Mck snow owl Island animal mechanical Mission Time good morning animal mechanical good morning Island owl very big mission today your destination is McKenna snow owl Island where it’s almost time to Crown the new snow owl King crowning a king that sounds cool it is however there’s a problem spring has come early
On the island so all of the winter ice decorations are melting but they can’t have a ceremony without ice decorations and if there’s no no ceremony they can’t Crown the king your mission is to make sure the crowning ceremony takes place Mech can you do it we animal mechanical can let’s go wooo Yes Yeah Yeah here we are M snow owl Island it’s beautiful but the island owl was right everything is melting who’s that that little M owl must be in charge of the ceremony he looks worried woohoo I think he wants us to stop these statues from melting woo but the warm weather is
Melting everything we can’t change the weather it’s impossible nothing’s impossible for Animal Mechanicals unicorn Metta Fly She’s using her magic horn to freeze everything woohoo go unicorn Go woohoo wooho yeah all the ice is frozen again yay now the new snow ow King can be crowned I’ll get the crown Sasquatch be careful the ice is Very slippery sasquat watch out for the coronation Statue oopsie careful Komodo the Ice is very Slippery oh no the coronation statue is broken oh maybe we can put it back together again or maybe not looks like we need to carve a new Statue which means we’ll need a new block of ice but where will we find a block of ice wo woo look the
Owl is pointing to the mountain maybe that’s where we’ll find an ice block Animal Mechanicals checking it out Woohoo he says that we should use that block I’ll carry the Block Sasquatch be careful blocks of ice are very [Applause] heavy did you know blocks of ice are very heavy yes I knew oopsie again no time to waste team we’ll just have to carve a statue from one of the bigger ice blocks It’s much too heavy for me to push I can’t move it either we’ll need someone who is super strong to move that ice block I’m the animal mechanical for this job Rex me strong Woohoo I love watching Rex lift stuff Woo He’s in it yay Rex he’s saying that we don’t have much time to carve the statue we’ll need some kind of carving tool did you say tool this is my kind of job Komodo canot get Mo nope uh-uh oh yummy a light snack aha one Mighty M ice pick to the Rescue H what’s wrong big guy I just keep messing up I can’t do anything right don’t worry Sasquatch I’m sure you’ll get your chance to help yeah I guess so thanks Rex tender one super fancy snow owl King statue amazing Komodo it looks even better than the first one well thank you
Rexo the ceremony is beginning this is quite exciting we’re going to watch the snow owl King receive his Crowno What are they waiting For I think the snow owl King wants Sasquatch to place the crown on his head he’s the only animal mechanical who can stretch way up there the snow ow King wants me gee well I guess I am the stretchiest and handsomest Behold The Mighty Sasquatch SP Stretchy stretchy like a big Rubber Monkey hooray for s y yeah all right sasquat way to go the new snow owl King has been crowned Animal Mechanicals mission accomplished thanks to Sasquatch a shs woo he’d like us to day to celebrate this snowall king’s coronation mechanic can we we mechanical [Applause] Ho mck matcher Island animal mechanical Mission Time good morning Animal Mechanicals good morning Island owl very big mission today your destination is m match Island me matcher what’s that the me matcher spends her time matching things into pairs that sounds like fun I love matching things into pairs what are pairs pairs are two
Things that go together that are the same for example you have a pair of hands and a pair of feet my hand and my foot make a pair all right this hand and this hand make a pair I get it but there’s a problem the mechan matcher is matching things that don’t
Belong together that sounds very strange it is your mission is to help the mechan matcher do her matching job correctly mea can you do it we are mechanical can let’s go woohoo Yes Yeah W Yes here we are m match your Island oh no nothing looks right at All a magnifying glass with a mitten that’s not a match the mechan matcher is having lots of trouble Animal Mechanicals we need to show the matcher what things go together to make a match well I don’t see what’s so hard about that Woo see the slipper matches up with the skate or not excuse ex me Sasquatch let me help out here this is a job from my brilliant mind you have to be very clever to solve pairing problems I’m not so good at matching stuff don’t worry Sasquatch you’ll get
The hang of it you really think so thanks rex look a skate one diey a slipper a magnifying glass another dye another slipper another magnifying glass and a flying Mna Mitten all we need to do now is match one of each thing with the other watch and
Learn all right Mitten you just wait right there while I get the other Mitten we’ll never be able to make matches if these things keep trying to get away from us how can we catch a flying Mitten a flying Mitten I’m the animal mechanical for this job unicorn maetta Fly yes unicorn is the coolest woohoo two flying mittens unicorn you did it you made a match which appears to have made the me matcher very happy now we just need to round up the rest Animal Mechanicals start Matching Woohoo where’ It Go Kitty up magnifying Glass good match Sasquatch yeah let’s go woo yay Unicorn hey everybody we matched the slippers the mittens the skates and the magnifying glasses too what’s left to match up the dice we need to catch the two dice I’m not fast enough to catch them someone has to grab those two dice
Someone’s super Speedy I’m super Speedy Mouse McKenna fast Go Mouse go mouse sure is fast fast like a Rocket you’re not getting away this time a pair of dice good work Mouse we matched up all the pairs now the mechan matcher can see how it’s done great job team mission accomplished ah Rex does the me Mitten belong with the me slipper what is going on why is that
Match you’re unmatching what we’ve just matched I wonder why the mechan matcher is squinting maybe she can’t see very well you’re right Sasquatch she is squinting how can we help her H that’s it maybe she needs a pair of glasses I think you’re right big guy I
Think she does need a pair of glasses but where can we find glasses around here this magnif fing glass Shore makes everything look a lot bigger that’s it Sasquatch you’re brilliant we could use the magnifying glasses to help the mechanim matcher SE that is a good idea if I do say so
Myself uh you know Sasquatch it was very clever of you to realize that the mechanim Mater needed glasses and to come up with the idea that magnifying glasses would do the trick gee thanks Komodo there now we have both mag ifying glasses together we just need to figure
Out how to get them in front of her eyes so she can see again how we get them way up there to get the magnifying glasses way up there someone would need to stretch very tall yeah someone would need to stretch very tall someone would have to be very
Stretchy yep someone would have to be very stretchy wait a minute that’s me I’m the animal mechanical for this job Sasquatch Stretchy stretchy like a Mech rubber [Applause] Band it’s working the mechan match is making the right matches the magnifying glasses were all she needed good work big guy yes that was fine work indeed we could not have solved this problem without you thanks Komodo if you ever have any trouble matching up pairs give me a Call now that the me matcher has her new glasses maybe we could look around the island for more things she could match mechanic can we do it we mechanical Trash Masher Island animal mechanical Mission Time good morning Animal Mechanicals good morning Island owl very big mission today great your destination is trash Masher Island trash Masher island is where all the broken cogs gears and parts go to be recycled recycled what does that mean it means turning old junk into new stuff the mechan beaver uses
His giant tail to mash all sorts of broken parts into brand new cogs and gears a recycling mechanic Beaver cool what’s so great about recycling oh recycling is definitely great Sasquatch but there’s a problem none of the trash is getting recycled your mission is to
Find out what the problem is and fix it before the island fills up with junk me can you do it we mechanical can let’s go woohoo yes Yeah Yes here we are trash Maser Island wow look at the trash bin train uh what’s in these things anyway Sasquatch be careful those trash bins are filled with junk careful Komodo these trash bins are filled with junk yes I know junk that’s going to be recycled it’s so exciting it
Starts out as useless junk but then it gets turned into something shiny and new and useful seems like a lot of trouble to me why not just throw it away and buy new stuff throw it where these bins are already so full they’re overflowing and if we don’t figure out why the recycling
Has stopped the whole island will be filled with junk first we need to find the McKenna Beaver I can’t see the beaver anywhere I wish I was taller I am taller and I can’t see either if only I could jump or fly exactly what what I was thinking Komodo I’ll rise to this
Task unicorn Metta Fly unicorn is the coolest woohoo there he is I see the giant beaver follow the track that way let’s go team I wonder why the trash bins aren’t moving on the track look the track is broken ah no wonder the beaver isn’t recycling the trash bin train can’t deliver the
Broken parts to him it’ll take someone super strong to bend these tracks back into shape strong that sounds like my kind of challenge Rex McKenna Strong strong with that titanium Tyrannosaurus uh-oh sorry gang I guess I was a little too strong now what do we do we certainly can’t deliver all this junk to the beaver if the track is broken hey I think I have an idea Sasquatch can you grab that broken
Ladder from the trash but it’s trash I know but what seems like trash to one person is a piece of track to someone else good thinking Mouse we’ll use the ladder to fix our track That’s What I Call recycling recycling is cool I get it taking
Something old and using it in a new way that is cool okay everyone now let’s get this trash bin train rolling push why walk when you can ride careful Sasquatch Hold On Tight next time I think I better hold on tight this is the end of the line which
Means that is the mechan beaver it looks like the trash bins tip their jump into that funnel which pours the pieces into that mold I Al said that the beaver pounds out new parts with his giant tail I like the pounding part but his tail is missing maybe that’s why he isn’t
Recycling I think I found the problem look here’s his tail it’s broken with all that trash mashing I guess it just wore out oh I wish there was something something we could do to help wait a minute aren’t we Animal Mechanicals Animal Mechanicals can do
Anything all right I know what if we use bits and pieces from the trash bins to build the beaver a new tail you mean recycle old junk into something new that’s exactly what I mean come on everyone start looking for pieces we can use to build a new fever tail [Applause] that should do it let’s see what we’ve got it’ll make a perfect tail now we just need to attach all the pieces together but how we need some kind of tool uh if you don’t mind I I think I’m the animal mechanical for this job Komodo me Gizmo nope uh-uh I wondered where that was one rough and rugged Riveter to the rescue Handy dandy Tool Time go Komoto you did it kodo the ma Beaver has a new recycle tail all right everyone if we work together we can give the beaver his new tail 1 2 3 three Lift a perfect job now we just have to see if it works good news it works I noticed woohoo the me beavers recycling again Animal Mechanicals mission Accomplished what are those these are shiny new me medals well what do you know the beaver made us each a special recycled metal thanks wow that looks like the most fun ever mechanic can we stay and help the fever pound and mash and recycle all this trash we mechanical C it’s pounding
Time mck skate park Island animal mechanical Mission Time good morning Animal Mechanicals good morning Island owl very big mission Today your destination is mck Skate Park Island what’s all that stuff under the tree that’s the skate park that belongs to the raccoon rollers raccoon rollers are awesome yes but there’s a problem the raccoon rollers have been falling down a lot lately um question how could such
Great skaters fall down so much no one knows it’s a mystery a mystery the raccoon rollers need you to help solve me can you do it we have mechanical can let’s go woohoo Yes Yeah here we are McKenna skate park Island woohoo and here come the r Rollers loud little fellas and Speedy look at them go Island owl said they were falling down but they do not appear to be it looks like they want us to follow them Animal Mechanicals on the move Very impressive me skate park woohoo now they are falling down just like Island owl said H why are the raccoons falling here when they were skating so well over there good question Rex I think the reason is kodo interrupting is not polite Sasquatch as I was saying
Excuse me is it okay to interrupt now to tell you a raccoon roller is about to roll into you yes now would be a good time except it already happened maybe their roller trouble has something to do with this skate park all I see on the ground are some
Mechanon nuts the mighty Sasquatch checking it out be careful Sasquatch mechanon nuts are very slippery meanon nuts are very slippery I’ll try and remember that well I think we found out what’s making the skaters fall the nuts must have come from this tree then all we
Need to do is pick up all the nuts and then the raccoon rollers can get back to being super Speedy picking up all these nuts will take forever pick them up I have a better idea unicorn Metta Fly Woohoo go unicorn go look unicorn’s making a giant wind vacuum with her horn [Applause] cool fascinating now to get these nutty nuisances out of the [Applause] way okay raccoon rollers get ready to Roll [Applause] boy woo oh no not again more nuts but I thought we picked them all up H ow the nuts are being thrown by those me squirrels but why would they throw nuts onto the course they kind of look grumpy the squirrels are grumpy because the
Raccoon rollers make a lot of noise when they skate but this is where their skate park is what can we do the mighty Sasquatch will move the tree somewhere Quiet SAS those trees are very Heavy ow that didn’t work nope we can’t move the tree but we might be able to move the skate park it would take someone really strong to move all that heavy skating stuff this is my kind of job Rex maen strong Strong like a mighty machine I love watching Rex move heavy Stuff he did it way to go Rex now the mechanic squirrels won’t be disturbed by the raccoon roller racket woohoo okay raccoon rollers you’ve got a a brand new course I think they’re nervous because they’ve never skated on this course before we need to show them that the new
Skate park is as good as the old one maybe even better someone super Speedy needs to race around and show them it’s super fun super Speedy that’s me Mouse Makenna Fast go Mo woohoo See’s Fast fast like a Rocket okay raccoon rollers what do you think of your new course now we did it we got the raccoon roller skating safely again and the mechanics world are happy too Animal Mechanicals mission accomplished WooHoo me can we skate with the raccoon rollers we animal mechanical Can watch these smooth moves oops I tripped I noticed That M circus Island animal mechanical Mission Time [Applause] good morning Animal Mechanicals good morning Island owl very big mission today your destination is mck Circus Island a circus with clowns the McKenna circus is made up of three acts the mean cycler the me acrobat and yes Sasquatch the bouncer clown a bouncer clown I’ve
Always wanted to be a bouncer clown the me circus usually travels in its Mech circus train going from Island to Island but there’s something wrong with the train it can’t take off and if it doesn’t take off there will be no circus no circus that would be
Terrible your mission is to save the circus by getting the mean circus train flying again me can you do it we animal mechanical can let’s go woohoo Yes Yeah Yeah here we are M circus Island and here comes the me circus train ooh that train doesn’t sound so good to me Animal Mechanicals checking it Out the engineer says the me cycler the me acrobat and the bouncer clown are loaded in their cars but every time the train tries to take off it can’t fly hm this train squeaks and squawks if I am correct and I always am I’d say you’ve
Got some gear trouble mind if I take a Look I wonder where the bouncer clown is oh H three train cars which one is the bouncer clown in oops the me acrobat definitely not a clown bouncer clown are you in there have fun mean cycler oh boy I know who’s inside this One the bouncer clown goody look I can juggle and bounce around and then I Oops this is definitely the gear that’s stuck what we need is the bouncer clown how did he get out of his car um it might have been my fault don’t worry the mighty Sasquatch will catch him be careful Sasquatch bouncer clowns are very bouncy be careful Komodo bouncer clowns are very
Bouncy I knew that the bouncer clown says he wants you to look under his hat I have no time for silly games I have time for silly games I’ll do it springy snakes very funny bouncer clown Komodo needs to fix the train sass Squatch can you keep the bouncer clown
Busy somewhere else like over there sure thing Rex come on buddy now where was I oh yes this big gear on the side of the engine has become too rusty to move that’s why the train can’t fly Rusty how can we fix that all it needs is a bit of
Oil this is a job for Komodo me Gizmo no nope lollipop maybe later ah one Mighty McKenna oil can to the rescue a little oil here and and here and no more awful s great work kodo now we need to get the bouncer clown back on the train Animal Mechanicals making it happen Hey guys you’re just in time for
Our bouncy show come on clown one 2 3 what was that w [Applause] oh right I might have forgotten to tell you guys I kind of let all the axe out of the train not good now we have to get all the performers back on the
Train that meana acrobat is too high in the sky we’ll never be able to get it back down and into the train Animal Mechanicals can do anything right this is a job for unicorn Metta Fly go unicorn Go excuse me mechan Acrobat it’s time to get back on the train so you can perform in the circus follow me okay good job unicorn now we just need to catch them let me guess me cycler I don’t know how we’ll ever do that Meyer’s going too fast there’s no such thing as too fast for Animal
Mechanicals Mouse me Fast go mous go woohoo she’s fast fast like a rocket hey mechan cycler I’ll race you back to the train ready Go great race mechanic cycler now it’s time to get you back on your train and the rest of you too bye we did it they’re all back in their cars Animal Mechanicals mission accomplished bye Happy Travel goodbye M circus goodbye Hey where’s Sasquatch H last I saw he was saying
Goodbye to the bouncer clown uh-oh look the train is coming back The engineer says there’s an extra passenger on board Sasquatch what are you doing on the mean circus train a I just wanted to do my clown act as part of the mean Circus the engineer says you can come and perform in their next show yippe [Laughter]
Can we all go ride the train and watch the show we animal mechanical [Applause] can pop out Panda Island Animal mechanical Mission Time good morning Animal Mechanicals good morning Island ow very big mission today oo your destination is pop out Panda Island pop out panda are cute and shy that’s right they’re also very hungry the pandas have eaten all of the bamboo at the bottom of slip slide
Mountain and now they need your help to get up the mountain where more bamboo grows but why do they need our help because slip slide mountain is very slippery and with their big boxy bodies the pandas are very slidy slippery and slidy this is going to be fun your
Mission is to help the pandas up slip slide Mountain but remember they’re very shy you have to be quiet and gentle me can you do it we mechanical let’s go woohoo yes Yeah Yeah here we are pop out Panda Island look the pandas they’re trying to climb up the mountain all by Themselves that’s okay pandas you tried really hard this isn’t so Bad on second thought slip slide mountain is definitely too slippery for those pandas to climb up on their own Animal Mechanicals we’ll just have to give them a hand a hand huh I’ve got two of them don’t worry pandas the mighty Sasquatch will help you yeah Sasquatch
Remember what island owl said be quiet and gentle pop out pandas are extremely Shy you might find this interesting pop out pandas are extremely shy oh no the pandas are and won’t come out now we’ll never be able to move them even a little bit Animal Mechanicals Never Say Never instead of walking them up the mountain maybe we could push them up good Thinking they’re so heavy in my opinion it will take a powerful Pusher to get Three Pandas up that slick slope a powerful pusher I’m the animal mechanical for this job Rex meckna Strong strong a titanium Tyrannosaurus go Rex go I slipped it’s not easy but I can do this Rex is so great Woo um I have a question how are we going to get up the mountain Rex wait Too late it’s never too late if we work together unicorn Metta Fly F watch you hold on to my tail and everyone else hold on to me and me one two three wo here we go Goodness Me impressive Unicorn here we are pandas the top of slip slide mountain and here we are too we made it everybody wooo look there’s a new bamboo under the snow capat Yahoo three chairs for Rex and unicorn Sasquatch hip hip hooray um the snowcapped mountain hip hip hooray it would be wise to BEP less
Loud hoay hey buddy next time you might want to be less Loud oh no now the bamboo is buried we need to remove the snow so that the pandas can eat the bamboo I could do the digging but we need a small shovel my shovel is so big it would ruin the bamboo h a small shovel huh I think I
Know where we can find one of those Komodo me Gizmo no no whoops my undies one super super sturdy small snow shovel to the Rescue handy dandy Tool Time Sasquatch are you okay buddy first I scared the pandas then I buried the bamboo under the snow I’m not so good at being quiet and gentle it’s okay Sasquatch you were only trying to help you’ll have your chance ta there finished [Applause] y go on pandas go get some
Bamboo the pandas are still scared and shy isn’t there anything we can do to get them to eat I know the might Sasquatch has a quiet idea where is he going come on little pandas nice bamboo here you go look they’re coming out the mighty quiet Sasquatch to the rescue it’s kind
Of fun being quiet and gentle I mean ow well we got the pandas up slip slide mountain and they’re eating again Animal Mechanicals mission accomplished does that mean it would be okay to do something loud H the pandas do seem happy in full I think it would
Be okay to be loud again what did you have in mind Sasquatch all right time for some loud slippery slidy fun w y mechanic can we have some loud slippery slidy fun too we animal [Applause] mechanical weo