What’s up potato is it stomping stamp’s new slide Uhhuh spun mama papa wake up who’s coming on Stomp and stamp’s new slide with me me me me me me hello Mr and Mrs Dazzle good morning morning pugs happy Hol pandas happy hugs giggly day gigg and Julian giggly mornings let’s will go and stomp it stamp Slide you’re excited too huh potato uhhuh huh where’s the slide I so want to go in it now where’s your slide fence how long is it going to take until the slide’s ready hey everyone sorry but first the elephant slides got to be unpacked and built so you just come back Later come back later everyone well I suppose it’s not all that bad puggies but I want to go on the slide now me too oh me too I know me too but now that we’re up so early we can have a super pugy breakfast waffles with pumpkin syrup anyone yummy yes please Waffles I’m ready to eat my Waffle now when are they going to be ready uh they’re going to take a little while longer pugs how about we make up a waffle Diddy to make waiting fun tities are a great way to pass the time I’ll start Sizzle and fizzle
Waffles on the heat when we hear the ding they’re ready to eat yay yum wait more waiting waiting a drool of pumpkin syrup makes a waffle sweet and now the yummy treats are ready to eat Delicious who wants seconds me I do me Too that was a waffly waffle test breakfast that was so good it sure was worth waiting for so now let’s go [Applause] SL excuse Me a I thought the slide would be ready after pumpkin waffles a me too me too me too nuh-uh the slide has to be assembled and tested first pugs it’s not an easy job a that’s going to take ages look at us funny puggies we’re the
Only ones still in our PJs time we got dressed like everyone else pugs when we’re washed and dressed it will be time to Slide it’s here time for my scrub it up it won’t take long washy washy scrub a d pug now shaky shaky dry and hug see all Done potato you’ve made your own slime that looks like fun do you want another bathtub slide oh oh oh okay potato pal red steady steady slide again okay here goes Slide now I want to slide let’s get dress super Snappy by going on the slide huh oh sorry chip SL isn’t ready it’s taking Ages so much Waiting a little Diddy uh and keeping busy a little diddy and keeping busy that’s a big idea idea for a little potato put Up uh excuse me huh oh hey little bug I was thinking if we made up a little diddy and got a little busy it would get the slide ready quicker what do you think young pug that is very smart thinking smart thinking potato let’s all work together F family friends sure Thing building is better working together we always stick Like Glue first we’re mixing then we’re fixing there’s nothing we can’t do with a heave and a ho ready to go building can be fun we make a plan with a help in hand our work will soon be Done he this way we go bang bang rivet tighten screw Done look Yi we huh all right hey everybody the slide is tested safe and ready to go finally Everybody don’t worry potato it’ll be fun wait for me I can’t wait to go down your Slide wait look at this slime awesome that’s so coolow more waiting because you help the builders we think you should go first chipil yeah yes py thanks this is it ready Potato wo what’s it like chip it’s even higher than I thought oh potato are you scared to slide don’t worry potato it’s just like sliding in the bath huh only better because we’ll be together chip and potato whooshing all the way down squeaky wee now hoodie up we’ve waited all day for this
Uhhuh Ready a it’s our chip that’s our chip let’s go y my Brave chippy dip hide how was it it was great mama you went so fast chiplet I no this is a slide I will never forget smile for the camera I’m taking photos of the slide
For Stomp and stamp to take the show and tell at school it’s Show and Tell tomorrow what should I take chip who are you talking to just my snuggly Papa woohoo that was fantastic again again come on chippy dip let’s pugy slide woohoo wait for Us ready potato Uh and f are you ready com [Applause] F it’s us pugs versus US fans pumpkin picking competition dayum pumin time for us Granny’s to pick our teams granny Fant please pick the two Fant you want to have on your pumpkin picking team this year me me me oh easy Stomp and stamp woohoo we’re going to win we’re going to
Find the biggest pumpkin now it’s your turn to choose the two pugs who are going to be your team members Grandma pug I hope I’m old enough to get chosen this year it’ll be my first time ever being on the pugy pumpkin picking team well it is easy pugy squeezy for me to
Choose I choose Spud and Chip yay thanks Grandma pug this year we pugs will find the biggest pumpkin and bring it home to welcome [Applause] walk go now let’s remind ourselves of the aim of the game yes to find the biggest pumpkin and bring it back to welcome
Walk by Sundown May the best team win let’s all have pumpkin picking fun byebye find a big pumpkin have fun you guys SA we go we go the pumpin [Applause] P wow I can’t see I can’t see some pumpkin patch I can’t see potato you think you can sneak a look from up there ready uhhuh The pumpkins look good hey there oh welcome Vance and pug hello and you too littlest pug hi up something tells me it’s pumpkin picking competition day it is we fans are ready to get in that field and find the biggest pumpkin we pugs AR too well you are in
Luck we’ve got bigger pumpkins than ever this Year well now who does this funny little snuggly belong to mean me it’s my fmer Pat here go thanks you and that funny old snuggly you call potato take a look at all those pumpkin [Applause] aome ready ready let’s get get pumpkin picking P follow me St I know where to go over here Spud wait for me let’s split up to search chippy sis holler if you find a biggie okay right potato which way shall we go wow I found a big one Already a I did find a big one a this is a big field and we’re the last to start looking uhuh we’re now never going to find the biggest pumpkin unless we get a better View have you seen a big pumpkin potato wow this pumpkin is as bigest stomping stamp okay okay but I’m not sure we’ll find a bigger pumpkin than This W you are right potato this pumpkin is even bigger it say bigest muin and there’s a bigger One wo this pumpkin is even bigger than pop fence potato I am sure we found the biggest pumpkin now to win the competition we need to get it back to welcome Walk [Applause] push we need to get this pumpkin Home Oh of course the pumpkin was still growing on its stock now that you’ve chewed through the stock we’ll be able to move the pumpkin clever Potato we need help Good idea potato can you see Grandma pug in Spud uh-uh H let me help you look I’ll get up there Too hold on you used me as a way up maybe I need a way up too I did it yeah we again but our pumpkin is way bigger than theirs come on potato let’s get this pumpkin home so the pugs win the pumpkin picking competition Chip chip spot and Grandma perfect us pugs are a team we can work together to get this pumpkin moving uh Grandma’s Bud where I mean I’m over here oh hey wa oh my chipoodle that is enormous gigantic huge giant I know it’s a winner Grandma woohoo nice one chip
Let’s get it home yes if we all push together as a pugy team we can do It w it’s no good it’s too heavy for us pugs oh but if we can’t get the pumpkin home we won’t win the competition and we won’t get this pumpkin as our prize a and then Papa won’t be able to cook pumpkin treats wait do you think we should get
The fans to help us uh that’s a big idea for a little potato let’s get the fans to help push our pumpkin home but then we pugs won’t win the competition all by ourselves but we all win when we get this home to Papa and he cooks pumpkin treats for everyone
Let’s get our giant pumpkin home as one big pugy fan steam Together oh my where’s the pumpkin going to go all the way Home papa papa wake up come see wow who found that huge pumpkin me Well I did have a little bit of help oh chippy I’m so proud does that mean the pugs won the pumpkin picking competition well kind of this year the pugs and the Fant are winners of the competition aren’t they chipa dooodle yes because we all brought the pumpkin home what a
Team us make that Ru Ruff hooray for Chip and hooray for pumpkin treats it’s pumpkin cakes all around and there’ll be a mountain of pumpkin treats for your pack lunch tomorrow chip for your first ever school trip and you’ll come too Potato m pugtastic Spud little Mama come and get one of Papa’s freshly baked pumpkin seed Cookies enjoy Buggies delicious thank you papa pugy please e one more no sorry chip there are four cookies left one for each of us Tomorrow potato sorry I didn’t share my cookie with you a next time I will share my potato pal puggy promise okay my little puggy time to go upstairs and brush your teeth before bed I’ll race you spot Spud Huh hey chipster what are you doing Spud I’m finishing my homework project it’s about the ancient Egyptians who are the ancient Egyptians they built the pyramids thousands of years ago wao ooh I could paint the pyramids and the yellow sand for you Spud I love painting yellow sorry chipala you’re still a
Kindergarten puggy and this is big kid homework but I’m really good at painting I’m sure you are chip but I need to do my homework project myself so puggy please do not touch it come on my little chip come and brush your teeth h it’s not fair I could help Spud do his
Painting couldn’t I potato potato where are you we’re pugs we’re ptic in everything we do potato where are You oh no huh Hood up potato oh what are you doing under there chip just getting my potato snuggly I must have dropped her I mean it you and your snuggly what a funny buy pup you are anyway it’s time for bed now please okay Papa that was close potato
And super Spud I think it’s time for your bath before bed no more homework tonight A can I stay up a little longer Papa I just want to finish coloring in this last pyramid yeah it’s getting late spdy pug just leave your painting things out and finish your homework project tomorrow morning please Okay watermelon custard pumpkin pudding my Favorite what’s wrong potato can’t you sleep uh oh no you’re still hungry I didn’t share my cookie with you did I potato Pal and you didn’t get to finish your pumpkin seed four hungry potato let’s go and find your a middle of the night’s snack o shh Li potato Papa’s pumpkin seed cookies Papa did say they were for tomorrow but I’m sure it will be okay to just have a little piece right Now maybe a tiny little bit more mhm We ate the whole thing potato uh-oh come on we better go back up to bed before we eat Anymore Spud’s homework look I could easily paint that I can do big kid homework a Huh whoopsie sorry don’t worry potato I’m really good at painting give me the paintbrush potato potato I know I can really help Spud paint this I can what are you doing my homework uh what’s going on here why are my two little puggies out of bed mama
Papa look at my homework it’s ruined I told Chip not to touch it but she spilled painty water all over it chip why did you touch Spud’s homework I was only trying to Help chip chip come on out please you need to go downstairs and say sorry to Spud for what you’ve done but mama I was only trying to help I didn’t mean to I know chip but Spud asked you not to touch his homework you should
Have listened to what he said go and say sorry I don’t want to it’s important to say sorry when you’ve done something wrong oh now please chip Uh Spud I’m sorry for what I did to your homework it’s okay I guess I wanted to show you that I can do big kid homework too I told you not to touch a chip it’s my homework and now I can’t hand it in I’m sorry H one of the cookies we were
Saving for tomorrow is gone ch do you know where it is I ate it I’m sorry Papa I was hungry oh chip go and brush your teeth again then go straight back to bed please Chip morning potato oh yes I remember Spud’s homework I should never have gone near his homework last night morning Mama morning Papa it’s Spud good morning my lovely spuddy pug how you feeling super Spud not too good Papa I’m still sad about my homework yes chip come and see see what A what’s going on I’ll show you the painty water you spilled on my homework has dried and now the paper looks all stained and old and crinkly just like real ancient Egyptian paper yay and it’s all thanks to you chipada Mr Buffalo will love it I’m still sorry
Spud I pugy promised that it won’t touch your homework ever again deal how about is a thank you I share my cookie with you later on thanks bud and potato pal you’ll get the first bite here we go puggies pumpkin pancakes and watermelon whip for breakfast Papa what’s that little Papa oh it’s my phone beefing to remind me that tomorrow is bring your child to work day and that means you my little chippy pug pup will be coming with me to work at the police station yay I can’t wait to go to work with you Papa
And you’re coming too potato we’re home I’m so excited double play dat packo and Spud Nico and me and you potato pugy promise we’re all going to play Together keeping up with you Playmates is and easy with an extra little puglet on board in you go yeah watermelon can we have some Mama sure than oh and they’ll be pumpkin Pizza Later Oh potato sorry I forgot to get some watermelon for you come on Mama back for more chippy dip yes pugy please Mama it’s theous one for you and one for me so double play Playmates let’s all play soccer kick it to me Paco come on Nico well I don’t really like soccer but
Okay Nico I’m going to kick the ball to You my ball I got it I don’t really want to play soccer anymore chip but it’s a double play dat Nico we all play together sorry I’d rather build a fort come on let’s play some more soccer you two against us too let’s go spot can we all build a fort together
Instead uh I don’t mind Paco no way I want to play soccer go sorry chip squeak looks like we’re not GNA play together after all my ball Paco okay Nico let’s build a fort thanks chip let’s use those chairs you can help build the fork too potato it’ll be fun tie the corners to the chair legs I love building our Fort Nico Thanks potato chip hiding in my pocket wow you tied those quickly chip watch we get inside quickly too huh not bad what do you think of it potato okay now we need to build a drawbridge and huh hey sorry PCO you knocked over our Fort your turn to take a penalties
Spud don’t worry chip I know how we can make our Fort even Better are you okay potato pal uh nearly done Nico I love this fort look potato oh looking good Rudy fru pop for the busy Builders my favorite Rudy fru pop thank you I know let’s drink inside our Fort mhm what do you think Mama it is puggy Panda tastic well done you
Too oh that’s the oven timer the pizzas are ready fru fru gluggy Puggy wa not again oops sorry chip Spud you wrecked her fork twice now and knocked over a Rudy ruy ball hey Spud pass the ball in a minute Paco it’s a cool Fort can I help fix it no it’s okay thanks we’ll fix it come on
Spud it would be much better if we were all playing together uhhuh we need a game for all of us something we all want to play that means you too Potato have you got an idea what is a potato [Applause] pumpkin Pizza Time come on Potato hav’t wash your hands kid I guess we’ll all play together after Pizza come on come on E now it’s time to all eat together hold on chip I’ve got a puggy pandastic idea of where we should Eat let’s have a pumpkin Pizza smile please oh look at you all eating together in the puggy panda Fort Perfect come on let’s keep doing things together what next hide and seek nah skateboarding h no roller skating I haven’t got any skates basketball I can’t catch really
Well my mom said I’m not allowed to get wet potato potato so that’s your idea of how we could all play together huh potato uhhuh yes we could all play with our Sky High Super Rocket together but what about you how will you play your paws are too little to jump on It you’re going inside it oh you want a ride in it that is a very big idea for a little potato this is going to be so much fun for you and for us hey chip what have you got there well we I mean I’ve got
The perfect thing for us all to play with W our Sky High Super Rocket yes I want to turn me too yeah let’s do this together chipster you go first chip sit tight pilot potato I’m going to send this rocket Sky High Sky High Super Rocket and potato Go wo wo super powerful move chippy sis are you okay Potato you want to do it again uh uhh uh- my turn and and I’m going to do the chip style double foot jump watch me Sky High Super Rocket double PL double foot Jump Yeah hi uhuh Sky High Super Rocket double PL a double foot jump Sky High Super Rocket double PL double foot Jump gotcha this is the best double play dat ever I knew we’d find something we would all want to play together in the end every one of us YooHoo mommy hi Amanda how’s baby Bodie well after we went to the doctor he had a nice long nap and now he’s feeling
Much better that’s good news baby b thanks for asking chip how was your first double play date Nico great uh hey Mommy can chip come for a sleepover yes of course she can if it’s okay with little mama Chip’s never been on a sleepover before well there’s a first time for
Everything would you like to go for a sleepover at Nico’s chip yes pugy please our first ever sleepover I can’t wait mama I can’t wait for my first ever piano lesson I’m going to learn how to play a tune just like Mama my piano teacher she’s here oh would you
Please open the door for her [Applause] chip are you okay I’m great thanks please after you oopsie sorry hello I’m carella kakatu welcome to welcome walk carella thanks I know welcome walk quite well I taught Roxy Rhino to play piano we know Roxy well enjoy your lesson chip dip if
You two need anything I’ll be in the kitchen okay Mama now I wonder is there a little pug anywhere around here who is ready for her first ever piano lesson yes me chip I’m super excited to learn to play piano that’s what I like to hear chip let’s play
What tune shall I play first carilla well chip it might be a little while before you can play a whole tune you have to take it note by note Oh let me show you how to learn the notes one by one and then you can put them all together to make a tune just like my mama does exactly so the first note we’re going to learn little chip is this one it’s called Middle Sea hello Middle Sea your turn now Chip oh little chip that was awesome have a star go on really enjoy that Middle Sea chip huh carry on chip I’ve got the door hello Nico hi Amanda hi happy hi I would like to ask chip a question please oh Nico Chip’s in the middle of her piano
Lesson at the moment could you come back later puggy pleasy okay happy bye chip happy bye Nico oh such beautiful playing chip I got it hi again little mama I was just wondering how long it would be to Chip’s piano lessness finished so I can ask her my question please Nico I’m playing
Middle Sea Nico I’ll send chip over to see you when her lesson’s finished if it’s okay I’ll wait bye bye bye sounding great chippy dip thanks Mama carilla please make I play a tune now let’s try something fun first chip do you think you could jump down
From the stool spin around and then find little sea for me again easy squeezy pugy peasy yay midle SE whoopsie I can do this I can find Middle Sea uh Middle Sea oh No so that’s Middle Sea thanks Potato sounding good chip you put your sticker there to help you remember where Middle Sea is that’s a smart idea chip thanks Time For You piano players to have a little snack break yep yep yum yum oo Yummy you enjoy your snack and I’ll see who’s at the door this time oh Nico it’s you again yes sorry mhm it went quiet so I thought the lesson must be finished huh can I ask chip my question now pleas yes ask now actually we haven’t quite finished our piano lesson yet chip
But in fact I think you’re ready to learn a couple more notes now Chip so you can play a tune you’re learning a tune already it took me forever to learn a tune you can play a tune ni can ni play a tune for us carilla pugy
Pleasy that would be lovely Nico Panda let’s hear it we pugs love music sick huh that’s really good Nico oh you can play that tune really well Nico thanks I don’t think I’ll ever be able to play a tune as well as That o okay I’ll try Nico can play a tune so I’d like to play one too please corilla oh of course we’ve got just enough time but I wanted to ask chip come on Nico let’s leave chip to get on with her lesson but you can ask her your question
Later bye see you later now please play middle CA chip good the next two notes are d d and e d e d e you’re really getting the hang of it now let’s add the C in again uh that’s three notes that’s right and that’s enough to
Make a tune come on potato play with me c d e c d e yeah I’m feeling it chip keep on grooving my name’s chip and I play c c d e e d c I’m only four and I play c c d e e d C that’s good good chip my name is Chip and I play c c d e e d c I’m only four and I play s home c d e d e isn’t she a puggy Marvel to play three notes so well yes c d you almost thinks she had more than two
Hands puty up piano potato now let’s all play music together fantastic idea you’ll have to teach us the tune chippy dip it’s easy c d e e DC just like that oh I’m so proud My name is Chip and I play c c d e e d c I’m only four and I play c c d e e DC we look chip sheep plays C c d e e d c she’s so good at playing c and d and e yeah EDC wooho we love she plays c i do d e DC she’s so good And d n yeah e d Chip chip H up potato that was superb you definitely deserve another sticker chip thank you Corella see you for your next lesson chip keep on puggy practicing bye oh I couldn’t have done it without you potato this is for you chip is your lesson finished now uh-huh
Oh good because I really want to ask you my important question what is it Nico would you like to come for a playd at my house we can play together all day and then you can have tea with us y yes please when tomorrow can I Mama mhm yes she
Said yes Mommy oh see you tomorrow chip our first play it potato yep yay play dat tomorrow for Nico and me c d e EC where is she potato where’s Grandma pug there she is it’s Grandma she’s here but you’re going to have the best chip and grma and potato Day [Applause] Ever Grandma’s here wow and she’s got a new car hello my pugy pups come on down give me some puggy Huggy love Pugster it’s so pugalicious to see you all nice Wheels Grandma pug yes I love your new car grandma much snazzier than my puggy police patrol mobile I love my new car too and it is perfect for a special day out with my favorite pugy pup granddaughter in you get CH dooodle oh thanks grandma grandma is that booster seat for me I usually sit in the back you get to sit up front today chip yay wow
Oh why we have fun with Grandma the fun starts here oh and you’ll need to put these on [Applause] Chip why do we need these Grandma push that green button and you’ll see the roof comes down wow wow bye this car is fantastic isn’t It this is fun so what are we going to do today Grandma we’re going to have fun topped off later with a special treat yay I love special treats uh-oh why have we stopped grandma oh dear chip there’s road work this might take some time
Oh so let’s make it fun yay time to try out another special button in my new pugy buggy which button grandma that one press a chip that’s better now let me look at this Traffic hiding your hoodie [Applause] Potato ooh it’s purple and pink purple and P it’s got no room no room it sounds like it goes roomy py vom vom it’s Grandma’s pugy pugy vom vom py puggy vroom vroom it’s Grandma’s py pugy vroom vroom let’s go chipper Dooodle what are we doing here grandma we have to pop into the bank chipa dooodle a but there’s nowhere to park Grandma this parking space is perfect but it’s too small you think ready for more fun chip yes would you press that big red button please chupid Dooodle see now we can get into the parking space this is fun there snug as a pug but how will we get down grandma like this snuggle up potato pal after you let’s slide that was Pantastic come on chippa dooodle to the Bank whoops sorry oh no Grandma we’ll be waiting here for ever what if we run out of time for the special treat we’ won’t won’t chip pugy promise Okay py py it’s Grandma’s Py next please that’s us Grandma you make everything so much fun so chippa dooodle it is special treat time yay what is this special treat Grandma we are going to have a an apple muffin each at the happon Garden Center Cafe come on I love apple muffins this Cafe has the best apple
Muffins in happon hello what can I get you chippa dooodle what are we having two apple muffins please you little pug are in luck there are just two apple muffins left Thank You hello what can I get you an apple muffin please sorry I just sold the last two to these lovely pugs oh yeah oh that’s a shame we were hoping to buy an Apple muffin for our granddaughter she’s been sick and had to miss her fun day out with us
We’re just on our way over to see how she is and thought it’d be nice to take along a treat never mind a that poor little sick arar she missed a day out with her grandparents a huh that is a big idea for a little Potato everything okay chippa dooodle Mhm Excuse me yes dear I’ve had a fun day out with my grandma today we’ve had the best chiping grandma day ever maybe if your granddaughter had my Apple muffin that would make her day more fun too oh thank you my dear what a kind little pug you
Are oh our granddaughter will be so happy thank you you’re welcome oh that’s my Chi clever potato I hope your granddaughter feels better soon I like this little tree Grandma it’s an apple tree and I know how much you like apples I do apples make apple muffins for being such a kind little puglet I would love to buy you this apple tree an apple tree for welcome
Walk yippity yippity y py py it’s Grandma’s pugy pugy vro V hey hey look who’s back H how was your day we had so much fun didn’t we grandma and potato we really did my chipoodle and our day of fun is not over yet beautiful the welcome walk apple tree good job chip this tree will always
Remind me of our fun grandma and Chip day out over here chip happy High Nico see you in the morning for my first day at Rainbow Forest School see you tomorrow Nico it’s time for you to say thank you to Grandma p and get off the bed my
Little chippy dip thanks grandma and you Spud come on hey chip it looks like your tree has already grown an Apple that’s not an apple that’s my potato Love you too potato come on chippy dip time to go to Rainbow Forest school coming Mama I can’t wait for show and tell potato keep still it tickles when you move are you all right there chip yes how do I look mama absulutely wonderful my little chip I hope you enjoy Show and Tell today I just know everyone will love your mouse house thanks Mama oh morning Granny
Fant happy H chip happy hi Nico what are you wearing chip I know I know what it is it’s The Mouse House TI and I made in class on my first day at Rainbow Forest School Nico’s right it’s a house perfect for a mouse but why are you wearing a
Mouse house on your head I’m bringing it to school for show and tell and this is the easiest way to carry [Applause] it all aboard the welcome walkie show and train woohoo [Applause] Woohoo we’re not late today thanks to our slime and we even remembered our showing tail we’re doing the show and tell Walk we’re doing the show and tell walk where we going to go on the way to School Now class it has been a diggle busy day and we have all learned a lot of new things correct yes Mr DIY and we’ve saved the best for last who can tell me what’s next happy Hoppers show C that’s right I am so looking forward to seeing
Your Show and Tell objects and hearing why you wanted to bring them to show the class that this is going to be neat grandma wouldn’t let me bring my garden worms chip you’re sitting on my ball of yarn oops sorry settle down everyone it’s show and Tella time
Aome now which happy Hopper is going first time to spin the wheel and find out it’s giggling woo it’s me please show and Tell it’s okay potato English is like are so long I’ll fix it this is my gymnastics medal for doing back flips and it’s special because it took me ages to learn how to do them Look careful that’s my mouse house gigl sorry chip very well done on your medal carefully back to your seat now gigl and we’ll see who who is Next oh potato my M’s house has gone all floppy so I wanted to show and tell the donuts that I made with my Mommy I love donuts but I ate them all a man sorry but they were really yummy well thank you anyway Barry you may go back and sit down
Now no don’t squash my Mouse House Barry sorry chip potato there you are stay safe and snug in there out of sight secret potato chip it’s you it’s Chip come come on up to the showand tell platform please chip uh okay oh dear oh uh so Chip this looks
Interesting what have you brought well it was my mouth house Mr diggery it’s broken yes it is broken my show in tell is not Worth showing Mr diery I can’t show and tell it sorry oh what a shame chip do you want to take a moment to see
If you can fix it and then show us again I could try I guess while we wait for you chip let’s see who will be Next it’s Nico this is no good I cannot fix this I don’t have anything to show and tell potato I wish I had something else my little brother Bodie wore these booties when he was a baby what is it potato you you could be my Sho and tail
Object potato well I guess you are my most special thing in the whole wide world but no I can’t show and tell you potato what if everyone sees that you’re a real life Mouse oh but I could show my snuggly toy potato uh-huh okay if you pugy promise
To stay hoodied up like a snuggly toy let’s do it hoodie up thank you for showing bodies booties Nico your baby brother sounds dle delightful yeah Mr Mr di I have something else I could show and tell can I have another turn please it’s my even more special thing oh well this sounds
Exciting chip do Show and Tell oh CH iy love you potato my show and tell is my my snuggly potato a what a snuggly I’ve got squillions of them shall we it’s Chip special snuggly potato go ahead chip we’re all Ears my potato has been my snuggly friend since I was little when my potato is with me I feel happy and brave like I can try new things that’s why I like bringing her to kindergarten with me she makes me feel just great all day long she’s
Fastic a a well that is just lovely a I want a cuddly potato like that me too looks tasty I want to get a snuggly banana chip what an original and diggle lovely Show and Tell thank you so much for sharing your potato with us thank you potato potato
Well I’m afraid we’ve run out of time today but we’ll see everyone else’s Show and Tell things next week hooray oh chip your potato reminds me of another special snuggly friend de bear the happy Hopper class bear oh yeah I have dle decided that the person
Who gets to take de bear home this week is someone who has shown that she can care for things and look after them very thoughtfully oh it’s Chip Chip it’s you all right chip now please keep a record of everything you get up to with de bear
This weekend chip and make sure you bring her back on Monday exactly as you found her oh Yes by mama papa look Mr diery has given me de bear to look after all weekend oh how exciting hello de bear and hello my chippy dip and super Spud now little mama and I have some very exciting News little mama is expecting a baby puglet a baby yes a yippity yappity baby puglet is in my tum it’s going to be a little baby brother or sister for you two Spud and Chip a baby here this is a photo of the new baby taken by a special camera that can
See inside little Mama’s tummy wo and we got some extra pictures so you can each have one to keep thank you oh I’ll take this picture for my next show and tell potato oh thanks Mama okay pugly puglets it’s time to go home but Papa when will the new baby be born what do we name it mama can I teach it to play soccer yeah wow roller skates for me yes they were our daughter Zena’s when she was little would you like them yes please
Thanks Mr and Mrs Dazzle I want a roller skate now learning to roller skate takes practice but I’ll help you Chip it’ll be wibbly wobbly fun enjoy bye little chip thanks again Mr and Mrs Dazzle oh bye can I put my skates on now please mama
Of course you can but first I need to find Spud’s old helmet to protect you if you fall fall I know it’s here [Laughter] somewhere oh Potato yay roller skating is easy squeezy pugy peasy spuds old helmet good as new you’ll need knee and elbow pads too now where are spuds old ones oh I Know potato H you need a helmet too a walnut shell perfect yeah here they are pocket potato I don’t want you getting any bumps and scrapes chip pip now up on your wheels I look like Spud when he goes skateboarding skateboard brother Spud roller skate sister chip two super puggies on Wheel
Yeah I can do it I can roller skate W wo a oh chip are you okay yeah I’m fine but I can’t do it Mama I can’t roller skate it just takes practice my chip dip I’ll try outside help me up please mama papa come see chip roller skate
Woohoo I can do it look at her go a that’s a nice puggy family movie moment practice keeping those skates facing forward Chip don’t worry chippy pip you’ll pick it up try holding just one of my puggy Paws W wo woohoo yeah keep going chip I remember how long it took SP to learn skateboarding hey I’ve got a movie of that too somewhere who morning to you new neighbor Panda oh
Hello please call me Amanda Amanda Panda oh and you remember baby b and Nico happy High chip H it’s just a thing that we p to say oh um happy hi Nico happy hi everyone oh what a cutie Panda Pop oh you’rea look at Mama thank you Mama oo roller
Skates yep I’m going to do it no pause w oh wao well done chip oh yeah look at me [Applause] potato Me I just can’t do it mama that’s okay chip dip you need a paw to help you practice how about a p PA want to try don’t worry I won’t let go puggy promise Panda promise what school do you go to Nico I’m starting a new school on
Monday it’s called um Rainbow Forest school I think that’s my school wait Mr digg said there’s a new boy coming it must be you we’re in the same class wow happy High Classmate I’m doing it I love roller skating look at me Chip’s doing her roller skating now youco Chip’s doing her roll skating where am I going to go oh my little chip oh are you okay you let go I’m okay potato honey in your hoodie my secret snuggly potato potato is Chip’s little
Snuggly toy she takes it everywhere everywhere you and your snuggly potato are fine ready for Upsy little pupsy um that’s Paco my big Big Brother Spud’s friend oh little mama your Spud hurt his arm at the skate park oh my little spuder it was on the hi pipe Spud did a
Trick but he bailed off his board I landed on my elbow oh let’s get you up to the house if you like I can look after chip thanks and thanks for bringing Spud back Lily that’s all right get better soon Spud see you at school on Mondays
Bud Mama have we got any Rudy Frutti Pop please I think that would make me feel better oh spudster we finished it never mind perhaps we could go down to the Flingo shop we can get spuds Rudy Frutti pop there yeah you could roller skate
Chip oh do you want to go home and dad chip mhm Wait For Me Mama huh let’s just us three pandas go and we’ll get the juice okay Nico sure come on potato let’s go home you coming chip just getting my roller skatee Mama H who
Old no potato if I do more roller skating I’ll fall over again and hurt myself badly like Spud did Uh-uh you want me to try again but I’ll Fall I won’t fall if I have someone to hold my hand okay ni wait I’m coming too I’m going with the pandas Mama it’s an emergency Rudy Frutti pop needed for Spud right away W I Let Go your roller skating on your own you can do it go Chip hi there Mrs Flingo hi roller skating pugy chip thanks Mrs Flingo I’m Amanda Panda and this is baby b and Ni good idea potato hey Nico would you like a turn on my roller skates I’ll hold your paw pugy promise all the way Home Nico’s doing his roller skating n’s doing his roller skating where’s he going to go all the way home roller go you’re doing great Nico thanks chip I’ve got You thanks pugy pal oh I think it’s time for us to go after such a busy day pandas need lots of sleep can we play again tomorrow I’m sorry but I can’t I’m having a day out with Grandma tomorrow don’t worry we’ll see you at school on Monday you two are
Going to be in the same class we know happy bye chip happy bye Nico happy bye Amanda Panda and Bodie happy bye little chip oh don’t forget the juice for your Brave brother your Rudy fruti pop is coming Spud sit Z soon potato we’re roller skating all the way [Laughter]
Ready for duty officer chip yes sir officer Papa and officer potato HH oh you’re not quite ready just a minute there officer chip now you’re all set for your first go to work with Papa day at happon police station thanks Mama a pugs and kisses officer chip pugs and kisses
Ready potato uhuh see you later Mama on it obster Papa uhuh it’s shiny and blue shiny shiny blue it’s got a red light on it red light on it Ro it [Applause] goes it’s got a loud pugy pugy mile my pugy police patrol Mobile welcome to my work officer chip pgy morning to you Sergeant cooler it’s bring your kid to workday today so please meet our new recruit officer chip welcome to to happon police station officer chip thank you Sergeant cooler and this is detective rookie hi officer chip huh there’s someone else at hyton
Police station who you should meet this is Kevin the station cat it’s okay potato pal hoodie up safe from the cat we found Kevin stuck way up high in a tree your papa climbed up a tall ladder to rescue him he was so brave he got this
Medal wow Kevin was a stray cat so we adopted him here at hyton police station yep that was a big emergency yeah papa I want to help with that emergency today we don’t have many emergencies in happan ship but I’m sure we’ll find lots of jobs to keep you busy
Wow is this your desk Papa it is your desk look that’s us you’re right great detective work officer chip thanks Papa time for some important police work to start your day I love sharpening pencils is this my first job uh-huh you can do it while I
Go to my morning meeting I’ll just be over there all right bye now all clear potato what’s that officer potato reporting for pencil sharpening Duty look sh [Applause] potato [Laughter] [Applause] wao we’ve sharpened a lot of Pencils huh what’s wrong oh I see it’s Kevin the cat and cats aren’t very friendly to mice are they uh-uh whoa look at all those sharp pencils well done officer chip after all that hard work it’s time you had a break come on lunchtime lunchtime Yay I’ll just go get us a drink officer chip thanks Papa oh I almost forgot to give you some lunch too potato huh potato oh no I left you behind on Papa’s desk hiding under my hat be right back papa I have a real emergency to deal with now and I’m the
Right police pug for the Job sorry potato pal potato Potato don’t worry potato officer chip is dealing with this emergency ooh there you are oh no it isn’t you it’s Kevin’s toy mouse potato Kevin have you got potato Kevin officer chip to the rescue oh so a mouse can be friends with the cat if it’s friendly like you Kevin emergency over hello officer pug speaking I see yes coming right away where’s my puggy police chip pup chip chip reporting for pugy police duty officer Papa just in time we have an
Emergency to deal with let’s go officer Chip oh thank you for coming so quickly I’ve lost my key I’m locked out don’t worry Miss fiser we’re here to help wao this is a real pugy police emergency potato Potato there’s the key great detective work potato now hoodie up Papa I mean officer pug I can see the key I found the key oh really look huh great police work officer chip how can we get it I know using the hook on the end of that fishing
Rod Bravo you really are a most helpful little police Pug very tricky I need radio for backup you and me are the perfect partners for this emergency potato ah but that key is way too heavy for a little mouse to carry that’s a big plan for a little potato but we can do This You did it potato yeah you got the key potato puty up papa papa officer pug we I mean I got the Key well done officer chippy chip thank you so much you happy ton police officers are just wonderful just doing our job right Officer chip oh yes I helped in an emergency even though I’m little you really did Chip and I am puggy proud of you we must go fishing sometime wow thanks
Ohuh oh another emergency officer chip and this is one only you and I can help with it’s shiny and blue shiny shiny BL it’s got a red light on it roof red light on it roof [Applause] goes it’s got a [Applause] loudy py mobile it’s Pap py P Patrol mobile we need ice cream my puggy police pup for little mama pumpkin and peanut butter flavor and fast right away officer Papa thanks potato hi Mrs spingo I’m helping with a big emergency well done chip pug don’t forget change thanks oh thank you little Papa emergency ice cream for my big baby bump tummy I couldn’t have done it without the help of this medal-winning police officer look mama oh wow
Wow huh another emergency officer chip there’s a pumpkin on the loose in our house it’s me I’m getting ready for the pumpkin picking competition tomorrow pumpkin picking yum I can’t wait for tomorrow officer Papa I can’t wait either officer Chip H up now potato pal so no one sees that you’re really a mouse oh no I’ve made a mistake hey chip can I bow that eraser huh no this is not an eraser it’s my snuggly Howie and you know it you can use mine Howie thanks gigg yeah thanks Gigg stay out of sight in my pocket potato close your books everyone it’s time for gym Class oh I’m so excited about my first gym class I’m going to be so good at gym now has everyone remembered their gym clothes yes Mr good yes Howie I forgot my gym clothes well you can borrow the school spare gym clothes today Howe I’m not
Sure they’ll be a perfect fit so please remember to bring your own next time okie dokie thanks Mr diggery Right happy Hoppers form an orderly line by the door Please okay gym class time for a little warm up copy me everyone knees High look at me warm up hi Everyone well done everyone now before we start I just like to say Jim is all about taking part and diggly doing your best first challenge will be jumping over the high bar yeah I love Jumping we love jumping too it’s easy squeezy pucky peasy isn’t it potato uh-huh you will jump over this High bar like This but try not to knock it off first I don’t want you falling out of my pocket when I jump potato so run up the rope and watch nobody will see you up there now who can digley jump over the bar without knocking it off me me me please Mr
Diery okay gigl you’re first in the line you shall go first go gigg did you see that galopy good Jumping it looks easy watch this Everyone oops the school gym shorts are too big for me Mr di oh dear um just try to tie them tighter Howie Mona you’re next yeah Mona Betsy it’s your chance to pounce Now Henrietta you’re up oh yeah Garvey griller go go go all right stop and stamp off you go oh well very clever you two f fantastic come on Nico it’s your turn now wish me luck happy good luck Nico Panda I did it and last but not least
Chip you can do it little chip you can do it ah huh look here I Go oh no you okay CH I’m sorry Mr diery but I don’t think my little legs are very good at jumping over High bars well don’t worry chip it was a diggly good try for a little pug oh chip never mind I wish I had long legs like you gigg okay everyone it’s
Time to raise the bar higher if you couldn’t jump over before you’ll never jump over now Chip don’t be mean Howie it’s okay gigg hoe’s right Oops never mind Hoe potato I’m not good at gym am I hide in my pocket potato before anyone sees you so only these two jump have cleared the bar now let’s see which of them can jump even higher Blast Off Betsy oh so close now Galloping [Applause] Giggles did it you’re the best at jumping high my giraffe I am but only because my legs are super long mine are super short Mr diery yes little chip please may I put my normal clothes back on I’m not very good at Jim my legs are too
Short H having short legs is great for some gym activities chip wait till you see what we’re digley doing next time for a new challenge how low can you go without knocking the bar off it’s called Limbo this is how you do it watch okay gigl off you go limo limo
Limo Lio Lio oh far back please gigl Lio this looks really tricky dley good try Garvey limo Limo I’m okay [Applause] A no one’s done it yet potato I guess I won’t Either you really think I can do it potato maybe you’re right thanks potato pal I’ll give it my best shot puggy love you okay Nico you’re next limo limo Li Good try Nico are you ready to go low chip I think so Mr DIY let’s see how low we can go Potato limo limo limo limo limo Li limbo limo limo I mean I did it lioo Lio oo you’re the best at going under chip yes with my little pugy legs I am no good at going over going under is the perfect gym activity for Me I am good at gy we’re all good at gy now class when we come back to kindergarten next week it will be show and day so who is going to do something fun this weekend that they can show and tell on Monday stamp and stomp what will you be
Doing we’re getting a slide at our house and it’s going to be huge it’s being delivered tomorrow on a big truck maybe we can go down the slide together who are you talking to chip hoodie up oh just my snuggly potato you sure love that snuggly potato I sure Do Yum delicious okay my lovely pumpkin puff puggies I’m off to work at the recreation center please don’t overdo it on your last day little mama I won’t pugy hubby I always look after the baby puglet in my tummy and you need to get some sleep after working all night I will bye you
Do oh yeah Mama don’t forget I’ll see you at the recreation center later for my first ever swimming Lesson of course see you later chiplet pugs and kisses all my pugy lovelies pugy love You I can’t wait to learn to swing today spot how about you both practice your puggy doggy paddle now come on swim up the stairs to wash your face and brush your teeth before school while I change into my PJs s doggy paddle doggy [Laughter] padle hey you know potato this sink is the perfect potato siiz swimming pool you can have your own swimming lesson right now potato wow I never knew you could swim potato way to go you make it look easy I can’t wait for you to watch me
Swim at the pool later but first I got to get my swimming stuff [Applause] ready potato let’s go we’re doing the welcome splashes doing the welcome splashes where we to swim on the way to the PO go jump in splash splash splish splash Splash thanks for driving Uncle have fun learning to swim Humphrey see you Mama Mama I’m here oh hey it’s my chip dip she’s here oh my you’ve grown hi all the best of puggy luck to you happy Hoppers enjoy your your first swimming lesson with Miss
Plunge thank you so excited I’m kind of nervous really nervous hello I am Miss plunge and I am your swimming teacher please get changed into your swimwear in there and then meet me beside the swimming pool it’s time for your very first swimming lesson here we I’m so excited py love you Mama wow bags and towels over there out of the way please happy Hoppers then come get your kickboards and line up by the pool you stay here potato watch for my bag as I learn to swim just like you a you okay class these are your kickboards now
You all need to sit down by the side of the pool then whoop in you go just like me oh finally hold on to your kickboard and gently slip into the water please M I’m in Miss plunge yep cannon ball no that is not how to do oh
Howe I don’t want to get in Ni look chip I’m in come on in too chip the water’s Fine uhuh please remember no splashing when you’re all learning to swim how we won’t Splash you again chip I promise come on chip it’s not that deep my feet are touching the bottom Okay I’m in I’m in my feet can touch the bottom too we’re all ready to learn to swim Miss plunge wonderful did it Yay keep swimming with the kickboards Little Dippers you’re doing well kick and swim kick and swim one more width of the pool swimming is easy squeezy pugy peasy I’m a back stroke Panda what wow you’re really good Nico thank You oh yeah I guess I’m pretty good too okay everyone you’ve all done very well in your first swimming lesson and now we’re all going to get out of the pool and then jump back in from the side no kickboards this time here we go I don’t want to jump in me
Neither now gigg is first knees bent arms to your side and jump in wo yeah well done now you stamp and Stomp this is awesome H Splash You there’s nothing to be worried about Nico just jump in you’re a backstroke Panda remember you’re good at swimming so jumping in will be easy easy for you I know It I did it I jumped in come on chip now you oh you can do it chip it’s okay not everyone jumps in first time chip but everyone in my class has jumped in in except me swimming is fun miss plunge but I don’t like getting
Water in my face I don’t want to jump in today can I try next time I have a swimming lesson potato pardon me it’s too deep for you Potato I will jump Miss Plunge everybody watch me just like potato little Chip I can swim and I can jump in we all did it way to go CH you did it just like you potato that was a perfect jump well done Brave little pug way to go I couldn’t have done it without you potato Che D did you see me Mama yes
What a puggy perfect swimming pool pug you are we’re home and we have another pugy swimmer in the face family don’t we my chip tip mhm did you jump in chip yes I really did and I could swim spot I could swim hey watch out for my ancient
Egyptian homework project I have to hand it in tomorrow oops sorry yes I love her new sticker too potato we earned it together for jumping in the pool I am so proud of you little chip you you deserve some koty pumpkin cake a gift for my co-workers to say
Good luck with a new baby puglet ooh yes please I’d love some cake did someone mention cake there you are hello Papa good sleep oh yes now let’s eat yum yum yum Delicious there we’ve had a fun weekend looking after de the class bear potato look here’s the photo poet took of when we took D on a trip in Papa’s pugy Patrol mobile remember and there you are all snuggly in your Hoodie it’s shiny and blue shiny shiny blue it’s got a red light on it roof red light on it roof it goes W and look a picture I drew of us having Rudy Frutti pop with dly today under the welcome walk apple tree remember time for bed
Spudster okay chippy dip time for you and de bear to get into bed too okay Mama oh where is Dey H H Maybe maybe she fell under the Bed huh not there did you find her potato uh-uh de where are you I know de must have been left downstairs you wait here potato I’ll be right back H have you found deely coming potato oh hello chipster hey what are you doing down here um just getting this bedtime please okay Papa Night so where is she where did you find de so where is she Potato what oh that’s the picture of when we last played with Dey Under The Apple Tree you think de is still down there under the tree mhm you might be right let’s see if we can see her from Mom and Papa’s bedroom window doy doy wooby Wy
W yeah yeah P boogie boie boogie boie P yeah yeah yeah boie I can’t see de bear it’s too dark you’re going to go out there in the dark on your own to look for de mm that’s a big idea for a little potato thanks my Brave pal hurry Back I haven’t looked after de bear very well at all potato so did you see her is De out There I should be in bed but we need a plan to get de be safely back Inside okay okay potato let’s rescue de what are you up to chipak shh Spud I’m just getting something I left outside what are you doing I’m keeping an eye on you AR you supposed to be in bed I am but I’ll be right back don’t worry Jay we’re coming to get you
H oh no it’s Raining potato wait T yes you’re safe now de hey hey Spud what are you doing you should be in bed okay Papa hurry chipala come back good up potato you went outside in the dark to get de bear yep it was my job to look after de carefully this weekend so I had
To do it huh that was a big thing for a little chipster to do and a big thing for little potato to do too thanks for helping me potato Pal We rescued Dey bear I am good at looking after things yay yeah we resc de bear I looked after de bear huh oh no no no no de’s dirty from being in the garden the dirt won’t come off what am I going to do what is Mr Diggity going to
Say papa pug is here for a hug chip and then it lights out H I’ve still got to brush my teeth Papa okay Mama’s having a relaxing bath so you better be quick okay Papa let’s go and clean Dilly in the Bathroom is De getting clean let me Help oh no no Dilly’s arm has come off I’m sorry for not taking good care of you this weekend de yeah yeah Huh are you ready for your betty buy song Chip just a minute Mama oh it’s not working sticky tape get the sticky tape potato thanks where’s the end it’s stuck to me m A sorry potato it’s no Good hoodie up I thought I could hear crying what’s up chippy dip why are you not in bed oh mama chip what’s the matter chip it’s all my fault I left de Bear by The Apple Tree then she got dirty so I trying to clean her and look this
Happened oh dear and Mama I was given Dilly Bear for the weekend because Mr digty thought I would be good at looking after her carefully but she’s ruined oh chippy dip why didn’t you come to me I could have helped I just wanted to make things better all by myself Mama
But now I’ve made things worse it’s okay we can make everything better together let’s do it quickly before Bed now cut the thread for me please there all washed and mended now jul looks exactly the same as when I brought her home ready for another happy Hopper to take home next weekend thank you Mama how’s the baby puglet in your tummy Mama the baby puglet is lovely chip and
Looking forward to hearing you do your piano lesson tomorrow oh yes my first piano lesson come on chip papa will take you back up to bed now Chip I think I would like my Betty bu a song now Papa puggy Pleasy curly up safe and snug pugy chip tonight curly up safe and snug pugy chip tonight and sleepy pugy sleepy snooze sleepy puggy snooze sleepy puggy sleepy snooze sleepy pugy snore I do know how to take good care of you J bear and you too Potato H up potato I need a Cuddle when are you and Mama going out Papa not long now chiplet little mama and I will set off as soon as Roxy Rhino arrives to babysit for you can you see her yet no papa can you help me with this homework please it’s super hard math let’s have a look Spud look
Potato Roxy will be coming from her house she’s never Babys set for us before yooo what do you think my precious puggies shh wow you’re all sparkly mama just like my tie we’re the perfect sparkly match my puggy hubby will Roxy the babysitter know how
To put me to bed Mama of course she will my chippy dip Roxy is babysat for lots of families in happy ton and she knows exactly what to do But what if I can’t get to sleep Roxy will help you it’ll be just the same as usual thanks chippy dip aren’t these earrings lovely they’re my pugy favorites that’s right my bedtime song I want bedtime to be like it always is with my Betty by song Mama it will be
Roxy can sing it to you but she won’t do it the same as you no not exactly the same but it’ll still help you get to sleep there don’t worry chip dip you’ll drift off to sleep when I get back I’ll come right up and give you a sleepy
Snuggy puggy kiss like I always do huh that must be Roxy right on time oh oh No hi Roxy hello hey everyone hey chip hi oh oh sorry oh it’s our taxi I’ll get my jacket oh and I’ll get my bag I loved having babysitters when I was little now I get to be a babysitter so cool now don’t let chip and Spud go to
Bed too late Roxy my cell number’s on the table if you need to call there are some snacks in the kitchen so help yourself mhm now is there anything else mm- bye everyone later bye Mama bye Papa have Fun let’s get started Roxy the Rhino babysitter let’s do this what’s that little thing on your paw chip it’s my snuggly potato I love her a your potato snuggly is super cute hey Roxy hey Spud I’ve got to go finish my homework oh yes awesome idea I love homework look I’ve got all
My homework in these books to do after you and Spud go to bed whoa but that’s later for now let’s uh what do you usually do before bedtime chip h huh oh good idea potato I do piano practice yes I love music play something for me
Chip o that was so good is the tun Corella my coatu piano teachers teaching me no wayer Corella taught me too shall I play some something okay oh this pugy piano is a bit small for my tootsies this might sound a bit different look at me rhino Tastic did your mama say there were snacks the Rhino Chaka frappa FR Chino I’ve never had one of these before marshmallows ooh yes pugy pleasy oh I could do my trick taada drink up isn’t Roxy amazing mhm drink done piano practice done mhm um all set for school tomorrow mhm bedtime then
Yay I’ll take them W come on let’s follow Roxy come on up Chip coming a foxy this is my bedroom all titly pug sized ooh who’s this oh that’s orangey rabbit he’s got a Twitchy orange nose oh I love you orangey rabbit a I’d forgotten All About You orangey rabbit now I just snuggle my potato potato so this is where you keep your
Books I love books me too hey I know this one oh Cool potato there you are huh what’s that oh what’s up chip it’s a letter from my teacher I forgot to give it to Mom and papa Mr diery did say it was very important thanks potato uhhuh it’s a reminder that’s all it’s about your class show oh it’s tomorrow
Oh yes I have to dress up as a pirate oh no I forgot to make a costume oh dear mom’s not here she would know what to do well I don’t know what your mom mama would do but I do know what I would do I used to go to Rainbow Forest school
I did class shows too pirate ones no but I think I can help you h no pirate stuff here but we can make something come on huh come on potato I haven’t got a pirates hat H oh but there’s a cowboy hat Yeehaw Yeehaw here chip yah
Yah ooh math H you know you on Captain chip ho there pirate potato y that sure is pirate thanks SP now the letter says you’ve got a special line you need to say too let’s go practice special line oh yah I’ve buried the treasure under the old palm
Tree you say it yah I’ve buried the the treasure treasure under the try again y i buried the treasure under the old palm tree yah I’ve buried the treasure under the old palm tree you have got it Captain chip beard and now me hearties I’ll aboard the Jolly
Toothbrush huh time to brush teeth before bed I mean oh pirate potato there you go snug as a pug with your snuggly potato and orangey rabbit the eye patch will help me sleep Roxy I only have to close one eye look I’m sure glad you remembered the school
Note about your show well played chip thanks Roxy night night thanks for reminding me about the show Potato My Bet Buy song everything okay chip you need to sing me my Betty buy song oh okay how does it go kly up safe and snug pugy chip tonight I think I know that one but keep going kly up safe and snug py chip night and sleepy puggy sleepy snooze sleepy puggy
Snore sleepy pugy sleepy snooze sleepy pugy [Laughter] snore nighty night my chippy pip are you absolutely sure mhm you want to walk to Nico’s house all by yourself chippy pug yes I do with you potato pugy Huggy oh yes please mama oh now it’s time for my first play dat with my new best friend all by myself I
Know have fun little see you later mama byebye baby bump baby bump says bye I’ll watch you till you get there are you ready for our first playday with no mama and papa Potato I’ll make sure today is fun for you too potato time to hide in my pocket o she’s here Mom Chip’s here happy happy hi chip happy hi Nico come on in chip we are all very excited about this puggy Panda play date isn’t that right Combs yes me Too have lots of fun I will Mama wo Huh your Panda House is very different to our little pugy home Nico come and see my bedroom chip I’ve got my toys ready for us to Play have fun puggy panda Pals you’ve made a new friend potato that’s Bodie Nico’s Little Brother come on chip we need to choose what to play Nice work chip your stairs are bigger than the pugy siiz stairs at my house come on in wo I love your bamboo bedroom Nico thanks pandas love bamboo help yourself to a Bamboo Leaf chip um no thanks Here I Come N what do you want to play you choose
H you are a funny cup baby B sh potato you want to play with your new pal okay he ni we I mean I would like it if we could play downstairs with baby bie but I’ve got all my toys up here I know but soon I’m going to be a big sister
Nico and I’d like to see what it’s like playing with a baby bu doesn’t really play games Chip he’s too little mostly he just likes to paint his paws and get messy shh we uh I mean I love messy painting can we do it with bie please
Nico we could use your paints and I’ll get messy together pandastic let’s Go let me show you how to do it Bodie that’s it Bodie well done you’re going to be a very good big sister Chip okay let’s see how you’re doing quick potato well look at these beautiful paintings thanks Mommy thank you Amanda B is really good at it come on Bodie let’s try some green Paint oh look a fluffy ball we can use this to do some rly painting printing oh no you can not with this that’s chip special snuggly Mommy I told you already chip doesn’t go any place without her potato oh yes I remember now silly Me I need to wash my Paws mommy well you can wash them in the Sink now let’s get Bodie cleaned up up what would you like to play next chip I’d like to go and play outside can we play hide and seek in our puggy Panda Garden yes of course yes 8 9 10 ready or not here I come to find you
Nico oh I know the best hiding places in this yard and NCO is sure to be here huh H behind the flower pot that’s where n will be huh can I help hi chip oh hi gigl when I’m bouncing hop on my trampoline I can help you seek okay
Thanks but I think I know where Nico might be where there found you ni good hiding and seeking you two gigl Lunch is ready time for me to go eat see you later bye-bye bye gigg your turn to hide now Chip one 2 three 4 No shh potato e will hear you8
9 10 R you’re not here I Come found you chip great hiding place thanks Nico Nico chip Lunchtime bamboo bake Nico’s favorite I made it especially for you chip what’s wrong chip you do like bamboo bake don’t you I I’ve never tried it Before I will try a little bit thank you Um it’s Ste Delous looks like you’ve made a little friend there chip yes and budy has definitely made a special little friend today Too oh that’ll be little mama to pick you up chip a already yes but hey maybe next time chip can stay longer for a sleepover even yes pugy pleasy [Applause] Yay before you get the door may we I mean I please have some more bamboo bake I love it I had fun today with Nico and baby b and I love bamboo bake yum yum our little chippy dip is growing up and getting used to new things she is oh and tomorrow chipster
You will have a new babysitter putting you to bed that’s right Roxy Rhino is coming to babysit you and Spud yes and because neither of us will be here to put you to bed tomorrow night we will sing you your betty by song together tonight curly up safe and snuggy Chip
Tonight curly up safe and snug py chip and sleepy pugy sleepy snooze sleepy puggy SN sleepy puggy sleepy snooze sleepy pugy SN M bamboo [Laughter] Bake I’ve got everything I need my hul hoop my sunglasses and you potato let’s go H up o Our Family Fun Day picnic in the park is going to be pugy perfect especially in this lovely Sunshine oh Dear never fear my puggy lovelies we’ll have a pugy perfect family fun day indoors instead yes we’ll all snuggle up together under a blankie and watch pugy home movies yay py perfect family Funday Indoors all set potato pal come on Chip are we all cozied up yes now where is that remote control we’ll find it found it thanks good job Okay who wants some pumpkin popcorn me I do let the movies begin can you see okay potato uh-huh popcorn what’s first Papa uh-uh I have lots of movies of YouTube My Little
Puggy Pups ready yes step into our pugy home I love our song with little mama and baa SP chippy Doo it’s me it’s Chip learning to roller skate chip Rudy Frutti pop needed for Spud right away H are you okay chip I must have some popcorn up my
Nosy oh I’ll just be a minute hurry back chip a my poor potato pal you are very Sneezy let’s Dr Chip check you over I Dr Chip will examine you potato to see what’s Wrong hm you have a nice strong heartbeat mhm and your ears are all clear good your nose is red potato ooh and wet I wonder what’s wrong with you a how am I going to help you get better this is the first time I’ve had
To look after a sick potato come on down CHF oh no I better go you stay here in case you sneeze again potato okay Dr Chip will be right back a come and see Coming bye what have I missed take a look at Spud chip is that me yes and that must be me look at your little puggy pink curl chippy a look our puggy Lovelies and another little puggy lovely coming soon mama papa let’s watch the video oh I remember this day well both you poor little puglets had colds at the same time A oh please try to catch your sneezes in your tissue little pugs oh dear and cover your mouth with your arm if you need to cough like this whoopsie and were we sick for long mama no you were both back to your pugy tastic selves in no time
You just need to drink plenty of water and rest if you have a cold now Dr Chip knows just what to do what’s that chip oh doesn’t worry about Papa must have another bit of popcorn up my nosy back in two shakes and a puggy tail what is going on with you today
Little chip potato you have a cold oh whoops but don’t worry Dr Chip know how to make you well again there try to catch your sneezes in your tissue uhuh and cover your mouth with your arm when you cough like this good and get plenty of rest and you
Need to drink water too uh-huh poor potato pal I want you to get better soon I have a Pocky perfect idea curly up safe and snug here until you feel better I’ll come check on you soon hey you coming chip bye yes papa coming oh here
Sleep well my poor potato pal a family fun day is the worst time to be sick are you sick chippy dip oh no I was talking about I just mean it’s not much fun when I am sick oh but who are you talking to um you are sick oh chippy pip are you
Getting a cold oh no maybe it’s just some more popcorn up my nose Mama but you’ve got your first swimming lesson tomorrow and if you have a cold you’ll have to miss it Miss it but I’m fine mama and I really want to learn how
To swim pugy pleasey can I go well okay we’ll see a good sleep can make all the difference if you’re sick how about you bring your potato snuggly down so you can watch our puggy home movies while you cuddle um thanks but I’m okay you must be
Growing up little chip if you don’t want your potato snuggly with you on our family fun day I’ll be right down Mama curly up safe and snug potato pal tonight Killy up safe and snug potato pal tonight and and sleepy coldy sleepy snooze sleepy coldy snore hey come on Chip I want to join in weding day py P that’s so cool py p py fantastic that was awesome yeah oh I Lov it that was awesome listen huh I can’t hear anything Exactly oh the rain stopped we can have our pugy picnic in the Park after all it’s time for our family Funday to begin again okay okay let’s go come on chipster grab your hula Hoop potato Heidi potato you’re all better again let’s go chips Sak just a minute you’re feeling better again after your drinking your little sleep I did it we did it no more Sneezy potato come on chip Coming I just needed to get my potato I can’t have a pugy perfect picnic in the park without my potato oh my chippity pip I’m glad you still need your potato snuggly maybe you’re not growing up too fast after all let’s go oh wait a minute we’re all still at our
PJs so we are oh never mind a pugy and potato perfect PJ family fun Day here goes potato my first ever Sleepover our first ever sleepover I’m so glad you’re with me I can’t reach try knocking chippy dip happy High chip happy High Amanda Panda hi Mama pug well hello Amanda and snuggly puggly Panda cutie bie oh ni I’m here happy hi chip happy hi ni look I brought my
Sleepover bag bring it up to my Bedroom chippy dip have you forgotten something huh oh my goodbye puggy hug bye Mama night night have fun on your pugy Panda sleepover I’ll tell you all about it in the morning Mama here I come Nico oh what’s that that’s my hammock bed we pain to sleep in hammocks oh oops sorry it’s okay chip it was funny uh where will I sleep tonight here really W it’s just like yours I can’t wait to swing myself to sleep and I had to go my very first sleepover wao hi
Potato what happened it takes a bit of practice getting into a hammock chip watch Tada easy squeezy Panda peasy okay here I go pull yourself up Chip I’m not sure I can sleep all night in a hammock you can do it chip just do what I do relax and swing oh okay relax and Swing baby b yes it’s bod’s bedtime now I get to stay up later than bod because I’m older and so do you let’s put bod to bed sure jump w curly up safe and snug sleepy snooze tonight hurry up safe and snuck sleepy snooze tonight and sleepy snoozy sleepy snooze sleepy snoozy
Snore sleepy snoozy sleepy snooze sleepy SN Huh oh your betty by singing put me to sleep chip me too not B though look sleepy Panda time now B these two are going to have a bath yay yeah pugy Panda bath Time you’ve got a soapy beard look at my bubble hair bats are fun at your house Nico I wish we had a pan to pull in our py house H up ooh time to dry Off well that’s one way to get dry right you two get into your PJs and then it’s indoor hammock for sleep over time oops Can’t Forget You potato Nico have you got your snuggly cuddlies I’ve got Mr Snuggles spofy cubby tiny wioo and Gary I’ve got my potato to cuddle that’s
Only snuggly I need oh it’s your first sleepover that’s a big adventure for a little pug if there’s anything you need chip you tell me okay Amanda at home M or Papa always sing me the Betty bu song before I go to sleep okay I’m glad you told me I can do
That Curly up safe and snug sleepy snooze tonight girl up safe and snug sleepy snooze tonight and sleepy snoozy sleepy snooze sleepy snooze snore sleepy snoozy sleepy snooze sleepy snooze snore Mama and Papa sing it to me with puggy bits in oh okay well let me see and sleepy puggy
Sleepy snooze sleepy puggy snore sleepy puggy sleepy snooze sleepy puggy snore night chip and ni Amanda at my house I sleep with the light on on I can’t sleep with the light on ah well how about I leave the landing light on out here for you chip and turn this
Light off for you Nico like this thank you and could you leave the bedroom door wide open pugy please Amanda yes of course nighty night little chip nighty night n night night potato did you just toot no oh uh is this the sound you heard my squeaky hammock oh maybe night night
Chip I’m so glad you came for a sleepover night night Nico night night potato potato sleeping in this Hamm is not like sleeping in my bed at home who I don’t really like It I miss Mom and papa I think I want to stop sleeping over with Nico and go home now potato don’t leave me what huh relax and Swing maybe we should get back into the hammock and try to go to sleep one more time Potato everyone’s asleep at home you’re right potato Amanda said I should ask her if there’s anything I need uhhuh let’s go do it time to hurry up my snuggly Mouse it’s just B’s toy frog come on Amanda oh hello little chip are you okay no I miss my mom and Papa and Spud would you like a panda cuddle no I just need to go home please of course you can little chip you snuggle up here on the
Sofa with your potato and I’ll call your mama I hope Nico won’t mind you’ll understand chip hello little mama it’s Amanda there you go chippy pup back home and snug as a pug I tried to do the sleep for Mama and it was fun but it wasn’t like being at
Home when it went dark I missed you all so much even though I had my potato with me hey it’s a good thing you told Amanda you wanted to come home a sleepover is a big thing for little pug but it’s also a big thing to know that you’re not ready
For one yet boom M but I am going to give sleeping over another try soon Papa oh that’s my Brave puglet now it’s time to snuggle down chip sleep well because tomorrow we’re having a very special puggy family day out that sounds good pugs and kisses mama and
Papa pug and kisses little chip sleepy pugy sleepy snooze sleepy puggy SN there we go mama I can do it myself good morning tree any apples yet potato uh- oh well there will be one day almost time for school chip in my pocket poo Pal it’s Nico’s first day at Rainbow for school let’s go see if he’s ready safe to cross chip thanks Mama come on Nico it’s time to go hello Amanda hi Baby Bo good morning chip is Nico ready for his first day yes I am happy hi chip happy hi Nico welcome walkies Nico
Little Mama’s leading the way to school this morning we would you like to do the welcome walkies with us thanks chip I’d love to we’d all love to yay let’s go don’t forget your lunch box Nico Nico you don’t need to bring your lunch to school they give us lunch at
Rainbow Forest we know chip but Nico loves the panda lunch I’ve packed for him bamboo M thank you Mommy welcome walkies come on we’re doing the welcome walkies we’re doing the welcome walk where we going to go all the way to school hey keep keep everyone Waits a little
Papa have a great day at kindergarten everyone we’re doing the welcome walkies sh enjoy your big day little wi do the welcome walk where are we going to go all the way to School we’re doing the welcome walk where we going to go all the way to school look Nico that’s Rainbow Forest School hey wait for Me it’s time to go In oh ni Panda cuddle Up I know how you feel Nico I felt exactly the same on my first day really come with me Nico we’ll walk in together holding hands thanks chip I’ll see you at pickup have a wonderful day you two don’t worry I will be Nico’s first day holding hands buddy come on Nico
EXC good morning happy Hoppers good morning Mr now today we have a new student in our class Nico Panda and Nico we happy Hoppers have a very special way of saying hello are you ready hello helloo hello hello hello hello hello hello hello ni [Applause] Panda okay it’s your turn now niiko
Panda hey hello hello hello oh oh hello hello hello oh hello hello hello hello happy [Applause] Hoppers well diggly done boppy Hoppers and a happy Hopper welcome to Nico now be because it’s Nico’s first day we need someone to be his first day buddy who should it be Nico me me Mr diery I promised I would help Nico today and be his first day holdy
Hand buddy thanks chip would you like that Nico yes Please so first day buddies and what have you two made here we’ve made a house fit for a mouse dley good work you puggy panda Pals I wish we had a mouse who could live in our house potato oh that’s the lunchtime Bel pocket potato come with me Nico I’ll show you
Where the cafeteria is uh chip there’s no need for you to take Nico thank you Nico brought his own food so he won’t line up for the school lunch with you in the cafeteria but I’m Nico’s first a buddy I promised to stay with him hey
Nico I brought my lunch box too I’ll be your first day lunchbox buddy if you like thanks gigg see you later chip to the cafeteria chip a you’ll come to the cafeteria with me won’t you Potato a p where is Nico what do you have for lunch my mom gives me an Apple every I am supposed to be n’s first day buddy potato what are you up to sh Potato oh I get it I should talk to Nico thanks potato hi Gish hi chip happy hi Nico happy hi chip ooh what’s in your lunchbox Nico bamboo sandwiches with bamboo dip a bamboo yogurt and a bamboo smoothie pandas like bamboo oh pugs love pumpkin especially curly cheesy pumpkin
Pasta hey chip guess what they’re serving your favorite food in the cafeteria today curly cheesy pumpkin pasta Carly cheesy pumpkin pasta hurry up and get some before they run out don’t worry chip gigl is being my first day to lunchbox buddy you go ahead and get your lunch oh okay I will
Thanks bye Chip thank goodness I’ve got you my secret holy hand P Potato sorry I’m late Mr DIY okay little ship potato I need to get back to being Nico’s first day buddy now 6 I’m back happy High puggy Panda best buddy happy High chip I’m counting with Gish one bean plus one bean makes two beans oh chip you’re first day best
Buddy has partnered with gigg so please buddy up with someone else digle double quick chip are you okay H up no I’m meant to be Nico’s first day buddy oh but look chip Nico has made another buddy but I promised I know chip thanks to your holdy handing is settling into
Class so well I look he’s a very happy happy Hopper with a new friend already I am happy for Nico Mr dickity and I’m happy I helped you made all the diggly difference on Nico’s first day with your handholding idea well done chip you are a very kind puggy Pal chip come and count beans with me okay thanks Barry two beans and two beans makes four want to hold hands on the way home to wcome walk best buddy chip sure Nico now listen while you count happy Hoppers tomorrow we will be doing our first ever gym
Class so please bring your gym clothes to school with you to change into can you all remember to do that yes Mr di gym class I can’t wait bye Mama L love see you soon in my class show so it’s our first class show ready
Potato hey do you want to say hi to your new friend Bodie don’t forget bod and I will be right in the front row be hearty pirate potato oh you’re all set Nico chip you really have the magic touch with baby b he’s always happy when you’re
Around I mean I love bie come on chip bye coming Nico I love your wooden Pirates leg are you excited for our first class show not really chip I’m scared of saying my line wrong again remember I messed it up in rehearsal you won’t say you’re lying wrong today Nico because
I’ll help you practice it I practiced my line with Roxy my sitter last night and now I’m not scared at all listen pirate Panda y i Bur carry the treasure under the old palm tree shh wow can you help me practice my line now Chip sure Nico come on yo ho ho
What is your line me old matey we have buried the treasure on an island x marks the spot we have buried the treasure on an island we have buried the treasure on an island what marks the spot x marks the spot to your places please happy Hoppers just like in rehearsals then
Settle now does everyone remember their line for today’s class Show oh wonderful well dley done oh yes now I have all the Pirates jackets in Here if you’re a pirate put your hand in the air and put these jackets on quickly please me please pirate thanks Mr DIY hey ni where have you buried the treasure we have buried the treasure on an island and what marks the spot x marks the spot good practicing Pirates thanks Mr di oh you are all going to perform your class show wonderfully hush if you listen you can hear our audience are taking their
Seats listen listen I can hear them it sounds full Grand hey potato look my jacket has a perfect pirate potato Pocket if I forget my lime potato you can help me remember what to say okay chip chip I can’t get my jacket on it’s too small oh and mine looks too big are we ready happy Hoppers trade with me quick Sho here it’s time to welcome your
Friends and families to your class show time Miss Nash curtains please look little chip there she is there’s ni hey wave the chip everyone welcome I think it’s about to start is he here I can’t see him welcome dear friends and families of the happy Hoppers oops baby and baby b
Too we happy Hoppers invite you to come with us on an amazing Voyage on the high seas our class show this semester is called pirate treasure are we ready to set saale Shipmates y I’m ready may I present the yo ho ho Happy [Applause] hovers a pirate ship was sailing the
Seven Seas searching for Treasure when a sea monster that’s me try to sink their boat hey chip I hope you don’t forget your line I won’t Howie I know my line is after your line and it’s very important because it leads up to the end song and
I’ve practiced it lots and lots haven’t I potato huh oh you’re not in my vest pocket potato you’re in my pirate pocket oh potato you’re in the pirate jacket I swapped with NI n’s gone you and in the bottle there’s a special secret message I can’t do this if potato
Isn’t here to help me oh no I can’t remember my line and it said we have buried the treasure on an island x marks the spot potato over here potato a map led the Pirates to led the Pirates to to the captain who told them led the
Pirates to the captain who told them where the treasure was buried it’s you now Chip Huh chip go on Captain chip beard you say it chip why isn’t she saying her ly chip she okay yeah I’ yaha I’ve buried the treasure under the old palm tree chip chip chip all right CH potato I did it h up here’s the palm tree and down comes the treasure aw rainbow school we love to sing and there’s something special we all bring a musical mix large and small we’re
Singing and dancing for you all say hello to a lion a camel yay a wolf W AAR a giraff yeah we love to sing elephant we love to sing a Hy we love to sing oh a gorilla we love to sing a hippo we love to sing an an we love to sing a panda hi and a p hello at Rainbow for school we love to
Sing and there’s something special we all bring a musical mix large and small we’re singing and dancing for you all [Applause] I thought I’d forget my lime potato but I didn’t I remembered it even without you and my pirate jacket how about that best class show ever that’s my chipster way to go Sweetheart oh oh truly chip you were pugtastic oh we are so proud of our littlest pug you did okay chipada oh dear bod’s forehead is feeling a little warm poor baby bie maybe it was too hot inside for Him well you’ve done it again chip bod always has a giggle for you chip you’ll be a very caring big sister for your little puglet sister when she arrives sister mhm yes we found out earlier today that the baby puglet is a girl yes hello little puglet sister pugy
Hello little sis you know sometimes I feel like I already know what having a little sister will be like hi there pugs hey Paco are you ready for your play date at our house sure am hey chip hi hey could nio come for a play day today too would you like
To go and play at the Pug’s house Nico until I get home from the doctor with bod yes please yay yay puggy Panda double play dat puggy Panda potato play dat