Just a couple of summers ago the biggest pedestrian hazard here on the boardwalk was skateboards now you don’t have to worry much about being run over by skateboarders you’re too busy dodging ruler skaters like a lot of other trends the shift in popularity from skateboards to rollerskates was noticed here first
Its sense moved inland and we’re beginning to see skateboard parks closing down of course many parks are still in business but they’re not reporting the fantastic growth of recent years those in the know say roller skates are replacing skateboards because they appeal to a greater variety of people i skateboard sales have dropped
Off in comparison with our roller skate sales which you’ve probably doubled or tripled in the last year to a year and a half skateboards are mostly a young male predominate sport this roller skates are something the entire family can use it for no age barriers at all from the very
Smallest to the oldest in the family it could be of course that roller skating is just another fad that will soon be replaced by something else no one else what that’ll be but whatever it is you can almost bet it’ll be seen first here on the boardwalk surely clumb news8 Mission Beach