Are you ready to build another house I am so ready why did we move out of this house what is the plan for our life sad news we do not live in this house anymore this is as close as we can get we’re driving by it there’s our old
House but we can’t go inside of it it doesn’t belong to us anymore in today’s video I’m going to show you where we’ve been where we are right now and then where are we going what is next this feels really weird being in front of my
House I’m going to drive away let’s get out of here so where are we now this is it this is where we are living for probably the next 13 months this is a home that we don’t own we are renting this house and well nice thing about it is we brought our
Dog he dog everything about our last house with our furniture actually fits very nicely in here it’s all basically the same stuff it’s just this is a little bit smaller than our other house but this is a brand new home that was just built and we are renting it for 15
Months we’re already a month and a half into that Rental process don’t things look a bit familiar right now like the couches the art on the wall we didn’t put our fancy wallpaper TV on here we did leave that for the previous owners and so we have a finger painting here
Instead bit of a downgrade I’m not sure if you guys want like a full tour of our current rental home that we’re going to be living in the next 14 months maybe just leave it in the comments and we’ll see because I don’t know how exciting it
Is but we did do a video before we moved in here where the girls picked out their rooms cuz there’s lots of options on the rooms and I was afraid that they were afraid also that they’re going to pick the same rooms and they were going to
Argue and fight about it and it was pretty interesting the way that it worked out so inside of the backyard look at that we even brought our dining room table we have turf in the backyard that is one thing that I didn’t like about our last house was the grass we
Had to water it we had to maintain it it would get bugs it would be kind of gross and so now we have artificial turf we have until Valentine’s Day 2025 we don’t have that long 13 14 months until we have to to be out of here we do have a
Plan it has all come together in the last month and a half 2 months we have a lot of work to do and when I say everything fits inside of this house not everything we have all of this stuff right here luckily the garage is huge I
Mean look at that we can fit both of these cars here all three of these cars here and then we’ve got this giant section over here that honestly could have had a golf simulator potentially fit in there but this is a temporary place for us so there’s some stuff that
Will hopefully fit in where we go next yeah all right so where we going well this is a um oh I got to put this up cuz I don’t have in my car this is a guarded gated community and this is going to be our new home talk about privacy and
Security I just climbed up a mountain of rocks this behind us where I parked the Tesla is a lot that we just purchased this last week this is where our new home is going to be it’s where we’re going to build it’s about a half an acre
So our last slot was 75 of an acre this pile of rocks was not here yesterday okay that was a lot easier going up then down okay this is not our bucket it needs to leave and this is not our drill all right so this is it this is going to be
The next stage and we mentioned it in our video of selling our house is that we’re going into another phase of our own life and that includes Lincoln moving out of the house by the time we build this house let’s turn this way a little bit Claire is also moving out of
The house in the next couple of years and then London has a few years too so we don’t necessarily need the size of house that we had which we loved that house it was beautiful but this house is going to be smaller in size it’s still
Going to be plenty of room for us and for our kids whenever they’re visiting or if they do still live with us but it’s a different phase of our life like we’re not quite empty nesters but we’re close to that and I know right we’re not
That old feel about that but as of filming this video tomorrow is literally the day that Lincoln turns 18 years old which is kind of crazy and so yeah this is going to be our next house which is going to look different so it is a guarded gated community and there is a
Strong HOA that dictates what the exterior of the homes look like which makes it really nice in a lot of ways but really the inside of the house what’s inside is what matters the most and the inside of our house is going to be hopefully amazing so this is is going
To be amazing well we don’t know yet we haven’t even designed the thing so here’s what it is I call this like month zero this is zero month or this is just an update this isn’t even a month what are you talking about at least we have
Dirt we purchased the ground so the next step is going to be meet with an architect and design the home that fits on this lot that we really do like this lot and then step number two submit that to like the HOA for approval submit it
To the city do the engineering on it and have Jonathan and Susan bid it out to see how much it will cost the house is going to be a little bit smaller and we kind of want to have it cost within a certain range but we also want it to
Have some of the nice things inside of it that we had in the last house for the next 13 months you’re going to get a monthly update of where we’re at in the progress of this build and then as there’s interesting things that weren’t its own video because it’s really really
Cool Tech we’ve already talked to some companies that have some awesome things that we could put inside of our house we will document that side of the process so the next video that you see will probably be the girls getting into the rental and choosing their bedrooms but
Then after that we got to go meet with the architect and we’re going to film some of that process and show you our vision as the vision is actually written down and becomes a thing and then at the end of this series here it’ll be a reality and I’m super happy about our
Next place I’m not sad about the last house I like making progress in life I think things happen for a reason and I think there’s a lot of good that’ll come out of this next move in our in our life and I loved that house and I’m super
Happy for the people that are in there and I hope that they build an awesome life an awesome family in there so all right lesie are you ready to build another house I am so ready cuz I actually really enjoyed the home building process and as we were like
Thinking through this we’ve moved 12 times since we’ve been married that’s a lot of times and we’ve owned eight homes this is going to be our eighth home that we’ve owned so it’s kind of fun it is kind of fun like I I forget how often we
Move like the kids haven’t moved as often but we have moved 12 times in the homes it’s good so hopefully on the 12th time or 13th time we actually know what we want out of a house oh I think I really am very specific about what I
Want now I got I got it now okay all right cuz it’s all up to you well it’s up to both and Susan and Jonathan and London England maybe not Lincoln cuz he’s gone he’s still here he’s not Lincoln will’ll let you have some decisions if you want you
Can have some you’re still here you’re still important and hopefully he’ll still visit us so important I’m not say but hopefully he’ll visit us like if we have him part of the process then maybe he’ll uh visit us more often that’s what I want I want kid to all have a place
And feel happy and like it’s a great home for them when they maybe they’ll have spouses and grandkids eventually here so yeah all right I probably shouldn’t have driven my saan on this Rocky thing here but I did it for the shot now feel like we’re GNA pop our
Tires get out of here these tires are just as good on dirt as your tires don’t they don’t feel as good we don’t have as much clearance though and this is a pretty big drop off I hate that sound pretty big what sound that sound what sound is it oh you
Don’t like cats no it’s I don’t like cats either I’m with it’s like scraping the bottom with rocks oh you like scraping the pot down look at that you did better on the way out the way in did I know I Learned okay we made it out if you’re still Watching I appreciate you thanks for watching and uh we got to go pick up CLA from roller skating I do miss the Coler toilets it’s so weird like we’ve been in a rental for a while it’s a great house but the seats were warm it had function
With it anyway I get distracted easily so yes this is what we’re going to do I’m out of breath