I was really happy with just finishing top boy making music and never acting again really and then you famously had the clash with Wy which must have been like a fight did it feel like that was the closest thing you get to turn up having a fight with someone at that time
It’s like it don’t matter who you were I got too much l this is the George Groves Boxing Club I’m George Groves I’m with deck and today we are with a pioneer of the British rap scene a movie star an actor star of Top by and his latest film The
Kitchen it’s Kano Kan thanks for coming on today mate you’ve joined the club yeah yeah yeah I’m in first rapper I’m in well I was in the club anyway oh a good point because you listen yeah follow button and all that yeah did you hit the follow button where’s where’s
Your hoodie where’s hoodies all summer yeah um but we should really introduce you I thinking as Kane Robinson these days you know you’re serious when this kano’s gone now it’s full two name job n Kan we can do that yeah so you are an actual listener this is not this is not
A blackag you listen I’ve been listening for a long time oh yeah yeah yeah for yeah for a while I don’t know when did you start I went back and year did you summer of last year no 2022 we start okay yeah yeah I was earlyish did you
Cha just pick out the best ones yeah yeah you say that know listen to them all cuz there’s gold in all of them all of them like yeah yeah what was uh I remember you commented on the Barry Jones Jones one that was and I remember
That got the ball rolling I was like hold a sec we could get this guy yeah no that was a good one it’s it’s yeah proper man informative on the way to the gym yeah that’s me airplanes really download it beforehand listen to on a plane yeah H the two question very
Important questions before we get into all of this one do you or have you ever owned a goat goat yeah no goat like a cured one no fullblown goat cuz Adam aim has bought a goat that’s crazy have you bought a goat trying to keep this alive
I’m just saying look look cuz you might have been like yeah of course got a goat no that’s weird isn’t it yeah yeah you okay so no goat curry goat only okay second question are you on straa no okay two two big crosses uh okay um so should
We start with CBS you’ve started this interview I made it really weird now that’s the point try and bring him back that’s the point of this whole podcast um and he’s hung over as well are we allowed to say that yeah yeah cuz you had a busy week you had a busy month
Yeah it’s been a busy month there’s a lot of promo for this film that’s out now as it goes um the kitchen and yeah been drinking a lot when work’s finished what was it last night last night was a release party so in the film there’s um
A roller skating scene so we done it at flippers roller skating venue and um yeah did you skate few rums I didn’t skate I didn’t skate but speaking of rum bought us presents didn’t you yeah yeah cuz last time I saw you yeah you kind of
[ __ ] me up that was your that was your fault do you want to know what actually happened right we I thought right let’s he’s I thought you were going to dip straight away because I was like he’s going to come to the premier this is the Mike Skinner film you obviously you’ll
Show up and then get annoyed by people talking to and then go home and you’re like oh no I’ll have another glass of wine and then you turn up next time with with with Brandy I tried to be civilized so it was I think it’s kind of
Your fault and that was a bad hangover and we’re with Chris BLM Smith that night doesn’t drink a drop um and obviously now CBS is sort of synonymous with with hail your tune one well one of your tunes um did you know about Chris before what came first did you hear the
Ring walk I heard the ring walk did you yeah yeah people was like atting me and sending me clips of you know him walking out to the tune um and then yeah like kind of connected through there you know what I mean what’s that like is that is
That a good feeling is there like that’s mine like could me well actually in terms of that’s mine my uh Mark Finley who I train with but he’s like good family friend he he um had a white colif fight the other day and I said what you coming out to and he said
How and I was like that’s Chris’s he’s like I knew you first and he came out to it he do it yeah yeah he done it and he told Chris as well but uh but yeah no so justn the fight it’s a good he won the fight yeah he won course
He did um he dropped the guy it was a free round thing he dropped the guy I think in the second and he won won on points yeah but um no it’s good it’s good it’s a good feeling I got to say I mentioned this to you before I think
Scott Cardell was the first one to walk out to hail Scott Card the lightweight shout out Scott Cardell you must know him from yeah he um he walked out to hail yeah back in the day before Chris Chris probably kill me for saying that but I’m just saying it’s a good ring
Walk tune isn’t it a good and Chris always said he he thought you you did it in mind because like um welcome to the rumble and like what you’re saying in the yeah yeah no I didn’t yeah he asked me that before but I mean it was made as
An entrance to an album you know what I mean it was the intro track but never had like ring walk in mind you know what I mean Ring walk’s like it’s good like but you know what does my heading sometime you know like when rappers come
Out and Rings like you don’t like it no it’s not I don’t like it the next question it’s always like it’s always got this like delay you know what I mean and like some of that like kind of bounc back and it’s never do you know what I
Think that is I think that’s where they haven’t spoke to the TV they haven’t spoke to the production what they’ve done is the fighter showed up and gone yeah my mate no one’s ever heard of he’s going to wrap me in and you’re like we ain’t ready for that don’t he brought
His own mic it’s not going to work whereas if it was a production like koo’s part of it I think that would that would that’ be to be fair the AJ stormy one that was good I thought that one was good that come across well and I think
He started in the ring though didn’t it it wasn’t a walk it was more like a PA really yeah yeah and as soon as I see when the ra when they ain’t got in is I’m like that’s it’s going to be crap yeah you know what I mean see I would
Know that no I’ll look out for that now although JK did it the other day with uh someone from brah I can’t remember who the boxer was maybe one of the F can’t remember but and he was just on the stage he didn’t do the walk bit but very
Few yeah have done a good one even Eminem didn’t do a good one no that was a bit weird is it you just introduced him and then it just didn’t rap June yeah he was like nah that’s a bit more money so you’re going to do it no has
Chris asked you yeah you were like nah what about if you had like a unification Undisputed fight in MGM or something nah still no it’s a hard no it’s his song he doesn’t want to share it yeah yeah fair enough um let’s talk a bit more about
The kitchen so how did this come about so obviously this is your first like I looked on your IMDb you’ve been in at some films but this is first proper proper like main lead role your film how did did it come about uh come about through I it got bought to my attention
Other know probably for agent or something but I know Daniel I didn’t know him like too well but Daniel kuua who created the project um he wrote it I didn’t know they’ve been working on it since 2014 so it’s like a long time in the making now nearly 10 or 10 years yeah
Yeah yeah January 2014 they had the idea in a barber shop or something you know what I mean and then started developing it from there around a couple years ago it got brought to my attention spoke to the co- director kidway he’s like got architectural background and he’s like I
Want to you know create this world and set in the near future and show me all the imagery and how it’s going to look had a few chats with Dan and yeah thought I I’ll get involved at the time I didn’t I didn’t really think I would
Be acting anytime soon again off the top play or whatever but um yeah it sounded intriguing enough and something that’s quite ambitious I thought important story to tell you know gentrification people being kicked out of pushed out of London um yeah so I just wanted to be a
Part of that really so sort of like a dystopian setting where yeah like very extreme like example of gentrification but quite like parallels with real life a bit kind of Black Mirror in that sense where you’re watching it like [ __ ] that’s actually happening now or similar kind of like a
Cartoonish version of that yeah exactly just like that and the character I play character called Izzy and he’s okay so this place called the kitchen it’s like they kind of stand together and there they fight against the powers that be and they’re like we refuse to move and
Police come and raid him and try and get him out um and this character is like he’s not with that fight you know what I mean he kind of like he just wants to go to work earn money to leave this place calls it a [ __ ] hole like no connection
There doesn’t care about it what he works at this funeral home and in this near future um the funeral home the way it works is you know someone pass away they take your body and uh cremate you uh turn you into a tree basically they use
Your ashes with so plant a tree and then they plant that somewhere in London as a part of this new Eco world or whatever so anyway he’s at work and he sees a name pop up on screen um the next funeral that’s coming up he recognizes
The name it’s an ex-girlfriend of his of over a decade ago goes to the funeral there’s one person sitting there and it’s a kid and he’s 12 years old and he’s thinking that’s you know what I mean that’s my so then the whole journey starts from there and like through the
Process of meeting him and trying to see if he’s going to like look after him or continue to be on his selfish Mission um they go on a journey of you know that kind of father son you know what I mean how how do you and it kind
Of explores that like how do you be a father to someone when no one was a father to you how do you love someone if he wasn’t love you know what I mean it’s like all of those kind of questions kind of complex human characters and yeah how
How top boy obviously you come off the back of top boy where Sully is like this such a great character and such a kind of callous guy and obvious what what he’s like like how hard does it to come out of that being Sully and go i’ got be
This other person just so like complex so much going on with that character in in in the kitchen yeah yeah part of the reason why I wanted to do it maybe as well just to challenge myself but also maybe show that I can do something different as well you know what I mean
Cuz I’m I was really happy with just finishing top boy making music and never acting again really yeah yeah like if it never happened it just you know what I mean if that’s never again it’s just never again um but if something comes up where I’m
Like you know it could have be 8 years down the line or 5 years down the line okay this is interesting it just so happened that it was quite soon you know what I mean but I think it works out well just to show that you can do
Something different as well and you’re not just looked at as you can only play one thing is it very different from being a musician yeah yeah yeah yeah so different it’s like I don’t know it’s like you’re you’re there to help someone tell their story yeah um the directors the
Writers you know what I mean and help someone’s Vision come to life and music is what for me especially with my music being quite autobiographical is about telling my story um so that is different thing on a creative level and on like um a practical level it’s just completely
Different you know I mean I go Studio you know something might come up might not you know keep going at it take some time off actually maybe you need to live a little maybe you need to go and do something or take a break for a few
Months come back to it but when you’re on set it’s just like just you’re on someone else’s clock and it’s just like machine and it’s yeah difficult in that sense yeah it always seems quite hard like acting cuz you it takes so long to create something so short and then when
You watch it when you watch it back are you more excited to watch back you acting or if you watch back you performing as musician I would I never really watched back a perform performance but rarely performances are filmed anyway but nowadays people put up
Clips you know what I mean they was at the concert they put up clips and I I would watch them sometimes I watch them and have a note for my lighting guy the next day away yeah do you yeah yeah be like ah you meant
To the light should have came up do you watch back fights cuz when I watch back acting I just see things I could have done better differently and flaws and and I watch it back before it gets on the TV you know it might be through edit
And that’s another different thing if I listen back to a verse or a song we worked on this week and I want to change something I’ll just change it or I want to redo something I just redo it but I’ve not got control of the edit you
Know so you’re in someone else’s hands and you got a hope they got I mean and they’re not and they’re putting together a scene not for you to be like perfect in every moment it’s about for the greater you might be like I prefer the
Other take but they might be like no the way the camera moved in this take we kind of went with that one but I’ll be like ah but I didn’t like my whatever but it’s not up to you um but I watch it back and see flaws um and I’m just a bit
I have to watch it by myself and I’m just like should have done this different do you watch back when you watch back fights do you see imperfection or do you see even if you won yeah yeah no you watch back you you you literally watch it back to critique
It and be like yeah I did this right I did this wrong you know where can you make improvements what what you know and then but there is that element of when when you box well you watch it back for the for the pleasure you’re like oh yeah
I’m really good that was good as well as the stuff that’s not actually boxing you’re watching the ring walk oh yeah Maro it really good is it you know or you know I look cool think I don’t know the lighting guy but if he just put the
Lights up at that moment ah you know the ABS would have stuck through better I say but um yeah cuz well about the defeats yeah defeats you got to watch them back as well don’t watch them back that often mean you watch one you watch it once
I’m watching that and uh yeah I mean I wouldn’t just casually put it on now one where I lost yeah and no one else does like no one in my house I don’t come home my dad’s watching like just like oh Dad what you did um oh
My God I [ __ ] up a a white rug um and the first fight you’re one with yeah yeah when you knocked first round yeah yeah you knocked it down yeah like everyone in the country Wang went on the floor yeah that was that was yeah civilized
Boxed night as well yeah white rug Red Wine yeah can you remember back then did you think f is going to win were you like everyone else thinking this is a mismatch I wanted you to win um you got to say that yeah no no I remember that
And it was like everyone was against you and and I just kind of like that I like when someone you know what I mean it’s funny you say up and yeah because it’s funny you to say that because I always thought you were similar in like in your
Music career you were always slightly in your own lane away from the pack is that something you did on George is like that boxing 100% you were the Renegade in the sport at that time is that something you did on purpose not really on purpose but
I don’t know it might be how I just naturally am like I just kind of I I don’t know it’s not just to remove yourself from people or to to I just do what what I did you know what I mean I didn’t like to be put in boxes
Either you know what I mean and like people like Grime Grime artist and whatever I kind of like Shi away from that because I didn’t think it was factually true also you know what I mean I’m like this is my first album the first song on it is not Graham you know
I just want it to be considered as an artist and not pigeon hold here or you know what you think I am so I kind of just done my own thing you know I mean so I understand that and yeah you probably done your own thing but I don’t
Know I just remember I just remember everyone being against you and like just the whole feels like the whole production of it you know what I mean was against you felt yeah it just felt that way it’s true is it it is yeah yeah I mean
There’s yeah but I didn’t know if your confidence was like you knew you was going to like drop him like that in the second round or it’s just how you had to be yeah it’s probably both really it’s like how it definitely felt like oh how
Have to be but you yeah you I’ve definitely genuinely back myself as well which otherwise you see through it don’t you and you fall apart like I was think like in your industry it’s even more important that you’ve got to back yourself cuz yeah it’s a it’s all like
I’m doing a performance like a couple times a year you’re doing a performance every week you know and you got a it is so much more like um you you you’re there to be critiqued aren’t you you you make music people listen to it or they don’t whereas if I
Box people G to come watch the fight you know as long as you have the fight you have to fight whereas you yeah your your job’s much tougher I don’t know about that less painful so you bring out like you’re not you don’t necessarily want to
Be pitched as a Grime artist but you might bring out your first album might be Grime do you like at that point at your age are you thinking yeah I’m I want to go in different Avenues I want to do different music I want to just do
It cover as much as possible or is it just whatever happens happens is whatever happens happens and it’s I just wanted to be not allowed is not the right word because you do what you want but I just I just yeah let’s just go with allow I wanted to be allowed to make
Whatever naturally came from me whatever come from the heart whatever interested me you know what I mean so like I would work with Damon Oban you know what I mean like why shouldn’t I you know yeah he didn’t come from the genre I come from but that’s what I’m into I grew up
On you know from Jungle to dance hall to UK garage American hip-hop and why can’t I make music that’s like a mix of um of of of my household growing up you know I mean why why why shouldn’t I do that why should I do this one thing like
I kind of like the blend you know what I mean I like the way you hear a tune and you know it’s got influences of this and influences of that like not just like oh one minute you’re on a this kind of beat one minute you’re on this kind of be you
Mentioned garage there and obviously you end up in top boy with ashid it was in so solid is that someone was he someone or so solid were they someone that you sort of looked up to at that point they were bit before you weren’t they yeah
They were before me and yeah I remember I remember they were like super heroes you know really they were but the video looked like that for 21 seconds I remember them being and they from South London which was you know felt even further way when you’re young and it was
Just like these guys are just on the to it it was like I remember when their videos come on then when you had to like just wait for it to come on you can’t just go on YouTube and then my brother would be like yeah it’s on now it’s on now coming
You run downstairs and you catch the last bit and the box and all that stuff and just like yeah like n and everyone had their own like Persona and things and um it was it was inspiring and then to see see them at the Brits but they were like at the BR
Brits like but being unapologetically them you know what I mean um so it was inspirational it really was but it was probably the local guys the DWS people like that that was a bit closer to home that I saw doing it that really inspired me and that was like um
And it wasn’t yet the level of success of so solid but it was you’ll go to like a house Rave and he’ll be on the mic and he could just control the whole room move the whole room everyone’s going crazy with L he says he’ll be on the P
Radio those tapes will be circulating you know um when he started performing at nightclubs and just just his impact just through the words he would say was like [ __ ] like words words are powerful you know what I mean like I want to do that and then those guys inspired me to
Just crack on and they quite local to hear so you’re you grew up in I grew up East Ham yeah and he’s from he’s from new yeah yeah East Ham’s in new okay all from new all yeah he’s Forest Gate um get his plasto me and gets are similar
Ages these a little bit older than us um but you know we need just find like like-minded people people that kind of interested in same thing you gravitate towards each other and the spot where we kind of would come together would be on the PIR radio which is in Stratford um
Kind of like where Westford is now uh Deja Vu and then we had a slot on there 8 to 10 on a Monday so we would come there every week and we would just that was our that was our stage you know what I mean film no one could see you I was
Like you know 16 when I started doing P radio 19 I had signed a deal already and making albums but yeah that two years wow was only two years but that was it yeah so you must have learned a lot in those two years yeah and that was like
School you know what I mean that’s where you go to like practice that was our gym you know what I mean like work out that was sparring like like you you kind of I would write all week in my book or whatever and then um go to the radio and
Just like and just try it out you know and you just go back to back and you just new stuff and whatever then you go back and then you write some more and you always want to come back with like new lyrics um yeah I just loved I just loved it the
Craft of it you know what I mean I was always like a Craftsman like is it’s about getting better I was more concerned about being better not being bigger at the time you know did you know this was what you wanted to do when you grew up
Like you want to be uh you want to be a rapper you want to be a musician probably at around 18 I could have yeah I reckon I knew then even at 15 I was making music but maybe I wouldn’t have confidently said this is
What I want to be if you know what I mean cuz I was 15 making my first Tunes like but I was still obviously going school then I left went College I was doing like Art and Design at college but then making music was just
Something I done on a you know what I mean it was when I didn’t go to UNI um it was like okay I’m going to fulltime full-time focus on this and that was the the practice I was was in the was on the radio yeah on the radio training yeah
Really and St like Studio was we didn’t go to the studio all the time you know you go to used to go to the studio to like it sounds silly but you go to the studio to record a verse whereas now you could just go go
To the studio see what happens book it out for ages and whatnot but then you had to like save up it might be like 20 an hour or something like that so I would try and save up like 60 quid or even my mate I was with yesterday 40
Like he was playing football from Young at Chon so he was like yts earning a little bit of money it’s like he might give me 40 quid you know or 20 quid or whatever then I put my 20 to it and I’ve got three hours now so when you go to
The studio I’m probably doing like four Tunes in the three hours to get my money and and the radio P radio has to pay to go on it so that was 20 week yeah you pay your subs the week it was like you must have really loved and then you famously had the
Clash with Wy which must have been like a fight did it feel like that was the closest thing you get to turn up having a fight with someone yeah but it wasn’t a fight in a sense where you like you knew your opponent and you prepare all
Week and then you know so didn’t it just happened no it just happened not like now when they know who they gotten yeah no we was just both in the same space in Jam’s basement and um you know like people egg it on like a you you two
Should whatever and then he was like and I was just like and at that time it’s like it don’t matter who you were I got too much lyric like I got like you said the confidence he was like you know when you know you know what you got and I was
Just that confident and I’m like yeah whatever and I’m young I’m 17 he’s kind of a OG and he was like yeah cool then he left then they like he ain’t coming back then he come back like 2 hours later like he’s come back he bottled it
Yeah yeah yeah then then we just was what has he done in that two hours like seriously what he done revision he’s got tell me all you know about this kway yeah that was like FR krog’s one yeah that was a big thing it was big at
The time it was people still watch it now yeah yeah but it happened and it was filmed cuz those days like people just started bringing DVD cameras around and you know what you got to respect those guys like the ones that F to pull the camera you know what I mean cuz we
Didn’t we wasn’t documenting ourself in that way although man we could have had some you know Jordan documentary like recording all that footage but there was a couple guys cap and ratty um that were doing Lord of the decks which then turned to Lord of the mics um risky um risky
Roads yeah we film it so we they we filmed the clash and then put it out on the DVD which never got paid for no probably done a few copies but it just wasn’t about that you know what I mean so yeah that that once out DVDs
Then people got to see it from you know you know these things used to like slowly travel up the country and then you people burn it and give it to their mates and whatnot it wasn’t like upload to Youtube everyone’s seen it it’s like a slower build when you were playing
Football at this time or was it you cuz you were at Chelsea and Norwich weren’t you yeah before that though I that was even younger like yeah 12 13 14 that kind of time still still play now no I ain’t played for ages reckon you’re the best football in rapper is there a
Rapper that’s best football than you Dave said he heard I was oh yeah yeah he plays is he a player yeah yeah he plays yeah um yeah last time I kicked the ball was last year in Jamaica with Dave as it goes a Cara and um and Smithy
Mate on mine yeah was having a kick about but we used to play Power League every Thursday at beckton um still goes on but I I ain’t kicked the ball for ages I would box more than play football that just that brings us nicely on to so
When did you first start boxing like you’ve been training for a while now yeah yeah just like little stuff you know what I mean like I ain’t ain’t really sparring but just um just more for Fitness but but you know that Fitness where you’re learning something
At the same time and you want to like get better at it or um and I’m into I’m I like boxing and I like watching boxing so um I don’t know like three year three four years ago or something and I saw you with Leo Mackenzie on the pads he’s the only
Person I spoted with oh yeah yeah how was that how you think he was he’s a good footballer as well he was at Norwich would he yeah yeah yeah yeah but um now that was how how long did you go like how many rounds did you
Do n we was doing so he was spying me and Mark so mark would do a round then come out and then I’ll come do round come out um yeah so I don’t know I think I done like three rounds in the end but no he was just like just almost like walking
Me through it you know what I mean cuz he’s like I don’t want you to spar with someone that wants to say they punch you up you know it’s true that’s a good name on the record isn’t it yeah yeah like you can’t be sparing with like strangers
And that want to take the piss or whatever so I just SP with him but I haven’t done much more but now I’m training with um um you know boy Jones yeah yeah boy Jones Jr yeah yeah yeah Shout Out Boy Jones Jr yeah um where’s where’s he what’s he doing now just
Training is he still boxing just training he’s officially retired now yeah he was like the tallest I can’t remember what weight it was like featherweight he was massive you know he was like my height remember the name I I saw him box a lot yeah um he he used to
Train with hamir back in the day right um Dominic Nas and that but yeah cool where where is he where did you where did you do that well he he’s at a spot in eping okay I think it’s fire academy or something like that so oh that one
The same one Brad Paul’s trains at like with um yeah out there I think I know the one L there and people like that okay yeah yeah so I go there a bit but also he comes to um gym where I train with Mark and trains both of us normally
On a Friday or something but I just I don’t know I just think it’s it’s the best thing I just love it we we always asking these episodes out of 10 how much for a boxing F you 10 being super mad hardcore one being hate it Where’d you land what’s hardcore
You tell me like staying up till 4:00 a.m. watching Super Fly weights in Taiwan oh no n no no I kind of all right so I would flights I would go to I probably it’s the big names really you know what I mean been to you call much F but
That’s that’s to watch um Jones you know what I mean um yeah but yeah I I and and people I know so I’ll go to Chris I’ll go to Anthony yard fights and whatnot oh is he a friend of yours yeah yeah yeah um he’s from forest as well I’ve followed AJ so
I what I saw AJ win the gold in the Olympics in statford and kind of just like followed him from there been to a lot of his fights at O2 was at the klitsch co um fight so I would watch kind of the big fights like try and attend
Um I would stay up to four watch fights and and what not but I would watch interviews and or listen to interviews you listen to this podcast C maybe maybe a seven or something yeah yeah now you’ve been training for a few years and you say when you watch
Watching the edit back and you’re like oh and you’re critiquing the edit you critiquing the boxing now as well ah yeah yeah yeah he’s a bum yeah yeah yeah do this do that yeah CU that’s what Ben keeps saying he’s like he goes you
Boxing in the m I’ll be like not yet and now I was like I am now yeah that me that means you’re eight out of 10 soon as you’re Shadow Boxing at home that’s eight out of 10 yeah CU it’s like you know it just takes a you
Know like the left Hulk you know what I mean he wants it higher and stuff like that you know what I mean and it’s just like things like that I would try and and then Chris actually I done Chris T me on the pads oh yeah yeah yeah I went
To Shane’s gym uh and Chris took me on the P you know was hilarious so I went to Shane gy and Chris was finishing his session and then um I was with um oh who’s the other guy that’s there PR Josh Pritchard yeah Josh yeah yeah good sick guy so he wrapped me
Up like properly so that that felt nice and whatever and then I was like I didn’t know if Chris was going to take me on the pads or Shane was or whatever but then Shane got ready and then I clearly realized Chris was going to take
Me on the pads and then he was like slowly walking to the door while we was in the ring and he’s thinking like let me just see yeah see and then I threw a jab and then he just was like me if it was a good enough jab he would
Have stopped St he would have been like he just walked off after one jab not like Wy didn’t come back to two hours later he’s done his left Hook’s too low yeah but now Chris was telling me to cuz I think I was like I was twisting the
Foot on a hook and he’s like he like that does he now he’s like you plant plant your left foot while throwing the hook and I’ve taken that with me you know what I mean so just like little little you go back to the gym with boy Jones and he’s like you’re like
No I’ve been with Chris now [ __ ] where you where did you stand on the left hook I can’t take cherest he’s fighting on Sky next week are you rotating your foot into left hook I like to let the hips lead right so people talk about spin spin spin the
Foot don’t like it but it’s like sometimes can be a bit Overkill whereas your foot will turn if you throw your hip into it hips don’t lie either exactly they don’t they don’t is is Chris teaching you Palm down or Palm facing um uh Palm facing yeah yeah yeah yeah
But when I the the first person that ever took me on the pads and I can’t remember who actually that might have been Tony CeCe um but some next guy he was teaching me okay so what do you call it down lots of lots of amateurs they throw Cubans do it
But like so for ages I was doing that but then now people like now f up f up if you go Palm faing th up you engage the bicep so you get another big muscle involved what you think top tip they always said you should do it Palm down
In the amateur though cuz then it look you can see a scoring Blow Bar it’s I think it was the actual rule less of a slap and and the thing I’m kind of I’m um I’ve been asking a lot at the moment is you know like like slipping shots are you are you
Seeing every shot that’s coming and slipping it or are you just moving your head anyway is it just head good question so you should be like you don’t want to go static like you’re standing still see the shot and then quickly try and move you want to be sort of have a
Nice little flow little rhythm where you and then but you do see the shots coming and then you react to them so you kind of might be like you might you might have a re rehearse where you might um pull back slip roll like you might pull
Back slip roll and that’s if he throws a one two left hook he might only throw the jab but you you’re still def defending the jab and the rest but sometimes like when Canelo like makes you miss with four shots and then cuts out an angle he hasn’t seen each and
Every one of them shots and reacting to them in the moment that’s like a rehearsed pattern of movement okay and he’s it’s just worked so well because the person in front of him just let his hands go slowly two left right yeah um then again people like lomachenko you
Do just wonder you’re like can this guy just see everything and he just reacting Matrix yeah like a fly sees everything slow-mo um who who like who you know like like it’s in football like all the players might you know you might get the the most famous player or considered the
Best by the masses but the footballers might be like no but this guy you don’t understand for the team people who say about SKS the best yeah who do well who do you think or what’s considered in the boxing world or what do you think who’s like
Technically he’s the best might not have technically like lomachenko was incredible like and I feel like he fought majority of his career smaller than the rest of the guys you saw when he was like 17 or something didn’t yeah yeah so we went to Morocco for like the
Under 19 worlds um we all got beat we all got robbed to be honest but we all got bet um and then um Cuba sent six Fighters and Cuba were the best in the world they bet than Rush bet than everyone at this point they won
Five gold and one silver and the one who lost in the final was to lomachenko and this guy lomachenko fought the entire like all the prelims the quarters of semi orod dos and then fought the final southp that’s Ron oriv and um yeah did you know well I was
I was hating on a bit offing cuz F was very excited about his kid and I was like he ain’t that good and then I was I watched the tape and I was like he’s really good it’s a flyweight I don’t care um but yeah like and sometimes like
Amy aam was amazing amateur right and you’re like but he just got rapid feet and Rapid hands and it was Point scoring at the time so it’s like we can all do our best to try and replicate that but if you’re not as fast as him you won’t have the same
Success um and then when someone like lenko comes along you’re like yeah we want to replicate him but [ __ ] me where do we start you know me where do we start he was just so good like um but it’s definitely natural talent but also I think he just did the right training
Drilled it time and time and time again um because his dad who trains usix had the same success you know like usyk bigger guy so but I think he’s technically one of the best fighters out there in the moment I think one of those po SK he figur is gomo rigan though who
Obviously lomachenko actually beat he’s so good is he black technically yeah Cuban yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah he’s technically amazing I watch that but like he got a lot of heat in America people said he was boring and that and he would sort of won’t fight for ages
But like Talent technique like technical abili is unbelievable yeah beat up Dair as well but then he got beat by lenko in the big clash of the two like stylists didn’t have an answer for him everyone’s on a a new a now yeah have you seen much
Of him uh see that the Fon one is it yeah Fon yeah yeah that and and toal and Christmas one before that yeah yeah I didn’t see the one at Christmas but I know I know what happened um but yeah he looks a bit serious yeah doesn’t he prop
Yeah what are your earliest boxing memories like when can you remember boxing popping up watching it and Tyson oh yeah like the 3:00 a.m. 4 a.m. um like all my uncles and aun staying up to watch [ __ ] 90 seconds of time cing over that was the thing and
That was mad because Lennox is from East London we grew up in East London and a lot of my uncles and that know he’s brother and they used to go to Lennox fights but I it was weird like I should be a Lennox guy you know what I mean
Like I am now like looking back on it now I think what he’s done is probably even you know better than T and what not but we was like the young kids were all like TI anded out you know what I mean they his Aura and his thing about him
And I didn’t really like support my own in on a British level you know what I mean in terms of that so even in the Tyson the the Lewis fight I probably wanted Tyson to win but yeah Tyson those were the early early ones and nazim yeah yeah yeah yeah
Those were the days weren’t they two big characters there that you’ve spoken about and that’s what it takes to cross over really and to get the attention of people who are doing other stuff you can’t just be you can’t just be a good boxer and same in music as well you know
What I mean sometimes someone’s just like technically very gifted and um other people have just got bigger characters or or can have more impact or got you know know how to like one line might go you know what I mean and that becomes the hook and then that you know
Someone can get bigger than someone else because of that not because they’re better M you always working as a musician like in terms of a line will pop in your head do you have to write it down down I heard what skner said the other day he said he had got a rule
Where he has to write it down or whatever I I don’t nah I don’t really um a line might come into my head and go but if it’s like if I remember it then maybe it was a good enough line yeah and if I don’t then maybe that’s the test yeah maybe it
Maybe it wasn’t um yeah but always working no I’m not always working um I’m always thinking about music not always like in terms of creating music but just like thinking about music or hearing the sound or hearing an old song or you know what I mean hearing that string line um but
It’s never really lyrically it’s probably more musically you know what I mean hearing a drum pattern hearing you know what I mean like on on a production level um I probably I’m always working but in terms of lyrics um I’m a bit more of a like a
Intentional writer and it it’s for me it’s that balance you need to live and experience life and that’s where material comes from and I like music to come to me but I also know if I want to go raving every day and just think music’s going to come to
Me It Ain’t So you need to put yourself in the right position and then wait for music to come to you if you know what I mean makes sense yeah do you need a deadline no I don’t how many deadine I need a deadline though once I need a deadline once we have
Produced a lot of material we have kind of know the shape of the album but we can we can keep producing these forever we can keep tweaking forever that’s when I need a deadline and then things start moving from there like cuz and and that brings another energy like having a deadline brings
Another frantic energy of and and that brings its own thing that’s almost like an instrument you know have you um has stuff changed for you like as you’ve got older with experience making more and more music you like when you’re boxing like just go into the changing room gets
More and more familiar you figure out what works for you what don’t has that happen for you in music yeah I think it has um and it I don’t know it can even on one hand it can slow down your process which is not well I would like to produce music
More often and I probably could make an album every year but I don’t know if that would that would be good enough the material be good enough and people might want that from me but I don’t think they’ll really want it because it won’t be the same level of you know what I
Mean or standards that I may set for myself but yeah it can slow down the process but also it can speed things up at a certain point you know um knowing knowing what you don’t waste a lot there’s not a lot of wastage when you kind of of gone
Through it so many times you know what I mean so before we might have like gone down this whole Road for months just to be like oh no it’s not that you got to explore but I think now we kind of we kind of know yeah we know what’s
Going to like we can we can leave that thing earlier because we’ve been there before you don’t want to overtrain it yeah yeah exactly all yeah you’re in Camp and like you get to a point where you’re like right I’m fit now I can’t
Get any fit I need to fight if I if I carry on training it’s all downhill from here yeah or like this song’s got [ __ ] the drums from some James Brown thing and the the the Melody from Stevie Wonder thing thing and it sounds up let’s leave this
Now let’s find a different Loop now let’s do now and move for rather than going down this whole road to like we know we’re not going to be able to use it later on and whatever and now it’s like [ __ ] the album’s missing this Gap now you know one question sorry I
Know you want to move all day like podcast no um sorry one question you know like when you create something new is there paranoid that someone’s everever done it before and is there like is there like technology out there that says yeah that’s that’s amazing and I genely believe you’ve come up with
That but someone wrote that in the 1930s and you’re going to get sued for it yeah I bet there is I bet there is now actually I’m quite sure there is um Nar had a good lyric no ideas original there’s nothing new Under The Sun It’s not what you do but how it’s
Done so it’s like maybe everything has been done before but it’s like it’s the way it’s the way you do it um um but I sometimes with a lyric it’s like have I said this before not as someone else you know what I mean I say you’ve been
Doing it a long time we’re like that in this podcast we had I’ve asked that question I’ve seen it before yeah like not wanting to repeat yourself on that level um but yeah no you kind of just know when it’s fresh I think I just know
When it’s fresh and when it feels good and yeah one of the biggest things for me is like not repeating myself yeah um you mentioned Mike Skinner there just briefly who wins Mike Skinner or Ed Sheran in a fight in Russ uh might SK yeah you reckon he’s got his
Number yeah he’s got his got his number yeah um let’s have a break there y um because we run out of time but we’ll have a break there because we got a couple more to together George remind me again how become an elite club member well get a
Ggbc cap done what else well you could wear the hoodie anything else well have you got a water bottle anything else you could get a print for the wall this cost me a fortune anything else well this is what it takes to be elite deck does that mean
I’m in the club now nearly one last thing just hit the follow button can you podcast app welcome to the club deck oh we have a pushing a pool Mate right we’re back we’re back baby uh boxing movies have you got any favorites not really have I seen any uh yeah I’m me say rocky seen obviously Rocky ra Creed raging ball that’s probably the best one is it but that yeah that’s yeah serious serious film that
Umentary Creed yeah I’ve seen Creed seen Creed but it’s not I mean Creed’s cool but it’s not like a I’ve never seen it I’ve seen it exactly not yeah I like it yeah when whenever anyone says worth a watch I always think that’s must be [ __ ]
Then worth a watch means but films that kind of like um I don’t know like you would want like someone a boxer to be like that’s real but not fighting I would probably want to watch a boxing movie that like has no fighting in it you know what I mean like what’s the
Dressing room like after a loss you know what I mean like that what’s the dayto day like what what’s the you know the fighter that hasn’t won the belt you know what I mean the the the [ __ ] you had him on the podcast the journeyman yeah poochie poochie like that’s maybe I
Would want to watch that you know what I mean well just going up and down making small money you got in the yeah are you free for the next 10 years we can maybe do it it’s funny actually the journeyman there’s a film called journeyman by pad
Conine his film he’s in it and it’s there’s barely any fighting in it because it’s about he has an injury and stuff really good film so it’s a boxing film using the the sort of the the drama of boxing but without the punching yeah and then there’s a a documentary of Jack
Johnson one you probably seen it it’s very long two parts I think um Samuel Jackson’s narrating it that’s probably the best box doc I’ve watched haven’t seen that one yet very good would you consider being in a boxing film yeah cuz you probably got the teeka’s like requisite technique now
From all your training you yeah yeah you could be like the you know the main protagonist is uh whatever journeyman yeah uh I don’t know you could speak to Daniel he might he might be able to put something together you must watch Boxing film they be like that technique’s awful
Yeah a lot of them are but you sort of you you can lookast that yeah I mean I grew up on Rocky and like it’s is that okay that’s the standard it’s like when I watch when I watch films like people rapping and there’s no pop shield and
You know what I mean they ain’t got headphones on or they’re like the music’s playing loud when you meant to be like how how all of this bleed like this is Johnny Harris’s film Jawbone that’s the the boxing in that is very good like proper and he’s doing it and he used to
Box high level one the your abas and Boer and I know you didn’t ask about a book A book I’m looking forward to is the one on Knockouts that thing he’s doing that he’s on um yeah Andy Clark on yeah Andy Clark yeah yeah yeah knockout book yeah yeah I’m I’m looking forward
To that book you got any other boxing book you read any other boxing books no no no I don’t read much book but that’s the book I’m going to read when it comes out cuz we we’ve got down here if we well maybe you now cuz with your
Experience in the movie industry and now maybe you could become a producer and director could be a boxing one yeah if you put me and George in it what would what would we be doing uh or in it or what’s the just quickly think of a um storyline immediately um promoter Rob’s
Fight I’ve never heard that one before yeah that’s a good idea what do you think would be the most fun to play as an actor the boxer the trainer oh nice the promoter or the manager ooh I reckon the promoter see like he sits at
The top table and he looks the part I think you make a good promoter that gives me an idea but I think I was I think being the manager you could be like a proper like two sides like cutsman or something you know I mean one
Of them like what does he do when he goes home well you should say that because Mick Williamson is coming on the Pod very soon Kane so you can listen out for that one and you’ll hear all about the cutsman yeah and maybe we could do a
Film but Mick he’s a Legendary cutsman Legendary is your cutsman uh yeah he was yeah so you get so when do you bring a cutsman in like good question it just comes in on the night just the night just the night yeah so he’s I mean you
Tell him like look you know I sped two weeks ago and you know what I mean look out for this and a good cutsman you just you you don’t give them any instructions cuz they would not listen to if they if you said oh this eyes don’t worry about me
Son like you just do your job I’ll do mine um and they just come into their own once you start bleeding like they see the cup before anyone else they got like shark senses or something they can smell it and then um yeah and they they so then then they start leading the
Corner cuz obviously they’ve got to get in and do the work so who was it this week it wasn’t that long ago someone jumped in and then the cutsman threw the threw the coach out so yeah cuz he needed a proper get you only have one in
The ring in the corner one person can get in so it’s usually the coach in front yeah but so you can’t have the coach and a cut so sometimes the cuts man be around the side or he’ll be like I need to be in the front and the coach
Is in the ear so them guys probably sometime they just they do nothing next fight nothing nothing nothing and one time you need them and they earn their money they save your career like a goalkeeper at a good team more just more Moody yeah but we’ll get Mick in that’s
There’s a podcast in that um promotion then fancy being a boxing promoter I thought this the other day when you were at Bournemouth I was like he’d be a good promoter n no not at all too much work not at all yeah I’m yeah no no I’m yeah
Too nice he deserves more yeah deserves more money end up you know what I mean yeah no no it’s a mad it’s a mad one now in Bournemouth that one just on the on hail unless I’m a Saudi promo well you know you could go money’s No Object there maybe actually maybe
Turkey’s watching well before well T yeah if if Saudi and turkey are listening and watching then just in case we can’t get I mean the the promoter side of things I think that’s a tough one to Break crack but get your fight out there mate that’s no problem at all
Yes we need an opponent but we need an opponent yeah so yeah let’s make a fight let’s do some some clickbait it’s clickbait time baby yeah so I mean you’ve got you got a A broader Horizon now so you can pick an actor yeah or a musician orer tell you don’t
Want to fight is Nappa you seen him don’t yeah he is massive and he actually messaged the other day because he’s managing Fighters yeah he’s involved in boxing yeah I heard but he is massive he’s he was he big back in the day he was big not now but he’s always tall he
Was a sprinter oh was he yeah he’s around 100 oh really 11 under 11 or something like that yeah they’ll crack your skull yeah definitely will so who uh who who we thinking okay so not Nappa let me go for one of these actors can’t have Ed chearing actor yeah you Reon
Actor’s softer touch than a rapper yeah yeah yeah they G to like rder and that’t they I’m going to go with a a p of mine power M Steven Graham you don’t to fight him he in the gym SE him he’s he’s training for a boxing movie but he Scouts as well
They always yeah he is oh [ __ ] that then he’s put he a bit size as well but I got height and reach on him yeah that’s I’d watch it that’s an intriguing fight he’s just he sounds OD as well doesn’t he yeah he is he’s my favorite actor yeah
Yeah he’s my favorite actor him and DiCaprio they’re the two who win K to be fair out of the win againsts Kya I heard yeah step Graham I reckon he could do some damage bit little gr I think we depends on your schedule’s like your schedule’s like I think we can make this
Happen it’s we get you in here I mean we could probably get in a fight that was the hard bit uh who’s the uh no where’s what’s the venue for Kano against Graham oh um because you’ve performed everywhere we were saying before MSG you’ve been Royal Albert Hall sold
That out fight there as well they do yeah they used to do it all the time it’s very rare now but yeah that’s a nice an box there actually your mate okay um y Call’s a bit Royal Albert H I think this is it’s got It’s got Prestige to it you yeah
Hasn’t it and you’re familiar with it as well yeah it’s still iconic London venue yeah but it’s good good Acoustics in there yeah it’s your home pitch as is and it’s London so he’s got a travel yeah yeah he’d be down on the on the coach and all your fans be outside for
Rock it the coach who who is the coach would you have a boy Jones Jr in there yeah got yeah yeah yeah boy Jones Jr coach yeah ref ref um know I think Mike Skinner Skinner as the ref yeah why not yeah he’s a bit laidback though isn’t he I think you
Would let a lot of lot of stuff slide wouldn’t he you yeah yeah he would too busy crowd surfing all the fight’s going on yeah he wouldn’t spot half of it yeah um and the Press so let’s let’s think about pre-fight press conference you and step
Graham on the top table you know he’s going to bring the heat like that sever scous heat like he’s going to be on you what how would you play it I I like how usk’s playing it you know what I mean just I don’t know just wait and see yeah
Yeah yeah yeah sometimes you got to let him you know you would stand up start R raing yeah he he doesit us does do he’s got some cool dances as well yeah he [ __ ] juggles with the coins as well coins yeah mad maybe you could do that at the
Presser just learn the coin thing yeah yeah that would throw Graham off I reckon yeah he’s not ready for that no no want piece of that now you’re a performer though two very important questions what are you wearing what’s the what’s the get up because you could
Do do anything there and also we need a ringwalk tune as well for that I think I’m going like all white oh all white nice yeah like Muhammad Ali yeah it’s very Jamaican dance all all white parties they do like all white parties so yeah all white so you go in full robe
Or you going hooded Gill or you going something bit more abstract I’m going like what is it roll over H yeah I’m going like suit with tail you know I mean like velro Jack like you could do like Velcro so like a full monty job cuz that would
Take ages to take off or you just thinking just the RO just a jacket just a jacket oh yeah like a cromby with a tail yeah yeah Top Hat n no bit much isn’t it a [ __ ] Angels doing yeah yeah Jesus yeah don’t do that yeah yeah no top hats
Um and the tune oh the tune can’t do hail cuz Chris would probably sue you probably Street Fighter by DW yeah let’s keep it let’s keep it British yeah that be that’s a good one as well High paced need a jog down there though are you
Going to ask him to wrap you in or you never works yeah no never you can’t pull it off never works never works I don’t think he’d do it either I think he’d pay you if you asked him yeah when you were in Bournemouth and you were sat there and the ring walks
Happening like cuz where you were literally about 10 m away yeah was it a weird feeling uh and everyone would was looking at you as well could tell they’re like it’s [ __ ] his song yeah yeah how did that F have you been to a fight where someone’s walked out before
To to a kot tune no that was the first one that was the first one and then yeah Mark done it when he copied Chris yeah yeah but Mark’s ringwalk was about 10 m he never got to drop get Dr and they and yeah they play the wrong song as
Well and he refused to come out he’s like no no no what song did they play ages a different KO one no like a some next song oh really yeah and he waited for ages anyway but yeah we we never even got to the drop but Chris one’s
Banging you know what I mean but you can’t beat a like a big fight ring walk you know what I mean like you get to the you know like when you is it awkward when you go up there and you shadow box for a little bit and you’re standing
Around and it’s good question wait you’re waiting for the for the drop yeah uh so you just got just got a p you look like a bit of a KN though don’t but if it’s a good crowd like if it’s a big crowd and it’s a long ring walk like as in
Yeah you might be a like the Wembley Arena but he ain’t sold many tickets so they they’ve curtained off half of it you got like ex Chris’s one was small as well you know they they tried to get Chris they turned up at the venue and
They went can you do your ring walk come down through the crowd oh yeah and he was like no you can’t tell me this now there was a lot of steps yeah it was like you fall over and you know his crowd’s amazing and stuff he don’t want
To be you can’t be doing that and and he was like no so he just obviously it was a you got guys n no no but it did mean yeah he has to hang around a bit to get to the good bit of the tune to get to the you rehear
That no did you rehearse the bus I think the bus they they must have yeah I think yeah they they got out and I think they said like go stand up there come down these steps and then you walk over there cuz yeah you could just go the wrong way
That was that was a cool FR do you get like does it all get a bit I don’t know for me it takes about three songs till I like I kind of calm down you know what I mean and then you ease in and then then things start flying and you’re like like
When I look down at like song two I’m like oh my God I got that much songs left and it’s like and I’m tired already kind of thing but you’re not tired but it’s the nervous energy or whatever it is and then after like 3 4 you’re like
Okay I’m think do you is it like that in a fight or do you get that done through the ring walk and then the warm up or whatever is yeah no you like obviously you’re doing your Walmart um and then you’ve got who knows how long could be
Like 15 minutes before the last punch in the change room to the first punch of the fight so it usually does take some people start quicker than others but you’re not really in your flow until about the third round your nerves are really settled you sort of found your
Rhythm found your flow so that makes sense when you compare it to like a couple of songs you might be on your fourth song to get in but um the ring walk isn’t necessarily part of the fight so you’re like you just it’s just a different part of it so you you’re
Enjoying it as well as like trying to stay focused on the fight but you can’t use that as to warm you up to start quicker if that makes sense I think so Street Fighter that’s your that’s your ring walk mhm that’s the tune we’re putting that on the playlist might be
Our first dwe tune on the playlist actually yeah on our Spotify playlist needs to represent yeah makesense bit of East London in there right we’re going to add it on yeah in um I mean that’s that that is that kan’s in the club so thanks so much for coming in National
Treasure Kane Robinson and I’ll stop hassling you I’ll stop hassling you as well Rich shout out Richard kan’s manager as well always the say once it’s done it’s like I see you boys got to go back to Paris anyway bearing gifts as well todayy January thing of the past dppy
White yeah you know yeah so what we got in there got some um I think it’s the whole range but yeah D dppy white um some spice rump probably the Aged and then some cans like premixed cans oh we got a can thing going on so okay and we
All we all know already but yeah your movie the kitchen’s out where can we see that oh the kitchen is out now and it’s streaming on Netflix so yeah all around the world um wherever you are yeah check out the kitchen man that’s a good warmup
For the um the gouran film that you’re going to be in soon as well sort of like the prequel to that but now you guys are like you are my you’re my journey to the gym back um wherever I’m flying to like serious it’s like I don’t know it was there’s not
Many it’s like a real like insight for and then you go a bit deeper you know what I mean I like I like the ones where you do um I mean if people like the [ __ ] the cutsman and the real deep ones they’re not going to like
This be surprised what are they talking to him for but I like when you kind of um reveal a little bit more of the industry um like from a listener point of view you know what I mean something I never knew and I like when you go there
One knows one so I appreciate it it kind of um yeah teaches me a lot and yeah it’s wicked it’s wicked man thank you get that on socials immediately um is there with that in mind are there any uh things in boxing topics themes things you’ve heard buzzword where you’ve been
Like oh what’s all that about um that you think we make talk about the journeyman one cuz I I didn’t know I thought a journeyman was like a [ __ ] fighter that you know like someone else is always someone’s always going to beat them I didn’t know they was kind of like
Probably sometimes can beat the opponent but it’s not about it’s about giving that person rounds and kind of you know it’s about it’s like an education process that they’re a part of I didn’t I didn’t know that um are there any any ones that we haven’t done yet like what
Would I like to see that cutsman one will be good it’s coming um I don’t know like something on the on the business side of things yeah do bit that I know got Eddie H that but I don’t know how like how deep he can really go
Point into that kind of stuff you know what I mean um bit more business yeah if you have any other thought just messag me and we’ll trying to see what we can do a message yeah yeah drop us a message actually just uh go on the socials at GG
Boxing Club and just uh send a tweet yeah all right um what’s your what’s your socials um the the real Kano the real Koo both insta and Twitter just insta D says yeah I think yeah I’m mainly on Instagram but okay sweet sure they okay well you’re going back to
Paris now so uh thanks for dropping in yep going back to Paris um best of luck with the film it was it was so good I would I mean I have to say that anyway but I was genuinely loved it like laughing at times like lumping the
Throat at times proper good like real good film think people love it appreciate that man appreciate that it’s always um a scary moment when you release something was it yeah yeah it’s just like I don’t know it’s just yeah and especially for Daniel as well it’s
Like it’s you got to hand it over now is it B and you know up for critique or whatever it is but it’s like yeah I mean it’s good to have have that out and you know I think people can enjoy I’ve we’ve had a few screenings we’ve done something like
Youth premieres and like um kids have been quite into it as well so yeah nice man lovely Kane thanks very much mate thank you