When Ryan when it’s time to begin it’s on the rewind r with John PA and waiting the 18 that makes sense of these things we see in the ring every week on TV it’s rewind Rock from Monday night down lad to Tuesday Morning from the post wrestling site it’s rewinder up for
Monday night on USA now on the joh way take the Mic it’s January 29th I am John Paul alongside waiting where the last month uh was experienced over the past seven days how are you way doing all right John never mind not doing that I was asking way not the theme how they’re doing man I just let’s start this whole whole thing
Over you mean just entirely like life the whole month started redo can’t well will upset too many people this is part of the the gold but in case you’re going to edit this welcome everybody to rewind a raw I am John Pollock with waiting how are you
We I’m doing great I’m doing awesome no you’re not Fant no dude I’m doing awesome I’m doing great wasn’t today a significant day was this a uh back to work day oh yes yes it was yeah my my wife went back to work actually yeah so uh after mat maternity leave so we’re
Very lucky in Canada to have an extended maternity leave and uh she went back to work which meant a big change here but honestly it wasn’t so bad we thankfully have the help of her mother so um in some ways like I actually had a bit more
Free time than usual okay so yeah I’m this thing whole thing might really work out so well you had so much free time that you start in a music video your first that I am aware of and can you please please I mean above all else
I want to hear about this video where people can maybe go watch it and how you were contacted for this what was your rate I uh yeah so over the weekend um I I was involved at at least in the premiere of the hallucinations new video treat of Woe starring our very own
Damian abrahan I say our very own as if like you know we we’ve adopted him he’s he’s part of the extended family our very own very good friend Damen Abraham and uh he contacted me and asked me if I wanted to play an interviewer uh you know we’ve
We’ve talked to Damen on the Christmas show about this project he’s got going on with the julus nation who are this like Juno award winning electronic music group um uh from from Canada and you know um he did vocals for this track up theirs and I think they have this um
They have like this sort of wrestling theme going on for a new EP that they they call a path of the heel and of course tree of wo very much a wrestling influence so uh a privileged to be a part of this you could find it at the
Halloa nation two words halloa Nation uh at at their YouTube channel so check that out and check out my music video debut look at this a star is waiting in in this video so check that out uh way got it uh I also retweeted it as well so
Check it out Tri wo um I like the song honestly like I listened to I’m like this is like a banger yeah yeah it’s it is uhuh I don’t have any other descriptive makab makes a c cameo in this one as well that’s right he does as
Well so I mean some uh wrestling royalty featured in here I am the best I mean I know that my uh my phone has been missing certain messages that have been sent and obviously this was a an invite that must have uh gone to my junk mail
So I was not asked I assure you if if this happens again you I have been assured actually that there is a spot for John poock yes no I I I would rather be just the the the Casual Observer for the hallucination out there I don’t on
The track you know maybe bring back your your Alter Ego man me me and Damien doing a duet would that not be I mean if Daman wants to be a two-time Polaris Prize winner he knows who to hit up right well I’ll just say we’ve invited Damien on into our little world
Plenty of times over the past decade it’s never time for him to return the favor really yes okay he’s furiously texting me probably as as as we speak once he listens to this on Tuesday okay let’s get into the show there’s quite a lot to get to we will be getting into
Raw um want to thank everybody that has checked out the the shows over the last uh couple of days a lot of great stuff up on the site if I do say so myself we have uh from Saturday night our Royal Rumble review but a much more um focused
Discussion on all the Fallout involving the Vince McMahon lawsuit how it was handled by the WWE over the weekend the the pulling by slim jim of their sponsorship and then jumping back on board after Vince’s resignation as well as Brandon thirston who was at the press conference uh joining us late on
Saturday night to uh give us his thoughts about the the press conference and a lot of the uh the details as well so that is all up there also want to encourage people if they have not checked out Collision Course really great discussion from John Ceno who was
At the Royal Rumble and Kate from Montreal who I thought both of them had a really great uh chat as they do every week but in particular the first 20 minutes of the show uh going over you know the uh the the unavoidable uh story which is the Vince McMahon lawsuit so
Those are just a couple of the shows that are coming up and we will tee up what is coming up later this week on the site are you ready way do it well we are going to start with uh the latest that is going on in regards to the Vince
McMahon case uh I did write a pretty lengthy story that is up on the site today if people want to look at that not just from the perspective of come some of the reaction and subject matter as it pertains to this lawsuit but really tracing things back to a lot of the
Incidents over the years of things that Vince sah has been accused of going back to Rita Chatterton and following up with incidents in 2006 with the the tanbar salon then another incident that came out in 2022 from The Wall Street Journal about another incident with a spa manager in
2011 sort of piecing all this together and the questions that are now going to be asked of where what the next steps are yes we have this civil case but as we’ve mentioned many times when there was a a search warrant last July um the potential of of an indictment that that
Could come come down down if you know there there’s many questions uh that still come from this that I I think this is going to be a lot of the attention and we spoke about the pressure being felt from sponsors over the weekend while today we saw at least some
Reaction when it came to uh the stock and while it has not taken a gigantic decline it has seen a bit of a hit over the last number of days so today the stock was down just over 4% after opening at $85 it’s down to $82. 73 now
If you compare this um over the past five days from that that big bump they got from the Netflix and Dwayne Johnson announcement they are down 133% since that that big jump last Tuesday and this comes after several uh notes first of all from uh deadline um they wrote here
That Wall Street analyst Robert Fishman of research firm Moffet Nathanson issued a report on Monday in initiating coverage of TKO with a rating of neutral on its shares Vince McMahon Fishman noted made the WWE what it is today leading it both in and out of the ring
For decades and taking it from Fringe Regional attraction to Global Media power he is also tko’s largest individual shareholder and Fishman sees the lawsuit posing quote incremental brand and legal risks to TKO he says his long-term intentions with his economic interest in TKO must be a consideration as a shareholder Fishman wrote McMahon’s
Need to mount a legal defense could mean tapping more Equity continued chunk sales by McMahon could put downward pressure on the TKO stock so essentially what he is stating is what we saw when McMahon sold those 8.4 million shares and that did affect the stock when you
Saw such a large volume sold by Vince McMahon and if he does need to um uh liquefy some of his you know assets here for a defense and he’s unloading more stock um that could uh that could affect things as well the company also has ack knowledge the potential liability it
Incurred by choosing to welcome back McMahon who stepped down at ww WWE’s chairman and CEO after the prior payouts to women were disclosed his status as a TKO board member could have adverse financial and operational impacts on our business the company warned in an SEC filing last fall Mr McMahon’s membership
On our board could expose us to negative public publicity the filing continued and may result in additional scrutiny or otherwise exacerbate the other risks described herein any of these outcomes could directly or indirectly have adverse financial and operational impacts on our business and so there is the the logic
Outlined here by Moet Nath Nathanson about maybe the the short term of you know Vince McMahon continuing to um divest his stock I would almost look at it from the other side of if there is going like the fact that Vince McMahon still has 11.6% roughly percentage of tko’s stock
If that is a bit of an albatross around TKO that this man still has this financial um attachment to the company that he is still profiting off of this company and you like yes he has been stripped of his title and duties but is still its largest shareholder like what
It what what problems could that pose as this continues to go forward and you could always see a settlement with this civil case that’s has to be an option but the further things go and if we are getting into a discovery process this is only going to get uglier way and this
Guy being attached here like what impact is that going to have on TKO so the stock becomes a very interesting question about what tko’s strategy is involving still their their largest shareholder right certainly um I I I guess um Beyond him beond V command being forced
To sell all of his shares does TKO have any responsibility in um at least um I don’t know um answering for Vince McMahon simply with him as a shareholder I’m not talking about answering for his pass which I think they they do have to you know be responsible for now that
They’re the owners of of WWE but strictly with him being as a large um sort of a you know percentage shareholder um what sort of liabilities does that present TKO versus I guess you know um the liability of him selling the shares being what seems like the principal
Concern here yeah I I really need to rely on someone with better expertise on what they would be looking at in in that sense but um like WWE they are also defendants in this case on top of it so you’re in the case where it it is not as
Though they don’t have an attachment with this case they are defendants in this case and of course with the four unnamed Executives in this lawsuit as well like they are they are part and parcel with with with this case on top of it now but when we’re strictly
Talking about like are you suggesting maybe like a moral concern of of um people you know investing in TKO because it it might benefit a bck man I’m not I I don’t if it began and ended there I would not think that there would be that
Kind of a reflection but there’s none I don’t think so look at the the reaction to the stock like on the day that this all of this was announced right but at the same time I mean as this case continues and I mean have you been
Watching a lot of like the coverage of this like it is people are like this is like mainstream news and people that are like constantly covering some of the like worst stuff imaginable they are repulsed they are repulsed like people cannot even repeat what is in this
Lawsuit and it’s just the idea of what effect this could have on tko’s business when they are courting different sponsorships and like where it could affect business yes a slim jim jumped back on but as we are if you are a major brand out there um like if you were in
The midst of your like let’s say this had broken two months ago and you’re shopping the raw rights like is Netflix thinking twice about jumping into bed even with a resignation with a Vince McMahon like maybe maybe that that’s not going to be a deterrent to companies but
Are they thinking twice when this is even with his Detachment now from the company like they are still going to be in the coverage of all of this they are still defendants and there are enough people that are looking at this as much more than just Vince McMahon solely and
Looking at the company under a microscope well I can’t imagine certainly um a Netflix or Dwayne Johnson being happy you know that about the timing of all this but whether or not I think it’ll affect TKO and WWE longterm ter I think remains to be seen it
Depends on how much of a story this continues to be months down the line does it have the legs I mean Vince has gone through I think a lot of um High publicity sort of um you know coverage before and seems to have weathered almost everything um this time I don’t
Think he’ll come back to the company but can TK weather the storm I feel like with enough time everything blows over unfortunately Michael mccan at sportico he is a senior Sports legal expert and he he wrote an article sort of looking at like the business side and just a few
Exerpts from this uh McMahon flatly denies Grant’s allegations he says her lawsuit is replete with lies obscene madeup instances that never occurred and is a vindictive Distortion of the truth uh as sporo explained enforceability enforceability of an NDA and accompanying mandatory arbitration Clause will likely surface as key
Defenses in a best case scenario for the defendants US District Judge Jeffrey Mayer will dismiss Grant’s complaint to arbitration which would be conducted in private and outside of journalist reach so that could be one ruling that would be the most beneficial to Vince McMahon where this would be uh dismissed and
Would be conduct conducted essentially behind closed doors in arbitration can you repeat that one more time just just maybe in in in in a best case scenario for the defendants US District Judge Jeffrey Mayer will dismiss grants complaint to arbitration and would be conducted in private and outside of
Journalist’s reach okay and why would they dismiss that would be I mean just for the belief that this does not this is not enough to stand trial um that that would be you know his his legal ruling on that uh goes on to state but if grants lawsuit advances preti pre-trial
Discovery could expose WWE leaders and former leaders to damaging Revelations via testimony and publication of old emails and texts if even some of Grant’s historical retelling is accurate it would suggest McMahon felt empowered by WWE to treat her and perhaps other women in degrading and abusive ways without
Worry of ever being held accountable like other companies WWE has workplace policies that prohibit sexual and other forms of harassment and demand employees treat each other with respect a typical employee who acted like the McMahon depicted by Grant would have been fired years earlier and never brought back
Stockold ERS could demand to know about the enforcement of WWE workplace rules for the boss and his inner circle uh so um Michael mccan is actually G to be joining Brandon and I this Wednesday so we’re gonna look at this as well sort of from the legal aspect and maybe uh flesh
Out a couple of these scenarios and sort of what is going to be looked at um and listen there there’s always in the cases of this like it’s it sounds very callous but when we we were talking about um this case here it is ultimately about
Money like that is what is at the end of this this is a absolutely horrible process for a victim to go through and so when when there is a figure that could make I wouldn’t even say all of this go away but looking at potentially
Like the next two years of your life of these headlines of this scrutiny um and it can go away you can understand how that is that is an exit strategy for some that don’t want to go through this and I would think on the defense side um
Discovery is the last thing they want to undergo in this in this whole thing of what could be uncovered when we just saw a sample of some of the evidence that could be there sure um does it perhaps give you any sort of indication about whether or not others who may have
Signed ndas may come for forward or would it not really incentivize them or would they I guess uh you know outlined in in the uh lawsuit are five different reasons why ndas might not be valid at this point well that’s the key is that if if these ndas can be ruled invalid
There’s nothing stopping anyone else from coming forward I would suggest what would stop other people from coming forward would be maybe the protection of their own identities well of course if they were willing to and it’s a great point because know I like look like I am not out there
Seeking uh people’s commentary about Janelle Grant but I can imagine there’s some horrendous stuff being written about her and I’m sure that if you are someone that is attached to this NDA I mean that’s part of the reason is that you do not want to be uh attached to
Some of this and what comes with that kind of Spotlight on on top of it but if they were willing to like that is a a part of the these ndas as well that could be unenforceable and if someone wanted to come forward there might not be anything preventing them either so
That is the latest um today on the Vince McMahon case it’s going to continue and I mean there was really tonight tonight’s edition of raw it was basically a show that had um like nothing you could infer in terms of like this this Shadow over over the company or anything resembling that I
Mean at most you could be digging at you know what what Cody was was hinting at in terms of going into the rumble and um there was you know he was referring to like some bad news or something to that degree he he said something to the
Effect of um you have no idea what your response on Saturday meant to me like in that moment as if to suggest that there was something very personal going on with him I don’t think he was referring anything about this and judging by how I think the company reacted when directly
Pressed about this issue there’s no possible way I would expect them to even hint at anything involving this what Cody said here just as I had my notes is that all of us need an escape and we need an escape sometimes too the last 48 hours have been very challenging and I
Needed all you people on Saturday and was grateful for you but um the way it was delivered I to took it as probably something personal I’m just stating that if you wanted to read into something that would be probably the the closest indication of everyone wanting an
Escape if you if you wanted to look into it sure okay way not B I mean I I don’t know I have no I can’t say one way or another the other key news today involves CM Punk who has suffered a torn right triceps and he is uh going to be
Out for a long time it looks like surgery will be required this is going to be the second time he has torn his tricep but this is the different arm than the one that he tore in the John Moxley match at allout a couple of years
Ago uh this happened in the Royal Rumble uh many people were noting that after the Future Shock DDT that he was favoring the arm and apparently rolled to one of the referees uh to communicate and yeah this was uh sort of uh being speculated upon and then today it was
First reported by Dave Meltzer that he had a significant injury sustained at the rumble people were speculating it was the triceps and then Mike Johnson confirmed it was the triceps and it’s you know he’s going to need surgery and made it pretty clear here this is not
Going to be this this was not the Seth Rollins speech from last week that he was gonna hint that he wouldn’t make it to Mania no he is not going to make it to WrestleMania and this is awful it’s just an awful injury at an awful time
And I just like this guy has had just the roughest of luck when it comes to injuries over the last two years when it comes to the broken foot two torn triceps and from a mental standpoint to be facing another it took him nine months last time to come back from the
Torn triceps and you know he is you know he’s 45 years old and dude rehab sucks and he’s going through it all over again I just I I just think it’s it’s just terrible for him who was just on this role since coming back to the company totally yeah um
I so injuries are never a good thing in pro wrestling but when you’re a beloved baby face I think they’re at least salvageable you know and I think much like Rollins last week maybe much like Cody from two years ago um you can make something out of a
Bad situation and I think that’s what Punk did tonight we’ll we’ll cover perhaps you know the promo later on but um he to me was able to cut an excellent promo about his comeback and I thought it ended up like successfully sort of chaptering this first run of of his WWE
Comeback as one where he’s a very solid baby face I think he earned enough sort of like um clout with with the office and and with the audience to set himself up for a major major comeback like a WrestleMania Main Event level comeback yeah I mean it’ll be know if
We’re looking at in the ballpark of of nine months I mean it’ll be 46 in October um you know so this is you know at that point it is it does become that that question of how how hard you can go with him in in that top
High of a role coming back yeah well that that’s sort of the other maybe talking point coming out of this injury right I mean um I don’t think it’s it’s sort of um rude to suggest that this man might be injury-prone you know at this point I mean he’s gone through several
Like tough matches throughout his aw run escaping injury I I I suppose it’s it’s probably not a great look um for maybe people who might be suggesting that punk is injury prone to have him actually be injured the first match granted it was a very long
Match you know and and he had to do a whole lot uh but still is is he a guy you could depend on you know for a a major title run I would suggest that I don’t think it matters because he’s so over and you can craft any sort of run
You want out of a CM Punk as long as you can build to those major title matches which I think the crowd are still the crowds are still very interested in seeing um but it does maybe you know put into question his perhaps you know um
Longevity um you know doing this at a full-time basis we’ll get into more of this uh during the the the raw review because that was the the major news coming out of the show Brock Lesnar obviously was not at the Royal Rumble on Saturday night and we were able to to
Learn about his original plans what was being set up for Brock Lesnar he was to be at the Royal Rumble on Saturday and then he was set it sounds like Brun breaker was just put in his spot complete with uh Dominic Mysterio eliminating Braun breaker as the initial
Plan had been for Brock Lesnar to wrestle Dominic at elimination chamber in Australia and then it would seem that the roads would lead to WrestleMania with a match with Gunther so now Brock Lesnar is out and it becomes is Braun break uh did he just assume the Brock role in
The rumble and we’re going to go a different way on television is he going to do he was still eliminated by Dominic you could still do that although there was not only no hint of that on Monday but Braun breaker it sounds like is at least this week um they’re teasing him
Being on Smackdown with Nick Aldis so we will see what happens with uh Braun breaker and on top of things um with with the CM Punk injury how much of a domino effect does that create for your WrestleMania card because now you need to make new plans for one of your top
Guys in Seth Rollins and tons of stuff could be impacted by that and Gunther being earmarked for a Braun breaker could have been uh like we don’t even know what Brun breaker’s uh trajectory was like this was um you know just being thrown into the spot and continuing but
Um that that’s where things were going and I I would say they’re it it’s probably way too premature to even assume where the pieces will land yeah I don’t think you could just directly answerer a Brun breaker into you know like plans that were scheduled for Brock
Lesnar just because I mean not only are they very different you know athletes but um Brock Lesnar is also much more popular and established than a brand new guy in Brun breaker and um you know it’s all dependent on I think who the opponent is and what the program is um
And maybe you could possibly alter it but I’m sure they are retooling everything to give Braun breaker a proper introduction for first of all you know to a WWE audience um whether or not he even has a match at WrestleMania I I I wonder if if if if you know you would
Think so but um if they’re calling him up now they need to make him not just you know a Andre the Giant battle royal guy I think that really because at that point keep him then for post Mania plans I think if they’re bringing him up now
There’s a reason for it other than if not they would have just done the Cameo I think they they they’ve made it pretty clear like he is getting the call up yeah yeah exactly so yeah we’ll see you know what what sort of a role he might
Have for a WrestleMania run and um they’re definitely going to be giving him something big and and important so um good for Braun you know um Brock’s loss is Braun’s game haromu Takahashi has resigned with New Japan and this was announced through Tokyo Sports so romu staying put with
New Japan Pro Wrestling he’s not coming to WWE or aw he is not no he is not going to be the subject of any kind of bidding war and there you have it um not that it would have surprised me if like it came out that like he would be one to
Leave because I think he is the exact type of Charisma that would translate to any Market despite whatever language you know much like shins Nakamura but um good for New Japan to hold on to that one he’s important yeah for for sure Smackdown doing 2,475 th000 viewers and a 71 in the demo
Beating out the US figure skating championships on NBC this was their biggest audience since September 15th which was the show with The Rock and Pat McAfee and highest demo audience since the Bray Wyatt Terry Funk tribute show last August so yes it was the night before the Royal Rumble um do you
Attribute a sizable amount of this to just the publicity from the past couple days 100% yes for me at least you know I mean I watched the smackdown I think the lineup going in was not like were people really that interested to see people draw balls out of the the [ __ ] roller
You know I I don’t think so I think it’s all the talk of WWE and Vince McMahon um that that would have led to to this number but do you think the thought process was just if they’re going to address it because when the first Scandal like the first Wall Street
Journal story broke and they built it like remember that Vince announced he was going to appear on Smackdown and they drew a number out of it I mean there was less than zero chance of Vince McMahon showing up on this Smackdown or of the company talking about it but
Right the resignation happened as the show was going on as well so I mean I do attribute most of it to just the Vince McMahon news although I just like I’ll just say person like I had no interest in watching SmackDown on Friday night and I don’t even know really the
Psychology of that Curiosity when like there was no way this was going to be addressed on TV right what time did the resignation news uh drop dud it was like in the first hour of SmackDown I want to say like between 8 and 8:30 was when when the news
Officially dropped with the nickon email and uh I guess I’m C I’m going to look back to to Brandon’s quarter hours to see if there there’s any sort of notable shift um I mean it was pretty high throughout the entire two hours yeah it it’s not like there was some big
Big jump um just because of that but I I don’t doubt that the Vince McMahon news did draw people to this show for whatever reason whatever you looking for um but yeah they they did a giant number on Friday uh Rampage actually held up did a did a pretty good number itself
382,000 viewers and a 0.13 in the demo up slightly uh but where they really got a jump was in male viewership in both 18 to 49 and 18-34 although women in the 18-34 demo took a bit of a decline the peak was the first quarter for John
Moxley and Lee Mor arti um are you expecting like Collision to just tank number-wise on Saturday yeah but what is tank like what is tank for Collision honestly like it and and does it we kind of know what to expect right and how much weight do we
Put on oh yeah I’m only curious to like it was I I only got to watch it like late last night it was a hell of a show I thought Collision was great on Saturday and I will say if you were someone that for whatever reason skipped
The rumble to watch Collision they gave you a great show that um they needed to on on a show like that that cage match I thought was great Danielson and Nagata was strong uh you had Eddie Kingston and Willie Mack on the show like I just thought overall it was a really
Entertaining two-hour show I I enjoyed this show more than I did the Royal Rumble I think that sort of Buzz is like maybe the best thing you can hope for you know when you’re going up against something like the the the Royal Rumble I mean its success may not be measured
In in ratings but I think word of mouth and sort of like the reputation that hey this is worth watching um even in DVR or it’s worth watching certainly on nights where it’s Unos you know they they can’t afford to just take it easy on nights
Like this Boer City a toown for aw Tuesday night NXT will have a face Toof face with ilad draganov and trick Williams the dusty classic semi-final with trick and Carmelo Hayes against Cruz Del Toro and Wen wild Noam Dar against Von Wagner for the Heritage cup
And Electra Lopez against Lola Vice as I think Electra Lopez probably finishing up on NXT now that she’s made the jump to SmackDown Dynamite will be in New Orleans on Wednesday and we have the return of Chris Jericho taking on Kyle Fletcher Dianna perazzo against tyia Valkyrie and then the Dealers Choice
Matches we’ll see hangman page against TOA Leona and swerve Strickland against the heavily teased Rob vanam without stating it flat out right um i’ like this role for rob vanam you know like if he was a full-time rostar member I don’t think I’d I don’t think he’d be
Appreciated I don’t know if I I would appreciate it but to have if you way could pick my opponent and you really had a beef with me okay you you once um I I I broke into your house once and like left a t-shirt by your child’s crib
Would you be going to the Rolodex and picking you know who rob vanam that’s gonna shut up Pollock of all the people at my disposal everyone in this company everyone I know in wrestling Rob vanam um I guess um you know hangman um was trying to think outside of the box
You know throw you throw you for a loop okay well Rob Van Dam and S of Strickland um and last thing uh wrestle tixs did note the uh the Royal Rumble uh number that they were able to uh decipher was 46082 which would have been roughly
2,000 off of the announced figure on uh WWE programming so so very much more accurate than in the past much closer not to the degree the Survivor series was in November but pretty damn close and again this is the uh the wrestle tick number like I I could see this
Being like pretty like on like spoton with the announc are they trying to include everybody that’s in attendance and not just you know the people that purchase tickets to get to8 48,000 um well the the wrestle tick number typically does not include like the the sweets and and stuff like that
So it would suggest to us that like WWE is getting more honest with their numbers that they’re putting on a television which 100% is a shift from from Vince and WrestleMania purposes only WrestleMania will also be very telling as as well as Perth as well okay coming up this week on the
Site we have got on Tuesday it’s happening folks it’s a likely for 2024 the MMA prediction show is coming at you Ariel helwani John Pollock we are GNA go through all of the predictions made one year ago and then make a whole new list for 2024 I I would say maybe maybe the
Biggest news of uh today perhaps at least John what what what I thought there there wasn’t enough time to get one in this year what’s going on everybody’s been asking I had to I had to make time okay if you don’t have time you make time and uh Ariel and I the
Tradition will continue year number like 11 or something of doing this this was one one of the most demanded one of the most asked questions over the past month here where is the prediction show where’s the prediction show where’s the so it tells you a lot of people love
This show okay 10 what 11 years in now I got I got requests at uh when I was at the UFC from like media it’s like where where’s the prediction show listen I I’m one man okay let’s let’s see what we can do let’s see what we can do John Pollock
Delivers okay so that’s coming out on Tuesday look out for that um Braden Davey we’ll have you covered Tuesday night after NXT Wednesday as I mentioned uh Brandon and I will be be continuing to focus on the Vince McMahon story Michael mccan from sportico will be joining us and probably at least one
Other uh guest as well so stay tuned for that that’ll be live three Eastern on Wednesday Thursday we and I are traveling back to Toronto for Raw is war from September 3rd 2001 at the Air Canada Center as it was named in 2001 um all I know is that uh Kurt Angle and
Steve Austin end up on a bridge and I know that because I defined an image for the schedule I don’t know what else is on this show and I was at this card 20 some odd years ago I I’ll tell you who was U getting a lot of Cheers on this
Particular particular show it probably was Rob vanam this was super he was super hot I know the next night they do Austin and vanam in toron they did back-to-back nights and this is this is night one yeah I I remember this period very well I mean this was uh I went I
Didn’t go to this show I went to the smackdown afterwards but it’s very much you know a very similar sort of ERA this was uh really at the height of the invasion was it not this is when they announced WrestleMania like they did um they did the announcement during the day
To announce that they’re coming back in formania March as I yeah yeah uh you know how much I love The Invasion John you know before there was a forbidden door there was a WCW WWE Invasion and I look forward to talking about the alliance um God knows what else is on
The show yes the a of a mighty Molly and yeah we’ll we’ll dive into it we’ll we’ll figure out September 3rd 2001 of a a well remembered date in wrestling history so that’s coming out Thursday for members at post wrestling cafe.com we’ll have new post Pro res with wh Park
And Karen Peterson coming out on Friday the season finale of Ekko with wh Park and Rich fan double dose of wh you can never get enough quadruple H and then Collision Course Saturday and then Davey and Braden wrap up the week with a review of NXT Vengeance day from
Clarksville Tennessee on Sunday night yeah maybe just a note um on the scheduling so last week we were supposed to put out a long and winding world road with me on uh wh’s show uh for obvious reasons I think it made sense to delay that to a future date so those of you
Eagerly waiting for that you can a bit longer bit more winding on the road to kada masawa from 1995 so look out for that in the in the coming weeks from wayi and wh Park but now we shift Focus to Tampa Florida for tonight’s edition of Monday Night Raw
12459 tickets out per russle tick and out comes Pat McAfee who is now the permanent member of the raw broadcast team with Michael Cole so we got rid of Kevin Patrick so we were down to one play bypl man we we we we were good on
Analysts so Pat McAfee is back they have an abundance of analysts between Graves Barrett and now Pat McAfee who I cannot fathom that this guy is going to be traveling every Monday to do raw on top of his normal gig so from what I gather college game day is over right yes yes
Which would free him up and and and maybe avoid the initial reason why he departed Smackdown but he’s doing a daily talk show five days a week well he’s also probably crazy you know and uh probably getting paid a handsome uh you know amount to to do something like this
But you can tell he clearly loves it maybe you couldn’t tell from he’s being paid more than a handsome amount from ESPN so he does not need to be doing this by any stretch of the imagination I just question um number one my first thought when I saw Pat McAfee here
Knowing the news it’s like man I’m sure the guy probably doesn’t want to be traveling while he’s got this injury but you put Punk on commentary for like six months could you like that would seriously be um I think appealing to a lot of people to have Punk on commentary
For six months number two is that I would say if you could have gotten Pat McAfee it would made all the sense in the world while you’re like courting your next television contract that you have someone of Pat McAfee’s uh celebrity attached to your show but they’ve passed the Finish Line at this
Point so I mean I would love to know what Pat McAfee is like uh like I’m sure he enjoys doing this but man he is very behind on this product I will say bit better than the rumble tonight but I mean that will come with the we he can’t
Avoid watching Raw because he will be calling raw but it’s still very evident that he is getting familiar with all the current story lines and what’s what I definitely felt like tonight even he he was still a bit more art Donovan than he was um you know the pet McAfee of old um
And again that’ll come ran to the washroom at one point they noted on the broadcast did you hear him say that it’s like it’s a long show I I I know he brings like a ton of value you know to to the show that uh in ways that I probably don’t necessarily understand
Not really being a a consumer of his podcast or anything else like that um so I get it I do wish that they I do hope that they have a good role for Wade bar who I think has been excellent you know in in this spot like he’s not the
Type of commentator that I think maybe um takes so much attention away from the product um that I think he he just ultimately enhances it you know and he does a very good job of keeping up with the story lines obviously is up with NXT
So I wonder what his next move is and I wonder what smackdown’s going to look like you know without a lead play-by-play guy well I wouldn’t be the first one to make this this joke and I say it like half jokingly is that man for those weeks that Cory Graves was
This was with Kevin Patrick and Graves had to pretty much play the role of both that you could easily put graves in a play-by-play position because he kind of had to be that quarterback with Kevin Patrick um I just cannot sorry sorry it’s Cole it’s Cole on Smackdown I guess
Doing double 2D right well it it is um but the question would be like what you I’m just joking about like if you put Graves with Barrett um yeah I don’t know they they have an abundance of of analysts and like pretty much Michael Cole and Vic Joseph as your play-by-play
People and I don’t know why Cole would be doing both shows for the extended uh period here K play byplay who cares throw them out there punk and Graves Punk yeah they’re friends aren’t they yeah so I’m sure Punk would do a great job doing that as well CM Punk comes out
Arm is in a sling and he looks at that WrestleMania sign and he felt he had it it was in the palm of his hand he’s not mad that he lost on Saturday and congratulates Cody rhod says he’s earn this hope he win hopes he wins at WrestleMania he doesn’t believe in luck
But I do feel a bit unlucky he tore his triceps thought maybe he could tape it up and work through it but that’s not in the cards maybe headlining WrestleMania won’t ever happen but then he mentions his friend Chad Gilbert who has cancer and he spends time with him and he’s
Always in a good mood and now a real fight this is a flesh wound and he says uh Chad Gilbert guitarist of New Found Glory really oh yeah okay did not recognize the name but I know New Found Glory that’s a note from Jordan Goodman uh he credit for that one that’s that’s
I thought that would just be off the top of your head way no not says he loses more often than he wins did you see me fight in the UFC I had a dream and I was was given an opportunity and I said yes because it scared the crap out of me
Just like coming back here after 10 years scared me back to a place I never wanted to leave but I had to WrestleMania scares me and it might haunt me for the rest of my life but being the best in the world that’s for people who fight cancer put their lives
On the line I promise to keep doing this until the wheels fall off because you people seem to like me I’ve overcome adversity but I don’t focus on the negative and those who told me no Wrestlemania 40 isn’t in the cards but I’m a Cubs fan so it’s not the first
Time I’ve said there’s always next year um this is when Drew McIntyre interrupted this this interview this promo whatever you want to call it it was amazing like it was so like like this guy when he is in his Zone I think there are few at this level and this is
In a company now where you have many great talkers and he was I mean it was just it was real it was a real emotion that you had from him um how often do you ever hear him refer to the UFC and and his tenure there like that is it’s
Been a heel line a few times in aw but himself I mean that has been something like he just never touches on and just like a really great like explanation like here I he used it to he used it to Baby Face himself you know he used his
UFC terrible UFC run that people have made fun of him for to Baby Face himself which is amazing um I think again this is punk and the WWE making the best out of a bad situation but it required an excellent promo from CM Punk in order to
Accomplish it and this was an excellent baby face promo I we we have been critical of I think CM Punk in the first several appearances he’s had in in this WWE comeback this is punk back at his best you know and unfortunately he’s just leaving right now but he shown that
He he still very much has you know that top level top shelf promo within him um and it was a great Babyface promo for all the criticisms I might have had about maybe authenticity to his voice um this was as purely baby face as you could get this was like a very good
Runner-up speech for maybe somebody who’s lost like a primary election giving his endorsement to Cody you know very classy respectable sort of Dismount from the race um he you know threw in a little bit of flattery of the Tampa Bay Lightning in there as well just to kind
Of maybe sweeten this crowd up a little bit more a little bit of self-deprecation about his UFC run and then of course a very touching personal story about his his personal friend who who’s you know uh who is fighting a a very very real heroic battle right now
Um I thought it was just a textbook sort of excellent promo from B see a baby face CM Punk that sets him up for a huge comeback like this to me feels at this point at least a lot can happen between now and next year but if Cody’s going to
Finish his story this year this is the story for the year after WrestleMania 41 CM Punk finally getting his main event well I mean there’s there’s always the comeback but man it’s I I just I can’t believe like to be in in this position where I mean look at the like
Like we were gushing last week over this segment with Cody rhods it’s like you had just set the table for all this stuff it was you know it’s like time is not on his side for like career-wise and you just have to be so frustrated that you could be looking at
Potentially another like best case scenario like it’s probably six months um yeah so any anyway Drew McIntyre interrupts says I do think you’re you’re poison but you know punk I can relate to you you know it was a while back I I lost my job
And I had to reassess my career and face adversity and I’m really not that spiritual of a person but I prayed for this and it happened I came into the Royal Rumble I targeted you punk and I violently assaulted you and when you eliminated me I couldn’t sleep that night after the
Royal Rumble but then when I heard the next day about your injury I had exercised the demon CM Punk and I slept wonderfully last night now I’ll find a way to WrestleMania and I’ll live your dream again D Drew McIntyre was he was amazing on this entire show he’s been
Amazing pretty much every weak but to me he has reached another level like if there is someone that it’s unfortunate about this injury that is so obvious the guy to step into this role as the lead heel on this brand to go into WrestleMania this man has talked his way
Into this spot and he was tremendous here totally yeah I mean there’s still a lot of um like rumors out there about the state of his contract whether or not he’s currently signed one whether or not he’ll stick around after WrestleMania but man like this felt like you know this entire
Drew McIntyre heel run has felt like maybe uh an extended sort of negotiation tactic and a campaign for him to get the biggest check he possibly could because the man has been just on fire you know for several months now and he’s heading towards WrestleMania and finds himself
In a position where he’s probably more valuable than he’s ever been and um I yeah like you said you know um if Punk can’t have that rless match I think Drew is A Perfect Replacement we will talk about other options that they might be presenting in that spot as well Punk’s
Injury certainly hurts a lot but it doesn’t [ __ ] WrestleMania you know uh not at a time when this roster is as deep and as impressive as it’s been in years and Drew McIntyre is is is one of those Stand Up Guys so yeah they’ve got
A lot going for them um it’s um but this hurts I think this does hurt definitely like that’s that’s a big name to lose for Mania season for for this year in particular Punk just explains my heart hurts more than my triceps I’ll headline WrestleMania next year but when I come
Back you’re first on my checklist I’m coming for you and they get into a brawl and Drew Stomps his arm when Sami Zayn runs down to attack Drew and clear the ring and then help uh CM Punk to his his feet and that’s uh that was the end of
CM Punk for the foreseeable future sets up your return program for him I mean maybe by some indication this may might have been something they were going to for either elimination chamber or something you know who knows um but now it’s going to be delayed unfortunately but hopefully it’ll feel big or bigger
By the time it happens I thought this was I I thought it was a tremendous segment uh for what what they had and what what they got out of it and and something for Drew as well coming out of it where I think you do have um like
People were just so like engrossed with CM Punk speech and then he comes out and it was like one of those heal interruptions that I think really did benefit the the heal in this scenario does it give you an any indication about um what you might sort of um I don’t
Know does it give you any maybe more hope that or at least um does it suggest that Drew McIntyre has resigned basically is what I’m trying to say the fact that they’re already building to the CM Punk match okay if he’s if he’s not um we are not
Moving forward one more like I be doing this angle with until I have this guy on paper I mean we’ve seen some crazy stuff when it come like I mean it’s it’s not the the equivalent but like and it’s a totally different company with New Japan
But what they did with with Jonah with Bronson Reed through the G1 and then building him up that he’s the guy to beat okata in the G1 and then find out he’s he’s not under contract and WWE just Scoops him up I was like how did
You not have this set up when you were booking and executing all of this I would say at this point I mean they they have not gone so far with Drew that this would be you know I just for him I would um he’s in a tremendous position to um
Command a great amount to stick around and his value just shot up it’s it’s a sad part of any IND industry but his value jumped that much more over the past 48 hours maybe we’ll get that Bronson Reed uh OT a payoff well somewhere else Judgment Day is in the back and
Ripley says that it’s Bailey’s funeral if she chooses me at WrestleMania and priest and Balor are ready to show how vicious they are the distractions are gone they’re all on the same page we had the the the regular Walkin talk with DIY who have waited seven years for this television title match
Against the tag team champions We have waited for this since watching wrestling on Saturday mornings as kids one segment match it’s commercial we we didn’t even mention it’s commercial free for the first hour as well yeah commercial free for the first hour but a ton of commercials in the
Second and third hours not complaining not complaining priest and Balor against DIY for the tag titles Gargano gets the tag after the advantage on Champa uh priest stops a fairy tale ending and then they double team Champa when he’s back in one final beat is hit and then
Champa with the air raid crash off the turnbuckle for a nearfall crab reacts to that they hit the meet in the middle onto Balor fans are getting into it chanting DIY but then uh it’s priest yanking the leg of Balor right there in front of the referee um and this is just
Breaking up the uh the cover not a DQ is it usually a DQ has it been a DQ recent memory am I forgetting something I guess you can just pull him out from from the floor no problem priest is then sent flying over the desk Balor uh
Misses with the Cuda so Gargano uh with Gargano Escape while Champa applies the Sicilian stretch at the same time but priest lifts up Champa drops him on Gargano breaking up the submission priest then catches Gargano elevated flatliner onto the desk and then they have Champa alone with a razer’s edge
Cuda gr to retain the belts in 12 minutes and 54 seconds first match back officially for Pat McAfee as a regular member of the raw broadcast and he gives this a six star rating six star match I I’d love to to know what the comparison points are for
This guy he was he was watching a on his on his iPhone I guess do we know what how big the scale is it could be a 10 star scale we don’t know that you’re right he is he is not introduced the McAfee star scale but um six stars
Priest against DIY you also seemed to learn for the first time what DIY stood for in this match as he asked Michael Cole and I could have like I guess he never called any of their like DIY matches in NXT whatever like it’s kind of his thing to like kind of be aloof
You know and you’re going to get a bit more of that on this first night back list listen I I was a big fan of Pat McAfee broadcaster but Pat McAfee getting like back into the swing of things I’m I’m not as into it takes time but but he’ll get
There we’ll give him a few weeks I thought DIY looked great here um as a first title challenge I thought Tampa treated them really well and it overall I felt like it was the type of match where they gained something even in defeat but so much of that sort of like
You know feeling comes from the followup and they have to continue to treat DIY as an important act if if they want to have them stick around and not just be seen as mcarter which I think they could be in danger of um so good yeah I I like the match I
Thought I thought this there was a very good wrestling on on this show I I co-sign with you with DIY it’s you know a good match um but what they do with them beyond that I think they’re they’re sort of just have carved out their spot as you know
Your they can they can have a great match in the middle of the card you can call on them for for that is there much more to W with them we’ll see Dom and JD joined priest and Balor in the ring and they state that there’s one member of
The Judgment Day that deserves an apology they call out our truth and truth comes out and if you watch it when they do the uh the Druid Holograms they have now added an R Truth standin with the Holograms that I thought was hilarious and Truth says that you know
We’ve always been family priest is like his older brother Finn is the weird Uncle JD is the step brother they don’t want to admit is in the family PRI says but you’re not in the Judgment Day and and I like you you’re funny but because
Of that I’m not the one who’s G to do this and JD jumps our truth from behind attacks him beats him down then The Miz comes down they beat him down too and awesome truth is left laying as the Judgment Day Stands Tall so I guess my
Question question coming out of this is was this the turn was this the big turn you know CU I think we we were all or at least you and I were thinking that the turn would come with perhaps priest i showing uh some sort of Babyface I don’t know inkling to towards
Saving truth this comes across to me like a bit more of like a middle chapter you know rather than like Sami Zayn finally turning on Roman Reigns at the rumble for instance this feels like um it’s only maybe an obstacle for our truth and he’ll think that he’s a part
Of the Judgment day cuz I just I just sense like a bigger sort of moment for them to finally extinguish this uh but but we’ll see uh but obviously it builds to truth and Miz being your next Challengers or at least big next big Challengers for the Judgment days tag
Titles when do you think that match happened I mean that could be at elimination chamber potentially is it big enough for Mania I I mean I wouldn’t discount It Like Our Truth is really hot and I could see them going who else there further with them oh you’re right I mean there’s not a a big um program for Judgment Day on the horizon um but yeah
Um that’s a long way I just I don’t feel it with truth and Miz like I feel that there is just a non-chemistry there even though the whole point of this is that they have this history together h um I think because of the history like I
I accept them as a team um it kind of leaves Miz in like a bit of a I don’t know kind of like a like I don’t know if him playing the straight man next to R Truth is is like the um like him at his
Best you know but truth is hot and to get him into like a big program a tag team match with an established tag partner in The Miz I think makes a lot of sense even if it is for a do a music video together that that would um that would
Probably Garner them some extra Fame our truth of Woe yeah Basler and Stark against nien and Chelsea Green um green got tagged in and she threw Basler off to avoid the kiraa and then just s side steps missing a missile drop kick so uh and then Zoe
Start kilder with a z360 2 minutes 5 Seconds as they beat the former Champions and then we took our first commercial break 53 minutes into the first hour kicking things off for hour two is Cody rhods and has Samantha Irvin do double duty here announcing him as
The winner of the 2023 and 24 Royal Rumble Cody says we all need an escape and this is where he talks about the fans getting him through on Saturday and is about to make the Wrestlemania main event official when Seth Rollins interrupts shakes Cody’s hand I mean on
This show of all shows where we do the the guy is hurt legit and we’re going to do the big injury angle I couldn’t help but watch this and just IM immediately go back to this guy uh Toren peek and Rollins destroying him on Raw the uh the Monday
After well they put a lot uh past them they they they’ve been through a lot Rollins is a different person now yeah they they they’ve done the house show Loop together so it’s water under the bridge he tells Cody if you choose Reigns you’re making a mistake you
Should fight me instead and uh I give Cody a lot of credit he had to have like the same confused look on his face for about 10 minutes here as Seth Rollins put out his case and they kept cutting to Cody who had to look like I’ve never
Thought of this as an option ever this is so bizarre that you’re telling me this and the man just had to have this look for the whole promo and the crowd is chanting no no no I mean just a ringing endorsement of this secondary Championship Cody said Cody you said
That you were the guy but you’re not the guy and neither’s wrong Roman Reigns anymore I’m the guy and this title is the title in WWE the landscape has changed and I know you’ve been thinking of Roman Reigns non-stop for the past year but you’re on the road with me
We’ve seen all these towns and who’s headlining all these shows it’s not Roman Reigns it’s me people were sick of Roman Reigns that’s why this title was created this title is for us by us and now we have a new name for this champ ionship the fubo World Heavyweight
Champion Seth Rollins and we don’t have to pretend that Roman Reigns is God anymore we don’t need Roman Reigns at all that’s the Hollywood title the Hogan title for posers now was this just him like going from Hollywood to Hogan because this felt like a very unnecessary dig just at
At Hulk Hogan out of nowhere by Seth Rollins the self-professed uh hulkamaniac here did he has he professed himself to be a hulkamaniac oh he was last week they were doing the anniversary thing and they did something with Rollins he was on the Daniel Cormier interview he was there like
Promoting the Hulkamania thing so um I don’t think this was him deliberately jabbing Hogan I mean there’s plenty of wrestlers that I think would more than volunteer to take a shot at Hogan but I don’t know if Seth is one of them says this and this is the title you don’t
Have to politic for and he says do you want yeah do you want the poser title or do you want the dusty rhods title the work title the blue collar Championship which was nice that he was actually uh decked out here to back that yes and
Says but I know this isn’t about Dusty it’s about you and all I ask is that you think about it what kind of a man do you want to be do you want to be a poser or do you want to follow in your Father’s Footsteps no pressure Cody says I have a
Lot of respect for you Seth and I didn’t imagine we’d be talking about this and I’ll think about it and that’s how the segment ended so um man a lot on on Cody’s mind here I think this presented a really interesting scenario and um they have pushed Cody versus Roman now for
Like what like a year and a half like we’ve been involved in this storyline um and Cody has specifically avoided challenging for Rollins title this entire year because we all know that the story ends with Cody beating Roman Reigns specifically for that Championship the championship he says
His father never got and they you know they they go they went as far as to have a Cody Point directly at Roman Reigns at the end of the Royal Rumble last night but Punk’s injury changes everything and they did not know about CM Punk’s injury
When they had Cody point to Roman Reigns at the end of the Royal Rumble so whether or not this was just a a misdirection to you know serve up this sort of a decision story from Cody um it it’s suddenly a lot more of a realistic possibility than it was you
Know 48 hours ago um because if you’re if you’re the WWE you have several cards in the table several major cards in the table even if CM Punk is not there you still have the rock you have The Rock versus Roman Reigns you have Cody versus Roman
Reigns as well but if you have the Rock and Roman Reigns you have Seth Rollins who needs to opponent you have a Cody rhods what’s the best what’s the best way to maximize your value with all of those pieces I think everybody watching this like you heard it doesn’t want the
Possibility of Cody not having that Roman Reigns match um but if the creative is strong enough and it’s going to take some really strong creative they might actually attempt to try to convince the audience that Seth versus Cody might be a better way to go and
Again it’s going to do will it require a lot of heavy lifting from both guys and I thought Rollins like did a great job tonight like if there was like this is a Monumental task to ask a baby face to try to convince them that the the year
And a half long program that they’ve been building to and that we’re approaching the finish line for is to to to suggest that they’re going to change it and I thought Rollins did a great job but again Punk’s Punk’s injury changes everything so I’m just saying it’s it’s
Possible I I I don’t throw out any ideas cuz it’s everything’s been thrown up in the air with this Punk injury there’s like it totally makes sense if you have the commitment of the rock you could make the argument you should be doing that regardless um that’s there um but
If if for some reason the rock is not there and you’ve got to play with the pieces you have here you’ve also introduced the idea of doing Cody going for both where it’s faces Seth Knight One winner gets Reigns the next night you have a viable Cody Reigns rematch or
You tease Reigns and Rollins the second night and you can even promote it as like win or take all with the with the Championships interesting okay if you have rock out of the equation and you’ve got to play with the players that you have at your
Disposal now if if the rock is not available should you not just go for roban versus Cody and have Drew versus r or Gunther versus Rollins you know just to kind of like create a few more top spots for for several guys rather than having three people only take up those
Spots I guess you look at it of like who what what they think is the biggest match for that that first night like the trouble is like Seth and Drew is like there’s a story there absolutely but it’s also they’ve done the match it’s sort of like we’ve like we’ve done it on
TV by this point as well we just did it a month ago um and and again there’s the whole question mark with through as well like um yeah so there there’s a lot of calculus that I would say that goes into this but I mean yes you if you have the
The Rock option that is certainly like as we had said an embarrassment of riches and now you might be one guy down and you can shift the you can you can shift your plans and this is going to be a very big set of shows for the company
Regardless but it it was a very strong segment here I saw I thought Seth was great and um looks like they are going to draw this out further with the with where they’re going and yeah like can can we even say like they have a definitive plan locked at at this well
So much of it I think depends on the Rock doesn’t it right all I’m saying like everything that went down last week I mean that could very much uh affect things with with Dwayne Johnson I mean he is the guy let’s remember he has to be out there promoting the UFL
And you’re on you’re already on this board of directors and you’re pushing Mania it’s like he will be in a lot of um he’s gonna be out in the public eye and by default like he is going to become like the spokesman for this company that this this lawsuit is going
To be major news um at least it is now it’s so it’s so interesting how so much connects together obviously everything connects together but like the the the idea that like we’re we’re past the rumble and the main event for Wrestlemania could still be several different options
Um because of a numerous amount of factors you know including injuries to CM Punk and everything going on with v man it just makes this runup to Mania maybe that much more interesting we go to the new day and Kofi cuts a promo about people associating them with their pancakes and
Bootyos but we’re also about winning titles and he’s going to win his fifth IC title tonight but before that Jay Uso Bronson Reed one week in the making Reed is attacking him big sent on and then after missing the Uso Splash Reed hits him with a Death Valley driver and then Jay rolls
Away from the tsunami super kick Spear and the Uso Splash to win in 9 minutes and 17 seconds and um just kind of keeping Jay around like he is just he’s just like floating this was Jay’s first raw singles match since December the 18th against lud Vic Kaiser his first
Raw match period since January the F the 1st so he’s been pretty much inactive for an entire month and I I can’t really explain the reason why I mean maybe they wanted to just kind of set up a big surprise meeting between him and his brother at Rumble but doesn’t mean you
Can’t have him involved at least like talking about how much he wants to win the the the rumble I really feel like he’s kind of cooled off over the past month and no clear direction of what’s what well I guess they they they tease the the the Jimmy thing but no followup
Even on if the goal of the rumble was to make you want to see that match I don’t think they did a great job of that at all in the rumble like you yeah they were one and two but you weren’t left with that Rumble of man I can’t wait for them to
Get to there was no big angle shot between them it was seeing him in the ring yeah it was like you gave breaker the elimination of uh of who did he eliminate Jimmy or Jay he eliminated one of them anyway I don’t remember at this
Point it was Jimmy I think so yeah that was um he’s going to need story he’s going to need promo it’s not it’s not enough to just have like hey like you’re my twin brother you know like when the story was hot when everybody was still thinking about the bloodline yeah but I
Think now it it deserves a a bit more sort of personal and they can get there like we’re so far away from Mania I also want to say missed opportunity here not calling this match meat versus Yeet oh man they’re just wrecking Jay at every every opportunity aren’t they just
Cutting them off at the legs um they did do they did do a very good job of like isolating video packages for Andrade Jade Cargill and Braun breaker to emphasize their appearances in the rumble Andrade has signed with raw Nick aldus walks in and just got scooped from right from
Underneath them and Aldis tells Pierce we we’ve got to talk about the elimination chamber but before he can he gets a call from Braun breaker so that’s our tease of breaker probably showing up on Smackdown so it seems to take Andrade out from the lwo Legato
Angle yeah yeah um and uh well which is fine like you know there there’s plenty for him to to be involved with I suppose who’s he gonna uh mix up with you think on Raw probably like a Jay Uso levelo is gonna be my guess when in doubt going
With Jay Uso I guess so yeah uh but also doing a good job of like making Braun feel like um you know that the hot free agent gther did a promo he says Kofi you’re about to have the biggest fight of your life and uh he says that uh
Gunther after tonight I’ll just forget about you and I’ll leave you in the ring as I continue as the longest reigning Intercontinental Champion ever Jackie interviewed a very uh very distraught Becky Lynch as she let a lot of people down by losing the rumble let herself
Down but she’s not g to give up she’s gonna have to think smarter fight dirtier and take the title back to the main event so she’s got to regroup great great news Becky there’s a there’s a show called The Elimination Chamber and there’s a second title so you know what
There is a plan B for you yes there is Gunther and Kofi Kingston I thought this match was great Gunther attacks him right away and puts the Boston crab on we go to break and Gunther is in control Kingston then catches him coming off the
Top or comes off the top and is caught with a back back breaker and Gunther applies the Boston crab again and we just cut abruptly to break it’s jarring when I don’t get raw rolls on it’s just when they doing stuff he applies a submission hold we cut to
Break I was like who is making this call to go to break at this inopportune time I mean this was a this was a show where they had to backend you know um all sort of all the commercial breaks that they missed out on in the first hour so these
Matches aren’t typically structured I guess with multiple Dives to the outside and therefore maybe a commercial break in the middle of a Boston crab it’s like one two we’ll be right back suicide dive is caught and Kingston gets driven back first into the apron uh
Tries for a Power Bomb but gther is sent into the post and out of nowhere Kofi hits a trouble in Paradise it really gets rolling here Gunther instead of getting pinned rolls to the floor so Kingston goes after him leaps off the barricade and gets him back in and hits
A boom drop off the top for a two count huge Lariat from Gunther and then Kofi lands the SOS another Larry is hit in response from Gunther drop kick Power Bomb and stacks him in 15 minutes and 46 seconds yes we had some uh two commercials within this uh 15 or so
Minute match um but I I thought that they did a very good job here I would say probably second best match on the show I think I think once we finished the second commercial and they actually got going I I started to get into the match the first portion was I think
Relatively cold because maybe they were anticipating and waiting for these commercials um they definitely achieved like a pretty high you know quality by the end and then Woods checks on Kofi and they get jumped by Vinci and Kaiser who leave them laying yet again Jackie is
With Sami Zayn and asks how he is going to uh put his emotions aside to take on Drew McIntyre tonight and said it was hard to sit on the sidelines especially when I was taken out by someone like Drew then I drew number 30 that two was
Taken away by Drew he needs a reality check tonight Kabuki Warriors against natal Natalia and tan Knox so the story is that Natalya is proud that tan Knox eliminated her from the Royal Rumble because it shows that she is learning yes okay their double teaming KNX uh did get some cheers from the
Crowd and then she boots Asuka throws s out of the ring and then gets caught in an ankle lock by Asuka San then Yanks Natalya off the apron to stop the tag so Knox escapes finally makes the tag to Natalia who comes in hits a German discus Lariat and then Asuka fights off
Sharpshooter s gets involved and is throwing out and as Natalya goes to tag Tegan Tegan is dealing with s and goes to attack her but gets knocked out on the floor so Natalia’s frustrated they double team her and hit the uh Asuka holds her for the insane elbow and
Natala eats the fall at 9:49 and they mentioned the miscommunication between Natalia and Knox right uh I thought it was a really cold match and I I didn’t think it was very good in quality um I don’t know if it’s just maybe what I’m watching but
Like I I’m sensing a bit of like mistiming from Kyrie you know like for instance with the Sharpshooter um that just seemed to go on the Sharpshooter tip that that seemed to go on forever as they’re waiting for Kyrie to come in and break it I there and then like there’s a
Spot where like even um Natalya trying to go for something on the outside and I maybe maybe it’s just kind of to my eye but I I’ve really not been that impressed with Kyrie on this run unfortunately um and this match I don’t think did a whole lot to um maybe make
Me optimistic that the Kabuki warriors with the Championships is going to change the this division in any way I mean beyond that it’s it’s it’s the creative and I think it’s the the importance of building up you know real Challengers through storylines and they just haven’t really done that
Yet Redmond is with chance and Carter and they’re gonna get their rematch on Raw next week through Adam Pierce and the Kabuki Warriors are still in the ring as Samantha Irvin introduces Bailey your Royal Rumble winner who comes out with the Kota and eios sky and calls this history with all these Champions
And the Royal Rumble winner all in the ring together for Dakota Kai well she’s still injured is she not like she when when is she coming back it feels like she’s been injured for a year now it’s a hell of an injury than that yeah said the damage control would take
Over and thought their idea would be a flop thought people have told me I wasn’t as good after my injury but I didn’t listen to those opinions I wasn’t even on the poster for the Royal Rumble but here I stand as the winner and the most after the most stacked women’s
Roster in history I won The Rumble and I beat Ria Ripley’s record at 63 minutes and three seconds so Ripley comes out and is about to warn Bailey about choosing her for Wrestlemania when she is jumped by Nia Jack who beats the hell out of her hits two leg drops in the
Ring and the annihilator and then Corners Bailey damage control just skirts out of the ring and Bailey is warned you you can pick anyone else but Ria is not making it to WrestleMania so bayy says cool um I’m going to make my announcement on Friday on Smackdown
Anyway and IO was surprised by this that it was uh not just obvious that she is thinking she she could pick me in all of this so um I feel this one should be drawn out a bit more than Friday for where she’s I think so too yeah I was a
Bit surprised that they were um like teasing that they could have Bailey just simply choose e out of the the blue rather than maybe a bit more of a buildup towards an actual turn giving Bailey an actual reason to choose EO we could still get that but
Man to get it within a two-hour show it feels like it it would be a bit rush like we’re still dealing with a Bailey that’s very much a heal at this point even though the crowd wants to cheer for her uh but not as that like not a huge
Indication of like that sort of dissent you know between her and damage control yeah damage control like they they’re doing things like refusing to high five her um and not telling her about their plans but maybe we’ll get a big turn maybe like they’ll they’ll do an attack
I don’t know who knows I’m curious to see how they do it drew was interviewed backstage and you think uh n versus Ria at the chamber that that certainly seems to be where they’re going for elimination chamber yeah I would say that singles match yeah I mean that was the only
Match that was teased for elimination chamber on tonight’s show I mean granted you’ll have probably two chamber matches on the show um drew his interview backstage just lays out his whole gimmick all I do is tell the truth and he looks up he says you know how many
Times Sami Zayn has beaten me in our singles matches zero and I had to look this up man doesn’t lie well how many matches have they had they’ve had like 10 or so singles matches and he’s won every one of them wow okay impressive not lying so D he’s going on cage match
Before these promos I guess he’s he’s always uh yeah backchecking Zayn and Drew closes the show they go through another break Zayn hits a sunset bomb for a two count and then Drew catches them with a spine Buster and a sit out Power Bomb crowd is behind Zayn Zayn
Manages a superplex but can’t capitalize to cover gets to his feet calls for the Hova but is cut off with a Clos line and then Drew calls for the Claymore and runs into a blue thunderbomb Drew gets up and hits this huge belly to belly and hits the White Noise off the turnbuckle
Which was the second time we saw the same move on the show and tells Zane some people are just out of your league and this prompt Zayn to fight back and then in the Finish as Zay goes for the halova kick Drew like gets his guard up
And crouches down and Nails him in the groin by defending himself and Zayn is hurt by the groin shot and Drew capitalizes with the Claymore and pins him in 12 minutes and 58 seconds now um now if they were in uh if they were in a state with a that subscribes to the
Ified rules you could go to instant replay on a fight ending sequence and potentially get the decision overturned but they do not subscribe to the unified rules here so through McIntyre so you’re saying you’re saying under uh in MMA if you there’s a foul that leads to a
Finish you can call you can call for a replay on a fight ending sequence the referee can call on a on a replay is that the only like one of the only instances where you could use instant replay um in there’s that that’s yeah the main one interesting okay yeah well maybe maybe
Wrestling should should think about that 1258 Drew gets the win and he smiles on his way to the back as Zayn sells the grown child I I kind of like the the the Finish it’s like it’s in line with this Drew character that’s like I I didn’t it wasn’t a foul it
Wasn’t intentional like they doing with Roman for a while with like the kick out with the forearm into the groin yeah right although with Roman I the that is far yeah far more intentional but it was a very interesting way to essentially kind of um you know maintain sort of the
Integrity of this heel Drew McIntyre character I mean he he continues to exist in this sort of great area very much a heel of course but he’s still somebody who I think has a a nobility about him where he doesn’t cheat to win and he will tell the truth it’s just
He’s he’s a real [ __ ] about it all you know and that’s why we hate him so uh he did not cheat he’s a guy that should be uh feuding with our truth why because that’s his gimmick he’s tells the truth oh yes it’s late it’s really late um I’ll just say this
For how many times we see um you know just blatant making the ref look dumb I thought this was actually one where it was like plausible that the referee um would like let this go that this was it was an accidental groin shot and in the moment moment you wouldn’t call for the
DQ like it wasn’t an offensive maneuver that he that he did and I I thought like they did semi- protect the referee here that you could at least buy that like in the Heat of the Moment that he let the action continue yeah totally uh I like the
Finish yeah so that was uh the episode of Raw I would say like uh wrestling wise the tag title match and Gunther Kofi Kingston I I enjoyed quite a bit the big thing on the show was the punk news um I thought Drew was excellent on this show like really strong stuff from
Him and like the Cody Seth uh like at the very least you do have now questions about this this direction for Wrestlemania and where things are going to to land and questions about who will be part of the various title matches I I I found that the most interesting you
Know throughout the show was just sort of like how what the domino effect of a CM Punk injury may may cause to the main events of uh WrestleMania what it might cause for a Cody versus Roman Reigns match I mean I can’t believe we’re even talking about it but they’re at least
Teasing the possibility that we might be getting Seth versus Cody instead of um Robin versus Cody so uh whether or not it’s a it’s it’s it’s just a tease or or a misdirection or if it’s something they’re actually planning I at least find this story worth engaging in and um
I I find it pretty interesting uh one thing I I skipped over during the news that I just wanted to include was um Nicole and Bri Garcia the former Bella Twins did put out a statement about the uh the lawsuit last week which of course one of the defendants is their stepfather John
Laurenitis and their statement reads we are shocked and disheartened with the recent allegations against members of the WWE it has been a lot to process as we found this found out this past week just as you all did this is something we don’t stand for or condone from anyone
No matter who they are we want all women to feel safe and supported in the workplace and in their everyday lives um they’re in a horrible position um that obviously they felt the need that they had to put out a statement which is I mean it is something that now that we
Are so many days removed from it like how many people in the industry have you seen just comment on this like very very few Rance Lance Evers uh Ronda Rousey um the Bellas um like it does the the Garcia I should say officially um like
It it does kind of tell you that there still is sort of that that mentality what whatever it is I can’t speak for people but when something like this and there’s just so few that can just come out and you know be you know just like
Put out a statement like this for for for instance um I’m not saying everyone has to put out a press release but um you know you you have not seen a whole lot of um comment from people in the industry well I wonder if if the garcas
Would have felt the pressure to to do this if it wasn’t involving a member of their family you know their their their stepfather I I I bet they don’t but I’m sure they are being um I can’t imagine what they are being inundated with um
And the fact that they have to make it very clear that they heard about like granted of course we have known John laurenitis was attached to um these allegations going back to 2022 but you know when they are coming out there I’m sure they’re receiving tons of
Vitriol from people just because of the the connection in the family oh man it’s it’s it’s pretty awful especially like when there’s are like so much that their children are attached to um in scenes of involving John laurenitis obviously from uh you know the reality show but also
Just even on their own social media and and people using these things against them it’s the [ __ ] most low thing you could do to to somebody um and you know let’s let’s not uh forget their spouses too you know that I I I’m sure you know
Might might be on the receiving end of some of that uh but they needed to make a statement I think you know they needed to maybe well at least just to kind of answer a lot of the Public’s you know sort of like curiosity that nobody has
To do anything but I think it was a good look for them to say something and to condemn this first of all um does they don’t specifically mention John Lord notus by name um specifically I think in they are they say against members of the
WWE so take that for what you will um but yeah this this did get get some attention on Monday we’ll end things off with uh any of your super chats and we have a few pieces of feedback to get to yeah let’s get to some of your super chats we first
Of all go to Pete from Texas who sends $5 to say do you see anybody asking Ari Emanuel AR Ari Emanuel any tough questions seeing that he was Vince’s agent and kept him on board knowing he had all these ndas well I I don’t know how many um you
Know AR emanuals like public interviews are I won’t say they’re rare I mean he does the occasional like conference here and there um it’s it’s absolutely a fair question especially for someone that has been very vocal uh regarding CIA and its attachment to Harvey Weinstein like that
Clip has Circ ated over the past week I think it’s only fair I mean it was it was called out at at the time of you know that he was getting involved with a Vince McMahon when past all these you know uh ndas the knowledge of them had
Been public there’s questions for um the very top of TKO like you were doing your due diligence throughout this time like what were you uh privy to I I want to know more about this independent investigation and what were what or the contents of it I mean you had the former
Board member Jeffrey speed stating there was Outreach to Janelle Grant and her lawyers well you need to give us some more um definition of what Outreach consisted of and how much of this investigation centered around the specifics of what went on versus just the the monetary uh assignments of these
Ndas and was this just strictly about the money that we were investigating and didn’t go any further um when you see like like if they were just finding all of this out now like what was the findings of this investigation that was done independently and how would how would
Any of us know the answers to those questions in what sort of setting would would we know like just another interview with Jeffrey speed you may have shareholders that are going to demand answers because if this has a detrimental effect to to the company’s finances um it’s going to be questioned
Like you told us that there was an independent investigation and you spent company funds a lot of company funds to execute this e this investigation and what was found like what was your fiduciary duty to us as shareholders um in terms of disclosing like the contents
And the findings of this how was Vince McMahon allowed to come back onto like we know Vince McMahon was allowed to come back onto this board but it is going to demand more scrutiny about all of this now that like as I said in my article today like we have moved past
Where it was just these vague terms like they were not nice like descriptions but we went from you know inappropriate relationship uh to hush money payments well now we have the very specific allegations and they’re a lot uglier when you go deeper and and have the actual allegation spelled out that um
That that you’re not sanitizing so um we’ve had one TKO um uh investors call right yes so far and the second one is in about a month and and in terms of I guess line of questioning H how different are were they from the WWE
Ones and and all I’m trying to ask is do you think we’ll get that sort of specif specificity when it comes to WWE spending um at the next from I don’t expect this kind of stuff to be I mean there may be some broad questions about it um anything I would
Say extremely probing or like I just don’t think the earnings call like that is not going to be the the clientele that is going to be probing the company I mean they’re going to be looking at specifics on you know your your your short long range plans and I mean it
Will depend like we we don’t know how much um like if there is more to come like what kind of attention will this lawsuit get like like this three weeks from now like the new cycle does move on unfortunately no matter how serious things are that’s
Just the way things are and like this does feel like a pretty hot button issue at the moment but will it stay that way um and how pressing will will things be but you do have as long as this case is ongoing that is going to be something
That is going to be you know of note and if if you move and we’re talking like a discovery process like that could be very ugly thank you very much Pete in Texas also thank you Pete for getting that hat the post wrestling hat yes some news to come on Wednesday regarding post
Wrestling merchandise so there’s a bit of a teaser stay tuned for that when Wednesday big announcement huge announcement oh man wait has an announcement okay Matthew y sends a Super Chat we’re not done here we have a lot of support John Matthew y sends $5 to say thank you for your coverage of
The McMahon lawsuit he asked does this lawsuit affect aew no no it would it would not yeah I I think even on a business level like I mean all of WWE’s deals are pretty much settled right so it’s not like uh they’re losing maybe like competitors um that aw could come
In and and and you know replace it’s yeah may maybe there’s a bigger discussion to be had about like I don’t know fandom and people getting turned off of WWE moving to aw but I even that I don’t really think is much we could talk about but thank you Matthew let’s
Go up next to nice sammon who sends $5 if not for McMahon the connection between Hulk Hogan the Church of Scientology and the City of Clearwater ads would have been explored more um I’m not sure what that means I mean it’s um I I don’t think it really would
Be I mean Hulk Hogan is like I think his his wife is like attached to Scientology and I mean what does that have to do with with Vince yeah like I just I I don’t think people would have been probing you know Hulk Hogan being used
For tourism spots on on the Royal Rumble to sidebar into like Scientology in involvement I just I mean it’s okay maybe nice samon can do an investigative Deep dive into uh into the link last one here from Dave Grenier who sends 279 just to support thank you very
Much Dave okay let’s move on to Alex who writes albeit under not ideal circumstances this was the first promo from Punk’s current run that actually resonated with me I left feedback on the night of his first promo and called this the beginning of Punk’s Vegas residency
I felt that he was back to having to have fun and make money I can accept those simplistic motivations considering his Whirlwind of an exit from aw but I demand more from punk I demand to continue standing for things that he believes in I want to see the same guy
That advocates for Reproductive Rights than visiting certain US states I want to see the same guy that holds utter contempt justifiably or otherwise for those that he believes have wronged him the line between Punk the performer and punk the person did not truly exist and that was by Phil’s design now when I
Hear him say things like being in the main event of WrestleMania is his childhood dream it comes off as at best decade old aspirations and at worst boilerplate baby face posturing but when punk talks about keeping his injury in perspective talking about the real struggles of real people in his life I
Light up inside he may be in his mid-40s and in a different head space but I was relieved to discover that yes Punk still stands for something interesting um I wouldn’t say that like him talking about main inventing WrestleMania is boilerplate Babyface posturing I mean it was mentioned in the C Cabana podcast
Pretty like in a like discuss in a pretty major way it’s it’s absolutely the man’s dream like that has been his definition of success or failure by his ability to achieve that on his on his list uh let’s go to Manny from Poma who says very strong promo from CM Punk the
Older I get the more easier it is for me to start tearing up which is exactly what I was doing during the mention of Punk’s friend but then chill started when the blue collar man Phil Brooks started speaking passionately the tag title match was also very good I bid on
Every nearfall in that match Triple A announced the new torus will debut on February 18th and a new generation begins as blue demon 3 makes their debut in next march a big shout out to every post member who spoke about the recent loss who had and every went on the site
Who covered it I hope you all took the time to take a bit of a breather and take care of your mental health while working hard during this crazy week thank you we always appreciate Manny from Pima all right and from uh Annie here the best TV show of the year the
Middling first promo aside Punk is hit it out of the park on every occasion the fact that he is the epicenter of the most compelling content whenever he goes makes him the best wrestler of his generation if you value value emotional stakes and drama over Feats of
Athleticism I had a massive gripe with the Seth Cody promo which was Intelligence insulting filler at best or character destroying if Cody picks Seth this disparity between Reigns cheating people like Seth calling him out and the commentators pretending he’s 98 Goldberg is also jarring am I just supposed to
Take Co at face value in this tell don’t show method of telling stories um so I guess his argument here is that they are that this is doing too much to devalue Roman Reigns uh what do you mean what what’s devaluing him the promo with with with Seth he’s oh okay okay
Um uh I I I don’t think so because I think there’s a re very real world credibility to Roman Reigns Championship run I mean the fact that no matter what the activity level is um the fact that like he’s he’s still held on to the championship and is seen at least you
Know symbolically as the the head of this company for three years I is completely unprecedented and and I I don’t think like would no matter what a rival Champion would say will change that um but you expect a rival Champion to to talk down on on the other championship
And talk his championship up I just kind of saw it as competitive trash talk and not necessarily something that in my opinion devalued yeah I think your your mileage will but I think they almost now it is like here is the the ruling Tyrant that is like Untouchable that he has been in
This position for so long that it is just become um like who can knock this this guy off that he is um like this um like this Overlord in WWE that nobody can unseat this this power from did people talk this way about Bruno um back
Back in the day I wonder we don’t talk tyrant what nothing some some might have got it I don’t know all right last one is uh mugin here all right Muggin says for somebody who famously said that luck is for losers Punk sure has had the worst luck staying healthy that
Notwithstanding the promo was strong and it gave drew the heal heat he needed and punk has a built-in program for when he’s healthy it looked like a Surefire bet that Cody was going to pick Roman but Seth made a compelling case for why he should pick him instead Bailey was
Going to make her choice but n jaxs happened Friday better have an answer Kofi Gunther and DIY Judgment Day had the goods WWE is in buying time mode with Punk’s injury 86ing what could have been a killer main event for night one and reeling from a turbulent weekend
Side note I like how the GMS are acquiring Talent the Braun name drop means that Vengeance day will be his swan song okay uh there is one more here from Dave so let’s do this last one do you think the timing of the Netflix deal announcement occurred because TKO knew
That the Vince lawsuit was coming imminently it feels too coincidental that everything happened just days apart and feels like PR spin 101 to flood the Zone with other major news to confuse the average media consumer and give the likes of Triple H something amazing to talk about instead of the damaging Vince
News your thoughts on this no I do not I think that it’s um it’s it’s a conspiracy that you can dive into but no I I don’t think they had any idea the Vince lawsuit was dropping uh two days later and I think that it is um I mean
As as we would have made more sense to break the new after this lawsuit dropped it would be it would maybe be the the better play if you were lining up all this to take people’s attention off of it I guess so I guess that would make Netflix look
Even worse and I mean I just like somebody brought up a a great point about how I don’t think you would have had Dwayne Johnson or Nick Khan publicly talking up Vince McMahon in the media days before this dropping if they knew that this was going to be dropping no I
I legitimately don’t when when Paul LEC and Cody rhods state that like this was dropping in real time for them I I don’t doubt that um now now paulc was a board member it’s like he I’m sure had um you know I I but what what he was privy to
Uh we don’t know but the actual lawsuit dropping and I’m sure the contents of it was uh was fresh to many people that even if they were aware of the allegations um not would would have not known the all those specifics that were listed in there so yeah to to answer
Your question no I don’t think and it’s yeah like you had Nick Conan literally on Pat McAfee and they’re waxing poetic about Vince McMahon um days before this so I mean quite quite frankly um I don’t think they would have had Vince McMahon front and center there at the New York
Stock Exchange um on top of it La last Tuesday so to answer your question no I don’t think that was the case da but thank you anyway okay we are all uh caught up to date now on all the news all the happenings at Raw we are back later on this week so
The MMA prediction show dropping on Tuesday Wednesday we’ve got pollic and thirston as well as rewinded dynamite and then Thursday post wrestling cafe.com it is rewind away number 149 we’re going to Raw at the Air Canada Center September of 2001 tune in find out what was going on
That week in history and then a show review from myself and Mr w um was the what chant a thing back then yes it was just kicking off at this time this was the birth of the what chant was period yeah okay yeah Monumental when it was fresh yeah can you believe we’re
We’re almost going to be at like we’re almost at like 20 years of what chance 20 plus years at at this point we’re at like oh my gosh and it’s still it’s still still staying strong I think it’ll outlive all of us it I think I think it will 100% it you
Know what maybe it’ll get to a point one day where it’s like kids who grew up in this era to become wrestlers like that’s going to be like this honorary thing you get the what chant and it’s going to be treated as like the sign of first what
Chant yeah my be yeah that’ll be the new WrestleMania moment my first what moment yes with the universe okay that’s it for us we’re checking out thanks to everyone for tuning in we’ll speak with you later this Week