Some tragic news out of Houston a mass shooter entered Pastor Joel ost’s mega church on Sunday and opened fire during the Spanish language service one man was shot in the leg and has been released from the hospital while terribly a seven-year-old boy was shot in the head
And is in critical condition the shooter was then shot and killed by two off-duty police officers now police have not released an official motive though following the shooting details have emerged about the shooters political views and potential gender identity circulating around social media uh social media rather um we’re not saying
The shooter’s name but it is available elsewhere in the media if you want to go looking for it um the according to police they said the the shooter used um both male and female um aliases to refer to herself which has led to some speculation about having gender identity
Uh it was also confirmed by the authorities that a Palestine sticker on the gun she used to carry out the attack uh was was on the gun now conservative commentator Libs of Tik Tok wrote on x quote Colorado Springs shooter non-binary Nashville school shooter trans aine school shooter trans Denver
School shooter trans Iowa school shooter trans gender fluid Lakewood Church shooter trans the modern lgbtq plus movement is radicalizing our youth into becoming violent extremists to which congressman Thomas Massie responded we should be able to know which government approved license sanctioned drugs were that used at the time additionally it
Came to light that beyond the Palestine sticker the shooter had a cach of anti-Semitic writing and a history of criminality and mental health issues per ABC News the past of the suspected Lakewood shooter includes a turbulent marriage a contentious divorce allegations of child and spousal abuse a checkered criminal record and a well
Documented history of mental health issues and in fact the boy who was um shot in the head is the son of the shooter um so I think the the trans speculation on social media has gotten kind of ahead of itself here because the the using multiple aliases that maybe that’s a gender
Identity thing that might just be a a crime thing this is a person with a pervasive mental health uh criminal record um um and and the the political sentiment might be genuine the the the Palestine sticker um NBC was suggesting that the divorce her husband’s family is Jewish and and the anti-semitic writings
And there might be some genuine Jewish animists although again from my point of view always when there are we we like to ascribe and you know I say this when it’s on when it’s on both sides we like to ascribe political motivations and I end up being somewhat skeptical when you
Know most of these crimes being committed by deeply psychologically unwell people maybe latching on to whatever is the most politically Sali thing at the moment but not really being part of some committed ideology this is anyway this is a terrible situation and I’m sure a lot of questions are going to
Be asked about how this person had access to a weapon and then you know we can probe their thinking more I suppose well we I mean we do know uh that the shooter had legally purchased an AR15 um she also had this 22 caliber weapon in her bag that was not used in
The attack Texas has notoriously lenient gun laws um and given that there had been all of these red flags if you will about her past history both with crime and mental illness I think that’s the really big question here is how did she get her uh hands on I’m sorry she’s
Being they’re being referred to as she by the press it seems like that was the most recent identity that that she had used they’re referring to some of these others as aliases that she used previously as opposed to kind of a gender identity issue this is not really
Clear so excuse me I might correct that going forward um but I do think the gun possession issue the clear mental health issue um and the past crime issue are all raising some really important questions about how they were in this position in the first place right this
Person had an existing criminal record which again even even people who support gun rights in the Second Amendment generally believe you can restrict guns to people criminal records uh and moreover although she the gun was purched legally so before after some of these events criminal events took place
Or are the gun laws really that lacks in Texas that the kind of crimes that they committed didn’t rise to the level that would prude or whatever the process the process was not followed or the proper search wasn’t performed or yeah but it is was a legal gun purchase right so
That that that we do know um and to your earlier point about these kind of things getting weaponized I mean the libs of Tik Tok post the Thomas Massie post it’s important to keep in mind that uh according to a report that was done last summer after the last trans shooter
Attack it examined 173 attacks in the US that resulted in harm to three or more individuals trying to narrow down what counts as a as a mass shooting I know that you’ve quibbled about that a little bit but this is how they’ve done it just as transparency of those 173 attacks uh
Uh three attackers were trans assigned female at at Birth uh but were known to identify as male at the at the time of the attacks three out of those 174 the US Secret Service National threat Assessment Center which studes all form of targeted violence including mass casualty attacks published a report that
Went from 2016 to 2020 um and uh found that nearly all attackers or 96% of the study were male and the remaining five attackers were female so I do think it’s important to keep that into context as people are trying to whip up um fear about trans Shooters at the same time
That just um yesterday I think it was yesterday or this week a a trans teenager was stabbed 14 times at a party in the UK and had slurs shouted at her because this is the environment against trans people as well who but trans people are such a vanishingly small part
Of the population that even if even if it’s only three people I mean that I don’t know if that’s you know in keeping with the number of with that that that might be stat a statistical outlier I have to look more closely at the data butly what it indicates that that there
It can seem like there’s a transp iic if you have three trans Shooters because there’s so few you know what I mean like they could still IND statistically over represented in crime because there’s so few trans people anyway I think that’s what I’m saying that’s what I’m trying the argument that
I’m making about the trans Shooters no I I’m saying it could be anomalous to even have three trans Shooters given what a small percentage of the population they are I feel like we’re saying the same thing but you mean it we’re saying the opposite thing okay well you know I yeah
I mean so so men disproportionately overwhel commit yes vastly disproportionate to their percentage of the population um for instance like almost exclusively racial breakdowns don’t really like there are more like rough in terms of mass shootings at least roughly correspond to how much of the population identifies as
That race right you would like I’m not sure I I don’t actually know about that no I’m asserting that that is the case um like um like people say there was a couple mass shootings committed in a row committed by um by Asian people the Virginia Tech Etc and people like well
Was there but then if you looked it like well if Asian people are you know what 7% of the population then they should be 7% of the mass shootings and it worked out to about that or whatever it is yeah um and that’s for black people and white
People the statistical outliers are men versus women but that’s what I think what I’m describing that you can have a couple of Asian Mass Shooters and then suddenly everyone’s asking questions like what’s going on with the Asians in the same way that people can be asking people maybe there should be like fewer
Than one on average trans mass shootings right but that doesn’t that doesn’t change the the point Robbie that when you have very small numbers of people doing anything at all if you have like randomly something happen it can seem like there’s a pattern when that exists like this was an issue for
Me during the um this was like after the 2016 campaign there was this hit piece that came out was written on Bernie that said there is a the the black percentage of the prison population in Vermont is vastly over represented Vermont’s the whitest day in the country and when you looked at the
Numbers it was like I’m making this up now but for the sake of the argument it’s let’s say there’s 200 people in the jail and like five of them are black right so it’s like it’s like if they had if they had pulled over you know not 12
But five people driving through um Vermont in a given period of time and arrested them then you would have radically different numbers so at a certain point the sample size is so small it’s hard to read any that’s a little bit that’s also true of the of
What you just brought up the violence against transgender people which well I’m not making overwhelming I’m not making any claims all I’m saying girl was stabbed in a bathroom and that happened I’m not like projecting anything out of that I’m just saying that trans people statistically are disproportionately affected by crime
Hate like physical violence against them and sexual violence against them they’re dis for likely to be involved in sex work and Other Drug activity and other risky activity it’s not it’s often framed as they’re the victims of hate crimes and anti-trans bigotry and when you look closer at those cases
Overwhelmingly it’s like again I don’t the reasons don’t matter so much to me because violence is violence and ought to be punished but it’s usually the result of I think so that’s true all I’m saying is that this was a 14-year-old girl who was stabbed at a skating a
Roller skating party with friends I don’t think the allegation here that she was a sex worker and that’s what why she was targeted well I just always aim for some caution including in this case where someone with a gun that says Palestine on it shot people and wrote a
Bunch of anti-m I’m sure a lot of people are going to you know use that as a that’s this is going to be example of Violence by a leftist person against it’s not hard to say that the whole point of the movement for Palestine is to stop innocent people from being
Killed as they’ve been being killed for 75 years by the government of Israel so taking a gun into a church and shooting up a buch of people is obviously counter like antithetical to the whole mission of freeing Palestine and having substance to Palestinian rights so if
This person wants to put a sticker on their gun it is I there’s no harm and no hesitation for me to condemn that this person yeah randomly wly exercised violence against civilians and that is the opposite of what’s been of what the people who are supporting I need to
Blame anybody else or anybody’s rhetoric for this this was a mental person doing something and it is on them and we can probe what policies might have been in place to prevent it but it is ultimately that person who Bears responsibility in my view more Rising right after This