It’s kind of still just an empty building but it’s coming together let’s walk you through it so this is hewa Arina a lot being done a giant building right now it’s empty but it is soon going to be the roller hockey of our dream man this is crazy this going to be
So sick you guys are seeing it from start to finish I’ve never been this excited for anything like I’m I’m waking up every day feeling Blessed it’s another beautiful day at Heatwave Arena it’s time to give you guys our biggest update yet last time we were here was essentially just an empty building today we’re going to walk in show you everything the layout you can actually see what this place is going to
Look like let’s go get out of here you got to say something in get out of here after you sir thank you sir now the first step when we walk in here this is an active construction zone look at this we’ve got the walls we’ve got the frames
We can see everything in this space now one thing we do need to have is our special limited edition this man hooked us up show the people it is our Heatwave Arena hard hats Two of a Kind only two of these in existence we’re going to give these away to you
Guys in the comment SE honestly when this place opens up I we’ll sign these we’re going to give them away to you guys all right stay tuned great the fit here boys I mean this y you actually can’t feel anything this feels good all right let’s lock in
Here first things first we’re going to walk you through every single room so as you walk in here you can kind of see our front desk area so over on this side we’re going to have our concessions over here we’re going to have our merch and then we’ll have someone set up for
Checking into our leagues and programs right here um Cody’s the one that’s kind of dealing with the cabinets and the Aesthetics of this area Cody take it away this will be like our concession area so you order your hot dogs your pretzels your drinks so we actually have
We have healthy options too let the record show I mean we got to have like some salads some you know take it away all right well we’re going to have a big double glass door fridge here we’ll have our like a little black customade cabinet that’ll be sitting here all the
Cabinets will be black it’ll look slick and then we’ll have some cabinets under here countertop over here’s your merch area go check in over here buy the merch over here we’ll have the cabinets laid out jerseys hoodies t-shirts hat anything you can think of we’ll have it
Here at the rink yeah so we want to do both Heatwave merch Columbus heat merch Nasha merch literally anything that you can think of we will have it in stock here anytime so anytime you come to the rink you want something we got it in stock for you guys coming past our front
Desk this is our little office we’ll have a nice big door here so we can see what’s going on in the rink couple desks couple PCS you know the drill we we got a little bathroom over here with a shower in it we have our mechanical room
Nothing too crazy in here but it’ll just be a nice little setup get some work done edit some videos you know what we do so right now as you can see the uh rink area blacked out obviously you know the rink will be going there soon I
Would say within the next two to three weeks two to 3 weeks we will have a hockey rink in this building so the next update video you get will have the full rink set up is that fair uh at least the boards the net we might be waiting
Another week or two for the flooring but okay boards whatnot coming soon let’s talk about this open area here because the rink’s actually going to be pushed back about 20 ft that way so we’ve got a wide area here the plan is on this wall
We’re going to have a giant TV with a couple giant tables this will be for parents if they come in and have to do some work if you have to eat your food from the concessions this is kind of the area that you will do that over at this
Side we’re going to have a giant Lounge area so essentially the same thing TV here couple couches our hope is to have a live feed of what’s going on on the rink on these TVs so you know nice live Barn setup actually we’re planning on
Doing kind of Our Own live Barn that is going to be better much better hopefully so uh stay tuned for that multiple angles we’re going to have replays all sorts of stuff going on here uh let’s talk about the locker rooms now all right for the next part we’ll show you
The locker rooms right down the hallway got locker room number one on your right pretty big probably the biggest locker room that we will get when we go to roller hockey tournaments we’ll have the benos all the way across we’ll have some hooks for the guys maybe some logos you
Know all stuff like that another locker room across the hallway yeah these roller hockey rooms like most of the ones that we’re at they’re just like like standstill little buildings they don’t even have roofs on them these will be nice and at least heated in the
Winter and tons of space for these are twice the size even big yeah bigger teams will have the space all right you continue down the hallway you got your bathrooms turn left you got the men’s bathroom turn right you got the women’s bathroom we’re going to have a double
Fountain water fountain thing here at the end you know those little water fountains where you like put up the bottle and it’s like you Sav the planet with this many water bottles we got the nice filtered water going in right there is that actually happening I don’t even
Know I I think that’s the one that’s the one we ordered we haven’t got it yet same thing over here so we want to make sure we have plenty of locker room so teams coming in and coming out won’t have a problem we’ve got the same thing
Going on over here left right three four boom nice spacious locker room again basically the same size as those over there plenty of room in here to get dressed and get ready to go for the room the room of the rink this is actually this room I think it’s potential right
We have so much space we have so much that we can use this for and I think my favorite part might be this giant garage door over here so if you want to have like a party in here we’re planning on having Xboxes uh nice table set up here
And also we can open up that garage door so you can get some nice fresh air coming into the building essentially it’s going to be a party room but you know we talked about a golf simulator some Xboxes some PlayStations maybe just a game room let us know in the comments
What you think we should do in the room golf Sim top of my list right now so that is the basic layout of Heatwave Arena obviously we want the walls looking nice so we’ll have some art and stuff on there over on this area though this is where we want kind of the
Instagram you know the selfie murals where you come in you win a championship you toss up your number ones in front of this wall right here so more to come keep that kind of a secret the last little update that we have over on the Rink Side here is our giant fans have
Started to go up as you can see those things they’re going to really move some air they’re like 12 fet long you get those things spinning and uh we’ll have some nice cool air coming in in the summer and then the hot air will circulate better in the winter as well
So temperature controlled always going to be perfect here at hewa Arena to straighten your hat out dude I can’t so that’s about it for the setup of Heatwave Arena obviously last episode we walked in here was a little bit discouraging you know seeing that it was kind of just an empty building building
Now it’s like we actually have our rooms we actually have our space you can really see this place coming to life in real time I know what you guys are waiting for we are waiting for it to actually getting the rink into this building that’s when you know this
Becomes real we can actually go out on the rink start recording some videos you guys will see the building of the rink from start to finish as well so we’ll keep you up to date on that I know that we say this every single video but I
Truthfully mean it none of this would be possible without you guys thank you so much for all the love and support thank you for supporting Heatwave and all the updates that we’ve done along the way um just seeing how much excitement and Buzz there is going around this city has been
Truthfully one of the most humbling and and sickest things that I have ever been a part of we also are pumped to announce that Heatwave Arena youth hockey signups are officially live we’ve already got so many people coming over here for real we are going to run out of spots so if you
Want to be a part of the inaugural youth hockey season here uh we have all of our dates all of our informations and signups in the description below so make sure to sign up as quick as you can along with our youth leagues we have our our adult leagues which we’re going to
Start signups right when this video is posted our adult leagues are going to run pretty much the same exact season as youth one we’ve had a ton a ton of interest for adults to start leagues which we’re pretty excited about that’s the reason that we pretty much started
This journey is the way we play it so we’re pretty excited about that so you can sign up on Heatwave right now we’re also going to have all different ages and skill levels so for youth no matter what age you are we got you and for adults no matter what skill
Level if you’re just picking up hockey for the first time we’ll have a leak for you if you’ve been playing for the last 20 years we got you as well that is going to do it for this one we can’t wait for you guys to see what Heatwave
Arena is all about our next update I will say is going to be the biggest one the rink going in the walls all finished up that’ll be coming soon if you did enjoy and if you are enjoying the journey hit that like button hit subscribe we’re on the road to 1 Millie
If you want to see more frequent updates on Heatwave Arena and everything going on inside of our building you can follow us on social media we’re on Instagram Facebook and Twitter @ Heatwave Arena our followers will be the first ones notified of When Future leagues tournaments and events go live so if you
Want to be the first to know hit a up again both our youth and adult league registrations are now live links will be in the description below get your teams together or sign up as an individual we’ll see you soon at Heatwave Arena next update we should be skating on an
Actual hockey rink thank you for all the love we’ll see you guys soon and peace