank from empty oh my gosh and I’m like that’s probably like one gallon for like
Janine she went down it’s like4 75ish a gallon now I paid 355 for premium today oh my God I pay 309 today still $7 73 all right 73 bucks in Florida Ean do you have the um that Home Depot thing in your in your uh setup oh
You don’t okay I got all those panels in my garage oh okay okay but you have panels from ET the Illuminator ones they have a galactics galactic somebody made my panels if I was to do that in in that window back there do you suggest like
Putting the light behind it or you think the light from the outside at least in the daytime would be enough I would do a light behind it I yeah I think there’s like light box you could put behind it yeah yeah yeah so it’s easy yeah put
Kind of like can you send me a link to one of those somebody what you would put behind that some justed one in the Star Wars Builders Group so I’ll find it just need some like two inch wood and chop it up yeah you’re just need to bump it out a little
Bit put race paper behind it something like that or but then from the outside would you you be able to see like what would you be able to see the light and the no if you build a box and you you put like the white background on it they’ll just see
White on the outside look at Jo think wife approval Factor exactly his wife is like a curb appeal deal dear no actually this window like we don’t have many neighbors so nobody will be able to see this right we have like one we like 10 houses in this
Area right and nobody be able to see this window wow that’s a good thing that’s not well when I run around here my Star Wars underwear nobody sees it yeah Star Wars under ruse that’s what he’s calling him hilarious IP’s oh yeah IP I guess I’m gonna give everybody last chance to jump
On one last chance jump on year even if it’s quick if you don’t get on now you may never because uh next week we’re at full power know everybody’s like shy today it’s because that’s why we’ll drop so people can come they’re intimidated by uh what did you call yourself do smiros
Stupid all of a Jason’s son’s gonna log on from another room what was it what does it say those oron something oh yeah know Spanish hey I’m I’m jum I’mma jump off but um hey man I want to thank y’all man seriously like y’all y’all gave me a platform and y’all helped me
Out and I appreciate y’all and I love dope man I love the Star Wars Community it’s really cool [ __ ] like thank we appreciate you we appreciate even more if you just answer our text he answers mine right away or at least give me the finger something I
Mean2 was getting meet Sean that was one of the best things in hey man I listen I’m glad I met all y’all to be honest I thought to be I’m gon be honest with you I thought Facebook was dead I really did I did I did not realize a RP Community
Keeps Facebook alive you know what I hated Facebook until I find these until I found these groups again yeah so did I now I go on there a lot so yeah you know I’m gonna tell you I found I found eban first because I seen eban’s
Video his um his his room tour video and then I seen back’s room tour video and I was like yo man these guys they got some dope [ __ ] and I’m like right I got I gotta get into this groove of like starting my Star Wars stuff and like you
Know I was doing my own show too for a while like but we were just doing like everything but you know doing the Star Wars stuff it was like really kind of like it brought me back to you know like yo I need to step my [ __ ] up and Evans
Evan made me step my [ __ ] up like he made me step my [ __ ] up I was like all right so definitely man everybody Ste their [ __ ] up yeah all these guys have great rooms I mean Jason j2o his his room his room Friday and obviously eban uh du all
These guys they have awesome awesome collections it’s true it’s so fun to see everything like and nobody needs to have you don’t have to have the same [ __ ] you know everybody has something different and that’s what makes it makes it great you know exactly but I gotta be honest with you I
Did watch your show too Sean yeah oh thank you I’ve been watching I’ve been watching the videos last Facebook I was going to leave a message on there to see if you’d answer that oh what I was trying all different Aven going we meet
I you know I beat a dead horse so you know I’ll like I’ll keep doing it until you he’s gonna like that photo you have on Facebook when you’re in fifth grade just yeah exactly I wonder if it’s first date there it is look at that I hope more in
2024 man really do appreciate yall for real like really Janine you you you you are the you are the queen of Star Wars right now I’m give you that credit than for real she’s our first sister yeah yeah man have a happy New Year guys and I’ll definitely talk to you
Later man take care dude later all right later guys have a good night all right see you happy New Year oh that was so fun I really laughed like I don’t think I have anything left on my face the first dat thing that just freaking killed me yeah I mean awesome
That was my first hot toy you know literally you know and I hope I didn’t offend any smaller people out there that’s not my intent my intent was to get across how disappointed I was because she lied to me that’s all was Ana didn’t jump on had she had had this
Girl told me that she was the size of this mug then I swear to you I would have been more open-minded about it but oh my gosh hilarious but it is what it is so I’m gonna give everybody one last chance Crystal Rosa anybody all you have
To do is say hey I’m here to say Happy New Year you don’t even have to stay long let’s just see those faces let’s talk you let’s get to know you come on on exactly all these SE Sean just text me did he now he answers see I had to
Call him out but that’s okay it’s all I’m just I’m just messing with him it’s all in fun man it’s all did you tell how tall you are Rosa wants to know how tall are you Joe I’m 6’3 I’m 5’7 yeah my wife is 54 I’m tall by California standards when I
Came out here I was taller than all the girls I’m like what I didn’t really yeah I was like this is bad ass I dated a girl that was 510 and she was still what five six inches shorter than me right so it’s not like I have this you know I’m
Not one I I can’t have that many restrictions because face it look at me but but what I’m say saying is like don’t lie you know like I’m not going to lie and say I’m Tom Cruz I’m not Tom Cruz but you can’t sit there and say
That you and just don’t say anything like she didn’t even tell me like anything help us out with this yeah she didn’t say I’m 58 she didn’t say I’m 5’4 she didn’t say I’m 211 she didn’t say anything she just didn’t say it and I’m like you can’t shock me like that right
Right you oh my gosh time 25 that is a very mature age too yeah sh look Rose is 160 cmers tall I think that’s what really tall is that tall Scott Scott’s like his company was called true 32 when he was a CET maker which is I don’t know something to do
With metric someone that doesn’t live in the US knows exactly what that means I forget what it is Crystal’s 56 well jump online here and say hi to us Crystal for calling you out come on here and talk to us right now for five minutes it’s five you five six or taller
Come on and say happy new yeah if you’re five six or taller or 160 centimeters exactly we challenge you to come on the show right now or you can wait till the next show when we have out of you until 2024 right so do we have any real guesses for she’s trying Crystal’s
Trying nice I love it anyone guessing who’s our fifth yeah let’s have some guesses and look Zombie Hunters 56 I would have never imagined right yeah he looked tall online see what I’m saying it’s very deceiving right I have a feeling that people are gonna guess one single
Person is it is it the right one do you think no no I think I think it’s going to be the wrong one oh look at this hi the daughter of what the daughter oh nice well I’m just gonna my new goal for 2024 is to start up my um YouTube
Channel for Star Wars as well awesome do it do it do it I’m trying I’m really shy but I’m G to try we will promote the [ __ ] out of it you and we will have get you as many subscribers as we can so we’ll do it together we’re not going to
Overthink it we’re just gonna do it be bad some of it’s gonna be e and maybe one or two will be awesome but we’re gonna do this together yeah me I always do things for like for my own own happiness it’s like yes that’s it if I
Get views or not do really matter it’s like I do it for myself yeah that’s what all been thinking like even my own YouTube channel which is like you know more spiritual stuff yes I do it for my own my own pleasure it’s like if I get
Views cool if I don’t doesn’t matter I’m sending it out exactly that’s the right attitude to have I love that attitude I mean when we started this we had no idea that people would even want to look at us you know but uh thanks to all of you
Guys and you’ve been very active in this community especially as of late oh yeah and you guys are just amazing like like I I first I met Luke and then I met everyone from the hyperdrive and then um then Evan then you guys like I’m trying
To juggle with the hours of course it’s kind of hard you know like Rosa like me and Rosa like it’s horrible it’s like staying up until 5 or 6:00 a.m. and then I’m like waking up like Migra but whatever I still do it for like the you guys and Star Wars Lisbon
Portugal oh my gosh I had a chance to go there when I was oh my gosh I better off going with the the year like 1989 one of my roommates was Portugal and her family still had a house there even though they lived in the states and
I just couldn’t do it I had to go home and work for the summer and I think about it all the time what an opportunity that was and I couldn’t do it you can still come the doors are always open and you’re never you’re never too
Old or young to come it’s like you’re still alive so you can still travel it’s like why not so um I have a good friend that’s from from Portugal actually um he just moved to Florida like everybody else that’s lucky here um but yeah he um
He lived in I think it was the same Mary where you lived in Lisbon I think that’s the capital correct that’s that is the capital yeah yeah and you guys speak Brazilian no wait wait wait wait you speak Portuguese it’s like I’m not laughing no I’m not laughing at you it’s
Just it’s a common thing no you speak Portuguese and so does Brazil like in Brazil the Brazil the the the bra um the Brazilian people speak Portuguese but with a Brazilian um yeah accent and like uh another it’s not another dialect imagine like you know right yeah it’s another dialect but
Broken broken Portuguese basically yeah great so Obrigado what’s that mean thank you right it’s thank you a masculine to you for watching us every weekend supporting us so like I tried to my best seriously if I if I can’t watch a live Zen know I’ll always watch the replay and that’s what
I always do when I try like replay watch CU I got to support my family that’s what I say Star Wars is family doesn’t matter just it’s family and you got to support your family no matter what right especially when you get to a certain age
Like Scott and I don’t have kids so you guys truly are our family you know and you guys all mean so much to us you are in our minds daily like we feel the struggles we feel the Happ happiness we feel like everything and this has just
Been such a positive for all of us yeah like where else you’re gonna go and talk to somebody from Portugal talk to somebody from Norway talk to somebody from Australia even San Diego like I would have never known Janine if it wasn’t for this and I just find it like I have
Better F I have more friends because of this community than I have in real life it’s true exactly it’s kind of crazy we all share the same love for collecting Star Wars and collect whatever whatever you collect yeah that’s what actually I love about this like when we got to see
AOK and we like all shared that moment like watching the series together that was amazing because I would watch everything alone and like the thing I did before um even Ahsoka was on I tried to watch everything cuz I didn’t know about all this like I only knew about the movies
To me it was like work and sleep that’s my that was my life basically so so once I found the Mandalorian I was like oh my God I would to watch that and then I shoved everything in like two weeks three weeks I did everything con Wars Rebels resistance everything
Roa person right now I got the first sister and the second and third sister right here with us all one look at this I’m a lucky man yes you are how guys how are you oh I’m good a little bit tired it’s Jes yeah Zena come on we gotta get
All the women on here tonight yes God I guess oh please we need Zena gonna be mad that he missed this exactly girls [Laughter] night this gonna I love it so so so um chrst I gotta say so were you born and raised in Portugal uh no I okay I was born here
And I left when I was three um know family issues and then stayed in Canada uh for 23 years um my first visit when it was like 10 13 I was so fre CU I didn’t really speak the language like I was unfortunately like back in the olden
Days I’ll say that um you could only learn like English and French you couldn’t really learn like another Lang your own language basically you know I don’t know why but whatever so uh when I came back when I was 18 then I found like this passion for my own language
And then I I went to the library studied as much as I could and then uh try to move back in 2004 that didn’t work out came back in 2006 you know life changes things so I had to you know had like a new Fresh a
Start new Fresh Start in my life and then I’ve been here since 2006 I don’t know if I’ll ever go back or not I do uh but at the same time I don’t it’s kind of weird I’d always say if I had kids I wouldn’t like I wouldn’t have
Them here I would I would have them back in Canada because school is way much better healthc care is way much better um but you know whatever I’m 41 so I don’t know what what the future will bring for me I just want happiness basically and still wor and like L are
The Rings basic that’s all I want right now and I only asked that because I didn’t hear any accent like my friend from Portugal has a really strong accent and I didn’t detect any from you at all so maybe when you left you lost it maybe
Do you think I no I didn’t I didn’t really speak Portuguese when I left I was like you know what can a child speak when you’re three more or less at least I don’t know I didn’t speak much of it um basically all my schooling was in
Canada so my if I do have an accent it’s like a tiny bit little thing but um people always say I sound American I’m like well yeah I was at Hamilton so really to New York so I don’t really have the the accent like um Cass does
Which you can tell he’s so Canadian it’s like amazing I missed that but but yeah that’s cool so Rosa speaking of the future you’re already in 2024 how am I doing am I good in 2024 like what have I succeeded next year so far
Um oh it’s uh it’s almost 5 a.m here so um yeah in the morning so am I still am I still alive at 5:00 a.m. in 2024 like hopefully I am yes yes but you’re not a millionaire I’m not what you’re not a millionaire I’ve never not yet not
Yet I did win someone that’s close not a million not a million yeah yeah it’s funny because like when Scott Barry said you’re already in the future and I’m like yeah I feel like I’m getting in the DeLorean just going into 2024 when I’m here with
You because to make sure I’m still alive and kicking right yeah good in 2024 she’s eating right now like I can tell because everything she’s Mega good she’s living our Dream yeah she she’s living everybody’s dream she’s she’s awesome cook food what are you eating right now Janine peanuts peanuts
You can’t eat them with your you can’t show us when you’re eating peanuts you can’t yeah because I look like a chipmunk she’s being po notless you’re eating with only your front teeth like like that we have no pizza no pizza the night in the air
FR good for dinner see how cool the girl let me just say this all right they are what time is it where you are what time it’s almost 5 5 a and I’m still alive she said in the future at 5 am like whatever we’re gonna jump on we don’t
Care that’s awesome we love you guys for that like and stuff what time is it important is it seven hours ahead or something like it is 3:52 so I’m like 1 hour uh behind Rosa oh we’re g to have to have a girls take over the Rogue five there you
Go ladies night oh what a night to press yeah interesting two more girls right yeah we need two more girls so who are gonna be the two more girls what’s Scott talking about here we have one hot dog and some fish SS we fish he talking about us or was he
You could put burgers in in the air is he talking about [Laughter] usot oh my gosh all right I don’t want to be hot dog know I’ll be theot day got prawns in the kitchen so I might go for thater I got prawns like Zena said her
Mom’s having a rough day so I hope she’s doing better Zena Zena does any of the guys on to try to um even this out a little bit here I need some backup we need to and Robin hop on with us one night Scott Barry go upstairs and get on
He can I have his camera and his rig’s not set up Jes well he’s got the hand he can do the hand hand puff behind somewhere right like Yoda’s spot may be two in some fish sticks oh my God starving I can have a protein bar I know
Where those are kept oh Janine has his good camera I’m sure the bad camera will show your pretty face God come on exactly zombie has family here man who has Zena Zena um dementia my mom passed away from uh dementia and Alzheimer so I know exactly what you’re going through
So my heart goes out you my mom um had brain cancer so you know she was basically born with and whatever it didn’t hit until she was in her 50s so it wasn’t dementia but it was like dementia on steroids and it was tough and I know there’s nothing in the whole
Entire world you wouldn’t do for her and it’s exhausting and you’re not going to realize it until you know and I just I can’t even give you enough strength through the camera right now it’s a tough thing to go through yeah I remember remember walking into
Like we had to put my mom in a nursing home which was probably the worst decision we ever had to make but at the time it was the best one for my dad because he was taking care of her and his health was going down trying to take
Care of her so we had to make that decision to put her in and um I remember a day where she didn’t know who I was and it kind of broke my heart like I remember that too and it broke my mom’s heart like couldn’t say my name and all
The people from the church were there and they were they would come every Sunday you know and they would just do like you know whatever they read in church and it broke her heart and I was like it’s okay because she knew but she couldn’t say it and it just sucks you
Know it’s part of life it sucks wor you know it’s it’s the worst because like you build a lifetime of all these memories of everything you’ve done absolutely you lose them and it’s like wow it’s it’s it’s probably the most heartbreaking thing to see like honestly
Yeah I don’t know actually what is worse is actually either having the person die or having them there physically and mentally not there I was kind of Lucky my grandmother she had dementia towards the end it was kind of weird it I don’t even understand how that happened she
Choked on a pill and then she went to the hospital and she came back completely different wow but she knew who I was but she was different I had to teach her how to speak again uh she stopped walking um my gosh she would always choke so I had to be really
Careful I stayed with my grandmother 247 I lost 10 kilos in like a week and then she’ look at me like you’re so green I’m like it’s my sweater and I was wearing a sweater I didn’t even have time to shower like I would just do everything
Really quickly and go back to her and it was it was really hard because she knew who me and my mom were but at the same time it wasn’t the same person then yeah putting her in a nursing home that was hard because I wasn’t near my grandmother my grandmother was
Everything towards me like just I loved her so much and then not being there towards the end it was just it’s something that still hurts me like deeply y yeah oh yeah death is interesting because like the instance I was talking about like my mom was asking
For me she always called me Joey she’s like where’s Joey where’s Joey she’s asking the nurses and then the nurses are saying well he’s going to be here I used to go every day after work so they knew I was going to be there and when I showed up
And walked in they were like well there he is and then she was like who’s that and I was just kind of like almost felt like I got hit by a truck because I but the mama’s boy all my life and when she didn’t know who I was it kind of just it
Just broke me in like in half so um it’s a terrible disease and I wish they could find something to right eliminate that honestly because it’s Gotta bad feeling so Zena we love you uh sorry you’re going through that we are very sending you much love so um
Yeah I have a grandmother as well she’s 96 and still alive and fresh and healthy wow I actually had a today I hope that’s me someday 96 and healthy at least I made it to 2024 according to Rosa so that’s [Laughter] good I’m alive and well at 5
Am I don’t want to know anymore I need to find my title card if I go go bald overnight bald right there hair last week and I got hair two days two weeks in a row great twice in row amazing I am pants on I don’t space actually hold on someone tell me
The story of the space bands I I got to know about this someone tell me about the space pants I don’t know the story about the space pants yeah tell me about that I think it was who find uh he found a video of a uh a dwarf with space pants
Yeah so everybody in was like space pan SC appearance velvet pant exactly Cil space PS do that again awesome that’s exactly who it was Gwen Stefani [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah yeah that was hilarious on Sat Night Live yes it was why I don’t watch that in a weird way it was so
Joel I don’t even know why say that but it was so yeah I can’t I can’t do the lyrics but it’s on YouTube so Rosa I don’t know what it was but you did it good so again yeah I don’t know lyrics but it was like really you got the
Gift where else are you g to get that besides the RO nowhere I don’t care where you’re at that’s awesome oh my gosh so much fun all the crazy C we all need to get some silver pants we do you think you think we should get some silver pants
For next week show silver pants can see our pants or if we’re even wearing pants exactly top comfy bottom oh I just put on some aluminium okay sure in the winter it’s always a good idea Scot just have space pants on oh look he’s that
Body I was I wish we knew how to video that because that could have been our new that could have been our new j2s and Jo right there that could have been it yeah no yeah hi Shan here little things I love about about the couple they’re just too
Adorable yeah that you thank you thank you like for both of us all this is such a release I can’t even tell you it is stress stress stress super super super high stress all week and like honestly like Scott and I rarely see each other I
Work so much and our hours are like completely different and most of the time I catch up with Scott when I see either spice Runners live or the replay you know and luckily we have Sundays together and it’s usually kind of like rush around get a few things
Done have coffe together what do we need to do and you know then we’re on this show and he’s upstairs I’m downstairs and he’ll come back and forth and usually she gives me my orders on Sunday that’s what happens get there he is this be traveling at least on Tuesday
Um he leaves at like 2:30 in the morning to get to Ontario California I’m off Tuesday which is good because our cats are needy so I’ll be here with them but then I close like every single solitary day and work like 12 to 14 hours inventory so it’s just like you know a
Day in our lives it’s normal we’re used to it so between this community being like our extended family and then the fact that we catch up on each other by watching the show like oh that happened this week you know it’s a really oh [ __ ] he bought that like yeah
55 he didn’t realize I was 55 she’s not 55 I’m not I’m 54 she’s not a day over 21 yeah she don’t look at 18 two plus I would have thought she needed working papers to work at Hobby Lobby yeah that’s but that’s what’s cool about the
Community and when you when he’s not here for me to like bounce things off or I’m not here for to bounce things off whether it’s like BS at work or you know something you’re thinking of at the moment it’s so great to have the community to have all of you like Joe
All the time like Joe and I are always hitting each other up with like stupid [ __ ] but it’s good like you know you need stupid [ __ ] you need that laugh in life you don’t need the seriousness all time TR be told I’ve become really fond of Janine she’s a really awesome person
And we talked before the show before before this even came to be we used to talk but like now I feel like she’s one of my best she’s one of my best buds now so a that’s so like hey look at this it’s on sale get
It you know and she’ll do the same to me put it on the card go charge it put on the car right no it’s awesome because we need that escape Escape in life you know you you go stress during life whether it’s with a family member who’s
Sick or it’s a job or it’s bills or it’s rent or whatever it is even if it’s an hour or two hours complete break from reality and you know worry about someone else’s problems or look at someone else’s collection or you know whatever it’s just huge all right Scott needs to
Say no what I was gonna say is like what I was saying on Friday whenever that night was um it it’s it’s the break you get to a point where you’re like I don’t even know if I want to do this tonight and then within four minutes in of
Sitting in the back room with spice Runners guys I’m like yeah let’s do this you’re all excited you’re all amped and and it’s like she says it’s like that escape from reality you can just chill and and concentrate on what’s going on at the time and let everything else go to the
Wayside everybody that’s sitting in the chat yeah feels the same way that this is a way that you escape for a little while friends and just enjoy yeah it’s so true and even if your life is beyond perfect but like need that little break that’s what all here for and like
Honestly I’ve been seeing a lot of sad posts on um Facebook and I just want everybody out there to know that if you’re part of this community please hit us up please jump on if you like jumping on talk to any of us we’re here for you
And we’re happy to chat exactly yeah DM us ask for my number we can chat whatever I Ser sometimes I need somebody you’re having a rough day right it’s so true and and what Scott said was true because on on the show I did before there were
Days and and that hasn’t happened on this show yet but like I used to like oh man damn do I really want to do this tonight and then all of a sudden you get that like burst of energy where you’re like true yeah now I’m really excited about this
And it’s it’s crazy how that happens but I know why it happens and it’s just because like of people like I mean Crystal and Rosa here engine you know all you guys is like great I mean people are in the chat days before we start I
Saw you in the chat days several days that means the world it means the world to me I know it means the world to the rest of the guys on the show but it’s like I can’t believe like we’ve only been doing this since October and you
Know like it’s it’s taken off the way it is and I’m so glad it has because it’s like I used to hate Sundays but now I love them because I get to hang out with all you guys so yeah so it’s it’s been a great
Song Any change get to see some of your collections Rosa Rosa’s got something coming right I got something coming I can’t wait for the ahoka mall H statue from side show yesterday I just uh bought a pre pre-order of um a Vader from gentle giant
Nice so I’m excited the B um it’s the uh when he is from the Clone Wars see face has that has the split h no actually yeah seeff we all love Vader stuff so that’s G to be my second colle so that’s your first two pieces
Correct yeah that’s my but I haven’t got them yet but they I I paid for them take a long time so you have somewhere to display them or you GNA buy like a um like a a display case or I’m going to buy this banket but I need to see the
Size first I don’t know the size I know SOA is going to be big but I don’t know how big next year December 31st we’re going to have you back on here and we’re going to see how big your collection has gotten kind of a collection room from today till next year December
31st yeah more of the uh the the clone wars in the same prze so it’s GNA be a mix of statues and action figures so but it’s from the Clone Wars I want to have that series I must warn you it’s gonna get out of control really fast
Yeah better work that market over and over and over again because you’re gonna need toast but it’s [Laughter] fun I said you’re gonna be like guys we’re gonna have an Easter Market I can’t wait till December 31st next year to see everything behind her and she’s gonna be encumbered in like
All Darth Vader and and all kinds of Star Wars stuff it’s gonna be great I actually got I got some Star Wars stuff uh for Christmas my sister G gave me a lot of like small items and stuff for Christmas tree and she gave me a grou he
Adorable crying when you put like squeeze it so Janine people are asking to see your guys’ collection Crystal do you have a collection um you want to share I know Janine does maybe she walk around and TR us oh my God God I can’t really show them because
Like I only have um Funko pups like um because they’re they’re cheaper and like I I’m still not working um but they’re so cute they are I know I love I love them I love them do you love them I love them then that’s all that matter I love anything
That’s all that matter I collect even notebooks so that’s all that matters kind the nerdiest of the ND like I just love them all right oh those are the big ones right yeah but they’re adorable on C Target um yeah um so I have that one which
Right now they’re on my bookshelf which is kind of covered because my cat um is cat half C half cat CF dog she’ll just jump onto anything and I do not want her to destroy that like these are my my my guardians of knowledge so I have them on
My bookshelf with my my books that I write so um like no please don’t touch that I’m still waiting on my my Vader helmet with my mom actually got me for Christmas and it’s taking so long I’m like but it’s coming right I only found
Out she got her she got me this because she was waiting like for a month I’m like oh okay can you go and check I’m like oh thank you Mom I did not expect that like I was expecting it like if it’s expensive don’t buy it but then she
Bought it for me so I’m like okay thank you um but I’m still waiting on it so but I wanted I do want to get more things I love the ships I would love a Millennium Falcon D star but it’s like I have to put things in my room and my
Room is kind of small I’m not going to mess with my mom’s decoration not yet but I’m trying to slowly I used to do that with my NATO figures she’s like no not put n with Buddha please don’t do that I’m like oh sure I’ll try not to so I have like on
My book um my nightstand I have my black Buddha and then Darth Vader and Ahsoka so nice and you love like you got like I love them just they’re little things that I love I don’t care if you have Funko Pops or you have prop replicas it
Doesn’t matter I want like the more expensive stuff of course when I have the money for that yeah I will great right yeah whatever makes you happy and that’s room into your happy place Star Wars it is like I’m not going to show you my room now I might show later but
It’s like I’m I’m pops but that doesn’t matter it’s love them I know like it’s a mix of everything it’s got It’s got aliens on this side it’s got bats and Chinese lters on that side it’s got more fairies and like Aphrodite on the other side
It’s like it makes a match of a lot of things but it’s like basically who I it’s like I just need more but then I don’t want to like like not go this route where like my room is unwalkable I still want to make it little you need
Stuff with everything which by the way um the first night I did get my Lola um um Droid thing I did sleep with her my mom’s like you slept with that I’m like yeah like I know I’m 41 but I’ll still treasure these things like a child I
Don’t care it brings you back it brings you back to a time where you were a kid or whatever whatever gu why people collect I mean Nostalgia for the most part BRS happiness Memories Back you know yeah great and never say they’re just Funko Pops because it’s something that you
Love it doesn’t matter what it is no I know but it’s like I think people understand what I mean you don’t really see that as like a major collection like when you see collections you see you know the more expensive things but like I’m not judging anyone and I don’t want
People to judge me too but like I know what I have right now this is what I have later on in the future I want other things I will invest y we don’t worry about that yeah so hopefully soon I’ll get more things and I’ll start actually with the to like a small
R2 what’s up man hi Rosa what’s up Janine hey what’s up guys what’s going on hello I’m on how are you tonight are you working I’m exhausted oh yeah yeah you’re tired you do crazy are you working right now still yeah I’m working now I’m working till 7 in the morning oh
[ __ ] [ __ ] same as last week damn huh you did that last week too right yeah oh there you are [Laughter] real how many days in a road did you work like that I’m on four days 412 four night shifts and then I haven’t slept for like four days because of my dog
Being sick D see better how is your dog he’s good he ate today and he reacted to the medicine the no more fever good oh good um so he’s okay that’s good s you know I’m my dogs are my number one Ser same thing same you’re turning to the dark
Side better that’s for sure a oh man let me try to fix the audio because I can’t hear you guys a as long as the dog is good family’s well that’s all that’s matters yeah being tired is okay he’ll be Back yeah my dog’s been like really I think he didn’t get enough exercise like since I’ve been off work because we’ve been in and out of the house a lot so like he’s been just like going like crazy at night like jumping off the bed
On the bed on the bed off the bed oh my God like but fault so like the cats are used to sleeping because cats at home working so they sleep all day and then I’m home and they’re like oh my God we’ve been up all
Day we want to sleep you know yep and I think that’s what happened like like my wife firsts from home so they have their routine and then I I throw a monkey wrench in by being home all week yep and they’re like go back to work dude
Like like we got a routine going here and what’s up zombie you’re messing with our lifestyle yeah that’s what I do I mess with people’s lifestyle you gotta wake them up right sleeping gota wake them up that’s what I that’s what I used to do with my other cat when she want the
Dog cat when I was trying to sleep she would always be awake like attacking my legs I’m like no you go sleep right and my cat to sleep in my spot so like when I wake up in the morning my cat’s sleeping where I sit on the couch
So I’m guessing that’s where he sleeps when I’m at work so when I’m home he just stands there and looks at me like yeah that’s spot you think it’s your that’s my spot see I’m lucky because like my dogs one of them’s 105 PBS and one of them’s like 80 PBS they’re both
Lads but but they’ll sleep on my wife’s side of the bed so she’s sleeping like an embryo and I’m all sprled out and it doesn’t really bother me cuz I’m like I’m all like I’m just there and she’s like sleeping all curled up yeah oh you need to Big your
Bed get we have the king can I get a California king for two dogs in my house yeah I got a king size and my wife’s small so I’m like I you know this should work for some reason like she’ll walking she can’t even unbend her legs now so
She’s she’s always sleeping curled up so uh that’s it’s crazy but you know what they’re worth it because they’re are they now you know the kids are out of the house and they’re grown so these are our kids yep never had kids so they are definitely it’s true y
Yeah we got to spoil them yeah definitely so um Scott Barry just said you sleep diagonal so like I go to bed 4 five hours before Scott does so like I go to sleep in a normal position but he’s up all night long so whatever yeah and look toight he’s
Waiting up for you right you know what it’s yeah me me and Di we don’t sleep we are here on cantino H vampires do you wake up Rosa what time do you wake up yes I wake up really ear it’s like no mean thanks brother I
Appreciate we go to bed like at what you go to bed like at 5 6 a.m. and then wake up at what time 7 12 something 12 oh my 6 hour sleep something I wish I wish I got to like I I’ll I don’t know what time this will
Finish but like I’ll go to bed and like wake up at like 8 or 9 I’m like God full awake I cannot awake so do you yeah they’re the Lost Girls Like The Lost Boys you know Sleepless sisters Sleepless bridge for three hours to sleep I’ll catch you tomorrow you
Know don’t I mean I’m not trying to to talk you out of watching us but I mean five o’clock I’m sorry the Rogue five would have to wait till the next day for me there was one time I did fall asleep and I was like oh my God I can’t believe
I fell asleep um it was the spice rers my eyes for like no no not not on yours on the spice was like I’m going to close my eyes for like 2 seconds and then I woke up it was like done I’m like what just closed my eyes Crystal you
Know you know what happens to me every time there’s a giveaway I fall asleep if there’s not I watch the whole freaking thing and I’m pissed like like like last night like uh this past Friday no giveaway right and I’m it’ss four four in the afternoon but the week
Prior I fell asleep not because it was boring just because I was beat ass tired and um they had three giveaways and I think W two of them I don’t know she yeah there’s One I still have to like take mine from the from the box that Evan sent me and like a frame like I’m trying to like do it special like make a video like I want to make it all special I was like oh oh my God but it’s still there it’s like no
It’s not I don’t treasure I love it I’m so happy the first thing I did when I got the when I won first of all I was like halfway asleep and I wrote my names like I’m not going to win I’m I’m halfway asleep and then all of a sudden
Like Yay I’m like what what what no I what like yeah but I sent a message to Sean like thank you so much this is amazing piece thank you thank you thank you it’s like oh yes it’s still there it’s like it’s like Scott said SC
Got to Diana you fell asleep during the spice Runners how could you I’m so sorry you know what am I calling her the wrong name when I say crystal or do you have two names uh my name is Diana my birth name is Diana uh crystal is the crystal
Odyssey for my spiritual page um but I thought okay yeah we cuz you were answering I’m like all right well I don’t know is or you no no I I totally understand it’s like no Diana Crystal’s the same thing okay until I switch it up and I’ll put
Something else there and go my then you can confuse me even more you know I’m getting older I can’t keep up make it easy on me no I gotta spice things up all right happy new year thanks for stopping by I got to go back to work all right have a
Great night dude last night enjoy time with your families have a drink for me please drink one work I’ll be just getting up have a good night yeah I got off I got off an 8 hour so good luck with the do dude rest try to rest bye
You guys have a great night love you all see you next year love you bye I’m so glad his dog is okay that is like so stressful yeah I can’t even tell you I I like the going the thought of going to the vet even for a shot with the cats
Makes me sick sick to my stomach because like when you live to 55 and you’ve had pets your entire life you lose a couple along the way and that is probably the worst P you know so I’m so glad his puppy is okay because I know that’s his life right now yeah very
Cool that the next thing they should invent very said I’m the last to know it’s okay Joe so yeah I mean I’m bad with name in the first place so I barely know my own name but um all right we have a special guest uh oh
Oh this ought to be good because I don’t even know about this was this a pro what what who who oh vyro just change had go hold on she had to go take a boom boom right one special effects were like yeah it’s a like boom she disappeared in thin air
She went she went to the forest come back of course she fr the kids are dropping at the pole as we speak oh oh what is up peoples how’s everybody doing having a good New Year’s how is New Year’s obviously 2024 didn’t blow up totally
Where Rosa is so I think not yet and she said I’m still alive in 2024 Scott so that’s good yes Scott is he doing well everyone is alive he’s alive he’s good he’s alive oh oh oh Bo she said she said you cut your beard off in
2024 no no personality it’s like Alfalfa with this this is my personality that’s like me in my little Peak right here it’s my personality you know that’s how it’s Gotta Be yeah oh yay yeah Jenny’s got to work tomorrow I at least got one more day at home but
Then I’ve got to go to got to do inventory on the second kind of crap is that oh look at this look at this my boy what up happy New Year brother who is that I can’t see my eyes are tired Michael Havens the
Uh hey how you doing um I’m so sorry it took me forever but I did want to just stop in and say hey um so hey how you doing uh I got your message man I’m sorry brother I I just got it but um I’m running around right now I hope you’re
All doing well um and I wanted to just stop in say hi to you guys say hi to your fans and I wanted to drop you guys off a coupon code uh the sales go live for ICC conon tomorrow um be sure to do it early we are limiting tickets we’re
Limiting vendor tables and everything um so it’s going to go quick but I appreciate you having me on and happy New Year who’s excited Happy New Year I’m excited Happy New Year I’m excited for next October dude yeah nice um here let me give you
The coupon code it is uh hey how you doing hey iccc 24 oh shoot hold on one second let me look just made it ccc2 24 no I just made he froze no he always looks like that he’s good he always looks like that no kid I think he did
Freeze did you get it no you froze okay I she he did on purpose 2024 okay r5c for rogue 5 Cantina oh wow that we got our own and that’ll get you guys 10% off it’ll get all your people 10% off and uh yeah I just wanted to say hey and I appreciate
You having me on I’m sorry I’m running around it is New Year’s Eve but uh I do appreciate you having me on and yes everything goes live tomorrow so grab your press badges grab everything and uh at ICC con we do it a little bit different um Everybody Needs approval so
So even if you buy a vendor table or you buy a whatever um we’re still going to reach out to you if uh you know it’s got to be got to be familyfriendly and it’s gota you know we can only have so many pop vendors and not to be that guy but
Yeah yeah I definitely got to put in for my press badge and I definitely want to put in for uh maybe a Rog five Cantina live video you know or live yeah do it man um Well what we’ll do is with the Press badges we’ll send you over to JY
After you get your press badge and uh yeah maybe you guys go on the podcast stage or something like that damn right that would be cool we did it last year it was fun man so yeah awesome man yeah we’re making it should be a bigger room than last year actually and
Uh more close to the things that are going on which will be nicer it was a it was a little golf cart trip out there to the podcast room last year but it was the only building with Wi-Fi so we had no choice well you know what we did is
We we just grabbed the drink from the uh the you know the alcohol truck and then we walked to that building so it was fine we were we were in good hands let’s say nice I love to hear it yeah well everybody thank you very much I do have
To run but I appreciate you and uh keep up the great work and happy New Year we’ll see you in 2024 for another awesome adventure thanks dude thanks for stopping by happy New Year bro thanks guys byebye thank you and if anybody wants to get tickets to iccc tomorrow
They go on sale and use the uh coupon code iccc 2024 r5c you get 10% off so you heard it here first that’s it I I say you re you rename this episode one hot dog and some fish sticks I think we need to do that honestly and now she’s eating cheese
Yeah hot dog fish sticks and cheese look she finally good combo cheese D is good is that sharp or extra sharp uh got sharp or extra sharpi she just got medium didn’t is sh I’m sorry what is it Shad I think fromand she says yeah no no don’t go
There you know by the way you had a chance there with the little person she was probably the perfect height that’s what I was thinking well I said I said I I had that moment I had that momentary lapse of reasoning I’m like should I or
Shantai and I was like then I feel bad later so no I ear mug if you could just rest it right right on the head yeah whatever you know you live and learn I could have used her head as a coaster but I didn’t and yeah it is what
It is if I could time like I can travel in the 2024 through Rosa if I can go back in time maybe I would have done what you know you could have given her a shot there you go but it is what it is she was compact
Know it’s compact we have a saying here in Portugal that women that are compact are more um savior like more delicious more sense without sounding like too dirty it’s just like yeah if I ended up marrying her I could have taken her on the airplane for vacation as a carryon
Exactly she’s carry I would have saved a lot of money but I could have saved a ton of money you know on vacations but um no like I said how how small was she if I was to guess her I would think about like 4 sish back then like hood ornaments were
Pretty popular and she was barely bigger than a hood ornament of a car that would be closer that’s that’s that’s gu emotional that Yoda right actually that Yoda has the same eyeballs that she had TR for free when she saw me she had eyeballs like her like that like that
Yoda monster doing point there small girls have small hands and everything looks bigger in small hands he’s correct yeah all all these things are good now in 2024 but in 1998 all I was thinking about was different story lied to me she lied you just got stuck on the yeah you
Gotta fix it the lie you know I was the original person that got CF all these shows that are on right now all because so short that like if this was her and you were walking you could just yeah I imagine I knew gu she could limbo
Under herb like I don’t even know like she was I don’t know yeah I knew a guy who was car when I got out of the car and I heard that voice I like I’m gonna Follow the yellow brick road I don’t even know like well for me it was the
Exact opposite my ex-wife was 61 which is much taller she was how tall 61 and you’re talking how tall are you um 510 on a good day maybe oh [ __ ] like on a bad day um yeah I always thought like that when when it’s a taller girl than the guy it
Just something doesn’t look right that’s you know you know what I mean because you’re like what do you think B want to go out T night that’s please I’m not one of the first things when I when I flew out to New York and met face to
Face for the first time this one yes she was like he was like please don’t be taller than me well no no well the funny part was when we got on the the highway the L or whatever it’s called B Park Bell Parkway she was doing like 35 and I
Had to like reach over and push down in her knee to actually hit the speed limit but one of the things I remember was it wasn’t her knee her standing in front of the she was she was standing in Fr front of the bathroom mirror and I got behind
Her and I see my whole head and I was like Wow because I was sign yeah you know before before he seen his head like exactly it’s funny but it’s true or if she stood behind me you couldn’t see her at all maybe her ears around my neck that was about it whereas
The we could share a mirrror because if she she was that wait a minute you saw her ears hanging down no no no no behind me how long were the ears ears she’s got she’s got this is such fun no he’s got he’s got a straighter face that’s what okay so she
Had big ears I have very small head very oh you got a small head yeah we were we were doing a trellis outside we were nailing in the the supports in between and for some reason the math came out to like six and 3/4 Ines so we
Were using a spacer block and as we’re doing it all of a sudden my head popped up in between it and the guy I was working with was crying he’s like your head is so freaking small six like Beetle Juice yeah oh my goodness you know what i’
Rather have a big head than a small head personally because I just think like my body’s big like so I I would look stupid ER with a smaller head I like [Laughter] my and Jan said she has a big head so her head’s bigger than yours yeah I thought man wanted big head
Is that true it’s just more hair she has more hair hot dogs and some fish sticks right yes she’s she’s making fish sticks right now that’s where we are and hot dogs we are well it’s like pizza’s like slap some pizza in the oven it’s like we have no pizza we have one
Hot dog and fish sticks that’s what we have well you can eat like bread cheese and tomato sauce and you got pizza there when you when you put that when you put that in the chat I thought you were renaming our no I wasn’t that’s why I
Started cracking up when he said I’m the hot dog I’m like oh God no don’t go there oh my God that’s funny this has been so much fun tonight I don’t even want it to end well especially rail yeah like yes right turn yeah there’s only 21 minutes to the New
Year for me wow yeah oh yeah I’m catching up with Rosa but I’ve got to get up tomorrow I’ve got to get up at like 2 am or something no not tomorrow next next yeah so New Year’s day that that night 2 am that’s tomorrow right well it’s tough
Because my schedule is I usually go to bed between midnight and 2 am which is when I’m supposed to be awake so that’s gonna be that’s rough yeah not fun and it’s like you would think I’m in San Diego compared to LA or onario that I’m far enough that I would
Be considered out of State get her out of here I’m gonna sneeze this is the one that lives on shrimp oh that’s why that’s why his uh his fur is so nice and shiny it it is and it’s like he’s got perfectly white paws and feet I always want try to figure out how do
They keep them so white I don’t know why I want to sing that song from Big Bang Theory right now which one nice kitty whatever kitty soft kitty yeah that’s buer there you go yeah Sheldon love him story the story with Maddie is that
When I went to go pick him up we were told it was a sheep so we were calling him princess Maddie Vera and then about three months later I’m like Janine’s like there’s a hot dog under here dropped yeah so we just kept the name Maddie so now
He be a boy name horor girls yeah you know what uh one of one of my favorite band in the entire world the guitar tech who runs much the band is his name is Maddie m a d d go that’s why I didn’t have a problem with with it she’s like
Who’s your favorite band A Dream Theater okay so yeah that’s that’s one of the Bands I was in a tribute band I’m kind of still am in a tribute band to that band but it’s extremely difficult music to play it’s progressive metal it’s got a lot of stuff in it so but
Yeah that’s yeah and I’ve gotten to know them and I know the keyboarders really well he’s a great friend I know I know the band with Maddie I knew Maddie and damn good stuff good stuff so like what’s your favorite genre of music then Scott like hard rock or like a classic I
Think I’ve always been more Metalhead to be honest even though I’m a keyboard player um I I’ve liked all kinds of music and I can hear if it’s good music or not um and of course I work with a lot of different artists in my job so
There’s a lot of famous people that I’ve dealt with and deal with on a regular basis and things um yes she’s like there’s a head I’m used to it but it’s like grow growing up it was you know Boston and journey and montley crew and Van Halen
And rat and iron Ma you know all these bands that that was Classics yeah yeah I have do you remember the uh the the posters that were like velvet and when you you had the black light and they would like oh man that was my whole room
Was done like that they were aw had like a panther and then Elvis yeah yeah or like I have Aussie Osborne was like one of my favorites like growing up like me and my buddy we both love Aussie Osborne and black my father was supposed to take
Me to Bark at the Moon tour and he was out of town my mom took me and as we’re trying to find a place to park there is a a pickup truck in front of us with a camper shell and the back opens up and the guys are all F all the smok’s
Pulling out and my mom was like FNA you nice but I think it was the following year whatever I did see Van Halen with Roth 1984 at The Forum okay that was a great show great show but yeah I mean I I’ve I’ve always I’ve been
Playing in band since I was 14 uh wanted to be a guitar player went up being a there’s the whole story with that but I’ve always been more on the metal side Queens Reich was probably one of my favorite bands uh and course Dream Theater because Dream Theater keyboards
Are not cheesy they’re actually extremely difficult to play and really amazing so that’s why I think I attracted to it it’s like you you want to be the best at your craft or go after the best and I think that’s kind of why I had the attraction I was watching the
L boys the other day talking about vampires and all these people that are up all times of the night yeah but um that that movie had not only it’s one of my favorite movies but like it had some of that was a good soundrack dude that
From the Lost yeah oh my God that was such a good soundtrack and I’m like my wife I don’t know she may have seen it years ago but when I put it on I said have you ever seen this like do you remember this and she said vaguely but
She was like the music is really good like it the music from that that movie was awesome yeah the the uh the soundtrack was really good it was something I was watching there’s an a person I follow on YouTube Grim Grim Grim life Collective and him and his
Wife will go out and they’ll visit areas where they did movies especially on the horror side which I figure you would dig because you’re oh I love yeah so they’ll go to like you know Crowley’s house or they’ll go to you know where they shot
This movie or that movie and one of them was there doing the filming locations The Lost Boys And of course they’re playing the soundtrack in the background so uh what is it don’t Cry Little Sister or something like that that one that was playing it was like bringing me back to
That that time for sure yeah C was great yeah it’s funny how yeah Keir Southerland and I met him earlier this year the whole crew obviously I got their autographs and we had pictures taken with them oh cool it’s good to see that kefir and Jason have gotten their
Issue because it was sometime after that that that it all went down and keither basically blasted Jason pretty much ruined his career at that I don’t know if you guys knew about that but yeah no I knew something happened there and you know to be honest
With you like in the picture they were still on opposite sides all us for some reason and I remember something happened and I didn’t really pick up on it now until you’re saying that but like they were like I didn’t see them talking much there like I don’t know what happened
But I Cory hay and Corey Feldman like Cory hay like passed way before his time like unfor like you know those guys him and Nicole were were heavy into drives yeah it’s a shame it’s a shame they got caught up in that because they were so
Good and they were in all the movies together like they were filming licensed to drive I think simultaneously while they were fil filming The Lost Boys if I’m not mistaken yeah and uh it’s a shame because they had such a good thing going like doing all the movies together and
Sticking together in that little group and it’s a shame that he um I would love to see what he would have done later on if he had not passed from uh from the the drug addiction and all that it has to be really really tough being a child
Actor getting into it the crap you got to deal with and then being a nobody for a little bit of time because you’re real big as a child star and all a sudden you’re nobody then you go through it and the ups and the downs I mean that’s
Tough for an adult let alone a child and and you hear how many uh child Stars parents like take their money like Gary Coleman yeah I heard some Horror Story yeah so I I it’s not surprising it is definitely sad and sucks but it’s not surprising because I mean did Janine
Tell you she met Cory Felman she has a picture with him that’s cool nice yeah like those kids like those kids they it’s hard enough to be a 13 14 year old going to high school and in Middle School excuse me as a normal person but doing it as a star for you
Know movie star as well it’s like a double dose of like that’s like hard to do probably because you got all these pressures of Two Worlds coming together and you got to worry about like is my mom gonna like cheat me out of my money or my dad or whatever also you
Know you’re not you’re not thinking that your parents are the best thing ever they’re they’re not going to do anything like like that and then you find out that hey I I made how much a million two million whatever got three bucks like yeah yeah it sucks yeah but you also see
A lot of these child stars go through their their their moments their drug use their I mean look at Drew Barrymore she had that that time in between things she’s back on it depends on how how far they can go through it but it’s got to
Be tough and then of course Corey Felman talks about Hollywood and and the the the side of it as far as being abused and the [ __ ] that that is being done to people to get these roles especially you know that’s when it starts to get really and scary but yeah
Definitely check out Grim life Collective Joel I think you I think you like them they’re doing really 500,000 followers or something like that but I I enjoy them going through the sets like they did a whole thing on The Goonies All The Goonies locations that that’s another one of my
Favorite movies yeah that’s a good one too and that’s why I liked um stranger things so much because that was like it was 80s kind of like a yeah it was an 80s like a kind of like it was like The Goonies a little bit you know you had
The kids and you had them you know trying to figure [ __ ] out and so Grim live what is it Grim Grim live Collective if not I can find it night Jeff Happy New Year my brother night Jeff uh G light but yeah it’s anything that
Was 80s and and it’s like I noticed this when did i’ noticed this was it early 2000s it was probably early 2000s somewhere around the time Janine came out and that would have been 2006 we were in we were in the grocery store and I started noticing like seven
Up bottles and Pepsi cans and like that were looking very retro and it’s like things weren’t great around that time time 2006 2007 and it’s like it hit me what they were doing as far as marketing is that they were trying to bring you back to a better time which you’d be
Like oh I gotta have this product because I haven’t seen a a seven up bottle like this since the 80s and it’s like it’s so true at how much nail that because going if you lived in the 80s at any point whether if you’re a small child teenager or an adult or whatever
You remember that just being an awesome time I mean great movies out and and it’s like I’d go back in a heartbeat absolutely oh yeah I always say it like movies just life in general music TV shows everything was better back then well it’s interesting too is that we
Still had phones that were connected to the damn wall right and if I didn’t want to be found I wouldn’t you know I just leave the house and they wouldn’t be able to get a hold of me so I later on a like go on WE we’d ride our bikes two or
Three miles away if I had a he wouldn’t be out of my sight or she period but that’s that’s how it was back then and then yeah you know if you were working weekend hit or after hours nobody nobody got a hold of you and it’s like into
Pagers and cell phones and email and internet and it’s like you can’t can’t hide yeah there’s no hiding I remember Drive I remember and Sean um that was on here earlier could probably like know this better than any of you guys but when I lived in Wilmington Drive we used
To ride our bikes to Newark which driving to Newark is probably like a 25 30 minute drive we used to ride bikes so it was like two hours so like when we were out there riding our bikes um you know I know I had to be home before the
Street lights went off and if I wasn’t then my Italian mom was going to beat my ass I used to stand under the one broken street light yeah because my mom couldn’t get mad I’d be like it didn’t come on well there you go and and truth be told most of the
Ones in my neighborhood growing up they were burned out so like yeah I like prove it mom like things were way more safer back then too yeah it was I think it’s like for you girls I mean how what what part was it different for you what what would
You go back to was it you know the 90s the 80s early 2000 your your journey and growing up and things what were things that you wish you could still do or go back to don’t answer it once H I don’t know it was the same actually I had more friends now than
Before yeah were you born with a cell phone or an iPad didn’t come out know oh God no I guess he’s trying to ask you how old you guys are we grew up in the 80s how old are you can we ask how old you guys are I’m
40 I’m 41 in six days happy birthday and and Diana Crystal yeah I’m 41 gonna be 42 Wows you’re like twin oh my goodness nice um um I actually missed the cartoons if anything Saturday morning different yeah things were way just like everything was just better it’s not like I
Um okay people weren’t as sensitive and I understand that people should be sensitive I totally agree with that we should be more aware of people’s feelings or whatever but things were just way different they’re more pure they’re like I not everything was so like just be careful and so picky and
Just I don’t know it’s just like a different thing like you could watch whatever you want and things were better it was open still back then yeah people didn’t get offended of everything yeah exactly exactly I do remember my first memory gay yeah yeah though I remember my first
Memory in like kindergarten I used to love Ghostbusters the cartoon and I was like three four years old I remember hearing this girl oh Ghostbusters are for boys I stopped watching it first second like why am I thinking of that that yeah I was so sad I was like why
Why am I going to stop watching something I love because this person that I have no idea who is and it’s not even my friend says that I’m like no forget it it’s like but things are just way more better I love the cartoons back then movies um the horror now like the
Horror now is just more scarier back then like if you watch a horror movie from back from the 80s you just laugh your ass off like Freddy couger like I will not forget get the image of the tongue coming out of the phone I like oh wow this is
Amazing but back then it was scary like now today somebody be offended by it they’d be like oh to the phone The Blob scare the living lights out of me it’s like oh my God I remember going to like a a phone booth and like thinking
The blob would come over me like these little small innocent things or like the bathtub I think we all were scared of the bathtub like I was terrified to get into the bathtub after seeing Jaws like a Shar hey kids imagination you can do anything right yeah
Yeah see I didn’t see scary movies I I want to be entertained oh I loved scary movies since I was young I was a big Jason fan what’s your favorite scary movie Friday the 13th um when I was was younger it was anything Jason right now um well from my 20s
Beyond um a lot of Asian horror I love Asian horror because it’s it it affects your mind more deeper so um The Grudge Jong is like one of my favorite um Japanese Horrors and then we have um this Korean which is like morning grave it’s just like it’s a different aspect
Like uh American Horror it’s it’s more obvious and it’s more gory and I’m not I personally am not a fan of like Gore so I can’t do uh saw I can’t do the hostle though I did watch hosle I was like I and I used to work at the airport so I would
Be kind of freaked out like when I like I really friendly with passengers been like am I talking to a seral killer or like a rapist it’s like I would get into this thing and like because I Googled that on on Google one time like what’s
The average um like like like a chance you would a normal person would meet a sereral killer it’s like one I’m like oh so a normal person needs one zero throughout their life imagine person the worst in the airport like did I just talk with someone like that I don’t
Know I don’t know but it’s like for me it’s Japanese horror Chinese unfortunate they do have nice things but it’s like they don’t do well with horror the the the special effects back in the late 70s early 80s and things they did some amazing stuff there’s no question but
They knew that things had to be quick because if you looked at that dummy head for too long you’d realize real fast that looks that looks fake fake fake fake but because of that it made them make movies that were more up to your imagination and I think those were
Probably scariest versus seeing all that Gore you know this that and the other thing I mean I remember watching what was it the first Halloween they they only made that movie for like S I saw that recently yeah loved it that was and that was pretty boring all he did was
Like stalked him really like he was standing there the first boltergeist was fantastic it had I love that one but there’s a lot of it left to your imagination I I think with something with that winds up being scarier than than seeing the monster on on screen or
Whatever yeah yes I’ve always loved Friday 13th but I loved uh U my favorite was Texas Chainsaw Massacre the original 1974 one do but you know and then over the years there hasn’t been really any good horror until Saul came out in my opin I love sa I love all of them but
Then like a good oldfashioned slasher um there wasn’t many until until um terrifier with ar clown which I love and yeah it’s not perfect are some corny Parts in it but I loved see I know my limits I know my because I have a very active imagination like I’m going to
Tell you something real fast um I saw like the first five seconds of the red red dragon and I was like I stayed in my apartment for like a month I’m not even joking I have to go to bed like the lights on yeah I was terrified because
Like you just pick of the part where he’s like showing um that one guy like everything he was doing like the mouth I’m like oh my God then it’s like that kind of more movie that you want to change a channel but it’s so you just Channel happy New Year here
It is Happy New Year happy New Year it’s official it’s official look the calendar says one oh hopefully hopefully this year is good for every welcome to the Future yeah we’re in the same year as Rosa now it’s unbelievable and and and uh and you’re Diana Crystal we’re in the same year now
So we’re alive Andy brings up a good one with alien alien had a lot so good same thing with amville horror you know another um called um the uh the werewolves of uh London what was it called um American Werewolf in London yes I love that there’s another good soundtrack
Actually that’s a good soundtrack it was a friend I’ll have to find the video For You Joe it was a friend of the Grim life uh Collective Sean Hayes or something like that that they did a full they went to all the scenes or the locations in
The movie and actually met up with one of them or something like that and went through the filming of it there that was John landis’s first movie that he directed and wrote oh wow and it was Rick Baker doing the whole transformation that he won an Academy
Award for that was like his first job yeah that was that was another good soundtrack actually yeah and good soundtrack as well but um it’s interesting that you connect the music with um I always do like whenever I hear any song I connect it to I even ask my
Wife I’m like tell me what movie that’s from and most of the time she don’t get it because she’s not good with all that like I am but I always try to test her with it and uh it’s fun like even as far as like the Karate Kid when there’s
There’s music from The Karate Kid come on I’m like has a great here I picked up a hitchhiker once they said don’t worry I’m not a serial killer I replied I’m not worried what are the odds of two serial killers in the in one car at the same
Time that’s nice I like that that that that was a freaky one wasn’t it hitchhiker with Ruger Hower and um Thomas Thomas was that the one with the nun Thomas uh no it’s like I don’t remember if it was that one but it was like he P picks up a hitchhiker who
Winds up being a serial killer and it was It was kind of creepy movie some scary stuff in I think Jason Le was in it too remember tals from the Crypt they had them love was like Saturday nights yes was every Saturday night whatever laugh but Danny Elfman did the
Music to that intro so Danny Elfman Oingo Boingo for those of you that know um he’s also the one that did the music for Batman 89 Batman and Batman Returns and also the uh Nightmare Before Christmas he um so you’ll hear the similarities you’ll hear the similarities between
Tales from the Crypt opening and Batman sorry I I I need binoculars because I really can’t read anything I’m using everything my cell phone sorry I thought it was one person no can sorry go on sorar oh no no it’s all good I was just saying that that the tales
From the cryp music and Batman 89 Batman and Batman Returns is all Danny Alman and you can hear the same type of thing I’m bringing this up because jok yeah yeah yeah how you doing Mr Pats fan he shaved his beard he look different very clean clean man very
Clean looking sharp last time he was on all we can see is lounge and Runners now we can see the whole shirt right that’s great happy New Year happy New Year happy New Year happy New Year happy year happy New Year happy New Year Happy New
Year to everybody in the chat Happy New Year to everybody who’s watching who will watch who won’t watch I haven’t oh my God yeah I still haven’t seen the excist that is one movie I will tell myself I can’t watch I haven’t seen it either it’s the eyes
It’s the eyes for me I get freaked out with the eyes yeah that kind of stuff never scares me though I rather I’m more scared of the serial killer and the person running around with a hatchet then somebody you know then all this all this we all see people possessed yeah I
Understand yeah no but like it’s in the movie I can’t I just her eyes freak me out that’s all but like I’m the movie itself if you turn the volume down nothing will scare you it’s just the music and all the sounds that really scare you honestly I tried watching when
We used to have like a TV scrambled so all for one reason like it just stopped with the eyes I’m like no I was like 13 I used to watch other channels with the with the TV scrambled but we won’t talk about that here right well it is 12 so it’s okay
Yeah 100 bucks for this TV I’m more scared of paranormal stuff I get it because it could be anywhere whereas like a serial killer or leather face they’re in a location yeah I just fig they’re more real it could actually happen like somebody could go berserk and get a
Hatchet and chop your head off but no I don’t know the possession thing I don’t know oh Janine was telling me this horrible story that happened recently uh was on Christmas Day and and it was a 14-year-old kid and a 15-year-old kid they’re brothers and a sister one was
Complaining about not getting enough presents for Christmas so he got angry and wind up shooting his sister yesy old came back and shot the 14-year-old that shot the sister it’s like what the f is going on there that’s not normal not noral so yeah yep no but zombie zombie
Hunter is right he said they always split up you know let’s go check the basement like I don’t know about you but if I hear noises and [ __ ] in the basement I’m going outside I’m running I’m getting the car and going and it’s always like why do their car the car
Never starts when they’re trying to get away it’s always something like the car it could be a brand new car it’s running great all of a sudden you’re running from a killer and boom it don’t work like you can’t find the key or the keyhole yeah it’s
[ __ ] yeah how about this how many of you when you were little would think something would come out of your closet or something like that and you’d be like oh gonna get me it’s G to get me and then you get so tired you’re like just
Come out and kill me I’m too tired I’m done yeah I I used to look under myed door closed I used to look under my bed every night every night when I was younger because I watched horror movies I’ve been married for 31 years nothing scared
Me there you go Amen to that there you go I used to live in a house that was haunted actually or it had activity so it got to a point where I was really used to it and um by the way I’m not crazy or anything I
Just I saw a lot of [ __ ] no I’m just thinking like AES across the room and you’re like yeah no big deal Another Day The Office it got to a point yeah um we did see a phone like fly from one side to the other side um a lamp that was in
My room moved to the kitchen um one day I woke up there was a man that shadow of a man at my door I got up he puts his hand on the doorknob I’m like you know what I’m going back to bed good night so
I just got used to it so I wasn’t really scared of it thank God because I just yeah I saw a lot of things but it’s like that doesn’t scare me psychos but they’re more they’re more persistent yeah it’s funny how this episode has turned into a Halloween
Episode for the new I know I didn’t even put my Halloween this one no I like it well there is um spooky stuff in Star Wars you know yeah there is like I wouldn’t want to see cious in the middle of the night you know he’s scary Kenneth what is your favorite horror
Movie and don’t say show amville Amityville nice nice Janine’s like I grew up near there yeah you were probably the reason really oh my God I’m gonna get eat later yes yeah if you’re lucky CAD says his parents house were haunted I told the ghost at my parents house
Make yourself useful and go make me a [Laughter] yeah dishes around make me something to eat exactly there you go did you get the sandwich and and out of curiosity what kind of sandwich yeah cheese I chanine was eating peanuts and I’ve got a a blue Raz bang energy drink and I
Swear the two of them if you eat peanuts and drink that it’s a total peanut butter and jelly sandwich in your mouth including the bread you can totally taste the bread you’re like oh my gosh and there’s less calories there no bread exactly so it’s been an interesting
Night that’s all I want to say yeah she was there where is where is where is Oz the Great and terrible where is where is the giant head where is she is she eating no I I’ll get her on no you don’t have to go I’m just wondering
Like where what the hell happened to her like she got hungry still wow she a smorgus board I’m not trying to kick him off or anything I’m just like where did she go I I told her they’re looking for you and she goes okay you don’t want to get rid of you or
Nothing I’m just saying like I just know whatever dude whatever I get it yeah it is the more the marrier that’s all yes exactly yeah two hot dog three hot dogs here now do that she she’s eating she’s eating a fish stick right that just came
Out of the um uh air fryer and you can see even in this room which isn’t cold you can see all the Steam and smoke and she goes to eat it she has no problem you can see it all come out of her mouth and it’s like I don’t know how she does
It I get burned you don’t maybe she’s possessed no she’s just she hey Frankie I heard something um men have more heat and women are more cold so that’s why hey Frankie yeah which is weird because why are you all cold all the time it’s it’s in our
DNA yeah you know what women are always cold I think that’s what women are always my wife’s always cold I’m always hot like I’m like what’s what’s the difference like I don’t know what’s going on yeah it’s it’s it’s God’s way to bring us closer together that’s what
Again I am 100 pounds more than her or more so that might have something to do with it yeah because you guys have the cold feet and all yeah my feet are cold right now we thinking too much so had the heat disappear off yeah when you over thing yeah thank you thank
Youate that any is causing problems he’s trying to get me in trouble yeah now she he’s trying to say that I said you had a big head all I called you was Oz well this here you can read this if you want yeah this is what
He says he goes to be fair Scott didn’t say she had a huge head he said she had a melon head just clarifying for you buddy so you don’t get in trouble well it could it be a water melon or a smaller melon I don’t know we didn’t say’s my melon there it
Is it is kind of small compared to hers honestly a side by side compare hold on go back come back into theair Bo there it is yeah he so cute yeah aable Star Wars power couple yeah the powerheads the Star Wars power couple power the first sister and the first
Mister here you go yeah that’s good yeah I know she’s eating her fish sticks Frankie you missed it because the show should have been called one hot dog and fish and some fish sticks we’re gonna rename it don’t worry funny Janine’s eating like she got the munchies I’m trying like she’s been
Eating for half an hour [Laughter] like just like that it takes nothing for me sometimes I have to be very careful yeah this show went from good to bad real quick huh and then then we went right into horror yeah which I don’t ever mind that’s my second
Love oh the hor yeah exact oh the hor of the show so any any of those that really gave you guys nightmares you were terrified of any movies besides the last Jed show Girls G only because it was the girl from Save By the Bell and then I seen all of her
And then I’m like I’m never gonna get this out of my head every time I watch say by the Bell what was that Elizabeth Elizabeth Berkeley yeah yes Berkeley that’s right yeah all I can think whenever I think of her name I think of that one episode and say by the Bell
Where she’s on the drug the drugs yeah I can’t get that oh yeah watch show Girls you won’t even thinking about the drug I was going to say that was that the same one that chill girls yeah she trying to make her Mark and everybody was like no thank you she made
It oh yeah it was yeah like Frank watch it multiple times the best Star Wars channels always go off topic oh we are way way off topic I mean I’m not even Janine that’s how far off topic we are so no Janine’s she’s on a
Um she’s on a binge right now she’s on a food binge here’s a creepy one Zena he’s up for the winter in the filming of poltergeist hea aor died and they had to use a stand in for some of the scenes so what you’re seeing there’s not for back is to
You that’s good I never even knew that pretty scary see B I know in The Wizard of Oz if you I know you’ve all seen that yeah yeah the munchkin when yeah like my little date earlier so the part the witch comes up in the beginning and all the fire she
Gets burned and they had to like stop production for a few weeks or months oh wow because she got burned in real life yeah so uh and then people were saying like that the munchkins were hanging theirself in the trees I don’t think that was true like I keep hearing conflicting yeah
I don’t know yeah I don’t know um scariest movie as a child I think was um Freddy couger which I only saw like last year that scared me as a young child he was probably the scariest because you didn’t want to go to sleep CU that’s
Where he would kill you in your dream it just creepy yeah it’s like and then you’d see people dress like him in the street yeah yeah I haven’t seen it you haven’t seen any of them Rosa no I don’t see homor your homework now there’s no exactly mine was Dam happy New Year
Andy yeah oh my God it just brought you just got me flashbacks who yeah the oh my God that that’s SC that song song scared the heck out of me oh my god oh man I’m tring to say something that really scared me but I can’t think
About like it was so creepy that was so creepy so creepy of them scared me because my dad always told me like in the beginning like I’m let you watch these movies but like you know that they’re just movies so I never really got freaked out about him I don’t
Think your name and yeah although I you know I don’t want to walk like you know yeah I would hear a noise and I would I would not go to the basement I’m not gonna be one of them fools oh I heard a noise in the basement let’s go down
There no stay away I am that fool that’s that’s what you learned yep that’s me I’m the one I walk down to the basement to figure out what it is and pretend I’m packing heat every time hey killer I’m packing heat just so you know my knife for coming down there
Now now yeah I’m warning you I’m coming downstairs you better hide exactly oh my God oh my goodness just take the lights saer and go [Laughter] yeah oh yeah The Conjuring that was another The Conjuring the one where the chick like C out of the TV no that’s um that’s the ring yeah
That was kind of creepy that was the face the face face you know what somebody had an awesome Halloween costume where they had with like a TV and like the person was like going through it it was awesome oh wow yeah I can’t think of [ __ ] like that I just put
Like a Halloween jacket on I’m done I’m lazy yeah I saw I saw y all did y’all did and I dressed up for Halloween yeah s yeah you were Batwoman or whatever imag I wore the helmet that I bought Jeff what Ken did anything ever scare
You I mean you’re a big fella nothing ever scared no not really he’s Brave nothing not even vampires who stay up till 6: am. we’ve been on here we’ve been on here 3 hours this is so much fun I don’t three hours three and a half of them almost yeah phone is
At% every week this better I know my iPad’s at4 what was that buzzing noise sorry just charging charging my phone else GR I I didn’t find Gman scary I actually thought they were cute weird ones but yeah I mean what were they they couldn’t get wet right or they
Couldn’t feed them you couldn’t feed them after 12 yeah that’s right oh thank God you guys aren’t Gremlins because you’ve been up like way past 12 we haven’t eaten I what time did you eat Rosa huh what time did you eat eight hours ago so it’s okay I ate 12 so I’m still
Okay I think it’s yeah eight hours ago I went to the I did had a free buffet at the damn at the uh Casino did you have the lobster tail no they had like sausage and uh potato salad and these little egg roll things they were good it was good food it
Was during football they had like a spread there so it was cool nice I work near the Barona Casino I guess I see the sci never been and then like my friend he’s like the head of HR for the casino and he’s telling me the buffet’s free
Then the lady brings over the bill and it’s like $20 each for the I’m like hold on a minute like that [ __ ] wasn’t worth $20 like and he said I’ll have it taken off don’t worry but well you said it was free like you screwed me right that’s good thing about the
Casinos yeah we got it taken off because you know I’m cheap I gotta save my money for Hotes and things like that not fish sticks and you know things like that but yeah asked what was the favorite um what was the scary vampire um I don’t think I have a scary scary
Vampire except for lat from interview from The Vampire because he was more just more brute he would just kill to kill right I always go back to like um Bella legosi as the vampire you know as as Dracula like I thought you know it’s old4 you know but that’s always
That’s like pure beauty yeah yeah I always go back to him because he’s the original you know and I I love that old black and white um type horror movie so I only drink Unicorn Blood what what did you say Rosa I only drink Unicorn Blood there you go that’s her favorite
Meal oh no like um actually there was a movie that I watched uh a few years back which was like the Slender Man movie it’s actually on YouTube and I I watched it with my friend at work which was like really crazy and she had to walk home so
She was like on the phone she was freaking out it was that and um so above and so so below it’s that movie The Catacombs in France I was like yeah that’s a that’s that if that’s a sign to not go to France like just don’t go like cuz that’s scary
But yeah those two are just like well the Slender Man’s actually you know people actually believe he’s real so that’s yeah it’s kind of scary people girls here killed their friend because the Slender Man told them to or something yeah yeah and the same as with Bloody Mary
Yes I never had to get to do that like no y Blood Mary Bloody Mary Blood Mary oh that was what was the other one yeah Bloody Mary that was kind of creepy too yeah that was you’re right that was kind of weird [ __ ] I put I put like exclamation
Point instead of one damn it let me fix that oh yeah how do I how do I fix it you gotta bounce out no doubt it’s like 5:30 for you girls holy CRA yeah 5 my side yeah 24 a.m. oh I feel dedication dedication to The Cantina yeah but I’m gonna hop off
Soon 2% yeah we are I have 2% brain stem left right now I tomorrow too so I work tomorrow sucks what time you have to go in for you Janine like 10 I have to be there at 8 in the morning oh well that’s not too
Bad oh God so that me at 7:15 and I wake up at about have a good morning Rosa yeah have a good day I would say have a good night but too late for that it’s still night it’s still night it’s like I I don’t start my mornings without breakfast for our
Vampires it is still night there you go all right it will be daylight in a couple of hours I do I well you you too thank you for am talking you guys are so great and everyone in the chat you’re great you guys are great so uh yeah have a great day happy
New Year and thank you for everything yes thank you you too guys we’ll see you soon bye a it’s so awesome isn’t it yeah it is it really is and now there three of us two hot dogs there’s [Laughter] three oh man how funny Cass has 3
Minutes left so Scott says happy New Year Cass read that in 35 more minutes yeah happy New Year we’re not gonna be here in 35 minutes right we got hours I won’t make it I’ve got to wake up early so yeah yeah it’s a thought that counts
Exactly right yeah I think uh what three hours and three and a half I didn’t think I could sit here that long my ass is a little numb to be honest um but uh my my drink has been gone for a while I have to pee
Um so I got a lot of issues here a lot of issues going on but we’re going to get past it all and next week um before before I say what’s going on next week Janine thank you for doing this um with me thank New Year Janine thank you
Pat happy and Pat um Ken Ken we’ll have you on again at some point Thank you for joining us tonight dude it was a it was a pleasure having you on New Year I figured you know I GRA with your pres yes that’s right I
Love it yeah it’s always so nice to see you on yeah exactly plus I was clean shaving I wanted to show that off yeah you got show off the nice young looking face there you go you’ll never it takes 20 years off me yeah you’ll never see me
Without any of this sorry I don’t have any of that either thankfully I still do but you never know it’s only here grows exactly most of the time yeah at one time my head used to be really my brother shaved his head right before my wedding it was like my wedding
Was in September he shaved his head in June and he came home from school my mom was like what the hell he’s like don’t worry it’s gonna grow back and guess what it never did never never that was it he just he just stunned the whole system and nothing grew back
I think he saw the inevitable happening and he just nipped it in the bud yeah you know it happens sometimes yeah absolutely yeah yeah my my uncle was bobbed at 21 damn so yeah everyone says looking good Pats fan looking good yeah thank you Scott there you
Go and with that I am going to call tonight all right dude well thank you for everything thanks for supporting us and uh jumping on with us and thank you being here all the time been a highlight of my year oh that’s amazing yeah I love
To hear that I appreciate that you you take care happy New Year brother to day tomorrow all right you too good night all right good night so cool yeah so much fun thanks for letting me din in the middle of that I was so hungry Scott walks over with
Like more peanuts in a protein bar I’m like put fish sticks in the air fryer it’s not hard you just pour it in and you turn it on because he mentioned fish sticks and that was it right yeah I’m like I need food so
Bad I I didn’t want him to think I was I didn’t I wanted him there too but I’m like yeah what the hell happened to Janine like she can’t be still eating like was she having a smorgus board or what what was funny but uh I was cing
And eating and taking care of the cats because they are just crazy when I’m home so anyway it’s funny my mouth my mouse right now right my my mouth is like right on your neck like it’s giving you the force joke I had to move it
Sorry you know the little hand has got you but anyway but yeah um so says happy New Year Happy New Year Happy New Year hope yeah damn we’re still live yeah we’re trying to I think we passed what you guys did now we have the longest reigning show but um Scott
Says all good Joe I know you like Janine better it’s cool whatever I like you equally so before we go before we go like Michael Haven said I see CC 2024 r5c gets 10% off of your tickets and they go on sale tomorrow 12 p.m. central 100 p.m. Eastern and don’t forget iccc
2024 r5c for 10% off for that next week next week we should be at full power all five of us back our new member who is I can’t tell you but no one is guessed yeah nobody guessed yet that’s the I’ve heard one person guessed it right but
Through I’ve heard the same person mentioned con L which I think is interesting yeah you know which I don’t I don’t know how they would even guess this person because right yeah anyway next week next week at the beginning of the show he or she will be
Here he or she might have been here tonight you never know you never know you never know but uh we’ll find out for sure next week because it’ll be myself first sister Brett flex and the new member of the Rog five Cantina next week live 900 P PM Eastern y Rog five Cantina
And uh Happy New Year guys Happy New Year Janine happy New Year and uh thanks everybody for joining us and absolutely it’s late and I’m beat and I know you gotta go to work so good night everybody we’ll see you next week tired good night everyone see you happy New Year I like this very heavy w