That’s good to know sorry hey you guys we’re live hi brou what up brou it’s nice to see you so bro said hello everyone hey Katy Peter and Andy hope you’re having a great night did you hear the news the mandal and my brother Roku are headed
For the V we just finished a video on that and posted it so yes we did and bro said when grou gets sleepy on the movie said I get to stand in for him thank you grou you’re the bestest brother ever brother didn’t realize that it was just a hypothetical
Situation but yeah it’s super exciting MH and we called it but for all the people who will watch this later you guys we will not be showing echko actually on this stream we will just be showing ourselves and get to hang out with us we’ll be talking to
You guys during the live stream doing commentary of what we think about the stuff we’re seeing and then you guys in real time will get to talk to us on the live and let us know what your thoughts are yeah cuz it’s just a watch along
It’s just a place where we can all hang out together and talk about what’s going on so we will not be showing echo on here just a heads up so there’s no confusion I think it’s good that we did that at the beginning as opposed to like
Not saying that because people are like really upset at us like worst video ever well people are confused so I want to make it clear um so fourth and th so we put echo on screen in the bottom corner of the screen we will not CU it would take down
Our video oh toothy by the way um but yeah and also we’re not set up like that I know uh it would mess up our sound but pass me my headphones yeah I’ll get yours set up in the meantime as well and we will be starting the watch along at
9: cuz it drops at 9 o’ so in the meantime we’re just here to talk to you guys and see what you’ve been hearing um I actually read some of people’s comments on social media so so far people have said it’s been great but that’s also people who got it early so I
Don’t know access goes along with praise maybe fourth 1 said so you’re saying top right corner of the screen exactly that’s exact top right corner where it’s off the screen yeah behind it somewhere um on you mean on your own TV yeah I mean on your own TV I need your little
Cable just go over there yeah Andy you want to hand me the cable should be right in front of in front of you thank you but brou are you excited for the Mandalorian movie um I’m interested to see what how they’re going to wrap it all up because there were supposed to be
Two more seasons and instead they’re just making the movie so and the on those headphones over there it needs to be on the adapter sorry we’re having technical issues we were a little behind cuz I was editing the video we had to post today when we were trying to get set
Up you’re good bro there we go wow that’s a really snug fit good job very proud of you Peter f I was like I was afraid I was going to break her like ax like the little Jack technically challenged it’s schol exactly I was sitting there I’m like I
Don’t want to break it right before so BR said yes I’m looking forward to I hope it’s pretty good me too I’m hoping they’ll just focus on djar and brou and not a whole bunch of other stuff you mean grou grou yeah yeah he’s goingon to
Be in it too yeah Jesus grou grou sorry you’re messing me up brou but yeah so Netflix it doesn’t come out until M anyway it’s not Netflix it’s Disney plus look at Peter getting confused about what platform we’re even watching us on it’s Disney plus bro said are you guys looking
Forward to it would you rather as a movie or a season 4 um I would rather as a movie Just because season 3 was a complete departure from season one and two and I’d rather they just make the movie about djar and grou rather than
Using it as a platform to show all the other side characters that they would like to see if people are interested in I agree like I feel like a movie is just the best way to go in the show they could just take a whole season is further distance
Themselves from the main characters like they did in season 3 and I’m not going to stick around and watch that and they I think they know that as well that people aren’t going to stick around and watch that either well I think they’re hoping that I say I think they’re hoping
That people will go to see the melor movie because it’ll be a wrapup of the entire series is what I’m gaining for that um and also I think they let that leak right now because of s the backlash they’re getting from the announcement for the director of the ray movie so
They’re trying to distance themselves from that and be like hey look this way the Mandalorian movie with John Fabro it’s bright it’s shiny it’s over here don’t look over there that’s bad stuff don’t wor look at that uh Andy you want to bring up the Disney plus please oh he’s got headphones in
Already one second I’ll be back so are you guys like super excited for Echo so I’m feeling like this is going to be like a really fun night I think this is going to be hilarious to watch this is just my predictions Katie’s excited for it because she you know loves action
But I feel like this is going to just be like one of the scenes that is like is so funny because how bad it is well I rewatched the fight scene and why why would you do because I slowed it down on certain parts and you guys it’s worse
Than I even remembered um there’s literally like Parts where he completely hits just open air high like they didn’t even commit to like making it look even semi-real they’re like it’s close enough and it wasn’t even like oh well find in the edit cuz it’s it’s in the edit that is the
Edit okay so you got a slack kind of we’ll [Laughter] see fourth 1000 said what the [ __ ] I have a parental control my Disney plus bro you’re so full of it oh my gosh uh bro said Gru said that he’s going to have our backs in the
Movie if he blinks twice he’s showing his solidarity for all the men in the world gr said the forest [Laughter] female um I honestly think that’s also why they’re making it a movie um because it’s been so long since like Star Wars fans have gone to the theaters to watch
An actual Star Wars movie it’s been since 2019 so years so I think they want to condition people to go to theaters to see Star Wars rather than just expecting it to come to to their house because they have the ray movie coming up cuz the mandalorian’s coming out first it’s
A bold move on them just I put the Mandalorian first instead heroing Ray it’s not a bold move it’s a smart move it’s a smart move yeah that’s better way to say it it’s a smart move I got you oh damn that thing’s so long what she said
Fourth one Sil and said I got okay I got it I couldn’t use my profile I had to use the profile label label profile and I it opened bro this is covered partially by the heart so I’m assuming this says profile what are you yes how
Do you use the profile that said profile okay I’ll say what Disney Plus account are you using dude ex-girlfriends he’s like I’m not paying for this [ __ ] so I got my shrimp shrimp chips ready and glass of red wine let’s go disy Echo time we got our
Popcorn ready I feel like that’s like the perfect like Disney watching like uh foods like shrimp chips and red wine it’s like it sounds awful no I’m saying it’s like it’s like how they do the show it’s like a little bit classy with the red wine and then
He’s like shrimp chips kind of like bring it back down like this is still a disne show thousand you have a more refined palette than I do cuz shrimp chips and red wi it’s not my bad fagg but hey you go for it bro I see so they have Andy’s Echo
Already good fire cuz it’s 9 o’ echo echo echo all right y’all we’re starting the first episode so maybe not hold on it’s not going through our headphones so stand by hold up fourth not 3 two one play yet there we go that’s good that’s do it yeah Marvel Spotlight even though it’s
Not a spotlight lies and deception it’s smoking mirrors so we’re starting with a portal or what looks like a portal a pond okay so a hot spring I made it more than it was all right creepy nefarious what’s going on so her skin looks like it’s been like painted black like a demon
Are starting on another planet tvma so they can Flash badge Andy says tvma so they can Flash badge but for real bro like what are we doing right now like I thought this was just in Hell’s Kitchen she dring the sparkling her Skin’s all like actually etched in that
Too so these are obviously aliens bro said who is that BR I don’t know either it looks like Avatar got the way of water here it reminds me of uh Spy Kids the parents after they got transfigured or transformed into like the weird cartoons she’s bird oh this is the
Tribal people okay that is not where I thought this was going going to eat that bird aren’t you frog said is that a feminist Planet hell yeah I can see the mooch for oh no earthquakes and a random bird that showed up okay so collapsing oh is she G to hold up the
World what the [ __ ] is going on I’m so lost are the bet they get SE through or a portal cuz they all just disappeared so was it a portal was I right I’m never going to let that go if I was right it was it really a portal it really was a [ __ ]
Portal for the win to the they’re shedding are they about they really so they’re shedding the Clay and they’re going to turn into an Indian group of people the first Native Americans oh my oh my God that’s really okay is their origin story so this is our origin
Story so Native Americans are aliens I always thought it so these are the chocked off people how fourth said I haven’t seen a Marvel film since Doctor Strange do I need to see Ant-Man to get this no no bro no they said this the whole point of spotlights you’re not supposed to know
Anything in the past PR she’s got some nice mooch PR said what the hell is this BR it’s just an origin story I guess of the choc to people so we found Eko obviously four th did they just paint with all the colors of the wind dude nice Poconos reference I dig it
T oh I almost said TL I say Tamala Oklahoma tomaha Tamala t m a l a there the H there was no h yeah tomaha maybe whatever a he’s a wise old Elder so now they’re just camping and there’s that bird The elusive bird that evil
Bird yeah that goes to other planets and through portals and obviously lives forever cuz that was what hundreds of years ago yeah [ __ ] it was who stays outside in a tent while it’s raining kids when they live at home yeah there we go I was like I would have been out of
That no hot chocolate God damn it GNA die going to the store Andy said mom’s going to die going to the store 100% yep 100% yeah that’s yep origin that’s a tragic upbringing yep it’s a rainy night that’s what makes it a TR that’s the Mak said that’s what makes it a
Trope are they going to be the reason for the accident you think they just left there I know but they’re probably going to die too so everyone just on the road in the rain no breaks is she going to kill them no breaks yep boom Andy called it bro said the kids in
The tent were entertaining themselves making images with their hands they will be future Disney Executives it’s like ugab Booga TV bro so that’s how she loses her leg so that’s how she loses her leg and they explain the ampute position oh I mean she did kill her mom 41000
Said she should have used hand signals clever Now where’s the grandparents so obviously they amputated the leg so they were her grandparents mhm what they cut the brakes where was the leadup that that would even happen I know like how was I supposed to assume the
Brakes were cut feel like a giant leap it’s like the braks were cut yeah like breaks just give out moves that like why would they make the leap that they driving an old car like that would make sense too like oh it’s faulty braks no it has to be
Gangs what what so he indirectly got his wife killed mhm or sister it’s crazy this episode’s almost like a quarter of the way done already I I understand the point of ever mentioning that she’s really hurting or they’re really hurting I would assume everyone’s in pain your daughter or sister or wife
Died like that’s traumatic experience for anyone that’s not needed to be said so we’re currently at the point where the uh at 9:01 9 minutes in one second episode one season one well obviously per said that sounds like some gangster stuff going on exactly she us throwing up hand signs gang
Signs it’s a be it is your so she automatically assumes it was her fault it was 4000 said L time in Phillips is getting old oh my God tast they walk some Swiss right now yeah what Andy Swiss SM pretty tast for some Swiss right now Andy said it’ be pretty tasteless if
They came with some Swiss Mist right now she she finally got that hot cocoa was it worth it you killed your mother for this look of Shame Bonnie to Bonnie to Bonnie to 4th 1000 did she L leg in the accident yeah the when they got in the
Car crash the piece of glass went through her leg so they amputated the leg but it’s their way of telling Because the actual sorry Peter the actress is an ampt as well later when she grows up oh yeah I was like wait so they hired this actress I
Thought she was just dead so she actually is an NP as well I didn’t know that that’s yep trying to take all those things realism mhm 4000 said I wonder if you ask if you’re allowed to keep your leg I’d get mine bronzed keep it as a momento I would get
Mine turned into a walking cane there there they go again making images with their hands I don’t know what you’re say they gang signs brou 41000 said who wants to predict the obligatory white school bully who makes Echo feel feel bad Brer said it’s called side language King
For some Reas I think she have some like crazy like Advanced prosthetic it’s nice motorcycle mhm mhm well that was quick I know for violence you hear swords clanking in the background did you hear that no yeah I mean I’ve never seen someone actually get stabbed by a sword but that
Is the sound I would expect through a wall yeah dude I I can’t IM me a quiet thing he’ll be fine he just got he just yeah he just got run through he’ll be fine we’ve seen it’s just a Nick don’t worry about it he’ll make it he just got stabbed I’m
Already gone 4,000 said I wouldn’t get a foot that looks like a human foot I get a T800 foot or a group foot something cool I would too that’d be like I would go so weird with it Disney proving only men can die get stabbed through the abom yeah Disney
Proves that only men can die getting stabbed through the abdomen true you die so fast too straight to funeral and she’s only there by herself she has no one else after her whole entire life yeah it’s just been her her and her dad oh there’s Bonnie you go this little Maya
Bro said just that small fight scene didn’t seem like it was choreographed too well and it was dark four said if it was a lightsaber he might have lived mhm 100% or if he was female very confused at what’s going on we just jumped oh she’s stealing a bike or
Something like that but it’s the amount of police response for this one bike and like that’s pretty cool I’m so confused we just jumped to this like was she trying to get arrested she got to be Kingpin yeah yeah that fly white suit after all these years he didn’t learn sign language
Yeah B said hey it’s my man Kingpin who is that Chris Christie oh Kingpin join my group do join organized crime Yeah a murderer now we’re at a nightclub quickly mhm was that the after party it’s empty so I’m guess it’s the end of the night 4000 Oh I thought King was talking about [Laughter] stem so we’re finally done with the exposition nums yeah yeah so I’m assuming she read reads
Lips I feel like if you uh you’re death you would learn to re liip very fast oh she’s about to freak out bro she about to beat his ass knew it called it now they respect her that’s all it took to earn respect like you beat the [ __ ] of that guy very fast
I was to say she was here phone just type it it’s incriminating evidence when they [ __ ] charades just text it to her guys yeah just use your phone I know 4000 was that the guy from It’s Always Sunny no it was not that was not Charlie sham so quick to do it
Too okay and his bu just not watching like hey why is your gun suppressed yeah holy [ __ ] that’s true that wasn’t obvious at all D fight scene already yep bad door jump she’s like I did not sign up for any of this she looks so confused bro said I bet he won’t touch
Her like that again good for you Echo oh my go a kidney punch snap his elbow just bring his neck clunk clunk yep y there it is yeah how much force would that take though not familiarized with breaking necks yeah I don’t know I don’t know the tinile strength you would
Need care chick that’s kind of hurt your foot so bad Daredevil no I don’t like like this so this is the Daredevil fight yeah this is that big fight we’ve been seeing so much about just didn’t hit on the yeah he clearly just completely missed her complete Miss complete Miss Love on
Back what oh this floor thing irritates me there’s thei there’s the [Laughter] kick jeez guys like there’s obvious like air between them mhm B said I bet he won’t touch oh no he said yeah this fight scene isn’t that great either who she just whipped that shot yeah
Like one ofs you just pop her yeah those guns are exclusively only for Eko oh he was waiting in the ground for her to knee him four said is Charlie Cox like 5’4 he looked like Peter dingl in his intro shot I think it was the angle the angles
Were not helping oh oh where where is he why would he leave like BR said there he is K the one and only Daredevil montage is her doing badass [ __ ] yeah what this like a recap this is yeah it’s like a recap what what the [ __ ] what
Happening she her father was killed by King pabet what is going on it reminds me like like a drunk blackout just like blacking out waking back up and it’s like there’s the next scene what Andy so obviously he’s manipulating her and yeah it’s obvious kingpin’s her and P just said that
Kingpin probably killed her dad there’s the killer already like there’s no build up to that at all what Jeremy rener what the [ __ ] is happening T yeah so Kingpin killed her dad and hired Hawkeye to do it so is this before like the the end of endgame because Jeremy R was the guy murdering all those people during that time they didn’t commit to the haircut that he had while hey never around what
Up never just got home from work how yall doing we’re good good just watching this season one episode The the first episode and 27 minutes we’re 27 minutes in 4,000 said they got renter back for this man I’ll loan him the money yeah you don’t have to do this I know we
Speculate that there’s be a bunch of like flash yeah there’s gonna this is literally like we were speculating there’s tons of flashbacks oh my Lord what is happening this is so jumpy do he learn that sign language yeah he learned some sign language but not all of it what the [ __ ] okay so
Hold the phone yeah I’m like so did she seriously just killed Kingpin and then we just went five months later yeah like why in the first episode 20 minutes in why do all those like jumps then if you know what I mean like yeah it was going to be choppy no
Matter what but like why try and show so much time passing yeah well now she’s been shocked don’t know why but I feel we’re about to get a flashback looks like she’s Len is that a shot or gross it’s a fles wound just gonna wrap some gauze around the guys it’ll be
Cool I sorry ace bandage no biggie it’s just a flesh wound yeah zero yep no pressure to the actual side of the wound but hey no worries because she’s a female so it doesn’t matter brus said is that a recap I guess bro I’m assuming that’s just her origin
Story thrown at you why I get stopping and put the bandages on but why not just go to a bathroom so you can clean the wound and just clean it up then apply the bandage why do it between two trailers how hot the engines get that blood immediately would have on to the
Side of that got case of the sleepies 100% gonna pass out oh and run into somebody okay wait why are they honking like they wouldn’t see her coming I mean they would see behind her but why would they be like oh feeling I would swerve who’s
Why is it Ed did like she woke up because of the sound of honking yeah someone coming yeah wait oh my Lord oh my God it’s such a yeah like do they forget she’s deaf yeah tons of these parts I think they’re forgetting she’s deaf because they made it seem
Specifically well I’m saying well they were having her have a conversation like K said something and she wasn’t actually looking at him and she just somehow understood through telekinesis or sound sh a diad but no but seriously how is it that she’s magically just woke up even though she can’t hear
Anything I mean it’s just bad editing but yeah somebody that forgot that the defining characteristic of this picture is that we can’t here yeah someone forgot she’s supposed to be death for that point so that wouldn’t work so just breaking into her old Family Home and she’ll probably see her best friend
Bonnie is it breaking inner if you have a key she better sew it up with dental Voss she’s a badass like that they’re actually going to show her sewing it up I can’t watch that is that a tackle box whyn’t they already have like fishing lunch you use
Instead is it over yeah it’s over cool that’s gross yeah Spirit Dreams yeah Spirit Dreams yeah R said this is a bunch of flashbacks on top of flashbacks we’re as confused as you are there’s no one live in that house they’re home Shadows oh oh NOP it’s an intruder no they forgot the
Keys what why did that guy just stumble back like 10 feet how yeah why did he just fall so far like she closed the door I get that but like that that was like a force like well the door open like inches yeah she’s super
Strong n that if he knows who lives in that house or whose house is why is he opening it with a butter knife why is he signing to the dog said it’s the Plucky comedy fat guy dude fourth Danny Mason has let himself go yeah prison do to you Bru
Said did that new director for the Star Wars Ray movie make this so gr’s in the house and she just magically didn’t wake up guess Grandma’s as deaf as uh her 4 I BR I do feel really uncomfortable right now never around said any lizo came lizo Cameo yet no
Unfortunately instead we’ve only seen Daredevil and Hawkeye we’re still in the first episode is yeah I mean it’s important Al to say it’s a Jeremy rer hawka not his daughter yeah Lio will take over for kingpen that or Jack Black mhm now we’re going to the small roller
Skating the roller skating rank in the small town make America skate again it’s a dope skating rank mhm BR said I can’t wait to see lizo and Jack Black do a fight scene that would save the show it would mystery is your thing didn’t anything not understand she gave same
Language fourth say she should have a foot for every occasion like roller skate foot feel like Inspector Gadget that the person she was just pointing at mhm he’s a DJ and he’s a fun one I like his shirt mhm how she know yeah how she know what she he’s
Playing and why would she care or she talking about the game oh yeah it’s got to be the game not the song I think it’s hilarious she wants to talk somewhere private as if everyone around them knows sign language mhm is is going to pick up on the
Conversation like people talk in a different language usually don’t have to go somewhere else oh what how would he even know she killed Kingpin I’m wondering if that’s why the actor was saying that he was you have to do what you can with the script and try
To make it as best as possible because he knew he’s barely in this movie at like the show at all do I love like the fact that you can get a doctor to come in there just off the books and just come in there and do surgery what
Sorry pero said they’re play they’re playing in the hell out of that centerfold song I think they played the whole thing everyon says so she’s missing a leg and has prosthetic leg yes so she got into a car accident that uh piece of glass went into her leg and so they
Ended up amputating it but uh the actual actress is an ampe in real life o o that looks so disgusting it’s infected I see like the p and stuff oh my Lord how many days even had that been I thought it was just like one cuz
Yeah it’s going be at least one but W it would have looked like that after one day infections are like they act fast dude she’s well enough to climb up a ladder I was L about to say she’s very agile to be able to rely on a prosthetic
Leg to get all the way up there knowing that it’s not like mechanical it’s not one that’s like the supersonic uh yeah D I have a I have a bad leg myself and I struggle climbing ladders I would not safely climb that high four and said they should give her
That translator glove from Congo eeko hungry Echo hate kingp dude for real it’s like make it so much easier never round said so y’all remember the movie Planet Terror just saying h her feelings aren’t my business so what’s going on with the fire department it’s got to be
Bonnie fourth 1000 say it’s a ladder in the volume yeah that has to be Bonnie oh never mind Fisk shipping she trying to T take down his entire operation from fourth 1000 said oh hell yeah she needs a gun for a leg also get a sword like out of the kingsman mhm
She’s just trying to Star War in her freaking Hometown oh there it is oh my god there it is Queen pin Queen pin we called it bergu said yeah one of her legs could be a shotgun just lift that baby up and blow the enemy away I feel like that
Would also make her spin in a circle really fast m thank you I want some more popcorn do a flip Kingpin is still alive of course that’s I say because if Kingpin is dead wouldn’t she have just taken over but how close she was to him so
Point Blank shot how how’ she miss I don’t think she missed she probably like got him like Square in the chest oh shut in the face oh never mind I think they know they can’t kill Kingpin in Eko because imagine a daredevil Series without Kingpin it would like ruin his show just
For the sake of one show you don’t know that she’s they’re not going to kill him off of the end she’s actually going to become the queen and then she would be the bad guy in Daredevil oh yeah are these all like next time on
Yeah no no is this this is still the show oh it I was like wait all right guys so first episode down and let use my I’m not ambidextrous I was trying to use my left hand you guys um so what do you guys think for over the first episode personally I think
That was all over the place that was a lot to take in um I think they could have probably could have left out some of the exposition dump um I didn’t need the different time frames sh her in different outfits well I also don’t need yeah I don’t need the
Montage to show her working with Kingpin and understand that she’s been working with Kingpin that she’s a part of his family and that she calls him Uncle like I saw her he touched her face as a young child like I didn’t need to understand their relationship and how she trust him
Exactly you could L just 5 months later her working like Kingpin and just shoots him right there like yeah and finding out that he actually killed her dad exactly it’s it I feel like they’re trying to be like too like smart with it they’re like oh
Look how often how much or how many people she’s killing in the meantime yeah this to be like oh look how badass she is so never around said I’m not watching it right now I’m making myself a sandwich I’ll watch it right after um unknown so hey what up man he said
Honestly episode 2 was hard to watch I had to stop it feels like filler a we’re about Start Episode Two don’t tell us that cuz we are on a backtack watch along no go ahead and tell us I don’t care doesn’t it’s not going to take anything away from it um I
Already feel like episode one was filler no yeah 100% so 4 says it’s kind of Jumpy not allowing me to kind of simmer and with the character odd way to intro and unknown said the pacting is so awful yes they had the D fight so early in the
Episode that’s why I immediately no it’s like there’s not going to be much to this episode they’re trying to do the the best part the very beginning well not even that the fact that they had two cameos in the very first episode you have Jeremy runer playing Hawkeye and
Then the and then Daredevil dude we should have done a bingo for this we should have how many times will we see these people exactly um 4,000 said shrimp chips done fourth glass of wine bro you’re going to be Wasted by get this by the end he’s like best show ever
This is the best show I’ve never seen it in B show I have my trunk goggles on it was amazing um but yeah so we’re about to watch about to start the second episode grab a soda do you need one hurried up cuz do you want one no it’s Mo along all
Right we got four more of these to do Peter not trying to prolong this so we’ll wait a second so Peter can grab something to drink but what do you guys think could have changed to make that first episode better I honestly think they should have
Taken out some of the stuff I think they were trying to put too much into the first episode and smash it all together and instead of giving you more information it took away from you being able to settle into any of the scenes and a lot of the scenes were kind of
Confusing like her being at the bike place and her breaking in there I don’t understand the point of her breaking into the bike shop at all four th said where’s Andy uh he took the dogs out he’ll be back in a second um but he was behind the screen
Talking a little bit for the first episode no I feel like that whole bite scene was solely just so she could get King P’s attention so he would come sa her yeah which is weird like why like they have phones for I guess she I she could s text unnown EXO said watching
You watch eeko more entertaining thank you well thank you but that sounds horrible because I feel like we need to speak and explain more of the stuff that was going on and dogs trying to steal my popcorn okay so let’s go ahead and start this second episode where she’s going to
Be running on a train and I’m getting uh Indiana Jones vibes from the Dial dentary Dial dentary oh yeah so we just started lwh Hawk is it lwh Hawk Lok Lok skip this [ __ ] recap yeah we’re going to skip the recap guys so need that we’re at one minute in 30 seconds
Never said all right I’m done with my grand slam sandwich and I’ll start from episode two with you guys sounds good you didn’t miss anything they literally just did an exposition dump of showing you that she was deaf how she her leg um that she fights Daredevil which was horribly
Choreographed you can tell that she doesn’t get hit any time uh they show where her people came from which is a little bit confusing because it looks like they came through a portal which is where the second season starting second episode yeah and yeah second episode starting in this mythical land where
Honestly I’m more interested in the old Native Americans I’m like see how these like portal people became like this the Native American tribes yeah Alabama what so we’re in Alabama that highly so fourth and down said the fight was okay I’m not bothered by that kick Echo does I think she was
Timing for when Dar Devil’s face rose up to kick him yeah I can see it that that would make more sense yeah rather than it looking like a musical dance Opera and now we’re having the what world championship on I don’t know yeah the Indian Olympics is there
Is there a match fing fixing in this they have their Greatest Warrior coming out to win the tournament for them yeah the tri Wizards cup it really does actually kind of look like yeah that’s what I’m saying like it’s uhoh he’s big he’s bad it’s blue shoulders coming out red team’s about to
Lose oh Lord what are they playing for I don’t know but also if he’s very intense he was their best player why was he not starting the game you can just add players por said they have to go up against the native who invented deadlifting I know
Really for real this guy can LIF this guy can lift [ __ ] two bison bergus said in the first episode at the very beginning what was that alien planet thing about that was the origination of her people yeah um but I honestly don’t know where they were CU oh whichever team loses will be
Banished from these lands forever so what yeah High St G super intense are they two tribes that are fighting for the land it has to guess otherwise that seems ridiculous oh man interception she really didn’t commit to the pass though mean the jump yeah but B to answer your question I believe
They they were at a completely different planet and they went through a portal M to get to our planet in Alabama it seemso sorry y I like how they’re trying to fight over Alabama which is the first time I’ve ever heard that I know four, said this wide angle lens is
Making this look like cheap Goyo GoPro F said I just think the first episode was all over the place 100% I think they were jumping around so much and you didn’t even understand why you were in certain places what is going on the power of the ancestors compels
Me that’s seriously what just happened she about to use power Kinesis so her ancestors helped her but to murder her did they win yeah oh he was way more calm than I thought he would be for losing skip that intro yeah so we’re at 7 minutes and 43
Seconds we’re back in the real world that’s cool yeah that’s say like I was I was just about ask like how would as a de person would you wake up like to an alarm flashing lights I feel like that would give me like a panic attack what would happen if you like
You’re epileptic and deaf struggle yeah I I don’t did you bring her a bunch of candy is her cousin the post office steing wheel on the wrong side I’m so confused yeah oh CU so usually a pul truck so you put on the right hand side
So they can pull straight up to the mailbox but that looks like it a truck that converted into like a postal service so I don’t know why it would be on the wrong side just going to bribe cousin 4,000 said LOL trouble and he even dropped all that
Stuff off in a post locks Mhm I feel awful because I’m seriously thinking like how could he still be alive yeah I know he’s been 20 years so I’m like wouldn’t he look older than that like and maybe be dead it’s got be at least 80 years old what what’s going on the scam artist
I was like what is going on Southwest that reminds me of Uncle Dawn ethically ambiguous anthropology why are they so awkward buying all that [ __ ] like aai is like Texas thing they just ask for ethnically ethnically ambiguous [Laughter] stuff bruson is that their version of Lacrosse
Thank you bro I could not think of the name of the game yes that’s their version of Lacrosse tell lacrosse was originated or created there’s the gpro they shot the original tournament with oh her art store has been shut down forever I can’t decide if it was like a like a
Slight or she just actually forgot mhm oh yeah she doesn’t know uhoh how many people has he told they said they saw her why she trying to bring him along to get into trouble and just pretending like she’s not doing something nefarious mhm all that stuff you just bought me we’re
About to go use it so buckle up do you remember what tribe they said they were from chaa wasn’t it I believe it was yeah I know my do my niece is here granddaughter yeah granddaughter what type of conversation is this I know I’m like what is she you don’t want to know
Okay biscuits like stupid well no that is wrong that her cousin obviously wants to spend time with her and she easily conned him into taking her places Mhm fourth and down said Mana Cherokee never get any c cinematic love no we do not you’re one of the big ones but you’re not the biggest one such an intense stare I was about say what plan I don’t know why she doesn’t like Maya so much yeah I get she didn’t like
Her father but like what is her beef with the daughter like cuz everyone knows that she’s been connected to killing Kingpin oh true there’s no way that guy at the rink knew and somehow grandma doesn’t know especially if she knew that her son
Was part of a gang true I can see that I thought she still blaming her for her mother’s death or I guess her daughter’s death I don’t think you she would ever blame a child that’s wrong and if she is I personally am saying that’s wrong just
Because a child wants to go to the grocery store doesn’t mean that she’s blamed for that mhm especially when obviously it’s not her fault someone cut the brakes true so the real question is were the brakes cut and did Kingpin do that trying to kill her dad in the beginning
Oh [ __ ] and did the mom just died accidentally what’s also weird is they never said why why what she because it breaks no why kingp was trying to kill her dad it’s true weird assuming like either bot Mission or like debt yeah help me see what 4,000 said Ultron cut the
Brakes bro I would love if Ultron showed up by Jerry sper this actually be I would it wouldn’t be bad if she fell off the bat cuz she would just land on something like a flat surface there’s another Trope you jump on a train you almost fall off
Ah hey Brimstone Dragon Pete what up Brimstone we’re currently at the second episode at 17 minutes bad Maya’s running on a train look how dark it is you can’t barely see anything I told you it was gonna be just like yeah just like Indian Jones
Yeah there so 41000 it be a windo a villain in this yes there does maybe a chupacabra yeah you know what I think it’ be cooler if the entire like whenever she’s doing stuff like this by herself there’s no sound at all it’s so you feel like it’s
From her perspective they did little piece of it but can you honestly believe this entire scene was just silent do you know how people would check out I be like what is going on I know but like I think it would just completely silent they give you pieces so you can feel the
Experience that the [ __ ] is the look for what that look yeah you see me jump over that Dad oh from heaven like like bro you can’t break the fourth wall and just be like did y’all see that I’m a badass [ __ ] you’re not you’re not Deadpool you’re
Not Deadpool like what was that that was so cheeky you know they’re bad guys because they wear the skull cat beanies mhm and they’re white where’ she get these Contraptions well I’m assuming that’s what her uh biscuit bought for her all these little things if someone’s in there there’s no
Way you don’t hear that that dude had a like those are for like surgeries and stuff to like feed through like a person’s body whatever yeah he had one of those at a pawn shop he said it was like uh military level grade yeah but like why are people
Selling Pawn that a pawn shop that makes no sense Grandma’s calling did this man just say I’m in the middle of a mission yeah how is this turning into like Mission Impossible in 007 why she turn uh what what she just tore the pants leg off of her prosthetic I don’t
Maybe she wants to be like showed or she’s about to use her pant leg for something Broku and brimstone Dragon Pete said I’ve actually been watching it and I missed a bunch of stuff because it’s all over the place it’s extremely confusing you guys cuz even paying attention you’re
Like wait where are we what’s going on cuz somehow now her cousin’s just this amazing it’s funny cuz he said he didn’t feel comfortable driving off road now he’s like [ __ ] we’re doing it it’s say uh that’s not a person who just complained about how scary it is but
Sure that adrin really is strong but that’s what I’m saying how would her Grandpa have all that type of stuff in the shop bro said how about those [Laughter] cowboys and there’s the uh picture we’ve seen all over the Internet mhm I still have you guys it was so dark
In that train car I have no idea what she just did I know she sprayed something on there but like I don’t know what she sprayed on there I’m still o good into prosthetic well her leg just got caught so she’s going to have to unstrap
Her bionic she’s about have to do like a 127 Hours kind of thing now we’re getting a flashback to her people she better like melt the [ __ ] train car l think they like open it up what’s with the hands source of power is that is she seriously going to be able to push
It what is That’s supposed to be your power so I’m wondering if they’re like they say she didn’t have powers in this so they can introduce like her pyrokinesis in her superh human strength later throughout the series dude so her power is that she connects to her ancestors and then they
Give her strength through her hands can I get strength through my like my legs no just the hands okay so would that be everyone that’s part of that tribe well one think or is only passed down to women but I’m seeing even the other women like would all
Women that are part of that might be able to do it then so we had this giant superhero society that they just don’t really talk about I’m saying if not and choose somehow specifically special like why because we saw it happen beforehand during that lacrosse quittage game
Yeah bro who said this Show’s make me long for the days of the book of Boba Fett I don’t take book of Boba Fett so far just tuck and roll just tuck and roll jump we’ve already done Miss hit stuff all night like just jump just do
It you’ll make it why are you waiting knew it she going to jump she’s he still has to break in time did she just smash her face into the windshield yeah that’s not funny but oh my God I would have laughed if she’ been launched out the back of the bed of
The truck there but how would she even land in the back bed of the truck with that much momentum she would have bounced over and just roll over the top 100% or she she did she did roll out how did she not die I’m more I’m more confused how she didn’t
Die I say did she still cuz it was so dark I have no idea what happened on the train yeah I’m does anyone else know what happened on the train I saw her tear her pant leg and spray some weird stuff on the ground that was about it oh she she spray Flex
Shield because obviously there’s an issue with the train that’s what it look like I’m sure we’ll find out now oh professional bad guy in every movie he’s in nice glasses inside I find it hilarious when bad guys wear sunglasses inside mhm I wonder if they’re going to bring
In like Jessica Jones and like Luke Cage for shits and giggles in here they’ve discussed actually bringing her over over to M thanu what that’s what she was doing I guess would never [ __ ] know because I couldn’t see [ __ ] in that scene no that did she even have the stuff to make that
That looked complex I me I can see her being highly trained but they didn’t show any leadup that I’m like I’m saying and the stuff that she had in the bag that he picked up how is that translate to that I would be completely understanding if like she actually picked all those
Things up and we had seen her doing bomb making in the past and like maybe X on the bomb making talk sorry um but explosive work uh or being chemistry uh like proficient yeah I’m so confused I don’t understand he’s in bed with old Kingpin thank you Brimstone Dragon Pete yeah um
So her that’s not actually her powers her poers is supposed to be able to mimic anyone fighting music Sports whatever the show said it was boring so L changed it to this stuff because she like they’re saying with mimic she should have been able to look at uh
Daredevil and mimic all of his fights uh his moves automatically but they thought that was boring so now she has the power of strength through her hands do you guys think that’s more interesting and less boring well to show is that you can take a power like luck
With Domino and make it interesting if you have good writers if you have good Riders you can make a power like mimic which is pretty badass that would be cool reminds me like a Peter Petrelli’s kind of Osmosis power from Heroes I would goes far to say they
Don’t they didn’t think it was boring they didn’t want to put invest the amount of time it would take for her to actually have to be able to learn to mimic each time and actually show that mhm burgo said I will say that watching the this with Katy P and Andy and the
Rest of you guys it’s much better than me just watching this by myself thank you guys for doing this watch party talking with you is fun thank you I’m happy you guys are enjoying it and this is way more fun because I think I would be focusing way too much
On talking to the TV and Peter get so I would be focusing way much on talking to the TV if we were by ourselves oh yeah 100% And it’s way more entertaining talking to you guys fourth said just got back so eose Powers now yes so she uh gets a
Flashback to the creator of her tribe and somehow she gets what power through her hands and she’s just super strong we just watched her hands light up and she was able to push the train off her leg so BR Dragon said ell yeah not better they needed a better
Choreographer yeah I just don’t think they wanted to invest the time in actually having someone who’s able to mimic like that power actually is very cool is like so badass thing like in any situation you you could be able to do that thing very well or at least up to
The level I don’t know Andy RZ said Disney has no faith in these characters as they are written they change Miss Marvel’s Powers as well exactly Miss Marvel Comics or like in a lot of iterations I think elastic hands oh yeah she has elastic hands and all so but
Then they’re like we have light based Powers you’re like why change why is her Grandpa so lame holler holla City Quala so did he used to be in the military and that’s why he had access to all those things and knows how to fix all these things then or maybe he’s mechanic I have no idea dude I Henry we need to talk now they hit me I hit back
What some talking about being shot yeah is she about to build like a badass prostetic League what the [ __ ] yep does she seriously think she ruined their entire Armory yeah I mean like it’s a criminal organization I feel like they had the resources to rebuild yeah cool
The real one’s going to be some badass like super gun one sword one yeah t it be like a Swiss Army KN of prostate legs haa don’t run off with it 4th 1000 says is he making her a new leg yes he is so he just gave her a
Discount like Goodwill leg and said the real one will take a little bit more time and Peter and our B that the real one’s going to be like super Hightech my thing is this he is good enough at building a prostate life what though [ __ ] is he doing right a pawn shop
Yeah I’ll be right back to you guys Brimstone Pete this filler to fill out the roster of the shows it 100% is like the first episode felt like very much like filler and this episode feels very much like Phil so far too 4 1000 said the native shirt is that like the Smiths maybe in their time they changed her tribe too what was it before I I’m not familiar with uh Ekko as a character is he like avoiding his grandma mhm she’s a does he think if he doesn’t
Look at her she won’t see him I I feel like this lady’s messing with her mhm like I feel like she’s giving her Jabs while trying to pretend to be polite it feels like they have beef PlayStation 4 brus said I’m like you getd miss what happened on the train so supposedly she
Somehow created a uh explosive device and it triggered when they opened all the weapons although I don’t understand how she made that so quickly Brimstone JP said I forgot what the original was they obviously Disney obviously doesn’t care either if they’re willing to change it I Bonnie sushi is at the fire station
Yeah she was Cheyenne oh that’s cool I mean why change it though I know I maybe not like big name enough like I said like but he’s CH bigger than chenne I mean I I’m not familiar with Native American tries and I know Chaka and Cherokee
So she said M he just said mine okay biscuit why you leaking [Laughter] Secrets what a dunce I will say he’s at least funny mhm you don’t messed up biscuits that leg looks even more like it’s from uh the secret society what was it called oh Kingsman yeah the kingsman oh
Okay how it is now it looks like that knife did she just jump off the roof mhm it’s not that far down she has a prostetic leg on Peter wouldn’t that hurt like the connection I don’t know I feel like it’s it stra to the knee or
Wherever you lost your leg so feel like Al has a shock absorber in there too jaring I don’t know but the grandfather put a shock absorb into the leg to stop that I also don’t think he’s planning on her jumping from roofs that’s true he did say no running so oh cter
Fisk 4,000 said nothing better than a plain strawberry Pop-Tart and wine from shrimp chips to uh strawberry Pop-Tarts now I want a poptart damn it why she acting like she doesn’t have family with her I know like this is everyone this is all of her family like
I understand she hasn’t seen them in a while but like mhm I feel like Disney either goes the way of echo where there’s not enough time to build the story out and they’re just so jumpy or they go the way of Ahsoka and spend way too much time on certain
Episodes where they’re like way too long and they leave pieces in there that could have been cut out yeah dude what is she doing now she having a i any rage stroke was that the second episode really oh my that actually felt shorter than the first one but felt like nothing
Happened yeah because we couldn’t figure out what was happening on the train that was a majority of the episode holy end of episode two so recap guys uh we got to see her original tribe playing lacrosse a train ride in the dark that we couldn’t see
Very well yeah that she somehow made an explosive and then blew up fisus fis fiscus fiscus fis um Armory and has started a war and that’s honestly all that happened oh Bonnie did find out that uh she’s back in town yeah May’s in town oh and we saw Maya use her powers
From her tribe yeah I guess where she has superhuman strength and biscuits and is in trouble with Chupa or sorry not Chupa chupa cha I don’t know why I her name is Chula my bad but yeah he’s in trouble with Chula for destroying her truck so Prince and dragon Pete said I
Got a can of Coke and a joy I’m good oh 4,000 said whoa whoa whoa Peter shrimp chips and Pop-Tarts I’m human bro dud I’m not no sham like it’s always with wine Peter you can’t have them both together it’s only one of them with wine
It’s a pairing bro said it’s been a while but agree with you 4,000 sh poptarts are great I’m sure the wine makes it even better yeah can of Coke oh you guys are so ridiculous I know read through M all right let’s start this episode three and
See if it gets any more interesting because I literally nothing happened in that episode except for she blew up the the Armory only thing I can say that didn’t happen you no cameos yeah so that felt very fast though it did feel very fast so so starting episode three all right I need
Readjust I also feel like episode two could have probably been combined with episod epode one 100% one yeah let’s skip this recap oh so in late 1800s Indian count is infested with dangerous criminals threatening the safety of the Native Nation why are we do reong tribes establish their police force to bring these
Criminals to Justice what is going on Tri police were called the light I would have called him himself native law I feel like I’m getting an introduction to a video game it really does like a poor man’s Red Dead Redemption 2 what is going on no they didn’t it’s a
Film what is going on what is her father was a light warse P but to Glow a mighty force on her own okay you guys I’m going to pause this real quick because so we can answer and RCA and also talk about this intro because there too much going
On once um yeah episode two um I feel like nothing happened M it literally is extremely forgettable um the it was just to highlight the use of her powers but the train scene was way too dark um and I think that was just to cover up a bunch of imperfections during
The editing in the scene in the filming but because I couldn’t see anything that was going on except for when her leg finally got caught CAU between the train and then that was just so that you could see how she uses her powers and connects to her tribe and has
Superum strength but I don’t understand how that’s I personally don’t think that’s more interesting than being able to mimic well a mimic can’t push a train off your leg exactly so I’m saying I think her being a mimic would have been way cooler I totally agree like if they
Just stuck with her original Powers I think that would been cool I think the Highlight for me was biscuit biscuit at least funny um but that’s really all that happened in the episode and then they ruined their Biscuit’s grandma’s truck or her grandma’s truck I guess um
And then she had this slow-mo scene you could be almost uh pretend it was a Zack Snider film cuz a slow-mo of her jumping from the train to the car and she bounced off that thing so far bounces off the windshield and somehow Falls over the truck bed and thenat still
Catches herself and doesn’t die I’m sorry she didn’t die she didn’t even hurt herself um which she got into the truck so nonchalantly too like hey what’s up I’m having a good time how about you yeah like super unrealistic but sure yeah maybe her tribe doesn’t only give her super strength but super
Healing um pervious to damage but what did you guys think of episode two mhm and then also this intro for episode three is very odd because I feel like they’ve already taken us through the exposition dump and the super jump cut in the very first episode and then we now seen her powers
Why are we now getting a like video game intro where I have to read Kitt is is more upset about reading than I have to read the fact that she uses sign language consistently so it’s not that I have to read I like subtitles I’m saying what is the point of like
Doing a silent film style intro yeah scen I guess bang like what I mean it’s just like Charlie Chaplan video movies from the old days that’s how exactly they were so like hey Kenneth oh Kenneth so Kenneth said all I really know about Ekko is the appalling fight scene that
Got leaked so so much more there’s there’s so many more things Kenneth to talk about um so yes the fight scene is not great um the fight scene also kenth if you haven’t seen it yet that was the first like 8 minutes of episode one well
He got saw the fight scene cuz he said he it got Lee no but there’s G context like it happens very early on in the very first episode yeah so you get dared Del in the very first episode as well as uh Hawkeye mhm and yeah not a lot lot else I’m really
I’m struggling to remember anything I guess memorable from the first two episodes um 4000 said what in the low lower budget Doctor Who [ __ ] is this I don’t know this is how Disney plans on saving money like on wondering if this supposed to be like an homage to
The fact that she’s deaf so it’s a silent film and so that be mute wouldn’t it like I don’t know no I mean yeah I guess you’re right because they they never speak no sounds so you can’t hear Peter the same thing be so know what we’re getting too deep into that
What is agree or disagree so drive he said Yeah I broke down the scene it was brutally bad yes um they should have done a better job of actually getting them closer together to actually even make it look like they were trying to hit each other cuz their misses are way too
Obvious but okay so we’re on episode three you got 2 minutes and 10 seconds in and I’m going to go ahead and play this silent film let’s go dive on in what she just threw that stick like a dagger and it just chopped off was a boomerang it’s time is right father I’m
Ready to join you I want to be a light Horseman uh no I said like it was a boomerang the way she got no you can’t was about to say women are LIF givers men are LIF takers you’re not allowed to give life means nothing if I can’t
Protect it okay so she’s GNA prove him wrong and become the the best light Horsemen there’s ever been Ken said I don’t know if eeko deserves her own series she should just stay supporting character and Daredevil yes she should have what we were saying exactly what we thought because people are watching this
Because they were so hyped to see Daredevil and so they should just made a daredevil show and had her in there braids for are for men braids are for CH to Warrior so is she’s about to braid her hair yes she is po I thought Steamboat Willie was
Going to show up in that black and white segment okay so they will see me not as they think I am what I am all I I paraphrase because it went away across the plains the light Horsemen are called an act upon to action to action
Sorry to really just a silent film in black and white um so is she going to get one over on them just cuz she braided her hair well her father knows what she looks like and she really going to slide by her father these are the criminals we’ve been looking
For how much you want to bet they’re white men not that I’m I’m betting her daughter his daughter dies a trap it’s a trap and she’s going to unleash her powers for the first time bang bang bang bang they honestly meal TLO senses something she feels it I got the got the
Tingli oh there’s her PO yeah there’s her so is it all women I guess it can only be passed down among the women but you guys for the Daredevil fight scene they should have just had like the old comic book style and be like bang po
It would have made it automatic PS yeah would have been hilarious like Adam West at least it would have been funny Cy Batman interesting this sound now and then anyway I start a blasting I love how she’s not even undercover she’s not using cover yeah her father going to charge out just
Get doed like she’s just straight up standing right in the open getting arm behind trees what was the point of that what is going on all right we’re at 657 do anyone want to input what they think was the point of the silent film was I supposed to gain some
Knowledge from that I think it’s just to show the next iteration of like people having the power and just passing it down what that she will sense danger I guess like he said who directed this sadly it was a woman I’m pretty sure let’s see so director and executive producer was Sydney
Freeland dude she did an interview and said she didn’t intend to make an MCU series with so many historic Milestones I don’t know if you heard that whole conversation he’s trying to get laid so you want to step back to my office and you know let’s get it on I
Completely miss you want to eat four one thousands of pretentious flashbacks are pretentious dude PlayStation 3 still killing me PlayStation 4 four sorry Ken said well as long as it was a strong independent woman who don’t need no man it’s fine that’s literally what we just watched mhm I don’t need no man
But I’m going be the hero Ken said what are the Milestones Kenneth the Milestones are that she made a show for a woman of color who is deaf and who is yeah the MPT Trifecta right there oh be more forfo yeah cuz she’s a woman too mm I
Forgot that one yeah she’s a woman Wom a well she’s stubborn yeah oh Burn I will say I completely disagree with Peter about the train scene being silent because I would have been like I I’m out that whole train scene was silent I’m like I can’t do it Bru said this is a black and white cowboy and Indian silent film yeah somehow those all got put
Together Ken said one of the first women of color deaf UT of course she’s basically Rose of parks oh my gosh Kenneth oh now her her ancestors are just coming to her out of nowhere even when she doesn’t need it are they trying to tell her something she just going to
Flashback run yep no they were trying to warn her hello M Mr Orion um So currently we’re at episode 3 11 and a half minutes in and Ekko is tied up and hanging how does that make any sense let me pause real quick because Peter hurry up cuz this is getting
Ridiculous so she was walking uh I guess on a park or on a in the woods and her ancest and so she felt like there’s someone behind her she turns around she turns back around her ancestors right in front of her and then she starts getting these flashbacks of her ancestors and
The girl in The Cowboy Hat’s trying to get her attention which so she’s obviously trying to tell her there’s trouble so when she finally realizes someone puts like chloroform over her mouth and she gets knocked out cut two she’s hanging from the ceiling in the
Skating rink but they tied her up by her feet knowing one of her legs isn’t real so all she did was shake a little bit and the leg came out and she fell this can’t be real so as I know I think it’s weird in like movies it’s
Like chloroform is not instantaneous it takes a couple like a minute or so like to really make one knock out and they never did that right this can’t be real who who would make that choice like God you wouldn’t hang her from her hands dude like she po poke why would you hang
Her from her feet look at this dude I can’t I can’t even make this up I can’t make this up she literally just shakes 4000 said she shook a leg no it’s you put your left foot in you put your left foot out you put your right leg in you
Sh it all about what whose bright idea was that dude why did I just Tire to a chair like that’s the same Effectiveness like what um so Mr Ry um the show I is is a littleit painful for me cuz I’m getting to the point of who’s making these choices
Yeah like no one would actually do that no like I’m saying like if I was going to tie someone to a chair i l just put in like a room locked the door tied to a chair done Prim Dragon Pete said an episode of How To Get Away With Murder
Few others never heard of Ken said that’s how the actress in rings of power acted about being the first female dwarf color like that was actually a thing we were waiting for oh yeah fortunately no but whatever um kiding he said laugh my ass off dude
Seriously he’s ate [ __ ] too when she ate the ground yeah that’s got to hurt Ken said they’re like people who break gr records by picking obscure combinations no one’s thought of like most pegs on face while riding you in a cycle exactly like no one would ever
Think of that they’re like oh you got the world record it’s like have fun with that yeah no no one would ever do that but okay Mr Ron said not going to lie I really like it I’m too mik’s hard eliminates in to be honest this show is far more entertaining than secret
Invasion now I will say yes this is a good laugh you guys like there’s some parts of it that are hilarious and I will say biscuits very funny um so he’s definitely comedic relief and dude I can’t believe they thought the tire up by her legs person Dr P said
Why would he hang her in the first place why not tie her to one of those structural posts yeah who knows dude all right so I’m episode three 11 minutes 33 seconds and we’re going to continue playing this after she just ate the ground and oh no
They know and now three shiny people are coming towards her are they shiny no that’s just disco ball a disco ball oh man we go on the right she is rough fourth one said might as well tied her by her hands and left scissors in her back pocket yeah yeah like they
Expected her to get away first said this is funny for all the wrong reasons but at least it’s funny oh no he got tied up too and you told her you going to involve people in other people going to get hurt how nice like seriously no one noticed when
Defin get why you ties but she looks confused did y’all not notice the leg was fake when you tied her up that’s true Mr Ron says she got them Dark Knight Joker shoes bro watch there be something in the shoe because she just thre it back in the
Ground yeah why would you not put her shoe like far or her foot further away from her yeah no there’s going to be something in the shoe they’re in the trash where she can’t find it oh there’s Bonnie uhoh so is Bonnie going to save her it’s closed go
Home Bonnie looks familiar I can’t remember she looks like Hy uh she looks like Haley Steinfeld I think is that her I think she’s playing that actress is playing something else but I can’t think of what it is what’s weird for me is this is a TV
MA show which there’s violence and all but there’s no cursing I think yeah at least I haven’t heard any cursing Uncle Henry the front was locked during normal hours business hours but I’m going to come in the back door and yell your name around because it’s not suspicious or anything I shouldn’t
Proceed with caution I know you run a small business and you need all the money you can [Laughter] get did that music got me there’s dude how’s the guy not staying beside his face are yeah wait are all those his employees that turned on him I don’t
Know I just know that do B said the sad thing is the new Star Wars movie feature and Ray will make this show look like an Oscar winner if they can do the editing better yeah probably I how you guys like did you know l p come around here it’s like dude
It’s a skate where people come by all the time it’s a small town yeah Mr R said on tvma conton is the head shot as far as I’ve seen yeah oh head got her 4000 said so we got our first able hero I so can’t wait for our first
Plus-size hero it’s going to be Silver Surfer when it becomes lizo the super tsunami so so technically it wouldn’t be your hero it be a villain but to my understanding ekko’s not a her she a Sil Surfer yeah Mr Ryan said imbak a little thick you guys Oh look The
Reunion Prince from Dragon Pete said okay I get why they wanted the silence but it makes for an interesting watch that’s that’s the one interesting thing the first time even the second time but it’s a lot yeah that’s why I said it Peter was like oh the train scene should
Be all silent No it should not it would be horrible and there’s something in her foot like you said [ __ ] I win oh sorry I I’m I’m sorry but like why would you why would you put her footb beside her there’s no like are why are you
Being kind to her if you know you about to turn her in bro I knew there was going to be something orue also why did she wait until now I don’t know 4,000 said I want that fatty Faith hero from Valiant Comics V Valiant Comics what are you talking about
Mr Ryan said didn’t she sit on a power line and it didn’t bend on the cover like no thank you you know what I mean are they seriously going to have an argument right now when they’re like in a dangerous situation like who in real life would
Try and sort their [ __ ] out right now hey I know we’re angry at each other let’s get out of here our livee first she said we D part it happens and you’re sitting there trying to be like uh look me in the eye tell me all those emails
And texts you didn’t you couldn’t text me back like dude help me help me get out of here we can talk about this later when we live we can have this conversation dude for, I want my hair so plus-sized that they have to revive the actor four
Times during the filming so we had a scene where they walked upstairs bad move so only downstairs then they had a heart attack again so I I what want was like breathing machines consistently he said I want aronowski the whale superhero what why why are you going so in on this I
Would honestly prefer that cuz you least have Bren Frasier wasn’t he didn’t he end up in a wheelchair he was so fat from it yeah can’t remember so then you get a handic capable fat person as well but people think he’s evil bro Mr Ro R said Amy Schumer I need you
To distract King son I will say the chicken here kind of looks like Amy Schumer that’s an insult the blue shirt oh the blue shirt yeah uh why would you say that yeah also why does it matter you’re turning her in they’re probably going to kill her them
Herself or sorry they’re about to kill them kill her themselves first dragon P said is it me or is that guy trying really hard to be Woody harelson it does feel like that like almost like a talahasse mixed with like uh True Detective I’m sorry why don’t they girl
Freaked out so bad to a f me Po at her what is going on d a that she said I’m going to punch you and then really punched her did she leave her cousin yeah is this gonna be another Cameo I think it will be I wonder if it’s going
To be Wilson Fisk is assistant I can’t remember his name from the Daredevil show so obviously family doesn’t mean anything to her she just left her cousin there that woman looks so out of her element like I told you she looks like a sh she kind of does I see she’s holding
The gun is so awkward yeah like what do I do with this thing what is she about to make with this a ball bearing she’s about to make like a little grenade Bru said Bob no matter how many managers you put out there to micromanage this it is an
Abysmal failure for God’s sake can you people hire that the right person for the job in the first place oh so it’s the homeboy who had the sunglasses on in the house inside not in the house but in the warehouse hold the phone though how is
He alive he was in there when the bomb went off no he was on the outside he he was one of the two guys who got knocked Away by the explosion okay but I still probably killed him why is he talking like that Russian oh okay he was from
Limitless was he yeah he was the bad guy he gets the need on the eye now I can’t get W her El my head cuz he works at the skating rink what to his pinky yeah burn Dragon PE thank you he’s said can he pick an accent dude he
Can’t it sounds Southern but then it reminds me of the guy from the room like I did not hit I did not I’m so confused is she making a crossbow like a little bow gun yep there it is 4 thousand said Thank God those paper targets don’t look like real people to
Get distracted by what is this what is am Schumer doing a bang shot where’ the laser come from yeah where did the laser come from why are they turning Ekko into mcgyver yeah like what is going on I guess sure okay Mr R said I’ll say
This a positive is the Netflix show are now very much Canon but this storyline is going to be continued in Spiderman 4 like an unpopular show is setting up A2 billion franchise oh my God I please hope I hope this is not set up Spider-Man 4 when you
When they expect you the zig you zag and then you zag and then you zag Peter that means nothing what is it it means that they are legit oh my what did she just hit her with see I don’t know if the shoes actually she shooting projectiles at
Where oh she’s shooting those little Rings yeah at the lights I still don’t understand where she got the laser but sure brone drag Pizza I have heard Southern Romanian a little Eastern European and I think I got a bit of Irish yeah I’m confused’s that she has the gun just hanging in her
B Loop the Amry Amry he’s playing with the wrong people hugs and kisses Maya he thought he was going to get away with that oh she probably needs a hand I’m going to go too Mr ran said what has been y’all’s least favorite MCU MCU show in movie so
Far um so from this past year Spain’s about to get shot y well that was quick he’s dead yeah um show would probably be secret Invasion yeah um movie would probably be sorry I just got distracted on this man dying uh probably the marbles yeah Marvel would be a solid one that
Um how about you Mr Ryan and everyone else in the chat you guys what was your least favorite MCU moving show well nice song Choice it is but like like being dead serious I find it funny that she would choose to put this on this how would she know this is badass
The title Peter that’s true does the title tells you it’s going to be badass BR some J Pizza that cut what was that I don’t know yeah there was a major cut there I’m assuming something else happened they like no that’s got to go uh this
Makes no sense I say in just like every other MCU show uh Ekko also had tons of re- shoots oh no bro the uncle seriously just dead ass laughed laughing just got immediately knocked the f out yeah well that dud got electrocuted dra this is Rob a zombie right yep and S
Called Dracula mm Dracula yeah oh no Dragula yeah Dragula yeah that was cool like when she went through the wall riding the guy like he was a skateboard oh she like a perfect shot oh yeah so Sharpshooter so she’s just going to use P things from her ancestors and just be used skills
Yeah I I have no idea I guess oh um okay sorry uh Mr R said unfortunately I didn’t finish secet Invasion uh yeah it was pretty bad dude um I love the Dracula scene the Marvels was in offensive but I will never watch again so that’s my least favorite yeah
No saying it it was okay um I just would never watch it again and you can see the bones of what it could have been it actually could have been a good movie but they try to do too many other things with it um because there was just like the
First episode of echo way too many cuts and very jumpy um four th000 said I only seen She-Hulk and this at least She-Hulk was more entertaining she using a whip yeah are they dead or just knocked out I have no idea she really is Indiana Jones now she prob to start throwing balls
At what p like uh from Ste Bros P there’s no way that’s what that was supposed to be I think so if that that’s so cool like who would actually do that in the middle of a fight there’s no way that’s what that meant a child Prince Dr Pete said LOL nothing
Here cut back to the pinball machine yeah literally that’s just what just happened nothing here let’s cut back to the pinball machine and just stare at that and then the wall how is that a transition it feels like it’s like showing like how Americana has been destroyed by age and just the
Destruction of people no they had nothing to show like they’re like let’s just cut back to this real quick they thought be like a cool scene go back to the b roll they didn’t think it was I’m saying no you’re giving them way too much credit I
Do not think they thought it was going to be a cool scene they’re like how can we cover this real quick Mr these episodes were an hour long I couldn’t bar um he said she hul Loki more entertaining than most MCU show besides Loki and W division yes um B Jack Pete
Said that was a good shot she channeled her ancestors um yeah burn Dr P said this is better than secret Invasion at least I can laugh at this no this is dead ass hilarious what is going on his boss called him he just went through such a huge range of
Emotions is he seriously leaving her so she’s vulnerable now and they’re gonna let her go because King paint’s still alive he told her probably to back off that or that he woke up and they told him to get to the hospital mhm Mr Ron said I feel like they set
Their diverse characters up for failure on purpose it sucks I love diverse characters but not force [ __ ] and [ __ ] on others yeah because you got this like I do like diverse characters I don’t even care like it’s not an issue that she’s deaf or even the amb it’s
It’s so jumpy and some of the stuff is just hilarious like the choices that were made don’t make sense it doesn’t add to the story like her being able to fall from the ceiling because they hung her up our feet is just bad story writing
Four th said I wish this was the actress from prey a predator story prey was good I enjoyed prey and if the actress prey was on this that would probably be good which one was prey the uh uh Predator movie oh the what B na Americans yeah I always forget that that’s what
It’s called right yeah she’s so much shorter than her geeez Kenneth say is she an am in the comics uh that would be a question for brentstone Dragon Peak because I do not know now we’re not too familiar with the comics frogy said she just knocked the [ __ ] out Amy
Schumer I’m pretty sure she killed her I know I’m pretty sure she did too what is she trying to say just cuz someone called him off that she’s it’s okay for her to do that yeah obviously kingpin’s live wake up you’re the last one to the show she
Does not have an potato leg in the comments no she does not have have an amputated leg in the comics so they did that just for this actress because she has an amputated leg in real life so they changed her powers and then added the amput which also kind of feels like a
Basz of a character a little bit feels it is hell yeah brother I don’t know in Hollywood iside that you can’t have actors act like people that they don’t physically resemble yeah the fact that she’s actually deaf in amch doesn’t add to her being able to play to the
Character Hollywood was given Awards to people for like playing things that they weren’t like like was playing my left foot yeah and that’s like part of being an actor it’s also the ones that harp about it most in Hollywood are like Tom Hanks like said he wouldn’t play a
Mentally disabled person or maybe uh said he wouldn’t play a gay person again because he’s like oh I shouldn’t have taken the role from a gay person like isn’t the goal to be an actor to play you’re playing another person you’re notos so that you are that person yeah
So when Christian Bale played an American Psycho like he shouldn’t have done that because he’s not a psychopath psychopath he is secretly a psychopath so he’s allowed to play that role yeah that and also Tom Han didn’t care enough to like give his Oscar back yeah like dude is that seriously her
Leg that’s what I’m saying what is that so we’re at the part where her grandpa’s telling her she’s a chock doll Warrior and I’m assuming is giving her her new leg that’s gold but that looks like super high-tech does expert craftsmanship right there want to see what this is goingon
To do that’s what I’m saying like can we hurry this up show me what it does [ __ ] yeah s that’s like a very impressive leg they should have like a blade like like an uh kingsman the kingsman yeah that’s we were talking about earlier they should have just made like Kingsman leg and
Broku saying it should have done a shotgun leg like uh from what movie is that wrongfully used maybe W nson yeah but I’m like why would you ever have a regular leg possibilities are endless you can do whatever you want uh Prince of dragon PE
It was just whether or not she was an MPT in the comics but we looked it up she’s not um Kenneth said I get that she’s deaf because daredo was blind so she’s the flip side of that um fourth th said Kenneth this show manages to combine deaf and dumb in one series Bro real like Disney doesn’t get the point of in the comics having like a blind character a deaf character like they were like diverse characters so kids could have things that you know that idea that anybody can be a hero it wasn’t tokenizing being the first it was
Like to make them not feel excluded and so it kind of undermines the whole point where like well this is the first yeah draws more attention to the disability so does her leg just look pretty and it doesn’t do anything special it may have a knife in it like the last one
Maybe um Mr R said want to say she is empty on Comics but not sure Loki want to see Eko and Daredevil in secret Wars in secret Wars I’m pretty sure isn’t there supposed to be um like Captain America and I feel like they would be like the weakest people in
Secret Wars let’s say down down scale secret work got Captain Marvel on it you need to down scale the power scaling G out Ben D heat said uh yep that’s right not a huge fan of the comics would have had to look that up Mr Ryan yeah that’s Andy talking
Who’s not on screen he said a third person just a [Laughter] ventriloquist like sometimes he has to talk with Katie too we just make her move her mouth Fu you guys shut up 4,000 said Echo to Foot Loose Stomp the Yard oh my oh my gosh step up please
Stop can it said oh like when they made firefist a New Zealander just because the actor was maybe he couldn’t do a good American accent so they just changed the whole character for him maybe I mean yeah maybe I don’t got to PR that D John Conor had an entire
Career and never once put on acc on anything other than a scotch accent Highlander when he’s to be Spanish he’s Egyptian who’s Egyptian I’ll let you know when we start we’re at the very end of episode three uh she’s back everyone knows or some house currently and she just got off her
Bike I’m assuming this going to end in a second because there’s usually like 3 minutes left at the end when they do like a recap Yep they’re Shing pin in a suit as supposed to naked no I’m saying it’s not his signature white suit like he’s not that’s a flashy
Suit technically it’s a dinner jacket it’s it’s a dinner jacket and maybe after Labor Day too no the uh what he usually wears is it yeah white tuxedo rut R just gonna evil stare at each other look intensity intensity and this is how Kingpin becomes nck Fury and Secret [Laughter] Wars oh my
Gosh they do iory situation too huh thought cartel like decapitate people and [ __ ] yeah so BR said for show my least favorite was secret Invasion and for a movie I would probably say the Marvels agreed um 4 thousand said I’ll say everyone is doing a good job on the
Show but it’s a bit wonky um yeah just some weird choices made um he said this show would be amazing if Tyler Sheridan wrote it I don’t know who Tyler Sheridan is oh um I would have to look it up yeah but yes what did you think of episode three um I
Think finding out that kingpin’s still alive is awesome the your comments about the cartel Andy I just kind of think like Breaking Bad shot like told me the wrong information that they put heads on Turtles and stuff I mean you like shoot the dude who
Killed your dad in the eye but you don’t take the time yeah make him send a message yeah or shoot him multiple times like she literally just shot him once um so yeah Taylor shared well this is Taylor is it Taylor or Tyler look at could be a classic autocorrect situation Katie I’m
Assuming it’s Taylor um so he made Yellowstone Wind River 1883 H water yeah Tulsa King sakario so Sons of Anarchy oh he’s badass that’s what soul ktie not all those other great shows and movies beforehand she saw sons of Anar she’s like sold sold thousand said you embarrass me in front of
Vanessa what how I don’t know who Vanessa is is that your girlfriend but um yeah oh fourth B says sharan stone for Yellowstone but does a lot of great Native American characters yeah they you probably a really good director speaking of have you guys seen out of
Range I had like a whole the sheriff in that was Native American and they have a flashback at the end well not a flashback she goes back in time yeah and sees like Paleolithic Native Americans is awesome but yeah favorite part of that last episode hanging upside down has it’s got
Hanging upside down it probably is her hanging upside no there’s two that and watching Henry laugh and then immediately just get decked right away it’s like that was funny too yeah that there’s some good parts in that actually um so that that scene with Dragula was
Pretty cool but like no that was dope um but they obviously made some weird cuts um Mr Orion we’re going to go ahead and start episode 4 now and I’m going to skip the recap it’s crazy to think that we are 80% through this season already yeah I got two episodes
Left there’s the petty Betty all right skip recap so we’re a minute and 34 seconds in you guys what was your favorite part of episode three oh 4 said embarrass me in front of Vanessa is a classic Kingpin line when someone does something in front of his
Wife back on Netflix I did not remember that there Al a long time since I’ve watched Daredevil so 2008 oh imagine if you came into this thinking it was the Kingpin from that Woody harelson movie you missed it there was a guy who was trying to uh play Woody harelson
Earlier yeah he trying to do his voice it was weird just watching the show it’s like what is this have to do with bowling are they about to play Dragula no they did play Dragula it actually really dope scene yeah scen made more dope by dragul yeah no it was really
Cool a video where they like had Matilda or Annie but they changed the music to Dragula did really yeah how did they I mean it goes hard cuz it’s Dragula dope if you slow dance with the sound off and had Dragula on it would just look like
You’re like doing it ironically or like a montage you know uh oh about to kill this ice cream man treat them kids right do got a tornado pop ruined his suit he’s like a stupid Rich do you think he cares just seems like a waste D imagine that guy is like I’m
Sorry I got angry at the kid like no beef ass she could speak you know or she was deaf I’m so sorry you know what you’re still getting your ass be like damn it stop cursing well too late Maya Embraces the violence she’s like dexters up psychopath she’s
Like can I have ice cream now sorry you guys dog’s trying to get underneath the table and he just shook everything kabo stop it oh my Lord yeah yeah P join in give her a knife I tell you what my uh my mom would
Have beat my ass if I kicked a guy in the street like that they sure don’t raise kids like the you used to 2021 oh I remember this scene from episode one 4 said one Choco Taco please it’s almost creepy having that lady say the things in the background
If he knows saying language this entire time I’m lose it I’m going to lose it it just me or does he sound a little bit more like Edgar from from uh Men In Black than he did in the Netflix he sounds way more graphly he
Just he sounds like uh the bad guy from in black she knows too much she’s been there entire time during all their like conversations did I seriously just kill her for that stupid [ __ ] you shouldn’t have been there what all right so skipping the intro bro said I feel like getting drunk
To dead in the pain bro you didn’t enjoy anything in episode three it was funny four th000 said I can only imagine the India the translater had to sign for the job I’m gonna go so far as to say maybe she didn’t have an NDA cash under the table do you have any
Family no you’re hard yeah and easily disposable to put something in her eye he’s supp to put something in her mouth a bet no he’s holding her eye open oh is he oh contact 4 whoops spoke too soon oh he create technology so what look like the [ __ ] Wii Sports
Girl it literally looks like we Sports holy that’s revolutionary is he Batman now just making stuff it’s like world changing technology why is he bothering being a criminal like be a billion like the trillionaire like a Nobel Prize yeah yeah but I have crime to do like like what get out of
Here bris with the B I know you shot me in the eye and everything but it’s Thursday so good yeah I don’t think we’re really gonna get done onto semantics like let’s just go have this dinner we’ll see on Sunday ping pin Wilson he’s got brain damage just
Think it’s Sunday it’s like H Frost happy birthday fourth, said King Ben invented Google Glasses dude he did like bro for real like he’s just having imagine the application world changing technology yeah so he’s got keeping to himself he’s gotta be somewhat distracting he only has it in his one eye
He said my Amy Club idea was better I don’t know what that is oh did he get a new eye yeah something’s there it’s too dark I know no this reverse psychology you’re happy I’m I’m still alive it’s opposite day on a Thursday Mr Ryan said did they shove a
Contact in her eye yes yes they did pushy automist he’s I actually doesn’t look that bad did he really just scold her you raised hand to me in violence what what and then you killed my dad yeah and you had an assassin kill my dad like
What I saw you beat an ice cream man like not a hero Mr R said ain’t a damn thing wrong with him seriously there’s no his eyes fine there’s no scar in back of his head either like what did she shoot him with he has the money to create a contact
Lens that can have a like a computer chip that can display holographic sign language why didn’t he just give her like an in clear device she can [ __ ] hear yeah her all together like it seems like that’s way less technology than because he has to now put something
Billion dollar contact in her eye also like her leg I feel like he could have like fixed this like a true like ey robot like prosthetic like that too yeah like connected to the nerving things so she actually can move her toes and stuff what a waste of wine [ __ ] your
Shat the pop yeah it’s a crime she just poured that wine down the drain yeah shot him with an air soft gun yeah yeah I’m so confused you have so much hate that you shoot someone straight in the eye but you don’t like do anything like they were so close see the
Mag into him dude yeah 10 shots I’d just be disappointed if that was him is that her way of getting back at him I’m I’m rich [ __ ] I just put a billion another contact your eye if she’s got one back at him this a very odd interaction if she’s
Worried about the like the wine being like poison or something like all the food and also who would waste putting that expensive contact in your eye to kill you mhm it says the chemistry of that awesome romantic scene in canold four, said no I’ll take it he’s
Out of wine apparently now she’s gonna take the knife and stab him too slow he’s going to give it to her isn’t he yet like 300 PB he’s also like insanely strong stab see what happens it’ll be like that guy on the news got stabbed like 297 times to to die and
Still lived yeah just walk it off walk it off dude he’s goingon to be like yeah he’s goingon to say join me join me he’s Vader and she’s Luke in this four and th said what father would use wine to amend with their kid well it’s
Not his real kid it’s his what adoptive daughter I guess his friends K well not even his friend uncle uncle yeah so it’s about a an uncle drinking wine with his niece alone I don’t like how you said that sounds wrong getting all the wrong
Vibes Mr Ron said is it odd this is the same in pin we watched in 2018 that’s just what I was thinking yeah Andy was just talking about that he thinks a little bit different what 4 said bro stop showing the computer she said he’s handing me Queen pen
Also does the holographic sign language thing only work for Wilson Fisk is it uh he had something in his ear so that he could hear it so yeah you’d have to have the contraption that goes along with it proba but I have no idea I own a r ring that’s why yeah it’s
Not the 1980s buddy you’re not going to pull a lot of trim with the well I think it’s say she’s trying to make the argument that he just doesn’t believe she can do it and that’s not the point he’s making he’s saying you shouldn’t believe that he’s just going to work with you
Yeah feel like when you buy a royal rank it just comes with like two DUIs and checkered love life for some reason I keep marrying women they Pamela when she was a little kid she like what what she talking about being left alone in New
York her dad was there yeah and her dad died when she was much older she’s saying she’s upset point is already very much in her life yeah 4,000 said wait why does she want to be queenpin that was her aspiration the entire show she wanted to kill him and
Take over and kill Kingpin so she comes Queen pen because she wants to be the head of what the mob or organiz CRI yeah is she gonna Force everybody to learn sign language or she got and just saw that you have to like burn through an interpreter like at
Least daily so exactly anything you say will be murder Worthy and he’s obviously not going to just hand it to her so would they like be king and queen that’ be weird what’s going on I heard some weird oh she’s got the it’s no it’s all women from that tribe
Maybe it’s their family line yeah because it goes back to the very first one yeah there you go they’re all interconnected so they’re all having a vision what power she going to get this time the knowledge rep past Brimstone Dragon Pete said laugh my
Ass you must learn ASL to be part of my criminal underworld think of hard it seems kind of unrealistic but like we hard goons you don’t even have a high school education and you expect them to learn ASO like Tony I don’t even speak English so good imagine
How many ASO conversation like someone have a GED like that 4 said technically she would be princess pin oh my gosh well no she said she’s the queen and like you just have torture scenes and like cutting people’s fingers off and like how the [ __ ] he’s going to talk
Now prin Jack and Pete said I’m sure the bloodthirsty criminals will be be real respectful of that and then once they see her beats a bodyguard up they’ll like okay well and what’s ridiculous is like a decade ago a movie like this every single criminal to demonstrate that they’re not nice and
They’re criminals would be mocking her for her disability talking behind her back and they’re not they’re just they’re all like they did that a little bit in the very beginning when Sheild yeah mildly as soon as she beat up that dude radio savagely Remember the Titans likeing just be like just straight racism
Throughout the entire film sometimes bad people do bad things but like on Disney plus even with an MA rating the bad people are so respectful and open-minded I think the worst thing I saw happen really was like the like groping and [ __ ] for her it’s like pervert pert
Happens to women in general that’s not justen to women in general I’m saying like groping last time you’re gr no I’m saying that could happen to any I’m saying it’s not just singular have an entire cartel of very open-minded thugs but just saying like what’s the lik of it
Yeah so he took her to go see her grandma Powers there’s no way they’re in Alabama this lady just said pop supposed to be in Alabama yeah no they’re in Oklahoma right now dude are they yeah Alabama was like their ancestral land oh yeah okay so Oklahoma recognize Oklahoma Katie
Geez like she’s not from the Midwest she’s grown out of that city or state sorry your body’s going through changes and this happens for a young woman I’m having dreams Princeton Dragon Pete said I like the older movies where bad guys actually acted like bad guys yeah that way when
Like the good guy killed them like damn straight dude like you deserved it although isn’t she supposed to be technically a villain doesn’t matter there’s still yeah there’s worse people than the worst like you just have a guy kill a dog like yeah he’s obviously the most evil person
In the show you can’t handle moral complexity yeah and again they’re afraid to have anybody on the show say anything that could be offensive all right y so we’re episode four at 21 minutes and 36 seconds she’s St at the table with her grandma tell her about her Visions she looks that
Face to her mom yeah what do you guys think so far she can say her her ancestors helped save her and the baby there’s no way that was a young version of this chick who’s talking yeah right why has it be a white hospital just
Be so it was a choice yeah it’s a choice to leave the modern medical facility have the baby in the woods yeah were there complications sometimes the old ways are the best ways you going hit the Opium pipe after this it’s not this not this people Peter oh that’s see for like old
Western I say IA I was say what is she saying I he yet oh yeah Joe Rogan pops out of the woods Mach just pops out that’s wild bro so they’re selective when their powers that’s that’s fun that that’s fun um fourth says does Grandma know she’s helping her granddaughter the future of
Organized crime on her Quest I feel like she’s admitted that detail I highly doubt she’d be as amicable knowing that her daughter died because of organized crime she knew she does know she was in the hospital saying that [ __ ] no I said I’m saying I don’t
Think she if she thought she was helping her on her Quest currently wait are you meant to have a baby standing up I thought say it’s the most natural way is it really yeah Oh I thought it was a weird way to do actually have babies some trampolines what are you being
Serious no he’s [ __ ] with us and shut up it’s because of inertia the the double Spike Newton’s third law really yank baby comes out like snaps person Dragon P said no Disney show makes bad people act bad they act more like nuisances than villains look at book he went Mother Teresa look a
Book Wonder yeah Boba yeah oh Boba not book look at Boba he went Mother Teresa yeah Mar this like fanmade art for a long time ago was like Boba Fett do like the mother Mary with a sarlac around him I was like exactly that bad people can’t stay
Bad they always have to be redeemable mhm she didn’t disown her she disowned her father okay but whenever she came back instead being happy to see that her granddaughter was here she was like no she can still leave she’s associated with her father can you turn my down
Please she saw her mother and her like no I can’t bear it why is his grandmother Whispering everyone’s done that the entire St the entire show people just wh Whispering no some people talk full volume ding the roller rink was practically screaming it’s true Henry but sometimes he does whisper in
This it’s like they choose when they when they’re signing whether or not they want to whisper or speak in full volume I’m not sure what the choice is for that but I was a child out well she’s mad I say that was a success she learned a lot about her Heritage and her
Ancestry 4th 1000 said I don’t get it what are the stakes here so like she just spoke though so why over the decades has she not spoken to kingpen oh yeah she’s speaking while she’s signing so if you’re in the middle of a criminal conspiracy why would not speak yeah
What is she going to be making nutritional Indian gar I’m assuming like I saying there has to be sub significance I thought see the most like racist like Indian outfit ever Mr Orion said I’m sorry this [ __ ] is good to me what part do you like the
Most I am a little confused like what are the stakes here this feels like a old Milwaukee commercial oh yes this does feel like an old Milwaukee commercial this but you missed the uh silent film earlier what biscuit biscuit some of that giv life lessons down south wisdom of biscuit y I
Know really I just biscuits little bits Mr or I’m also quite drunk right now hey it’s good if some people can en know I’m enjoying it yeah bro you I feel like I can understand sign language now same i’ I’ve C caught on some some phrases like the thank you and all like
That like the simple ones she’s she’s like actually deaf if she’s speaking real sign language but other people they just said you know [ __ ] swinging just do stuff and you’re like out there trying to replicate the other character sign language and just get misund understood it’s going to be a warrior
Outfit it has to be yep oh that’s a NE the C has the the Indian headdress on it too off praying Kansas City Chiefs yeah yep oh she got your Kingpin the door’s open PR said what do I know I talk in third person oh my
Gosh no I was it is funny like yeah and the Dracula scene in the other eye was really good have fun not seeing [ __ ] primson Dragon P said I’m not sure who to roof for here I don’t know either because I also still don’t understand why he killed her
Dad I’m feeling Kingpin like Mr R said if they killed Ekko it would be bold and fire bro can you imagine if they killed her I mean it would be cool if they use like a miniseries like this as like one one shot stories to show how evil
Kingpin is into a d show yeah or juster like we talked about they need to have just a collection of like New York stories from Marvel yeah 41000 said for reals What are the stakes do I want Ekko to become Queen pin if she fails what
About it what’s on the line here yeah cuz if she fails and doesn’t between become Queen pin Kingpin stays in charge and if she wins what actually changes like is everything going to collapse because she can’t speak to people yeah I’m struggling to see like what’s that happen in here
Like she came in here with murder in her heart but she was insistent on listening to him yeah I thought she was going to shoot him right away it’s like he orchestrate the crash burnstone Dragon P said and you could use it as an intro into a daredevil show
Have her die just Team America dude Mr R said then she’s in Spider-Man 4 what so king killed someone with the hammer the person who’s beating his mother his father okay yeah that’s how grandpappy P died Now kill me to be free is that really what he’s trying to
Get her to do I’m pretty sure he’s gonna die because the way the actor was talking about it like the show just was a misery to be in and he was just go to do his best to bring the story to light dude yeah he’s seriously just asking her
To kill him she had a gun like use the hammer Bru said am I wrong for wanting Kingpin to stick around he makes a pretty good bad guy now that is a ballp hammer a small like guess not a big one that’s take some take some work dude n said oh my
God the Netflix [ __ ] for real is Canon what the hell is going on she still has a gun great Point Brimstone Dragon Pete he said LOL they couldn’t have done the flashback during the ride that is literally our complaint with Monarch Legacy of monsters like they spent an
Stupid amount of time doing thing you did whole episode flashbacks yeah and they literally could have done anytime they were traveling just when they’re looking off into the distance they could have done their flashback in like 10 minutes and just like this they couldn’t done her flashbacks when she was riding
Around on her motorcycle too easy what I’m seeing is a pretty good father like live life love he gave her the opportunity to be a strong empowered woman mhm dude she going to seriously just full circle be like I actually love Kingpin she going be torn between her family and then
Kingpin but she’s in one The Best of Both Worlds feels like in gangs in New York that like Bild buter killed Amsterdam’s dad but like he came to love him like a second father but was owed a blood debt so we still haded to kill him
Yeah B Dragon Pizza Canon films used to be used to do that the long driving intro what did he say she’s gone yeah she they were tailing her and she got away so that’s a good point that he makes Mr Ryan he said we as fans begged for
Daredevil Canon and X-Men and now they give it to us as they fail we have been [ __ ] I mean it’s good that they’re making a Canon they don’t need to reinvent it yeah he has a Tracker in her eye with that thing I’m assuming end of episode four all right what is
This music Native American music dude Native American music yeah that is not what I got when I first heard that um get some culture May recognize it you got six seconds fuer get moving bro where you going bathroom I will pause it all right guys so last stretch
Episode five will pause for right now now what are your thoughts for episode 4 and so far with the entire series um my favorite part so far is still the scene at the roller rink when they play Dracula you know it’s uh I mean it’s
Kind of on par with the quality of like Daredevil in the Netflix shows yeah um that now the fight scenes not there yeah there were some mediocre fight scenes in those shows too yeah like everybody remembers the one that was really really good but you know not all of them were that good
Yeah um and that they covered up a lot of it because he was going room to room and so you saw the effect of him like kicking someone out of the room type thing very true but then they should have done better Ed editing for this um but yeah other than that it’s
Definitely had some funny parts um it’s not yeah that’s I’m saying it’s not miserable no and I think it’s cool to be able to watch something and still enjoy it for the you know I do appreciate that it’s not hourong episodes yeah like credit to them for not trying to drag
This out for 10 episodes I guess so go um it’s wor so Mr Ryan said not bad at all better than most shows on par with Falcon and uh what’s Wanda no what’s what’s wbn I’m trying what’s what’s wbn Mr Ryan wbn bro just add for the letters sorry what is wbn local
News what Baton Rouge but yeah it’s not oh werewolf by night oh okay um but yeah yeah and you’re you guys are obviously enjoying it inebriated I think that’s the how we should be watching this for now like we was like from Marvel and shows from Marvel is this under the influence of
Some sort drinking while watching c brimson dragon Pete said I like Kingpin the rest is choppy jumbled the fight scenes were not good editing bad but it’s fun and did make me laugh more often than not though it wasn’t the intent yeah Mr say yes we F night yeah
Exactly that’s what I’m saying like I laughed at the scene when she’s being tied up by her leg and she Wiggles a little bit and then falls on her face so that was funny I highly doubt they planned for that to be funny and then yeah when her uncle laughed that was
Hilarious when the guy got electrocuted honestly that whole scenario with the at the roller rink with the three uh the two girls and the guy yeah reminded me of criminal masterminds where Zach gilak is that’s what I was like this is what it feels like they’re just the cousin’s
Funny yes yeah biscuit biscuit yeah biscuit is funny fourth 1000 said this is only tolerable watching with you guys still Disney still can’t tell stories no they can’t because I honestly don’t know where this is going because I understand we have one episode left that’s only but it makes you wonder who
Is this show for because people like us who will watch anything comic book related are going to watch it but uh I don’t think normies are watching this no like you might be drawn in by and then also the cameos there was only Daredevil and Hawkeye for episode one there hasn’t
Been a single Cameo since then they blew their load in the first episode well again the the teasing was to drama Pinterest yeah yeah they never promised any cameos maybe this last episode’s going to have like all the cameos to tie it all together I thought haai was like
The least of the Avengers like he was my least favorite avenger like they never developed him and I remember when he and Natasha are fighting over who was going to jump for the Soul Stone and I’m like like clearly please Hawkeye please hawkey sacrific himself like yeah you
Know yeah like real especially because Natasha was a much better character yeah because they developed her over all the films well I was invested in her story with one that she is a way better fighter than he is um and then also her relationship with her and the Hulk well
They had built up since Iron Man the relationship ship between her Tony even happy yeah there was you know um I wonder how it settles with people who are hellbent on any criticism of Disney being like oh well it’s just people who hate women but we actually wanted Natasha to live yeah universally
Like also she could have had a movie after it would have made sense and her or her prequel made sense because you can start another more movies a preol after the person’s day also I think she would have been the perfect person to lead the Avengers after all the main
Characters have been killed she should have been the leader in secret Wars yeah yeah the the secret agent yeah or sorry secret Invasion like instead of kobby sm’s character like it would have been perfect to have Natasha step in like everything you know uh four, said for screenplay submissions if the reader
Feels they at least can’t guess what your story is about not correctly but in idea they just put it down all yell yeah like you guys I’m very confused at where this is actually supposed to so he going now usually like Andy’s very good at guessing can you
Guess what the Miss to way too much oh yeah you missed a lot of it um brinon Dragon Pete said one episode left and some people still don’t get what the hell the point of some of it is and the rest of us are wondering if we are right
Yeah I what are your like uh I feel like this whole predictions Brimstone yeah I feel like for me this whole thing is about self like self-discovery it wouldn’t be that deep it wouldn’t be that deep but I feel like they’re going to like try to hit
Something like that that just be like see they got 30 minutes yeah they’re this is supposed to be setting up other stuff I think they’re going to do something like they did with sheh hold where the last episode just kind of like is a tease for a potential season
Two um let’s go ahead and start this uh Mr Ryan sorry uh we are starting episode five now said yeah thank you for watch make fun and we appreciate it thank you so much for joining us you guys this would not be fun if you guys weren’t here
Actually having a conversation with us I say I’ve always LED this like Mystery Science Theater and this is like the closest I got to like a real life version of that so I just skipped the intro and we have the chanting that is harsher in the
Ears yeah Pi’s going to get shut down for his lack of opened cultural respect rude 4 th said I feel she will confront Kingpin but a big Marvel Cameo might happen like Daredevil againin she will see the a of her desires and find a new father figure while Kingpin cries as she
Walks away Brimstone Dragon Pete said Kingpin will get away odds are she has to leave the fight or he does neither can die it’s Disney I I would be shocked if they actually committed to killing off one of the characters um Mr Ryan said absolutely the show is tfold with an audience yeah
Yeah yeah she just killed the mythical Bird yeah that’s he a bad Omen right that’s why she loses her leg because you don’t get away with kill a mythical bird and not have something taken dude what is wrong with this child for an ey what do she mean it’s hurt you
She heard it I liar what a little liar tooth yeah it fell for a tree but there’s bantly a rock through it oh the mythical bird bird Peck out her eyes oh look at that her mom can tell she’s lying I didn’t mean to hurt it when I shot it
With my slingshot the thing that I aimed at for precision just want to see if I get what you think was going to happen I do know that thing though yeah 100% when you’re a little kid think you’re actually going to hit it and you hit like you feel catapults and stuff and
Just just out of instinct and you would hit something like oh my gosh I’m a monster I I can never recover from this bisck I think that’s her cousin no that’s what the name of the bird is oh it Taps out messages on the trees it’s a
Wood it’s a woodpecker yeah that’s a woodpecker I know a wooder when I see warning when enemies approached what the bird looks fine he got probably messed up wing she’s going to rehabilitate it her powers she’s going to heal it boom is she seriously going to do that oh I hate you
Peter the fact that she seriously just so the women in this family have lifegiving energy in their hands and if they go into a life of organized crime and not like Faith healers they could run a mega church yeah they would be like oh my Lord like cure every sness
Like this is the perfect Church dude I can’t believe Peter was right I mean it’s maybe her mom’s not actually dead she’s actually alive and she’s being she’ll show up in the fifth episode yeah um Kenneth said all the stuff about critics being sexist it’s still a weird seesaw of making everything female
Centric then calling people sexist if they don’t like it does this just go on forever or what no there will be a I don’t think it’ll go on forever because I think people are just tired of it dude I don’t think a significant enough portion population sexist and bigoted
And 619 you guys I think they’ll just roll their eyes when they hear that criticism or that cuz most people are critiquing the lack of quality yeah it’s never been about the actual character well K said at what point do you have to make things people like regardless whether they’re
Sexist or not uh and that’s just like my kind of point of like some of the movies like7 like and people talking about how it’s sexist people enjoy D7 well people there was an interview and so this reporter like kind of ambushed the ACT and said like isn’t it egregious that
People ask whether or not both of these characters need to be brought to screen and it’s just them like preloading the actors to get their sound bites and it’s like yeah it’s egregious who who would say that about White characters and it’s like dude it wasn’t it was like Disney
Now setting the precedent that every single you know culture needs to be depicted on screen and so in that mindset it’s like okay well does that mean you’re not getting to another one if you you know why have a second when you could have another first true yeah I
Never thought about it like that what happens when they run out of the first though then they’ll pretend there’s another first Peter Prince Dragon Pete said probably tie up some emotional loose ends and leave lots more yeah it’s definitely going to lead into the next thing because Disney has to set up the
Next thing mhm Ken said what do you think think about dropping all five epes once first in oldfashioned weekly format I prefer all episodes at once because if I had to wait each week for this to drop I would be super irritated Mr ory’s Right the uh
The show wouldn’t have lasted five we no yeah no the drop off would be so severe yeah when you can see at the end of each episode it’s built to feed quickly into it they’re not cutting at a point where there’s a momentous thing to remember
For like a whole weekend yeah or like a huge Cliffhanger to grasp the audience to be like I have to to watch the next episode yeah I mean the question is should have just been like a two-parter yeah like a solid two-part yeah but I honestly think there wouldn’t
Be people who come back for the second part I think there are enough people that would watch this for casual viewing I’m not going to I mean I’m not going to pretend it’s good but I mean people watch think just in the passing yeah yeah I’ve watched a lot of the Marvel
Shows and passing just cuz I’m curious Brimstone Dragon Pete said looking at their shows these directors will need closure or some of it like the Netflix full drop uh style yeah I much prefer all the episodes at once so is that like a glass eye honestly in this world I can see
Being a laser eye if you use that technology to make a thing that can project holographic sign language can’t see it being that hard to make a weapon oh my goodness Ryan says it’s a seven out of 10 right now maybe a 6.5 I have to ask
Mr Ry is that how much is that the liquor talking because like I don’t think that’s I mean so you gr it against so I don’t think you can grade this against actual MCU Cinema know all the are shows okay and which show has been significantly better than
This I say Loki significantly better than this dude Loki has problem with no yeah but I’ll say season one was better than this by long yeah I’m not saying it’s not better I’m just saying like so what’s the floor on a TV show like this because I feel you
Have no like you have to compare this to things like the W shows okay and so like compar to CW this is like a six yeah that’s what I’m saying like it’s not as bad CW like The Flash no I know like I can’t decide if
The flash is good or not I’ve tried to get into it multiple times defitely not good it’s definitely not good howdy partner the band who can’t choose an accent poor little biscuit k uh what’s his last name maalin when the run out the first they’ll just find another obscure verse
Then they find the next verse down first trans lesbian first trans lesbian of color first trans lesbian of color in a w Wait Until Disney catches wind that like a small segment of the population is Left-Handed and just it’s a whole area we never touched before left-handed yeah in a world where
Everything’s made for people with right hands the one left left-handed hero their privilege and then you’re going to have about were on the set they felt very very aware of their right-handed privilege we were at dinner and someone put the fork and knife like left to right oriented I thought hey guy it’s
2024 my guy some people the year’s hold the knife with their left hand and that’s some of the work we’re doing here at Disney it’s the most obscure oh my God Mr Orion said Rox on Cloak and Dagger reference and I am quite drunk not it’s not Loki quality very different yeah no
I think Loki is definitely better have you seen pkne and Bonnie PNE Bonnie Mr R says way better than most CW though yeah I would say it’s better than CW at least for there the just the quality alone and that’s the thing I won’t pretend like because it would be
Dishonest to pretend like Disney was trying to make something to rival like an MCU movie no I think they did this cuz they knew there’s no way they can make a Echo movie well it serves different markets I don’t think it’s like a relegation and promotion thing I think it’s just some
Things you have to accept that it’s like the audience that you can capture he took her grandma wait who’s Pock me I’m seeing that’s the grandma no that was Chula oh I don’t know then was that the uncle no it’s Henry is she seriously seeing her mom right now
Mama you’re I’m having Serious Force ghost Vibes I just counts she’s like Mama just killed the man put a gun against his head oh my God you’ve really been hurting is H part of ASL he said is H part of ASL is she is this ghost healing her daughter with her
Magic yeah I want to if there is H in ASL I want to learn that because H is distinctly a guttural sound like what is that I don’t know I feel like he just make that go you could just shoulder shrug get our crackpot team of investigators on it she said you’re
Never alone all of us are a part of you oh my God because we echo through you is oh my God I’m actually kind happy they wait into episode oh she’s healing her heart that’s the second time so the mom’s not dead is she actually there though then who the [ __ ]
Would be healing her I don’t think she’s really there they’ve she’s seen her ancestors multiple times I’m saying like car she not I feel Force ghost Vibes like I think she’s an actual ghost I don’t think she’s actually there she Contin to say your ANC ancestors will
Help you so Ekko just became the single most important hero in the MCU I don’t even mean that ironically because she from chaa herself your ancestors will help you and they’ve carried the fire and they all give her different breed the gap between life and death there are no great human Mysteries
To be solved stop the life of crime and go help some people you L heal the entire world yeah like I saw heaven tell them and also I so they passed down powers between each one of them we got to still figure out what ekko’s power
Is they told her that is her power the ability to use this magic is kept in your right foot turns out it’s for people that have a right foot she said yeah they’re telling her she’s cunning paracity love but not the magic hands like I so I distinctly don’t get the
Magic I just want the Healing Hands dude big Pharma would hate her and there’s her outfit so it’s her grandmother she’s seeing her grandmother I would assum as her mother yeah or the spirit Channel through her so they have this healing stuff and they let them amputate her leg
Yeah I want to know the extent of it though can you like can you do it on yourself like can you connect L it on somebody else I’m saying like the grandmother was at the hospital yeah Mr R said it honestly feels like a Netflix series Ken said the first
Left-handed woman of color who never learned to read and has fallen arches [Laughter] eczema K said what’s all this stuff about ancestors she’s not the only person in the world with ancestors no kenth but she’s the only person in the world who can have who has access to her
Ancestors on a daily basis and they give her their powers speed dial yeah and so they give her healing powers I’m interested to hear what people think about this uh portrayal of the Native American culture because and I get like what Netflix is saying they want to tell
Stories through you know through Marvel to yeah Express other cultures through Marvel stories but I mean Disney could also just make actual stories like from Native American culture yeah that would be cool as well don’t to be a part of the yeah that just yeah like it and so
How come they’re not interested in doing that how come they’re only interested in telling Marvel stories that connect with different cultures and yeah that feels very performative to me like we’re going to make a Marvel film that’s non-negotiable yeah but if we can squeeze you know your culture in there a
Little bit then I mean they made Pocahontas back in the 90s yeah they up problem depicting American culture this fourth 1000 said all these poor Native Americans stuck in a Marvel movie dude it’s like whatever they must have done something bad in their past life to be
Stuck in this film so that’s what I’m saying like the the story the concept of this is actually pretty interesting like the idea of you know connecting with ancestors yeah it feels like the cameos and the need to filter it into the MCU if anything is hindering the ability to
Express the story Kim said Daredevil’s got ancestors can anyone channel the power of their ancestors or is it just her that feels like the energy of uh from Meet the Parents who goes I’ve got nipples can you milk me yeah Mr R said this isn’t TV May yeah
Dude he’s actually been very tame yeah um uh oh but Kenneth to answer your question all of the women in her family can channel the ancestors her family yeah her women are obviously Benny Jes yeah so it’s not just her it’s all of the how he said sorry you will be
Hearing from the Frank Herbert estate we yeah do not appreciate this level of copyright 4,000 said you know what if Kamala Khan shows up as a Plucky sidekick it might Elevate this so I was my thought that she was going to show up show Eko the air of her ways open her
Heart and invite her to join her new team anding yeah and then she’ll be a good guy yeah and she joins The Avengers I still have money on that Brimstone Dragon Pete says how many times has she not killed him now in two episodes she looks like a fish out of water right
There she’s like so uncomfortable she does look very uncomfortable H she’s the only one not wearing something brightly colored I pretty boned out if I didn’t get with those sweet headdresses I know that’s what I’m saying it’s like Grandma come on now could is there a feather shortage kenth said Disney’s aware that
The dominant culture is still European so they don’t want to make entirely non-european stories their answer is to splice black and Asian people into mainly European Frameworks very true yeah which takes away from the message that they’re trying to send and also the story quite demeaning yeah we we acknowledge your culture but
Not enough to give it its own spot yeah about messing with it 4000 said if Daredevil’s ancestors show up it could spell bad news for the plot it’s both wasn’t his he his dad was a famous boxer dog yeah with the Irish blood in him oh my
Gosh Bron Dragon P said just curious because we have the boss fight coming is my guess but now that she has the the ancestor armor yeah so it’s not ancestor armor it’s actually called plot armor no but seriously they her mom said that every thread was her ancestors
Woven into her her outfit so somehow she’s only watch that thing start lighting up what de it’s like a 8003 count mode I know that’s an Egyptian cotton level yeah it’s going to light up bergo said exactly Andy they can make actual stories about actual Native
Americans but they don’t want to do that they want to be entertained and if we learn something about Native Americans that’s a plus yeah maybe it’s just because I’m not from America I genuinely interested in like other mythologies and uh i’ be interested in seeing yeah other
Cultures mythologies but uh I feel like is so performative when they do it I feel like I learned more from Assassin’s Creed like the Native American one about Native American mythology in like their world than this show hey courin he said I wish they to release all of the episodes at once for
Every TV series so do I they should do it on roughly the same weekend every mon they just watch like I can’t understand why every month people get the 7-Day trial and then they disappear the people with whole new vpns and emails like what is going
On why is no one staying on our platform is that biscuit just something better than a gun what what is going on biskuit just turned gangster out of nowhere what’s better than a gun Kenneth said and of course we all know that you can only relate to
Characters if they’re the same race as you according to Hollywood yeah I mean that’s so true I uh I remember looking at Tony Stark and thing is this guy like Italian American I don’t understand I don’t get it what is going on I am very uncomfortable with this four, said her
Native ancestors use the same armor materials as shangi Scarlet Witch in the eternals costume yeah that’s how out Horizon uh zero Dawn Vibes and she still has a gun so much being like your ancestors you’re not using shouldn’t you be using some like a [ __ ] something cool like
A poison blow that would be cool like a cool assass with like a poison blow dart yeah she used a crossbow earlier that she manufactured there’s Kingpin there you go Brimstone Dragon Pete here’s your boss fight so the light came on after he walked out so who turned it on behind
Him well seriously though behind Ste out of the dark and then light came on to illuminate him there’s obiously like hey as soon as I get this far out flick it on right it’s like sure you don’t want me to come out no no no this going be way cooler who’s doing the
Lights it’s for dramatic effect there is somebody back there it checks out guys it checks out it checks out I’m just looking for trouble I’m just know what’s funny though is like they got all these people just to sit in the dark and just wait it’s like dude that was her grandma
It was okay so it’s like he has hostages he has hostages but he risked walking out without them having her dome him and then in the back like boss as he lays beding out and then they’re like well now your friend and your grandmother are dead what happened to the cool like contact
It’s her speaking wait I wonder if that guys Mr Ryan said this is just a born again before re-shoot Prelude so it’s just a Prelude to uh Daredevil if they commit to killing her cousin and Grandma I would be shocked pry pretty dope oh oh she just insulted
Him why is he mouthing the words I feel like it’s oh from her perspective yeah it’s from her perspective thought my headphone was acting up that’s actually pretty cool showing the delay in the I actually like that non NFA item that’s his better than a
Gun oh that was the bad guy wasn’t it that’s a son off shotgun huh that’s a missile launcher it was a rocket launcher and no that was um biscuit oh got a straw hat I’m pretty sure that was biscuit wait why is there like a layer of armor
Bro oh what so she’s channeling their spirits and now even her dude this is just the Marvel it’s the marveles oh my Lord Mr Ryan said kill the cousin we barely know her the grandma we barely know her but for real a they just why are they not laying him
Out oh he okay so yeah it was the Russian who had the Mr Ron said oh this is booty oh this is booty or say oh this booty whose booty Mr R who’s you have to specify how far do he go back so I can see it [ __ ] Henry of the gun yeah
Seriously though what this l a lot of credibility very fast I know this guy’s going like shot got the missile launcher so to see the [ __ ] missile launcher lame oh There He Go no it goes off but they’re not fireworks it doesn’t explode they’re not fireworks that he’s
Going four said Eric Draven did it better she’s not even killing them she’s just knocking him out oh my lord said now we need loot cage Iron Fist and Jones back with Daredevil yes I wonder so which of those characters do you think would have done or would have been a bigger
Statement like to make a show about everyone I know yeah uh I think luk cage Jessica Jones has like a huge cult following the only one there that I mean struggled well they actually had a bit of a comeback really yeah but I think like people tons of people were talking about
Jessica Jones like I think people would have come to watch Jessica Jones Show I think Jessica Jones like in my opinion goes below like liuk cage is she no she’s breaking down his walls no she’s putting him in his memories where his dad would beat up his mom is just a completely new
Superpower I think she’s trying to heal his heart oh maybe that’s it oh she’s going to make him a good guy yeah is she really 4, said oh man this was oh man so this is not her power in the comics Let Go Pain let go the anger no mimic isn’t and
No my point is yeah is there another Native American character that power was heart it feels like they wi fire of our powers comine reform Captain Planet it feels like the writers watch an episode of Captain Planet go oh that’s good that’s some good [ __ ] right there bro yeah is cat
And Planet like public domain now no seriously did did we seriously just get Captain Planet and is she seriously one side of him yeah she’s seriously healing him oh my God I hope he beats the [ __ ] out of after fourth 1000 oh man this was oh man he just said Captain
Planet David Tenant was a great villain at Jessica Jones yeah he is he is so she let him live but healed his heart but he can really like become evil again right if he wanted to I guess he’s got but now he’s a good guy I’m so like person drag said what was
That is that seriously the end no he got have like a little bit of came now the question is will they have a post credit scene um I hope not I thought this entire show poit scene sitting at home waiting for the post credit scene not not even fast
Foring your girlfriend’s got to get he’s like no babe you gotta wait post dog Mr Ryan said I love it to be honest that’s good I’m happy you like it man there it is thing is like if you can find enjoyment of these shows that is awesome yeah no I enjoyed watching this
With you guys I’m afraid that our uh our reputations as rage Farmers is going to be dispelled that we aren’t like Angry if people enjoy these things like don’t tell anybody yeah don’t don’t tell anybody if anybody ask called you an idiot and made fun of you yeah we
Just bashed this show for entire five episodes brimson Dragon Pete said did she just redeem Fisk the only good Marvel villain left yes yes she did she just healed his heart Ken said they’ll have a post credit scene to set up Echo season 2 yeah so it’s crazy how something you
Like can like transfer over CU like Peter and I are so big into motorcycles like I’m Hest just see more scenes do a lot for me I’m like it’s a sweet bike I know I’m like please just show more scenes of the bike is it wrong you guys I really hoped
Her cousin was going to die I just want to see Stakes I just wanted them to I really wanted to like her cousinou thank you once again for the watch party I love you guys good night sleep tight and de with the bik bus bite Stay Frosty and
I’ll always remember this is the way bye BR get some good sleep man thank you for joining us have a good night sleep tight and we’ll see you next time 4 said oh man yeah dud that’s what I’m saying no one actually died that like we oh she showed up I thought she
Was leaving no she has to reunite with her family cuz now she knows that her family is all that matters that’s her real family she was tall no but like is she tall in real life or is it she has to be angles I don’t know let’s check in
That angle she doesn’t look tall yeah but she looked like six feet when she walked up she looked like she was close to I mean they’ve she was clearly like 10 inches taller than her grandmother from like an angle I got yeah BR dag Pete said in the end no
Stakes dude did she they forget that she’s murdered a lot of people like she is not a good person um 4 said hey I really enjoyed watching this with you guys we did too thank you so much for joining us so pause sorry did they seriously in
That with just her hanging out with her family Marvel students would like to extend our deep gratitud to the choon nation of Oklahoma for the collaboration of this series they changed her uh to Cha why I’m assuming just because they could get the and make CH because otherwise I have no idea
Let’s see oh there’s the little actually is something oh my Lord because dude theose their mind if there wasn’t a post credit scene there’s slay to their all right guys oh post credit scene voters want someone who’s a fighter well Wilson V runs for mayor there go oh
Dude so he’s a trump allegory dude no it’s not yeah it is is it an outsider who’s bar enough brawling who’s is a bad guy yeah yeah or maybe that’s just me to reading too much into it I like how they just Hawkeye right after he like nope no thank you heart pass
Um hold on fix this um so brch dragons Pete said no hold on Mr Ryan said Fast and Furious as ending that literally is the ending for Fast and Furious where everyone comes together at the end and they have a picnic together all the families together a Paul Walker IND honestly yeah
That’s that’s fast and the Fest one of them BR Dragon Pete said oh they all got redeemed happily anding happy anding except for the people they all yeed yeah that’s what I’m saying like he killed a lot of people yet her family didn’t die no one so ler there was no Stakes
Because all the people we actually knew no one died yeah no K said oh so we’ve gone from race swapping to tribe swapping yes yes we have I so on that that note again this is how Disney’s just full of [ __ ] so when it suits them
They are so specific about those type of things but when it also suits them it can just be any generic person from that region from the for instance um like with Rachel Z or zler zler and why it was so important for her to play uh Maria and wests Side Story who’s Puerto
Rican yeah okay but she’s not Puerto Rican she’s Colombian those are two completely different countries she just looks the part yeah and so it’s like so when it suits them it’s hey we look the same that’s good enough for me but when they need to justify like another
Project it’s like well it has to be we have to drill down it has to be this very specific or all the actors so she had the actress had to be deaf I’ll be very upset if they don’t have all the actors in the show not actually be from
The s from the chat Nation yeah I need to see I needs otherwise I’m not sure that I can in good faith consume a show that may have taken jobs away from people from the actual shot Tri yeah it’s some absolute even though technically it should have been from the
Giant tribe hey look not their time will come their time will come there’s a whole new show coming out by the shyans dude uh Mr Ry said Spider-Man 4 I told you so they’re literally setting up Spider-Man yeah uh courland said if it was up to me Kingpin would be the main
Villain in every Marvel TV series and movie I mean have be the o overarching theme of like because you can have all of them linked together because they’re all in the same universe yeah but he is a great villain no yeah uh but I don’t understand how he’s supposed to still be
A villain when she just healed his heart well because like he been like in one of the comics becomes mayor and he fights Spider-Man but it’s hard because he’s like actually doing good work but like Spider-Man doesn’t trust him for what he’s actually done in the past okay and
It’s a it’s a really good like story arc and then it goes into it more but yeah well nobody told Spider-Man that and yeah he had been redeemed by through a sacred Native American Mystic ritual and therefore does not need to answer for his crimes he’s been forgiven yeah not
By AER power a jury of his peers by cross finger the of Native Americans from Oklahoma everything he’s done in New York is off the table yes they’re going to try try in Oklahoma and then Florida after fourth Mountain said I need to go take long walk to the liquor
Store he said I guess the real Echo was the friends we made along the [Laughter] way my favorite part was when she said stab and twist stab and twist oh my Lord um BR Dragon P said they didn’t even use the actor’s tribe yeah that’s yeah does the actor I
Mean yeah she’s Native American I know what what I don’t know I tribe is she is but I think it was just what they were capable of getting in the right like with like like so yeah it’s like how far a field do you have to look for someone
Who matches the culture that you’re trying to cast versus the talent yeah so sure if you can find someone who’s a supremely talented actor who just happens to you for instance also be death and be from the right tribe then you like yeah they’d be stupid not to
But if there’s a better actor who just happens to not be deaf you’re like okay well we’re acting again up until very recently Hollywood had no time giving Academy Awards for that type of [ __ ] because it’s called acting yeah people go to school for it if I just had to have my lived
Experiences I think they go to an island retreat for that yeah like from what I’ve read in the newspapers Kenneth said you could say Disney isn’t Cheyenne away from changing her tribe when it’s suits them yeah what whatever works for them um that’s the funniest part is talking to people who
Will go around virulently attacking anybody just for like saying like hey I didn’t think the editing was good like you must be a racist while defending Disney who’s got a laundry list of actual racist Tendencies BR Dragon Pete said monoman and that I’m assuming that was her tribe
Um 4000 said I bet even members of the tribe while watching the show were like kill the sister kill her a it would have been so much cooler if they did they don’t even understand like dude at least kill the grandmother she lived aone life neither one of them have had enough uh
Screen time for me to be invested in their character and that’s see that’s the thing though had they killed them you would have equally felt nothing because they didn’t have enough screen time but I would have at least seen the main character be devastated and I’m like okay yeah but they’ve done that
Before and that’s been I think a problem with Hollywood for a long time you can tell me how much this character means to them but if I don’t see that relationship I the audience am not robbed of that emotion I would have preferred if like Wilson or King B had had like
Bonnie in front of him he’s like kill your grandmother or I snap her neck so it makes her decide do I not kill my grandmother who I have his connection to now or my childhood friend but she doesn’t have a connection to her grandmother she had an argument with her
The connection of with the ancestry or ancestry think sorry in the dark night when you know Batman has to choose between Harvey Dent and Rachel and you had seen Rachel for an entire thing not not just to be a sacrificial lamb not as a plot device but is just a fully
Fledged out character yeah and so when you saw her die like oh you know [ __ ] yeah now and I could understand the entire movie building up Harvey as like a like they build up his character very quickly and correctly now they had more than enough time to develop that type of
Relationship yeah they didn’t though yeah they not um Kenneth said but it’s arbitrary that Disney thinks it’s important that Ekko is Native American but then not important which tribe she is well if it’s not important then why not make her black or white or Asian no and that’s
Exactly thing is like either it’s instantly when someone’s like well it’s very important that this be the first of this group of people and if you were say okay but why that group why not a different group and like well that’s Bigga it like but you’re the one who
Brought it up so you were the person who saw this through the lens and it’s also it always reminds me from uh the big laow he’s like chiman is not the proper nomenclature the dude or dude my dude my dude is like you can’t say that
And he refers to again right after CH man he’s like bro you are Lally the problem it’s like in Ted when they’re doing the restaurant it’s like and like anybody can come in no matter what ethnicity they are well yeah like why are you bringing that up because I’m just saying we should
You’re making it weird that’s the energy that it feels like is running Hollywood and especially Disney yeah everyone can watch this show yeah no one said they couldn’t well and in their own thing and again I have no problem with them making a character Native American but they it’s like the
Way they express it as though we should be clapping for them it’s like dude make a rainbow like I don’t care like I watch the story but it’s like 4000 said Echo is tribal fluid yeah tribal fluid sounds like a badass band name from like the
90s it does like spinal tap and like jam dude trouble fluid is the next movie She’s gonna be in or show is she’s G be working with the na’vi dude we should make that shirt trouble fluid yeah good luck with that oh my gosh you guys all right well
This has been amazing that was way more fun than I thought it was going to be um thanks to the comments and no% that was all to you guys thank you so much for hanging out with us for a long ass time and enjoying the five episodes marathon
Back to back with us um we appreciate it and yeah let us know what your guys favorite Parts War and what you guys would rate the show out of 10 and we will see you guys next time Ken said did you guys ever watch this sort of sequel
To B we have Jesus the Revival good I like I love the big lowski I love John tur’s character I didn’t know they made like the sequel It’s not he’s say a sort sequel I know but I’m saying what’s it called um 41000 said tribal flu patent pending and an all registered
Trademark 41000 is that what the T stands for that acronym hit the like button thank you very much yes hit the like button if you guys are not already subscribed subscribe and join us next time we’ll definitely be doing a live stream on Thursday at 7
P.m. if you guys have any ideas for topic you can hit us up on Twitter Twitter we don’t have any better ideas yeah uh our handle is the same on Twitter whole module shock we’re as creatively bankrupt as Disney and Hollywood is right now Brimstone drag
Said thanks for hosting it you both made fun 5.5 with company 7 to laugh with you thank you I appreciate that I’m going to put that on our testimonials when Disney say you just want this thing to fail it’s like hey we bumped it up a couple
Points a point and a half yeah so we’re good for a point and a half 1.5 our own but which is fair fair we bring it down hard we’re solid 1.5 it’s called Uh Jesus Rolla I’m gonna go watch it because it sounds awesome thank you so
Much Kenneth we will look that up because I love the big lossi and good night you guys thank you so much and we’ll see you guys for sure on Thursday bye bye