This is a snowboarder this is some concrete and this is a concrete snowboard and today I’m going to be showing you exactly what it’s like to freeboard we’ll be going over all of the things that you need to know before getting into this incredible Sport and by watching some POV runs we’ll be
Seeing exactly what it’s like to ride a freeboard stick around for this one to find out the true meaning of snowboarding on concrete let’s go yo what’s up welcome back to the easy Riders Channel where we review the most incredible freeboarding otherwise known as concrete snowboarding content if
You’re new to the channel then you’ve probably never heard of freeboarding before but the idea is simple take a conventional longboard and add these two spinning Center Wheels to the base the end result is that you reproduce the toeside and Hillside edges that you’d find on a snowboard in a lot of ways
You’ve got to see it to believe it or at least know how to do it before you really understand just how much it feels like snowboarding on concrete but there’s no better way to show you how a freeboard Works than to take you on a
Run down one of my local spots so I’m going to try and show you what it’s like to freeboard so yeah you got turns you can do all kinds of stuff over slides oh spins you can spin and switch it’s just great honestly can hop about oh I’m drifted
Stop you honestly can’t beat it it’s too much fun so as you can see freeboarding is an incredibly chill way to carve downhills and you really can carve down anything because it doesn’t matter how steep the road is you can always carve away bits of your speed so this means
That if you live in a city you can turn any of your local Hills into little concrete snow slopes and I’ve even had a couple of attempts carving down the steepest road in England I hope that this perspective shows you what it’s like to freeboard there just aren’t that
Many videos explaining what it’s really like once you know how to do it and a question that I always wondered before I knew how to freeboard was whether it’s actually relaxing to do when you know how to do it because you see all of these videos of the pro riders and they
Just look incredibly chill carving down the hills but when I was first learning how to do it it did not feel anywhere near that chill and if anything it felt really sketchy and in a lot of ways just wasn’t pleasant to learn at all but the
The truth is once you know how to control your speed freeboarding becomes so much easier and now when I go downhills I just feel incredibly relaxed and it’s just a really enjoyable process so if you’ve already got your freeboard and you’re starting out do not be put
Off if it feels kind of strange when you first start the end result is so worth it carving down concrete Hills as if they were made of snow is unbelievably fun and I really can’t recommend it Enough now that you know what freeboarding is it’s worth discussing some of the frequently asked questions I get on the channel and by far the most common question I get is how do you stop on a free board the answer to this is pretty simple you either carve drift or spin
All of these things will cut your speed to some extent and no matter how fast you’re going you can always cut your speed to zero pretty quickly the two edges of the freeboard really do make it behave just like a snowboard on concrete so any kind of
Stopping power you’d have on a snowboard you effectively have on the freeboard as well all right so continuing with the common questions I get and the next one is to do with these hooks now I’ve heard this far too many times that the freeboard is just a skateboard with
Hooks to make it easier to jump but the problem with that argument is that it forgets the fact that you have these Center Wheels jumping on a freeboard is not just about lifting the weight of the freeboard you’ve got to also make sure that you land on the proper Edge and
This is much more difficult at speed than it is if you’re just standing still because as soon as you land on these Center Wheels the board has a tendency to sort of spin out and when that happens you’re always at a risk of catching the edge and catching the edge
Is the one thing that you try and avoid when you’re freeboarding so yeah it should be clear by this point that just by looking at how the freeboard moves is absolutely not a skateboard with hooks it is fundamentally different to a skateboard or longboard I mean there’s
Just no way you can spin like that on a skateboard sure you can power slide but it’s just not at all the same and that’s because power sliding on a freeboard is effectively frictionless so you don’t cut any of your speed as you do it so related to this is another question that
I often get which is what is the difference between a free board and a long board or a freeboard and a skateboard skateboards and longboards both have a four-wheel design where the board is effectively flat on the road but with freeboards because of the two Center Wheels which are close to the
Ground you’ll find that it kind of rocks between your two edges now as explained before this is actually how you get your toeside and Hillside edges that emulate the snowboarding effect and this drastically changes the sorts of tricks that you can expect expect to do on a freeboard again the similarity between
Freeboarding and snowboarding is strong in this case because you’ll find that a lot of the tricks that you do on a snowboard you can also do on a freeboard to be honest what’s nice about freeboarding is it’s a complete mix of downhill and freestyle sure you can bomb
Downhills on a skateboard but it’s not really built for that and similarly you can take a longboard to a skate park but again it’s not really built for that in some sense freeboarding is an amalgamation of these two although it rides fundamentally differently to them it does in some sense encapsulate both
Aspects of skateboarding and longboarding to some extent so another question that you might be wondering if you’ve never seen freeboards before is with all of this drifting and carving surely your wheels will get worn in very quickly so here are some examples of some wheels that you might use
Freeboarding I haven’t used these ones yet the most popular freeboard wheels are probably these which are known as the debl now as long as you’re not going down incredibly massive steep mountains in the sun you can probably expect these to last well over a year now if you buy
A board secondhand you might find different kinds of Wheels like these to be be honest the blues are probably the strongest all around wheel but if you’re just getting started don’t let the wheels get in the way of you buying a freeboard it’s not something where you’re going to have to replace them
Regularly so definitely don’t let wheel costs put you off starting to freeboard finally is a very popular question and that is whether you should buy a freeboard 5x a freeboard 5 or a secondhand g3r or G3 board now my personal preference would definitely be a secondhand g3r board now the reason
For this is the value proposition is just unmatched you cannot get a better deal than a freeboard g3r with the blues for under $100 because the deals on the secondhand Marketplace are unreal however there is still a selling point the freeboard 5x and that is that for downhill carving it rides far more
Similar to a snowboard than the g3r or G3 boards now although I haven’t snowboarded before this is the broad consensus amongst freeboard snowboarders and the reason being is because of the continuous transition that you have between your toeside and heelside edges it all comes from the springs on the
Side of the trucks now what these do is they mean you have a continuous transition between your toe side and heelside edges so you see I could be strongly on the toe side and then anything in between basically whereas with the older generation freeboard it would be an instant transition as you
Can see here as soon as you remove some weight the wheels lift off the ground and you’re basically not on that edge all so although the freeboard 5x is better as a board for downhill especially for carving and emulating snowboarding I really think that the g3r
Series has a strong place as the best freeboard to buy right now so thank you very much for watching I hope that this video has shown you how freeboarding is different to your standard skateboard or longboard if you’re interested in finding out more about freeboards then definitely check the channel out
Otherwise definitely stick around because my next video is going to be finally hitting the slopes and trying snowboarding for the first time ever I am incredibly excited for this and to be honest The Stoke is hitting levels that I have never experienced before it is incredibly exciting and I can’t wait to
See whether freeboarding actually teaches you to snowboard without ever touching snow so you can expect part two of that Series in the weeks to come otherwise thank you very much for watching and have a good one