Namaskar hello and welcome to P guru’s Channel I’m your host joining me today is colel AJ Rana and we are going to be talking about the closing of the river waters of the river Ravi to Pakistan and how they are going into another meltdown it looks like meltdown of the day is
What is happening there to know more about it and the implications good implications for India not so good for the land of the impure let’s welcome Kel Rena n namaskar ram ram how are you namaskar g ram ram all well thank you good evening good morning so um this has been something
That India said it was going to do I think last year so is it that Pakistan did not take India seriously that they wouldn’t do it what is the background of why this happened now and why are they going into a mtown this they were told okay no this is actually this this
Should have been done in 1960 so the water treaty which gave us Three Rivers full control uh that is sat Bas and Ravi so these these are our Rivers now uh by any measure of honesty or know your what do you say love for your country things
Should have been done much much earlier Complete Water of these Three Rivers should have been utilized by India somehow that didn’t happen see the total uh flow of water of all six Rivers these three that is sataj B baz and Ravi uh to so-called East and further to the west
Or north that is chinab jam and Indus is about 200 billion cubic meter per year out of which through these Three Rivers India gets only 40 cubic 40 billion cubic meter now out of 40 nine that is almost one3 1/4 of it was going into Pakistan unchecked thanks to uh nothing
Done on Ravi and some leakage in Sage uh so what was happening is in 2016 two things happened when patan cour attack happened that there’s a time and first time Indian government ministers in Indian government Modi G spoke about it later the demand came that we must uh
Just call off this so-called interest water treaty which gives only you know 40 billion out of 200 billion cubic meter of water to India it should be called off and uh Pakistan should be made to pay for whatever it’s doing to us and that time it had just done
Something in panot you know that attack in panot Airbase uh the problem with this is that this Ravi River if you look at Ravi River it starts from manimahesh in Himachal Pradesh flows through Himachal then comes to Punjab and J passes through Jammu and it actually forms a
Border between Punjab and Jammu and Kashmir state so Himel government had uh constructed three Dam cha 123 to in chambay Kang chamba then th Dam which is also called as rji Saga Dam came up just north of madur madur is a place where you know you lakur madur is a belt
From where this border you Road from Highway from coming from Punjab crosses into Jammu and Kashmir so that dam was constructed now the plan was to the west or to the when you look at a river the right Bank of the river lies the dry belt of katua and samb of Jammu and
Kashmir now this this is a belt which is there’s no irrigation facilities it gets rain whatever rain is there within half and the water reaches Pakistan because this belt is running parall to the international B working boundary we call it Pakistan calls it LC so when you go
Travel from panod and go to jamu uh you’re going into westly direction to your left is Pakistan at places is 4 kilometers away and at plac about 10 12 kilometers away and this complete belt is called katua suama belt so whenever it rains the whole thing is a hilly area
Semi- hilly area so so water after rain is over half an hour later complete water is already inside Pakistan so it’s not used so the best way to irrigate this area is to have a dedicated irrigation system now that thought process in 1995 it it started in 1950
Before awt before awt start Indian water Indus water treaty took place just to remind the listeners that jnk state was one of the most developed states in the country that time when britishers were ruling out of princely states it was one of the best administr we had all Penal
Code we had girl education child education everything so this irrigation thing was bugging even Royals that something has to be done because this stretch called katua Samba is a v Bui of Jammu and Kashmir it’s a belt where every home has a soldier serving in an
Army so many journals so many Marts I mean this belt is full of stories of Valor and gallantry and this belt suffers because there’s no water so in 50s this thing conceived that okay before this IND water treaty came into being that something needs to be done to
Give water to this area between jamu and pan K samb belt nothing happened 1995 Manon that P Nimar came and this project was conceived wherein two canals were to built towards jamu from this River so Dam collect water and then push some part of this water into jamu and
Kashmir and balance of it into Punjab now plan was to link water Ravi River with that of Bas so Ravi Bas link Canal there again two of them supposed to be there one of course got made and one is never seen light of a day and these two
Canals coming in towards jamu 76 kilometers long this network is planned but nothing happened Punjab government and jnk government had some tussle and jnk as was being ruled by politicians from Kashmir they had no love loss for jamu so jamu is suffering let it suffer
So they slept over it so 20116 when it happened the blast patan patan thing happened that that year incidentally I just coincident that in one of the speeches in jamu Prime Minister Modi said that this water belongs to us and we will tap every drop of it and then
2018 everything was settled new tender was floated earlier company was thrown out new company was brought in and the construction started now Pakistan all this while knew that this this water actually belongs to India and they are just getting it because of laxity on part of India they start feeling as if
It’s the right over that water and by incidentally Ravi river is a river on the banks of which is laor so laor River so la Lifeline so what pakis they also smart enough so when this Indus water treaty happened the one basic principle of this was that those three rivers
Which are to the north that is Indus most of it flows in Pakistan because it goes by ladak and it done enters G ban area under control of Pakistan and then flows through Pakistan through Karachi down then uh jalum again after URI we have no control after URI it it goes and
Then Kish ganga River comes from North and meets and goes down and then chinab again a part of chinab is in Jammu and Kashmir rest of it is in Pakistan so in 60s when this treaty was written whatever we we may criticize it we may like it we don’t like it the fact
Remains that India had no capacity or where withth all to divert any of water from these Three Rivers into our bread belt that is Punjab and up up even today’s far Punjab was not getting any Waters if India was to compromise on those Rivers so those three rivers were
Given to Pakistan and these Three Rivers which were flowing through Punjab practically through Punjab sat Bas and raii raii border of Jammu and Kashmir and Punjab so these were taken as the rivers which will irate fertile land of Punjab and produce bread for India is a bread basket of country that time so
Logically it was okay so now this uh last year this Dam got completed and I have seen Shiri sat not a single drop of water going to Pakistan at a place called husa husa there’s a barage bang on the border and there after sat is dry so what Pakistan
Did in anticipation of all this they constructed a lot of canals so chinab and they have to headworks in pojk like Malala headwork and jalum meur the whole thing is under water because of the meur headworks so from there canals run and get water into Pakistani Punjab because
Their focus is Punjab they want Punjab to be comfortable so water from pojk that head Works those canals get their water into uh Punjab soil Canal Lor you would have heard the name lower low doab Canal all these canals were because of that so that water could
Reach them now people all along living living along Ravi River or thinking that this is this water is granted to us because India has done nothing for so many decades so nothing will happen happened suddenly India has damned it now 38,000 hectare of land in Jammu and Kashmir
Will be irrigated with this water 5,000 hectare of land in Punjab will be irrigated with just imagine how much water were you wasting and our guys we having no crop in a katua samb belt and so much of water 9.1 billion cubic meter water is flowing into Pakistan
Unnecessarily so it’s a good it’s a landmark thing in the sense occasion sense India has finally done what they should have done in 60s or 70s and pakistanis who had been taking it for granted that this will keep coming are now shocked now they’re cursing India they’re saying India is waging water
Warfare now our relations are going to go for in any case India doesn’t care Pakistan actually doesn’t exist for us most of us it’s out of our it’s only ENT source of entertainment when you don’t have anything to watch at YouTube you just go and switch on some Channel and
See what’s happening in Pakistan like today there there’s a lady was wearing some dress with some something written and people said this is had written on the dup and she was almost LED in Pakistan and she had to apologize those things of that kind of News election
Things so Pakistan is just source of entertainment so India has done nothing ethically wrong whatever people may say it is our water and we just done what we should have done many decades back and this water is going to benefit the complete belt of katua Samba and you
Will see Shiri two to three years from today with Summer apples now coming up by the way there’s a breed there’s a variety of apples which can grow in summer belt so kuua sambas already started uh uh experimenting in fact my house which is in warmer area of jamu
And Kashmir we also have apples growing in our farm because this variety is different so only thing lacking here was water now this water supply coming in the whole uh profile of this area is going to change next time you come to jamu and Kashmir and travel by Road
You’ll see Greenery all over today most of right side is Baron cut see this uh this kind of carelessness or whatever overlooking something which belong to us so it’s a historic moment Pakistan can and keep crying they they will not go to any International Court they will not
World Bank is a agency which facilitated this treaty they are not signatory there’s no guarantee World Bank is just a facilitator when this uh thing happened so it was facilitator that time even today any dispute between India and Pakistan we go to or both the countries
Have the option to go to World Bank which Pakistan already gone for some of projects so uh Pakistan will go nowhere their public will never realize that it the water was never theirs because if they if they’re told this so they gain nothing so mulas will come on the street
And the Friday jum Nam they’ll say the India Hindus have taken our water or whatever let them say it will make no impact on us uh but our area is going to be prosperous which is very good news for us electricity is going to be produ
Be produced here because th Dam R Saga dam is producing electricity same water when it flows out of the dam will be used by this Dam called shaur Kandi Dam from where this after that there’s no water going into Pakistan so it’s a very good development sh well that’s very interesting and good
To know that India has at least finally decided to crack down in a way they probably did not expect and that’s a good thing because you know now that’s you know like hitting back somewhere I think times have gone beyond that because this is a very permanent move many areas in uh Pakistan
Are probably going to run dry it’s their problem they can figure that out and uh the the way I see it colel s is there is a price to pay for doing terrorism and this message is actually going to uh sound ring loud and clear in Washington
DC you know all those desks where uh they call them Beltway experts okay they’ll keep a map they’ll keep a map and then they’ll get wet dreams about how if they do this India will suffer here if they do this Pakistan will prosper all that BS that
These guys come up with many of them are pretty smart but they also have this ideological problem to hate India and the the sad part colel sa is that there are some who are actually Hindu Americans who think that this is how it should be done you know essentially ignorant
Fools and useless idiots for us useful idiots for them that’s all I can say I will challenge any of you loud mouths to come talk to me about what you think because I’m sick and tired of this you know American um intrusion into things that it should not be putting its NOS
Into you can’t keep your house in order 7 million people illegally have crossed in for what of them there are thousands who are terrorists now yeah China alone has sent 5,000 criminals that is the estimate I’m sorry we’re going into a different topic but it’s important for us to
Know first take care of your own house why are you talking about you know creating problems for others anyway there is there is a walking zombie that goes by the name of President Biden also what can I say I mean everybody mouth cat is out the mice are out to play this
Is how it is right now we can’t wait for a new president let’s hope that it is somebody who can really crack the wh in fact under Trump there was less intrusion from Pakistan there was a little bit because there is always deep state which has some interest and they
Want to do things but they did get they did get to know Trump stopped a lot of funding into Pakistan yeah he just said you’re a waste I mean the guy talks business colel what have I gotten for this same he tweaked the year of NATO countries
Also so some of them had to pay 10x what their contribution was so anyway s so raii Bas you said there is a link is that canal done now or is it not done yet there supposed to be twin canals two of them linking uh these two
Rivers some of the first one was made I mean I’m not sure whether it really travels all the way because uh the area between panot and to the South between Amar you can say is getting irrigated because of this this channel it’s a huge Canal which is already there but for
Optimum use they also need two canals and katua samb also need and one good thing you said Shir cost for terrorism Som of this development has got linked with 20116 panod attack and miab statement of 016 so for people who really were very proud of sending armed people into Jammu and Kashmir illegally
For them it’s a good thing and they now like you said cost of terrorism they will bear because you see the canals which Pakistan has built to get water from pojk into their Punjab lore and Beyond that’s those canals are working but between north of L and where this water stops at
Our International borders today that area is going to get sorted out nicely nice proper Pakistan is did nothing whereas we at least we have a canal linking and Bas Bas and raii Link Canal is basically to make sure that less water goes into Pakistan otherwise Basi
By itself is a good River sat sat Bas also linked now the proposal is to link sat with Yuma which punjabis are protesting harana is already punjabis are protesting I don’t understand this you know the have done their part they waiting near the border yeah see that is the next stage
Because then what happens is you can cut even more wastage and and it’ll benefit a lot of Punjabi also there is a fair distance in Punjab and then it goes into harana it goes and links up with yamuna Y and that these are all needed I I
Don’t know maybe a Baja government is needed in Punjab to sort this out by the way you have to tell me when when you say sorted out sort something out what is the meaning of that see you sort the problems there ways of doing it so it depends who you’re
Sorting out yeah I know I know so if your wife is sorting you out it could be any way when it comes to Rogue Nations you know there a way of sorting out people so uh certainly this is sorry yeah no no no please finish the thought I thought
You were yeah in fact if you see this uh photographs present day photographs from coming from Pakistan this River has suddenly got into a mode of it looks like a like a clog Nala now suddenly because flow has stopped and these guys had been dumping all kind of Industrial
Waste and sewage everything into the same river they were destroying it in any case now there are people who say see raii if you look into history of Ravi River this once upon a time ships sailed on this River Ravi that those are different times there a lot of water lot
A lot of Rishi munis traveled Sufism see if you you look at spread of Islam into India after those when they invaded s and then of course that kasim it went back thereafter they understood that India cannot be dominated so they adopted other way of converting people
That is so-called Sufism which is no different from whatever the original in Invaders aim was only thing is what sugarcoated way of preaching so all these shrines are along the rivers so same is the case with the because rivers are a place where all the Shepherds gypsies the
Seasonal people who will move from higher mountains to Plains and go back during Summers and come come down during Winters all these movements will always happen along the rivers so Ravi was also that very crucial in the history of spread of Islam into subcontinent so there are shrines along like I said Lor
Itself is situated on Ravi River so while we honor his Heritage we honor his value but the fact remains when you have a rogue Nation next door otherwise Shi tell me one thing you had six Rivers logically it should have been sharing of waters know any two sensible countries
Would have shared the waters but here you distributed to the water I mean this is this shows what kind of people we dealing with so had we shared all six rivers and said okay so many cubic of water are going to use so many Cub then they would have raised H
En cry every second day saying India is taking more water who’s going to measure this G of neutral Observer so knowing Pakistan and his capability of creating troubles later on which we witnessing now in in respect of other other projects which are going on Pakistan has
Gone to World Bank for two two projects against India one we completed we said go to hell we don’t care we completed one in kishan ganga and other one on chinab is under kind of not litigation but arbitration so so it’s such a strange uh thing so when this river is
Dying one feels bad from one angle that this is our River I mean it’s it has a history connected with our civilization much before Islam came in we also had our Rishi munis not doing meditation on banks of rabi Once Upon a Time and it comes from manim mahes which is a very
Sacred place but then what do you do you you can’t be really handing it over to a rogue nation which which is diverting all kind of seage all kind of Industrial Waste into it we don’t do it our R is very clean in fact if you travel along
Raii there’s nothing like that there’s no firstly there’s no big town next to it and secondly it’s a beautiful River so it’s okay the next best option is we keep what is ours utilize it the way it is supposed to be utilized look out for our people and celebrate our
Civilization by surviving and doing better than that idiot who’s just next to next door and because because of whom this this kind of problem has started so it’s okay k s they can we can India can always go and clean up whatever is need to be needs to be cleaned up but first
They need to clean up their mind they need to change their religion back they have to come back to home start building rebuilding some of the temples you destroyed then we will think about it not in your lifetime not in my lifetime maybe my my great grandson maybe I don’t
Know so this is something that’s it’s going to happen eventually these things like River will find away from higher level to a lower level these things will happen I I feel no sympathy for any of these people because from the earliest AG they’re teaching their children to
Hate India India and Hindus and the same thing I’m seeing in Jammu and Kashmir also and and and uh anyway we’ll talk about that later k we have a few questions from our viewers if you don’t mind we can address those yeah please first question from paraa uh what has changed after
Abrogation of article 370 for the Youth of all Jammu and Kashmir and ladak in terms of sports infrastructure and tourism a lot of development part 370 abrogation has brought made one thing very sure that whatever is being constructed inside Jammu and Kashmir and UTF ladak the money is not being
Siphoned off so result of that is there’s a there’s a big stadium in jamu called mulana aad Memorial Stadium I don’t know what game mulana aad played and why his memory was related to I don’t know that in fact when Modi came and he gave speech from that stadium and
That day I requested him to my tweet please change the name of this stadium mulana zad was whatever so this stadium was lying in kind of state of disuse uh stairs broken stairs and now you so it is it is now come out of like International standards it has proper
Seting proper lighting it is I mean you can host International cricket match here any day similar thing is happening in Kashmir and not only Cricket Stadium I mean Sports structure when it come to sports complex sports policy teams going out getting financial help that happening this year first year time
Shiri there’s a there’s something called roller skating Federation of India so they hold National like bcsa equalent so they hold National events we never seen lakis coming in participating because lak was always India India’s ice skating team is from lak only because that’s the only place where ice skating is done
A kid of two years he starts two years old kid will start and an old man is so it’s a part of the life Winter life they block the part of river I mean they divert the water into other fields during Winters when water freezes so
Every village has a skating rink M upna jugar so even L now got a stadium they got a proper so this year in chandigar when this rsfi National event was happening we saw ladaki youngsters coming and participating in uh rotor skating National Championship so when I asked them they said every single rupee
Spent on our dress and Equipment has been paid by our Administration so there’s a team which has gone from State outside and being looked after by uh authorities which was never done early it was you spend from your money pocket go if you want to go if you want to play
Otherwise so a lot of part the list is very long infrastructure has changed attitude has changed and yes uh the when facilities are coming up in all districts not only jamu and shagar that that’s one big change which is happened tourism you can see 1.25 CR tourists
Last year Kashmir has broken the record and 1.25 recorded in India you can’t record everything so you can imagine the 10% you can add and now this year they’re they’re expecting anything up to two crores two tourist which is never happened and same is happening ladak jamu has been neglected earlier now also
Jamu is not been looked after well jamu has tourist potential which now we are shouting hopefully it’s a city of Temple sir G it’s a city of Temple no Shir is so strange that P bjal range divides Jammu from and Kashmir in between stands P bjal the other side is
Tourist friendly and this side is Not Tourist friendly I mean same Mountain same look roads going there hotels on that side gulug is on same range and here we have nothing no roads and there there’s Seven Lakes in punch it’s a beautiful track all that you need to do
Is without constructing road if even if you just construct a hotel or camping site there you’ll have people flocking because it’s something very new bad beautiful so that area needs to be that that imbalance remains thanks to our bureaucracy which is still fixated with Kashmir and bureaucracy was not changed
Much though politicians of course been sent home so but overall yeah par things are changing they’re good next one um sure 303 wants to know SG any hyal power generation to power parts of Kashmir yeah so krishn ganga uh there’s a one dispute which was referring to so
Kishan ganga India was making a project and India wanted to divert if you look at the map of kishan Ganga so it is not actual part of Kashmir it is in kishanganga Valley in the north so from there about 20 I think 25 kilometers long tunnel was made and water was
Brought into wer lake so URI hyle project problem with Kashmir water is Kashmir is in jalum jalum is actually Pakistan’s River as per IND IND water treaty so we can have unlimited uh domestic use no problem problems electricity we can produce only as as
Long as this run of the river I mean you cannot really build a dam so big that you start irrigating your land you start producing like bakara you can’t have a bakra in Kashmir because treaty doesn’t allow that so what allows us on jalm is something which we have in URI so what
What happens in URI there’s a barage Reservoir not a dam so water goes into tunnel and again comes out after pushing the turbines comes out again on the old course so River for some part is dry because water is diverted through a tunnel making a loop and coming back and
Then goes into Pakistan so Pakistan can’t cre because the water is finally going to Pakistan we are only running machines so it is only being diverted so URI project is already there kishan ganga thing which is Pakistan went to International Cod I mean World Bank
India said hell with it we have done it it’s done already so that’s gener generating electricity and there’s no other Riv of which has a potential of generating electricity in k kir other than J and Kisha and both are being used so beyond that treaty doesn’t allow
There so I have a hypothetical question before we go to the next one colel s the question is supposing Po and gilgit baltistan become parts of India then the iwt will have to be modified because India has to manage more area India’s already return return to Pakistan 2023 yeah last year February India’s
Already return pakist that we need to re re renegotiate this treaty uh till now sh we had we didn’t have the capacity to use whatever was coming to our like I said 40 billion out of 200 billion we getting one fifth almost even that was being 1/4 of that
Was going to today we are in a position where we can actually uh in fact there’s a plan to connect jalum and chinab jam and chab both are Pakistan so-called they belong to Pakistan so there’s a plan to connect produce more electricity and then let it go to Pakistan
So renegotiation is already in cards on there’s article nine in the treaty which talks of how disputes will be settled Pakistan it’s like there’s a graduated way like first you two guys meet indiaan Pakistan they try to sort out if not then they go to Independent guy who
Comes and advises them and then they’re supposed to go to uh International arbitration what Pakistan does it starts from International arbitration now how India looks at it moment to arbit project is relayed by few years I mean two three four years gone so India’s already given a notice to Pakistan that
We want to renegotiate and like you said in that situation though will Pakistan be existing that time and it happens Shi that is my counter question to you which Pakistan and which treaty that is that is very true that is very true in fact if they break up into smaller parts two
Or three of the smaller parts will need India’s help in maintaining their defense their uh foreign policy their currency their markets their Administration I mean I can go on this thing has rotten got rotten so much that there is you know where do I start that
Sort of thing there so we we’ll wait and see that’s a interesting question I just thought it’s important for this discussion let’s go to the next question please uh s s s a sir is possible to transfer water of Indus River from ladak by building Dam over the river and transfer suus water
To Sage River via so moir Lake okay uh Rohit G the problem is geographically it is very very tough so lake is has no connect either with indust as you know nor with sat so it is in the middle yeah if you look at the trkking route joining Jang Tang where
Somi Lake is and spti LOL spe area so that of course the route is there tracking route there was a proposal to have a railway tunnel had the tunel thing come up see question is possible yes it is possible but will it happen in our in foreseeable future difficult to
Say as long as India is able to harness like with Ravi water coming into our this thing sat whatever SP so whenever floods are there water goes into Pakistan as long as we are able to harness even that much our problems in nor northern part of India sorted out uh
Indust another issue is it freezes during Winters so how do you C say that the whole tunnel gets clogged because of uh during cold weather then how does it like we we people in mountains we know that when it snows and what if you you have water on the overhead tank and the
Tap down below is closed so pipe freezes so when the pipe freezes even when sun comes up the water in the tank will melt but the pipe remains clogged then the T Junction will tear off and then the bend will break so uh indust is like 70% Frozen during Winters
So how feasible it will be will it be technically to get this water going into what do you say sage that that is something technical I don’t think we need it uh but possible yes why not it’s matter of digging few tunnels here and there like Chinese do and then the
Damage which will happen to ecology that again is another factor which I’m not a expert on it so technically I don’t know but yes possible why not do we need it question that is questionable thought provocator wants to know thank you thought provocator why not trade water for po minus Rogue
Population we spoken spoken about it there are people in India who say that we will do their deradicalization and I tell them first deradicalize those who are inside India uh then we talk of the Rogue population now I just wrote article today I’ll share that link with
You that when pakist ojk residents say that they they are against Pakistan they don’t necessarily mean they’re Pro India so we must also keep this in mind that that pojk geography other than G bistan is actually useless geography actually useless geography it produces nothing and uh then you have radicalized
Population which is anti- Pakistan today they are on streets but they are not pro India so we don’t need to trade water I mean water is ours it’s just a matter of abolishing that treaty which I someh I don’t fa I’m not in favor of saying that
Let’s call off this treaty we need to modify it as per our requirement and Contin because you can’t really tell people okay you go thirsty and die off I mean without water that is also India will never do it India has we we live in some kind of there’s ethical Benchmark
Which we follow but what Shiri was saying once Pakistan breaks up into multiple thing and then they become are protectorates then the situation changes suine States yeah sity there sovereignity yeah that’s right yes yes that’s the only way it even you know do reasonable amount of stability and uh we’ve talked about this
And we’ll keep talking about it because the the day is coming closer and closer and uh and and by the way mam to next time you may not be so lucky the unknown man might have your number next time all I can I heard a bird come and whisper in
My ear last time you got lucky only six people of your security detail went and met their maker next time you might not be so lucky but become better atone for your sins still three Hindu sik Christian uh Pary minority girls are being kidnapped they wait for you to
Become I don’t know what you call it you know you understand when she returns puberty next day she’s uh she’s taken away what cruel country this is what kind of a screwed up mindset I mean anyway so I think he is dying every day so let
Him die a little bit more yeah better better that’s better right so thank you so much uh Jack Paulo for the super sticker and and we are dead serious when we say all these things are going to happen because they already happened so we don’t have to you know we have proof
Already it has happened thank you so much K sa this was a wonderful discussion you know people OD about the geography the potential the lack of un unserved areas and get this thing done I’m hearing that there are going to be no State Assembly elections along with
The Loa election that’s what I’m hearing I don’t know I am saying that until 5 lakh Kashmir Hindus are resettled in Sagar and they hand up raise their hand and say yes we are safe no talk of Elections that’s my take and I’m I’m in minority of one but that’s how I would
Do it thank you so much namaskar thank you namashkar The