What’s up everybody Damon here and in today’s gaming news we’ve got February’s PlayStation plus games Allen wake 2 dials down it’s jump scares and Warner Brothers has a make good for early Suicide Squad players this is your daily Fix February is right around the corner and with it comes a new batch of games on PlayStation Plus today Sony revealed that foam Stars roller drone and steel Rising will be available to PlayStation plus subscribers from February 6th to March 4th those games aren’t the only things Sony has cooking for players in
February subscribers will also receive a Fall Guys icons pack allowing them to Fashion their little bean dudes in costumes of aloy from The Horizon series and Ratchet and Clank from well Ratchet and Clank and addition to the Fall Guys cosmetic pack ps+ premium and Deluxe subscribers can look forward to a
Valentine’s Day gift in the form of a Spider-Man 2 game trial the trial will give you a 2hour time limit to web swing to your crime fighting Hearts content plus any story progress and trophies you unlock during that aot of time will’ll carry over to the full game should you
Decide to purchase it later now for the games foam stars is a team based hero shooter from Square Enix where the goal is to leave your adversaries in your suds basically think about it as if OverWatch 2’s Heroes were dropped into the world of Splatoon and their weapons
Were soap based foam Stars will be available to ps+ subscribers on both PlayStation 4 and 5 roller drone by Ali Ali World developer roll 7 is a third person shooting and roller skating game set in a dystopian 2030 you play as a skater whose task with entering a battle
Of Arena against waves of arm skaters for the chance to be crowned as the champion of the roller drum in our review we said it’s roller skating and third person shooting may sound odd together but just like a stellar soundtrack Rod drum finds Harmony in marrying the two to create something
That truly shreds Rod drum would be available for ps+ subscribers on both PlayStation 4 and 5 and steel Rising developed by French game Studio spiders is a soulslike set in an alternate history of the French Revolution where lethal automatons run a muuk in our review we said steel Rising is a
Competent action RPG with an Unforgettable setting but it’s dragged down by its hum drum souls-like formula that doesn’t do anything to make its combat or exploration Stand Out Steel Rising will be available for PS plus subscribers on PlayStation 5 moving on remedy entertainment has released update
1.15 for Allen W 2 adding an option to turn down the game’s spookiness the patch notes also point to Myriad bug fixes alongside the addition of a chapter select option in the main menu letting players Hoover up those final Collectables with more ease remedy is quick to point out the update also
Includes the much requested option to tune down the horror Flash with players able to choose between low and normal horror flash Visual and audio intensity my favorite patch note here is in the visuals Department it goes fixed the vegetation not always reacting to explosions in a cool way now that makes
Me want to fire up the game again and finally today Warner Brothers has gifted Suicide Squad killed the Justice League deluxe edition owners $20 of in-game currency as a make good for server issues that rendered the always online game unplayable for periods during launch Suicide Squad kill the Justice
League arrived on January 30th for those who paid $100 for the deluxe edition which was supposed to Grant customers a 3- days Head Start over everyone else but the early launch had issues including a bizarre bug that automatically completed Suicide Squad for some and forced the game offline for
More than 6 hours additional downtime prevented players from logging on before the service stabilized but not before disgruntled customers complained about not getting their money’s worth now Warner Brothers has sent affected customers an in-game message about the gift thank you for being one of our first console players during Early
Access of Suicide Squad kill the Justice League the message reads per a post from Twitter user J shock blast we recognized that you’ve been patient with us during our initial launch server updates and we’d like to show our appreciation for your patience with a special gift of
2,000 Luther coins thank you again 2,000 Luther coins cost 20 bucks and we’ll get you a couple of standard in-game skins or a single Deluxe or legendary skin the debacle over suicide squads launch issues has renewed calls for the promised offline mode to be added to the
Game as soon as possible with Suicide Squad launching for standard edition owners on February 2nd all eyes are on the servers to see if they hold firm or render the game unplayable once again and that is your daily fix for Wednesday January 31st now that you
Caught up on the news watch our final preview of Terminator dark fate Defiance I’m Jamon Hatfield and for all your gaming news stay tuned IG in