What would human life be without the talents of others to entertain and impress us to offer something that makes slogging through the day worthwhile be it listening to a song by our favorite musician enjoying painting by our favorite artist or kicking back and watching our sports team of choice prove
Why they deserve to be paid the big bucks we all love reveling in talent but sometimes talents are a little more let’s say unique and it’s those skills that we’ll be celebrating today these are 20 most unusual people people with the strangest Talents number 20 Sarah Ellen now do you know the wrestler The Rock because if you don’t you really need to get out more he’s the rock anyways one of his talents was raising his eyebrows in a way that would get the crowd going during his promos and after
That I’ve just been replying to my fans and but what some people can do with with their eyebrows is beyond anything The Rock can do and he can do quite a bit but in the case of Sarah Ellen this Aussie doesn’t only raise her eyebrows she made them dance in a video that
Changed her life forever Sarah Ellen sat in front of a camera bobbing her eyebrows to the beat of Don’t Stop The Rock an imitation of the iconic Cadbury chocolate commercial which aired in 2009 her rendition would earn her worldwide Fame with more than 56 million people visiting YouTube to watch the clip that
Would get her the attention of several Brands and a rising social media following to the extent that she straight up left school while still a teenager so that she could go into the fashion industry she took her desires to be in it very seriously and as a result
She became a brand model by the age of 19 and that was back in 2017 also in that year she had a social audience of almost 1 million followers on Instagram equal numbers on Facebook and almost 200,000 on Twitter so one can only imagine how big her following is
Basically 6 years later however she wasn’t only advertising things and posting online she was also boosting her Talent so much that she got to be on television for a certain Australian series and to think all of this occurred because she got her eyebrows to dance in
A way that no one had really seen before what does it all prove well simply put no Talent is too strange or bankable if you’re willing to go the distance though I highly doubt you watching at home have the special eyebrows of Sarah but the point does still stand before we go on
Like this video smash the Subscribe button and click the notification Bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you’re sleeping now it’s time for the sweet topic let’s cut to the chase apparently the girl can walk on walls that’s got to be one of the world’s most unusual
Skills and talents essentially this is a kind of blending between gymnastics and Magic her shoes are actually a new and in development type of shoe for climbing that have extreme suction technology on the Soles and once perfected this Tech will enable climbers to scale mountains of any height without the rope and other
Gear but not just yet at present time the shoes only work if the user Falls within a very strict and slight weight category hence why they’re being demonstrated by a petite individual they also require a great deal of skill skill and talent to use correctly and most
People would still fall but this woman has been practicing in order to navigate how to use them as effectively as this once the final pair are developed she’s had even more practice who knows what Heights that she could scale perhaps she’ll even turn into a real Spider
Woman as always you can let me know your thoughts in the comment section down below by using the hash sweet topic number 19 Ariana Grande’s impressions now I wanted to make sure that I put impressions in the title because I didn’t want any of her fans coming after
Me because they misinterpreted that I thought her singing ability was a unusual skill or Talent Grande is one of the best singers in the world and her fan base has lasted a long time because of how good she is so there you go but not unlike other people in the music
Industry she has certain other talents that warrant discussion in this case I’m not talking about her acting ability which was what launched her career but rather her ability to impersonate others now you might not think that’s too much of a weird skill because many people can do impersonations especially
Comedians who use them as part of their routine but for Grande she’s not only able to do them she’s so good at them that it’s scary she’s impersonated everyone from Britney Spears to Katy Perry Judy Garland and even a spot-on impersonation of Jennifer for coolage Via her character in The Legally Blonde
Movies and many of you will understand the irony of that last one as kulage reprised the role for the music video of thank you next but if you really want to dive into the weird side of things then you should check out the video of Grande doing a live impersonation of a baby
Yeah she can hit high notes so well that it sounds like baby’s talking even the host is weirded out by it all and I don’t blame them for that so yeah Ariana Grande is full of both talent and she’s also a bit weird it honestly makes her more fun though number 18 talking
Backwards here’s a talent that everyone can agree would be weird for various reasons typically the idea of talking backwards is something that is only brought up in alternate World stories like in the second season of Superman and Lois when the people of Bizarro World spoke in a way that was literally
Backwards to people on real Earth oh rip Arrow verse that’s really weird I’m able to do this because whenever inter Alysa a girl who got famous for a video that she created where she spoke words backwards and they weren’t just simple things either after the video exploded
On the internet she was brought on to news programs to show off her skills even more and it cannot be denied that it’s both impressive and strange to hear and when you watch or listen to it and what made her famous it’s clear that Not only was this happening off the cuff
With her friends as they’re the ones providing the words to say backwards but she’s doing it on a dime the only time that she stumbles is when she doesn’t hear the word that they’re asking her to repeat backwards correctly so you may be wondering how did she develop this skill
Well it’s not in the way that one would think in a TV interview she would note that she would just read both ways when she was young and as a result of that she visualizes words when she hears them and then reads them in the wrong direction the TV hosts even tried to
Give her some complicated words and she doesn’t even hesitate to break them down and and belt them backwards now yes you may be wondering how far a talet like this can actually carry a person but you know Alyssa got on to TV for the trick what have you done with your special
Talent that’s what I thought noan Noam that’s moving on said backwards if you couldn’t tell number 17 limbo drop ah the Beloved Act of limbo where you have to try and go as low as you can go to get under the bar or some other obstacle that’s in your way it’s a
Lovely party game and there’s little doubt that many people have enjoyed it over the years but that doesn’t mean that some people haven’t taken it just a little bit too far for example an Indian school boy became a limbo legend by roller skating under 39 cars in a row
Yes really he played Limbo with cars and won what a world we live in it took six-year-old gagan SSH just 29 seconds to cover a distance of nearly 80 M with his face just 5 in Ines from the ground and if you’re thinking it’s impossible well there’s footage to prove you very
Wrong in fact here is the footage of that young skater who’s able to push his body horizontally in such a way that he can literally skate limbo under almost anything of a certain height which includes apparently cars oh and he also works hard to keep his skills up to par
When he was 6 years old he would train around 2 hours each day and then practiced doing splits so that he could do the limbo skating now seriously this kid is something else I can’t even get my legs anywhere close to that level of movement and yet this child was not only
Doing it but holding that position for long periods of time it’s painful just to look at even his parents were Amazed by his talents to the extent that they felt that he was being blessed by God so if you were to see this child in the wild please don’t challenge him to any
Kind of limbo competition you may end up regretting it number 16 Sophie Clarice dossy now now I’ve already shown you a flexible guy so how about a flexible gal there are all sorts of contortionists in the world today Halloween is like my time of the year most time I like but Sophie Clarice
Dossy puts many of them to shame due to just how flexible she is and the links that she’s gone to to Showcase her talents to the world as a child she took gymnastics and dance lessons and learned classical piano and when she found that she was able to flex similarly to the
Contortionist in the cir de solay video she began at age 12 to teach herself contortion by emulating poses that she had found on YouTube and inventing new ones she would soon be performing at Gatherings for her friends and family and eventually hired for larger events
And it’s not really hard to see why that is people love when they can see someone do something that seems to defy the laws of nature plus the fact that she was a self-taught contortionist is pretty cool her biggest display of skills was when she went on to America’s Got Talent
Where she used her contortion abilities to such mind-blowing degrees that she was awarded the illustrious Golden Buzzer meaning that she would go on to the finals instantly while she did not make the final cut of the top five she did come back for another season and
Showed off her skills even more all of that attention would bring her a lot of Fame online and as of May of 2023 her YouTube channel had 8.7 million subscribers and 1.6 billion views so yes people do enjoy seeing her perform and she can’t be blamed for that number
15 escoll roning ban now we’ll go to the opposite side of the spectrum while our last person was just simply extremely talented this one is known for taking his talents to literal extremes he’s what’s known as an extreme artist where he’ll do Feats of skill that are both
Death defying in the most literal of ways and yet he does them without skipping a bead or messing up for example in this video without your seeing now he’s going down the highway at 80 kmph while riding his bike backwards that’s not something that you just do and yet he’s doing it without
Any issues other things that he’s done include walking a tight rope in the air while connected onto two flying hot air balloons doing a handstand on a pile of chairs balanced on a rock wedged in a crevice between two Cliffs that were over 1,000 M tall and more now these are
Plenty of extreme individuals but ones like him take the cake because they’re constantly trying to one up their own selves and see how far that they can push things and as you can see they can actually push them pretty far number 14 eyeballs now we’re going to get into the
Realm of what many are likely to call disgusting and yeah I’m there with you on that one because nobody needs to see people doing things like this when it comes to your eyeballs they’re one of the most important and sensitive parts of your body you need them to see and
Perceive things and it’s a terrible thing to lose your sight but then there are people like Sydney de carvalo mosquita he’s one of many individuals in the world who can literally bulge their eyes out of their head making themselves look like a cartoon character according to a press release by the Guinness Book
Of World Records his eyes can pop out to a protrusion of 18.2 mm Beyond his eye sockets now that’s a world record and it’s one that I’m sure that people are not exactly lining up to try and break the irony here is that he discovered his
Talent when he was just 9 years old and he kept pushing his powers until he eventually got the world record to be clear it is a very natural thing his parents were legit worried that something might be happening with his eyes but that was not the case at all he
Can just pop his eyes out a bit so yeah I guess that’s a talent number 13 King tooth Feats of Strength on their own are not enough to be be labeled an unusual skill I mean after all many will train their bodies to appear superhuman at times and that includes pushing some of
The Feats that man was not meant to do but how many of them could honestly say that their strength transfers into their teeth meet this person who’s known as king tooth because of the incredible Feats of Strength that he can do simply because of his mouth and teeth how about
Moving a train via a steel cable that was placed in his mouth yeah he did that and he did it while being filmed on camera with plent of witnesses to see his neck muscles strained and his face contorted all while hauling the train weighing over
2971 tons for a space of 2.8 M with his [Applause] mouth now that’s insane for all sorts of reasons and proof that your teeth may be stronger than you think at times but please don’t try this at home or really anything like it because your teeth are going to thank you
Later number 12 Mel Lotito now we’ll keep the mouth Antics going even if you’re not up for it because here we’re about to talk about Mel Lotito aka Mr eat all I mean that in the literal sense because this guy was one who could eat just about anything
That was inedible and yet be absolutely fine with it as you can imagine this would turn him into a sideshow act that grew very popular because people couldn’t believe what he was doing his performances involved the consumption of metal glass Rubber and other materials he disassembled cut up and consumed
Items like bicycles shopping carts televisions beds and more but if you think there was an upper limit to this guy well you’re really not paying attention from 1978 to 1980 he performed one of the most insane tasks ever documented he ate piece by piece a cesna 150 plane that’s right he would spend
Years eating up a plane until it was completely and utterly gone and passed through his guts how was was he able to survive all of it well apparently he had a really strong digestive tract But the irony here is that when it came to Basic Foods like bananas and eggs he would get
Sick from eating them I guess there is a trade-off to gifts like these apparently and just to be clear this is one talent that I’m fine with not having because I like the foods that I digest on the regular number 11 Daniel Browning Smith here now I have another
Contortionist for you where this one is just a little bit different from the last limber lady Daniel Browning Smith was known as the rubber boy and he had a very specific reason for his flexibility he owed all of his flexibility to the genetic condition hypermobile eer danow syndrome he would be inspired by
Contortionist since the age of four giving him the dream of becoming the world’s best at that time Daniel had began to jump off the top bunk of his bed and land in the straddled split position ouch much to the amazement of his family later in his teen years he
Began to perform in the street with his technique and to attract people’s attention eventually he joined the circus and learned even more techniques while there however if you remember the last one there is a catch those who suffer from eler down low syndrome often have drawbacks to their condition and in
The case of Smith he deals with constant pain the price of talents can be truly high at times number 10 Vim Hoff now many of you have likely heard of Vim Hoff if you’ve tried to train your body to endure the elements he’s the man who absolutely breaks all of the rules by
Surviving the most freezing temperatures and the highest Heats simply by controlling his breathing and focusing via meditation now yes I know how that sounds but I promise you the guy is for real and he has multiple World Records to prove how good he is his training regiments are insane and yet focus on
His body not needing more than it needs to survive the 17 years I was when I first encountered including running through a desert without any water diving into ice cold water without needing heat to stay in for a long time and more the guy is a true Guru of Mind
Over Matter and he’s proven his skills time and again number nine Trisha pus now you may know Trisha pus for various reasons not the least of which is that she’s both a famous and Infamous internet personality who hosted the h3h3 show with Ethan Klein she was one of the
Many people who called out Ellen degenerous during her Infamous 2020 Scandal that basically ended her prime time show and it was during the appearance on that show that she showcased her Talent which was speed reading now that may not sound all that impressive as many people can read fast
To certain extents thought I was a ster poor Sor like nope I love Jesus I’m not like that but with Trisha she’s not only able to read fast mentally she can read fast verbally and showed that to Ellen and the studio audience when she read Ellen’s book out loud at such a high
Speed that you can see Ellen stunned into silence a rare thing for her no doubt and Trisha is playing up to the feet over the course of the reading session now it sounds like she’s on fast forward and it’s kind of freaky number eight Zang y long now
While the last one may be shocking and how impressive one’s basic skills can be this next one is disgusting in all the ways that matter you often hear of martial arts Masters coming up with various techniques to improve their craft or do a unique thing that bends
Their body to their will but in the case of Zang Yong he decided that it would be a great idea to learn how to put water or milk inside of his body and then squirt it out via his eyeballs no I’m not kidding about that one either I
Totally get it if you want to look away I can barely look at it myself he apparently uses the technique to do things like water plants and even perform calligraphy I mean just just no no number seven Alex honold when it comes to rock climbing there are people who definitely do it
Better than others for one reason or another but when it comes to Alex hunold he’s one of the best of the best and he has the Feats to prove it for example he’s the kind of rock climber who does not simply scale a massive rock face he
Does it in the form known as free solo meaning that he does it alone and he has no safety nets or ropes or anything to stop him should he fall he does everything on his own and does that make him stupid well maybe but he backs it up
Because he can absolutely do all of his climbs without any issues he rose to worldwide prominence in June of 2017 when he became the first person to free solo a route on l Capitan in yosity National Park he climbed a 1,000 M route basically to get to the top and no one
Had ever come even close to that before there was even a documentary that was made about his climbing abilities and it ended up winning an Academy Award number six Faith Dicky next up we have another person that definitely pushes skills to a limit that could be perceived as stupid but
Then again he backs It Up by doing things that no one has done before for Faith Dicky she’s one of many people in the world who does tight RPP walking or slack lining but in her case she does it in high heels anyone who’s ever worn
High heels knows why this is a very risky thing and an incredible thing to do when you complete it slack lining is one of the most difficult tests of balance out there and yet to do it in high heels makes it even more Troublesome even Faith herself admitted
That she had difficulty doing it but she was also able to do it with cameras on on her so she clearly lived up to the pressure and the hype number five naven kumars tell me how hard is your head I’m asking you this question because I want
To know if you could you know maybe crack a walnut with it for naven Kumar s he truly believed so and thus he set out to break a world record but what world record is that well the most walnuts cracked against the head in one minute yes it is as stupid as it
Sounds and when you watch the video of him accomplishing this feat you can see just how dumb it is to watch and yet you can also not look away you have to admit that it is impressive to watch him mow down these walnuts one after another and by the end he has smashed
273 of them in just 1 minute now I’m fine with him keeping that record as it certainly not going to be challenged and uh probably get a headache afterwards number four manit Singh mangit Singh is another strong man if you will and it’s one that’s much
Easier to talk about and won’t give you a headache mangit is not only a strongman he’s a world record holder in the grandest of sense because he kept breaking records left and right at last count he holds 68 of the things which is insane to think about this includes
Pulling an empty double decker bus over 18 M with his teeth pulling a double decker with 54 passengers on board with one hand for a distance of 60 M and pulling a similar bus with 30 people aboard for 100 m using only his ponytail he’s used his ears to lift 85 kg and
He’s hauled an 8 tonon mobile library for 1,800 CM our biggest question is how do these people keep coming up with such very specific ideas for World Records to set I mean really I want to know number three the Balloon Man by now you may well have several
Ideas going on through your head about what this next feed of skill is going to be and I can pretty much bet that you’re not going to guess it you want to bet $20 on it well you have a couple of seconds to make all the guesses you want
Huh did you say all of them out loud well Chand Pasha is a man who literally BL CL up balloons with his ears yes that’s right and how he does it is equally as unique as the action itself he attaches a valve to his ear and then
He does certain things to expel air out of it and into the balloons now quite interestingly his right ear can blow up balloons much faster than his left but his left can do it and the biggest balloon that he’s blown up was 70 CM now I’m pretty sure that you didn’t guess
That skill so send me a DM and I’ll tell you where to send that 20 bucks number two running on all fours I know the image that may have just popped up in your head but I’m not talking about an animal and discussing which a land animal is the fastest on
Four legs but it’s the cheetah in case you didn’t know rather I’m talking about a person named Colin McClair who decided to learn how to run on all fours and then get really really fast at doing it so fast in fact that he would eventually get the World Record for fastest 100 m
Running on all fours by doing it in 15.66% said in a single minute at one point he could say 584 words in a single minute trouble can come from the air you breath at work but thanks to the American Lung Association you can breathe a little easier they working to
Fight all these long deas your lungs are a miracle and he used that Gift of Gab to get himself a really lucrative career doing commercials and even voiceover acting by talking really fast for these characters now his world record would eventually be beaten which sent him into a frenzy making him question the
Legitimacy of people I guess some people just have a hard time letting go well that’s all from the realm of people with strange talents and how they use them were you shocked by some of the talents that I showed you today and which ones were the strangest in your mind and
Perhaps you know of other people with strange talents that should be on this list be sure to let me know all about it in the comments section down below check out all of the other cool things that are showing up on the screen and I’ll see you next Time