What is going on everybody it is episode 544 of Pop Culture crisis my name is Brett and I am here with my co-host would you introduce yourself please hello crisis actors it’s Mary and we’re here with our very mature guest Phil hi guys how you doing good to see you again
He was he was making a noise and and doing thumbs down thumbs down how you doing bud I’m doing very very well it’s good to be back uh spent last week in uh Los Angeles California uh what was the temperature out there last week it was wonderful it was like 70°
During the day I saw a little bit of I mean it was there was one day that was a little rainy and stuff you know but I mean whatever that’s pretty not it is very weird I got out of there before the arc whatever the hell they call it the
Uh I don’t know there’s some big storm that comes through and they got a name for it so that way they can blame it on global warming or whatever um you ever see those graphs that they show where it’s like it’s like the same uh news station it shows the high temperatures
And it’s like five years ago the high temperature just shows as like green it’s the same yeah it’s just dramatic effect I saw that specifically in Europe recently last it’s a very very good way to scare people make everything red that’s what they do they make everything
Red the frustrating thing about and I don’t not that I want to get into a big climate change thing but the problem with it is oh we got a $20 one no no no I was just putting it in front of the camera the problem with it at least for
Me is like being a guy that’s pushing old guy status I’ve been hearing the same stuff my whole life and all of the predictions haven’t come true so for me it’s just like even if I was like man I want to believe it and I’m really hoping
And at some point you got to be like all right they’ve been saying a lot of things and a lot of things ain’t been happening and time’s marching on imagine taking that much advice from somebody with that horrible of a hit rate I can’t even I mean I can’t imagine can you
Imagine Mary I can’t imagine she’s too young to imagine she has B her enough of it yet she doesn’t she’s not a she doesn’t have a fully developed Cranium right it’s what that 26 that your brain fully develops that’s fake stats anyway right you’re only she’s only saying that
Because she’s under that age you you it would make more sense to you it would make more sense to you once your brain is fully developed you would you would understand what we’re talking about if your brain was fully developed okay it’s Bro Science obvious it’s not Bro Science
It’s big brain science you’ll get there whatever my brain is nice and smooth and yours is wrinkly and ugly Perfect all right smooth brain well then what are we going to talk about today but before we get started we got a bunch of stuff to talk about guys please
Hit the like button on this video and would you please for God’s sakes subscribe to this channel if you have not done so already we just passed 99.7 th000 subscribers so we will be getting to 100,000 here very very soon we are very excited for that so guys if
You haven’t yet subscribed please go ahead and do that share these videos with your friends so that more people will come in here and hang out and watch and hopefully they will subscribe which is always fantastic also remember all super chats $20 and over we will interrupt those discussions we will read
Those super chats right then and there and then we will do our best to get on topic uh maybe you have things to say about smooth brains whether your brain finishes developing at 26 maybe com before we start I just want to share this because I don’t know it’s really
Weird yesterday I just looked at my recommended tab on YouTube and it was a live stream of someone’s opencast funeral that sounds exactly like what I would expect you to watch I don’t watch that it was just sitting in the recommended tab like why would I want to
Watch that Wednesday over here what I’m planning to do again Mary is that what we should do is like if if for some reason you know I go out tomorrow and I get hit by a bus you want to stream the last PCC episode open casket wake what I’m hoping
Is that the super chats are on point for if y’ we better get 10 crisis parties for FR funeral if you get 10 crisis parties his casket just pops up and he jumps out of the casket no like money guns go off yeah into the casket into the casket
So yeah that’s what I’m hoping for is that if I was to die tomorrow again if I got hit by a bus or if a Clinton Hitman found me and took me out that you would you would live stream my funeral and you would take questions and super chats and
Then maybe what you do is like you get like cuz uh Chris is already already showed us like the AI voice filters that can copy your voice so you can use AI to match my voice and you can answer the questions for me from the grave right no
One has your depth of knowledge or at least I don’t know that anyone here has your depth of knowledge to be able to imitate you you are a one-of aind guy Brett listen listen I’m driving I’m I’m I’m bringing this home into a positive right CU we were all in morbid territory
I’m I’m bringing her home into bringing her into a positive place you are too important and we would never do that perfect that’s that’s well I still still you guys better get at least 10 crisis parties if I if they live stream my funeral that would be my hope yeah yes
Guys we got a bunch of stuff to get into today a bunch uh number one being Elon Musk has been on a tear recently ever since he teamed with Gina corano for this lawsuit he is now exposing D Disney Disney for their crappy Dei hiring practices on top of many other things
Just remember we talked about the wheel of wokeness last week so we’ll get into that we’re going to talk a lot about that I really want know the wheel of wokeness is you didn’t know about this no I didn’t hear about this I maybe I’ll I’ll pull it up before start what day
Did you guys talk about it not with you here but it was something that a Disney Employee a Disney Employee sent in oh yes no okay I know what you’re talking about I did see it I didn’t know that it was called The Wheel of wokness I’m on
The same page with you guys carry on thank you there’s $20 I appreciate you you entertaining me okay $20 from Hunter Allen just wanted to say hi from a UPS driver who likes having you on in the background as drop off packages I’m starting to think we need merch that
Says like put us on in the background like uh like like background noise or something like that like we need something that involves being the I don’t need to be the thing you’re actually paying attention to I’m perect attention no I don’t I don’t need your undivided attention all I need is like
Half of your attention we just want to be in the room with you yeah exactly we just want to hang out a little bit creepy yeah we just want to hang out with you guys that’s what we want we just want to hang out with you guys so
We’re gonna talk about this we’re gonna talk about Elon Musk we’re gonna talk about there is uh more halalu around Taylor Swift in her response or in this case lack of a response to the passing of Toby Keith people have strong things to say about this and even conspiracy
Theories yes because of of her and his connection because he really was the one who gave her her start in the music industry so we’ll get into this I I had a very interesting discussion last night where I was talking about my my rational brain versus my vindictive brain and how
I feel the response should go and my rational brain is of course much more magnanimous than my your vindictive response also made sense but we’ll have you explain later um so we’ll talk about that I don’t even remember what it was now but we’ll explain it then so uh and also we’re
Going to talk about the fact that Marvel actors are going to therapy because their movies suck right so actor camil nanani he was in the eternals if you don’t remember that I don’t blame you most people didn’t go see it because it cost $200 million to make and barely
Made 400 million at the worldwide box office so we’re going to talk about the fact that he said that after the movie came out the reviews were so bad he had to go to therapy I have thoughts thoughts thoughts feelings so we’re going to talk about that we got a bunch
Of other stuff it’s going to be a lot of fun guys so uh yeah go click the like button and subscribe subscribe please because we need yall to help us get to 100,000 so that we can have the damn play button all right uh what would you
Guys would you like to start are you are you ready I think I’m ready Phil are you ready let’s go let’s go we actually we got a $20 one right there mayy you got that Francisco Sanchez Jr said the road to 100K let’s effing go hello smooth brain wrinkle brain and
Ironclad brain does that make me Ironclad brain if he’s wrinkle brain I guess but yours you said yours has holes in it yeah my my brain is like all the drugs I’ve got holes in my braines in it’s like one of those old drug those commercials this is your brain on drug
In the holes is that where you store all the movie knowledge keep it it’s the IMDb trivia section in holes of R brain exactly that’s exactly what it is all right guys let’s go ahead and get started then we got a couple of announcements right off the bat there’s
Some big trailer that Dr well one is a trailer and one is a teaser number one being that there is going to be a Knuckles television series that is coming out on Paramount Plus on April 26th I think we can go ahead and watch this one let’s just go ahead and watch
It and show it to people it’s on Twitter right let’s go ahead and see what people think about this it is it is like what again Sonic and KN like Sonic the first movie and Sonic 2 were two of my favorite movies from the last couple of
Years the GIF of uh Vince there is a little different after we’ve heard the stuff my new favorite one my new favorite one for that is this old clip of Vin from an episode of Raw where he goes come out you rapist and then and
Then it cuts to a clip of him walking Out no no okay all right so let’s go ahead and watch this trailer then ladies and gentlemen You’re an Alien you’re super powerful recently saved the world when you’re friends what do you like to do for fun vengeance I was thinking more like reading or or or
Yoga hey Buddy isn’t it great to finally relax I am been a kid no Warrior I only remain on Earth because I made a vow to you and the fox so I made myself at home nope we are not turning our living room into some kind of gladiator she’s
Longing what is aie doing here he will be challenging his greatest enemy is that our mailman see this is not a place of been trying to Long house the mailman he doesn’t even live there come weed most people think I’m a joke I do not make jokes I make
Warriors let’s go get him more PL more dayses knuckles without his little to friends he’s vulnerable he’s the key to power my newest creation you looks like Luke Harper bring me knos sorry this Lane is reserved I wish were this do I look like I need your power
What are you talking about of course we need his power it’s the whole reason we’re here you’re mine I made a promise to protect this planet I am ready oh snap someone’s about to get [Applause] slapped I think today is going to be be a beautiful
Day help me you going to rescue him no he must learn to rescue himself there go it’s fun fun for the fun that’s the that’s what it should be about it everything should be fun nothing in there really struck me as particularly offensive no it’s great and what I so
It’s Idris Elba yeah he plays Knuckles he’s I wonder how those actors like even got to work with him cuz I’m guessing most of his work is all done in the sound booth so it’s like all the other actors are there on set yeah they just they showed like they use very uh
Detailed dummies for these and then you know CGI the rest but it looks really fun yeah and that’s and I Lov the first two again uh Paramount has a unique position where they have to be very grateful for the fans because if you remember back when the original Sonic
Was coming out and they butchered the design of Sonic he looked disgusting and the internet collectively vomited all over if you scroll down someone replied with the before and after of Sonic where he just looks absolutely abhorent in the first one they said when Studios listen good things happen to franchises give
The creative Powers inside these properties room to cook and they will yes exactly and also whoever came up with the idea to use nuck If You Buck deserves a raise yes it was great and it was a lot of fun and and again those movies are it’s kind of like when we
Went to see uh the most recent Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie though that one had a little bit more um political agenda to it given the the recasting of April O’Neal the the character design of April o but in general for the most part the people who went and saw it had fun
With it I noticed that um given that they’re both Paramount properties if I remember correctly um yeah one of the uh the he’s got he’s got a Teenage Turtles t-shirt on underneath his robe at the end so uh product placement there for the brands but it’s fun and that’s what
People want and there’s a lot of Goodwill for something like this or things that Universal are making right now which is just a start comparison to everything awful that Disney is doing right now and just seems to be ruining their brand name so I have to applaud
Them but Disney does have some news uh they had their investor call yesterday but Moana 2 has been announced and it’s coming out this year end of this year November you want to know something that I heard about Disney today or not today it was maybe it was yesterday either way
I didn’t know this but apparently their their uh amusement park business dwarf their entertainment and their and their their uh all their money is their their their their park business subsidizes everything which means none of this stuff matters cuz honestly people are going CU of Cinderella from a 100 years
Ago or 75 years ago or whatever people are going because of now there are it’s not that Disney hasn’t made newer things that are good and people like but like there’s enough Goodwill with characters that people love where you know none of the the movie things that that end up
Being bad matter in the long run there’s a 20 other one here from Mega Mikey 75 he says bet really sad news FUNimation animation is officially shutting down they just announced this afternoon o uh we’ll have to we could possibly talk about that tomorrow I’ll have to look
Into that a little bit more I didn’t see that um yeah like the theme parks are where all of their money is I didn’t realize it like syney plus loses money we’re going to get into Pixar loses money Walt Disney animations we had a topic that we were going to cover that
We ended up not really covering where it’s like the first of all they are there is criticism to go around for the parks and stuff like that which is that um they’re pricing out the middle class and it’s becoming an exclusively like a an upper middle an upper class it’s for
It’s for dinks but um in general yeah it is really that makes sense actually like we had a topic the other day where uh somebody wrote an article that said Disney trips are becoming so overwhelming that people are taking classes on how to take them so you have
To go to a class just to know how to get the most out of your trip to Disney wowz it cost that much yeah so it’s like it’s like I’m not if I’m going to spend this much money I’m going to learn how to get the best out of the experence but Moana
2 which is different from the liveaction Moana that’s in development right now Moana 2 is an animated movie and will come out at the end of this year when is the live action Moana 2026 I believe I could be wrong about that year but I
Think it was 2025 or 2026 at least uh so yeah Bob Iger had to make a whole bunch of uh excuses during the earnings call yesterday but like Phil said the parks are where they make their money it’s not really about the movie and stuff for the
The dinks Disney adult dual income no kids saw like I was I was looking at I’ve heard people on here mention like I’ve mentioned the advocate who is a social media personality who does a lot of advocacy for fathers and you know dads who don’t get enough time with
Their kids she’s a she’s very very popular and she did this thing where she talked about how her daughter and her whole class loved the movie wish and that means that we found we found the 30 people in the world that actually like the movie they just happen to all be in
One school it’s not good not a good sign for that generation if they’re watching things like wish yeah so uh let’s go ahead and move on so we’ve got some pea news I always like talking about pea because everybody can collectively dunk on Peta because nobody actually likes
Them you I think I like Peta because they’re Master trolls they’re I don’t think they’re that good at it personally I don’t think they’re that good at it they get attention every time it’s it’s what they want never stays in the news cycle Peta says stop riding animals
People even fiberglass ones you can’t go on carousels anymore cuz they got fake horses on there wrote a letter to the CEO of one of the biggest amusement park ride manufacturers saying I’m writing on behalf of of paa entities we have more than 9 million members and supporters
Globally with a suggestion would you please end the manufacture and sale of animal themed carousels and instead exclusively produce figures in the shape of vehicles such as cars unicycles tractors airplanes rockets and bulldozers I like the idea that like big car manufacturers come together to say
We do not support the idea that you put fiberglass cars on these rides either children are drawn to more Whimsical designs like shooting stars rainbows and brooms shouldn’t ride brooms either um that’s witchcraft so I guess that this is promoting animal exploitation aren’t they the ones who
Put tons of dogs to death every year because well yeah they don’t like talking about that it’s just rude but they are kind of Master Level trolls and they know what they’re doing I listened to a podcast with one of the people who works for paa and she said that they
Piss people off on purpose to get attention it’s like the one where it says like uh they put the stickers on there that say like don’t eat this cow this cow has a name and then like they’ll put the and then they’ll put the name of the cow in there and somebody’s
Like oh yeah you knew that cow what’s its name and then Peter responds your mom okay like uh it just I don’t find maybe if it wasn’t just a corporation if it was one one person then sure I would find it funny but I just don’t find it
All that funny all right uh Beyonce’s in the news because apparently so not that long ago the same place had the the one of the rock a wax figure figure of the rock Madam Tad’s made the rock white basically yes she was too pale and then they had to fix it they keep
Whitewashing people they keep race swapping people and now it’s Beyonce now they’ve made Beyonce but they’re saying is that Beyonce or is that Leia ramini maybe they were were working on a Leia Rini one but then they were like they had to switch courses could
Be or no what they do is like they just uh they just like they change the lighting and then they have different ones for different days when it’s a king of when it when it’s a King of Queens exhibit they lighten it and they make it
Leer Mei when it’s a when it’s a lemonade the album exhibit they make it Beyonce when Disney accidentally made Hillary Clinton for their president’s animatronics and then changed it into Trump it’s basically the same thing correct I don’t think it I mean it doesn’t really look like I mean I guess
Leia Rini if she was wearing hooker makeup but not not really yeah but I do see the resemblance a little bit I guess yeah some of them are really good but yeah they they Ray swapped be is it pronounced Leia or Leah um princess what
Prin leini Leia I thought it was Leia I thought it was Leia some of these look really bad this Justin Bieber one is disturbing yep creepy looking Will Smith doesn’t look like that nope I don’t know who the one in the middle is it’s that bad that you can’t recognize it Y what
Do you have to do to get one of these wax figures can we get wax figures can we pay like if we had uh would we have to pay for it they’re famous enough that they just get a made for them but we could uh commission one I guess actually
That’d be really funny to just commission wax figures of ourselves and just put them in the studio they would melt I like it uh some people are saying Leah okay so it’s Leah I I thought it was Leia but she’s me all right guys uh so we’ve mentioned pro-life spider man
Here before he’s a he’s a social media activist and uh oh the guy that climbed the thing climb climb climbs buildings he’s an icon he’s a legend he’s the moment Etc he uh if you don’t know what it is he’s he’s a pro-life activist who climbs buildings to uh raise awareness
For abort like for causes like to help people who are don’t want to have abortions basically he does this to get donations for women who are are dealing with unplanned pregnancy so he donates all of the proceeds from this media attention to those women and he just
Climbed the sphere in Las Vegas which seems impossible well I’ve got to you not want you look like get close to it and see what it’s actually made of here’s a here’s a video of it something other than its video display he started scaling the sphere
Around 10 hey guys I’m here on top of the sphere you see he made it to the top this was also captured on Instagram live his reasoning for the climb part of a pro-life movement I just wanted to say that we are doing this today to raise
Money for a mother named Isabelle she is homeless and Pregnant and needs help guys so go over to let them live.org or the link in my bio to go support this woman uh big thanks praise be to God I will uh talk to you’all later what a guy
He uh says they’ve raised $21,000 so far already how can you hate no how grabs well they’re they hate they can hate the real question is like how do you get them down because is there like a hatch at the top there they said that
He has to go inside yeah okay so like I was going to say like did somebody else have to climb up in addition yeah they said there’s a You2 concert scheduled for the same night that’s enough of a reason to try and postpone it from happening yeah maybe stop the YouTube
Concert but yeah that’s crazy imagine you’re you’re scaling it and these all of these images are passing by you it must be very disord orienting yeah I was I was thinking that cuz like the color immediately changed to like a bright red and like imagine your eyes are on there
Like right next to it yeah and he so he gets arrested every time he got arrested and he’s smiling in the mug shot like a champ and every time he pulls up he goes he’s like can I come over the railing now he always has you know keeps his
Hands up he doesn’t want to doesn’t want to draw uh the wrong kind of attention you mean they don’t he doesn’t want them to draw their guns their weapons there’s also a pro-life Wolverine I’m not sure what he does yes I still have no idea what pro-life Wolverine they’re friends
Apparently they are so they are all right all right uh and free my dude Snoop Dog so uh Snoop Dog is facing an extreme problem right now he is being censored by the serial industrial complex they’re out to get him uh Post Cereal is pulling dirty tactics to keep
The the Snoop cereal off the shelves of Walmart so it says Snoop Dog Cal yep it’s called Snoop cereal Sue Walmart for sabotaging his cereal brand hiding it in storage room room so listen to this diabolical action that’s what he says he says uh so the the rap by the way he
Owns this this Cal brand with Master P which is the greatest thing I’ve ever heard in my entire life I’m going to go buy some tonight after this and I’m going to listen to ghetto D on repeat the whole night so it says the rappers alleged that their cereal brand Snoop
Cereal which was intentionally kept in the stock rooms of Walmart stores marked with no location coding prevented them from being placed on store shelves came a statement from their lawyer they claimed they were approach that they approached post Brands post serial Brands about a partnership which the brands entered into to distribute their
Product in major retailers like Target and Kroger but the deal was faulty after they declined to sell the brand entirely after that they declined to sell the brand entirely however post despite agreeing to the partnership allegedly sabotaged the success of Snoop Cereal by preventing it from reaching consumers through deceptive practices especially
At Walmart wow there is just an evil serial executive out there somewhere who just doesn’t want to see the man win you can also get it on Amazon he has frosted drizzlers cinnamon Toasties and fruity hoops and a cute little dog mascot yes cuz it’s named is Snoop Dog obviously
With two G’s I get it um yeah and it it went out in July and and he’s being suppressed and frankly I I’m outraged I’m outraged this is an issue I’ve uh I don’t really eat a whole lot of cereal these days perhaps I will buy some of
This just to support I don’t know if you’re going to be able to find it though it would be hard that’d be great like uh do you have any and then just go like raise a stink at the store like go check in the back for me diabolical
Actions they’re out to get hey man uh like serial industry is like multiple billions of dollars a year so as much as many jokes as we’re making it actually is a lot of money it’s Kelloggs General Mills and post they’re all conspiring against Snoop do Choice George Carlin had it right it’s the
Illusion of choice in the world today and and frankly I won’t stand for it he should also release the um the bag cereal to separate himself from the crowd um I’ve never bought bag cereal but perhaps I will start now that I’m an adult and I don’t want to spend a ton of
Money for Less cereal just to get it in the cardboard box also why hasn’t anyone from ziplock ever gotten in contact with a Serial manufacturer to make a bag that actually stays shut I don’t know well actually more than likely because people don’t really want to spend the extra money that it
Would cost is probably the actual reason I’m just saying it could stay good for longer but they don’t want it to stay good for longer they want it to to to go bad so you have to buy more of it Clips yeah sorry for being the pragmatic guy
But that that does work all right all right Phil you’re gonna love this one let’s talk about Hanan [ __ ] oh God are you excited about this so uh it recently came out that uh uh you know uh capitalist communist Hassan [ __ ] uh has a very very wealthy father does he not
Yeah apparently he’s a trust fund baby allegedly H [ __ ] if you guys don’t know he’s a twitch streamer and he often gets called a champagne socialist because despite his socialist beliefs he himself is very wealthy not only off of his streaming career but off of his daddy’s money yeah he calls
Himself culturally he says that he’s not culturally American he calls himself culturally Turkish he was born in America then raised in Turkey to affluent parents uh apparently there’s video of him like horseback riding when he was young and like by the way that’s something you only do if you’re rich I
Mean are you serious not only well listen no not only but in other countries yes in the US it’s more likely that a person will like you could be middle class and say you know what I want to have a horse and I could go or
You know rent horses or go horse back riding that’s more realistic in in the in the US but in place like turkey The Divide between rich and poor is s is far more sign striking and it’s more significant than it is here so to be
Doing that in Turkey yes you do have to be affluent so Hassan is is extremely wealthy he comes from wealth and he hates America come he’s come out and said it and he is about as American as I mean he’s about as unamerican as you can
Get but still be like an anchor baby cuz he was you know born here raised somewhere but he’s also a Neo baby because his first opportunity was given to him by his uncle Chen yuger at The Young Turks and then he launched his streaming career but apparently his dad is mamt
[ __ ] uh he’s not the CEO but the VP of a company worth over a hundred billion dollar there are pictures of them together it’s pretty much confirmed um and also he’s the founder of a right-wing Turkish political party yeah that split eragon’s party in 2019 he’s the founder so this he’s not only
Extremely wealthy but he’s also fairly influential and right wing which is not this old uh post of his where it says when I was a boy of 14 my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around but when I got to be
21 I was astonished how much the old man had learned in seven years I cannot believe someone would say something like that especially at that age like you hear my voice thank you guys yes what’s it called when like you know just a tiny little bit about something and you think
You know all of it and then you realize later on that you were a complete idiot when you thought that growing up well yeah but there’s there’s a phenomenon that actually a Eureka moment I don’t remember what it is but there’s a phenomenon you you learn a little bit
And you feel like you know everything and that and that’s like Hassan is essentially like the personification of that he is an absolute idiot I tweeted a video that he made today or I tweeted a video of him today where he’s going on and on about the about his understanding
Or lack thereof of the conditions surrounding slavery and the Civil War in the US he doesn’t know a damn thing there’s a $20 one here from uh der der Phil looks like he’s slowly dying today after each story LOL Brett Camelot going to be on next week oh no he will be on
In a couple of weeks not next week no but in in a couple of it’s gonna be fun it’s gonna be really fun yeah and uh he also um you know he he had the houie pirate on yeah recently which was a big deal which if he’s going to have the
Houie pirate on and talk to him like actually about something that’s fine but he was literally just trying to like talk to him about pop culture that this kid clearly would have no way of knowing about Beyond you know beyond beyond both having Tik Tok or whatever you but it’s
Not just this he’s being dragged now it says Hassan slammed by twitch viewers or claims that he earns as much as a doctor so it says the lead every month yeah the leading streamer on Twitch has long been pulling in millions of viewers and thousands subscribers thousands of subscribers each month with streaming
Contracts being reported to be around $100 million as well as major sponsorships and content monetization being key many creators have become incredibly wealthy off the back of their content over the years the opportunities have only risen for creators broadcasting live as streaming continue to be more mainstream one twitch
Streamer who has remained in the top is Assan [ __ ] despite this Assan was quickly hit with a wave of backlash by his viewers across socials after claiming that his earnings are the same as those of a doctor I don’t think he knows what a doctor makes the doctors
Are like hey I wish I made that type of money he also uh commented about this on a recent stream saying who gives a [ __ ] about the house who effing cares these guys are so effing stupid I make like you know 10 year doctor or like you know
Law Firm Partner money okay which is a lot for the average Joe it’s a lot but these mfers think I’m Jeff Bezos because they’re so stupid that’s it stupid that’s the thing with the the Socialists will always do that because if he made a 10% of the money that he makes now
Someone that makes the money that Hassan makes would be the immoral person for making that much money they’re they’re always going to be moral relativists all the time they’re they’re absolutely disgusting bean bag actual sent $20 is Phil thinking about the Dunning Krueger effect there you go that’s what it was
Dunning Krueger was like you like uh the person who thinks that they know the most about something will consequently be the one who seems to know the least or something like that I don’t think so I think that it’s like you uh I’m actually Googling it right now but um
Like like don’t know what kind of doctors Hassan knows but as far as I’m aware there aren’t many doctors making 200k a month yeah but also like think about do you remember when I don’t remember if it was during the the kai sonat uh PS5 incident or some incident
That happened in New York and the people were like stealing bags of chips from like the vendors and he was saying like why do you care so much if they’re stealing the chips they’re just chips it just shows a disconnect between your audience like he clearly doesn’t understand the plight of his own
Audience the ability well not only that you’re 100% right but the the inability to think about second third fourth order effects if you have a society where people are stealing and there’s no you know and it’s acceptable then you have fewer people that want to do things like
Start businesses when and risk their own capital and risk their own money because they’re going to have they could have it you know stolen whether that be stolen by the government or stolen by uh other people in the society and that hurts Society overall that’s why broken
Windows policing works yeah uh and that I mean has that been largely removed since Giuliani left uh yeah yes um if I understand correctly yeah the the the but not only that it is that the Das have refused to keep people in jail you know they don’t they get rid of they get
Rid of uh bail cash bail or whatever so they just let people back out on with no bail people that are committing crimes there’s usually only a a a small portion of any you know any population that’s actually committing the crime so if you’re talking about like in Brooklyn I
Don’t know how many people are there but there is a a finite number of people that are committing like 90% of the crimes and if you wrap those people up and put them in jail crime does go down like it there are times when you can be
O overbearing with the state to to try to enforce you know laws and stuff but if you wrap those people up and get them off the streets you do end up with crime going down and New York used to do that and then they stopped doing that and now
You’re consequently seeing you know more crime and and more violence on the streets of New York and why it’s always funny to hear someone like uh someone in Hassan’s tax bracket talking about it because a lot of times like they’re far removed from the effects of the things
That they’re complaining about so does he live in New York no he lives in he lives in Hollywood yeah okay so you know I see stuff like this I just always thought of it as like one of those things where for somebody like that you’d think that it would be hard for
Him to be able to stomach the um the cognitive dissonance around what you’re advocating for and what you’re clearly taking in yourself uh and like like in the picture of him here where it says like make the rich pay your dad is literally the maybe okay maybe it’s like
It’s like when Bernie Sanders uh stopped saying Millionaires and billionaires once he became a millionaire okay maybe you’re not the rich in this in this setting but your dad definitely is the rich yeah right like I mean let’s be real he’s still the rich but your dad is
Definitely the rich and I’ll just I’ll never understand it but you know sure of him is so cringy well the thing is I think with Hassan I think that it’s I think that the Socialist stuff is all Bs I think that it’s just he wanted to have
A career on the internet and the thing that makes me think that is the whole bro science stuff that he used to do when he was talking you never saw I never watched his content he was the professor what the professor what does that mean oh that he did he did uh like
He was basic it was like red pill kind of stuff where he was like giving advice and stuff for like dating talking about how dudes should interact with women he was the bro fessor and he said some very he said that are fairly scandalous but the point point is you should you def
Wait what did he say that was scandalous uh just saying things that is you know saying things that are going to help you convince women to sleep with you and that’s kind of like not the thing that’s okay on the left anymore you know or you
Can’t try and a guy sleeping with women is not okay on the left it’s absolutely not not okay it’s no so well you’re sleeping with men is fine if you’re you know but you can’t men can’t try men cannot try to sleep with women overtly on the left because then you’re in
Danger of of of insulting them or something like that but either way like he was putting this stuff out because he wanted to have a career as a content creator possibly before it you know ear in the early days of being a content creator so this isn’t he’s not a genuine
Communist that has deep understanding he’s a decent looking guy that’s tall that wants to be on the internet and has has you know family that have money and connections and that got him and he’s like oh Uncle Jen has got connections with the whole political thing I’ll just
Get in there and repeat what he says and people will watch me remember when he uh he said like he went to Mexico and they like taxed him for all his electronics and he didn’t understand like how that kind of ran contrary to anything he believes in you know taxes socialist
Governments all right kind of go together someone’s mad that I said that it that it was uh I I miss someone’s upset that I called it red pill stuff because apparently this person probably likes the the red pill someone in the in the uh chat regardless of whether or not
It was shut up you [ __ ] it was hypocritical right yes exactly all right what would uh what would you guys like to see would you like to see cringe or cute of the day ah cringe cringe first all right we’ve got one here let’s go ahead and see what this lady has to
Say oh I heard this too awful I left my boyfriend and I’ve been traveling for 10 days and I’ve slept with 22 people in that 10 days my goal was 20 and I just hit 20 this morning how many showers though now I need to check out cuz I’m going
Home if it’s not at least one on the board it’s got to be at least 22 23 showers on my layover so I think 22 is where we’re going to cap it out but how did I gar how did I gar Australian accent is the only thing
I can pay atten um I think she’s lying I think she’s lying possibly cuz this is just ridiculous to say not an accomplishment but even the fattest ugliest girl in the world could probably do this if she just asked enough guys guys are yes why is this imp like why
Does she think that this is something to brag about whether or not it’s true I think she’s probably trying to get an ex-boyfriend to see this who like follows her Tik Tok to make him jealous which is also ridiculous makes no sense like that’s what’s gonna get him back
He’s like oh man she just slept with 22 dudes I need to I need to get her back she’s surpris yeah yeah no no that’s not how that works just not how that works all right all right guys let’s uh let’s move on then let’s do c of the day we
Got a couple of those wash the cringe off this is from alist De Guzman this says uh just me and my dog Rocky going skating a that’s cute that is awesome good boy good boy could you do this on roller blades or would that be yes I could I I
Wouldn’t but I I could why not I don’t have any pets oh well fair enough do you think you would fair enough you’re not a really a pet guy yeah yeah it’s fine understandable I can go visit my friends who have pets that’s that’s enough for me yeah all
Right here we go this one from Kevin says uh submission for C of the day was reminiscing about my dog cider my mom had when I was a teenager and unearth these photos of her and her puppies hope you all enjoy and have a good day a perer little potatoes that’s cute very
Cute potato all right little all right let’s go ahead and get started then shall we now that we’re what we’re 40 minutes in 30 minutes in 42 minutes into the show ladies and gentlemen fine uh let’s go Ahad and get started so as you know
Disney is in uh it’s it’s not doing that well in the public eye right now just recently Gina Carano filed a lawsuit on uh against Disney for a wrongful termination and she has a whole Litany of other things that she’s pursuing against him this whole lawsuit is being
Funded by Elon Musk but Elon Musk has continued to go hard at Disney as he seems to be kind of hellbent on exposing their dirty business practices he’s trying to start beef with Disney on X Y and part of this an anonymous source from Disney sent him a graphic that is
Sent to all their employees their mandatory institutionalized racism and sexism AKA inclusion standards yes for entertainment hiring practices so this is all questions you’re not supposed to ask people uh who are potential Talent candidates but you’re supposed to infer about them and figure out if you should
Hire them to meet all of your quotas I’m going to put this up on screen here so people can see what we’re talking about so 50% or more of regular or recurring written characters must come from under represented groups um 50% uh more or regular recurring actors must come from represent underrepresented groups
Secondary characters meaningful inclusion of underrepresented groups as secondary or more minor onscreen individuals including background actors okay that’s all onscreen representation and then in their leadership no no listen like series premise this is crazy so series premise meaningful integration of underrepresented groups in overall themes and narratives which confirms
Everything that was going on in the film threat expose that we talked about recently about how they’ve been they used to go into these pitch meetings with these Hollywood Executives and they would talk about how can we make this entertaining movie now they say how can we teach the audience something how can
We the disturbingly stupid Elites teach the normies something that’s what they believe that their job is now to teach you or I something about the world and uh 50% or more of producers writing staff episode directors cast casting directors creative leadership uh all of these people need to be 50% or more from
Under represented groups uh also episodic storytelling ongoing meaningful integration of underrepresented groups in episodic themes and narrative so like who decides what is Meaningful in that like like what actually constitutes meaningful storyline wise like does it have to does it have to take up a certain amount of minutes per episode
Yeah I don’t know and we also don’t know for sure if this is really from a Disney Employee but it’s likely I mean it would be a lot of work for him to put together this fake image there’s a $20 one here from uh Midian 1911 says the quote about
How ignorant his father is comes from Mark Twain it’s meant to show how children think their dads are dumb but adults realize for much they uh they actually knew okay I didn’t know that um they also said even the composer costume design ERS editors production designers music supervisors all of those people
50% or more have to come from underrepresented groups um key roles in technical Crews project staff um yeah pretty much all of the all of the staff involved in their content you can no longer pretend like there isn’t an anti-white sentiment coming from these companies they will deny it
They will tell you that that’s not real but when they talk about these things it’s not about saying not white it’s about saying this group which is just the polite way of saying not white but at the end it’s telling that they added this disclaimer context is critical when
Evaluating if a group is underrepresented anyone involved in hiring decisions is prohibited from asking candidates and talent about their actual or perceived race religion color sexual orientation gender gender identity military or veteran status age disability or any other legally protected categories all of this stuff literally tells people well it doesn’t
It tells people without telling people you need to discriminate and you need to not say that you’re discriminating it it’s it makes it completely clear that that is what you’re supposed to do it doesn’t say it specifically because and it gives the activists plausible deniability but the point is to be able
To discriminate and and it is to discriminate against like white people now specifically but it’ll be used at on whatever group they want to because it allows for the person to make the the subjective call so it’s not something that you want to have in your you know whatever your HR departments your
Society at all because it’s going to be oh it’s all it is is going to be consistently people weaponizing jobs hiring fire in ETC it’s going to be weaponizing it based on race all the time and it’s going to and that boils down to ideology and below that graphic Elon added eight additional
Pages of outlined Dei standards from inside the Disney Corporation saying here is the full racist sexist and discriminatory set of laws enforced by Disney’s Dei gestapo no wonder most of their content produced over the past several years has sucked just trying to navigate the Dei Minefield is going to crush the creative
Process that’s the the the number one takeaway I always have from this stuff is like look I say this all the time making good art is really really difficult making something meaningful making something that speaks to a large audience that has great themes that has a great actual message not a forced
Canned message doing that is not easy now imagine having that unbelievably difficult task given to you and then being put all of these like office level handcuffs on and being expected to create great art like first of all racist handcuffs that are being put on you and then being said
Go make good art that’s also going to make us money it’s impossible yeah it’s a middle management tyranny yeah um and also in addition to inviting anyone to join Gina carano’s lawsuit on X he said if you were discriminated against by Disney or its subsidiaries just reply to
This post to receive legal support and someone replied to him as well with details of Amazon Studios Dei standards this is directly from them they seek one character from each of the following categories for speaking roles of any size non-white lgbtq or person with a disability the minimum aspirational
Goals for casting across speaking roles are 30% men 30% white women and non-binary people 20% men from underrepresented races 20% women and non-binary people from underrepresented races where we can have more people from underrepresented race or ethnic groups we will seek to do that we also aspire
To cast at least 10% of our roles with people who are lesbian gay bisexual trans or gender non-conforming or non-binary and 10% with people who self-identify as a person with a disability you look at this stuff and the first thing that comes to my mind is how do you expect to make anything
Authentic with such ridiculous restrictions point is Pirates of the Caribbean yes without Johnny Depp where they cast a black woman as the lead character go ahead well the the the your point is that you know you can’t be creative if you have these restrictions
And this is this is what you saw in the art that was created in the Soviet Union the entire time that it was around very very few artists made anything worth noting and this is the country where where you know or at least Russia was the country where like Doki came from
You know like real real impactful art was made there so it’s not like it’s foreign to that you know their culture or whatever it’s just that it was so so narrow what you could create and and no one wanted to risk stepping out of line but also okay think about this so say
You’re you’re taking this premise and you’re taking it to a TV show that’s going to be set in a specific area now do you remember where the peripheral was set was it West Virginia no okay so so but I’m just saying imagine you take a television show and
You put it in I I looked up what is the whitest County in America imagine you want to take a TV show and you want to make it someplace in West Virginia and then you slap these restrictions on there it is a recipe for inauthenticity
It won’t feel real to anyone uh the same would go in the other direction if you wanted to go make something in Atlanta and then and you went the other way I’m saying if you went the other way right uh and then imagine the roles were reversed and all of these stats were
Backwards and and uh Caucasians white people weren’t the majority demographic in this country and then you wanted to make a show set someplace like that and then you threw them in there where it doesn’t fit it wouldn’t feel real it wouldn’t make any sense and that would
Be bad too I think that’s part of the reason why they set most of their projects in Hollywood in these big cities with liberal strongholds um so they don’t have to show Middle America or places like West Virginia they despise Middle America anyways they’ve despised middle middle
America for far longer than what has been going on recently that’s talk about underrepresented groups right y um but yeah Elon responded to the Pirates of the Caribbean news saying Disney sucks I would say it’s fake news that IO edab beiri is replacing Johnny Depp she’s playing a different character but that
Character an is based on a real historical figure who was white not not a black woman I was talking to someone the other day one of my favorite shows of all time is um Law and Order Criminal Intent and apparently that show was particularly um bad about like so they
Would take all these crimes and then they would just make them like NIMBY white people in this we’ve got a $20 from ditto Gonzalez water is wet because water is a description of H2O oh okay so true y uh thank you uh somebody says the peripheral was set in uh was set in
Clinton North Carolina thank you well they can also you know because the peripheral is set far in the future they can change it to whatever they want yes which is our diverse Utopia future perfect wording perfect wording right there uh and and look it’s hitting
Them in more ways than one so they had their investor call yesterday well it looks like they have lost 1.3 million subscribers after their most recent price hike you know why they raise the prices because they’re not getting enough people to subscribe so they have to keep raising the prices to try to
Make up for the loss now I won’t pretend like this is the worst news in the world for them what’s funny about that is that sounds awful on the offset that they lost 1.3 million subscribers but what it is is actually like in all of the in the
Most recent two or three quarters Disney was losing like a billion dollars a quarter on Disney plus and they were able to cut that to just $200 million in losses so they are working their way slowly ever so slowly pushing it it’s an Ling it’s not as a when you when you run
A business of that size you don’t speak in absolutes they have to look at the progress they’ve made uh so were losing a billion dollars a quarter uh in the most recent quarter they lost about $0 and something million dollars on Disney plus but it’s the largest decline in
Subscribers ever from subscribers in the US and Canada yes 400,000 people are rejecting people are rejecting the notion that Disney is now the taste maker in entertainment I really do people are looking even more towards Universal for animation than Disney all of the Universal movies seem to do
Really really well uh are they they the ones who made minions um I think that’s DreamWork so yeah that’s owned by Universal isn’t it so like it’s it’s all they’re putting out another Kung Fu Panda movie and all of those are going to do better than anything Disney is
Doing because Disney can’t seem to extract themselves from Identity politics what’s funny is people thought Chek was going to be better but he’s the one who was around during the whole garano debacle uh and Iger is of course no better and he’s going back to doing
What Bob Iger always does when he can’t figure out what to do he’s buying a one .5 billion doll stake in epic games to work with the fortnite maker on new content CU Bob Iger be shopping yeah he doesn’t know how to actually create anything new so they’re going to just
Invest a bunch of money in video games it’s a good move just considering video games are way more profitable than movies thank you which is crazy that something that’s actually like interactive and otherwise would You’ think would require the same kind of I me You’ think that there would have to
Be like story that that people want to be quality as well as like I feel like a good video game should be everything the movie is plus more yeah you know because it’s longer you you’ve got the engage you’ve got all the building of the world and and the actual mechanics and the
Physics and all the the actual stuff but then the the story if the story is as good as a good movies story would be then you’ve got like a no-brainer hit kind of thing you know yeah fortnite wouldn’t fit that description but yeah some of these are like about 12 to 17
Hour games whereas a movie only takes you too yep um but they’re you know selling more than movies and TV shows are they’re more they’re they are a better form of entertainment honestly because it’s interactive MH I just feel like the the sentiment against Disney is so negative I I wonder sometimes because
I’m always trying to check myself is this feeling that I have is this feeling that I have have a terminally online thought like is the idea that I’m because we spend so much time reading about this stuff I wonder sometimes if I’m just wrapped up in the my own little
World that’s been created through my work and I try to always check myself to make sure that I’m not thinking something that is not necessarily true just because I’m looking at it all day but I think that the box office proves that it is more than just a terminally
Online thought to think that Disney is tanking these days right but most people who are you know choosing not to see what they put out in theaters don’t see it as a culture War thing they’re just they just not interested the thing is like the feedback from kids if I
Understand correctly the feedback from actual like kids that watch it the movies that do bad it’s not because like parents are like no I don’t want my kids to see this it’s because kids don’t respond well to the stories and to the movies um buddy of mine that lives in
California he’s got two kids that are I think like six and nine and and or six and eight or something like that and he was talking about like the some of the the stuff that’s come out that like the Buzz Lightyear one that was that did really badly he’s like the kids he’s
Like the kids watched like watched it and like they didn’t really pay a whole lot of attention didn’t grab their attention and it didn’t hold their attention and they haven’t watched it since there are other movies that have a rewatchability that kids just are like I
Want to see it I want to see it so the ones that are doing bad are largely doing bad because it is actually the kids that are not responding well and this is not definitive or anything this is just you know my little anecdote that
I can kids are honest yeah yeah they are totally critics aren’t honest kids are too honest for their own good and um also it’s based on Toy Story which for a six-year-old they they didn’t grow up with that necessarily it’s banking on Nostalgia and you can only really rely
On this Disney Adult class these dinks to keep you afloat in the theme parks for so long before they also die out and the kids growing up today are not connected with any of your IP yeah the dinks aren’t having kids therefore it’s it becomes maybe a self-correcting
Problem down the line eventually they’ll have osteoarthritis and they won’t be able to to go to the theme barks they’re going to need to work on accessibility features and eventually you know maybe we’ll have to they’ll have Disney will invest in that like uh swingers on main
Thing that they were making up so the uh dis Disney yep the Disney dating app yeah which is different from the swinger the the swinger one was a joke the Disney dating app actually maybe Disney should invest in that I feel like that’s actually going to materialize when like most of the like
Adult Disney fans nowadays have reached their silver years all right let’s go to super chats Marion okay Shane H Wilder said happy Thursday Brett Mary and Commander Phil hello thank you TG said please get Lauren Southern and Lauren Chen for another PCC episode also is Gina trying
To get her job back Double Toasted made a video saying that I mean would she want the job back I highly doubt she’s trying to get the job at Disney there was some kind of recasting that she was mentioned she was looking for okay and I’m not sure if that means that she
Wants to be recast as another character or if she wants the kedon character to be recast by someone else and brought back I’m not sure the details I didn’t look into it but something would in the her statement the that uh musk was or released or whatever in regards to musk
Going and start the lawsuit it had something to do with recasting I love the idea that she just forces her way back in there and the vibe is just super negative the whole time she’s on set and she’s just like let’s do it again right Pascal is just like quivering in the
Corner hates her and and can’t say it cuz he’s a wuss uh yeah unlikely outcome if I had to guess Corey Anderson said the left lane is for Crime the left lane is for Crime thank you very much H Lane is for double crime that high high
Occupancy vehicle Lane that is the balls move that is the actual ballsy move where you alone in your car just [ __ ] say like Chad yes and get in the HOV lane by yourself have you ever seen those videos of the people when that like work in like in the city and it’s
Like impossible to work so they put dummies in the passenger seat yeah he’s the the the they get caught doing that this Super Chat is referring to the Giga Chad move of just doing it and saying F the world just thought of it look we’ve been covering all these stor stories
About AI girlfriends and Bots and and Dolls what you can do now is you can just bring your your sex doll girlfriend and put it in the passenger seat and when the cop says you’re breaking the law you go how dare you how how very dare you sir seual orientation you
Probably have to get like actually married then you can show your your marriage license it’s actually my wife you’re you’re denigrating my wife now I’m going to sue the police force and probably the police Union and yeah you know so it’s either I get out of here and get the
I either Blaze through the HOV lane with my pornbot at 150 mph or I sue the city my three porn Bots yeah there you go they’re in the back seat no cuz you only need one you well I mean fair enough in the chat dear scream says more like the
HIV Lane no from a from a bot a if they listen I tell you what when they when when sex with robots becomes so normal a mundane of a of an activity that STDs that you can only get from robots become a thing then I believe the me meteor is
Going to come STDs just from robots that’s crazy remember the first guy to to do that and has post nut Clarity and realizes that she he has to clean it afterwards low maintenance though I do either low maintenance that’s another thing that I think I think once they
Come up with self cleaning robots that’s when they’ll really take off walks to the shower itself just goes if it just gets up and go I mean if it just gets up and goes to the shower then it’s just like a human make you s cuz I’m not going to
Say anything about the thoughts that just went in my through my head right now so we can move on we’ll do that on PCC after dark galad derp said PCC almost worth your attention exactly that’s perfect that’s actually really goodan Jessica are you watching we need an almost worth your attention
Shirt love it Cory Anderson said PCC magnet for my car that says left lane is for Crime oh is is that Advocate we we I don’t think that could make it on Shopify though you’re promoting crime Jessica can we get a a bumper sticker a magnet that says the left lane is for
Crime that’s definitely against TOS that’s like I mean we didn’t we weren’t even really allowed to make shirts that said crisis actors right yeah although I would love to let’s hold off on the rest and we’ll come back after the fact all right Mary tell us what’s going on with
Taylor Swift and Kobe Kobe KOB and Toby Keith Toby Keith the country star died earlier this week at age 62 after suffering from stomach cancer and I really didn’t think that would turn into controversial news that people would be talking about on social media until it related back to Taylor Swift because of
Course yes because of course it’s like a law of nature now everything that happens everything in the news cycle it’s somehow traces back to Taylor Swift and we have to talk about it so Taylor Swift attacked on social media following Toby Keith’s death here’s why I think it’s because the swifties instantly came
Out to disrespect this man postumus due to the fact that he founded big machine records this is the first record label Taylor Swift ever got signed to and he’s essentially her scooter braa if that makes sense he discovered her he got her signed to the label this was back in
2005 when she was still a high school student living in Nashville and he essentially you know deserves the credit for what became her huge career in music and he didn’t get any acknowledgement from her after his death she didn’t say anything now I don’t know if it’s
Reasonable to say she should have said something right like you can’t compel someone to make a statement but it would have been nice for her to give him credit at that moment right uh my initial Instinct maybe because I’m annoyed because she’s all over the news
All the time is yes but my more rational Instinct says it’s nobody’s job to tell another human being how to grieve well you you had two sides of it one is that you shouldn’t compel anyone to say anything correct but then on the other side Taylor Swift being this Mastermind
Businesswoman right she should be smarter than that and she should say something it’s just a a normal expectation for her level of public notoriety she can’t really win CU if she does speak then they’ll say that she’s making it about herself people will people will say that and that she’s uh
People are always going to say something she can’t win in this situation but I get the Instinct from both sides I just I try to use my rational brain and though my initial instinct is more out of annoyance than anything I don’t try to rely on that instinct so I’d say that
It’s nobody’s job to tell another human being how to grieve even though I think a lot of people will assume that her reason for not speaking with be political because of his political affiliations yeah the truth is Toby Keith is responsible for giving Taylor Swift this big break into the music
Industry and at the same time he was a trump supporter he was right-wing as is all of these like a lot of these country stars and fans of the country music genre and that’s something that she’s really distanced herself from so perhaps that could have been one of her
Motivations for not speaking up after he died but I saw this resurfaced clip from back in 2005 just when she was signed by big machine records and she talks about Toby Keith in this uh interview so I wanted to show this uh it’s captioned going to be interesting to see what
Taylor Swift says about Toby Keith without Toby Keith there wouldn’t be a Taylor Swift Toby signed her to his record label and gave her her start hope she recognizes that today like she should here we go I didn’t thanks I think it’s too thin I need more
Hair hair talk at Hendersonville high is a serious subject for 15-year-old Taylor Swift considering her hair and face are already in National magazine ads and coming soon to the cover of her first big record copyright that and she’s got everything I have to live with you hear the Kanye vers
Nashville last year writing her own songs singing them and hoping someone would like them Toby ke did so much so that he just signed her to his new record label that makes them Partners you’re in the room with him and you can feel it there’s a power there and you’re
Just like oh my God so I don’t think I’ll ever get to a point where I won’t see him and be like oh my God that’s Toby Kei you know but you were just Temporary we visited Taylor a year ago at Hendersonville High when we thought her Talent was special now a year later Music Row agrees her first record comes out in a few months she’ll tour and start the career she says she’s been working for her entire life all 15 years years of it
L most people find out what they’re going to do when they’re in college and that’s great you know but I guess for me it just came a little earlier and I’m so thankful for that because this happens to be accent was so sweet it’s giving Napoleon
Dynamite a dream that comes with her own soundtrack on a throwback Thursday Terry buer news for Nashville so that was going viral it got like 7 million views as it was being reposted how like the lunchroom Is So Mean Girls it’s not even funny it was it was and
She’s going to act like she was this like Outcast going like this she God look at Becky’s hair she’s such a [ __ ] she she writes music from the perspective of a girl who was like this social outcast who wasn’t popular or whatever like when you see that video
You know she’s literally making fun of people for having to bring bag lunch school yeah um oh my God Becky’s so poor yeah and you know if you’re unaware guys big machine records is the number one enemy of the Swifty fan base because they were the ones who were sold off
Meaning her music was sold off in that deal with uh the Carlile group and George Soros due to scooter Bron’s involvement and now because Toby Keith founded that record label they’re hating on him after his death I get like what people I get why people are like oh
That’s bad Etc but it’s also at least from my perspective it is so incredibly mundane and normal that happens to People’s music all the time you can go and you can look go back in in time to the 80s and like Paul McCartney bought Michael Jackson’s rights to some of
Michael Jackson’s biggest hits and told Michael and Michel was like you did what it big deal it’s possible yeah it’s a normal thing that happens and then when it happens to Taylor Swift it’s like the travesty like she’s some kind of victim but the thing is it h but the reason is
Because of her fan base not because of her it’s because her fan base everything is a is an absolute you know they’re they’re they’re children they’re 16-year-old girls I mean they’re they’re going to of course they’re they’re going to freak out you no matter what happens
Like if Taylor looks you know it’s it’s going to be an absolute overreaction so I understand people are are you know going to have a problem with it I get it and I don’t think that it’s right but it is also very normal this uh so in response to Toby Keith’s death one
Swifty said so isn’t he one of The Men Who Stole Taylor Swift’s songs no there was no stealing dum dum there was no stealing another one said notice how uh or no the other one said I wish Toby Keith never got into racism because he was so good
Otherwise I’m time traveling to 2001 and putting him in a dungeon without internet access so he can make unpro Taylor Swift but for white guys hits forever I love how are you just going to talk about someone like this after they died like it’s literally been less than
24 hours and you’re talking about him this way I also love the white guy qualification there on a comment about somebody else’s racism yeah yeah another one said Toby Keith once said as a quote conservative Democrat that he was embarrassed by his own party then he jumped on the [ __ ] train and endorsed
Donald Trump and you get the feeling country music stars are not that bright which is why Taylor Swift isn’t a country singer anymore wow know that she owned her first private jet in 2009 uh good for her that’s crazy I wish I own a private jet that’s crazy she
Just sold it she uh she well I mean her dad her dad probably bought it she bought it off him after she got more famous was he that well was he that kind of wealthy he was a multimillionaire but not a billionaire quite but well multimillionaire there’s a lot of room
Between multi-millionaire and can own a jet three years after your debut album are you buying a private jet like I don’t know was she that big of a phenomenon know years after spot in CSI in 2009 you’re not buying a private jet on CSI gu spot kind of crazy yeah let’s
Talk about the conspiracy side of this I I this actually like threw me for a loop so there is now a conspiracy that Taylor Swift Hillary Clinton do Toby Keith and that was the reason for his death I saw a tweet any truth to the rumor that
Taylor Swift killed Toby Keef nope um excuse me what I didn’t even know this was a rumor yep so I looked for some evidence here’s one for those who say that the NFL really does rituals is this a coincidence what Toby Keith was born
On the eth and died on the 5ifth 8 + 5 equals 13 Taylor Swift’s favorite number 13 Super Bowl 58 5 + 8 equals 13 Toby Keith dies at 62 as 49ers can go 62 by winning Super Bowl 58 Jason Kelce number 62 retirement announced brother of
Travis Kelce they are sick # rigged so somehow there’s a connection between Toby Keith’s death and rigging the Super Bowl and Taylor Swift is responsible for it am I getting that right I love the idea that then right after posting this like somebody who really loves T Taylor Swift be like
And those Q andon idiots are so stupid yeah uh another one added Toby Keith dead at 62 announced on 26 February 6th he was also the one that opened the door for Taylor Swift he also dies quote six days before the Super Bowl this is just dot dot
Dot did anybody see the movie the number 23 no I haven’t where you yeah the guy just starts to see the number 23 everywhere um you’re going nuts people numerology I’m worried I’m so worried n drives me so nuts stop it there’s a $20 one here from not that John Stewart he
Says I hate it here that is why we can’t join the galactic this is why we can’t join the Galactic Federation they’re like embarrassed of us the aliens are like looking at us with secondhand embarrassment like how do I share a galaxy with you exactly um but yeah none
Of the chicks who post about Taylor Swift non-stop are going to pay respects to Toby Keith because they despise him for his political leanings they’re disrespecting him and Taylor Swift is going to remain silent on his death because of the same reason that’s what I assume again like I
Said my my brain fights with it I I don’t think you can tell another person how to grieve nobody knows whether she reached out in private to the family or anything like that she very well could have well this is also part of a larger narrative that’s definitely true which
Is that Taylor Swift distan herself from the country music genre because they were suppressing her and she felt that she was in this very oppressive industry in Nashville where you’re not allowed to talk about politics as an artist and that’s why I found this clip of her from
Back when she was 22 she’s saying the most based take about how musicians shouldn’t preach to people about their political opinions which one is this clearly she doesn’t agree with that anymore um it’s from important Clips uh I thought I had that one here I had it
Pulled up at one point yeah it’s down here uh oh no I thought this was the one that we just watched Oh no I got to here here we go you’ve been very secretive about how you vote what you’re voting for well I mean I just figure I’m a 22-year-old
Singer and you know I don’t know if people really want to hear my political views I think they just kind of want to hear me sing songs about breakups and feelings Shing good point part of the fabric of being a country artist is don’t force your politics on
People let people live their lives that is grilled into us how is that a bad thing these three women have been the reigning Queens of pop and country music well it’s a bad thing because the left believes that polit everything is po political so that’s why and if you
And if you don’t come out and make an affirmative statement endorsing whatever the left’s position is they assume that you do not endorse and that means that you are the other which means that by their own logic not speaking on Toby Keith’s death is a bad thing because you
Have to speak otherwise it’s bad no but well she she’s also framing this in her documentary as if it’s only something that affected the country music artists but no it actors it was discouraged for All actors musicians everything they were not supposed to be political in the late 2000s male artists
Of all time nearly 30 million records sold and even more fans who always used to love their high-spirited style their music and their Moxy whatever happened to the racy magazine cover on the Dix being called in America these days traitors the Dixie [ __ ] anti-American all because of one split-second comment aimed at President
Bush right before the war with Iraq president United States their opinion is so ignorant they don’t know what they’re talking about I think they are the ditsy twits these are the dumbest dum bimbos with due respect I have seen these are callow foolish women who deserve to be slapped around
Absolutely oh we used to be a country career label I mean if hitting George Bush is wrong I don’t even care this is Publishers would just say don’t be like the Dixie Chicks and I loved the Dixie Chicks it kind of makes me think of like
Back when we were talking about um the war on Christmas and just how no matter how much things change it all just stays the same I’m not saying that criticizing George Bush is bad I’m just saying I don’t want to hear it from musicians yeah right yep is that like I mean I
Think that the fact that they push that boundary was just an incremental step to where we’ve gotten today but the thing is like when when that happens to someone their response is Perfectly Natural when when people come out there and overreact to a singular statement you’re just going to make the people
Push back harder like they’re not going to be like okay I’m sorry I said that that would never be the response now every actress every actor every musical artist is a multi-hyphenate activist yep and it didn’t happen overnight no it did not and Taylor Swift is acting like in
Her documentary this only affected country artists and that’s not true um that went for everyone I just listened to a an interview with Mia a rapper who remembers in the year like 2009 being pressured from people who are managing her not to make political statements because people don’t want to hear hear
That from you uh not just that they don’t want to hear it it’s that it naturally divide like like shortens your audience list it all it does is like it’s not just that people don’t want to hear it it’s that you’re going to piss off somebody why willingly say something
That’s going to cut your Audience by a third or half that’s the actual like legitimate you know reason to not you know you know it it’s because your audience is is going to some audence some of the people in the audience are going to take offense to it because you
Know if you’re if you’re reaching millions of people then there’s going to be people that are just going to be put off by any political perspective that you you hold because they just hold an opposing view yep all right let’s go super chats not that John Stewart said I
Would buy a left laneus for Crime magnet they want the magnet organized Business Services said May looks wider today milkshake in the sippy cup ooh that’s mean tacti platty said since you have your favorite failed musician can you show him the Bobby althof interviewing sukiana about being a musician
CR um yeah that was a really cringe interview do you think she was trolling I think everything Bobby alof does is is performative oh the the other artist I don’t know the artist I don’t know we’re going to we’re talk we’re going to show that tomorrow that was the one talking
About the one where where she was magician yeah I I I wow Shane H Wilder said I look forward to Knuckles but if it is Paramount plus only my Alex Jones parrot and I might have to go sailing the high seas while avoiding gay frogs look the Paramount plus uh Tom Cruz does
A bunch of stuff with Paramount I think I think Paramount is less bad than than Disney like if you had to choose between the two I I would get Paramount plus all day um but I don’t blame you for for doing so like depending on what your
Tastes are uh a good reason to go to Paramount plus is that they have all the South Park specials on there when South Park does their uh longer movie specials yeah that’s not enough to convince me no for for a lot of people it’s not but
It’s cheaper also they do they are the one uh I started keeping a list of the problems with all the streaming services like if I was I might make a video someday like how each of these streaming services could correct and fix their platforms and for instance when you’re
When you’re watching something on Paramount plus there isn’t a inapp option to go back to or to go automatically to the next episode you have to go back to the next submenu so like if you’re watching something normally you can push the up button and it’ll say like start from you
Know Start Episode over go to next episode episode list yeah this one doesn’t have that it just can’t do it so you have to go back to the previous Sub menu to start the next to then scroll down to start the next episode it’s not us friendly there just so many things
Are annoying about it like on Netflix the second you’re watching something and it ends it gives you 3 seconds before it autop plays the next suggestion yeah like I don’t want to watch that thank you very much um yoshima otaru said Peta steals pets and then kills them I’ve
Heard that uh am true said Peta actually kills the animals saved and gets paid rhaegar Targaryen said pro-life Wolverine is quote the best at what he does and what he does does isn’t very nice could not miss the opportunity for a wolverine catchphrase I love it um we
Need to we need to see if we maybe we get maybe get prolife Spider-Man and pro-life Wolverine on here for an episode that would be fun yeah uh let’s let’s hold off uh on the rest and we’ll come back after the fact let’s talk about um camil nanani ladies and
Gentlemen if you don’t know who camil nanani is he’s an actor he was in Silicon Valley he was of course in eternals and he’s having a lot of problems ladies and gentlemen cuz if you don’t remember the eternal’s bombed at the box office and the critics didn’t
Like it and that has led him to seek therapy not even kidding I’m not joking um what’s funny about this is it reminded Mary of something that I should have thought of initially which is that uh somebody commented recently about um when me and Mary say trauma we say it in
This high pitch trauma and that comes from a a clip that I’ve watched millions of times from clownfish TV when they did this video in 2019 shout out to clownfish TV by the way some of the best people working in this space on YouTube um where they talked about the director
Of Terminator dark fate who also said that the bombing of his movie Terminator dark fate meant that he had to deal with unresolved trauma yes from his movie not doing well hilariously embarrassing we have a $20 from Carnell in regards to Gina getting her job back at Lucas film
May have more to do with her lawyers putting it in the suit only due to California state law permits anyone unlawfully terminated are entitled to being rehired okay but Disney is not going to do that not going to happen um but yeah he did this interview on a
Podcast called inside of you which Michael Rosen bounds podcast uh shout out to Lex Luther from Smallville I’ll give him cred he did this segment where they were talking about how he gets panic attacks uh and then they got into the historic flop that was 2021s
Eternals that he expected it to do well just because there were a lot of stars in it like Angelina Jolie she was theek thank you guys like when you watch that um first of all I want to point out that if you watch that movie it what it
Ends up being is it just makes all the other actors look bad because it’s this unbelievably depressing boring really really self-indulgent art style film that the that Khloe Xiao made and Angelina Jolie absolutely proves in every scene that she’s the only one with even a lick of actual Charisma um did
You see it Phil no she owns every scene that she’s in it’s a bad movie but at least Angelina Jolie uh makes certain scenes watchable she shouldn’t have been in an MCU here’s thing I like Camille Nani I’ve mentioned before he uh he hosted one of my favorite podcasts of
All time which is called uh the xfiles files which is a a show where he would just go through and review episodes of The X Files with various other people in the industry and I L that podcast and I loved his perspective on most of that when he’s not talking about being
Mentally ill yes um so do we should we play this clip of him yeah okay here we go guys let’s listen to what he has to say about this it’s mostly crying when you talk about eternals and it wasn’t the response that you were hoping how did that affect you did it really
Consume you for a while did it something you had to get counseling on is it something where you took it to heart like was it me was it what was this I knew it’s not um I think that there were a lot of things that went into it I love
That movie I’m very proud of that movie I’m proud of everyone’s work in it and and I’m proud of my work in it and I’ve seen that movie you know um I’ve seen it a bunch of times because it’s like my kind of movie um and I don’t watch stuff
On in a lot and a lot of stuff I’m in I’ve I’ve never watched um it was really really hard because uh Marvel thought that movie was going to be like really really well reviewed and so they lifted the Embargo really early and they also put it in some fancy movie festivals and
They sent us on a big like Global tour promoting the movie um right as the Embargo was lifted and so we had to like sort of travel the world while they thought we’d be going on a wave of raves you know and it wasn’t true it just sort of was
The reviews were really bad and you were aware of it while you were on tour yeah I was too aware of it I was too aware of it I was reading every review I was checking too much because this thing had become too much in my head because this
Was also after right after the pandemic you know so we’re coming out after this crazy thing and I’m like okay this is going to be the coming out party I worked so hard for this and everything’s heightened your anxiety and life everything’s kind of like and now this
Happens everything’s heightened and um I don’t know I mean I think that there was some weird soup in the atmosphere for why that movie got slammed so much and I think not very much of it has to do with the actual quality of the movie anyway it was really really hard and that’s
When I was like this is unfair to me it’s unfair to Emily I can’t approach my work this way anymore some shit’s got to change em wife and so very intentionally I did start counseling I I I talked to I still talk to my therapist about that I
Was Emily says that you know obvious that that God have trauma from it I actually Emily and I just got dinner with someone else from that movie and we were like man that was tough wasn’t it he’s like yeah that was really tough I think we all went through something kind
Of similar and then this guy that I’m talking about is has is like truly one of the best actors of Our Generation and has been nominated for an Oscar since then um so I realized I can’t be so results based in my in my work anymore
Cuz I can’t really control I can control my experience I can control how I am to the people around me I can control what I learn from it I can control how I work can’t control what people are going to think of it no I actually agree with his
Outcome I just don’t agree with the rest of it you can’t control what people think of it especially because he wasn’t the film’s writer or director or anything like that but I swear people in Hollywood are the only ones who think their job should be about having fun
Instead of making money for themselves and the people who employ yeah uh I that is that kind of stuff like the complaining about criticism or that people didn’t like it like shut the [ __ ] up it’s the most [ __ ] made [ __ ] I’ve ever seen from from probably 2006 maybe
2005 until 2015 there were there are two metal blogs that every time my name came up every time we released anything they were [ __ ] all over me you know what I didn’t need [ __ ] th thy man up Jesus Christ that’s so embarrassing he’s also one of the people who said that
It’s uh like uh it’s no longer like it’s we have to get rid of traditional masculinity it was no longer about toxic masculinity it was about traditional masculinity I can see he got rid of his traditional masculin masculinity he threw that [ __ ] the hell away he doesn’t need it what’s what’s interesting is
Like look uh I’ve had people where I’ve I’ve mentioned before the importance of um embargo dates you can always tell how much how much trust a studio has in a movie by when they release the Embargo on a film so if you’re going to see a movie and the critics ability to write
Their reviews and put out their reviews for these movies isn’t lifted until the day before the movie that usually means that the studio has absolutely no faith in the film and they want to make sure that people don’t have time to read any of that and I would have people tell me
Oh that’s [ __ ] that’s crazy no it’s common sense it makes perfect sense was that the case for the Eternal no so this is one of these cases where the studio maybe they it was just cuz Marvel in 2019 thought that they couldn’t do anything wrong so when the movie was
Made by the time it came out in 2021 post endgame they’re like oh people still love Marvel people are going to come out to this movie no matter what well that wasn’t the case so he so they pulled they they released the Embargo early and nobody liked the movie cuz
It’s pretentious it’s soow it’s 2 hours in 40 minutes like nothing happens it’s just landscape shots from start to finish uh it’s awful and the the point being that like I don’t remember anything that happens in it and so they have to go on this press tour
And to to his point he’s not wrong he has to now go on a press tour where everybody hates his movie that would suck but that’s not something you have to go see a therapist over yeah it sounds like he’s doing it at the advice of his wife his wife his wife telling
Him you’re traumatized by this this is one of your formative traumas his wife is either a psychologist or a psychiatrist if I remember correctly they have a no [ __ ] uh we have a $20 one here from the ninja bear says Mary you look fantastic don’t listen to haters
It’s so weird that being patriotic makes you right-wing and racist yet being a thought yet being a thought is enduring imagine if people just became responsible man up people Hi Brent hi Phil hi I think also when they were saying that about about uh Toby Keith I
Almost said Kobe Keith again uh about Toby Keith is like it that he was a conservative Democrat it’s just that when Democrats started hating America maybe that was when it switched for him yeah um someone needed to tell Camille Nani to man up what happened to men suppressing their feelings or like not
At least sharing them to millions of people yeah men like I don’t know it’s just you shouldn’t be doing that I don’t know it’s maybe if he needed therapy go to therapy but you don’t have to talk about it on a podcast and also they came up with this
Weird term called career care dysmorphia on the podcast he said that his therapist told him he has career dysmorphia which I guess is the same thing as impostor syndrome yeah but he’s saying like I shouldn’t be so results based I should just do whatever projects
Are fun for me that make me feel good look if you have the money I can make friends and hang out with my friends if you make them if you have enough money and you’ve done well enough that you can do that I guess more power to you but I
Think that most people most people in the audience would prefer that the best actors be results-based and choose their projects based on what they think will make the most money because that means making a lot of money translates to audiences that actually liked your films the unfortunate thing is if eternals got
Overwhelmingly positive reviews from critics but still was a horrible flop in the box office he wouldn’t feel bad about it he doesn’t care if the movie actually does well in theaters he only cares what this rarified class of Elite critics thinks about it because you I or
The rest of the world doesn’t matter oh and award shows yes they only care about award shows and good reviews from critics they do not care if the general audience like their movie it’s funny too because that movie did have I mean it had Salma hyek in it it had bar kyogen
In it it had all of these actors that are actually really good at their jobs Brian Tyreek Henry all of these Brian Tyreek Henry was in bullet train uh like all of these people that are really really actors and then they ended up making it about the fact that it had the
First Marvel sex scene which was pointless and stupid it had the first Marvel gay romance which nobody cares about the things they promoted this movie on were things that nobody cares about it was two again it was 2 hours and 40 minutes of just nothing but landscape shots and stupidity no Marvel
Movie should be over two hours long um they cast this in what 2019 right it would yeah 2018 or 2019 filmed it then Co happened then they released it the year after Co so they’re finally going to inperson events to promote it again they also like they they wouldn’t be
Able to afford these people in present day Marvel this guy uh this guy got into fantastic shape to play a superhero uh that was a big part of it so he did all the work that needed to be done to do that maybe that’s what he’s mad about
Maybe he’s mad about having to restrict his diet got a $20 from Pat the plumber bottle that s up till your heart explodes like the rest of us seriously give us the courtesy of suppressing your emotions give us that courtesy this was the article from 2019 Terminator director Tim Miller reflects on box
Office trauma and James Cameron fights he says he’s still processing uh could we show the clownish yes if you’re ever wondering why me and Mary say trauma the way that we do it comes from this clip which I just still it’s a core it’s a core memory of mine
Watching this video the first time it came out in 2019 that would then resurface when me me and Mary would have to use the word trauma over and over when talking about these things I don’t think that’s true so clownish TV clownish TV we’re bigger than Terminator
Bigger than like you’re liar yeah we are liars we’re also drinking tonight so uh us so okay Hollywood Reporter Terminator director Tim Miller in box office bomb I’m processing he’s processing if we make dumb comments it’s because we’re processing the alcohol processing the director has no plans to work with James
Cameron again no kidding James Cameron clash with Deadpool director over Terminator dark F this this was a film that was forged in fire he has no plans to work with James Cameron because he wants to retain he are you snorting he wants to retain control of his own films it has
Nothing to do with whatever trauma I have from the experience Drama Oh my God that is a sad beaten man this is the same man who was who was baiting the fans last year like you know all another person who was baiting fans trauma is one of of those overused buzzword yes
Whatever it gets replaced with is I would love to be able to have neon and geeky on on here but they don’t show their face on camera I mean they have but they don’t show their face on camera regularly but I I would love to have
Them on here but yeah uh this is why whenever the word trauma comes up we we say that with that tone cuz geeky said it in that video these people deserve to be mocked they do ah it’s just um also I mean it would be cringy if a woman did
It but especially just as a man as a man why are you talking about your therapy sessions on a podcast like what do they did these people ever have to work regular jobs where you got performance reviews every quarter no I don’t I don’t believe those things happen anymore performance reviews well
We don’t have those here but like to be fair that we don’t have those um but yeah God the men you sent to protect and provide for us are talking about their Mental Health on a podcast Smite them please help smite them all right let’s go to super chats Goofer Trooper said
Show we’re hang out we’ll hang out until we’ll hang out till 5 okay Goofer Trooper said showed my mom Sabaton recently and to my surprise she really liked it and told me she used to listen to Brazilian death metal in the 90s let’s go let’s go uh Shane H Wilder said
Who needs a Ziploc on a cereal bag it’s like using twist ties on bread roll it up like a man no I still think it would be great to have the Ziploc thing on there kind of fruity yeah so Rinko production said we don’t make movies to
Make money we make money to make more movies that was an actual Walt Disney quote and uh they have thrown that idea by the wayside they’re still making the movies they’re just not making the money no um tati platty said also tell Phil about the Joker torture to guests I’m
Aware of the through Joker thing we don’t need to bring it up thank you very much we did we did show you people’s Joker right yes that did happen okay yes I actually was about to spend the money to send the super chat but
Uh I think it was cl uh you you went through it once it’s enough yeah we don’t need to put you through that again sinko production said Hassan is the definition of pretty privilege you wonder how he feels about that he’s embarrassed by it but he is the the
Socialist hmbo people know that the only reason that he is as you know popular as he is is because he’s an attractive man does he have a lot of gay male followers uh I mean I think literally every single person that would would follow Hassan is gay
So I don’t think he’s attractive he he like stands like a toddler who hasn’t learned to walk maybe but like he’s good he’s like in still photos he’s good-looking enough and he just sits there and he like the only moderately attractive leftist maybe but he said but
He the things he says the things that like socialist women want to hear and socialist dudes want to hear it and like he’s attractive looking he gets better you know better views than other far more intelligent leftist streamers and that’s only because he’s good-looking Shane H Wilder said I’d rather have the
Dunning Krueger effect than the Freddy Krueger effect I’m sorry I’ll get my coat and see myself out the manic mustache said a socialist from a wealthy family shocking imagine my shock Pat the plumber said straight white plumbers from Boston are underrepresented that’s true yep what about diversity in jobs you know
Diversity in career Fields Shane Wilder good careers I mean all movies are just about like uh people in the creative arts pretty much right probably they want to see themselves on screen they do Shane H Wilder said only 10% lgbtqxyz 123 in Disney casting that’s cap you can’t throw an overweight purple-haired
Musketeer at a Disney show without hitting one good point Jake Martin said have you guys seen the video made by the Disney board to educate their shareholders on how to vote in the upcoming shareholders meeting it’s Agony sounds about right and uh sounds that they’re like do not let Nelson pelts in
We don’t want anyone from the trian group getting any type of voting power I would like to see that DD Mega d97 said punksatony Phil has returned let’s go punks Satani film did I Mary did I send you the video of like the the the patani Phil um like hype package video that
Somebody sent me it’s just it’s like a hype package for the for the what for Paton Phil uh with like a big like with like a rap song it’s like it’s it’s great Daniel Heron said the fortnite connection is smart needs skins in the shop to connect the youth to these
Failing properties so they’re recognizable for future movies well yeah Bob Iger if you can’t build it buy it as always he has the mind of a mastermind the last of my kind said illumination Studios not DreamWorks made minions um Cory Anderson said Phil Michael Jackson did that to The
Beatles is not the other way around I’m not sure Universal illumination I know that it was uh Michael Jackson and Sir Paul McCartney were involved in it so I don’t know if it was Paul McCartney illuminations Universal owns illumination yes and Universal owns DreamWorks as well yes okay I think I
Don’t know if they own DreamWorks I I looked it up I think they do sinko Productions said Taylor Swift knew she was going to be a famous pop star since birth hm Zena L reincarnated H yeah it really makes you think could be she did kind of force her parents to move to
Nashville to support her career when she was like 14 or 13 make it work to make it worth it yeah uh yeah Michael Jackson was so upset Eminem dissed him he bought rights to the rappers music collection that was a real story I’m sure that’s being exaggerated in some way shape or
Form but he did do that Cory Anderson said that conspiracy theory proves Mary correct too many people know how to read see I’ve been saying this Mary is very anti- reading for the masses we need less literacy Mary thinks the world ended when the printing press was invented the printing press huh that’s
Where it all started it’s where it all went bad mhm all right the afrian said wow the brofessor Bro tip night quill what I don’t get it the sinko Productions said I want whatever that Swift 13 and on was having having um what one was that that was the the Q and
On Post Yeah K sent a a poop emoji thanks Carnell or sorry William Mabel said that was so [ __ ] made you’re right Phil great minds think alike the ninja bear oh no Joe Wat said talk therapy is just a way to figure out a way to blame all your
Personal problems on everyone else except yourself it’s a good way to stroke your own ego well yeah like what what they were talking about in the in the interview we listened to more of it was he said like some days you go there and you think you don’t have anything to
Say but then the the floodgates open and you just talking like cuz you just want to talk about yourself for an hour do they mean the floodgates like they start crying the flood gates I’m assuming they just mean like I thought I didn’t have anything to say but now I want to I’m
Going to talk about myself for an hour I thought I didn’t want to talk about myself for an hour but then I got the opportunity and I did it um they get they get interviewed about themselves all the time anyway right that was a very aggressive they G okay sorry Shane
H Wilder said I think I got Trauma from listening to him I think I might need a shrink bahaha that dude needs to man up you know who wins in the in the end for all of this is the shrinks in the therapist that’s who wins yeah they’re
They’re making big money off of these actors GL sayic I don’t know if I said that right uh 300 to 100K maybe today keep up the good work my guess would be late Friday night or Saturday morning unless there’s a big flood of subscribers which means you should go
And subscribe right now if you have not yet s done so you should go and subscrib to pop culture crisis do it I bet some of you who are watching aren’t subscribed right now and you should change that right this instant seriously why are you why are you waiting so long
What have you what have we done to you to make you wait so long to every individual 1,185 people watching right now if any of you individually are not subscribed change it nice over a thousand Corey Anderson said I love Soulfly what is that that’s a band oh
Okay bullet train said this is a top five YouTube Daily Show one spot behind Tim cast in my opinion hey disagree we’re better than timcast I I what I want to do what I have an idea for an advertisement for this show what I want
To do is get all the people who come on here who have also done timcast and say this show is so much more fun I want to get like testimonials from all of them about how much better this show is to do and then make an ad it’s more fun but is
It better you decide you decide Cory Anderson you won’t say it publicly but what you mean by better uh Cory Anderson said does Mary beat Phil as well is that why he’s only on on Thursday yeah Phil Phil doesn’t have the stamina to get beaten every single day I
I let her I have to get beat up every day I don’t beat anyone I’m not an abuser uh cor sounds like something an abuser would say Phil ask to see blue hair Mary uh there’s a that’s a Super Chat requirement yeah that’s a that’s a 10
Party wager isn’t it was it eight you eight I don’t remember what it is eight fine eight eight parties yep to see Mary with blue hair oh yeah do you actually die it or is it picture I did before back in the day back in the day so your
Past is coming out to haunt you yes okay Matthew Griffith said my sister-in-law is a psychologist and now my brother wears dresses oh kumale needs to run yeah it’s a red flag cam camil Nani is the one I’ve told this story before you guys you guys know he made a movie
Uh it was a movie about his um the courting in in marriage between him and his wife uh and he starred in the movie as himself as himself and another woman played his wife in the movie CU his wife is not an actress weird super weird Cory
Anderson uh okay I’m not going to say that uh he said the show is fun yoshima otaru said Mary is Right literacy has been more of a negative see the people are on my side I’ve been like cursed with literacy it’s like I didn’t choose to be literate it was forced upon me
What about my consent you know well technically you could have just refused learning what you could you said you didn’t choose to be you didn’t choose to be literate you could have just said I’m not reading that no one asked me bad app I’m not you should have said from an
Early age I’m not reading that um Shane H Wilder said if you aren’t subscribed why are you gay there you go all right guys what does the chat want to talk about we’re gonna hang out till 5 I want to hang out till 5 got 15 minutes yeah
We got 15 minutes so what do you guys want crisis parties in 15 minutes I don’t know if they’re gonna get that many but uh Mary with blue hair is disconcerting um the first time I saw that photo what about the second time uh less so the second time but the first
Time the first time you did I went like this what like it doesn’t look like me that much yeah somebody says no uh why are you dyslexic I am like I have hor like my reading comprehension is terrible at least my on air reading is is terrible usually because um have you
Ever noticed like does it ever depend for you like on the website you’re looking at like some websites the spacing is really really good and makes it easier to read some it’s like I hate reading Hollywood reporter articles I don’t relate to that at all like to me
Like certain websites are just easier to read for me than others no um we got a $5 one here from galad says why would we pay to see blue hair again we have all all we have to do is pull up that episode of PCC it’s okay sweetie rookie
Mistake get payment UPF front true good point but the barfight video was the 10 party wager yes the if you want to see Mary in a bar fight you’ll have to uh get to 10 crisis parties I would like see Mary in the bar fight so let’s do
This people um we got uh $202 oh yeah go uh Jose Antonio Castro hello Phil and PCC team greetings from a Venezuelan in the UK hello Phil All That Remains was one of my favorite bands growing up this calling is the first song I heard which
Led me to buy the album and also got uh FW when I went to us awesome thank you very much we appreciate it we’ll have a new one coming out this year look for the new song to be debut in like the end of March beginning of April something
Like that how’s that coming along very well I’m super excited I can’t wait there’s a $2 one here from Pat the plumber says try having calligraphy forced on you did you guys learn cursive in school I did yes yes did did you not I did I like that video of the British comedian
Who’s doing there’s this video of a British comedian doing really really polite rapping they’re like he’s rapping and cursive he’s rapping and cursive did you guys have to learn denian or whatever no it’s like the one in between print and cursive that they make you
Learn in the middle before not me no it sucked it was awful uh we got a couple others here thousand foot deep end says very late to this cuz I I was you know working but a suggestion for that PCC merch is the dwarves from Snow White
That says listen while you work instead of whistle while you work I like it we probably get and then we can get sued by Disney $20 from Black Rain love I normally listen to the podcast on My Grave shift have to be up uh wait what due to a
Company meeting today great to see y’all live my podcast will be hitting episode 25 soon do better with voices live reading the gold digger comic awesome cheers in the in the chat drop a link for it yeah um we have more don’t we okay Russ Buzzard said how do you guys
Feel when your favorite band completely changes their style as example Paramore I sto listening did Paramore completely change their style yeah really are you kidding they went like completely pop as in so there’s no punk at all left in their stuff I mean not that they were
Pop before right it has guitar playing in it which means it’s going to be played on alt radio stations for no reason just because because it’s Paramore but it it does not sound anything like their old stuff so I just stopped listening uh yeah like depending
On the artist like for the I understand it I understand that it’s very different as a creator making something is very different than consuming something so I get the instinct to want to evolve and change uh there’s an artist I know like named dermit Kennedy who I really really
Like who started do he used to have a lot of like electric under like electric vocal undertones in his work that I really really enjoyed like electronic undertones that he just doesn’t use anymore and a lot of his best music now seems to be done more acoustic which I
Learned to enjoy but just felt very different from the stuff on his first album that’s the most recent example I can think of for that Michael S Archer said Mary to make you happy I cannot read oh fantastic I don’t know if I believe you he can type but he spell but
He can’t read use his voice to text yes perfect yoshima otaru said list deic of the world untie what dlex of the world oh oh I like it okay I should have gotten that also somebody I did point out to me once I asked on the show I said is there a
Cuz I like I’m I’m not as bad with reading dyslexia but numbers I definitely I transpose digits all the time and I asked is there a name for that and somebody said there is one and I already forgot what it was but there is a name for number
Dyslexia oh yeah isn’t it disc calcula yeah I think that was it yep um Cory Anderson said Phil breakdowns in the new album yes is All That Remains is going to go pop uh I mean I there’s going to be songs that are going to be like that
Have some clean sing all the way through uh there’s stuff that you would consider uh more like rock radio but there’s you know stuff that’s stuff that would easily be considered progressive metal and it’s metal core from beginning to the end so that’s it Shane H Wilder said
So Mary what are you doing for Lent I’m giving up all snack foods and sweets I was just going to ask I was thinking about that today I was like I wonder who’s like going to be doing lent around the castle and I assume you are right
Yeah I wasn’t sure but I was thinking like not listening to um music in the car anymore cuz I always do she’s going to stop listening to you guys too what uh what did um what did you do last what did you do last year for lint it was me
Uh you tried to do like oh I tried to be carnivore but that only lasted like 11 days and it was hell all the way through really not into the carnivore thing huh it was awful I felt like I was dying not I don’t think that women can
Do that I don’t I don’t think I’m built for that Mutual Peterson would disagree with you yeah I’m mutuals with a young lady maybe I messed up and I didn’t do it right but it was it I legit like felt like I was dying it it Fel I felt like I was on
OIC I felt like I was does that make you s is that supposed to make you feel terrible too yeah makes you sick or it felt like you are extremely malnourished but you don’t want food oh yeah the um like it’s like trying intermittent fasting for me which I just like like
Doing the show I you tried OIC I no intermittent fasting like I can’t do it because like I need to eat before doing the show otherwise I’m even more lethargic and I trip over my words enough when I don’t eat it’s even worse so uh I don’t remember what I replaced
It with though Cory Anderson said I like it when artists try new things look at Bring Me The Horizon they have changed their Style lot and they still kick ass okay I stopped listening to broy The Horizon so I just disagree um Mary doesn’t agree with you
If it doesn’t sound like how it sounded when I discovered it like I’m not going to continue I don’t like listening to new music in general I haven’t found any new music I like John Doyle in the chat says Mary is giving up kicking Brett in
The Shins for Lent yes maybe that’s what you should do you should just not hit me not going to happen hi vulture 75 said nothing to say just doing my part to keep PCC on air for at least another day thank you we working every day to work
Another day Cory Anderson said if Sheamus and Mary had a baby it would be the most Catholic child ever H what was the last part uh hide your spoons hide your spoons which is funny cuz when when sticks was here he had like sticks spoons I saw in the studio did he so
What cuz his it’s the clanking that’s he has his own spoon line yeah because it’s it’s part of his stick with his his his viewers are called clankers because the clanking of the spoon in The Coffee Cup right uh so there was a stick spoon in
The studio and I was like hide this from Sheamus yeah yeah Sheamus would steal it I wouldn’t have a baby with Sheamus Theoden king of brohan said learn cursive cursive is Magic because Ai and gen Z can’t read it we’ll defeat the robots yeah it would be funny for
Somebody to make a movie where like the way they beat the Next Generation just by writing in a creepy language they can’t understand and it’s just curs writing yeah j z I think j z can read cursive they just wouldn’t be able to write it no I can write it they just
Complain about it you went to a a Catholic school though right like probably had higher level of Education than public school system probably although I’m told not because we didn’t have AP classes maybe all the were AP classes that’s what I like to tell myself yeah you’re I think you’re you’re you’re
Intelligent enough to prove that they were probably all AP classes anyways I don’t know I had some dumb classmates so bullet train said Mary’s great I agree but Brett is money if I see him on a random live stream I’m in Phil is great too two two perfect wait what is that to
To perfect uh add on uh to a stream like this or Tim yeah cheers thanks cheers how’s uh how’s IRL been L like so the last two times I’ve done IRL like I just I can’t talk about immigration I it’s just so boring I CU
Like I’m I’m like here let me let me pitch in close the Border yeah and and that’s the extent what else is there to say yeah it’s like I don’t think that the Border should be open yeah that’s my big brain idea when it comes ground breaking when it comes to the arguments
That people are making about the or the even the conversation in my opinion entertaining the AR the conversations that are going on is detrimental to the case of just stop letting people in like the idea that you need new legislation like the president like can the president Trump used the remain in
Mexico that was an executive order President Biden could do that that could you know and that would change everything because it changed everything when Trump was in office so they don’t want to it’s specifically intended to like the the the point is to get the Republicans to approve other things that
Have nothing to do with the Border because the Republicans are ostensibly want the bord to get border to get fixed so what’s funny about that is like you shouldn’t even need to use the remain in Mexico policy because the law states that you cannot seek Asylum if you
Travel beyond the next country that you go into so you seeking Asylum and you come from Honduras you shouldn’t go past Mexico because that’s the next country that you only legitimate people are are Canadians and Mexicans everyone else that’s if you’re from another country it’s illegitimate because you can stop
In Mexico and what’s going on now and then they had the thing that came out recently which was that uh non-contiguous countries don’t count or like so basically it doesn’t stop people from Honduras or these other countries from coming in cuz they don’t count towards the 5,000 person headcount of
Who’s allowed allowed in a or is it five million 5 million people allowed in a DAT that’s insane no 5,000 okay I was right the first time 5,000 okay this this is why you guys do well on IRL I wouldn’t none of this even crosses my
Mind or my border I do like here’s thing like I feel like I could actually like you don’t want anyone to cross the border right and and I agree with that it’s like the thing is like I used to love reading and talking about politics
But it’s like now it’s just so out of my focus that when I go on there I just feel out of my depth whereas like a couple years ago I would have actually enjoyed it but now it’s like there’s just so much more reading I would have
To be doing to really feel educated on most of the issues so I just come on to be like yeah the government is bad and the media is evil thank you all right let’s finish up galad said I’d like to thank Amy corny Barrett the like Mom on the Supreme
Court for citing with all the lib judges to remove razor wire in Texas but wasn’t the point of that that it was on Federal Land therefore it does fall under Federal jurisdiction do you do you remember that Phil the the stuff the razor yeah I so the the the thing was it
Was happening it was happening on the border right the razor why was in the water yes if I understand correctly and so they were saying that that the fed or that the state of Texas couldn’t get the razor wire that was in water yeah because that was the Federal border
Because the water is controlled by the feds if it was on the land that would be controlled by Texas if I understand correctly but the way that water borders behave and the way that like that’s a little weird and wonky some some borders the the borders actually in the middle
Of the river some borders it’s not like in New Hampshire the Connecticut b or the the Connecticut River is the Vermont and New Hampshire border but New Hampshire has the whole river so the bank on the Vermont side is actually where the Law changes so every if you’re in if you’re in the
Connecticut River in a boat you New Hampshire law applies so I don’t know exactly how like it works down there I laughed when we were talking about all this is like none of this matters because all they have to move is just two states is another state over and the
Next two states are just going to let them in anyway so it’s not going to matter you would be better off focusing on Switching the and turning those states red and getting AGS and politicians in there that are sympathetic to your causes because they it’s like they’re they’re they’ve
Already traveled this far they’ll just travel farther to make the crossing MH Gordon shamway said one of the best anti-car theft devices is a what is this having a stickers shift Transmissions it still shocks many what stick shifts shocks Mary how many people in the US can drive
Them can’t maybe I think he says it still shocks me how many people in America can’t drive them Shane H Wilder said my dad had to teach me cursive in the second grade because they took it out of the curriculum I still write mainly in cursive there you go Gordon
Shamway said uh the next speaker of the house should make it mandatory to have Standalone bills only no pork That’s why nothing ever gets passed it will never happen just like it will never happen to vote for term limits because they’re voting against their interest it’s like
How I love when they always include their own raises in there they get to vote on their imagine working at a company where you got to vote for your own raises it’s it’s frustrating great it’s frustrating to hear these stories Tim I think I’m worthy of a raise
Everybody say I well this is this is a two-person democracy yes it is organized Business Services said I’m sure Mary will be thinner within 24 hours LOL I don’t get it I don’t either one more there is one more one more tati platty says uh Maryland has
The entire pomac so uh so Bank uh so bank is Virginia West Virginia yeah so and and oh yeah that’s true in in Massachusetts uh or in other places there like the the border is in the center of the river so I don’t know it it changes from from actual body of
Water to body of water all right all right guys I think we got all of the super chats which is fantastic thank you guys all so much for that and joining us today before we go guys again please if you have not subscribed here go ahead and subscribe now we are getting very
Very close to 100,000 subscribers we should be getting it in the next couple of days so thank you guys all so much for that and Phil thank you so much for joining us thank you very much for having me let know I am Phil that
Remains on X uh Twix I am uh Phil that remains official on Instagram the band is All That Remains you can follow us on Apple music Spotify Pandora Amazon music YouTube you know the internet and remember the left lane is for Crime perfect Mary you can send me validation
On Instagram at Mary archived or you can send me hate on X that is also Mary archived perfect and guys if you want to follow me Instagram and Twix at Brett dvic on both of those platforms PCC is here five days a week Monday through Friday 3 p p.m. Eastern Standard Time
That is noon Pacific Amazon music Apple podcast Pandora and Spotify if you’d like to listen rather than watch and if you want to follow the show on social media we are on Twix at popculture show Facebook in not Tik Tok at Pop Culture crisis and on Instagram at Pop Culture
Crisis pod one more here from Shane H Wilder says bless you Phil uh also I want to get I thank you Shane yes and I want to draw your attention guys we have a new conspiracy video coming out this Saturday we go in depth into the Hollywood Handler for Kanye West Harley
Pastak so go ahead and check that video out on Saturday be sure to tune in tomorrow for our episode we will have Shane Cashman and Libby Emmons on together it’s going to be a lot of fun so Tune In Tune in tomorrow we’ll see you then guys bye bye I Know