Hello CHS I’m scarlet and I’m Jordan and this is Columbia cougar news our weekly mental health Monday quote is brought to you by the social work interns this one was picked out by Lucy afoma and is by Harold S Kushner do things for people not because of who they are or what they
Do in return but because of who you are the social work interns can be found in the back of the library feel free to stop by if you’re having a difficult time or just want to chat all this week you can pick up an application for the Columbia High School scholarship fund in
The Counseling Center all seniors are encouraged to apply do you ever wonder if teachers know you’re talking about let’s find Out can you please introduce yourself Mr Allison physical education and health teaching okay so where are kids going when they say they’re going to B at no idea who am I here with a coach ey okay coai how would you define Riz okay Riz is like having like spunk Riz is
Like having style okay right who am I here with um Mr Camp okay Mr Camp yep Define the word wave wave um okay I’m going to say wave is this is probably not right but like in a in a stadium when all the fans go and
They do the wave definitely a good Tru okay do you know what the word eight means eight yeah and then what does BBL stand for wait for second but yes okay use the word chopped in a sentence chopped chopped um okay chopped well I’m going to just go to my
Rucker’s you know background and and you know we just got to keep chopping totally yeah you know okay chopped y go okay who Am we here with coach okay where would you say B Shadows what I thought you would know this in the town good job okay um use
The word Choi in a sentence oh because I’m a millennial I could be chy good job okay should we do one more yeah do you like what’s the definition of something okay what’s the definition of chop no good okay yeah yeah last one um use wave in a sentence kill
W use the word period in a sentence uh o I just turned Pro bodybuilder over the summer period yes okay I’m young attention seniors promise coming we hope you all saw the letter and permissions form that’s been emailed and posted on canvas permission form are also available outside the
Athletic director’s office see Mr endick in B 335 with any questions sign up for the same patri say 5K and walk to help support the track and field team the race is Saturday March 16th the cost is $30 if you pre-register by March 9th or
$40 the day of the race you can scan the QR code you see on the screen to register there will be a Mac roller skating trip on March 19th from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Branch book Park come enjoy roller skating at the beat of
House music the cost is $20 and that includes skates Pizza and a drink you must turn in your permission slip and money by March 15th congratulations to all the students who participated in the aspiring Leaders Club as they were featured on the NBC news for their great
Job with a recent Black History Month assignment where they found family members and friends who have achieved leadership positions as part of a special scavenger hunt and a special thank you Miss Banner for her hard work in making this happen and freshman your book club needs your pictures with
Friends from school or extracurricular events DM or email the yearbook Club at the links you see on the screen or scan a QR codes around the school to send in your photos are you passionate about gardening and food cultivation join the Garden Club on Tuesday and Thursday
Mornings at 8:00 to 8:30 a.m. in the counseling center you can scan the QR code you see on the screen for more information or to register attention senior parents and Guardians order a senior lawn sign make sure the world knows you are proud of your CHS senior
By displaying a class of 24 senior lawn sign at your home your donation to Midnight Madness gets you a personalized color 18x 24 Lawn sign that features your senior’s name flocking is happening now this means a senior and their family will discover that a flock of beautiful pink flamingos have magically appeared
On their lawn along with a celebratory sign the birds hang around for a few days and then fly off to their next location you can flock a friend or yourself and every flock purchase benefits Midnight Madness the 96th annual Academy Awards were of course last night but last week we went around
To get some predictions on who and what people we thought would win let’s see how they did what’s your name what movie do you think will win best picture of the ERS I think Oppenheimer best picture of the Oscar what’s your name Leah who do you think
Think is going to win best picture of the Oscars I think Barbie who do you think is going to win best picture for the Oscars probably opim best picture will be Oppenheimer but other you know best director and stuff like that will be the other famous ones like killer the flower
Moon or the holdovers I don’t really know I’m going to assume uh holdovers probably Oppenheimer what about you Oppenheimer probably yeah definitely Barbie I’d say barbin Heimer those are all your announcements CHS I’m Jordan and I’m Scarlet remember teachers Club advisors coaches and team captains if you have been announcing that you
Want to have red on our show or over the PA please make sure you email it to Mr Camp have a great day everyone and be sure to tune in next Monday for another episode of CCN and be sure to check out the CCN YouTube channel for more great
Content at Columbia cougar news