His nickname is Diamond Hance and he delivered a gem this past weekend in his home debut yeah Daniel Asberry minor league hockey Warrior bringing some physicality to the Jungle with some nasty Knuckles on Sunday that said kind of a roller coaster weekend for the Comets on Friday night they lost a close
One at home to Cincinnati 21 on Saturday maybe their best road performance of the Season as they beat the Cyclones 7-1 in the Queen City then on Sunday the K is returning back home but losing four two to Kalamazoo comments have two midweek games this week and that starts with a
Road game at Kansas City on Wednesday night yeah we’ve talked about it I mean whe whether you’re um you know not being too high not being too low and for us it’s it’s you know instantly now we turn to Kansas City and and like you said
Every game’s huge so um for us we’re we’re focusing on the next challenge and and uh you know we’ll turn to Kansas City a good team a good measuring stick for us to see where we’re at um you know and and how we stack up against you you
Know what I think is the top team in the league case play at Kansas City on Wednesday then at Witchita Thursday and Saturday