Contrary to what people believe about the Super Bowl and I want to say shouts out to everybody out there that support one crack news uh contrary to what people believe about the Super Bowl it wasn’t what you thought the Super Bowl halftime performance had more women chatting
About it on Twitter than probably anyone that I know the girl that I speak to texting me did you see Asha man I loved Asha performance Asha it was outstanding I’m like I guess glad you found some excitement in it but I didn’t think I was like maybe
They told him look man don’t take your shirt off on stage and I was like nope there it is there go the shirt so the shirt pops off and I’m like oh oh wow at the Super Bowl this is They Crucified Jenny Jackson and now all of a
Sudden like I remember uh what’s that Nicholas Shay and all those guys from in sync they had they they were doing the Super Bowl weekend they were performing they song After the Janet Jackson thing went off they were like told oh you can’t do that like what can’t do that song no
More so why oh it’s too much provocativeness in the song and now that’s just out the window now you done seen them get as freaky as they want to be they doing all kind of craziness at the Super Bowl now at the halftime shows so all of that’s out the
Window so the parents got mad as hell well they didn’t didn’t break down the race of the parents but I can guarantee you they weren’t the same complexion as ush and these parents was upset they’re there with their children at the Super Bowl and had to see Usher gyrating on
Another woman and taking off his shirt and doing all this stuff here and they kids have to watch this and they said this is just not appropriate but the Super Bowl now exactly so you’re looking at a situation where I was like shocked cuz we were trying to watch the the AMC
Plus uh show you know we was trying to get to the the ones who lived we was trying to get that one going but we couldn’t just couldn’t get it to work so I said well we can’t get this to work the last of us you know or The Walking Dead thing I
Couldn’t get it to work then I finally saw the the preview thing then I hear confessions playing I look up I’m like confessions at the Super Bowl that’s the wrong song to play at a Super Bowl is confessions what are you doing these are my confessions at a Super
Bowl man dudes is like dude hey man I ain’t trying to make her remember nothing she mm least Usher confess I had to catch your ass down there at Florence house hey hey hey babe we we passed that remember we passed that spend years ago
I was drunk I made a mistake I was with t Roy you know I’ve been told you that man USA stop what you doing confa pay $8,000 for these tickets to have myself in trouble you playing confessions for nobody trying to hear confessions at the damn Super Bowl they supposed to be
Hey man do yeah man damn who you doing confessions for right now Usher wore a skirt to get the damn job he had to appear in his skirt so he wore a skirt skirt at the pre Super Bowl thing uh him and his uh Skittle crew dancers was seen at a uh gentleman’s
Club uh supposed to be rehearsing steps but it was one of the dancers birthday birthday and they showed up and showed out the whole skate ring thing uh Usher’s a skater and he work on scenes on stage with the skates so this is what he does in Vegas now he has his
Residency in Vegas did he and and Quincy Jones helped make that happen and now Usher is out there making it happen on stage so they making sure they take care of Usher so Usher will definitely keep his mouth shut oh yeah so the parents are upset and
They was was writing to the NFL on Monday Monday came and there was nothing but the letters coming in about Usher’s performance now before Usher performed they put out a warning label warning the people who was watching the Usher performance of what it was going to detail that there was going to be
Romantic stuff everything else right the NFL did that warning now Jay-Z supposed to be in charge of this halftime of the Super Bowl thing well they can’t be sued cuz they warned people that this is going to happen during the Super Bowl so they put they disclaimer up
Yep I think it was in red NFL warning about Usher’s performance the national I wish I could find it it was in red yep there it is I knew it I knew it appeared on there there’s the warning label it came right up the Apple music Administration Adis es the following performance is rated you may call singing dancing sweating gyrating and possible
Relationship issues get ready to witness a performance 30 years in the making so they put this up Apple music and may create possible relationship issues now it was meant to be a joke to Hype up the performance now ush is a a a a great performer
Nobody is not going to you know he’s a zesty as hell a tasty killer if you want to the tasty Killers well us was doing his fruity dances um on stage and off the stage you know people were sitting there embracing this performance he was doing and how he was entertaining the
Crowd and how he was getting people put on a certain pedestal and doing this on artificial grass of the Super Bowl somebody could have tore ACL I mean you had girls in heels out there performing well you had the whole lgbtq Community represented in the halftime of the Super Bowl without a doubt
Well my thing is what they going to do about it it’s like what next year who they want cuz trust me it was more white girls and Mexican girls watching Usher last night just as much as black women these these married ladies who know they over the hill these soccer moms you know
They they with their kids this is not great I got nothing going on in my life I’m bored I’m writing a letter and Alicia Keys is out there still can’t hit no notes but don’t matter baby still thick with it Usha went behind her like some
Zesty zesty man who don’t know what in the world he doing another nasty R&B dude one lady said I cringed I cringed cuz it looked like she was trying to get away from him and he was doing so much extra I cringed I’m like please lady you did not
Care about this at all I cared she’s trying to get away from him and he’s just stalking her look she’s trying to back up like give me space and he won’t allow it this made me I’m like Lady Lady they’re performing uh if you was going to cringe
Somebody would probably cringe if you came to say hi to them they would cring to see you walk in their vicinity to ask them even Direct I didn’t watch this at all I mean I was in my phone I saw this part with Alicia Keys
Was out there I said hey L keys and I’m like they’re performing they was Swiss Beat should be mad look how he’s grabbing his wife I mean did he grab a titties what did he do he’s performing I mean shoot he rather have swiss beats than her I’m like shoot y’all should Swiss
Beast be like oh that’s just a regular night I got to understand man y’all dealing with a bunch of weirdos this ain’t what you think man I thought that was CEO green that’s JD that’s Jermaine depri oh man I thought that was CEO green I was like CEO
People just want to they they bored with their lives they need something to do I mean his performance was was a lot to put in there but once he start like I’m going to take my shirt off that’s when I thought that would a little too far I mean there are some
Kids at the Super Bowl and this is kind of adult themed so I mean y’all made it an adult theme moment you know and they like Mommy he’s taking his shirt off she’s going to be close your eyes there oh my God I’m like but y’all will go see magic mic in a
Minute all them soccer moms lined up to go see some magic m for oh absolutely so if they going to come out to user freak Nick at the Super Bowl right let Luke Campbell do the Super Bowl halftime show that’s when it gets Way Insane oh that roller skate scene was
Nice to be able to dance like that and skates that takes some that takes some practice and he’s a skating guy so they had little John out there e I don’t think Lil John was supposed to walk over there like that oh I knew ludicrous was going to be somewhere in
This I said ludicrous is going to be somewhere in this and sure enough I’ll be like man where’s ludicrous he’s normally showing up for stuff like this sure enough there he is Luda Jay-Z do the halftime performance at the Super Bowl for what he ain’t gonna move oh the 60 year old dude
Sitting up there he didn’t move when he was 20 for well the narratives are always going to change um you got to look at what people want to see now when you see when you see everybody on the side that ain’t supposed to be there or needed to be there or whatever they
They have 13 minutes it’s going to take two weeks to put together 13 minute performance you got 13 minutes to get this done for the halftime show the NFL is on the Navy Master Clock okay when they on that Naval Master Clock that’s the time they
Going so they they look you ain’t no we we going over the time limit they will unplug your ass they’ll be breaking down that damn set they got to get all that stuff off the field for people don’t uh they don’t get the gist of situations you know
Um Michael Jackson did a half the first halftime at the Super Bowl and it was done to combat what other people were doing the NFL decided they were going to spend millions of dollars on a set but not give you any money to perform because it’s the biggest advertising and marketing platform in
The world so you get more than money doing the have time of the Super Bowl but because In Living Color came in and decided to use the Super Bowl as a vehicle they didn’t pay any marketing for the Super Bowl and since it was on Fox they were already included in there
Cuz they wanted to Market their show on one year they was like okay at halftime the game cuz I think it was on another Channel at that time and fox didn’t have it that year or something and they were saying at the half time of the Super
Bowl go to In Living Color it’s going to be a whole new and Living Color Show and they had men on film and all that stuff and boy they talked about football and hated it and the NFL hated it and they wanted that show off the air and they
Was threatening to take the Super Bowl away from Fox absolutely Fox was about to lose the Super Bowl um and they was just you know establishing themselves as a real you know Channel cuz they weren’t even included it was ABC CBS and NBC they alternate who got the Super Bowl now Fox
Is going to be into that category now and you know into that rotation so it’s going to mess up a lot of things with the competition at these major networks and when you said they they were going to do a halftime show and it’s going to be a whole new thing after
The Super Bowl for the halftime why they normally used to just go over the game and what happened in the first half oh never that Super Bowl that year people turned away and start watching In Living Color which was on Fox and start watching it and they had a clock on
There ticking down to when the game would kick back off so you could turn back and watch the Super Bowl so it was time perfectly that the shows would end at a certain time they played the new episodes and they got the largest rating they ever had from doing that it broke
Like all that marketing idea was genius the next year they come back with man with uh Michael Jackson first ever halftime performance at a Super Bowl you bring Michael Jackson out nobody’s going to move they going to all be watching the Super Bowl halftime show and since then every year
Somebody else they bring it out to perform Chris Breezy would have done it BR better Breezy did his performance out there at the Super Bowl where they put him on the small stage but you want to talk about somebody who is like too active who you
Might have to be worried about now I don’t think he put a choke a chick on the stage but you know you got to be careful with Breezy I thought it was a odd choice for them to bring Usher to do it because I’m like Usher don’t don’t have that many
An like Anthem songs he’s more of a kuner than you know he’s a performer Dan wise but I’m just like mm yeah it’s uh it’s like they say it’s going up but yeah let me charge this phone man yeah I got to charge this phone and then
From that point we got to do our thing oh yeah we coming back on Carino for life so hold your head