24 hours or less into the year 2024 I did not expect to see lique liquefication inside of Japan from one of the largest earthquakes that we have seen inside that region in years now scientists those working with tectonics in the United States of America and across the world say that this might be
Just the beginning there is a connection to some of the solar events that we have seen take place and this could be the waking up of a great shaking of the earth now they have said that the four plus magnitude earthquakes that we have seen across California could be
Something that sets us in line with a large tectonic or a super tectonic event one that sends tsunami waves over the California shorelines last night I was staying up late it was around 1: or 2 a.m. eastern time and I was watching what was happening in China and let me
Say the liquefication of the ground where it just bubbles up and you see the asphalt bubble like waves is something that I only saw last time during the Fukushima event it does happen during earthquakes sometimes the Earth tears apart sometimes it kind of rips and
Rolls but what we do know is that these types of natural disasters are something we have to be prepared for uh seismologists they are in agreement this might be just the beginning we saw hundreds of aftershocks some of them four plus some of them up as high as the
Sixes then we saw that reverberating shock over in California with a couple of the four pluses there now we have in the United States massive problems because we have nuclear power plans built along or nearby fault lines let me tell you they have no preparation for liquefication underneath the ground at a
Nuclear power plant it’ll rip and tear apart the cooling system it’ll send Fallout as a meltdown happens across your region maybe across your state could be across the entire USA we could see a chain of events not to mention the absolute Madness that’s going to ensue because people just aren’t prepared for
This type of Fallout so 24 hours into this new year what we have seen so far we saw in the last 24 to 48 hour period one of the largest Russian attacks on Ukrainian soil then we saw one of the largest Ukrainian attacks on Russian soil we did see the largest ever attack
On Israel from Hezbollah and we saw the largest ever Israel attack on Lebanon we saw massive usback uh Coalition forces taking fire and we saw missile attacks on US forces in Syria this with the earthquake this with the small tsunami that happened we also have some other natural disasters going on this is
Getting bad quick and now Eric Prince you guys might know him because he is the founder of Blackwater he’s a contractor he’s also a former Navy SEAL he does have some CIA training guy might be a spook I don’t know uh maybe he’s working for the Chinese side
Because I do have some information here that he’s also the chairman of a private private security and Logistics firm called Frontier Services Group which is a chinese-owned company based in Hong Kong they work in private security work in Africa this guy maybe has his toes in
The water he can tell the temperature of the water what he’s saying is 2024 is going to be a year of hellish conflict that means maybe you have a couple of months to get ready maybe you have a couple of weeks to get ready now do you need to get ready for Hellfire
Missiles over top of your area kamakazi drones maybe in your state could you imagine we did just see a video of a B-52 flying overhead at a US state could you imagine if the kamakazi drones were flying what we’re more likely to see is uh migrant people smuggled into the
Country these people who work for State uh organizations like Russia and China maybe Iran maybe some other ones they’ll just use plain old DJI drones uh they’ll use plain old chemical reaction compounds and then they’ll fly in drones to attack police stations uh government vehicles uh you’re going to see some
Things like that because there’s no way that they can trace them in the numbers that they will unleash them so those are you know that’s kind of our preps right you got a couple of weeks to get ready now what does that mean what should you do stalk your freaking Pantry get some
Self-defense tools make a plan for how to defend your house and how to evacuate from it I’m a big uh uh opponent of conflict deescalation the guy gives you the finger give him a smile and turn turn your face the guy comes up to your window plan to defend yourself but we
Need to know how to deescalate and remove ourselves from conflict Kelly and I were at an event and I could see the violence coming now if you’ve ever seen violence you maybe know you can feel the the temperature in the air rise you can feel the heated arguments turning a
Certain way that is of course if somebody doesn’t have their emotions under control and just goes in for that sucker punch that sucker stab whatever you want to call it that good old jail shank no this was a normal violent event that we saw escalating Kelly and I
Removed ourselves from it a lot of people didn’t and then someone got stabbed now that could have been a bystander could have been anyone could have been you could have been me but I saw it happen and I removed myself from it because it wasn’t a direct it had
Nothing to do with me why get involved other people had their phones up in the air like oh what’s happening maybe I’ll record it and sure that’s great for them maybe they can get in contact with the police and give them all their information that I’m sure will never be
Used to incriminate them me I removed myself from the situation before it affected me conflict deescalation I wish our governments could uh you know play as good of a part in it but now here this leader of the Blackwater group onetime leader a military strategist former US Navy SEAL
CIA trained Navy SEAL he says that China will Bluster their way into a takeover of Taiwan they said it must feel like the door is wide open right now for China to do whatever China wants to do they also criticize the USA why because we aren’t the country that we once were
Now President Vladimir Putin he said of Russia that Moscow is going to intensify their attacks against Ukrainian actors against the countries that are backing them back when this war started and we first started giving ammos and rifles and missiles and tanks and all these things to Ukraine I said then what
Happens next is Russia will uh see us as the aggressor and they did and they started right then and there calling us out then they started calling all of NATO out and then they started saying what else was going to happen now we’re starting to really ratchet up that
Tension and we see Russia really preparing to take on NATO organized groups these are dangerous times that are really happening right before our eyes so what do you do to get ready well stock your pantry get a self-defense tool take some training courses learn first aid go camping hunt
Fish do what your grandparents used to do right it was like you were taught uh uh he Lake Maneuvers in school at least I was I was taught CPR at school classes now they are afraid because they won’t know what to what do you call the doll
They’ll be like what what do we call this doll and they’ll debate that for six or eight months while your kids don’t even know how to give each other a CPR if someone’s dying or a highl maneuver if someone’s choking or for when you should use chest compressions
And when you shouldn’t and what needs to happen to a wound they’ll be like well what do we call dummy the doll here is is it a uh a a non organized doll is this a is this just a practice doll because that’s kind of like rude to
Dummy the doll instead they just debate what they should do instead of do it we need to get out there and train and train every day it could be little you walk to the mailbox that’s training guys anything you do to stay off our Aces is
Training you go roller skating I I met a uh person from the channel here roller skating a couple of uh uh weeks ago maybe yeah about a week or two ago and he said hey I recognize you from the channel I watch you guys here and I was
Like hey I appreciate you know seeing you here and he was like I see you’re sticking to your motto you’re out here having fun and that’s what we were doing you do your chores you do your prep work and then you have fun we like to go to
Adult night skates and that’s training too right you should see my calf muscles I’ve got little popyes under there why because we’re able to do things to have fun the more you watch what’s happening the more you know what’s going on let me tell you we used to teach our
Children you go to the gutter you look left and you see there’s cars coming you don’t go out in the street right because you know what can happen if that car hits you you look right and you see there’s car coming and you don’t go out in the street because you know what
Happens if that car hits you you’re not a doom and gloomer because you’re like if you cross the road you might get killed oh hey settle down there doom and gloomer nothing ever happens okay nothing ever happens no we teach our children don’t go into the street
Realize that you can get kidnapped don’t take candy from strangers even though now it’s more like uh you know don’t uh don’t accept cash app from strangers we have to train ourselves because they have t they have dumbed us down so much they have taken out every bit of
Instilled understanding of our world and environment that our great great great grand parents had to learn through trial and error now they just call you a bad name a bad word if you practice any of those things that they did oh you can you’re a prepper freak oh you uh you
Preserve your food what are you some some sort of home home is it homey home is it a mo I’m not sure are you some sort of Home Homesteader well why are you afraid nothing ever happens we need to get back to Our Roots you look left well there’s
Russia and China over there that’s a car it’s hit us if we go out into that road you look right there’s the Middle East Supply chains earthquakes tsunamis oh that’s not a good idea I’m going to wait right here you wait till the time is right and that’s called preparedness and
Being prepared then you act thank you guys for being here with us today and everyday Full Spectrum Survival only on YouTube if you are watching somewhere else come over and join the family get in the comment box talk to us here from my family to yours stay safe and much
Love and good luck