We’re playing bam Mar J do video game do I look like a skater yeah this is uh Skate 3 uh this game just came out cuz the year is 2010 and uh it’s really fun I’m 10 you we you play as an epic skater guy it’s
Been a it’s been a while since I played though so I’m not like as good as I used to be which I never thrashed your legs dude spot check it out isn’t that so fun the physics are so [ __ ] fun let’s try to do this spot what let’s do a spot what’s that
Mean it’s like doing epic tricks on the spot so you got to get like a certain number of points oh I see it’s like a challenge we got to own the spot you’re like challenged yeah oh I did it I owned the Jesus did you see that sweet trick look
And then here’s the best part cuz after you do a really sick trick uh you keep playing the game I thought something else was going to happen but it didn’t uh this is your [ __ ] I never played any of these or got big into skating games and stuff I’m my
Crotch uh yeah no I don’t think I ever really did either there’s a free mode though where we can play as a cool guy that’s cool oh I like that yeah he’s awesome he is we’re going to skate as D bones really white he’s a grimy stuff on him has like an eyeball
Still in him he was dipped in vinegar I think vinegar is what cleans bones I think yeah I think that would or like bleach bleach the bones they call me be bleach bones Bart they call me Barts Simpson oh God his bones got broken Bart don’t move I need to purify you
Boy I can’t do bir like bummer man eat my eat my bummer man wo don’t land on the skateboard sideways don’t land on the skateboard at all don’t land on your bones oh darn dude you broke your bones I broke my bones wa this game is uh
Really cool God it’ be so cool to be a [ __ ] skeleton and just walk around and freak people out he can like you can like okay I punched that guy so [ __ ] hard he disappeared he like stole his sold his oh my God stole his soul stole
His Souls I stole your I stole his Souls off his shoes take that you [ __ ] nice yeah no it’s cool it is cool look at this oh jeesus that’s how you like crack your neck backwards in real life yeah no that’s how you get [ __ ] up and hurt
Yeah yeah don’t repeat anything we’re doing in this game if stunts in this video are performed by professionals please do not do these at home yes yeah like a jackass wow hey you live yeah I well I live died every time you [ __ ] up a trick yeah well I’m I’m like
Dead already cuz I’m a skeleton watch this true I guess I forgot how you do like the thing where you grab the skateboard while you jump yeah it’s like this yeah I figured it out I’m reading a book called uh ubic I think that’s how
You say it and there’s a part a skeleton with a skateboard well no but it’s kind of related they’re called half lifers kind of like the cool epic game but yeah they’re people in Vats and they died but they somehow spin them up and have like cerebral activi still so you could talk
To people after they die or whatever oh okay and uh this is kind of like that except not at all well it’s kind of like that you’re like fully moving like if the people in Vats had skateboards and they could ride them yeah and be out of
Them and not like in cryogenic whatever yeah look at that advertising Dr pepper oh my god oh look at this sweet bench what the hell hang on let me uh that was awesome oh will it launch you I think yeah there’s like a whole bunch of weird glitchy shits you can do
In this game I never got super I whoops whoops I tried doing a whole bunch but it’s really tricky and your game version depends on a lot of it too mhm so if you don’t have the right version for sure that was so cool if I was ever
Trying to skate that would be me I just be flying around just floundering flying around yeah wa we’re going to try to find a cool place to skate so uh we’ll go to the malof money cop yeah I’m not sure all these locations where the [ __ ] is the gosh
Darn Spillway entrance God damn oh the observ is what it’s called you can do some really epic tricks right here then after this one we’ll do some Hall of Meat challenges yeah it’s like you jump off and break a bunch of Bon oh hurt yourself yeah yeah those are cool yeah I
Like hurting myself are like feeling the pain they’re making a uh freetop playay version of this game like as we speak it’s like an MMO RPG version H you get to run around and get cool gold coins by doing tricks I don’t think I don’t know about that but uh they’re they’re
Working on it like right now uh there’s like Early Access [ __ ] nuts waa you broke your heels I broke my bones you broke all your metat Taral I broke is that what those are called uh I think those are your toe bones I can’t remember what are those connected to the
Toe bones connected to the asone you had a birth def oh no oh jeez the Weise watch this boom that’s how you break an ass bone oh my toe my metat tar Souls my met break your hand I whacked it on the concrete that’s true that was [ __ ] cool look at this
Ah that sucks dude that’s the worst all right can you is there a way to not get a running start and just start rolling down it uh I think so I forget what that’s I don’t know what that’s called Dr dropping in yeah is there a way to
Drop in is there a way to drop out of school I’m stupid oh man uh damn it ouch ouch I keep going back to the start and so I see this big ass loading screen which isn’t fun that’s [ __ ] cool need to just write it out a little bit you know
I see a combo down there do you have to keep doing tricks for those to keep up uh yeah you got to keep up the there’s like a name for it it’s like a flow or something yeah like a flow state where like your bowels flow out like drinking
A bunch of water like drink yeah like peeing what like peeing like I’m peeing a big wait put the board down he did oh yeah not too early not too early though not too watch this this is called a olly actually that’s not what it’s called at all choose not to
Believe that guy just [ __ ] flew into space just flopped up woo what the that’s awesome my name is SE more skinless I’m see more skinless I’m going to I my edutainment career fell apart I’m going to try to do drugs and skin instead wo for those of you that that’s
How he lost all of his organs he kept skating they allt flopping out but he’s still alive so he keeps going sple fell into the over pass and then like into pools and [ __ ] yeah uh yes for those of you that don’t know there’s a CD ROM
Game called the human body Explorer or some [ __ ] yeah and uh the guy the scary CGI skeleton guy his name seem more skinless cuz he got skinned by scientists yeah that’s [ __ ] cool it’s explained in the game woo woo you you did a super dude and
Then you died and he did a super dead dude I’m super dead I’m super super get up there I can’t even see him anymore who the guy he’s like so clean he is that are there police officers in this game I don’t think so I thought that was
A police officer there’s some epic traffic though watch this hang on go under all right that was awesome cool right yeah you’re board kept going that was so cool oh watch this your AI [ __ ] up that guy’s AI my AI is so powerful yes I love how high quality
These cool vehicles are yeah 2010 this game is 13 years old isn’t that [ __ ] nuts it’s [ __ ] cool that’s [ __ ] nuts oh dang darn [ __ ] chaos yeah no it’s skate that would be so awesome if there were like 15 skaters on the highway going the wrong way doing epic see that
You did it you see that that was [ __ ] crazy you only got 300 points for that yeah that’s 300 points that are earned though you know those points have better value just mentally wa I did it again y watch this watch this here we go whoa I did it
Again I hit my coxic you got hit in the Coxx my Coxx got burst burst Cox my coxic is all up the street in mered Hillary my coxic burst Dr mail mail day what what did they say mail day mail day mate what mate what the [ __ ] are you talking about
You said mate he didn’t the guy I hit you did I I didn’t say that you go back you said it I okay Peterson Pavilion oh this is so comfortable you like laid down face down uh I think I have to do you laid up F ass down F down ghetto spot oh
Dang dude I did I did an epic skate trick at the ghetto spot is this the cool meat uh no the meat thing you have to do like the career mode and I don’t want to load back into it cuz my guy’s just a regular chump not a cool epic
Boner Lord watch this epic Willie is is what it says on the left yeah that sucks I don’t know what the Epic Willie is though this is a pretty cool little area too name for a trick yeah I only play this game to go really fast I don’t like
The actual like the fart of skating the art of it like dude you can do it realistic it’s like [ __ ] that I want to go fast down the hill dude do a Wily Wonka down this ramp dude I did a [ __ ] super split off this [ __ ] I did
A willow tree woner on this one I did an FS 180 up my ass watch this I did a control out delete on this Barrel dude I Al afford that guy’s life with this epic skate jump Dude I accidentally uh yeah dude I broke bad on that awesome
Ramp me trying to come up with the new one watch me do a Michael man trout over this pipe watch me do a kid named finger watch me do where you break all 10 your fingers break dude he he he miked it what if there’s a trick where you put
Your hands underneath the skateboard while you’re rolling just break all your fingers by rolling over them yeah that’ be awesome dude he did a um I don’t know he did the squash yeah the Gustavo Fring has been a spoiler alert for Breaking Bad season 4 everyone’s seen it not
Everyone though oh it was season 4 yeah uh when Gustav FR was in there now it’s like I [ __ ] explain it so much it’s not even funny but a gavo Fring is when you es skate into a propane tank and it explodes it wasn’t even a propane tank
Well yeah I know but it’s an explosion ouch ow dang um yeah I guess it’s more like skating into a nursing home supply of propane a nursing home supply of propane yes that’s the Gustavo Fring this Saul Goodman is when you skate into a Cinnabon yeah or there was
A Saul Good there’s the first episode of Better Call Saul had like a skater in it the uh like like the scam kids yeah that’s called that’s called doing a whatever their names were yeah woo okay land I’m not enough of a [ __ ] cool person I know the name of every single
Character that that was Hector sh Mona’s third cousin twice removed it’s like oh dang I didn’t realize that it was Toby Bennet that’s an actual person Tony Bennett is the actual person oh Toby Bennett’s like this [ __ ] stupid brother who want to Academia instead are
They a skater huh are they a skater no Tony Bennett’s like a singer actor or something oh what are they singer acting Toby Bennett [ __ ] does math or something Tony Bennett does math to shut the [ __ ] up I said Toby oh I don’t even know if that’s right I think Tony
Bennett sang or acted or something yeah don’t [ __ ] get mad at me if you’re a Tony Bennett fan get mad at you I’m talking to viewers at home I’m a [ __ ] Tony Bennett fan you [ __ ] maybe Tony Bennett’s second son is watching maybe maybe he’s watching just the pulp right
Now he’s in a cool ubic tank and he’s half conscious watching just the pul what if he was like a mass murderer and he was like dude he’s watching our Channel what would you ever think about that I just want to do a control I’ll
Delete off him I want I want to enter his task manager yeah I mean I was doing the skate trick thing you just like I want to root a person I want to boot into a USB drive of Linux onto his forehead I want to jailbreak
Into your brain let me see your skull I want to [ __ ] kill you let me do a uh sweet cool meat yeah we’ll do the meatman challenge you can’t be the skeleton when you’re doing meat man no that’s sad that’s the whole thing you know you got you have to unlock him uh
Yeah you got to do enough allive meat things to unlock him which one sounds the best to you um Falling Rocks I just like exclamation points yeah know they’re good uh how do I yeah what do you do I forgot how to activate it he just do as much damage I have to
Hit sign up for it actually I apologize Falling Rocks again sign up uh try killing it cuz there’s owning it and killing it I see yeah so you you basically have to demolish yourself and maim yourself as much as possible to get a bunch of Epic points sweet so we got to bail
Anywhere got to get 990,000 big ones Jesus is that easy uh I’m not sure I guess is no and you’re to [ __ ] up W yeah it’s hard you got to like fling yourself oh oh darn oh you can just keep trying again and again I think so yeah sweet yeah
There’s a bunch of different tricks you can do to try to meet yourself oh right on the corner that’s good darn come on come on 90 come on 95 90 million 105,000 damage let’s try to get a million let’s go to a million subscribers oh
Oh my God all right if we don’t get that many [ __ ] subscribers by tomorrow I’m going to shut the channel down you’re just going to delete all the videos oh [ __ ] I’m sorry you have to start deleting my computer I kicked the speaker look at this awesome thing
Helmet I just said the word helmet hel helmet can’t help you there it was just too funny yeah the Apple dapple look I sold a million skateboards from that or th000 cuz this game how easy it is in real life to make to sell skateboards
Yeah you just jump off a cliff and you jump off a cliff and your head explodes and kids are like I want to do that keyboard he’s like my rle my idol I want to do that in real life I want to do that in real life with my big fat head
With my big fat rhombus head check this out I don’t think that’s even possible it’s like alien [ __ ] oh D alien [ __ ] having a rhus head oh yeah no I don’t think unless there’s something like wrong with the individual that has the rhombus head a what if
If if an individual has a rhombus head there’s probably something going on you know yeah cuz like they’re probably like yeah like the joke or like the trick the trick oh your joke was cool okay name another head or whatever name another spot um me need your meat
Shoot you want do the me this one’s [ __ ] hard I think is that one like shooting out into a sewer uh I don’t know we’re going to find out though check out skate feed to keep up with your friends and teammates but the latest Skate 3 news is there a meat
Challenge where you’re surrounded by cops and they shoot you I don’t think so I don’t think there’s any like police get shot by as many cops as you can I think this one’s really hard if I remember correctly Gap into the pipe crash into the billboard and bail onto
The light yeah I don’t even know where those are so ooh I can’t see whoa no I didn’t do it got it I didn’t oh I did I I did do it you have to just bail onto the light now apparently that’s not going to make
It my toes my metat Taral physics heels my he my Hees hurt there should be a Healy game yeah there probably is one maybe some like shitty licensed one I don’t even know how you hit those oh oh darn you just [ __ ] aim dude yeah it’s
True b b what you do is you split yourself in half so you have twice the chance oh oh okay pull back that did a sweet flip though yeah that was really cool yeah it’s really low maybe you have to slow down a bit I
Think so or if I go really fast I can face through the concrete oh whoops all right nice yeah this game is uh really satisfying cuz you don’t even have to be like a real skate head to do it is there an upgrade where you can put
Wheels like all over your body so even if you fall you can just like keep rolling uh I don’t think so cool oh there’s like I think there is some kind of thing where um I did see on like AliExpress that there’s skater helmets that have
Like wheels on top oh yeah you do like a headstand yeah Roll by and just that would take so much [ __ ] neck strength yeah you probably break your neck if you try to do that I think it can be done God damn I knew this one was kind of hard but we
Have like a million tries I think yeah we let’s just do this for 30 minutes yeah that’s already been 21 minutes my toes my toes my toes my toes really hurt have you ever rode a skateboard me yeah I’m bad at it but I have oh you
Did yeah cool you almost bu B it yeah um I yeah not enough to get good at it or whatever yeah that’s fair I’m falling on my b fat [ __ ] we did like a roller F not roller rink but uh we had like a [ __ ]
Like the kick that guy in the head I should have let that one play out a bit yeah you should have you [ __ ] um in [ __ ] PE class we had a physical the physical education class exasperation we had like a roller skate thing with like the things with the four wheels on them
And you skate around and it’s like oh you you [ __ ] doing I [ __ ] fell on my ass like so many times oh those scooter things not the scooter things like the like you stand on the there’s wheels on your feet those things roller blade uh not blades like skates yeah
Roller skates you did it I didn’t whack into it though you I did it I killed it you know I fell in my ass so many times and it sucked oh was this in high school yeah okay yeah I remember doing that yeah the last day I didn’t I’m usually
Okay with those the last day uh that we did that unit it was like a week long of skating [ __ ] or whatever and um there we were playing [ __ ] like the PE teacher we [ __ ] we’re playing basketball like so like there’s like 20 people skating around there’s like 20
Basketballs everywhere and some kid [ __ ] broke his wrist oh God because he fell and hit it weird cuz we were playing basketball I I like Stood Still for the most part cuz I I’m not going out there bust my ass on a basketball I’m surprised like they weren’t suit or
Whatever it was crazy I think we had to sign waivers though oh God like hey if you get hurt cuz you [ __ ] get hit by basketball it’s not our fault it’s not our fault it’s not your fault it’s your fault cuz you [ __ ] suck physics
Fault yeah I didn’t go to high school I books in yeah I I was homeschooled I was homeschooled and I skated off my roof instead and I fell into a bush and I got tenias from it I’m Evangelical is that the stereotype school kids or I mean at the stere it’s
Just that they’re weird but I think religion plays a part of it too yeah I mean I think it depends on the case but you know I feel like if you’re a kid and you need to like develop a sense of yourself you can’t just have that with
Family you have to have other parties and things to that’s fair like Chuck-E-Cheese where kids can be kids you got to take if you’re if you kid can be a kid is that Chuck-E-Cheese we need to have a federal law where every single homeschooled kid has to go to
Chuck-E-Cheese at least once at least once a day twice once a day to get that fully formed Chuck E cheese part of their brain J that would make me a [ __ ] cereal that would make anybody a cereal killer Chuck-E-Cheese going every day that’s true yeah maybe only like
Once every uh two days I wonder what the longest any person’s ever worked with a Chuck-E-Cheese is probably at least like 2 months like no probably like a few years uh I wouldn’t be able to deal I mean if you out of [ __ ] ball pits no yeah you would suck ass yeah I
Don’t think I uh is that the right thing though what a cool turn that was yeah oh is that what do you mean the right thing where a kid can be a kid isn’t it like Disney World or some [ __ ] no I’m looking it up I’m curious yeah you’re thinking
Of like uh I was I was um oh dang never mind you’re not looking up now no I had another story but hang on uh let me try to do like a cool there’s like one there was like a I think it was this one actually yeah I
Was driving by and I saw uh the old uh um gourman sign and I [ __ ] still remember their commercials um it’s gourman something unexpected I think oh I’m going look up Chuck-E-Cheese now yeah I think um they’re still open it’s [ __ ] insane that shit’s burn turned into my brain like
That yeah I mean advertising Works where a kid can be a kid yep I mean we did watch a lot of like TV and [ __ ] like like as the youth or whatever yeah I like cartoons and chuckecheese tooe I li I love that [ __ ] rat oh oh darn yeah that sucks
Yeah okay to break FS we got to follow that land whoa cool I got to get through that hole I see it yeah here we go that was [ __ ] cool yeah I almost died last week oh what happened last week was that when I drank the water and
You said the [ __ ] dumbass thing oh yeah I said like I I forgot what exactly what Happ you said the ah we were talking about Looney tun [ __ ] where it’s like he said they run into a wall that doesn’t exist or something and that just I my mind broke like the hole
Exists but then like it’s not a real one though cuz the wall isn’t real he walked through the wall he phased through the wall so it doesn’t exist you [ __ ] say the wall has like paint on it or whatever yeah cuz they a fake hole tunnel paint not the wall doesn’t exist
It didn’t though if if Daffy Duck goes through a wall it doesn’t exist okay it doesn’t matter because I [ __ ] almost died it was the worst I’ve ever choked on water before ever I was halfway through drinking it’s like yeah it was that loud too yeah I
Was about to start doing CPR Fu spit it all out it was a mess wo you didn’t return to the challenged area was like a [ __ ] found footage film dude I found a skate 3 SCP I found the barir witch skate project dude a
Skater flew out of my TV what if a cool District 9 alien did a skate trick that’s pound footage is there like Parts where there’s like cameras it kind of is it’s um it’s it’s more of like a really immersive uh narratively driven film I never watched it all the way
Through yeah I was way too young to understand it it like when I played bi I don’t understand how humans can make alien ghos if aliens have cool big flying ships and would let that just happen yeah I I forget exactly I mean I think they the thing ran out of batteries or
Something like I don’t remember they ran out of power or something yeah but uh yeah I um I was like wait Jesus Christ I was way too young when I watched that movie so I didn’t understand any of it you just thought the aliens were cool I
Think so yeah I was like oh it’s an alien action movie then I saw um uh you saw a 4our video essay on how it parallels with these events in history and all it was like when I was playing BioShock God you [ __ ] hard I was playing BioShock and I was way too
Young to get it I was like cool alien not alien but uh you know I shoot the bad guys oh cool I love corporates I love irand libertarianism what’s that libertarian man that was an accident me like the guy yeah a libertarianism libertarian libertar yeah I was uh that’s basically Mr mcafe
Here this is it he Mr Mr mafey put Mai on all of us you mean like [ __ ] terrorism antivirus guy yeah guy was every single popup was a [ __ ] message of War oh my God it was by now you [ __ ] B will not by now I’m going to kill
Myself did he kill himself I don’t [ __ ] remember he like died in his yacht getting blowed or something I don’t know that’s true I don’t remember that’s true I think that happened I think I saw it happen I had appear binoculars and I saw it happen astal projected one night
And I know how he really died I I saw it I was on the beach and I had a pair of binoculars I looked through him I saw God looked like John MCA he [ __ ] got blown they dumped him overboard and they took all this he took his computer they
Said it was an accident but we know it really happened happened cuz I projected and saw it I ass projected vomit all over the I don’t know that was [ __ ] disgusting ass projecting you build through the broken I break five broken bones though oh you have to do both at
The same time you didn’t have to do it before on the other one because this one’s a different [ __ ] one uh yeah they have different rules and regulations as for doing Hall of Meat challenges yeah yeah I’m going to try this one like two more times I wonder if Mr Norton will
Uh kill himself ah he’s right did I win did did I win oh I did it I guess I broke bones well this is a different one so you have to do both at the same time May it’s cuz you bailed too late I’m
Going to bail right now but we have a we have there’s a [ __ ] soup in the kitchen that we need to eat soon why cuz we I’m [ __ ] hungry you can’t overcook soup yeah but we have it it’s I’m [ __ ] H it sounds like it’s really good you’re [ __ ] burp cuz you’re
Thinking about soup oh [ __ ] okay I need to do it this time do it so we can eat soup I know and end the episode yeah yeah Skate 3 is fun though so it’s you should play it you fck you should try it out it’s not on PC
Yeah I know I have it on this is on PS3 yeah CU I bought the [ __ ] disc or whatever we’re playing this on a cool epic PS3 it’s as big as a dinosaur this PS3 is [ __ ] awesome all right all right hang on does Skate through it
Yeah I can’t believe that counted check out this sweet video though look at how it looks hang on dude sweet that’s so dumb oh yeah oh yeah Jesus that’s how Tony Hawk’s going to go he’s going to do a cold trick when he’s like 68 he’s going to have a heart
Attack and just fall it’s going to be sad yeah just like me that’s where I plan on going I plan on going to to the store and skating through the alcohol aisle and dying