We’re going to break every brawler super based off of how deadly it would be in real life go in alphabetical order here starting off with 8bit and uh we’re going to go with no damage I don’t know exactly how apit super like increases your damage I I don’t imagine it it like
Necessarily would feel good but it uh you know it boosts damage but maybe You’ feel like inspired by it or something like there’s a cool light show and you’re like cool now I can do more damage I I don’t know okay next we have Amber super and this is a pretty obvious
Deadly now this is a little bit of a weird one because Amber super I guess technically she just throws fire fluid at you and that by itself might not actually be painful but if you get caught on fire which you know is going to happen with Amber afterwards like oh
That is really excruciating to think about like oh oh very deadly excruciatingly painful definitely something I do not want to experience in my life okay next we have Ash I’m going to go with painful he throws out these little mouse Bots that like chase after you and explode the explosions like yeah
They they look like they could be damaging but they’re they’re pretty small I imagine you could just step on them like a little firecracker and like you might take a little bit damage it might be a little painful I I have a hard time imagining you’re going to die
From it next we have barley and this is pretty similar to Amber I’m going to go with deadly for a super he throws out multiple Molotov cocktails that explode out and like you’re taking fire damage from that right so it’s really deadly there’s a very good chance you might die
And uh you don’t want to be anywhere near that thing up next we have bees super definitely painful she shoots out a bunch of bees that sting you I don’t know watch you guys if you’ve never been stung by a bee it it’s not something
That you want to feel it most likely is not going to kill you unless you’re allergic but it’s painful next we have Bella and I’m putting her below Ash in the painful tier she fires out this like Electro bolt that would definitely deal damage it’s going to hurt it’s not going
To kill you it just might shock you a little bit like I mean unless you have a heart condition I don’t think a taser is going to kill you well I mean maybe I don’t know we’re getting out of my expertise here the point is most likely no lasting permanent damage just a
Little bit painful you know next we got BB I’m going with no damage BB super is a giant bubble gum ball I I wouldn’t want to get stuck in it but it’s not going to do any damage it’s not going to be painful it you might have to like
Shave your hair or something like that afterwards but like that’s not permanent damage at all like it’ll grow back it’s not a big deal okay next we got bow and here’s what I’m going to do here I’m going to actually change multiple casualties to guaranteed death I feel
Like that makes a little bit more sense you know you got barley and Amber they’re deadly but they might not necessarily kill you whereas like bows it is a mine and if you stand on it explodes in real life unless you’re in a tank even if you’re in a tank or a
Vehicle or something like that you’re gone so guaranteed death okay Bonnie’s a funny one because for one of her supers she literally just climbs into a cannon which is like zero damage right but the next one would be she is firing at you from a cannon I mean she might die and
You’re probably going to take some damage here you know I I I’m going to go with painful like I can’t think of a situation where somebody’s actually going to be firing a small child out of a cannon to to hit you but if you got hit by it and they’re wearing a helmet
You’re it’s painful maybe even deadly I don’t know who comes up with these things I mean come on next we got Brock this is no questions right guaranteed death his super Rains Down explosive missiles and like if you it only takes one in real life for you to die but he
Fires nine of them like there’s no way you’re surviving next we have bull I’m putting him in painful bull charging at you his muscular body it reminds me very much of what it would be like to be tackled in American football right it’s going to hurt you’re not going to die but it’s
Still not as damaging as a 5-year-old child being shot out of a cannon at you next we got Buster he’s our first feelsgood super for Buster super he projects out a movie for you to watch and depending on how good that movie is you could feel good it also might do
Emotional damage to you but like you know like we don’t watch stuff that makes us feel bad right we we we watch stuff that entertains us you you guys are having fun right Buster is showing one of my videos to you he’s also telling you to subscribe probably next
We got Buzz I’m going to go with no damage which I mean if you got hit in the head really really really really hard with like a life-saving buoy then okay it might take you might deal a little bit of damage might hurt a little bit but ultimately he’s going to save
You he’s going to rescue you from a life-threatening situation and it’s like a floaty like a pool floaty right like you’re not going to get hurt you’re going to get saved next we got Byron and this could be literally anywhere on here but just for the sake of it I’m going to
Go with feels good Byron’s potion will either deal a lot of damage to you or heal you depending on his relationship with you if you’re his friend it’s going to be like a good feeling potion that remedies you from all of your ailments right but I don’t know how does it work
I don’t understand does he think angry thoughts while he’s mixing the potion or while he throws it at you ah I don’t know this is beyond me we’ll just go with feels good just because oh next we got Carl super this is an interesting one I’m going to go with deadly I just
Want you to picture somebody with a pickaxe spinning around like a psychopath and getting close enough to where they can actually hit you like that that could kill you in the least it’s going to be incredibly painful like oh oh I just like the pickaxes are used
To break apart sturdy heavy rocks right like you don’t want that just like anybody else feel a little squeamish here next we got char I’m going to put her in no damage we’re going to put her right here and I’m going to move this just a little bit
Like that just cuz Charlie will shoot something at you and somehow get you caught in a web of her yo-yo string which is not painful it’s annoying that’s for sure but no damage okay next we got Chester I’m going to go with feels good all of his supers are just
Candy right like pop rocks M tasty jawbreaker also tasty salaki that’s like salt licorice I think it’s tasty other people might die from it a strong mint like come on the one scary one might be like candy popper but I also think of Pop Rocks when I think of that like this
Is delicious I love me some good candy okay next we got Chuck guaranteed death here okay okay maybe getting a signpost thrown at you isn’t guaranteed death but getting Ryan over by a train like nobody’s making that alive out of that that’s that’s terrifying that is Nightmare fuel next we got Colonel Ruffs
Also guaranteed death yes he is sending you a care package and if you pick up the care package it’s like cool I feel boosted I feel happy this is great I love the care package thanks Colonel Ruffs but if you get hit by it I mean
That thing came from space I don’t care what’s in the care package by the time it hits the ground it’s going so fast that you’re going to die that’s just what’s going to happen and next we got Colette I’m going to go in with no damage she literally just takes her
Scrapbook and she charges after you and tries to get you to sign in like it might be kind of annoying or maybe you like being famous in signing your autograph but like if anything just slightly annoying no damage next we got cult guaranteed death but like also just
Kind of deadly okay here’s why for his super he shoots six or 12 shots at you with his gun his Colt pistol and uh 12 bullets that’s that’s pretty much guaranteed death I have heard of people surviving worse than that but I’ve also heard of people surviving getting run
Over by a train so I don’t know like I think it’s safe to assume that that’s guaranteed death 12 shots that’s that’s a lot okay next is cordelius um strangely enough no damage but uh probably over here getting sent to the shadow realm and then coming out of it
You know a few seconds later is not this I mean it’s not going to kill you right it might be the most terrifying thing in your life but like physical damage you’re probably going to be just fine even if you’re a little insane afterwards next we have Crow I’m going
With deadly here for super he throws out a bunch of poison tipped daggers and they go in all sorts of different directions so it’s like likely that you’ll get hit by one or two it might kill you depending on what the poison is I have no idea you might be able to
Survive it like yeah it’s deadly but I am going to put it like right down here yeah that makes more sense I think next we got Daryl uh definitely painful he’s like a robot in a barrel and then that barrel rolls over you it’s going to deal
Some damage you might crack a rib or two you’re probably not going to die though and uh yeah who comes up with these supers these are so weird like I’m going to roll over you whoa oh Doug definitely feels good yeah baby in fact oh that’s a hard call I
Like candy more than I like hot dogs but I do love hot dogs and uh Doug giving you a hot dog I mean is tasty is it going to make you feel good right let me know in the comment section below if you think that candy or hot dogs are tastier
Dynamite yeah guaranteed death pretty high up there too I’d say he throws out a barrel of TNT in various other explosives like if you get hit by that point blank you’re gone like so gone there might not be any of any of you left over this video man this is like
This this is making me feel things I wasn’t expecting to feel okay next we got Edgar um painful I’m just thinking like a teenage guy just like jumping on top of you like I have a hard time imagining they’ be able to like jump that high like if they jumped off a
Building onto you yeah you get hurt but that’s not what’s happening here he just jumps like an average teenager jump onto you like yeah if he’s trying to do damage it might hurt but it’s not going to be like deadly right El Primo however yeah that’s uh that’s going to hurt a lot
Quite a bit more I mean he’s a professional wrestler who lands on you with his Intergalactic flying elbow drop like with the intention of dealing a lot of damage ooh that’s going to hurt still not quite as bad as a kid being fired out of a cannon at you but definitely a
Lot more than a barrel rolling over you right okay next we got M’s I’m going with uh no damage I don’t think it’s hairspray it is described as a cloud of toxicity the thing is is I don’t even think that it’s like physically toxic like you’re going to die if you inhale
It I I think it’s talking about the toxicity of ‘s Personality right like she’s just like like you’re not going to take damage right like maybe emotional damage but like I can ignore someone being a little toxic you know okay next we got Eve and I could put her anywhere
Between deadly and painful I think I’m going just I’ll put a right above B E’s hatchlings are these little alien creatures that are venomous and they jump on you they latch on to you I depending on how that venomous reaction is going to be you might be guaranteed
Dead you might just take a little bit of pain it might be like a little bug bite you know okay next we got Fang I’m going with painful just one thing to keep in mind here Fang is not a Kung Fu Master he just thinks he is he’s just some
Regular dude that works in a movie theater and decides to kick you in the face and that’s going to hurt but it’s probably not going to be like you might be able to dodge it I don’t know I we go painful next we have Frank and we’re
Going to go with no damage keep in mind that Frank’s Hammer is not actually what hits people it’s the shock wave that happens when he hits the ground so just imagine a big hammer hitting the ground like 5T from you that’s Frank super nothing’s going to happen like you might
Like fall over I don’t know but like yeah next we have Gail I I’ll put him right above Frank here okay Gail just takes a snowblower and literally just blows wind at you it’s a big gust of wind it’s probably more likely to make you fall over than Frank’s Hammer but
Still like not that big of a deal next we got Jean I’m going to go with no damage maybe okay okay we we’ll put him at the very bottom of painful this really just comes down to Jean’s grip strength like if he reaches out with his giant mystical hand and he just grips
You really good it might it might hurt it might not do anything next we got gray um we’re going to go with no damage his super is a couple of portals and you just teleport between the two I don’t know what teleportation feels like but
If people are able to heal things to a sar power every time they do it I imagine it doesn’t hurt okay next we got Griff I’m putting him in feels good for a super he throws out Bank notes at people like literal cash at you like you
Might get paper cut you might be like oo wow that that was a bad paper cut but like thanks for the money I I love getting money and speaking of which this video sponsored it’s not sponsored by anybody but you can use coyos the point
Is even if you take a little bit of damage from the money you’re going to be pretty happy with it it feels good right okay next we got Gro um yeah deadly definitely his super I mean it looks like a ball and chain but it is
Described as a bomb that is big enough to explode and break walls so if you get hit by that M yeah I I don’t think you’re making it next is Gus no damage I can’t think of a single time I’ve been hurt by a balloon and that’s what his
Super is he shoots out a balloon at you that actually Shields you right like it might make you happy I don’t know I don’t love getting hit in the face by a balloon but no matter how hard my kids try it doesn’t it doesn’t hurt Hank’s a
Funny one because he’s also attacks with the balloon but his super are fish Torpedoes uh yeah that’s that’s painful also why did I put Grom way down here he’s like you know at least by Dynamite and Hank is as well if you get hit by fish Torpedoes like even if they look
Like a fish torpedo is a torpedo right you’re going to be in the middle of the ocean you get hit by that there’s no way you’re making it out you’re gone it’s doneo next we got Jackie no damage the thing about Jackie super is yes it’s a
Jackhammer but you don’t get hit by the Jackhammer it just like pulls you in because of the earthquake that happened so it’s it’s very much like Frank’s hammer it it might make you fall over but might not okay next we got Janet she’s like second here okay maybe even
First I don’t know let me see okay I just counted while she’s flying around she drops seven bombs whereas Brock drops nine now also Brocks are all concentrated one area if you get hit by that you’re gone whereas she kind of like do the guy fly over and drops him
As she goes so you’re less likely to take damage from more than one I don’t know why I’m trying to describe all the nuances between how many bombs you get hit by and how many you don’t the point is you’re getting slammed you’re gone we going to expect out Jesse this might be
A little bit controversial I’m going to go with painful I always imagine that Jesse’s super super turret dog thing didn’t shoot real bullets I always imagined it like an airsoft or like a paintball right like it’s it’s a toy and it shoots at you multiple times and that
Sucks and that can be painful you can get bruises and wels and stuff like that you’re probably not going to die though I don’t know if it’s actually shooting like a gun at you then deadly you’re You’re gone but you know okay next we got kit and I’m going to go with painful
A cat jumping onto your face and scratching you all over that that’s brutal you’re probably not going to die from it but that’s that’s pretty rough okay next we got Larry and lii um we’re going to go with deadly oh I was completely wrong um we’re going to go
With painful actually they shoot out taser guns so they are meant to be painful they are not meant to kill these are security guards here they’re not trying to kill they’re just trying to like calm things down a little bit okay next we got Leon um no damage he’s
Literally just going to go invisible and then you can’t see him anymore that’s that’s his super next we got Lola no damage here she summons her shadowy self which isn’t going to do any damage I guess they do it it does attack out with like these light attacks which light
Attacks they might like hurt your eyes a little bit but like H probably not a big deal next we got Lou um this is personal preference here I’m going to go with feels good for his super he throws down an ice skating rink and I personally love ice skating roller blading ice
Skating whatever I love it so much it’s so much fun it makes me feel good so that’s what I’m doing uh other if it doesn’t make you feel good I guess no damage even if you fall over like you might take a little bit of damage yeah
You get where I’m coming from next we got Ma I’m going to go with painful here so Maisy super is an explosion of fire retardant so like if there’s a fire you put it out with her ex super right that’s basically what it is it might
Knock you back it might hurt a little bit it probably isn’t going to be that bad but like painful enough to cause you to fall back right so I don’t know we’ll go with that next we got Mandy okay another candy brawler yeah feels good but not quite the variation as Chester
So it’s a little bit less feels good right like her her super is literally a ray of sugary candy that just flies across at you and it’s like you try and grab a bite of it as it goes by it is delicious next we got Max I’m going to
Go with feels good here I don’t know what it is about her being able to cause other people to be able to run faster but like it probably feels good to be able to just randomly run faster right then again maybe people aren’t used to
It and they like fall over and like run into stuff I don’t know okay Meg’s super deadly yeah we’ll go with deadly here while she’s in her Mecca and she has her supercharge up she swings a giant sword yeah yeah probably not going to survive
It even if it was like a metal pipe right like that’s going to knock you out at least H yeah that’s stay away from that okay next we got Mo here I just want you to imagine you’re in the Amazon rainforest and a a monkey jumps out of a
Tree above you and lands on your face like it could be a a big monkey I don’t know biggest monkey that lives in trees that could possibly jump on you but like it could kill you I think I I mean it probably would right deadly deadly definitely painful I’m going with deadly
We’re also going with mortice and deadly as well I think that most people watching this video could probably handle one bat that is like flying around you but a whole swarm of them there’s a good chance one of them is going to be rabid you’re going to be
Infected with something that’s going to kill you absolutely get your Ry shot after this happens uh I mean but still deadly I’d say next we’re going to go with uh Mr P and we’re going to go with painful I don’t know for sure what his little Porters are shooting out at
People they look like little ice pellets like I I kind of put them along the same lines as Jesse’s turret actually like it’s it could hurt a lot that’s probably not going to kill you next we got Nani and I’m going to go with guaranteed death yeah right here it’s basically a
Drone that can fly around and like explode right next to you no matter where you are it’s not as explosive as like you know Bose’s three mines or Hanks six Torpedoes or groms Giant Bomb but you’re probably pretty much guaranteed death okay next we got Nita
Deadly 100% Nita’s super is a giant bear that will Maul you like I I know that there have are people that have survived being mauled by this is like so cryptic you get where I’m coming from deadly stay away okay next we got Otis I’m going to go with painful I actually
Looked had to look this one up for his super he throws out a starfish at you now a lot of starfish typically aren’t going to be harmful in fact I’ve I’ve played with one before it was cool it was an aquarium but some of them can
Release Venom if you like go and mess around with them too much so like it’s not supposedly deadful but it can sting okay next week got Pam um yeah feels great we’re going to put it you know right below the the Candy People right in fact you know what apish should
Probably be down here as well I started with him I wasn’t sure how I felt about him I feel like they both deserve you know feels good I don’t know what they are pumping out with those turrets but uh they’re healing they’re boosting your damage to make you they’re increasing
Your morale they feel good so yeah we’ll go with that all right next we got Pearl I’m going with deadly for her super she is an oven that gets so hot that it literally explodes out most likely you’re going to die you’re not guaranteed death you know but yeah it’s
Pretty deadly next we have Penny also deadly she spawns a cannon that shoots cannonballs at you I don’t know how many of you guys have been hit by a cannonball I certainly haven’t otherwise I probably wouldn’t be here this painful is deadly right okay next we got Piper
Uh guaranteed death baby you like how I said that like I was so excited she drops four grenades in a centralized location um yeah you don’t want that as we got Poco in the feels good category for super he strums out a serenate of ful music that is serendipitous I don’t
Really know what that means but it’s another s word and I was using a lot of them so okay next we got Rico um I’m going to go with uh painful yeah right there a super is basically a bunch of bouncy balls being fired at you rapidly
Like they’re going to be hurt they might even leave some welts and stuff but you’re going to be fine next is Rosa we’re going to go with no damage she’ll just like stand in front of you then all of a sudden she’ll have a shield around
Her and you’ll be like wa cool next we have rt also no damage for a super he splits in two and that’s the whole thing I mean even afterwards when he attacks all he’s doing is attacking with like strong like radio frequencies or something like that like it’s not going
To do damage to you you’re fine next we got Sam painful for super he shoot throws out these like knuckle Busters they kind of look like bear traps but I mean they’re they’re probably not right they can’t possibly be those like jaws of Steel anyway definitely painful
Category okay next we got Sandy I’m going to go with no damage for a super he throws out a sandstorm and like the worst thing that could happen would be like some getting in your eyes but you could just close your eyes and in that case you’re going to be fine um still
Not not pleasant but no damage next we have Shelly you’re gone in fact yeah guaranteed death definitely above uh Mr Colt here for her super she shoots out a shotgun that has twice the shot of her regular attack like you’re gone okay next we got Spike and Spike’s like
Somewhere around here depending on how much protective gardening gear you have I I’ll put him next to Kit cuz the Pain’s probably kind of similar I don’t know he’s spawns a bunch of cacti and you have to walk around all this Pokey nonsense uh pretty painful especially if
You don’t have protective gear like can you imagine just like falling into a bunch of cacti and like in fact we’ll take Sprout and we’ll put H it here right next to spike as well Sprouts is just another wall of CAC die it just and
It spawns right next to you like oo that would hurt but you know probably not going to kill you next we got squeak I’m going to go with right here squeak super is entirely made of drool even if it explodes out it’s still drool like that’s just nasty like maybe emotional
Damage no physical harm is going to come to you okay next we got stew I’m going to go with deadly right here his super is basically like getting hit by a motorcycle that also leaves a trail of fire on you like just just to make things a little bit worse right it’s
Deadly next we have Surge and uh we’re going with no damage oh I guess he’s he does jump on you huh okay okay we’ll go right above Edgar no we have to go right above El Primo oh what am I doing with rt RT is down here surge is coming right
Above El Primo it’s a very very similar thing he jumps onto you but instead of being a sumo wrestler he’s a robot which could be very heavy I mean with the size that he is I I I don’t want to get hit by that that’s pretty painful next we
Have Tera um I’m going to go with no damage she basically uses I mean I it’s a black hole nobody can survive a black hole I take it back well is it a black hole Yeah okay it’s a black hole we’re going guaranteed death very top number
One nothing can survive a black hole it is literally the one place in the whole universe you cannot survive like I think so right I don’t want to talk about it next we have tick also guaranteed death it’s a landmine that can chase after you and then explodes it’s not three
Landmines like bows but yeah it’s up there okay then we got Willow and she could literally be anywhere on here depending on what she made you do with her mind control we’re going to put it at the bottom of deadly here’s why even if your entire goal is to get somebody
Killed after you mind control them you only have 4 seconds to do that and there you have it every Super rated based off of how deadly it is or at least it would be in real life I’m confident that nobody is going to disagree with me on anything so definitely don’t drop
Comments below telling me why I’m completely wrong that’s actually my favorite part of videos like this so please let me know subscribe for more content check out this other video right here we’ll see you in the next one