Who the do you think you are who the do you think you are shut up I’m out here and I’m trying to say my lines and you’re pulling Focus youing idiot who the do you think oh now oh now it’s not so funny now you can shut up now you can shut the
Up oh it’s not funny now okay the quiet that you are right now that’s how you stay first day oh my God on the set first I’ve never met him this is my first move like first Studio Movie just an Indies until then basically on the show today on the
Powerful truth Angels podcast television show broadcast radio network we have Lola I’m not going to mangle your last name so you can tell us your last name goudini it’s not that hard say it again gladini AKA llad elad AKA elad loudini always down Lola gladini always down Lola is an
Actor uh Lola is now a writer on top of being an actor what else what actor Al as a director also an ex ballerina is that does that true does that stand what else tell us more um dope ass friend good cook mom and terrible driver I can attest to all those things
Terrible driver we’ll put that in the trash that we don’t need to talk about that no good friend mom great cook I can attest to her cooking I’ve had it it’s delicious if you’re lucky enough to have had some of Lola’s cooking uh you’re amongst good company
Let’s first give them some context of your acting career and and shows that you talk about some shows that you may or may not have heard of and people in this podcast may have talked about before but we’ll start we’ll start like we’ll start with some we’ll do like we
Were on Law and Order yeah okay couple times or was it recur yeah oh you were on Law and Order yeah what was your character on Law and Order well I did all of the franchises oh you did SVU oh yeah oh [ __ ] I want this is like kind of
Like um Law and Order geekdom lore okay but I found this out through a friend of mine who’s like a crazy Law and Order buff but um on SVU only four I think I was the third I think I can’t remember it was three or
Four but people who got away like I was a bad person who got away I did Marishka hardig didn’t catch me oh so you were a bad guy yeah oh so you had a recan role but you weren’t like in the cast no no no not on Law and Order I’ve been on
Other shows where yeah I’ve been on the cast but on that show that was really fun you the Vega I yeah I get away you killed somebody yeah Crime of Passion um no it was like more of like uh legal uh vigilante like there were these guys raping people and I like
Killed them I was a lawyer who killed them or something like that I that’s fun yeah is it fun as an actor to play like a part that’s a little more you know on the edge as supposed like serious it course yeah I don’t know maybe some actors are like very serious
And they want to play something with gravatas and they don’t want to play like a vigilante lawyer you know what I mean yeah this was pretty fun though it fun yeah um okay so you’re on Law and Order did you ever meet iced tea I did
Um I met him I met him a couple times cuz I was on that show a couple times but um yeah I did meet him I have a picture of him yeah I te was was a is seminal the right word I don’t know is
Is a SE is a seminal can that be applied to one person yeah icy was an important figure in my uh in my development musically and as a person he he had quite a career and then he did body count you know he’s one of the first
Rappers to cross over and do kind of a punk thing cop back when like talking about killing a cop would like basically get you almost arrested now it’s just like you know do you remember when Rodney King when Rodney King happened yes there was an uproar over cops beating the black man
Up now cops just shoot people every day and we don’t even blink but that back then it was like it it was it was someone beating the crap they were beating the [ __ ] out of somebody but it wasn’t you know what I mean but now it’s
We we’re so numb to all of it that like there’s literally probably someone getting shot right now like down the street and that’s how things have progressed so quickly sorry I didn’t mean to get to a down down down okay let’s get back to the fun
Stuff so yeah Law and Order and you know what I’ve I never Watch Law and Order I’ve never really watched it like I’ve seen it peripherally accidentally but I’ve never actually sat down and like been like a law but there are Law and Order junkies out there yeah um I listen
To Sarah Silverman’s podcast and she always is talking about SVU in general but but I mean Law and Order In general but SVU and she basically says that that’s like her melatonin right she has to put that on and go to sleep oh yeah yeah yeah I have that I’ll rewatch uh
I’ll rewatch a series I’ll rewatch Game of Thrones for a few months to go to sleep again um but there’s another show that I watched a million times at you were on but we’ll get to that last we’ll save the best for last uh also you were
On Ray yes I which is great Le shriber Leaf sher’s debut in party girl you ever see I’m I love that he hello he Hello Parker posie and party girl she’s amazing amazing I remember seeing it when it came out and being like who the
[ __ ] is that lady also Le shriber was so great he’s like the Broody andity leev LEF shriber was great as the Broody and security guard yeah and she’s trying to she’s trying to hook up with the Falafel guide he’s not giving her the time of
Day it was such a great such a good movie you guys seen no one no one else here seen she wasn’t born yeah um yeah she wasn’t even imagined yet no it wasn’t even a thought in any or balls um yeah um yeah they’re crazy Ray fans yeah
And um um it’s a great show I’ve had my Ray Jags I’ve gotten into yeah I’ve definitely gotten pulled into that whole world and like I think it’s really I love that they have Manny from Scarface in there he’s great and I love the wonderful I get that yeah it comes
Through very clearly it was great I got to like one of the great things about that was um getting to know Susan sandon who I love was she on the show yeah wait when is she is she is she like a a bad guy in the show she basically like funds
GR in the earlier no the later ones yeah like the last maybe I never got that far yeah oh yeah so that was cool to work with her I like that what did you think of um what’s his face uh the de um John
Boy yeah I love him you do John is he great yeah we um we like lived next to each other in Williamsburg and and um so we would meet for lunch and he would he’s one of these people that has a he is amazing line where you’re walking
Down the street and people in Brooklyn just like call out like I love you you know or you’re so great or like look it’s joh point or whatever it is whatever people say to him he says it right back you know like you’re the greatest man no you’re the greatest man
You know like damn I love you you’re the best you’re the best you know it’s like it’s like a really good reflex to have yeah and and he he is someone who [ __ ] loves being a star he loves being recognized he loves chopping it up with people on the street he loves like
People stopping him he’s got all the time in the world wow yeah and we would go to lunch sometimes and um there was this place I forget the name of it but we would like meet and well actually we would meet at mogador a lot we would go shout out
Mogador yeah mogador he’d always be like let me take you out for lunch let me take you out for lunch and he never had a wallet or money yeah that’s that’s Lola let’s go out for for lunch yeah I want to treat you kid yeah I’m treat you on you yeah
And you’re what what would happen when the check came I we just pay it it’s [ __ ] John voy who gives a [ __ ] every time the 10th lunch you’re like okay nah I don’t know I just I don’t know he’s a he’s a delight that’s pretty funny that’s like uh it seems very much
Like a like an older uh older journeyman hazing thing of like yeah yeah yeah take I’ll take you out to lunch hey I forgot my wallet oh what hey next time kid I got you uh anyone anything else you want to talk about before we get into to the
To the last one like other shows I’ve been on it yeah or anything any other projects that you you feel really good about or that you’ve done yeah I mean I should just say that like I’m someone who it’s always very weird for me to talk about stuff I’ve done so it’s
It like I it’s just not my comfort zone you know you don’t like talking about yourself in a in a you don’t feel you want to feel like you’re bragging uh uh yeah I it’s it’s just not who who I am in a weird way so I I I
Mean I can but um giving people context we’re we’re going talk about who you are yeah no I understand I understand I mean um I just don’t really see myself as like a a finished product or anything I I’m I’m such a work in progress and um
And so you know I did lots of series um I did a series called Criminal Minds for a long time I did a series um called uh Agents of Shield which was a Marvel show I did um I feel like that’s the one that’s going to hit for our fans the
Most I feel like we have a lot of Agents of Shield fans here shut up no I swear to God I feel like it’s so funny Jason make a poll and see which of her shows they like the most I bet you it’s Agents of Shield okay am I wrong you think I’m
Wrong it’s a very popular show yeah uh huh I did a show called expanse you did the oh I love the expanse really I [ __ ] love the expanse really love it love it I’ve watched that a couple times I have a shaved head in it oh I know who
You are you’re you’re one of the bad guys mhm it was great because it was kind of definitely for sci-fi it had it had a level of grittiness and it was very interesting and I was again I can’t say enough about the experence I loved
It so um shout out the expanse um and then what else you want to talk about Sopranos that’s that’s where everyone you’re like you’re like yeah little yeah little flating a little let’s just get to the let’s just get to the gets yeah well no not not to not to not to
Minimize any of the other things which are amazing at all but like Sopranos is like out Sopranos is like outside like even the expanse being Ray is a great they’re all great shows but Sopranos is like it’s like a piece of art not that those things aren’t because they are but
This is like Opera for me you know yeah like Sopranos is a thing that I’ve watched maybe more than any other thing and every time I watch it I’m still laughing you didn’t know I was on it though when we became friend no I didn’t know you I didn’t have any context for
What you did as an actor at all I had no idea um but no I didn’t know you AR you were one of the FBI agents on the you were trying to lead I was like undercover yeah yeah trying to lead poor Adriana astray from the family from the family
You know what I mean yeah she was trying to turn Adriana and you know what it’s she’s one of the people that got Adriana killed truly truly so think about it do your math um so yeah was on The Sopranos guys so deal with that [ __ ] Agents of
Shield [ __ ] eat a dick Sopranos Tony Soprano the big guy she was next to the big guy she got to have lunch you ever have lunch with uh yeah he was a friend he’s a friend he’s a friend what a guy he was a he was like a fun nightlife guy
He was yeah he was a party guy well I think that’s true but um I I just mean like go out to dinner and and like get into deep convo I really enjoyed going out with him you know be like four or five people and and um it
Was really a good time to be in New York on that show right you know it’s crazy right now don’t please don’t get angry at me that it was 25 years ago no that I’m literally there’s a there’s a picture of over there on my wall and I’m
Blanking on his name I’m thinking of him as gandini J gandini I was thinking of as Tony Soprano and then I want to I wanted to call him Paul Giamatti for a second that’s what’s wrong I’ve had a long day I’ve been on zooms I’m talking to people running around you know like
You’re special I’m not I know I know I’m not special I’m just I’m giving myself an excuse maybe if I had some magic mind if I had taken down a magic mind I’d be in a better place I think you know what will you please get me a glass of water
And a magic mind get one for Lola too she is that supposed to sound like magic mic no magic mind is a drink is not there’s no there’s no there is no association with the male exotic Review called Magic mic it is Magic mind let me tell you guys about magic mind it’s
Holistic it’s green there’s no caffeine it gives you just a nice smooth transfer to the later part of your day when when the caffeine wears off and the zoom meetings have blown your mind into shreds and you need to have a conversation with a lovely actress who
Is far more interesting than than then I can understand because I Haven I I haven’t even scraped the surface and we’re we’re six hours in so I need a magic mine to keep the show on the road um anyway so that’s that’s that’s a quick you know if you really want to get
Into it look at her IMDb Lola gladini Lola God damn it Lola Gonzo bean I like that okay Lola gabano um I’m gonna use that yeah so so so listen what part of New York did you grow up in I grew up um in Manhattan why is is that funny what’s so funny the transition was funny it just like you’re
Leaning you’re like let’s get serious do this is my Charlie Rose right now M thank you do you want a magic vne sure there no caffeine it’s it’s what fine ingredients are in there what fine ingredients are in there well if I had my reading glasses I can tell you but I
I I can’t all the finest this is one oh it’s from your hometown it’s from Venice yes uh Venice Beach to be specific get the [ __ ] out of here I never S I can’t read this small I guess it’s from who knew shout out Venice it’s a little it’s
A little shot of just powerful goodness a bunch of green ingredients I don’t know what’s in here but I know there’s nothing bad in here so this is my second one today and hopefully this will get me through this interview because I don’t want to embarrass myself any further
Lola grew up in New York yes okay so I grew up on 151st Street in Broadway and also East 81st between second and third and what what neighborhoods is that um uppy side is east 8 first between second and third and Spanish Harlem is 151st Street in Broadway and what and that’s
So there’s a big difference in those two neighborhoods no Upper East Side no I always yeah but but that’s like where I grew up the first like five years of my life uh maybe like from before I was born to like a couple like I don’t know
Four four or five years old um my parents squatted in the Takota okay that’s cool with like eight other people I mean it’s cool in Hind say it probably wasn’t cool for you right right it’s cool it’s cool to be like Jo Jo that shout out to Joan probably
Somewhere along the along the line a distant cousin to the late Omar um you know and and and I’ve always said a black dog is uh it’s harder to know how dirty they are it really is you just can’t tell smell it you can smell
You can feel it too they get oily I mean little gritty no offense but like a few weeks ago Joan had dreads it was she did it was I was like and I was very much being like I hope I hope L watches this dog to this is crazy but I didn’t say
Anything cuz I didn’t want CU I know how it was when my dog was dirty and people would be like oh your dog stinks like [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up I know my dog stinks yeah I know she stinks I’m not a bad parent I know she stinks so your
Parents are squatting in the Dakota do you want to tell people what the Dakota was is is it’s it’s still there oh yeah it’s a historical building oh okay yeah yeah it’s this like cool building that is is like built sort of like um it’s it’s really close to the met and
It’s this building that’s like um pre-war and it looks like an army Barrack castle and it’s where John lennin and Yoko Ono lived so that’s how it became Super Famous too I think he was like you know what I I’m I’m going to say some [ __ ] about I feel like
He was like shot not far in last place last place he lived right yeah yeah I mean I I don’t know all the um I’m not going to say anything cuz I think he like came down in front of it and then got shot yeah yeah he camped out in
Front of it came down in front it and then got shot yeah going in the park or something it’s so interesting that um people again I’m segueing out of L land but it’s so interesting that people Superstars celebrities get shot you know like like that kind of a
Trajectory then I mean think about that yeah crazy it is crazy it’s really and it really shatters a lot of people’s uh it [ __ ] people up when obviously cuz they you’re you’re attached to this person you’re living you’re living out this relationship with a person via their celebrity and all of a sudden
Someone kills them you’re like the [ __ ] I mean I remember the first time like one of you know like seeing um you know Tupac dying or like another rapper getting shot and being like what the [ __ ] is you know or like in the 9s like Aaliyah died I was like oh my God
Aaliyah got you know like you know and it was like Aaliyah was like an angel you know and like she died like and you’re like what what it’s just kind of hard to wrap your head around it but like I guess it’s like a a lot of people
Die as you as you as you age you see a lot of people die but B specifically rappers rappers die more than any other celebrity or musician ever rappers di like I remember there was a year a few years ago where like like five or six prominent rappers died like like when
Nipy hustle and yeah nipy high like it was yeah it’s crazy I recently was driving a friend of mine who um who is from France and came in LAX and the first place that they went was to the Peterson museum museum yeah to go see crazy where biggy
Died I mean it was like yeah like the like bags still in car right got to see it yeah yeah meanwhile we drive past it every day and we’re like I yeah okay oh really that’s where yeah I know that’s like living in New York my whole life
Like I never I didn’t go to the Statue of Liberty until someone came in from out of town who wanted to go to the Statue of Liberty and I was like 18 and yeah okay I guess we’ll go there yeah you never I’ve never been there yeah
Yeah totally and the Empire State build okay I guess I’ll go to the Empire State buing yeah I wonder why La landmarks are like that that like I’ve grown up with and never like wat Towers no yeah no it took me a long time to get over there I
Didn’t wasn’t really a thing I think the Hollywood Sign was something where I didn’t really give a [ __ ] you know I still haven’t purposely ever gone to see the h i mean I’ve stumbled across it a million times hiking but I’ve never purposely been like I need to go see the
Hollywood Sign you know but meanwhile there’s people who based their whole trip on coming to see the Hollywood sign or like you know whatever like even even I I remember as a kid walking down Hollywood Boulevard and seeing the Stars I thought that was really interesting or
Like the footprints in front of the man you know when they had the the cast of Star Wars Footprints in front of the man Chinese like that’s pretty cool that makes sense to me because that’s actually like you you go oh they someone was here and did that thing that was
Here the stars on the Walk of f I’m always just like it’s just someone’s [ __ ] name in the sidewalk I don’t understand what the big deal is like you can see someone’s name anywhere yeah but it’s cool because the sidewalk is actually sparkly and the star is like
Inlaid and there’s like a gold trim there’s a name and it’s like the sidewalk sparkles in Hollywood isn’t it crazy sparkly streets guys come on the streets are lined with gold [ __ ] let’s go come to you know what everyone hey all you guys out here come to
Hollywood it’s going to happen just pull up get out it’s so beautiful Hollywood Boulevard let me tell you guys something Hollywood Boulevard is like it’s like if heaven was the road to Nirvana and you were on your way to the Strawberry Fields in in Funland I don’t know it’s
Like Tom Petty singing about it yeah know exactly it’s you’re just walking around people are handing out acting roles you you can just like just go post up at a vape shop you’ll get a job you’ll shoot a film your dreams will come true get on the bus from from
Witchita get off on uh on Hollywood and Highland and just just start walking North and I guarantee you by the end of your walk you Scarlet Johansson is gonna yes she’s gonna hop out she’s gonna suck your dick yeah it’s all G to happen yeah everything that you thought is GNA
Happen I always think of Welcome to the Jungle where where Axel Rose gets off the bus you ever see the end of that video where or the beginning where he gets off the bus he’s got like a h seat in his mouth a beautiful young Axel Rose
When he was like Adonis yeah yeah when Axel when when guns and like that when first of all when rock and roll ruled the world still when G&R was like at the whiskey yes and they were maybe one of the biggest for a minute they were one
Of the biggest rock bands with like a couple of the most epic albums you ever [ __ ] heard and Welcome to the Jungle is undeniably like it’s insane it’s my karoke song right it is yeah I believe it um anyways I’m really you can really see my ADD at work here we’re already we
Went from Lola’s uh upbringing childhood in Spanish Harlem to Axel Rose chewing on a piece of hay um and how beautiful he is anyways back to lless Childhood so Spanish Harlem to the Upper East Side so people for people that don’t a lot of the people who are watching this show
I’d say 94% haven’t been to New York and don’t know what that what’s what is Spanish Harlem and what is the Upper East Side uh Spanish Harlem is proudly um they’re more Dominicans in Spanish Harlem uh than anywhere else in the world outside of the Dominican Republic um and it is
A very um gregarious and interesting place to grow up um and where I grew up on the uppy side now is very different than where what it was in the 80s and so it’s particularly that area right now is like you know that that in fact the
Apartment that I lived in that building I went to go see it uh two years ago I wanted just to like go to the apartment and it didn’t exist anymore there was like a glass big fancy thing there now right it was like a a walk up four story
Walk up so the neighborhood when you grew up and it was a little more Dusty and now it’s like super fancy mhm that happens everywhere everywhere I know I’m waiting for that to happen in my neighborhood here I know yeah wait your neighborhood hasn’t shot up yet no oh
It’s going to go a couple of a couple of gays have moved in yeah and a couple of white people have moved in oh yeah there’s no way it’s like you’re on the outskirts of of Echo Park basically it’s going to go there’s no way around it
It’s it’s a matter of time I still have a lot of old Chinese people on Chinatown yeah which is cool which is cool it’s cool it’s like China Chinatown is like you know I I don’t know if we’re gonna have I mean I think it’s interesting
That there is a Chinatown and that there is Chinese people in Chinatown I know this is like a really dumb obvious fact but like there’s a there’s a little pocket of called Chinatown where it’s all Chinese people and like all Chinese food except for like the Gallery Row you
Know chunking row where all the galleries are but there’s also like super bougie food now there yeah which I’m not mad at because I like to eat good food don’t we all yeah shout out to China shout out to Chinatown chunking Road and Charlie James Gallery I don’t
Think this will be out by them but we have a show aie Warz has a show and there’s a he’ll have a show upstairs and the bottom will be a group show of which I’m a part of I’ll be showing a piece in this show shout out to Azie and all the
Artists involved uh you’ll recognize a lot of the familiar faces hope to see you there it’s going to be a great event anyways we could pregame pregame at my house that’s true you could probably walk down walk down yeah true true she’s right in the heart of Chinatown um
So Spanish Harlem to the Upper East Side you go Chinatown to Chin Spanish har to Charing town the the Lola goudini gab gab gabal story garbanzo the Lola garbanzo story The Lola the Lola jalter story um so you know you grew up your your old man was a director and a playwright and
What was your mom up to at the time my mom well my mom was a dancer and then she was an actor and then she became a linguist and that’s and she ended up in linguistics that’s so interesting what does that mean it’s like if you’re she studies languages and the way they
Change and um she studies and then what does she do she teach she teaches she’s written books about she she does a lot of um work with immigration and sort of um how to apply learning another language towards the workplace Joanie Joanie Joan you don’t even live here
Joan Joan it’s not your house you don’t have to protect us you don’t live here this is an office she’s confused because actually this is a house sorry this is my house in Los FES it’s not an office this is not the born and raised office
This is a house Joe knock it off please this is not your place it’s not your place of business um so your mom mom’s your mom mom’s a linguist she’s a linguist but she she was a dancer and she was an actress MH and uh and then
You as a child what did you what was your first where did you lean towards first what did you want to so I grew up my dad had this theater company called theater Genesis and um he my dad started it with like a bunch of other um this was like
Avantgard theater in New York in the 70s and he started theater genis with a couple other people and um one of them was Sam Shepard and Sam wrote the plays and my dad directed them and so um Sam was my godfather and Sam and his then
Wife Olan Jones who’s gone on to she’s a composer and she uh writes operas um they we all lived in the squatted said Dakota apartment together everybody lived in there in the same apartment in the same apartment how many rooms is his apartment one okay so you guys all lived in one
Room Sam Shepard guys just just for context if you I I know no one in this room knows who Sam Shepherd is but I sure do uh you you guys all live you just lived in you guys were shared room with Sham Sam Shepard and five other people
Basically more probably more but yeah yeah chill so that was chill it was cool what’s what’s good about what what’s good about growing up that way is that what it does teach you is like that there are boundaries and that you start hopefully you learn that it’s very
Sarcastic that that you have a beginning and an ending you don’t just blend into other people in some sort of yeah you don’t share each other’s everything um yeah I that’s that’s that sounds like it like like if samon o land son who um Jesse he you know like my mom
Might have nursed him you know that kind of thing it was like that yeah it was very it feels very communal communy slightly culty it was just very Bohemian Bohemian that’s the word I’m yeah that’s the euphemism you’re looking for right it’s like calling someone a free spirit uh
Yeah she’s a free spirit Bohemian um Bohemian is the word listen when Bohemian is done right it’s fantastic and then sometimes it can be a nightmare I think it’s done right and then it you know tilts yeah you know there’s a Tipping Point that the Bohemian Utopia
At some point just it it all the facade melts away and you’re like [ __ ] I can smell that dude he’s right there I think it’s more of um you know I’m trying to I’m trying to think of uh what my truth Angel would say here
Um uh I think it’s I think it’s more of like how boundaryless people were then and that’s like kind of the the environment I grew up in I feel like also at the time like my I can remember my dad was my dad didn’t have very many boundaries
I think he spent now that I’m remembering I think he spent his entire life walking around the house naked that tracks he didn’t give a [ __ ] and and also like and also remember my dad I remember my dad I remember many times as a young kid this probably happens a lot
Though I remember many times as a young kid whatever age this this high four feet tall is whatever or maybe 5et whatever that age is I would be in the bathroom with him when he’s taking a d and not even care and I remember the heater on the heater had those those red
Coil heaters they have in those old Hollywood apartments and I just be in there talking to him about and he’s just taking a [ __ ] and I remember this it’s that’s a weird right like I don’t if I have kids I don’t know if I want them in
There where I’m doing my business you know you guys this is so boundaries listen put up fences and walls don’t ever don’t burp in front of your children be prim and proper and Victorian raise them raise them like [ __ ] ve and and and don’t let them ever be imperfect right that’s good
Parenting I I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know what good parenting is I don’t know anything I truly don’t I truly don’t know anything um so so in that environment it’s definitely going to it’s definitely going to cause you to because I think being an actor right and
I think being in the Arts in any way is um I think it’s a brave and I don’t want to say Noble but like I just respect people that live by their wits I respect actors I respect um com standup comedians a lot I respect anyone that
Can go and like I respect someone that can stand up comedians I respect because if they’re good if you can go up on stage and just talk and that’s how you get your [ __ ] that’s how you get your chips like that’s amazing you just go up
On stage you don’t have to wear you just go up there and talk that’s amazing right artists also you’re just creating you know your painting um you know I do respect people that that are that are that are involved involved in the Arts and have decided to live that life you know
Because uh there’s been like a real like blur that’s happened though between the Commerce and the Artistry you’re so right about that and this wasn’t that no this was not that what was it then well at the time it was like it was like genuine genuinely trying to
Push boundaries and create a new form of Art and a new form of expression within the theater right I think and how does that influence you as a kid like seeing that um well there was a lot of freedom in it um nothing was shielded from me so there was like
Obviously a lot of impropriety but there was a lot of um joy in the expression too and just getting to see people work things out and that that fear wasn’t a factor in being able to express yourself do you think it made you like were you wild as as a young Person I don’t know it’s relative look gave was crazy like oh my god um what um no I wasn’t wild no no Lola Lola gladini down for whatever wasn’t wild dude the an acronym is so easy it’s been a long day don’t worry about it hold on hold on
No no no it it’s LG lgd lgbtq Plus for what always down oh elad elad elad Lola gini always down Lola gini always down means like from what you’ve told me is like yes 2 in the morning your home girl just got back from the club she calls you she’s like Lola we’re
Going to bedy yep I need you to come with me I’m gonna go see this [ __ ] guy Raymond he’s a dope dealer but he’s hot and he has a friend and they have a pitball are you down Lola’s down that’s that’s wild minutes yeah that’s wild that’s some wild [ __ ] because most
People are like no no no I’m not doing that and also it takes a lot of energy I don’t have any shortness of energy though you got a lot of energy yeah I have a lot of energy so I think that like I think that like you know
Look I believe firmly that your product of your environment MH and be how you were raised MH MH and that can shape you for the first half of your life and then the second half is up to you to figure out but uh and I think that like you
Know that I find that really interesting because like you’re raised in an environment where there was probably no rules No Boundaries and you ended up in the Arts there’s no [ __ ] big leap there and like the thing that I’m working on now like the project that I’m
Working on now I’m writing this this uh group of short stories and they’re all based on true experiences that I had as a kid in the 80s in New York without parents and it’s um about um like there’s this place uh that was in Crown Heights called um Empire
Rollerway there’s actually a book out um with a book of photographs that someone gave me recently with it that I couldn’t believe because it’s like something I’ve been writing about um and we used to like sneak out of I’m talking like I was like 12 years old you know my friends and I
Would go out our fire escape take a train or hitchhike and go from Manhattan down to Brooklyn Wild that’s wild and we would go roller skating at Empire rollerway it’s also New York too yeah yeah and um and we would get up to all kinds of shenanigans you know yeah and
Um all kinds of crazy [ __ ] happened like bananas bananas and so that’s what I’m writing about that sounds great if you read you’d read it listen yeah I I have books in my house I’m going to do a audio book for it so you can listen to
It perfect I’ll listen to it and actually we’re yeah and then we’re making a series about it so then you can I can watch it you can watch it okay yeah just for the record whatever I’m not going to defend myself um so just for the record he can read I can read
Clearly I just can’t read some I just can’t read minuscule type but I can read can you tell any like Hollywood babyon babyon is that a word babyon I can I can tell I have one really good story that I would like to tell okay i’ love to hear I was like 20
Five I want to say like you know it was the my first Studio Movie that I did and um okay let me back up I Mentor young women now okay in Hollywood young actors coming up yeah I there’s like a a group of women who there’s like a mentorship
Kind of program that I’m involved in that um you know sort of helping people who are coming up good and um and one of the women who I Mentor was asking some for some advice about something that she was uh having to make decisions about and I spoke to my
Experience and and told her this story to help her make her decision and basically it was like one of those like oh honey you don’t know how how easy you have it because of what we the old days what we had to [ __ ] put up with the three miles in the
Snowall yes exactly but in Hollywood yeah so um and I forgot like how many [ __ ] up situations I’ve been in for so long you know in Hollywood it doesn’t really happen as much anymore at least outwardly right yeah okay so I was in this movie called Blow that was with uh
Johnny Depp right and Penelope crw and stuff okay and what character were you in blow I’m about to tell you okay okay so it’s a historical movie and so it um goes from like the’ 60s you know on through and in the beginning he’s like a
Weed dealer out of Boston Y and um in the beginning he has uh two friends who are played by um Max perlick and Ethan Embry yep okay yep and Shout Out Max perlick Venice boy okay and I play Max’s girlfriend yeah okay and um one of my
Best friends in the whole world to this day U Monae that’s where I met her okay because she played Ethan embry’s girlfriend okay on it okay and it’s Hollywood after they got rich not before in the movie this is like while they’re starting to make money okay got
Yeah and okay so the first day of shooting the very first day that I’m brought onto this movie and like um PeeWee Herman was in it we became Super Friends and and we were all in um Alcapulco for like six weeks Amazing yeah it was super fun right and
Ted Demi was the director and this is like I don’t know like 2000 or something okay like a hundred years ago yeah she wasn’t born yet and so so um I show up on set day one I haven’t even met Johnny Depp at this point and the
Scene is he’s like walking it’s a it’s a a track right and the camera’s on a track going back and forth and he’s walking saying a monologue in a we’re in a mansion and um he’s walking and he’s talking he has this big monologue about how he’s going to move this product and
The three women we are all like like we’re basically arm candy and we are sitting on I’m on a bare skin rug in a bikini MH and we’re all like half clad you know half dressed and um we’re in the background and we’re like smoking a
Joint passing a joint you know it’s the 60s like we’re all like groovy or whatever and um Johnny Depp has this monologue that he does back and forth back and forth and after a couple takes Ted Demi comes over to me and he’s like okay Lola
When he is when Johnny DPP is like uh but sorry he doesn’t call him Johnny DPP um when Johnny when Johnny is you know saying his monologue um when he says this certain word you know he gives me a queue and he says I want you to just
Like burst out laughing like she just told you the funniest thing over here we’re in the background deep background right and there’s a roaring fire and I’m like sped out in a bikini like this and like someone’s like giving me a joint and I’m supposed to laugh at right at
This scene that we’re creating yeah and separate whole scene well it’s like they’re doing yeah he’s talking in the foreground and and we’re in the background like being the lovely babes or whatever so um he says his monologue I hear the queue and and I go you know and I do a
Big laugh or whatever carries on the scene cut back to one going again they do it again Ted gives me the que like yeah just like that perfect I hear the q i burst out laughing Johnny Depp when they say cut walks over to me he walks over and he
Goes comes up to me he sticks his finger in my face and I’m in a bikini on the ground like this and he comes over he goes who the [ __ ] do you think you are who the [ __ ] do you think you are shut the [ __ ] up I’m out here
And I’m trying to [ __ ] say my lines and you’re [ __ ] pulling Focus you [ __ ] idiot who the [ __ ] do you think oh now oh now it’s not so funny now you can shut up now you can [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up oh it’s not funny now okay the quiet
That you are right now that’s how you [ __ ] stay first day oh my God on the set first I’ve never met him this is my first move like first Studio Movie I’ve just didn’t Indies until then and I have the star who I have idolized yeah who I’m so excited to work
With it just reamed you reamed me in my face you must have like the only thing going through my head was don’t cry don’t cry don’t cry don’t cry don’t cry don’t cry don’t cry wow and Ted Demi rip did not come over and say anything
He did not say hey Johnny listen you know what actually I gave her that direction and oh oh no no no Ted Debbie no yeah no he let you hang out to dry totally hung out to dry I thought you were gonna say that I thought you were G
To say that he stood up and he said Johnny Hey listen babe I gave her the direction you gotta oh oh that’s I’m like I can feel like and and um yeah I’ve never told a story publicly but um yeah so he uh we go back to one
And I have to then do the rest of the scene for like no bigs like five six more hours you know just like wanting to sink inside yourself and disar and I don’t know anyone in a bikini in a bikini that’s the worst part and I don’t know
Anyone and um when we wrapped you know the costume person came over with like a warmy coat cuz we’re like you know going out and stuff and I was like a pariah oh right like no one wanted to [ __ ] talk to me because like I’m the [ __ ] who
Like he railed at you know the costume the onset costume person like gave me this this coat to cover myself with and was just like kind of like they’re there little lamb you know and welcome to Hollywood yeah and it was just like yeah now I’m going to walk away from you but
Um you [ __ ] stin Let’s Get Away wow she’s got she’s got the Johnny Depp cooties right now yeah and so I walked to my trailer and like I just like held my head and then like walked to my trailer and the second I walked into my trailer I was
Like you held it for five hours yeah I held it on that’s crazy yeah that’s a story MH and then as I left well okay what I’m not what I’m skipping over is I called my dad and um I told him what happened and my dad was like you have two choices
Right now he’s bonded on the film you are not you are easily replaceable and you have two choices you can either say [ __ ] this [ __ ] you and I’m not going to be spoken to like that I’m going to walk away yeah or you never let him see you
Sweat and you have it’s to either one are 100% respectable what do you want to do damn and you put it to you yeah and I was like all right I want to stay on the movie cuz yeah yeah cuz hello and so uh
I left and I was like walking I had to go you I had to go to like hair and makeup trailer to like take out like my hair pieces and stuff like that and I’m walking and his trailer he had like his own little situation right there was
Right he sees me walking and he goes hey Lola can you come here for a sec and I walk over and um he’s like he’s standing in the door frame of his trailer and he’s like you know so he’s looking down you know there’s like Steps he’s up there
And I’m there and I was like yeah and he says and he gave me a non-apology apology right you know and he’s like you know so earlier I was like really in my head and I was staying in character and I was really like you know I’m doing
This Boston accent and it’s really [ __ ] with me and so you know just like a little tense and stuff my Boston accent’s [ __ ] with me yeah yeah I hate that and uh you know so I just wanted to make sure that you know we’re cool and everything and I just looked at
Him and I was like I don’t even know what you’re talking about of course oh wow what are you talking about wow totally cool and that’s acting and because I was just like my dad said never don’t let him see you sweat and so that was that
Wow and then we had six weeks in aapa the thing about the Boston accent is like I I’ve experienced when I use my English accent I start to be very chivalrous and I don’t you know and and you become a Bruiser I fall into acts of
Chivalry I put my jacket on puddles I I give I KN people um the Boston accent’s [ __ ] with me is awesome it’s like listen Lola the Boston accent I’m sorry I’m sorry SLA the [ __ ] out of you my Boston my Boston accident got the best
Of me uh that is a story and also terrifying retelling when you’re screaming at me I was like oh my God I’m yell at it was like and then I was like is this what it’s like when Lola gets angry because oh my God you as Johnny Depp
Was cat did you catch that that was intense right cat was scared I can tell she everyone got quiet I think they heard in the other office that was good that was worth the price of admission everyone I hope you got this far on the Pod to hear that story that was [ __ ]
Amazing it’s been quite a show I think we’re done right we can we can go no further there’s nothing more to say unless we’re not done and she’s just getting warmed up she has 20 more stories like that because that was amazing I mean we we I this 176th
Episode and we’ve been working to get something like this and we finally got a a cool true behind the-scenes story with with with you know real [ __ ] pathos I was watching the Johnny Depp Amber herd um trial bit Yeah okay in truth I wasn’t actually watching it I
Was I saw the highlights on the news yeah and this is what caught my eye or my ear she was relaying like I you know I I don’t know anything anything about anything yeah she was relaying something that he said and when she was relaying it she
Quoted him saying and this is what like I was like huh CU she says and then he said to me oh oh you’re quiet now huh oh you don’t have anything to say now like she relayed something he said to her and I was like oh my God that’s exactly what
He said to me in that moment it like fully brought me back he must have just had been to Boston he must had some he must have some Boston B Boston baked beans or something it happens he saw a Red Sox game yeah he saw a Red
Sox [ __ ] well uh crazy story yeah intense yeah anyway roller coas over a podcast everyone we learned a lot today Lola uh uh really dug in told us about her upbringing why she’s 86 from Zara forever working with stars first day on the job uh Blues as far as that kind of
Thing goes I mean my one of my first day on the job encounters was I had a job at Bay Cities as a as a as a stock boy cleaning and sweeping meat and the first day I worked so much that I go in the bathroom and I just sat on the toilet
And I took a FIV minute nap and Bob the owner opened the door instantly and caught me that was my version of of and he just goes what the [ __ ] are you doing I go and I got up and went back to work but that’s again nothing nothing is
Quite as terrible as like sitting in your money to melt in your skin in your bikini on a bare skin rug for 5 hours and holding that in is that’s acting baby you really you and you know you chose you chose the red pill you red pilled yourself into staying on the film
And you said Daddy I’m gonna [ __ ] do it and you know that’s I get it sometimes you know and and it’s also a testament to like all the things that go on in Hollywood like there’s all these comedians talking about getting their but holes tickled to be in Hollywood
Right now because of Cat Williams and caused a whole wave of stuff which is like crazy cuz it’s like because sometimes someone go on Instagram and go they’ll go every [ __ ] in Hollywood is getting [ __ ] you’re like what it’s it seems insane like every like even just like
The you know it’s like the way that they’re saying it’s like every man who has a who has a part in Hollywood is gotten raped and um sounds great sign me up anyways um okay great show sorry I’m I’m I’m just thinking about you taking that improv class
Uh and uprights Zip Zip zop zip uhuh yeah it was in the middle of summer it was hot so so it made it you just fell on I don’t I did we did a performance but I think I honestly I’m going to be honest with you I completely checked out
Of my body during the whole thing I wasn’t there I was not there when your butth holes tickled yes yeah in order to do the in order to go to the Upright Citizens Brigade and do the show I I did get uh spit roasted by some of the
Elites on a boat M just to do that so imagine I know imagine it’s a I don’t have to actually you been there you’ve been there she knows it’s the Dark World man um I was watching uh at work I had Maryland playing whatever that the the
Netflix thing about mon Road it’s dark too I don’t know what I’m going with this speaking of Hollywood Babylon how you’re wrapping it up I am wrapping it up yeah sorry hey everyone it’s over that