It’s the day it’s my birthday today I’m five happy POG day to me happy POG day to me come on potato join in squeaky squeaky to me potato oh I remember now I showed you to ni my secret mousey pal and left you in hospital with him overnight I miss you
Potato please Nico get back in time for my party and bring my potato home snow snow snow snow snow huh [Applause] snow happy snowy birthday chip it has snowed on my birthday it has snow on my birthday Woohoo happy birthday my big little pug 5 years old thanks Mama over here baby Todd come and give your big puggy sister a Huggy super sweedy crawling Tot oh hello tot I love snow you’re 5 today chupada and it has snowed that might p and potato it’s Papa in the police patrol snowplow hi Papa happy birthday chip I’m on police Snow Patrol I’ll be back very very soon for your party bye I’ll be over here mama I’m
Going to build a snow pug okay Spud it’s Amanda Panda answer it answer it good morning Amanda morning pugs and here’s Nico happy fifth birthday chip and that’s Bodie saying hello and a very special happy birthday snuggle from potato too thank you pandas and potato a
Big pucky happy high from me how are you feeling Nico when are you coming home you and potato have got to be home in time for my party remember Nico oh we know chip right now though we’re waiting for Dr aner to tell us when we can go oh
Yeah we’re on the phone with chip nurse cooler it’s her birthday today happy birthday chip Dr ant eater’s been held up I’m afraid she won’t be here to examine Nico for a while H does that mean you and potato might not be back for my birthday party oh I’m sure we
Will yes we will be back in time for your birthday party chip puggy Panda promise puggy Panda potato promise see you very soon birthday chip bye bye well that was nice howy chip Donnie cards for the birthday pug woo thank you Donnie is it someone’s big day oh hello rles
Yes it’s my birthday I’m five today a very happy birthday to you from all of us little chip what do we say Ron and Ruby that means happy birthday Chip have a wonderful day we’re off to the park to play have fun and please come to Chip’s birthday party later the more the merrier thanks we Razzles sure do love to p Grandma pug and Gordy happy birthday to my precious pugly chipa dooodle I hope you’re having a magical birthday so far chip Tada it’s for you from both of us chip open it open it thanks Grandma a magic kit Abra pug dabra I love it thank you come along Gordy let’s
Get this little Pug’s birthday party set up Abra pug dabra whoa magic did you see that P oh oh potato you’re not here are you I want you back now mama please can we phone Amanda and see if Nico has left the hospital no not yet
Chip I know they’ll do their best to get back in time for your party and it’s time for you to have your puggy birthday breakfast come on chip hurry back Nico and potato please come Soon are you having a good time chip mhm you’re missing your friend huh and your potato I’m sure Nico will arrive very soon with potato big pug chip every pugy body it’s birthday party food time help yourselves everyone to py pumpkin party tree huh ni off you SK outle chip no ni you’re
Here what’s Wrong Nico are you still feeling sore mm oh so what is the matter Nico where’s potato H I’m sorry chip but I don’t know where potato is I snuggled her all night and in the morning we had breakfast and then we phoned you remember but we had to wait a
Long time for Dr an eer to come and once the doctor came and did the test and said I could go home well that was when I saw what saw what I saw potato was not there and the balloon you gave me had gone to I’ve lost them both
This is my worst birthday ever I trusted Uno with my special secret friend she could be lost forever you should have looked after potato better Nico I know I am so sorry Chip look is that my balloon is that potato it is potato potato here come down potato oh my potato oh I love you I missed you I should have known you would find your way back to me I’m sorry I got so angry with you Nico it’s
Okay I guess you were worried you miss Chip’s birthday party huh potato oh y so you decided to come here all on your own uhhuh that was a brave thing to do uhhuh but you sure had us worried what a big Journey for a little
Mouse I’m so glad you are safe and we are all back home now Hey it’s my birthday Hur up potato pal let’s go celebrate all together happy pug day to sh happy pug day to chip happy day dear chip happy to you thanks everyone [Applause] [Applause] Heidi quick time for sleepy buys now big 5-year-old chip potato potata poo e or I magic 5 minutes more you’ve had a long day chip and there’s school tomorrow the last day at kindergarten before the holidays I had a puggy lovely day and I love all my cards and my gifts from
Everyone thank you I’m glad and now it’s time to sleep little one night Mama night Papa pugy love you happy puggy sleepy bu chip it’s time for you too Potato you’re my best birthday present ever potato I love You Mama I can’t wait for my first ever piano lesson I’m going to learn how to play a tune just like Mama my piano teacher she’s here oh would you please open the door for her [Applause] chip are you okay I’m great thanks please after you oopsie sorry hello I’m carella
Kakatu welcome to welcome walk carella thanks I know welcome walk quite well I taught Roxy Rhino to play piano we know Roxy well enjoy your lesson chip dip if you two need anything I’ll be in the kitchen okay Mama now I wonder is there a little pug anywhere around here who is
Ready for her first ever piano lesson yes me chip I’m super excited to learn to play piano that’s what I like to hear chip let’s play what tune shall I play first kill well chip it might be a little while before you can play a whole tune you
Have to take it note by note Oh let me show you how to learn the notes one by one and then you can put them all together to make a tune just like my mama does exactly so the first note we’re going to learn little chip is this one it’s is called Middle Sea hello Middle Sea your turn now Chip oh little chip that was awesome have a star go on really enjoy that Middle Sea chip huh carry on chip I’ve got the door hello Nico hi Amanda hi happy hi I would like to ask chip a question please oh Nico Chip’s in the middle of her piano
Lesson at the moment could you come back later puggy pleasy okay happy bye chip happy bye Nico oh such beautiful playing chip I’ve got it hi again little mama I was just wondering how long it would be to chips piano list is finished so I can ask her my question please Nico I’m
Playing Middle Sea Nico I’ll send chip over to see you when her lesson’s finished if it’s okay I’ll wait bye byee sounding great chippy dip thanks Mama carilla please may I play a tune now let’s try something fun first chip do you think you could jump down from the sto
Spin around and then find little sea for me again easy squeezy puggy peasy yay Middle Sea whoopsie I can do this I can find Middle Sea Middle Sea oh No so that’s Middle Sea thanks potato You’re sounding good chip you put your sticker there to help you remember where Middle Sea is that’s a smart idea chip thanks Time For You piano players to have a little snack break Yi yum yum o Yummy you enjoy your snack and I’ll see who’s at the door this time oh Nico it’s you again yes sorry mhm it went quiet so I thought the lesson must be finished huh can I ask chip my question now yes ask me now actually we haven’t quite finished our piano lesson yet chip
But in fact I think you’re ready to learn a couple more notes now Chip so you can play a tune you’re learning a tune already it took me forever to learn a tune you can play a tune EO can EO play a tune for us carilla puggy
Pleasy that would be lovely ni Panda let’s hear it we pugs love music huh that’s really good Nico oh you can play that tune really well Nico thanks I don’t think I’ll ever be able to play a tune as well as That okay I’ll try Nico can play a tune so I’d like to play one too please corilla oh of course we’ve got just enough time but I wanted to ask chip come on Nico let’s leave chip to get on with with her lesson but you can ask her your question
Later bye see you later now please play middle C chip good the next two notes are d and e d e d e you’re really getting the hang of it now let’s add the C in again uh that’s three notes that’s right and that’s enough to
Make a tune come on potato play with me c d e c d e yeah I’m feeling it chip keep on proving my name’s chip and I play c c d e e d c I’m only four and I play C c d e e d C that’s good chip my name is Chip and I play c c d e e d c I’m only four and I play C home c d e e d o Isn’t she a puggy Marvel to play three notes so well yes C you almost think she had more than two [Laughter] hands who up piano potato now let’s all play music together fantastic idea you’ll have to teach us the tune chippy dip it’s easy c
D e e d c just like that oh I’m so Proud my name is Chip and I play c c d e e d c I’m only four and I play c c d e e e DC we love chip she plays c c d e e d c she’s so good at playing c and d and e yeah EDC woohoo we she plays I do c d e e d c she’s so good and d e D chip chip H up potato that was superb you definitely deserve another sticker chip thank you corella see you for your next lesson chip keep on puggy practicing bye oh I couldn’t have done it without you potato this is for you chip is your lesson finished now uh-huh
Oh good because I really want to ask you my important question what is it Nico would you like to come for a play dat at my house we can play together all day and then you can have tea with us y yes please when tomorrow can I Mama mhm yes
She said yes Mommy a see you tomorrow chip our first play it potato yi yay play dat tomorrow for Nico and me c d e e d c H and here it is Happy Hoppers wow can you see potato huh wow look at that right and one day the Chrysalis will open
Wow and who can diggly tell me what it is that will emerge from our very special precious chrysis I know I know oh my well then how about you all show me what it it is that will come out of the chrysus up you get I’m a flutter Bik yes that’s right floppy floppers a beautiful butterfly and it’s home time poppers unless you are going to Rainbow Forest after school club today Yeah oh yes I forgot today is our first time ever going to the after school club oh potato I just want to go home so on my list for the after school club today I’ve got Howie here Mr diery Betsy Roar I’m not going to the after school club potato Peter Wolf Club
Alex anope Garvey griller oh and Chip hug chip chip chip where is Chip Chip where are you chip where are you chip what’s that squeaking sound sh hide in your hoodie potato chip and what are you doing in there chip pug come on out you need to go to Rainbow
Forest after school club now let’s go chip well Mr diggery I don’t want to go I want to go home with my potato like I always do I understand chip today is your first time at the after school club and you would rather be at home with
Your new baby sister Tot but you and your snuggly will enjoy it I’ve heard it’s fun who is ready for some after school fun and I believe we have a new Chum joining us today hello I’m kangaroo what’s your name pug I’m chip and I don’t want to go
To Rainbow Forest after school club what I want to go home sorry kangaroo chip let me tell you you love our club won’t she yeah it’s so much fun come on chip you can hop along at the front with me have fun with all your Friends there are tons of games to play and tasty snacks and you make new friends from different grades but chip Pug’s going to be the smallest there by Far what’s happened here silly sausages come on we’re missing valuable fun time I’m so glad I’ve got you with me potato come on chip to The Treehouse put her there hoe hyena Oh Betsy Roar Alex antio Gaby gorilla Peter W up welcome back to you all and ship where has she
Gone hey chip please come on in I know it’s hard going to a new place at first but once you’ve settled in I’m sure you’ll love It wow Look chip there’s a standup seesaw a bubble trampoline an Arty crafty Arch a groovy games Den what would you like to do or would you like to come with me to get the snack trays ready while you have a think about it thanks kangaroo I’ll just stay here and look around okay huh
I need a snuggle potato no I say we just wait here till Papa comes to at us chip come and play with us catch the bubbles chip it’s okay Betsy thanks over here chip Hug my B chip it’s so noisy I just want to hide good idea potato let’s go take some time out in the bathroom hello anyone in here just you and me Potato I just want to go home why you go home I just want to go Home uhhuh Uhhuh hello are you okay no what’s wrong it’s my first time at Rainbow Forest after school club I just want want to be at home with my mama me too I want to be with my new baby sister hey do you have anything with you that makes you feel better or reminds
You of home I have my snuggly right here I have a snuggly with me to keep me company too what’s yours like she’s green and fluffy and round I call her Sprout mine’s pink pinking fluffing around I go her potato Snuggies are the best want to play together
Yes come on out and say hi to my Sprout H and your hoodie snugly potato uhhuh ready ha coming huh the door won’t open it’s stuck huh don’t worry I’ll go tell someone maybe this after school club will be fun after all potato now that we’ve made a new friend
Hello it’s m Nash the janitor I hear someone has got a problem with this silly old door again yes I do miss Nash it’s me chip well hi chip okay stand back and I’ll have you out in a jip how you come Brave pug yay thanks Miss Nash oh no problem pug Pup let’s find our new friend Potato oops sorry sorry our friend must have gone home H up Potato huh oh sorry you want to play on the Seesaw I’ll get off right away oh that’s okay please stay it’s you me and my Sprout snuggly hi I’m chip and this is my potato snuggly I’m hot hippo how M I’ve never seen you before I’m in
Kindergarten I’m a happy Hopper I used to be a happy Hopper I’m in second grade now wo you’re really grown up not really still got my snuggly want to play yes hey my name is brout does p want to play sure let’s chip chip chip yes hey chip time to go oh but
I’m having so much fun I told you you’d love it here chip I do K garu I didn’t think I would but I do there you go Superstar pug thanks for helping me on my first day at Rainbow Forest after school club can’t wait to see you tomorrow am I
Coming tomorrow Papa am I no chip tomorrow is Grandma Pug’s birthday but you will come again next week Yay see you next week chip and see you around school hop oh and potato is by the Sprouts hi sprouty ugly are you absolutely sure MH you want
To walk to Nico’s house all by yourself chippy pug yes I do with you potato pugy huggy oh yes please Mama now it’s time for my first playet date with my new best friend all by myself I know have fun little chip see you later mama byebye baby bump baby bump says bye I’ll watch you till you get there are you ready for our first play dat with no mama and papa potato
I’ll make sure today is fun for you too potato uh time to hide in my pocket ooh she’s here Mom Chip’s here happy hi chip happy High Nico come on in chip we are all very excited about this puggy Panda play date isn’t that right Cubs yes me Too have lots of fun I will Mama wao Huh your Panda House is very different to our little pugy H Nico come and see my bedroom chip I’ve got my toys ready for us to Play have fun puggy panda Pals you’ve made a new friend potato that’s Bodie Nico’s Little Brother come on chip we need to choose what to Play nice work chip your stairs are bigger than the pugy siiz stairs at my house come on in wao I love your bamboo bedroom Nico Thanks pandas love bamboo help yourself to a Bamboo Leaf chip um no thanks here I come Nico what do you want to play you choose H you are a funny cup baby Potato you want to play with your new Palo okay he ni we I mean I would like it if we could play downstairs with baby bie but I’ve got all my toys up here I know but uh soon I’m going to be a big sister Nico
And I’d like to see what it’s like playing with a baby bu doesn’t really play games Chip he’s too little mostly he just likes to paint his paws and get messy shh we uh I mean I love messy painting can we do it with Bodie please
Nico we could use your paints and all get messy together pantastic let’s Go let me show you how to do it Bodie that’s it Bodie well done you’re going to be a very good big sister Chip okay let’s see how you’re doing quick potato well look at these beautiful paintings thanks Mommy thank you Amanda bod is really good at it come on Bodie let’s try some green Paint oh look a fluffy ball we can use this to do some rly painting printing oh no you can’t not with this that ship special snug Mommy I told you already chip doesn’t go any place without a potato oh yes I remember now silly
Me I need to wash my Paws mommy well you can wash them in the Sink now now let’s get bie cleaned up up what would you like to play next chip I’d like to go and play outside can we play hide and seek in our puggy Panda Garden yes of course yes 8 9 10 ready or not here I come to find you
Nico oh I know the best hiding places in this yard and NCO is sure to be here huh H behind the flower pot that’s where n will be huh can I help hi chip oh hi gigg when I’m bouncing hop on my trampoline I can help you seek okay
Thanks but I think I know where Nico might be where there found you ni good hiding and seeking you two gigl Lunch is ready time for me to go eat see you later bye-bye bye gigg your turn to hide now Chip one two three four no shh potato e will hear you8
9 10 red you’re not here I Come found you chip great hiding place thanks Nico Nico chip Lunchtime bamboo bake Nico’s favorite I made it especially for you chip what’s wrong chip you do like bamboo bake don’t you I I’ve never tried it Before I will try a little bit thank you It’s still Lashes Looks like you’ve made a little friend there chip yes and bu has definitely made a special little friend today Too oh that’ll be little mama to pick you up chip ready yes but hey maybe next time chip can stay longer for a sleep over even yes pugy pleasy [Applause] Yay before you get the door may we I mean I please have some more bamboo bake I love it I had fun today with Nico and baby bie and I love bamboo bake yum yum our little chippy dip is growing up and getting used to new things she is oh and tomorrow chipster
You will have a new babysitter putting you to bed that’s right Roxy Rhino is coming to babysit you and Spud yes and because neither of us will be here to put you to bed tomorrow night we will sing you your betty by song together tonight curly up safe and snug pugy chip
Tonight curly up safe and snug pgy chip and sleepy puggy sleepy snooze sleepy puggy SN sleepy puggy sleepy snooze sleepy puggy SN M bamboo Bake Yum okay my lovely pumpkin puff puggies I’m off to work at the recreation center please don’t overdo it on your last day little mama I won’t pugy hubby I always look after the baby puglet in my tummy and you need to get some sleep after working all night I will bye oh yeah Mama don’t forget I’ll see you at the recreation center later for my first D swimming Lesson of course see you later chiplet pugs and kisses all my pugy lovies py love Mama I can’t wait till learn to swim today Spud how about you both practice your puggy doggy paddle now come on swim up the stairs to wash your face and brush your teeth before school while I change into my PJs splashy splashy doggy battle doggy [Laughter]
Battle hey you know potato this sink is the perfect potato siiz swimming pool you can have your own swimming lesson right now A potato wow I never knew you could swim potato way to go you make it look [Applause] easy I can’t wait for you to watch me swim at the pool later but first I got to get my swimming stuff ready potato let’s go we’re doing the welcome splashes doing the welcome
Splashes where we going to swim on the way to the PO go jump in splash splash splish splash Splash thanks for driving Uncle have fun learning to swim Humphrey see you Mama Mama I’m here oh hey it’s my chip dip she’s here oh my you’ve grown hi all the best of pugy luck to you happy Hoppers enjoy your first swimming lesson with Miss plum L
Thank you little so excited I’m kind of nervous I’m really nervous hello I am Miss plunge and I am your swimming teacher please get changed into your swimwear in there and then meet me beside the swimming pool it’s time for your very first swimming lesson so excited pugy love you Mama M wow bags and towels over there out of the way please happy Hoppers then come get your kickboards and line up by the pool you stay here potato watch from my bag as I learn to swim just like You okay class these are your kboards now you all need to sit down by the side of the pool then whoop in you go just like me oh finally hold on to your kickboard and gently slip into the water please mm I’m in Miss plunge yep canon
Ball no that is not how to do it oh how we I don’t want to get in Ni look chip I’m in come on in too chip the water’s Fine uhuh please remember no splashing when you’re all learning to swim how we won’t Splash you again chip I promise come on chip it’s not that deep my feet are touching the Bottom Okay I’m in I’m in my feet can touch the bottom too we’re all ready to learn to swim Miss plunge wonderful did it yay keep swimming with the kickboards Little Dippers you’re doing well kick and swim kick and swim one more with of the pool swimming is easy squeezy pugy
Peasy I’m a back stroke Panda what wow you’re really good Nico thank You oh yeah I guess I’m pretty good too okay everyone you’ve all done very well in your first swimming lesson and now we’re all going to get out of the pool and then jump back in from the side no kickboards this Time I don’t want to jump in me neither now gigg is first knees bent arms to your side and jump in wo yeah well done now you stamp and Stomp this is awesome Splash you There’s nothing to be worried about Nico just jump in you’re a backstroke Panda remember you’re good at swimming so jumping in will be easy for you I know It I did it I jumped in come on chip now you oh you can do it chip it’s okay not everyone jumps in first time chip but everyone in my class has jumped in except me swimming is fun miss plunge but I don’t like getting
Water in my face I don’t want to jump in today can I try next time I have a swimming lesson potato pardon me it’s too deep for you [Laughter] potato I will jump Miss Plunge everybody watch me just like potato little chip I can swim and I can jump in we all did it way go CH you did it just like you potato that was a perfect jump well done Brave little pug way to go I couldn’t have done it without you
Potato CH d did you see me Mama yes what a pugy perfect swimming pool pug you are we’re home and we have another puggy swimmer in the family don’t we my chip tip mhm did you jump in chip yes I really did and I can swim spot I could
Swim hey watch out for my ancient Egyption homework project I have to hand it in tomorrow oops sorry a yes I love our new sticker too potato we earned it together for jumping in the pool I am so proud of you little chip you deserve some Kate pumpkin cake a
Gift for my co-workers to say good luck with the new baby puglet ooh yes please I love some cake did someone mention cake there you are hello Papa good sleep oh yes now let’s eat yum yum Yum Delicious wow roller skates for me yes they were our daughter Zena’s when she was little would you like them yes please thanks Mr and Mrs Dazzle I want to roller skate now learning to roll or skate takes practice but I’ll help you Chip it’ll be wibbly wobbly fun enjoy bye little chip
Thanks again Mr and Mrs Dazzle oh bye can I put my skates on now please mama of course you can but first I need to find Spud’s old helmet to protect you if you fall oh I know it’s here somewhere oh potato yay roller skating is easy squeezy pugy
Peasy look Spud’s old helmet good as new you’ll need knee and elbow pads too now where are buds old ones oh I Know potato H you need a helmet too a walnut shell perfect yeah here they are pocket potato I don’t want you getting any bumps and scrapes chip pip now up on your wheels I look like Spud when he goes skateboarding skateboard brother Spud roller skate sister chip two super puggies on Wheel
Yeah I can do it I can roller Skate chip are you okay yeah I’m fine but I can’t do it Mama I can’t roll skate it just takes practice my chip tip I’ll try outside help me up please mama papa come see chip roller skate wooho I can do it look at her go a
That’s a nice puggy family movie moment practice keeping those skates facing forward Chip don’t worry chippy pip you’ll pick it up try holding just one of my pugy Paws woohoo yeah keep going chip I remember how long it took spat to learn skateboarding hey I’ve got a moveie of that too somewhere who morning to you new neighbor Amanda oh hello please call me Amanda Amanda
Panda oh and you remember baby bie and Nico happy High chip H it’s just a thing that we panda say oh um happy hi Nico happy hi everyone oh what a cutie Panda pup oh you’re look at oh mama W thank you mama ooh roller skates yep I’m going to do it no
Pause wo well done chip oh yeah look at me Potato w cat Me I just can’t do it mama that’s okay chip dip you need a paw to help you practice how about a panda paw want to try don’t worry I won’t let go puggy promise Panda promise what school do you go to Nico I’m starting a new school on
Monday it’s called um rainbow horor school I think that’s my school wait Mr diery said there’s a new boy coming it must be you we’re in the same class wow happy High classmate I’m doing it I love roller skating look at me she doing her roller skating now you doing her roller skating
Where I going to go oh my little chip oh are you okay you let go I’m okay potato honey and your hoodie my secret snuggly potato potato is Chip’s little snuggly toy she takes it everywhere everywhere you and your your snugly potato are fine ready for Upsy little pupsy
Um that’s Paco my big brother Spud’s friend oh little mama your Spud hurt his arm at the skate park oh my little spudster it was on the hi pipe Spud did a trick but he bailed off his board I landed on my elbow oh let’s get you up to the house
If you like I can look after chip thanks and thanks for bringing Spud back Lily that’s all right get better soon Spud see you at school on Monday Spud Mama have we got any Rudy Frutti Pop please I think that would make me feel better oh spudster we finished it never
Mind perhaps we could go down to the Flingo shop we can get spuds Rudy Frutti pop up there yeah you could roller skate chip oh do you want to go home and stad Chip mhm Wait For Me Mama huh let’s just us three pandas go and we’ll get the juice
Okay Nico sure come on potato let’s go home you coming chip just getting my roller skape mama h no potato if I do more rer skating I’ll fall over again and hurt myself badly like Spud Did you want me to try again but I’ll Fall I won’t fall if I have someone to hold my hand okay Nico wait I’m coming too I’m going with the pandas Mama it’s an emergency Rudy Frutti pop needed for Spud right Away huh I Let Go no you’re roller skating on your own you can do it Go Chip hi there Mrs Flingo hi roller skating puggy chip thanks Mrs Flingo I’m Amanda Panda and this is baby b and Ni good idea potato hey Nico would you like a turn on my roller skates I’ll hold your paw puggy promise all the way Home Nico’s doing his roller skating n’s doing his roller skating where’s he going to go on the way home roller go W you’re doing great Nico thanks chip I’ve got you thanks pugy pal oh I think it’s time for us to go after such a busy day pandas need lots of
Sleep can we play again tomorrow I’m sorry but I can’t I’m having a day out with Grandma tomorrow don’t worry we’ll see you at school on Monday you two are going to be in the same class we know happy bye chip happy bye Nico happy bye Amanda
Panda and bie happy bye little chip oh don’t forget the juice for your Brave brother your Rudy Frutti pop is coming Spud Zip Zip Zoom potato we’re roller skating all the way H hurry up potato I need a Cuddle when are you and Mama going out Papa not long now chiplet little mama and I will set off as soon as Roxy Rhino arrives to babysit for you can you see her yet no papa can you help me with this homework please it’s super hard math let’s have a look Spud look
Potato Roxy will be coming from her her house she’s never babysat for us before Yoo what do you think my precious puggies wow you’re all sparkly mama just like my tie we’re the perfect sparkly match my puggy hubby Roxy the babysitter know how to
Put me to bed Mama of course she will my chippy dip Roxy is babysat for lots of families in happy ton and she knows exactly what to Do but what if I can’t get to sleep Roxy will help you it’ll be just the same as usual thanks chippy dip aren’t these earrings lovely they’re my pugy favorites That’s right my bedtime song I want bedtime to be like it always is with my Betty bu song Mama it will be Roxy can sing it to you but she won’t do it the same as you no not exactly the same but it’ll still help you get to
Sleep there don’t worry chip dip you’ll drift off to sleep when I get back I’ll come right up and give you a sleepy snuggy puggy kiss like I always do huh that must be Roxy right on Time hi Roxy hello hey everyone hey chip hi oh oh sorry oh it’s our taxi I’ll get my jacket oh and I’ll get my bag I love having babysitters when I was little now I get to be a babysitter so cool now don’t let chip and Spud go to
Bed too late Roxy my cell number’s on the table if you need to call there are some snacks in the kitchen so help yourself M now is there anything else mm-m bye everyone later bye Mama bye Papa have Fun let’s get started Roxy the Rhino babysitter let’s do this what’s that little thing on your paw chip it’s my snuggly potato I love her a your potato snuggly is super cute hey Roxy hey Spud I’ve got to go finish my homework oh yes awesome idea I love homework look I’ve got all
My homework in these books to do after you and Spud go to bed wao but that’s later for now let’s uh uh what do you usually do before bedtime chip huh good idea potato I do piano practice yes I love music play something for me
Chip oo that was so good is the T Corella my two piano teachers teaching me no wayer Cor taught me too shall I play something okay oh this pugy piano is a bit small for my tootsies this might sound a bit different look at me rhino Tastic did your mama say there were snacks the Rhino Chaka frappa fr Chino I’ve never had one of these before marshmallows ooh yes pugy quey oh I could do my trick taada drink up isn’t Roxy amazing drink done piano practice done mhm um all set for school tomorrow mhm bedtime then
Yay I’ll take a wall come on let’s follow Roxy come on up Chip coming a Roxy this is is my bedroom all titly pug sized ooh who’s this oh that’s orangey rabbit he’s got a Twitchy orange nose oh I love you orangey rabbit a I’d forgotten All About You orangey rabbit now I just snuggle my potato potato so this is where you keep your
Books I love books me too hey I know this one one oh cool potato there you are huh what’s that oh what’s up chip it’s a letter from my teacher I forgot to give it to Mom and papa Mr diery did say it was very important thanks potato
Uhuh it’s a reminder that’s all it’s about your class show oh it’s tomorrow oh yes I have to dress up as a pirate oh no I forgot to make a costume oh dear Mama’s not here she would know what to do well I don’t know what your mama
Would do but I do know what I would do I used to go to Rainbow Forest school I did class shows too pirate ones no but I think I can help you h no pirate stuff here but we can make something come on huh come on potato I haven’t got a
Pirates hat H oh but there’s a cowboy hat Yeehaw Yeehaw here chip yah yah ooh math H you know you I’m captain chipo there pirate potato y that sure is pirate thanks Spud now the letter says you’ve got a special line you need to say too let’s go practice special line
Oh yaha I buried the treasure under the old palm tree you say it yah I’ve buried the the treasure treasure under the try again y I’ve buried the treasure under the old palm tree yah I’ve buried the treasure under the old palm tree you have got it
Captain chip beard and now me hearties I’ll aboard the Jolly toothbrush huh time to brush teeth before bed I mean oh pirate potato there you go snug as a pug with your snuggly potato and orangey rabbit the ey patch will help me sleep Roxy I only have to close one eye look
I’m sure glad you remembered the school note about your show well played chip thanks Roxy night night thanks for reminding me about the show Potato my Betty bu onong everything okay chip you need to sing me my Betty buy song oh okay How does it go kly up safe and snug pugy chip tonight I think I know that one but keep going K up safe and snug pugy chip tonight and sleepy puggy sleepy snooze
Sleepy puggy snore sleepy pugy sleepy snooze sleepy pugy [Laughter] snore nighty night my chippy pip bye Mama L love you see you soon in my class show so it’s our first class show ready potato hey do you want to say hi to your new friend Bodie don’t forget bod and I will be right in the front rowy Hardy pirate
Potato oh you’re all set Nico chip you really have the magic touch with baby b he’s always happy when you’re around I mean I love bie come on chip bye coming Nico I love your wooden Pirates leg are you excited for our first class show not
Really chip I’m scared of saying my line wrong again remember I messed it up in rehearsal you won’t say your line wrong today n because I’ll help you practice it I practiced my line with Roxy and my sitter last night and now I’m not scared at all listen pirate Panda yah I buried
The treasure under the old Palm Tre tree shh wow can you help me practice my line now Chip sure Nico come on yo ho what is your line me old M we have buried the treasure on an island x marks the spot we have buried the treasure on an island we have buried
The treasure on an island what marks the spot x marks the spot to your places please happy Hoppers just like in rehearsals then settle now does everyone remember their line for today’s class show oh wonderful well digly done oh yes now I have all the Pirates Jack jackets in Here if you’re a pirate put your hand in the air and put these jackets on quickly please me please thanks Mr DIY hey ni where have you buried the treasure we have buried the treasure treasure on an island and what marks the spot x marks the spot good practicing Pirates thanks Mr oh you are all going to perform your class show wonderfully if you listen you can hear our audience are taking their
Seats listen listen I can hear them it sounds full hear Grand hey potato look my jacket has a perfect pirate potato Pocket if I forget my lime potato you can help me remember what to say okay chip chip I can’t get my jacket on it’s too small oh and mine looks too big are we ready happy Hoppers trade with me quick Sho here it’s time to welcome your friends and families to your class
Show Miss Nash curtains please look’s chips there she is there’s wave the chip everyone welcome I think it’s about to start is he here I can’t see him welcome dear friends and families of the happy hoppers Oopsy and baby b too we happy Hoppers invite you to come with us on an amazing Voyage on the high seas our class show this semester is called pirate treasure are we ready to set sail Shipmates y I’m ready may I present the yo ho ho Happy hoverers w
A pirate ship was sailing the Seven Seas searching for Treasure when a sea monster that’s me try to sink their boat hey chip I hope you don’t forget your line I won’t Howe I know my line is after your line and it’s very important because it leads up to the end song and
I practiced it lots and lots hav’t I potato huh oh you’re not in my vest pocket potato you’re in my pirate pocket oh potato you’re in the pirate jacket I swapped with NI n’s got you and the bottle there’s a special secret message I can’t do this if potato isn’t
Here to help me oh no I can’t remember my line M the and it said we have buried the treasure on an island x marks the spot potato over here potato a map led the Pirates to led the Pirates to to the captain who told them led the
Pirates to the captain who told them where the treasure was buried it’s you now Chip huh oh chip go on Captain chip beard you say it chip why isn’t she saying her line is she okay yeah I’ve sh yaha I’ve buried the treasure under the old palm tree chip chip chip ho
Chiper potato I did it h up here’s the palm tree and down comes the treasure awesome at Rainbow for school we love to sing and there’s something special we all bring a musical mix large and small we’re singing and dancing for you all say hello to a lion a camel a w AAR around yeah we love to sing you elephant we love to sing a Hy we love to sing you oh a gorilla we love to sing a hippo we love to sing an Ane we love to sing Panda hi and a p wo hello at Rainbow Forest school we love
To sing and there’s something special we all bring a musical mix large and small we’re singing and dancing for you [Applause] all I thought I’d forget my lme potato but I didn’t I remembered it even without you and my pirate jacket how about that best class show ever that’s my chiper
Way to go Sweetheart truly chip you were pugtastic oh we are so proud of our littlest pug you did okay chipala oh dear bod’s forehead is feeling a little warm poor baby Bodie maybe it was too hot inside for Him oh well you’ve done it again chip bod always has a giggle for you chip you’ll be a very caring big sister for your little puglet sister when she arrives sister mhm yes we found out earlier today that the baby puglet is a girl yes hello little puglet sister pugy
Hello little sis you know sometimes I feel like I already know what having a little sister will be like hi there pugs hey Paco are you ready for your play dat at our house sure am hey chip hi hey could Nico come for a play
Day today too would you like to go and play at the Pug’s house Nico until I get home from the doctors with bie yes please yay yay puggy Panda double play dat pugy Panda potato play dat we’re home I’m so excited dble play dat Paco and Spud Nico and
Me and you potato pugy promise we’re all going to play Together keeping up with you Playmates isn’t easy with an extra little puglet on board in you go yeah watermelon can we have some Mama sure watermelon thank oh and there’ll be pumpkin Pizza Later Oh potato sorry I forgot to get some watermelon for you come on Mama back for more chippy dip yes pugy please Mama it’s the delicious One for you and one for me so double play Playmates let’s all play soccer kick it to me Paco come on Nico well I don’t really like soccer but okay Nico I’m going to kick the ball to You my ball I got it I don’t really want to play soccer anymore chip but it’s a double play date Nico we all play together sorry I’d rather build a fort come on let’s play some more soccer you two against us to let’s go spot can we all build a fort together
Instead uh I don’t mind Paco no way I want to play soccer go sorry chip squeak looks like we’re not going to play together after all my B Paco okay Nico let’s build a fort thanks chip let’s use those chairs you can help build the fort too potato it’ll be fun tie the corners to the chair legs I love building our Fort Nico sh thanks potato ship hideing in my pocket wow you tied those quickly chip watch me get inside quickly too H not bad what do you think of it potato okay now we need to build the drawbridge and huh hey sorry PCO you knocked over our Fort your
Turn to take a penalty bud don’t worry chip I know how we can make our Fort even Better are you okay potato pal nearly done Nico I love this fort look potato oh looking good Rudy FRP for the busy Builders my favorite Rudy pop thank you I know let’s drink inside our Fort mhm what do you think Mama it is puggy Panda tastic well done you two oh that’s
The oven timer the pizzas are ready fruy fru gluggy Puggy wo not again oo oops sorry chip Spud you wrecked her for twice now and knocked over a Rudy ruy ball hey Spud pass the ball in a minute Paco it’s a cool Fort can I help fix it no it’s okay thanks we’ll fix it come on
Spud it would be much better if we were all playing together we need a game for all of us something we all want to playing that means you too Potato have you got an idea what is a [Applause] potato pumpkin Pizza Time come on potato o H come and wash your hands kid I guess we’ll all play together after Pizza come on EO now it’s time to all eat together hold on chip I’ve got a puggy pandastic idea of where we should eat let’s have a pumpkin Pizza smile please oh look at you all eating
Together in the puggy panda Fort Perfect come on let’s keep doing things together what next hide and the seek nah skateboarding h no roller skating I haven’t got any skates basketball I can’t catch really well my mom said I’m not allowed to get wet potato potato so that’s your idea of how we
Could all play together huh potato yes we could all play with our Sky High Super Rocket together but what about you how will you play your paws are too little to jump on It you’re going inside it oh you want a ride in it that is a very big idea for a little potato this is going to be so much fun for you and for us hey chip what have you got there well we I mean I’ve got
The perfect thing for us all to play with wo our Sky High Super Rocket yes I want a turn me too yeah let’s do this together chipster you go first chip sit tight pilot potato I’m going to send this rocket Sky High Sky High Super Rocket and potato
Go wo wo super powerful move chippy sis are you okay Potato you wanted do it again uh-huh uh-huh uh-uh my turn and I’m going to do the chip style double foot jump watch me Sky High Super Rocket double playy double foot Jumpo yeah hi Sky High Super Rocket double PL double foot [Applause] Jump sky high Super Rocket double play double foot Jump gotcha this is the best double play dat ever I knew we’d find something we would all want to play together in the end every one of us YooHoo Mommy hi Anda how’s baby Bodie well after we went to the doctors he had a nice long nap and now he’s
Feeling much better that’s good news baby bod thanks for asking chip how was your first double play date Nico great uh hey Mommy can chip come for a sleepover yes of course she can if it’s okay with little mama oh Chip’s never been honestly over before well there’s a
First time for everything would you like to go for a sleepover at Nico’s chip yes pugy please our first ever sleepover I can’t wait good work potato the dazzles are going to love this good buy card we’ve made for them there’s Mr Dazzle Mrs Dazzle me and chip it’s time for the
Goodbye Dazzle yard giveaway just a minute Papa there you are too potato ooh let’s go and give the dazzles our goodbye card now come On here we here I am off we all go to the goodbye Dazzle yard give away hoay remember puggies it’s a chance to find something of the dazzles to keep as a reminder of them when they’re gone oh come on ship let’s go welcome pugs to our yard give away
Yes you know we can’t take everything with us on our travels it won’t all fit in Rainbow Rita so please come on mama papa Spud chip oh yeah and and just help yourselves to anything of ours you’d like to keep thanks Mr and Mrs Dazzle Mr and Mrs Dazzle we’ve made this
Mr Dazzle I was wondering if I could have this please Mr and Mrs Dazzle Mrs Dazzle are you absolutely sure you don’t want to take this with you on your trip can I always come on we can do this Mr dazle Mrs dazle good ey Potato Mr Dazzle we I mean
I’ve got something for for you howdy chip Donnie I thought you were Mr dazzle because of your stripy socks snazzy Stripes ain’t they later Chip there’s Mrs Dazzle hey Mrs Dazzle Mrs Dazzle oh potato it’s Nico huh he’s giving Mrs d a bamboo plant oh Mrs Dazzle loves it I wonder if she’ll love our card just as much let’s find out Mrs Dazzle I’d love to have this Bucket please if you really
Don’t need it we’re very happy for you pugs to keep the bucket little Papa it holds such fond memories for us Mr Dazzle of Chip’s first chore washing rainbow Rita do you remember oh yes please think of us when you wash the puggy patrol mobile we sure will thank
You dazzles Papa come and see what do you got there Spud Mr Dazzle say Mr Dazzle I was wondering if I could have this please oh yes I’ll find you a B yeah you goe Mrs Dazzle my dad help me make these goodbye cookies for you Mr and Mrs Dazzle you look at that wow they’re zebra Cookies mhm m oh yummy thank you gigglers okay now let’s give our card to them Mr and Mrs Dazzle Mrs Dazzle I found this in your giveaway check it out out please may I have it of course you may Spud enjoy thanks well if it isn’t our favorite
Little jet buug we were wondering where you were now what you got there we Phantom made you a cake woo wow stomp stamp my pop and Granny Fant thank you oh we just love this elep fantastic cake and they’re going to love our card now let’s give it to them uh
Neighbors and friends please help yourselves to a slice of the fance farewell [Applause] cake Mr Mrs Dazzle this is for you happy hi chip wao happy hi Nico The Dazzle said I could have this want to play driving with me sure come On I card can wait hoodie up wee Wo this car is py Panda let’s do it again that sounds like rainbow Rita maybe that means the dazzos are leaving oh no come on chip let’s wave Goodbye oh potato the card oh no the card is a bit broken maybe we’re too late a friends and neighbors before we leave welcome walk we’d like to have a farewell photo with each and every one of you in our rainbow Rita selfie Booth wow and please help yourselves to
Cookies and cake as you wait for your turn can I have a turn in this selfie Booth first please Mr and Mrs Dazzle if no one else mines go ahead sure thing chip you can go first up you come chip into our selfie Booth whoa rainbow Rita is so high
Up well it’s selfie time chip smile eh wait we can’t have a photo of Chip without having her her potato in the picture too we’ll never understand why you love that old funny snuggly thing so much chip where is it today here hidey in your hoodie potato oh my goodness wonderful say chip
And potato chip and potato oh it’s just puggy perfect you know one of the best things about living in welcome walk has been seeing you grow up into such a lovely little pug chip oh we’ll miss you I’m going to miss you too Mr and Mrs Dazzle A what is it potato you want to say bye-bye to the dazzles too uh-huh oh okay why not um there’s someone else who wants to say bye to you Mr and Mrs Dazzle oh because they will miss you too who well you know I love my potato snuggly very much
Uhhuh can you keep a secret about why the snuggly is so special to me oh yes watch oh oh my goodness what oh My my snuggly potato is really my secret special Mouse friend wanted to say her own goodbye to You oh well you are a wonderful secret what a very special little mouse bye-bye to you potato oh hello and goodbye potato oh potato and I have something for you both ah we made it for you together oh look it’s us with you chip and you potato A it’s poy potato perfect and wherever we go around the world your mousy secret travels safely with us I love you potato okay bye we’ll miss you miss you bye bye see you chip hey chip what did you keep from the yard giveaway to remind you of the dazzles nothing
Wait I mean I have plenty of memories in my puggy head to remember them by cool big day at school tomorrow chippy sis it is yeah it’s parent teacher interview day Mr diggery will meet Mom and Papa and tell them how you’ve been doing at kindergarten oh I hope you’ve been good
Oh yes bud I’ve been puggy perfect we’ve been pugy potato perfect huh welcome Happy Hoppers bags and coats on pegs please good morning chip morning Mr diery oh it’s not like you to be last into class I did not get much sleep last night Mr Dicky sorry so I’m a little bit
Tired oh well uh come and have a seat chip it’s time to take attendance class are you ready for class potato oh potato you’re so sleepy in your hoodie all that foosball practice in the middle of the night has made us both sleepy it’s time to wake up we’re at [Applause] kindergarten hoe here Humphrey here Garvey Nico here chip I know you’re here somewhere little pug chip whoops here Mr the crysalis look it twitched wow it’s moving just sit down hoe well done chip the Chrysalis is moving now if the cryus is moving what digly day do you think today is
Butterfly day that’s right do you all remember our little caterpillar buddy who we put in this box a little while ago I remember good it ate and ate and ate didn’t it and then what did it do it went to sleep and that thing it made the Crystalis that’s right Mona it looks
Like the caterpillar is ready to come out of its chrysalis today and it only comes out when it has turned into a butterfly I can’t wait to see the butterfly my fly now happy Hoppers sneak over there very carefully and have a closer look together quietly now oh me first oh hoe
Sh make sure you can all see oh little chip come to the front please calm down happy Hoppers who can tell me what is happening the butterfly’s wing is poking at out yes you are right gigl let’s watch some more quietly please uh so is it ever going to fly yes
Howie it will fly but not quite yet first this butterfly has to open its wings then it let’s just wait here for the butterfly to fly potato while we wait we are going to do butterfly math carpet time Everyone one 2 three four five paper butterflies and then one two more butterflies flap in and say Hello so how many butterflies are there in total who knows 5 + 2 makes butf butterflies that’s right class seven butterflies well digy done now please bring the butterflies back to me I don’t feel like doing math today yes I feel a bit Hot Potato m M I’ll be Okay hey are you feeling okay chip um I just feel a bit hot Mr diery let me open this window that should cool you down a bit thanks that’s Better okay we’ve done butterfly math how about caterpillar math y the little caterpillar what are you doing potato leaves he’s quite hungry a spot I’ve not seen that before chip uh chip come join the class and tell us how many did it eat in total um um look the butterfly’s
Wings well done again chip let’s leave m for now and have another look at our butterfly happy Hoppers I don’t feel so Good what is it potato well my book says that I know I should tell Mr digty that I don’t feel too good cuz that’s what you’re supposed to do when you feel sick at school Okay happy Hoppers next we are going to do butterfly painting oh but that sounds fun I’ll tell him later potato you fold the paper in half paint just one side of your paper with a set of butterfly wings like this Fold It Up open it out and a butterfly painting now over to You mine doesn’t work let me help you Howie what color is your butterfly going to be chip oh red I think and um red and uh Purple chip so Sleepy chip uh that’s not how you do it chip H H you’re not quite yourself today are you chip well how about you go to the bathroom and wash the paint off your face oh three spots uh-uh oh yes and a spot on my tummy too
Oh no I’ve got lots of spots that weren’t there before uhuh I want to go home you’re right potato I need to tell Mr diery that I don’t feel well and that I want to go home but if I go home I won’t get to see the Butterfly Fly uh
No the butterfly it’s flying it’s okay class a butterfly is a wild creature who needs to be free in nature we would have let the butterfly go anyway did I miss it did I miss seeing the Butterfly Fly I’m afraid so Chip a oh chip you missed it the butterfly started
To fly like this and so we took the lid off the box to give it some food but he bumped into it like this wo and then the lid fell off and the butterfly flew away H the window but I wanted to see the Butterfly
Fly Li and now it’s gone oh dear chip you weren’t here when it all happened are you okay no Mr Dey I don’t feel too good spots come on little chip you need to go home I’d say you’ve got the puggy spots and that’s what’s making you feel ill
Oh there you are little chipster oh you are spotty you’ve got puggy spots oh I want to go home mama of course but on the way we need to visit the doctor to make sure you definitely have puggy spots and not something more serious thanks for looking after my precious
Chippy pit Mr Badger Fox that’s okay what is the puggy spots Mama it’s something which lots of young pugs get it only lasts for a few days I had it when I was a little yip and papa did and Spud too those SPS get to be itchy
Though you have to try to not scratch them and a butterfly it’s the happy Hopper butterfly huh Oh the butterfly likes you chip hi butterfly oh it’s spotty just like you bye-bye spotty Butterfly Come on my little spotty pug I’m glad I told Mr diggery I was feeling sick and that I still got to see the Butterfly Fly hoodie Up to as you know happy Hoppers after our lessons have finished we will be having our parent teacher meetings po parent teacher meeting I’ll be telling your grown-ups what good students you all are when I meet them today I’m a fugy perfect student for Mr Digger so class let’s all work hard this
Afternoon on today’s topic healthy eating let’s give a warm happy Hopper welcome to the healthy fruits and vegetables we’ve got carrot Apple hey broccoli hey potato get down and bag in my pocket at kindergarten pumpkin okie dokie happy Hoppers this afternoon I want you all to choose and
Draw one of these fruits or vegetables in silence please go and sit sit near the fruit or vegetable you’d like to draw now working in silence is a great way to make sure that you concentrate on the job you are doing silent time begins now I’m going to draw this pumpkin
Because pugs love pumpkin is something the matter chip no Mr diery good remember it’s silent time not talking time Potato potato huh H up quick huh hey chip look hey that snuggly is mine hoe give it to me chip what silence remember you want your potato chip catch potato Howie what’s the happy Hopper’s rule about throwing in class uh oh I remember is it happy Hoppers must never throw
Things in the classroom that’s right Howie but you did throw something so I’m afraid you won’t get afternoon recess today oh no going out to play again Mr diggery what is it Barry uh one of those Tomatoes is pink H yes I think that tomato might be your potato chip M you need to stay in my pocket in class potato silent time continuing now no coming out potato pal you have to stay in there when I ask you to silence I said chip that’s three times you have talked after I’ve gonged for silence I’m afraid you’re going to have to miss recess
Too carry on with your drawings please class in [Laughter] Silence silent time is over you can continue with coloring in later leave your drawings where you sitting please and have a fun afternoon recess everyone Howie and Chip please stay seated off you go garby oh watch weding what’s up chip I wanted Mr digity to tell my mom and papa I’m a good
Student today now he’s going to tell them about me talking in silent time and missing recess it’s the first time I’ve been in trouble ever I’m in trouble all the time it’s not so bad Spud no now Spud knows I’ve missed recess chip and Howie please come to the desk where I’d like you to spend your recess looking at these books in silence oh hello Mrs woolly it’s Mrs woolly good afternoon Mr scho principal sh are you all set for your parent
Teacher meetings I certainly am I can’t wait to meet all my happy hoppers parents excellent hello hoe hello chip good afternoon Mrs wly wly oh what a shame you two aren’t Outdoors enjoying recess with the rest of the happy Hoppers yeah me and Peter were going to play ninjas Mrs
Woie I’m sure if you’re good you’ll be able to play it tomorrow potato now even Mrs woy the school principal knows I missed recess now please chip let’s try again looking at books in silence ho oops sorry this is Funny Okay happy Hoppers that’s the end of class and of Silent working time well digle done you may now all chatter to your heart’s Content oh uh remember the parent teacher meetings start now it’s time for you all to wait outside with your grown-ups I will call them in when it’s their turn now you can show them your drawings while they wait for me to tell them how you are doing at kindergarten
Mr DIY is going to tell Mama and Papa that I missed recess I know it he’s doing so well in class well I think that is a puggy pugtastic pumpkin picture clever chip thanks Mama Mama and I can’t wait to talk to Mr diery about all the other things you’ve done in
Class M okay yeah to find out you missed recess chip P sis Sh mama and papa pug that’s us here we Are what do you think Mr diery is saying about you I don’t know but I’m going to try to find out I can’t hear them oh abely potato please come back uh-uh oh no potato excuse me chip sorry potato hey chip has Mr diggery told your
Folks you miss recess yet I don’t know Howie but if he hasn’t I’m sure Mrs woolly will she’s just gone in too whoa Mrs woolly uh oh chip chip I didn’t mean to keep talking mama I’m so pugy sorry what chip tip we’ve been hearing so many good things about
You we’re very pugy proud of you and there is nothing to be sorry for oh chip I was just telling your today was not such a good day but one chip blip doesn’t spoil all the other great chip days you’re a fine member of the happy Hoppers and you learned a big lesson
Today chip about following instructions and working in silence right I know Mr diery and I won’t forget it I have one more thing to say to chip is this yours little pug oh yes it is Mrs W thank you funny I had a snuggly just like that when I was in
Kindergarten you did yes and I had to stay in from Recess for talking too much too one time I never did it again good luck with your piano exam tomorrow chip oh yes my first piano exam is tomorrow I have to go home and practice wait for us chippy
Pip Grammy hyena next please Uh you need to always stay with me when we’re at kindergarten potato uhuh I guess we’ve both learned something today about doing what we’ve been asked to do huh uhuh there you are now how about we head home for some sweet puggy perfect pumpkin pancakes what do you say Superstar
Kindergarten student yes pugy please oh yes it is busy here to so this is happon Hospital yep and Nico is in the yellow Ward come on it’s this way Papa what is a ward well a ward is a room in a hospital where patients are cared for until they are better I hope
Nico was better so he can come home for my birthday party Tomorrow oh and here we are chip Nico huh Nico it’s me happy hi happy hi chip hi Nico hi Amanda and Bodie hi pugs come on in this bamboo tree is a tasty gut W present for you Nico from Mr diggery and the happy Hoppers thank you
Yummy Heidi quick let me help you CH and here is a get whale balloon from us pugs and potato thanks W the balloon is Lifting me up gotcha I love that Mouse balloon what’s that on your arm this I’ll no careful it doesn’t hurt chip I
Broke a bone in my arm so the doctor put this hard bandage on it to help it heal it’s called a cast H when are you coming home Nico today I hope isn’t that right mommy please can I go home oh well it’s the doctor who’ll
Decide if you can go home Nico she’s coming to see you this afternoon but it’s my birthday party tomorrow you have to be at my birthday party Nico I’m going to be five hey Nico I see you’ve got visitors hi officer pug Hello Nurse cooler how
Would you pups like to go to the hospital playroom for a while there’s a place room awesome check this out wow now Nico remember don’t jump around too much we don’t want you to hurt yourself again okay nurse cooler we’ll be here to keep an eye on Nico and Chip nurse
Cooler Huggy Panda Playtime Papa Amanda bie look at us hi Nico hey chip puggy Panda round and round time py Panda and round Time look at that Nico come on it’s pugy Panda slide time nah it’s still Panda round and round time for me okay wow look at me Papa be careful up there chip I will y it’s not as big as Stomp and stamp slide but it is fun come on ni your turn uhuh
Uhuh Nico what’s up you love slides I do love sliding down but I just don’t want to climb up up why not well ever since I fell out of the tree chip I don’t feel like climbing I’m going to play building blocks with bod Instead oh I get it you know who would really love to go in the slide with you my snuggly potato hurry up potato ha maybe if you take potato with you she’ll make you feel safe climbing up the ladder I love your snuggly potato thanks
Chip are you going to build a tower with your little brother Nico well I was going to but now I’m going to slide with chip snugly oh okay well you be careful panda bear um oh dear keep going Nico you can do it Nico you’re doing great your climbing up is super
Nico we’re doing okay potato go go go Nico you’re nearly at the top I did it climbing is still easy for me and now the fun bit Nico here it goes potato yay y gotcha chip let’s both go down the slide now with potato come [Applause]
On the doctor’s ready to see you now Nico uhoh oh are you okay Nico yes Mommy I felt a bit dizzy for a minute but I’m fine now so who is this new doctor Nico I don’t think I’ve met her before Dr antier she’s not a doctor she’s my friend chip
Pug well maybe chip pug could help me while I check how you’re doing Nico would you like that chip yes please Dr aner okay please press that button to check my light is working it works perfect now let’s have a look all good now we need to check Nico’s temperature
Oh and your temperature is perfect there we go and how are you feeling Nico um mostly I feel good doctor and I really want to go home but after playing on the slide just now I felt a bit dizzy well done for saying so Nico now I
Know how much you want to go home but my job is to be sure you’re well enough to do so mhm but it’s my birthday party tomorrow Dr aner Nico’s got to be at my party ah well chip Nico most likely will be at your party
Tomorrow but to make sure you have the most fun time ever at Chip’s party I’m going to keep you in yellow Ward tonight to check that the bump on your head is totally better okay Dr aner we need you in red Ward please coming nurse it’s okay hey come
Here poor Nico he’s going to be so Upset you stay here with Nico as a mouse this is not just a big idea for a little potato it’s the biggest little potato idea ever are you sure you want to share our secret well okay but hoodie up for now Papa Amanda please may me play a
Little bit longer puggy please can we well oh okay but nothing too energetic you two party pups I’ll pop to the hospital shop you can go too Papa we’ll be fine huh yeah we’ll call nurse cooler if we need anything okay okay we won’t be long see
You Nico do you like big secrets mhm I mean big big big secrets uhhuh well I have the biggest secret ever about my potato Look ha it’s a mouse caller’s cooler huh wo wow your potato snuggly is really a mouse mhm she’s my very special secret friend and now she’s your special secret friend too hello potato Mouse promise you won’t tell anyone puggy Panda promise wow biggest secret ever potato wants to stay here with you
Tonight Nico to cheer you up really really potato uh wow chip pugy Panda thank you we’re back H up potato uhhuh oh Nico chip sure does cheer you up chip and her potato m i mean snuggly a that potato chip won’t go any place without that little snuggly well today I am Papa
I’m leaving her with Nico huh chip without potato that is quite something how very kind of you chip yes very kind my grownup nearly five chip now let’s go we’ve got a big birthday puggy party to prepare bye potato puggy love you I’ll look after potato and potato
Will look after you okay bye now happy bye chip see see you both at my party tomorrow I’ll see you soon I love you my new baby sister Chill I’m going to be your very special big sister mama papa what are we going to call her we’re not sure yet chip dip oh I want to hold the baby just like I did when chip was born oh of course you can Spud here have a seat oh I want to
Do that too you’ll have your turn next chippy dip a she’s so cute she looks just like you did when you were one day old chip really did I ging goo oh chip you were so gurgly and gooey mhm all wrapped up in your blankies and you made this
Face but only when you got smelly and Mama had to change your Diaper please can I hold the baby now try and be calm for the baby chip please may have my turn Mama puggy puggy pleasy I am her very special big sister after all yes of course you can chip you’re now going to hold your baby sister for the first Time let’s try that Again oh dear chip but don’t worry when babies cry it’s usually because they’re tired or hungry or their diaper needs changing A oh dooodle mama said not to worry Grandma but I don’t think the new baby likes me it’s nothing to do with you chippa dooodle babies can’t say what’s wrong so they just cry pretty much most of the time I guess Grandma I want to be the new baby’s special big
Sister like you’re my special potato uhhuh Hey that’s a great idea for a little potato I will make a sparkly card for my baby sister and while I make the card I will try to think of the perfect name for her Sparkle pug no glittery pug no Penny pug no oh well this card will make my baby sister love
Me and look there’s the very special big sister of this little bundle well hello there chip oh hi chip hi everyone come on down chip H huh okay a hey little chip your baby sister’s been wondering where you are come and say hi where is
She happy hi chip happy hi Nico oh the baby loves Nico a she’s so cute to cuddle isn’t she chip I guess I haven’t had a cuddle with her yet oh what’s your name we’re not sure what have you been up to in your room all this time chip thinking of baby names
Yes a little bit but I haven’t got the right one yet oh and I made this card for my baby sister a oh that’s lovely look lucky little buggy baby look what your big sister chip has made for you A oh dear what up little puglet well you don’t mind we could do with a bit of time to our puggy s to help B Okie do just let us know if you need anything Baby potato all right bye now Papa chippy dip a it is a lovely card chip hey would you like to come and see the baby while she’s sleeping she won’t cry now Mhm oh you’re a very kind big sister you know chip to make the new baby a card and let her have your snuggly huh do come on chip you can leave the baby now can I stay Mama very quietly and watch the baby sleep a little while
Longer why sure you can chip but you be careful not to wake her okay babies need their sleep okay Mama come come on potato time to Move hold on don’t Move here you go baby puglet your very own snuggly orangey rabbit H I know I’ve got a better Idea this box that Mom and papa keep of sput and Chip baby Treasures here’s what I was looking for oh toffee when I was a baby I loved you so much snuggly Mouse and then you came along Potato chip I know you want to play with the baby but you need to be patient and let her sleep Mama pleasey pugy please can I stay quietly with the baby then I’ll be there for her when she wakes up aren’t you just a treasure to be so devoted to
Your little sister chip truly though that little baby needs to have a good nap and so do I nap yes that’s it a nap when baby pug wakes up she will let go of your sweater potato we just need to Wait hello little baby pck come on tickly puglet to that potato snuggly is mine potato snuggly is mine what a TT you are this snugly Mouse is yours and this snugly Mouse is mine back where you belong Potato a it’s okay bucklet tot toy tot toy tot my chip I think you’ve done it you’ve come up with a perfect name for the baby I have tot totsy tot pug you see she likes it don’t you Todd Todd’s the perfect name for this perfect little puglet tot hello tot I
Found the perfect name for you tot tot thinks you’re a very special big sister chip I am I love you totsy tot now come here my totsy e what’s that smell oh ta and tomorrow chip because Papa has to work and I’ll be busy with the new baby
You will be going to the Rainbow Forest after school club for the first time the after school club tomorrow I just know you’re going to love it night night little chip tip good night Mama bugs and Kisses you’ll be with me at the after school club my potato we’ll have fun uhhuh bugs and kisses Sorry chippy sis just practicing for my game later go he did it again how does he do it do you think we can do it potato can we climb this tree hey be [Applause] Careful let’s try again together this time can you go potato pal let’s climb you’re doing it wrong chipster if you want to climb that tree you need to look at it first I am looking and make a plan what’s a plan first choose the branch
You want to reach second try to reach it third keep trying and trying and trying and that’s my climb a tree plan h Happy High chip happy High Nico what you doing chip I’m trying to climb this tree but I can’t you need to take a good look and work out how to do it I know make a plan yes that’s how I did my homework homework look it’s my family and friends homework project homework
I forgotten to do my homework thanks for reminding me Nico my first homework project what do you have to do for your project chip I have to draw a picture of all my family and friends and color it in oh I remember Spud doing that when he was a kindergarten pug oh oh I will start by drawing
Tots whoopsie pardon me pugy tot you rushed your milk oh no keep still for chip Tot ooh tot needs her diaper changed that’s okay my tot drawing is done oh my that’s our totsy good job oh lunch time my lovely puggies please may I draw you now Papa pugy pleasy okay keep still hey quick CH oh there’s no room for you papa I need to do the tot picture smaller so I can fit you in oh can I move yet yes papa I’ll draw you later Keep Still there tot mama papa Spud and there’s just enough room for you too my potato I’ll get it are you done TR yes Heidi quick in your hoodie I Hey There Done Grandma pug says Hi everyone Grandma pug I need to draw a grandma pug next H where can I put her
And isn’t the project title family and friends chipada mhm you need to fit in your welome Walky friends too gigg is stomp stamp and of course ni hm I don’t have any room left I need to start again again make a plan before you start chipster just like climbing that tree
First think of everyone you need to draw second draw the biggest people first third draw everyone else in between fourth color it in okay five for now come on Spud let’s go to your soccer game habit and Hounds H ready I will draw mama and papa here and Spud CH and Grandma here and giggly Stomp and stamp and E here and Amanda and bie there and the fence there H who Else oh yes of course my snuggly potato pal I need to draw you Tooy chip Yoo Nico is that you stay still wriggly giggler yes it’s me hm that’s not a bad picture chip come and see in a minute Nico I’m climbing the tree huh I’m just finishing my homework hey stop potato and I’ve got really high up Nico Nico whoa Nico you are very high up it’s easy be careful n I’m nearly at the top Nico you were too high up come down I’m okay Mom Nico Nico are you okay my arm feels floppy oh dear help it hurts oh I think you’ve broken your arm
Ni oh no we need to call an ambulance and go to Hayton Hospital hello Papa what’s going on here oh thank goodness you’re back Nico fell out of the tree I was rushing in to the top bit of the tree instead of thinking through my plan we need to get to the hospital
Please can you call an ambulance there’s no need we have our very own emergency puggy Patrol mobile right here come along I could drive you to the hospital this Way oh okay there you go Nico when I have an now I give my snuggly potato a quick hug to comfort me would you like a snuggle here snuggle my potato she I mean it is so soft thank you chip in you get Brave Panda careful Nico thanks chip that potato snuggle really
Helped thanks potato don’t worry about a thing Amanda we will look after baby bod Thanks Mama here chip chippy what have you been up to you’ve been quiet as a mousy ever since Nico went to the hospital I’ve done it Mama I’ve done my homework project I figured out a way to include all my family and friends look Nico is right here chip it is
Fastic is that a mouse um wow that is great chipada but is that a mouse uh I just thought it might be cute to draw one that’s All oh it’s a message from Amanda what does it say Nico has broken his arm and got a nasty bump on his head he has to stay in the hospital for a few nights oh oh but he’s fine can we go visit him in the hospital
Mama pugy pleasy of course we can chippy dip but first let’s take a photo of your homework on my phone to send to Nico that’ll cheer him up get well Nico Huggy Huggies and kisses from Chip potato and all our family and Friends mama I can do it myself good morning tree any apples yet potato uh-uh oh well there will be one day almost time for school chip in my pocket poo Pal it’s Nico’s first day at Rainbow for school let’s go see if he’s ready safe to cross chip thanks Mama come on Nico it’s time to go hello Amanda hi Baby Bo good morning chip is Nico ready for for his first day yes I am happy hi chip
Happy hi Nico welcome walkies Nico little Mama’s leading the way to school this morning would you like to do the welcome walkies with us thanks chip I’d love to we’d all love to yay let’s go don’t forget your lunchbox Nico Nico you don’t need to bring your
Lunch to school they give us lunch at Rainbow Forest we know chip but Nico loves the panda lunch I’ve packed for him bamboo thank you Mommy welcome walkies come on we’re doing the welcome walkies we’re doing the welcome walk where we going to go all the way to school he keep up keep Up everyone w a little Papa have a great day at kindergarten everyone we’re doing the welcome Walkies enjoy your big day little while the welcome walk where are we going to go all the way to school keep we’re doing the welcome walking where we going to go all the way to school look Nico that’s Rainbow Forest School Wait it’s time to go In oh ni Panda cuddle Up I know how you feel Nico I felt exactly the same on my first day really come with me Nico we’ll walk in together holding hands thanks chip I’ll see you at pickup have a wonderful day you two don’t worry I will be Nico’s first day holding hands buddy come on Nico
EXC good morning happy Hoppers good morning Mr now today we have a new student in our class Nico Panda and Nico we happy Hoppers have a very special way of saying hello are you ready hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello ni [Applause] Panda okay it’s your turn now Nico
Panda hello hello hello oh oh hello hello Hello hello hello hello hello happy [Applause] Hoppers well diggly done boppy Hoppers and a happy Hopper welcome to Nico now because it’s Nico’s first day we need someone to be his first day buddy who should it be Nico me Mr diery I promised I would help Nico today and be his first day holdy
Hand buddy thanks chip would you like that Nico yes Please first day buddies and what have you to you made here we’ve made a house fit for a mouse Dy good work you puggy panda Pals I wish we had a mouse who could live in our house potato oh that’s the lunchtime belt pocket potato come with me ni I’ll show you
Where the cafeteria is is uh chip there’s no need for you to take Nico thank you Nico brought his own food so he won’t line up for the school lunch with you in the cafeteria but I’m Nico’s first a buddy I promised to stay with
Him hey Nico I brought my lunch boox too I’ll be your first day lunchbox buddy if you like thanks gigg see you later chip to the cafeteria chip a you’ll come to the cafeteria with me won’t you Potato pin where is NI what do you have lunch my mom gives me an Apple every I am supposed to be ni’s first day buddy H potato what are you up to Potato oh I get it I should talk to Nico thanks potato hi Gish hi chip happy High Nico happy hi chip ooh what’s in your lunchbox Nico bamboo sandwiches with bamboo dip a bamboo yogurt and a bamboo bamboo smoothie pandas like bamboo oh pugs love pumpkin especially curly cheesy pumpkin
Pasta hey chip guess what they’re serving your favorite food in the cafeteria today curly cheesy pumpkin pasta curly cheesy pumpkin pasta hurry up and get some before they run out don’t worry chip gigl is being my first day lunch box buddy you go ahead and get your lunch oh okay I will
Thanks bye chip thank goodness I’ve got you my secret holy hand P Potato sorry I’m late Mr DIY okay little chip potato I need to get back to being Nico’s first day buddy now 4 5 6 78 I’m back happy hi pugy Panda best buddy happy hi chip I’m counting with gigl one bean plus one bean makes two
Beans oh chip your first day best buddy has partnered with gigg so please buddy up with someone else gigg double quick two chip are you okay H up no I’m meant to be Nico’s first day buddy oh but look chip Nico has made another buddy but I promised I know chip thanks
To your holdy handing Nico is settling into class so well look he’s a very happy happy Hopper with a new friend already I am happy for Nico Mr DIY and I’m happy I helped you made all the diggly difference on Nico’s first day with your handholding idea well done chip you are
A very kind puggy Pal chip come and count beans with me okay thanks Barry two beans and two beans makes four want to hold hands on the way home to welcome walk best buddy chip sure Nico now listen while you count happy Hoppers tomorrow we will be doing our first ever gym
Class so please bring your gym clothes to school with you to change into can you all remember to do that yes Mr di gym class I can’t Wait what’s up potato is it stomping stamp’s new Slide spun mama papa wake up who’s coming on stomping stamp’s new slide with me me hello Mr and Mrs Dazzle good morning buug happy Hol pandas happy H pugs giggly day gigg and Jillian giggly morning pugs let’s will go and stomp it stamp Slide you’re excited too huh potato uhhuh huh where’s the slide I so want to go in it now Now where’s your slide fans how long is it going to take until the slide’s ready hey everyone sorry but first the elephant slides got to be unpacked and built so you just come back
Later come back later everyone well I suppose it’s not all that bad puggies but I want to go on the slide now me too oh me too I know me too but now that we’re up so early we can have a super puggy breakfast waffles with pumpkin syrup anyone yummy yes please Waffles I’m ready to eat my Waffle now when are they going to be ready uh they’re going to take a little while longer pugs how about we make up a waffle Diddy to make waiting fun diddies are a great way to pass the time I’ll start Sizzle and fizzle waffles on the
Heat when we hear the ding they’re ready to eat Yay yum wait more W waiting a drool of pumpkin syrup makes a waffle sweet and now the yummy treats ready to Eat Delicious who wants seconds me I do me Too that was a waffly WAFF fastic breakfast that was so good it sure was worth waiting for so now let’s go [Applause] Slide excuse me a I thought the slide would be ready after pumpkin waffles a me too me too me too nuh-uh the slide has to be assembled and tested first pugs it’s not an easy job a that’s going to take take ages look at us funny puggies we’re the
Only ones still in our PJs time we got dressed like everyone else pugs when we’re washed and dressed it will be time to slide time for my scrub it up it won’t take long washy washy scrub a d pug now shaky shaky drug I and hug see all Done potato you’ve made your own slime that looks like fun do you want another bathtub slide oh oh oh okay potato pal Ready Steady slide again okay here goes slime now I want to slide let’s get dress super Snappy by going on the slide huh oh a sorry chip the slide isn’t ready it’s taking Ages so much Waiting a little diddy uhuh and keeping busy a little diddy and keeping busy that’s a big idea for a little potato put Up uh excuse me huh oh hey little bug I was thinking H if we made up a little diddy and got a little busy it would get the slide ready quicker what do you think Young pug that is very smart thinking smart thinking potato let’s all work together Fant family friend sure Thing building is better working together we always s Like Glue first we’re mixing then we’re fixing there’s nothing we can’t do with a heave and a hoe ready to go building can be fun we make a plan with a help in hand our work will soon be Done this way we go bang bang rivet Titan Screw look y wee huh all right hey everybody the slide is tested safe and ready to go finally Everybody guys don’t worry potato it’ll be fun wait for me I can’t wait to go down your Slide wait look at this slim aome that’s so cool more waiting because you help the builders we think you should go first chipil yeah yes pugy thanks this is it ready Potato wo what’s it like chip it’s even higher than I thought oh potato are you scared to slide don’t worry potato it’s just like sliding in the bath huh only better because we’ll be together chip and potato whooshing all the way down squeaky we now hoodie
Up we’ve waited all day for this uhuh Ready a it’s our chip hey that’s our chip let’s Go my Brave chippy tip hide how was it it was great mama you went so fast chiplet I know this is a slide I will never forget smile for the camera I’m taking photos of the slide for Stomp and stamp to take to show and tell at school it’s Show and Tell
Tomorrow what should I take chip who are you talking to just my snuggly Papa woohoo that was fastic again again come on chippy dip let’s pugy slide wo wait for Us it’s shiny and blue shiny shiny blue it’s got a red light on it roof red light on it roof woo it’s got to py py M it’s py petol mobile py py mobile It’s py Pat [Applause] mobile W we’re here back to school for me Papa yes back to school chip now that your puggy spots are healing up nicely one two three four you nearly have no puggy spots chippy sis yeah out you come oh almost forgot my potato bye little chip dip bye Spud bye
Papa bye Papa have pugy pup fun chip I will Bud we’re back potato now remember the rule at school you have to stay in my pocket so no one can see you everything’s back to normal hi chip Howie hi E look at your spots look everyone chips got spots hi chip you look cute po they’re not any
Old spots they’re pugy spots remember ship got sick oh yeah but now I’m better chip you’re back we all missed you thanks I like your spots chip thanks Barry I did have a lot but now I’ve only got four one two three four me yay ready uh uh let’s
Go great to have you back chip Hi whoopsie sorry a welcome back chip how are those puggy spots almost all gone thanks Mr diery I’m so digy happy to be back at school well you’ve certain ly picked a diggle day to return chip remember happy Hoppers today is your first class photo Dayo class photo day
You’ll be spotty in your first ever class photo Chip and what is the digley problem with that yes my first class photo and I’ve got four pugy spots it’ll be puggy perfect okay everyone settle down for attendance please happy hi Nico I’m back happy hi chip Alex made it just in time ni here Howie
Here you must be chip hello Pedro here Mr diery Pedro chip this is Pedro leopard he’s new Betsy here Mr DIY hi chip I was Pedro’s first a buddy yesterday Chip oh here Mr DIY Garby before our class photo we are going to do some art happy Hoppers please all go and sit at the long desk now I’d like you all to look carefully each other’s faces and draw a picture of what you see I would love to draw you potato but
Today I’m going to draw a really nice picture of Nico you can use crayons paints stickers all the materials are out ready for you and please everyone draw the person sitting opposite you oh but so Chip will draw Howie Hoe Howe will draw a chip spotty chip Nico will draw Pedro Pedro Nico Garvey will draw Mona Mona Garvey and so on Arty Hoppers no potato I want to draw Nico but I have to draw hoe instead look at me hoe so I can see your face properly
I don’t want to get too close to you chip I don’t want to catch your puggy spots how we you can’t catch puggy spots because you aren’t a pug and anyway I’m all better yeah but just in case I don’t need to look at you up
Close drawing you is going to be easy I can’t wait to see your drawings happy Hoppers Tada finished Mr diggery I’ve drawn spotty Chip potato you’ve got spots [Laughter] Too do you want to play Skip and dip chip later Betsy first I want to play sailboats with Nico like you always do this is fun your turn potato voice the main s hey Nico can we play sailboats like we always do um not yet chip we’ve got a
New game it’s called astronauts oh astronaut one to astronaut 2 I can see the purple Planet astronaut 2 to astronaut one prepare to land great can I be astronaut 3 Nico I’ve got a better idea chip you can be the space monster who scares the astronauts your spots
Look really monstery yeah spotty space monster chip I don’t think I want to be a spotty space monster I know you’ll play with me thanks potato chip Chip I was so excited to come back to school potato and for everything to get back to normal but Nico has a new friend to play with a I get it you’re my forever friend potato oh yeah Hur up hide come back and play with us but everything’s changed since I had my
Puggy spots sneo hey chip look I’m spoty so why can be the spoty monster I’ll be great at it yes Pedro can be a spotty sea monster from outer space splashing chip and n’s astronaut sailboat please chip you make games so fun uhuh okay yes we’ll all play Space sailboats yay
Raise you to our space I’m a spoty sea monster in space I’m coming to get you quick get in the sail bow Captain Eagle I mean astronaut 1 I’m on it astronaut 3 things have changed potato but this new game is fun for three oh I mean four hey chip Pedro can ride a bike without training wheels really it’s easy I want to learn to ride a bike too okay happy Hubers it’s time for you all to gather in the hall for your class
Photo Oh that’s right and shorter ones at the front stand next to me chip o yes where’s Pedro here I am I’ll stand on this side please look at the camera everybody you too Mr diery what’s that oh oh silly me sorry Mr snap snap to it big smiles happy Hoppers snappy snappy
Nappy and as a final photograph ready everyone this is to show how Dy delighted we are to have young chip back with us welcome back chip wow thank you happy Hoppers I’m so D delighted to be back okay class say chip chip M pugtastic Spud little Mama come and get one of Papa’s freshly baked pumpkin seed Cookies enjoy Buggies de delicious thank you papa pugy please e one more no sorry chip there are four cookies left one for each of us Tomorrow potato sorry I didn’t share my cookie with you next time I will share my potato pal pugy promise okay my little puggy time to go upstairs and brush your teeth before bed I’ll race you Spud Spud huh hey chipster what are you doing Spud I’m finishing my homework project it’s about
The ancient Egyptians who are the ancient Egyptians they built the pyramids thousands of years ago waa ooh I could paint the pyramids and the yellow sand for you Spud I love painting yellow sorry chipala you’re still a kindergarten puggy and this is big kid homework but I’m really good at painting
I’m sure you are chip but I need to do my homework project myself so pugy please do not touch it come on my little chip come and brush your Teeth it’s not fair I could help Spud do his painting couldn’t I potato potato where are you we’re bugs we’re bug tastic in everything we do potato where are you Hood up potato oh what are you doing under there chip uh just getting my potato snuggly I must have dropped her I mean it you and your snuggly what a funny py pup you are anyway it’s time for bed now please okay Papa that was close
Potato and super Spud I think it’s time for your bath before bed no more homework tonight aw can I stay up a little longer Papa I just want to finish coloring in this last pyramid yeah it’s getting late sweaty pug just leave your painting things out and finish your
Homework project tomorrow morning please okay Watermelon custard pumpkin pudding my Favorite huh what’s wrong potato can’t you sleep uhuh Oh no you’re still hungry I didn’t share my cookie with you did I potato Pal and you didn’t get to finish your pumpkin seed uh for Hungry potato let’s go and find your middle of the night’s snack shh Li potato Papa’s pumpkin seed cookies Papa did say they were for tomorrow but I’m sure it will be okay to just have a little piece right Now maybe a tiny little bit more mhm We ate the whole thing potato uh-oh come on we better go back up to bed before we eat Anymore sp’s homework look I could easily paint that I can do big kid homework Huh whoopsie sorry don’t worry potato I’m really good at painting potato give me the paintbrush potato potato I know I can really help Spud paint this I can what are you doing my homework uh what’s going on here why are my two little puggies out of bed mama
Papa look at my homework it’s ruined I told Chip not to touch it but she spilled painty water all over it chip why did you touch spudge home work I was only trying to Help chip chip come on out please you need to go downstairs and say sorry to Spud for what you’ve done but mama I was only trying to help I didn’t mean to I know chip but Spud asked you not to touch his home homework you should have listened to what he said go
And say sorry I don’t want to it’s important to say sorry when you’ve done something wrong now please chip Uhuh Spud I’m sorry for what I did to your homework it’s okay I guess I wanted to show you that I can do big kid homework too I told you not to touch a chip it’s my homework and now I can’t hand it in I’m sorry H one of the
Cookies we were saving for tomorrow is gone chip do you know where it is I ate it I’m sorry Papa I was hungry oh chip go and brush your teeth again then go straight back to bed please Chip morning potato oh yes I remember Spud’s homework I should never have gone near his homework last night good morning Mama good morning Papa it’s Spud good morning my lovely spuddy pug how you feeling super Spud not too good Papa I’m still sad about my homework yes chip come and see see what What’s going on I’ll show you the painty water you spilled on my homework has dried and now the paper looks all stained and old and crinkly just like real ancient Egyptian paper yay and it’s all thanks to you chipala Mr Buffalo will love it I’m still sorry
Spud I puggy promised that it won’t touch your homework ever again deal how about is a thank you I share my cookie with you later on thanks bud and potato pal you’ll get the first bite here we go puggies pumpkin pancakes and watermelon whip for Brey thanks Papa what’s that little Papa oh it’s my phone beeping to remind me that tomorrow is bring your child to work day and that means you my little chippy pug pup will be coming with me to work at the police station yay I can’t wait to go to work with you
Papa and you’re coming too potato my first day at kindergarten Potato now let’s just check if you can all he me sorry about that oops papa may I please leave the welcome walkies today it’s my first day at Rainbow Forest school and I want to go first on the MEAP phone me first pleasy squeezy puggy pleasy yes why not pugy chip Pup Wa good morning welcome look this is Chip speaking if you’re coming to Rainbow for school today please join in now for welcome luy coming chip hi you Pug oh JL you’re so cut wheelie that’s because I can’t wait for our first day at kindergarten me too let’s go don’t forget at your lunch have a fun day giggly gigglers I’m off to work bye Mama wait for us coming chip sorry we’re late here we are for
Our first day hi Stomp and stamp hey guys hi chip hi stomp hi stamp hi stor stamp hey my secret potato pal everyone’s here shall we lead on mhm ready up can everybody see me and my Potato good welcome [Applause] luies go chip we’re doing the welcome walkies we’re doing the welcome walkies where we going to go all the way to school keep up keep up keep up everyone wait for the Rhino do welcome walk enjoy your big day little ones we’re doing the welcome walk where we going to go all the way to school keep up I love going first potato we’re doing the welcome walking where we going to go all the way Rainbow Forest school look Wow time for you to get in my bag little potato pal safe and snug it’s Paco hey Paco wait for me pugy love you Mama Papa have a pugtastic first day chiple letter it see you at recess I’m so excited hello and welcome to all our new kindergarteners the happy
Hoppers I’m Mr diggery your teacher it’s time for your first funfilled diggly day to begin through the gates please and in you come come on G Stomp and stamp follow me I’m going in first we’re going to have a tour of the school on our way to your happy Hopper Home Room first day pugy Huggy this way wait for me Mr Diggity I wanted to go first so happy Hoppers that was the school office huh school office W and there is the gym Hall oh wow and please note the music room oh wow that’s cool wo and those are the bathrooms you will use Okay my little legs don’t go as fast as everyone else’s potato yeah okay your legs are even little than mine we’ll look after each other in this big school my tiny potato pan and this happy Hoppers is your diggly home room in you all come
Col you need to stay hidden away in my bag at kindergarten okay potato and when you put your bag on a peg happy Hoppers please come and sit down on the carpet so we can all get to know each other hurry along now class please sit anywhere you can see a Space uhoh I can’t reach the pegs potato I’ll just have to bring my bag and you with me into class sit nicely at the front no eating alloud in CL you the back stop Scratching so in the happy Hoppers kindergarten class we have a very special way of saying hello I can’t see anything from back here our special way of saying hello is a song it’s called The Who are you what do you like to do song this is how it
Goes wow wow my name’s Mr diery I like digl dancing who would like to go first happy Hoppers me I like going first are you what do you like to do I’m marry faar and I like eating who are you what do you like to do I’m giggly Grand I do car
Who are you what do you like to do I’m hoe hyena and I like I’m never going to get a girl you like to do I’m stop I like to trump it loud wa that’s loud so who’s next I’m stop and I like to chop it
Louder so who’s next oh who are you little pug at the back Heidi quick in your hoodie what are you like to do I’m chip and I like going first oh you’re Spud’s little sister aren’t you well chip please come and sit at the front of my class just like your big
Brother Spud pug always did Chip Chip over here hi chip chip now you are in grown-up kindergarten chip you won’t always be able to go first but all you hippity happy Hoppers will always get a turn and may I ask chip why the diggle D
Do you still have your bag with you I too little Mr jig I couldn’t reach those pigs they’re too high oh I have the very same problem so I have a diggle special Peg all of my own come and see there is my peg would you like a peg
Next to mine chip so you can reach it to put your bag on yes pleasey squeezy Mr Dy no pugy problemo and a bag is the perfect place to keep a snugly toy chip calling Miss Nash coming in Nash we need you urgently please in the happy
Hopper home room we have a diggy puggy Peg emergency that should do it how’s that for you kindergarten pug thank you Miss Nash that is perfect for me you came just in the Nicky of time can you go potato T sh I’ve got to go hey guys hi hello look who’s
Here happy Hoppers this is Mr Badger Fox and he is the school secretary please say a happy Hopper hello to Mr Badger Fox happy hoer hello MRX well hello happy Hoppers now every day after we take the attendance I will need a volunteer to take the attendance
Book to Mr Badger fox in the school office and I think I know who should have a turn at being the first to do this job today chip yeah yes pleasy squeezy Mr diggery I would pugy love to be the first thank you see you later little
Chip you will Mr Badger Fox happy Hub Hoay I think we’re really going to enjoy kindergarten potato ready for duty officer chip yes sir officer Papa and officer potato HH oh you’re not quite ready just a minute there officer chip now you’re all set for your first go to work with Papa day at happon police station thanks
Mama a bugs and kisses off of chip pugs and kisses ready potato uhuh see you later Mama on Lobster Papa it’s shiny and blue shiny shiny blue it’s got a red light on it red light on it it [Applause] goes it’s got a loud pugy pugy mobile my puggy P Patrol Mobile welcome to my work officer chip Huggy morning to you Sergeant cooler it’s bring your kid to workday today so please meet our new recruit officer chip welcome to Happy police station officer chip thank you Sergeant cooler and this is detective rookie hi officer chip huh there’s someone else at happon
Police station who you should meet this is Kevin the station cat it’s okay potato pal hoodie up safe from the cat we found Kevin stuck way up high in a tree you’re your papa climbed up a tall ladder to rescue him he was so brave he got this
Medal wow Kevin was a stray cat so we adopted him here at hyton police station yep that was a big emergency yeah papa I want to help with that emergency today we don’t have many emergencies in happon chip but I’m sure we’ll find lots of jobs to keep you busy
Wow is this your desk Papa it is your desk look that’s us you’re right great detective work officer chip thanks Papa time for some important police work to start your day I love sharpening pencils is this my first job uh-huh you can do it while I
Go to my morning meeting I’ll just be over there all right bye now all clear potato what’s that officer potato reporting for pencil sharpening Duty look sharp [Applause] Potato [Applause] wao we’ve sharpened a lot of pencils huh what’s wrong oh I see it’s Kevin the cat and cats aren’t very friendly to mice are are they uh-uh whoa look at all those sharp pencils well done officer chip after all that hard work it’s time you had a break come on
Lunchtime lunch time Yay I’ll just go get us a drink officer chip thanks Papa oh I almost forgot to give you some lunch too potato huh potato oh no I left you behind on Papa’s desk hiding under my hat be right back papa I have a real emergency to deal
With now and I’m the right police pug for the job sorry potato pal Potato don’t worry potato officer chip is dealing with this emergency ooh there you are oh no it isn’t you it’s Kevin’s toy mouse potato Kevin have you got potato Kevin officer CHP to the rescue oh so a mouse canand be friends with the cat if it’s friendly like you Kevin emergency over hello officer pug speaking I see yes coming right away where’s my pugy police chip pup chip chip reporting for puggy police duty officer Papa just in time we have an
Emergency to deal with let’s go officer chip oh thank you for coming so quickly I’ve lost my key I’m locked out don’t worry Miss fiser we’re here to help whoa this is a real pugy police emergency potato potato there’s the key great detective work potato now hoodie up Papa I mean offic
Pug I can see the key I found the key oh really look great police work officer chip how can we get it I know using the hook on the end of that fishing rod Bravo you really are are a most helpful little police Pug very tricky I need radio for backup you and me are the perfect partners for this emergency potato ah but that key is way too heavy for little mouse to carry huh that’s a big plan for a little potato but we can do This you did it potato yeah you got the key potato put up papa papa officer pug we I mean I got the Key well done officer chippy chip thank you so much you happy ton police officers are just wonderful just doing our job right Officer chip oh yes I helped in an emergency even though I’m little you really did Chip and I am puggy proud of you we must go fishing sometime wow Thanks huh oh another emergency officer chip and this is one only you and I can help with it’s sh and blue shiny shiny blue it’s got a red light on it Ro red light on it roof [Applause] go it’s got a Loud Py py M it’s Pap py Patrol [Applause] mobile we need ice cream my puggy police pup for little mama pumpkin and peanut butter flavor and fast right away officer Papa thanks potato hi Mrs Blingo I’m helping with a big emergency well done chip pug don’t forget your change thanks oh thank you little Papa emergency ice cream for my big baby bump tummy I couldn’t have done it without the help of this medal winning police officer look mama oh wow wow
Huh another emergency officer chip there’s a pumpkin on the loose in our house it’s me I’m getting ready for the pumpkin picking competition tomorrow pumpkin picking yum I can’t wait for tomorrow officer Papa I can’t wait either officer chip there perfect Grand is going to have the best birthday potato thanks to
Me and you oh ready to go chip squeak coming spot I’ve got the place cards grandma’s present uhhuh her birthday balloon and you potato in your Get oh after you chip thanks [Applause] Papa every puggy Ready then let’s go so does everyone remember my puggy birthday plan when Grandma arrives we all sit in our places at the birthday table then I give Grandma her present next we sing happy birday and then we all eat our apple muffins together going to be awesome well here
We are come on everyone we need to get everything ready before Grandma Arrives Mr octopus we’re here for Grandma Bud’s birthday party oh of course you are howy chip I bud I’m just getting the table set for you all watch this wow that was cool 1 2 3 four five chairs and 1 2 3 three four five muffins all perfect for our five pugs
Party sorry five pugs and one potato sh thank you Mr octopus thanks Potato I’ve made these Place cards to show where we’ll all sit this is Grandma’s card and she will sit here Spud here thanks Mama here Papa there I will sit here next to Grandma uh uh uhhuh and with you potato I’ve planned Grandma’s birthday Perfectly oh yes thanks potato I still need to tie Grandma’s balloon to her chair m m help me please potato but remember to hide in your hoodie in case anyone sees you uhhuh Whoops uhoh hoay that’s the sound of Grandma’s purple pugy buggy Grandma’s here all right Grandma everyone I’d like you all to meet my friend Gordy hello I hope you don’t mind me coming along too of course not everyone say hello to Gordy hey hello what a lovely surprise Gordy gord’s not part of
My party plan happy puggy birthday from all of us Grandma thank you but mama I planned this party for five bucks not six oh you must be chip hello I’ve Heard lots of lovely things about you from your grandma now your grandma knew you’d be making her birthday special oh wow
Just look at that table oh my it’s beautiful chip oh no Grandma’s balloon oh dear and my potato is floating away No I’ll get it do be careful little Papa I can’t reach potato Gordy to the Rescue one fluffy snuggly for you chip my potato you’re safe now potato and one purple puggy balloon thank you Gordy this balloon is for you Grandma I love it chip thank you and I can see exactly which chair I should tie it to thanks to these beautiful place cards oh yes it’s time
For us to sit down hold on chippy dip there are six of us now we need another chair no pugy problem here’s a seat for you Gordy right next to grandma oh but oh don’t worry chip you can sit next to your grandma I’ll sit here oops a puggy daisy what was that
No oh this must be your present for your grandma chip oh sorry that’s okay my perfect party plan isn’t going so perfectly potato well these look de yep y delicious the apple muffins hey everyone look there are only five apple muffins oh no a I can help
You sort that little puggy problem out chip watch now there are six wow that was fantastic how did you do it magic mhm it’s true chipad dooodle Gordy can do magic tricks now we have enough chairs and enough apple muffins So oh you’re right potato I was supposed to give Grandma her present before we ate her muffins but now we’ll do do another trick please gy a well sure Spud but I’ll need to borrow Chip’s little fluffy snuggly ball oh Uh okay hoodie up potato uhhuh here Gordy thanks chip I put the snuggly ball under here potato now I’m going to move the cups around watch carefully do any of you pugs know which cup The Fluffy ball is under oh the green one are you sure where is my potato gone
Oh don’t worry chip your snuggly is super safe you and your grandma just need to say the magic word Abra pug Jabra now Chip can you lift the red cup for me please potato wow and now would you like to lift the Yellow Cup a mini Magik hat it’s for you chip
For being such a puntastic party planner thank you Gordie it’s coming what’s going on chip I don’t know Grandma and here’s a little birthday gift from major Grandma pug happy pug day to Grandma happy birday to you happy pday pugy Grandma happy birthday to you make a wish
Grandma thank you Mr octopus and thank you everyone what a puggy wonderful birthday now who wants some Cake yes I still haven’t given Grandma her birthday present this is for you Grandma oh never mind that that pretty bow chip what can this present be we I mean I made it for you myself Grandma thank you chip a purple dangly star for my car it
Is perfect to hang in my purple pugy buggy thank you I love you little chipper you’ve made your grandma’s birthday super special chip thanks Gordy I hope me being here didn’t mess up your plans too much you being here made all my plans even more fun pugs raise your glasses of rooty
Frutti pop to toast our puggy perfect partty planner chip [Applause] hoor just think the next big birthday party will be little chips yes I will be fine I can’t wait oh hello yes uh-huh uh-huh of course see you then bye who was it mama my old friend Fernanda from Mexico she’s
Coming to stay tomorrow you’ll all love Her time to pugy Party sh potato this is it potato mama and papa are at the hospital waiting for the new baby to be born it’s but is at Paco it’s just you and me we’re going to sleep over at Nico’s we’ll be okay in your own chip and potatoey kind of way hurry up little chip Amanda please check your phone again I need to know if my little sister has been born yet oh sure I will no chips still no message from Little Mama and little Papa oh how much longer until I am a big puggy sister not long chip
A hey I’m going to be a big pugy sister see you soon uh sh what are youing doing over there you’re coming to our Panda House not your puggy house today I know but I need to get my sleepover things don’t I no you don’t chip your papa already thought of that
Come see come on Chip Tada huh my wheelie sleepover Bank little Papa dropped it off before he took Mama to the hospital come on ship let’s start our pugy p Panda sleepover pugy Panda potato sleepover can I make it through the night this time uh we’re I mean I’m all set Nico oh you want a fried Potato okay come and set up your hammock in my bedroom just like last time you almost slept over H what’s up chip last time I had a sleepover I missed mom and papa so much I had to go home do you remember Amanda but this time I know I won’t be
Able to go home oh I know chip and so to make things different this time I had an idea of where you two could sleep come see what is it mommy well so it’s not just chip having a sleepover tonight you’re both going to sleep in
Here in the living room yes chip you can help Nico sleep somewhere new and Nico you can help chip sleep somewhere new too sound okay yay we’re both having a sleepover away from our bedrooms oops are you okay chip yep potato I’m just fine Amanda you can play
Here B while I go get dinner ready what is for dinner please Amanda it’s a surprise little chip but I know you’re going to love it I’m going to need a few more things to make it feel like my bedroom Hey bie I’d better get out my things too oh I miss home come on bie time to wash those Panda pause before dinner Hood you up Potato oh now what is so funny about chip baby bie okay I’ve got everything I need for our sleepover and here come my cuddlies Mr Snuggles poy pubby tiny wiggo and Gary din yay surprise pumpkin pie mhm you’re your papa dropped it off before he took Mama to the hospital
Because he knows it’s your Favorite delicious B you’re such a messy Panda more chip yes please M bod’s trying to say mouse he is why he must think Chip’s a mouse he’s only just started talking he’s bound to get words Wrong funny bie Chip’s not a mouse she’s a pug a pug is a little dog baby b not as Tiny as a mouse e [Laughter] there’s going to be an even smaller pug next door very soon B baby one you’ll be able to play with have you heard
Anything from Mom or poppy at Amanda H let’s see no sorry no message yet chip no now it’s time for this messy baby to get ready for bed oh but you two can play a bit longer if you like yay yay one more pugy Panda play before bedside chase me
Teeth brushed PJ’s on it’s pugy Panda Bedtime hold on Nico room for just one more Mr big softy where are you going to fit Nico um here and you chip bedtime now have you heard from Mama and Papa yet has my baby sister been born no I still haven’t chip sorry but I know that they’ll be in
Touch just as soon as they have any news I’m so excited I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep well you must try to sleep I will try but it’s hard when I’m nearly a puggy big Sister all set yep Nico oh set nighty night ni bear night night Mama what potato night chip you’ve got your snuggly I see yeah I’ve got my potato anything else you need or are you happy to go to sleep I am happy but um have you heard from mama and
Papa no chip I’m sorry nothing yet oh I don’t think I can sleep Amanda I too you excited about becoming a big sister well we thought this might happen so mama and papa did send me something to help you get to sleep chip would you like to see C upu puggy chip
Tonight and sleepy pugy sleepy snooze sleepy puggy SN sleepy pugy sleepy snooze sleepy pugy s I’ve left the light just how you like it good night little chip night Amanda and night night my potato pal I wonder if the baby puglet has been born yet whole night is a long time to wait to be a big sister potato ah I wonder if the baby Pug’s been born Now go back to sleep potato it’s the middle of the night Huggy big sister chip potato isn’t it night time no it’s morning take a look at this we love you chip and you’re a puggy big sister now see you very soon chippy big sis bye-bye
Chip oh potato you need to see this too we love you chip and you’re a pugy big sister now see you very soon chippy big sis bye-bye chipster so I did a sleepover all night long mhm and now I’m a pucky big sister yes you are chip
Mommy potato potato I’m a pugy big sister ni I’m a py big sister chister I’m a pister look Nico we love you chip and you’re a pugy big sister now see you very soon chippy big sis I can’t wait to meet my cute little pug baby Sister H up nap potato pal so no one SE sees that you’re really a mouse oh no I’ve made a mistake hey chip can I borrow that eraser huh no this is not an eraser it’s my snuggly Howie and you know it you can use mine hoe thanks gigg yeah thanks Klish stay out of sight in my pocket po close your books everyone it’s time for gym class oh I’m so excited about my first gym class I’m going to be so good at gym now has everyone remembered their gym clothes yes MRG good yes Howie I forgot my gym
Clothes well you can borrow the school spare gym clothes today Howe I’m not sure they’ll be a perfect fit so please remember to bring your own next time okie dokie thanks Mr diggery Right happy Hoppers form an orderly line by the door Pleas okay gym class time for a little warm-up copy me everyone knees High look at me warm up knees High everyone Well done everyone now before we start I just like to say Jim is all about taking part and diggly doing your best first challenge will be jumping over the high bar yeah I love Jumping we love jumping too it’s easy squee easy pucky peasy isn’t it potato uhhuh you will jump over this High bar like this but try not to knock it off first I don’t want you falling out of my pocket when I jump potato so run up the
Rope and watch nobody will see you up there now who can digley jump over the bar with out knocking it off me me me please Mr diery okay gigl you’re first in the line you shall go first go Gigg did you see that galopy good Jumping it looks easy watch this Everyone oops the school gym shorts are too big for me Mr Digger oh dear um just try to tie them tighter Howie Mona you’re next yeah Betsy it’s your chance to pounce Now h you’re up oh yeah Garvey griller go go go all right Garvey Stomp and stamp off you go oh W very clever you two fantastic come on Nico it’s your turn now wish me luck happy good luck Nico Panda I did it and last but not least
Chip you can do it little chip you can do it huh look here I Go oh oh no you okay CH oh I’m sorry Mr diery but I don’t think my little legs are very good at jumping over High bars well don’t worry chip it was a diggly good try for a little pug oh chip never mind I wish I had long
Legs like you gigl okay everyone it’s time to raise the bar higher if you couldn’t jump over before you’ll never jump over now Chip don’t be mean Howie it’s okay gigg hoe’s right whoops oh never mind Howie potato I’m not good at gym am I hide in my pocket potato before anyone sees you so only these two jumpers have cleared the bar now let’s see which of them can jump even higher Blast Off Betsy Oh so close now galling [Applause] gigl did it you’re the best at jumping high giraffe foro I am but only because my legs are super long mine are super short Mr diery yes little chip please may I put my normal clothes back on I’m not very good at JY my legs are too short H
Having short legs is great for some gym activities chip wait till you see what we’re digley doing next time for a new challenge how low can you go without knocking the bar off it’s called Limbo this is how you do it watch okay gigglers off you go limo limo limo Lio
Limo far back please gigl Lio this looks really tricky digley good try garby limo limo limo I’m okay A no one’s done it yet potato I guess I won’t either you really think I can do it potato maybe you’re right thanks potato pal I’ll give it my best shot puggy love you okay Nico you’re next limo limo Lim good try Nico are you ready to go low chip I think so Mr diery let’s see how low we can go Potato limo limo limo limo limo limo limo limo I mean I did it Limo ooh you’re the best at going under chip yes with my little pugy legs I am no good at going over going under is the perfect gym activity for Me I am going at gy you’re all good at gy now class when we come back to kindergarten next week it will be Show and Tell day yes so who is going to do something fun this weekend that they can show and tell on Monday stamp and stomp what will you be
Doing we’re getting a slide at our house and it’s going to be huge it’s being delivered tomorrow on a big truck maybe we can go down the slide together who are you talking to chip Hood up oh just my snuggly potato you sure love that that snuggly potato I sure
Do I’m going to be five tomorrow I’m going to be five tomorrow I’m going to be five tomorrow indeed you are little chip and that’s why I’ve got all these ingredients to make your fifth birthday cake puggy yum yum will my cake be carrot or apple or
Pumpkin or well it’s a surprise chip so now do not disturb papa is baking oh ouch Mama whoever can that be is it you little Papa or spdy it’s me Mama chip oh yes s me it’s my about to be fine chip how was your trip trip to the
Hospital to visit Nico fun and then not fun why what happened we played lots and that was fun but then the doctor said Nico wasn’t well enough to come home poor Nico was he very sad yes and I was sad for Nico mama so I left my potato
With him at the hospital to cheer him up wow that was a very grown-up 5-year-old thing to do my chippy pip and now I’m sad cuz I miss my potato mama oh of course you do you deserve another hug for being such a kind little Pooch of a
Pug thanks Mama now you play down here and try to take your mind off missing your potato while I wrap somebody’s birthday presents oh my birthday presents hear that potato oh guess I just need to find someone else to play with wo way to go Spud Spud let’s play before bedtime no
Chipot I’m watching the big soccer game on TV sorry not now penalty play with tot she’s over there tot of course thanks bud you’re welcome great Ki do you want your toffee tot a you love this little cuddly snugly toy Mousie don’t you
Tot I did too when I was a baby didn’t I toffee and then I got a real Mouse who I love even more I wish I had my potato here for snuggles but toffee snuggles will do toffee smells like you you tot oh and I get lovely tot cuddles too a thank you
Tot I do love a pugy snuggle hold on how did you reach me Tot you crawled here did you crawl Todd show me oh h ah snuggle time come get toffee tot whoa you can crawl to can crawl mama papa Spud tot just crawled wow in a minute chip go M Papa Cy to roll uh sorry chip that’s bugy tastic but I’m at
A very delicate stage for the cake right now be with you in a pugy sec I heard you call Chip what’s up talk C for the first time Mama tot crawled come she’ll show you can I borrow toffee please tot watch this mama squeaky squeaky over here tot come and get
Me never mind chip I’m sure she’ll crawl again when she’s ready she did just do it Mom mama she crawled look mama H crawled Papa Spud look little to can crawl wow to Well Done totsy tot that was hard work wasn’t it a to can craw potato
Oh now bedtime for this busy baby crawler hugy love you oh and then it’s bedtime for you chip okay Mama bedtime soon without potato wait mama to needs her toffee Mouse pugs and kisses are totsy tot here’s Toffee I need your help icing the cake down here please oh papa pug I haven’t even had time to read Tod’s bedtime story yet oh I could tell Todd a bedtime story tonight please mama before I go to bed of course you can what a pugtastic idea thanks chippy dip mama there’s icing
Everywhere coming sh sorry tot enjoy your story little totsy tot H but what story potato would have a big story idea o I know the puggy perfect story to tell you tot it’s all about my Potato my baby photo Album this is my baby photo album TT are you ready ready then I’ll begin look that’s me when I was really little just like you a see my tiny puggy nosy I’m going to tell you a special secret story about what happened the night this photo was
Taken Once Upon a Time little baby chip was trying to get to sleep in her crib that’s me I was snuggling my little toy m house toffee look Spud was little too he was already fast asleep then little mama and papa came to check on us puglets like they always do time for
Sleep now baby chip night night and then something happened I baby chip dropped Toffee and Then that was the first time I met real life Mouse potato and that new little mouse and I knew we were going to be special friends right from that moment we had the best snuggle are you asleep yet little chip what have you got there ocolate chip
I don’t think I’ve seen that toy before what a funny thing it is what’s it called chip potato are you trying to say potato chip and potato I love it you say it now po to p p P oh that’s how potato got to be called potato and we’ve been best friends ever
Since and from that day on I would never be without my potato until tonight I miss my potato Well Done big sister chip little Todd is fast asleep and oh look she’s smiling too you must have told her a very happy story bedtime oh yes bedtime come on chip Huggy Betty buys
But mama I really need my potato snuggles you have been a very kind and thoughtful little pug today to lend your most precious snuggly to a friend in need my you are a special pug and you know little mama gives good bedtime snuggles too just like your potato
Does thank you Mama your puggy snuggles always make me feel better puggy love you puggy love you too Mama tomorrow I’m going to be five and have my puggy birthday party yes now sh little chip a good sleep is what you need curly up safe and snug puggy chip
Tonight and sleepy puggy nearly five sleepy puggy Snore see you tomorrow Potato oh oh Mama I think it’s her I think it’s your friend Fernanda oh coming chippy dip oh potato I can’t wait Fernanda is a real life famous superstar soccer player uh-huh uh-huh wow wow hide my secret potato pal uhhuh H wow awesome little mama so very happy to see you again a little po
Hi and who can this POG be I’m chip not little chip uhhuh the last time I saw you chip I think you were only this big like this oh little C now before I forget I have something for you all we call this game forceball you
Thanks you are all very welcome come I show you all how to play here you go thanks Papa wo we will play today with two players at a time they move a little football players I try to score goals just like that super no one can beat Fernanda at foosball she’s the best graas look everybody that little player looks just like Fernanda yes it does it
Is me oh it’s a mini you fry Frutti pop time everyone before we play foosball excellent I’m very thirsty huh potato the Foosball table is just the right size for you potato uh-huh uh-huh I want to be great at foosball just like Fernanda let’s Play box time for fball Hy up potato I will choose one of you to play all you other pogs one after another aren’t you going to play Fernanda I think you pogs need to practice before you play me tip so who to choose I know we will have a game of
Musical chairs to decide I can’t wait when the Music Stops whoever sits on the chair first will be first to play in the allp football tournament now are we ready ready dance chair all right Chim pip win hooray for you tip I want to win and win and win today
Let’s Play Welcome to the all poox foosball tournament first the chip All Stars versus this pod dynamos woohoo yeah the first pod to score a goal wins up potato jle stars are off to a fine start now the spog dynamos have the ball and go the spog Dy win against
Thear I didn’t win potato I am no good at this do not worry CH now you have another chance to win this time against the little mama Broncos you know maybe we should all go a little easy on ship no you have to play your best mama I have to try harder
To win well all right then it’s been so long since I’ve play it I’ll probably be no good anyway you got it tip the little mama Broncos score a fantastic goal yeah yeah still got it thanks to Fernanda and all our top tips When We Were Young pups that’s how I
Learned to play foosball chip you’ll definitely be able to beat me chip chin up chip you try again okay how about I give you a football tip now too you see what you have to do is keep your eye on the ball what do you mean Fernanda it means you have to keep
Looking at the ball all the time yes okay I’ll try keep my eye on the ball keep my eye on the ball go what happened chipster you didn’t even move your players fernandz said I had to keep my eye on the ball I just forgot to move my players as well h do
Not worry little chip with practice you will soon be able to keep your eye on the ball and move your players and you can have lots of practice tomorrow chippy dip but now it’s time for bed okay Mama night everyone huh what is it potato
Oh I get it if we sneak downstairs you can play soccer without anyone seeing you and I can practice foosball just like Fernanda said I Should that is a very big idea for a little Potato uh-oh look potato fernand’s asleep on the couch we’ll just just have to be really quiet so we don’t wake her Up let’s play again potato this is a great way to practice huh that’s Fernanda yes you’re right potato that’s what Fernanda told me to do keep my eye on the ball but I have to move my foosball players too okay I’m ready potato ready to practice what Fernanda taught
Me yay I scored a goal fanda I forgot she was still sleeping there did we wake her up Heidi quick F she’s still asleep potato potato well maybe it is time for a quick rest after all that practice and then we’ll play some More good morning P didn’t we fall asleep downstairs last night uhuh H never mind it’s morning uhhuh and that means time to playall all right here we go sper bu this morning Fernando will play football too and she will play first against CH yes yes yes I want to play
You for now Anda I want to show you I can keep my eye on the [Laughter] ball all right tip ready and it’s the T Allstar versus the fessa Titans raining world foow champions go and the trip All Stars win amazing yes chip well done why it is
Almost as if you were practicing in the middle of the night Fernanda knows I’m so proud of you little tip why Fernanda because you were able to listen to good advice and here’s it thank you Fernanda practicing really helps huh even if it is in the middle of the night
You know what puzzles me though little tip normally we footall players need someone to practice with but you did it all by yourself very Impressive right chip and Spud time to get ready for school school but I’m so tired mama well today might be the day that the happy Hoppers butterfly hatches oh yes butterfly day mhm hear that potato it’s butterfly Day here goes potato my first ever sleepover our first ever sleepover I’m so glad you’re with me I can’t reach knocking chippy dip happy High chip happy High Amanda Panda hi Mama pug well hello Amanda and snuggly puggly Panda cutie boties oh Nico I’m here happy hi
Chip happy hi Nico look I brought my sleepover bag bring it up to my bedroom chippy dip have you forgotten something huh oh my goodbye puggy hug bye Mama night night have fun on your pugy Panda sleepover I’ll tell you all about it in the morning Mama here I come Nico oh what’s that that’s my hammock bed we P to sleep in hammocks oh oops sorry it’s okay chip it was funny uh where will I sleep tonight here really it’s just like yours I can’t wait to swing myself to sleep and I had to go my very first sleepover
Wao hi potato what happened it takes a bit of practice getting into a hammock chip watch taada easy squeezy Panda peasy okay here I Go pull yourself up chip I’m not sure I can sleep all night in a hammock you can do it chip just do what I do relax and swing oh okay relax and Swing baby bie yes it’s B’s bedtime now I get to stay up later than bod because I’m older and so do you let’s put B to bed sure Jump curly up safe and snug sleepy snooze tonight curly up safe and snuck sleepy snooze tonight and sleepy snoozy sleepy snooze sleepy snoozy snore sleepy snoozy sleepy snooze s Snow huh oh you’re Betty by singing put me to sleep chip me too not B though look sleepy Panda time now bod these two are going to have a bath yay yeah puggy Panda bath time you’ve got a soapy beard look at my bubble hair bats are fun at your house Nico I
Wish we had a pan to pull in our pugy house H up ooh time to dry off Well that’s one way to get dry write you to get into your PJs and then it’s indoor hammock for sleep over time oops Can’t Forget You potato Nico have you got your snuggly cuddlies I’ve got Mr Snuggles spofy cubby tiny wio and Gary I’ve got my potato to kettle that’s
The only snuggly I need oh it’s your first sleepover that’s a big adventure for a little pug if there’s anything you need chip you tell me okay Amanda at home mama or Papa always sing me the Betty bu song before I go to sleep okay I’m glad you told me I can do
That Curly up safe and snug sleepy snooze tonight curly up safe and snug sleepy snooze tonight and sleepy snoozy sleepy snooze sleepy snoozy snore sleepy snoozy sleepy snooze sleepy snoozy snore Mama and Papa sing it to me with puggy bits in oh okay well let me see and sleepy puggy
Sleepy Snoop s sleepy puggy snore sleepy puggy sleepy snooze sleepy puggy SN night Chi and ni Amanda at my house I sleep with the light on on I can’t sleep with the light on ah well how about I leave the landing light on out here for you chip and turn this
Light off for you Nico like this thank you and could you leave the bedroom door wide open pugy please Amanda yes of course nighty night little chip nighty night Nico night night potato did you just toot no oh uh is this the sound you h my squeaky hammock oh maybe night
Night chip I’m so glad you came for a sleepover night night Nico night night potato potato sleeping in this hammock is not like sleeping in my bed at home uhuh a wo I don’t really like It I’m is Mom and papa I think I want to stop sleeping over with Nico and go home now potato don’t leave me what huh relax and Swing maybe we should get back into the hammock and try to go to sleep one more time potato everyone’s asleep at home you’re right potato Amanda said I should ask her if there’s anything I need uhhuh let’s go do it time to hurry up my snuggly Mouse It’s just B’s toy frog come on Amanda oh hello little chip are you okay no I miss my mom and Papa and and Spud would you like a panda cuddle no I just need to go home please of course you can little chip you snuggle up here
On the sofa with your potato and I’ll call your mama I hope Nico won’t mind you’ll understand chip hello little mama it’s Amanda there you go chippy pup back home and snug as a pug I tried to do the sleepover for Mom mama and it was fun but it wasn’t like
Being at home when it went dark I missed you all so much even though I had my potato with me hey it’s a good thing you told Amanda you wanted to come home a sleepover is a big thing for a little pug but it’s also a big thing to know
That you’re not ready for one yet but I am going to give sleeping over another try soon papa no that’s my Brave puglet now it’s time to snuggle down chip sleep well because tomorrow we’re having a very special puggy family day out that sounds good pugs and kisses Mama and
Papa and kisses little chip sleepy pugy sleepy snooze sleepy puggy s there we Go everyone gather around happy Hoppers it’s time to take attendance attendance so when I say your name please show me you are here and I will put a check by your name in the book awesome ready happy Hoppers ready Mr here it goes gigg I’m here stop stop stop stop stop
Stamp I’m here Mr Diggity chip happy hot parity here Mr Nery ah yes and who can remember which giggly happy Hopper is going to take this attendance book to Mr badger fox in the school office yes it’s Chip yes it’s Brave pug pup chip now would you still like to be
The first to do this chip all by yourself yes pugy pleasey Mr diery then let’s get attendance done Howie hyena huh oh I’m here Mr diery W so shall I remind you again how to get to the school office chip yes please Mr diery okay so you go along that Corridor you turn right you go past the library around the corner and just after the school gym you will come to the office
Can you remember the way Corridor right library corner gym office I can find my way easy squeezy puggy peasy I’ll just get my potato oh I mean my bag Mr Jiggy oh you won’t need your bag chip I will have to go in my own potato
Stay hidden in there while I’m gone okay I’ll be back in three shakes of a Pug’s tail ready chip yes Mr DIY Bye bye chip and if you can’t find your way just ask someone okay Mr diggery Corridor right library corner gym office Corridor right library corner gym office H Corridor right library corner gym office right I turn right here Cor Corridor right library corner Spud hey Spud Paco Eva hi yes
Hello I’m chip Spud’s little sister I was just waving at him sorry oh that’s okay nice to meet you chip thanks for stopping by hi Spud give your sister a wave hey Bye oh which way do I go next Corridor turn right no left no Library Gy yes oh I’m really really sorry could you please tell me the way to the school office I have to take the happy Hopper’s attendance book and Mr diery said I should ask for help if I got lost of course you go past the library chip around the corner and just after the
School gym you’ll come to the office got it yes I remember thanks Corridor Bri library corner gym office Corridor right library corner gym office here I am Job Done hello hello Mr Badger Fox I’ve brought you the happy Hoppers attendance book oh so you have thank you chip
You’re the first of this year’s new Happy Hoppers to bring the attendance book to me well done now will you be all right finding your way back to the Happy Hoppers Home Room all on your own chip yes I can find my way easy squeezy pugy peasy watch me go Bye wo wow Oh which way is it from Here I wish I had my potato here with me to help me find my way potato potato is that you huh H if I need help I just have to ask that’s what Mr digity said excuse me could you please help me hello you must
Be a happy Hopper yes I am who are you I’m Mrs Woolly and who are you I’m chip ah Spud’s little sister how do you know Spud I know everybody in this school so welcome to Rainbow Forest chip and tell me why aren’t you in Mr Digger’s home
Room right now well you see I took the attendant book to the office and then I saw a gym class and a music class and then I realized I was lost so you’re asking me the way that’s very sensible and brave you deserve a Mrs wooly sticker now shall I show you
The way to go yes please this way ah but in return I need you to do a job for me please chip yes Mrs Willie will you oil my wheels please they’re a bit squeaky did you notice M here we are look the happy Hopper’s home room is at the end of the hall thanks Mrs woly it was nice meeting you chip Mrs woolly oh it’s Potato potato what are you doing here all on your own you were worried about me and you came looking for me a thank you potato huh hide in your hoodie potato pal quick oh Hi you know what from now on I’m not leaving you in my school bag I’m taking you everywhere where I go we’re a team even at Rainbow Forest School chip and her potato in my pocket you stay potato my secret snuggly mousy friend a chip we wondered where you were
Did you deliver the attendance book to Mr Badger Fox yes I did Mr diggery and I did get lost too but I was Brave and asked the way well digley done chip well who did you ask to show you the way first I asked Spud’s teacher and then I asked somebody called Mrs
Woolly Mrs wooly I’ve just been telling your class friends that Mrs wooly is the principal of Rainbow Forest School chip she is in charge of us all she’s a very important person and very nice too yes she showed me the way and gave me a sticker wow chip taking the attendance
Book to the school office is a big job for a little first a kindergarten pug I know I did get lost though but I asked for help twice no matter how little you are there’s always someone close by to help you on your way at Rainbow Forest school isn’t there a potato
Mhm hugy well done chip in you Get ready pugs it’s it’s shiny and blue shiny shiny blue it’s got a red light on it roof red light on it roof it’s got ay pugy mobile it’s Papa’s pugy police patrol mobile py py mobile it’s Papa’s pugy pulce Patrol mobile [Applause] on Chip’s first day at School my pugy spots are so itchy oh oh my little chippy dip remember Dr Rhino said you must not scratch your puggy Spots I’m trying not to scratch the mama but I can’t help it itchy itchy itchy I really need to scratch you need to keep busy do
Something to take your mind off Itching I can keep busy by going to school potato where are we going to go on the way to school Yay can I go to school today mama no I’m sorry chip you must stay home until your puggy spots have stopped being itchy baby tot’s woken up from her morning nap I’ll be back in a tody jot chip itchy shoulder itchy itchy itchy I really need to scratch itchy itchy itchy but no
Scratching no scratching Scratching thanks potato so what will we do huhuh huh what oh I get it play tag Uhuh I’m going to get you are you okay chippy dip fine mama just keeping busy gotcha your turn to chase me Now is he does a chippy dip I was just keeping busy mama I know chippy dip but I think we need to find something a bit less wizzy for you to do okay Mama I’ll come down when I’ve changed hot diaper potato pal where are you there you
Are oh good idea potato if I practice for my piano exam I’ll keep busy and I won’t scratch my puggy spots itchy I’m too itchy and too itchy to play properly I give up doing piano practice a don’t worry chippy dip I know a pugy perfect way to keep your scratchy Paws
Busy your turn now Chip first the soapy water soapy water then the squeegee wiper thanks potato squeegee wiper boott a py bo py bo ahh no scratching chip let’s keep busy busy busy more soapy squeegeeing come on chip busy busy busy too busy to scratch busy busy busy too busy to scratch great
Job chippy dip puggy perfect sparkly clean it’s Donnie the posty howdy chip hi getting my pocket potato I’ve got a letter for Mama Mama Donnie’s got meal for you oh hi Donnie thanks Donnie no school for you today chip no oh itchy itchy itchy I really need to
Scratch is that a new dance itchy itchy itchy I’ve got the pugy spots Donnie oh poor little pug I had donkey spots once my oh my they sure were itchy you need to keep busy I know I need something to keep me busy now say you can help me deliver
Some mail to the fan you can’t pass your pugy spots on to elephants oh yes please i’ love to help can I help Donnie Mama of course you can chip and I know a great game we can play as we go to take your mind off them pesy
Itchy ugly spots have fun so Chip we have to make it all the way to the fans house with no scratching and no stepping on the sidewalk cracks okay we’re busy busy busy too busy to scratch busy busy busy jumping over the cracks oh there’s something
Else this one’s a Whopper too big for the mailbox we can deliver it to the Door deliv H for the fence bye chip thanks for helping bye Donnie hi potato uhoh itchy alert well hello there little neighbor Tada and how are you feeling with your puggy spots chip really itchy poor little itchy pug how about a ride down Stomp and stamp’s slide to take
Your mind off it yes puggy pleasy then follow me little pug buyy busyy to yay no witches good for you chip bye granny Fent but my pugy spots are itching again potato YooHoo chippy dip tot and I are going to flingo’s store you can keep those scratchy Paws busy by pushing the butt yay coming Mama busy busy too busy to Scrat busy busy busy too busy to scratch py Bell sheg to Scrat pugy boo py littley I think she deserves a Flingo treat this is for you chip for being such a kind big sister and for being brave with your puggy spots a Rudy fruity ice pop thank you Mrs Singo delicious oh no I need to scratch Again thanks potato the Rudy frutti ice pop helped the itch another one what a good idea potato are you ready to head home my little chippy dip Heidi quick yes Mama now that I’ve got a Rudy FR it’s stopping ice pop well come on then busy busy
Busyy fruy ice pop busy busy busy F my a cheese stop oh my word chippy dip you’re wearing your Rudy frutti ice pop I know the cool ice pop makes my spots not feel itchy my spotty itchy sticky chip oh oh I know just the thing to make a sticky chip feel
Better splashy little baby come on puglet out you get sleepy sleepy sleepy ready for puggy bed nighty night totsy tot no scratching while I’m putting tot to bed chip okay huh hold on my pugy spots don’t feel itchy anymore potato my pugy spots have stopped itching mama mama my py spots aren’t itchy
Anymore well that’s buggy wonderful chippy dip that means tomorrow if they’re still not itchy you go back to school Yay it’s Saturday yay what should we do today potato chip tip come down to the garage and see what I found coming Mama W I got my old bike out and look chip this is your old baby pug bike seat that little seat was mine yes do you remember going on bike rides with me when you were little baby pug Um oh oh a hi have fun you two jiggly giggly pugs woohoo hi little Mama Hi chip hello Granny fent wave to Baby Stompy and Stampy chippy chip I guess I remember are we going on a bike ride today Mama I’d love to go on my baby pug bike seat again oh and T you can come too can we Mama puggy pleasy well there’s room for to but you chippy dip have grown too big to fit in
This baby pug bike seat now oh but if you want to go on a bike ride with me and TOD you could ride this Spud’s old big pug bike look it still has his old training wheels on all ready for you my little chiplet Spud won’t mind you using
It tot and I are going to ride to hyton park you can come Too H well if Pedro leopard at school can write a bike then I’m sure I can too are you coming chip dip uh let’s go for it potato Hood up coming Mama hello Mr Dazzle hello chip I am going to ride Spud’s old big pug bike today for the first time you sure are growing up but you’ve still got that snuggly potato toy huh mhm Mrs Dazzle and I are going to miss you when we move away from welcome walk
When are you moving Mr Dazzle I was just talking to your mama about how quickly the time is gone we’re leaving welcome walk tomorrow chip tomorrow we’re going to miss you Mr Dazzle and we will so miss living next door to you pugs are you ready for our
Bike ride chip I sure Grand mama say let me just check over Spud’s old bike for you chip just to make sure it’s safe to ride thanks Mr Dazzle that right there all right and put a little bit of that in there get it okay all set chip hop on um go on
This bike has training wheels so you won’t tole over oh let me help you chip that’s okay thanks Mr Dazzle I can do it myself I did it I’m un Spud’s old big pug bike now before you go chip let’s just check you know how this big bike
Works okay first you need to put your feet on the pedals yeah you can do it chip oh wow these train wheels are looking a little old and Rusty they’ll be okay Mr Dazzle I can’t wait to ride this bike whoops so do you know how to
Stop the bike yes I squeeze the brakes like this good chiper you’ve got it but those brakes are a bit squeaky okay there you go and how do you steer the bike hm I turn the front wheel with the handlebars like this to turn this
Way and like this to turn that way you got it trip ring a big pug bike is easy squeezy puggy peasy for me well done my little chiplet are we ready to go yes well hey that’s the way way to go chip are you having fun potato potato my potato I need my
Potato you’re ugly potato is there chip all ready to ride potato you’re riding on the back of this bike just like Todd is on the front of Mama’s thank you hold on tight Let’s Go Mama woo okay be safe have fun I think you’ll be ready to ride without training wheel
Soon chip I will Mr Dazzle thank you I love this mama we’re pugs we’re pugtastic and everything we do we like riding And hello Jillian oh hi chip hi chip hi super cool bike hello Donnie I’m going on a BL right to the park with Mama and to have hea fun chip I love F friendes don’t you potato Pugy pugtastic py Ptic look chip it’s Papa and Spud in the supermarket parking lot hello Papa hello Spud Papa Spud I’m riding a big pug bike all by myself look hey hey that’s my old bike chippy sis I don’t mind you go for it chip what a clever pugy pup see you later thanks bud
Bye chip are you okay I’m fine here we are at happyt Park potato whoa who Mama are you okay chip yes it’s the training wheels they’ve come off the bike look Mr Dazzle was right he said they were Rusty we’ll need to get them fixed okay Mama phy me well that was exciting
Potato huh Mama potato’s gone check your pocket chip your potato snuggly is always in there she’s not there she was on the back of the bike right here H oh dear maybe potato fell out on her way here oh no what if she’s lost oh it’s a text message from Papa we
Found chips potato tell her it was on the grass next to the supermarket parking lot potato must have fallen out when I bumped that Poole mama I want to go right back to my potato now to see if she’s okay of course chip tip but with no
Training wheels we’ll have to push the bikes and walk no walking is too slow I can ride this bike properly now Mama without training wheels watch me okay let go Mama w thank you not too fast chip dip I’m doing it I can do it I’m coming potato oh good for you
Chip yes hey wait for us Papa we’re back excellent bike riding chip and without training wheels too what a clever puggy pup where’s potato did someone lose a funny potato snug potato thanks bud I don’t know what you see in that old potato toy chipada love you potato I are you okay
Mhm next time we go on a bike ride you were staying in my pocket right here the whole Time and it looks like her next bike ride is happening right now potato I can’t wait to tell Nico and Pedro that and I can ride a real big pug bike uhuh puggies to the park for a picnic Let’s puggy paddle Coming ready yeah we’re pugs we’re pugtastic in everything we do we like riding B sings and picnic Toy p Ptic and remember happy Hoppers your family and friends project is due in on Monday don’t digley forget now please have a good weekend okay see you next week Mr diggery it’s not home time for us oh we are doing our piano exams in the school gym well off you go and
Diggle good luck to your boat hurry chip come on chip Nico I don’t want to do my piano exam why not because every time I think about it I get wobbly Paws see hello Miss Min one piano pug one piano Panda chip and Nico MH follow me
To warm up your fingers for your piano exam come Along potato a I’m Scared good idea potato I’ll tell Miss minim hurry along chip it’s piano time look at my pause Miss minim they’re too wobbly to play piano a everybody feels scared when they’re about to do something Brave just take a deep breath and enjoy playing H take a deep
Breath Miss minim I’ve got a butterfly in my tummy maybe a trip to the bathroom would help you mere oh yeah chip you can warm up your wobbly paws on the bre this piano in here M Dear okay coming Potato look I can’t even reach the piano no keys oh I get it that’s a big idea for a little potato if I sit on the cushion I can reach the PE ano keys thanks potato I don’t want to do my piano exam thanks Mr Badger Fox you’re
Welcome Mama hello my little yippy chippy pip puggy Huggy have you come to take me home mama puggy pleasy say you have no chip it’s not home time for you yet I’m here because I know you’re a bit scared about doing your piano exam so I’ve come along
To wish you puggy good luck thanks Mama and to bring you a snack my brilliant Brave puggy girl to give you a fizzy burst of energy watermelon D ar ar delicious yummy oh I love to hear you play chippy dip but pugy please okay Mama I’ve got sticky watermelon Paws
Well let me wipe them now please play for me my little Chiplet oh yes thanks potato it is so wonderful there that was absolutely pugtastic piano playing you chiplet are Piano Perfect for your first exam thanks mama papa baby Todd and I will be waiting outside for you in the puggy patrol mobile bye we can do this potato that took ages
The toilet broke so I had to tell a teacher well Nico you still got time to practice if you’d like to oh yes please Nico is really really good oops well our piano examiner is here MERS chip you are going to do your piano exam first me first that butterfly
Is in my tummy now Nico I need to go to the bathroom well Madame belloso does not like to be kept waiting so Chip please be quick I Will this way Madam belloso St straight to the end [Applause] Wo I need to go in potato but I can’t there’s a there’s a monster in there potato I’m scared again what are we going to do you’re right potato pal I’ll just take a deep breath and go right In oh it’s Miss Nash the School Janitor you better hoodie up potato quick hello Miss Nash I thought you were a toilet monster M hello chip no I’m not a toilet monster just a toilet fixer who’s bashed her Thumbs oh dear I see oh now the toilet’s fixed and it’s all yours see you later chip hey potato the butterfly in my tummy has gone and look my Paws aren’t wobbling I was scared but then it was Brave and now it’s all okay I don’t need the
Bathroom I am ready to do my piano exam right now hello you must be chip thank you oh look this stool is too low for a little pug like you let me grab you a cushion W got it got it there you are dear now let’s see what piece of music you’re playing what’s that there oh um it’s watermelon seeds Heidi quick good Ready dear yes we did it ready chip and Chip and piano buddies piano bu playing the piano chip playing on the piano playing the piano chip playing on the Piano how was the piano exam it was easy squeezy pugy peasy wasn’t it Nico uh-huh I’m so puggy proud of you chip thanks Mama hello welcome to welcome walk hello oh if you’re looking for the dazzles they moved away a few weeks ago no we’re the Razzles howdy and we’re moving into the
Dazzles old house I’m Ray hello hello and I’m Roy Razzle and these are our baby twins Ron and Ruby say who are all these lovely folks little pug this is little Papa that’s little mama and there’s pugy tot my big brother Spud and my granny pug and over there is Amanda
Panda with my best friend Nico and baby b that’s a lot of names to remember oh and who are you I’m chip and this is my potato and I’ve just done my first ever p the exam good job chip and it’s great to meet you and all your family and
Friends family and friends that’s the title of my homework project I have to hand it in on Monday enjoy welcome walk we hope you enjoy it as much as we Do here it is your lunch packed for your first ever school trip chip thanks thanks mama papa made you pumpkin pie pumpkin pretzel pumpkin popcorn and pumpkin papadums delicious I’m glad I found that huge pumpkin yesterday oh oh it’s the baby puglet bump kicking and wriggling in my dummy
She’s just woken up hello in there baby sister oh time to go Spud huh huh there you are potato H up come on chip be right there Mama time for our first school trip you want more pumpkin before we go okay you can finish this piece but
Need it in my backpack not my pocket and you go Papa’s home from his night shift let’s go say pugy hi and Goodbye chip good puggy morning hello Papa thank you for my pumpkin field lunch bag a you’re very welcome my little chiplet now you make sure you have fun on your school trip well I go to bed I will puggy Huggy hold on Papa ship school trip time
Coming enjoy yourself pugy love you Papa sleep well take your seats happy Hoppers Panda puggy sit next to you pugy panda yes partner good morning Mr good morning Nico and Chip okay that’s everyone Mr bumpity bump let’s dle go oopsie where’s my backpack backpack where’s my backpack I forgotten my
Backpack it’s in Papa’s car in our garage my lunch for my school trip and my potato are in it oh chip leave this to me Mr diggery you bugs live in welcome walk don’t you little chip mhm easy we’ll Swig by on the way than thank
You Mr bumpy bump here we go everyone buckle up sit down there please Nico oh and Chip there’s one seat free at the very back next to hoe I’ll phone little mama and let her know we’re coming to get your backpack CH over here Howe thanks bye bye I Potato got any food in here chip what Up ooh look yum a potato snack No Hoe oh but I’m hungry and I’ve already eaten all my lunch well you can’t eat that I know it’s your snuggly toy yes it is I was just kidding potato sorry I left you behind it’s school trip time ring on the
Fun at rainow school we love to S when there’s something special we all a musical mix large and small we’re on a school trip one and all hoay okay happy Hoppers here we digle the are the happyt museum got now I have activity sheets for you all with your partner please check the
Boxes next to the pictures on your sheet as you see the objects in the museum you and me Nico pugy Panda Partners happy Hoppers please go around the museum with the student you sat next to on the bus and stay together in these pairs all day
But Mr diery niik and I wanted to be partners today oh another time sorry chip and Nico off you go me and you chip Partners have fun Class come on let’s rip chip wow huh wow get up horsey hi chip sh no Running Howe we need to stay Together change a plan you’re going to have to be my partner potato let’s go have fun ooh a totem pole so tall check done tapestry I love the pattern check done hey Nico Gish sorry being partners with Nico would have been fun I a but you’re my fun forever partner
Potato wo a model house pantastic check and my activity sheet is done huh huh you’re right it is a perfect house for a potato Mouse and you go and explore all the rooms partner ha This school trip is fun gotcha you shouldn’t be in the museum without a partner little pug but come on I’d better get you back to your group potato I’m so hungry I ate all my lunch on the bus help yourself to my lunch owie I’m not hungry anyway oh oh thanks CHP Buug Nico happy hi chip not happy Hino I left someone I mean something special on her school trip oh what it’s my potato I need to find her because she’s not just an ordinary snuggly she’s a uh what is it chip if I show you well you puggy
Panda promise you won’t tell anyone Huggy Panda promise come on Nico thank You it’s over here Nico I’m back potato come out she’s not here attention please a mouse has been seen in a museum CA Cafe the cafe please make your way to the exit a mouse quick Nico let’s get to the Cafe chipo where are you going to the exit please both of you but it’s my potato Mr diery I’ve got to get it from the cafe oh chip I know your potato means a lot to you but I’ll speak to the museum staff about it later and you’ll just have to manage
Without your potato for now no I’ve got to go and find her I mean it please puggy please little Chip have us sit down here with Howie and I’ll start counting everyone on to the bus don’t cry chip you can have some of your yummy pumpkin lunch back thanks
Howe but I’m not hungry maybe I’ll have just one more of your pumpkin popet arms a mous calm down quiet everyone potato you sneaked out all by yourself clever potato everyone on the bus now diggle D quickly please what an eventful school trip but it all worked out puggy potato perfectly
In the end come on chip hoodie Up chip about your snuggly potato what what was it you wanted to show me back at the Museum oh nothing Nico happy High you two sorry I’m late Mommy now listen up there’s been a change of plan oh we’ve had lots of those today well chip today I’m taking you
Home little mama and papa can’t come to pick you up because they’ve gone to the hospital your new baby puglet sister’s about to be born I’m going to be a big pugy Sister me m a special puggy pumpkin pie to celebrate our little Chip’s first happy day at kindergarten thank you papa it was deicious and now it’s chore time for you my sputty pug time to clear the dishes away if you want your allowance allowance I’m
Going to use my allowance money to buy a Sky High Super Rocket 5 4 3 2 one bust off wow may I do a chore please mama I want to have an allowance like spudge so I can buy a sky hi High Super Rocket too you’re in such a rush to grow up
Chippy dip doing chores and getting an allowance are quite big things for a little pug I think you need to wait until you’re bigger but I am bigger I am big not as big as me Chipa it’s rainbow Rita and Mrs dazle are back from their Hobs yooo Mr and Mrs Dazzle how was your trip hello pugs oh what a wonderful time we’ve had in Rainbow Rita Mr Dazzle rainbow Rita looks so muddy yes indeed little chip we’ve had a very muddy holiday with her in fact if
Spud is around maybe he’d like to do a chore for us mhm we were wondering a if Spud could give rainbow re a one of his good old cleans you know so we could see all of her wonderful colors again I’ll do it I can clean rainbow
Rita for you Mr and Mrs Dazzle I’m big enough can I mama please you squeezy pugy pleasy may I do the chore for the dazzles well yes okay then why not I’ll make rainbow read a razzled Dazzle Mr Mrs [Laughter] Dazzle what you doing chipster huh hid in your hoodie little mousy I’ve just done a chore for the dazzles Bud you’ve done a chore why didn’t the dazzles ask me you were busy so so you took my chore mama said I could but you’re not big enough for
Chores you’re just a little chip squeak so do you want my help no thanks but I don’t need help the chore is done see I am big enough for chores big bro you should take a look you’ll see her not chipada huh Spud’s right I am not big enough for chores like this
One I am too short potato that’s my big problem Help potato what is it huh a oh I get it stop and stamp will help me that is a big idea for a little potato stop stamp chip is here hi chip hi chip can you too please help me clean rainbow Rita is there water yes is it messy and muddy uhhuh let’s
Go come straight back stomp it stamp when I trumpet [Applause] You rainbow read his back to a rasle dazzly self again Hey look it’s a moving van huh someone must be moving into the empty house next to ours Huh I wonder who our new neighbors will be potato you’re doing a great job there kids thanks Mr Dazzle but you do know the roof of rainbow Rita still isn’t clean right the Roof w we’ve got to go granny F called us Sor we can’t help you clean the roof Chip Spud huh I think I do need your help after all please big bro how’ you clean rainbow re’s roof when you do this chore actually Mr Dazzle always helps me do the roof oh even big brother pugs are too little for something chipala tell tell you what though when I
Buy my Sky High Super Rocket we can shoot up in it and clean the roof together 5 4 3 2 one blaster good thinking potato that’s how I’ll do it I’ve got a great idea Spud will you help me please ready we’ll be okay potato you and me 5 4 3 2
One Blast Off wo it worked now I can clean rainbow re’s Ro go chipster whoop whoop what’s going on chip hey what’s going on ship what’s a little thing like you doing all the way up there I’m finishing my chore Papa you must come down now
Chippy pip you should not be up there ever stand back happy ton puggy police to the rescue oh my Brave hubby what a hero huh who whoa my little chip you’ve done a puggy good job up Here everyone my little chiplet has successfully completed her first chore no someone get those silly pugs down safely please well little chip rainbow Rita is beautifully clean oh she is she’s all back to her rasley dazle rainbow self thanks to you Spud helped me we know so
We want to thank you both yeah and we thought about giving you allowance money to share but then we heard you both wanted one of these a Sky High Super Rocket thank you thank you let’s go play thanks Ready Steady let’s Go I’m Next Heidi hi I’m chip well hi chip I’m Amanda and this is Nico he’s four I’m four as well and I live right right there hello new neighbors a big pugy welcome to welcome walk hello there are you moving in next door to me yes great Nico do you want to
Come and play with us we’ve got a new Sky High Super Rocket oh well we’re not moving into our new house officially until later this week maybe I can play with chip this weekend mommy sure this weekend see you then Nico bye bye hey potato I think I’ve made a new panda
Friend shh I puggy love you potato lights out now chippity Chip oh just five more minutes pleasy squeezy pugy pleasy not tonight chip it’s late hugs and kisses and lights out now please chip sleepy puggy sleepy snooze sleepy puggy snore sleepy puggy sleepy snooze sleepy puggy snore pugs and kisses
Everyone pugs and kisses [Laughter] Everyone I’ve got everything I need my hul hoop my sunglasses and you potato let’s go H up our family fun Day picnic in the park is going to be pugy perfect especially in this lovely Sunshine oh dear A never Fe here my puggy lovelies we’ll have a puggy perfect family fun day indoors instead yes we’ll all snuggle up together under a blankie and watch pugy home movies yay pugy perfect family Funday Indoors all set potato pal come on chip M are we all cozied up now where is that remote control we’ll find it found it thanks good job okay who wants some pumpkin popcorn me I Do let the movies begin can you see okay potato uh-huh popcorn what’s first Papa uh-uh I have lots of movies of YouTube My Little puggy Pups ready yes step into our puggy home Love Our Song with little mama and papa chippy it’s me it’s Chip learning to roller skate
Chip Rudy Frutti pop need a for Spud right away H are you okay chip I to I must have some popcorn up my nosy oh I’ll just be a minute hurry back chip a my poor potato pal you are very Sneezy let Dr Chip check you over I Dr Chip will examine you potato to see what’s Wrong hm you have a nice strong heartbeat mhm and your ears are all clear good your nose is red potato ooh and wet I wonder what’s wrong with you a how am I going to help you get better this is the first time I’ve had
To look after a sick potato come on yeah CH oh no I better go you stay here in case you sneeze again potato okay uhhuh Dr Chip will be right back a come and see Coming bye a what have I missed H take a look at Bud chip is that me yes and that must be me look at your little puggy pink curl chippy a look our puggy Lovies and another little puggy lovely coming soon mama papa let’s watch the video oh I remember this day well both you poor little puglets had colds at the same same time A oh please try to catch your sneezes in your tissue little pugs oh dear and cover your mouth with your arm if you need to cough like this whoopsie and were we sick for long mama no you were both back to your puggy tastic selves in no time you you just
Need to drink plenty of water and rest if you have a cold now Dr Chip knows just what to do what’s that chip oh nothing to worry about Papa must have another bit of popcorn up my nosy back in two shakes and a puggy tail what is going on with you today little
Chip potato you have a cold whoops but don’t worry Dr Chip knows how to make you well again there try to catch your sneezes in your tissue uhhuh and cover your mouth with your arm when you cough like this good and get plenty of rest and you need to drink water too
Uhhuh poor potato pal I want you to get better soon I have a pugy perfect idea curly up safe and snug here until you feel better I’ll come check on you soon hey you coming chip bye yes papa coming oh here sleep well my poor potato pal a
Family fun day is the worst time to be sick are you sick chippy dip oh no I was talking about I just mean it’s not much fun when I am sick oh but who are you talking to um you are sick oh chippy pip are you
Getting a cold oh no maybe it’s just some more popcorn up my nose mama but you’ve got your first swimming lesson tomorrow and if you have a cold you’ll have to miss it Miss it but I’m fine mama and I really want to learn how
To swim pugy pleasey can I go well okay we’ll see a good sleep can make all the difference if you’re sick how about you bring your potato snuggly down so you can watch our puggy home movies while you cuddle it um thanks but I’m okay you must be growing
Up little chip if you you don’t want your potato snuggly with you on our family fun day I’ll be right down Mama curly up safe and snug potato pal tonight Killy up safe and snug potato pal tonight and sleepy coldy sleepy snooze sleepy coldy snow come on Chip I want to join in our wedding dayy Co pyas pyas that was awesome yeah oh I L it that was awesome listen huh I can’t hear anything exactly oh the rain stopped we can have our pugy picnic in the Park after all it’s time for our family fun day to begin
Again yeah okay let’s go come on chipster grab your hula hoop potato Heidi potato you’re all better again let’s go chip squeak just a minute you’re feeling better again after your drink and your little sleep I did it we did it no more Sneezy potato come on chip
Coming I just needed to get my potato I can’t have a pugy perfect picnic in the park without my potato oh my chippity pip I’m glad you still need your potato snuggly maybe you’re not growing up too fast after all let’s go oh wait a minute we’re all still in our
PJs so we are never mind a pugy and potato perfect PJ family Funday I love you potato how about you and I love you too potato I and today the last day of kindergarten before the holidays we are going to both look after youo twice as much fun twice as much love so what do you say potato want to snuggle with Nico for a bit
Ah are we all ready for snowy welcome Walk ready yes let’s go welcome walkies we do the welcome walk we do the welcome walk where we going to go to the snow yay keep up okay let’s Go do you want to go with the chip for a bit uhhuh ready a ah and Back Again uh-huh we’re doing the welcome walk we doing the welcome walk who loves snow all love the Snow here we are [Applause] Everyone bye M bye have fun learn lot see you later where’s potato right here there you are my turn to have potato now hey how we whoops sorry s chipping [Applause] Nico huh Mr J hello hello happy snowy Hoppers I have a very special diggle announcement to make today we will be doing our gym and music lessons outside in the [Applause] snow let’s start by taking attendance please reply when I call out your name by making a snow angel first up our newly 5-year-old pug chip here happy dickley birthday chip happy happy birthday thank you next Nico here stop Here it’s fun having both of us to play with isn’t it potato best gym class ever oh oh be careful again again again let’s go potato oh I guess Nico’s got you you need to finish on your sleds very soon please Class A I want to have one more turn
That was fun did you like a potato oh you must be with chip I love snowy gy class hi ni happy High chip gather around now please Hoppers you too please chip that was so much fun our next snowy class will be music take a look at this huh huh it’s a tingly icicle music maker please come and make sounds on the tingle icle Music Maker one by one wait in line please happy Hoppers your turn Chip wow did you hear that potato come on Nico it’s your turn oh yeah potato must be with Nico it sounds so tingly Nico can I have potato I thought you had her I haven’t got her I haven’t caught her either so where is she we are
Supposed to be looking after potato but neither of us has got her but you had her last no you did no you did we need to go and find her if Mr diery will let us your turn and Barry Mr Dey oh uh yes ni weave I mean chip has
Lost her snuggly please may we go and search for her I mean it Bar well as you’ve both had a turn at playing the icicles I guess that’s okay off you snowy go but please come back to class digley quick we will Mr Diggy thanks Harry the I are not for eating let’s find her chip look a trail in the snow potato must have gone that
Way follow me I’m on her Trail you know Nico I’m Miss Potato already she always makes me laugh even when I don’t feel well uhuh I’m going to get you I miss H potato always makes my baby brother B laugh where are you potato do you think she went into the
School maybe come on Nico let’s find out which way now h Huh this way huh [Applause] potato did you get cold and wet in the snow potato uhuh so you came and warmed yourself up that was a big idea for a little potato uhhuh I’m sorry I forgot
About you in the snow I’m sorry Too from now on Nico we need to make sure we always know who is looking after potato how about I keep her in my pocket till lunch and then no I want to keep her in my pocket for the rest of the morning but we need to get back to class thanks for
Reminding us potato you know what Nico and I need you to look after us uhhuh put up potato let’s go together sorry we took so long Mr Diggy oh that’s okay and I see you found your snuggly I sure did a snowball at you only kitten chip happy
Holidays who do love that snuggly chip Nico and I both Do at Rainbow for school we love to sing and there’s something special we all bring musical mix Dan we’re singing and dancing for you All pugy Panda potato best friends forever where is she potato a where’s Grandma pug there she is it’s Grandma she’s here we are going to have the best chip and Grandma and potato Day [Applause] Ever Grandma’s here wow and she’s got a new car hello my pugy
Pups come on down give me some puggy Huggy love pugster Grand it’s so pugalicious to see you all nice Wheels Grandma pug yes I love your new car grandma much snazzier than my pugy police patrol Mobile I love my new car too and and it is perfect for a special day out with my favorite pugy pup granddaughter and you get chipa dooodle oh thanks grandma grandma is that booster seat for me I usually sit in the back you get to sit up front today chip yay
Wow oh why you have fun with Grandma the fun starts here oh and you’ll need to put these on [Applause] chip why do we need these Grandma push that green button and you’ll see the roof comes down wowow Bye this car is fastic isn’t it This is fun so what are we going to do today Grandma we’re going to have fun topped off later with a special treat yay I love special treats Uh-oh why have we stopped grandma oh dear chip there’s road work this might take some time oh so let’s make it fun yay time to try out another special button in my new pugy buggy which button grandma that one press a chip that’s better now let me look at this Traffic wo Hide in your hoodie [Applause] Potato o it’s purple and pink purple and pink it’s got no room no room it sounds loud L it goes Brom py py boom it’s Grandma’s py py v v py py v v it’s py py vro vro let’s go chipper Dooodle what are we doing here grandma we have to pop into the bank chipoodle a but there’s nowhere to park Grandma this park working space is perfect but it’s too small you think ready for more fun chip yes would you press that big red button please stupid [Applause] dooodle see now we can get into the parking space this is fun there snug as a pug but how will we get down grandma like this snuggle up potato pal after you let’s slide that was Pantastic come on chippa dooodle to the Bank whoops sorry sorry oh no Grandma we’ll be waiting here forever what if we run out of time for the special treat we won’t chip pugy promise Okay It’s Grandma’s next please that’s us Grandma you make everything so much fun so chippa dooodle it is special treat time yay what is this special treat Grandma we are going to have an apple muffin each at the happy ton Garden Center Cafe come on I love apple muffins this Cafe has the best apple
Muffins in happon hello what can I get you chippa dooodle what are we having two apple muffins please you little buug are in luck there are just two apple muffins Left thank You hello what can I get you an apple muffin pleas sorry I just sold the last two to these lovely pugs oh oh that’s a shame we were hoping to buy an Apple muffin for our granddaughter she’s been sick and had to miss her fun day out
With us we’re just on our way over to see how she is and thought it’d be nice to take along a treat never mind a that poor little sick arar she missed a day out with her Grandparents huh that is a big idea idea for a little Potato everything okay chippa dooodle Mhm Excuse me yes D I’ve had a fun day out with my grandma today we’ve had the best chiping grandma day ever maybe if your granddaughter had my Apple muffin that would make her day more fun too oh thank you my dear what a kind little pug you
Are oh our granddaughter will be so happy thank you you’re welcome oh that’s my Chi T clever potato I hope your granddaughter feels better soon I like this little tree Grandma it’s an apple tree and I know how much you like apples I do apples make apple muffins for being such a kind little puglet I would love to buy you this
Apple tree an apple tree for welcome walk yippity yippity y py py vroom vro it’s Grandma py py vroom Vro hey hey look who’s back hell how was your day we had so much fun didn’t we grandma and potato we really did my chipa dooodle and our day of fun is not over yet beautiful the welcome walk apple tree good job chip this tree will always
Remind me of our fun grandma and Chip day out h over here chip happy High Nico see you in the morning for my first day at Rainbow Forest School see you tomorrow Nico it’s time for you to say thank you to Grandma pag and get off to bed my
Little chippy dip thanks grandma and you Spud come on hey chip it looks like your tree has already grown an Apple that’s not an apple that’s my potato Love you too potato come on chippy dip time to go to Rainbow Forest school coming Mama I can’t wait for show and tell potato keep still it tickles when you move around are you all right there chip yes how do I look mama absolutely wonderful my little chip I hope you enjoy Show and Tell today I just know everyone will love your mouse house thanks
Mama oh morning Granny Fant happy hi chip happy hi Nico what are you wearing chip I know I know what it is it’s The Mouse House tipping I made in class on my first day at Rainbow Forest School Nico’s right it’s a house perfect for a mouse but why are you
Wearing a mouse house on your head I’m bringing it to school for show and tell and this is the easiest way to carry [Applause] it all aboard the welcome walkie Show and Tell [Applause] train woohoo we’re not late today thanks to our slime and we even remembered our Show and Tell we’re doing the show and tell walking we’re doing the show where are we going to go all the way to School Now class it has been a diggle busy day and we have all learned a lot of new things correct yes Mr Diggy and we’ve saved the best for last who can tell me what’s next happy Hoppers show that’s right I am so looking forward to seeing your showand tell objects and hearing
Why you wanted to bring them to show the class this is going to be neat my grandma wouldn’t let me bring my garden worms chip you’re sitting on my ball of yarn oops sorry settle down everyone it’s show and tell time awesome wow now which happy Hopper
Is going first time to spin the wheel and find out it’s giggling woohoo it’s me please show and Tell it’s okay potato gish’s legs are so long I’ll fix it this is my gymnastics medal for doing backflips and it’s special because it took me ages to learn how to do them Look careful that’s my Mouse House Gish sorry chip very well done on your medal carefully back to your seat now gigl and we’ll see who is Next go me oh potato my now’s house has gone all floppy so I wanted to show and tell the donuts that I made with my Mommy I love donuts donut but I ate them All sorry but they were really yummy well well thank you anyway Barry you may go back and sit down now no don’t squash my Mouse House Barry sorry chip potato there you are stay safe and snug in there out of sight secret potato chip it’s you it’s Chip come on up to the
Showand tell platform please chip uh okay oh dear oh uh so Chip this looks interesting what have you brought well it was my mouth house Mr diery it’s broken yes it is broken my show and tell is not worth showing Mr digty I can’t show and tell it sorry oh what a shame
Chip do you want to take a moment to see if you can fix it and then show us again I could try I guess while we wait for you chip let’s see who’ll be Next it’s Nico this is no good I cannot fix this I don’t have anything to show and tell potato I wish I had something else my little brother Bodie wore these booties when he was a baby what is it potato you you could be my sh and tell
Object potato well I guess you are my most special thing in the whole wide world but no I can’t show and tell you potato what if everyone sees that you’re a real life Mouse oh but I could show my snuggly toy potato uh-huh okay if you pugy promise to stay
Hoodied up like a snuggly toy let’s do it hoodie up thank you for showing bodies booties Nico your baby brother sounds dickley delightful yeah Mr di I have something else I could show and tell can I have another turn please it’s my even more special thing oh well this sounds exciting chip do
Show and Tell yes CH py love you potato my show and tell is my my snuggly potato what a snuggly I’ve got squillions of them shall we it’s Chip special snuggly potato go ahead chip we’re all Ears my potato has been my snuggly friend since I was little when my potato is with me I feel happy and brave like I can try new things that’s why I like bringing her to kindergarten with me she makes me feel just great all day long she’s pantastic
A well that is just lovely a I want a cuddly potato like that me too looks tasty I want to get a snuggly banana chip what an original and diggle lovely show tell thank you so much for sharing your potato with us thank you potato potato well I’m afraid we’ve run out of
Time today a but we’ll see everyone else’s Show and Tell things next week hooray oh chip your potato reminds me of another special snuggly friend de bear the happy Hopper class bear oh yeah I have Dy decided that the person who gets to take de bear home this week
Is someone who has shown that she can care for things and look after them very thoughtfully it’s Chip Chip it’s you all right chip now please keep a record of everything you get up to with d bear this weekend chip and make sure you bring her back on Monday exactly exactly
As you found her oh Yes hi mama papa look Mr diery has given me de bear to look after all weekend oh how exciting hello de bear and hello my chippy dip and super Spud now little mama and I have some very exciting News little mama is expecting a baby puglet a baby yes a yippity yappity baby puglet is in my tummy it’s going to be a little baby brother or sister for you two Spud and Chip a baby here this is a photo of the new baby taken by a special camera that can
See inside little Mama’s tummy wa and we got some extra pictures so you can each have one to keep thank you oh I’ll take this picture for my next show and tell potato thanks Mama okay pugly puglets it’s time to go home but Papa when will the new baby be born what do we name it mama can I teach it to play soccer Yeah morning Potato it’s today here we go little mouse stay Snuggly in your hoodie Potato morning Spud it’s time to get up morning chip just a little snoozy longer please morning Mama morning Papa good morning chip it’s today puggy morning it’s today mama and papa it’s today h whatever can it be Papa that’s happening to our licky little chip today I have no idea little Mama today is my first day at kindergarten oh yes silly us now I am a big grownup kindergarten pkey
Pup morning Mom and papa Spud I’m so excited I could there goes my alarm I could bounce me too W there’s nothing like a morning buggy Betty bounce little mama wo I know little Papa it’s just the most buggy perfect way to wake up bouncy bouncy bouncy bouncy P bouncy bouncy chip bouncy
Bounc I’m going to get ready for school bell bouny bouny pug see you in a minute Bud oh stop please poppy pug I saw something move under there what is it what is it what is it sh I think I saw a Teensy tiny weenie little mouse h a mousy potato I’ll get It oh gently chip the mousy might be scared it’s okay I’ve nearly got it come on my potato hi in your hoodie My Little Secret friend look it’s just my potato that you saw Mama silly Mama thinking chips cuddly stuffy toy potato is a mouse oh
Yes oh potato you must have fallen out of my pocket while I was bouncing you won’t be needing that snuggly potato anymore chip not now you’re a big grownup kindergartner oh Independence starts today gypster soon you’ll be like me independent what does independent mean independent is when you do things all by
Yourself with no mama and no papa to help you and no cuddlies to comfort you either just look I got ready for school all by myself so big and spotty and independent m m i can be ined indeep indendent independent exactly Spud I can be independent too I can get
Ready for kindergarten all by Myself teeth brushed face washed getting ready for the day is easy squeezy puggy peasy Oh now watch me get dressed potato h i can choose what to wear all by myself no oh yeah I got It I can’t get dressed all by myself potato it’s not tickle time help me oh I get it wrong hole thanks potato there what you think potato oh my leggings I nearly forgot thanks there I got dressed all by myself well a little bit by myself I am only a little bit independent
Potato breakfast time chip breakfast hoodie up potato Coming toast and pumpkin jelly or pumpkin Puffs chip toast and pumpkin jelly Pleasy here you Go yumy Jellicious whoopsie do you want help chip it’s okay I can I can do it all by by yourself I know chip thanks potato I’m ready huh let’s go chip okay I’m ready to Spud Nearly here you go chip oh thanks now I’m definitely Ready oh no I’m stuck oh let me untangle your backpack chip thanks let’s go Everybody follow me uh chip you’ve got a bit of jelly on your cheek and you are going to need sneakers to walk the kindergarten chip oh I’m definitely not ready to be inde
Dependent you can do it chip all by yourself we’ll wait for you outside chip it’s okay to ask for help little chip Independence comes bit by bit my tiny pugy everybody needs help when they’re doing new things for the first time H thanks Mama come on chip wait
Spide mama I know you said I wouldn’t need my potato anymore but is it okay okay if I take my potato with me to Rainbow Forest school today that funny snuggly toy I guess so but why well having my potato with me helps me feel independent in my own chipping potatoey
Kind of way pleasey squeezy pugy pleasy yes you do it my puglet Pooch put your snuggly potato in your school bag safe and sound and let’s go chips he potatoes first day at Kindergarten together welcome walkies pugy Huggy pugy Huggy come on chip we’re doing the welome we’re doing the welome walkies where we going to go all the way to school Independence starts today potato we can do It there we’ve had a fun weekend looking after de the class bear potato look here’s the photo papa took of when we took D on a trip in Papa’s pugy Patrol mobile whe remember and there you are all snuggly in your Hoodie it’s shiny and blue shiny shiny blue it’s got a red light on it roof red light on it roof it goes and look a picture I drew of us having Rudy Frutti pop with Dilly today under the welcome walk apple tree remember time for bed spudster okay
Chippy dip time for you and de bear to get into bed too okay Mama oh where is De H maybe she fell under the Bed huh not there did you find her potato uh-uh de where are you I know de must have been left downstairs you wait here potato I’ll be right Back Have you found de coming potato oh hello chipster hey what are you doing down here um just getting this bedtime please okay Papa Night so where is she where did you find de so where is she Potato what oh that’s the picture of when we last played with de Under The Apple Tree you you think deia is still down there under the tree mhm you might be right let’s see if we can see her from Mom and Papa’s bedroom window doy doy wooby woby
Wo yeah yeah P boogie boogie boie P yeah yeah yeah pie I can’t see de bear it’s too dark you’re going to go out there in the dark on your own to look for de that’s a big idea for a little potato thanks my Brave pal hurry Back I haven’t looked after de bear very well at all no no no potato so did you see her is De out There I should be in bed but we need a plan to get de ver safely back Inside okay potato let’s rescue de what are you up to chipak sh Spud I’m just getting something I left outside what are you doing I’m keeping an eye on you aren’t you supposed to be in bed I am but I’ll be right back don’t worry JY we’re coming to get you
H oh no it’s raining Potato wait Tada yes you’re safe now de hey Spud what are you doing you should be in bed okay Papa hurry chipala come back H up potato you went outside in the dark to get de bear yep it was my job to look after Dey
Carefully this weekend so I had to do it huh that was a big thing for a little chipster to do and a big thing for little potato to do too thanks for helping me potato pal We rescued de bear I am good at looking after things wo yay yeah you a
De bear I looked after de bear huh oh oh no no no no de’s dirty from being in the garden the dirt won’t come off what am I going to do what is Mr Diggity going to say papa pug is here for a hug chip and
Then it’s lights out H I’ve still got to brush my teeth Papa okay mama’s having a relaxing bath so you better be quick okay Papa let’s go and clean D in the Bathroom is D getting clean let me Help oh no no Dilly’s arm has come off I’m sorry for not taking good care of you this weekend de yeah Yeah are you ready for your betty buy song Chip just a minute Mama oh it’s not working sticky tape get the sticky tape potato Thanks where’s the end it’s stuck to Me sorry potato it’s no Good hoodie up I thought I could hear crying what’s up chippy di why are you not in bed oh mama chip what’s the matter chip it’s all my fault I left Dy beard by The Apple Tree then she got dirty so I’m treding to clean her and
Look this happened oh dear and Mama I was given Dilly Bear for the weekend because Mr dity thought I would be good at looking after her carefully but she’s ruined oh chippy dip why didn’t you come to me I could have helped I just wanted to make things better all by myself Mama
But now I’ve made things worse it’s okay we can make everything better together let’s do it quickly before Bed M now cut the thread for me please there all washed and mended now Jil looks exactly the same as when I brought her home ready for another happy Hopper to take home next weekend thank you Mama how’s the baby puglet in your tmy mama the baby puglet is lovely chip and
Looking forward to hearing you do your piano lesson tomorrow tomorrow oh yes my first piano lesson come on chip papa will take you back up to bed now Chip I think I would like my Betty by a song now Papa puggy pleasey curly up safe and snug pugy chip
Tonight curly up safe and snug pugy chip tonight and sleepy pugy sleepy snooze sleepy pugy snore sleepy puggy sleepy snooze sleepy puggy snore I do know how to take good care of you de bear and you too Potato Ready potato Uh hugs and Fant are you ready coming F Com it’s us pugs versus us fans pumpkin picking competition day pumpkin pumpkin time for us Granny’s to pick our teams granny Fant please pick the two Fant you want to have on your pumpkin picking team this year me me me oh easy Stomp and stamp woohoo we’re going to win we’re going to
Find the biggest p pumpkin now it’s your turn to choose the two pugs who are going to be your team members Grandma pug I hope I’m old enough to get chosen this year it’ll be my first time ever being on the pugy pumpkin picking team well it is easy py squeezy for me
To choose I choose Spud and Chip y thanks grandma pug this year we pugs will find the biggest pumpkin and bring it home to welcome [Applause] walk now let’s remind ourselves of the aim of the game yes to find the biggest pumpkin and bring it back to welcome
Walk by Sundown May the best team win let’s all have pumpkin picking fun byebye find a big pum have fun you guys you [Applause] Say go to the [Applause] Pumpkin wow I can’t see I can’t see some pumpkin patch I can’t see potato good you think you can sneak a look from up there ready Uh-huh the pumpkins look good hey there oh welcome V and pug and you too littlest pug Hi H up I something tells me it’s pumpkin picking competition day it is we found ANS are ready to get in that field and find the biggest pumpkin we PS aren’t too well you are in
Luck we’ve got bigger pumpkins than ever this Year well now who does this funny little snuggly belong to me me it’s my Farmer Pat here go thanks you and that funny old snuggly you call potato take a look at all those [Applause] pumpkins ready ready let’s get get pumpkin pigy I know where to Go pleas D I know where to go over here Spud wait for me let’s split up to search chippy sis holler if you find a biggie okay right potato which way shall we go wow I found a big one Already a I did find a big one a this is a big field and we’re the last to start looking uhuh we’re never going to find the biggest pumpkin unless we get a better View have you seen a big pumpkin potato wow this pumpkin is as bigest stomping stamp okay but I’m not sure we’ll find a bigger pumpkin than This W you are right potato this pumpkin is even bigger it’s as big as muin and there’s a bigger One wo this pumpkin is even bigger than pop fan potato I am sure we found the biggest pumpkin now to win the competition we need to get it back to welcome [Applause] walk we need to get this pumpkin Home oh of course the pumpkin was still growing on its stock now that you’ve chewed through the stock we’ll be able to move the pumpkin clever Potato we need help good idea potato can you see Grandma pug in Spud uh-uh H let me help you look I’ll get up there Too hold on you used me as a way up maybe I need a way up too I did it yeah we did to W again but our pumpkin is way bigger than theirs come on potato let’s get this pumpkin home so the pugs win the pumpkin picking competition chip chip spot and Grandma
Perfect us pugs are a team we can work together to get this pumpkin moving uh Grandma’s buug where I mean I’m over here oh hey wa oh my chipa dooodle that is enormous gigantic huge giant I know it’s a winner Grandma woohoo nice one chip let’s get it home yes if we all
Push together as a puggy team we can do It oh it’s no good it’s too heavy for us pugs oh but if we can’t get the pumpkin home we won’t win the competition and we won’t get this pumpkin as our prize a and then Papa won’t be able to cook pumpkin treats wait do you think we should get the fans
To help us uhuh that’s a big idea for a little potato let’s get the fans to help push your pumpkin home but then we pugs won’t win the competition all by ourselves but we’ll all win when we get this home to Papa and he cooks pumpkin treats for
Everyone let’s get our giant pumpkin home as one big pugy F te Together oh my where’s the pumpkin going to go all the way Home papa papa wake up come see wow who found that huge pumpkin me well I did have a little bit of help oh chippy I’m so proud does that mean the pugs won the pumpkin picking competition well kind of this year the pugs and the Fant are winners of the
Competition aren’t they chippa dooodle yes because we all brought the pumpkin home what a team all of us make that Ru Ru hooray for Chip and hooray for pumpkin treats it’s pumpkin cakes all around and there’ll be a mountain of pumpkin treat for your pack lunch tomorrow chip for your first ever school trip and you’ll come too Potato